GDW to Year Zero Conversion Conversion rules to adapt the old GDW RPG’s like TNE, T2K V2, Dark Conspiracy, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs to Free Leagues Year Zero system. Converting T2K V4 dice to standard D6 in the Year Zero System A (D12) = 5 dice B (D10) = 4 dice C (D 8) = 3 dice D (D 6) = 1 die For further details see the table on the last page. NPC conversion from T2K 1.0 The most important thing first: If you want to play the old modules with the V4 rule set, you only need these two elements. 1. NPCs T2K 1.0 uses four classes of NPC, Novice, Experienced, Veteran and Elite. Use them as follows: Novice: Attribute C, Skill Level D, CUF D Experienced: Attribute C, Skill Level C, CUF C Veteran: Attribute B, Skill level C, CUF B Elite: Attribute A, Skill level B, CUF A Add specialities fitting to the job description. 2. Tasks

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GDW to Year Zero ConversionConversion rules to adapt the old GDW RPG’s like TNE, T2K V2, Dark Conspiracy, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs to Free Leagues Year Zero system.

Converting T2K V4 dice to standard D6 in the Year Zero System

A (D12) = 5 dice

B (D10) = 4 dice

C (D 8) = 3 dice

D (D 6) = 1 die

For further details see the table on the last page.

NPC conversion from T2K 1.0

The most important thing first:

If you want to play the old modules with the V4 rule set, you only need these two elements.

1. NPCs

T2K 1.0 uses four classes of NPC, Novice, Experienced, Veteran and Elite. Use them as follows:

Novice: Attribute C, Skill Level D, CUF D

Experienced: Attribute C, Skill Level C, CUF C

Veteran: Attribute B, Skill level C, CUF B

Elite: Attribute A, Skill level B, CUF A

Add specialities fitting to the job description.

2. Tasks

Task Conversion.

V1 has the following skill Levels: Easy, Average and Difficult.

Easy (ESY) = Add two Levels, e.g. a D8 becomes a D12.

Average (AVG) = Unchanged

Difficult (DIF) = Detract two Levels, e.g. a D10 becomes a D6, a D8 or D6 would convert to attribute die only.

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Converting Player characters from V1 to V4

Attribute Conversion Table:

1-8 D8-10 C11-13 B14+ A

STRENGTH(STR)Add Fitness, Constitution and Stature together and divide the result by 3, round fractions up. Compare the result to the Attribute Conversion Table on page XX. The result is the STRENGTH(STR) attribute.

AGILITY(AGL)Agility corresponds directly to AGILITY(AGL)

INTELLIGENCE (INT)Add Intelligence and Education together and divide the result by 2, round up any fractions. Look up the result in the Attribute Conversion Table on page XX. The result is your INTELLIGENCE(INT) attribute.

EMPATHY (EMP)Since T2K 1.0 has no empathy attribute, this will be based on the existing skills. For each of the following skills the character possesses, add 3 points to Empathy.

Disguise, Equestrian, Instruction, Interrogation, Language, Medical

Compare the final result with Attribute Conversion Table, the result is the EMPATHY(EMP) attribute.

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Use the highest skill the character has in the area and compare it to the following table.

01 - 59 = Skill Level D60 - 82 = Skill Level C83+      = Skill Level B

Now add the speciality that compares to the skill (see table on page XX).

By adding the +1 for the speciality, the actual roll will be done with a die one category higher, e.g. with a skill level of D this is a D8, with a C this is a D10, and with a B it will be a D12.

Example: The character has the TECH(INT) skills of Gunsmith 65, Chemist 30 and Computer 10. Gunsmith is the highest of those Tech skills, so the character will have a skill level of C in Tech and, by adding the specialisation, this would allow him to roll a D10 base die for his skill rolls in TECH(INT).

The following table contains all the T2K 1.0 skills, followed by the corresponding skill and the fitting speciality.

