Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984



    In previous Peace Researcher artilesvarious asects of New Zeaands role inanti-submaine arfare (AS.W. researcand strate have been disussed. It

    itended in the resent artile to tie thesethreads together ad review New Zealandsommitmet o uer war e ightof uret mean strte.

    New Zed's prary defenescence ivolvemet under The TenicalCo-oeraton Proamme (TT.C.P) nking the U, the U.K, Cnada, Austrliaad New Zealad, lies in AS.W. researchand development. a member of subgroup G of e T.TCP., New Zealandhas conentrated its efforts o sonars inthe mame envronment. New developmen ts i ths eld are under way I areply dated 19 March 198 to aninquiry onceg paragraph 18of the1983 Defence ew, the Ministy of

    Defene stated h reference to a xedunderwater suveillane system that thereare partiularly diut technclproblems in desiing and instling asystem of this d The Ministry conluded y ommentng at "it wouldhoever, be reasoable to assume that wewould hope to develop a "xedbut

    deoable system wch could bemoed to atever poit around tecoast the need was seen to be eatest atan e time

    Many Zealanders in the peaemovemet want to see this county welldefeded agast attak. Wil not suh nunderwater suvelan system ontbue toNew Zelnd's seurit? At presetthe available edence inates anegative aswer to questio. Submarne detecton researh beingcoduted in New ealand or o board

    New Zeaan sis d plaes liatesus more deeply in a mltry offeniveprogrme proamme woudeliminate the man nuclear deterret tol-out war. Nor is such reserh beingonducted oly in an overt mtarycapaity e Electrial and ElectroicEnneeg Deprtmet at te Uiversity of Canterbury develping anundewter sonar system for an mercacompany to map he sea oor to apreisio n the range of 10 centimetres(The Press', September 6.The Intellige ad Nulea TagetingNetwr

    Research and development of underwater surveilane systems onstitute justpart of New Zealnds wder role as a

    mitary surveilne aget. nder theultra-sereive UK USA Treat orSGN_T. (Sials Intelligee) PactNew Zeald is a ink in the eletroicand ommand chain round te orlddominated by te Ameran NationaSecurity Ageny (NSA) ur recentlyestablished electronic ommuniaionsbs at Tamoana complements simirAustralian bass at Pearce, WA,Cabaa,ld and Shol Bay N.T l fourstatos hv bn ftted out rcentyears wth mode directiondingeqipmet Peare and Cabara are nowequipped with the Plessey crularlydisposed antenna aray ode-edPusher' simar to the Tnoana arrayTo be effecve in its diretioding,Tnmoana must work cooperativelywt at least oe of the Australan bases

    Ts Atralasian networ proides

    ocean surveillance ntellgence by theintercepon of naval ials. The stationsan pk up ighfrequeny radio transmissions from Soviet submarnes heirhighfrequeny diretonding (HF -DF)failies are tus capable of locaingSovet submanes for destuction byA.SW weapon systems

    These four Australasn station omewitn te doPac subsystem of thetotal UKUSA SIGINT etwork of aroud40 to stations

    Tamna Itel Pa f US aSystem

    The Melbouebased AustrlianDefene Sils Directorate (D.S.D) nshe Australin HFDF bases and researherwen Wkes lms that Tanmoanasseior peronel are Australian operangunder he DSD's diretion (Te Press3 Augst 198 Earlier year the

    Ministy of Defece resed to swererta quesions asked by PeaeResearher in relation to the Govemment

    Commucations Security Bureau(GC.S.B) which puportedly runs theTanmoaa statio Siiantly enough,the Mnstry of Defece declined orelease any nformaon about the postingof lison personnel beog to NS.ADS.D. and oher SIGI agecies.

