Part 23. The Unleavend Truth

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  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death


    Part 23.

    The Unleavened Truth!

    1Co 5:6-9. [About the condition of your church] we are the eccesia or ch!rch" aso the te#$e - your

    boasting is not good [indeed, it is most unseemly and entirely out of place]. Do you not know that [just] a

    little leaven sin or owered conscio!sness or %ase !nderstanding -will ferment the whole lump [of

    dough]? Purge (clean out) come out of, do away with the old leaven !uter "ourt # $oly %lace way

    of thinking thatyoumay be fresh (new) dough, &hird 'ealm or &abernacles still uncontaminated,for "hrist, our %asso(er [)amb], has been sacrificed. &herefore,let us keep the feast, of &abernacles

    not with old leaven, - Pentecost was eaten with ea&en - nor with lea(en of (ice and malice and

    wickedness, but with the unlea(ened [bread] of purity *nobility, honour+ and sincerity and

    unadulterated truth" '()od. 12:19* 13:+* De!t. 16:3., wrote you in my [pre(ious] letter not to

    associate [closely and habitually] with unchaste (impure) people or listening to # belie(ing those that

    are still in the inpart way of thinking. hat you#a /e %resh new uncontaminated dough. o /e in this$osition we #!st %irst purge clean out do away with the old leaven# keep the &abernacle feast, of

    sincerity # unadulterated truth"

    his artice is written in o&e to those who are now in 0 who are as$iring to the e)$erience o%

    a/ernaces. As we ha&e said at ti#es /e%ore there are three rea#s in od" there are aso three de$ths to

    ods ord. o the enightened it is e&erwhere.

    #od$s %e&uirement 'or llumination!

    4ohn. +:16-1+. --esus answered them by saying, /y teachingis not y own, but *is +ho sent e"

    f any man desires to do *is will *0od-s pleasure+, he will know(have the needed illumination torecognise, and can tell for himself+ whether the teaching is from 0od or whether am speaking from

    /yself and of /y own accord and on /y own authority.-- A re%erences %ro# the A#$i%ied !ness

    otherwise stated. he 4 states that $f any man will to do *is will$ he re7!ire#ent that the scri$t!res

    gi&e !s %or 8nowing %!rther tr!th is %irst o% a to o/e that which we aread 8now to /e right. % we ha&e

    a s$irit o% ha$haardness or o% she /e right #ate" or anthing goes" then according to this scri$t!re this is

    not what od is oo8ing %or. $$*e that hungers thirsts after righteousness right doing 1 shall be


    To act on the light one has is almost the only way to more light" - ." /" 0ewis

    his is a $rocess $eo$e; he A?R( in @A>has /een r!ing sinceCA( @A> DAB;he

    (R/rother CRB >A?R( EC @(A>B ( >A@( A?R(was $!t to death / the CAR>A= >A?R("

    as Cain 8ied A/e" Bo o!r CAR>A= (

  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    his what a# now going to 7!ote is /eie&e a #aNor 8e in o!r wa8 with od. To *all in lo+e with

    God i! the greate!t o* all romance!# to !eek Him i! the greate!t ad+enture# and to *ind Him i! the

    greate!t human achie+ement( , St( Augu!tine ,

    'rom #lory to #lory!

    2Co 3:1O-1. --n fact, their minds were grown hard and calloused [they had become dull and had lostthe

    power of understanding]2 for until this present day, when the !ld &estament *the old co(enant+ 1 legalism

    or law is being read,that same veil still lies on their hearts, not being lifted [to re(eal] that in .hrist

    it is made void and done away. 3es, down to this [(ery] day whene(er /oseslaw is read, a (eil lies

    upon their minds and hearts. 4ut whene(er a person turns [in in full repentance a further #

    different repentance to each realm to the 0ord, the veil is stripped off and taken away" 5ow the )ord is

    the 6pirit, and where the 6pirit of the )ord is, there is liberty *emancipation from bondage, freedom+. 'sa.