Aircraft Mechanic: Ability to repair and maintain aircraft. TECH(INT), MECHANIC

Body Combat: Ability to make body combat attacks. CLOSE COMBAT(STR), BRAWLER

Biology: Knowledge of plant and animal biology. SURVIVAL(INT), FORAGER

Combat Engineer: Ability to perform tasks such as emplacing demolitions, building fortifications, and camouflaging emplacements. TECH(INT), COMBAT ENGINEER

Chemistry: Knowledge of Chemical interactions and compounds. TECH(INT), CHEMIST

Computer: Ability to operate and program a computer. . TECH(INT), COMPUTER

Combat Rifleman: Ability to use small arms (rifles, machineguns, etc.). RANGED COMBAT(AGL), RIFLEMAN

Civil Engineer: Ability to plan/supervise construction of buildings, roads, and bridges STAMINA(STR), CONSTRUCTION

Disguise: Ability to alter appearance to avoid recognition. RECON (INT), INFILTRATOR

Electronics: Ability to repair electronic devices. TECH(INT), ELECTRICIAN

Equestrian: Ability to ride a horse. MOBILITY(AGL), RIDER

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Forward Observer: Ability to communicate fire data for indirect fire weapons. RECON(INT) FORWARD OBSERVER

Forage: Ability to find food in the wild, including knowledge of what plants are edible and where to find them. SURVIVAL(INT), FORAGER

Forgery: Ability to forge a signature or document and have it accepted as genuine. TECH(INT), COMMUNICATIONS

Farming: General knowledge of growing food crops and raising livestock. SURVIVAL(INT), FARMER

Fishing: Ability to catch fish, using hook and line or net. SURVIVAL(INT), FISHER

Geology: Knowledge of rock formations and minerals. TECH(INT), SCIENTIST

Gunsmith: Ability to construct and repair weapons. TECH(INT), GUNSMITH

Hunting Bow: Ability to use a long bow. RANGED COMBAT(AGL), ARCHER

Heavy Weapons: Ability to use antitank missile launchers, flame weapons, androcket and grenade launchers. HEAVY WEAPONS(STR), in this case name the specific type.

Indirect Fire: Ability to fire howitzers, mortars, and indirect-fire grenade launchers. HEAVY WEAPONS(INT), REDLEG

Instruction: Ability to teach skills. PERSUASION(EMP), TEACHER

Interrogation: Ability to persuade or force a prisoner to reveal information. PERSUASION(EMP), INTERROGATOR

Jet Pilot: Ability to fly jet aircraft. DRIVING(AGL), FLYER

Light Aircraft Pilot: Ability to fly light aircraft. DRIVING(AGL), FLYER

Large Calibre Gun: Ability to fire a direct-fire heavy gun, such as a tank gun, a howitzer used in the direct fire role, or any auto cannon. HEAVY WEAPONS(STR), REDLEG

Language: Ability to understand and be understood in a foreign language. PERSUASION(EMP), LINGUIST.

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Lockpick: Ability to pick a lock. TECH(INT), LOCKSMITH

Melee Combat: Ability to use a melee weapon, such as a knife or rifle butt. CLOSE COMBAT(STR), MELEE

Motorcycle: Ability to ride a motorcycle. DRIVING(AGL), BIKER

Mechanic: Ability to maintain and repair vehicles and machinery. TECH(INT), MECHANIC

Medical: Ability to render first aid/medical care to injured or ill characters. MEDICAL(EMP), COMBAT MEDIC

Meteorology: Understanding of weather and the forces governing it. TECH(INT), SCIENTIST

Mining Engineer: Ability to supervise the construction and running of a mine. STAMINA(STR), CONSTRUCTION

Metallurgy: knowledge of smelting ore into metal, forming alloys, and fundamental metalworking. TECH(INT), BLACKSMITH

Mountaineering: Ability to climb steep slopes and sheer cliffs. MOBILITY(AGL), MOUNTAINEER

Nuclear Warhead: Ability to arm, disarm, and repair nuclear warheads. TECH(INT), SCIENTIST

Parachute: Ability to use a parachute. MOBILITY(AGL), PARATROOPER

Pistol: Ability to fire a pistol. RANGED COMBAT(AGL), SIDEARMS

Recon: Ability to spot concealed enemies, avoid ambushes, and to move silently; also, ability to hunt. RECON (INT), INFILTRATOR

Rotary Wing Pilot: Ability to fly rotary wing aircraft (helicopters). DRIVING(AGL), FLYER

Small Boat Handling: Ability to handle small boats, including oar-driven, wind driven, and small (under 20 meters) motor boats. DRIVING(AGL), BOATMAN

