m ' ~ ........ •" —- . - : z H f f i "TOL. i, HO. 93,, , z S B B difflM fc Idaho’s Supreme Court Ren- ders Decision on HehearlnB i2» T ^ a- District Proceedings. ( BOISE. July 23 (m—Fta»l “f- S’ ptoTia or tio proKnod bond to o Of $1700,000 for tho InltUl work 1 ^ou the Anwilcan Falla retorrolr «*i promo court. Tlui trilninal puKm'd on tho Htntulory j whI viill.'lity «( tlio bon.lH riTontly, l.ut tbo stal LondiiiK compony whicli' pmpoKOfl to Uo inirchftsc tlio boiidii iihonIIoiiO'I tin* val- 0 idity nn rcniMlitutloiuil Rrmiiidfi, ami ii hril petition for rchoiirliif; \v:»n fituil. Ttio|,i„ii ____ iledaiim..W«;dm;aday_ia-Xi^tltri;d.oa. ri’-.; tl«i ln-uriiijf- -I III a.l.lltlon to holding tho Londa lo- n:il, tlifl opinion liolrlR nlBO th at tho or | 1 i:i'.nl«atlon of tho ]iropo"od Amorican j cxji F;ill« rnHorvolr_di«trlet Hnowu as tho'fun “ hlK dlBtrict,’" ami cnvcring landB In ; U„l . pc^riil Honthcri) Idaho cotintlc*, ia in ))][| ' ncconlnijco -with Imho irHgation dis-! i trh l hnv. | \vu) ^ Id s Oontrrict Binding Tl„, A diHtrict «o forin.'d, tho ootirt nny» ,! rcn am liivy asKcusmoiilii on .tlio l;itidn thi-ri'-, i„t, in f.ir llin inirptKio of KivinK honcfilB; to nil tho o«vniTH t!icr.-i,r. nn.l the Ii'Rih- [jj,, liitiirc v.-:iH within it* roiitttittilloiinU jDwcr when it K<iV.- a dlntrh't siirh nu-1 j irii.'l madi; hy ihc- ili!.irii't blndn <Jl* ,jpj. tho laiidM wifiiin tlio difitrirt and the ;, .j o\viiiir« thereof. ! - 'i’lio r-Aw initiuto.l by the Amor,-, , u-uH V ’-.slU Tv«>'rvmr dislrict ou u ,^o, lion to tho dlstriet court for npprovnl' ;in-l cnMflrmiitlon nf <l..._n|.p..rtimime»t; ______i>f-t»nTH'fit.^ nnd p.n.tt.i of.ecm^trUgdoTl tho Amcricnn Fnlls roR.^rvolr hy tho _ United StfttoB, nnd for tho purchrttn> of ft proportlonntp nhnro of thf* utornifo capacity tjiorcof, and of the waFFr avnilablo therein, by tho Amorican •Faliii rosorvoir district, from tho Unit- -, oil St.itf!., nnd for tho approval of tho ^ resolution of-tho boar j .li-ilrirt f.ir'thc piiynicnt thereof. In tho-fifBt pi'eBcnlntlon of tho oaBo ^ neither side qnejitioned tho fltatiitory validity of tlic bondu or proeecilingB taken by tlie distrlrt bonrd of directors, « jf heinR tnkcn for grnntod that ai neither side j^ucatloncd thi« point, thero wTiB no Issne on which tho court waw to _ --------pTiB!T~nro“ cmiTrT5l*rSol"TnlBfi' Wc' .mil ->n rrb.'.TrtoffJt-TraB-»um?o»t«».»----- thnt hoeaiin'e tho court di.l not-raiflis.it, .. thoro was Hoine qiietllojv a* lo iti* con- Hiitntioniilily. This Ib an un^arranlo.l -awumiJtlun, thu court uiys. IntermountamArea , Scores Victory in " Freight Rate Fight Interstate Oommorco Oommis- sion Denies Application of Transcontinental Oatriorsfor Lowef Eate to Ooaat. vd . BOIHE, July 23 W>)—Idahi., ns well a< all tlie intormountain territory, ha« gained n victory nRniiist trntiscontl- nontat cnrriers'in the recommendato^ .report of Kxntnlner M. A. I’attiBOn of the inter.itiito coiunioriro commi»»inn, tbat the application of the carrier* for Jowcr freight rates to the coant thnn _______ to thn intermodinto iioIntB bo donicd, —7. w m II. OibBon of the' Idaho“~Tublic Utilities commianion said Wednesday. ----- —Thc~Idaho~xommi»9ion- wna—mfuriiicd by tclegrftm of the federal board’s ac- tion. 0 For several ^yenra the transconti- nental carrierB’havc been scekiuK to - . , ostablish rates to tho Pacific coast ' that wcro lower thnn rates to inter- Y^i.-dinto points, in order .to coroi>olo •with water trunsporlutiou through the . I’anunta canal. A continiial fiRht ha.l been wurcI nKuinat such action by thu abito pub- ... v -rt» -««.rv»<io -toK ulati*ryniiini;t!J»— u fr.:th _ interrnediato territory, and particu- larly tbe interrnOiintain ntatea, whoro nn anHoi'iatlon kii.iwn n" the Intor- mediato Bate association was formed to combat tho carrier*. - In Boeklnif lo osUblUh tho»n ratos, . -.-tho Mrrlor»- ftTC/ in offcct, trying t» vlolaU tho foi^^ aectton of tho In- t«r«taVo cotuinorco act, which Bays that no carrier ehall chorRO a loss rate fnr, hauling the same commodity a (jreater distanco where tho route is -------------ttiir aame. ' -- ------ -- ^ After a bitter session, at 8aU Lake __ _____ ra<umtl*vUio_canlcni_tookJUifiit_muilL _ caViou to Iho fcioTBl Ijody, aA lag pet- mission to establish the reduced rates. UcarlHBs wero hold by Examiner Pat- ________ tiiou,. n c i.h ja , t«c9.mmcn<l{»tpry.. report • tfns" Buijniltted to_yie __commiiwloii Wi‘dne*dav.~ - _ / IJ^ASBD WIRB MSMBBa OF . i \W8CCTATBD PRBaS. - ~ PdreiitsME Witkm S h c Witnesses’ Stories Forgi Chain of iElvidence and - for-Death Behalty Lea% parentjy Unmoved. OHIOAOO, July 23 W;— Nathan Loeb faced the sorrowingvparents the bar of justice. \ . Tlwy Wfttchod them on the w ltn ^ * — BtAnd u tboy told wltb t«ar-mol2t n eyoa tha rtory of their son’s dlsap- L poorance aad board sob-cbokod voices whisper affirmative answers to the H state's proffered oxhlblt^ of tbo lit- tie fellow’s clothing. On tho part of the pnrndoxlciilly brilliant but' criminal yonng ilefon- (liintH tlioro WAH no illspluy of emn- ............ Ft. Only Oasoal Interest. Luojiold, iiiotionlesH and with an oxjireHsion of easual iiitoroHt on his fe.TtiiroH, watched tho mother ofyoini[; Uol)ort PrniikK with »raree1y the; J bllDkhiR of an oye. ilnr Loob, Ills conipnnion, I'livo littlt' 6nt-'g,^ wnrd sign of perturbation. Tlir.iUKliout Ilio day, liowover, Loeb wliowed Home reaction, to tho proceediiigp. He .'ame, into court with eyes Htaring aud jaw 1'*” pendulDHH and fr.'quontly • licked hin: ' liim or i.iekcd at thread* on his "I'’ t.loove.'.. ' Loeb leaned forward in hi.s chair,' Mlouoh«.l-.4low»_nii-'hiH bIioiiU-.-— ‘der blades. i‘ Tho two younjf intelleelualH w1ioh.'.^^| acadomie achievements branded . ji,, in . their unlvernUy Htandinits <ui idowcd goniusea, wero in curt todiy^ ;in the first d a y ’s huarinRH before nfndKc-Uareily, chit'f - jiiHtit:u u f 't trrr — ' rrrliniTTnt~conr t- of - Cook cutinty,'' lu~ thg- 4ni floraovrhat unorthodox legnl procceiling* of which is to-determine tlio fate ofthe sh uou/essod alayerB. Find AiralE(nment “ Ftuxny” ' 11fo~^tolfl 's ' alt'om oy, Hobeffr ati I:. Crowe, with fixed _oyos as. ho cx Btylod tholi'-.«rimo -tho “ m ost-crucl, alJ cuwaruiy aha dastardly muroor orcT’ oummitted in tho hiatory of-Amcrican er - nn (Continued on Page 8. Col S) 'vi THE - - - i F ;........ ' IT WE WEEB TO BBUEVB .THE Pp \ / ',1 'It \ : i ' .11 I;**- A- I-'/''''/1 1 r''t' H i#i I: *' j . f CLi.N>^U5>T \\ BUT VOO ttfc--.-- , M roT?e'C.fJ F'jEM'PAiD Tl ' M iMTtPE^T CN )• [*•••.■; n.;i.‘jc,TO ‘ T ia-’_tvT i£ — — itTf'TO'.' Mjitd / MAOE'^OU 17 ----------- ^ _____ ig _________ _______________ ,f fjuvurB?3it<tr5«o^'’'t'0^^ IS. HIS SlXl>Ok.*.fcRSWOti IVITM ' it. ICBEftT PBloq^_________ J ---------- rt AS A MATTBB OF rACT, rr^lTO_.I __ ^_________ iOCUTEitvMWNlBWi TWIK FALLS, IDAHO, THUBI m - 1 ifoiirsFtEn^ ■ging Links in State’s d Prosecutor’s Demand ave Young Slayers Ap- -— i -I mn Leopold, Jr., and Biohard ^ its of their boy victim today at ; mm s^ifl PORTUN wm IIIIII Flames Spread From Hay Barn“,,,;i and. Slieds to Livestock Ex- position Building. ^'X', --------- dill i ’OUTLAND. July 23 (i^—Tho Porl- of .Innd Union Stock Ynrds, owneil bv ' Hwift and Company, riuight on firo here this aftoriKion. Tlio flames n|iro:id (o 'tho Piieific /nlernational I.iveiitoeicKx- position liiiil.linu. All avallabli- eity fire iippariitiiH was Hi'nt to till- Konton .li!*trirt in whieh jjjjj : thu . Htookyar.lH are located. The fir.- ! fighters were haniperod in re;u'liiag tin- ^ fire liy a wall nf flimio _^tii.-wtW ,<inly [’],,, ■availalilr'road to'tlie”Moel^nl*, ' Til.' loHi on 111.' pavilion waH .'*(imat- {,, . ed ii,t and il was Kiatod that __ ;th.- li)t:il liisM al the .•>tiiek yaril.i would •probably nmoiitit to nbout Vt(U1 ,()00, High Wind Fans Flames iJf Tn.^ f lumes ruzed tho hvoHiock Imilil ~ ing-TdthlTr20-TniTiTtn''i—Thp-hnrTTnrir of Rivift nnd eompnny, and two Rinalli-r shells nlso were liurnod. The oxpoiltloii building-was inHiire.l for $nr.O,OOOD. According to O. M. Plum- mor, tnaiinger of the building, the airucturc will rcTjullt In'tim c fbr the ' cxpoditlon which uNually is hold annu- ' ally la Xovembar. .. ____ ____________ I iiio riri! aturteil from a refusi” Imni- i er In the ahiiigjo mills, it was beli.jvpilK nnd its Hpcrad was hnntoned by a higli 1 wind. I I E BUNK ABOUT “WALL STREET il ^ I '/ p A ^ s V \ PpLmOIAK“WA£C"6ffiE£T“ l8"TtJUr HOBM8 A N irrOBKBP TAILS riW S ..W [|(( t, /^/ } ----- I tfcS.ST / L UI . 1 { F J;. ( ' rMfff ' ^ \ f deRnarV ^ ______ .ExruiHiri UT ---- WATCU OUT WUtRt .. imi'VE OH 1 COiN-I VJUO ^ h< nc KW 00 -tOUTMlNk-you y\ t IN ffCAV'i D.ITB nySABITAWTS ABE KO DrTTBBI 8TSBBTB HT TT: 8 .'A.' ' Copyright, 1 '' V ' WSPa Per iN irW iW ^ D A IL [OESDAY MOBIrtKO, JB IY 2«. 102*. H oSE p =lliltBOT!r:= T M iic Black Rust Threat in Drought- . ^ Stricken Region 'Mfc-^Mil- L-lions^tccJJaliBSsotAniEttm __ Farm Products. ! C in C A n O . .lulj- 2:1 {;?)— Ulm-lt r«H! leporte.l throatoning lo wrorIt« mueli of what has been left nf the drought ittrickon Canadian wheat crop a.ldoi! kil many mltlions of dollars today to the Lc ■7 peFin?nivo~^ilu.' ..r fnrni“ jrrr>rjim5r-!F ■ = Iho Unite.I Stale*—rouglily alinont cents a buNhel. Such Inoreaxe .if prico v.'ithln -I h.'urs f.ir about the entire wheat production of thin eonnlry wmh ^ rihown by the a.'tion nf th.' (.’liic;i;;o iiiiirket. Prices fof- corn; mit*,- rye- and-pr.t -------- viHionx fdll.tvveil wIkmI upward anil, eloHeil willi big gniiiK. Ihitli in giaiil volumo of trading and ilogri'o of oxclti" . ment in the pit* an woll as in *lee|i' uf cliniliing uf values Iho dny .>n Ihe lioanl of trnilo hero rivaled erneial oeeaHions of the world war. Sets Market Aflame nernard W. .Snow.' f.irnier asiistan! ] ^ecrelnry of agriculture, sent the n.'ws tin from \Vintiip.'g lhal. not tli.- niarhet* ,..ir here aflame. Mr. Hnow is wid.-\V known ns one of the lending crop nu ^vli thoritie;» nf th.' Uni;..-cl .Stales on croji i,,,. eon.Iiti.HIM am i tli.' faet lliat he t.'lo' | ai (;r:i|ihed p.TSoiiiilly naying wide*jiread t |,v .lilaek ruiil infection had ilove!ii;i.-il tn. Miiiiitiilia eiinie with Iliuinlcrliolt effect ,..|i to the wlirat trailo. It was nn the l.iiaW ---------------------------------------------------------- Iif (ilonlinued on I'ago H, Col. 1.) \Wlieat Deal Brings Fal Moore Profits and New Ambition ClIICAOO, July 23 (/P>—Thomas Wilson Mooro—“ Pal” Moore; to |,„ tho boxing fans—profited lo tho f„ prtent- bf «0,000 to »1.'5,(J00 dab- hllng In tho rising wheat market. his friondB rovonled todny^„(ind,._. jm an a result of liis" auccoss appiicn foi^.a momberslii^* lo l.ho^Clilcugo . rii hoard of trade. _ The iDomborship tr sells for ♦4500. ' «. ------------------------------ ■.------------------1,. c': ■■■-; gj*"' 1 AW // __ : rU.— op ~ pop ; eyei >“ doeeb “^ ith 7 _____________________________ __________________ t 1 1> i 1'" - : ARP BAPLiCri I _____________ ' . ----- - HLPiAUUfiU---------- . totomlamoht S^J maSC t TKC BENe«:ai ok . .. flAVV. N^TiOMALTttn. ------- T— ICLlANlNU OMPA1C.K ^ -------- - --------- nf'^ikhZ XRtMtMOiR v*»«rr H»5 * / l|r>s-/Mti:eTOtDHiMTOB*K<. .V%.if/^/.Hchie rpR-^ccwti I HSBKT FROM MOST OF MAIN btTlMi’ by tbe"N*w York TribMe, F A L L tW V N W ~^'^'^^^~ MKMtiKK A ttm r UUUICA op NTt'^VM - ^ocateH^Mef Death’s Dog , Battle With N C ity D etective Sam Gar) W ounded as L. H. Lehrl - o u aly I n jured,-S hoots to tive W anted_£ar A tte l^ POOATELLO, July 23 Vn— An i today engaged in a .pistol battle w street and '^va^ killed by a ballot Polico L. A. Lehrbas, but not bei killed City Doteotive Sam Garbel Lehrbas. ------------------------------------------------------------------ » 1 LEiBIIS’ SDNS I -fiETlRDIBEs , ma< Brothers Speed by IMotor to Bedside of Police Chief Shot ' in Gun Battle. ’ pol Larry L-hrbaH, ri'lurning lumie after , thr.v year* spent in th- far ea-.! a« , ...irr.-pondont for n pr.-.i servi.-e. an.l Mark l/-'hrln-i. liis younger brother whil hns b.'eii .'inploved hor.' thi.i hiiiiI' , , miT and in :> ........ of the Twin Falli. ‘ ' lascliall eliib, tonlxl't w.-re fi'ecdin^'j^ liv nntoniobile frnm her.- In the lieil. - -idr-,»f (!.rir-fftlhrrr-l::r^-lr-!irb:t-.-Pt»-T^ ..hief nf poll.-.-, xvho «a« 1 .110;*““ ln,l:,y -erinu-^lv woiind.'d by an uniilen • , lifieci Ii.'grn whom ’i.' sou;.*lit t.i arr.-H*. 1 / Oct Word at Ball Park Wnrd .>f thi'ir f.nther’s injury catiif’;"'J _ In III.- <-iiliiii» m.-n ill :i t.•li-l)l.iiue. i-;ill fn,-.) L lli'e y,iiiiii;er 1in.11i.-r •*onu aftor tlm " np.-nnig of~n liaM-liall gamo luT.i ihl.-i ^ afternni>n in whieh lie «-:is playing n* Hhnrtniij) for Iho Twin Fall" club agalus*. the lliilil team. Tho oblor brother wn* iiinoni; th.- Hpeel,ttor«. W ithout pausing ^ fnr tli>' ynungor brother to clinttge rlothes. both hurrl.'.l to the rnllwar- ■*t;xttonrfHTiving.tholr just a few mn- -|niuuU-aftor..Un; l;ist train for Pociitcl-J^)^ In lui.l .loparfed. They llion mndo hur- . rii'.l •4trniii"i'm.-nl* fnr 1he . ovcrlnn«l trip. Th.'y expressed ihe hope thjrt th.'V . wniil.l reach 1’.ieiiti'!h> before the time fnr an np.Tatinn tn which, they weru lold, their fatli.'r wa* to submit. Wnrd re.-.-iv.'.l her.' wn* that the P.)- ratell.i (inli.-e .-hl.-f hnd been shot in the let Wll* lo.luod baok nf tho no***. mi Tl^ureB ia~Banait~EAJa ____LiUrrv Ivi'hrUan—urrivtid Wfiliinbiy in ,■ i ('oaltli’ from Shanghai. <'hilia, lie catne - her.'' t.i.lay -t.> vi*it lil» brothor an l - tliey wer.' to havo retnrne.l home to- getiier later in the we.'k. He was ono of a number of foreitftu-r.* en]ittin-d by I Chin.'10 bamlitH abniit two yenrs ago when he siiecee.b'd in porHiiailing tho | bandits to release him. A COiVliVIISSlON KNOCKS OUT _ — RECONSIGNMEN-T— ORDER _ Disallowa Union Pacific Proposal for lim iting of Free Movement of Products. 0 BOISK, July 23 tyP)—The interstato commerce commission has* disallowed tho rulo promulgated by tho Union I’n- clfic system, denying shippers of po- _ tatOpfl moro_than_two__free_reconsignj__ jncnta -of-iiivcrBions of their prodacts ^ moving in ca^ lots, ‘Will II. Oibsou, « member of tho public utilities com- u mission, was informed Wednesday. Tlio rule was to have gone Into effect today. Ib - —Aa-geoft-ns-thp-T»lo-wn»-ttnn8uawl,-t' 'H protests wcro filed ngnlnst Its opera- p Uoa^.tledarlug __Unit—bocau*«-of—uii-jn *tca.llness of tho potato market during |I shipping season, growers of patatoesll needed the privilege of diverting their jv products mnny times in order to find r a market that was not overcrowded. | The potato growers' organixations ;t1 | Twin Palls iiml Idnho Falls botli pro- tected the rulo. Under the provisions of tho projiosod order,' growers would bo permitted tw0‘ ^ freo diversions, and after tliut thoy would hiivi' to imT.iit tho rate of 3 M j ."cnt!r~por^Tnintlro.i~pnpndv'Pr • n • iriiTit-— mum of JIO per cacj fnr oach divcr.tion nbove two. i . McADOOS .PUT WREATH ON ._UNTtNOWN SOLDIEE'S TOMB Mr. an.l Mrs. WilliainJ^lil.s McAdoo ' today .'jilaced.a large boijuot of ruses' ' oil the tomb^Jif Ibr l-nknown. Soldier In.- th.' na ........ .. the family of the hile Pres- id.'iit Wilson. REEO COLLEQE P&ESIBENT DIES PORTLAND, Or.'., July S3 (yp)—Dr. ---- -lU^I.T.I , P. .^-In^lr, pr««i.1,.nt at - . ciUegc-of Portlaad died today,,Uo_WiU, ^ born in MHwaiiko**, W^is., M lear* ngo, and in 1904 he won the Rhodes Bcholar- ship .it tho University of Wiarondn. ~ ^IDAHO’ W E A T K ^ 1 . Thursday, fair. ^ V .. ’ . - ■ -P^OB FIVE OBKie. if of”Pdlice aior FoHowing— NegrojGMiiijttrilZ arbett Falls MortaUy. hrbas Himself Danger- to Kill Murderous Fugi- toptedj^ssaalt ..... ^- ■_ _ In nnidentifiod negro man late e with police on East Wyeth lot from the pistol of Chief of heforo he had shot down and rbett and serionsly wounded i’ Tito negro opcnod flro oa tbe of- ricoTB as tbey approached, to put %lm ' under arrest ou a cbargo of having en. torod tbo home of Mra. Artie Smitb, colored, wboro be attempted to as> BBUlt -Mrs. Smith and a young negro girl tbere. ______________ _ Upoii t^ng informed of tho affair Chief Lehrbas nnd Dctectlvo Qarbett mado n hurried trip to tho scene in an automobile. As thoy approached the Bmith r.'sldence thoy noticcd u negro walking down East Wyeth ntreot. Tlijr nogro opeaed fire first nnd tho first bullot pi'crccd tho windshield of the ’polico cnr and struck Chief Lehrbas in th(> check. Although dar.od the chief drow his revolver and fired nt hiM aHsailnnt who, in tho tncantlmc, had felled Dotoclivc Garbott boforo tho Jlatter eould draw, his gnn. I The negro fired four timcH, ono bul- let Htriking thu chief and ono bullot 'killing Oarbott. Chief Lehrbas fired______ .four bullets, two of whieh struck 'tho ’ negro. 1 Chief Lehrbiis was rushed to a hon- I pitnl and tho norlpusucss of his wound ihivd n«t \>c«n d*5wrmlucd up to oatly this ovening. 'FOUR KILLED: ONE mJUBED ... _ n -WHEN SMOKESTACK TUMBLES ; T>ETH01T, July 23 Pour per- ' Hons wore killed, three instantly, and ' ono soriouBly injured Into today when ’ n smtfko slack. Bald to have been wcak- '' ci)«d'by-tit*'aotioii'«f-tbo wind and ■^woathor/ fell ^rom the roof' of thn Clinrluvoux building, cloven utorlcs Into Thi* dead and lnjiire(\. wcro in nji_____ I nutonfoimii filiindlngTn front ‘oflho building. ' B B in sn ABOUND WOBLD FLIEE ON ISLAND UOmiND TOKIO, July 23 OP)—A. Stuart Mac- ' I,nron. tho Hritlsh nround-the-world_____ flier, arrived at Murakami bay, Para- _ manliiru islan‘d,_ K.urjles, at 7:30 this ~ ovoning from Tokotan bay, Uruppu MncLaren and his companions hopped off from Tokotan* bny, Uruppu island, Kuriles, at 7:40 thia morning for Mura- ' kaml bay. aOKiUed; 10 Hurt As Train Crashes Jnnt(rOulingTaffr“ f --------- Ohio Qrade Crossing Scene of ^ Tragic Accident; Oply Six d Out of Twenty-Six Persons I- in Truck Escape. _OAJClLUtBQB..Ohlo.. JulyJ:3_W— -..... t» cii'^oriions wore klttoJ"and~ton othotir -■ u, *ver.‘ Injured, some'Berlonsly, early-to- !»• night, when n New Vork Central pas- >0 <trngor train crushed into an automo- y. I bile truck aJ a grade croaaing outside d,-thr>-vilbt»r.- —•’rhfTP-wprc--twvntT-ai-<----- a-'person* In Iho truek. They had been on t|..l^,]„y^^.„„tin^iil-^in.l-ik*eeh, oa-I/elt*^------- igiK rlo’ und w.'r.' returning to thrir eslliom.-i will'll the arcid-'nt ocurrod.' It sr Nvas oVluek whvii tlie.crash occur- ad red. •d ^ ' ' ' '■ • t hearing is ordered on ° r a t e s f o r TETON MINES Oil " vot Idabo Utilities Oopimlssfna Bslee Oar> nors’ otuxgea Kxcesslre and Ua* Uj reasonable; WUl Investigate. jjj;-------------- . .. -------------------------------------------------- - OM noisi:, July 23 (/P>—iltttcB on coal from iho Teton mines in eastern Idaho uudor lease by II. F. Bamuels and otbore arc unreasonablo and cxcessivo aod will bo investigated by thi^ public utlHtios . commisslonr aeconltng -'to~ag-onler -ia* ----- sea Biiod by-that-body Monday. • - -------- --- In. _ ratca v.crg jmed July en- Oregon Short Lino Railroad company in compilaaeo with a commlMien order requiring them to repair the tracks ]«ad- sg ing to thu mine ao coal could be moved Dr. aad fnrtboT-to tila a-scbednlo-of tftttjr” uui from the, minus\to Idaho polnti. VA* I A bearlnfr haa'beea set for Aogast 4. ,ro, a t Poutoilo, ia wbis^.aVUenof wiU b« Inr. tuken conoeruing the ratl's. Tbi) «6m- 1 . nilaslon invites all penetu interested in tbo reotoaableness of the rates to- tie .' prcacal in pttfso.a or by counsel anA 'pr^Jl: sont evidence.

parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

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Page 1: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

m ' ~ • ........ •" — - . - :

z H f f i"TOL. i , H O . 93,, ,

z S B Bd i f f l M f cIdaho’s Suprem e Court Ren­

d ers D ecision on H ehearlnBi 2 » T ^a - D istrict Proceed ings. (

BOISE. Ju ly 23 (m —F ta» l “f - S ’ p toT ia o r t i o proK nod bond t o oOf $1700,000 fo r tho In ltU l w ork 1

^ou the A nw ilcan Falla re to rro lr « * i

promo court.Tlui trilninal puKm'd on tho Htntulory j whI

viill.'lity «( tlio bon.lH riTontly, l.ut tbo stalLondiiiK compony w h ic li' pmpoKOfl to Uoinirchftsc tlio boiidii iihonIIoiiO'I tin* val- 0 id ity nn rcniMlitutloiuil Rrmiiidfi, ami ii hril petition for rchoiirliif; \v:»n fituil. T tio |,i„ii

____ iledaiim ..W «;dm;aday_ia-Xi^tltri;d.oa. ri’-.; tl«iln-uriiijf- -I

• III a.l.lltlon to holding tho Londa lo-n:il, tlifl opinion liolrlR nlBO th a t tho or | 1 i:i'.nl«atlon o f tho ]iropo"od Amorican j cxji F;ill« rnHorvolr_di«trlet Hnowu as th o 'fu n “ hlK dlBtrict,’" ami cnvcring landB In ; U„l

. p c^ r ii l Honthcri) Idaho cotintlc*, ia in ))][| ' ncconlnijco -with Im ho irH gation dis-! i

t rh l hnv. | \vu)^ I d s Oontrrict B inding Tl„,

A diHtrict «o forin.'d, tho ootirt nny» ,! rcn a m liivy asKcusmoiilii on .tlio l;itidn th i-ri'-, i„t, in f.ir llin inirptKio of KivinK honcfilB ; to nil tho o«vniTH t!icr.-i,r. nn.l the Ii'Rih- [jj,, liitiirc v.-:iH w ithin it* roiitttittilloiinU jDwcr when it K<iV.- a dlntrh 't siirh nu-1 j

irii.'l madi; hy ihc- ili!.irii't blndn <Jl* ,jpj. tho laiidM wifiiin tlio difitrirt and the ;, .j o\viiiir« thereof. !- 'i’lio r-Aw initiuto.l by the Amor,-,

, u-uH V’-.slU Tv«>'rvmr d is lric t ou u ■ ,^o,lion to tho d lstrie t court for npprovnl';in-l cnMflrmiitlon nf <l..._n |.p ..rtim im e»t;

______i>f-t»nTH'fit. nnd p.n.tt.i of.ecm^trUgdoTltho Amcricnn Fnlls roR.^rvolr hy tho _ U nited StfttoB, nnd for tho purchrttn> o f ft proportlonntp nhnro of thf* utornifo capacity tjiorcof, and of the waFFr avnilablo therein , by tho Amorican

•Faliii rosorvoir d istric t, from tho Unit- - , oil St.itf!., nnd fo r tho approval of tho

^ resolution o f- th o boar j

.li-ilrirt f .ir 'th c piiynicnt thereof.In tho-fifBt pi'eBcnlntlon o f tho oaBo ^

neither side qnejitioned tho fltatiitory “ va lid ity of tlic bondu or proeecilingB taken by tlie d is tr lr t bonrd o f directors, « jf heinR tnkcn fo r grnntod th a t a i neither side j^ucatloncd thi« point, thero wTiB no Issne on which tho court waw to _

--------pTiB!T~nro“ cmiTrT5l*rSol"TnlBfi' Wc'.mil ->n rrb.'.TrtoffJt-TraB-»um?o»t«».»-----

th n t hoeaiin'e tho court di.l not-raiflis.it, .. thoro was Hoine qiietllojv a* lo iti* con- Hiitntioniilily. This Ib an un^arran lo .l

-awumiJtlun, thu court uiys.

IntermountamArea , Scores Victory in

" Freight Rate FightInterstate Oommorco Oommis-

sion D enies Application of Transcontinental OatriorsforLow ef E ate to Ooaat.

vd .BOIHE, Ju ly 23 W>)—Idahi., ns well

a< all tlie intorm ountain te rrito ry , ha« gained n victory nRniiist trntiscontl- non tat cn rr ie rs 'in the recom m endato^ .report o f Kxntnlner M. A. I’attiBOn of th e inter.itiito coiunioriro commi»»inn, tb a t the application of the carrier* for Jowcr fre ig h t ra tes to the coant thnn

_______ to t hn interm odinto iioIntB bo donicd,—7. w m II. OibBon of the' Idaho“ ~Tublic

U tilities commianion said W ednesday.----- —Thc~Idaho~xommi»9ion- wna—mfuriiicd

by tclegrftm of the federal b o a rd ’s ac ­tion.

0 For several ^yenra the transconti­nental carrierB’ havc been scekiuK to

- . , ostablish ra tes to tho P acific coast' th a t wcro lower thnn ra tes to inter-

Y^i.-dinto points, in order .to coroi>olo •w ith w ater trunsporlutiou through the

. I’anunta canal.• A continiial fiRht ha.l been w urcI nKuinat such action by thu abito pub-

. . . v - r t » -««.rv»<io - t o K u l a t i * r y n i i i n i ; t ! J » — u f r . : t h i £ _ interrnediato te rrito ry , and particu ­larly tb e interrnOiintain ntatea, whoro nn anHoi'iatlon kii.iwn n" the Intor- m ediato B ate association was formed to combat tho carrier*.

- In Boeklnif lo osUblUh tho»n ratos,. - .- th o M rrlor»- ftTC/ in offcct, trying t»

vlolaU tho fo i^ ^ aectton of tho In- t«r«taVo cotuinorco act, which Bays th a t no carrie r ehall chorRO a loss ra te fnr, hauling th e same commodity a (jreater distanco where tho route is

-------------ttiir aame. ' -- ------ --^ A fte r a b i t te r session, a t 8aU Lake

__ _____ ra<um tl*vUio_canlcni_tookJUifiit_m uilL _caViou to Iho fcioTBl Ijody, a A la g pet- mission to establish the reduced rates. UcarlHBs wero hold by Exam iner Pat-

________ tiiou,. n c i .h j a , t«c9.mmcn<l{»tpry.. report •tfn s " Buijniltte d to _ y ie __commiiwloiiWi‘d n e * d a v .~ - _


P d re iitsM EWitkm S h c

Witnesses’ Stories Forgi Chain of iElvidence and

- for-Death Behalty Lea% parentjy Unmoved.

OHIOAOO, July 2 3 W;— Nathan Loeb faced the sorrowingvparents the bar of justice. \ .

Tlwy Wfttchod them on th e w l t n ^ * — BtAnd u tboy to ld w ltb t«ar-mol2 t n eyoa tha rto ry o f their son’s dlsap- L poorance aad board sob-cbokod voices w hisper affirm ativ e answ ers to the H s ta te 's p ro ffe red oxhlblt^ o f tbo lit- t ie fellow ’s clothing.

On tho p a rt o f the pnrndoxlciilly brillian t but' crim inal yonng ilefon- (liintH tlioro WAH no illspluy o f emn-

. . . . . . . . . . . . Ft.Only Oasoal In te re st.

Luojiold, iiiotionlesH and with an oxjireHsion of easual iiitoroHt on his fe.TtiiroH, watched tho m other ofyoini[; Uol)ort PrniikK w ith »raree1y the ; J bllDkhiR of an oye. ilnr

Loob, Ills conipnnion, I'livo littlt' 6n t-'g ,^ wnrd sign of perturbation . Tlir.iUKliout Ilio day, liowover, Loeb wliowed Home reaction, to tho proceediiigp. He .'am e, “ into court with eyes Htaring aud jaw 1'*” pendulDHH and fr.'quontly • licked hin: ' liim or i.iekcd a t thread* on his "I'’ t.loove.'..

