Royal Government of Cambodia Ministry of Public Works and Transport Cambodia Road Asset Management Project Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 January 2014 In association with VIDO Engineering Consultant

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Page 1: Road Asset Management Project - Ministry of Public … MPR-34.pdfRoad Asset Management Project ... QCP Quality Control Plan ... crack repair and minor structural repairs. The treatment

Royal Government of Cambodia

Ministry of Public Works and Transport


Road Asset Management Project

Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

Monthly Progress Report Nº 34

January 2014

In association with

VIDO Engineering Consultant

Page 2: Road Asset Management Project - Ministry of Public … MPR-34.pdfRoad Asset Management Project ... QCP Quality Control Plan ... crack repair and minor structural repairs. The treatment
Page 3: Road Asset Management Project - Ministry of Public … MPR-34.pdfRoad Asset Management Project ... QCP Quality Control Plan ... crack repair and minor structural repairs. The treatment

Egis International Document quality information

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

Page 3

Document quality information

General information

Author(s) Mehdi Hakami

Project name Road Asset Management Project

Document name Monthly Progress Report Nº 34

Date January 2014

Reference DTI 90466 K


Sent to:

Name Organization Sent on (date):

Mr. Pheng Sovicheano Ministry of Public Works and Transport 17-Feb-14

Copy to:

Name Organization Sent on (date):

Mr. Morice Nicolas Egis International 17-Feb-14

Mr. Men Vichit VIDO 17-Feb-14

History of modifications

Version Date Written by Approved & signed by:

1 17-Feb-14 Mehdi Hakami Mehdi Hakami

Page 4: Road Asset Management Project - Ministry of Public … MPR-34.pdfRoad Asset Management Project ... QCP Quality Control Plan ... crack repair and minor structural repairs. The treatment

Egis International Brief Contents

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 4

Brief Contents

BRIEF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 4

CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 5

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 9

CHAPTER 2 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................. 13

CHAPTER 3 - CONSULTANT/ENGINEER’S SERVICES ................................................ 21

CHAPTER 4 - NR5-1(COMPLETED) ................................................................................ 29

CHAPTER 5 - NR1-LOT 1&2 (COMPLETED) ................................................................ 31

CHAPTER 6 - NR5-2 (COMPLETED) ............................................................................... 33

CHAPTER 7 - NR7-1 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ................................................................... 36

CHAPTER 8 - NR73 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ..................................................................... 39

CHAPTER 9 - NR7&NR72 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ......................................................... 41

CHAPTER 10 - NR71&PR2714 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ............................................... 43

CHAPTER 11 - NR11 ............................................................................................................ 46

CHAPTER 12 - NR2............................................................................................................... 58

CHAPTER 13 - NR7.3 ........................................................................................................... 66

CHAPTER 14 - ANNEXES .................................................................................................... 72

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Contents

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 5


BRIEF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 4

CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 5

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 9

1.1. Project Background .......................................................................................................................... 9

1.2. Description of sub project component A-2(C) .................................................................................. 9

CHAPTER 2 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................. 13

2.1.1. IDA – RAMP Component A-2(C) – MCS Consultant ................................................................ 13

2.1.2. ADB/AusAID/OFID, CW-AW-1.1(NR5-1), 87.2Km- Completed ............................................... 13

2.1.3. IDA, RAMP-CKP-W-ICB002-Lot1&2(NR1), 96.2 Km - Completed ............................................ 14

2.1.4. ADB/AusAID/OFID, RAMP-CW-AWP-2.1 (NR5-2), 80 Km - Completed .................................. 14

2.1.5. IDA, RAMP-CKP2011-ICB (NR7-1) 84 Km length (Liability Period) .......................................... 14

2.1.6. IDA, RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W004 (NR73), 58 Km (Liability Period) .......................................... 15

2.1.7. IDA, RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W005 (NR7.2/NR72), 108 Km (Liability Period) ............................. 15

2.1.8. IDA, RAMP-CKP-ICB-W006 (NR71 & PR2714), 66.85 Km (Liability Period) ............................. 16

2.1.9. ADB, RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 (NR11), 90 Km length-Ongoing ...................................................... 16

2.1.10. ADB/AusAID/OFID, RAMP-CW-AW.4.1 (NR2), 50.11 Km-Ongoing ......................................... 17

2.1.11. IDA, RAMP-CKP2012-ICB-W007 (NR7.3), 45 Km Length ......................................................... 18

2.1.12. Flood 2013 – Damages on RAMP’s Roads .............................................................................. 18

2.1.13. New Land Developments Adjacent to National Roads- Problems & Solution ........................ 19

CHAPTER 3 - CONSULTANT/ENGINEER’S SERVICES ................................................ 21

3.1. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 21

3.1.1. Mobilization ............................................................................................................................ 21

3.1.2. Consultant’s activities during this period: .............................................................................. 22

3.2. Program for the next month .......................................................................................................... 23

3.3. Encountered administrative, technical or financial problems ........................................................ 23

3.3.1. Organization chart .................................................................................................................. 24

3.4. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 25

3.4.1. Contract Price and Variations ................................................................................................. 25

3.4.2. Receivable and Disbursements ............................................................................................... 25

3.5. Quality Control ............................................................................................................................... 27

3.6. Safeguard Compliance .................................................................................................................... 27

3.7. Other Related Issues ....................................................................................................................... 28

3.7.1. Problems and Solutions .......................................................................................................... 28

3.7.2. Preparation for Donors Missions ............................................................................................ 28

CHAPTER 4 - NR5-1(COMPLETED) ................................................................................ 29

4.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 29

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Contents

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 6

4.2. Project Location Map ..................................................................................................................... 30

4.3. Summary......................................................................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER 5 - NR1-LOT 1&2 (COMPLETED) ................................................................ 31

5.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 31

5.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 32

5.2. Summary......................................................................................................................................... 32

CHAPTER 6 - NR5-2 (COMPLETED) ............................................................................... 33

6.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 33

6.2. Project Location Map ..................................................................................................................... 34

6.3. Summary......................................................................................................................................... 34

6.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements .................................................................. 35

CHAPTER 7 - NR7-1 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ................................................................... 36

7.1. General Contract Data (Liability Period) ......................................................................................... 36

7.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 37

7.2. Progress Status (Liability Period) .................................................................................................... 37

7.3. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 38

7.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements .................................................................. 38

CHAPTER 8 - NR73 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ..................................................................... 39

8.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 39

8.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 40

8.2. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 40

8.3. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 40

8.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements .................................................................. 40

CHAPTER 9 - NR7&NR72 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ......................................................... 41

9.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 41

9.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 41

9.2. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 42

9.3. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 42

9.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements .................................................................. 42

CHAPTER 10 - NR71&PR2714 (LIABILITY PERIOD) ............................................... 43

10.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 43

10.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 44

10.2. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 44

10.3. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 45

10.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements .................................................................. 45

CHAPTER 11 - NR11 ............................................................................................................ 46

11.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 46

11.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 47

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Contents

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 7

11.2. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 47

11.2.1. Physical Progress .................................................................................................................... 48

11.2.2. Progress Photos ...................................................................................................................... 50

11.3. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 51

11.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements .................................................................. 51

11.3.2. Contractor‘s Work Program/S-curve: ..................................................................................... 53

11.4. Quality Control ............................................................................................................................... 54

11.4.1. Request For Inspection Register ............................................................................................. 55

11.4.2. Site Instruction Register ......................................................................................................... 55

11.4.3. Non-Compliance Register ....................................................................................................... 56

11.5. Other Related Issues ....................................................................................................................... 56

11.5.1. Problem and Solution ............................................................................................................. 56

11.5.2. Weather record ...................................................................................................................... 57

CHAPTER 12 - NR2............................................................................................................... 58

12.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 58

12.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 59

12.2. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 59

12.2.1. Physical Progress .................................................................................................................... 60

12.2.2. Progress Photos ...................................................................................................................... 62

12.3. Financial Status ............................................................................................................................... 63

12.3.1. Interim Payment Certificate and Disbursement ..................................................................... 63

12.3.2. Contractor‘s Work Program/S-curve: ..................................................................................... 64

12.4. Quality Control ............................................................................................................................... 65

CHAPTER 13 - NR7.3 ........................................................................................................... 66

13.1. General Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 66

13.1.1. Project Location Map.............................................................................................................. 67

13.2. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 67

13.2.1. Physical Progress .................................................................................................................... 68

13.3. Progress Status ............................................................................................................................... 69

13.3.1. Interim Payment Certificate and Disbursement ..................................................................... 69

13.3.2. Contractor’s Work Program/S-curve: ..................................................................................... 70

13.4. Quality Control ............................................................................................................................... 71

CHAPTER 14 - ANNEXES .................................................................................................... 72

Annex 1: Correspondence Summary ..................................................................................................... 72

Annex 2: Safeguard Compliance and Monitoring of HIV/AIDS Campaign ............................................. 75

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 8

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AC Asphalt Concrete ADB Asian Development Bank AMP Asphalt Mixing Plant AusAID Australian Agency for International Development AWP Annual Work Program AWP1 First Year Annual Work Program BOQ Bill Of Quantities CCR Contract Completion Report CMAC Cambodian Mine Action Centre CP Contract Package CPD Consultant‟s Project Director CSC Construction Supervision Consultant CSP Construction Supervision Period DBST Double Bitumen Surface Treatment DLP Defects Liability Period EMP Environmental Management Plan ESS Environmental and Social Specialist ESSF Environment and Social Safeguard Screening Framework FIDIC Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils (International Federation of Consulting Engineers), HE Highway Engineer IDA International Development Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination IPA International Procurement Agency IPC Interim Payment Certificate ITC Instructions To Contractor LT Lab Technician MCSM Maintenance Construction Supervision Manual MCSC Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant MPWT Ministry of Public Works and Transport NCR Non-Conformance Report NR National Road OFID OPEC Fund for International Development PD Project Director Q/SE Quantity/Site Engineer QAP Quality Assurance Plan QCP Quality Control Plan RAMP Road Asset Management Project RE Resident Engineer RFI Request for Inspection RGC Royal Government of Cambodia ROW Right of Way SBST Single Bitumen Surface Treatment SE Supervision Engineer SEU Social and Environmental Unit SI Site Instruction TOR Term Of Reference TL Team Leader VO Variation Order WB World Bank PAM Project Implementation Plan

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 9

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1. Project Background

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) through the Ministry of Public Works and

Transport (MPWT) has prepared a Road Asset Management Project (RAMP). The project is

to be implemented over a five-year period, starting in October 2008 with the support of the

International Development Association (IDA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Australian

Agency for International Development (AusAID) and OPEC Fund for International

Development (OFID).

The objective of the project is to ensure continued effective use of the rehabilitated national

and provincial road network in support of the economic development in Cambodia. It will do

so by improving the institutional and technical capacity of the Ministry of Public Works and

Transport for road maintenance planning, budgeting and operations, and by expanding and

strengthening maintenance activities.

The project seeks to contribute for cultivating a road asset management culture within the

sector by:

(i). Expanding maintenance of the national road infrastructure nationwide and

facilitating interventions in priority areas

(ii). Allocating adequate maintenance funding during the budgeting process

(iii). Knowledge building in MPWT on road network management, maintenance

technology and contract management

(iv). Increase of private sector involvement in competitive bidding and performance


1.2. Description of sub project component A-2(C)

Maintenance Construction Supervision (MCS) is financed and monitored by IDA it is to ensure that the contract management and maintenance construction supervision of all civil contracts (irrespective of financier) are implemented with donor‟s requirements including:

(a) Assist MPWT in the monitoring of all works, including materials testing, verification of construction schedules, verification of quantities, adherence to contractually stipulated standards and conformance with approved engineering designs

(b) Reviewing Contractors‟ claims, and assisting MPWT in the resolution of such claims

(c) Preparation of monthly and quarterly physical and financial progress reports on contracts and contract management that will ultimately be submitted to the ICRRM and donor partners

(d) Assist in the management of the safeguards (environmental and social) aspects of contract implementation, including on-the-job training for safeguards staff

(e) Augment the skills and knowledge of MPWT staff in construction practices and monitoring utilizing internationally accepted procedures, systems and standards

This A2(c) component supports the periodic maintenance of the MPWT‟s Road Network, the scope of the maintenance works includes: asphalt resurfacing, resealing (AC, SBST or Slurry

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 10

Seal), minor drainage works, crack repair and minor structural repairs. The treatment will be based on the design for maintenance work that at the commencement of civil work, the scope of works to be reviewed by Supervision Consultant and Contractor for fine-tuning of minor rehabilitation and other required repair works prior to sealing.

The selection of the roads, for periodic maintenance and planning (AWP‟s), have been prepared by RAMP Management based on criteria out lined in PAM. The overall physical progress of the selected roads up to reporting date for year(s) 1, 2, 3 & 4 for IDA packages is 97.61%, the same for all donors combined is 89.39%, this progressive trend is demonstrated in the following graph.

The details for all packages year 1 - 4; are summarized in the table on the next page.

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 11

Table 2.2: Updated Progress – Year 1 - 4 Each Civil Work Contract

Original RevisedAcc. To

DateThis Mon.

Contract No. CW-AW-1.1 for the

Maintenance of NR 5-1 (PK 3+900 to

PK 91+100)











1.759 4.967 100% -Fully


Contract No.: RAMP-CKP-W-ICB002-

Lot 1, Maintenance of National Road

Nº1, (PK69+200 to PK 100+000)





Defect Cert.:


17-Jul-12 6-


1.567 2.06 100% -Fully


Contract No.RAMP-CKP-W-ICB002 -

Lot 2,Maintenance of National Road

Nº1, (PK100+200 to PK 165+400)





Defect Cert.:




1.652 2.508 100% -Fully


Contract No. RAMP-CW-AWP-2.1

Maintenance of National Road Nº5-2

(PK91+100 to PK 170+900)











3.759 4.599 100.00% -Fully


Package No. : RAMP-CKP2011-

ICBW003, Maintenance of NR Nº7-1

(PK 75+000 to PK 159+000)

WB/IDA Ly ChhuongStart:



16-Jan-13 7.196 - 100.00%





Contract No. RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-

W004, Maintenance of NR Nº73 (PK

158+600 to PK 216+600)















Package No. : RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-

W005, Maintenance of NR Nº 7 (PK

159+000 to PK 254+300) and Nº72

(PK 179+530 to PK 192+900)

WB/IDA Bantey Srei Start:



2-July-13 3,764 - 100.00%





Package No. : RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-

W006, Maintenance of NR Nº 71 (PK

105+822 to PK 137+000) and

Provincial Road Nº2714 (PK

136+284 to PK 168+953)

WB/IDA Kuy Leng KyStart:



23-Jun-13 2.431 2.647 100.00%





Package No. : RAMP-CW-AWP3.1,

Maintenance of National Road Nº 11

(PK61+000 – PK151+000)




Bantey Srei



Exp. Compl.:


31-Jan-14 3,539 - 89.39% 9.76%



Contract Nº RAMP-CKP2012-ICB-

W007, Maintenance of NR Nº 7

Section 3 (In Snoul, PK254+400 -


WB/IDA Bantey SreiStart:

Exp. Compl.:


60 day after

issuing VO 1

1.397 0.397 73.51% 1.31% On-going

Package No. RAMP-CW-RGC 2-3.3,

Maintenance of National Road Nº 2

(PK74+000 – PK125+110)



Diamond &

Sok Sokha


Exp. Compl.:


31-Mar-14 4.499 - 25.30% 1.00% On-going

Start: 28-Feb-11 $1.177 $1.392

Exp.Compl.: 30-Jun-14 € 0.545 € 0.552

Maintenance Supervision Consultant



Consultant /


Contract Price

$ millionProgress %



Year Annual Work Program Activities


Year Annual Work Program Activities


Year Annual Work Program Activities


Year Annual Work Program Activities

Start/Completion Date

1% On-goingRAMP, Component A-2(C) –

Consultant ServiceWB/IDA



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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34, January 2014

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

Page 12

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Chapter 2 -Executive Summary

Road Asset Management Project; Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 13

Chapter 2 - Executive Summary

2.1. Progress Report in this month

During this month the works on IDA packages were limited to repair of flood damage under supplementary agreements that had been made for packages NR 7.1, NR73 and NR71/PR2714. The flood damage repair of NR7.2/72 has also been carried out within initial contract price. The ADB/AUSAID/OFID sponsored maintenance works NR11 has been completed and it is going to be taken over. Also NR2 progress that had been suffered in previous months due to delay on payment, after receiving the first OFID payment could resume the overlay activities but still the delay on payments prevents the Contractor to progress smoothly.

2.1.1. IDA – RAMP Component A-2(C) – MCS Consultant

Consultant is Egis International in association with VIDO Cambodian Consultant. The Contract for the Consultant‟s Services has been signed on 28th January 2011.The services commenced with mobilization of Team Leader and his team on 21st February 2011.

