THE PARISH OF THE DIVINE SAVIOUR – RUNCORN The Local Pastoral Area (LPA12) of Runcorn. Diocese of Shrewsbury – Regd Charity No: 234025 Castlefields Murdishaw Palacefields St Augustine’s St Martin’s Our Lady’s Father Ravi Bosco – 07450 592035 – [email protected] Deacon Bill Yates – 01928 719528 – [email protected] Address: St Augustine’s Presbytery, Castlefields Avenue North, Castlefields, Runcorn, WA7 2HT Tel: 01928 566068 www.divinesaviour.org.uk SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 2016 Your Masses this week: Sunday – Year C, Weekday Year 2 Sunday Missal: Today’s Mass p465 Readings p471 Saturday October 15 29 th Sunday Ordinary Time 5:00pm (StA) Denise Moloney Sunday October 16 29 th Sunday Ordinary Time 9.00am (StM) Patrick Evans Sunday October 16 29 th Sunday Ordinary Time 11.00am (OL) Vera Lynn+ (Birthday Remembrance) Monday October 17 St Ignatius of Antioch 9.00am (OL) Svc of Word and Communion Tuesday October 18 St Luke the Evangelist 11.30am (HS) Sally Wilson Wednesday October 19 Thursday October 20 Ferial Ferial 9.15 am (StM) 9.00am (OL) Svc of Word and Communion Svc of Word and Communion Friday October 21 Requiem Mass 10.00am (OL) For Kevin Carroll+ Saturday October 22 30 th Sunday Ordinary Time 5:00pm (StA) Lily Taylor+ Sunday October 23 30 th Sunday Ordinary Time 9.00am (StM) Joan and Vic Morley Sunday October 23 30 th Sunday Ordinary Time 11.00am (OL) Jose, Aida and Jose Manuel Dias+++ SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) 30 minutes before weekend Masses Baptism By appointment, Sundays 12:30pm Marriages By appointment, 6 months’ notice required WEEKLY PASTORAL ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY DAY TIME VENUE Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Weekday 30 minutes before Mass As Mass Tuesday 6.307.30pm Our Lady’s Chaplet of Divine Mercy Wednesday After 9.15am Mass St Martin’s Home Masses, House Blessings, Visits Wednesday By arrangement N/A Lectio Divina Thursday 7.00pm Priest’s Residence Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Friday After 9.00am Mass St Augustine’s Pastoral Care of the Sick Friday As arranged N/A PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER Abby Byrne, Bernard Carroll, Val Pugh, Mike Blease, Alexander Crockett, Natasha Whelan, Barbara Knott, June Colquitt, Greg Colquitt, Sue Regan, Kay Peloe, Vera Anderson, Betty Judge, Lily Peers, Scott Dybell, John and Kathleen Mitchell. THIS WEEK’s ANNIVERSARIES Catherine Stoddart (1989), Eileen Kennedy, Tony Kennedy (2003), Richard Pidcock, Arthur Watson, William Hines, Charles Stoddart (1989), and Alex Cheetham. RIP RIP Kevin Carroll+ SUNDAY OFFERING Loose plate £202.36; Offertory Envelopes £516.42; Standing Orders (Aug) £716.50. Thanks for your generous support.

PARISH’WEBSITE:’’ PARISH’PRIEST ......PLEASEREMEMBER*IN*YOUR*PRAYERSTHISWEEK’SANNIVERSARIES* Anastasia*Thompson,*AnnCallaghan,*Father*Peter*Robertson(2014),*EdithBagley*andTommy*Collings*(1999).*

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Page 1: PARISH’WEBSITE:’’ PARISH’PRIEST ......PLEASEREMEMBER*IN*YOUR*PRAYERSTHISWEEK’SANNIVERSARIES* Anastasia*Thompson,*AnnCallaghan,*Father*Peter*Robertson(2014),*EdithBagley*andTommy*Collings*(1999).*

THE  PARISH  OF  THE  DIVINE  SAVIOUR  PARISH  WEBSITE:  www.divinesaviour.org.uk  

PARISH  PRIEST:  Father  Ravi  Bosco    (LPA  12  -­‐  The  Local  Pastoral  Area  of  Runcorn  and  Frodsham  in  the  Diocese  of  Shrewsbury)    

St  Augustine’s  Presbytery,  Castlefields  Avenue  North,  Castlefields,  Runcorn,  Cheshire,  WA7  2HT  Telephone:  01928  566068  Parish  Mobile:  07450  592035  Email:  [email protected]  

Registered  Charity  Number:  234025  

SAINT  MARTIN’S  Murdishaw  

OUR  LADY’S  Palacefields  

SAINT  AUGUSTINE’S  Castlefields  

SUNDAY  AUGUST  7th  2016    

YOUR  MASSES  THIS  WEEK      (Sunday  Cycle  of  Readings  –  Year  C;  Weekday  Cycle  –  Year  2)    

