PDEA NIRO PECIS ACTIVITIES 1 ST QUARTER 2017 JAN 2017 January 26, 2017 ST. PAUL COLLEGE Guidance Office, Dumaguete City requested for a Drug Awareness Lecture entitled “Ä Drug Awareness Talk” among the Senior and Junior High School Students. An emphasis on NO TO DRUGS Slogan was displayed in conspicuous area of the University as reminder to all students that this school does not tolerate the use of illegal drugs.

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JAN 2017

January 26, 2017 ST. PAUL COLLEGE Guidance Office, Dumaguete City requested for a Drug Awareness Lecture entitled “Ä Drug Awareness Talk” among the Senior and Junior High School Students. An emphasis on NO TO DRUGS Slogan was displayed in conspicuous area of the University as reminder to all students that this school does not tolerate the use of illegal drugs.

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January 27, 2017 2nd day of ST PAUL UNIVERSITY, Dumaguete City Drug Awareness Talk attended by College Students of the said School.

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January 30, 2017 Silliman University, Dumaguete City has scheduled series of Drug Awareness Symposium which started last January 30, 2017 until end of February to all students from different colleges. The initial activity was attended by the following colleges: BMC/SPAG/Senior High/COPVA/IRS/CAS/DIVINITY


February 3, 2017 The Series of Barangay Drug Information Campaign to be conducted to the 30 Barangays of Bayawan City as requested by CADAC Head, Ms. Cindy Salimbagat of City Public Safety Office.

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IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo was tasked to conduct the abovementioned topic specifically on the following: Drug Situation and Its Strategic Direction; Most Abused Illegal Drugs and It’s Ill Effects; and, Most Commonly Violated Provisions of RA9165. This activity was held at the Brgy. Hall, Suba, Bayawan City on February 03, 2017 attended by a total of 60 participants (Female: 18; Male: 42) including the Brgy Chairman, Councilors, Tanod Auxilliary Team, Civilian volunteers and PNP Personnel.

February 6, 2017 IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo conducted the Anti-Illegal Drugs Information Dissemination on February 6, 2017 among the 2nd Batch of 148 (Female: 87; Male: 61) Silliman Junior and Senior High students who were divided into AM/PM sessions held at Silliman Hall.

Resource Speaker talked about Drug Abuse Prevention and Education among the students of Silliman University based on the proposed series of schedule. This is in

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line with their Capability Building program on acquiring skills and information particularly in matters about illegal drugs.

February 08, 2017 “Guidance Information Day on Drug Awareness” held at February 8, 2017 at the

Audio Visual Room, Negros Maritime College Foundation, Inc. from 2 to 4pm. IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo discussed Drug Identification and It’s Ill Effects, likewise, RA 9165 (Most Commonly Violated Provisions) among the 280 (Female: 9; Male: 271) Maritime students.

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The Social Security System (SSS) thru OIC Dato requested the conduct of Drug Awareness Campaign for the personnel and staff of Dumaguete and Siquijor Branches last February 10, 2017 at 4 to 6PM held in their Office at Brgy. Bagacay, this City. A total of Thirty Five (Female: 19; Male: 16) personnel including two Security Guards and utility men attended the said lecture on: Drug Identification and Ill Effects as well as RA 9165 (Most Commonly Violated Provisions).

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The CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S ZONAL FELLOWSHIP, a quarterly get together of women from Six (6) different churches in Negros Oriental accommodated a 10 minute talk on PDEA’s Anti-Illegal Drugs advocacy and allowed a film showing on Duterte"s drugs infomercial campaign to among Seventy Six (76) group members. This activity was conducted at Jesus Saves Church, Brgy. Bagacay, Dumaguete City, February 11, 2017(Saturday) at 9AM to 12NN.