The overall progress up to this date is about 94%.

The inception activities including the preparation of Maintenance Construction Supervision Manual (MCSM), format of monthly and quarterly progress reports and establishment of QA/QC system in contract packages were successfully concluded by April 2011.

Pre-construction activities for civil works contracts NR1 (Lot1 & 2), NR5.2, NR73, NR7.1, NR7.2 & NR72, NR71 & PR2714, NR11, NR2 and NR7.3 have been accomplished.

Construction supervision activities with assignment of full international and local supervisors are on-going. Changes on the implementation schedule for Civil Work Contracts and increase of number of packages to 9 in 4th quarters of 2011 caused an alarming shortage of site supervisors. For solving this problem variation No.1 to the consultancy supervision services became urgently necessary. Under this variation the number of national staff increased to keep the supervision cost within the budget so the man-months of expatriates decreased. The variation order after NOL and endorsement by IDA; was approved in March 2012.

During the review mission in December 2012 the EOT for project to 30th June 2014 was endorsed, consequently the Employer advised the Consultant for preparation of revised staffing schedule to match with updated implementation of year 4 program. As the initial contract time for consultancy services (47 months) will not be expired to 30th June 2014, there is no need for EOT for Consultant. After obtaining NOL from IDA the Variation Nº2 was signed and issued As the site supervision of packages NR7.1, NR71/PR2714, NR73, NR7.3 and NR7.2/72, for repair of flood damage repair continued beyond the expected completion deadline. The extension of services of national supervisors was inevitable and it requires adjustment of the staffing schedule.

The detailed Engineer‟s program, progress and activities are reported in Chapter 3.

2.1.2. ADB/AusAID/OFID, CW-AW-1.1(NR5-1), 87.2Km- Completed

The Contractor Gangdong Provincial Chanda Highway Engineering Co., Ltd in JV with PHV Cooperation who had started the works on 1st June 2010 successfully executed the initial Contract and its 4 variation orders (Totally $4.9 Million), the whole works completed on 30th June 2012.

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January 2014 Page 14

The Performance Certificate (at the end of Liability Period) and the Final Payment Certificate were issued on 30th July 2012 and 31st July 2012 respectively and the contract package concluded successfully.

2.1.3. IDA, RAMP-CKP-W-ICB002-Lot1&2(NR1), 96.2 Km - Completed

The Contractor Visvakam Samnang, a Cambodian company started the works in December 2010 and completed both lots on 17th July 2012 successfully, Variation No.1 (Lot1 $ 0.493 million and Lot2 $ 0.856 million) awarded on 25th January 2012 and the works of both lots including Variation Orders completed by 17th July 2012. The contract period for Lot1 and Lot2 based on the review of the works, were extended in accordance with the contract conditions. The Defect Certificate at the end of Defect Liability Period issued on 6th August 2013. The final payment was certified. So these 2 contract packages concluded successfully.

2.1.4. ADB/AusAID/OFID, RAMP-CW-AWP-2.1 (NR5-2), 80 Km - Completed

The Contractor is Se Yong (Korean) – The civil work contract was signed on 11th March 2011 and commenced on 1st April 2011. The work substantially completed by 31st August 2012.

This section of NR5 between Kampong Chhnang (PK91+100) to Krakor (PK170+900) stretches along Tonle Sap Lake. This is the nearest road to the edge of the lake. During wet season, the lake surface area increases from 2,500 sq.km to 16,000 sq.km. This stretch of road is exposed to runoff and flood from high land as well as the raised water level of lake that covers both sides of this road for couple of months. Due to these phenomena, the sustainable road within fringe of Tonlé Sap Lake; shall be constructed appropriately with higher embankment and sufficient drainage system to withstand the annual flooding and saturation.

The existing NR5.2 (PK91+100-PK170+900) with shallow embankment, lack of drainage system are exposed to the annual flood, washout and base saturation suffers of extensive damages, heavy potholes and serious disturbance for couple of months every year that requires time and hefty expenses for repair and maintenance of the road.

After implementation of repair works for strengthening of the pavement structure and repairing the base course failures, due to annual flood, the works handed over to DPWT on 1st June 2013.

The Performance Certificate at the end of Defect Notification Period and the Final Payment Certificate (Statement At Completion) were issued. Apparently during changes on proportion of sponsorship of Donors in revised budgeting and complication of authorisation and coordination between involved parties a long delay occurred on payment of certified payments that needs urgent resolution. After intense follow up some part of depth was paid by OFID but still Contractor's full entitled payments hasn't been paid.

2.1.5. IDA, RAMP-CKP2011-ICB (NR7-1) 84 Km length (Liability Period)

The Contractor Ly Chhuong Construction & Import Export Co., Ltd. a Cambodian Company started the works on 20th October 2011 and completed on 16th January 2013.

The unsolved problem of lack of drainage system in urban area and at new development sites that is common for the whole national road network caused destruction and heavy deterioration during rainy seasons. The runoff caused multiple problems and on many sections due to this problem water instead of flowing inside ditches that obstructed by residents and embankment fill for new development, flowed on the road pavement and destroyed the newly sealed pavement mainly in SBST section (KM 136-159). These defects occurred beyond the Contractor‟s control or responsibilities were repaired within initial

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Chapter 2 -Executive Summary

Road Asset Management Project; Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014 Page 15

contract amount. Contractor repaired and rehabilitated about 3,700 meters length of roadway.

At KM 146 (Soung Town) and PK 155 urban sections, the floor level of shops and building at both side of road are higher than road level. In Soung the inlet level of LHS the mixed sewer line and storm drainage pipe is above road level so after rain these conduits overflow the water to the low level road that damages the pavement repeatedly. At KM 145+700 the petrol station concrete slab connects 3 streets together and sends all rain water to the roadway. The road in this section is DBST with no side ditch for drainage so the saturated base course is damaged frequently. This problem referred to Contractor for urgent repair that necessary work order was issued and the Contractor reconstructed 430m of the roadway in Soung, the road level was heightened 50 cm and paved by AC during rainy season. If this urgent repair was not done the NR7 would be closed at this section.

Following heavy rain and overflow of Mekong, a major flood damaged this road especially between PK 139 to PK 157 that the high volume of runoff from high land (LHS) flowed over the carriageway for more than 24 hours after each rainfall. This section had been repaired after rainy season 2012 that in 2013 was damaged again and shall be repaired. RAMP has applied to obtain the NOL for $ 47,831 additional fund required for remaining urgent flood damage repair. In beginning of December 2013 the supplement to contract agreement for $47,831 was confirmed by IDA and exchanged with Contractor. The implementation of 2013 flood damage repair progress was completed by end of January 2014.

2.1.6. IDA, RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W004 (NR73), 58 Km (Liability Period)

The Contractor Visvakam Samnang a Cambodian Company started the works in September 2011 and Completed on 11 July 2013 successfully. VO No.1 ($ 0.415 mil) to cover for strengthening of about 10 Km additional substandard sub base and base course also completed during this period.

On 11/07/13 Employer, Consultant and Contractor‟s representative inspected the whole works and found the work is substantially completed. To ensure the appropriate maintenance during Liability Period, the Contractor vide an undertaking committed to keep a group on site for repair of the possible potholes until hand over to DPWT and rectification of defect on their own works during Liability Period, the Completion Certificate has been issued.

After flood in October 2013 some sections of NR73 submerged and traffic flow was disrupted for couple of days though the extent of flood damage was limited but due to submerged and saturated base many potholes, on the sections that had only been treated by SBST, were appeared that need to be repaired urgently, to prevent further deterioration of pavement. RAMP management has applied to obtain NOL from IDA for $ 98,500 additional fund required for urgent flood damage repair. In beginning of December the supplement to contract agreement for $47,831, was confirmed by IDA and exchanged with Contractor. The implementation of 2013 flood damage repair progress was completed by end of January 2014.

2.1.7. IDA, RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W005 (NR7.2/NR72), 108 Km (Liability Period)

Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (BEC) a national construction company is the Contractor for this civil works contract. The contract was signed on 25th November 2011, started on 9th December 2011 and substantially completed on 2nd July 2013.

On 2nd July 2013 Employer, Consultant and Contractor‟s representatives inspected the whole work and found expect for minor outstanding work; i.e. minor pavement repair, kilometre markers and line marking. The work is substantially completed with the condition that the Contractor finishes this minor work within one month and commitment to repair any defects that to be identified during Liability Period it was decided the Completion Certificate to be issued if the Contractor completes the minor remaining works before 31st August 2013. The

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new defects that observed during site visit on 2nd September 2013 by Project Director, was repaired by Contractor.

After flooding in October 2013, some sections of road were damaged and potholes were appeared. As the remaining contract amount was sufficient for repair of additional new defects for this contract package, additional fund was not required, the contractor that was committed to repair new defects during Liability Period, was instructed to proceed the repair work immediately.

2.1.8. IDA, RAMP-CKP-ICB-W006 (NR71 & PR2714), 66.85 Km (Liability Period)

Kuy Leang Ky Construction Trading Group Co., Ltd. (KLK), a national construction company, is the Contractor of this civil work contract. The start date was 14th December 2011, the works and VO Nº1 substantially completed on 23rd June 2013.

Due to additional works, i.e. Employer‟s decision to add 3 km road maintenance (PK137-PK140) on NR71, reconstruction of collapsed pipe culvert and increase in quantities of BOQ, a variation ($ 0.216 million) proposed and after obtaining NOL from IDA, implemented.

The works including VO No.1, substantially had been completed by 23rd June 2013 but after rain in June – July 2013 some sections of the road due to lack of appropriate drainage system and base saturation were damaged. The Contractor started the repair and completed the repair works before scheduled date for handing over to DPWT.

After flood in October 2013 some sections of PR2714 submerged and traffic flow was disrupted for couple of day though the extent of flood damage was limited but due to submerged and saturated base many potholes on the sections that had only been treated by SBST, were appeared that need to be repaired urgently, to prevent further deterioration of pavement. RAMP management has applied to obtain NOL from IDA for $ 97,342 additional fund required for urgent flood damage repair. In beginning of December the supplement to contract agreement for $47,831; was confirmed by IDA and exchanged with Contractor. The implementation of 2013 flood damage repair progress was 30% by end of January 2014.

2.1.9. ADB, RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 (NR11), 90 Km length-Ongoing

Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (BEC) a national construction company (Contractor of NR7-2) in Joint Venture with Civil Engineering Construction Corporation No.1 (CIENCO1) is the Contractor of NR11. The Contract was signed on 29th February, 2012 and started on 12th March, 2012. The site establishment including accommodation and transportation for Engineer were provided by end of March 2012, but Contractor due to Cash Flow problem that caused by delay on payment of Advance Payment, hadn‟t mobilized the resources for pavement repair and sealing until mid of June 2012. In June 2012 after some rain, potholes were appeared that due to delay on repair became worse. In June 2012, the Contractor mobilized and started the repair works in the defective area. In July 2012, Contractor increased the mobilisation of machinery, workers, material and intensified the repair works. Also in response to the repeated instruction by Engineer and Employer, a qualified site manager was employed and started his work on site.

The acute shortage of stone chips in this area due to other major projects in the same region is the major problem for progress of maintenance work for this road and other roads in the region.

There are a few sand producing units between Km 61 to 64, the frequent traffic of very heavy delivery trucks caused heavy damages to the pavement structure. This problem brought to attention of the Employer to discuss with local authorities, to be resolved.

The persisting problem of shortage of crushed aggregates for base course, SBST and inability of Contractor to resolve this problem, jeopardized the timely completion of this

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package. During a meeting with Employer, Contractor and Consultant, the Contractor was advised to provide uninterrupted supply of stone chips for SBST.

The extended delay and low rate of progress was discussed with the Contractor during numerous management meetings that were held on site and in Project Director Office. Consequently, the Engineer representative issued a contractual notice to Contractor for acceleration and resolving the shortage of stone chips for SBST. The Contractor blames the extended delay on payment as the main reason for delay.

During restoration of the eroded side slope of embankment fill (executed in 2000‟s) some UXO‟s shells were found that immediately (CMAC) was contacted and the area was barricaded safely, after measurement and invitation of an authorized agency for detection and clearing of UXO and approval of variation the clearance activities started immediately and completed.

Under direction of RAMP Management and ADB and close cooperation between the Contractor and Consultant the remaining SBST and shoulder works efficiently completed and procedure for Taking-over were initiated by Contractor.

Their achieved accumulative progress to the end of this period is 89.39% against the revised schedule of 100%.

2.1.10. ADB/AusAID/OFID, RAMP-CW-AW.4.1 (NR2), 50.11 Km-Ongoing

JV-Diamond Construction & Import Export Co., Ltd and SOK SOKHA Co., Ltd (Cambodian) is the Contractor. The Contract was signed on 13th December 2012. The Start Date of Contract is 8th January 2013; Engineer issued preliminary contractual notices to Contractor for mobilization, program, traffic management and road maintenance.

The mobilization despite daily pressure by RAMP management and consultant had been slower than expected, in result the valuable dry season passed without any good progress on repair of pavement. The AC plant was commissioned in Mid-May. The Contractor that couldn‟t receive advance payment and hasn‟t received IPC‟s, suffers from acute shortage of cash flow. The lack of experienced site engineers for planning and QA/QC caused that the quality of the executed works in some sections were not acceptable. Many meeting were held and two contractual notices have been issued to the Contractor for rectification of their deficiencies and strengthening of their site management and establishing an effective QA/QC system.

To enhance the Contractor‟s QA/QC system and work organisation the Engineer in pursuant to sub-clause 6.9 required the Contractor‟s incompetent Project Manager to be replaced with an qualified one. The new Project Manager started his work on 5th August 2013. The extensive defects on the executed works together with the emphasis of Project Director on quality works, convinced the Contractor to move forward for improvement of his QA/QC system. Supervision Consultant assists and monitors the Contractor efforts for this important issue.

The key elements for a successful project are the availability of fund, project management and a competent contractor. In this contract, combination of extended delay on payments, Contractor‟s short coming on site management and quality control faced this package with a high risk of failure.

By 21st November 2013 eventually the obstacles on the payments by efforts of the related parties were removed and the OFID portion (70.71%) of IPC Nº 1 & 2 were paid. After Contractor received payments for IPC 1&2 from OFID could strengthen his financial condition and supply the bitumen to site that could execute 7 Km of AC overlay. Contractor was advised to increase his efforts to complete more base failure repair to be able to complete the whole works before the load closure date of June 30, 2014. Unfortunately, the delays on payments for IPC Nº5 and 6 prevented the Contractor to continue uninterrupted progress.

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The achieved accumulative physical progress up to end of this period is 25.30% against the revised schedule‟s 58.03%.

2.1.11. IDA, RAMP-CKP2012-ICB-W007 (NR7.3), 45 Km Length

Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (Cambodia) is the Contractor. The Contract was signed on 15th November 2012. The start date is 14th December 2012. The Contractor has provided the minimum Engineer‟s facilities: one building for office and a vehicle.

Condition Survey has been carried out for whole length with revised BOQ submitted for review and approval by Consultant and Employer. The suggested correction on bid quantities was issued.

During WB Mission (4th - 8th November 2013), it was decided by reallocated fund to add 10Km to the length of NR7.3. The process for issuing the variation has been done awaiting the approval of WB for signing of Variation Order Nº1.

The SBST resurfacing has been completed the remaining works are shoulder work, clearing side ditches and vegetation clearing after flooding in October 2013, the flood damage was not extensive, contractor was instructed to repair the potholes immediately.

Variation order Nº1 after approval by World Bank was signed and exchanged with the Contractor it is expected to be completed in March 2014.

The achieved accumulative physical progress up to end of this period is 73.51% against scheduled 100%.

2.1.12. Flood 2013 – Damages on RAMP‟s Roads

Flood 2013 – Damages on RAMP‟s-related roads-heavy rains and overflowing of Mekong River, since third week of September have resulted in floods along the Mekong River in Kratie and Kampong Chham Provinces that affected newly completed maintenance work under RAMP. During the flooding and after receding the high flood level the related roads were inspected by RAMP Management and consultant to assess the related damages. Fortunately despite the submersion of some sections thanks to effective periodic maintenance and repair work the damages were minimal and mainly were on sections that treated by single bituminous surface treatment (SBST).Please see the related photos below:

NR73 – AT „T‟ Junction With Road 308


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NR2714 at PK 163+800

NR2714 at PK 162+850

Road flooded PK139+000 to PK142+000 (NR7)

Road flooded PK139+000 to PK142+000 (NR7)

The flood damage repair under 3 supplementary contract agreements for NR7.1, NR73 and NR71/PR2714 where implemented for detailed report please refer to the related section of this report.