Scuba Diving: Ability to use an aqua-lung or rebreather. May not be purchased at a higher level than the character's SWM skill. MOBILITY(AGL), DIVER

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Scrounging: Ability to find man-made items such as spare parts, domestic food, ammunition, etc. SURVIVAL(INT), SCROUNGER

Swimming: Ability to swim MOBILITY(AGL), DIVER

Thrown Weapon: Ability to hit a target with a thrown weapon, such as a knife or grenade RANGED COMBAT(AGL), PITCHER

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NPC conversion from T2K 2.0 and 2.2

Novice: Attribute C, Skill Level D, CUF D

Experienced: Attribute C, Skill Level C, CUF C

Veteran: Attribute B, Skill level C, CUF B

Elite: Attribute B, Skill level B, CUF A

Attribute Conversion Table:

1-3 D4+5 C6-8 B9+ A

STRENGTH (STR)Add Strength and Fitness and divide the result by 2, round fractions up. Look up the result in the Attribute Conversion Table above. The result is the STRENGTH(STR) attribute.

AGILITY (AGL)Agility corresponds directly to AGILITY(AGL). Look up the result in the Attribute Conversion Table, above. The result is the AGILITY(AGL) attribute.

INTELLIGENCE (INT)Add Intelligence and Education together and divide the result by 2, round fractions up. Look up the result in the Attribute Conversion Table above. The result is your INTELLIGENCE(INT) attribute.

EMPATHY (EMP)EMPATHY(EMP) corresponds directly to Charisma(CHR). Look up the result in the Attribute Conversion Table above. The result is the EMPATHY(EMP) attribute.

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Close Combat (STR)Heavy Weapons (STR)Stamina (STR)

Driving (AGL)Ranged Combat (AGL)Mobility (AGL)

Recon (INT)Survival (INT)Tech (INT)

Command (EMP)Medical Aid (EMP)Persuasion (EMP)

Skills in V4 are a combination of one of the 12 core skills plus a speciality that usually rises the skill level by one factor but can have other properties, too.

To find the skill and speciality, look up the V2 skill in the skill table and see the corresponding V4 skill and speciality below.

Use the highest skill the character has among the CORE SKILLS and compare it to the following table.

01 - 05 = Skill Level D06 - 08 = Skill Level C09 – 11 = Skill Level B12+ = Skill Level A

Now add the speciality, that compares to the skill.

By adding the +1 for the speciality, the actual roll will be done with a die one category higher, e.g. with a skill level of D this is a D8, with a C this is a D10, with a B it will be a D12.

Example: The character has the TECH(INT) skills of Gunsmith 6, Chemist 3 and Computer 1. Gunsmith is the highest of those Tech skills, so the character will have a skill level of C in TECH(INT) which corresponds to a D8 and, by adding the specialisation of Gunsmith, this would allow him to roll a D10 base die for his skill rolls in TECH(INT).

The following table contains all the T2K 2.2 skills, followed by a description and the corresponding Core skill and the fitting speciality.

Twilight 2000 V2.2 in some cases uses different core attributes, e.g. Aircraft Mechanic is a STR based skill while it corresponds to TECH(INT), MECHANIC in V4, e.g. is INT based. In such a case choose which core attribute you want to use and record it accordingly. In this case it would be TECH(STR), MECHANIC if you want to stay with the origninal V2.2 values.

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Acrobatics AGLMOBILITY (AGL). Since there is no directly corresponding skill in V4, chose one of the Mobility specialities on page 48 in the players manual.

Aircraft Mechanic STR To repair and maintain aircraft.= TECH(INT), MECHANIC: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for repairing engines, vehicles, generators, and pumps.

Archery STR Ability to use a long bow.= RANGED COMBAT(AGL), ARCHER: Gives a +1 modifer to RANGED COMBAT rolls for bows and crossbows.

Armed Martial Arts STR Ability to make body combat attacks. = CLOSE COMBAT(STR), MARTIAL ARTIST: Your close combat attacks have a crit threshold of 2 instead of 3.

Autogun STRFiring a wehicle mounted weapon = HEAVY WEAPONS(STR),REDLEG: Gives a +1 modifer to HEAVY WEAPONS rolls when firing artillery, including mortars, cannons and tank guns.

