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Part 4

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Page 1: Part 4

Group 2

Kody Burden

Emily Dellinger

Abbe Emerson

Courtney Greenblum

Jack Grimes

Grant Wimberley

Page 2: Part 4

Summary Demographics

The sample included 133 individuals selected as a convenience sample from Texas A&M’s

Behavioral Research Lab. The sample included 46% females and 54% males and 98% of

respondents fell between the ages of 18 and 24. The owner of Spoons Yogurt at the Texas

Avenue location targets Texas A&M students between the ages of 18 and 24, because of the

location’s proximity to Texas A&M’s campus. The Behavioral Research Lab allowed us to

precisely reach Spoons Yogurt’s target market, which allowed for a diverse set of respondents.

Therefore, we believe the sample is representative of Spoons Yogurt’s target market.

Brand Salience

The research obtained from the sample population aided in the measurement of brand salience

for Spoons Yogurt. An important finding from the research was the number of people who have

heard of Spoons Yogurt compared to the amount of people who have actually been there. Based

on the research, 91% of respondents have heard of Spoons Yogurt. Figure one states that of the

91%, 64% of respondents have visited at least once, while 26% have never eaten at the

establishment. The cross tabulation between question 4 and 6 pose as an important managerial

question for Spoons Yogurt. How can Spoons Yogurt increase the number of the people who

have heard of the brand but not visited?

Q4: Have you heard of Spoons Yogurt?

Q6: Have you eaten at Spoons Yogurt?

Figure 1 Q6

Q4 Yes No Grand Total

Yes 85 35 120

No 0 26 26

Grand Total 85 61 146

Page 3: Part 4

Is there a difference in the proportion between males and females who have heard of Spoons



Proportion Male Proportion

Sample Size 61 72

Sample Propor. 0.9508 0.8611

p-value (two tail) 0.0826

By using a z-test for two proportions, we have learned that the sample proportion of men who

have heard of Spoons Yogurt is 95.08% and the sample proportion of females is 86.11%. By

evaluating these two groups using a z-test, we obtained a p-value of .0826, which means that we

can be confident within a 92% interval that a greater proportion of women have heard of Spoons

than men.

From the survey, Spoons Yogurt is the second most popular yogurt shop with 38% of

respondents claiming it as their favorite yogurt shop in Bryan/College Station, while 57%

claimed Yogurtland as their favorite yogurt destination, while 4% listed another location.

Is the difference in gender significant in preferred choice of frozen yogurt shop?


Proportion Male Proportion

Sample Size 36 29

Sample Propor. 0.3333 0.4828

p-value (two tail) 0.2216

By using a z-test for two proportions, we have learned that 33.3% of female respondents and

48.28% of male respondents named Spoons as their favorite frozen yogurt shop in the

Bryan/College Station area. After running the z-test, we obtained a p-value of .2216, which

means that we can be confident within a 78% confidence interval that Spoons is more popular

with men than with women.

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Brand Feelings

The following survey questions assist in understanding respondents’ feelings towards Spoons

Yogurt brand. Questions 11, 12, and 13 answer the brand feelings research objective most

accurately. Below are the summary statistics for each question:

Q11: On a scale from 1-7, with 1 being extremely dissatisfied, and 7 being extremely satisfied,

please rate your overall experience at Spoons Yogurt.

Average overall satisfaction of Spoons Yogurt is 5.32.

Average overall satisfaction of Spoons Yogurt is 5.32.


Mean 5.318182

Confidence Interval 0.277367

We can be 95% confident that the average overall satisfaction of consumers with Spoons Yogurt

will be between 5.04 and 5.58 on a 7 point scale.

Q12_1: To what extent do you agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the quality of frozen

yogurt at Spoons Yogurt?”

Q12_3: To what extent do you agree with the statement, “I would recommend Spoons Yogurt to

my friends.”

Q12_4: To what extent do you agree with the statement, “Spoons Yogurt meets my needs of a

frozen yogurt shop.”

Out of the 75 respondents who answered “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” to being satisfied with

Spoons Yogurt’s quality of frozen yogurt, 62 of respondents are likely to recommend Spoons

Yogurt to a friend.

Figure 2 Q12_3

Q12_1 Unlikely Neutral Likely Grand Total

Dissatisfied 4 0 0 4

Neutral 2 3 1 6

Satisfied 2 11 62 75

Grand Total 8 14 63 85

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Figure 3 Q12_4

Q12_1 Unlikely Neutral Likely Grand Total

Dissatisfied 4 0 0 4

Neutral 1 3 2 6

Satisfied 0 6 69 75

Grand Total 5 9 71 85

For the above figures, all positive responses (Very Likely, Likely, Somewhat Likely) were

grouped together, and all negative responses (Very Unlikely, Unlikely, Somewhat Unlikely) were

also grouped together.

Q13: How satisfied are you with the following regarding Spoons Yogurt?

Taste: 93% at least somewhat satisfied

Flavor Variety: 77% at least somewhat satisfied

Topping Variety: 91% at least somewhat satisfied

Satisfaction is an important measurement to determine if Spoons Yogurt is meeting customer

needs. Satisfaction was measured using attributes of Spoons Yogurt on a 1-7 scale, with 1 being

“Very Dissatisfied” and 7 being “Very Satisfied.” Satisfaction appeared to be the highest with

taste (an average of 5.86 out of 7) and the lowest with price (an average of 5.16 out of 7).

Page 6: Part 4

Anova: Single



Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Q11_1 86 465 5.406977 1.632421

Q11_2 86 486 5.651163 1.288646

Q11_3 86 488 5.674419 1.116279

Q11_4 86 445 5.174419 2.286867

Q11_5 86 503 5.848837 1.212175

Q11_6 86 504 5.860465 1.133242

Q11_7 86 444 5.162791 1.549658


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 44.90365 6 7.483942 5.126345 3.78E-05 2.113801

Within Groups 868.6395 595 1.459898

Total 913.5432 601

According to the ANOVA test, we can be confident within a 95% interval that average

satisfaction differs across all 7 variables listed above.

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Brand Resonance

Overall, 65% of the respondents were not aware that Spoons Yogurt has a loyalty punch card. Of

the 35% of people who have heard of the loyalty punch card, only 11% of people actually utilize

this offering.

Q16 Regarding Spoons Yogurt's loyalty punch card, please check all that apply.

Figure 5 Number of


Percentage of


Utilize loyalty card 9 11%

Like loyalty card 13 15%

More likely to visit

due to loyalty card

11 13%

Aware, but does not

use the punch card

16 19%

Unaware of loyalty

punch card

55 65%

Other 2 2%

40% of respondents did not realize that Spoons Yogurt on Texas Avenue closed. Only 1% stated

they are more loyal to Spoons Yogurt following its reopening. On the other hand, 32% of people

are now less loyal to Spoons Yogurt since they reopened.

Q17 Has your loyalty to Spoons Yogurt changed since their Texas Avenue location closed?

Figure 6 Number of


Percentage of


More Loyal 1 1%

Less Loyal 27 32%

Loyalty Unchanged 23 27%

Unaware of Texas

Avenue Location Closing

34 40%