2.1.13. New Land Developments Adjacent to National Roads- Problems & Solution

This report is to draw the attention of MPWT to the necessity of control of land developments

and changes of land use (I) within Right of Way (ROW); that the land belongs to MPWT, (ii)

on the land adjacent to the road corridor with common boundary with ROW limits on both


Currently who ever wishes can provide some volume of soil and start filling up the low land

adjacent to the side slope of embankment fill as well as side ditches, without any

coordination with MPWT. This action has created the following problems for asset

management of road network:

- Disturbance during haulage – spilling dirt on the pavement create slippery condition

this causes accident.

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- Filling up the drainage system of roadway, the water stranded in pavement layers

destroy the asphaltic wearing courses, creates big potholes and dangerous condition

that may cause fatal accidents.

- Construction of new building or paved area (i.e. fuel stations that increase the volume

of runoff 10 to 50 times more, they make these wide impervious areas above the road

level. Also wrongly, instead to drain the backside of the developed land towards the

near low land, direct the flow and collect it all toward the frontage and a huge volume of

water is sent to roadway unnecessarily.

Due to the above mentioned problems many technical, drainage and contractual problems

have been imposed upon RAMP during maintenance work in 2011, 2012 on NR1, NR5,

NR7, NR71/PR2714, and NR11. For example the new pavement repairs and sealed on

many section of NR7 were destroyed due to the same problem. When before rainy season

the Contractor had proceeded to open side ditch for drainage the occupants of the ROW or

adjacent properties/lands prevented them of excavation of side drainage ditch within MPWT

lands (ROW), the Provincial DPW did not assist the Contractor to carry out the necessary

drainage need.

To minimize the current problem and to prevent a much bigger problems for drainage of road

system in future it is recommended that MPWT with coordination with other RGC units shall

put an end to this problem and by introducing a procedure for issuing permission for land

development including:

- Access to the road without disturbing the side slope, side ditch or occupying the ROW

that is property of MPWT

- Payment for land they occupy temporarily for making driveway between the boundary

of their land (ROW Limit) and shoulder of the road. Obligation to follow MPWT standard

and construct or pay for the widening of entry and exist as well as the covered side

ditch at drive way. Commitment to return the land back to MPWT for road widening in


- Provision of an appropriate drainage system for inside the property that is not drained

into the roadway or its related drainage system.

This is to inform MPWT of the adverse effects of noncompliance with necessary

development regulation hopefully by enforcing the existing regulation and introducing

additional regulations and procedural steps for issuing development approvals for their

access to the road network, these problems will be reduced and minimized soon.

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Chapter 3 - Consultant/Engineer‟s Services

3.1. Progress Status

3.1.1. Mobilization

Engineer‟s team started their delivery of services on 21st February 2011. On 1st March,

2011 by transferring 5 site supervisor from WSA – VIDO to Egis International / VIDO

full team mobilization completed. By start of NR5-2 on 1st April, 2011, the arrangement

was made to mobilize the Resident Engineer for NR5.1 & 2; on 18th April 2011 the RE

started his work on the project.

Variation Nº1 to Consultancy Contract for adjustment of staffing schedule has been

proposed and after review and confirmation by IDA, approved by Employer. This

adjustment carried out within contract amount with additional fund. During the review

mission in December 2012 the EOT for RAMP project to 30th June 2014 was endorsed,

consequently the Employer advised the Consultant for preparation of revised staffing

schedule to match with updated implementation of year 4 program. As the initial

contract time for consultancy services (47 months) will not be expired to 30th June

2014, there is no need for EOT for Consultant. After obtaining NOL from IDA the

variation No. 2 was signed and issued.

The details of staffing are shown in table below:

Nº Name Position Mobilized Demobilized/Remark


1 Mehdi Hakami Team Leader 21-Feb11 -


1 Sea Sochivoan Assistant Team Leader 14-Mar-12 -

2 Soeng Hun Office Engineer 09-May-11 -

3 Ork Dara Soils/Pavement and Engineer (NR7.1/NR2)

(2-Feb-12) -

4 Oung Kimchheng

(Ty Sopheak)

Quality Control Engineer #2

(NR73) 1-Mar-11 -

5 Ham Madé Quality Control Engineer #7

(NR11) 19- Mar-12 -

6 AY Sokha Quantity/Site Engineer #3

(NR7.2/NR72/NR7.3) 4-Jul-12 -

7 Sam Savoun Environmental Specialist 17-Jul-13 -

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Nº Name Position Mobilized Demobilized/Remark

8 Sour Tola Lab Technician 1-August-13 -

9 Thai Phanné Administrative/Secretary 11-Jul-12 -

3.1.2. Consultant‟s activities during this period:

Following 33 months, successful deliveries of services, which have been recorded and reported, vide Inception Report, MPR‟s and QPR‟s. Engineer continued his efforts for Maintenance Construction Supervision of AWP 1, 2, 3 & 4. The Maintenance Construction Supervision with monitoring/supervisory role of Consultant (Engineer) parallel with the progress of Contractors continued. Supervision team coordinated with Contractors to complete re-condition survey and adopting appropriate repair methodology for each type of defect/damage in NR5.1 & 2, NR1 (Lot 1 & 2), NR7.1, NR73, NR7.2 & NR72, NR71 & PR2714, NR7.3 and NR2. The final work of NR5-1 was monitored, the problems were analysed and appropriate technical/contractual solutions after the approval of Employer were implemented very efficiently. The Maintenance Construction Supervision Manual (MCSM) after approval by competent authorities is was published as a Guide for MPWT‟s Project Managers and Consultants. The translation of MCSM was completed.

The delivered services are:

o Acted as Engineer (Project Manager under modified GCC introduced by IPA for IDA funded contracts) and assisted MPWT to administer the execution of the maintenance construction contracts NR5.1 & 2, NR1 (Lot 1 & 2), NR 73, NR7.1, NR7.2 & NR72, NR 71 & PR 2714, NR11, NR7.3 and NR2 (totally 11 packages) in accordance with the condition of contact.

o Provided information for the Contractor (NR1, NR5.1, NR5.2, NR7.1, NR73, NR7.2 & NR72, NR71 & PR2714, NR11, NR2 and NR7.3) to set out the works and checked the correctness of set out. As the design of maintenance works was out of date. The Consultant had to set up a joint team and prepared a detailed updated condition survey to identify the damaged/defective sections, determine the type of repair and produce a new mapping for each defective type & section.

o Reviewed and approved the Contractor work proposals, method statements, working drawings, proposed materials, traffic management plans, advised modifications and approved Contractor‟s proposals.

o Checked/advised the Contractor for correction, reviewed and approved the Contractor‟s work program and monitored it to ensure and adherence to the maintenance construction schedule, inspected and supervised day to day activities of routine and periodic maintenance activities of the Contractors

o Introduced/assisted the Contractor to set up the measurement system for Interim Payment Certificates and verified such certificates.

o Made recommendation to Employer on Contractor‟s requests for special cases, which was necessary to resolve various problems obstructed the smooth progress of works.

o Reviewed and made recommendation to Employer on Contractor‟s contractual requests for Advance Payment, approval of EOT and extension of securities before expiration date.

o Fixing new price for material on site to ease Contractor‟s financial problem

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o Checked, corrected and made recommendation to Employer for revised BOQ & Variation Orders for NR5-1, NR5-2, NR1(Lot1&2), NR73 and NR71&2714.

o Change the design arrangement of 0.5 m laterite soil shoulder that had caused excessive dust, slowdown of construction and pollution of base material.

o Supervised the day to day operation and maintenance activities of the Contractor to ensure quality of workmanship and compliance with Technical Specification

o Supervised the Environmental and Social Safeguard aspects of the contracts to ensure compliance with the Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework of the Projects

o Supervised the road tests in the field and the laboratory in Phnom Penh, reviewed, analysed and justified the results.

o Maintain detailed daily diaries, photographs, held site meetings and management meeting with Contractor and Employer prepared and issued Minutes Of Meetings.

o Implemented the QAP, issued NCR for non-conforming works to Contractor.

o Prepared, Maintenance Construction Supervision Manual, Inception Report, Monthly and Quarterly progress reports for each contract

o Carried out final inspections of the works and issued the Taking-Over Certificate for NR5.1, NR1 (Lot1&2), NR5.2 and NR7.1, NR73, NR71&PR2714; NR7.2/72 Year 1, 2 and 3 civil work contracts.

o Issued the Performance Certificate (end of Liability Period) and Final Bill of NR5-1, NR1 (Lot 1&2) and NR5.2.

o Prepared Completion reports for NR5.1, NR5.2 and NR1 completed civil work contracts.

3.2. Program for the next month

Continuation of the above activities and services outlined in TOR as required for each civil contract.

3.3. Encountered administrative, technical or financial problems

During maintenance construction supervision activities, monitoring of civil work contracts, various administrative, contractual and technical problems were identified and detected as is the duty of Engineer. The problem in each case attended timely, solution was introduced for each case and after consultation with the Employer and Contractor, the agreed solution was officially implemented or recommended to the Employer for approval before implementation.

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3.3.1. Organization chart

Team Leader / Engineer’s Representative

(Mehdi HAKAMI)

The Engineer

EGIS International

Office Engineer: Mr SOENG Hun

Administrative Officer/Secretary: Mrs. Thai Phanné

Environmental and Social Specialist

Mrs. Sam Savoun

On-Call Specialist/ Out-sourcing

Specialist RAMP MSC Activities

and Tasks


Liability Period


Liability Period



ARE/Site Eng.

AY Sokha


Liability Period


Liability Period



ARE/Site Eng. HAM Madé





NR1 (Lot 1&2)


NR2 (Year 4)


Ast. TL/RE Sea Sochivoan

ARE/Site Eng. (Ork Dara)

Site Engineer #2 Kim Chheng

QS/Lab Tech.

Mr Sour Tola

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3.4. Financial Status

3.4.1. Contract Price and Variations

Original approved Contract price is $ 1,177,175.00 & € 545,200

After Variation No.1 the total amount of contract became is $1,335,690 &€ 469,103.

3.4.2. Receivable and Disbursements

Submitted Invoice and Disbursements is recorded in table below:

Invoice Amount


EURO € 54,520.00 Paid on 06-Sep-11

US$ $ 117,717.00 Paid on 06-Jun-11

EURO € 5,927.63 Paid on 23-Jun-11

US$ $ 3,481.33 Paid on 10-Jun-11

EURO € 10,960.00 Paid on 23-Jun-11

US$ $ 21,491.73 Paid on 10-Jun-11

EURO € 17,921.91 Paid on 22-Jul-11

US$ $ 39,158.47 Paid on 25-Jul-11

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 17-Jun-11

US$ $ 29,968.00 Paid on 17-Jun-11

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 29-Aug-11

US$ $ 29,520.00 Paid on 29-Aug-11

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 22-Sep-11

US$ $ 29,445.00 Paid on 22-Sep-11

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 14-Nov-11

US$ $ 32,574.00 Paid on 08-Nov-11

EURO € 8,238.38 Paid on 28-Nov-11

US$ $ 27,868.00 Paid on 26-Jan-12

EURO € 1,600.00 Paid on 28-Jan-12

US$ $ 24,194.67 Paid on 14-Feb-12

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 14-Feb-12

US$ $ 26,038.00 Paid on 14-Feb-12

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 17-Feb-12

US$ $ 30,216.00 Paid on 17-Feb-12

EURO € 10,300.00 Paid on 05-Jun-12

US$ $ 32,775.33 Paid on 22-May-12

EURO € 10,706.84 Paid on 05-Jun-12

US$ $ 37,037.82 Paid on 22-May-12

EURO € 10,716.86 Paid on 05-Jul-12

US$ $ 40,439.41 Paid on 05-Jul-12

EURO € 7,007.32 Paid on 05-Jul-12

US$ $ 37,188.99 Paid on 05-Jul-12

EURO € 10,132.06 Paid 03-Aug-12

US$ $ 42,976.20 Paid 05-Jul-12


Dec., 2011





7 July, 2011 01-Aug-11



August, 2011 05-Sep-11











3 March, 2011

April, 2011 11-May-11



June, 2011 01-Jul-11


May, 2011 06-Jun-11

Sep., 2011

Oct., 2011 08-Nov-11


17 May, 2012 04-May-12


11 Nov., 2011 06-Dec-11


Jan., 201213

16 April, 2012 04-May-12

14 Feb., 2012 06-Mar-12

15 Mar., 2012 06-Apr-12

Payment StatusCurrencyFunding



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Invoice Amount


EURO € 10,865.83 paid on 03-Aug-12

US$ $ 43,591.61 paid on 31-Jul-12

EURO € 10,873.34 paid on 29-Oct-12

US$ $ 43,548.85 paid on 24-Oct-12

EURO € 10,679.48 paid on 29-Oct-12

US$ $ 43,443.69 paid on 24-Oct-12

EURO € 14,300.88 paid on 28-Dec-12

US$ $ 50,714.70 paid on 21-Dec-12

EURO € 14,264.57 paid on 06-Dec-12

US$ $ 51,346.60 paid on 16-Dec-12

EURO € 14,294.62 paid on 28-Jan-13

US$ $ 46,392.67 paid 27-Feb-13

EURO € 14,269.58 paid on 05-Mar-13

US$ $ 46,493.09 paid on 06-Mar-13

EURO € 14,322.16 paid on 12-Mar-13

US$ $ 47,840.01 paid 21-Mar-13

EURO € 14,936.91 paid on 29-May-13

US$ $ 37,968.72 paid on 26-Apr-13

EURO € 14,277.26 paid on 29-May-13

US$ $ 43,705.46 paid on 26-Apr-13

EURO € 14,277.26 paid on 12-Jun-13

US$ $ 40,569.94 paid on 12-Jun-13

EURO € 14,277.26 paid on 25-Jun-13

US$ $ 39,053.60 paid -

EURO € 14,277.26 paid on 6-Aug-13

US$ $ 31,640.67 paid on 7-Aug-13

EURO € 14,277.26 paid on 7-Nov-13

US$ $ 39,468.98 paid on 4-Nov-13

EURO € 14,277.26 paid on 7-Nov-13

US$ $ 28,310.26 paid on 4-Nov-13

EURO € 15,909.92 paid -

US$ $ 32,406.88 paid -

EURO € 14,277.26 Outstanding

US$ $ 30,070.72 Outstanding

EURO € 14,277.26 Outstanding

US$ $ 22,696.60 Outstanding

EURO € 14,277.26 Outstanding

US$ $ 17,505.33 Outstanding

Paid $ 430,211.85

Outstanding $ 42,831.78

Paid $ 1,268,585.68

Outstanding $ 70,272.65

Payment Status

27 March, 2013 03-Apr-13







20 August, 2012







28 April, 2013 09-May-13

$ 1,338,858.33



30 July, 2013 06-Aug-13

29 May, 2013


July, 2012



€ 473,043.63











18 June, 2012 04-Jun-12








31 August, 2013 06-Sep-13





29 June, 2013 08-Jul-13

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3.5. Quality Control

It‟s the major service of the Engineer to ensure the quality of work done by the Contractor, a close day to day supervision and checking of quality was carried out by the Engineer‟s team. Engineer has set up the QAP for controlling the quality by carrying out all the required testing and sampling as per specification requirements and all these works were recorded in QAP forms (Summary Test Results, RFI, Site Instruction, Non-Compliance…). QC/QA Table for each Civil Work Contract is showing their related Chapter in this report.

3.6. Safeguard Compliance

The environment and social impacts of the project was identified in the Environment and Social Safeguard Framework (ESSF) and the mitigation measures of these impacts have been addressed through Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that is prepared and submitted to MPWT/RAMP before commencement of each civil work by contractor.

EMP is included in technical bidding document as part of contract agreement. The protection and enhancement of human-wellbeing is a common demonstrator for both government and donors systems and can be seen as ultimate goal of sustainable development. The Construction Supervision Consultants play a vital role in ensuring that the environmental and social impacts for implementation of the construction works are minimized and that all aspects of the Environmental Management Plan (specified in Technical Specifications) are implemented and provided assistance to mitigate and manage any unforeseen environmental problems associated with the road construction activities.

RAMP projects are mainly focus on repair work and no widening of existing road. Thus there are not much impacts anticipated in this type of project. However, the ESS pays particular attention to this area and advices the contractor accordingly that the proper procedure to be followed and the necessary permits to be obtained before commencement of work.

The ESS made numerous site visits every month and under guidance by SEO, RAMP PD and TL effectively attended to the important tasks outlined in the Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework of RAMP. The ESS also meets with local/community people living along the national road where the road project traverse to discuss social issues or environmental problems or other social related issue/ concerns. All issues or concerns will be discussed with TL and project director (PD) before further implementation of the road maintenance activity.

The protection and enhancement of human-wellbeing is a common demonstrator for both government and donors system and can be seen as ultimate goal of sustainable development. The Construction Supervision Consultants play a vital role in ensuring that the environmental and social impacts for implementation of the construction works are minimized and that all aspects of the Environmental Management Plan (specified in technical specifications) are implemented and provided assistance to mitigate and manage any unforeseen environmental problems associated with the RAMP project.