    Ain earlier year he NatioalGovement nied lims by Austrandefene expert Dr Desmod Bl tatTnmoana gathers targeig informationfor merca as "an itl part of heU S. aval can Sueilane nforma

    ion Systm (N.OSS)' Give teNatia Party's record of "uertu on nuclear issues, its denia anbe easily disrerded especially on sucha well docmented issue_ What is nowgreater caus for one is that the ew

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


    Lor ovn dspe soe arbe effrts t dt for pace nd rsctrl, sems unaware of ll mpcaons of what it has inherited froNatia

    Prme st Dd?

    i a eer daed 1 August 1984 thePrime Ministr, Mr L&g, in reply t a

    query, couen td that "Th faciity atTanoana is rely ned andperted by h New Zaand Gveent . . . Lter Frei Crrespdent, TV2, Septebr 29, MrL&g repeatd ad empd sampt It is a atter for seius cncethat e ocial briegs rceivd by MrL&ge are so buy suspc. Indentlly, Mr Lange aso statd in sae lettr enned abve that thefacilies used by the S. Militry aWe dns and Harwod are "xclusively

    nn-ilitary n applicaon Th sificant xtent t which New Zelnd isinvlved in the merican' nuclear warcunicaons syste has cleary sltrester i th Goveent.

    Wng n 198 Ball stated at thereis a .D liasn cr with urGCSB whil svra Nw Zealandrs repted t DS.D. hadarters iMlbou (" NZUS Conncon,p 28 ason is cle betwe Australiaand New Zealad as w s ang theand NSA. and U.S Naval ntegnc

    Morver, accrding t Jffrey Richelsnand Ball n thei book " Tis atBnd, DSD headquartrs maintains asiicat deee f pratinal contrvr the New Zealad G.C.S.B ntrceptfaclity. In tu, NS.A. has abut 10ocers worng within D.S.D. headquarrs (See chaptr4)

    It would be re keepng wthannunced New Zealand gveentpicy if the istnng instllan atTamana were used ecluvely tmontr cplince with cuntrys nuclear fr zone, rather anits likly use at present, as n aid t themec mlty gng of Ruianshps n Suth Pacic e curentAus goveent has expressed adere for a uer free Sou Pacic,so thr is thing incnsistent thyals used eir stenng stalas in waySa etect Sysms N .Z.Patcpa

    Informaon acquired fr HF-DFfacits ike the Atralasian stannetwrk is oly one albeit portant input t NOSI.S '. otheraor informain source is th systeof peran r spent stn-

    n deces ydrphns) which 3.S and its alies anta th ceanlor. ere are 6 or mor SO.SU.S.(Sonar Survce System flislcated alg th t ad st UScoast and at varis cho/strtcpots aroud the wod cludng thShetnds Japan laska Puert RicBarbades the Pipines ad Noway.bout half of these facilites ar loatdn the trrtories r islad psos ofthe ive UUSA partrs.

    dtcon capabtis of SOSU.Sis su tht t systm cn lcais asubmarine t withn a radius f 15 atrnges of svral thusands of

    Because Russian bmrines ar munisir tan tei erican d Britishcunterparts, they ar mor silydetectable; consquenly SOSU.S esthe .S. yet another crcal A.S. W.advntag

    As w have n, the New ZalandDefenc Deparment is hping t dvelopa "xd-butdeplyable udrwatersurveac syste. O v carredut a study of ed systems in cjunctn i h Defnce Scientic Establisment, whi has cnsiderable xprsein the technicl spctsof Xd arra andoter sonar system pencprdicon in th Nw Zlad ra. Snch performance of such systems is hilydpendet on lcal ocanoaphiccondns, tre f prct s

    fr country t decide. Adncedtechnical wrk o the prvet fpassive array systems fr la codtionsis reding (Report f the iis fDefnce, fr th year endd J Mach,1984 p 7). Te defence establnths lso b eperentig in rcntyers wit towed array sstes etanother element rican ASWstrat.