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1. Silliman University requested for the availability of a Resource Speaker to talk about Drug Abuse Prevention and Education among the students of the said University based on the proposed series of schedule. This is in line with their Capability Building program on acquiring skills and information particularly in matters about illegal drugs

2. The two-hour activity conducted last February 13, 2017 from 9-11AM was the 3rd Batch of Silliman University Anti-Illegal Drug Information Campaign which was

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attended by a total of 56 (Female:23; Male:33) students from the College of Medical Technology; Agriculture and Performing Arts.

Information Officer lll, Joan Intruzo-Anglo was tasked to proceed at Bahura Beach Resort, Dauin, Negros Oriental and talked about the Illegal Drugs Information Campaign to the above mentioned audience. She further discussed the relevance of the partnership between PDEA and DepEd as far as information dissemination on the effects of illegal drugs to the students is concerned. PDEA’s advocacy on Anti-Illegal Drugs campaign during their Management Committee Meeting (ManCom) to be attended by the different School Superintendents and Division Chief. The talk was set at 2:30 in the afternoon on February 15, 2017.

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February 17, 2017 In coordination with Bayawan City Public Safety Officer, Mrs Cindy H. Salimbagat to distribute flyers/leaflets on anti-illegal drugs campaign to the audience during the showdown activity of the 32nd Tawo-Tawo Festival in line with Bayawan City Fiesta celebration conducted at Integrated Business Center (IBC), this City PDEA NIR Information Officer assisted by Ms Salimbagat distributed flyers bearing anti-illegal drugs information among the audience and participants of the Showdown activity.

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P/SUPT MELCHOR AGUSIN, Chief of Police Bayawan City estimated the crowd to have reached a total of 30,000 people. Said approximation was likewise confirmed by the Chief of City Public Safety Office responsible in maintaining the peace and order of the viewing public.

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The Series of Barangay Drug Information Campaign to be conducted to the 30 Barangays of Bayawan City as requested by CADAC Head, Ms. Cindy Salimbagat of City Public Safety Office. IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo was tasked to conduct the abovementioned topic specifically on the following: Drug Situation and Its Strategic Direction; Most Abused Illegal Drugs and It’s Ill Effects; and, Most Commonly Violated Provisions of RA9165. This activity was held at the Brgy. Malabugas Gymnasium, Bayawan City on February 22, 2017 attended by a total of 85 participants (Female: 39; Male: 41; Senior Citizen: 5) including the Brgy Chairman, Councilors, BADAC Members, Tanod Auxilliary Team, Civilian volunteers and PNP Personnel.

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Silliman University, Dumaguete City has scheduled series of Drug Awareness Symposium which started last January 30, 2017 until end of February to all students from different colleges. IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo conducted the Anti-Illegal Drugs Information Dissemination on February 23, 2017 to the College of Nursing composed of: Male: 31; Female: 116 for a total of 147 student nurses, this University.

February 24, 2017 Personal coordination of the Information Officer PDEA NIR with the Department of

Education thru OIC Regional Director GILBERT T. SADSAD regarding the plan of this Agency to distribute anti-illegal drugs leaflets to the viewing public during the Opening Ceremony of Palarong Negros Island Region which was scheduled last February 24, 2017.

This regional meet slated from February 24 to March1, 2017 to be conducted at

the Gov. Mariano Perdices Memorial Stadium, Dumaguete City, would be hosted by the Schools Divisions, this City, bearing the theme: “One Island, One DepEd, One Asean.” The competing teams composed of 16 school division delegations including 10 from Negros Occidental and 6 from Negros Oriental had a total 12,000 athletes, officials and chaperone.

The opening ceremony conducted last February 24, 2017 started with a street

parade from Dumaguete Boulevard and commenced at the Perdices Stadium. OIC RD DeptED NIR SADSAD estimated the crowd during the ceremony to be at 13,000 including the spectators and guests.

