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  • 8/8/2019 PDF Study Template


    Laura Wright

    This template is slightly simplified version of what I use to study the bible. I endeavoured to produce a

    template that was as user friendly as possible yet should you wish to make you own changes please feel


    When planning to study a portion of Scripture I approach it in the following way;

    1. I begin by looking in to the historical geographical context of a book as this can shed light on many of

    the authors references to contemporary events; who was the letter written to? What was the political

    situation of the time? What has happened to the principal players previous to this point in time? etc. At thebeginning of each book we study there wil be a brief Book Preface posting communicating this type ofinformation.

    2. With this historical context in mind I would now read through the passage, usually a chapter but it would depend on the length.

    3. I would then more onto verse-by-verse exegesis;

    - Read through each verse highlighting words that I think are important.

    - Look up each of these words in a concordance or bible dictionary. If you are reading online at Studylight.org this process ismade much easier as their Interlinear Bible is linked to the Strong's Concordance, and there are also eight different dictionaries

    at your fingertips.

    - With these definitions and the historical/geographical context in mind consider the verse and what it means. To link my notes

    with the text I have underlinded the words that my notes are particularly referring to.

    4. If the text were still not clear I would consider going to a commentary, but only then. Studylight has 21 different commentaries youcan search through: some only cover particular books of the Bible while others comment on all of them. It is important to remember

    that these are the thoughts of men - not the Word of God.

    5. This is the step where a community of believers is important - talk about the verse with other Christians, talk about what you have

    come up with, ask questions and provide answers. Sometimes, because we are fallen, sinful, human beings, we can get thing totally

    wrong - I am the first to admit this. If you discover something that no one else has on the comment - dont stress - write it up! We

    may have all missed it, maybe you have misunderstood something, no comment or question is silly, the right meaning is there inthe text - all we have to do is find it.

    If you have any questions and would like to discuss them privately just email me on [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 PDF Study Template


    Laura Wright

    Ref. Text Word Definitions Notes

    1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ

    by the will of God, to the saints

    which are at Ephesus, and to

    the faithful in Christ Jesus:

    1:2 Grace be to you, and peace,

    from God our Father, and fromthe Lord Jesus Christ.

    1:3 Blessed be the God and Father

    of our Lord Jesus Christ, who

    hath blessed us with all spiritualblessings in heavenly places in


    1:4 According as he hath chosen us

    in him before the foundation of

    the world, that we should beholy and without blame before

    him in love:1:5 Having predestinated us unto

    the adoption of children by

    Jesus Christ to himself,

    according to the good pleasure

    of his will,

    1:6 To the praise of the glory of his

    grace, wherein he hath made us

    accepted in the beloved.

    1:7 In whom we have redemption

    through his blood, the

    forgiveness of sins, according tothe riches of his grace;

    1:8 Wherein he hath abounded

    toward us in all wisdom andprudence;

  • 8/8/2019 PDF Study Template


    Laura Wright

    1:9 Having made known unto us

    the mystery of his will,

    according to his good pleasure

    which he hath purposed in


    1:10 That in the dispensation of the

    fulness of times he might

    gather together in one all thingsin Christ, both which are in

    heaven*, and which are on

    earth; even in him:

    1:11 In whom also we have obtained

    an inheritance, beingpredestinated according to the

    purpose of him who worketh all

    things after the counsel of hisown will:

    1:12 That we should be to the praise

    of his glory, who first trusted*

    in Christ.1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after

    that ye heard the word of truth,the gospel of your salvation: in

    whom also after that ye

    believed, ye were sealed withthat holy Spirit of promise,

    1:14 Which is the earnest of our

    inheritance until the redemption

    of the purchased possession,

    unto the praise of his glory.

    1:15 Wherefore I also, after I heardof your faith in the Lord Jesus,

    and love unto all the saints,

    1:16 Cease not to give thanks for

    you, making mention of you in

    my prayers;

  • 8/8/2019 PDF Study Template


    Laura Wright

    1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus

    Christ, the Father of glory, may

    give unto you the spirit of

    wisdom and revelation in the

    knowledge of him:

    1:18 The eyes of your understanding

    being enlightened; that ye may

    know what is the hope of hiscalling, and what the riches of

    the glory of his inheritance in

    the saints,

    1:19 And what is the exceeding

    greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to

    the working of his mighty


    1:20 Which he wrought in Christ,

    when he raised him from thedead, and set him at his own

    right hand in the heavenlyplaces,

    1:21 Far above all principality, andpower, and might, and

    dominion, and every name that

    is named, not only in this world,but also in that which is to


    1:22 And hath put all things under

    his feet, and gave him to be the

    head over all things to the


    1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of

    him that filleth all in all.