' Loeb leaned forw ard in hi.s ch a ir , 'Mlouoh«.l-.4low»_nii-'hiH bIio iiU-.-—

‘d e r b la d es . i ‘T h o tw o you n jf in te lle e lu a lH w1ioh.'.^^|

aca d o m ie a c h ie v e m e n ts b ra n d e d . ji,,in . t h e i r u n lv e rn U y H tand in its <ui

id o w c d gon iu sea , w ero in c u r t t o d i y ^ ; in th e f i r s t d a y ’s huarinRH b e fo re n fn dKc - U a r e i ly , ch i t' f - j i iHtit:u u f ' t trrr — ' rrrliniTTnt~con r t - of - C ook c u tin ty ,'' lu~ t hg- 4ni floraovrhat u n o r th o d o x le g n l p rocceiling* of w h ic h is to - d e t e r m in e tlio f a t e o f t h e sh u o u /essod alayerB .

Find AiralE(nment “ Ftuxny”

' 11 fo~^to lfl 's ' a lt 'o m o y , H obeffr atiI:. Crow e, w ith f ix e d _oyos a s . ho cx B tylod th o li '- .« rim o -th o “ m o s t - c r u c l , alJ cu w a ru iy a h a d a s ta r d ly m u ro o r orcT’ o u m m itte d in th o h ia to r y o f -A m c ric a n e r

- nn (Continued on P age 8. Col S) 'vi


- - - i ■ F

;. . . . . . . .


\ / ',1 'It

\ : ■ i ' .11 I;**- A- I-'/''''/1 1• r' ' t ' H i # i I:

*' j . f CLi.N> U5>T \ \ BUT VOO ttfc--.-- , M roT?e'C.fJ F'jEM'PAiD Tl

• ' M iMTtPE^T CN)• [*•••.■; n.;i.‘jc,TO ‘ Tia-’_tvTi£ — — ■ itTf'TO'.' Mjitd / MAOE' OU

17-----------^ _____ i g _________ _______________, f fjuvurB ?3it< tr5«o^'’' t ' 0^^IS. HIS SlXl>Ok.*.fcRSWOti IVITM 'it. ICBEftT PBloq^_________ J ----------r t AS A M ATTBB O F rA C T , r r^ lT O _ .I__ _________

iO C U T E itvM W N lB W i


m - 1

ifoiirsFtEn^■ging Links in State’s d Prosecutor’s Demand ave Young Slayers Ap--— — i -Imn Leopold, Jr., and Biohard its of their boy victim today a t ;

mm s ifl PORTUN wm


F lam es Spread From Hay Barn“,,,;i and. Slieds to L iv esto ck E x- position B uilding. 'X',

--------- dilli ’OUTLAND. Ju ly 23 (i^—Tho Porl- of

.Innd Union Stock Ynrds, owneil bv ' Hwift a n d Company, riu igh t on firo here th is aftoriKion. Tlio flames n|iro:id (o

'tho Piieific /n le rn a tio n a l I.iveiitoeicKx-■ position liiiil.linu.

All avallabli- e ity fire iippariitiiH was Hi'nt to till- Konton .li!*trirt in whieh jjjjj

: thu . Htookyar.lH are located. The fir.- ! fighters were haniperod in re;u'liiag tin- ^■ fire liy a wall n f flimio _^tii.-w tW ,<inly [’],,, ■availalilr'road to 't l ie ”M o e l^ n l* ,' Til.' loHi on 111.' pavilion waH .'*(imat- {,, .ed ii,t and il was Kiatod tha t __

;th.- li)t:il liisM a l the .•>tiiek yaril.i would •probably nmoiitit to nbout Vt(U1,()00 , ‘

H igh W ind F ans Flam es i J fTn. f lumes ruzed tho hvoHiock Imilil ~

ing-TdthlTr20-TniTiTtn''i— T hp- h nrTTnrir — of Rivift nnd eompnny, and two Rinalli-r shells nlso were liurnod.

The oxpoiltloii bu ild ing-w as inHiire.l for $nr.O,OOOD. According to O. M. Plum- mor, tnaiinger o f the building, the ’ a iructurc will rcTjullt In 't im c fbr the ' cxpoditlon which uNually is hold annu- 'ally la Xovembar. . . ____ ____________ I

iiio riri! a turteil from a refusi” Imni- i er In th e ahiiigjo mills, i t was beli.jvpilK nnd its Hpcrad was hnntoned by a higli 1 wind. I I


il ^ I '/p A ^ s

V \ ■

PpLmOIAK“WA£C"6ffiE£T“ l8"TtJUr HOBM8 A N i r r OB K B P T A ILS

r i W S..W [ | ( (t, /^/ } ----- I

tfcS.ST / L UI . 1{ F J ;. ( '

rMfff ' ^ \ f deR narV ______ .ExruiHiri

UT • ---- WATCU OUT WUtRt .. imi'VE OH 1COiN-I VJUO h<nc

KW 00 -tOUTMlNk-you y \ t IN ffCAV'i


Copyright, 1

■ ' ' V '

WSPa Pe r i N i r W iW ^

D A I L[OESDAY M O B IrtK O , J B I Y 2«. 102*.

H o S E p=lliltBOT!r:=T M i i cBlack R ust T h reat in D rought- .

S tricken R egion 'M fc -^ M il- L -lio n s^ tc c J J a liB S so tA n iE ttm _ _

Farm P rod ucts.! C inC A nO . .lulj- 2:1 {;?)—Ulm-lt r«H!

le p o rte .l th r o a to n in g lo wrorIt« mueli o f w h a t h a s b e e n l e f t n f th e d ro u g h t ittrickon C a n a d ia n w h e a t c ro p a.ldoi! k i l m a n y m ltlio n s o f d o l la r s to d a y to th e L c

■7 p e F in ? n iv o ~ ^ ilu .' . . r fn rn i“ jrrr>rjim5r - ! F ■ = Iho U n ite .I S ta le * — ro u g lily a linont c e n ts a buN hel. S u ch Ino reaxe .if p rico v.'ithln - I h . 'u r s f . i r a b o u t th e e n tir e w h e a t p ro d u c tio n o f th in e o n n lry wmh ^ rihown by th e a . 't io n n f th . ' (.’liic;i;;o iiiiirket.

— P r ic e s fo f- c o rn ; mit*,- r y e - an d -p r.t--------viHionx fdll.tvveil w Ikm I u p w a rd anil, eloHeil w illi b ig gniiiK. Ih itli in g ia iil volum o o f t r a d i n g a n d ilogri'o o f oxc lti"

. ment in th e pit* an woll as in *lee|i' u f cliniliing uf values Iho dny .>n Ihe lioanl of trnilo hero rivaled erneial oeeaHions of the world war.

S e ts M a r k e t A fla m e n e rn a rd W . .S n o w .' f . irn ie r a s i is ta n ! ]

^ ec re ln ry o f a g r ic u l tu r e , s e n t th e n .'w s tin from \V in ti ip .'g lh a l. not tli.- n ia rh e t* ,..ir h e re a f la m e . M r. Hnow is wid.-\V know n ns one o f th e le n d in g c rop nu ^vli thoritie;» n f th . ' Uni;..-cl .S ta le s on cro ji i,,,. eon.Iiti.HIM a m i tli . ' f a e t l l i a t he t. 'lo ' | ai (;r:i|ihed p.T Soiiiilly n a y in g w ide*jiread t |,v

.lilaek ru iil in f e c t io n h a d ilove!ii;i.-il tn. M iiiiitiilia eiin ie w ith I liu in lc r lio lt e f fe c t ,..|i to th e w lira t t r a i lo . I t w as nn th e l.iiaW---------------------------------------------------------- Iif

( ilo n lin u e d on I'ago H, Col. 1.)

\Wlieat Deal Brings Fal Moore Profits

and New AmbitionClIICAOO, Ju ly 23 (/P>—Thomas

Wilson Mooro—“ P a l” Moore; to |,„tho boxing fans— profited lo tho f„ prtent- b f « 0 ,0 0 0 to »1.'5,(J00 dab- hllng In tho ris in g w heat m arket.his friondB rovonled todny^„(ind,._. jman a resu lt of liis" auccoss appiicn “foi^.a momberslii^* lo l.ho^Clilcugo . riihoard o f trad e . _ The iDomborship trsells fo r ♦4500. ' « .


c ' : ■ ■ ■ - ;

g j * " ' 1AW / /

‘__:rU.— o p ~ p o p ;e y e i >“ d o e e b “ ^ i t h 7_____________________________ __________________ t

1 1> i

1'" - :

ARP BAPLiCri I _____________ ' .----- - HLPiAUUfiU---------- .

t o t o m l a m o h t S ^ J maS C t TKC B EN e«:ai ok . .. flAVV. N^TiOMALTttn.

------- T — ICLlANlNU OMPA1C.K

^ -------- -

---------n f '^ ik h Z XRtMtMOiR v*»«rr H»5 */ l|r> s-/M ti:eT O tD H iM T O B *K < . ■.V% .if/^/.Hchie r p R - ^ c c w t i I


b t T l M i ’ b y tb e " N * w York TribMe,

F A L L tW V N W ~ ' '^^^~

MKMtiKK A ttm r UUUICA o p NTt'^VM -

^ ocateH ^ M ef Death’s Dog

, Battle With NC i t y D e t e c t i v e S a m G a r )

W o u n d e d a s L . H . L e h r l

- o u a l y I n j u r e d , - S h o o t s t o

t i v e W a n t e d _ £ a r A t t e l ^

POOATELLO, July 23 Vn— An i today engaged in a .pistol battle w street and ' va killed by a ballot Polico L. A. Lehrbas, but not bei killed City Doteotive Sam Garbel Lehrbas.------------------------------------------------------------------ » 1


, ma<

Brothers Sp eed by IMotor to B edside of Police Chief Shot

' in Gun B a ttle .■ ’ pol

L a rry L -hrbaH , r i 'l u rn in g lumie a f t e r , t h r .v y e ar* sp en t in t h - f a r ea-.! a« , .. . ir r .-p o n d o n t fo r n p r .- .i servi.-e . an .l M ark l/- 'h rln - i. liis y o u n g e r b ro th e r whil hns b .'e ii . 'in p lo v ed h o r .' thi.i hiiiiI' , ,miT and in :> ........ o f the Twin Falli. ‘ 'lascliall eliib, tonlxl't w.-re fi'e cd in ^ 'j^ liv nntoniobile frnm her.- In the lieil.

- -idr-,»f (! .r ir - f f tlh rrr- l::r^ - lr - ! irb :t- .-P t» -T ^..hief n f poll.-.-, xvho «a« 1.110;*““

ln,l:,y -erinu-^lv woiind.'d by an uniilen • , lifieci Ii.'grn whom ’i.' sou;.*lit t.i arr.-H*. 1 /

O ct Word a t B all P ark Wnrd .>f th i'ir f.n ther’s injury c a tiif ’ ;"'J

_ In III.- <-iiliiii» m.-n ill :i t.•li-l)l.iiue. i-;ill fn,-.) Llli'e y ,iiiiii;er 1in.11i.-r •*onu a f to r tlm

" np .-nn ig o f~ n liaM -liall gam o luT.i ihl.-i afte rnn i>n in w h ie h lie «-:is p la y in g n*

Hhnrtniij) fo r Iho T w in F a ll" c lub agalus*. th e lliilil te a m . T h o o b lo r b ro th e r wn* iiinoni; th .- H peel,ttor«. W ith o u t p a u s in g fn r tli>' y n u n g o r b r o th e r to c linttge r lo th e s . b o th h u r r l . '. l to th e rn llw a r - ■ * t;x tto n rfH T iv in g .th o lr j u s t a f e w mn-

- |n iu u U -a f to r . .U n ; l;is t t r a i n fo r Pociitcl-J^)^ In lui.l .lo p a rfe d . T h e y llion m ndo hu r-

. rii'.l •4 trn iii"i'm .-n l* f n r 1 h e . ovcrlnn«l t r ip . T h .'y e x p re s se d ih e hope th jrt th .'V . wniil.l r e a c h 1’.ieiiti'!h> b e fo re th e tim e fn r a n n p .T a tin n tn w h ic h , th e y w eru lo ld , th e i r f a t l i . 'r w a* to subm it.

Wnrd re.-.-iv.'.l her.' wn* th a t the P.)- ratell.i (inli.-e .-hl.-f hnd been shot in the

■ let Wll* lo.luod baok nf tho no***. miTl^ureB ia~ B anait~E A Ja

____LiUrrv Ivi'hrUan—urrivtid Wfiliinbiy in ,■ i( 'o a l t l i ’ from S h a n g h a i . < 'hilia , lie catne

- h e r .'' t.i.lay -t.> vi*it lil» brothor an l- tliey wer.' to havo retnrne.l home to-

getiier la te r in the we.'k. He was ono of a number o f foreitftu-r.* en]ittin-d by

I Chin.'10 bamlitH abniit two yenrs ago when he siiecee.b'd in porHiiailing tho | bandits to release him. A


Disallowa Union P ac if ic Proposal fo r l im it in g o f F ree M ovement of Products. 0

BOISK, Ju ly 23 tyP)—The interstato commerce commission has* disallowed tho rulo prom ulgated by tho Union I’n- clfic system , denying shippers of po-

_ tatOpfl moro_than_two__free_reconsignj__jncnta -of-iiivcrBions o f th e ir p rodacts ^ moving in ca^ lots, ‘W ill II. Oibsou, « member o f tho public u tilities com- u mission, was inform ed Wednesday. Tlio rule was to have gone Into effect today. I b

- — Aa -g eo ft-n s-thp-T » lo-w n»-ttnn8uaw l,-t' 'H protests wcro filed ngnlnst Its opera- p U o a^ .tle d a r lu g __U nit—bocau*«-of—u ii-jn

*tca.llness of tho po tato market during |I shipping season, growers of p a ta to e s ll needed the privilege o f diverting th e ir jv products mnny tim es in order to find r a m arket th a t was n o t overcrowded. | The potato grow ers' organixations ;t1 | Twin Palls iiml Idnho Falls botli pro­tected th e rulo.

U n d e r th e p ro v is io n s o f tho projiosod o rd er,' g ro w e rs w o u ld bo p e rm itte d tw 0 ‘ freo d iv e rs io n s , an d a f t e r tliu t th o y w ould h iiv i ' to im T .i it th o r a te o f 3 Mj ." cn t!r~ p o r^T n in tlro .i~ p n p n d v 'P r • n • iriiTit-— m um o f JIO p e r cacj f n r oach divcr.tion nbove tw o . i


Mr. an.l Mrs. W illia inJ^lil.s McAdoo ' today . 'jilaced .a large boijuot of ruses' ' oil the tomb^Jif Ib r l-nknown. Soldier In .-th.' na ........ .. the fam ily of the hile Pres-id.'iit Wilson.


---- -lU^I.T.I , P. .^-In^lr, p r««i.1,.nt at- . ciU egc-of P o rtla a d d ied today,,Uo_WiU, ^ born in MHwaiiko**, W^is., M lear* ngo,

and in 1904 he won th e Rhodes Bcholar- ship .it tho U niversity of W iarondn.

~ ■ ^IDAHO’ W E A T K ^1. T hursday, fa ir . ^

V .. ’ . - ■

- P ^ O B F IV E O B K ie .

i f o f ”P d l ic e aior F o H ow in g — N eg ro jG M iiijttr ilZarbett Falls MortaUy. hrbas Himself Danger- to Kill Murderous Fugi- t o p t e d j ^ s s a a l t . . . . . ^ - ■_ _In nnidentifiod negro man late e w ith police on East W yeth lot from the pistol of Chief of heforo he had shot down and

rbett and serionsly wounded

i’ Tito negro opcnod flro o a tb e of- ricoTB as tb ey approached, to p u t %lm ' under a rre s t ou a cbargo o f hav ing en. torod tbo home o f Mra. A rtie Smitb, colored, wboro be a ttem pted to as>BBUlt -Mrs. Sm ith and a young negrog irl tb e re . ______________ _

Upoii t ^ n g informed of tho a ffa ir C hief L ehrbas nnd Dctectlvo Q arbe tt mado n hurried trip to tho scene in an autom obile. A s thoy approached the Bmith r.'sldence thoy noticcd u negro w alk ing down E ast W yeth ntreot. Tlijr nogro opeaed fire firs t nnd tho f irs t bullot pi'crccd tho windshield of the

’ polico cnr and struck Chief Lehrbas in th(> check. Although dar.od th e chief drow his revolver and fired nt hiM aHsailnnt who, in tho tncantlm c, had felled Dotoclivc Garbott boforo tho

J la tte r eould draw, his gnn.I T he negro fired four timcH, ono b u l­le t Htriking thu chief and ono bullot

'k il l in g Oarbott. Ch ief L ehrbas fired______.fo u r bullets, two of whieh struck 'tho ’ negro.1 C h ief Lehrbiis was rushed to a hon- I p itn l and tho norlpusucss of his wound ihivd n « t \>c«n d*5wrmlucd u p to oatly

th is ovening.

'F O U R K IL L E D: ONE m J U B E D . . . _ n -W HEN SMOKESTACK TU M BLES ; T>ETH01T, Ju ly 23 P our per-' Hons w ore killed, three in s tan tly , and ' ono soriouBly in ju r e d Into today when ’ n smtfko slack . Bald to have been w cak- '' c i )« d 'b y - t i t* 'a o t io i i '« f - tb o w ind a n d ■ ^w oathor/ fell ^rom the r o o f ' o f thn■ Clinrluvoux building, cloven utorlcs Into

Thi* dead and lnjiire(\. wcro in nji_____I nutonfoimii filiindlngTn fro n t ‘o f l h o ’ building.


TOKIO, Ju ly 23 OP)—A. S tu a r t M ac-■' I,nron. tho Hritlsh nround-the-world_____

flie r, arrived a t M urakam i bay , P a ra - _ manliiru islan‘d ,_ K.urjles, a t 7:30 th is ~ ovoning from Tokotan bay , U ruppu

M ncLaren and his companions hopped o f f from Tokotan* bny, U ruppu island,

■ K uriles, a t 7:40 thia m orning fo r M ura- ' kam l bay.

aOKiUed; 10 Hurt As Train Crashes

J n n t(rO u lin g T a ffr“f ---------

Ohio Qrade Crossing Scene o f Tragic Accident; Oply S ix

d Out of Tw enty-Six P ersons I- in Truck Escape.

_O A JC lL U tB Q B ..O h lo .. J u ly J :3 _ W — -.....t» c ii'^oriions wore klttoJ"and~ton o th o tir -■ u, *ver.‘ Injured, some'Berlonsly, ea r ly - to - !»• n igh t, when n New Vork Central pas- >0 <trngor tra in crushed into an automo- y. I b ile truck aJ a grade croaaing outsided ,- th r> -v i lbt»r.- —•’rhfTP-wprc--twvntT-ai-<-----a - 'p e rso n * In Iho truek. They had been ont | . . l ^ , ] „ y ^ ^ .„ „ t i n ^ i i l - ^ in . l - i k * e e h , oa-I/elt*^-------i g iK r lo ’ und w.'r.' returning to th r i r e s lliom .-i will'll the arcid-'nt ocurrod.' I t s r Nvas oVluek whvii tlie .crash occur- ad red .•d ' ' ' '■ • t hearing is o rd e red on ° ra te s fo r TETON MINESOil " ■vot Idabo U tilities Oopimlssfna B slee Oar>

n o r s ’ o tuxgea Kxcesslre and Ua*Uj reasonable; WUl Investigate .jjj;-------------- . .. -------------------------------------------------- -OM n o i s i : , Ju ly 23 (/P>—iltttcB on coa l

from iho T eton mines in eastern Id ah o uudor lease by II. F. Bamuels and otbore a rc unreasonablo and cxcessivo aod w ill bo investigated by thi^ public u tlH tios .commisslonr aeconltng -'to ~ a g -o n le r -ia*-----

sea Biiod b y -th a t-b o d y Monday. • - -------- ---In. _ ratca v.crg jmed Ju ly

en- O regon Short Lino Railroad company in compilaaeo w ith a commlMien o rd e r requ iring them to repair th e tracks ]«ad-

s g in g to thu mine ao coal could be m oved Dr. a a d fnrtboT-to t i l a a-scbednlo-of t f t t t j r ” uui from the, minus \to Idaho poln ti.VA* I A b earlnfr haa 'beea s e t fo r A o g ast 4 .,ro, a t P o u to ilo , ia w bis^.aV U enof wiU b«Inr. tu k en conoeruing the ra tl's . Tbi) «6m- 1. nilaslon inv ites all p en e tu in te re sted in

tb o reotoaableness of th e ra tes to- tie . ' p rc a c a l in pttfso.a or by counsel a n A 'p r^ J l :

son t evidence.

Page 2: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

Two ' . TWIN

- « m i l E C T i - ^m m u l

- J l E O J E B i - '-------------- C------------- ------- " ...... .. T*’

P r e s i d e n t B e r n a r d e s R e p l i e s t o

........... R e q u e s t ( o c - A r m i s t i c e - W i t h

- - ^ = : : ^ = R e n e w e d V i g o r i n A t t a c k - o n -

......B e l e a g i i r e d C i ty . -------------------

SANTOS, nrajU, July l.v W -T lic tSivo 1‘auld TfivolutlonUtfl ■ are reported nn r-'liiiblf iiulliorily to linvn fuiicd tn ■ < i-ffortB to outer Into iirRotlntibiiH witli A

.tlio IVrnr.iliiin' ■('ov'crnmi'Ht ■rclu'llvo t d '“fc an arinlntico, PrmiiU'Ut Hernnrdrft hiiv

----------- in if- m i S

Tlio .preiililoiit o f tho forplctj flmm- \ 'b tT of fommorcc of S;io I’liiilo nctfd ii»

intcrnsocliiiry fur tliu ruvututionifit.i who <I<'Tn:iti<l<'(t th n t in ii(Mitioii tn nn n n iiis tirr tlic jiovi'rim icnl >;ivp h (jii:ir- niilt'n thjit no r<‘|iriN.iLi woulil In' tiikiviun<J tliftt thi» rovoliitioiiiHtii !><• r r ilc iri'il__

.to iNcir orik'iimi hIiiiiih. , MTIu' yovonimi'iil'ti rcjily wn« lo roimw ,.n

till! vijfor o f its nrtiiiit iincl Kh forei'i ni nro n.'tiil now lu ho i;»iiiin); ndvantii^'- lit ronn j.nnition^ around tlii’ rity . Thi? jn fi'ili’ru!?* lire rri>orl(ul to In' rontiniilni; I'li thl-ir iirfillory a ttack on tlio rohi'l ont- i''i

______|iOHtH_aud .ulhcL . jJOBitioiiH-ill. tln:,.BuoT’uiilo imluMtrial sotMion nrlzcd by thc rclii'lH In tho early (itn(;cH n f tho out' hroiik. Tho ri'buls uro aliunilanInK nnd llll' fi'diTiilN oboiipyinp thMC ponltiona, tin- ri’iiort Htatcji.

KovoIuUo&lstA Sbok7 I'Vili'ral troojm todny capturod thn )i,,

uirplano wlileh roccntly flew over San- mj ' tos BcaltPring prop.icnuda. literature . th

American oIiHi'rvcrn in Sao I’ltuto rc Ftntn (lia t tlio rovoliitioniBts nro nliow- 00

■ InR nurvouiini-jin ns a reHuU of a fnllurc tri of till' Rovornmont to agree to nn nr- Ipi miatico nnd ulno to tlie ir Inck of micccM t r in obtniniuR tho connent of any lenilinK politicnl fiRnro to n c ip t the preBidoncr tcndnrcd by tlieyrc^ols.

Foi^TKn~lmi«n'cBB iniercstH in S S t' I’nulo nro In (iym|mthy wilh Iho govern- ‘ ment, ncurdinff to tlio Intent roporti = from th a t c ity , and indicuto n feeling *“ tlm t tho Kovernmrnt ifl correct in rofuii- jnjj to iigroo lo un nrmiHtlfp. _

-------------A w rricnn-aitd-t.th-i-foreijm 'fii-m fl-tn- — ]______ Snntoit nro co n tribu ting gencrouHly to ^

thc relief fund fo r Uio Brvo I’nalo ri'fn- RooH. Tho firs t day 's total, Tuenduy. wa# $20,000 in gold. " , '----------- BoUof T ra in -o u Boad "■

A governnii-nt re lief tra in le ft to- ° dny for the Bno Pniilo region bearing ' doctnrii nnd nar»en .n n d govoriiment ‘'O niitlioritim to (itudy tho flituation for 1“

r_;,— :thn-piiriinHr-:f>f.iL'fitntillfltiing-fnn(l_at:L. _ ] tions nnd field ho»pitnlfi. fur

II ia entim.ited th a t moro than 200, to 000 oitijienB hiivc Joft S:io Puulo m;inv ] o f them fleeing into flin in terior mul ^ii

• • crowding into tho Bmnll cities to whichtill) Knntos ri'liof fundn ure being Bont , ,lo hujiply the ri'fiigees w llh the ni'pen- ^ ‘ Barv foml mid HhoUor.

Advice.i from the lro n t jTeclarii thnl the c.afliialtioH among thn govornmciit (foofi«"'irr7'""iiinnllrltotnfnrrrmentw"of Trg-- — nlnr nriiiv contingunta nn* continuiiig La n rrivc on thi> Kccne.

______ AnSAYS R E B E L S A R B-W HTOINO -J llONTKVIDKO. Ju ly 2.T (/P)—T h- coi

cnptnin of the nrccV utenmer Andrioi, to which iirrivcil Tiifjulny from Santor, Th diiclareil tho Hno I’milo revolution in pai

----- - ~ gnllMTing-nlM»nglh-iind—n p p n rfn llr - tr i-nmphing dcnpite officini denials by the ; nmr.ilinn governm ent. j|,j

Thc ciiplain said he was tinnble t i Hn---------- fin ish-nnbntllnR -lilirT T Firt-nr-S inT tn 'rr T71

owing to the bom bardm ent nf the Rrnr.- ilinn drendnauglit, Miuns ncrae t, by ' rebel ftvintor*. He snid ho wns oblige I tn leave jiort as some nf the bombs fell nc.ar his ship. Ho w:is • n o t. e«*rtaln lhe M inus Qeracn was h it. ' “

The captain added th n t federal rein- fiirrem ents h.icl arrived In thc e ity nf 8.->ntu M arin, in Hio Qramlo do Riil and th a t the steam er Mnnrtii hml urrived nl f^.intoK w ith w a r m aterlnl nml liorsei

, for the Santos garrison. ^- tou

T EL L S A TTA CK ER’S TACJTIOS "‘K , n U K N 'O S A IU K S . J u l y , 1.23 OP)— A •'**

i i : .u . . 'd i s p a tc h ‘to Ln X n flo n -trr .in T n h to - th i s ' a f te r n o o n <|iioted A ilin lra l Pcn iilo , i-diii-i7i.m(ltnfTtht'~«.niTr.s-7;rsi’-.’ifi-Firyln^;------

“ The eare bcin* taken not to dentrny »I’f buildinga.and to avoid casunlties uiunng ' ®l the non-com batants in the reason for thc slou-nesfl (if our movement (on Han ' I’nulo). Our forces nro m aintaining rev the poHitions nlrca.ly taken and nd- vunciag surely nfid occupying the ne tt oars. V irtory for llir forces o f thc law is in-ar u t hnnd .” tur

------ ------------------- tr liSophl* A m o u lt .

Sophie A rn o u lt BCtr«i9. wos bom In_____ P jtrtL ln_tllfi_yeatJ.I40__ IlEc.£athcr^*_ J

holalkeep«r, save bvr k koocI rduca*Uon. Chance bronght her to the atnge. W tiert >hc ad l£ h tc il the public from ^ 1757 to 4 J 7 8 . Tho prlncww of~Modiv

'na . happening to be In rflJrom cnt nt Val de Qraco, w a i i tn ic k by a v e rj ' fladTolcv tb a fB an * t f v c i p c n —Uophle A m oult WM tbe aong iilryM ^T he p rin. Uio

. cesa ittducod h e r to Join th e rojral -A choir. l% Ii step p a re d tho w ay to the froi opera, w here sh e soon becam e the cu i ta ro r lte . All persona o f rank nnd th a '.G UtMatl MUKbt h e r aoclely. . \ f,',i,

---------------; , — r.- ------ ---------1111*__________________ A x io m a t i c ^ \ _ T

U oJl5t^atf^~“You *ny y o nrim arh ln f I*ei was boyond contfo ir* \ChAuffiMir— cov *Tes, your honor. If I rouM havo oun* gut: trolled It tbe cop wouldn’t ftaTe cn u jh t for

\ ■L.. • ------- . , ... ---------------------

" W h a t 'th (A s S e e

•H eart T ts te r H elp* tn L iq n o r ' H u n t a r Lnggage

—W itlt-tbo aid o f a t tJtboacopg; tmcd hy. _ •physjcians-to-.dclcct disordera of. tbo ah humoA 'lM r t , tho chicf of polico of a pc

............' , of* 7 ^ - A

C fur ' - ■ ............ —- tri____ ..................................................... di

/ \ \ fa

y j p v A fi’

T 1 1 y \ / >i»

^Minnesota eity IcoTa incoming nnd out- nning inrtJK..Ki‘ for irnccs of t'nrRk-« thn t niiulit reveal the prcsciicc of ..iitnibund * litliiorH. Witll tho n-'ceivin'. iiibi-ji ud- jiiKioil to bis onrx ami i :isitivo dia- liliRigni of tho itiHlniim-.- -ccd on the iiiisiiicioiw Builcjk-ic or bag. tlic officini. by r-liukiiig the urticlo. a m _d(:^ct_quicidy liny Hoimds Hint m iglit w uniint u further invcsi'igulion. ^

O ver H undred M illio n L iv ingin E lec tric-L igh ted H om es u

Klcvtrio liRbl^ arc now xifod in tbc a: lirjirics’of upproxinmloly 111,000,000 per- (>on.t. nearly six nnd one-half per ccnt o t h tlic worM'a population, according ^to a tj recont tiurvcy. In tlie U nited SUitco, 39,♦ tl 000,000 persons enjoy tlic bcncfiUr of cJcc- « trie Bcrvico in tlicir homca, thia country lending all othera in tho am ount of cicc­tric power used each year. Japan is f Bccond, with 23,000.000 living in electric- d' ally lighted homca uud Germany is th ird ti witll 8^10,000. Seventy-five per ccnt of U

-a»-tN toplo-in-N ow -Y ork-li*vo-o leo tric d '.'thia. tl

T O U R I S T P A R K N O T E S | S

M n und Airs. Uoorgo SpIiiH TronT cl .Uttcn,-M. -Y., uro -un .zouto .hom o from G u long sojourn in noutliorn C alifornia.

II. U. Magnuson from Mnncow, Idaho ,' rc it Inuring thia soctlon In tbo in te re st T of tho U niversity o f Idaho . ei

T. E . Wills and fam ily of S tapleton, <>• Nob., huvo joined tbo curnvan to I’ort- land. pi. LavQll .Yrtit nnd nicnn.Ttowtwirry-iuiJ- in fumilios nro moving from Idnho Fnlls to Caldwoll. ' g

F red Young nnd fam ily camo from Lincoln, Nob., th rough Ycllowstono _ purk und nro eo ing tu L ob Angolea.

Mr. und M rs. W. G. Foater from Htroeter, ill., aro trav e lin g the regulnr rou te-W -W ie-lathl-of-w nngea nnd-rcal- i, tors.__ClaTracn.oud. iam ily -huv«-shnken c:tho dust of Chicngo from thoir sandals fi und nro going to try - t l ie snnd of i,os ~ Angoloa, . ....Atf»_ iinil Mrn p, Xf VntiTlmf ^come all tho wny from Urooklyn, N. Y. to SCO thu s ig h ts -o f tho g rea t weat. They hnvo seen tho b ig bcurs in tho park and nro aow going to Los An-

Mr. and Mra. H enry H orst nnd four children came from R ival, Colo., vio Hiiowvillo and aro going to Yokimo, _ Wash. ^

Mr. and Mrs. K. L. E w ing aro Jour- I** keying from B uffalo, N. Y., to th n t lb noted city of - Callforniu whieh is less N nngelii' thun its namo would indicate. Nalurully they v is i te d 'th o „ b ig plny-_ ground^

Mr. nud Mrs. U. N. D arkey from Ak- ri ron, Ohio, urc on routo to w hut boa been ^ termed tho United S ta les cupital of hi Mexico. - - —

John Wutera and two frienda uro touring thc land, tak in g in all of the "ighlH, with Somewhere in California ns the final stop.—i<.--A. A nderson-and jncrty cnitiD—aTT ~ (ho wuy from tho smoky c ity of P itts-•buxHU,_l’* .r-to -hn-re-3 -look-iit-T ho-ho tsprings on U ndo S am 's doni.iin, nnd departed for tho coust, seeking ndven- ' turo.

William A. P ro jscr and fam ily hnve reversed the usual tide of travel. Thoy camo from Los Angeles ond went Ito Ycllowsto&o park. I

A. 0 . Sleinman und p a rty aro re­turning to Elleusburg, Wnsb., from a trip through th e land p f m any wondera.

W illiam Oti» nnd fam ily aro return- ing.,Jo I ’ocatelJo J rg m Coeur d ’Alene.

Jnm es K. J ohnson n nd family f m m __Jiic taonvnie , III., came tho regular rooto and dupurted fo r Oregon.

J . V. Thompson a u d fam ily oro on rnuto to California from -G n rre ttsv illp - — Ohio. ;■ 13. J . Gilbert and' fnm iiy nnt relurn- ing to HIko, Nev.-, from u tour througli

park.-A lb ert Thomson and friend arrived

from Iloine und departed for some ploco caat.'

0 . H. Wilson nnrj fam ily are horo ^f|nn Alexondcr, Idaho, and aro think-iu< t-« /-.lny ing-her© -p© m ianpntJ7r------------

T. 0 . M arsh and_fBiaily. cam e.from _ _ Denver over thn t aw ful Snowville tra il, covered with du»t and filled w ith dis- h gust. A tte r a n ig h t’s rest thoy snrtcd If lfor P o rtlan d .______ ____ |. . A .T lL :;flw eeney~ et:d""pB rtnC T ^^m

F A L L S , : I D A H

L C m i f f iicen by Popular M ech an ics M agazi

Speed oY Great Cicy Toldby Staftling Figures ^

<f,r llm nity of Nf»tr Y ork era ahow th a t an I»m igm nt nrrivca a t th a t mti port every thirty ecconds nnd an average oci of one arrest is made each' two m inntca.A child ia bom every five tninutca-nnd-a -tal funcnU occtiru every seven. E very twclvo “ t iriin u t» s^^» iitm ^ 8^u^p<<rformeU~hrid-a. divorce i9 'B^t\U d f6r cach B irh o u ra of thc dny. New businesses aro sta rted n t fin tho ra te of ouo every forty m inutes n nd a failure tiikca placo every five houra.