    Besides HFDF netwrks .O.S.U.Snd twd arrays the U.S. is developingad deployng a varet of ther snsorsysts etect Russi subris.For istnc satelit based bh-elarw" th t dhas tou th wate wer ranspretP 2:NZ and A. A stSe

    role of New Zaland ricaA.SW strate is f cure not oneof providg iformaon. wl aselpgepcted to liinat y Ruia ubmares peang win ats ofthe southwest Pacc apportioned to usn 1978 under th Rdordols eement Our up-datd andsl mdgOro fc wuld accrdng to theprincipls f th Rapily Deployablesr ste pn-pnt trt fr

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    k wih more pcs loaodeteng vces lke sonobuoy d maeicnoy nd nfrared dtectors

    Thes arcrftre cpale o nucer depth bbs and, if sl unoed ff s to be belved recentlyupd f particular urpe er old n carry out stkes onthe ponted Sovet boats.

    Ne Zeaad s ny oe of mber

    of cnies hee A.SW systems ae geared to Amercn mperves cpson th Ru Amec d led ordwde ASW capbies are v&ty por, even se. SoetAS.W cpby s sip and submaebd It sue from seere tecolocal me and opical constints the event ht e U SR dd ben to cct i sonar arrays nd exnd it e of huterer sub- mes nd ubre rcrft, the bdup od t 20 yers and old be y vsble Rndl Forsberg in"A t Nuler Wepon Frze, Senc Amec Novmber 92 p 37). Ovr ecnt years Amercn adBrih dfen spokeen have epetey bosted ht none of nuclea satec e submrnes hve everbeen uccey trd by y Russvesses

    The bzg Nt o est ASVous leding commenttors 0"

    A.SW Wit, obert Adridg,Oen W! and Desmod Bl, have all d non to the potenyds g nature of Amercn ndaed AW. cpbity in that U.Smit se ilf ble or be so percivedb e USSR ; to cy out st stke e Russin submane leet ey the stec blsc esubmes interpretaon s reinfoced by ocal and unocial US.Govent sttmen d epor

    Wit hs l ed tht the U .S advnt in A. .W. (th aled astc)s prclr mportan to ay Americ anubmarne or oher nv acvie at deate from acepted nos Jol Wit "Advancsin ASW,Scientc Aeri Febary 9) Hecites such unsetig devaon ". he incrasd prourement oflandbaed aubane ircraft of nuclear- poered attack submnesor even of ote nvl forc thatmit make teconduct of e operao n wter

    ear the US.SR easer (p 36) Herefes aso to any "steppedup peementrsos to ifon biceubmae "sancuaries\ce te ' ore hae bee appen g unde he Reag Atrato e

    Russas mut be getg ry umpy'Og to Ameica A.SWsueoit,

    as l s cti other facto, the R hve sofar deployed few st balsc issle submrnes n n ocen at any oneme Wherea the 20 US. nuclearpoered balsc msse submes o ptol consid-ered s nunerable to Soet ASWstems the 9 or 0 Soet

    sbmries noly sto are conuousl mitored by US A.S.Wfores (S.P. RI Yearbook 93 47) Ad oly four or ve Russ statec baisc mssle submarnes have trd- itoay patred the deep en bass order to main i rn of targetsn the ctentl U S

    Soet Repn d U . S Ste Whe the Soiets nouced n May

    year t more uer msse

    submanes ould be ptroing off U.S costnes Americn ocias exreed uconce (e Press May 2 3 e addioal to submaines had already been spoed ey hd come frompevious staons in the Northe aciic nd Northe Atanc where their misiles ere alre presumably imed at US targe. It sems obous eoutht ft the Ames hd dy cipatd the new Soet deploment wich was in respose to the NATOdeoyment of Persg I d crise

    mses in the European theatre Ocials inded sid tht snce the Russa sub-maes were now cosr to the Ameicncoastine it mit mke it eser fr USAW foces to d e Sovet sub-marines rme

    U .S ocls were eportd as syng the cef targets of the to new Soiet"Delta submnes ae B52 bmberbases snce the submi probably doot have the accuracy to t Ameicalndbasede slos ere is no tde-off here i te of satec advtage!dsdvant fo the Amec ey w l round: they deploy more nuclearweps urope d y ttASW accs to two Soet submarnes