    61:1" 2., And all of us, as with un(eiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the 7ord of 0od]as

    in a mirror the glory of the )ord, are constantly being transfigured into $is (ery own image in ever

    increasing splendour and from one degree of glory to another1 [for this comes] from the )ord [7ho is]

    the 6pirit.-- And are /eing trans%ig!red %ro# one degree o* Glory to another(

    Ro# :1-19. --[4ut what of that?] 8or consider that the sufferings of this present time *this present

    life+ are not worth being compared with the #02%3 that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for

    us and conferred on us! 8or [e(en the whole] creation *all nature+ waits e9pectantly and longsearnestly

    for 0od-s sons to be made knownwaits for the revealing, the disclosing of their son-ship"$$ his wi /e

    a %! trans%ig!ration o% the hird or" na#e a/ernaces.

    ReNoice with #e as we now share in this wonder%! reading %ro# saiah. 6Q: 1-3. $-A'6:[from the

    depression and prostrationin which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]; 6hine *be radiant

    with the glory of the )ord+, for your light has come, and the glory of the )ord has risen upon you; 8or

    behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the )ord shall arise uponyou [! erusalem], and $isgloryshall be seen on you. And nations shall come to your light, and kingsto the brightness of your rising.-- @a. O:2* Re&. 21:2" 2:2" 3*


    he whoe reason that #an ca#e into a conscio!s se$arate i&ing so! e)istence is that od wished to

    $rocreate /eings o% is &er own se%. e did not create o!r s$irit as so#e #a i8e to s!ggest" /!t e

    shared his &er own /eing 6piritod is on one s$irit 0 as e is a /eing o% ight so are we. 4es!s not

    on said the we were the ight o% the word e aso #entioned that we were the children o% ight. od is

    ight 0 we as is chidren are aso ight" we are re%erring to o!r higher or tr!e Christ se&es. e are a

    $er%ect gi%t 0 we co#e %ro# the FA(R

  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    $$+hat isman that you art mindful of him, or the son of man that you visit him4$$ his was the earnest

    7!estion o% Da&id the Psa#ist" 0 the th Psa# is gi&en who to the conte#$ation o% #anHthe

    crowning wor8 o% #ani%est creation. @an is $art o% the eterna whoe. here ne&er was a ti#e when he was

    not* a ti#e wi ne&er co#e when he wi not e)ist. h 4es!s said -3ou are gods-or theos which was a

    transation o% the word eohi# Ps 2:6" which is /oth $!ra 0 sing!ar. Pease aow #e to 7!ote %ro#

    the direct transation o% the ree8. 4a#es.1:1. --$a(ing willed $ebegat us by a word of truth, in orderthat to be us"first fruit a kind of the $imself creatures.$$ n the origina the word transatedkind was not#eaning maybe something like-/!t it is rea #eaning the $imself kind of creature. od is act!a re /e-

    getting !s" in other words to re-re#e#/er o!r %irst begotten (den e)$erience. hefirst fruit is the sa#e

    word 0 #eaning %o!nd in Cor.15: 23" here Pa! #entions "hrist the firstfruits2 afterward they that

    are "hrist-s at his coming.o $!t it in n!tshe 4a#es.1:1" co!d /e read th!s. $$*aving willed *e begat

    us by a word of truth, in order that to 56 U/, the first fruit or the christed, of the *imself kind of

    creatures"$$ Re#e#/ering aso that the word Christ incor$orates arge the #eaning o% anointed. Bo the

    whoe reason %or o!r going thro!gh the e)$erience o% night 0 da" good 0 e&i" ower 0 higher" or o!r

    Christ identit 0 o!r #ista8en or ower identit" is that od is wanting !s to !nderstand" thro!gh o!r

    e)$erience" as e !nderstands the reason %or the dar8 0 ight. -5ight # day are both alike to $im.-

    ncidenta the wordfirstfruitsaso #eans beginnings, so this is reated aso to o!r (den-ic /eginnings.