Biology EDU Knowledge of plant and animal biology. Since V2.2 has no foraging skill you can choose either

TECH(INT) SCIENTIST: Roll TECH when you come across a phenomenon of any sort that requires knowledge of physics, biology, geology, or any other natural science. If you succeed, the Referee must give you some useful information about it.


SURVIVAL(INT), FORAGER: Gives a +1 modifer to SURVIVAL rolls for foraging to fnd food.

Chemistry EDU Knowledge of Chemical interactions and compounds = TECH(INT), CHEMIST: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for producing gunpowder and distilling grain alcohol for fuel. Also lets you identify chemical substances correctly.

Climbing CON Mobility (AGL),MOUNTAINEER: Gives a +1 bonus to MOBILITY rolls for rappelling, ascender-climbing, and knot-tying.

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Combat Engineer CON Ability to perform tasks such as emplacing demolitions, building fortifications, and camouflaging emplacements. TECH(INT), COMBAT ENGINEER: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for placing and disarming mines and explosive devices , and to RECON rolls to avoid mines.

Computer EDU Ability to operate and program a computer = TECH(INT), COMPUTERS: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for using or tampering with computers and ancillary devices.

Construction EDUAbility to plan/supervise construction of buildings, roads, and bridges = STAMINA(STR), CONSTRUCTION: Gives you a +1 modifer to STAMINA rolls made for base building.

Disguise CHR Ability to alter appearance to avoid recognition. = RECON (INT), INFILTRATOR: Gives you a +1 modifer to RECON rolls when trying to remain undetected.

Electronics EDU Ability to repair electronic devices. TECH(INT), ELECTRICIAN: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for wiring, soldering, disabling, and repairing electrical devices.

Excavation EDU see Construction

Farming INT General knowledge of growing food crops and raising livestock = SURVIVAL(INT), FARMER: Gives a +1 modifer to SURVIVAL rolls for farming.

Forgery AGLThe ability to forge a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art : RECON


Forward Observer INT Ability to communicate fire data for indirect fire weapons = RECON(INT) FORWARD OBSERVER. Your RECON skill level counts as one step higher when directing indirect fire.

Geology EDU Knowledge of rock formations and minerals.TECH(INT), SCIENTIST: Roll TECH when you come across a phenomenon of any sort that requires knowledge of geology. If you succeed, the Referee must give you some useful information about it.

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Grenade Launcher STR Ability to use antitank missile launchers, flame weapons, and rocket and grenade launchers. HEAVY WEAPONS(STR), LAUNCHER CREW: Gives a +1 modifer to HEAVY WEAPONS rolls for fring grenade launchers and missile launchers.

Ground Vehicle AGLDriving (AGL), RACER: Gives a +1 modifer to DRIVING all wheeled vehicles except motorcycles.

Gunsmith AGL Ability to construct and repair weapons. TECH(INT), GUNSMITH: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for repairing firearms and reloading ammunition.

Heavy Artillery STR Ability to use antitank missile launchers, flame weapons, and rocket and grenade launchers. HEAVY WEAPONS (INT), REDLEG. Gives a +1 modifer to HEAVY WEAPONS rolls when fring artillery, including mortars, cannons and tank guns.

Heavy Gun STR Ability to fire a direct-fire heavy gun, such as a tank gun, a howitzer used in the direct fire role, or any autocannon.

HEAVY WEAPONS(STR), REDLEG Gives a +1 modifer to HEAVY WEAPONS rolls when fring artillery, including mortars, cannons and tank guns.

Hovercraft AGL – DRIVING (BOATMAN). Gives a +1 modifer to DRIVING rolls for piloting boats, including sail and rowed boats.

Instruction CHR Ability to teach skills. PERSUASION(EMP), TEACHER: Gives a +1 bonus to PERSUASION rolls for teaching someone a specialty.

Interrogation CHRAbility to persuade or force a prisoner to reveal information. PERSUASION(EMP), INTERROGATOR Gives a +1 bonus to PERSUASION rolls for extracting information from a prisoner.

Intrusion AGLRecon (INT), INFILTRATOR: Gives you a +1 modifer to RECON rolls when trying to remain undetected.