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The Series of Barangay Drug Information Campaign to be conducted to the 30 Barangays of Bayawan City as requested by CADAC Head, Ms. Cindy Salimbagat of City Public Safety Office. IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo was tasked to conduct the abovementioned topic specifically on the following: Drug Situation and Its Strategic Direction; Most Abused Illegal Drugs and It’s Ill Effects; and, Most Commonly Violated Provisions of RA9165. This activity was held at Liga Building Bayawan City for the constituents of Brgy. Tinago, on February 28, 2017 attended by a total of 48 participants (Female: 25; Male:10; Senior Citizen: 13) including the Brgy Chairman, Councilors, BADAC Members, Tanod Auxilliary Team, Civilian volunteers and PNP Personnel.

Silliman University, Dumaguete City has scheduled series of Drug Awareness Symposium which started last January 30, 2017 until end of February to all students from different colleges.

IO3 Joan Intruzo-Anglo conducted the Anti-Illegal Drugs Information Dissemination on February 27, 2017 to the Junior and Senior High Students composed of: Male: 52; Female: 63 for a total of 115.

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MARCH 2017

March 5, 2017 The Negros Oriental Electric Company (NORECO ll) series of information drive on drug awareness program initiated by Mr. Serafin B. Grafe, Jr of the Human

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Resource Department. This is conducted every other Monday from 8AM to 9AM at the Main Office, Dumaguete City. A total of 127 personnel (Male: 105; Female: 22) attended the above mentioned lecture on the Most Commonly Violated Provisions of RA9165 which lasted an hour including the open-forum portion.

One of the participants commended on the significance of this kind of information shared by this Agency and which should be cascaded to all employees not just in the government but to private entities as well. The intention of which is to warn all those who are already engage in the trading of illegal drugs and those who might still be a victim on the penalties and the legal aspects of the act.

March 5, 2017 Mr. Dennis R. Chiu (Dean, College of Criminology), Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA), Dumaguete City requested availability of a Resource Speaker to talk about Anti-Illegal Drugs Information.

In line with the College’ weeklong Criminology celebration, a total of Ninety Eight (Female: 30; Male: 68) COSCA students and faculty members attended the lecture on the Most Abused Illegal Drugs and its Ill Effects).

Rev. Father Nathaniel B. Gomez (COSCA President) and Dr. Henry Sojor (Dean, English Department) appreciated the effort of the Agency to share the knowledge on the ill effects of illegal drugs among the students. The former suggested proposing a 5minute talk during the conduct of masses in the church under the Diocese of Dumaguete upon the approval of Bishop Carlito Cortes. He further stated that when the proposal will be materialized, this will become their humble contribution in the war against illegal drugs of President Duterte’s administration

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PDEA Negros Island Region (NIR) Information Officer lll conducted a 5minute talk among the members of Dumaguete Cathedral Credit Cooperative in Dumaguete City members during their 4th Annual Representatives Assembly on March 12, 2017. The talk focused on staying away from drugs and to avoid getting involve on

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any illegal transactions thereof. Likewise, drug infomercial videos were shown before the brief talk started.

Chief Executive Officer Flordeliz V. Bokingkito, CPA, MBA summed up the participants to a total of 5,300 active members.

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Personal coordination with the Archbishop of Dumaguete, Julito Cortes at the Bishop’s Residence in Brgy. Bagacay, this City on March 15, 2017 regarding the proposed 5minuter talk on anti-illegal drugs campaign during the mass to be conducted before the benediction by the officiating priest. PDEA NIR Information Officer lll proceeded to the Bishop’s Residence located at the above mentioned address as scheduled by Fr. Melchor Parco, the Bishop’s Secretary. The said meeting was also attended by Monsignor Merlin Logronio, a resident priest. The following concerns were tapped during the meeting:

a.) That, Bishop Cortes still had to inform the rest of the clergymen of the Diocese of Dumaguete if they would be amenable to the proposed 5minute talk on anti-illegal drugs campaign during the mass.

b.) That, a suggestion to write the advocacy campaign in words both in English language and Cebuano dialect to be delivered by the officiating priest in all churches under the Diocese of Dumaguete.

c.) That, the availability of a Resource Speaker to talk about the drug situation during the Clergymen’s meeting scheduled on March 20, 2017, 3pm at Maria’s Priests Center, Cathedral Compound.

