PDHPE 12 Mark Full Answer

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  • 8/13/2019 PDHPE 12 Mark Full Answer


    By Caleb Fellowes Year 12 PDHPE 2013

    Evaluate the relationship between sport and the mass media (12 marks) Describe (10 marks + 2

    marks for evaluationcan say I)HSC Sample Answer

    The representation of sport in the media

    Mass media provides information about all things including sport. How mass media portrays sportcan influence our understanding, values and beliefs. The events chosen and how these events are

    presented may influence us. The mass media can focus on particular events or athletes, thus giving a

    certain impression that may in fact not be a true representation of what actually occurred or what

    the athlete did at other times.

    Mass media can also determine our thinking about certain events. Rower Sally Robbins was dubbed

    as Lay down Sally, and various NRL and AFL scandals have all be played out in the mass media,

    giving it various slants and thus impacting on our thoughts regarding these negative behaviour of

    athletes at their choosing. Shane Warne, Andrew Johns, Ben Cousins and Tiger Woods have all been

    scrutinised in the media, thus impacting on our thoughts regarding them and opinions about thempersonally.

    Mass media can also make great moments available to the public. Usain Bolt breaking the 100m

    World Record was able to be viewed by millions, and ionic images like the Black Pride photo from

    the Olympics remain in peoples memories due to mass media. As a result of mass medias appeal to

    the masses and the fact that it can mean economic windfalls from sporting teams and athletes, mass

    media is now having an impact on sport itself.

    Various rule changes have come about as a result of mass media and the need to maintain an

    audience. Sudden death and extra time now occur in many sports as well as versions of sports such

    as beach volleyball and Twenty20 cricket. Technology has also helped the viewer with slow motion,

    various camera angles and world record lines and these are just some of the innovative mechanisms


    Economic considerations of media coverage and sports

    The ability for mass media to provide an influx of income for sports has meant that it has had more

    sway over things like timing of games, uniforms worn by players and as discussed previously rule

    changes to sports.

    Sports with a large fan base need to take advantage of key viewing times. As a result sport is nowplayed at various times to capture the biggest audience possible and therefore bigger earnings.

    About 5 lines more but couldnt quite read the writing on phone :/