A aliip leaves tho-liarbor <Jvcry fo rty - B®’ five minulca and Bomeono is killed by nccidont every fifly*Cyo m inutes. T ho J ' crimo rccord-TDf the metropolia arc atur- ‘*® tlin i in tlm t they Khow tb a t every uevrn

pemon'H life, asu icidc la co lffiiltcd each i- ten hours, and a m urder occurs every ® twelve hours. 1®

• ' .* S*W h a t Horse C an P u ll S h o w n

by T ests in E ngland- - Tcsts-mnficTrrenil5HrrEnKlnndTrovt«d

thut u pair of homos, cach woiKhing l.WK) pounds, roiild Imtil a load 550 pounda

' greater llian lliemnolvcs. On n m etal tnick, one of tiicse nnimala, it hnn been

' shown, cjin dniw one nnd two-thinLi tim es ; U.1 much IIS on a good asphalt Hurface, five

times us much aa on cobblestone paying 1 and Iwonty-timcs thc load i t can pull on 1

au ordinary mud rond. PortheuBUul typo j of farm borse, a eart c a s i n g a w eight of 1^00 pounds is c o n s id e r^ to be n fair Lnflk. While pulling light vehiclcfl and under saddle, redords indicate th a t horses

; arc equal to great feats of strength and . endiimnco, A tw e h ty -y c a r -o h l beast [ hilchctl to a light cnrt is known to liave t I traveled a hundn-d miles in Icaa than Y . tliiHocn and n li;df houra and waa in ex- . cclk-ut conditiwi a t Llie end of its journey , ol

: • • • 3I f { In many c;uk'i< s ile n t m d io tu b e s a rc an • due to im perfect c o n ta c t b e tw ee n tl ie tic 1 tu b e 's prongs nud .h e (i]'r>ng tc n n in a l s of> f tb c so c k e t. This t r o u b le c an re a d ily be I o lim in a to d ~ b y - L u n d in g - th o - la t t« r - u p -a foi

trifle t o insure r u o o d c o n n ec tio n buj

Freeport, Pa., came from L a v a hot if springn and le ft fo r tho coast.

Mr. nnd Mrs. T. 0 . Smith and fiv e ^■ children aro-*n"Touto to tho coast from ]

G rant, Iow a.'F. IT. Ryder o f Baker, Oro., is horo

■ rev ising tho Old Oregon T rail booklet. There Is moro dem and fo r th is pnbll- Si cation by tho to u ris ts than fo r any other. 01

Alox Sinclnir nnd fnm iiy from J a s ­per, Mlijn., aro on tho ir w ay to Corn- vt

- ing .-flak :________ - • - - - - teU r. and Mrs. 0 . J . Anderson a re go-

ing up to ' tho Yellowstone parlc -from Sna Diego, Cnl. pt

W. K napp and fam ily fromiClovelnnd, Bl Ohio, have been in southern C alifo rn ia w and a rc now going to Philadolphln, P a.

Mr. and Mra. L. W. Penrson a ro ro- K turn ing to I’ortland from nn caatern

■ trip! - yI. N . Trendwell nnd pnrty of seven *'1

I camo from -Ogden and loft fo r Rlch- I £ield, Idnho. dcI* M r. nnu Aim. U. Unhlcr arrived from

-Walla Walla, Wash., a n d 'd o p n rted foi-----Poeatcllo.--------------- -7- -------------------------------

Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Obershaw, formor., residents of Twin Fnlls, came back I from California and will probably stny *, horo. ' *P

_ i ’_ W alk o o -an d -fam i» y -« r« -en -ro a tc —, to-'Now York from Portland.__________ ,j.,

fi-:, _______________ I d i a L __________________

Our Idcn of n goqd wife Is one w ho F t tots h e r little hoy ililnk b!s fa th e r U C. the gren lest man In th e world.—D allas News. jp

-------------- ------------ hh

O ver the R o u g h Placc*Bven If It ho a rough wurtd.' b retb-

ren, there’s many a liurrleune tlml blows u s 'over Mic rough plact-H In lo u , bid o f blosMiins.-............. . .. ------ - - yo



L H O , - T H i r R S B A Y - M O R N ]

Is Doing''................ . ‘

01S a7 iag Gaa a t H o m e cii

All fuel experts know th a t a fire bcv- ^ era! feet below thc boUer shell wUl give ^ much better r ^ l l s tban a tira^cloK un - . , dcr thc shell. This fact inducecl a homo !; owner to t iy -o u t th fl-idea: of . tbtf^heat- jyi ialCDiifie£_fln-R_KM_Btov.«..M.8bo.OT..in_ •* tho illustration. I t consists of a strip of ordinary-black-gtoyeoiTWi i r m ' nhnut, 3 ' iO/ -widf) and a-couplc o f inchea longer Tl Uiiiu three tiroes the d iam eter gf th ^ h o le in (be grate, whidi will bo about 20 in. io mosi eases. The ends aro fastened Uy d ' gethcr w ith-rivets o r Bmall stovo bolts I> and sevcnJ notches are cu t in one edge. This ring is pbecd over tbe ga»-bum er th holes; with the notched'aiil«-\ipr-and th e « cooking vessel is placed on lop of tho I t i-inir. A llpbliv ^^^ n ^ h hrj^^Luejy^ 'v - ^ f t - Jfl

' ene T to cn

' / y ^ crSTO V E / / co^:^::iOiDOo\ taPIPE IRON y , ^NOTCHEO" L o l ^

I------------------v ^ > ^ C O M P l X T E D --------


’ ' ' ' ' J c »‘ l \

I■ ol thc notclics will lig/it thc gas w2ica thc-

(nii is opened. The une of such a ring conccnlrulcs the heat tinder the vessel (U

! nnd conKQUcntly reduces the conaiimi>- wi ! tion of gas. s^ • • • rii ; ^W ell-eeasoncil wood ocncs exccllcntly _ L for-radiO'panels,-in-Uio-al)ecnee-of-more ~

suitable material, if thorouglily driori.

‘ I f l E A L E S T A T E T R A N S F E R S

L T*nmtnh<w4 hy tha »p«Hn t»«n« mw.4 _ A bstract Oompaoy.

B Tuesday, Ju ly 22.Vt'. D.—J . A. Bcvorcombo to E . J .

• S topken, 11; block B, Twin F alls.! Deed—S heriff to C. L. P ittm an , *15,-

010; part S>^ NE, 20-10-18.Q. C. D.— Twin F alls North S id e In-

. vestm ent company to V illage o f Hollis-- t c r . , t l ; .B ^ .f lW , f in .1 7 , plpe-llaee-and- - . righ ts o f way therefor.1 W .-'D .—‘nollU fcr W htcrw ork^ com­

pany to village of H ollister, <1 ; 8 %, 8 K, 1-13-lfl nnd nil equipm ent connected 1 w ith waterworks system.

Q. .C. D.—0. W. T riggs to M. N.. Knudson, }1000; NW KB, 10-13-lfl. n W. D.— R. F. Redmon to Tw in Falls1 2 L(^rn:innm nkTlTTTiTri “

block 129, Twin Falls.W. D.—Gcorgo Wilson to H. F . 'H a r-

_ der. >10: NVi RK, S W HR, n .n .iR _ 1 —

' E D S a j _______________ - -

EDEN—Mlns Gladys Bong camo from tho Albion normal Fridny ovcning aad

spen t Snturdny and Sunday w ith homofolks. ___________ ^ ^ _

® Elloon and Irene Clyde aro horo from- T w in-Fnlls-spending -a - fo w -d a 3rB w ith

frlonds.------ M r. an d Mr* ^ n .- J r—H enry o f T wttt» —

Falls spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs.C. P . Smith,

F o rest W arrington was hero from Jerom o Sunday and spont tho d ay w ith hla daughter, Mr* Leland M axwell.

M. C. MncQulaoy trauaaetcd bualno«« in Twin Fnlls Saturday.

I f yonr property la desirable a a d li advertised in the classified—y ou 'U find your buyer. _____ ______ _ _____ _ . .

n ^ t h a s u p p I y o f U n e e d a 1 B I s o u l t i n t h e p a n t r y

y o u a r e r e a d y f o r a n y f o o d o c c a s i o n . T h e i r c r i s p n e a s ,

Z 3 S 0 d n e a a r a n d e i ) B r i i e a d j r i = = n e s s h a v e w o n t h r m f i r s t p l a c e a s a d a i l y f o o d s t a p l e . K e e p a s u p p l y I d w a j n o a h a n d . - - - - - -

N A T IO N A L B i s a i i r j .C O M P A N T


: N I K r G r J T 3 L Y - 2 4 r 1 9 2 4 —

Ari of l^canond_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q i“ O r i g i n ^T b e a r t ' uf dUmond cu tting dutet 1

from the end of the F ifteen th century, ordrb rm erly dlamotids w ere se t in tiiulr Inco a tu n il .'•s ta te , a f te r having been tocleaned, o r clso wcro c u t ' In a very aftt ru d e -a n d Imperfect m anner. But lo1S40 a young gcntleroun of Bruges. Io<!

T -naroed-Irfo lii-ven—B efgbeair-by -rw *^biDg -a couple of. diam onds togetber, col o b i ^ e d U iit- th ey iittr lK ^ und pol- ^

■ iiffed th e tr Burfacea reclprocnlly.' und.' cro■ th n t nhoT B rtlfld irt-faeela-thn»-fonn«d. jcH- acquired - nn g x trao rdh ia rj:- splendor.- J i a

ThlSu ObacrYatfon ..■wna tlio s ta rtlog; po in t o f th e diamond cy ttlug and pol- ths

Ishlng Industry, which wos, nlmost e i - coiclualvely localised In Amsterdam. U)« ID etro it News rem atka. a-. ‘

I t is recorded tlm t Dergbem made tb itho first trlo l o f his Improved modp o( wac a ttin g In 1576 on th ree largo ' rouith thi■tooca w hich were confided to bis cai]^ pm

" d y . ' The n ew ' Industry wns g rea tly ' fd t encotm iged by C o ^ ln a l U azarln , wbo bei cnuaed tho diamonds In tbo Fren'ch In crow n to be recut. whence th ey oh- mo ta ined th e name o f, th e twelvo Max- uoi arlDS._________________________________ w r

_______________ Ne------- ■— L u c k -T h a t-C h a n g ^ d --------- —

A n Insurance agent found a 'q o a rte t on hla doorsiep, -iilg w ife picked upha lf a dollar and h is daugh ter m shed 1In unnounclng the discuvery of a dime, aoiiAt supper their to a s t-w as "May our Exgood luck condnue," and then tbo w ifa th e r fonnd tbnt. owing to a hole In «b ihla pockct, he bad lost about a dollar, m—London Tlt-Blls. ■ Kn

-------------------—— . oexS a cred Staircase An

T he Scnla' Santa, or tho staircase by tro which Christ went op Into P llo te 'fhouse. Is preserved lo a chapel oear 1tlie L ateran, Rome. Its 28 marble w s tep s are aaccndcd by devout, visitorson th e ir knoAS. ^

G o t a R id e A n y w a y**A man got h lsself some loaded

dice." aaid Uncle Eben, “ 'specdn’ to win hlsself a plush-llocd flivver, 'stld o’ which be got nuQln’ but a ono-woy ride In de ambulance.” pia.

I — ■ ------------- I ............. - I— I ii

I z ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

V '^ H B j b ^ W i n s i C O M F


r .

l ~ - - - - - - - - - F r o m L o s i

^ t o B a n

___ -• • • Swift’s P r^ iu m Bratation for laniform goc

“ standing. It haa behii0 thirty years of leaders- — - - - - - - - c u r i n g - a n d s m t ^ d n g . —

I* As early as 1889, Sw^ - - - - - - p r o d t i c t s — h a d — r e c e t v e d -' at international expositi

four medals awarded at ' sition of 1 ^ 9 was for I, meats, and anojther w a

Brand Pure Lard.

1 Premium Hams a: acknowledged the best better today. Laboratorystea'dy experiments, me

___— ^tion. antLpainstakingbetter meat with unfailii

Premium Hams are and delicious w h ^ e r p Angeles, in Bangor, or i

The pre-eminent po Premium Hams and of the development ot th try—to which Swift Bf O

_ _ ' t r i b u t e c j l n o s m a l l p a r t i n' t a b l e “ o f t h e m i f l i o n s

B e t t e r M e a t "

This 8ervic6ls"yerf( from all sources average of 4 cent per pound.

................. —

S w i f t & C o i

l T T ~ g

__ ___ _____ __ A

Odd W a f e e t a T t 6 y

W hen the m ateria l which ai bin) o rd inarily uses fo r bulldlDg ita oest la ' lack ing i t .-will ad ap t aby th los handy to l u purpose, w ith re so lu th a t a re aometimcfl distinctly odd. Boom years ago a telephone subscriber a t Simla. In d ia .,d o g ln g tip for a required num*JuiT.-gfla. nriHWPrptl tro m ^fo u r differ-____co t ofDcM at ooce. * ■

W hat bad happened waa th is : a mc ro w T ia d 'bunt ita i i e a f a r th e 'c e n tra l .....

_o(Hce. w here- four wires PonTerged, J in d —u»ed-tH e~ ^ P plogB'^fltu<I^Ha-ftf ~ w ire fo r„ lJ ic l> u rp p ^ .. wUfe jh e . r e s u l t . th a M t estab llshcd 'com pi^te electrical comrounlcatloo between ail fo u r lines.

E qually odd wus tho perf<)rmance of a; corm orant. I t mny ho rcm en ibere^ ' th a t som e years ago EL S. S y b llle '’ waa w recked off Lam bert’s boy on th e 'so u th w e s t c0ast* '0f Africa. A party o f ship’s ofllfcrs w ent to vlalt

fW nd'C init in UIO iq P o u t on tn e ffaat- head u cunnorunt bad built a nest In w hich wero five eggs. Tho nest w as 1 mado o f odds und ends of steel w ire und ro p e from tho rigging o t the wreck, and wns lined w ltb 'seaw eed.Neat n o d eggs wero taken, and aro now lo n museum.________ .

Invention of 6oap.I t Is no t known wbo Unit invented

soiap. I t s use Is of grei\t antiquity . E xcava to rs of Pompeii dlacovered a w a p factory. Snap ivns used In Itu ly ' and S p a in In th c I2lgh(?i cen tu ry ; la F rance In the Tw elfth century, and In B ngland In tho Fourteen 'h or F ifteen th oentury. Soapmnkers orrlved In tho ^ A m erican colonics on (ho accond alilp frem England to Janiestowo lo 1008.

Tho Nows Is read b r te e p en n asea t earn ing elaaea.

CHIOKEN DXNNBBS.O pening of tbe Chantielcer, 1% miles

north o f th e W aahlagtoa sehooi od B )do Lakes boolovard. Chicken dlaners sorved country style. Special atten* tlon g ivon to Innchoont, afternoon and ovoning parties. Rosorvatlona made in ' advance. Mrs. D ickey and M iss P ip pin. Pbone 615 'B ll.—sd r.

' ■

i ? U M \ --------------------------

D M P A N Y y jf il^ ™ | j ^on-MBuM/

■ i r ^ ■ - _____ 9

s Angeles ._____-i n g o r - -- - - - - - - - - - - - —

Brand, with its repu- - ■goodness, is of long ehind it more than lership in scientific

Swift & Company’s»ed—highest—awards------- ---------ffiitions. One of the 1 at the Paris Expo- ir Premium smoked was for "Silverleaf".............. ^

I and Bacon werelest then . They are ---- -loiycontrcl, constant, more careful selec- -Lcata_as3ura^you of __mling regularity.

are uniformly mild !T purchased in Los >r in Miami. fl

position of Swift’s * a Bacon is indicative 1 f the packing indus- 1 Company has con-

t in can^ ing.to.th iL ^----- -— r1 "More Meat and

srformed at a pfofit — aging only a f r a c ^ ’ ,

C o m p a n y

Page 3: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

* ...—

'■‘f "W CT w w I ■ y W S « lN 6 - i ^V^. « « H E V,

a OUT O F H W \a c o u t f t tA ^ 's H o » « t Ij X K j > \X ~ w t u , v e v

^ V gK O M E fc WOftM » \S

I N e i s s i i i i_______ ' ' |c ro

Legal Separation Is P o ssib le 14* Witliin Five M inutes a t C ost

o f $ 1 .5 0 Under N e w -fie c re e . " i__ • , i;riMOHCOW. .T.'li- L*:i (/P)—Sovu't Rum. | ' ’' ‘

sill (iffcrs fiir tii'Ti- ;iilviiiitiii:<''' lo p t 'r - ' ‘ »niiK ('(iMy iiii/l ii(ii<'V ilivorn*''♦ liiiii I'l’rliiiim nnv iitbi'r jilnfe' in Ihn ii-.irM. • ' . ■

r t i . l - T ........VV ................I .livorr.- r a nliii'l witliin f i 'c tiiimiti'H :it :» rost. of ?l.no, iirn''ic!<‘d Vi>tli itiirlii'i UL'rcc tn tlic ilisHnliilinti o f 1fi<? mnrriiiRC tics. I f , I'lnvovcr. cun- of Ihi' inirlii'.i DlijcrtH In

___ (liH^dliiticiM, till- riini' mimt Im rcfc;rrorl® l!n‘ loiirtM, uhii-li will ili'cidi’ the qm-s-,} _ •

tioii o t^ tH m.Tits. _Mlsi’oii(liii-l, (ini-M nnt ponntUiitp a v.tV

i() n-iisiin fnr Ilin niiniiliiicnt o f m arita l j tii'H. b u t ili'sprlioti. ri'licinnn mitii'riiti- ticiii, 4• Xri'Kiivi' ri-liiTiniiH p ir ty . i^noiii- imt:il>U5ty of fnm im nitiiehnin ll'rtU ci t*-

____-c iitu . iiL -p o liticaU v k w a-n reJid iL iQ -V”m iffirinnt Pinmo^. No Rm sinn tnuv oh- tniii II ilivorrn nml rem nrry morn than thnip times w ithin n ypnh •

iHTorce E a to Jum ps jTn connrciiienfn o f tFio kovSpI r iv i l

rode! covrrintr_jlnm pst}<! ro U lio n n . cH- v o r rT r i 'n T iir i f lo M O w d lo t r i f t inrrcfifiotl

m W fc ir tv f lvn p e r c e n t J ii r ii it t t l i f ■ i »ix m<int!m o f 102* nn cumoHrnrt HIL’S . J i i i iin n j' c n fj^ ^ th o n iip l^r.'in ts f o r j ' iliv tirci'd wnrn_ m n rrio d o n ly f ro m tli ro c , tlnyn to lliroc m onthH. I n o th e r <-a!iRn fouiilc ii ilivorcpcl hiiil h n rn m n rr ic d fro m fo u r to fo rty y c n r" . K cli^Jn” " fm prrH ti- tin n w n« nufl o f Ihn m o st f r e q u e n t m h«-

* I'K I 'iv rn In n p p lie n tio n fo r illv o rre .Thp rune with wiilch a d h o r rc eiiii

iin”lTn<l uniTer'thn'ljoUhovlk'^j'eciTnr rD n- •— trasts ctrikincly with tho difflcnltic-*

-----------v T itr ) i-h t»«c t-thoi»fr-^vhft-*ougU t-acpn r n i . ^tlo n d iir ln c t h f M artfil iln y s w h o n «t5- v o rro WUR almfiRt JmTioMlhle on neenun?

^ of the opprmitlon n f the chureh and- th e ^ •(•vnritv of thp impnrlnl statute*.

In tho-ift ilnyn it r 'q itirod from three ' to six yeiiM to oecurc. the nnhiilm ent of n marritiRn. ‘ .

CASTLEFORD »"______ nfl

CARTI/KFOUl)—On Mondny evenlnf: wc---------- nnd t ca gliprg p f Ihn M e th o y ta i

dist Snnchiy !«eliooT met n t the home of noMrs. J . .1.' n iirk . Arrnncc-mentH wer.^ injluiide for :i li.iski't pirnie for the Sun- ^ lilay Bchflol whirh -will lie held -On F ri- noiilav, AucukI 1. The parent* tOKPthor .In

— ^ t h -the children n re - to m Ael-nt tho DsBphnolhoiisc- n t ten oVlopk F r lay morn- hoini; and ko l>y auto to the jjrovo o f F . Pe T. I’nri-'Ii <'aRi of RuM whi-re the p lrnic Ia lo be linhl.

; ---------- T,Tr«:'I/<’«tnr l*ark rr o f nn rl is-tipen.l pnIng n few tlnys witli her pnrcnt-^, M r. Snnnd Mrs. D. T. W elty. Ri

PreO Lilly ••n"l “ f Caldwell o ihnvo returned to '^their home n fte i I?|

— ——*ppndinr-it-^«'W— dayn—.KiU4.'_.reluliTt.i .{Jhere. Mr. I<i1ly i-* <'iiiiiipcted w ith th e l,n

- - Ttlnlin Reed Coiuii’anv a t th a t iilnee. and kvhai ju st niadi- an inspnrtton to u r o f ru KiUtlirrn Idaljii aud '-r.-porl» rondition«_ «,•be tte r on the Twin F uIIh tra e t th an M

• anv plncc he has been. hi. ' Mr. and Mrs. John 01nn?lers nn.l. or

dain-ht'T«‘ w.T.' Twin Fall« v is ito r.JVj..l.ies<lay, W

M art MillcT of Cnstlnfor.l, Je-<-* Ka<t- ffin;in nud .1. H. H a rk e ro f Buhl le ft Mo». vidny eveniiiir fnr Idaho Fall* to a tte n d ViTiieotinRK of tho w ncr'iiscM o f ioiith- fo

- , - pfti- 111IIho. . - ___ i _____-------- — • ftl................Theodore CnnBol rtrrive.l her** Tiies- ^

dav from Mnunlaln Home nnd will re '' main for n few dnya. • Rf

- - - -Tfao-F.pworHT-L«-a»Ui‘ will glv.' i^ j.ro - it;---- jjfn irriif »tuuts on WVdtmdny even in i.

Ju ly 2 1 'it the hifjh school, am iitorium .0 f. One (if the fi'atui'es o f 'th ls 'e n tP r tn ln - cn

^ m<*nf will be n ono ac t comedy, " W h e nShakesiiear Struck; the Tow n.” Tho object of thi* prpgf^ani is to rnisn fimds tn pay the loan Vlilrh wan mnde for W Ihem to make th e ir tr ip to B eaver Dnm.

Till- Ki'ven riKim hoime which W alter : nuHNcll |.i3fPliaiPd-rmrt“ l^'Tno-ring from = ^ a ranch eight nillen beyond Uogernoa “

l o hia ulnee weat o f Cjintleford, poflspd' through here m 'sJay. Thlil lm niT lng 'w ni! dU-ided inlo two nertiouH and ha* taken

' tt m o n th '8 timo to m ove._ »D Tuesday the m nrringe of . \ tiii

1 . 1 ---- H 'r le rT C lw i-lo ^ 'llu llc C lu s te r .to a k -p la s it _in Twin Pall*. Both th e bride and '

♦ •___________________________ ,

^ F j a j E S - P A l I C Y N E W S ,

i \N A i.n e > > C O U P lt M S t J 2 S ? 5 V # M 9 6 T W K T H I S i m

fcKb MAKE M t B WB J S ? £ T € W 6 D - V M N o t I w

^ •/^ ;v V

KIMBKKLY—Mrs. Mruco »C(iun and oil N. \V. Swearingen oiitertained their Suitilny iichoul clatincs u t ii luwn party sh at tho huiiKi of Mrs. (7nrrio Chniiin on jt< I'Vidny cvtiiing. A ftor tho ganies Ice to

^crenm and cako nud candy wcro servuil ph 'to the littky fo lkw. ThoBo .n ttend^g n ' wero LucilTiTi>enham, "MurjHriu UnwRon,' "Rii liilah VVilKon, Dorothy liequn, Maxine ru .Meiidnr, Wilinn l.nm bing, Ituth Arlene >'0 Wilsdii, Helen Turner, Shirley Mendor. ICriieHt muelsniitli, Irv in Kioun, Diinaid I'l'

, Clmpin, Fore.st Jonen aud Kadciu Jonen.! Mra. Floronco W right returned to her home in Kimberly u fto r a two weeks’ vacation a t I’ortlnnd, Ore. Mrs. Wright

■ also ' attended tho nurdory m en's rnii- . vontion whilo awny. |n

.Mr. and >frs. Chnrk-K Underwood and Mnughtcr of Twin Fnlla visited Sunday J’f afternoon with hin brother and- wifi!, ***•' Mr. nnd Mrs. F red Underwood of Kim- i**'hcrly. ___ CO

j Mrs.“ H. Picrcp of~H aniiV n'returned *•'’ [Friday from Goldoii Dale, Wash., where ;flhc haa—b ccn -v iH ttirg tho p.iHt"foirr' weokfl. ' I'l"

Mr. and M rs. O. 0 . Zuek and family, who havo npcnt tho jiuHt year nt Ln-

♦Ttnrk7-!»^Ull-^rLH._;ZucTrH~rinntiv.,-ii7_, arrived in K im berly Sunduy, comingovcrln7id“ rln-Y ellow Btouo"iiarkr“ Tiri;y------will viHlt indefin ite ly w llh thoir nona w<M erritt and Leslio nnd also nttond bu«i- nlinesn m atters whilo heroT nn

Ed Cnrpuntor und son Harold of San- M tn Puula, OnJ.^and Mr. nnd Mrs, Edgar Wil/ion woro dmDcr guosis Sunday a t

[tho home,of M r. und Mrs. A. J . Wilnon,. t»

spent tho week ond in Kimborly a t the hpmo of'M ildred^ nnd M yrtlo Blh-ers. *’*

Tho Young Mo'thers club of tho Moth- odist Episcopal church wero entertained Frida>^ evening tho homo of Mrs.J. n . H aggardt a n d 'a splendid program was given w ith Mrs. C. II. Upton as leader. A num ber of out-of-town guests.«lcf°-Dri'J'P.»t.an:U>LJh(L_dQau_oi^liu. Ji!evoning da in ty riifrcshments wero served by tho hostcaa. In--l>r.-aint:ilr*r-jr:l{n-liflzlicailirtlau«li-; —te r M argaret roturned Sunday from a two wooka’ ou ting in tho Sawtooth , mountaina. H'

Mr. nnd Mra. W. F.*Brcckon le ft K im ­berly Mondny m orning fo r n week's camping trijj among tho pines. ., Thu i:. L. H. club m et on Wednesday afternoon a t tho home of Mra. J . Tussey with 17' members prcaunt, during the aflernooa of social conversation, plaua wero perfected by tho Indies to enter-

, .^ in _ th o mem.bcra .o r thn .L a d i^ ! T»m- ° neor elub on th e ir next regular meet- ing d.ay, A ugust H , a t tlie homo of ^rrs. Z«a Jones. Jfrs. Tussy was pre- sontod w ith a g if t ia honor of her b ir th ­day, this boing the custom of tho club. D ainty refreshm onts were served by the hostess, assistod by her daughter, Miss ^ Poiirl. In

.\lrs. W. ir. D wight of Twin Falls nnd **’ .Mrs. M artin o f Orland, Cal., nccom- “ pftTiied M rs .-A .’ J ;-W llso n - to -Jeromo; - Saturday to a 1 o ’clock bridge party given in honor o f Mrs. Carl B. Iloag o i Orlnnd. Cnl., a t the home of M rs. A' Rl L. Reed. Twenty-fivo Indies vfrK

1 .prjiuout-and..aftup..fo»r-Rnmw of canW « ' had been played a delicious two eourso P' Ljon-Chiian-iraa servL-il t>y tli^ 0(

guest o f honor a t thi.s time being pro- sented w ilh a unique bud vase, while ^

I Mrs. Ilnli received a sim ilar vase fo r ~ high score, and Mrs. A. J . Wilson hou-

. or for second high score.I Mrs. ^^ary C. Ila rd in . tnother of John

W. Hiirdin arrived in Kimberly Fridav from Califeimi.-i, where she lins been

• viHiting tho pnst two weeks. She will vmit relatives here fo r two weeka lio-

- foro returnirfg to her homo In SnrluL- f t c l d , - l l l . ------ , i - **

groom nre-w<>|l^nowii lo th is rnnt^nun'. ity . M rs. C-h.«t..r nml her parents hnve ; Trsidcd r i f l ln - Jlol.lT^ hniii'T 'rnr fioiii.i . time, nn-1 Mr. ClnstiT was. One.uf the . enrly settlerH of th.'" we.<t,"en'.l,‘ They I will mak.' their home oa Mr. C luster’i « rnnch southwest n f town.4 -' ------r JOo—aATU BD A Y APTBSNOON—lOC

Our dolieioua ieo cream sodua. Horbat & Rnmbo.—ndF.

: — l A p r i c o t e I‘ B i t a ad 7 «110T , t f i f t« caa.

Ono mUe oM t, h a lf mU* te e th e f 1 roondxy.li ---------I ----------PHOWB C 4gH 3\ •

s; TWIN FALLS; id Ahc

r s G U M P S — Af A a: e

' t w e ^ ovmH -

« ONTf 0 ^ VT i'W W t VJ'CV S o

CM V fscH J

----------H aa AncientLEIavQ T______At the Coffee club Frlthiy, ninong i

other w itty Jokc.H. (liln ono was to lil: i "The nid iler nnd the nnelior o f a i

ship en tered . Into n dlmitito over tho iHsuu of whieh wns th e iijost Inipnrtniit to the vessel. Kneli felt tlinl It oeeti- pled thiH pro-L-tnliicDl plncc. But n fte r n time tbe anchor grew tired of ilie nr- '

■ gum eriirrim ' I th e lfo iil "nlid fold" tlK i" '^* rudil.T tlint "yjiu ean, now go wlieris you dern jilensc-." i

The president o f tb e club tried r» !*''' prove tlm t tblH one eiune fnuu Jm- Mil- ^ ' ler'H JoUo liooli, (iut fullod.—llnuNinn 1‘iist. ,

__________________ ’ ; tu r

M oat A n c ie n t P enTJk.* oWc.ft liJJOUH HTJilfIg UlfllMt (}fi|

In the form of a Iiuiil* styluH for writ- 'j Ing cumdforui hn» lieen dug up nt Kish, the I’rofesHor I.angflon. d irecto r of tbc- cl*- cm Hcnrche.s there, reportH. l ie says th a t thn many sclmlnra liuvc vainly tried to n - tiik construct’ fhe InHlniinent. The Ktylua t e r I.s n trliim ph rtf .^lIupllclty. It Ih a lion.?.' rno kIx Inche.s long, w ltirn trlim gular c ro ss - : by

■M«Uua-uu«l-purt<d-4iiidM— Afl»>r B-tUtla! (hh practice Frofe-ssor I.nngdon w ub u M ejtb li to min;<i cunclfonii InKcrliitlous on clay A with fair rapidity . N o

----- ------ - ■ tliilThe~R adi6~ W o r m ......

— T (n tT c “ T m niic-ticotter-T ti(j-tJonk-- — worm and the bug th n t eats lead Khenthlng off the tolcpbono cnblea wo now m ust add the rndlo-Bet earwig,Mr. n . 15. Adabend In the W ireless ' World (London) rpportn llm t no many 1 cf these hum ble Iris.-ctB hove dollgbted to c'mwl Into the hole la hia telephone ■=

■Jn.^L--ll'nf It hi.B hiii.n nivi.B«nry f n In. ___Bert a wmuil plug In o rd fr to keep thusn o u t Sonic of tbc IniiccU huve been found even Inside Uie cascg of earphones.

T h e R u b“My client." tleelared tbe flrst

Inwycr, ’'Is w illing to do tho rightthing." _ ____________ _____

"S7> In niTn^"~s5Tn tKe uccond Inwycr.

— ‘‘Ii»- thu t-caac .-m n ttcn i ought to be ___caHy."/'

“I don’t know. T he next quea- tlon la, W hat l.t the righ t thing?"

‘‘W c lir ’“And I fear It will tiilTc~«‘Iong"lnw^ —

BUlt lo settlo thnt."

I d e n t if y in g H imBllnka—\V5int kind o f n m m !■

Loudly?Jlnkn—T he kind of • bird who has

made n fnlliire of hia own bunliicfui Dut kiiowH uow nc'ctftnc mnUc n hnwl- — Ing success of everybody cIbc'b.

M a k in g th e T ra iUAb n trull-tnnker. the Appalachian

Mountnin club of MnaBacbnBctln Is a plnneer, snys N ntnro Mngnzlnc. Dur<i ing r> yenrs It has put through several bnndred mllea o f tra il Lq tb e W h llt Bountnlruk —

t'tfM i 1 r tp to A u a tra ltaThe (Irst autlK 'ntlcnted voynge to

Australln wns mnde hy tbe D utch In lOOn, It Is believed, however, thnt the

r country—^vaa-A'JaUuiJ__b^'. _the French . _, prior to th is dnte. ihnngli thpre a re no

octunl records. The llrst Impo rtan t _ eiplornlToiiB were m ade by Captain Co<ik. wbo Tlslted tbe country In 1770.

I USp OURlBREADE w y a - c<mpon ~ -a V -

'ta c h o d ; 10 o f tlieM coopM u-asd :69o-«BtlUM y o o - le - th * px«tti«M

> AI.L BlIBBBB APBONYon ever t n . Bm oor iriad o v .

; VARNEY*‘The Livo .Candy Man”


m S J l» S l l8 M A .-P ll8 l llL l5 P - ^

B O , T H U R S D A Y M O R M ]

E I T V n W n I W o J^.