    Svet Subs Vunble Tis s not al. The Soet submrnes

    wich y atrol off the U.S coas oldfahned "Ykee cl boat wich only e inewrhead msles with a range of bout 3000 eDeltas whi come three veri, re

    more advanced an the Yakes and have a e rage of about 6500 9 ,200 Wheea Delts I adH aetted w sineheaded siles theelta I caies 16 IRVed SS-N18sies Whethe RVed o ot, w

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


    ong-rn supeior Soviet submarines have been relocated from safer waters near Rssia mkes nroads upon thecurrent Soiet effort to offet at least prtly e S_ advntage n ASW_ byinsg submrine launched ballic misiles capable of reaig teir targetswhen lanched frm a sue not farfrom he port_ (Bba vi heNuclear Aenls of e US ad

    USSR.', yics Tody, March 1983,p 47). The Soet Dfence Mister, Mr

    try Usnov, w cey correct inaccuig th Reag Aon of playg do te teat from the Sovietsubmrines d the new misile deploy

    ments. Th Str', May 21) With bothPeringII d Soviet bmrine misles

    8to 10 minutes away from enemy targetsthe k ofwis rer heitened

    Te V.S Game PApparenly, the merican game plan

    to try and orce more Sovet submarnes into e deep ocean basns while at thesame time mang preparations for moreeecve strkes witin the wate close to Russi where he Delta and new Typhoonsubmares helter

    AS.W is obvously seen by merica as its trmp crd, it ace in the hole Inreality as sing peace lecturer, Conel David Hackworth reminded us, mltar plans always get botched up and a perfectly co-ordinated and successfl A_S.W rst strike blon i e realmsof fantsy. But s Hackwor wed, the

    mid-set of he nuclear stratets i all important d the Rean Atraon mit ry well attempt such a strike under certn circumstces Te mble would be to attempt to destroy enoughRssi submarines to substntialy imtdamage to te homelad Wit pots out tat e V.S hs ted

    to induce te Rusians to ivert reourcesfrom more acrate lndbased miles to le accurte ea-bsed missiles. TheS A L T aemen ve been eeredi ireon wit cprtively gtretrait eabaed misiles. So far the Rsans hve en reluctnt to placegreater rence on sea-baed nuclearforces lthou they have siicanly

    increed tee forces. It cn be seen thatthe V.S. ploy helps mric i it

    proon of a Soviet naval treat,fritenig it alies ito line beid it

    more militaist poliiesPt 3:N A Expeble Ncle Paw

    We must then pace New Zealnd's limte S.W role wthin the contet of

    American nuear wrg strate5hen cosidered from is broaderperspecve New Zelnd cn be ee toserve sevel nctions To better deneNew Zelad's le, let us look more clely at curent Ameic maime wrobjecves. Thee relate to aessielyoffeive policy in the nre hem

    phere The goal of military superioity i centrl to te Reaga Atraion's mrie strate Te key to strat is f warfare to e far o to e Norwe Sa, ercic, and te Note Pacic"William Ar n Bulleti of te Atoic Scientis', March 1984, p 5 Fundmentl mportce is placd on afowrd srike stem To quote Arnain, " the North s n other areas, the underlying belief is that te V.S cnbest prepare for obl warfare, wich the Aministraon thinks is ievitble, by

    positioing its forces to strike at Soiet vnerabilies" (. 6) to go for the juglar! Promoon o an eggerated Soviet threa in the Northe Pacicserves as a cover for new forwardstrate.

    the Reag Administraon's 1983 Defence Authorsaon Act, provsion ismade for the procurement of new super crriers, cor uits of nw exceptionlly potent naval squadrons", (Carl Jacoben in ND papers Four, Spokesman 198, p 4) e new Americn plans includethe upadgof Los Angelesclass attacksubmarines for Arctic missionsMorOrions nd other attack ircraft are to edeployed.Along wth the attac s-mrines d mproved i owe, naval squadrns are men to sedire a e e o Se efences,

    namely Mcow's scon srIendwth-holing sanctury in he Barens Se adadjacent Arcc waters" (Jacobsen p 4)Awel, Soviet strategc balisc missilesubmarines elterig in e Sea of

    Okotsk norest of Japn would consitute prime VS.trgets

    T Pai T Tagy Mkg?