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34, Chapter 3 -Consultant/Engineer’s Services

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The ESS/RE/ATL will pay particular attention to this area and advise the contractor accordingly as to the proper procedure to be followed and the necessary permits which have to be obtained before commencement of work. The ESS made numerous site visits every month and under guidance by SEO, RAMP PD and TL effectively attended to the important tasks outlined in the Environmental and Social Safe Guard Framework of RAMP. The ESS also meets with local/community people living along the national road where the road project traverse to discuss issues or environmental problem or other social related issue/concern. All issues or concerns will be discussed with TL and PD before further implementation of the road maintenance activity.

The ESS/RE/ATL visited NR2, NR11, NR7.1, NR7.2 and NR7.3 to investigate on environment and social related issue.

Also Consultant‟s ESS assisted RAMP Management team on preparation of Environmental Social Safeguard required for loan application for RAMP additional financing proposal.

Following are the site observations and discussions during the visits.

It is observed that there is no environmental and social impact in the project area according to site investigation in this quarter.

Generally, however, all road projects are limited to only repair on the existing paved road and not widening or cause resettlement. It is concluded that the maintenance activities in every road sections cause no adverse environmental and social impact on lands or communities in the area.

3.7. Other Related Issues

3.7.1. Problems and Solutions

The details of problems of each contract, during this period are shown in their related sections.

3.7.2. Preparation for Donors Missions

The Consultant prepared a comprehensive special progress reports for 2 separate review missions joint mission ADB and AusAID from 25 – 30 October 2013 and IDA from 4 – 8th November 2013, also a presentation displayed for both missions about the Environment Social Safeguard Monitoring activities over maintenance works.

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Chapter 5 -NR1-Lot 1&2 (Completed)

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Chapter 4 - NR5-1(Completed)

4.1. General Contract Data

Contract No.: CW-AW-1.1

Donors Asia Development Bank (ADB) and AusAID Loan Nº2406-CAM (SF)

Fund Portion: ADB (52.3%), AusAID (40.9%) and RGC (6.8%)

Contract Name: Maintenance of National Road No. 5

Length and Section: 87.2 km (from PK3+900 to PK91+100)

Contractor: China Guangdong Provincial ChangDa Highway Engineering Co., Ltd (CGCD) in joint venture with PHV Corporation Co, Ltd.

MSC Consultant: Egis International / VIDO-WSA up to Feb 2011

Letter of Acceptance issued 16th December 2009

Contract Agreement signed 05th February 2010

Commencement Date: 01st June 2010

Construction Period: Initial 365 days + 30 days (Extension Of Time)

Completion Date: 30th June 2011

Liability Period: 365 days

Performance Certificate issued on: 30th July 2012

Original Contract Amount: US$ 1,758,973.53

Variation Orders Nº1 - 4: US$ 3,209,016.80

Final Contract price including VO‟s US$ 4,967,990.33

Final Payment Certificate issued on 31st July 2012,

Certified Amount: US$ 4,959,360.04 (Fully Paid)

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4.2. Project Location Map

4.3. Summary

The Contractor Gangdong Provincial Chanda Highway Engineering Co., Ltd in JV with PHV Cooperation who had started the works on 1st June 2010 successfully executed the initial Contract and its 4 variation orders (Totally $4.9 Million), the whole works completed on 30th June 2012.

The Performance Certificate (at the end of Liability Period) and the Final Payment Certificate were issued on 30th July 2012 and 31st July 2012 respectively and the contract package concluded successfully. Only one-month extension of time granted for this contract package.

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Chapter 5 - NR1-Lot 1&2 (Completed)

5.1. General Contract Data

Contract Nº RAMP-CKP-W-ICB002-Lot1 & Lot2

Donor World Bank (IDA Credit Nº 4442 – KH))

Contract Name Road Maintenance of National Road Nº 1-Lot1/Lot2

Length and Section 96.2 km (from PK69+200 to PK100+000, Lot1 and from PK100+000 to PK165+400, Lot2)

Contractor Visvakam Samnang Construction Co., Ltd

MSC Consultant Egis International/VIDO Engineering Consultant

Letter Acceptance issued 16th November 2010

Contract Agreement signed 02nd December 2010

Commencement Date 16th December 2010

Construction Period 365 days

Initial Completion Date 15th December 2011

Completion Certificate issued on 17th July 2012

Defect Liability Certificate issued on 16th July 2013

Liability Period 365 days

End of Liability Period 17thJuly 2013

Liability Certificate issued on 6th August 2013

Initial Contract Amount US$ 1,566,915.26(Lot1), US$ 1,651,977.23 (Lot2)

Performance Guarantee 10%

Advance Payment (15%) Fully repaid

Variation Order No.1 USD 0.493 million-Lot1 and USD 0.859million-Lot2, Total (Lot1+Lot2) is USD 1,353,103.00

Final Contract Price incl. VO‟s USD 2,060,124.45 (Lot1) & USD 2,508,266.28(Lot2)

Final Payment Certificate on 9th July 2013

Final Amount US$ 2,059,011.52 & US$ 2,507,953.30

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5.1.1. Project Location Map

5.2. Summary

The Contractor Visvakam Samnang, a Cambodian company started the works in December 2010 and completed both lots on 17th July 2012 successfully executed the initial contract and its variation order (totally $ 1.353 million), the whole works of both lots including Variation Orders completed by 17th July 2012. The contract period for Lot1 and Lot2 based on the review of the works, were extended in accordance with the contract condition.

The Liability Certificate at the end of Defect Liability Period issued on 6th August 2013 and the final payment was certified on 9th July 2013.

Financial Status – IPC/Final payments: All IPC‟s, final payment have been paid by IDA through the Ministry of Economic and Finance (MEF), some delays due to slow interdepartmental payment process, were observed. The final account (Final Bill) certified on 10th July 2013 and paid on 13 August 2013.

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34,

Chapter 6 -NR5-2

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Chapter 6 - NR5-2 (Completed)

6.1. General Contract Data

Contract Nº RAMP-CW-AWP-2.1

Contract Name Maintenance of National Road Nº 5

Donors ADB, AusAID and OFID

Fund Portion: ADB (13.70%), AusAID (35.95%), OFID (38.60%) and RGC (11.75%)

Length and Section 79.8 km (from 91+100 to 170+900)

Contractor Se Young Construction Co., Ltd

MSC Consultant Egis International - VIDO

Letter of Acceptance 28th February 2011

Contract Agreement signed 11th March 2011

Commencement Date 01st April 2011

Contract Period 365 days (12 months period)

Initial Completion Date: 31st March 2012

Completion Date: 31st August 2012

Extension of Time: 5 months

Liability Period 365 days

End of Liability Period: 30th August 2013

Original Contract Amount: US$ 3,759,041.60

VO Nº1 – 3 US$ 840,232.14

Final Contract Price incl. VO‟s US$ 4,559,271.32

SAC/Final Payment Certificate issued on 12th August 2013

Certified Amount US$ 4,559,271.32

Performance Certificate issued on 4th September 2013

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Chapter 6 -NR5-2

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6.2. Project Location Map

6.3. Summary

This contract package that is continuation of NR5.1 starts from PK 91+100 (Kampong Chhnang City) to PK 170+900 in Pursat Province.

The Contractor was Se Yong (Korean) – The civil work contract was signed on 11th March 2011 and commenced on 1st April 2011. The work substantially completed on 31st August 2012.

The maintenance works substantially completed on 31st August 2012, the Defect Notification Period expired by end of August 2013, the Performance Certificate was issued on 4th September 2013.

This section of NR5 between Kampong Chhnang (PK91+100) to Krakor (PK170+900) stretches along Tonle Sap Lake. This is the nearest road to the edge of the lake. During wet season, the lake surface area increases from 2,500 sq.km to 16,000 sq.km. This stretch of road is exposed to runoff and flood from high land as well as the raised water level of lake that covers both sides of this road for couple of months. Due to these phenomena, the sustainable road within fringe of Tonlé Sap Lake; shall be constructed appropriately with higher embankment and sufficient drainage system to withstand the annual flooding and saturation.

The existing NR5.2 (PK91+100-PK170+900) with shallow embankment, lack of drainage system are exposed to the annual flood, washout and base saturation, suffers of extensive damages, heavy potholes and serious disturbance for couple of months every year that requires time and hefty expenses for repair and maintenance of the road. Contractor had to attend to the repair that potholes during and after rainy season in 2011 and 2012.

After implementation of repair works for strengthening of the pavement structure and repairing the base course failures, due to annual flood, the works handed over to DPWT on 1st June 2013.

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Chapter 6 -NR5-2

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6.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements

IPC Amount


$ 521,488.77 ADB (13.70%) Paid on 23-Apr-13

$ 1,556,853.34 AusAID (40.90%) Paid on 23-Apr-13

$ 1,469,304.13 OFID (38.60%) Paid on 6-May-13

$ 258,841.14 RGC (6.80%) Paid on 9-Jun-13

$ 59,112.69 ADB (13.70%) Paid on 6-Aug-13

$ 111,238.66 AusAID (25.78%) Paid on6-Aug-13 (partial)

111,238.65 only

$ 166,551.09 OFID (38.60%) Paid on 23-Aug-13

$ 94,577.07 RGC (21.92%) Paid on

$ 17,350.13 ADB (13.21%) Paid on 16-Jan-14

$ - AusAID (0.00%)

$ 92,871.12 OFID (70.71%) Paid on23-Jan-14 (partial)

50,697.57 (38.6%)

$ 21,119.61 RGC (16.08%) Paid on

$ 30,378.19 ADB (13.21%) Paid on 16-Jan-14

$ - AusAID (0.00%)

$ 162,607.24 OFID (70.71%)

$ 36,978.14 RGC (16.08) Paid on

Paid $ 628,329.78

Outsta. $ -

Paid $ 1,668,092.00

Outsta. $ -

Paid $ 1,775,318.73

Outsta. $ 116,014.85

Paid $ 411,515.96

Outsta. $ -

$ 4,483,256.47

$ 116,014.85

$ 4,599,271.32 Total

Portion Amount



Funding Agency Payment Condition

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC)









Paid Total =

Outstanding Total =

$ 628,329.78

$ 1,668,092.00

$ 1,891,333.58

$ 411,515.96


$88,765.94 paid on 22-Dec-13


IPC No.8 3-May-13 17-May-13 $ 431,479.51

2nd Haft of

Retention Money6-Sep-13 30-Oct-13 $ 229,963.57

Final Payment 3-May-13 17-May-13 $ 131,340.85

IPC No.1 - IPC Nº7

(100%)- - $ 3,806,487.39

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Chapter 7 - NR7-1 (Liability Period)

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Chapter 7 - NR7-1 (Liability Period)

7.1. General Contract Data (Liability Period)

Contract No: RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W003

Contract Name: Maintenance of National Road No. 7-1

Length and Section: 84 Km (from 75+000 to 159+000)

Contractor: LY CHHUONG Construction& Import Export Co., Ltd

Donors: IDA (International Development Agency)

MSC Consultant: Egis International / VIDO Engineering Consultant

Contract agreement signed 17th October 2011

Commencement Date: 20th October 2011

Initial Contract Period: 365 days

Initial Completion Date: 19th October 2012

Completion Certificate dated 16th January 2013

End of Liability Period 15th January 2013

Accepted Contract Amount: US$ 7,196,168.00

Additional work (flood damage) US$ 47,831.09

Expected Final Contract amount US$ 7,243,999.00

Performance Security: 10% (fully paid)

Advance Payment: 10% (fully paid)

Physical Progress: 100%

Flood Damage Phy. Progress: Completed

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Chapter 7 - NR7-1 (Liability Period)

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7.1.1. Project Location Map

7.2. Progress Status (Liability Period)

This maintenance work starts at PK75+000 on National Road Nº6, the roundabout at Skun that is the starting point of National Road Nº7 (NR7).

The maintenance works substantially completed on 16th January 2012 Contractor besides his duties during Liability Period had to repair the new defects mainly due to lack of appropriate drainage system in urban area as well as new developments. The last repair works between PK 140 to PK 156 that in many section the flowing water over carriageway that annually causes flood damage, have been completed in this month. It is scheduled this road to be handed over to DPWT for operation and routine maintenance by 31st August 2013. Please see paragraph 2.1.5 of Executive Summary for further explanation.

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Chapter 7 - NR7-1 (Liability Period)

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January 2014 Page 38

7.3. Financial Status

7.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements

The Interim Payment Certificates and disbursements during this period are mentioned below:

Advance Payment 4-Nov-11 4-Nov-11 $ 719,616.80 Paid on 13-Dec-11

IPC Nº1 11-Apr-12 19-Apr-12 $ 184,618.72 Paid on 07-Jun-12

IPC Nº2 4-Jun-12 4-Jun-12 $ 1,081,494.14 Paid on 06-Jul-12

IPC Nº3 29-Jun-12 2-Jul-12 $ 841,312.95 Paid on 01-Aug-12

IPC Nº4 29-Jul-12 2-Aug-12 $ 822,090.52 Paid on 04-Sep-12

IPC Nº5 29-Aug-12 30-Aug-12 $ 1,165,964.79 Paid on 25-Sep-12

IPC Nº6 25-Oct-12 26-Oct-12 $ 427,588.07 Paid on 21-Dec-12

IPC Nº7 24-Dec-12 25-Dec-12 $ 393,035.78 Paid on 18-Jan-13

IPC Nº8 4-Mar-13 20-Mar-13 $ 333,279.42 Paid on 18-Apr-13

IPC Nº9 29-Jul-13 1-Aug-13 $ 292,173.50 Paid on 03-Sep-13

1st-Half Retention 9-Aug-13 9-Aug-13 $ 334,388.96 Paid on 16-Aug-13

IPC Nº10 8-Nov-13 5-Nov-13 $ 202,836.81 Paid on 03-Dec-13

2nd-Half Retention 31-Oct-13 9-Dec-13 $ 334,388.96 Paid on 02-Jan-13

Paid $ 7,132,789.42

Outst. $ -

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) Disbursements





Portion Amount



AgencyPayment Condition

TOTAL IPC’s $ 7,132,789.42 IDA


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Chapter 8 - NR73 (Liability Period)

8.1. General Contract Data

Package Nº RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W004

Contract Name Maintenance of National Road Nº 73

Length and Section 58 km (from 158+600 to 216+600)

Contractor Visvakam Samnang Construction Co., Ltd. (VSC)

Donors World Bank (IDA Nº44420-KH)

MSC Consultant Egis International / VIDO Engineering Consultant

Letter of Acceptance issued 26th August 2011

Contract agreement signed 9th September 2011

Commencement date 23rd September 2011

Contract Period 365 days

Initial Completion date 22rd September 2012

Completion Certificate issued 11thJuly 2013

Accepted Contract Amount US$ 1,963,307.69

VO Nº1 award Date 14th March 2013

Variation Order Nº1 Amount US$ 414,909.18

Revised Contract Amount US$ 2,378,216.87

Final IPC issued on 30th October 2013

Final IPC amount US$ 2,378,196.79

Performance Security 10%

Advance Payment 10%

Physical Progress 100%

Financial Progress (Certified/Paid) 100% (5% against On-demand Bank Guarantee)

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8.1.1. Project Location Map

8.2. Progress Status

National Road NR73 (NR73) starts at junction with National Road Nº 7 at PK158+600. The maintenance works substantially completed on 11th July 2013, during Liability Period Contractor is responsible for rectification of identified defects on his own repair works. It is scheduled this package to be handed over to DPWT‟s of Kampong Cham and Kratie for operation and maintenance on 31st August 2013. Please see Paragraph 2.1.6 of Executive Summary for background. The payment records also is given below

8.3. Financial Status

8.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements

IPC Amount


Advanced. Payment21-Nov-11 21-Nov-11 $ 196,330.77 Paid on 13-Dec-11

IPC No.1 30-Apr-12 02-May-12 $ 212,001.10 Paid on 26-Jun-12

IPC No.2 25-Jul-12 26-Jul-12 $ 236,170.45 Paid on 05-Sep-12

IPC No.3 25-Sep-12 27-Sep-12 $ 439,929.24 Paid on 02-Nov-12

IPC No.4 28-Jan-13 28-Jan-13 $ 299,390.38 Paid on 22-Feb-13

IPC No.5 22-May-13 23-May-13 $ 332,961.22 Paid on 10-Jul-13

IPC No.6 17-Jul-13 22-Jul-13 $ 309,580.06 Paid on 2-Oct-13

1st Half Retentiom 06-Sep-13 12-Sep-13 $ 112,575.73 Paid on 12-Oct-13

Final IPC 18-Sep-13 30-Oct-13 $ 120,348.00 Paid on 8-Nov-13

2nd Half Retentiom 02-Dec-13 09-Dec-13 $ 118,909.84 Paid on 6-Jan-13

Paid $ 2,259,286.95

Outstanding $ 118,909.84

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) Disbursement

IPC No.Date





AgencyPayment Condition

$ 2,378,196.79 IDATotal=


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Chapter 9 - NR7&NR72 (Liability Period)

9.1. General Contract Data

Package No: RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W005

Contract Name: Maintenance of National Road No.7&NR72

Length and Section: 108.67 km (from 159+000 to 254+300 and from PK 179+530 to PK 192+900)

Contractor: Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (BEC)

Donors: World Bank (IDA Nº44420-KH)

MSC Consultant: Egis International / VIDO

Letter of Acceptance issued: 16th November 2011

Contract agreement signed: 25th November 2011

Commencement date: 14th December 2011

Contract Period: 365 days

Initial Completion Date: 13rd December, 2012

Completion Certificate: 2nd July 2013

Accepted Contract Amount: US$ 3,764,058.34

Performance Security: 10%

Advance Payment: 10%

Physical Progress: 97.63%

Financial Progress: 92.95%

9.1.1. Project Location Map

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9.2. Progress Status

This contract package that is located in Kampong Cham Province contains 2 roads;

National Road Nº7.2 (NR7.2) from PK159+000 to PK254+300, length 95.30 Km and

National Road Nº72 from PK179+530 (Junction with NR7.2) to PK 192+900 the border

crossing station to Vietnam.