- ' ' / t w cwwii \s CMawi/ ■SMvpvve'S v o f t tk r o v f t s

, \ H o v e " T M e i w t e \ _ \ j c■Mem w - w i t w ,

COU9V.6 ov l«>N«OW S T

I ' f* B U ST M ’« t U V t -----------------V o ^ - H o s v - ^ m . M --------------

h w m

^ O l N G - A W A Y - W h T H -----------T E D IU M O F T R A V E L iio

beiT h e iihruM- "ilie Udliitu of trav e l" pn

w ill speeiiily become inciiM liiKk-f^so Ch f a r an :.iiig-tllshinw! railway Jouriieya tin uro conceri'-.'d. If m her cmiipaiile.s fol- po] ■iow (be leail o f the l.iniilitii <*« Nor'Ii* hll

- x u K tc r a . u n d -.ru n -.‘.U;lmimu-.couclu-ii.:!__ ,„itmyti L<iiiiloii 'I’li-UiiH, : fi|.|

lixiHTliiient.s re.i'Mlly eari'led out on ' Injloiig-dlntaiiee tra in s proved cuiirhislvc^ Inly th a t even on ii 'uIuh tnivelliig nt e.x- 1 ku; jirexH Kpeeil IIIiiih .•an Ih* nln.vvn wltb me re.fults ns gixnl us In a l' i-class plo- pa tu re theiiiiT. True, a fe '. d lllleiiliiea In from .isi-illailnn nn<l m . on hnd .In lio hu overcome, but ilie-M-' have now hecij dfiiK .wIlIi Mtn'i-essrulfy.

T h e oiim'li um-iI as rnlhvny tllm-fbeiiter by th e I...... Noiibeii!-t-c m wiLs noi liperially coimtruetcd for th n t liiirpi'^e. A .•.mcli In MKmige wns |„j tnkcn OUI. (Ilsmuntli-il, relltled. Hhiit- ).■, te red uml .'(itiliiiicil with opiTntor'H Mom and sav .'ii." ' I’on-er wiis Muiiplled ,|„ by Ibe tra in 's eli'i-irli-llghlliig Hyslem nnd- thp -niidirtirliim -wuK—se iiteU 'ro r fmth ir ty peoiil,..

All clnem n-thenter rpgulntlonn hnvo j„]N 'cn slrleily i.li.s.Tved In the constriic- ju i

“tn«b o t tills n illw iy picturo bouse. yjj■ an

F ro m C o tf~ t^ S k i'sT b e worlil’H hl^hc.st nerlnl cablc

railroad, at Cliiimon\x. I'reiieti Ali>». rnrrlea the'nport-lovlng public from u ca in m e of golf In the morning to a aUllng vh pg y y ^tn tbo afternoon. ^

L O J^_____ ^ a t e s t - c e l (

- ^ = ^ - = e ^

_ Longv]a n d t h e O p e a a i i

■^S^O U 'V E heard of old cidi ][ cclcbrating itT firsfb irth c ^ ^ c r d c r j u l y 3 1 . A u u u sc i;

arc to bc cratntncd full or unuau The cclcbration will open

try — the great fir lumber manu will be worth a trip to w h a t tl the Columbia R iv tr lulf w iy betfl the Pjcific Ocean.

A year ago Longview was dcdicatc of a city with the formal opening of building—the beautiful Hotel Montia the transformation has been little i

---N o t Iona aRo thc-Bite of-Longvi«wbroad valley.

Here are lome of tbe things you attend the birthday cclcbration:

Population y.ooo; paved itreeu, ftcweri; water iy»tetn; man? permantn

- — ~ — thfeft-tpodein. hotirli;..dailif.,,newipaiplant with an uitimate capacity of j 6, than 700 tnodem home* and tnany oti tion; a i.;on?mmiity-Hou»e.-equi{y— pcd with gymnaduffl, iwiismtng pool, auditorium, etc.; modem

, street lljhting system; parks, boule^iirds; golf course, athletic field, tennis courts; a cotcplete municipal goremroent; suburban garden lands; modem schools, places for rtlldous worship and trs te rna l (fathering*;—in a ll, you will find in Longview evtry f aciUty found io any otber a r c ' fuUjt pianned. typically Ameriain d ty to rnaW comfotu ble aad

------ — ttijoyaUe,............................... ..............But Loofriew baa other attnC '

Jym dttenS WAflt---------— you to * » and«Joyf«p«l* lly I f -

you m a butiness tn«n looking {tx a pxia'locadoo, or x person scds- log «o tio l-p h e c -in whicb to- n a is your bom^ or ooe keUng an ■tthcdf* inmtiiKnt.

M w m ln a r o ^ h s r w

L O M Q y i


v T IN G , J U L Y 2 4 , 1 9 2 4 .

^ ^ V JO R tl)

— ^ o h M -i fVCCOU - 6 0 \N<» TO e t \

( f b------------- M u m m y ~ « f -ln c « -C h l« f .-------------- 1----- -

A m u m m y , iie r fe r t ly p resiT ve il. he- | ^ lleved lo h e th n t o f nn Inen e h lo f. h ns j .j, been iin P iir th e d frm n a lilll In (he \ .pp, p riiv liice Ilf S a l ta . A r;-en ilna , n e a r tlip .i C hllonn jm r i t lT .-A tivPtttKtiuinlier o f a r- | jjjj, t ls tlc rn rv ln g s nnd n r t o h je e ts o f s to n e . • ^ Pdjiper. <‘iir th e n w iire a n d onyx w ere i h u r led w ith It. T h e m ilU, te e ib nnd i j

■-riiioHl - o f —il i p - l x d r - iir» -p e rf* ip ||y -p r< v .• flerveil, a s n re th e v lin l or^iinw, iiecord- Inc to r e p iir is , • w li 'eh w nuhl lin l lc a te ___; n m e tb o il Ilf em iia lriiliig th a t m a y lie

KUperinr i '\ 'e n l(i th e K t:.v|iilan. T h e [_ melhiMlH used to iin l le ih e dllT eri'n l p a r ts o f Ihe lin p lo tn en is , a l^o round In th o to m b , su g u e s i hah^llw nrk hIiiiI* v In r tn tb a t n f tin* l'u'y[iiliinH, c rv

— ia rlSom e C om eback , 'h e

L e n n a rd Hm'cui, w hn w as i.iie o f th e *^7 ' he st-k m iw n ilieiiln;;iiiii.H 111 N,>w I'lig- ' hm d ll h a lf r c i i d i ry a iin . w as n t le n d - ’ Ing n eiinferenv,i- In m ie o f th i- N ew -j' i:rii:lniiil e iile s . a m i Home U K sertlons [)j„h u - m u d u —iu _Ikliu uildriuiK -w u rti—vwhc*- ___n i.'iilly ohjei-ti-il Ml hy u m e m b er o fth e <»ppq .sltlnn. " W h y." he e x p o s fu - ___tilled . "I n e v e r l ie a n l n f Hiieli ii th in g l i i 'a l l iny l l f e l " "M r. M o d e ra to r ." ri*- ^ Jnliicil B a co n , -ca lm ly , " I c a n n o t n llow —

uuy— o ppuncuL u— tgnuruD co,— h o w av sc - -2iud v a s t, to 'ufTiict m y k n o w le d g e , h o w e v e r V sm a ll.” o th

-----------------—---------- -------------- ^ ------------'- f iV o lc a n o e a in O c e a n f^ii

M o u n ta in s u n d e r th e o cean In vo l­c an ic c ru p tl iii i h a v e som etlm ea (yiusod v io le n t t r e m o rs to p n ss th ro u g h sh ip s tnivcllt^K n c a rb iu

NG VIEW '; l e h r a t i o n ! v j ! ^ [ 3 t

^j^^ o u W D d c m s m view’s First Birtb ain of the leat Ior -B(

citiea celebrating their centennnU, bu t did ifiKdiy anmvereary! That'a w hat Lonjm'p t l i a W i -3rand-tbft-whole-Pacifi&4 >Jofthw« luaual program, and plans arc made to e n t ^ pen w ith d ie starting of the machinery in L lanufacturing p b n ts of The Long-Bell Lumb< a t the newspaper# call “the miracle city,” oi betu-een P o rtund and Consider these essentials

— Transportation by ti iicated as th e beginning highway. —g o f i u first pretentious — AccessibW markets, dt m ti a lb . Since th a t day — Bipertly plinned lodi tl* short o f marvelous. — Raw materials, icw was nothing b u t a F ueland p a w d . .

— Labor.you will sec when you — Unexcelled climate.

— A modem cctnratmftj e u , concretc sidewalks; — Populous contiguous i lantnt buiinew buildinRi; — Scenic environs.

.F o |« ;_____ AU)f j6,ooo k ilow ittj; more aie to be found m Longrii .y others under conitruc- bnd and property values

r , =— ^n r c|K F o u r D a j» of P lea fu rB a n d P ro fit

■m r n T IE bimlDest ni*Q sn<< tuwiii-

s. tb* MW city’s cuhU. ([TCid A SMdsl ctUbrftlUia vill mmrk U 'I LoQC-It«tl mill npmlnc. 'Fbs p raulni |ta ' of * huttoo »ni »t»rt th» tr»eliln«fy. i,,,

y O thfr •r»nU .lurto* Ilia iuur U*ri !“ e- IncluJ*: ™ in W»lCT faK-i <m th« ColumbUIUrsr: Paj

nrsw orks nii[it&]n; k r _________^dCoocrU;

a t I] A ^eU c C o a te s i s ; ......................................_

^ II Dili/ Soedkjr «{tl pn«eh monlac. ^» H and ftltarsooa awaocs eudsjr, Jiu- tbff,, U cuMl. -^ I 8a « d B 4a d e e M .r t a » ia r . ' g

H 11 I r a n i i I«

f W M iii> i .iM a » > s > ,s i ia iw

M E W i y i ^ S H n

y 31, August 1, 2 n<

T h r o t : . . -

\ .V T T V r • . \M M M « e c v - \ \

N NOUL^ C O 1 M O F Q O O T > -

-------- rb AWt> ■^>ON”t

- ............. Vt O U N T - VM H O Xi t s a t

T ^ i lP f L r ^ \ \ HAWt A.tV TU -t

t A \R VMbJ z -------

W , e w i r ^ - /

j— A ~ V e rsion O ften F oUotoed-------------j Asked by her Stmilay hpIiohI tem-her - I to give the BIhle verse fur tha t ilny'a i lesson, u lltlle western girl replied:' “Go ye Into all the world und aprcad ! Ibe gossip to a ll the people."—Boatca , T ra n sc r ip tt _______

I f vour property la denlroblo and la advortlHi’d Innho elaMlflcd—ycni'l'-fJnd— — your bm-er.


WnrraiilN of the American F alls rca- ervoir distric;t, numbers :iOl to 3<>0, both iacluHive, will bo pnld if presented a t Ihe office of tho diatric t un Ju ly 20, lf2 l.

In terest on theso w arran ta ccnacs J u ly JH, 1!)24.

W. H. aPENOB,T reasurer American .F alls Ileservolr *

D istrict.

P U iE-------------A ccordlHB-to-W ebat«.------------------------

Uti.lefiled, clean, unadulterated , real —th a t describca our ice cream , fullynn .l pptfgetly._______________________________ _

Why -. l o t . your - children bavo- a n y ............o thorf’“ He>vO(rin"ftiry“ BlyIo~and“aoia‘ n h * “ foim tsln nt .'iO ccnts a quart.

H ERBST & KAMBc/»- Our New Store

N ext W oolw orth’s.—*dv.

r , g

I l ' v r V l l v I ' x ' ■ w x A m IT* A ^----------------0 — j-------------------------------------------

m r

h d ^-Bell Fir Mill

did you ever hear of a dty [mwr^Waahington, is going .Siwfit.j*invirrH__Four.days.., -----------------itertain thousands of visitors. ' in Longview’s first big indus' unber Company. T hat alone

on the Washington side of ntisls:jy river, by sea, by rail aad by • ,

Its, dotncstic and foreign.1 lo d u s t^ dlicrices.

■te. ■ ■ •

JOUS territtsry.

ials to a city's growth and progressjngvieVtfrrtC irttd degrte and ^ -------'tlues In this raoidlv «owing-c«a- ^

and Longview would haveyou iavesti^tc for yourislf. ,

You’ve heard of Longview. F«w MW cities have been written and talked about as has this new iadus trial center. Now here' Is vour great oppcrttmity to com* and see U with your own eyes—>« see the starting of one of th* greatest lumber manufacturing p\ints «rtr built—to see a dose-up of the Pacific Northwest's newest c f the larger industries—to see a vigor-Otis, ambitious, confident-young— .................—dry celebcadng iu first birthday.A true Western wtlcoma awaiu yoo. Come rcapand to srcsd tbe entire fbue d*ra. Yoa^l tbe - - tisM 0^ your Ufe and. at the aajM. tljDe. y w may find th* very sj«t

~ OO e a ra you ba\'a long bam look' tog for—the plae* le a a ^ ywt pcnaaDCDt bona.

rf«UUO».t«(^WlMb•fww ta • • m*. *•

i H G T o r i r

md 3 . ^

■ ■ I

Page 4: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

, faite, fonr ... - TWIN


I D I l l i S TIl ■:—

:i^BtUESIGIflRf=■"-------E T i c s S r P i t f e l l o ^ H i F B a ^ ™

Seven Innings of 6 to 2 Bat- ' tie: Whitzel Leads Scoring ™

^ With Double antf Home Runr —

With tlio ndOitlon of Hob WhiUol and Lefty KricHoii lo tho Bluus’ lineup, Twill Fulla huU litUo difficulty in trim- V( miiig OriHWolil’fl Buhl GrnyH Wcdiics- So (lay ovcning on tlio lociil lot by it (icoro of 0 lo !''■

ICricson lioM tlio Huhl, baUmon a t _ hifl inurcy while Wliitzel drovo in tho iiccjod runs on J'nux’ jdtching to cinch ^ the K'"»“ fof CoaRriff’H tcnni.

'the loenl jmrk with Ihihl nud Twin Fnlls rootcrti. ' jji

Kricson dmiippointcd the Jocnl fnns j, \7hon ho walked tlio first man to thO 'jj ' ])lntu nnd n second Inter Fuller drovo out n two-baae hit, Bcoring Bulil’s first run. -A socond h it In tho inning scored lluhl’n second nnd last run. In tli« g,

---------HflCOUd-lnnlnirKriccon-nllowod-ortc-hit,-wnlkod n tnun nud Mullen filled tho q bases when ho fumbled Boston’■

stock foil to a low gi point whon Fuller cntno to tho pluto.

Tlio Orny'fl loft fielder brought tho Duhl fnns to their foot when he sent tho ball high to cuntor field, but n run- .p ning catch by Ostrander snvcd thc Blues from being scorod upon and drew n rewurd'for the Twin Falls gurdnor who was met on tho way into the bench by “ R obblt" Myers, who prcnonted bim with an 18-ineh trout. For tho pj next seven innings Kricson pitched ;io* hit ball, fanning throo monjn tho third j. ] inning and only oee allowig . tho ball to bo batted boyond second uaso. With ^sucjpworlc from tHb “pitching ondTihT Blues found tholr only worry in driv­ing in enough' runs to cinch tho gumo. _

-------- — -lu-tlila .cfttfftcily, WliiticLnliftwfia. hia _value after both Watson nnd Mullon

__ reached base and ^ ff^ tc d a dou- _Wo'stettl”In“ ilic first inning, tho first jj, snckor drovo out a two-baggor, scoring two runo for tho Dlues and bringing

> ' in a third when Scilloy singled.Tbo second inning pa*BoiI dally

enough but in (ho third Wliitre^ onco moro proved his worth. Watson roachod first with A singlo In.this intiing and (f.

fiold fonco drew u gccoii'l reward , for J*, the biuoB ia tho form ot tioh from tho uj Twin Falls angler, Myors, ub liO round- od tho tbitd sack of bis circuit clout, Whitzol wltb this display accounted y, for fivo of tbo locnl scores. Tho sixth countcr cnmo in tho fifth Inning when (q '•IricKon singled, advoneod to second on Watson's sncriflcol imd scorcd on Mul- p, lcn*s sln^K ^

Buhl too_ahareJ.~:uroZflaliy~_TGwnTdB- ror rcm'iTrliiiblU ulilebea-nRtl-liome-runs — when Ed Young found hin foot nnd a ~ half trout iiwulting h ^ after his son- ■ Rational catch of Whitn'l'n drive in thueighth Inning.-------- ------------------------

Doubio pluys livened inatton a t two stages of the game, tho first coming

. in tho first inning when L. Young caught Richardson'(i drivo nt third nti<l caught Scilloy off first with n fnst peg to Kovnn. Tivin Fnlls was rosponniblofor tho UnPfllllt Illlil ll iuniin_ln-tVn inff.pnth inning on 8 impnon*a proumlur which Watsun sent to Mullen, who com­pleted tho piny to Whitzel.

Good sportsmnnnhip prevuilod during


On* Day Only


BLAOEFAOB OOU SDTMusic, Singing, Jokes, B anjo

ftnd NorelUM

ALSO Bnownro


I'M Ccnox U otbort S a v u n so n

- w d -A lic* Lak* •;


H A B B T HWBET OOMEDY r- ig tt» -fT ap r(rff fif~ ig r,cd o t« r

fipeclai On*-B*«l Bobjoct "

A WONDEartJL SH^W • AdffilWoh: 10—UO—90

L :------- -


}rtmgNews [1P A C IFIC "c o a s t L E A G U E " “

At 8 i»lt Luko:- ’ ' B. -lf. E.Onkland _____ :__________ 12 13 1 SSalt L ak o ............................... fl 10 0

. BiittprlM- Boehler aBd Beed? Me- _ ' CiiboJ'Xrulcnhy nu dPotoni, Cook. ' ' '

AfSiin l-'rancioco: - - R. H. E; -Portland _________ __ ........ •! 14 1 olflan Franclseo — — '.,... .11 - IS— 1.. in

B a t t le s : Winters, •Ko'ofo and’Coch* stTnninr8 hbaTnifl~YoHor---- -------------- -- ?>■

--------- ■ - stAt Los AngelcH: R. H. E. I

I Souttlo._........ ----- ------------3 7 .T

Uattorios: Bngby, Stuoland nnd E .' i) Itiililwiii; Crandall and 8 pcncer.. |

' p At Bnrramonto: R. II. ' E. gi

Vernon ............. ..................... fl 12 n'*Sacramento ......... .......» ....... '.'5 13 -I y

I BatterioH: Bliollonbuch nnd D. Mur- | phy; Hall, Thompson and Behoag.

I Itho gnmo on tho part of both Bnhl and d Twin Fnlio fo u . |tl

Next Wrdnrsduy tho_two_tpnmB-play. 5 I at Kuhl. t( Tlio box scoro: I!

nUlIL. AB. R .lI .ro .A .K . si' K. Young, rf ----- ---- 3 1 0 1 0 (I ' t'1 Boston, e f .................. •» 0 0 1 1, 0 w

'[Fuller, If .................. 4 1 1 1 .0 O p: J l . Young, 3 b ............ 4 0 0 -3 U 1JI Cox, 2b ...r................. 4 o 1 1 1 0 E

Showaltor, sfl........ 4 0 0 0 2 0 C' Kovnn, ib ......... ___*3 ~0 i b " 6 ' 0’ C. Faux, p ................ 2 0 0 0 fl fl' W. Faux, 0 ......... .... 1 0 0 1 0 fl' Simpson, c ................ 2 0 0 7 0 1 ®

’ Totals ....................31 2 . 3 24 12 2 ^— 8

TWIN f a l l s . a b . B .ir .PO .A .E . “' ‘ WntBon, 3b ............. 1 2 3 0 2 0 j,‘ Mullon, 2b ................ 3 1 1 2 1 1 c' Whitrol, lb .............. 4 2 2 0 0 0 ],' Scilloy, ss .— ........... 4 0 1 0 2 0 »‘ Richardson, c............. 4 0 0 Ifl 0 1 t' Fix, I f ...................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 „[ Ililos, If ................ . 2 0 1 0 0 0 tl[ Flynn, rf .........r....... 3 0 0 0 0 0 T‘ Ostrniider, c f ............. 2 0 1 2 0 0 nLI2ticson,-p--------------- f l - . l—1 - i—S- 0

Totals ...................27 fl 8 27 7 2 C

'-----•Hnn-foT-BUciHh-foOTttrinnlTrff:------ ti

—Scorn by-iuning»—__ ____- -------- -- BDuhl .............................. 200 000 000—2

Hits .......................... 210 000 000—3 ,' Twin Falls'................ . 30i 010 OOx—6 ,

H i t s --------------------- 202 220 OOx—8 ,Summary: Sacrifice hit*—Watson 2 - J

' Mullon. Stolon base»-E . Young, Cox, , Kevan. Watson, Mullon, Whitrel, Os-

__ trandor. Enrnoil rnnw—Pnlln> ^^hlti-ol 2, Watson,‘Erlcson. Two-baso hits__J-'uIlor, .Whittel. II<.mo -rua—Whittcl. Hliso on balls—Off Erlcson 4; off FauX jj U Struck out—By Erlcson. 17; by Faux p

■ 0. Left on basofr—Twin Falls 2; Buhl‘ 8. Double plays—Twin Fnlla: Watson ], ' to Mullen to Whitzol, and Buhls Young ‘ to Kevan. First baej on error*—BortOB,■ Mnllen. Hit by pltchcr—E. Young,_ FnUT. Wnt«nn______________ ________ j

^ ” pIroB—Hunter a t plnte; Whitr.ol

» ---------- ..______ " ' ^

I TEeTBigg ^dnjhe Hi

Jslfours iCHEAPE

R e a d

3 0 x 3 1 /2 C l i n c h e r , r e g i

3 0 x 3 V ! ) C l i n c h e r , e x t ]

. 3 2 x 3 i / a S t r a i g h t S i d e

3 1 x 4 S t r a i g h t S i d e

3 2 x 4 S t r a i g h t S i d e

3 3 x 4 S t r a i g h t S i d e

3 4 x 4 S t r a i g h t S i d e

3 3 x 4 % S t r a i g h t S i d e

AUBlow-out P atches, 3-inch, '

'■ing outfit, 30c; No. 2 Siz'

M o t iH a l f - G a l l o n C a : l - G a l l o n ' C a n W

M 5 - G a l l o n C a n W1 - P o u n d C a n M (

■ 5 - P o u n d - C a n M l

Headlamp Bulba, Spark ] Piston Bings, Spot Lights,

Boxes, 3nn Visors, Bosch E

J. A . BA


? S , - T W I N F A L L S , I D A H

1 - M T m T i i y i. . . -------- ; Pi

St. Lo is Drops Final Game of oii Series; Giants Again Beat H

■ Reds; Dodgers Win.

8 T. LOUIS,- Jnly 23-0*0—Eight runs- — off/Stuort and Shordel in. tbo firit two

-InHings cost tho .Cardinals tholr foiirtk Ni ,straiglit defeat" "ftt~tlte~lrafTa8“ lii tiio Ui

; series.' ' . 8 t' ' Tho seoro was 8 to C. Cy Wiiliams' Cl ’ homcf In tho first scored-two FhilLicSr Cl I .w’Tiiio'ifbfrerB iioru ilfy^^S^uit Bt' ,tliu third found tho bases empty. I‘l

I F irst gamo: . B. n. E.Philadolphla .................... ..... 8 D 1

•_St. Louia .................. . & 12 2• < Katti-rii'B: Ciirison und Henline; g, ' Btunrt, Shordel nnd Oonr.alea.

, CUBS WIN FBOM BOSTON. y|' I OUICAOO, July 23 (/P)—Chicngo OiI drovo JcflH Rnrnes off tho mound in 8 i

jtho aeootid luuuig and dofentod Uostan, Li• 5 to 2, ill t) fiiiiil gnmi. i,f th n «nrio<

today. Johnny Coonoy, who rcpluced B3rne.s in tho socond inning, pitcliod V

. shut-out ball, lhe locnls gathcrlntt only I) two hits off hia delivery. Kaufiiiunn I) wim hit froi-ly but pitched well iu tho *) pinchoa. •I The acoro: R. H. E.) Boston ................................... 2 11 1} Cliicago ................................... r» ll 03 B n 11 u r i u H : DnnreB7~Co^r6y~'and “1 O'.Vi-il; Kaufniunn and H artnett. PJ1 --------I OIANTS BREAK EVEN W ITH EBDB.- CINCINNATI, 'July 23 </?>)-Now “ York secured an oven break in thc four-

gamo series by winning tho finol con-I- test today, 3 to L McQuillan held tho YI* homo tcnm to throo hlta, tho only run1 coming in on Rixoy’a doubio and two “) long flies in tho sixth round. Threo) straight hits and nn out gave tbo GiantsI two runs in tho first inning, after1 which Rixoy pitchod groat bnll. Tho) third tally was duo tb a wild throw bv R‘) F o ^ o r and a h it’Ej^McQuiliaa la tho) ninth. , hi) -The score: ------------------- R. n . - E. “- Now York ........................ .... 3 lo l• Cincinnati ................ .......3 2 ^_ Butteries: McQulUan and flnydori

jtixoy nnU Jinrgruve, WIngo. "

- D0DOEB8-WIN -IN -TH II“ Ilra iN O 8.- —• I'lT T anm ia ii, jn iy 23 ( m -P i t t .-

burgh lost to Brooklyn again today but forced thc ploy to go te a ioninga before yielding, 4 to 3. Whont poled

' five hits in fivo tripo to tho plato and ^ ' scorcd tho winning run in tho testh

inning.--Fournier h it JjIs twonty-accond “ hoibo rUh. 'Maranvillo alao h it for ^

circuit.; ■ The seoroi ' ' ' R. 0. E. ^f Brooklyn — ........................... 4 12 3‘ Pittaburg ........................... 3 10 i Batteries: Decatur, Doak and Tay-

> Ior, DcBcrr)-; Cooper nnd Smith.; --------------- ____ _ E, TAaXT I.TmOHBS' Served at any time of tho day.- g o rb s t-4 - n ambo .-ad v -----------------------

. i.

gest D ollar’ istorv o f T \in fires and AeERTHANid These ^uotati<

O O B D \

i g u l a r s i z e ..................... $ 9 . 6 0

c t r a s i z e ........................... 1 2 ^ 5

d e .......................................... 1 1 4 0

d e , z z z : . _ ; ............. i s M ^

d e ......................

d e .......................................... ..l U O

d e . . . : ......................................1 S . 6 0

d e .......................................... ..23.75VLL OTEEB SIZES IN FSOFOB'nO: 1, 2 7c; Syj-inoh, 2.9c; 4-inch 33c. 3i2 o, 4 5 c ; N o. 4 T u b e s - F a tc l i in g

tui Oil and Greas’ a n M o t u l O i l ........ .........................M o t u l ' O i l - . r . . . . : : . - ..........

M o t u l O i l .......... ............ .....................M o t u l C u p G r e a s e .......................M o t u l C u p G r e a s e .....................

£ P lu g s , ^ a n B e l ts , S p a r t a n E o m i ■B, H o to -M o to rs , P u m p s , J a c k s , I 1 S n a b b e r s fo r~ aH m a k e s of c a r s .


. H O , T H U R S D A Y M O R N I

S T A N D IN G S O F T H E C L U B S ! "____ toNATICIT&E'ZbAOITB ■-

r • TEAM. Won. LostVpct. w"Now Y ork____ ______ 64 30 .<M3Chicago iii...-.;.._______ 53 87 .584 QIB rooklyn___ ________ 48 ‘41 .580 wP itU b u rg h ------ --------- 45 - 41 .523

f Oinolnnfttl___________ 47 - 4« J05 Ci

t St. LouU "----------------- 87 63 .411Philadelphia__ _______ 80 63 .404

- Boifon--— ................ 84 se J?g~ ^bl,------------ AMEBIOANLEAOUS---------- 3

) TEAM. Wbn. Loat. Pet. oii Now Y ork__________53 -30 ,r>70 Au Doiroit , ....,n~- -^71- otS XS’ag"liIngtd"n~'^";ZII^™....'..'52^T^rt— THIS" fc

St. L ou is_____ ______ 45 44 _ .COS’ ai' Obiengo _____________ 44 40 .489 m- -........... - .Viii T9 I, J,1 Boaton ....................;..... . 40 60 ;444 ®

I'liiladolphla.................. 3G 55 .300 P

l PA O m O OOABT UBAQTTE 0- TKAM. Won. Loat. Pet. 'i San Frnnciaco ........ 01 '47 .505 ®

Ki'iittio ............................ 58 49 .542Siicraniento ............ . 50 51 .523Vornon .............. ....... 54 55 .405 ^

D Oakland ......'.i.................. 5-1 55 .405tl Suit Lako ..._................. 52 5.') .480 BI, Loa Angolos ................ ..... 50 5D .4fi9 "a. JlectlauJ,........................ 47 fll ■43.’|d ----------------------'

;flli[[SSTDP ; i OETllUOCIia “ • - ----------- --------------------------------------- --

N ew Y o rk A g a in R e s u m e s F ir s t j- J P la c e ; W a s h in g to n S c o re s 4 , J t o 2 W in O v e r C h ic a g o . "

J, NTiW YORK, July 23 C«—Tho Now ° 0 York Amoricans stopped Detroit's win- I, nJoff fltrcnk hero today when thoy wob 0 a aonantionnl clcven-innlng victory, 4 0 to 3. Ruth won tho gamo whon ho lift- J, ed Dauaa’ second pitch into tho right

field bleachers for J»Ib twonty-ninth □ liomo run. Dausa hnd juat entered thc ; J. gnmo na njiucecMor to Collina. I t was - 0 lho f 6uffccnlli~homirruii thal Ruth hna

hit off Dausa.3 —The-aeor«:----------- ------ B .-H . B.]■ Detroit .........- ....... ............ . 3 U 40 Now York ......... .................... 4 0 1

Bntterica: Collina, Dnuss nnd Bnaslcr; ‘Sinr^Tiey and Bcbung.


fented Cleveland, 16 to 32, today, tho „ visitors using six pitchers and ^ s to n J four. Burns mado two homo runs, each

with n mnn on base. Ho also doubled I, twice. StophoDSon had n perfect bat ,j rccord with two singles, two doubles^[luiiimauTinco-fiy^--------------------- -----

The loortt: B. ,H. E.ClBvoland __________ :__,1»' 10 8

3 Hotiton ..................................10 20 11 Batteries: Covoloskio, iuotovier, Roy,.. W. Clnrk, ChooTos, Brower and L. Sow­

ell, Myatt; I'uhr, Fergussu, Quinn, Ehmke (ind iloving._________

SENATOBS t r i m OHIOAOO.------WASHINGTON—JTily-S3-C#^Wnsh-_ jngton aeorc'd. ita .third victory j f tho

fs^ o r tlr Vin Falls[.ccessories

I N 1 9 1 4

t i o n s :I • TUBES


$1.80 $1.45

— 2J0------ - 1.70------- 2.50- - - - - - - - - - - - -2J0~

2.60 2J52£5 2.252.75 2.303.10 2.75

nosI3c. No. li Siio Tnbe Patch- Qff Oemeni, 6c.

a s e s........ . . . . . . . . . ...$ .60 ■

.......................1£0- -

........... ..... 5S0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

.... .......M ->m8, Amorican H am m ered

L nggage Oarriers, Toolra . • ■ ' ------

J T C P fe O r ^ i

NING, JULY 24,1924......’

.iaoriea.jrlth Chicago today, winning 4 jin to 2. Tho- Benaton got their' mns In j op

' tho fourth inning with throo slnglcsTind ir two baaM on balla-off-Tober,- mlM

•• with two wild throwa by Cronae. tcI The acoro: R. H. E. ia‘ Chrcn _______:________2 10 ■ T*lli> Waahlngtoo____________4 7 1 Lt Batteriea:- Faber, Cvongros and g< I Crouao; Marb'erry and Cuol. ' tr

1 BBOWHS- SCORE SHUTOXTT." PHILADELPHIA, July 23 M>>—Ur­ban . Shocker hurled tbo St. ’ Louis

- 3rowili-tt.-im5lr"nh1fa ru1g1it“vr6torjr t. over Philadelphia todoy, shotting'the

A Iotkajoutj 7 to 0._ St. Louis pound- 1- od-Gray, w'hfr-Btortijj-fo tho Athloticar r for-flTirmnB,-including-tTlploa-by trlnrl 5' and Jacobsen, that scored four runs and I 9 moro, than proved enough to win. I j-0 Philadelphia ........................ 0 D 1 I

Battorles: Shockor and Soveroid; I Qmy,~Bnms, Rommcll and Perkins. jl


Caldwell nnd,Parma, tho throo largestr, citloa in Canyon county, ahow an ag-.Q grogato not gain in asaesaod valuation g of $250,504, according to figurea re-

lonaod Mondny by tho county board of- T?7nnaiiuitton—ThTT-aimibTittim-or-tiiis-

gain is aa follows:Nampn, not gffin, $238,920; Caldwoll,

not gain, $07,075; Pnrmn, not losa, $r)0,- 430.

r In ench of tho throo cities tho indl- [ viiiunl itcma comprising tho nggregnto y totnl show gains in aomo cases and ■ losaoe In others.- --Figures released-Monday-ahow -tho -

vuluations on tho real rolla for 1923-4 1024 do not Include tho corporations,,

which will be fixed by tho stnto board of equallwitlon In Auguat.


BOISE, July 23. OP)—Ix<lora wor-s sont out Monday to ench of Idaho’s 4-» county nsaessora by Govornor C. C ' Moore, informing them of tho upproneh- ' ing mooting of tho st;>te board of oqual- itation and requesting thoir presonco

■* • I■a

- ‘ Porter Emerson^Browne*s~^

0 Famous Stage Success—

b The story of. a Robin Hood

J of fhe desert. It’s adven- L

1 .ture, romance and thrills5. with [IqfBropk Blinn, who i

? played the leading role of I '• the stage play in New

York City fot.Three . j

Years. I

- - - V

OAST 0 ^ OHiPANOHO LOPEZ_______________Gilbert Jones ________________Morgan Pell___________________Mra. Morgan Pell_______________Bed Oiddings__________:.______Cantain Blako._____ , •_____ _tnuion Cook ___________________Pedro_____________________

Be Sure and See Hoi Production, “T.

