Pasolento y Carrerín - Trudge and Zippy

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  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Zippy was getting impatient. Itseemed like it had taken for everfor his family to finally get readyand out of the house. Now they

    were all waiting up by the road forhim and Trudge, but where wasTrudge?

    He wassupposed

    to be ready,especiallytoday.Today theywere goingto thecarnivaltogether.They hadplanned toleave earlyso theycould get around to all the rides

    and amusements by the end of thedaybut he couldnt seeTrudge anywhere.

    Where on earth could he be?

    Carrern se estabaimpacientando. A sus padres y asus hermanos les haba tomadouna eternidad prepararse para

    salir de casa. Por fin ya estabantodos al lado del camino. Perodnde sehabametidoPasolento?

    Ya deberaestar listo,sobre todoporqueaquel daiban a ir

    juntos a laferia dediversiones.Habanplaneado

    partir temprano, para tener

    tiempo de montarse en todas lasatracciones. Pero no vea aPasolento por ningn lado.

    Dnde estaba?

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    A lily-pad began to move, anda couple of seconds later,Trudges head popped out

    from under the water.

    Observ que se mova unnenfar, y a los dos segundosPasolento asom la cabecita.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Oh, hi Zippy! Uh-oh! Trudge

    saw the expression on Zippysface, and suddenly realized thathe was supposed to be all readyto go when his friend arrived.

    Im so sorry, Zippy. I was

    having so much fun taking mymorning swim that I forgot whattime it was, he said as he

    climbed out of the water.

    Oh, thats all right, Trudge,

    Zippy said, trying not to show hisimpatience. We all forget

    sometimesand theres still awhole day ahead of us. Come on!Everyone is waiting for us. Mydad and mom want to talk to allof us first before we go.

    Hola, Carrern, qu tal?

    Oh, no! Al ver la expresinde Carrern, de repente cay enla cuenta de que hubiera debidoestar listo cuando llegarasu amigo.

    Cunto lo siento! Estabadisfrutando tanto de michapuzn matutino que se mepas la horadijo saliendodel agua.

    No importarespondiCarrern, procurando ocultar suimpaciencia-. A cualquiera se leolvidan las cosas, y an tenemostodo el da por delante. Vamos!Los dems estn esperando. Mipap y mi mam quieren hablar

    con todos antes de salir.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Trudge was a turtle. He had aspotted green and yellow shell.

    Zippy, his friend, wasnt as

    bright and colorful as Trudge.Zippy was a dull gray color,

    with short fur, cute little ears,and a wiry tail. Zippy was afield mouse, and he lived nearTrudges pond. They were best

    friends and played togetherevery day. Trudge lived with his

    old grandmother, and thefriendly mouse family had sortof adopted him.

    Pasolento era una tortuga. Tenaun caparazn con manchasverdosas y amarillentas.

    Su amigo Carrern no era tanllamativo y colorido. Tena el

    pelaje corto, de un gris opaco,las orejillas pequeas y la coladelgada. Era un ratn de campoy viva cerca de la charca dePasolento. Eran muy amigos y

    jugaban juntos todos los das.

    Pasolento viva con su ancianaabuela, y la amigable familia deratones lo haba poco menosque adoptado.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Now listen, children, Papa

    Mouse began when Trudge finallyreached the road. The forest and

    carnival area will be packed withanimals today. The rides and

    amusements are all over the place,so it will be very easy to getturned around and even lost inthe crowds,confusionand

    crisscrossof foresttrails. Incase we getseparated,lets agree

    to meet upagain atfour oclockin the mainclearing byShadow Rock. I have drawn out alittle map of the forest andcarnival grounds for you to have.Mama has written your names andaddress on a slip of paper, as wellas where and when we are tomeet, just in case any of you havetrouble and need to ask someone

    for help in finding us.

    Escuchen bien, hijitoscomenz a explicar Pap Ratncuando Pasolento lleg por fin alcamino. Hoy el bosque y laferia estarn llenos de animales.

    Hay juegos y atracciones portodas partes. Ser muy fcildesorientarse y hasta perderse

    en mediode lamultitud, la

    confusin yel laberintode senderosdel bosque.En caso deque nos

    separemos,nos veremosnuevamentea las cuatroen punto en

    el claro que hay junto a la Roca

    Umbrosa. He dibujado un mapitadel bosque y de la feria para cadauno. Mam escribi su nombre ydireccin en un papelito, ytambin dnde y cundo nosencontraremos, por si alguno deustedes tiene dificultades y se veen la necesidad de pedir ayuda.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    The merry family of mice,along with one rather slowturtle, set off down the road.

    Hop on! said Trudge to hissmall friend. Once Zippy wasseated, Trudge set off at whatseemed like a jog to him.Plonk, plonk! Plonk, plonk!

    Zippy lay back and looked upat the fluffy little cloudsoverhead as he rocked gentlyback and forth on Trudges

    back. He soon fell fast asleepdreaming of a delicious,giant cheesecake.