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Language CHRAbility to understand and be understood in a foreign language. PERSUASION(EMP), LINGUIST: You know another language of your choice , well enough to be taken as native on a successful PERSUASION roll.

Leadership CHRFRONTLINE LEADER: Gives a +1 bonus to COMMAND rolls for helping someone who is incapacitated by stress . Does not a ect unit morale.ff

Machinist AGL and Mechanic STRAbility to maintain and repair vehicles and machinery. TECH(INT), MECHANIC: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for repairing engines, vehicles, generators, and pumps.

Medical EDUAbility to render first aid/medical care to injured or ill characters. Medical Aid (EMP) with one of the following specilities:

COMBAT MEDIC : Gives a +1 modifer to MEDICAL AID rolls for helping an incapacitated character get back up . No e ect on treating critical injuries.ff


FIELD SURGEON: Gives a +1 modifer to MEDICAL AID rolls for treating critical injuries.


GENERAL PRACTITIONER: Gives a +1 modifer to MEDICAL AID rolls for treating disease, poison, and NBC.

Metallurgy EDUTech (INT) SCIENTIST: Roll TECH when you come across a phenomenon of any sort that requires knowledge of Metallurgy. If you succeed, the Referee must give you some useful information about it.

Meteorology EDU Understanding of weather and the forces governing it. TECH(INT), SCIENTIST Roll TECH when you come across a phenomenon of any sort that requires knowledge of Meteorology. If you succeed, the Referee must give you some useful information about it.

Navigation EDUSurvival (INT), NAVIGATOR: Gives a +1 modifer when using SURVIVAL rolls for navigation

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Observation INTRecon (INT), INVESTIGATOR: Roll RECON when you spend a stretch or more investigating the scene of a crime or a battle. If you succeed, the Referee must give you some useful information about what has happened and when.

Parachute CONMobility (AGL), PARATROOPER: Gives a +1 bonus to MOBILITY rolls for skydiving, for emergencies and landing on target.

Persuasion CHRPersuasion (EMP), PSY OPS: Gives a +1 bonus to PERSUASION rolls for changing someone’s mind about a particular issue.

Pilot AGLDriving (AGL), PILOT: Gives a +1 modifer to DRIVING rolls for flying fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft.

Riding CON Ability to ride a horse. MOBILITY(AGL), RIDER : Gives a +1 bonus to MOBILITY rolls for riding at high speeds and performing mounted maneuvers . Also negates the negative modifer for shooting from horseback.

Scrounging INT Ability to find man-made items such as spare parts, domestic food, ammunition, etc. SURVIVAL(INT), SCROUNGER: Gives a +1 modifer to SURVIVAL rolls for scrounging or searching for empty shell casings .

Scuba CON Ability to swim MOBILITY(AGL), DIVER: Gives a +1 bonus to MOBILITY rolls when swimming, both across the surface and under it. Includes use of SCUBA gear.

Small Arms STRRanged Combat (AGL)

Choose one of the following specialities.

RIFLEMAN: Gives a +1 modifer to RANGED COMBAT rolls for fringassault rifles, submachineguns, and shotguns.

SIDEARMS: Gives a +1 modifer to RANGED COMBAT rolls for fringpistols.

SNIPER: Gives a +1 modifer to RANGED COMBAT rolls for fring sniperrifles and hunting rifles.

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Small Watercraft CONDriving (AGL), BOATMAN: Gives a +1 modifer to DRIVING rolls for piloting boats, including sail and rowed boats.

Snow Skiing AGL MOBILITY (any MOBILITY specialty)

Stealth AGLRecon (INT), SCOUT: Gives you a +1 modifer to RECON rolls for spotting others and avoiding ambushes .

Survival INTSince this skill has a direct equivalent in V4, choose a Speciality on page 49 that fits the character best.

Swimming CONMOBILITY(AGL), DIVER: Gives a +1 bonus to MOBILITY rolls when swimming, both across the surface and under it. Includes use of SCUBA gear.

Tac Missile AGLHEAVY WEAPONS(STR), LAUNCHER CREW: Gives a +1 modifer to HEAVY WEAPONS rolls for fring grenade launchers and missile launchers.