The maintenance works substantially completed on 2nd July 2013, except for minor outstanding works i.e. minor pavement repair, kilometre marker and line marking that during last month the pavement repair and line marking completed and it is expected the installation of KM stones to be completed soon. It is scheduled this package to be handed over to DPWT‟s of Kampong Cham and Kratie for operation and maintenance on 31st August 2013. Please see Paragraph 2.1.7 of Executive Summary for background. The payment records also is given below

9.3. Financial Status

9.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements

IPC Amount


Advanced. Payment 05-Jan-12 06-Jan-12 $ 376,405.83 Paid on 31-Jan-12

IPC No.1 28-Mar-12 06-Apr-12 $ 223,507.00 Paid on 27-Apr-12

IPC No.2 14-Jun-12 14-Jun-12 $ 225,163.87 Paid on 2-Jul-12

IPC No.3 27-Jul-12 10-Aug-12 $ 258,859.32 Paid on 7-Sep-12

IPC No.4 05-Sep-12 07-Sep-12 $ 317,268.83 Paid on 5-Oct-12

IPC No.5 08-Oct-12 12-Oct-12 $ 100,168.02 Paid on 5-Dec-12

IPC No.6 03-Dec-12 14-Dec-12 $ 252,769.70 Paid on 18-Jan-13

IPC No.7 14-Jan-13 21-Jan-13 $ 188,872.11 Paid on 19-Feb-13

IPC No.8 13-Feb-13 19-Feb-13 $ 269,122.00 Paid on 22-Mar-13

IPC No.9 11-Mar-13 20-Mar-13 $ 117,400.59 Paid on 18-Apr-13

IPC No.10 29-Apr-13 02-May-13 $ 173,728.70 Paid on 7-Jun-13

IPC No.11 03-Jun-13 25-Jun-13 $ 199,347.41 Paid on 22-Jul-13

IPC No.12 19-Jul-13 23-Jul-13 $ 225,607.50 Paid on 20-Aug-13

IPC No.13 21-Oct-13 28-Oct-13 $ 220,601.01 Paid on 3-Dec-13

1st Half Retention

(IPC Nº 14)20-Nov-13 26-Nov-13 $ 174,934.60 Paid on 23-Dec-13

Paid $ 3,323,756.49

Outst. $ -

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) Disbursement






AgencyPayment Condition

$ 3,323,756.49 IDA


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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34 Chapter 10 -NR71&PR2714

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Chapter 10 - NR71&PR2714 (Liability Period)

10.1. General Contract Data

Package No: RAMP-CKP2011-ICB-W006

Contract Name: Maintenance of National Road No. 71 & PR2714

Length and Section: No. 71 (31.178 km, PK105+822-PK137+000) & PR2714 (31.853 km, PK 136+284 -PK 168+137)

Contractor: Kuy Leang Ky Construction Trading Group Co., Ltd

Donors: World Bank (IDA Nº44420-KH)

MSC Consultant: Egis International / VIDO Engineering Consultant

Acceptance Letter issued on 14th November 2011

Contract Agreement signed on 25th November 2011

Commencement date: 14th December 2011

Initial Contract Period: 365 days

Initial Completion Date: 13th December 2012

Completion Certificate 23rd June 2013

Substantial Completion Date: 23th June, 2013

Initial Contract Amount: US$ 2,431,676.30

Revised BOQ: US$ 2,647,639.67

Variation Order Nº1 US$ 215,963.37

Performance Security: 10%

Advance Payment: 10%

Physical Progress: 100%

Financial Progress (Certified): 92.17%

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10.1.1. Project Location Map

10.2. Progress Status

This contract package that is located in Kampong Cham Province, contains 2 road sections:

i. National Road Nº71 (NR71) that begins at junction with National Road Nº7.1 at PK105+822 and end at PK140+000 (initially up to PK 137+000) length 34.17Km.

ii. Provincial Road Nº2714 (PR2714) that starts at junction with NR71 at PK136+284 and ends at PK 168+137 the Mekong riverside street in Stoeng Trang.

The maintenance works substantially completed on 23rd June 2013. Contractor has completed the rectification of defects and made it ready to be handed over to DPWT at the end of this month. Please see Paragraph 2.1.8 of Executive Summary for background. The payment records also is given below

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January 2014 Page 45

10.3. Financial Status

10.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements

IPC Amount


Advanced. Payment 06-Dec-11 06-Dec-11 $ 243,167.63

IPC No.1 10-Apr-12 19-Apr-12 $ 84,327.66

IPC No.2 (75%) 04-Jul-12 12-Jul-12 $ 363,154.75

IPC No.3 (75%) 27-Aug-12 27-Aug-12 $ 312,356.91

IPC No.4 (100%) 11-Oct-12 12-Oct-12 $ 93,332.34

IPC No.5 (100%) 26-Nov-12 11-Dec-12 $ 120,304.22

IPC No.6 (100%) 24-Jan-13 24-Jan-13 $ 307,147.72

IPC No.7 (100%) 25-Mar-13 26-Mar-13 $ 282,304.02

IPC No.8 (100%) 16-May-13 21-May-13 $ 222,485.41

IPC No.9 (100%) 12-Jul-13 19-Jul-13 $ 171,079.81

IPC No.10 incl. 5% Ret. 28-Oct-13 05-Nov-13 $ 240,634.22

Paid $ 2,440,294.69

Outstanding $ -

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) Disbursement






AgencyPayment Condition


Paid (22-Apr-13)

Paid (29-Dec-12)

$ 2,440,294.69 IDA

Paid (04-Jun-12)

Paid (02-Aug-12)

Paid (03-Oct-12)

Paid (24-Dec-12)

Paid (14-Jan-13)

Paid (15-Feb-13)

Paid (17-Jun-13)

Paid (19-Aug-13)

Paid (4-Dec-13)

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34

Chapter 11 - NR11

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January 2014 Page 46

Chapter 11 - NR11

11.1. General Contract Data

Package No: RAMP-CW-AWP3.1

Contract Name: Maintenance of National Road Nº 11

Contractor: Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (BEC) a national construction company in Joint Venture with Civil Engineering Construction Corporation No.1

Donors: ADB (20.70%), AusAID (12.60%),OFID (38.60%) and RGC (6.8%)

MSC Consultant Egis International / VIDO

Acceptance Letter issued 21st February 2012

Contract Agreement signed 29th February 2012

Commencement date 12th March 2012

Contract Period 365 days

Initial Completion Date 11th March 2013

Expected Completion Date 31st January 2014

Contract Amount US$ 3,539,340.65

Performance Security 10% (Submitted)

Advance Payment 10% (Paid)

Physical Progress 89.39%

Financial Progress 74.61%

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January 2014 Page 47

11.1.1. Project Location Map

11.2. Progress Status

NR11 start point is at KM61 of NR1 (Neak Loeung) passes through Prey Veng City (at PK 61) and ends at the junction with NR7 at Km 151 of NR11 and at Thnal Toteung (PK136+200) of NR7-1. Width of the road is 7m (approximately) with 2x1m shoulders.

Engineer Office and Engineer‟s accommodation located in Prey Veng City at KM 91+550.

Contractor‟s Camp and offices are at PK 91+900 (RHS), located in No.7 village, Sangkat Kompongleav, Prey Veng City

Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (BEC) a national construction company (Contractor of NR7-2) in Joint Venture with Civil Engineering Construction Corporation No.1 (CIENCO1) is the Contractor of NR11. The Contract was signed on 29th February, 2012 and started on 12th March, 2012. The site establishment including accommodation and transportation for Engineer were provided by end of March 2012, but Contractor due to Cash Flow problem that caused by delay on payment of Advance Payment, hadn‟t mobilized the resources for pavement repair and sealing until mid of June 2012. In June 2012 after some rain, potholes were appeared that due to delay on repair became worse. In June 2012, the Contractor mobilized and started the repair works in the defective area. In July 2012, Contractor increased the mobilisation of

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January 2014 Page 48

machinery, workers, material and intensified the repair works. Also in response to the repeated instruction by Engineer and Employer, a qualified site manager was employed and started his work on site.

The acute shortage of stone chips in this area due to other major projects in the same region is the major problem for progress of maintenance work for this road and other roads in the region.

There are a few sand producing units between Km 61 to 64, the frequent traffic of very heavy delivery trucks caused heavy damages to the pavement structure. This problem brought to attention of the Employer to discuss with local authorities, to be resolved.

The persisting problem of shortage of crushed aggregates for base course, SBST and inability of Contractor to resolve this problem, jeopardized the timely completion of this package. During a meeting with Employer, Contractor and Consultant, the Contractor was advised to provide uninterrupted supply of stone chips for SBST.

The extended delay and low rate of progress was discussed with the Contractor during numerous management meetings that were held on site and in Project Director Office. Consequently, the Engineer representative issued a contractual notice to Contractor for acceleration and resolving the shortage of stone chips for SBST. The Contractor blames the extended delay on payment as the main reason for delay.

During restoration of the eroded side slope of embankment fill (executed in 2000‟s) some UXO‟s shells were found that immediately (CMAC) was contacted and the area was barricaded safely, after measurement and invitation of an authorized agency for detection and clearing of UXO and approval of variation the clearance activities started immediately and completed.

Under direction of RAMP Management and ADB and close cooperation between the Contractor and Consultant the remaining SBST and shoulder works efficiently completed and procedure for Taking-over were initiated by Contractor.

11.2.1. Physical Progress


Time Work Progress to Date Work Progress in this Month

Elapsed (months)

Elapsed (%)

Scheduled (%)

Actual (%)

% (+)

or (-)

Scheduled (%)

Actual (%)

% (+)

or (-)

22.68 189 100 89.39 -10.61 20.93 10.32 -10.61

During this month, Contractor continued working on: - Bituminous seal coat 12.5mm: PK 108+300 to 151+300 (BHS) - Patching: PK 105+931 to 150+961 (BHS) - Full-depth reconstruction: PK 106+233 to 129+083 (RHS,LHS) - Soil aggregate shoulder: PK 98+100 to 150+850 (RHS,LHS) - Embankment: PK 96 +300 to 119+888 (LHS, RHS) - Casting kilometre posts and Casting guide posts 100% - Levelling with bitumen seal coat: PK 131+216 to 150+872 (BHS) - Road Excavation Common: PK 119+864 to 120+304 (BHS) - Subgrade Material: PK 119 +864 to 120+304 (BHS) - Clearing and grubbing: PK 77+300 to 150+840 (BHS) - Repair of Edge Break, W<0.30m : PK 132+726 to 148+929 (BHS) - Repair of Edge Break, 300mm<W<600mm: PK 135+688 to 149+884.5 (BHS) - Ancillary works: PK 61+000 to151+300 (BHS)

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Physical Progress - Details of works completed:

This Month Up to Date This Month Up to Date

Bill 2 EARTHWORKS2.01 Clearing and Grubbing 2.1(1) sq. m. 307,356.22 103,325.00 262,812.17 34% 86%

