Pattonville School District 2019-20 Budget June 11, 2019 Ron Orr - Chief Financial Officer

Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

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Page 1: Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

Pattonville School District 2019-20 BudgetJune 11, 2019

Ron Orr - Chief Financial Officer

Page 2: Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

Table of Contents

Board of Education and First Level Administrators 1

Budget Message 2-5

Executive Summary

Fund Descriptions 6

Summary of Operating and Non-Operating Funds 7

Debt Service Fund 8

Operating Funds Revenue Analysis 9-13

Operating Funds Expense Analysis 14-22

Fund Balance 23

Operating Funds Forecast 23

Budget Initiatives

Detailed Financial Statements

Fund Balance Summary 24

Revenue Summary 25

Revenue Comparison 2016-17 through 2019-20 26-27

Expenditure Summary by Fund 2016-17 through 2019-20 28-32

Debt Amortization by Issuance 33-36

Debt Amortization by Year 37

Operating Funds Projection 38

Page 3: Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

Administrative Organizational Chart

Board of Education             Administration                             Principals

Andrea Glenn          Dr. Tim Pecoraro                                  Dr. Joe DobrinicPresident                                 Superintendent                         Pattonville High School Dr. Brian Gray                       Ron Orr, CPA, SFO                                   Dr. Sara MoranVice President                         Chief Financial Officer                 Holman Middle School Mindy Ridings                      Dr. Barry Nelson                                  Dr. Scot MosherSecretary                                 Assistant Superintendent   Heights Middle School Mary Kay Campbell             Dr. Tina Plummer                                    Dr. Bill CasnerTreasurer                                  Assistant Superintendent                   Bridgeway Elementary                                    Ruth Petrov                             Mickey Schoonover, APR                     Melissa Yount-OttDirector                                    Director of Community Relations         Parkwood Elementary Jeanne Schottmueller                                                                  Dr. Don FurjesDirector                                              Remington Traditional Amanda Lienau Purnell, Ph.D.                                                              Steve VargoDirector                                                                                                       Rose Acres Elementary

                                                                                                                     Dr. Marla Wasserman Willow Brook Elementary Jason Van Beers                                                                                                                     Robert Drummond Elementary

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Budget Message

The 2019-20 school year will be the sixth year for additional revenues from Proposition P, which was an operating tax rate increase of $0.9972 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation. This increase provided financial stability for the district and passed with a 70.28% voter approval in 2013. This increase provides nearly $10.5 million per year in additional revenue, and allowed the district to avoid corresponding cuts that would have otherwise been required. Prior to Proposition P, district reserves had dropped to 18% of annual expenditures and the district was forced to borrow against future property tax receipts for the first time in over 20 years. Under Proposition P, the district had a goal to eliminate this type of short-term borrowing by 2017, but the district exceeded that goal and eliminated that borrowing in 2016. The 2019-20 budget shows an Operating surplus of $0.4 million, and the district will end the year with $35.3 million in reserves.

The timing of commercial property tax appeals continues to be a budget focus for the district. Over the past decade more than $20 million has been refunded to commercial taxpayers, and approximately $2 million was being refunded annually. However, in recent years these refunds and the impact of successful appeals have begun to decline. As a result the estimated impact of successful appeals has been reduced to $1 million in the 2019-20 budget. Local revenue continues to be the largest source of funding for the school district, and property taxes are the largest source of local revenue. Property values are reassessed in odd numbered years, and 2019 is a year of reassessment. Based on preliminary assessed valuation data from St. Louis County, property values are expected to increase 9.1% in 2019. However, the change in the Consumer Price Index was 1.9% during that same time. As a result tax rates will be reduced according to Missouri so that revenue from existing property only grows 1.9%.

Salaries and benefits continue to be the largest district expense and account for 81.8% of the district’s operating budget. The rising cost of health insurance continues to be a major concern nationally, but due to continued proactive measures, the district had four consecutive years of a 0% increase, and then a 7% increase last year. The budget is based upon a 6% increase for 2019-20. 2019-20 is the first year of a three-year agreement with the Pattonville National Education Association (PNEA), and Pattonville Education Support Professionals (PESP). These agreements provide for a 3.6% increase per year based on salaries as a base year in 2018-19. However, due to savings from a separation incentive in 2018-19, the overall increase for certified staff will be approximately 2.65% in the first year.

Since the passage of Proposition P the district has been able to restore capital spending budgets in the district. The 2019-20 budget includes the purchase of four new school buses, and eight maintenance vehicles. In addition the Pattonville community passed Proposition K in 2017, which authorized the district to issue $23 million in general obligation bonds to fund facility improvements throughout the district. Those final construction costs will be incurred during 2019-20.

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Local RevenueLocal revenue sources account for 85.7% or $90.7 million of the district’s total revenue budget (excluding proceeds from the sale of bonds) and current property taxes make up $73.9 million of this revenue. This represents a revenue increase of 4.05% or $2.9 million over the prior year. In Missouri property is assessed during odd-numbered years and 2019 is a year of reassessment. The 2019-20 budget is based on an overall increase of 9.12% in property values. However, revenues for existing property cannot exceed the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The change in CPI being used for 2019 tax revenue is 1.9%, which represents an increase of $1.0 million. Tax rates will be reduced so that total revenue from existing property doesn’t exceed 1.9%. The remaining $1.9 million increase is due to increased revenue from new construction. Revenue from new construction is not tied to the CPI limit, and the majority of the increase is from property that was part of the South Heights Tax Increment Financing District. This district was a tax abatement program that recently ended and is going on the tax rolls for the first time, and per Missouri law is treated as new construction.

EnrollmentStudent enrollment has decreased from nearly 6,600 students in the fall of 2001 to just under 5,800 estimated in the fall of 2019. This decrease is largely due to the loss of approximately 500 students from the airport buy-out (runway expansion), and discontinuing participation in the voluntary transfer program with the city of St. Louis. Projections show enrollment growing by approximately 25 students per year, through 2022. During the 2017-18, school year Normandy gained provisional accreditation, and projections do not include any students attending Pattonville from unaccredited districts. With stable enrollment, there is no anticipated need for any significant staff adjustments.

Estimated Assessed Valuation Real EstatePersonalPropertyResidential Commercial Agricultural Total

2018-19 Actual Assessed Valuation 424,409,860 646,243,970 200,530 290,863,420 1,361,717,780

2019-20 Estimated Assessed Valuation 504,101,650 685,889,509 226,960 295,658,730 1,485,876,849

$ Change 79,691,790 39,645,539 26,430 4,795,310 124,159,069

% Change 18.78% 6.13% 13.18% 1.65% 9.12%

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Fall Enrollment

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State Funding

Total state revenue is estimated to be $9.5 million in 2019-20, with the largest component of state funding coming from the Foundation Formula. Under this formula, Pattonville continues to be a hold harmless district, receiving just $4.8 million per year, or approximately $830 per student. The hold harmless designation means Pattonville received a higher level of funding under an older 1992 formula than the current formula provides. As a result, Pattonville is held harmless to the level of funding received in 1992. Pattonville receives the 511th lowest level of funding from the state out of 520 districts. The remainder of state revenue includes transportation and early childhood special education.

Salaries and Benefits

Salaries and benefits continue to be the largest expenditure in the district budget and in 2019-20 will account for $80.1 million, or 81.8% of the total district budget (excluding debt service and bond-funded construction). 2019-20 is the first year of a three-year agreement with the Pattonville National Education Association (PNEA), and Pattonville Education Support Professionals (PESP). These agreements provide for a 3.6% increase per year. A component of the agreement provided for a separation incentive at the end of 2018-19. This incentive resulted in 28 support staff, 36 teachers, and an administrator separating service from the district early. When staff separate service from the district under a plan like this they are typically replaced with staff earlier in the careers, at lower- paying steps on the district salary schedules. The savings from this incentive, lowered the increase for teachers to 2.65% in 2019-20. However, the savings realized from support staff utilizing the incentive are being used to make market adjustments to specific positions. Health insurance costs are expected to rise 6%.

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Expense Budget Summary

Overall expenses are similarly spread among each of the funds in 2019-20 as they were in 2018-19. The increase of nearly of $1.4 million or 4% in expenses in the general fund is largely due to an increase in benefit costs ($0.5 million), text book adoptions ($0.4 million), and salaries ($0.2 million).