Thrown Weapon STRRanged Combat (AGL), PITCHER: Gives a +1 modifer to RANGED COMBAT rolls for thrownweapons, including knives and grenades.

Tracking INT

Recon (INT), SCOUT: Gives you a +1 modifer to RECON rolls for spotting others and avoiding ambushes .

Unarmed Martial Arts STR

Close Combat (STR), BRAWLER: Gives you a +1 modifer to CLOSE COMBAT rolls in unarmed close combat.

Warhead AGLAbility to arm, disarm, and repair both conventional and nuclear warheads. IMPROVISED MUNITIONS: Gives a +1 modifer to TECH rolls for making zip-guns, IEDs, and reloading empty shell casings.

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T2K 2.2 Vehicle template conversion

Price: $650,000 (R/R) - Add 50% to the price, to get the price in V4.

Fire Control: +2For any version of fire control add an FCS to the MAIN WEAPON COLUMN, in game this will negate the negative DM’s for shooting at ranges beyond short range.

Armament: 120mm gun: see below

MAG MG coaxial, M2HB MG (C), MAG MG (L): see the equivalents on pages xx-xx in the Players Manual.

Stabilization: GoodStabilization reduces the penalty while shooting on the move. The basic penalty when shooting on the move is -2 without stabilization. Fair stabilization reduces the penalty to -1. Good stabilization reduces the penalty to 0.

Ammo: 40x120mm, 1000x.50 BMG, 11,400x7.62mm – no changes in V4

Fuel Type: D, G, AvG, A – no changes in V4

Load: 700 kg – no changes in V4

Veh Wt: 54 tonnes – no changes in V4

Crew: 4 – no changes in V4

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Mnt: 14. There is no equivalent to the Maintenance number in V4, all vehicles start with Reliability A.Here is an optional method to use maintenance in V4. One tech roll can be made per person per shift. Multiple rolls by different persons are possible. If the number of necessary successes has not been reached, the vehicle reliability rating is decreased one step at the end of one week.

Concept: In combat and off-road conditions vehicles will suffer. Treads have to be tightened, spark plugs and filters need cleaning. Most of this work can be done by untrained people if someone shows them what and how to do it. So its basically a time thing. Time that might otherwise be used for foraging, sleeping, after all time is precious. Use the T2K 2.2 maintenance number, e.g. the number of hours per week that have to be spent on maintenance to keep the vehicle in good condition. Divide the number by 7, ignore fractions and add the vehicle weight divided by 20. If the result is smaller than 1 raise it to 1.

MNT = INT(maintenance / 7 + vehicle weight / 20)

Apply the following DMs to the tech roll:

- Original vehicle tools are available +2- No tools are available -4

Night Vision: Passive IR/thermal (shared by commander and gunner) - no changes in V4

Radiological: Shielded – In a radiological shielded vehicle, you do not suffer from radiation. But there is the danger of a RAD ATTACK when you leave the vehicle without wearing protective gear. The vehicle has to be contaminated before it is safe again.

Tr Mov 130/110

To translate this to the V4 values, divide both values by 14 and round fractions up.

Com Mov: 35/30

To translate this to the V4 values, divide the ComMov values by 7 and round the results down. Since there are mismatches between Travel and Combat with some vehicles in the V2.2 rules, you can alternatively divide TrMov by 28 to get the equivalent results.


To convert aircraft speeds from V2.2 to V4 the formula is a bit different. In V4 a combat round lasts 5-10 seconds, movement is measured in 10 meter hexes, so each movement factor equals approximately 7.5 * 10 = 75m per round.

In V2.2s Nautical and Aviation handbook (GDW 2009) the combat move of an aircraft equals its maximum speed or "never exceed" speed in kilometres per hour divided by 10. This results in the number of eight-meter squares moved in a combat phase, in sync with the basic game combat movement system. Since 2.2 has 5 second rounds, this equals 5 x 8 = 40m per round.

An UH-1 has a maximum speed of 220 km/h. Divided by 10 = 22. This equals 22 x 40m = 880m per round. Divided by the average of 75m from V4 you get 11.73, rounded to 12.

So the formula is V2.2 combat speed divided by 1.875, or maximum speed divided by 18.75 or, to simplify it even more, just halve the combat speed.

