Peace Peace and and NON NON violence violence for for the the children children of of the the world world ! !

Peace and NON violence for the children of the world !

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Page 1: Peace and NON violence for the children of the world !

PeacePeace and and NONNON violenceviolence for for thethe children children of of the the

worldworld ! !

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ViolentViolent assaults assaults againstagainst babiesbabies and and childrenchildren 'have'have

doubleddoubled in in aa year'year'

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TodayToday,, in in everyevery countrycountry throughout throughout thethe worldworld,, there there areare many many childrenchildren silentlysilently suffering suffering thethe effectseffects andand consequencesconsequences of violenceof violence

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This This violenceviolence takestakes manymany different different formsforms : between: between childrenchildren i inn the the streets,streets, at at

school,school, in familyin family lifelife andand inin our our communitycommunity. . There isThere is

physical physical violence,violence, psychologicalpsychological violence,violence,

socio-economicsocio-economic violence,violence, environmental environmental violence violence andand

politicalpolitical violence.violence.

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UnfortunatelyUnfortunately,, many many childrenchildren inin today'stoday's societysociety areare exposedexposed toto violence violence onon a a dailydaily basis.basis.    A childA child onlyonly has has toto gogo as as far asfar as the televisionthe television set toset to witnesswitness violence,violence, real or fiction. real or fiction. 

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OrOr thethe IInternetnternet hashas innumerableinnumerable websiteswebsites displayingdisplaying violence violence of anyof any kind.kind.    Some Some InternetInternet gamesgames todaytoday directeddirected towardstowards childrenchildren & teens& teens promotepromote drugsdrugs and extremelyand extremely graphic graphic violence.violence.  

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OnOn a a personal levelpersonal level a childa child can becan be exposed toexposed to violence inviolence in his school,his school, either aseither as a witness ora witness or a directa direct victim. victim.  Or a childOr a child can be exposedcan be exposed to violenceto violence through his friendsthrough his friends and acquaintances.and acquaintances.

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Or perhapsOr perhaps the the most insidiousmost insidious of all a of all a childchild can be acan be a victim victim of violenceof violence atat his his home.home.    TThis ishis is the mostthe most insidious insidious because if therebecause if there is one placeis one place, where , where a a childchild must feelmust feel safe, itsafe, it is is atat his his homehome.  Our.  Our home home shouldshould be ourbe our one safeone safe haven. haven.  If it is not, If it is not, this more thanthis more than anythinganything else else can can have severehave severe repercussions repercussions on a child'son a child's psychological developmentpsychological development

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Too Too manymany childrenchildren live live inin aa ""cultureculture of of violenceviolence””

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Violence Violence isis (and has always been)(and has always been) a parta part of theof the human human condition.condition. From From warwar to child abuseto child abuse, , murder to murder to school-yard bullyingschool-yard bullying, , violence violence takestakes its tollits toll, , often withoften with childrenchildren being thebeing the innocentinnocent victimsvictims

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ChildrenChildren areare the the world’s world’s futurefuture

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PProtectrotect thethe chchildild !!

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Made byMade byIvana Romeova BankovaIvana Romeova Bankova

1010thth grade grade

Foreign Language School Foreign Language School

Pleven ,BulgariaPleven ,Bulgaria

• Head TeacherHead Teacher

Gretta DimovaGretta Dimova- a teacher of English- a teacher of English

Foreign Language School- Pleven, Foreign Language School- Pleven, Bulgaria Bulgaria