    Re& 1:3 4lessed *happy, to be en(ied+ is the man whoreads aloud [in the assemblies] the word ofthis

    prophecy2-- TUVW XYXZ[Y\]^\ XY_XZ_[Y_`b_ ` `f TUU XY TVjk to know again" that is" E/

    e)tensionG to read: - read.

    hist we are on this $oint wo!d i8e to 7!ote %ro# the i%e o% 4ohn =a8e once again" in #

    o$inion he was one o% the greatest i% not the greatest o% the Pentecosta Preachers" teachers 0 heaers o% his

    ti#e. e was so %ar ad&anced / what he ta!ght that he was $ast the !s!a Becond Rea#Pentecosta

    !nderstanding 0 $art into the hird Rea#a/ernaces e)$erience. l!ote:- "hristianity is not a thingto be apologised for. "hristianity is the li(ing conscious life # power of the li(ing 0od, transmitted into

    the nature of man until, bless 0od, man-s nature is transformed by the li(ing touch, # the (ery spirit, soul

    # being is energised # filled by $is life. &hus you become a (eritable "hrist.

    &hat startles some people. 4ut the ultimate of the 0ospel of esus "hrist # the ultimate of the

    redemption of the 6on of 0od is to reproduce # make e(ery man

  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    the #!st a #!st %it in together in the hird Rea# !nderstanding. >ow with Ro# :19. --8or the earnest

    e9pectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of #od"= 0 aso &erse 23 And not

    only they, but oursel(es also, which ha(e the first-fruits of the 6pirit, e(en we oursel(es groan within

    oursel(es, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body"$$ or the /anchild putting on

    incorruptibility $!s 4ohn !nder the ins$iration o% the s$irit in wrote in Re&12: 5. --And she brought forth

    a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron> and her child wascaught up unto #od, and

    to his throne"$$ 7hich is incorruptibility .>ow %or those o% !s who are seeing 0 wa8ing in the third rea#0 we sti want the o Pace or Pentecosta inter$retation o% ($h O: 9-16" it si#$ is not going to %it" in

    ods econo# as there are no s7!are $egs in ro!nd hoes in is end ti#e scri$t!ra re&eations.

    ($h O:9-16. $$(8ow that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts

    of the earth4 9: *e that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he

    might fill all things") 99 7nd he gave some, apostles1 and some, prophets1 and some, evangelists1 and

    some, pastors and teachers1 9; 'orthe perfecting of the saints,$$ we must keep these few words inmind, as not all are saints. 6aints are those separated set apart, for the /anchild, # not all are interested

    at the moment in going any further than the 6econd 'ealm for the work of the ministry, for the edifying

    of the body of .hrist< 9= &ill we all come that is the saints in the unity of the faith, and of the

    knowledge of the /on of #od, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of.hrist< these last underlined words are referring only to the forming /anchild 9> &hat wehenceforth

    be no more children, those that are not yet saints, or set apart ones growing up into the $ead tossed to

    and fro, and carried about withevery wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men,and cunning craftiness,

    whereby they lie in wait to decei(e2 # would try # undermine the truth of &he &hird 'ealm 9? 5ut

    speaking the truthin love, may grow up into him in all things, once again the saints which is the

    head, even .hrist< 9@ 8rom whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which

    e(ery joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of e(ery part, makes increase of the

    bodyunto the edifying of itself in love"$$

    ($h 3:19A#$.--[&hat you may really come] to know [practically, through e9perience foryoursel(es]the lo(e of "hrist, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without e9perience]2 that you may be filled

    [through all your being] unto all the fullness of #od the sons of 0od or /anchild [may ha(e the

    richest measure of the di(ine %resence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with #od

    *imself!$$ @o%%att tes !s that we are to /e %ied with the $entire fullness$" /eie&e that the #o#ent

    that an o% !s co#e into the %! reaisation the $entire fullness$ we wi then e)$erience incorr!$ti/iit.

    e #a di%%er 0 disagree" /!t $ease do so#e serio!s consideration on what we are saing. And so o!r

    ai# is in reaising. $$7nd to know the love of .hrist, which passes knowledge, that ye might be filled

    with all the fullness of #od"$$ ($h 3:19. 4.