2.02 Roadway Excavation, common 2.2(1) cu.m. 29,209.90 32.70 29,591.23 0% 101%

2.03 Roadway Excavation, Unsuitable 2.2(2) cu.m. 778.69 - 778.69 0% 100%

2.04 Roadway Excavation, Bituminous material 2.2(4) cum 87.50 - 87.50 0% 100%

2.05 Channel excavation,common 2.4(1) cum 15,337.67 - - 0% 0%

2.06 Embankment 2.6(1) cum 44,950.33 14.40 42,674.69 0% 95%

2.07 Subgrade Material 2.6(3) cum 1,251.68 18.30 1,037.88 1% 83%

3.01 Sub-base cum 180.02 - 180.01 0% 100%

3.02 Aggregate Base Course 3.1(1) cum 4,048.60 - 4,048.60 0% 100%

3.03 Soil Aggregate Shoulder 3.6(1) cum 20,259.43 - 3,232.89 0% 16%

Bill 4 Bituminous WorksBituminous Works 4

4.01 Bituminous seal coat, 12.5 mm 4.2(2) sqm 626,092.00 118,378.50 608,594.50 19% 97%

4.02 Sealing Aggregates 12.5mm 4.2(5) sqm 626,092.00 118,378.50 608,594.50 19% 97%

4.03 Repair of Cracks 4.7(3) m 50.00 - - 0% 0%

4.04 Repair of potholes 4.7(4) sqm 383.01 - 151.99 0% 40%

4.05 Patching 4.7(5) sqm 5,532.03 1,320.87 8,634.98 24% 156%

4.06 Repair of Efge Break, Width (W)< 300mm 4.7(6) m 21,470.65 45.00 6,771.85 0% 32%

4.07 Repair of Efge Break, Width (W)< 600mm 4.7(7) m 4,151.60 154.90 5,169.70 4% 125%

4.08Leveling with bituminous seal coat (

Surface Treatment )4.7(9) sqm 9,758.76 2,739.38 14,911.49 28% 153%

4.09 Repair of Base Course failure 4.7(10) sqm 52,272.42 - 52,376.24 0% 100%

4.10 Full-Depth Reconstruction Failure 4.7(11) sqm 20,474.78 40.00 19,196.33 0% 94%

4.11Saw-Cutting to Bituminous Pavement up to

75mm deep4.9(1) m 100.00 - - 0% 0%

Bill 6 Drainage and protection works

Bill 7 Ancillary WorksMarkers and Guide Post 7.4

7.01 Guide post 7.4(1) no. 6,444.00 - 250.00 0% 4%

7.02 Kilometer marker type P1-10 7.4(3) no. 81.00 - - 0% 0%

7.03 Kilometer marker type P1-09 7.4(3) no. 10.00 - - 0% 0%

Road Signs 7.5 -

7.04 Post for road sign 7.5(1) m 1,022.00 - 965.60 0% 94%

7.05Road sign for ref.Guide signe G1-01 to 05

and similar ( 3.9 sqm )7.5(2) no. 4.00 - - 0% 0%

7.06Road sign to Suplementary & guide signs

& similar ( 0.25sqm )7.5(2) no. 25.00 - - 0% 0%

7.07Road Sign to Ref. Warning signs & similar

( max.of 0.49 sqm )7.5 (2) no. 85.00 - 92.00 0% 108%

7.08Road sign ref. Regulatory signs & similar (

max. of 0.57 sq.m.)7.5(2) no. 150.00 - 64.00 0% 43%

7.09Road Sign to ref. informative sign and

similar ( 0.81 sqm )7.5(2) no. 150.00 - - 0% 0%

7.10Object marker to ref. P1-05 to 06 & similar

( 0.27 sqm )no. 120.00 - 23.00 0% 19%

7.11 Relocate Road Sign and Post ( s ) 7.5(3) no. 79.00 - - 0% 0%

7.12 Concrete to sign Post Foundations 7.5(8) cum 50.00 - 36.00 0% 72%

Road Markings 7.8 -

7.13 Crosswalk Marking, Drawing No. RS-03 7.8(2) sqm. 475.00 - - 0% 0%

7.14 Arrow marking drawing No. RS-03 7.8(2) sqm. 500.00 - - 0% 0%

7.15 Rumble strips drawing No. RS-04 7.8(2) sqm. 1,244.00 - - 0% 0%

7.16 Single Yellow Broken Center Line 7.8(1) sqm. 2,925.00 - - 0% 0%

7.17 Single/double yellow solid center line 7.8(1) sqm. 2,410.00 - - 0% 0%

7.18 Single white broken edge line 7.8(2) sqm. 100.00 - - 0% 0%

7.19 Single white solid edge line 7.8(2) sqm. 18,000.00 - - 0% 0%

7.20Road studs ( Aluminum Alloy Body of

standard size )7.8(6) no. 1,811.00 - - 0% 0%

Bill 88.02 UXO Detection and Disposal - Normal ha 23.09 - 23.09 0% 100%

Bill 10 BILL No. 10 - Daywork10.01 Ganger 10.1(1) hr 282.00 - 282.00 0% 100%

10.03 Unskilled Labour 10.1(3) hr 2,830.00 - 2,830.00 0% 100%

10.07 Driver-vehicle up to 10t 10.1(7) hr 282.00 - 282.00 0% 100%




UXO Detection and Disposal - Normal

Bill Number 3 - Sub-Base and Base Course

Revised BOQ


Spec Ref

NoItem No. Description

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January 2014 Page 50

11.2.2. Progress Photos

Spraying of Bituminous Seal Coat

Cleaning the road before marking the paint

shoulder repair

at PK 98 - 99, BHS

shoulder repair

at PK 98 - 99, BHS

Center line road marking

Center line road marking

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January 2014 Page 51

11.3. Financial Status

11.3.1. Interim Payment Certificates and Disbursements

IPC Amount


$ 44,595.69 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 25-Apr-12

$ 73,264.35 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 24-Apr-12

$ 136,618.55 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 09-Jul-12

$ 99,455.47 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 06-Jul-12

$ 26,697.78 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 06-Dec-12

$ 43,860.64 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 05-Dec-12

$ 81,788.44 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 14-Dec-12

$ 59,540.29 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 08-Feb-13

$ 36,628.39 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 19-Apr-13

$ 60,175.21 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 18-Apr-13

$ 112,210.78 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 27-Sep-13

$ 81,687.12 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 29-May-13

$ 24,724.51 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 06-May-13

$ 40,618.84 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 07-May-13

$ 75,743.34 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 29-May-13

$ 55,139.58 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 11-Jul-13

$ 22,960.83 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 06-May-13

$ 37,721.37 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 07-May-13

$ 70,340.33 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 29-May-13

$ 51,206.30 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 15-Jul-13

$ 42,040.70 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 27-Jun-13

$ 69,066.86 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 27-Jun-13

$ 128,791.35 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 11-Jul-13

$ 93,757.43 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 06-Sep-13

$ 25,248.03 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 27-Jul-13

$ 41,478.91 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 26-Jul-13

$ 77,347.14 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 23-Aug-13

$ 56,307.11 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 08-Oct-13

$ 18,338.10 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 05-Sep-13

$ 30,126.88 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 26-Jul-13

$ 56,178.62 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 16-Sep-13

$ 40,896.87 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 15-Dec-13

$ 9,858.80 AusAID (12.6%) Paid on 06-Dec-13

$ 16,196.61 ADB (20.7%) Paid on 09-Dec-13

$ 30,202.37 OFID (38.6%) Paid on 20-Dec-13

$ 21,986.70 RGC (28.1%) Paid on 31-Dec-13

$ 27,242.85 AusAID (12.6%) Outst. 13-Dec-13

$ 44,756.12 ADB (20.7%) Outst. 16-Dec-13

$ 83,458.27 OFID (38.6%) Outst. 23-Dec-13

$ 60,755.89 RGC (28.1%) Outst. 31-Dec-13

IPC Nº9 5-Nov-13 6-Nov-13 $ 216,213.13

IPC Nº5 30-Apr-13 3-May-13 $ 333,656.35

IPC Nº6 6-Jun-13 12-Jun-13 $ 200,381.19

IPC Nº4 12-Mar-13 20-Mar-13 $ 182,228.83

Payment Condition

19-Sep-12 $ 211,887.16


Portion Amount




$ 353,934.07 16-Mar-1216-Mar-12Advanced


IPC Nº1 10-Sep-12


Interim Payment Certificate (IPC)





IPC Nº3 26-Feb-13 4-Mar-13 $ 196,226.28

IPC Nº2 18-Jan-13 25-Jan-13 $ 290,701.49

IPC Nº8 25-Sep-13 26-Sep-13 $ 78,244.48

22-Jul-13 22-Jul-13 $ 145,540.46

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January 2014 Page 52

IPC Amount


$ 20,851.73 AusAID (12.6%) Outst. -

$ 34,256.41 ADB (20.7%) Outst. -

$ 63,879.10 OFID (38.6%) Outst. -

$ 46,502.66 RGC (28.1%) Outst. -

$ 33,919.40 AusAID (12.6%) Outst. -

$ 55,724.73 ADB (20.7%) Outst. -

$ 103,911.82 OFID (38.6%) Outst. -

$ 75,645.65 RGC (28.1%) Outst. -

Paid $ 278,335.69

Outst. $ 54,771.13

Paid $ 457,265.78

Outst. $ 89,981.14

Paid $ 852,679.19

Outst. $ 167,790.92

Paid $ 620,732.78

Outst. $ 122,148.31

IPC Nº11 6-Jan-14 8-Jan-14 $ 269,201.61

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC)





RGC (28.1%)

$ 547,246.92 ADB (20.7%)

$ 1,020,470.11 OFID (38.6%)

$ 742,881.09

Total = $ 2,374,503.33


$ 333,106.82 AusAID (12.6%)

Portion Amount



AgencyPayment Condition

IPC Nº10 5-Dec-13 6-Dec-13 $ 165,489.89

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Egis International Monthly Progress Report Nº 34,

Chapter 11 - NR11

Road Asset Management Project, Component A-2 (c) Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

January 2014

Page 53

11.3.2. Contractor„s Work Program/S-curve:

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2

May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Dec-13 Dec-13

Planned 1.98% 1.58% 0.40%

55,977 13,994

9.71% 0.26% 0.01% 0.03% 0.00% 0.18% 0.28% 1.15% 1.92% 3.08% 0.03% 2.49% 0.10% 0.05% 0.12%

Actual 9,237 401 1,151 23 6,426 9,900 40,587 68,129 109,094 1,180 88,125 3,558 1,636 4,091

Planned 2.34% 1.56% 0.78%

55,263 27,632

4.85% 0.01% 0.03% 0.21% 0.01% 1.84% 0.00% 0.88% 1.45% 0.35% 0.07%

Actual 291 1,040 7,521 233 65,132 48 31,206 51,332 12,414 2,357

Planned 16.38% 8.19% 8.19%

289,882 289,882

35.98% 1.32% 1.52% 1.52% 0.54% 0.37% 1.42% 4.25% 4.27% 1.31% 4.21% 3.10% 4.10% 3.77% 0.86% 1.07% 2.36%

Actual 46,715 53,951 53,927 19,107 12,919 50,297 150,484 150,958 46,350 149,092 109,753 144,959 133,439 30,347 37,733 83,507

Planned 1.43% 1.19% 0.24%

42,110 8,422

0.00% 0.00%

Actual -

Planned 6.87% 3.05% 3.08% 0.73% 0.73% 0.73%

108,036 109,036 26,009 26,009 26,009

1.51% 1.51%

Actual 53,585

Planned 0.74% 0.43% 0.22% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08%

15,150 7,875 3,000 3,000 3,000

7.23% 0.22% 0.38% 0.40% 0.41% 0.46% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 0.32% 0.32%

Actual 7,815 13,440 14,300 14,400 16,330 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 11,500 11,500

Planned 5.55% 1.90% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82%

67,269 64,585 64,585 64,585 64,585

0.23% 0.15% 0.04% 0.04%

Actual 5,148 1,360 1,544


168,540.03 5% Scale : 1 Row = 4%

3,539,340.65 100%

This Month 7,815 13,731 71,293 68,752 71,408 39,427 28,069 73,234 177,078 214,216 129,861 338,469 126,131 279,441 203,479 45,497 63,283 155,040 633,687 521,426 93,594 93,594 93,594

Cumulative 7,815 21,546 92,839 161,592 233,000 272,427 300,496 373,730 550,808 765,024 894,885 1,233,354 1,359,485 1,638,925 1,842,404 1,887,902 1,951,185 2,106,224 2,739,912 3,261,337 3,354,931 3,354,931 3,448,525

Planned Monthly (%) 0.60% 3.80% 12.02% 17.34% 17.47% 15.09% 15.96% 6.77% 6.77% 3.54% 0.64% 0.00% 0.00% 17.90% 14.73% 2.64% 2.64% 2.64%

Cumulative(%) 0.60% 4.40% 16.42% 33.76% 51.23% 66.32% 82.28% 89.05% 95.82% 99.36% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.65% 93.39% 96.03% 96.03% 98.68%

Actual This Month (%) 0.22% 0.39% 2.01% 1.94% 2.02% 1.11% 0.79% 2.07% 5.00% 6.05% 3.67% 9.56% 3.56% 7.90% 5.75% 1.29% 1.79% 4.38% 17.90% 14.73% 2.64% 2.64% 2.64%

Cumulative to Date (%) 0.00% 0.57% 1.99% 5.30% 6.29% 7.51% 8.29% 9.47% 13.83% 17.46% 23.08% 28.78% 38.82% 45.41% 50.35% 55.23% 55.90% 60.75% 63.44% 70.51% 79.07% 89.39%

-0.22% -3.19% -13.20% -28.59% -44.05% -58.02% -73.19% -77.89% -79.66% -77.15% -74.12% -64.55% -60.99% 54.59% 49.65% 44.77% 44.10% 39.25% 15.21% 22.88% 16.96% 6.64% 98.68%

Schedule Progress Actual Progress




Contract Amount 3,370,800.62

5% for contingency

Total Contract Amount

Monthly IPC

Work Progress

Progress Status (+/-%)

9 Miscellaneous 185,600.00

10 Daywork 67,269.00

6Drainage and

Protection Works245,201.25

7 Ancillary Works 416,653.00

3Sub-Base and Base


4 Bituminous Works 1,839,200.07

2 Earthworks 430,993.30


AmountPlanned &



% 4




Maintenance of National Road No. 2012Progress














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January 2014 Page 54

11.4. Quality Control

Engineer‟s QAP and Forms was introduced to the Contractor for the purpose of ensuring quality works and keeping record of all the testing and sampling of the material that to be used for the project.

Passed Failed Passed Failed Passed Failed


1 Moisture-Relation(AASHTO T 180) 42.00 9.00 - - 42.00 9.00

2 Calfornia Bearing Ratio (AASHTO T 193) 10.00 4.00 - - 10.00 4.00

3 Plasticity Index (PI) , (AASHTO 89 & 90) 12.00 4.00 - - 12.00 4.00

4 Classif ication(AASHTO M 145) 12.00 7.00 - - 12.00 7.00

5 Field Density (AASHTO T 191) 277.00 55.00 - - 277.00 55.00


1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 10.00 2.00 - - 10.00 2.00

2 Plasticity Index (PI) , (AASHTO 89 & 90) 7.00 2.00 - - 7.00 2.00

3 Moisture-Relation (AASHTO T 180) 11.00 2.00 - - 11.00 2.00

4 Cailfornia Bearing Ratio (CBR), (AASHTO T 193) 8.00 2.00 - - 8.00 2.00

5 L AA for (+4.47mm) Aggregate, (AASHTO 96) 1.00 1.00 - - 1.00 1.00

6 Field Density (AASHTO T 191) 110.00 5.00 10.00 - 120.00 5.00


1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 16.00 - - - 16.00 -

2 Plasticity Index (PI) , (AASHTO 89 & 90) 13.00 - - - 13.00 -

3 Moisture-Relation(AASHTO T 180) 14.00 - - - 14.00 -

4 Cailfornia Bearing Ratio (CBR), (AASHTO T 193) 11.00 - - - 11.00 -

5 L AA for (+4.47mm) Aggregate, (AASHTO 96) 2.00 - - - 2.00 -

6 Soduim Sulphate Soundess (AASHTO T 104) 2.00 - - - 2.00 -

8 Field Density (AASHTO T 191) 225.00 12.00 - - 225.00 12.00

D In-Situ CBR by Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)

1 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) TRL 62.00 6.00 - - 62.00 6.00

E Calibration CBR

1 Calibration of CBR Machine (AASHTO T 193) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

2 Calibration of CBR Mould 3.00 - - - 3.00 -


L-1 Coarse Aggregate

1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 13.00 6.00 - - 13.00 6.00

2 Unit Weight and Voida (AASHO T 19) 6.00 - - - 6.00 -

3 Specific Gravity 4.00 - - - 4.00 -

4 LAA for (+447mm) Aggregate (AASHTO T196) 4.00 - - - 4.00 -

5 Soduium Sulphat Soundness 4.00 - - - 4.00 -

6 Flakiness and Elongation Index 10.00 6.00 - - 10.00 6.00

7 Checking Rate Sealing Aggregate 12.5mm 286.00 - 12.00 - 298.00 -

8 Checking Rate Sealing Aggregate 19.5mm 156.00 - 2.00 - 158.00 -


1 Specific Gravity - - - - - -

2 Penetration 5.00 - - - 5.00 -

3 Coating and Stripping Tast - - - - - -

4 Ductility 5.00 - - - 5.00 -

5 Residue by Evaporation 5.00 - - - 5.00 -

6 Viscocity - - - - - -


1 Caibration of Distributor 2.00 - - - 2.00 -

2 Checking spray rate of CSS-1 177.00 - 2.00 - 179.00 -

3 Checking spray rate of CRS-2 12.5mm 295.00 1.00 12.00 - 307.00 1.00

3 Checking spray rate of CRS-2 19.5mm 158.00 2.00 2.00 - 160.00 2.00

I Test Fine Aggregate for Concrete

1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27/T88) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

2 Sand Equivalent (AASHTO T176) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

3 Specific Gravity and absorption (AASHTO T84) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

4 Soduim Sulphate Soundess (AASHTO T 104) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

5 Organic Impurities (AASHTO T-84) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

6 Concrete Stength Test (by Compression) 9.00 - - - 9.00 -


Item Description of Laboratory TestsUp to last Mon. This month Up To Date


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January 2014 Page 55

11.4.1. Request For Inspection Register

Date Contract No. Section RFI No. Certified by: Decision Remark

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 882 Mr. Sea


Approved Clearing and Grubbing PK 124+450.0 – PK 138+000.0


31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 883 Mr.Sea


Approved Roadway Excavation, Common PK 118+437.0 – PK

118+447.0 (LHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 884 Mr.Sea


Approved Embankment PK95+525.0 – PK 118+447.0 (LHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 885 Mr.Sea


Approved Sub-grade Material PK 118+437.0 – PK 118+447.0 (LHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 886 Mr.Sea


Approved Soil Aggregate Shoulder PK 95+525.0 – PK 118+447.0


31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 887 Mr.Sea


Approved Bituminous Seal Coat 12.5mm PK 117+892.0 – PK 141+000


31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 888 Mr.Sea


Approved Sealing aggregate 12.5mm PK 117+892.0 – PK 141+000.0


31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 889 Mr.Sea


Approved Repair of Photholes PK 119+734.0 – PK 130+186.2


31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 890 Mr.Sea


Approved Patching PK 118+225.0 – PK 138+002.4 (RHS/LHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 891 Mr.Sea


Approved Repair of Edge Break, (W)≤300mm PK 118+208.0 – PK

136+536.0 (LHS/RHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 892 Mr.Sea


Approved Repair of Edge Break, 300mm≤width (W)≤600mm PK

118+054.0 – PK 135+737.1 (RHS/LHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 893 Mr.Sea


Approved Levelling with bituminous seal coat PK 119+519.0 – PK

140+656.0 (LHS/RHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 894 Mr.Sea


Approved Full-depth Construction of Failure, PK 118+436.0 – PK

129+083.0 (BHS)

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 895 Mr.Sea


Approved Rent, Fit Out, Furnish and Maintain Existing Bldg. as Office

Accommodation for the Engineer

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 896 Mr.Sea


Approved Rent, Furnish and Maintain Existing Building as Housing

Accommodation for the Engineer

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 897 Mr.Sea


Approved Computer Operator/Draftsman

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 898 Mr.Sea


Approved Chainman

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 899 Mr.Sea


Approved Rental and Maintenance of Type “B” Vehicle for the use of

the Engineer

31-Dec-13 RAMP-CW-AWP3.1 NR 11 RFI – 900 Mr.Sea


Approved Maintain Safe Traffic Operations

11.4.2. Site Instruction Register


[ operation/activity]

30/12/2013 SI-041

Unsatisfactory Workmanship and Safety on

Site – The aggregate 12.5 (SBST) do not

stick well to bitumen due to the aggregate

has dust and has so many small piece of

stone mixing with 12.5

Date SI


Corrective Action

Approved Date

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January 2014 Page 56

11.4.3. Non-Compliance Register

There was no non-compliance issued during this period.