--------— ------ Also Show ing-—i

“The 0]\ a Ky>ping Laugh E:

Other Subjects^ Pathe £

MATINEE 1 0 c and 2 0c; m d l ____ :____ _ ______ -OHILDEI

A Whale of a Show. O__ _____ ^ o M

................................................. C

i j in Boiao. a t - t h a t . tim'D. Tho mooting . ijbpona August 11 nqd-Governor Iklooro 1 ir^hnlnnan of tho-hoanli -. - - - - r ■■■'Asscwra'nro’ rcqulredrby law 'ta nt^— —

tend tho mooting and a flno of $1,000 L ia imposed on c.ich ctsessor wh^ un- r*Hu1y ■ absents hJnmolf-'TI'emhbPS of tha '1 board consist o f tl'io govornor, a ttorney a general; secretary of atato, aud ito r a n d '

treasu rer. _________ " ' .......' ' '

; Joe-K sa y s :— ■j r — O d (U y-^ongh ,-U i* --w om »a-w lio -------- :„ iooKa m ost aaU-posaeaaed gen- , eraily b»toDgs to aome n a n .

E h ■wliAtl ■_______;____________ __________

d i i f t P i f f W B i i ^ r

HtiSBESZffli - a


iM '18- E f JM —


d GEE, IPS GREATT oo c a n 't a ffo rd to m lss thia.

W« say i t ’8 good; and I t ’s no th i Ing oUo h a t—

B — ALSO—.


ffI " 'loday, Friday"ind"Salurday.M U A T IN E E A2H> N IO H T



c r a ^

“ The Bad Man”^ o r th re« year* the

■!“>» ra n a t 16

This picture version • * > * W i t h th e orlglnftl

^ s ta r, baa the same hm aor and dram atic th rill. I t ’s y o n n s t

Prlcw t Blflht - .

3HAKA0TEES: ^-------------------------HOLBROOK B LIN N------------------------------------- J a c k M ulhall «----------X ------------------- W alter M cGrail--------------------------------- --- Enid B ennett------ -------------------------------H arry Myers

------------------------------ Thomaa Dolmar-----------;------ F rank Lanning

—---------------------po tor Vonzuolla

lolbrook Blinn in jh e ____‘The Bad Man’’

:— Olyde Oook in ...............

3rphan”t B lot in Two ;Eeelfl.) R eview ; Aesop’s Fables

nOHT: ADULTS 20c and 30“o; ” )R E y -1 0 o — _____________ :____

One You Can’t Afford Misa___ _______________

------------------------ :-------------- - . .. «

Page 5: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

„ TWI]

_ i i i i i i ni w m s s E

. Interallied C onference a t a- - - - - - - - - - - S ta n d still-W itlrF ren ch -D e le -

g a tes and F in a h c ie i^ ln ^ s - r r " T r - t e n t / o n r O p p o s i n r V i e V v s i ^ F

• L O N D O N , .T«ly 2:^ OP)— V rh h Vlic _ ^ F r c n c l i m n ln ta ltiln R th e n a n c t l t y o f th e

wiff~iiiiiiiij l l i j iMjaj Mi ^illlllii H iiin il " b n i ik c r s o u q n lly f irm 'i n " tlicir ilonmnilH

f o r d e f in i te t;im rnn loc« fi> u n tis fy in ­v e s to rs ill A u ic rie a n u d claonOicro w ho

‘ w iin in 'iiM k rd tt) 'H iip i.o rt u G orm an lonn ncccun ry to hu inc li th e D ihvoh p la n , tb c I n to r a llio il con fo ro n co b u s rcH olvcd it-

O f Bclf in to tl c lolicnto Avnitinfj Kiimo.Tho «iiiohtioii o f O o rn iiin y ’H prcdonco

- n t tlu> c o n fe ro n ro (ab ln w ax diocunHc.l a n d WIIH v i r tu a l ly th o o n ly a d vanpo m ndo a t t l i '’ nocoiid I 'lc a a ry ncnsion ho ld

. Hn th o forc lK n o ffic o <hi« a f te rn o o n . Tho c o m m itto e-i'a iiim ia to U a "w eek ni;o

■; w tlh lu 'h l th i r ro{mrt~H b c caunc i t Ir iiii-pofn ih lu to m a k e a n v re a l procroHR n n tl l th u cxiHtinK diffurV ncon bc tw o o a llio hnnkorti a n d th e F rc a c h a ro iro n ed o n t,

MoUon'B Aid InvokodBoth nro uiiyloldiaK, b u t tho nriti«li,

BciRlan an.l Anicricaa clolcKatCD arc BtrlvinR to ronch a conipromjHO. tlic good officc*‘o f Hccrotary o f tho Troiin-

. . . t l - - n ry-M ollnft-rvon-hnvinf; boon“ lnvn1{0cl n t tl.o DowninR «trcct b reak fast thin moruiiit; whoi> bo wn« tho RiicBt of I’rc' m icr MacDonald.

L ater Mr. Molina confirrc .l a t No. I'J w ith Mr. MacDonald, Thnma» Lnmont; S ir MontoRU M orton nnd S ir Robort Kindoratcy. I t in ntntcd tonight thnt M r. Motion in nn officini w ay bnd-con- tribu tcd a inRKCstion which wn" likely to bo o f R re a t nmiHtnnco in f in d in R a wny out o f tho present deadlock.

Tho Pioneli «\i'lcRatos tak e tbo viovi th a t tho banlcorn aro intorlo|)crn in thc l/ondon conforcarc, which nhould bo oi

. _ ------u-who»y ptflitlcnl-natiiro. But^ tho bankCM m a in ta in t h a t th e y a ro m e re ly ia-

• _ . to rp rc tln R th o ir inv cR tin p m a rk o ta sc v f t h a t th o n e ed e d loan w ill bo re a d i ly nob

n ohibcd w h en th e Q crn in n ROVcrninCDl aiika for it.

-----------------------H*rrl«tt-B*tw *«»-Tw fr-Flr«i--------I t waB n u lh o r i ta t iv o ly a ta te d toniRhl

i h~at t h o ' r rT n c h h a v e ve rlm H y in a ic a t cd th lt .w iliin R n cA n to pu rauo a pollc> w ith rcR ard to d e fa u l t a n d a iin c tio a j tin d e r th o Dawea p U n , t h n t th e b a n k v ri cou ld w h o V h e n rtc d ly recom m 'cnd to iu voBtora. Tne p n d ile in ia lo roduco th« v e rb a l pledR ea to a n a c c e p ta b le w r i t to n fo rm u la w liich w ou ld a a t ia fy th .

r b a n k o ra a a d a t th o sa m e tim o koe;n y m S ^ i r tS ]

J^onch parliam ent. I t wan lo thin' ont th a t ninbaaaador KelloRR *nnd Trcmio,

• Thouaia awumed tho role o f m ediator yoRtcrdny.


__________ (Contlaued trom pcge one)o F h l i w orifT i’b o u t b la c k r u a t t h a t th i

---------------w h e n t - p i t - w o n t w ild , -n n d dup lie n te c• -wnT-tlla'iT'FeFncH'r"--------- --- ---- ------------

H. O. Croniwoll, R. W. Kinyon ant ♦ Gc.rRo M. LoCoiiat wero larRcly ro

nponalble for p a rt o f tho d a y 's ndvanc. in Ui«-whoa»—mnrWel.- A ll of tho-., men arc aeiiaoned crop experta, nnd nl

. o f them acnt diapntehea early in thi day indicalinR th a t drouRlit condition in Caaada had heretofore been under eatimatod. Mr. U C o u n t fiRurcd thn owinR to drouRht the crop in tho prov iiico of A lbcrtn th is yonr would to la onlv 40,000,000 buahola aa compared ti laxi yearH aRRreRalo of I5j;000,00( buahcla.

I t wna w ith aomethinR liko dram nti KuddenncHM, however, th a t the b in d

- J ruKl aewa atruck tho w heat p it aa th< day waa approaching an cad. Thori haa heroU forc bcon nowa. th a t blaei ruHl liad appeared in tho ap rinR when territo ry aouth of tho Canndinn 1>oun dary, but tho conditions thero hnd boci aiicli th a t ilio peril to tlio 'U nited S tato wheat aeomed in thu laat few dayn t' have boen averted.

Itliick ruat Jll th ia timo in Cnnadj lion-ovcr, was takon ns u rad ically dll

____ feren t maHor, especially in v iew o f thhavoc already wrouRht in Canada b; drouRht. Tho m aturing o f w heat ii Canada ia Inter than ia the Unite, y ta tcs, nud na pointed out by Mr. 8no\

9 the inennco from wideaprood infoctici would depond upou w oathor condition' T oday’a couditiona in M anitoba as rc

^£pT lct\ liy him wore the w orst poaaible- ’ bot and Hioist.

Under such circumstances, buying o w heat wna on n tremondoua acalo. I^ t!

_ here n t W innipeg. Buropenna wer- - - - - T^erfl(itt5a-'\<'lHi~purciiirHiuR“ni^iivny;-'nTi

deapito heavy p ro fit-tak ing Iho. clos waa a t b u l re latively a ligh t roactio from tlio d a y 's top figures, net gnir b .'ing fl 1-8 to 7 1-4 eonts.

---- T o d a y 'm d v n n c c 'in w hoat-pricca wiinil tho moro rem arkublo aa coming o

O th e heels o f eatimatca th a t tho .w hea crop in the Unitod S ta tes is 30,000,00 buahcla larger for Konsaa ulono th a waa figured a month ago, nnd th a t th United StatoH la about on n shippin i.asia fnr Kurope as compared with Cat a d a or Argentiua.

« OAMPEBS U U S T H A V E PBRMTJ::L Z :z :i^ .:.B D I8 E ,.J« Jr"2 3 -tf> r^ 0 r(lcn r.,c l0 5 in

tho Jloiao oa ticna l f r re s t to r a m p c r Mnicsa peiw U rt ivio B ccu ied , wcic I n c: foct Monday and w ere “ w orking quil

_________satiafaelorily , ” _L»'d tho f orcatry o- ^fico bore. - -

♦ __



( (Continued from Pogo 4)

iu H a jiru a o n c c ,” th o 19-ycnr-old dofei) d a u ta - n p p a ro n tly f o u n d m e n tn l stin)

I a 'U lus in th o o r a to r ic a l e f f o r t o f th p ro se c u to r .

1 ' l a ft briBf pooM whicli foUowed I U th is clim ax la M r. Otow« 'b open- ^ Ing d a f ta d o a tn r h ly -

a p«r6d to each other worda afte r- d w ctiaed by . Loeb n a '

/IC " ro a l ly fonny,'*

j iS - . A fte r ItuuU ig a dotailod rocital o thcIr-fHTCfii11y. laid plana, -thoirVxveu

.-J - tion o n .l-find lhg o f th o 'i iu a o 'iro 'a y ^ tho ir H-year-old victim in a - w ater

tho cu lvert bonc.iih a railrom

oncifapot fo r ornilhological field work, th

who le ft thu coiirtrooi;loan Aa they onlered an clovn

to r to return to the ir guarded relit 1 it. they laughed audibly a t cach o th e r ’

tw ittinga.■nco A ffirm P leas o f Quilt."Hed The proceedinga nre denlgned lo .iii tn re _for,„ the rou rt e iae tly on 'ITi'o 'evi

.ioneo in the caae, to aHHiat him i; f ix in g a jua t senleiire. .

"KH. _ t ! o „ u » l - , , l e , . n - o f - g n i i t 7 - t n - t x r u - B ‘"I; dirtm onta fo r kidnapping fo r raiiKor " “ and for f ira t degree murder wero or

U-reil Mondny, i-oVeraing previous plra of not ^riiilty.

To.lny, in f inn v o ica tlie youlh onc»> more affirm ed their pleas o gu ilty . T heir fa to now rests, in th language o^ Clarence Darrow, chin cuunaeJ— for— Iho- dofonoe, -in—“ th

thiH cou rt.” -Pre- priaonera wore pointed out i

.roiirt todny by varioua witnesses ii I |(j principala in ac tiv ities dcBcribed b on t, " ta le ’s atto rney In his two-hou bprt oiw'iiluK preaenlatiou aa the. executio th n t tho ir carofully laid plans for thei con- crime.,kely Demands D eath Penalty.

Twice during the day did tli« s ta te ' a lto rn ey dem and tho death jienalt fo r the b o y a -o n ro “ in tho nnmo .. tho j)arenlhood and the childhood o

in k oi'L-'iiiiR "tJilomun. “ A gain i t wna demanded lato in th

, ‘l«y whou the defcuHo tried to shorte aob- ^ ^ ° ' t ” tlm o n y Uud“ M r rC ro w o aaid h nent aupport his roc|ue8l fo

u death sentence._______ T ho doftinau atratogy wna a lmoeigh t Theru wns but a b rief nicat- "P®” '"’ tho lengthy statem ent r

Mr.— CroWOT I I waa in convention: iona p itrh , d irectly to tho courl and cn.le kera " ' t h a challenging of the superlalivi ) iu- o f tho prosecution. Theto was v irtua

the ly «o crosH-examiaation of tho s ta tewrit- w itncM O tt. ,.

th o A tto m o y B O laah. -

_ A t_pnu_pp£ut in n _bjlcf_exchanf betw een"'counaeI,' Darrow roirorati tliu t the dafonao caao rested “ iti tl

iTora '‘ ‘>0 Wiadom and tho mereo f thia cou rt,” und frequenlly sign fiod w ith tho assent o f hia colleagu

. U eujauiiu liachrach, his wiilingneaa i |>orniit d irect and leading <|ueHtioi

lRD of tho ata tcs witnessea. A t aovcr J pointa tho defenso attorneys ovinci

a diaposition lo allow tho proceedin) TS-Jfo-on-Bpcedily us posRlbio. B ut i

a te d ‘"'■‘"■y ._____ thc-_ilttfcnm.‘ to., ahnrtjii), tho-pm im *'nnd *"K"» Mr. Crowo repeated hia doternil;

a tio n to bring every point o f evldoni anco ‘" to the record.

Aakod a f t e r tUo «c«moh w U at wou' i ull bo th o nctioD o f llio de fenso in II

th o e v e n t o f a ifea th g e n ten re , Mr. Da t io n s ro w a a id :ider- “ Certainly I will never permit ar th a t m an to hang so long na thero ia an >rov- th in g in the worlil I can do lo aa' to ta l h im .”<1 to K athan Leopold. Sr.. survlTlBg ^000 p a re n t o f ono of th e boya, was

in court a ll day, h is face creased ifttic deeply b y tho Unea of h is grief, dnck w eitiie r paren ts o f Loeb were

tl'C present, b u t hla tmclo, Jacob Loeb, w ea lthy law yer and form er presl-. d e a t o f th e Chicago board o f edu- cauon , w as a dose obsorrer o i

boc"n proceodlnga.tnlo't - • F ifteen-w ltncsR es-w crc presented

tu to d a y ’s session.They la id a foundation which dir'V

inda, ly connectcd both Leopold and Lo' dlf- w ith tho ipgenious prelimiiiarira

f th e the ir crimo nnd by repealed idontii r b T H n ^ m n n n r in i " i i i ^ r w i th - ih " e - - “ M ortit in D. B a lla rd ” who hired thc auloir lited bilo in whieh young Franks was do: 3«ow to death.Ction ■ Poreata Tell Story.

Jacob nnd Flora tVanlcs, parents " t ho boyiah victim of tho jilot by whi

Leopold and Loeb sought to obta , ^ 10,000 , told of tho ir last experlenc

K w ith the ir aon. The fa ther bado hi

1 _tQ I'is ImainesB offlao---- S h a rtlv -u fti'" " '^ n v a r d s , M rs. F ranks aaw him trud ^i"*"' t*'" private-school, from \v!icffnin'l th e day, he wan enlic

to RuddoQ death.i;ae_ pAtants- la e a u n e d . u o ^

‘ ono 8tacJclng“ ’a aeckUe, a t)«ith u d tle aad a school pin w ora By

0 0 0 0 “ b a tjy " , ta e youngeat oith a n _ « » • • chUdren, oa h is laat d ay of t t h oipinc T hfse objects wero spared from t Can- furiiace in which tho rest o f llober

clothes was burned chiefly brcni ^hcy would n o t y ie ld -read ily to- t

m r , flam es. Thoy wero thrown la te r fr oslnai tm ~stitoniohllD— at~- •wldn ly ^ ii.’attc i ipers, po in ts nnd only the nbnormnlly k< n cf- mX'inoiU^B o t thu defet«iaTil«c fo r cv< q u lle d e ta il, perm itted th e ir recovery wl r of- th e y led police t)ack over tho roi

o f th e ir - f l ig h t -from -tho-crim c.-


^ 4 i E i i y f i l i L ^ £ CELEBIItTEDiy :■ OFTHEPIEEII»■. O ld - T im e S t a g e C o a c h , I n d ia n

R a i d a n d A ll P l a n n e d - T o d a y ;

, M a y o r i H o d g i n ^ f T l i i s C itv

r i O p e i i R ^ — — ■ " - r

^t«r- KIT.rBEBLY, Ju ly 23.—Atf old-time BtnRc coach w ith thrm iaK ladiuu- ra id ,

the p ro g ram -o f ovonta arranged foi K im berly ’s Pionoej duy cclobratloii

I ■ Thursday, according to tho program ar‘ ri.uge.i by .the ......... itleu iu charge, a.ny

“M h o Kim berly Tribune.''I N oth ing hns been spared to mnke thii

ono of tho biggest events ever sIorcJ th is aldo o f lhe Snako river, committee

t ill- lueiiibora usnert. Moro real pep-and evi-' enthusianm in being shown than could

ill havo bcon imagined, thoy sny.The queen of tho day , band, several

ill- riivoreu w agooa,-Old atago eoach, In iHoni diana, “ hand-cart com pany,” national , en- Ruard, boy scout*, ch ild ren 's bicycU |Or:iM suction, Bee lllvo g irla ' float, hosplta’

float, comic section, largo buaineai luljiN m en ’s f loa t section aaauro one of th. I of most uiii.juo paradea ever seen in thii

the section.•hinf . . M any W ill A ttend .‘ the l>c6 p ir-fro-m variouH to w n a-a s-fir)

aw ay ua Buhl, Wendell and F ile f liav< 't in inquired ns lo dotaila o f the d a y ’i I as celebration nnd everything point's to i

•>y largo crowd.’ I t is understood tha' hour large delcgationa from Koseworth, Kdeii Jtion Burley and other neighboring lowiia wil their bo in K im berly fo r tho celobrntion

lio lli Twin Falls and M urtaugh nr. aasisting w ilh tho program nnd parade

i le 'a 'S tre e t dancing nnd a daneo in Lcgior la lty w l'ich conclude lh«y d a y ’s events, are crea ting interea . . nmong tho younger acts, whilo variei iiunt iu tho day 'a. program includini" . ■ tho pioneers* parodo a n d ’picnlo'dlnno:

‘‘‘ command tho a tten tion of older folks Shad L . Uodgin, Twin Falls mayor

“ and W. P . W hitaker, form er m ayor o: Pocatello , are to be tho spoakors of Ihi dny.

' T h - - - - - - - - - - - - - M r o m i --------------------t o f A basobnU gamo between *W«ndol loiial aiid^K iiiib 'orljrieam s'is proving a draw n.leil arc anxious .o soo thea.Uvea tw o team s meet in w hnt will bo thei •tujii. f ira t encounter o f tho seoson. a le 'a detailed program is ua followa: ]

a.m., Indian holdup; 10:30 o jn ., patriot ie program ; 12 picnic d inner; 1 p. ni pioneer parade: 2 :.10 _ p. m., baaobai

Fatedtho , ________

le rc y AJOJOUNOEaiENTB.ligni- ---------ag„o. lie W o,„..„N Foreign M issionary at aa to ‘ •‘•ty the Methodlat eliiirch will mee

in tho church parlors Thursday aft.-i vcr’il "■**'' K- Di'k*' as hoatesiinc,.,l T. K. Iliiekman will be prograidinga _____________________■


ceud-. Ju ly 10 . J024.^_W nrTaatS-_o£__thrmln- American Falls reacrvoir d istrict, num , bors 301 to 3C0, -bolh inclnslre, w ill b

paid if presented a t tho offico o f th d is tr ic t on Ju ly 27, 1924. In to rest o

youui c u rra n ts ceaaes Ju ly 27, 192-the w . II. Spence, treasurer American Fall

Dar- reservoir district.—ndv.


/P^ere J ’ i ^ I f f /

C \ l \

„ i in - I I w iortniT---------------- -----------------------------------------tomo-

,ts of ' arwhich ,ibtain t o

X I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y °; : it; — w .n liced Jll iK f c

■ ll n ^b e r t 's Y \ c e

whonrout e ______________________ ____ I_______


- . . . . . . $ 1 0 9 IN JUDGMENT

f Judgm en t in tbo sum o f *100 and cosU were allowed I . IL ila a to fs , as

— publisher and'ow ncr*of ^ho-Tw in lhilU • Times, sued in probate court o f Judgo

“ | r t ; 0 . P . Duvalt by Professor A ugnstln • U ,'Lovancin. The tria l. In which Profoa-

1 1 ‘sor L ovandn sought tho re tu rn o f MOO '“ • • |m a d o aa a deposit on a job o f print- r ^ g 'tC l b,ff~dDI10“thuro, was held bofoVlj i l 3 n |u ju ry o f six men and a f te r a sUort U y .d e lib era tio n ,.a ftc r-lif ltcx iin g Oho. grcato i | ~ ' ' i p a r t o f tbo dajr to tcatlmony, found for «»ity|tlio .defcndnntv

_ j ■_« wns alleged in t he e o m p la ^ t.th a t " '- 'IP ro fosso r LeyanBlo deposited-#400 fo t

.. ia job order of p rin ting o f 100,000 wrap- fpers (Rid 100,000 copies of a ifour-pagc

open 'Was t» h o hetwecn ysuu and 9UU0, it for jwas te s tified and afttsr 30,000 wrnpperr

ition .o f the 100,000 ordered had beCh-printeil ll a r J n n d lOjOOO delivered, tho order.wua can-H.nyi 'C elled.

I Tho p la in tiff then sought th e return lhiS |O f Ilia deposit. The publishing com

a g e d 'p a n y offered to re turn all o f thi^ i l t e e ; am ount b u t <H4 for the work dom -and which tho profea»or refused. Kuil wai :ould-:lhen ntiirted nnd tho publisliing com

pany askod for $IS4 in croHs-complaiiit/e ra l to t h o* <■!»»,1 l . y t ........, III-1 I'lio ju ry awarded thu original atnounl lonnl asked and $Jr> braidea. M embers ol jycle the ju ry wore J . F, A vant, Curl H ahn pita l M. K. Jnniieaoii, 11. M. Blrobridgo, all oi ineaa Twin Falla, and Fred lilaekburn oi : th.) Buhl. Witnesses were P . W. McRoberta

thia poatm asteri R. A. R e a d ,'I ’aul Cowgill jl . II. M asters ond I’rofeaaor Levaiixiii

.('A ttorney for I’rofossor Lovniirin wai -fjj^t-liom or-C .-M ilis-und -«.-P.-l*.nrry-for-th'.I,„vo eo*apuii#r


■Men, Ju ly -*3 Declaring th a, w il|! th o constitutionality o f the Idnho bai i t i o n . “'t passed by tho 11)L’3 leg

iislaturo is atill undeterm ined, a jieti rude. rehearing in tho case was fileiig io r i ''" court Monday.J t h o i o |iin i.)n o f th e c o u r t iie re a t I'*’" ’' " ‘' ' t u n e o n s l i tua rie d " " a p p ro p r ia lio ii d i n g t ”’'*" ‘■ ""reriie.l. T ho caae w aa ta k e n ti Inner a p p iie a tio n ^ o f n iv r i’olka . '» « n d a te to com pel th e s t a t e a u d ito : „ y o r t.'>_I>“.'L“ 'r a v e l e sp c u sc c la im o l - N .- L j r o f ^ t . A n th o n y a t to r n e y , a n d ;f th e ' “ “ ‘"•'''fyyof th e com m U aion c re a t . 'd un

.le r t h r new law._________ A cro riliti if- to th e p e t i t io n - m e m b o r

o f th e com m ission w a n t th e e o iia litu " M l . tju u id ity _ u f_ U io -I ttW -« lo te rm in ed -n » id Iraw - from th e a p p ro jir ia tio n f e a tu r e . T he; th e se n ro co n cc fn e .l a b o u t th o d ia c ip l in a r th e i r iiieaaurea o f th e law .

a : 1(1 A R IZ O N A TO L I F T Q U A R A N T IN E - t r io t- J ^ E Q U IR IN O D IB X N T E O T IO ]

H l ‘J f O K .\ t . \ . AriJ;, J u ly 23re q u ir in g . d ig in fe .

llo ii O f ra llro m l a u to m o b ile paaaei K '^ ^^ .fro n i C a lif o r i i ia '.a n d fu iu ig u tln o f th e ir baggiigc w ill bo l i f te d nea S a tu r d a y , fhe a ta to l.o :ir.l o f h e a l th a t uon iir.'.l to .liiy . Th-; r e s t r ic t io n s h a \

m e et ■» e ff .T t s e v e ra l m onllia , h a v lni f t f i - ' " ‘t ia l r i l a t th e o u tb re a k o f tliatesH. "”t an .l m outh diaoaao in C a lifo rn ia

O A S O L IN i: D IS T R IB U T O B S I N ---------------L IN C O tL N -M B B T -flT A T B ' 8 P B JO £

Ll.N CO LN , Nob., J n ly 2.'! OP)—A tw__e e r U n i t in g aso line p r irea , m a k in g tlinu tn- I’l’i r . ' i r ^ ju T g a llo n , hecanu ' e f f e c tiv ill be “ ' “ >‘“‘1 gono rn lly «ryer L inco ln a t nq^n f th o ' ‘" 'i 'y - TliiK ia th e p r ic - th a t haa be en i St on fo rr e a f th e s ta t. '-o w n .'d f i l l in g ati 1924. ti.in f o r B ororal w eeia .F a l l s ________________ _


------- —^New-ShiLatest I

Here Is an Extraon

Stamped ForeWhether you embroide

will certainly want to ma chic porch and house dr« the thing- for house or ne are stamped on good qual: to be made up, the instrui plaining the simple embr you can see, the styles_ai women and misses. You v for Summer wear—buy tl cial price. See the finish, our Art Needlework Dep

JHafl and telephone orde cepted—while our atockt

AllLmenelouseDrS e e Window Displa

g N i N G r T n p E Y ^ a r i a z a r -

INTa n d Edited b y 'M rs. E . B. WUlUms

, a s Telephone 3UU.?a\la -------- ---------------- ------- --------idgo L ittlo M iss Helen Je a n Alexanderistln celobrated hor fou rth b irthday ou Wed-}fos- nesday nfternoon At tho homo o f herMOO parenta, Mr. nnd M rs. H arry 0 . Alox-rin t- an d e ^ o n Mnp'le nvciiuo. TTic timo wasT6VT spent w ith gamcB tUl" llio"law n ■ afterUort which tho gucata wcro seated a t a lowAtor. talilQ.CQVcicd -with a cropo papor oloth,; f o r a n d th o ico e ro a m w a s a e rv e d in d a in ty

. cups iu p a s te l s h a d e s . . T h e lo v e ly b lr th -t h a t d a y -o a k * ^ a » -.-o rn n m e n te « J w i th ,^ l lo T T

f o r < 'aiid lns-nn .l th o f j iv o r a w oro - e a p s . in•rap- f lo w er sh a p e s a n d pO sto l shadcB a n dp ag e a u n b o n n e t b a b ie s c lo v o r ly m ade o f e an

ipera >>y tho Missea Mnbol nnd Sunshino Will- Hti-d iama. Tlio guests wero M argaret, Bct- caii- ty nnd Bobby Mngol, t^ur.nniio nnd Bil­

lie .Mnentiley; Eugene nnd Hudy Lclch- tu ru loiter, lU ta Mae and Uud.ly Salmon, com- Reese Willinma, Llllinn Roberts, M ar­ti,Jh Raret and Dick R exroat, Aiino and

dono ■'"‘"•e I’ear.'y , B arbara B arrett,, ICdward lienoit, H ubert and I’riHcilla I’eck, Asli-

com- Wilson, Charlea -Mneaulev, Bu.ldv taint I-addv and L a rry atnnlov, Char-

-JoM tv-lw irarHlrirlnr Kimih; TifnT’ruTIF; ount Charles and H erbert Laraen and Billie a o f Ratley.nhn, ----------ill of The M. H. and S. club met on Wednen- „ of day afternoon a t tho home of .Mrs. W. lerta, A- Poe. The meeting opened in the i-gill, usual -niantirr nn.l tho membcra ro- iixiii. Npon.ied fo roll rail l.y reading bita of was humor. During tho hualness B.e«_«i_oMii

r th v r plmtB-WPre -completed ’fo r the"nnnunl pienic which will bo held on Wednea- .lay, .luly .10, n tthe home of Mra. Kmma Reed for tho membora, their huabandj

URT nnd families. A ropreaentativo wan ap- th a t pointed to attcpd tho organir.ed ploy

ground mooting nnd present a report of tho snmo a t tho no x t mooting. Th(

jieti- r-ommunity acrvico committeo reported filed illness of Mra. Afargarot Requa, tho

elub was very aorry to hea r of it a* she Jt it is their senior member: 'T h e m atter ol ititu- ' 1'® \neinl36Js ninkiwR n eollecVivt ntion o»hibit a t tho county fa ir waa thor ;n to '"'Rl'Iy discusaed nnd tak en under con Avrit “‘‘lo^'ttion u n til tho no x t meeting. A d ito r I'OO' w as enjoyed and th e ho«tV .-D .- l " ^ * " . ' ' ' ‘"i'‘t<'d_in aorving dninty re nd a ^ft'sl'menta to 20 m em bers und tho fol I un- R ueata: Miaa Agnea Schubert

Mesdamcs Clyde Poo, Collins, Michalis ibora S aek n ilr, thc la tte

^fW «rtcrvlllorW rarrr-:M l-m m nbenr-no iiL.iilion<Iauoo-at-thiK-inA«ling nre nnket

They ‘o ''■‘U phono 511.B3 fo r informntioi inurv '■'-•K‘'''>1''>R th e picnic.

Mr. Charles E lmer M unson nnnounce tfE - tho m arriage of hia daughter, Priscill ETONlLouiae, to 'rhoodoro Kdmund Bownn o Quar- "^L-dncsday, Ju ly 23, a t Joromo, Idah<.......... I f ' ' " ‘‘'I ' '" '■ ‘l‘” 'l» ticht,T o f M;tasen- 327 Seventh uvonne north an-ation Rrnduato of Uio T w in -F a lU hig

next "c^'ool nnd nlso a tten d ed tho Uaiversit h an- Idaho, whero aho w as n ffilin ted w it havi. K appa K appa Gam m a sorority. Mi

„vl„j; Bowen is th e son o f M rs. Bessio Bower ( ,he " hose homo ia on Bluo L akes boulcvart rirnia. i" a Rrndnato o f Leland Stnnfor

law school and is a member o f PI D elta Fht fra te rn ity . A t nresent h

IO C S' ts^nssoclalcd witlT th e Sapiro-Ler.y lai t two 8 an Francisco, whero the youQK 111,., couple will mako th e ir homo._________■etiv.. ----------nM n Wedneadny evetiing n -party o

i„ friends motored to tho Chantocloe: atu- Lakes boulevard , which hn

ju s t been oponci1"tiyTtfrffrW’.-C.-Dlcko and her slater, Miaa P ippin, who wi

^ 0 . mako a specialty o f chicken dinnei

hipmeftt-of— — t Stylesordinary Offering of

enoon Frocksider regularly or not, you nake^one-or-mor e-of—the iresses shown here—just neighborhood wear. They ality colored linene, r^ d y ruction chart clearly ex- ibroidery and sewing. As _are-equally_becoming for 1 will want several of them them all now at this spe-

shed models on display in epartment.

der8 ac- r i■ks .laat! ^

I r e s s e r ^ ^ l -p'iay H

P a g e .n v « ; := ! S = ^ = 5 - - = - s a 5 = s » . - -■

T l J M d o t^e r p arties . InU lio party were M M t. and Mr*. M or»n Bntloy, Mr. aqd ^ M r i . -a n . G raved M r.' 5 n J - ,M rs r.r9 H r~

W. D, Sm ith. M r. and Mra. Prank JMa-. gol, Mlsa P o lly Thomas, Mlss Coddia Bellley and M essrs. I rv ia g Coolc .'and Edw ord Babcock. "

ndcr ______Ved- Tho Ipcal^mombers o f D elta Oamma her lo rorlty havo Istacd'invitaCIons for two

ilex- bridge partie s on Tueadny afternoon ' was u d evening a t th e home o t Miss Irene

J lo r : .Costello, 511 eccond^-ovonue west, fo r low.;lbo b enefit o f tho ir *bouse fund. Ob. ■

loth, Tncsday afte rnoon t to a f f a ir Hs to -b o — in ty a b ridge tea , n t which a numbor. o2 Irth- the ir.,frlonds ia tho: m arried aot aro ... l l o ^ Tl<lUlljriU~palr'<niwee«.—I n - th e evonlnf— • U InT itatiens-ha-ve b B o n 'is sn o d 'to - tho— and younger se t fo r a ' ‘b enefit bridgo ean -.p arty .”

la T T r y j r "Will- lar lodgo ir ic e tin R Tuesday evening. Bet- I A fter Iho b^Hineas seiHion'n 'aoHErnmo l l l l - ; waa enjnyed .during which several in-

nlch- leresliug coiilcata wero held. A t a lato mon, hour rofrcahnionta were served by Mrs. Mnr- . II. A .. Johnson, Mrs. W. A. Minnick und nnd M ra.'A . J . YounR

ivard I • — .Ash- ! Miss Beulah Helrk en tertained a niiiu- ii.ldy ber nf her young friends w ith a dnnc-'har- i”B pnrty Wedn.-aday cvonlngji_t_h.tr__i;f:pir;-I‘01ift. on fSlioatioiurHlroet eaat. At (ho lillie : eoiii'lnaion o f tho ev.-niug dnlnty re-

Ifreahmenfa wero aorved.I Tho RuestH present were: Roliyii

l,ie„. ]Fi«\fh. Ruth Van AuwMn, Catherino , and JoHephin.’ Bush, Ruth and Edith ■ th r Boekwitst, Bornico ll:iinen

Jg. Ii.n.l Dorothy B arger. -

l:! AT , THE HOTELSinunl ----------il„ea- R0G K R 80N —F. K. Freeman, Con- mma tac t; Dnvo S rhyer, S a lt Loke; li. L . ,nnds‘H arris, W. R . .Tones; * D enver; H. O. s „t|. Richardson, S n lt Lako; H. D. Garwood,

lay. > Rocky Ford, Colo.; A. J . M arshall, Mias cporl M arshall, Mndison, W is.;-W . C. Br&d-

T),0 ferd. New Y o rk ; Charles Bheohon, Bho- irlcd shone; G. A. Saunders, St. Paul; Low

t h e B o i s e ; J . R. Burristor, H. 8 .K Rho I W alker, C. U . V alentine, S a lt L ake ; cr of ' Melvin C Sm ith, Misa Sm ith, S alt L ak e ; cvive U. S- B urger, W. G. M axoy, Cttl4woll> thor-1H. J . Tnylor, M r. and Mrs. J . R. lien - eoi). Iderson, Pocatello ; Merium Browning,.