Saturday  Aug  6th   Nineteenth  Sunday  OT   Mass:  5.00pm.  (StA)   ANTHONY  SMITH+  

Sunday  Aug  7th   Nineteenth    Sunday  OT   Mass:  9.00am  (StM)   ALAN  JENKINSON+  

Sunday  Aug  7th   Nineteenth  Sunday  OT   Mass:  11.00am  (OL)   FATHER  LUCAS  

Monday  Aug  8th   St  Dominic     9.15am  (StM)   CHOY  MAK+  (ANNIVERSARY)  

Tuesday  Aug  9th   St  Teresa  Benedicta     11.30am  (HS)   LITURGY  OF  THE  WORD  WITH  COMMUNION  

Weds  Aug  10th     St  Lawrence   9.15am  (StM)   AIMEE  &  CIARAN  BLACKER  

Thurs  Aug  11th   St  Clare   9.00am  (OL)     GERALD  HOME+  (ANNIVERSARY)  

Friday  Aug  12th   Ferial   9.00am  (StA)   ROBERT  &  MARGARET  HANNAH++  

Saturday  Aug  13th   Assumption  of  Virgin  Mary   Mass:  5.00pm.  (StA)   BARRY  RUBERY  +  

Sunday  Aug  14th   Assumption  of  Virgin  Mary Mass:  9.00am  (StM)   SEAN  KEENAN  

Sunday  Aug  14th   Assumption  of  Virgin  Mary Mass:  11.00am  (OL)   DAVE  DAVIES  (SICK)  &  EILEEN  LAMB  (100th  B’DAY)  

 (OL)  =  Our  Lady’s        (StA)  =  St  Augustine’s        (StM)  =  St  Martin’s      (StL)  =  St  Luke’s      (HS)  =  Holy  Spirit      (StE)  =  St  Edward’s  SUNDAY  MISSAL  Today’s  Mass  –  p359,  Readings  –  p365      SACRAMENTS  Reconciliation  (Confession)  –  30  minutes  before  weekend  Masses  Baptism  –  By  Appointment  Sundays  at  12.30pm  Marriages  –  By  Appointment.  Six  months’  notice  required.    WEEKLY  PASTORAL  ACTIVITIES  

Day   Ministry   Time   Church  Prayer  before  the  Blessed  Sacrament  –  30  minutes  before  each  Weekday  Mass  

Tuesday   Prayer  Before  the  Blessed  Sacrament     6.30-­‐7.30pm  

Our  Lady’s  

Wednesday   Home  Masses,  House  Blessings,  Visits   7pm   All  Thursday   Lectio  Divina     7pm   St  Augustine’s  Friday   Pastoral  Care  for  the  Sick   All  Day    

If  you  would  like  to  receive  a  home  Mass,  visit  or  house  blessing  please  do  ask  Father  Ravi.  Also  please  do  make  him  aware  of  anybody  who  is  in  hospital,  who  would  appreciate  a  visit.    

PRAYER  INTENTIONS  FOR  THE  MONTH  OF  AUGUST  Terry  Keenan,  Deborah  Killeen,  Pauline  Mitchell,  Abby  Byrne,    Bernard  Carroll,  Kevin  Carroll,  Mike  Blease,  Ian  Kirkby,  Val  Pugh,  David  Corrigan,  Jean  Shone,  Dave  McNulty,  Natasha  Whelan,  Kay  Peloe,  Barbara  Knott,  Kath  Osbourne,  Richie  Jackson,  Kay  Kelly,  Vera  Anderson  and  Jean  McGuinness.  

Page 2: PARISH’WEBSITE:’’ PARISH’PRIEST ......PLEASEREMEMBER*IN*YOUR*PRAYERSTHISWEEK’SANNIVERSARIES* Anastasia*Thompson,*AnnCallaghan,*Father*Peter*Robertson(2014),*EdithBagley*andTommy*Collings*(1999).*

PLEASE  REMEMBER  IN  YOUR  PRAYERS  THIS  WEEK’S  ANNIVERSARIES  Anastasia  Thompson,  Ann  Callaghan,  Father  Peter  Robertson  (2014),  Edith  Bagley  and  Tommy  Collings  (1999).  

PARISH  VOLUNTEERS’  MEETINGS  Sincere  thanks  to  all  of  the  volunteers  who  attended  the  meetings  that  took  place  at  each  of  our  Churches  this  week.  Further  volunteers  are  very  much  welcome  and  if  you  would  like  to  get  more  involved  in  the  Parish  please  speak  to  Father  Ravi  or  Deacon  Bill.    