    The 'orming of the /aviours on t Aion!

    e #!st 8ee$ in #ind that the re&eation that Pa! had" was that ods $an was to /ring is $eo$e

    thro!gh a dar8 ti#e o% tro!/e 0 then /ring the# o!t" the $roo% o% this is %o!nd in osea 5:15. 6:1-2. hen

    e a%ter two das wo!d re&i&e the# 0 then on the third da e wo!d raise the# !$ to i&e in is sight

    or 8now hi# face to face. ee$ing in #ind that $7 day with the 0ord is as a thousand years a

    thousand years is asone day.$ods co#$ete $an is not on %or a o% those who $ro%ess an e)$erience

    with i#" /!t it is %or a o% h!#anit as a are the o%%s$ring o% od. Acts.1+: 2+-29. o do this is $an

    was that e wo!d raise !$ an eect gro!$ that on e has chosen Ro#.:29-3Q" caed the #ani%ested

    sons o% od" the #an-chid" the @echiede8 Priesthood. As o!r great od !sed on 3QQ o!t o% o&er

    32"QQQ with ideon" 4osh!a 0 Cae/ as o$$osed to the1Q eaders o% srae $!s 0 etc. Bo od in is

    Di&ine wisdo# is showing !s that it is not going to /e in great n!#/ers or that is $ower is in the Arm o*

    *le!h(>ow /eca!se o% a o% this /eie&e that in is wisdo# od has $ro&ided in his ins$ired ord" as

    we as the o Pace Pentecosta #essage" he has aso inserted as it were the hird Rea#-a/ernace

    #essage %or !s toda" %or those who wo!d h!nger 0 search %or it. his is the re/!iding o% the a/ernace


  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    or ent o% Da&idoursel(es 1 he e#$e is not %inished !nti the endo% the Third Day( At this $oint

    wo!d i8e aso to add that so#e are s!/t 0 dangero!s disco!nting the ins$ired e)ts that we ha&e

    /een gi&en. >ow in the right $ers$ecti&e the Ii/e is a /oo8 #ade !$ o% in8 on $a$er 0 is not to /e

    worshi$$ed. ithin !s we ha&e the i&ing ord o% od" $7nd the +ord was #od *imself$ 0 as Pa! tes

    !s that $t is .hrist the 7ord that dwells in me$>ow when we read the written ord it is the =i&ing

    ord Christ within #e that is gi&ing #e the tr!e !nderstanding. n # h!#/e o$inion" as in the $ast

    ha&ing o!t o% a $!r$ose%! c!riosit" ha&e associated with a n!#/er o% di%%erent t$es o% /eie&ers" eachti#e that the danger ines wo!d co#e" the aar# o% not on what the ord wo!d sa a/o!t s!ch 0 s!ch"

    /!t a warning in the B$irit wo!d aso /e # g!ide. % an o% !s ste$ o!tside o% the g!ideines we ha&e

    /een gi&en" isten care%! (-AR(--DA>(RD" a# re%erring to o!r Bon-shi$. Pease

    do not te #e that a# /eing negati&e or o% !sing scare tactics or that a# #inistering o!t o% %ear. he

    i!stration o% 4onathan Ba!s son sho!d s!%%ice. e had e&er o$$ort!nit to /e $art o% Da&ids tea# /!t

    he was o&erta8en / a wind of doctrine as it were 0 he ost that which sho!d ha&e /een his. is #ain

    %a!t was that he insisted on doing not what od intended" thin8ing he was $aing it sa%e. h do we

    thin8 that od has aowed this to /e in is word For %!n A o% these things are %or o!r ad#onition. o

    ta8e the attit!de o%sheel be right mate;; t wi ha$$en anwa. >

  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    wo!d there /e eno!gh e&idence %or o! to /e con&icted..... g!ess" now" wo!d as8" what do o!

    consider e&idence s ch!rch-attendance" Ii/e-reading" word->-con%or#ing" e&idence ow there

    are so#e things in the %!t!re e&ents that ha&e not /een to!ched on or e&en tho!ght o% et / #an" /!t it is

    co#ing 0 at the right ti#e it wi then /eco#e tr!th to o!.