The increase in capital expenses results from payments on Certificates of Participation that are being used to fund $20 million in energy improvements.


Fund 2018-19 Projection

2019-20 Budget $ Variance % Variance

General 35,041,318 36,752,368 (1,711,050) (4.88%)

Special 55,912,660 56,019,902 (107,242) (0.19%)

Capital 3,830,315 4,746,500 (916,185) (23.92%)

Bond 28,285,070 24,680,458 3,604,612 12.74%

Activities 800,000 800,000 0 0.00%

Debt Service 8,286,375 8,682,663 (396,288) (4.78%)

132,155,738 131,681,891 473,847 0.36%

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Other Funds31%




Other Funds29%



Page 8: Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

Executive Summary

The following is a review and analysis of the 2019-20 budget for the Pattonville School District. The district operates on a July 1 – June 30 fiscal year, and prepares its budget across seven different funds. These funds include:

The general fund is the general operating fund of the school district and accounts for expenditures of non-certified employees, pupil transportation, facility operations, fringe benefits, community services, the food service program, and any expenditure not required or permitted to be accounted for in other funds. This fund’s purpose is defined by Missouri statute.

The activity fund is a fiduciary fund and is used to account for expenditures from non-taxpayer sources such as fundraising efforts for extracurricular activities. This fund is not required by Missouri statute, and is included with the General fund for state reporting.

The special revenue fund accounts for expenditures of salaries and benefits for certified employees involved in the school district’s administration and instruction. This fund’s purpose is defined by Missouri statute.

The debt service fund is restricted for the accumulation of resources used for the payment of principal, interest, and fiscal charges on long-term debt. This fund’s purpose is defined by Missouri statute.

The capital projects fund is restricted for activities related to the acquisition or construction of major capital assets. The capital projects fund is further divided by the district into the Bond Issue fund. For purposes of state reporting and audited financial statements, all three funds are reported on a consolidated basis. This fund’s purpose is defined by Missouri statute.

The bond issue fund is established to account for all expenditures related to the April 2017 $23 million general obligation bond issue. The use of this additional fund provides for enhanced analysis of all activities related to the issuance. This fund is not required by Missouri statute and is consolidated with the capital projects fund for state reporting purposes.

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For purposes of analysis, the district generally refers to the general, special, activity, and capital (excluding bond issue) funds as the district’s operating budget. This measure is used because, according to Missouri law, the district has discretion in how most revenues are distributed to each individual operating fund. These funds represent the primary operations of the district and are the best measure of the district’s financial status. For 2019-20 the operating budget has a projected surplus of $402,752.

2019-20 BudgetOperating

FundsBond Debt

Service Total

Revenues 98,721,522 15,000 7,046,908 79,884,969

Expenditures (98,318,770) (24,680,458) (8,682,663) (131,681,891)

Net Results 402,752 (24,665,458) (1,635,755) (25,898,461)

Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable)

2019-20 Operating Budget Comparison2018-19

Projection2019-20 Budget $ Change % Change


Local Revenue 80,538,600 84,242,080 3,703,480 4.60%

County Revenue 1,033,500 1,050,000 16,500 1.60%

State Revenue 9,463,750 9,525,200 61,450 0.65%

Federal Revenue 3,752,372 3,782,242 29,870 0.80%

Other Revenue 120,000 122,000 2,000 1.67%

Total Revenue 94,908,222 98,721,522 3,813,300 4.02%


Salaries and Benefits (79,299,119) (80,462,536) (1,163,417) (1.47%)

Services and Supplies (12,454,859) (13,109,734) (654,875) (5.26%)

Capital (3,830,315) (4,746,500) (916,185) (23.92%)

Total Expense (95,584,293) (98,318,770) (2,734,477) (2.86%)

Change in Operating Fund Balance (676,071) 402,752

Beginning Operating Fund Balance 35,530,087 34,854,016

Ending Operating Fund Balance 34,854,016 35,256,768

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Includes final construction related to $23 million bond issue

approved in April 2017, and construction projects

funded by energy improvements.

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Debt Service Fund

This fund shows a net decrease of $1,635,755 for the fiscal year 2019-20. Expenditures in this fund are for scheduled payments of principal and interest on the district’s outstanding general obligation debt (bonds), with no changes other than normal payments being anticipated. By law this fund can only be used for this purpose, and cannot be used to fund operations like salaries. This fund does not follow a typical fiscal year, and any deficit or surplus at a fiscal year end results from fluctuating principal and interest payments. The State Auditors Office reviews the district debt service levy to ensure it is set appropriately and that the district is maintaining a proper reserve balance. Currently the district maintains less than one year of principal and interest payments in fund balance, but state law allows for up to a full year. By maintaining a lower fund balance than allowed under Missouri law, the district can maintain a lower tax rate for district residents and business owners.

Projections based on the current $.49 debt service tax levy show fund balances declining slightly through 2020, and then slowly beginning to build. The district will begin the 2019-20 fiscal year with $2,853,106 available in the debt service fund balance.

10-Year Debt Service Fund Projection

The shaded area in the chart above represents the total revenue and fund balance available to pay debt in a given year. The dark green represents principal and interest payments. The light green represents the ending balance after principal and interest payments, and indicates future capacity for potential no tax rate increase bond issues.payments.

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2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29

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Operating Funds Revenue Analysis (Excludes Debt Service and Bond Funds)For 2019-20 operating revenues are budgeted at $98,721,522, which represents an increase of

$3,813,300 or 4.02% from 2018-19.

2019-20 Operating


2018-19 Operating

BudgetFavorable/(Unfavorable)$ Variance. % Variance

Local Taxes 67,424,000 64,550,000 2,874,000 4.45%

Sales Taxes (Prop C) 5,974,000 5,826,000 148,000 2.54%

Payments in Lieu of Tax 8,400,000 7,800,000 600,000 7.69%

Investment Earnings 280,000 215,000 65,000 30.23%

Food Service Sales 840,480 824,000 16,480 2.00%

Student Activities 800,000 800,000 0 0.00%

All Other Local Revenues 523,600 523,600 0 0.00%

Total Local Revenue 84,242,080 80,538,600 3,703,480 4.60%

County Revenue 1,050,000 1,033,500 16,500 1.60%

State Revenue 9,525,200 9,463,750 61,450 0.65%

Federal Revenue 3,782,242 3,752,372 29,870 0.80%

Other Revenue 122,000 120,000 2,000 1.67%

Total Operating Revenue 98,721,522 94,908,222 3,813,300 4.02%

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Property taxes will increase from $64,550,000 in 2018-19 to $67,424,000 budgeted for 2019-20, which represents a favorable variance of $2,874,000 or 4.45%. The 2019-20 budget is based on an overall increase of 9.12% in property values. However, revenues for existing property cannot exceed the change in CPI. The change in CPI being used for 2019 tax revenue is 1.9%, which represents an increase of $1.0 million. Tax rates will be reduced so that total revenue from existing property doesn’t exceed 1.9%. The remaining $1.9 million increase is due to revenue from new construction. Revenue from new construction is not tied to the CPI limit, and the majority of the increase is from property that was part of the South Heights Tax Increment Financing District. This district was a tax abatement program that recently ended and is taxable for the first time, and per Missouri law is treated as new construction.

Local taxes are based on the assessed valuation of real estate and personal property located within the district and is estimated to increase by 9.12% overall from $1,361,717,780 in 2018-19 to $1,485,876,849 in 2019-20. The assessed value of property is determined by the appraised (market) value of the property. Market value is then multiplied by 19% for residential, 32% for commercial, 12% for agricultural, and 33.33% for personal property.

The district utilizes a three-year moving average of collections for all funds as a guide to determine the amount of levied taxes that will be collected each budget year. This rate has been consistent over time.