Bishop Cortes assured of half a million parishioners who would be able to listen to the said information campaign every Sunday to be conducted in all the Churches of Dumaguete should this proposal be materialized.

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Approved proposed 5minute talk on the Agency’s information campaign during PHCCI 46th General Assembly of members held at Lamberto Macias Gymnasium, Dumaguete City on March 19, 2017 PDEA Negros Island Region (NIR) Information Officer lll conducted a 5minute talk on staying away from drugs and avoiding any involvement on any illegal transactions to evade the penalty of law among the members of another known credit cooperative in Dumaguete City. Likewise, drug infomercial videos were shown to the attendees before the brief talk started.

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Approved proposed 5minute talk on the Agency’s information campaign during Monday Flag Raising Ceremony on March 20, 2017 at 7:30AM, Dumaguete City High School (DCHS), Brgy. Mangnao, this City. PDEA NIR Information Officer lll conducted a 5minute encouragement among high school students in the above mentioned institution to say NO to drugs and to dislike illegal transactions of the same nature to avoid being penalized by the law that covers it.

Assistant Principal Alden Rabina confirmed the number of students and faculties who attended the Flag Raising Ceremony to have totaled 2, 200.

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Series of drug information campaign participated in by the national agencies: PDEA, PNP and DILG which is intended for all 28 barangays in Bayawan City spearheaded by City Public Safety Office, this City A one day orientation seminar on BADAC Auxiliary Team focusing on Drug Clearing Operation was conducted on March 23, 2017 at Brgy.San Isidro, Bayawan City. A total of 86 members of the said barangay headed by Brgy. Captain Anna Trebajo, kagawad members, volunteers and school representatives attended the activity composed of Male: 35; Female: 43; Senior Citizen: 8.

1. Reference: Invitation Letter dated March 16, 2017 from Barangay Council of Barangay Bata, Bacolod City.

2. In connection of the above references PG2 Junver P. Gabales as

designated PECI Officer of PDEA NIRO together with CMO Juliet D. Gabales as event photographer were dispatched by the undersigned to attend the said event and conduct lecture re: Barangay Drug Clearing Operation as Strategy by: PDEA.

3. The Lecture started on/before 10:00am of March 17, 2017. This event was organized by the Office of the Barangay Council of Barangay Bata, Bacolod City.

4. The event lasted for almost 2(two) hours, the lecture covered the topic on

Barangay Drug Clearing Operation as Strategy by: PDEA. The total number of participants attended the lecture are as follows:

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Boys 39

Girls 88

Total Attendees 127

1. Reference: Received phone call from personnel of Negros Occidental Drug

Rehabilitation Center (NODRC), Victorias City dated March 17, 2017 re; Ground

Breaking Ceremony.

2. In view of the above reference Atty., Roselyn A. Borja, CPA, DDB representative, Board of Directors of NORDC, and others witnessed the ground breaking ceremonies. Atty., Roselyn A. Borja give message to the participants and the patients of Negros Occidental Drug Rehabillation Center.

3. This activity was

held at the Negros Occidental

Drug Rehabillation Center, last

March 18, 2017 at 09:00 in the


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1. BADAC-Meeting in Brgy., Mandalagan, Bacolod City.

2. In view of the above reference Atty., Roselyn A. Borja, CPA attended the BADAC Meeting of Barangay Mandalagan, Bacolod City, different Purok President in Brgy., Mandalagan, School Heads, PNP personnel of Station 3.

3. The meeting was held at the 2nd floor Session hall of Barangay Hall of Brgy.,

Mandalagan ,Bacolod City last March 16, 2017.

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1. Deputy Regional Director Wardley Getalla attended the meeting held at

Murcia Immaculate Parish Church on March 2, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. The Murcia

Municipal Police Station was the secretariat facilitated the event. Assistant Regional

Director Wardley M Getalla give message for the said event. It was attended by the Fr.