.. \ jf ln k ln n .l , (!n1 M. MeKcnvnr,liost- jH ayw ard, C al.; Erich Bohm, CharlcA.R.. y re. ' Leslie, Siin ^F randscoj Leo M. Hawkes,3 fol. [H. B. Davis Jind wifo,"Pocatollo: 0 . E . ibcrt, jW ork nnd w lfo, San Podro, Cal.; Mrs. h a lls , IW. H. Southcott, M. L. Southcott, H . P . latter Southcott, Grass Volloy, Cal.; F. Stay- B~not" no^-an.l-w if«f-flalt-Laka;-Jotoplj_Eagiiri_ w k e d - R t to T - a a lL L u k o p O J lo w a ia a r J ^ o g o r s o a ^ ntion 0- M aushart, J . F .^ o y le , San F raa - '


unces I’E R R IN E — Powel Salmons, Poca- iscillo tello ; J . P . A very, D e tro it; A le i Mo­nn on PhcrsoB, T w in F n lls ; C. H . Landsnberg, idoho. ^’I'il“ delphla; C. T. SBilthers, San F ran- ,f M ,' cisco; Roy II . T rask , Boise; A rthur F.h S d C . A !b ':- tso n ; 61.

hlgh Fw m ljack , Boise; A. W. .Work-man, S a lt L n k e; 0 . H . Valeotine, Balt

,^]t], L ake; Gcorgo G arford and wife, Boiao; f i f Mr. nnd M rs. W. A. Davenport, Mias

Mnry D avenport, Mr. and Mrs.- Allen jvurd' baby, all o f Jackson, Miss.; Joseph nfoni M urphy, S a lt L ake ;,T om Murphy, f P h i Lnke; George B.- McLoeae, Poca- n t hp tello; H arry W. Anderson, Boise; I. J . y Miller, R. M . lionakor, T. G. Douglas, youQg L exington, Ivy.; W. U . lU nkcad ,^

Tacomo; 0 . A. B arker and wifo. U. S.---------nrmyV W. Quheen, H ollister; Mr. andty of Mrs. J . H. Fox, Pocatello; Mr-and M rs.- icloer, A' Swaim, Dallas, Texas; Mr. and 1, has Mrs. a C. Cain, Dallas, Texas; Mr. and »lckoy Mrs. Ross Uodontmugli,'Kiiilli'orly; E. II., will Hopper, Boiso; W. K. Boyd, Eugono,in n e n |O rc .

OU '1 I f t

istey X) .dyJ X -


3 m ■

Page 6: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

' — p jr f r t r t ih t -------- ----------------

- TWIN. FALLS DAILY NEW S p' . i M U M L j Z t x t n r l Z m o c n i n * : f l i f c « N J - r —

rw ln T^IIh N ew s PublU hIng Co.. Ine. { lE«tat)ll»t>8<1 » 0i . ) j

main m * ^ r , ‘

j s a ,• m . ____________________ _________ o n U

SU B SCR IPTIO N RA TES.rtio y e a r .............. ....................................... t«XOI m nm li» .............. ; .....................................hn nl' m onth. .10 H'** *

' ----------------------------------------------------------- Tb-------------jtB M B H a « P A8 BOC1A TBD p n a w a - ■ - -

Vho ABsoclntrd P rc jn !• «xoIuatvcJr•ntHiod to Him ub« fo r repub lloatton of ■

V S " r f f i , ; ' " " i s s i c s r s ^ j s a " “j'ImmicluMi lipr<*ln nro ni»o roaervM . —

ui'i ninnim AsAoelatAd P r ts s . Iio r• • — ■ — ----- —------------ -- i'lif'i

-— T l... NVwi. I., n m em ber o f tli* A udU . . . ,

Hliird Iipnn nppllciitton. D otailod Infor- , „ Ti..tlon Kuppllcd locjvlly upon ro cu w t.

No rrK iiniiolhlllly is n«numo<I f o r ' th e Ik- r( • 'J.rr> (>r tinnollcKoiJ innnuncrlptB, photo* cn.i-hn o r oit.-T c o n trib u to r nm lto r. A r-■Irli'H milmilltfcl fo r puhllcallon will b« in e ij~.-cl or noi a t llio ill«crotion of th o wJl- .-or. nnr! no ni'<i.iiii<?rlnin will be ro lu m o d I '""" '«nl*T>i. iiccompanli-(l by nrceniuiry pofltace. luiiui

K A .stlJU N n itl 'I lB a C N T A T IE a .(I.'<.rKo II Duvlfl Co.. Tne., IT l M adlaon ,

* i.ii .rr . Ni'w Y ork: A. II. K ontor. 1411 t*T 'H urtfo r.1 llulW lng. Cbl«n»o. Hn, g = = = = = = = =

F R A N K D IS C U S S IO N O F lA W S ta llc , TJki iirui.o,siul C liil.i- L u ljo r A m ond- To;

«i'<-nt to tlic f cd o ru l C o n n tlliit lo n In SnlM b r fu ru till- b ta lo log i.tliitiin 'ii n n d con- = Bniii.'M ly la-fori! 'l l io citir.onH o f th in lliroi; i 'm iiiiry , ■|'Iihh,- (.rKiiiii-/.atioii.-j n n .l iw l.-i t iliN i.liials l.c lii-v r lh a t il i-. riK ht | ,

I '" " - '- a .Ivan ,-.. ,H ,a .H o . T h .' ,,,i„-H.'. r . l a r y c f th r N a tio n a l llh il.l L al.i.r n,-,.r „ .n im l t ,v lla . iiu rM iou np t„ ,,1)u' .vli..I.- | . 111.II,- tliiin : 11,,,^,

•■It' will t';,Mir tti.- .A ini.tKliiifnt, yon ,,i tl. ou;;l.t h . th a t it i , rn inU Iy ;in.l :< li-;.a .-i..ii;.t.-ly ,|iM-ii-H,.,l i,i tin . i„ |. I n . iv l i . - : .l.il,.., ;r....n'i<iti„tir, n il.l l.n l-1li.' IT ,-:. .,| y o u r or y ..i.r 1

I An

' • I f V,„1 ;,r.. O).iio...-il M i i r ’T like■i-.v r , . ,„ .........‘ n ,,. ..........................n .- s i , a n l . nl a .lvoval.-., u f llii.i, A niom l-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ' " > • He___ / i i 'r ..i ir i:u im .'n l t l i u t can lic .ta u u ch tu l .

n^ .a iti.l i l . W.- h .iv ,- no .M iiiriafni'.- in „ „ „ i111., v ir tu ., o f laWH wliii-h rn n ouiin- J ierlj t<.r tu an uv.-rw hcliniii^ ' )iiil.lic s.-nli-

——— K t l t . ' - l . l m r rir--?fin iililo failon ------■l.r..)..,..-.! lawH Ml.oulU r.-.-.-iv., a l llic j j

........ . . . f . a l l hi>n<.Ht, int<-lii)><-iit c iti- ____l>islioni.«t o r in n n ra n l ,-ili/.-iis I n ,

ina l.v^ t l ........ hi-iiril o n ly loor.-:i<|ily. I t in up t.i llio o th o r «url fo l.-if(»- th .-ir .-.h/ir.- in tlu- w urk nf

-------pn^r m mrtif:----- --------------------— ----------- vrm. - - _ T o l ;

T H E R IG H T T O D R IV E jT h ,. «i^v.'nt.-.'n-yi-ar o l.l boy .Iriv .-r

^vlm ,-aii!>.‘il til l ' i lc u lh o f a ii.!ili..ilrinn T ii f. • ill Kan.sris ( ;i ty a Iv w .la y s a j;o is li.-lil Hcnt

on a ^-liarn,. o f nianH lm iK litor. Hi« y o u th f u l .-o inp iu iii.n . I rn t ir i .- il th a t

_____ U uxy_.ifK c.l..hhn..t<^U >p. a fb - .r - th o .a»UK _nu .l.il i ' ha .l B tnipk th o tiian . =

------ 'n . ..y ■*«! I.» —B orry, f.ilks, b u t I 'v o a lre a d y p o t a ? l~ n o n ilanuTKfi^iinU HRainBt m e. I , c a n 't .s tu i i ." A nd lig a ln. lo a n o th e r J t111..;., “ T 'x ^ n n i ' l u u i l h c r a c c ld c n t an il ^ r v . . g o t to K<> o n .” M ar

.\|.I .a r .- iitIy th o on ly 1p«.iou th i i t JI. 1yoiiii^' m an - hiitl loarui-.I f ro m h i i u if i r , . t !..-.'i.k .nt w as th ,i l li.-M b o lte r ' ' ' d '.'liii- ..a i.tiiro w ill'll i-oniuiilti«f{ o th e ro f f .n n ..., aKiiinKt t r a f f ic r . 'K u la tluan Tl

,!Uiil hniiKiii J>u-t'nf>,_.TlM u-otl.«p-HO<«i- tn -lj .l.-n t, invo lv iiij: th i- clam.ij;,. ■ Huit to■xvliirh h.. r ..f.T r..il, o ccn rn -.l a w hole ul.'v"y r a r airu. In thi« n ie an tim .'. fri ..iuH Y.hay , 1..- h a . .•on tiin i..d d r iv in g am i h:in {’J “ ‘n lw a y a l.....n r a t l i i 'r k.n-n on " reo .l .ijcj,n n .l r.TUloH.in.'.HS. Ln a

.............. ...................... ..... 'I '" i;';,"•sv u r ld - .u o u l.lu ’t haVi' n .u t t h u . ^itiiu - | « - ( ti'.u i. I ’ro iu j.t jnini.Hhinenl fu r firHl «.ffi-n,.o, h o n o v e r , an .l .|. .u ia l l>. him o f th o r ig l i t fo ilrivi- a n .oU .r c ar, who in iR h t hnv,. h e l i .c l «oni.'. tV r la in ly

t- .w ariL liii; t . . r hnv o no r i^ l i t to .Iriv .. a u to n io -1 bil.-B. run.

—------ TlCT l,

B I L L H A Y W O O D A S l iE O T U R E E•'H it,' l l i t r - l l .a y w o c l. fo rn u -r Am.rr- ;‘'i'l

i.-an I . W, \V. l,.a .l,T , h .is ...... . in o\i-^ .•„ r ity fu r «on ...linu ., si...... h . ju m ,.c .l o f Vb a il in Clii.-ac<i a n d flc .l to th o Klori- ‘i ' '« OUN la n .l u f . H..l...h,.vi,siu. I t \va.H r .- j '’" ''

--------H o w -h i« n f - ‘l- - 'n .-1»liVvnt liuiu-K hat! b,..-n . lis ap p o in t- n f r

od. T h.- UuM.iau K rd s r.-fu ....! to ta k . ' / h i« l.ra ii.l o f radicaliH ai s.-riounly— o r _ c l f l c ^ i ;y .w iT c ,iealou-i. T h n - a tc J J 150 f o ld ly 7 t~MT7i..ow , h v -« n .I . .r to n k n o j " ' ' ' oM ubli»li a «clf.B ;u>porlinK com m uai« t c o lony in th e U ra l • m ou n ta in ;.. T h a t b . . r - j .ro jc o l f a i l n l , o ill .c V ii.;.-au«- ‘ l l ivu« jio ' Kood o r b e ca u so o f U oU hov iH op. I .oM tion. Po B i ll , u n a b le to r e tu r n w hit fo hi« be loved A m c ric a riB— lik o K m m a ‘ “ '•>1 O o ld n ia n — h r w in b c a ho c ou ld , haa K..II.' nn th o lo c tn r o “ p la tfo rm . .lun i

in ^ th e A u u ia n a 'a b o u t aociAl, cco* noinii. a n d p o lit ic a l c o n d ilio a a in A m cr- o f i ' l e a , n o is h a a d tcap p o d b y h is Ir -

;— ^ — — j TlBreakfast Food

I “ M atrim onially Soeakino”1 B y ftina. H U O H MoKAY

M 7 H usband Stops to Talk to PM pla 4 'n the Strvet.

l lo ’a always runn ing Into ocqualnt- incea nnd discovering somo m atter tho t

ho Bjwt. IThis RonornHy hnppons whonovor h e 1

’oes b u t Id’ gbr'som biHiiig a t 'th o gro- o r'a or a tten d to some errand for me.

b f f lv o_m inn tC S ,-il:h« Li-.—nyim if-ho liurf ica off;— -------_Aiid._aboot-thirty-iiv«-.m loutos-Jftt«r— — 10 rcnppcnrs, looking ns though noth- i n^ out o f tho o rd inary had happonod, ’

■ou'vo hold u iro u r d ln n o ro x ac tly ono- la lf hour nnd probably ruinod i t f "

"Y o u 'ro only jok ing , a re n 't yontM 10 ri’|illcs. " W h y , I ju s t happened to [loot Joit Mel’liorHon nnd wo g o f ta lk- i »K abont hit. new cur—but I couliln’t lOBHil.ly have been out more thnn ton iiiiiuten.’'

And if ho cnn ’t find nnyboily else to onvorao wllh, ho whilon away a (juar- e r o f on hour tn lk ing politics w\tUlie alorokoopor........... ‘ ....................

Yet womou aro s till catalogued as tho alkatlvo BoxI

Tomorrow—M y W lfo Goes to S peda l ales. ,

lironKli nn in lerpro tcr, bul ho doeim’l cldo •I tlmt l.othi'r him.

l l w oul.i b.- inl.T i-stinK , UioukIi .r..l.i,'l.ly ; ii i |M li i. j» ,- |.> -k n o i r -3 n s t- irh a t - i f f lli- p a r t i . .n la r in l..'rp r..t.-r o f A jiierloan i K if.- in t ..|lin (; tlu - UiisHianf. n lm iit uh. ■ ■ t iiiuM I... a w ..ird a . 'c .n i i t . V .'t i t f f .;iy iii'l bl- a n y m oru w ..in l ilian M.me ^ I Ih.. a ..|...unlH \y,- «.•! o f Kux^ian lif.-,

-... ...............

C a p a c i ty o f E le p h a n t An rli-pliani worlis fmm Ibo nRO --f

ivolvf I.I 111.- a;;.- ..f t'ltlily . It cnn Sf mil i:> l.'iix. lifl lia 'f u ton nnd carry of h iiri'O mu^ I'll IfH I'ucl^ -\-olr

. ------------------------- Tl

H o w B a b y E le p h a n t t D r in k |||" 'T bu yotinj; e le i.b i in t su .-ks w ltb It.s I ’liu

im itli. j;o t w ltb U.S tr u n k , uh wiib fo r- ,n .|i lu rly sii|iiioMiMl.----------------------------------------------- JJ

-----------------------------» boat

— T o ^ t l i r M O T n t a i n s ^By AONES ANDERSON LYONS. »)

need l.u t to l i f t iny eyes, to votir n'lilhoiKhta ■ liko

I'o feel your Hplrit o f p.-a.-e and culm J’OU•ome alcalii.K o ’or inv muiI, bPK-iftinj; it up III.if on ivjuKs,- - • ' f ”.Vl t n- p m aH i* f ree.lom lo .noar--------------I'o lau.la tinknowji. B, ■ ‘ 'VftJ

need b u t lo l if t my ovei to vourheiRhli, ■ 11

I’., foel yonr powor of en.luriiiK NtreiiKtUilcnew my bohiK, th a t 1 inij;lil ^ rt-eathor th.- Blorms of life unscutheil,\m l I.......am from you tlie «ecrct })t life to Kustuin.

- L ^ G A t-A 0 V E R T IS E M E N T 5 :z ^s m i m o K ^ c

En tho DiBtrlct Court o f tho Kleventh R Jud icial D is tr lr t o f tho Stato of » Idaho, in und lo r T wlii T iT TTrC oim ^ - g

Marion Snow, P la in tiff , S

n . L. Locklin, und th e Unknown Uolrs . and Dovisoes of Lauru U. Routh, £ .lccca*eil, and tho Unknown H eirs « aud Dovlaeei o f IL L. Kouth, do- fconn'd, ------------- lJ«f«»daats> _ !Tbe iJluto of Iduho sends greotiogs

tn H. Ii. Lorhliii imd-lhn tiiikiitw iU icirs-------aud (levinces of L aura II. Houth, do- oeaHe.l, uml tho unknown heira and ileviieea of H. L. liouth , edcenscd.

You nro lierobv notified th a t a com­plaint bus beeu filed ugainitt you in L Ibu l)i.Mlricl Court o f tho Eloveuth Ju - „ ilicial Dialrict of tbo Stato of Idaho, T""’ in und for Twin Falla County, by the abovo namod p la in tiff, nnd you nro ^rc liMoby directed to appear nnd anawor Mr. to - th o ia id -co m p la in t within 'tw en ty £ dnys o ( the se rriee o f this snmmoBS - r :if Hcrvcd w jfbin said judicial d istric t, ----and w ilbin \furty .l.ays 'i f served else- T n-hero, and you aro fu rther notified X th a t unless you 6o nppear nnd answor _ naid complaint w ith in the timo herein tpedfi« l,-th r-T > lain tif»-irill take-JiidR- ' t \ iiiont uRaiust vou us prayed in naid K; romplaint. '

The nrtlon ia brouRht to foreclose a -----i-erla in mnrlKUKO m a d e , ex ec u ted u n d l.-liver.-.l by th o Haid L a u r a H. l io u th in.l H . I-, H outh to W . L . Snow , cover- . iui: a ll th a t c e r ta in r e .tl p ro p e r ty s i tu - " I te iu th e ( ’o n n ty o f T w in F a lln , H ta to .f I .lab o , a n d b o u n d e d a n d p a r t ic u la r ly l.-scribe .l ;ia fo llo w s; L o t fo u r ( 4 ) lu d ock f i f t v . s i i (.-ifi), C ifv o f T w in F a lls , 1' iH Numo ia sh o w n o ti Iho o f f ic ia l p la t ling l f - ' l ‘w l^ •"^ 'a lJ r - '^ D W n s^ te -n » -f il« ^ - a n d - i,ou' if r c p o r . i in th o o f f ic o o f .I h o 'r e c o rd e r >f na id c o u n ty a u d B tate , s a id m o rt- .

boaring da to o f October Uj 1017, , .j.-<-uted und delivered for tho BUm of H 50.00. .with in lc rca t-fro m said date '.t the tL-n (lO T iH x-r ct^nt perlununi, ]>uyublo sewi-annually, which ber laid mortgBKo wns rccordcd on Novcm- j. r-l« ,-ltlJ7,< in Hook 44 of Mortgpgcs,[lane 412, nil o f which will moro fu lly ; ippear from p la in t i f f ’s verified com- [tlalnt 01. flio heroin, refcrenco ' to ' ' rt-hich is bi'roby m ade for n moro par- tucubir fllntement.

W itness my hand and tho seal o f ibo l)i«lri«t Court th is - H th - d a r - « f - lune, A. 1). H>"4. 11(K eni)___ r. n. flinnTNR, _

Clork of tho D istric t Court o f tho . r, Kleventh Jo d ic ia l D istric t o f tho S ta te \ J j f Iduho, In and fo r 'IV in Falls County. '

By C. L. BOWEN, Deputy.-li, B .-S m itb j-attom ey-fo r^ -p lah itiff;-------

residence and offieo. Twin Palls, Idaho.

r T W H ^ h F M a ] S r g > 7 a t o ;

rUE HUMAN ZOO__________________ ______(Beg. U. a Pi te a t

The “ coinprom be” arrived n t b y th e I :ldo botwoon a rockor and a g&te-Ieggod ti

------ = „ '‘ni


Mr. In ilk ii Iliintlnf; wus vtTy-fund >f Hln«lni;. U<‘ ulso Imd a very lovoly .•olrt?. • ' *"

Tliut, UH you tuny Imvo noticed. Isn’t . , ' ilwnys th e <-iino. Sniin! of iih love lo ?lnj: wh.-n wi- really cnn’t sin« nt nli I , . . riiun* I.s n.l liiinii In It. of coiirsc— but le ltb e r Ik tbiTo uny bcuilly. .

J lr . Ii;<IIko Hiiiitliig, tbouRb, Imn a M-nutlfiil volco, It In ver>- much llko ' Ihe volco of u I'linnry, oxcopt Mr. In*'It'i;.-.' t'tiniiHn-~.l.r.-viv.it Ii’in -fta n - “ “ **

' h 'III! In not unwilling tn sing.You knnw bow oflcn nlnncra who '

ri'iilly Hlni; bouiHlfully will uot feel liko h1ukIii« for you? They will lell • ' you Ihoy Imvo a flllgbt cold, or they ! beg you Id i-xcuko thorn nnd Ihoy fell you ^boy will Bltig for you anotlior

But tb n t Ih not Mr. IndlRo BunHng'a wny. H i-W lll Mnjc fo r yfiii nil through the Biiiimior limo. .

Ho not only Iiu.h n benutlful volco— ,* he In n vory benutlful bird. ' .

Ah. yo.H. Mr. ImllRO Itunling Is very fortuniit.'. • H 111

Ho Ih nol vory big. bul oh. th e color of IiIh blu.‘ Hull Is WQp.lerful bo-

nf IhO idofi). iimunllk-ent fllmdo of blue Ihnt JiiiL-gomotliiifM Ho<‘-ln-lb.*-Hky-at-nlglU._—lttR“frn ttio r5 also hnvo Bonio of the ; „j

Mr. Indigo Bunting Pours Forth HisSong, -'

wllgrconliih blno dnr.zllng colors such nn .. Mr. I’o n o c k weurs. .

H la bcail la vori b u r b j a . b ^

Radio Programs |.AJvai.oM offrrtnffii n t p rlnciItlI-* ta lIon“ ' ' .‘v lihlii r.iiiK.- of rccclv ln i; In T w in i 'Kalis <-ntiiiio-. . i r r a n s f il briefly fo r vill-bu-..y r.ra.l.T«. T W IN F A IX S T IM E i


p. III.—llaseball B.-ore.H, iniirket jirepurl.v

11 p. m.—t ) ln e ii 's orclio^I r:i. IKGO, OAKLAND.^ / l a n d

1> i>'. in.—Tliroo-uel drama.' '•iviiifl i i;- l in g ." under direction of WlMu .W l- lx c .i 30U“ CLur.:ii;':Muiaijirm.7TT,,.| wVrTTirf toir.l

woo. DAVENPORT. li.t.H p. III.— I'ulnier .'?cliooi ii.-j.lio or- 1 h

cheitra. ___K P I . LOS A NOELES . . “

-lU III.—I'rogrnm, I'lrircntia flium - Ll her o f Coiuinorce.

ni.'Ul p. m,— M nrgarot Bowrn, pian ist. .K H J , LOS AjiTOELEB. -

" p. ,m .—Uickm auH orebo.'tra. "7:i5 p. m.—C hildren 'k progruiii. .1» p. in.— 1‘rogram, i ‘la tt Muiic .'om- I!”'*'

10 p. m.—Anton Chris, gu itar; Tlior- ii

11 p. ni.— H ickm an'a orcbe.itrn., WOAW. OMAHA. - V------------- p. jn,— Jfed Oa!.-; lown, orehealra;\ !} p. m.— Ik-.J Oak, lowu, Municipal Dand.--------- KEO ^JU N -PBA N O lflO O .— ---------D<

C:30 p. m.—C hildren’s hour. ;puj(

:0, THURSDAY^MORDTIN■ By C. D. Batchelor r "

te a t O ff leo) -__________: .


■ 'C'I AH l l l | l H w K £ tont t bnclim i M ttra tfS K ^Um ^

w lK t t U s l f f i S M t WB f i B W P A a P q H B K r f l / r J L o "(^ nol-j he b rid e nnd groom who couldn’t de-Id tab le . DwI_____ _____ _________________________Ihor- — - ...................... thennd ili»‘ c.il.ir o f his w ulitcorit nro fnjiiniiii-e o f“ tire K rocnln in iltjo pcncoclt” •'<l.(llorr«, I'oll

lllH tn ll and bis wings ure of blnck « ivlth l.hi(‘ f.-ntbors nilxotl In w ith tholilnr'k. Tht

.Mr. IndlKo IhimlnK will sit upon a mlf;Kpriico Ireo .ir n birch tree und will “RlriK fo r bmirs nm l hours. -Now nnd pii(.'ulii •■von ns Iio tllca bc will Hlng yen ror\':i Hill.' Klin;:. stof

A n d -n .’ilibik' In the world In nny lamlovoll.T tlm n lo cutch u Kllmpno o f Mr. -the In.li::o ItiintlnK n« ho llic.i. In the sum-I1I.T siiiilli:lit. nml na ho illcn to hear xhim sing a lovdy mmg. cap

lie is net very Hhy. Ofton ho will hoc................. . frlondly. Uin

If bo -s.-.-H tliut you nre o friend ti,o of IiIh ho will bocorne o friond of youra,for lio l-s m> tjcnoniuB In the wny ho nnn hns .if wiintlni; tn Rhnro b is song wilh

-nhollo (l.ie.tn'i tnnke cxcukoh. H o rno

■Wun.-t uny ,h „ r I.Q h o p , t n . h a a t . ---------i.|is.--d: : beo

Ho (loosii't nny thnt ho hnB hnd n pi„rold o r tliut ho l.<i n b it hoarse and iw.iiild rn tbo r not. wni

-No. M r. Iiiill;:o Bunting pours forth i,in IiIh Hons for tho world to hear—alltbo.H.' who wlsli to hoar him mny. „„„

"I lovo till! .HUiniijpr tlin ii.nnd th© -i Him lkbt ond Iho’ lrcos.” -M r. IndlKtw. j j u t IiuntUm' Kiilil. " It Is thon th a t 1 dress. >4i{i In all til)-boHt and do honor to .t)m|Mu.lumo Summer. con

'-Sbe la .so bnndsomely gowned h e r '^niNOlf Ihn t I wnnt to look niy boKt, too. f„c

■•Of course, w h.'n Iho curly nutumnoiuoH I buve to sta rt on my Journey c„ iHoiilh. OVI’

••Tben 1 wear u q u ie te r BUlt fo r truv- folclIiiK. • I think U 18 bent nol to wenr frl(niio'M vory ties't tm lt a-triivcllni:. lhoui;h jII Is n lco 10 look nont and nlccly----ovt

-dressed:----------- ' ' " " -t : ------------- ------------"I nlw uys flntl n brown milt with poi

touchcs flf blue niQkcs.j» nice trnv.vllng }BU lt not

•‘So l-olw aya-chanK o to thnt before jnh-t-n ln rl >>ff-*»n-iny Jourtmy. “Vvf.

‘•I don’t think nboul llm t until the i j .tim e comes. I onJoy mysolf nlnghig eyennd hav in g a good tim e nnd I try to gipgive o th cra any plensure they mny ■'hnvo from my Bong." Ke

And M r. Indigo llun ilng aucceods lo i — If—y o n -h n v e -n e v e r-se e n him.- nnt

uiuitch-fur-hlm-ua_iL.fluminccU-du>^nd- -th iwhon you Roe blni In hlH benutlful blue isu it Hying' through flic woods o r over ly . ft mou<Jow nml when you hcnr his frovolco you will Huy: wl(

••Oh, w hat a beautifu l b ird ! W hat n nkihonutlfiil- volco.” tioi

.\m l n» -you «ny thin I th ink you hin win feol n llltle hnjiplor. For Indigo . I Hunting u.Mh IiN nluirt^ of beauty nnd I notof huuulnet.3 to th e world. lia»

______________________________________ wh-------------------- ------------------------- ----- -------M p. 111.—tieiger’H orcbcBtru. wn10 J,. m,—W ationvillo nrtists.11 1-. in.— Hradfield'ri bnml. hot

WHB. KANSAS OITY, _____ o>liT i-.^ni.—l>aiico program from Iii.liun mil

village. out p, m ,_ ro p n la r duuco program. J Hu

WDAP, KANSAS OITY. wn,'i p. m,—I’o]iulur poems aud essavs; I'll

N ordborg 's I'lai.tatim i 1‘laycrs. Io«li):l,* p. m,—.Mghthuwk frolic. [m il

KYW, OH30AG0. r. (i. 111.— I'aul W^Jiitemnn’B Collegium qul

an.l .loHka D rllab a ry ’» orchestra. nbf<>;-0 p. jii.—Itiilh Kucehler, RO|irano; on'

Nc.l .'-;anltr..y. tonor; A lbort Hacohi, wn toii.ir; ^TaVg:i^e^'5U•Ki^^^‘i7■nccompa^’-ist. J

« p. 111.—" A t hom e'- program . •___________________________________________ ov t


. Ju lv £3, 10S4. - -No:W arran ts uf Uic Aouorican Falla Hoi. did

orvoir nisfrl.-t numbcra 370 to ri72 both el.si iiiolusive will bc j aid i f prosuntcd a t ’e>-f tl:s o f iie c of th e D istric t A usust 2, tlO lIt. I

In tiT cat ou these w arran ts ceosos T ‘^ C U5t- a.- 10S4.---------- i r ----------------------- 1°

AMEKIClVN FALLS---------------— R K 8 R R v 6 m m i3 T ,------------

W. n . Spence, TreM. ------- , loo

Tem puM F u g i t“ D o lt"n o w :~ T o an y 'w Iirb « “yceloMiy“ :pujorrow .—Coiton T rapscrlp t........ .

[NG. JULY 24,1924.- ” ................. ................ .


i clloe peal

Hidigrader i

W' ■ ■ Af

---------------- . -jav«

train_ _ put

" [ tainand

- . . .. ... . •■B' . r ^ . -'flQct

• .................... . -P H I ' - -ns-c

I W M.vMk LE0 D RAINE “ n


CHAPTER XVI aa h - " r

Captain Kilmeny Retires ’TA volco catling hl.H.nnnie from tho

lop of the flhaft brought Jack Kllmeny bnck to con.<<cloiiHnonB. H e annworod,

A Hhout of joy 'boomed down to him HiIn Colfor'8 henvy bass. I lc ^ o u ld honr, ra thllio. th e aw t^ t troublpil to«o>»_of_o CopI n-omun. ' ' l l i e

••Hurry, plcn.se, hiirr>'. . . . Thunk »«ni.Ood. wo'ro In flmc.” a u it

•'Got lh a t brcnkfuKl w llh ynu. lUtle « e nnol-jlilior." .Jnck cnilod up woukly. He nlglidl.l ri;i>) need .to ho told fhnt Moyii -SIDwiirht wnn nbove. nnd, Blnro Bhe wus bndIhorc, of course sbe hnd brnnght .him thetho bronkfiiHl thiit he hnil ordered rendfrijm tho Rllvor DoUar, U t'

•'f5ot b u r in n t ‘‘o ''t1 ic" tu n n i‘l. Jactc."' 'In il:Colter prf^ently shouted. ed 1

-W lm t f o r r■•We’re lowering somoone to yon. yom

The llmberlngH nro ro tten nnd thoy novcmiKhf full on you. Gel buck.^^ but

“All righ t.” freeFlvo m lnm os Inter th e rescuor ”I

reached tho fool of tho sbnCt. llo Nevstood fo r a moment wltb a m iner’s bo dlaiiip nhovo IiIh heud nnd peered Into isn’ttbc gloom. coul

••Where awny. J n c k r humTbo man wn.s Ned Kllmeny. The Tl

captnin hnd Insl.stcd—nil tb e more H'bocuuHo thero wns Himo dnncer In It— likeUint ho flboiil.l be th e man lowered to flnistb c nld of hlH couHln. Per

“Brlni; thn t brenkfnat?" Jnck hersnnppcd, tostlly. hidl:

••Yea, old nmn. I t’s w nltlng up his-above. Brought some soup down w ith hia ime.” , ~ aelf

“been kt-eplnc ymj? Tra going to"cdm“ j du>^ plnln of tbo service.” • Btea

The cnptnln nnw a t onco th a t Jnck V, ( wns llglit-hoTtded nnd he humored had him. Of 1

•‘Yes. I would. Now drink th la aion sonp." cedt

T be Imprisoned .mnn drnlnod tlie hadU)Ucket-t»-tiHL4fi*t-4t<yk--------------------—

Nod looRenod tbo rope from h is own to h • body nnd fnittonod ft nbout thn t o f hlf acat coiiHln. Ho gavo tho elgnnl ond Jnck slbh wnB hauled vory cnrefully to .th e aur- " fnce In such u wny na n o t to colMdr goni w ith the jnmmed tlinbeni nenr th e top. did Colfor un ilB ley .'r lifted the hlghgrader,. Sbo over tho edge of th e well, w hero hs tino coUapHotl nl onco Into tho nm is of hia All

.Moyn, n ibtsk liT lior hnnd. atoopwi ’ «ov ovor the nick mnn where ho Iny on n fr

-tho-fftnsH:— llor-tlfic fnCu wns fo li-o f-^ th e poignant Bynipiithy. thr<

Kllihi.ny-s -mind wna qultu c lear o f t now. T he n\lin wns gaunt ns n fnm- Isbed wolf. Jlltu>a-dccp-lnto,hlaJnc<> .m - n i fir i mv>i i iiitt Bhowea-tinwcniHe---------

, ly- be ^ind nbuve.l den tir B ut !n his eye wns tho gny Inextlngulahnblo glenm of Iho thorouKhbred. J'

’•Ain’t I th e qu ilter. Miss Dwight? Keollni; ovor Jusl like n sick bnby.!’ '

Tho yoiinK woman choked over her ; answer, •’ io n m astn’t tnlk yet. Drink 9

-------- --------------- TiTiiiHo drank, nnd In ter he a te spnrlng- Rct

Iy of the food she hiTd hflatUy gathered from tho dinner ‘ab le and , brought ■ w ith hor. In Jerky llttio Bcnbnces he t^o sketched bln udventurc. m ingling He-' -S tiori with faot as th e fever grew on 1 him acnin.. Bloyor. him self a gamo man. could

I not w ithhold Ids.ndm lm tlon n f te r he will lu d heartl Cnplttln Klimeny’s a tory of w hnt ho hnd found below. T he two. ® .wllh M.iyn. woro rid ing behind tho wngon In which thu roacued mnn lay.’