Real EstatePersonalPropertyEstimated Assessed Valuation Residential Commercial Agricultural Total

2018-19 Actual Assessed Valuation 424,409,860 646,243,970 200,530 290,863,420 1,361,717,780

2019-20 Estimated Assessed Valuation 504,101,650 685,889,509 226,960 295,658,730 1,485,876,849

$ Change 79,691,790 39,645,539 26,430 4,795,310 124,159,069

% Change 18.78% 6.13% 13.18% 1.65% 9.12%

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Billed 61,563,631 60,713,221 70,684,474 70,084,156 71,295,415 73,077,831

Collected 59,288,412 58,556,888 67,936,138 67,218,008 68,682,118 70,297,708

96.30% 96.45% 96.11% 95.91% 96.33% 96.20%

Three Year Moving Average 96.29% 96.16% 96.12% 96.15%

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Payments in lieu of tax will increase $600,000, from $7,800,000 in 2018-19 to $8,400,000 in 2019-20.  This tax represents a special levy or surcharge of $1.70 per $100 of assessed value for commercial real estate.  This is a replacement tax that took the place of the inventory tax in the 1980s and is based on the value of the property.  This increase is due to the increase in commercial property values within Pattonville. Investment earnings from operations will increase $65,000 from $215,000 in 2018-19 to $280,000 in 2019-20.  The majority of district reserves are invested in a general repurchase agreement, which earns 110% of the overnight federal funds rate.  Other investment options are used for those funds not needed during the current operating cycle, but based on Missouri law, all district investments must be backed by the U.S. government.  This limits district investments to government securities, or investments that are collateralized by government securities or the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation.  The bulk of district interest earnings are generated during the second half of the year, when recently collected property tax revenue is held in fund balance to cover expenditures for the first six months of the subsequent year. During the year, cash balances range from $5 to $50 million, and the budget is based on a maximum 2.5% rate for next year.  The graph below illustrates interest rates since 2004. 

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Historical Federal Funds Rate

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Food service sales are estimated to increase $16,480, to $840,480 in 2019-20.  This represents cash sales for lunch in each building.  The increase is due to growing participation in the program, and a required increase in lunch prices for next year   A price equity calculation required by DESE and the USDA shows that our average lunch price should move towards $2.70 overall for 2019-20.  The budget is based on lunch prices increasing $.10 from $2.65 to $2.75 at middle and high school, and elementary increasing from $2.45 to $2.55.  The price equity calculation measures district lunch prices compared to federal reimbursement rates to ensure funds provided for free/reduced lunch students are not being used to subsidize lunches for other students.  These rates are consistent with those charged at other area districts.  In addition, based on new guidance from DESE and the USDA, the price of adult meals are also required to increase from $3.35 to $3.45.  The cost of adult meals are required to be the price of the highest student meal ($2.75) + $0.38 + $0.32, and failure to do so will require a transfer from general funds of the district to offset the difference.  Pattonville continues to be one of only seven districts in the area to offer free breakfast. The district serves nearly 1 million total breakfasts and lunches each year. County revenues will increase by $16,500, to $1,050,000 in 2019-20.  County revenue is primarily from state assessed utilities, which is distributed through St. Louis County.  The budget is estimated to remain consistent from the prior years based on historical trends. State revenue detailed below will increase 0.65% or $61,450 from $9,463,750 in 2018-19 to $9,525,200 in 2019-20: 


State revenue detail 2018-19 2017-18 $ Change

Basic Formula 2,593,750 2,628,950 (35,200)

Classroom Trust Fund 2,220,250 2,205,800 14,450

Foundation Formula Total 4,814,000 4,834,750 (20,750)

Early Childhood Special Education 4,039,200 3,960,000 79,200

Transportation Aid 412,000 409,000 3,000

Parents as Teachers 245,000 245,000 0

Other State Aid 15,000 15,000 0

Total State Aid 9,525,200 9,463,750 61,450

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The majority of state aid comes from Missouri’s Foundation Formula.  Under the current formula, Pattonville is considered a hold harmless district, which means state aid has been frozen on a per-student basis since 1992.  This is due to a strong local tax base, which lessens the district’s reliance on state financial support.  Pattonville receives approximately $830 per weighted average daily attendance (WADA).  WADA is regular attendance plus additional weighting for students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch, receive special education services, or are identified as English language learners.  The Foundation Formula is based on the highest WADA between the current year, or one of the two preceding years.   The budget is based on a WADA of 5,800, which is the estimate for 2019-20 and a slight increase from the prior year.  The Foundation Formula payment is reduced by Classroom Trust Fund revenue.  The Classroom Trust Fund is the distribution of state funds for education from casinos, and currently more than $300 million each year is distributed state-wide on a non-weighted per-student basis.  The increase in state aid is due to increased reimbursements for early childhood special education.  Actual costs are reimbursed a year in arrears, and rising program costs in 2018-19 will result in an increased reimbursement in 2019-20. Federal revenue will increase from $3,752,372 in 2018-19 to $3,782,242 in 2019-20, which represents an favorable variance of $29,870 or 0.8%.  This is due to normal funding increases.  Other revenue represents reimbursement from Normandy for staff support placed in their district and will remain relatively unchanged at $122,000 in. 2019-20. 

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Operating Funds Expense Analysis (Excludes Debt Service and Bond Funds)For 2019-20 operating expenses are budgeted at $98,318,770, which represents an increase of

2,734,477 or 2.86% from 2018-19.

2019-20 Operating


2018-19 Operating

BudgetFavorable/(Unfavorable)$ Variance. % Variance

Salaries 60,581,842 60,421,718 (160,124) (0.27%)

Benefits 19,880,694 18,877,401 (1,003,293) (5.31%)

Services 5,004,722 4,947,392 (57,330) (1.16%)

Supplies 7,305,012 6,707,467 (597,545) (8.91%)

Student Activities 800,000 800,000 0 0.00%

Capital 4,746,500 3,830,315 (916,185) (23.92%)

Total Operating Revenue 98,318,770 95,584,293 (2,734,477) (2.86%)

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Salaries will increase from $60,421,718 in 2018-19 to $60,581,842 in 2019-20, which represents increased salaries of $160,124 or .27%. 2018-19 represents the first year of a three-year agreement for staff. Under this agreement, teachers and support staff receive a total increase (excluding turnover) of 3.60% in 2019-20. However, salaries are below 3.60% due to normal turnover and the impact of a separation incentive in 2018-19. During 2018-19 28 support staff, 36 teachers, and an administrator separated service from the district early. During 2018-19 there was a one time expense of approximately $1.9 million, that does not occur 2019-20. There are no significant enrollment changes and total staffing is estimated to be consistent with the prior year.

The allocation of district salaries will remain consistent with the prior year, and nearly two-thirds of every dollar spent on district salaries will be for classroom teachers. A little less than one-third will be spent on the support functions of the district, and the remaining portion of the district salary budget will be for the administrative functions of the district.

Favorable/(Unfavorable)  2019-20 2018-19 $ Variance % Variance

Support 16,032,290 15,189,400 (842,890) (5.55%)

Certified 39,178,072 38,165,325 (1,012,747) (2.65%)

Administrative 5,371,480 5,199,994 (171,486) (3.30%)

2018-19 Incentive 1,867,000 1,867,000 100.00%

Total Salaries 60,581,842 60,421,719 (160,123) (0.27%)

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District Certified Staffing Guidelines

Staffing decisions for teaching positions are based on Pattonville desirable standards set by the board, and additional staff may be added in following situations.

1. If approved by the superintendent with funds acquired through grant(s).

2. Potentially if K-5 class size ratios exceed the Pattonville desirable standard in 50% or more of the sections of a specific building.

3. Elementary staffing is based on the number of children per class. The Missouri School Improvement Plan (MSIP) has defined ratios that are Desirable and Minimum. Utilizing MSIP guidelines, the district has developed its acceptable guidelines.

Historical Staffing Ratio Comparisons

These following tables illustrate a historical secondary comparison of staffing ratios between Pattonville, Parkway, and Rockwood. At the middle school levels, Pattonville and Parkway have similar student/classroom teacher ratios and a lower ratio than Rockwood. At the high school level, Parkway has a lower student/classroom teacher ratio than Pattonville. Both Parkway and Pattonville had lower student/classroom teacher ratios than Rockwood. District-wide Pattonville has lower ratios than both Parkway and Rockwood.