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TURNING: If an aircraft has a stalling speed (the value in parentheses after the combat speed) it is limited in its turning radius. It can only bank once in a turn (one hex-side) after having moved for at least half of its stalling speed in distance. After this it has to move at least the other 50% its stall movement to stay airborne.

Example: A C-130 Hercules with a Combat Move of 52(18) will translate into 28(10) for V4. The smallest achievable turning radius would be one hex side after 5 hexes (50% of stall speed) movement.

Combat: An aircraft with fixed weapon mounts can only fire at targets that lie directly ahead of its flight path, e.g. it can either fire before or after its turn but only on targets straight ahead.

Fuel Cap: 1900,Fuel Cons: 1100

Fuel capacity remains unchanged, to get the fuel consumption per 10km hex, divide fuel consumption by 27.5 and round the results down, to get that value. If you want to have a more realistic formula that takes speed into account, use Fuel consumption divided by TrMov multiplied by 5.

Armor Conversion

The effective protection factor of modern armor is measured in Line of sight (LOS) thickness. The more the Armor is sloped, the better its protection. The formula is:

Amour LOS = Armor thickness / cos(angle)

In addition modern armor usually consist of sandwiched or spaced layers of different materials from steel over ceramic to depleted uranium, the colloquial term is usually Chobham, named for the British tank research centre on Chobham Common in Surrey, UK.

A common measuring factor is RHA (Rolled homogeneous armor) to express the effective armor value of modern battle tanks. In addition the effectiveness is also expressed differently for kinetic Penetrators (APFSDS) and shaped charges (HEAT). Usually the effectiveness of sandwiched armor via HEAT is 30% higher than vs. kinetic projectiles. So, as an example, the armor of the Leopard 2A4 has an equivalent protection of 700 mm RHA against kinetic projectiles and 1000 mm vs. HEAT.

For game purposes: Any HEAT round that attacks such armor (Chobham (-Cp)) has an additional armor modifier of +2. Spaced (-Sp) has a similar but weaker effect compared to -Cp, the additional armor modifier is only +1. Reactive Armor has the same effect as Chobham armour, but after a hit, roll 2 ammo dice – if one of some shows a 1 the reactive armor on that face of the tank is gone.

Combat StatisticsConfig:Veh TF:120-Cp HF: 200-CpSusp: T: 6 TS: 40 HS: 16-Sp TR: 16 HR:16

T2K 2.2 uses a system, where armor and penetration values are twice the relative armor strength in cm, e.g. an armor value of 100 is the equivalent 50 cm of hard steel at 90° or 33 cm with a moderate slope. Since V4 uses only the front side and rear armor values, you can either use the hull (HF,HS,HR) or turret (TF,TS,TR) values or add the faces (HF+TF) and divide the result by 2.

Combat StatisticsConfig:Veh TF:12-Cp HF: 13-CpSusp: T: 6 TS: 10 HS: 7-Sp TR: 7 HR: 7

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Main Weapon Conversion

Modern Anti tank weapons come in two flavours: Shaped charges (HEAT) and Penetrators (AP).

While the concept of a shaped charge dates back to the 18th century, it took until the 1930s that a military application was developed. The explosive charge collapses a funnel shaped metal liner inside the warhead into a high-velocity super plastic jet that is capable of penetrating armored steel to a depth of seven or more times the diameter of the projectile containing the charge. Against steel armor this proved devastating but against modern composite armor, not so much. The most important factor with HEAT is, that the penetrative power is not based on the speed of the projectile, so that they can be fired from low powered, nearly recoilless weapons. This gave rise to the handheld anti armor weapons like the Bazooka and the Panzerfaust and later the anti tank guided missiles.

The purely kinetic projectile is basically the centuries old, primary form of any cannonball or bullet. This changed drastically in WW2, when the first kinetic penetrators arrived on the battlefield. In most cases the rounds were capped (APC) with the hardest material available, usually some kind of tungsten alloy. The next step was the discarding sabot (APDS) where a sub calibre penetrator was used. But these projectiles needed a rifled barrel to be fired, needing the spin generated inside the barrel to be accurate. The fin stabilized, discarding sabot (APFSDS) was the next development. As in APDS the casing of the round contains a dart of extremely hard material that is much smaller than the calibre of the gun firing it. The fins give it a spin, so that no rifled barrel is needed for firing the darts. The small darts (2-3 cm in diameter), propelled by the power of a 12 cm round, can reach much higher velocities (over 1700 m/s) and combined with ultra hard materials (Tungsten or depleted Uranium) they are truly devastating.