"Think of tho luck of Ihe fellow— no'l horlng nwny a t th a t cnve-ln w hen nny oilnuto n mtnion tom* of rock n n d 'd lr t mlclii tuii^bfo <lown and crush tho life brif out n f film. T hn l's n big enouKh thing. Pro

} Hut n.lil to It his gnme loc and his ^bn; I wound unrl stur%-atlan on top o f thnt.I I II Klve It to him for tho gnmcst fol- Oot l iow thnt over w ent down Into a I mlno.” « d1 ••Tbafs not nil," tho caplnln added *hn ' quietly. -'He must Imvo tunnek-d In

nbout iwonty-llvo feet when the roof onvcd iicniii. r ie n n howled nut a s bo wns. Jnek ta<'klod the Job a rocond

-t I mo.’*------------------------------ :—",------ , " -----Moya coul.I nol think of whnt hnd

taken placc wlUiout a film coming *' ovor her eyes and n sob choking her throuL A vngabond and w orse be. ^ m lg h rb e . Imt Jnck Kllmeny held her lov«> beyond roonll. l l w as usoloss to

-remind herself th n t he wus unworthy.-None the Icee. abc gloried In the splcn- did coumgc nf tho man. W hntever CI.SO Jio mlRht be. Jnck Kniheny’'w as evpry Inch n mnn. — t?

T here wus n llltlo discussion be* . twoon Colter nnd rn p fa ln K llraeny as . to which of them ehould tako caro of . tho invalid. The cap tain urged ihaT

-ho would Het-botl0r c a ro -a t-th«4 io to l, -v--- wlioro Irfidy F n n iu h n r and Ind ia conld

I w k After him . 'C o lte r re fe rred the " ... m n tte r to 'J a c k .

__“Tm Tioh gotng tn h wM»n T jdy f g f . ^qnJiar o r India. Colter ean look ont ^

' V ' y ,

*1* no tro n tre . f td la w o n t b* sat- [afied UDleas yoo cotiie to tb e hotel,"IToya' wtM -ln-aJow-TOlffc-'. - ; . -------- -

H e lookod a t her, w as aboo t t ? de<Cline, a n d changed hlii m ind. T b e ap- peaM n h e r oye* WM too p a t e n t . -,

'• rm In th e handa o f . m y friends.Settle i t any way you like. M l«D w igh t Do W hatever yotj w an t w ith mo, cxcept p n t me back In tb a t helL"

A fte r n doctor had seen Ja c k and .ta k e f t - < a r e ^ f h ia nnkle. a f te r th e--------- ----tra ined ntirso had arriTcd and been put in chiirge -o f Ihe Mck room. Cap* . # ‘ ta in k llm eny m ade a r e ^ r l 'l o " M o y i " and bla alater. • . ’

•■Ho'a gone_to f l l ^ ______flQ ctnrZ aayilitfn - probably .b«_a? wel*r;— : a s -o v c r - ln - i -w c f ik .. . th a n k s to ..y ,Q n.„, Moya.”

■“Thnnka lo yoO. Ned,V sho pmended.

(Right nm uac,you."The captnin looked s tra ig h t n t her

as ho Bpoko. ' -" r i l rend It.”■‘Do. You^il flnd aom ething on the

la s t page th o t will in te rest you. Now, ^ I’m going to eay good night. I t 's tim e llttio girla w ere In bed.”

H e klascd hlB sla ter nnd Moya, ra th e r to th e surprlae of th e Intter, for Copluln Kllmeny never inalsted uponIhe Hglitii of V lo v w .-----T h c rc -w n s------ ------aom ething on his fnce ahe did not quite understand . I t wns ns If he were saying good-by Instcnd of good­night.

.She undorslood It p resently . Nodbnd w ritten a note uiv' .........................fhe last pnge of the lltUe book. She rend It twice, and tb .‘ii .m . .I t told lio r thn l the Koliller huti leiidtru ly lho”fiw ro rho r’nnxlot3 hnd flnnnt-"-------od In th e fnce of all her friends.

"U’H no go, dear girl. You’ve done

yoor be.st. b n t you don’t Idve me. Yon nover will. Afrnld thesc’s no way loft but fo r m e lo rclcnso you. So you’re free ncnln. lltllo aw cethenrt.

”I know you won’t m isunderstand.Never In my life hnvc I cnred for yon BO much ns I do tonight. B ut caring iBn’t enough. - I ’ve had my cimnco nnd couldn’t win out. MnV you hnvo good hunting where%’cr you go.”

The no te w as algncd *’Ncd."H er betro thed had pinyed tho gnme

like th e gentlem an he wns to a losing finish. She knew hd would not whlip- p er o r complain, tho t he would meet h e r tom orrow cheerfully nnd cnslly, hiding even from her tho wound In h is h ea rt. H e wna a b e tte r mnn than h is coualn. She could n o t deny to her- aelf th a t hia gallan try had a finer -edtt e r - H Iff-eenao-of-rtght-^vH a-bottw ITirveloped nnd hia courage qu ite aa ateady. Ked Kllmeny hnd won hia .V. C. befo re ho wna twenty'-flve. ' Oe had carried to n auccessful issue ono o f tho most delicate diplom atic mla- alons of recent years. Everj-body con­ceded th a t ho hnd a fu turo . If .Ju c k had never' appeared on h e r horizonaht^ tt-nnld hnx-n-marriori Nnd.nmMinan_____ * Lto him a loving wife. B ut th e hamm* acarum-v'eoiisln hnd m n d e-th is lmt)0»- Bible.

W hy? W’hy hnd her roving heart gono otit to th is n ttn ic tlvc scnmp who , , did n o t w nnt her lovo or cn re fo r JtT Sbo did not know. Tho th ing waa 'aa tinoxplulnablo us It w ub InoRcopnblo.All the tm ln lng of her Ilfo had shapedher to o lhor ends.__ Lttily._Earauhar________would oxplnin ll os a g lam or cnat by n foolish girl's fancy. B ut Moya knew

-the- ’IM e—t>f—feeling—w hich— raced ---------- ‘th rough her wns bom n o t 'o f fancy bnt o f th e tru o romancc. . ^


Two in a Bucket. Jack heard Uie story of hia rescue frnm India. Ho su i^ rlsed her alono In tbo brenkfuBt-room by hobbling In one niom lng n fte r th e re s t h ad gone.

Sho poppp.l n ques tion d irectly nt TiTiir "Did the doctor sny you could get up?”

••Didn’t n.^k him,” he answ ered with a laugh, and dropped Into n sea t ocrosa tho table.. Shaven, nnd dressed In a clean fresh- 0

ly pressod suit, he looked a different mnn^from th e hngcnrd grim y vagabond Caplnln Kllmeny hnd brough t bnck wllh him throe dnys earlier. ’The eyes.w erc-stlll rn thor sunken a n d the .fa c e ----------a hit drnwn. bu t ofhonvlse ho w as bla voryrom potont nnd dehonnir self. Hia -fJood tnom ln’. Indln.” wns a s cheery nnd mattV-r of fnct as If those flvednys of horror hnd nover existed. ______— Don’fb d lo v e li'w lll h u r t you?’' f lc r ' brlRht oyoH wi-ro warm In tho lr np- provnl of blm. ••You look a lot fitter thnn you did even yostorday. I t 'a aw ­fully Jolly to aco yon a round again,Oooaln Jack .” 9

" rm enjoying I t m yself," be coa- cedcd. "Anything of im portance in th n t covered dish over t h c r e r ’

•Tell mo nil nbout It,” aho o rd o ro d T ^ handing him tho bacon. T hen , w ith a ahnddor, sbe added: ‘'M uat hnvo been m tho r awful down thore.”

•’Itod enough.” he^dm tttod 'JIghU y."Toll 'me.” ’ “ She lenhod forw anl.

chin In hnnd.•‘W hat’s the nifoT Thoso fellow s p o t

me down. Yonr b ro th er took ma op. ThnfafllL*?- ■ - - - - -- :

" I t Isn’t nil. Ned iiaya I t la per­fectly m arre lous th e w ay yon dug th a t ^ tunnel and escaped from being cruahed, • a a d 'th o n dug it again a f te r It hadcaved.” ------- -

“Couldn’t He dom j and quit, could I I? A m an In the hole I w ns cnn’t pick and chooso." He amlled lazily a t ' her and took a muflln ffom a p in te hnnded

-hlm-l)y-4h*-WBltep;— " M y -to rr i 'to -a sk - - -- questions. I want th e full s to ry of •

T ioW you gucBB^<ri w as in the w eat _sh a ft o f the Ooldcn N ugget?"-----------------------

'•Haven’t you henn l? I t wns Mnyo guessed It—from the tapping on the plEt"SOU k n o w " --------------------------------------------

— (Coatlnuefl t a T ro x t Tsiuo) ' ^

Page 7: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

" - - -TWIN F.

T H E M A H K E T S l a -- —I' audclc

' , • — when

“ MARKETS AT A GLANCEW JW tO flK , Jn ly S3 U t S t a s l a

S tro n g ; oyer « iMUCs^at now hlgUt; public-utilltiOB active. news

on<l L ib e rty boods gain.- jTorolgn EJtc^BKoa — U w Qttlcdj atorUng rcac ti. * ' '

C otton—^Firnj; Iiigh tompoxaturcs :rcficlBOUtltWOSt. -_ j. _ . ;__ I

...... ~ '6 n g a r~ T ^ r i t to > ;—b e t t e r - ' ' 6 b f l T. f o r Toiinod, - actjp

C offoor-Stondy; ‘trnilo buying. oarly CHICAGO, Ju ly W>)—W hont-:- the

Corn— H igher Id sym pnthy wjtJi rcacJ whent. I Bu

C attlo— Sternly; b e tto r allpp ing cruai dem and. '

Hog*—Strong; ligh t receipts. Blinr] c I------------------------------- -----------------------— I I>r

•---------- da V!

TW IN FALLS MARKETS w:--------- Ju ly

------------------------------- ------------------------ -—Tbesc pncca aro ohtnlueij daily Dec.

ttt t o 'c lu rk iu ttie nftornoon unil Oc <jrc ietvRd^d lo cover oa ly tb< av-

, fragv o f priccN. W here certa-n q ^1 diiaiera to r ahort perioda o ile r more ^ ^ t innn th« quoted prlco oo e ffo rt i j i tuado to iocludfl auch- quotatlonr.; y uu tn tioua ure offered merely db a Ju ly ; (luidu to producers a a d should an ( Sep(

1.0 accepted ns reflecting extrom er Dec^__ .,t-i’C?)t_her_high_or.low _pricoa.______ _____ I

p(W ljoat took aaotbor raiao Wodaeaday

on tlie local m nrkot and la now. quoted a t *1.05 a hundred.

Cantnloupea of flno flavo r are find - . ^ ing (I ready aulo a t tho atores for lOo . ^ nploco o r tw o fo r 25c. ^ “8

Egga droppod lc a dor.en a t tho ahlp- * '• p ing ata tlona Tnoaday whllo tho atorea nre tnn in tain ing tbo SAino price aa pre> vailed tho fira t o f the weok. ^

Tlio second crop of atraw bcrriea ia m aking lt« appearance on the m arkota a nd b rin g IGe a box. Qcowera p red ict A U ght «ceond crop, un!ea« tb e WBter Q.

^ a ltuatlon changes m nterlally in tho nex t i i,j few daya. to 1

--------- ClE E T A IL M AEBXTS. No

PaW to Prodncort OTho Tw in FalU m arket# yesterday

wero as followa:

L'owa .................. ... ........ 13.00 to $3.60 ^dfifvTt .......................................;........ ^-UcPTs ................................ 14.00 to »n.riU H'/onl fwlve* ..... ................. to •fi.C'.Lamba —______________*8.00 to 111.00

Fowla. 0H eavy bena — -------------------------- L. 18c Tro

I L ight bena ....... ................. ■ ......... lOe cnrt-------n»oUw-(l>ogho>ro)......... ■..„ ,33ft. jOil}

^ B roilers ( c o lo re d ) ............... ................aas" '*■ =■ D alr»_ • . ■ • doh

B u tte rfa t, crcamcry _______________35c NoiB u tto rfa t, atntton _______- ..............35c Vir,Country b u tte r ........................ f5e HEgga (ablppiirB) -----------------— —— 20e :i7><E g g i (locftl a to r o ) ................... ........... 23c fira

W beat and Mill F««l. I--W heat ........................... ....................... J l.W ordP rnn, cw t...... — --------— v ,.^ tl.40_ _ j ;Hran, 600-lb. lo ta _______________ » U 5 ho:.

- S tock food --------------- -.-♦1.50 tp-;- f l t f lc k food,.5QQ-Ib. lota ----------<L45

BiiRar, WboiMftl*)Cano ........................... ........................... *8.73

9 Boot ____ ............................. ..........*8.53•• • K'*r

. VegoUbloB.I’otatoos, lb. ............... ................... .... <J3c ^Hoad le ttcn e --------------------lOe to 15eO rapefru it, e a c h __________lOe to 15e <tu

••••n onions,'bunch ............ .............. . 05<Cabbage, lb ...... .............- .......................08e IBadlabea, bnneb ---------------------------05c i,ot

---- --------------TfOir------^ ^ ---- o T■'•■fruit, eoph ... Hk" to Ifi - fuj

Lemons, doaca — -------------------- 30cOrangea, d o x e n __________________ «0e

■n’lIlHH. Ill........ ..................... .........C an ta lo u p e# ......................... li*c, 2 fo r 2Ba

D DalrrC ream er/ b o tte r ................. . - M e

W iaconaln eheM T I------------------------ 80« ^__ po'


B oport o f B oat In O anadlaa C rop ^--------- « t a * u —4Wyinff;-Ht*aip#4»} M am o t *'0'

Oloaea 0 l-B to 7 1-4 O enu H lgber______ onCBICAQO, Ju ly 23 OPV—W heat w ont I®'

w hirling upw ard todny 8e a bushel. P“ News o f blnck ruat in Canada aet looao

® an ex trao rd inary buying stampodo w hich w aa helped along by estlmatQa th a t d ronght dnmage to tbe Canadian

iW?h«at crop would nmount tff moro than h n lf as mnch as Inut y e a r 's to ta l Ca- J n ad ian barvcat. Tho w hea t m arkot cloacd o*cited, OHc to 7Vic higher, Sep­tem ber ♦1.30 to *1.30>A, nnd Docomber - $l.S2% ta-$l.2i%.~-CQrtt.liaiahed 2 \io . to 4% c wp, oata showing 1%« to ga in nnd\ provialona a t -15o to COe »d-

' vanee. •'--T :A1I: provioua top prlR n 'iccorda. io r ^ w hea t th ia aeaaon wero eellpaed na tho . ' m arke t w en t akywaid. S trangely in___M otroat, conaidorablo u n certa in ty had

beon shown a t tbo opening, firs t trades varying^ from a full cent dccUno to an

' equal up turn . Tbe in it ia l woaJumM waa aaeribed to eleventh-hour liqu ida t­ing la lea on tho pa rt o f holders who apparen tly bellcTcd th a t on n?conni of

J ■ recen t m in i In C anada tho rlao In-valUM

Jonotoroi however, becam e known th a l udvlcea frorri Chicago cxpetta la-, v c s tiga tlng dronght dnm ugo'in A lberta

c ^ l t l o u j f a r worao than . any lierctoforo p5I)Jlahcil, one au th o rfty "

- -eatlm Btlng th e A^bortn y ield thia

• -

co n lu rcdm 100,ow,OOO bn.heU l a . t y ea r M

th u Uro m b d e t

Jen • h o lf honr b ifo ro tho cIdio o t tho r Z hoal la a rk il Ihc Irndo w a . apprUod-

■>'» lo M an lto b . »^c^o10 Cauadlan dfooght had -d o n o ro la - : Hively l i t t le bann . Tbo fa e t th a t tbla ^o it . eomo tro„ ooo OJ t t o most « i» » . 3lT O O T |-^ ir-o big ,-v , „ in t t , 5loloo M t v fr tM llj no room fo r donbl □d - J a i - n a -C bltago- tradera -w ero con- • -orn td , and tho .oaplng o f p r k o , ' ^onrtei a . l a j , ,eldan c ltia lcd . ! Sr u r ^ a ^ j : ^ a l j a i n c d ; ^ m ^ ^

o rtroo . a \ a i „ i i x S ■ot. 7 B co a t. f „ m tho d » y ’. W p o in t ' a ny . Deapito heavy p ro fit-tak ing nn* !

.qnmerooa atop loas [ ^

Im rpir. ° . 8

s t -i f e s s a a : : z a a a i ' ! <. ip.gv. “*


........m 103 ,0 1 ' l l............. >“» ! i MS'!-. IQOVj 1 0 5 .? *

0 .S I 1 " '

5 : 3 ^ I- g ;I ’OETLANO Q EA rw I

U o r d ^ w h » ^ n “ W v l w b M l - , a t u a rd whito B. 8. B aart, Ju lv 41 4n» !-3 V 'a:

guat *1.3o; wcaturn white. Ju lv i l 14 ' 15^>>guat * 1,3 4 ; hard w l« to r /ju W « *

•1.32; n o « h , ;a , , r Z p

A ugust *1.30.- ’ ^

S r ‘r v ° ' : »H. I >•

— J^^® T A T I0 N 8 . i

1 “ « ^ W t o a l _ N o ito S « ; “ ® *° 2 » > - '« i J ;

>« 1 .0 0 « : J'”" ”’ . »1»9V. to 1.1054. ond

® >» “ “' I No. 3 « « » h to, 53 to B314C. , „K y o -N o . 2 , 8114,. 'JJV

= i t o j . r = = 7 r r ( o r e & 7 = = = i 5 | 5 Clover 8 o .d -S 1 2 to 20,50. I t . , .L a rJ—»12.a7. I "iC “;

raO D D O E . iioo'

S l l f p S S S st S f f S - S r ^ S

.‘ • ro 'ina barreled, »1.7S to 2,50 V lrg iaia barreled, *2.50 to 2.80.

I l u t t o r —U ijh e r; cream ery o»tra .«» m k "

P “ Vi, ? ’“ o a d ., 33 to 34e. .S.W l-l.(!»—ll;(.),er,- tints, «r,\i to 2 iiK e. w

ord ,« ,„y “ '

, ^ l t o = A t e a l ^ - l i , . | , t - , „ , | „ 10O-.I.O1 ™ :? ™ !4 'i lisM h ro ilir ,. : s 1»<0 JO c n o o .le t . r H i : ----------- ----------'------ ;-cl,„

■' '{rotiSUOAE 'jiot

NKW YOUK, Ju ly SS mi '« ' i

TPi TPtT ^ fniRM W.TO

|iit ,$o.(h. and 31,fi00 bugs o f PhlllipliioN jl'W a iofnl rofinor ;it ,‘o

K onocting th r inrr.-i«c-d dom.and i„ |w o <>oth^w-nnrt-TP<^nc.{-n?i(t thojgtrpn.^tn jwe OI ouicr commoility jn u rle la , raw su^nr'i‘o ' fu turm advnnrcd fo u r 'to eight, points to on buyjn ,: for ^trct-t and rommU. '$V aion h<)un< ncrount. The upturn m r‘ ' Inn Inorcancl trad., rclling, however, nnd [ <-loi.lng prices were only 2 to 5 point/, n e t hic lirr. Ju ly , cloticd *3.29; Hen' < t:UO; I>cr. «.3(S; UaTjl('$3.17. " cei

In refined a be tted inquiry wna n-- •<> ported n t previoua prieea whleh r.iniro fr, from *0.40 lo JtS-.-SO tor.tino granutaM. iSi

Uofinod fu turra were nominal. «o]

w o o l . . lyBOBTON, Ju ly 23 M >)-Tho m arket in

<Jo(nwtIiL.W Bol,^tlmuBhtJyio-vo|««vo-l«- to: not q u ite so largo as lust week. Priccs on domeatie lines remain about tho aome lovcla. 2Jovoral hoasea itpeciatizlng jn pulled wools seem to be well sold up to production. About nil the domcstlc wool* nro ncnrly on treo wool baaia a t tho presen t time. |Wi

' ____ to. ----------- - — ______________ 'd r


. p E K T E !I ,- J o J y ,2 3 .^ (S p o e ia r io S'; tho N ow i.)—Idaho .H o p .o ld h e ro ' '* today included: j ’*"'

•W. W. hraanoB, th reo loada o f / ? lambs, averoKO 75-Rouada, a t-* 12.a5 — t; '' ■flat; one doe|fc out a t *10.50. ‘

IB d n - rn o m a h a , ju iy 2£ . _ ( 8 po. ' r,i

cial to tho News,)—Bnlea of Idaho $i Ihoop hero yeatcrday woro a» fol- to lot»a:

J . Af. Stover, tw o ears Inmbg, averago 71 pounds, a t *13^50.

M. P . S lcw w t, four ea ta lamb»,I • '•w ag « -7 1 -p o o n d # ra t;* 1 9 ;-f’fi,-w i«r— UL j j o ^ ^ 11

*11.40, and 21 euila, averago C8 ei•, pounds,- a t *10.25. • i lI Wediieaday'B sales included: ilI . Laid law ^ Brockic, f iv e cara of a«

Inuiba, averngo'7CTpbuu38; o t J13i25“ il . w ith 40a--f*4det»,-.#,TCT»g« 01 a


' v i w ^IZE 'f i W l 'A tifjX S u e c 'l I SO)C DO MDU W BOT HE W£PC< 1WlSM FOP J j f t A. ViZB 7vco© _ »wr. J •

“ R t t r ~' - Jnil M -Y * L _ ■. Buhl

pounda, n t *11.10, and OS culls, av- i'aflaorago 52 pounda, a t *9. . ,u «; J , D. J’ejjff, Iw o <;ara ewca, nver- ago 108 i«unda, a t *0, w ith 350 aec- onda, avorngo Ofl pounda, a t *4.35 i /

N achindo, fivo cars lambH, aver- 'ago 72 pounda, n t *13.50, w ith 200 „,unaecond«, average a? ponti.ls, a t *12, theand 231 feeders, nvcrngo C.-; pounda, T m in t^ *10.85. • . ,|i,l ,

nvorago 71 po,HjdS,” 'J t " * l S l " w i u r ~ ''’i l l l 77 cull*, average 57 pounds, a t A( nO.75. Sell

— lo r 1 UNION ST00K Y A JID 8. Chicago, “ P'*

Ju y 2 3 .-(flp cc |tti to tho N c w a .) - .S ales o t Idaho aheep hero yeater- dny follow:

__Cri^o.Croek-8hecp-eompnny,~001 ~lamba, nvcrngo 81 pounda a t *14 . ‘

.....Antono W rango, I llll City, 780

lam b., averajjo 73 pound ., ■150 culla, averngo 07 pouadn, nt »10.7r., 207 feed e r,, n ' e r . ; ;P0««.I., a t « ia ,25 ; 135 feeder., a v orago 03 pounda, n t *12.25 ,

P earao n B ro th e r^ L radorc, 390 ! J ,mini

w ith 109 feedera. nvoruKe 09 l!V. pounds, « t * 12 , u a d 00 nceonda, «v- Vt orngo cn pounds, n t *12 .;ven. /jOc

P O aT I.A 3n) L IV E S roO K . vnn.I'OKTLAND, .In ly 23 M 1 -C a ttle nnd l i g l

C a lv e .-N o n ,in .lly .to ad y ; no reco ip t.; » e i,■toor«, 1100 ponnd . down, good pon.

™ “ » » o n . ohoiM -J to 0.75; ho ifo r., good, 850 pound, to 0np, b la n k ; common ond n>ed5um, aJJ able^ • g ^ / - A y tO_1.2r»;_Cf wa.-common nn.l JUlfl. V 1 “ . ^ ^ ® 5 ;“ canner8 and cut- I Ste rs .' *1.50 to 3J2S; bulla, good (beof 2.1cy c a rh n p excluded), *3.50 to 4 ; common nntito n .ed ,„m , eanno , a n d bologna, ,2 .50 L-.V10 a.jUj calvea, mcdmm to choice, 190 topound. do»n , *0.50 to 0; cull nnd com- .h limon, 100 poond. dow n, H .50 to 0.50; mo.

" ® poin 'i* , »'■-*.>.50 to 8 ; medium to choice. .*?/!/)^ p r ^ 4 n R T 5 :5 o r r u i in j ^ r c o - s S o t —pounds %p, *3 to 4.50, ' D

"' •■‘I’ta114., 800 d irect; henvy w eight 2r.O to full •i;.0 pounds jnediuB,, good and choice. *" > *8j7j to medium w eight. 200 to »"•'>3..0 pou«a«, »iedium, goj)d nnd choice, t o t *0 to 9...0; liRht weifcbt, 100 to 200 <'f». pounds, common juid medium good mid

IW pounds, couiiuon, medium, guoj and ''" i" cho .«j^#S.75 to_ 3.25J pnckiSg Tu,r o n g h ^ O - t o - r r T l m i g T I l e i - - i i ; ^ ^ pound. do«.„, medium, good „nd choico, S«oWr.W to 9 ; .............................................. •I Sheep nnd U m b.H -aiow j looks i”"

liRht-anrf-hTiTirttr nioip ^ lg t lt r ^ a - A T u ; ; . ; » i L o to n 7 m e ~~g .Imm to Kood valley , *8.r,0 to \ 0 - «««

>M'avy freight, 02 pounda up, medium 'O" I to prime, *8 to 0.50; nil weighta. cull 35c |and common *5.50 to 8.C0; yearJiag wo hora, medium to prime, *c.50 to 8; Ml

l ^ S i l t g g ^ - yoa^olda. nndroyyr p ^ , . ,4 W I « prim o, *4.50 to 7.50; owea.' common

»U to 13. (Abovo quotationa except Sp- Inmba on ahorn baaia). 1

OUAHA UVESOOK0-VfAHA, Ju ly :>.T WO—Hogs—Uc-

ceipta 13,500; moatly 2.-5 to 40c higher to ahit.pers „nd y:,rd trndrr*; big pnck- W.

li'"* ’' ’J*’’**’'-*pniin.I ,vc,gl,tB *3.50 to ♦.H.?.’',; W. lop 98.85; dCBir„blo.,J50 to 180 pound Hi

« S t . ' i upward to0; bulk of all „nli'» *8 to ,♦3.7.’!;

fffp *SJ}.i;-nv«‘riige fo s t Tupsdnr SH 11- — «.-i»;ht 251. • ■■ ■ . „

C a ttl.^ R ^ ^ rrip t, r,f>00; hr.ct s to c n toand yearlings n ioderatrly n rtivc ; (ite;idy into l .v high.-r; Viliing .,nnlity consider- tunl.Iy improved; biilic d ry lot steers an-J tcyenrling, *7..'iO t.. #9.8,-;; sprinkling of th

(Wi-il fjnM hrd o fferings *10 to 4I040- so^t(.p M-oighty ateera *10.C0| J.cter grn.loH T(dry lot cows nnd h eifers fn lrty nctlv.' nii"trong to lOc Iii«h.-r; In-l.etwoen kinds kc and i)l:ui. grni.fli.r.i dull about s te a d yvenlera tct to ir,c hJKlier; Ofntocki'TK mid feeders nominnlly u ten d v st'

-hulk d ry -lo t.row f. ond lirifcrB *S.S5 f j t r• *7,.W.- rh o iee-heifefn --tn -lnad- iota- uj*- .J!ijwnrd lo *f); grnasers *3.50 to *5.25- U •rannoM a n d cattcra #2 to *J.50; prnc- sli

j t ic n l ve:,l top *8; o u ^ id ^ r s ja v in g „p- at bulls to-

I Sh,.,!p_n^<.M pU » 14 .000 ;. la m b s 23 t~o a.-O r lo n -e r ; f u t r a n g o Inm bs m o sllv m * 12.85 to 513 ; to p * 13.1 5 ; tm t iv e j i»12lo * 13 ; !.beep n n d f e e d e rs s te a d y ; o .irlv .i<sa le s f e e d in g Inm bs * U * to * 11.25, ’ k

o H io A tJo u v s a r o o K .p^nCAQO, Jg ly 23 OP»--Cat»t>—Bo-

atrong tp 10c.high­er; apota moro graasy k ind dull, about ateady ; M trem a to p Jong fed m atured itoera *11.30; o ther long feds a t *11.25; ao v e^ l loads ^ n d y w eight and heavy ■leer* *H).75To 11; b « t long yearVlagi _ a t i u id o p r iw ,- 093 .po an d -y « « U n g i


llS i)NE CENT PER WORDW v e r t l s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s .h e a d a r

io ta r dev ised o fb rin g in g th e need (____ __ LOST

"LOfcjT—P air of.noao gluaaea.between GI ^iler und Ilo llister. Finder re tu rn to 5:^8 I hllll I fc rnld. Keward.

FOlt IIH.S'T— W ater stock In .T w in worl ■'alia Ciinal eouipnny. Contact Town- on<l lito C om pany... . —g:j

A G EN T WAn 't e D - W o wiah to ao- W;iirf n live, eiiorgotic mnn or young Phoinull o f perinuneiit nddress t<) hnndlo ----lhe exclusive Hale of the Tribune in jr«*in r;»?l«. Hig commiaaioRs a nd splon- ___li.l opp .n tiiaity for righ t person. Ad- K<

C>r>xulali<.n. MnnaRMr,_e<K.a toUo- ^mtVrrih iine, I'liriitello, Idaho. cu tt

AUKNTS—W rite for freo aamplca.Sell MniHsou “ B ettor Mndo” ahirta F'for Inrgo wwnulncVMicr lo w earor. No bav.capltnl o r e jperienco required. Mnny monBarn *100 weekly and bonus. Mndiaon 1 nuoMilla, 502 Uroudwuy. New York. ' ~

~ • " ~ sp ri fl-MDi.l«™ jiuulil>-.graflsy.uativc» down-wnrd - to *5.50 and below; bulk fed Idoi sloora « jjd yenrlings *8..'50 to 10.50; littleshowing much g ra in feeding under *9; pi,QgrnB8y..cow» very dull, unevenly lower —in B}>ots; choice yearling heifers up- , ^ wnrd to *9.35; bulk beof heifera *0.75 to 8; plain ligh t kind *4.50 to .'5.50;bulls w eak to ,15c lower; bulk *4..'50 to ----4.75; vcnlers 50e lowcr; very uneven; ^tpolH 75c o ff; bulk to packerK Into ^*P to 9.50; stockers nnd fcedern more ^ niiiiierous; bulk *5.50 to 0.75; trndenteady. " 'or

Hogs—Itcceiptir 10 ,000 ; opened 25c to '. l i i50c h igher thun Tuesday s nvcrngo on ^ good grndes; closed wcnk nt early nd-viince: lowcr grades mostly 10c to 15c *:iiLhigher nt close; to p ligh t nnd medi»yu 8woighta *9.35; bu lk desirnble 100 to 240 bra pound w eights *9.15 to 0.35; good and choicc 250 to 325 pound avorngen <9.15 ^ to 0.25; packing sows *8 to 8..15; de sir

weight killing piga *8 to

Bhcep— Ifceelpta 10,00^ fu T lambs I 2.‘!c to 50c lower;.m axim um declino oji njitives; clGsing wefltcra s«le» aroued F

|2fic low er; bulk f a t nntivo lambs *12.75 lar,I to 13; bulk weHtern *13..'>0; few to p > sbippcrn *13.75; shcop strong; fn t owes moatly *5 to 0.50; choice feeding lambs *12.25; steady. —

1 ® n v e b ~ l iv e s t o o £ ~D EN V ER, Ju ly 2 3 .-(8 p o c la l to the ^

N«wa.i-TCftttl6—. Kecelpt#v350;. active, "illfu lly Hte:idy; plain to fnirly good ateera '*7 to 8 ; medium to good ycnrlliig steers 1 ^*7.10 to 8.40; good mixed yenrlings *8 ~to 8.25; fod hcifcrs *7.25 to 7.75; graaa- niaers, *5 to O;\odil common to fa irly good orcows, *:i.50 to 5..'-.0; canner. «1J.0- uiut-iJu to .“I ; odd cfilves *4 to 9 ; (wo >

i,U'i‘da choke "M-pouiid hcilcrn laid Wi Tuesday *fl.50. ,,

^og^~” ftcTPipnrT?poj^jnm^7j’~7?7c~nr'50c h igher enrly, closing weak; top *9 mo for sov'craV loads 18S to 240 'pouni driviT-' — ins *8,C0 to ft; packing non-if Mtcady, moaUy *G4^; fow fu t *0.25; ,tendv .

a t.ee i> -K ece ip u 000 ; InmbT p rc t t7 bo good on caatctn m arket; 25c to ,'SOe = lower; lop nt Omaha *13.15; th is m nrket 35c lowcr.

M o r e _ I h a n _ 4 o _ c io c k , & _ i ;REACH-NEW HIGH MARK b„

Sp«cUlatlvo In tflw et Takes up PubUc „ U tm tlo s to a re a ; R ailroad Isauea Ad- _ A dvance oo an U n ’s atrength .