    Y sin ms preliminares, la alegrefamilia de ratones y la lentatortuguita se pusieron en camino.

    Mntate! -dijo Pasolento asu amiguito. Una vez que ste seacomod, Pasolento emprendi lamarcha a un ritmo que a Carrern lepareci muy pausado. Plinc, ploncPlinc, plonc!

    Carrern se recost y se puso acontemplar las nubecitasalgodonosas mientras se mecasobre el caparazn de Pasolento. Alpoco rato se qued profundamentedormido y empez a soar con unadeliciosa tarta gigante de queso.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Zippy awoke to the sounds ofshouting, cheers and clapping.They had arrived at the carnival.

    Well, were here, Zippy,

    Trudge announced.

    OOOOhh! This is sooooexcitingisnt it, Trudge? Zippysaid, leaping to the ground. He wasso excited, he could hardly wait!

    He so very much wanted to see allthere was to do, and taste all thosedelicious snacks.

    Lo despertaron los gritos yaplausos. Haban llegado ala feria.

    Hemos llegado

    anunci Pasolento.

    Uy! Fascinante!,verdad?exclam Carrernal tiempo que saltaba al suelo.Estaba tan emocionado! Se

    mora de impaciencia por vertodo lo que haba y probartodas las cosas ricas.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Trudge just stood there gazingat everything there was to beseen.

    Wow! This place is huge!

    Trudge exclaimed. Itll take us

    ages to get around.

    Then lets get started,

    Zippy announced. See thathuge wheel over there? Lets go

    on that!

    Pasolento se qued quieto,mirndolo todo asombrado.

    Uy, uy, uy! Esto esinmenso!exclam.

    Tardaremos una eternidaden recorrerlo.

    Vamos. Sgueme.dijoCarrernVes esa ruedagigante? Montmonos en ella!

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Sure! Looks like fun! Trudge said. And off they went, following th

    happy music coming from a big ferris wheel! The ferris wheel tookZippy and Trudge way up high, high, high into the sky. They

    were even up above the trees. They could see far into thedistance, and when they looked down, everyone looked

    so tiny.

    S! Parece divertida!Dijo Pasolento. Se

    dirigieron, pues, hacia la

    rueda, de la que provena

    animada msica! Los llevmuy, muy alto, por encima de

    los rboles. Podan ver a

    gran distancia, y al mirar

    hacia abajo, todos parecan


  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    The two friends did so manythings that day. They went onthe merry-go-round; they rode inbumper-boats and twirled in teacups. Some otters, dressed up asclowns, made them laugh.

    Zippy ate cheesecake, andTrudge had a giant bug-in-a-bunspecial with a side order ofgrilled algae.

    Los dos amiguitos hicieroncantidad de cosas aquel da. Sesubieron al carrusel, y semontaron en los botes chocones yen las tazas giratorias. Tambin se

    rieron observando a las nutriasvestidas de payaso.

    Carrern comi tarta de queso yPasolento pidi un sandwichgigante de insectos con una

    porcin de algas a la parrilla.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    The day came and went all tooquickly, and it was time to headfor Shadow Rock. They wereabout to set off for the big clearingwhen they noticed a bright sign

    over an overgrown part of theforest that read, TangledTrails.A twisted path led off into a darkand spooky-looking thicket.

    Hey Trudge, look! Theres

    something we havent triedyet.

    El da se les hizo muy corto, yera hora de dirigirse a la RocaUmbrosa. Justo entonces vieronuna zona muy boscosa y llena demaleza. Haba un cartel que

    deca: La Maraa. Un senderozigzagueante conduca a unmatorral de aspecto tenebroso.

    Pasolento, mira! Algo que nohemos probado.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    If my guess is right the

    clearing is directly on the otherside of this overgrown part ofthe forest. Tangled Trails

    would be a shortcut to where

    we want to go, said Zippy

    I dont know, said Trudge,

    what if it isnt, and we get

    lost? Lets look on the

    map your father

    gave you.

    Zippyreluctantlyreached for hismap, but after athorough searchcould not find it.

    Oh, well, who

    needs a map.Im a mouse,remember! I can

    find my way around in the dark.Where is your sense ofadventure, Trudge?

    It took some serious coaxing,but finally Trudge agreed to try

    out Tangled Trails.

    Si no me equivoco, el claro seencuentra justo del otro lado deesta espesura. La Maraa podraservirnos de atajo para llegar.dijo Carrern.

    No sdijo Pasolento.Y si no es as y nos perdemos?

    Veamos el mapa que tedio tu padre.

    De mala gana, Carrernse puso abuscar yrebuscar elmapa, pero

    no lo hall.



    qu quieroel mapa? No olvides

    que soy un ratn! S orientarmeen la oscuridad. Acaso no tegustan las aventuras?

    Despus de mucha persuasin,Pasolento accedi a meterse en

    La Maraa.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Deep into the thicket, the trailsbecame much more complicatedand confusing than Zippy hadimagined they would be.