Gregorio Patiño, Parish Priest of Murcia Immaculate Parish Church, PSSUPT William

C Señoron, Provincial Director of Negros Occidental Provincial Police Office, Vice-

Mayor Victor Gerardo Rojas of Murcia, PSI Hecror Balbon, Municipal Chief of Police

,Provincial DILG Ms. Connie Junto, Sangunian

2. In this connection Vice Mayor Victor Gerardo Rojas declared Barangay

Cansilayan, Barangay Canlandog, Barangay Damsite, and Barangay Iglau-an are

cleared barangay followed with the distribution of folder for witnessed and signed by

different agencies. After the declaration of four (4) barangay’s there were also signing

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of commitment for the all the participants for their commitment in helping the

Municipality of Murcia to be Drug free municipality in Negros Occidental.

1. Training for Barangay Drug Clearing at 4th Floor function

Room, Negros Oriental Convention Hotel on March 3,


2. The activity is lead by Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Region 18 to

strengthen the implementation of the national government’s program in curbing illegal

drugs at the grassroots level. Assistant Regional Director Wardley Getalla was the

resource speaker of the said seminar. It was attended by the local Chief of Police in

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Negros Oriental, Municipal DILG of Negros Oriental and Municipal Health Officers in

Negros Oriental.

3. In addition, this provides the participants with knowledge on community –

based intelligence sourcing, gathering and processing of data on individuals and groups

engaged in illegal drug activities.

1. Letter of invitation addressed to Atty., Roselyn A. Borja,

CPA, Regional Director PDEA NIRO.

2. In view of the above reference Atty., Roselyn A. Borja, CPA, Mayor Evelio R. Leonardia,PSSUPT. Jack Wanky, OIC City Director Bacolod City Police Office, Pastor Rodolfo D. Quizon Jr. aka Dolphy Jr and among others attended the said activity. Atty Roselyn A. Borya give message to the Drug surrenderees in Bacolod City thre was more or less 500 drug surrenderres who attended the said activity.

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3. This activity was held at the Bacolod Base Center, Bacolod City, last March

15, 2017 at 3:00 in the afternoon.

1. Courtesy Call of Atty., Roselyn A Borja, CPA, Regional

Director PDEA NIRO to the Governor of Negros Oriental

last March 21, 2017.

2. In connection with the above reference, being a newly assigned Regional

Director, ATTY., ROSELYN A. BORJA, CPA rendered a courtesy call to HON. ROEL

R. DEGAMO in his Provincial Office, Dumaguete City.

3. Governor Degamo appreciated Atty. Borja in helping the province of Negros

Oriental in campaigning in supply and demand reduction on his province. And also, Atty

Borja appreciated Governor Degamo for the support that he provides in the Provincial


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1. Letter of invitation addressed to Atty., Roselyn A. Borja,

CPA, Regional Director dated March 15, 2017.

2. In view of the above reference Assistant Regional Director Wardley M. Getalla, DILG Regional Director Region 18, Students of Different Schools in Bacolod City,and among others attended the said activity. Assistant Regional Director give message to the participants. There were more or less 3,000 who attended the said activity.

3. This activity start in front of Girl Scout Office, Magsaysay St., Bacolod City

at 5:00 in the morning, the Lakad Kontra Droga ends at Bacolod City public plaza last

March 26, 2017.

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1. Letter of invitation addressed to ATTY., ROSELYN A.

BORJA, CPA, Regional Director, PDEA NIRO dated

February 22, 2017 signed by Mr. Dionisio C. Chua,

Branch Manager, Casino Filipino Bacolod.

2. In view of the above reference Atty., Roselyn A. Borja, CPA conducted lecture on the topic specifically on the following: Drug Situation and Its Strategic Direction; Most Abused Illegal Drugs and It’s Ill Effects; and, Most Commonly Violated Provisions of RA9165.

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3. This activity was held at the 2nd floor Kahirup Lounge, Casino Filipino

Bacolod, L’ Fisher Hotel, Lacson St., Bacolod City last March 10, 2017. It was attended

by 39 employees (18 Female and 21 Male) of PAGCOR, Bacolod City.