    VS forard strate i to be cloly crinated between te oteAltic nd te Norte Pacic teatesi rerd to te ;acic in nel,pig te Pacic Commd's

    nucler war-ng posture ha become atop prioi uer te Reag din itron ...." Arn i Blleti of hetoic Scients December 1983,p.10)upig entls ehcing Pacicteatre nuclear targeng capablty",especially for the Tmahawk ea launched cruise missile sumably,

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984




    These extracts from 'Advances in

    Antisubmarne Warfare (Scientific American)in diagram form explain the sound srveillancesysms urrntly bing employd. Sin thartcle was written in 1 the basic methods ofsurvillance have not changed However theefficiency of the systems has been increased,



    SOUND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM(designated SOS US) plays a key role in the USundersea-surveillance program The ixedinstllation acoustic system is bas on thedeoyment of passive hydrophone arraysalog selecte sections of the coninental shelfin both the Atlantic and Pacific SOSS is

    capble of fixing the position of a submarine towithin a radius of nautical miles or lss Data

    are relayed back to the US for analysis

    , I

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


    It' -_..

    SURVELLANCE OWED ARRAY SYSEM(desgaed SURTASS) s oe of wo sysesuey beg depoyed o oeoe eadsadaages of e fed SOSUS aays TeSRTASS appoa w osss ofydopoes owed bed sps s desgedo pode e Wes w a obe ogagepasse sueae apaby


    < ;


    peae aus subaesueaesyse ajs desed o suppee e fedseae syses of e US Nay ouge eoe depoye of oadauaedsobuys w woud oo eseesaoaay o e oea boo



  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


    demand sngagement from ANZUS ndi S.W commient and, nstead, maxum paipan n teatalpee-ma

    e nd t ak hen y t newLbu veent tui wth the

    pus anl veent's mit- men t S ad meian nulea wt stte ew Zeald stead uld be usi its S ilies and

    expese t help mit a nuleaweapn ee zne the Suth Pa. Itis nt that veent takes eln son n e

    Most reentl, Dr Peter Wills, a researher 9for Sientists Against Nulear Arms haspresented detailed tehnial evidene thatTangimoana an probably be operatedautomatiall from Australia or even anAmerian base in Hawaii (N.Z. TimesNovember 25, 19). New Zealndssovereignt was sold out b the "viousNational Government in a niall netialand undemorati manner. Unless New

    Zealander an persuade it otherwise the newLabour Government ma mistakenl continuethis sellout nd to dat some of th intllignesignalled b Labour has been rather disturbing

    (Seleted erenes: Jeffre T Rihelsond Desmond Bal, The Ties that Bind draft1; Owen Wilkes Tangimoana Our MostImportant Base' eaelink, April 1 RobertAldridge First Stike The Pentagons Strategfor Nulear War 98)






    SURTASS ".

    I ATAK SUBMARINE' -. --EE EE COCOYE (FLTSA OM) is plnne to link

    various antisubmarine-warfare sstem at seawith dataproessing ailities ashore therebailitating the tmel dsseminaton of morearat data o a oeanide basi