Grade LevelMissouri School Improvement Plan Pattonville Class Size Desirable

Standard Children per classMSIP 5 Desirable MSIP 5 Standard

K-2 17 25 20-22

3-4 20 27 20-25

5-6 22 30 20-25

7-12 25 33 20-25

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Middle SchoolStudent/Classroom Teacher Ratios

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


Central Middle 14 13 14 15 14 13 13

Northeast Middle 13 14 14 14 13 14 14

South Middle 13 14 14 13 13 13 13

Southwest Middle 14 14 14 16 16 16 16

West Middle 13 14 14 15 15 15 15


Crestview Middle 17 17 16 16 17 17 17

Lasalle Springs Middle 18 17 17 17 16 16 16

Rockwood South Middle 18 17 17 17 18 17 17

Rockwood Valley Middle 16 15 15 15 15 15 15

Selvidge Middle 16 15 15 14 15 14 14

Wildwood Middle 17 16 16 15 15 14 14


Holman Middle 14 15 14 14 13 14 14

Heights Middle 13 13 13 13 14 14 14

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Page 20: Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

High SchoolStudent/Classroom Teacher Ratios

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


Central High 16 17 18 17 17 16 16

North High 17 17 17 17 16 16 16

South High 17 17 17 18 17 18 18

West High 17 18 17 16 18 18 18


Eureka High 19 18 21 17 19 21 21

Lafayette High 23 23 22 18 20 22 22

Marquette High 23 24 23 19 20 23 23

Rockwood Summit High 22 22 22 18 19 21 21


Pattonville High 20 21 20 20 19 19 19

DistrictStudent/Classroom Teacher Ratios

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Parkway 15 15 16 16 15 16 16

Rockwood 19 18 18 17 17 17 17

Pattonville 15 16 16 16 15 16 16

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  2018-19 2019-20 Change

Position Classifications FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount

Building Administrators 20 20 20 20 0 0

Central Office Administrator 9 9 9 9 0 0

Program Director 8 8 8 8 0 0

37 37 37 37 0 0

Teacher 476 497 478 499 2 2

Business Office 5 5 5 5 0 0

Custodian 76 76 76 76 0 0

Food Services 27 45 27 45 0 0

Maintenance 21 22 21 22 0 0

Nurse 12 12 13 13 1 1

Office Staff 61 64 61 64 0 0

Paraprofessional 67 86 67 86 0 0

Printing 4 4 4 4 0 0

Social Worker 3 3 3 3 0 0

Student Supervision 8 15 8 15 0 0

Technology 25 25 27 24 2 -1

Transportation 37 59 37 59 0 0

346 416 349 416 3 0

Total 859 950 864 952 5 2

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Benefits will increase from $18,877,401 in 2018-19 to $19,880,694 in 2019-20, which represents an unfavorable variance of $1,003,293 or 5.31%. The primary benefit costs are based on the district’s insurance allowance, taxes, and contributions to the retirement system. The allowance for eligible staff to select health and dental benefits was flat for four consecutive years, but over the last two years has continued to increase. The estimated increase for 2019-20 is 6%. Contributions to the Missouri Retirement System are based on the combined total of salary and benefits, and will remain 14.5% for certified staff and 6.86% for support staff. Total contributions are expected to increase $198,539 or 2.56%.

District employees working more than twenty hours per week receive an allowance to purchase insurance benefits, and employees may elect to purchase higher levels of insurance coverage. Any unspent portion of the allowance is paid back to the employee each year. For many years benefit costs were a significant budget challenge. However, in recent years changes in the benefit structure have lowered costs while maintaining benefits. Between 2008-2014 costs rose 40%, but were minimal through 2017. However, over the last two years costs have begun to grow. The chart below reflects historical health insurance trends.

Favorable/(Unfavorable)2018-19 2019-20 $ Variance % Variance

Health and dental 8,372,670 8,862,500 (489,830) (5.85%)

Retirement 7,746,545 7,945,084 (198,539) (2.56%)

Other benefits expense 2,758,186 3,073,110 (314,924) (11.42%)

Total benefits expense 18,877,401 19,880,694 (1,003,293) (5.31%)

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ent I






























National Insurance Premiums Pattonville Insurance Premiums Overall Inflation

Page 23: Pattonville School District · Mary Kay Campbell Dr. Tina Plummer Dr. Bill Casner Treasurer Assistant Superintendent Bridgeway Elementary ... from property that was part of the South

Services will increase from $4,947,392 in 2018-19 to $5,004,722 in 2019-20, which represents an unfavorable increase of $57,330 or 1.16%. These expenditures are generally for services that are provided by outside agencies and companies, and typically are not for an actual product. Examples include maintenance and service contracts, training, student services, and technology repairs/consulting. The overall budget did not change significantly from 2018-19.

Supplies will increase from $6,707,467 in 2018-19 to $7,305,012 in 2019-20, which represents an unfavorable increase of $597,545 or 8.91%. This increase is largely due to increased costs for text book adoptions ($395,500), and higher participation in the district food service program and related increased food costs ($123,155).

Capital spending will increase from $3,830,315 in 2018-19 to $4,746,500 in 2019-20, which represents an unfavorable increase of $916,185 or 23.92%. Capital project requests fluctuate from year to year based on building and departmental needs. A listing of major capital projects in excess of $15,000 is on the following page:

Listing of Capital Projects for 2018-19 in excess of $15,000:

Principal and Interest on Certificates of Participation (Energy Improvements) 1,514,426

Lease payments for student technology 888,754

Replace 4 school buses 336,000

Replacement of 8 maintenance vehicles 247,125

Interactive White Board (Smart Board) replacements 205,000

District music instrument replacement 100,000

Virtual server replacements 100,000

High school teacher iPads 75,000

Fire panel replacements 57,500

Administrative laptop replacements 51,200

Uninterrupted Power Source (UPS) replacements 50,000

Synovia system renewal (subject to legal review) 44,800

Storm drain repairs at Willow Brook 38,000

Document punch in printing 33,000

Maintenance of water detention basins at the high school 25,000

Playground repairs 25,000

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Fund Balance

Each year the district requires operating fund balances of 26% of the upcoming year’s expenses to be available at the start of any fiscal year to avoid short-term borrowing. The district will begin 2019-20 with 35.5% of the year’s operating expenses in fund balances, which is sufficient to avoid any short-term borrowing. During the year, operating fund balances for the fiscal year 2019-20 will increase by $0.4 million, and the district will end the year with $35.3 million in reserves.

Classroom modifications at Rose Acres 25,000

Stairwell improvements at Bridgeway 20,000

Fuel pump in transportation 20,000

Replace bathroom dividers at Drummond 15,000

Modifications to former childcare center at the high school 15,000

Painting of Rose Acres gym 15,000

Improved lighting in transportation 15,000

Other items 830,695

Total Capital Projects 3,915,805

Operating Funds

Bond Debt Service Total

2018-19 Ending Balance 34,854,016 24,665,458 2,853,106 62,372,580

2019-20 Revenues 98,721,522 15,000 7,046,908 105,783,4302019-20 Expenditures (98,318,770) (24,680,458) (8,682,663) (131,681,891)Net Revenue 402,752 (24,665,458) (1,635,755) (25,898,461)

Ending Balance 35,256,768 0 1,217,351 36,474,119

Beginning % of Expense 35.5%

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Operating Funds ForecastEach year the district prepares a three-year operating fund projection in order to adequately plan for the future. Local revenues are the largest source of revenue, and reassessment will occur in 2019-20 and 2021-22. Based on current conservative projections the district could begin deficit spending during the 2022-23 school year, but that is subject to changes in local property values and other factors such as health insurance and enrollment.

