Patho logy C V Anat omy and Histo logy

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  • 7/29/2019 Patho logy C V Anat omy and Histo logy


    Cardiovascular Pathology: Review of Anatomy and Histology


    By 8 weeks, all parts of the heart are in place

    After that, only remodeling occurs

    Pregnancy Terminology: Dating Pregnancies

    Gestational Age = postmenstrual age

    Archaic system that we are stuck with"26 weeks pregnant" used in common context means gestational age

    Developmental Age = Postconceptual Age

    Used by pathologists/embryologists

    Chest Anatomy --- Facts to know

    Thymus is small in adults, prominent in infants

    Position of the heart in the chest

    Bulges more to the left than the right

    "Dextracardia" = shifted to the right

    Heart sits on the diaphragm

    Diaphragmatic surface = posterior surface = posterial inferior surface

    Parietal and visceral pericardium

    Fluid sits inbetween

    Configuration of Right Atrial Appendage

    Location of Left Anterior Descending coronary artery

    Aorta is always to the right of the Pulmonary Trunk

    Heart Anatomy -- Items to know

    Crux is where the four chambers meet

    Three branches coming off Aortic Arch (from right to left)

    1. Brachiocephalic --> R Common Carotid + R Subclavian

    2. L Common Carotid

    3. L Subclavian

    Four Pulmonary Veins entering Left Atrium

    Posterior descending Coronary Artery

    Interior Heart Anatomy -- Structures to Know

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    Inferior Vena Cava + Superior Vena Cava

    Ostium of Coronary Sinus

    Eustachian Valve

    Inflow and Outflow tracts of Right Ventricle

    Come from different embryologic sources

    Conus -- muscle interposed between AV valve and Semilunar Valve

    Left Ventricle wall is much thicker than right

    Left Ventricle gets smoother towards as you go superiorHelpful in IDing ventricles if they are swapped

    Heart Measurements

    Term infant = 20g

    Adult = 250-350 (males > female)

    LV wall > RV wall (1.4 vs .4)

    Myocardium Development

    7 Weeks Developmental Age (9 week gestational age)

    - Lots and lots of glycogen

    - Large embryonal blood cells in capillariesNucleated blood cells!!!

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    Adult Myocardium

    - Anastomosing fibers

    - Central Nuclei


    are the black dots near the nuclei?

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    Myofiber = muscle fiber = muscle cell (multinucleated)

    Composed of Myofibrils

    image shows thickness of it it runs from top left corner to bottom right.

    Myofibril = Many myofilaments together to form a functional unit (sarcomere)

    Myofilaments = actin and myosin

    Great picture representation:


    - branching- intercalated disks- can be a part of more than one fiber

    -Contrast with skeletal muscle fibers:

    - Do not anastomose- Peripheral nuclei

    Sarcomere --- goes from Z-band to Z-band

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    The Conduction System

    Specialized myocytes in the SA and AV nodes have special properties of excitation and/or conduction of electrical


    Location helps you understand pathology of conduction disorders

    Demand Pacemakers:

    Only take over when required

    SA Node = ~70bpm

    AV Node = 40-50bpm

    HIS Bundle/Purkinje = 16-20bpm

    SA Node

    Location right on the crest of appendage

    Shown is SA node Artery specialized myofibers run in all directions

    and help SA node conduction

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    Shows the contrast between normal atrial myofibers (left) and

    specialized myofibers or the SA node (right)

    AV Node His Bundle

    Location In the Triangle of Koch, in the lower portion of the Atrial Septum

    Once it loses contact with the Atrial Myocardium, it becomes the His Bundle.

    Histological Progression from AV Node to His Bundle:

    Bundle Branches

    Right Bundle Branch


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    Right bundle branch eventually turns into Purkinje fibers of the Right Ventricle

    Left Bundle BranchNot really a branch --- more like a waterfalling cascade of fibers



  • 7/29/2019 Patho logy C V Anat omy and Histo logy


    Coronary Artery Anatomy

    Left anterior coronary cusp Left main coronary artery Left Anterior Descending (LAD) + Left Circumflex (LCX)LAD: runs along anterior surface overlying the septum

    Branches: First diagonal, First Septal Perforator, other septals, 2nd Diagonal, Right Ventricular,


    LCX: Courses to the left within the AV groove, inferior to left atrial appendage

    Branches: Obtuse Marginal Branch (supplies the lateral wall)

    Right anterior coronary cusp Right coronary artery (RCA) Branch to the Conus + SA Nodal + Right Ventricular +

    Right Atrial + Acute Marginal

    Lots of posterior branches = if blocked, lots of posterior damage

    85% of people are Right Coronary Dominant, meaning the posterior of the heart is mainly supplied by the


    15% of people are Light Coronary Dominant, meaning that the LCA takes this role instead

    versus (LCA Dominant 15%)

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    The Circle and the U helpful concept to remember coronary artery positions

    Circle formed by RCA and LCX

    U formed by LAD and Posterior Descending

    Valve Structure

    Atrioventricular Valves (Tricuspid and Mitral) --- leaflets

    Lamina Fibrosa = dense fibrous core

    Spongiosa loose connective tissue on atrial aspect

    AV valves are covered by thin layer of fibroelastic tissue & endocardium

    also have BVs, lymphatics, nerve, smooth muscle, striated muscle

    Blood Cysts can form in newborns along lines of closure --- they can be a normal finding

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    Semilunar Valves cusps

    No striated muscle, BVs, nerves, or lymphatics!!!!!

    Both aspects of the cusp are covered by Fibroelastic tissue and endocardium

    Blood Vessels

    Walls consist mostly of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells (SMC)

    Also contains Extracellular matrix (ECM) elastin + collagen + GAGs

    Three layers: Intima, Media, Adventitia

    Intima endothelial cells + thin layer of ECM

    External to intima is internal elastic membrane (lamina)

    Media Smooth muscle cells + ECM

    Some arteries also have an external elastic membrane

    Adventitia loose CT + nerve fibers + smaller vessels (ie: vaso vasorum, supply muscle of the artery itself)

    Large Arteries

    Aorta, Aortas large branches (subclavian, common carotid, iliacs), Pulmonary trunk and arteries

    Elastic fibers alternate with smooth muscle cells in layers

    Elastic recoil provides energy to propel blood during diastole

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    Aorta wall

    Medium Arteries

    Other aortic branches coronary arteries, renal arteries, mesenteric arteries

    Branches from large aortic branches

    Media = Smooth muscle cells with elastic fibers in internal and external elastic membranes

    Small Arteries and Arterioles

    Arterioles = 20-100mm in diameter

    Small Arteries = 2mm or lessMedia = essentially all smooth muscle


    Very small diameter only sufficient for free flow of RBCs


    Only endothelial lining

    Essentially a tube of endothelial cells surrounded by basal lamina (protects endothelial cells)

    Postcapillary Venules

    Larger and distinguished by presence of pericytes


    Thinner walls than arteries

    Thinner mediaSmaller amount of smooth muscle

    Contain elastic and reticular fibers

    Valves are present!!!