11.5. Other Related Issues

11.5.1. Problem and Solution

- It was discussed and instructed to contractor to follow the contract specification and drawing to ensure conformance with the quality control

- It was discussed and instructed to contractor to finalize the remaining works by the date 31-01-2014

- It was discussed and instructed to contractor to prepare all documents for final build for NR11

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January 2014 Page 57

11.5.2. Weather record

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Chapter 12 -Chapter 12 -NR2

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January 2014 Page 58

Chapter 12 - NR2

12.1. General Contract Data

Package Nº RAMP-CW-AW.4.1

Contract Name Maintenance of National Road Nº2

Length 51.11 Km (PK74+000 to PK125+110)


Contractor JV-Diamond Construction & Import Export Co., Ltd. and SOK SOKHA Co., Ltd.

MSC Consultant Egis International / VIDO

Acceptance Letter issued 22nd November, 2012

Contract Agreement signed 13th December, 2012

Commencement date 8th January 2013

Contract Period 300 days

Initial Completion Date 4th November 2013

Expected Completion Date 31st March 2014

Contract Amount US$ 4,499,955.39

Performance Security 10% (Submitted)

Advance Payment N.A.

Physical Progress 25.30%

Financial Progress 34.33%

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January 2014 Page 59

12.1.1. Project Location Map

12.2. Progress Status

Start Point is at PK74+000 of NR2 (T-Junction) passes through Takeo City (at PK 78) and ends at the junction 125+110(Vietnam border crossing), width of the road is 10 m (approximately) with 2x0.5m earthen shoulders.

Contractor‟s office and site camp are located in Kampong Chrey village, Smaong Commune, Traing District, Takeo Province, each facility at the following:

Engineer Office and Engineer‟s accommodation located in Takeo city

Contractor‟s office is at PK100+400

Contractor‟s Camp Site is at PK 101+000

JV-Diamond Construction & Import Export Co., Ltd and SOK SOKHA Co., Ltd (Cambodian) is the Contractor. The Contract was signed on 13th December 2012. The Start Date of Contract is 8th January 2013; Engineer issued preliminary contractual notices to Contractor for mobilization, program, traffic management and road maintenance.

The mobilization despite daily pressure by RAMP management and consultant had been slower than expected, in result the valuable dry season passed without any good progress on repair of pavement. The AC plant was commissioned in Mid-May. The Contractor that couldn‟t receive advance payment and hasn‟t received IPC‟s, suffers from acute shortage of cash flow. The lack of experienced site engineers for planning and QA/QC caused that the quality of the executed works in some sections were not acceptable. Many meeting were held and two contractual notices have been issued to

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January 2014 Page 60

the Contractor for rectification of their deficiencies and strengthening of their site management and establishing an effective QA/QC system.

To enhance the Contractor‟s QA/QC system and work organisation the Engineer in pursuant to sub-clause 6.9 required the Contractor‟s incompetent Project Manager to be replaced with an qualified one. The new Project Manager started his work on 5th August 2013. The extensive defects on the executed works together with the emphasis of Project Director on quality works, convinced the Contractor to move forward for improvement of his QA/QC system. Supervision Consultant assists and monitors the Contractor efforts for this important issue.

The key elements for a successful project are the availability of fund, project management and a competent contractor. In this contract, combination of extended delay on payments, Contractor‟s short coming on site management and quality control faced this package with a high risk of failure.

By 21st November 2013 eventually the obstacles on the payments by efforts of the related parties were removed and the OFID portion (70.71%) of IPC Nº 1 & 2 were paid. After Contractor received payments for IPC 1&2 from OFID could strengthen his financial condition and supply the bitumen to site that could execute 7 Km of AC overlay. Contractor was advised to increase his efforts to complete more base failure repair to be able to complete the whole works before the load closure date of June 30, 2014. Unfortunately, the delays on payments for IPC Nº5 and 6 prevented the Contractor to continue uninterrupted progress.

12.2.1. Physical Progress

The achieved accumulative progress is shown in the following table:


Time Work Progress to Date Work Progress in this Month

Elapsed (months)

Elapsed (%)

Scheduled (%)

Actual (%)

% (+)

or (-)

Scheduled (%)

Actual (%)

% (+)

or (-)

15.52 129

58.03 25.30 -32.73 17.08 1.00 -16.08

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January 2014 Page 61

Physical Progress – Detail of work completed:

This Month Up To Date This Mon. To Date

Bill Number 2 - Earthworks

Earthworks 2.1(1)

2.01 Clearing and Grubbing 2.2(1) sqm 5,194.00 - - 0% 0%

2.02 Roadway Excavation, Common cum 720.00 - - 0% 0%

2.03 Roadway Excavation, Unsuitable 2.2(2) cum 100.00 - - 0% 0%

2.04 Roadway Excavation, Bituminous Material 2.2(4) sqm 18.00 - - 0% 0%

2.05 Channel Excavation, Common 2.4(1) cum 1,310.00 - 140.00 0% 11%

2.08 Embankment 2.6(1) cum 96.00 - - 0% 0%

2.09 Subgrade Material 2.6(3) cum 230.40 - 75.00 0% 33%

Bill Number 3 - Sub-Base and Base Course


3.01 Sub-base cum 105.60 - - 0% 0%

Aggregate Base

3.02 Aggregate Base Course 3.1(1) cum 185.60 - 80.00 0% 43%

Shoulders 3.3(1)

3.03 Soil Aggregate Shoulder 3.6(1) cum 329.50 - - 0% 0%

Bill Number 4 - Bituminous Works

Bituminous Works

4.01 Bituminous Seal Coat, 12.5mm sqm 144,193.48 921.04 19,768.25 1% 14%

4.02 Sealing Aggregate, 12.5mm 4.2(1) sqm 144,193.48 921.04 19,768.25 1% 14%

4.03 Bituminous Tack Coat 4.2(2) sqm 397,244.33 33,408.00 54,881.00 8% 14%

4.04 Asphalt Concrete Leveling Course 4.2(3) tonne 5,845.33 455.51 455.51 8% 8%

4.05 Asphalt Concrete Leveling Course [35 mm Overlay ] 4.2(4) cum 14,735.91 1,169.28 1,920.84 8% 13%

4.06 Repair of Cracks 4.2(5) m 20,662.87 37.07 22,204.21 0% 107%

4.07 Repair of Potholes 4.2(6) sqm 150.28 47.87 196.10 32% 130%

4.08 Patching 4.7(3) sqm 5,167.47 - 3,500.00 0% 68%

4.09 Repair of Edge Breaks,width(W) < 300mm 4.7(4) m 100.00 - - 0% 0%

4.10 Repair of Edge Breaks, 300mm<width (W) <600mm 4.7(5) m 147.65 - 50.00 0% 34%

4.11 Repair of Base Course Failure 4.7(6) sqm 56,686.94 - 44,500.00 0% 79%

4.12 Full-Depth Reconstruction of Failure sqm 6,688.28 - 1,800.00 0% 27%

Bill Number 6 - Drainage and Protection Works

Drainage and Protection Works 6.2(4)

6.01 Grouted Riprap, Class A cum 81.00 - - 0% 0%

6.02 Block Sodding slope protection 6.6(1) sqm 816.00 - - 0% 0%

6.03 Topsoil 100mm for embankment slopes sqm 816.00 - - 0% 0%

6.04Cleaning existing drainage systems, [ pipes less than 1m

dia]m 7,260.00 - 7,260.00 0% 100%

6.05Cleaning existing drainage systems,[ pipes 1m dia or

greater]m 60.00 - - 0% 0%

6.06 Cleaning existing drainage channel through bridges m 100.00 - - 0% 0%

6.07 Cleaning existing roadside drainage ditches 6.7(2) m 800.00 - - 0% 0%

Bill Number 7 - Ancillary Works



Spec. Ref

NºUnit Revised BOQ


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12.2.2. Progress Photos

AC Overlay

Base Course Failure Repair

Base Course Failure Repair

Bituminous Seal Coat 19mm

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January 2014 Page 63

12.3. Financial Status

12.3.1. Interim Payment Certificate and Disbursement

IPC Amount


17,856.97 ADB (13.21%) Paid on 18-Sep-13

95,584.14 OFID (70.71%) Paid on 15-Nov-13

21,736.57 RGC (16.08%) Paid on 24-Oct-13

22,121.04 ADB (13.21%) Paid on 30-Oct-13

118,408.71 OFID (70.71%) Paid on 15-Nov-13

26,927.06 RGC (16.08%) Paid on 3-Dec-13

9,982.22 ADB (13.21%) Paid on 9-Dec-13

53,432.48 OFID (70.71%) Paid on 23-Dec-14

12,150.96 RGC (16.08%) Paid on 19-Dec-13

14,416.16 ADB (13.21%) Paid on 22-Jan-14

77,166.30 OFID (70.71%) Paid on 4-Feb-14

17,548.21 RGC (16.08%)

18,654.45 ADB (13.21%)

99,852.83 OFID (70.71%)

22,707.30 RGC (16.08%)

Paid $ 64,376.40

Outst. $ 18,654.45

Paid $ 344,591.63

Outst. $ 99,852.83

Paid $ 60,814.59

Outst. $ 40,255.52

26-Sep-13 27-Sep-13 75,565.66

Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) Disbursements

IPC No. Date Submitted Date ApprovedPortion Amount



AgencyPayment Condition

1 11-Jun-13 12-Jun-13 135,177.69

Total = 628,545.41

2 23-Aug-13 23-Aug-13 167,456.81

4 4-Nov-13 9-Dec-13 109,130.67


83,030.85 ADB

444,444.46 OFID

101,070.10 RGC


5 24-Dec-13 26-Dec-13 141,214.58




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January 2014 Page 64

12.3.2. Contractor„s Work Program/S-curve:

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January 2014

Page 65

12.4. Quality Control

The Project QAP implemented for these contract packages. A laboratory in Phnom Penh and NR2 Contractor‟s camp site was employed by Contractor to carry out the tests required according to Technical Specification (TS). The site based testing instruments shall be strengthened and required frequency for testing of compaction to be followed strictly.

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Chapter 13 -NR7.3

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Page 66

Chapter 13 - NR7.3

13.1. General Contract Data

Contract No: RAMP-CKP-2012-ICB-W007

Contract Name: Maintenance of National Road Nº7, Section 3

Length 35 Km (PK254+400 to PK289+400)

Contractor: Bantey Srei Engineer & Construction Co., Ltd

Donors: IDA Credit Nº 4442-KH

MSC Consultant: Egis International-VIDO

Acceptance Letter issued 15th November 2012

Contract Agreement signed 13th December 2012

Commencement date: 14th December 2012

Contract Period: 180 days

Initial Completion Date: 11thJune, 2013

Expected Completion Date: 17st March 2014

Contract Amount: US$ 1,397,296.95

Variation Order Nº1 US$ 397,220.67

Original Contract incl. VO1 US$ 1,794,517.62

Performance Security: 10%

Advance Payment: 10%

Physical Progress: 73.51%

Financial Progress: 70.47%

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Page 67

13.1.1. Project Location Map

13.2. Progress Status

Start Point is at PK254+400+000 on NR7 (T-Junction) passes through Snoul City and ends at the PK289+400, width of the road is 7 m (approximately) with 2x1.5m sealed shoulders.

Engineer Office and Engineer‟s accommodation, Contractor‟s offices located at PK 267+000 (LHS) in Snoul commune, Snoul District, Kratie Province

Bantey Srei Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (Cambodia) is the Contractor. The Contract was signed on 15th November 2012. The start date is 14th December 2012. The Contractor has provided the minimum Engineer‟s facilities: one building for office and a vehicle.

Condition Survey has been carried out for whole length with revised BOQ submitted for review and approval by Consultant and Employer. The suggested correction on bid quantities was issued.

During WB Mission (4th - 8th November 2013), it was decided by reallocated fund to add 10Km to the length of NR7.3. The process for issuing the variation has been done awaiting the approval of WB for signing of Variation Order Nº1.

The SBST resurfacing has been completed the remaining works are shoulder work, clearing side ditches and vegetation clearing after flooding in October 2013, the flood damage was not extensive, contractor was instructed to repair the potholes immediately.

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January 2014

Page 68

13.2.1. Physical Progress

The achieved accumulative progress is shown in the following table:


Time Work Progress to Date Work Progress in this Month

Elapsed (months)

Elapsed (%)

Scheduled (%)

Actual (%)


Scheduled (%)

Actual (%)


13.58 90.17 100 73.51 -26.49 27.80 1.31 -26.49

Physical Progress – Detail of work completed:

This Mon. Up To Date This Mon. Up To Date

Bill Nº2 Earthworks Section 2

Bill Nº3 Bill Number 3 - Sub-Base and Base Course Section 3

3.04 Soil Aggregate Shoulder 3.6(1) cum 34.80 - 34.80 - 1.00

Bill Nº4 Bill Number 4 - Bituminous Works Section 4

Bituminous Surface Treatment 4.2

4.01 Bituminous Seal Coat, 19 mm 4.2(1) sq.m 892.58 - - - -

4.02 Bituminous Seal Coat, 12.5 mm 4.2(2) sq.m 71,764.00 - 71,764.00 - 100.00%

4.03 Bituminous Seal Coat, 9.5 mm 4.2(3) sq.m 271,045.00 - 171,045.00 0.00% 63.11%

4.04 Sealing Aggregate, 19 mm 4.2(4) sq.m 892.58 - - - -

4.05 Sealing Aggregate, 12.5 mm 4.2(5) sq.m 71,764.00 - 71,764.00 - 100.00%

4.06 Sealing Aggregate, 9.5 mm 4.2(6) sq.m 271,045.00 - 171,045.00 0.00% 63.11%

Repair of Bituminous Pavement 4.7

4.07 Bituminous Seal Coat, 9.5 mm 4.7(1) sq.m 10.00 - - - -

4.08 Sealing Aggregate, 9.5 mm 4.7(2) sq.m 10.00 - - - -

4.09 Repair of Potholes 4.7(4) sq.m 175.67 - 175.67 0.00% 100.00%

4.10 Patching 4.7(5) sq.m 5,742.53 - 5,742.53 0.00% 100.00%

4.11 Repair of Edge Breaks, width (W) < 300mm 4.7(6) m 107.70 - 107.70 - 1.00

4.12Repair of Edge Breaks, 300mm < width (W) <

600mm4.7(7) m 74.70 - 74.70 0.00% 100.00%

4.13Leveling with Bituminous Seal Coat [Surface

Treatment]4.7(9) sq.m 7,919.36 - 7,919.36 0.00% 100.00%

4.14 Repair of Base Course Failure 4.7(10) sq.m 7,086.16 - 7,086.16 0.00% 100.00%

4.15 Full Depth Reconstruction of Failure 4.7(11) sq.m 3,121.13 - 3,121.13 - 100.00%

Bill Nº6 Drainage and Protection Works Section 6

Bill Nº7 Bill Number 7 - Ancillary Works Section 7

Markers and Guide Posts 7.4

7.01 Guide Post 7.4(1) No 1,200.00 - - - -

7.02 Kilometre Marker - 10 km Type 7.4(2) No - - -

7.03 Kilometre Marker - 1 km Type 7.4(2) No 14.00 - - - -

Road Signs 7.5

7.04 Post for Road Sign 7.5(1) m 729.00 - 467.40 0.00% 64.12%

7.05Road Sign: Warning signs and similar (max. of

0.49 sq.m)7.5(2) No 51.00 - 34.00 0.00% 66.67%

7.06Road Sign: Regulatory signs and similar (max. of

0.57 sq.m)7.5(2) No 46.00 - 33.00 0.00% 71.74%

7.07Road Sign: Informative sign and similar (0.81

sq.m)7.5(2) No 2.00 - 2.00 0.00% 100.00%

7.08Object marker marker to Ref. P1-05 to 06 &

similar (0.27 sq.m)7.5(2) No 220.00 - 132.00 0.00% 60.00%

7.09 Relocate Road Sign and Post(s) 7.5(2) No - -

7.10 Concrete to Sign Post Foundations 7.5(2) No 45.00 - 25.33 0.00% 56.28%

Road Markings 7.8

Guard Rail 7.2

Spec Ref

NºItem Nº Description




Rev. BOQ

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January 2014

Page 69

13.3. Progress Status

13.3.1. Interim Payment Certificate and Disbursement

IPC Amount


Advanced. Payment 20-Dec-12 27-Dec-12 $ 139,729.69 Paid on 6-Feb-13

IPC No. 01 3-May-13 16-May-13 $ 263,836.17 Paid on 7-Jun-13

IPC No. 02 18-Jun-13 21-Jun-13 $ 43,809.05 Paid on 15-Jul-13

IPC No. 03 (75%) 5-Nov-13 6-Nov-13 $ 329,150.56 Paid on 3-Dec-13

Paid $ 776,525.47

Outst. $ - $ 776,525.47 IDA


Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) Disbursement






AgencyPayment Condition

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January 2014 Page 70

13.3.2. Contractor‟s Work Program/S-curve:

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January 2014 Page 71

13.4. Quality Control

Engineer‟s QAP and Forms was introduced to the Contractor for the purpose of ensuring quality works and keeping record of all the testing and sampling of the material that to be used for the project.

