ANNOUNCEMENT To: All BNI Employees From: James C. Irving, Vice President Date: May 12, 2014 Subject: Editor-in-Chief We are very pleased to announce that Patrick Brethour has been hired as the new Editor-in-Chief for Brunswick News and will begin his new position on Monday, May 26 th , 2014. In this role, Patrick will be responsible for the strategic direction of the BNI Editorial Department, along with day-to-day management of all publications and online content. He will work closely with me and the other members of the leadership team to ensure we keep pace with changes in the industry and continue to serve our readers with timely, quality content for all devices and platforms. Patrick has been a reporter, columnist and editor for two decades, covering business and politics across the country. Since June 2013, he has been Night Editor of the The Globe and Mail, responsible for content across all platforms in the latter part of the news cycle, including the selection and prioritization of stories in both print and digital presentation. Previously, Patrick was Deputy Editor for Report on Business, with broad responsibilities for the management of Canada’s premier business newsroom. Brethour also directly oversaw the financial and banking coverage of Report on Business, including the development of Streetwise, The Globe’s digital coverage of Bay Street, as the news organization introduced its paywall in the fall of 201 2. Streetwise has been the vanguard of that effort, propelling digital subscription growth for The Globe and Mail. From 2006 to 2012, Patrick was the British Columbia Editor, reinforcing and reorienting the Globe’s editorial department ahead of the 2010 Winter Olympics, as part of a broad strategic expansion in the Province. Both print circulation and digital traffic rose substantially during that time, reflecting an organization-leading emphasis on digital-first journalism. Before arriving in British Columbia, Patrick was the Alberta bureau chief, responsible for coordinating news coverage, and reporting on the oil sector and broader economy of the province as the oil-sands fueled energy boom gained speed. He also reported on technology and launched a weekly technology section after arriving at the Toronto newsroom of The Globe from the Ottawa Citizen in 2006. Patrick has an honours degree in business from Wilfrid Laurier University and attended the master of journalism program of Carleton University. He is a National Newspaper Award nominee, and is a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists ethics committee. We are delighted to welcome Patrick to the Brunswick News team and we think he will play a key role in helping us reach our strategic goals over the next several years. As a result of this appointment, our Managing Editors including John Wishart, Al Hogan, Anne Mooers and Denis Robichaud will report directly to Patrick. John will work closely with Patrick to ensure his smooth transition into Brunswick News. I would like to take this opportunity to thank John for his two year term as Editor-in-Chief, and wish him every success in his new position as Editor of the Telegraph Journal.

Patrick Brethour - May 12 2014 (FINAL)

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Patrick Brethour - May 12 2014 (FINAL)

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    To: All BNI Employees

    From: James C. Irving, Vice President

    Date: May 12, 2014

    Subject: Editor-in-Chief

    We are very pleased to announce that Patrick Brethour has been hired as the new Editor-in-Chief for Brunswick News

    and will begin his new position on Monday, May 26th, 2014. In this role, Patrick will be responsible for the strategic direction of

    the BNI Editorial Department, along with day-to-day management of all publications and online content. He will work closely

    with me and the other members of the leadership team to ensure we keep pace with changes in the industry and continue to serve

    our readers with timely, quality content for all devices and platforms.

    Patrick has been a reporter, columnist and editor for two decades, covering business and politics across the country.

    Since June 2013, he has been Night Editor of the The Globe and Mail, responsible for content across all platforms in the latter

    part of the news cycle, including the selection and prioritization of stories in both print and digital presentation. Previously,

    Patrick was Deputy Editor for Report on Business, with broad responsibilities for the management of Canadas premier business

    newsroom. Brethour also directly oversaw the financial and banking coverage of Report on Business, including the development

    of Streetwise, The Globes digital coverage of Bay Street, as the news organization introduced its paywall in the fall of 2012.

    Streetwise has been the vanguard of that effort, propelling digital subscription growth for The Globe and Mail.

    From 2006 to 2012, Patrick was the British Columbia Editor, reinforcing and reorienting the Globes editorial

    department ahead of the 2010 Winter Olympics, as part of a broad strategic expansion in the Province. Both print circulation and

    digital traffic rose substantially during that time, reflecting an organization-leading emphasis on digital-first journalism. Before

    arriving in British Columbia, Patrick was the Alberta bureau chief, responsible for coordinating news coverage, and reporting on

    the oil sector and broader economy of the province as the oil-sands fueled energy boom gained speed. He also reported on

    technology and launched a weekly technology section after arriving at the Toronto newsroom of The Globe from the Ottawa

    Citizen in 2006.

    Patrick has an honours degree in business from Wilfrid Laurier University and attended the master of journalism

    program of Carleton University. He is a National Newspaper Award nominee, and is a member of the Canadian Association of

    Journalists ethics committee. We are delighted to welcome Patrick to the Brunswick News team and we think he will play a key

    role in helping us reach our strategic goals over the next several years.