2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �23 38

FY19 Budget FY21 Projection FY22 Projection FY23 Projection

Local Revenue 85,292,080 86,950,600 90,274,800 91,628,900

Other Revenue 13,429,442 13,592,100 13,756,700 13,923,400

Total Revenue 98,721,522 100,542,700 104,031,500 105,552,300

Salaries and Benefits 80,462,536 82,677,600 85,813,100 88,493,900

Other Expense 17,856,234 17,826,800 17,865,600 17,907,500

Total Expense 98,318,770 100,504,400 103,678,700 106,401,400

Net Results 402,752 38,300 352,800 (849,100)

Beginning Balance 34,854,016 35,256,768 35,295,068 35,647,868

Ending Balance 35,256,768 35,295,068 35,647,868 34,798,768

Beginning % of Expense 35.45% 35.08% 34.04% 33.50%

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2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �24 38

Subtotal AllFunds

General Special Capital Operating Bond Debt Total

AvailableFundBalanceJune30,2018 34,774,331 0 79,685 34,854,016 24,665,458 2,853,106 62,372,580


LocalRevenue 49,237,580 30,002,000 5,002,500 84,242,080 15,000 6,443,000 90,700,080

CountyRevenue 540,000 499,000 11,000 1,050,000 0 161,000 1,211,000

StateRevenue 3,142,500 6,382,700 0 9,525,200 0 0 9,525,200

FederalRevenue 2,780,158 1,002,084 0 3,782,242 0 442,908 4,225,150

OtherRevenue 122,000 0 0 122,000 0 0 122,000

TotalRevenue 55,822,238 37,885,784 5,013,500 98,721,522 15,000 7,046,908 105,783,430


Salaries 17,309,030 43,272,812 0 60,581,842 0 0 60,581,842

Benefits 7,263,604 12,617,090 0 19,880,694 0 0 19,880,694

Services 4,874,722 130,000 0 5,004,722 0 0 5,004,722

Supplies 7,230,012 0 0 7,230,012 0 0 7,230,012

Capital 0 0 4,746,500 4,746,500 24,680,458 0 29,426,958

Debt 75,000 0 0 75,000 0 8,682,663 8,757,663

Activities 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 800,000

TotalExpense 37,552,368 56,019,902 4,746,500 98,318,770 24,680,458 8,682,663 131,681,890

Transfers (18,134,118) 18,134,118 0 0


ChangeinFundBalance 135,752 0 267,000 402,752 (24,665,458) (1,635,755) (25,898,461)

AvailableFundBalanceJune30,2019 34,910,083 0 346,685 35,256,768 0 1,217,351 36,474,119

BeginningFundBalance%ofExpense 35.45%

24,938,561 10,318,207 107,001,432





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2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �25 38

2019-20 2018-19 Variance

Object General Special Capital Bond Debt Budget Rev.Budget Fav/(Unfav)

511100-CurrentTaxes 43,159,000 23,723,000 542,000 - 6,405,000 73,829,000 70,955,000 2,874,000511200-DelinquentTaxes - - - - - - - -511300-SalesTaxPropositionC - 5,974,000 - - - 5,974,000 5,826,000 148,000511400-IntangibleTaxes 13,100 10,000 500 - 3,000 26,600 26,600 -511500-LieuofTaxes 4,000,000 - 4,400,000 - - 8,400,000 7,800,000 600,000512200-PEGSTuition 70,000 - - - - 70,000 70,000 -512300-AdultEducationTuition 13,000 - - - - 13,000 13,000 -512400-Pre-SchoolProgram 100,000 225,000 - - - 325,000 325,000 -514000-InvestmentEarnings 150,000 70,000 60,000 15,000 35,000 330,000 260,000 70,000515000-FoodService 499,800 - - - - 499,800 490,000 9,800516100-FoodService,Adult 49,980 49,980 49,000 980516500-FoodService,Non-Prgrm 290,700 - - - - 290,700 285,000 5,700517000-StudentActivities 800,000 - - - - 800,000 800,000 -517100-FoundationGrants 10,000 - - - - 10,000 10,000 -519100-OtherLocal 80,000 - - - - 80,000 80,000 -519800-CableTVGrant 1,000 - - - - 1,000 1,000 -519900-LocalSmallGrant 1,000 - - - - 1,000 1,000 -TotalLocalRevenue 49,237,580 30,002,000 5,002,500 15,000 6,443,000 90,700,080 86,991,600 3,708,480

521100-Fines&Forfeitures - 185,000 - - - 185,000 185,000 -521200-OtherCounty(TIFRefund) - - - - - - - -522100-StateAssessedUtilities 460,000 269,000 10,000 - 151,000 890,000 871,500 18,500522200-CountyStock 80,000 45,000 1,000 - 10,000 136,000 136,000 -TotalCountyRevenue 540,000 499,000 11,000 - 161,000 1,211,000 1,192,500 18,500

531100-MinimumGuarantee - 2,593,750 - - - 2,593,750 2,628,950 (35,200)531200-TransportationAid 412,000 - - - - 412,000 409,000 3,000531400-EarlyChildhoodSpecialEd 2,575,500 1,463,700 - - - 4,039,200 3,960,000 79,200531900-ClassroomTrustFund - 2,220,250 - - - 2,220,250 2,205,800 14,450532400-EarlyChildhoodEd.(P.A.T) 140,000 105,000 - - - 245,000 245,000 -533200-Vocational/Technical 5,000 - - - - 5,000 5,000 -533300-FoodService 10,000 - - - - 10,000 10,000 -535900-VocationalTechnical - - - - - - - -539000-PEGS - - - - - - - -TotalStateRevenue 3,142,500 6,382,700 - - - 9,525,200 9,463,750 61,450

542200-FederalStabilizationFund - - - - - - - -542700-VocationalEdBasicGrant 15,543 - - - - 15,543 15,543 -544200-EarlyChildhoodSpecialEd 520,200 - - - - 520,200 510,000 10,200544500-FoodService 1,277,650 - - - - 1,277,650 1,265,000 12,650544600-SchoolBreakfastProgram 709,020 - - - - 709,020 702,000 7,020544800-AfterSchoolSnack 15,000 - - - - 15,000 15,000 -545100-TitleI-ESEA 174,419 813,196 - - - 987,615 987,615 -546200-TitleIII-ELL 4,300 89,388 - - - 93,688 93,688 -546500-TitleIIA-TeachQuality 6,500 92,200 - - - 98,700 98,700 -546600-TitleIID-EducationTech - - - - - - - -549300-CarlPerkins(VocEd) 57,526 7,300 - - - 64,826 64,826 -549900-OtherFederal - - - - 442,908 442,908 442,908 -TotalFederalRevenue 2,780,158 1,002,084 - - 442,908 4,225,150 4,195,280 29,870

561000-SaleofBonds - - - - - - 33,000,000 (33,000,000)581000-TuitionfromOtherDist. 122,000 - - - - 122,000 120,000 2,000TotalOtherRevenue 122,000 - - - - 122,000 33,120,000 (32,998,000)

TotalRevenue 55,822,238 37,885,784 5,013,500 15,000 7,046,908 105,783,430 134,963,130 (29,179,700)



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2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �26 38

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20Object Actual Actual RevisedBud OriginalBud $Variance %Variance511100-CurrentTaxes 66,119,726 69,097,708 70,955,000 73,829,000 2,874,000 4.05%511200-DelinquentTaxes - - - - - 0.00%511300-SalesTaxPropositionC 5,431,467 5,647,539 5,826,000 5,974,000 148,000 2.54%511400-IntangibleTaxes 122,410 124,894 26,600 26,600 - 0.00%511500-LieuofTaxes 7,780,895 8,200,234 7,800,000 8,400,000 600,000 7.69%511600-CountyTIF 183,931 - - - - 0.00%512100-RegularSchoolTuition 418,896 413,918 - - - 0.00%512200-PEGSTuition 54,150 48,450 70,000 70,000 - 0.00%512300-AdultEducationTuition 4,755 4,711 13,000 13,000 - 0.00%512400-Pre-SchoolProgram - - 325,000 325,000 - 0.00%514000-InvestmentEarnings 252,660 788,322 260,000 330,000 70,000 26.92%515000-FoodService 442,481 468,657 490,000 499,800 9,800 2.00%516100-FoodService,AdultSales - - 49,000 49,980 980 2.00%516500-FoodService,Non-Program 281,393 293,326 285,000 290,700 5,700 2.00%517000-StudentActivities 1,635,582 1,634,465 800,000 800,000 - 0.00%518000-CommunityServices - -517100-FoundationGrants - - 10,000 10,000 - 0.00%519000-VoluntaryTransferProgram - - - - - #DIV/0!519100-OtherLocal 67,847 5,212 80,000 80,000 - 0.00%519800-CableTVGrant - - 1,000 1,000 - 0.00%519900-LocalSmallGrant - - 1,000 1,000 - 0.00%TotalLocalRevenue 82,796,194 86,727,436 86,991,600 90,700,080 3,708,480 4.26%