    2Co 3:1 $$5ut we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the 0ord, are changed

    into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the /pirit of the 0ord"$$ Changed BRB m

    3339 pquv fbXf`xy`` fb_Xf_`_z`_` Fro# 3326 and 3OO5* to transform (literally or

    figuratively #eta#or$hoseG: - change, transfigure, transform.......Ie%ore the /!tter% e#erged it

    #eta#or$hosed %ro# that which it was. t %irst had to /e a cater$iar. >o cater$iar no /!tter%;; he

    /!tter% e#erged %ro#* was #ade %ro#" that %or# in which it $re-e)isted. his is the tr!e #eaning o% the

    word changed in the a/o&e te)t. here is one gor o% the cater$iar /!t a %ar greater gor o% the /!tter%

    0 one was N!st as i#$ortant as the other. n scienti%ic disco&er the ha&e %o!nd that in the head o% the

    cater$iar is a certain #echanis# that is set o%% at $recise the right ti#e" it 8nows e)act when to trigger

    o%% the whoe $roced!re. s this not a tr! wonder%! aegor as within !s is the ead "hristwhich is

    g!iding the whoe $roced!re" 0 e "hrist is none other than o!r tr!e se% or identit.

    Phi. 3:21 --7ho shall change our (ile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,

    accordingto the working whereby he is able e(en to subdue all things unto himself.--BRBm 33O5

    fbX]y{fX[|\ fb_X]^y_X}_fX_[_|` Fro# 3326 and a deri&ati&e o% O9+6* to transfigure or

    disguise* %ig!rati&e to applyE/ acco##odationG: - trans%er" trans%or# Ese%G. >ow this ree8 word is

    reated direct to the one direct /eow it.

    BRBm 33O6 #etatithe#a" metatith-aymee2%ro# 3326 and 5Q+* to transfer, i.e. EitG transport,

    E/ i#$"Ge9change, Ere%e).G change sides,or E%ig"Gper(ert> carr o&er" change" re#o&e" transate" t!rn.


  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    >ow the reason a# 7!oting these is that the %irst 2 Cor 3:1 has the word metamotphose or a change"

    tran!*igure# tran!*orm. >e)t in Phi. 3:21 we ha&e the two 0reek words" 0 to co#/ine the #eaning o%

    the two is: tran!*igure# di!gui!e# tran!*er# tran!*orm# tran!"ort# e/change# change !ide!# carry o+er#

    change# remo+e# tran!late# turn(

    1Co 15:51 --&ake notice; tell you a mystery *a secret truth, an e(ent decreed by the hidden purpose or

    counsel of 0od+. 7e shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all bechanged*transformed+--236X~~X]]\ a-as-so Fro# 2O3* to #a8e di%%erent: - change(

    >ow 8ee$ing in #ind that 4es!s %irst rose in is nat!ra not spiritual 1/od" et !s with an o$en

    #ind" in the ight o% this ta8e a cose oo8 at the %oowing &erse. 1h 5:23/ 4.--And the (ery 0od of

    peace sanctify you wholly2 and pray 0od your whole spirit and soul and body bepreserved blameless

    untothe coming of our )ord esus "hrist.-->ow the tendenc o% #ost in the $ast has /een to fob offthis

    word /od onto o!r s$irit!a /od 0 whist that #a /e tr!e in $art " %ee that we need to /e &er care%!