    It was not long before theyrealized that they had losttheir way! The willows andunderbrush grew so thickly allaround them, and overhead thatthey could hardly get a peek at

    the sky, or see for any distance.How could they get out of there?

    Una vez dentro, los senderos sevolvieron mucho mscomplicados y confusos de lo quehaba imaginado Carrern.

    No tardaron en darse cuenta deque se haban perdido! Los saucesy la maleza eran tan tupidos queapenas podan distinguir unpoquito de cielo, o ver nada queno estuviera delante de sus

    narices. Cmo iban a salirde all?

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Oh, Zippy, Trudge said,

    were lost! I knew weshouldnt have come this way.

    It was sort of fun at first, butnow its scary and its getting

    late and I want to go home.

    Me too, Trudge! Me,too!What are we going todo?

    Well, said Trudge, My

    mommy used to tell me that ifI get in trouble, or have a

    problem and need help, Ishould tell Jesus about it.

    Good idea, said Zippy. He

    for sure knows the way out ofhere. Lets pray and ask Him

    to help us.

    Carrern, estamos perdidos!

    dijo Pasolento.Saba que nodebamos venir por aqu. Alprincipio fue divertido, pero ahoratengo miedo y se est haciendotarde. Quiero volver a casa.

    Yo tambin! Yo tambin!Qu hacemos ahora?

    Bueno,dijo Pasolento,mi mam me repeta siempre quesi me encontraba en apuros, otena algn problema y necesitabaayuda, deba decrselo a Jess.

    Buena idea. Sin duda l sabepor dnde es la salida. Pidmosleque nos ayude.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Together they bowed their headsand Zippy said, Dear Jesus,

    were lost and we need some help.

    Please help us find our way backto the meetingplace.

    Los dos inclinaron la cabecita, yCarrern dijo:Jess, estamosperdidos. Te rogamos que nosayudes a encontrar el caminoque lleva al punto de reunin.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Suddenly Zippy looked up allhappy and smiling! Music! hesaid. I can hear the music from

    the ferris wheel coming from thatdirection. And the ferris wheel is

    not far from Shadow Rock!

    De repente, Carrern alz elrostro, feliz y sonriente!Lamsica! Oigo la msica de larueda gigante. Viene de all.Y la rueda no est lejos de la

    Roca Umbrosa!

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    So, if we just head for that

    music we should soon find theferris wheel. Then it will be easyto find the big clearing.

    Thats a good idea, Trudge


    Stopping every once in awhile tolisten and try a new path going inthe right direction, the two

    friends at last came out on a well-beaten forest path.

    Si vamos hacia donde suena lamsica, pronto encontraremos larueda. Y de ah ser fcil ubicarel claro.

    Buena idea,dijo Pasolento.

    Detenindose de vez en cuando aescuchar y escoger el camino quelos llevara en la direccincorrecta, los dos amigos llegaron

    por fin a un sendero transitadodel bosque.

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    In a few more moments, they werehappily reunited with the rest ofthe mouse family. By this timeMother and Father Mouse hadbeen getting quite concerned, and

    were about to call on thewoodpecker patrol for help.

    Momentos despus, sereunieron felices con el resto dela familia ratona. El pap y lamam ya estaban bastantepreocupados, a punto de pedir

    ayuda a la patrulla de pjaroscarpinteros.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Zippy stayed over withhis friend that night and theycamped out under the stars bythe pond. As they watched thestars twinkle in the sky, they

    thought back on the adventuretheyd just had.

    Oh, Zippy! Im so glad we

    stopped to ask Jesus for help.

    Me too! said Zippy.

    Carrern se qued con su amigo esanoche. Acamparon al borde de lacharca, a la luz de las estrellas.Mientras las miraban titilar, sepusieron a pensar en la aventura

    que acababan de vivir.

    Carrern, no sabes cunto mealegro de haberle pedido ayudaa Jess!

    Yo tambin!Dijo Carrern

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    You know, Trudge, Zippy said,

    I think we make a good team.

    Although I get a little impatientwith you sometimes because yougo a little slow, Im glad that

    youre my friend. Thank you for

    being my friend, Trudge.

    Yes, and Im glad that we both

    have Jesus as our very bestfriend, too, Trudge added.

    Me, too, Zippy said, as they

    both drifted off to sleep, underthe twinkling, starry sky.

    Sabes una cosa,Pasolento? T y yo formamosbuena pareja. Aunque a vecesme impaciento un poco porquevas despacio, me alegro de que

    me acompaes. Gracias por sermi amigo.dijo Carrern

    Tambin me alegro de quenuestro mejor amigo sea Jess.

    djio Pasolento.

    Saadi Carrern. Ylos dos se quedaron dormidosbajo el cielo estrellado.

  • 8/3/2019 Pasolento y Carrern - Trudge and Zippy


    Written by Derek and Michelle BrookesArt by Hugo Westphal and Ana Fields

    Copyright Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.

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