521100-Fines,Forfeitures&Escheats 56,172 54,928 185,000 185,000 - 0.00%521200-OtherCounty(TIFRefund) - - - - - 0.00%522100-StateAssessedUtilities 866,169 913,675 871,500 890,000 18,500 2.12%522200-CountyStock 72,680 - 136,000 136,000 - 0.00%TotalCountyRevenue 995,021 968,604 1,192,500 1,211,000 18,500 1.55%

531100-MinimumGuarantee 2,504,966 2,695,265 2,628,950 2,593,750 (35,200) (1.34%)531200-TransportationAid 357,570 414,702 409,000 412,000 3,000 0.73%531400-EarlyChildhoodSpecialEd 3,266,195 3,672,803 3,960,000 4,039,200 79,200 2.00%531800-AtRisk(free&reduced) - - - - - 0.00%531900-ClassroomTrustFund 2,100,754 2,191,597 2,205,800 2,220,250 14,450 0.66%532400-EarlyChildhoodEd.(P.A.T) 164,633 178,351 245,000 245,000 - 0.00%533200-Vocational/Technical 15,482 15,334 5,000 5,000 - 0.00%533300-FoodService 20,489 21,334 10,000 10,000 - 0.00%535900-VocationalTechnicalGrant - - - - - 0.00%536900-PublicPlacement 25,294 - - - - 0.00%539000-PEGS - - - - - 0.00%TotalStateRevenue 8,455,383 9,189,385 9,463,750 9,525,200 61,450 0.65%



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2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �27 38

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20Object Actual Actual RevisedBud OriginalBud $Variance %Variance



541200-Medicaid 33,298 21,226 - - - 0.00%542700-VocationalEdBasicGrant 107,781 9,241 15,543 15,543 - 0.00%544200-EarlyChildhoodSpecialEd 478,387 512,427 510,000 520,200 10,200 2.00%544500-FoodService 1,265,812 1,275,874 1,265,000 1,277,650 12,650 1.00%544600-SchoolBreakfastProgram 607,077 635,619 702,000 709,020 7,020 1.00%544800-AfterSchoolSnackProgram - - 15,000 15,000 - 0.00%545100-TitleI-ESEA 823,608 125,133 987,615 987,615 - 0.00%546200-TitleIII-ELL 143,655 3,097 93,688 93,688 - 0.00%546500-TitleIIA-Teach&PrinQuality 206,801 2,730 98,700 98,700 - 0.00%549300-CarlPerkins(VocationalEd) - - 64,826 64,826 - 0.00%549900-FederalOther 368,472 310,063 442,908 442,908 - 0.00%TotalFederalRevenue 4,034,893 2,895,408 4,195,280 4,225,150 29,870 0.71%

561000-SaleofBonds - 25,297,455 33,000,000 - (33,000,000) (100.00%)563000-InsuranceProceeds - - - - - 0.00%565000-SaleofProperty - - - - 0.00%581000-TuitionfromOtherDistricts 932,011 560,110 120,000 122,000 2,000 0.00%583000-ContractedEdServices - - - - - 0.00%TotalOtherRevenue 932,011 25,857,565 33,120,000 122,000 (32,998,000) (99.63%)

TotalRevenue 97,213,502 125,638,398 134,963,130 105,783,430 (29,179,700) (21.62%)

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2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �28 38

Actual Actual Rev.Budget BudgetObject Description 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 $Variance %Variance

GeneralFund611000 CertifiedSalaries 392,712 193,735 414,000 427,460 (13,460) (3.25%)611200 SalariesTemp/Stipends 0 2,810 1,870 1,930 (60) (3.21%)611300 CertifiedSalariesSub 31,873 61,976 75,800 78,270 (2,470) (3.26%)611500 CertSalAfter-School 2,070 4,399 0 0 0 0.00%611600 GrantSalaries(TitleI) 105,341 147,494 120,610 120,560 50 0.04%612000 TeacherAssistants 1,421,386 868,673 1,378,760 1,475,290 (96,530) (7.00%)615000 SupportSalaryFT 11,651,979 12,231,919 13,109,810 13,462,500 (352,690) (2.69%)615100 SupportSalaryPT 347,606 373,626 344,030 355,240 (11,210) (3.26%)615200 StipendiarySalary 50,910 115,079 45,960 47,460 (1,500) (3.26%)615300 SupportSubstitute 312,957 350,772 404,740 417,900 (13,160) (3.25%)615400 SupportExtraHelpSalary 185,611 187,542 207,440 214,180 (6,740) (3.25%)615600 GrantSalaries(TitleII) 51,692 54,312 0 0 0 0.00%616000 SupportSalaryW/TeachRet 110,800 115,932 90,010 92,940 (2,930) (3.26%)616100 Non-CertTch/Adm(NTR) 510,290 533,077 595,930 615,300 (19,370) (3.25%)SalariesTotal 15,175,227 15,241,345 16,788,960 17,309,030 (520,070) (3.10%)621000 TeacherRetirement 86,985 393,678 59,765 60,770 (1,005) (1.68%)622000 Non-TeacherRetirement 847,905 1,189,080 1,222,560 1,262,330 (39,770) (3.25%)623000 FICA-SocialSecurity 895,275 954,857 1,019,693 1,053,020 (33,327) (3.27%)623500 Medicare 218,310 248,527 222,076 229,304 (7,228) (3.25%)624000 BOEPaidBenefit 2,765,100 3,167,328 3,407,330 3,611,810 (204,480) 6.00%624500 EmployeeHealthClinic 0 0 175,000 420,000 (245,000) (140.00%)624600 EmployeeAssistancePlan 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%625100 RetirementBankBonus 52,815 32,243 50,000 50,000 0 0.00%625200 Over45DaySickLeave 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%626000 Workmen'sCompensation 370,925 426,169 529,075 534,370 (5,295) (1.00%)627000 Unemployment 13,599 7,801 15,000 15,000 0 0.00%628000 Uniforms 32,775 26,375 27,000 27,000 0 0.00%BenefitsTotal 5,283,689 6,446,057 6,727,499 7,263,604 (536,105) (7.97%)

631100 ProfessionalServices 834,047 1,213,106 868,950 996,850 (127,900) (14.72%)631300 ProfessionalDues 19,397 61,152 29,950 31,650 (1,700) (5.68%)631400 StaffServices 421,872 189,900 392,100 195,100 197,000 50.24%631500 AuditServices 22,986 14,000 22,000 23,000 (1,000) (4.55%)631600 DataProcessingServices 31,933 66,029 78,250 123,400 (45,150) (57.70%)631700 FoodServicesMgmtFee 197,029 219,433 325,000 325,000 0 0.00%631800 LegalServices 89,061 94,904 135,500 135,100 400 0.30%631900 OtherServices-Technical 77,356 29,426 59,750 80,250 (20,500) (34.31%)633000 ContractedUpkeep 1,154,146 4,334,191 646,500 644,500 2,000 0.31%633100 Repair/MaintInstEquip 6,965 3,889 5,600 6,300 (700) (12.50%)633200 Repair/MaintEquipment 447,485 325,215 333,100 373,950 (40,850) (12.26%)633400 Rent/LeaseEquipment 2,882 6,858 4,000 7,500 (3,500) (87.50%)633500 Water 77,471 83,430 81,000 81,820 (820) (1.01%)633600 WasteRemoval 64,251 57,368 70,000 65,000 5,000 7.14%



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2019-20 BUDGET PAGE � OF �29 38

Actual Actual Rev.Budget BudgetObject Description 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 $Variance %Variance



633700 Sewer 64,524 78,819 72,200 78,700 (6,500) (9.00%)634100 ContractedTransportation 96,753 111,672 105,000 105,000 0 0.00%634200 ActivityFieldTrips (14,107) (50,448) (21,750) (21,750) 0 0.00%634300 Local-Travel 353,564 236,769 210,850 212,650 (1,800) (0.85%)634400 Travel-ConferenceFees 132,439 147,506 155,100 198,300 (43,200) (27.85%)635100 PropertyInsurance 293,739 304,972 305,100 320,100 (15,000) (4.92%)635200 LiabilityInsurance 328,050 338,634 340,000 350,000 (10,000) (2.94%)636000 TelephoneServices 274,499 306,400 295,728 238,152 57,576 19.47%636100 Postage 73,565 77,247 88,900 90,750 (1,850) (2.08%)636200 Advertising 2,017 3,004 3,500 4,000 (500) (14.29%)636300 PrintingAndBinding 148,753 103,149 142,850 142,700 150 0.11%637100 DuesAndMemberships 60,537 62,553 68,214 66,700 1,514 2.22%639800 PriorYearExpense 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%ServicesTotal 5,261,214 8,419,179 4,817,392 4,874,722 (57,330) (1.19%)