VISITS  TO  THE  SICK  AND  HOUSEBOUND  Fr  Ravi  has  now  begun  his  programme  of  accompanying  Ministers  on  their  visits  to  the  sick  and  housebound  of  our  parish  community.      In  order  to  help  him,  would  all  Ministers  involved  in  this  important  work  please  provide  Fr  Ravi  with  their  name  and  contact  number,  and  also  the  name  and  contact  number  of  the  person(s)  visited.        

HOLY  DOOR  OF  MERCY  AT  SHREWSBURY  CATHEDRAL  During  this  Year  of  Mercy,  Maximilian  Kolbe  Parish  is  looking  at  arranging  a  trip  to  Shrewsbury  Cathedral  to  go  through  the  Holy  Door  of  Mercy,  which  has  been  opened  alongside  many  other  Dioceses,  who  are  doing  this  in  line  with  the  Pope  in  Rome.    If  you  would  be  interested  in  visiting  and  going  through  the  Holy  Door,  please  sign  the  list  at  the  back  of  Church,  so  that  the  necessary  arrangements  can  be  made.      LAMPEDUSA  CROSS  VISTING  6-­‐9  AUGUST  The  Lampedusa  Cross  will  be  visiting  the  parish  from  6-­‐9  August  and  will  be  on  display  at  each  Mass  during  that  period.  There  will  also  be  a  special  Service  at  Our  Lady’s  on  Tuesday  9  August.  It  is  a  wooden  cross  made  from  fragments  of  a  boat  wrecked  off  the  coast  of  Lampedusa  on  11  October  2013,  resulting  in  the  death  of  311  refugees.  The  purpose  of  the  visit  is  to  demonstrate  solidarity  with  refugees.      ST  EDWARD’S  BARBECUE  ON  THE  FEAST  OF  OUR  LADY’S  ASSUMPTION  There  will  be  a  barbecue  to  help  celebrate  this  special  feast  at  St  Edward’s  on  Sunday  14  August  after  the  10.30am  Mass.    Tickets  are  £5  for  adults,  £3.50  for  children  and  £14  per  family  (2  adults  &  2  children  aged  5-­‐12  years)  There  is  no  charge  for  children  under  5  years  old.        Please  bring  your  own  liquid  refreshment.      Tickets  are  available  from  Chris  Williams  on  01928  563830  &  Chris  Kennedy  on  01928  573588.    LPA  VOLUNTEERS  REQUIRED  The  LPA  provides  an  important  service  to  our  Parish  Community,  and  are  keen  to  secure  additional  volunteers  to  support  their  work.  If  you  are  interested  in  helping  the  LPA,  or  in  wider  Parish  work,  please  speak  to  Father  Ravi  after  any  Mass.      LPA  WALKING  DAY  PILGRIMAGE  TO  NORTON  PRIORY  MUSEUM  AND  GARDENS  This  visit  led  by  Fr.  Peter  Wright  will  take  place  on  Saturday  8  October,  and  will  provide  access  to  the  whole  of  Norton  Priory  including  the  newly  opened  museum,  medieval  priory  ruins,  and  the  Georgian  walled  garden.  The  site  is  considered  to  be  the  most  important  monastic  remains  in  Cheshire,  established  as  an  Augustinian  foundation  in  the  12th  century.  The  pilgrim  Day  will  include  lots  of  new  interactive  activities,  trails,  quizzes  and  garden  games,  making  it  an  enjoyable  day  for  all  of  the  family.  Facilities  include  a  tea  room  and  a  picnic  area,  where  packed  lunches  can  be  taken.    A  separate  room  has  been  booked  for  Group  usage,  should  anybody  need  to  take  rest.  This  Day  Pilgrimage  is  suitable  for  anybody  of  any  age  and  costs  £5.00  per  person,  which  is  payable  on  sign-­‐up.  Under  4’s  go  free;  however,  all  children  must  be  accompanied  by  an  adult.  Offers  of  car  share  /lifts  to  those  who  feel  unable  to  undertake  the  pilgrim  walk  to  Norton  Priory  will  be  very  much  appreciated.  For  further  information  or  to  book  a  place  please  telephone  07597-­‐802726  or  07500-­‐452906.      ST  MARTIN’S  BRIC-­‐A-­‐  BRAC  SALE  Thank  you  to  all  who  brought  in  items  for  Bric-­‐a-­‐Brac  sale,  which  resulted  in  sufficient  items  for  the  sale.  This  is  taking  place  after  Mass  on  Sunday  14th  August,  and  all  are  welcome.      100  CLUB  There  is  opportunity  for  new  members  to  join  the  Club  and  if  you  are  interested  please  speak  to  Chris  Cunningham,  after  Mass.