Passed Failed Passed Failed Passed Failed


1 Moisture-Relation(AASHTO T 180) - - - - - -

2 California Bearing Ratio (AASHTO T 193) - - - - - -

3 Plasticity Index (PI) , (AASHTO T 89 & 90) - - - - - -

4 Classif ication (AASHTO M 145) - - - - - -

5 Field Density (AASHTO T 191) - - - - - -


1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) - - - - - -

2 Plasticity Index (PI) , (AASHTO T 89 & 90) - - - - - -

3 Moisture-Density Relation (AASHTO T 180) - - - - - -

4 California Bearing Ratio (CBR), (AASHTO T 193) - - - - - -

5 L A A for (+4.47mm.) Aggregate , (AASHTO T 96) - - - - - -

6 Field Density (AASHTO T 191) 3.00 - - - 3.00 -


1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

2 Plasticity Index (PI) , (AASHTO T 89 & 90) 3.00 - - - 3.00 -

3 Moisture-Density Relation (AASHTO T 180) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

4 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) , (AASHTO T 193) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

5 L A A for (+4.47mm.) Aggregate , (AASHTO T 96) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

6 Soduim Sulphate Soundness (AASHTO T 104) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

7 Field Density (AASHTO T 191) 31.00 2.00 - - 31.00 2.00


D-1 Coarse Aggregate 9.5mm

1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

2 Unit Weight and Voids (AASHTO T 19) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

3 Specif ic Gravity and Absorption (AASHTO T 84) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

4 L A A for (+4.47mm.) Aggregate , (AASHTO T 96) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

5 Soduim Sulphate Soundness 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

6 Flakiness and Elongation Index 1.00 - - 1.00

7 Spray Rate by Tray Test CRS-2 for seal 12.5mm 47.00 - - - 47.00 -

D-2 Coarse Aggregate 12.5mm

1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

2 Unit Weight and Voids (AASHTO T 19) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

3 Specif ic Gravity and Absorption (AASHTO T 84) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

4 L A A for (+4.47mm.) Aggregate , (AASHTO T 96) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

5 Soduim Sulphate Soundness 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

6 Flakiness and Elongation Index 1.00 - - 1.00

7 Spray Rate by Tray Test CRS-2 for seal 12.5mm 45.00 - - - 45.00 -

D-3 Coarse Aggregate 19mm

1 Gradation (AASHTO T 27) 2.00 - - - 2.00 -

2 Unit Weight and Voids (AASHTO T 19) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

3 Specif ic Gravity and Absorption (AASHTO T 84) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

4 L A A for (+4.47mm.) Aggregate , (AASHTO T 96) 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

5 Soduim Sulphate Soundness 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

6 Flakiness and Elongation Index 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

7 Spray Rate by Tray Test CRS-2 for seal 12.5mm 110.00 - - - 110.00 -


2 Penetration 2.00 - - - 2.00 -

4 Ductility 1.00 - - - 1.00 -

5 Residue by Evaporation 60.00 - - - 60.00 -


2 Penetration - - - - - -

4 Ductility - - - - - -

5 Residue by Evaporation - - - - - -


1 Calibration of Distributor - - - - - -

2 Checking Spray Rate by Tray Test & Distributor Run 29.00 - - - 29.00 -

RemarksItem Description of Laboratory TestsUp to Last Mon. This Month Total to date

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January 2014 Page 72

Chapter 14 - Annexes

Annex 1: Correspondence Summary

Note: To avoid repetition, the correspondence of previous months that had been enclosed to QPR is not shown.

Correspondence IN from MPWT

No. Letter Date Received Date Ref. No. Subject


Correspondence OUT to MPWT

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject

1 08-Jan-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/13/723 Recommendation of IPC Nº 11(100%) for the Month of Decmber 2013

2 10-Jan-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/13/725 Recommendation of IPC Nº 6 (100%) for the Month of December 2013

3 31-Jan-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/13/729 Quarterly Progress Report Nº11

4 05-Feb-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/13/730 Team Leader Annual Leave

5 6-Feb-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/13/731 Recommendation of IPC Nº7 (100%) for the month of January 2014

Correspondence OUT to VSC (NR73)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject


Correspondence IN from LCC (NR7)

No.Letter Date Received

DateRef. No. Subject

1 23-Jan-14 24-Jan-14216A/11.LCC.


LCC Submission the Revised Road Condition Survey (With

Price) for Extra Works #2 for Repair Road Damages AT

DBST Section

9 27-Jan-14 29-Feb-14 217/11.LCC.NR7

LCC Submission the Road Condition Survey (With Price)

for Extra Work 3 for Repair Road Damages AT DBST

Section, PK136+400-PK159+000

10 03-Feb-14 06-Feb-14 Nº 026/14 LCCRequest for Completion Acceptance and Handover the Site

Correspondence OUT to LCC (NR7)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject


Correspondence IN from KLK (NR71&PR2714)

No.Letter Date Received

DateRef. No. Subject


Correspondence OUT to KLK (NR71&PR2714)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject


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Correspondence IN from BEC (NR7-2&72)

No. Letter Date Received Date Ref. No. Subject


Correspondence OUT to BEC (NR7-2&72)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject


Correspondence IN from BTS (NR11)

No. Letter Date Received Date Ref. No. Subject

1 03-Jan-14 03-Jan-14 BEC/WB138/2014Letter Proposed the Acting Project


2 03-Jan-14 06-Jan-14 MPWT/RAMP/CW-AWP 3.1/149/04/12/2014Submit Progress for Interim Payment

Certificate No.11

Correspondence OUT to BTS (NR11)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject



Correspondence IN from BTS (NR7.3)

No. Letter Date Received Date Ref. No. Subject


Correspondence OUT to BTS (NR7.3)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject

1 21-Jan-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/14/727 Commencement Variation Nº 1

2 29-Jan-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/14/728 Extension of Performance Security

Correspondence IN from Diamond & Sok Sokha JV (NR2)

No.Letter Date Received

DateRef. No. Subject

1 06-Jan-14 06-Jan-14 Site NR2/13-062 Interim Payment Certificate No.6

2 10-Jan-14 10-Jan-14 Site NR2/13-062 Interim Payment Certificate No.6

3 21-Jan-14 21-Jan-14 AW.4.1/NR2/14-001 Proposal of Sub-Drainage at NR2

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Correspondence OUT to Diamond & Sok Sokha JV (NR2)

No. Letter Date Ref. No. Subject

1 08-Jan-14 RAMP-MCS/TL/13/722Engineer's Instruction and Method for Measurement of AC

Overlay and Leveling

Correspondence OUT to All Contractors

No.Letter Date Ref. No. Subject


Note: The correspondence of RE‟s offices are not included.

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Page 75


Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Road Asset Management Project (RAMP)

Maintenance Construction Supervision Consultant

Annex 2: Safeguard Compliance

and Monitoring of HIV/AIDS Campaign


(November 2013)

Commune Council Meeting for

the Implementation of Road Maintenance

In association with

VIDO Engineering Consultant

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January 2014 Page 76

Environmental and Social Safeguard Monitoring

A. Project Background

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) is implementing the Road Asset Management Project (RAMP) with supports from the International Development Association (IDA), ADB, AUSAID, OPEC, and KTF. The activities will include periodic maintenance of the National and Provincial Roads under the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT).

The objective of the project is to ensure continued effective use of the road network in support of Cambodia's economic development. It will do so by improving the institutional and technical capacity of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) for road maintenance planning, budgeting and operations, and by expanding and strengthening maintenance activities. The outcome will be a more sustainable road sector based on a sound MPWT network and sustained road maintenance.

B. Environmental and Social Safeguard

The Contractors are made aware of this obligation and their safeguard performance during construction will be closely supervised and monitored by the Project Engineers with close supervision of the Project Supervision Consultants.

In the RAMP-MPWT project, environmental and social impacts of the projects were identified in the Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework (ESSF) and the mitigation measures of these impacts have been addressed through Environmental Management Plan (EMP) submitted by Contractors before commencement of construction work. The protection and enhancement of human-wellbeing is a common demonstrator for both government and donors system and can be seen as ultimate goal of sustainable development.

Prior to the road maintenance activity there ESS conducted meeting with local authorities in the project influence area to create a sense of social, environmental and safety awareness within all construction activities. During the meeting the complaint mechanism was also introduced to commune council as well as local community living along the road project.

The purpose of meeting with local authority (commune councils) is not only to hear complaints, social and environmental impacts and satisfaction with the maintenance project but also to verify and confirm whether or not HIV/AIDS campaigns are conducted in the project influence area. In addition, it is an effective public disclosure of safeguard information to local authorities.

The ESS explained and discussed impact mitigation measures during the field visit to Contractors, Engineer and RE‟s of the project, if there is, in order to comply with EMP set in the Technical Specification. It is observed that, however, there is no adverse environmental and social impact to local community along the project influence area during civil works of road construction.

The ESS/RE/TL visited NR2, NR11, NR7.1, NR7.2 and NR7.3 to investigate on environment and social related issues during and after maintenance projects.

Following are the site observations and discussions during the visits:

It is observed that there was no serious environmental and social impact in the project area according to site investigation in this month. However, there were a few minor points that were noticed: a) In NR2 worker‟s toilet need repair, b) Clearance of rubbish around the campsite to mitigate these problems, ESS advised the related workers for cleanness and importance of hygiene in personal health and keep clean environment.

Generally, however, all road projects are limited to maintenance on the existing paved road and no widening or cause resettlement. It is concluded that the maintenance activities in every road sections cause no adverse environmental and social impact on lands or communities in the area. Below is the summarize table of the environmental and social safeguard monitoring report:

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January 2014 Page 77

Safeguard Monitoring Report

The outcomes of safeguard monitoring exercise are tabulated below.

Nº Road Maintenance related


Safeguard Monitoring Activity


Suggestion/Comment Achievement/Remarks

1 Pollution caused by domestic

sewage and solid waste

1-1. Flash toilet is used with septic tank (in engineer office) or soak away sewerage system in labor campsite

1-2. Most waste from kitchen is organic waste.

1-3. Solid waste collects in a tank for burning, as there is no waste disposal site in the village.

The toilets of some of local worker

temporary campsite need to be


Sanitation shall take into account for

every worker campsites. Sanitation of

some local worker in temporary

campsite needs to be improved.

Contractor advised to attend.

ESS/RE following up for full


2 Possible development of

camp into permanent


There are limited numbers of skilled workers, living in the rental houses or temporary huts.

Local workers live in their own home.

No possibility for permanent



3 Noise, vibration and dust

could affect any nearby

settlements or other

environmentally sensitive


Dust pollution is observed in some

limited base repair area.

To mitigate dust during constructions sprayed water.

After completion of base work to spray

prime coat

Contractor was instructed to

work on section to finish

within 1 or 2 days, to

minimize the dust pollution in

urban area.

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January 2014 Page 78

Nº Road Maintenance related


Safeguard Monitoring Activity


Suggestion/Comment Achievement/Remarks

4 Possible under/ground water

contamination by fuel and oil,

grease, and fuel in yards

There is no possibility of under/ground

water contamination by the projects.

5 Erosion from earthworks can

increase sedimentation in

drains, waterways and

irrigation ditches

No erosion was observed

New Land Developments Adjacent to

National Roads created the filling up

the drainage system of roadway, the

water stranded in pavement layers

destroy the asphaltic wearing courses,

creates big potholes and dangerous

condition that may cause fatal


MPWT is informed through local

authorities to prevent further


MPWT organized a seminar

80 staffs of DPWT‟s and

local government, to stop the

breach of ROW and

drainage system.

6 Possible pollution of

waterways or ground water

by bituminous products or

solvents used in resurfacing

of pavement

In one occasion leaking oil of

equipment was observed.

Since there is possibility of oil

spillages during the maintenance

work, it is recommended that all

equipment and machineries must be

free of oil, solvent and bituminous

material leaking along the

construction road section

At labor campsite shall take

necessary measure to ensure that no

underground water pollution that may

cause by the road maintenance

activity from storage area. Contractor

was advised to fix leaking equipment

As recycled oil is economical

for Contractor, they try not to

waste oil.

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January 2014 Page 79

Nº Road Maintenance related


Safeguard Monitoring Activity


Suggestion/Comment Achievement/Remarks

7 Traffic and pedestrian safety Contractor using traffic control

measures to limit disruption to traffic

and ensure safety of traffic and


Sometimes the traffic barrier posts

were not removed after working hour

at end of the day which can cause

traffic accident to road user during

night time (reported by people during

site visit on NR2)

TL/RE issued written instruction to

Contractor for strengthening of Traffic

Management & Safety

Contractor was warned the

punitive consequences

would be applied if breaches


8 Possible pollution of

waterways by solids waste

from material stockpiles on


Aggregates are store on available

land, there is no possibility of

waterway pollution.

No pollution from material stockpiles

was observed

Site instruction was issued to

Contractor to remove the solid waste

material of removal of existing

pavement away from side ditch and

waterway after completion of each

section (NR73 and NR71&PR2714).

Contractors agreed to clean-

up after completion of work.

This activity will be inspected

in the next mission.

9 Possible impact of road user


“Safety First” is introducing to all


Flagman is used for traffic

management and traffic control

schemes are submitted to RE for


TL/RE issued written instruction to

Contractor for strengthening of Traffic

Management & Safety

Contractor was warned the

punitive consequences

would be applied if breaches


10 Cutting of trees No such activity happens at the

project area.


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January 2014 Page 80

Nº Road Maintenance related


Safeguard Monitoring Activity


Suggestion/Comment Achievement/Remarks

11 Disposal of excavated

material from shoulder and

drain and scarified materials

During site visit excavated materials

was not transported out of road sides

in some road sections.

It is suggested that all excavated

material should transport out of the

road shoulder after completion of work

or donate to people if possible

Contractor was accepted to

remove out after completion

of work (NR73)

12 First aid kits First aid kits is not observed in some


It is strongly recommended that all

labor campsite shall have first aid kits

Contractor agreed to provide

in January 2014

13 Firefighting facilities Most of Engineer‟s, contractor‟s

offices and worker campsites are not

equipped with fire extinguisher.

It is recommended that the fire

extinguishers to be installed in all

necessary hot work places

ESS checked asphalt plant,

fuel storage and so on in

result it was installed


14 Wearing of protective

clothing and safety gear and

safety shoes

All engineers are well equipped with

helmet, reflective clothing, cone for

warning traffic and flagman to give

sign to road users.

Some of workers are not using safety

shoes during work implementation.

It is suggested that safety shoes must

be used during working hour. The

Contractor safety officer shall ensure

the workers have appropriate

protective clothing.

In response to instruction,

most of worker was

introduced and equipped

with reflective clothing,

safety gear, traffic cone and

so on.

15 Displaying warning boards Deficiency observed on adequate

warning signs at construction sites

TL/RE issued written instruction to

Contractor for strengthening of Traffic

Management & Safety

In response to TL's site

instruction, warning board

was installed properly.

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January 2014 Page 81

Environmental and Social Safeguard Monitoring Impact

The ESS, RE & Contractor through monitoring of site activities and joint consultation with community leaders and residents could achieve the following improvement on the current environmental/social safeguard issues:

I. Introduction:

This is the environmental and social safeguard monitoring monthly report is in January 2014, site visited to NR 72, 7-2, 11 and NR 2 of RAMP project target area in Kampong Cham to Kratie, Prey Veng and Takeo province. And at NR 7-2, 72 and NR 11 has 85 % to 90% and NR 71 has 30% of road maintenances activities completed and NR11 will handover by end of by February or March 2014, to MPWT and NR 2 has more than 20% achievement of the project implementation.

II. Conclusion and recommendation environment and safeguards complaining:

NR 2 is busy doing asphalt concrete overlay and repairing pothole

ESS Visited to the NR 72 at the site; working has new and old potholes maintenance;, discussed with the contractor about using a young age driver (has under 18 year old) and has not enough material for traffic management to protect the workers and the drivers. During the working time and proposed to Contractor should consider more on traffic management in order to protect the workers and the drivers during the working hours.

The shrub is growing along the road cause obstruction to road user not to the road furniture such as KM posts, road sign, guide post, safety barriers... so Contractor have to clear.

Meeting on site with Contractor's worker

KM stone installation

The NR 2 has not improved much based on the minute in Khmer detail the environment and social safeguard reviewed during field visited in January 2014. Because the contractor‟s site manager agreed and signed on the minute to take action then next month will review their action. Please see attachment of main point that they agreed to improve after observation during field visit, with assistant of team leader, consultant of quality control and contractor‟s site manager.

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