641000 GeneralSupplies-Inst 1,206,370 1,292,539 1,287,765 1,275,305 12,460 0.97%641100 Cust/Maint/GroundsSupply 542,645 595,665 448,500 471,500 (23,000) (5.13%)641200 CopyMaint&Supply 139,084 174,779 124,000 126,000 (2,000) (1.61%)641300 HealthSupply 15,530 23,945 16,580 16,580 0 0.00%641400 AdministrationSupply 133,840 124,889 99,000 109,500 (10,500) (10.61%)641500 SupportServicesSupply 32,101 62,041 1,250 4,750 (3,500) (280.00%)641600 TransportationSupply 334,992 380,407 429,500 471,900 (42,400) (9.87%)642100 TextbookReplacement 34,070 16,053 42,600 41,400 1,200 2.82%642300 TextbookAdoptions 1,330,506 651,242 830,500 1,226,000 (395,500) (47.62%)643000 TeacherTextbooks 0 2,917 500 500 0 0.00%644000 LibraryBooks 208,104 208,384 208,657 212,057 (3,400) (1.63%)647100 CafeteriaFood 1,081,495 1,214,240 1,376,845 1,500,000 (123,155) (8.94%)648100 Electric 1,391,993 1,488,003 1,510,000 1,525,100 (15,100) (1.00%)648200 Gas-Natural 195,971 242,334 249,500 243,000 6,500 2.61%649000 CarryoverSupplyBudget 43,024 35,543 7,270 6,420 850 11.69%649100 OtherSupplies,Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%SuppliesTotal 6,689,725 6,512,980 6,632,467 7,230,012 (597,545) (9.01%)

652100 Buildings 0 1,301 0 0 0 0.00%652800 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%654100 Equipment 0 62 0 0 0 0.00%CapitalTotal 0 1,363 0 0 0 0.00%

663100 BondIssuanceCosts 0 95,993 75,000 75,000 0 0.00%DebtTotal 0 95,993 75,000 75,000 0 0.00%

GeneralFundTotal 32,409,855 36,716,917 35,041,318 36,752,368 (1,711,050) (4.88%)

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Actual Actual Rev.Budget BudgetObject Description 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 $Variance %Variance



SpecialFund611000 CertifiedSalaries 34,276,223 35,963,708 40,048,238 39,297,618 750,620 1.87%611200 SalariesTemp/Stipends 1,038,909 1,080,834 1,135,950 1,345,107 (209,157) (18.41%)611300 CertifiedSalariesSub 764,341 830,584 1,036,250 1,058,011 (21,761) (2.10%)611400 CertSalariesRIP 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%611500 CertSalAfter-School 74,550 67,351 37,330 80,330 (43,000) (115.19%)611600 GrantSalaries(TitleI) 636,309 704,824 697,350 799,876 (102,526) (14.70%)612000 TeacherAssistants 298,356 263,753 279,280 285,144 (5,864) (2.10%)612100 PartTimeTeachers 344,414 286,216 225,060 229,786 (4,726) (2.10%)615000 SupportSalaryFT 157,786 972,543 173,300 176,940 (3,640) (2.10%)615200 SummerSchoolSalary 77,630 854 0 0 0 0.00%615300 SupportSubstitute 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%615600 GrantSalaries(TitleII) 0 61 0 0 0 0.00%SalariesTotal 37,668,518 40,170,728 43,632,758 43,272,812 359,946 0.82%

622000 Non-TeacherRetirement 42,168 40,965 50,920 60,500 (9,580) (18.81%)621000 TeacherRetirement 5,168,115 6,818,103 6,413,300 6,561,484 (148,184) (2.31%)623000 FICA-SocialSecurity 168,743 97,856 120,930 128,810 (7,880) (6.52%)623500 Medicare 534,174 554,273 599,412 615,605 (16,193) (2.70%)624000 BOEPaidBenefit 4,534,607 4,518,132 4,965,340 5,250,690 (285,350) (5.75%)BenefitsTotal 10,447,807 12,029,331 12,149,902 12,617,090 (467,188) (3.85%)

631100 ProfessionalServices 111,712 160,090 130,000 130,000 0 0.00%ServicesTotal 111,712 160,090 130,000 130,000 0 0.00%

641000 GeneralSupplies-Inst 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%SuppliesTotal 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

SpecialFundTotal 48,228,037 52,360,149 55,912,660 56,019,902 (107,241) (0.19%)

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Actual Actual Rev.Budget BudgetObject Description 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 $Variance %Variance



CapitalFund641000 GeneralSupplies-Inst 0 40 15,000 23,000 (8,000) (53.33%)641100 Cust/Maint/GroundsSupply 0 0 5,000 0 5,000 100.00%644000 LibraryBooks 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%SuppliesTotal 0 40 20,000 23,000 (3,000) (15.00%)

651100 Land 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%652100 Buildings 0 96,349 593,600 860,700 (267,100) (45.00%)652800 GeneralWorks 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%654000 NewEquipmentInst 1,749 7,187 7,000 8,013 (1,013) (14.47%)654100 NonInstructionalEquipment 178,529 160,935 186,222 507,907 (321,685) (172.74%)654200 ReplaceEquipmentInst (8,933) (1,873) 5,000 5,000 0 0.00%654300 New/ReplaceComputers 1,386,100 1,380,621 1,596,743 496,200 1,100,543 68.92%654400 New/ReplaceAudioVisual 5,734 5,138 6,500 6,500 0 0.00%654500 New/ReplaceMusicalInst 0 0 100,000 100,000 0 0.00%655200 SchoolBusPurchase 232,577 114,617 360,000 336,000 24,000 6.67%661000 LeasePrincipalPayments 225,000 225,000 650,000 1,801,562 (1,151,562) (177.16%)662000 LeaseInterestPayments 88,589 89,300 305,250 601,618 (296,368) (97.09%)659000 CarryoverCapitalBudget 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%CapitalTotal 2,109,345 2,077,274 3,810,315 4,723,500 (913,185) (23.97%)

CapitalFundTotal 2,109,345 2,077,313 3,830,315 4,746,500 (916,185) (23.92%)

ActivitiesFund641000 GeneralSupplies-Inst 565,376 1,293,652 800,000 800,000 0 0.00%SuppliesTotal 565,376 1,293,652 800,000 800,000 0 0.00%

ActivitiesFundTotal 565,376 1,293,652 800,000 800,000 0 0.00%

OperatingFundsTotal 83,312,613 92,448,031 95,584,293 98,318,770 (2,734,477) (2.86%)

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Actual Actual Rev.Budget BudgetObject Description 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 $Variance %Variance



BondFund663100 BondIssuanceCosts 0 117,770 0 0 0 0.00%631100 ProfessionalServices 0 0 2,709,100 0 2,709,100 100.00%ServicesTotal 0 117,770 2,709,100 0 2,709,100 100.00%

652000 Flooring 886,563 0 0 0 0 0.00%652100 Buildings 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%652400 Electrical 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%652500 Mechanical 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%652700 FireProtection 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%652800 GeneralWorks 1,223,823 987,934 25,575,970 24,680,458 895,512 3.50%652900 Abatement 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%654100 Technology 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%654200 Technology 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%654300 Technology 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%653200 Concrete/Asphalt 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%653300 Safety 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%CapitalTotal 2,110,386 987,934 25,575,970 24,680,458 895,512 3.50%

BondFundTotal 2,110,386 1,105,705 28,285,070 24,680,458 3,604,612 12.74%DebtFund

661000 RedemptionOfPrincipal 4,065,000 3,905,000 4,445,000 4,675,000 (230,000) (5.17%)662000 Interest 2,632,590 2,925,397 3,838,375 4,004,663 (166,288) (4.33%)663000 FeesToPayingAgent 2,223 201,557 3,000 3,000 0 0.00%663100 BondIssuanceCosts 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%DebtTotal 6,699,813 7,031,954 8,286,375 8,682,663 (396,288) (4.78%)