    As a result of this appointment, our Managing Editors including John Wishart, Al Hogan, Anne Mooers and Denis

    Robichaud will report directly to Patrick. John will work closely with Patrick to ensure his smooth transition into Brunswick

    News. I would like to take this opportunity to thank John for his two year term as Editor-in-Chief, and wish him every success in

    his new position as Editor of the Telegraph Journal.


    To: All BNI Employees

    From: James C. Irving, Vice President

    Date: May 12, 2014

    Subject: Editor-in-Chief

    Nous sommes trs heureux de vous annoncer que Patrick Brethour a t embauch titre de Rdacteur en chef (Editor-in-Chief)

    de Brunswick News. Il entrera en poste le lundi 26 mai. titre de Rdacteur en chef, Patrick supervisera la direction stratgique

    du dpartement ditorial de BNI, en plus dassurer le bon fonctionnement des oprations quotidiennes de nos publications et du site Web. Il travaillera de prs avec moi et les autres membres de lquipe de direction afin de veiller ce que notre compagnie continue doffrir un produit de qualit nos lecteurs et lectrices, tant dans nos journaux que sur Internet. Patrick sassurera aussi que Brunswick News sadapte une industrie en constante volution.

    Au cours des 20 dernires annes, Patrick a t journaliste, chroniqueur et diteur. Il sest notamment intress lconomie et la politique, et ce, lchelle du pays. Depuis le mois de juin 2013, il occupe le poste dditeur de soire au journal The Globe and Mail, et est donc responsable de tout le contenu ditorial ralis durant ce cycle de nouvelles, ce qui comprend la slection et

    la priorisation des sujets qui feront la manchette du journal du lendemain et du site Web. Auparavant, Patrick a aussi occup le

    poste dditeur adjoint pour la section Report on Business. On lui avait alors confi de trs grandes responsabilits dans la gestion et le fonctionnement de cette salle de rdaction, reconnue travers le pays comme lune des meilleures dans le domaine conomique. Notons aussi que Patrick a supervis la couverture de lactualit bancaire et financire pour le Report on Business, incluant le dveloppement de Streetwise - qui propose une couverture numrique de lactualit de Bay Street -, lorsque la compagnie a choisi dadopter un modle de mur payant lautomne 2012. Le projet innovateur Streetwise a permis au journal The Globe and Mail de connatre une croissance importante de ses abonnements en ligne.

    De 2006 2012, Patrick a occup les fonctions dditeur pour la Colombie-Britannique. Son travail a permis de renforcer et de rorienter le dpartement ditorial du journal The Globe and Mail, et ce, avec en trame de fond la venue Vancouver des Jeux

    olympiques de 2010. Les efforts de Patrick, qui sinscrivaient dans le cadre dune stratgie dexpansion dans cette province, ont permis la compagnie daccrotre de faon substantielle les abonnements au journal et en ligne; une preuve du succs de la stratgie de lentreprise visant produire pour le Web en priorit. Avant son arrive en Colombie-Britannique, Patrick a occup le poste de chef de bureau en Alberta. Il tait alors responsable de superviser la couverture journalistique, de produire des

    reportages sur lindustrie ptrolire, et de proposer des articles portant sur lconomie de cette rgion du pays, dont lconomie tait en pleine ascension, en grande partie grce lindustrie des sables bitumineux. Il a aussi couvert des sujets portant sur les nouvelles technologies. Dailleurs, lorsquil est pass du Ottawa Citizen au Globe and Mail, en 2006, il a mme lanc une section hebdomadaire portant sur les technologies.

    Patrick a obtenu un baccalaurat en administration des affaires (avec distinctions) de lUniversit Wilfrid Laurier. Il a aussi fait des tudes de matrise en journalisme lUniversit Carleton. Notons par ailleurs quil a fait partie des journalistes mis en nomination aux National Newspaper Awards, en plus dtre membre du comit dthique de lAssociation canadienne des journalistes. Nous sommes trs heureux daccueillir Patrick au sein de lquipe de Brunswick News, et nous sommes davis quil jouera un rle crucial afin de nous permettre datteindre nos objectifs stratgiques au cours des prochaines annes. Larrive de Patrick entranera certains changements dans notre structure. John Wishart (Managing Editor, Telegraph Journal), Al Hogan (Managing Editor, Times & Transcript), Anne Mooers (Managing Editor, Daily Gleaner) et Denis Robichaud (Rdacteur

    en chef, Ltoile et Le Madawaska) se rapporteront directement Patrick. John travaillera en troite collaboration avec Patrick afin dassurer une transition en douceur. Je veux aussi profiter de cette occasion pour remercier John pour les deux annes quil a passes en tant que Rdacteur en chef de BNI, et surtout, lui souhaiter beaucoup de succs dans son nouveau rle au Telegraph