    in the ight o% what we are seeing here that we dont fob off #ore than we sho!d. hen 4es!s too8 is

    nat!ra /od into the $resence o% the higher realm o% the Father" a# wondering what ha$$ened in that

    s$irit!a metamorphosis.e need to thin8 &er $ra-%! on these things. he %ina res!t o% the cater$iar

    was the /!tter%" 0 the $raer o% Pa! was that the /od was to /e $reser&ed .lamele!!(>ow 8now thatthis #a not %it into so#e o% o!r mind sets at the #o#ent 0 a# not tring to /e r!de when sa that" /!t

    as we $roceed %!rther ahead" we need not to de!"i!e "roce!!/!t 8ee$ an o$en #ind 0 we wi /e a#aed

    at where we wi %inish in this wonder%! enarging re&eation o% the @ani%estation o% the Bons o% od.

    >ow i##ediate we wi N!#$ to conc!sions 0 sa what a/o!t !nce Fran8 or dear /rother so 0 so" 0

    here ies one o% o!r #ind-sets. e #!st reaise that the scri$t!re is re%erring on to those who are

    -preser(ed blameless unto the coming of our )ord esus "hrist.- ere on this erra Fir#-a. he act!a

    $hsica /od o% o!r "attern Son 4es!s was $reser&ed .lamele!!( 1+. &hen we which are ali(e and remain shall be caught up

    together with themin the clouds,to meet the )ord in the air< and so shall we e(er be with the )ord.--

    The Eingdom of #od on this 6arth!

    Bo #an are $ro#oting an esca$is# o!t %ro# this $anet 0 $anning to ea&e od witho!t a witness on

    this earth 0 to ea&e #an8ind to its own de&ices" s!ch is %ar" &er %ar %ro# the $an o% od. t is a#aing

    what the insidio!sness o% the doctrine o% the handed down Ch!rch has /eie&ed 0 are sti decaring in

    #an was 0 #eans. he $ower o% the !nenightened harot word has $blinded the minds of those who

    areas yet to be unveiled$">o # dear %riends we do not need an s$ecia da o% worshi$" %or we are now

    in the da o% the =ord" we do not need to worr in regards to the eating o% #eat nor the need o%circ!#cision" $raer shaws or the /owing o% the Bho%ar or tithing" these things are nothing #ore than

    decei&ed s!$erstitions" 0 are not e&en in the

  • 8/8/2019 Part 23. The Unleavend Truth.


    Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    then we ha&e done N!st what Pa! contin!a warned the then Ch!rch against* reigio!s ew esta#ent

    e)$erience. >o # %riends a# so gad that the ingdo# o% od is - entos- within" 0 whats #ore within

    each 0 e&er one o% !s" >( (JC=?D(D. in the tr!e sense o% the word 0 that

    we do not need an o% the o!ter tra$$ings o% DA@>AI=( R(=

    $erson that we rea are is $.hrist in you$. e are certain oo8ing %orward to a wonder%! o$ening o!t

    this ear" a# con&inced that we wi /e hearing o% the unusual in o!r #idst in these co#ing das.

    Phii$ians. 3:1Q. (B $$That may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his

    sufferings, becoming like him in his death,$$

    Ps : 5. =. $$'or 3ou have made him lack a little from #od1 and have crowned him with glory and

    honour"$$ Pa! in 7!oting the sa#e &erse in e/rews in the (R" tes !s that it was %ora short time# the

    A#$ states -'or some little time$ he >I. es !s.-3ou made them for a little while$

    e/ 2:+. (R. $$'or a short time you made him lower than the angels. 3ou crowned him with glory and

    honour.--$The short while$ is now on the c!s$ o% disa$$earing. Ie enco!raged a. he sons o% od are

    a/o!t to co#e into their own. Iessed /e the wonder%! >a#e o% o!r od 0 Ba&io!r e&en 4es!s Christ.

    $ritten .y Ral"h 6nowle!( Dec 7898 : 1an 7899(