DebtFundTotal 6,699,813 7,031,954 8,286,375 8,682,663 (396,288) (4.78%)

Non-OperatingFundsTotal 8,810,199 8,019,889 36,571,445 33,363,121 3,208,325 8.77%

GrandTotal 92,122,812 100,585,690 132,155,738 131,681,890 473,848 0.36%

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Payment FiscalYearBondIssueDate DueDate Principal Interest Total

December2010 9/1/19 632,725 632,725OriginalIssuance 3/1/20 632,725 632,725BuildAmericaBonds - 1,265,450 1,265,450

Jan2012 9/1/19 2,625 2,625Taxablerefundingof2004 3/1/20 175,000 2,625 177,6252004refunded2000 175,000 5,250 180,250

July2012 9/1/19 354,131 354,131OriginalIssuance 3/1/20 2,600,000 354,131 2,954,131

9/1/20 328,131 328,1313/1/21 3,275,000 328,131 3,603,1319/1/21 286,600 286,6003/1/22 3,375,000 286,600 3,661,6009/1/22 219,100 219,1003/1/23 3,500,000 219,100 3,719,1009/1/23 149,100 149,1003/1/24 3,650,000 149,100 3,799,1009/1/24 76,100 76,1003/1/25 3,805,000 76,100 3,881,100

20,205,000 2,826,325 23,031,325

July2013 9/1/19 95,000 95,0002006&2007Refunding 3/1/20 1,900,000 95,000 1,995,000

9/1/20 66,500 66,5003/1/21 1,600,000 66,500 1,666,5009/1/21 34,500 34,5003/1/22 1,725,000 34,500 1,759,500

5,225,000 392,000 5,617,000

August2017 9/1/19 397,100 397,100CrossoverRefunding 3/1/20 397,100 397,100BuildAmericaBonds 9/1/20 397,100 397,100

3/1/21 397,100 397,100


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Payment FiscalYearBondIssueDate DueDate Principal Interest Total


9/1/21 397,100 397,1003/1/22 397,100 397,1009/1/22 397,100 397,1003/1/23 397,100 397,1009/1/23 397,100 397,1003/1/24 397,100 397,1009/1/24 397,100 397,1003/1/25 397,100 397,1009/1/25 397,100 397,1003/1/26 3,665,000 397,100 4,062,1009/1/26 323,800 323,8003/1/27 3,810,000 323,800 4,133,8009/1/27 247,600 247,6003/1/28 3,975,000 247,600 4,222,6009/1/28 168,100 168,1003/1/29 4,110,000 168,100 4,278,1009/1/29 85,900 85,9003/1/30 4,295,000 85,900 4,380,900

19,855,000 7,210,200 27,065,200

June2018 9/1/19 520,750 520,750OringinalIssuance 3/1/20 520,750 520,750(Estimate) 9/1/20 520,750 520,750

3/1/21 520,750 520,7509/1/21 520,750 520,7503/1/22 520,750 520,7509/1/22 520,750 520,7503/1/23 520,750 520,7509/1/23 520,750 520,7503/1/24 520,750 520,7509/1/24 520,750 520,7503/1/25 520,750 520,7509/1/25 520,750 520,7503/1/26 520,750 520,7509/1/26 520,750 520,7503/1/27 520,750 520,750

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Payment FiscalYearBondIssueDate DueDate Principal Interest Total


9/1/27 520,750 520,7503/1/28 520,750 520,7509/1/28 520,750 520,7503/1/29 520,750 520,7509/1/29 520,750 520,7503/1/30 520,750 520,7509/1/30 520,750 520,7503/1/31 2,500,000 520,750 3,020,7509/1/31 480,750 480,7503/1/32 2,600,000 480,750 3,080,7508/31/32 438,750 438,7503/1/33 2,705,000 438,750 3,143,7508/31/33 395,750 395,7503/1/34 2,820,000 395,750 3,215,7508/31/34 350,750 350,7503/1/35 2,935,000 350,750 3,285,7508/31/35 303,750 303,7503/1/36 3,040,000 303,750 3,343,7508/30/36 207,500 207,5003/1/37 3,145,000 207,500 3,352,5008/30/37 106,250 106,2503/1/38 3,255,000 106,250 3,361,250

23,000,000 17,065,000 40,065,000

GrandTotal 68,460,000 28,764,225 97,224,225

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Payment FiscalYearBondIssueDate DueDate Principal Interest Total


9/1/27 520,750 520,7503/1/28 520,750 520,7509/1/28 520,750 520,7503/1/29 520,750 520,7509/1/29 520,750 520,7503/1/30 520,750 520,7509/1/30 520,750 520,7503/1/31 2,500,000 520,750 3,020,7509/1/31 480,750 480,7503/1/32 2,600,000 480,750 3,080,7508/31/32 438,750 438,7503/1/33 2,705,000 438,750 3,143,7508/31/33 395,750 395,7503/1/34 2,820,000 395,750 3,215,7508/31/34 350,750 350,7503/1/35 2,935,000 350,750 3,285,7508/31/35 303,750 303,7503/1/36 3,040,000 303,750 3,343,7508/30/36 207,500 207,5003/1/37 3,145,000 207,500 3,352,5008/30/37 106,250 106,2503/1/38 3,255,000 106,250 3,361,250

23,000,000 17,065,000 40,065,000

GrandTotal 68,460,000 28,764,225 97,224,225

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FiscalYearFiscalYear Principal Interest Total

2019-20 4,675,000 4,004,663 8,679,6632020-21 4,875,000 2,624,963 7,499,9632021-22 5,100,000 2,477,900 7,577,9002022-23 3,500,000 2,273,900 5,773,9002023-24 3,650,000 2,133,900 5,783,9002024-25 3,805,000 1,987,900 5,792,9002025-26 3,665,000 1,835,700 5,500,7002026-27 3,810,000 1,689,100 5,499,1002027-28 3,975,000 1,536,700 5,511,7002028-29 4,110,000 1,377,700 5,487,7002029-30 4,295,000 1,213,300 5,508,3002030-31 2,500,000 1,041,500 3,541,5002031-32 2,600,000 961,500 3,561,5002032-33 2,705,000 877,500 3,582,5002033-34 2,820,000 791,500 3,611,5002034-35 2,935,000 701,500 3,636,5002035-36 3,040,000 607,500 3,647,5002036-37 3,145,000 415,000 3,560,0002037-38 3,255,000 212,500 3,467,500

Total 68,460,000 28,764,225 97,224,225

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reassessment reassessmentBudget Budget Projection Projection Projection2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

Property Taxes 72,350,000 75,824,000 77,340,500 80,434,100 81,640,600 Other Local Revenue 9,222,100 9,468,080 9,610,100 9,840,700 9,988,300 State Revenue 9,463,750 9,525,200 9,620,500 9,740,800 9,838,200 Federal Revenue 3,752,372 3,782,242 3,848,400 3,891,500 3,959,600 Other Revenue 120,000 122,000 123,200 124,400 125,600 Total Revenue 94,908,222 98,721,522 100,542,700 104,031,500 105,552,300

Salaries 60,421,718 60,581,842 62,399,300 64,520,900 66,456,500 Fringe Benefits 18,877,401 19,880,694 20,278,300 21,292,200 22,037,400 Contracted Services 4,947,392 5,004,722 5,029,700 5,080,000 5,130,800 Supplies 7,507,467 8,105,012 8,145,500 8,227,000 8,309,300 Capital Outlay 3,830,315 4,746,500 4,651,600 4,558,600 4,467,400 Total Expense 95,584,293 98,318,770 100,504,400 103,678,700 106,401,400

Net (676,071) 402,752 38,300 352,800 (849,100)

AvaialableBeginning Fund Balance 35,530,087 34,854,016 35,256,768 35,295,068 35,647,868Ending Fund Balance 34,854,016 35,256,768 35,295,068 35,647,868 34,798,768

Beginning % of Expenditures 37.17% 35.45% 35.08% 34.04% 33.50%

2019-20Operating Projection