120mm smoothbore gun

The M1A1 has a 120mm smoothbore that can shoot APFSDSDU (Armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot depleted uranium) ammunition. Its short range is 500 m and it has a penetration of 150 = 75 cm hard steel, at that range.

Rng 500 : This is the short range of the gun. Divide the range by 10 to get the distance in map hexes for V4, in this case 50.

150/140/130/110 T2K 2.2 uses a system, where armor and penetration values are twice the relative armor strength in cm, e.g. an armor value of 100 is the equivalent of 50 cm hard steel at 90° or 33 cm with 50 degrees of slope.

For rounds, especially anti tank rounds, only the penetration factor is important for vehicle combat. Armor piercing rounds (AP) have different penetration values at different ranges, so the penetration at short range is 150, at medium range 140, long 130, and at extreme range 110.

For V4, in most cases, only the penetration at short range is needed, since the 4 values usually stay in the same band. In any case, compare the values to the numbers on conversion table on page xx.

In the case of the 120mm APFSDSDU round it would be 12 on Short, Medium, and Long, and 11 on

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Extreme range. Since you will nearly never have the opportunity to fire at extreme range in the post-apocalyptic world of Twilight 2000, the 12 is sufficient for game purposes.

HEAT rounds have a constant penetration at all ranges, so here 110C (C for constant) translates to 11.

Each cannon or mortar also has a Blast damage value when using high explosive (HE) ordnance. Armor piercing penetrators usually carry no explosives, so only ammo types that have a HE in the name generate Blast.

If the calibre is smaller then 75mm the Blast factor is D.

If the calibre is between 75 mm and 90 mm the Blast factor is C.

If the calibre is between 90 mm and 140 mm the Blast factor is B.

If the calibre is larger than 140 mm the Blast factor is A.

Armor and Penetration Comparison Table

Vehicle Example Armor

Steel in mm

T2K 1.0 T2K 2.2

Bicycle 0 0 0 0Car/Truck 1 1 1 0Armor Plates 2 5 6 1Armored Car 3 10 12 2APC 4 15 19 3MICV 5 20 25 4Airborne Tank 6 30 38 6Light Tank 7 50 62 10Medium Tank 8 100 125 20Heavy Tank 9 150 188 30Early modern MBT 10 200 250 40Average modern MBT 11 400 500 80Chobham 1st generation 12 600 750 120Chobham 2nd generation 13 800 1000 160Depleted Uranium Armor 14 1000 1250 200

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Converting Small ArmsROF - stays the same

Mag - stays the same

Rng - Range, divide the range by 10, round fractions up.

DAM - Damage, deduct 1 from DAM damage and add a Crit threshhold of that value +1, if the calibre is greater than 9 mm the Crit threshold equals the damage. In case that the weapon has a Damage of 1 (e.g. the new value would be 0) leave it at 1, but rise the Crit threshold instead. If the weapon uses HE ammunition lower the Crit threshold by 1. If the weapon uses HEAT ammuniton lower the Crit threshold and the Armor value by 1.

Weight: Divide the weapon weight by 3 (rounded down) to get the V4 weight. If the weight is smaller than 1 use the nearest value to ¼, ½, ¾.

Weapon Price is 33% higher.

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1 4d-4 2d-2 2 2.2 # Die 4 6Pool Push100% 16-20 10 10 20         1095% 15 9 19         8+990% 14 8 9 18   785% 13 7 17 A D12 AA 10 680%   8 16     AB 9 5

75% 12   15     BB,AC 8 4

70% 6 7 14     BC 7

65% 11   13     AD 6 360%   5 6 12 B D10 CC 5

55% 10 11     BD,A-    50%     5 10     B- 4 245% 9   9     CD 3

40%   4 4 8 C-    35% 8   7 C D8  

30%   3 3 6 DD 2 125% 7   5          20%     2 4          15% 6 2 3 D D6 D- 1

10% 5 1 1 2          5% 0 - 4 0 1