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


    T- at Ctchuch o Som Obon

    TAD84 wa held in New Zealand3-14 Ocober. wa a largecle andopcaed ANZUS rwar exerciha nvolved 61 rcraf, four NZ beand ovr 3000 pernel e ar upporphae beween 5 and 9 Ocober cluded

    he ue of Chrchurch neaionl Airpot a Harewood a a bae of operaion for fr M F- l l l'Srerwo US KCl35 aeril anker and moicanly he r AWACS (airboewg and conrol em) rcra ofhe US Tacical Command ever o

    vii counry nfoaon and proe acon

    cceg TAD were held in Wengon and a l four bae durnghe peod of e eercie e acon nChrichurch wer plnned and carried

    ou by Cize for he Demlariaono ewood (CD They included aveday reearch encmpmen rlie andpbliciy o nfo he publc abou he mion of Operai Deep Freezea Hrwood

    The pupoe of he encampmen andhe ubjec of noe wa coninulobervo of e ir"uor phaew wa aged on e armac adjaceno Operaon Dep Freeze faciiie pember NZAF iued ape elea wh e flowing quoee fac tha he oly armac pacehey (the ciy faher) cold make available o u wa adjacen o OperaonDeep Freeze wa probably an unfounaecocidence (Sic

    Te Metd fAci RchOur mrquee en wa e up a mid

    day 5 Ocober i a paddk oppeDeep Freeze (upon paymen of a $50bond for pible lucee damageTD arcrf nd pronnel were

    moniored coninuy arund he clock un 6pm 9 Ocober The AWACS andone rl anker were ued oly one days - Frday, Suday ndTueday (e econd er wa parkedaway from Deep Freeze and no ued forwell over a week). e PIJl gherlew peodicly each day uc; of heirme wa pn in minenance d reel

    lg One plane in parcular eeed o have enne problemand wa rely ifever off he ound during TAD. The

    large US Navy hangar w open nd ly

    lied 24 hour a day durng he aphae. eronel and equipme movedfreely beween he hangar ad he variouTAD plne ni and day a newpaper acle on 5 Ocober a Deep Freezepublic affar ofcer conceded haTAD peronnel were ung hanroce pace wa in rep o a l of qeon abou TAD iued byCDR.

    No aemp wa made o eparaeDeep Freeze and AD operaonphyicly. Force Sarer w

    loaded during dayime wh equipmenfr he Deep Freeze ora area eame US lefhnddive ow vehicle a

    hnle he Sarerwereued o fer! heay equipmen o nd from hAWACS F lI l and anke

    Dp Fze H up the MlaThe AWACS plane a lying mlary

    command po packed wh ecreelecronic gear and cong over US 120

    millon wa garded y US peronnel

    wng an euon barrer lne aroundhe plane a al hour wih loodnga ni The AWACS cordon blocked allacce ecep for Ameic eronnl.oed i clearly ineded for nonmerican involved in TAD readANNG ESTCTED AEA

    When e AWACS arrved a Chrurch from i Norh and son onFriday afeoon i wa folowed o ireing place by everl erice ruck

    No re occurred bu i wa clear ahere were problem wh one of he po

    enn Alhou eenive erice andrepr were no neceary prior o he ne i on Sunday mog i imporan o noe ha enneminenan i available a Deep Freee luding a omplee n chge

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984


    capabity and static test stand. The AWACS could avil itself of thesespecilised services because it has thesame ennes as e StarLifters (AirForce Magzne, July 1974)Furthermorethese sme Pratt and itney TF33

    ennes are also used on he KC13tankers (Avation Week 0 Sept 194)These facts further strin he credbiityof ocal mlitary statements about the'concdene of TRAD at Deep FreezeWio Dep Feeze mity fcliesit woud not have mad a eat deal of loscl sese to base irrft in theSouh Island so far from the actul

    exerses over the Norh Ind

    Te Visii evce

    CDH asked other questions aboutTRIAD via the meia (he S Embassydid not respond to telephone enquiies.

    Deep Freeze ocers denied tat their high frequency communications and meteoroloal facities were used forTRIAD They denied havng roles themselves in he conduct of TRIAD Theydened hat the airport could be tkenover by the miitary in he event of an emergency nvolvng a TRIAD arcrat(for exmple n

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue06 1984



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