______ ________________ roTwonty T w enty *1

InduatrlalB RailrondsW ednesday ........... ....... 00.31 - go.22 ®'

: Tuesday ......................... 09.32 90.13 ^W oek a g o ---------- --------05.87 88.71

1 High 102-4 .....................101.24 90.22 loLow 1924 ........... .......... 00.27 81.00

T o tal aaloa, lfi41,000 sbnrea. ^

r - N E W -Y O ItK T -Ju ly 23 -M ^T T eavy p ro fit-tak in g sales impcdcil, b u t failed

, to h a lt, tho upward movemont o f prices ■ in to d a y 's stock m arkot, which w as fca- 4,- tu red b y th e rev iva l o f speculative in-: te rest in .the pu'blic u tility shnrea. MorO I r tliun 40 atocks. half o f them raila,; soared to now h igh 'lcvels for tho year.« T otal sales exceeded tho million aharo . mnrk fo r tho aeventh consccutivo full 1 Kcasion. >: Somo iri'cgulnrily dovclopcd n t tho ; opening when aclHng broko o u t in tho ; atocl shares aa a result of tho federal J. t ^ d o com m isslon'a dcclslon aga in st the- ->-»tUburgU.-pIii9~price'-sy8trm~'of--tho- : U iiited S tatea Stcol corporation. Theao- shores stiffened la te r when th e Aveekly- flted . tra d a -roviowa appoaro.1 nnd re­s’ -portod an r improvod dejnflnd fo r '81001'. J'TOducta irom th e aciliag centers, but0 they sagged again in tho rca lid n g r m ovem ent n t the close.1 ... .U a ln a 8 ta tes,B tcoJ common opene«l- y q u a rte r down a t 101% ;-advanced to

102% nnd thon foil back to lOlVi a t tho close. United S ta lea S teel p rofcrrod touehod ft new 1024 top a t 123. In- l ° p ° n 'i o « ^ t i t k l , . r iio im L Jiiti» .,rju m tiL on tho day . •

>•- A bullish dem onatration in tho plibllfi ‘ u tility isauea wns featu red by an eight- ^ po in t ju m p In Aincrienn W otorworka . common to 00. W est Penn Pow er ad-y vaaco d -lo u r point^-nnd-A m erican W b-is - (C ontinued-»jn -pngo--8y-. - • • -

ING, JULY 2 4 , 1 9 2 4 . .......

D ADVERTIStP PER INSERTION —a re a lw ays alive and a ctiv e , and

id o f a d vertisers ta th e a tten tio n 0a m j r A n o N s w a n t e d ‘ •

_ G I l l l , w auta work, clerking proforrod. TA 1^8 Bccond nvcnuo cast., b la c l

W IL L n o wnaliing, your horpo or j f

rt'ork or houso chiimbermnld. 341 Scc- 5n<l nvvauo east. —

STKNOGRArHEU ' wish,.* pORltioa. , 3 l-.xporionecd in fuw work. 484-W. M. "!V5‘Dunn._______________ '

WO.M.l.S w ants work, po r hour.Phono OOl-W. ‘

P O H SA riE --jaSO E L L A K i:O U B

KOIt SALK—Two good young cows propanti—good r-Deering-binderT-or—w lH -do-iilio icu ttin g . M. V. Ritchey, 405 T hird avo- " Tnuo north. ' .________

i ’O lt UUAtW and potato sacks. \V i days bav^^ tbota. Buy w bcio you can anvo Bobi money. K. D. Kellogg, 304 Second avo- - = nuo north. P. Q. 1{ox 754. Phono 050-W.^ ;O K -B A L li^ L n rg o brass bed nnd ------

springs. Phono 422-W.__________ M— tX>K tJA L ti^U o o rin g -b lu d er;“ 5fcw"M orIdoal, a t ?44 Second west._______ ; “ j j

FO R SALE—W heat, *1 per bushel. Sail;Phono 20S-R4. . ------

F O B SALE— Lloyd wicker baby cart, -----in good condition, largo and roomy, F ' w ith top. Phono 1218-J. 052 Fourth Kiui avcnno caat. ton

FO K SALE—ICO tons hay, £00 acres p a s tu re . Phono 24S or 200-W. ;

F D U N IT in iE rofioijhed, baby b u g - ' p r Rles, pianos, VicUolaa. W ijon be tte r «! work ia done, I will do It. Charles E. n 1 U’allnce, 1430 fiovonth avenue oast.

F L U F F KUQ8, oaatora stylea, mndo from old carpoU a n d eh tb ia g . H ero ~ til l Snturday. Phono 344.." s a l e h a i r BWITCHES, c o r o n o t '^ braida, boba. and bobotU. cowblnga •a m ado in all la tea t atyles. l i ra . F ran k in a Stovcna, 1245 F j/tb eaat. Phono 008. t io i

FOU BALli—«ovoral young Ouoraaoy, Je raoy cows; all good, healthy , pro- ^d u o n g COWB. Phone 5<c.n.«;.__________

FO R SALE—Team, bam oss and ___w agon. Horsoa Home bam . ( V

FO R SALE— 8ln»a, lavnlory anvils.;'^®*’ la rgo sho ta rp s , rubber beliln;;, 3 -4 ,— p r d e n hose, rubber, nnd 5-8 cnnv;ihl hose. Phono 040. Idaho Ju n k llouio.l back u f Idaho D oparlnjeat S tore . ) I — Cal

” ^AWTKT*- MT>«TTTT.T.j WT!nXTB ^abo

WANTED— Shoats, s ta to slxe. ago ' an d pricc. F . D entoa, Bonto 3, C ity , j

WANTED—Spring chickens a t b o tto r ' __prices. South P a rk Grocery, Twin Falla, q h

W a n t e d — F our or fivo room fu r - ; 1 a iabed houao or aparlm ont lo r w in ter q or longer. M uat bo clean, closo in nnd —rr.ii.mnnli]ri. Phaao a^7-w _________j a

W ANTED— Carfd fo ra u u r j an d ru g * .' — W ill p ay caab. Pbone 4U5. A. H . V ia- ^e«nt Co.__________________ jj£C

w A NTE b — To borrow“ * if0 0 0 '^^ m 1 s v m ortgage on 40 ocrci. phone 5(i:i. | ,

w a n t e d —H ay stacking. H ave o n t-} f i t and crcw. Two blocka woat, two =

- nor th W<nLU»gt<>n school.— H. F i.-O B-i----borne. (


FO R RENT— Four-room apartm en t, * fuTiuBbed. Call a t ^m \o \ Bboo Btore.

'■ l^ T l'T tE N T —Two rooma in modern i Pli ‘ home. F^ono 530-W. :So

. F O R RENT—Furnished room. 587* S<^coHd avcaao c o r th .

F O R RENT—Li^ht honsokeeplnj »•, room s and f ro n t bed room. Cloao in

. 411 M ala w ea t._____________________

i PO B RENT—3-room furnished apiin J m ent. Heaaonable. Hungnlow. Ai” 1'J P if tb s tree t and Second ave. onat.1 F O B RENT— Woll forniabod 3- room ~2 log ea b ii, M idway Alturaa-Redfiab3 lakeB, *10 per week. Reforenco, Mra.

L. C. Schneider. W rite or phone Mra. “ 0 . M . Foley, Stanley. ^

^ rO B E E N T —U N rU B N lH llE D “

“ SEV E R A L HOUSES to roo t. S w ia ^• 4. Co. ’

0 . I -'» 1000 ACRES LAND FOR BALE— ‘

th re e m ilca from railw ay a ta tio a . 2Jo. «0 1 a lfa lfa , w heat o r poUto bind, *15 ,il to *25 per acre; ^ n a la , la terals and ; -

re**rvo(r com pleted; ample w a to r '-0 aupply ; good marketa.

g 500 ACRES FOR RENT—*2 to *5, ^ J fo r term o f v-ara; 40-acro tracU.

W ork Itock, dairy stock, toolu nod “ •m achinery on t io ground Ui Smith O' vailcy: W alker l^lvct ’ Irtlg a tlo n '' to D istric t. Inquire of J . R. Moore, », y - iludsD j. Nevfldtt._______ ^ ^

“ CANADA OFFERS FR EE HOME- * B STEADS—J. L. Porto, Spokano, W aah- -

ing ton , au thorirod ngout o f tho gBV- d- -ofnujont o f tho-D om lnion’ o f C an ad a ,' ' ;o w ill be a t th e Perrln'o hotel, Twin F a l la , ;Jt fdaho, on Ju ly "0 to givo fre e infor-

m ation to parties who are Interested iiil< noquirlng froo homejtoad land or othorfl

^ lartds In wcatcvn Canada, and w ill a lso- ^ iiii i iv a liu tu laiid seelrQii 'Wi- 1 -

t i t l in g them to g rea tly reduced r a te j i1 'W .C in iia m n lin es:t- .f rnilwny. ^

JJ. --------- /n - B o tJ i J J a m J s p A e r e M i.a in g c r Is a native of both tb e S as t '

tn d 'W v n In ille * — ................................■,- -__________I

................ 'P age Bavea

SEMENTS— A N D WORTH ITImd con stitu te the b est •meani n ot resid en ts o f South"ldatir

TAKEK B P . _ _■ _

T A K E N UP—Four borae., g ray mnro, iluok maro, two colta. Owner cun bavo ly paying for advortisem unt nnd keep.I. K, Bwisher. tw o miles aouth 000 m llo


" w a 'w 'e D TO BENT, fo r ono month, tmnli, doun,' lurnished bouse. Pbone [larticiilnra to 577-J4.

M O N ET TO tO A N .

*1000 TO LOAN on f irs t m ortgago, c ity or furm . Kzcliango Hcnlty Co.

MONEY TO L O A N -F arm and city property. C. E. i’o tto r,' real catato.W iono a?4.

a 1-2 P E li CK.NT mon'Oy for far% loans. Can get you tbe money in l " i '^ y s from date of applicntlon. C Boblnsou.


M A T E R N l^ N UUaiNG—Mm . JMorgiinl ~ 'Thono '837-J.________________

M ATERNITY nursing. Mrs’. E. J.Smlzer. Phone S40R4.

FOB B A L B ^B B A li B 8 TATB ’

FOU SALE—Two-room houso, 1340 Kiuiborly road. Inquire 209 W ashing’ ton nortb.


FO R BALE—Dodgo sedan, 1022 mod­ol. Would take Ford in trado. In qn iroO. K . Barber Shop.____________________

FO B 8 4 X1E—Tonrlng ear, 8 ey lin d e r, '8000 milrs. A bargain . Pbone 88 .


W ANTED—1B24 model Ford eonpo.Inqu ire F red Fosa, oppoB lto fire «t*>

■tio n . ............................ ..................................... .

SPOT CASH paid fo r used Fords,Control Qarage, 318 W eit Rhoshono.

I W ANTED—Boveral good used cars.Jo h n a Whlto Co., Phono 147W.

1 FOK S A I * - l J V B 8 TOOK

1 PO R SALE— Sow pigs, Duroe-Jorsey.Call Heatbeek a t 0 . U . Self bUekam ith ahop.


8 H A P L. HODOIN—Rooma 12 and I I : F r s t National Rank Bldg. P honed O, 0 . HAIiL, nver'Clna nook qtore.

I T rust Building. Phone 935-R.______A SH SB B . W tl-aO N ^L aw yor.

IHOM EB O. MILLB—O ver C ity Cafa ’ BW EBLEY & aW E E L E T — Attornevs

at-law. I’rn rtico .iB .a ll oourta. .T w ls Fulls, Idaho.

1 BUSINESS DlRECTOfiY; W ELDING,i Acotylene welding, auto springs ma«2» [“ fac to ry sty le .’* auto wheela made a n j

’ .repaired . Oeneral blnckam lthing and— w orkr rftll «roTk~^TIiTrTimnnir* ■

J ! Phone 524. “ O r 'U rB c lf . ' 250 Second Bouth^________ ________________________

' ' B liA O K BM rrH

r H llAOESM ZTB—‘MAOBXNE 8 B 0 P > - Blaekamitbs, welders, boUar makers^ m achinists, m anufacturerg sopplio* of all k inds; agents A ltm an-Tayloi

> M achinery Co. K rengel Machine Co.. Pbone 1202. 210-220 Beeond ave. S

^ ................ AUTO HBBV I O ^ ..............

!' B TU D BBA SEB BEEVIOE—Dean a n i Dobba. Wo correct a ll S tudebaker

^ __ttgablca-~I2d-6 ««oad avenuo-w eat. — —


^ W INDOW O L A SB -W ind shields, eabi net work. M oon’s Bhop. Phoae S


W A EBEBQ TBA N SFEE AND STOE- ; AOE 0 0 . Coal and wood. Phone Iifl.:.OBOZIEB TBANSFEE 0 0 . Phone 348., C rating. Storage and L iberty coal. M cNIOBOLS T ^A N aF E B k BTOEAOB

—Garbage hauled dally . Phoae 200. ^

.. _________ HTTnP. HTTPA TTtrw n________________

TW PT FA 1J.8 BHOE ECTAEBIN*^. IM W. Shoahone. Ph. 398. Beal leather,

— Goodyear beola. ' W ork guaraatooJ. _

“ ROYAL BBOE E E P . ^ B H O P - ^ .L* M ayers, Prop. 130 Soeoad S t. S ,

“ TwliTFfllU. W e llw -ca rry -b o w idioo*


a lO E M BTATE VULOAKIZINO O O ^I 12c Second a re . weat. Goodyoaf a a i [ M iller tlr ta , Tuleanlalag. re u a a d ta * ' -

^ ___________p A p r r p r o

P A I K T I N a , SA L A O U m tM O —Foea ‘ pain ting , kalaomining, ^111513. 0 . TS,


M [ HOUSE „ P A lN t iN a ' rpM tm atlB- ~ j ra te s ,. PhonO fioOJ.

Page 8: parentjy Unmoved. ^ou 1 u mm s^ifl wm i’ PORTUNnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...m ' ~ • ..... z H f f i z S B B"TOL. i, HO. 93,, , d i f f l M f c Idaho’s

' K iB*. T W I N F J

i f f l S M l H i

- in o OF GRoyp !-i:- . . niiwio

F irst S le p s T ow S ra Su W rt P lay T aken W ith Form ation for i..

"V -• e ' li D « ilin n a l ‘r v :r .~ Q T ^ iiy iiizL a n s-n e ^A ssociation .

B urton L.‘ M orif, Twin -’alU archi- = » a = w : p : S M

active in plnyKround nnd rccrcational lun iu work in th is c ity , wni oloctod by unau- "P*"'" Iroous voto WctaiioHaiiy evoning tom- pornrv; pro-ldonj; o f tl.e Twin FalJi 1*'“ J" Rcurc«ti.inul uiiociulion, coniiMtution and l>y liiwfl o f whlel. woro adopted nnd I’'’0P‘” otlior nfficcrs oloctod fdllowinR ft brlof II'’" ’’ ' outHiio of plnnii na prmontod by W. 0.

t B radford, fiold ORcnt for tlio Tlay-grotinil nnd llocrcatlon Anaocintlon of |Aniorirn. .

)5otwoun 7.' an.l 100 citlr.oiid ot Twin Pnlln and rnprciicntnllvcH of varlouH ’

• ehurrlioH , lo<l({cil a n d c iv ic orgnnir.nVioni o f tlu- c i ty w cro proHunt a t th o m o o lln R w Jilcli WHH th o f i r a t d p f in l to «to |) to- " w iin l n co iinnw nity p la y g ro u n d u n d ‘’ ."J* ' p la u n f o r rc c ro a tio n f o r m un, w onu 'a ® n n d eh ild ro n . /I 'l io n8(iociuti«in wn* ■fo n .....I folltowliiK addriutsoi by kovcrul..y„„l, ,local (ipcaltern Intorcslcd in work’ of ij,, thin Mort ancl a mimical pniKrim' which work m any primoiincod oqiial to ontcrtaiii- rlurlaj Benin fo r wliicli n ciiarRo wan mudo. i;„d d

Ar tcm]iorary iiffircrH of tlio n»BO- tiicrc 'c in tion IIkisc cloctcd will act as a hoard n,,,, , o f dirocloitt wl»i will mako a irnrvoy 'pin o f civic, cotiimiTciali rorrc.itioniil, iii' third duHlri;ii, roliKioiiH, fra te rna l nnd ulhor wi orK^mizatiotiH w ith the view of lU'loi-t' n f all Inj; I'tie roproHontiillvo from cach lo i,y coiiHtilnlo a cciitral coinpilttfc. ' This ai, coDiiiiilloii will liolil a mciillnf; "witiiin cultui th>> iiKTt ni) dayH a t wiiieh timo the .-liiof

.council will olcct jicrmanont officcrn i,n it.i who will dorvo fo r a period of ono yoaf. liopcil

O fflcon Elected. day n’i'l) aid -Mr. Morae, tho lioloction of tiMiipi

fouf o ther officurn wan mndo nt tlio nicvtln^ oacli boin;; choicn by nnaai- ]\/{Qf inon.H roMNont. 'Fliey aro Mrn. I. K. .Io»- lya. firnt vico prcKidont; A rthur .T.

-----*<»fond--.-vlec—itrcBidcnt; Miiw-----------------------, ......... j ._ I , T4tT.r4fr.^flt>«>CT

— —0 .-l^ -i> ^ v ^ ll,-^ ^n HUl< l . ----- - =■ P tiThu iiHHociation an outlined ia the Ad

coiiHlitulinii nad by lawH will Imve an ltd olijeol “ promotion of un ity nndRonil citizoanlilp liy oin;ciuruK‘''K the conntruclivi' uso of leisure tlmo throuRli tcrwi whiilcHoine recrciitioii and iioiKhliorliucHS LaCI<tliroiiKhoul the ealiro year. The asso- .Jcrscciution shall prepare aii'l carry out. a new

-------y e a r ro n iid ' p r u ^ r n n r u f i i c t lv iH rirT frtti/.‘ ~ ~ Ain); all vxi.iUnK uffortH uud facilities pricu:

•an.l tlovehipiiijc all ta len ts o f tho c<iin- wc«tcm unity thronj;h Hervico; aad «hall kcc|i ordsin loueh IhrouRh thu N ntional I’l.iy- Unioifrround and Kcercntion AHSouiation of orn IA m erica w ith the leisure timo doingti of Illirjotlie en tire coun try .” and i

--------- M emhcrship-in-thc ns^orintion in opi;n— fltrto nny citi^.oii o f 'ISvln Falls who do- pointclnre:i liimsclf intcrcntod in the work liiRho f thu asw ciu liou aud who wilt work «lronfor it. Amoi

oru to bu clccU d: Plnygrouads, ath* and ' . leticB,, finance, coatosts, rnuaic, dramat- lovol

lc5. public cek'hrationii and publicity. .Towc l l is iilsti proposed to ab to la an er- wny-

ccntlvo Nocretary who nlmll bc a year Invci round worker. I t will be his du tic t to Rnlnr carry out Die inntnictions of Uio ccntTal He eoinicil. fccil

M ayor rroaldos, • Oonc ----------Sinvor-w tnin-TTr-liinJR ln-prw ldcil-R ir^n’r

• elmirman of th e m eeting nnd told of West tbo purpo.Hci planned, l ie uUo In tro ait. : duced the speakers. I ’rcceding tho firsl - Ha apeakcr of the cveninfj weru sorcral Timt eolnH by Mrs. O. I’. Duvnll. Sho nlso wcro nctod as accompanist for W. C. Urad- vohn ford in seat’s ho aang. , r-ite

M r..llradford B.mg a number of songs Ing c nnd cxjilalaed how each camo to bo rcscr w ritten . Ho has spont many years in Fo

_.l. .5»H i''! '» '''u Jiis-vo ico nod ia .u iild lta b c .ly .in Om- of the be.-it sinKera in tho"nnitod by F S ta tes o ff tbo coucurt Htagc. ling

JudRO O. V. Duvall ol tbo prubalu andcourt waa the firs t njw ikcij__IJo told poino f hTa n o rk amon^g juveniles in~juvo- ccssi nilo court and of tho efforta made iu tivol n rriv iug u t a fa ir understanding of cnch eaac. l ie declared th a t so fat- th is year hut five children had been n ; Bcnt to S t. Anthony industria l school, bom H e said be hoped to' get the num ber, bolow th a t o f l a s t 'y e a r which wns 11. - Be N inety per cen t o f those sen t to the TI Bchool are sent tJicre w ith p a re n ts ' con- >V Bont. TTo tdlil_ of tho noed for lomo TT. method O ^gctiing Ihe ch ild ren ’s mind# on th e righ t «ort o f play. This he said , ,Aj h u an almost illim itablo value towards m aking be tte r citizens of the UnitedS ta tes . . ________

O roat^N eod Evldcmt. of aM rs. Joslyn wua tho sccond speaker. Tbe\

Bbu told of tfao w ork th a t hoa boen whoi done in p e ttin g playgrounil equipment this fo r tho tiBO o f tho children and of anc- hear coa* n fto r niany obatncloa wore over- leasi e o m ^ M rs. Jo slyn prulsod tho work bond b e in ^ danb., by_jroung women who oro : d irec to rs o f eupcrviacd ploy n t th* park ! HI

- —. ■ . 1

—: ^^amp-Furniture and Al

A. H. VINCENT _________________ : _ r u M n r u ]

_ m a * 406

FALLS DAILY NEWS^IICREASED RATE ON = S P 0 D S ^ S " T V r T W R A W N -;7 ^;ttoa of O sn tn l W sstern BogloiuU ^ Board a t Bolt L ak e B rin ® E«m!t8, io legram to DeXioag Doclaret.

............ . Att<Throiigli tUo e ffo r ts o f the coritrat ^ ;sturn. regionnl ailvinflry bo.tri} i« ..’t« fc •efin^aV H alt U iitn iirUl \Jiiiy IV, per-j Ission has leun given tho Union P ad - j WU > -Mystoin - by - tho -4ntorttJ> to- commurcu-i loftr-^ minissiou to withdraw ..npplicatlonfl too , 1 r increaBed tn r lf f s on. rcctinslgnment id diyersioii nitcn, i t was learned • Up rd,nc!idn^^br' -Cnrj-l>plong,*:TnnTincrr ^ 0 5

the Iloyle comnilHslon company horo buslni a telegram. dny.

H ari the now t a r i f f t’onu into effec t

uils shipped out o f ' this s ta te . A t th** KoderI'cting held a.t Holt U k o on J u ly 'IT , Kimb0 board, o f ^ h ic li Mr. Tirlong is a umber, took up tli*< dinctissiftn of the , oposcd cb.irges wliirh ^vere to have , iiio iato effect .July "1. I t was found '1 a t it would havo bpcn, injurioiiH t;iaho to the advnntngo o f other Htaten cl for Ihls reiiKon Jitlptapts wero nmde have il killed whirji wen* successful.

Actiiin by the iiiti'i'<liite cnmtnore? iiimlxslan nn . Mi*' ii]i])T1cation i*i ought lo bc almoHt a record In'ao fa r work of thp comrnisNioii Is cencernnd. 7* j j

it four days claps('.l lictwoen the lime for 8 application nnd tjg fi 'r iin liag o f per-

ission.-------------------- Tot

ch week day betw een 9 anti. 12 0 ’clock tho morning. Hbo nlwo prnlsod tho

a rk of Judgo Duvnll', who, sbo said, iring hia eight y ea rs among juveniles id deiiu exci'Ilcnt work, 'Slio declared j j j ' lere wan a real nreii f o r an nssoria- on .suo.h as siiggeiteil.The Itev. Charles K; Winning wa.i tho '

lird speaker ami <lcpliir<>d th a t while ' was n<it tho official represen tative ’ all tb i;‘ churehort ho w ns sure, th a t ; could speak for them in their deslro „n ,.„1 nid in the work iik uutlincil. “ Agrl- ilturo,” Raid M r. Winning, “ ia tho He lief industry of tlxjH m'ctinn. C hnracter H-ichits g reatest a» su t.’’ l l o deula'roil he their

)pcil to BOO botwoon ;iOO and -100 each _ _ ly a t a p layground lucb ph th u t con ' ■iiiplalod.


^T?<ffTO=IntcfcW t~Tin{flg Up 'T tib l ic ~ .CUUUos-Sbajr«s;-3UUroad >laaum--Ad. ^ Advanco on O ra ln 'a S trength .

(Continiioii from ijukc 7)

erw orkR fl p e r e .en t preferred th ree . .aOlcde Oas and Public Sorvico of Now crsey 8 . jier cwit proforred n ttained ew peak priccs f o r the year.

ricea brought fre.nh bu^-iag into the estcrn railroat] Rbnrc«, now high roc- rds being catnblishoir b y Atchison,Inion I’acific, N ortliera 1‘acific, Sooth- rn I’acific, G reat N nttlirrn preferred, lllnola Contrni, N ickcl P la to preferred nd the Pere M arquclle isimes. fltattdard P la te 01n»r-nTPTrd~Tip t wo~ —

oints to 32 in reflection of reportR of igh current enrnin^js. O tber individual Irong RpotR included Uniou Tank Car, Lmorionn B ank N ote, Arnerlean Loco- iiA(tV4't~An>«>ri<>An— Tolnte^o—preferred- — nd 'Famoua P iayora, oil nt new high jv o Ir for tho year. American Expresi, ewel Tea pre ferred . People* Ons', Rail- .•ay-Hteel Spring an<t"ljnitca i<ailwuys nvcstm ent p referred closed a t net alnR on two to nenrly four points. R ealirlng sales wcro pnrtlcn larly of-

cctivo in U tah Copper, M ngm a Copper, lonoral E lectric, Snvago Arms, Texas ;n^r-«BtphtiTr~rrfw -T n n c . -o m a n ii &- ~ Vcslcra. and IntcrborouRh IJapid Tran- It. all o ff a p o in t or morp;

Hall moiiey again ruled a t 2 per cent.'im o monoy and eoinriprcinl paper ra tes rero unchanged w ith business in smnll •olume. No chance In the dlneount .ato was nnnouneed nftor today 's moot- ng of the govornom of th e local federal eserve bahk.

Foreign oxchnnge riites rene.tod sharp- 7 in.whftt appeared to b e p tofit-tak ing )y Kuropean specnlatnrs. Pemand s to r­ing dropped n ea rly 2 cen ts to $4.39H. md French (ranen ruled nearly 10 joints lower a^^n .l2 cents. O thcr^re- _ •cssionn in >furopenn r.ites were rcla- .ivoly small.


jomls closed:.TH», >101 .10 .Becond IV .s , '>101,::.Third -I'^a, $ 102 .1:.F o u r th 4 Vi a, $102.11.U. S. governm ent <*»b,'J10".”.

lA irested for F ighting .— MndoKto Sai-- •hW, and Frank Aii.r,ihip were arrest •■! ihlirll.v bofc.r,- III oVIoc-k Wednesday »vouiuK-»ii-iM>'iitli—W>il«**rtrcrf- itt-fr«n( — if tt pool room on cJmrgca tif fiKliting. rhey w.To l:il(i-n to tho pnlice station vliere Rnnrhrs’. wa^* iifkc-d in ja il until h ii inorning when lie w ill be given a learing in police couit. Amador.waN rr eased to a physir.iaii’j cu re nnd posted _ )ond to appear in court this morning.


Auto-Tents far Rent—T Company “TUKH' ~~r~i :;~zm ___

XfT-209 BbMhona Sooth

twin FALLS, IDAHO,B^REVlTIESrl;;_____ _ ________i i . BilCn FU cr W ednesday—Mra. 6 m o H or- ovorlu

of th e .W a w ly hotel waa a FUcr apcndiitor W o^ncadttjr-afternoon. and ti

A ttending to B nsln«»—0 . N. Aoder-\ w ont to B ttrlty Wednesdtiy m w n- ®, J fo r the W catern BottUng yrorks, -

w m T^dco Position—G ardner Udy tlr-W odne«day -m ornlng fo r - CoUinga* - ' - 0, U tA h,-w h«ro~ho-hiu-a^ poiition.- •

U p ftrom Bohlr-^Hcn Russmnn, well iQwWrrfiridbjitr^^fninhi.jfliteTiTicfi-^ slncsi m attcrn in Twin Falla Wedaeit-

_O o t , M a tr ia g a - 'I J c jM ia -A M B iirT l^itiieir^wna IsHut^d \Ve<“ilvfflhy to R oss' )denbaugli and IJdna Kignor both o f ,* " “ ’ Imborly.. , « goo

• - - • braakTo Bee S la te r—Misa Blancho Skeen 1 ft Wvdnofldny evening for Pocatollo | Mii

v is it h e r aiator who is n ttond ing , Misto, 0 Toeh. I Roboi

------------- ' i te r , JVlaltln® B rother.—Dr. Ralph K. Os-j north om o f Sortttli' arrived ,in Twin F alls [Mo., ednnsday und Is vislling iiis bro ther W. O strom o f Buhl. p ja

■* schooX edand C ourt Bosinosa—A ttorney B. tl.oir , I lnn iilton lo f t Wodnesdny evening Fair T S a lt L ako and California points on horn der.'ii court business. will I

-Tw J ier on V auiU on—Miks H o ren co l ustnfson, a tcachor In thu Twin Fulls bools, lo ft W ednesday morning on u I'catlon t r ip lo Deliver. " ’‘'dr

------- -------- Los ,Dr. A lexander Back.—Dr. and Mrs. " '• ' i

. I. Alex(in<li>r iirriv.vl lnte WcihlDS’ ’nlls IV ovoning from nn oxtc*asivo inot.ii- •ip to 1-,.,-ifle coast points.

_______ for. IF rom G ato Olty.— K, w . Coon of th.- ‘ ’‘'' ' r orn S ta te I’etrotoiiin e<imp;iny of I’.i l-Mri (fclirt U i;i T ifili for ;i few dny.-i ' 'llonding In luiHiti.'sH riialtcrH. ^ hcav.

----- ------- Iiut iE e tu m Homo—The Misses NVIlie .:„„li'

ach nnd Klina McEvors rM urnod to 1 • reir homo in Onkloy W’edncsday a f te r I Lo


Y o i

M en who approciato good

shoo values will readily re ­

alize the savings offered.

Bardins foFINo. 002—M en’s gunntotal dress sboca; Goodyear w elt solos, rubber heela; ( a solid leather shoe, priced_____ __ <

No. C03—i le u ’s m ahogany blucher dr rubber hools,. ijoodyeor w elt soloa; ( aolid leather, legitim ately priced a t «

W o’ro proud of this w ork ehoe vai will be, too. No. 102, brown, arm y In alnglo soles; soft, piiablo upper eto* to give com fort aad long service; 1

■ priccd, the pair .............. ................... '

'M o n 'a btown work ahou; com fortal last; p lain toe; ju st (ho shoo for 1tired, nchlog fvpt; p rlco j low a t_ '

____No__a?lt««Moa-’a - bMwa,— pla ia . t oaGoodyear welt soles; ve ry comfortu

■ up-to-datv. Prlocd, • Ithe pa ir ...............1.....'........ - ................ ... 'No. 32—Elen’s black kangaroo oxfoi toe, comfortnbto las t; mauo tho 1 b c .t ; pa ir .................... - ......... ............ '

l io . ‘ 31 :;—O hU drcn's p a te n t aeuH Blippera; aires 8>/j to 11; 1tho p a i r ___________________ ______ '

.....-S ite s U*ii to 2; 1th ? p a ir ...................................'No. 510— liis se a ’ pa ten t fancy cut

----- p*»f—rubber.. h flc3 j:..S ire«_llV 4_to__j

No. 501—M isses' pa ten t, tw o-strap (rood looking aad made to f i t the {

— icb lV 1146-^0-8; - th e . p t l r . ,— ____ m. - !

0, THURSDAY MORNINv isit w ith frienda in Twin Foila.^ • {and ai

__ T-.. — v:-— -Ib'een--':f l i r n p i 5 i r 5 E : r e ^ = m r * n a r i i r a r : 0 r 2 5 ^ . Simpaon leave th is 'ibom ing on a n wUi li erlund tr ip to S a lt Lako C ity to ia Cn ond a w eek Viaiting the ir aon Oijrae. day t id fam ily. • ' j t le r c

On Sceolc Trip—M rs. Franota J o h n - 1 a o f M urtaugh and her honao gueeta, | . :ra. R. IL Reod and daughter Emma,’ 1 , orirrlfltlaB rtunl"8t8 h n B 0 lng iii'Tw lw “ ^ alia W odaM day.. , ,

N ew B ^ e y School— Burton E . M erw as. a passenger ’to Burjey W ednesday ' orning, where as arch itect, he w ill 1^ ® “ * iporlntsnd tha^^^«Uft0 < -o£ji'now riont^#-,? «w m -g V ira n e h B c rb a ili ira if r - :

iBetoiB ack From Omaha—Iv an 0 . L incoln ;

;turncd Wcdnoaday from

ist woek. Uo roporta g e tting i n ' on ^ 0 ” ' good m arket and lo ts o f rnin In No-1 .

raska. . | Sni_ 'WaH iM iss M Ue B e to n u —Mins E lizabe th

[1*0, who has boon v iaiting her b ro ther, obort M ite of Hazelton, and her ais- ">nrrl or, Mra. E. M. Jonea of F ifth avonuo j" *’"*• orth, lo ft fo r her homo in S t. Louis,Io., Wednesday ovoning.

P la n Annual • P icnic.—Tho Sunda,'-1 i-hool.of the C hristian church will lu.1,1'! '"" ' l.oir nnnnal picnic F riday n t tlm F i le r . ,’a ir grounds. Cars will loavo th e chiih-h j orn a t - o ’clock, and the picniu lunc.h 1^ ,

n i l bo served Irt tho evening. I

-M rs:— Pronch—Xioavos—:Mt9;— rrjiTlIc Tridd 'rcnch, who will bo rememborod b y . .sana ler friends ns Miss Sarah H iggins, lo ft Vi'dnosday morning for her liomo in -os AngoleB, Cal., n f tu r a m on th 's v is it |rc tiii vith friends and relatives in Tw in •’alls. iioro

___ ____ of tCork H ats for Sum nior.-S tim m er lints repo

’or. men mado out o f cork havi* n in d o |o st ] heir apiioaranco in Twin FaUs. W. H. |coun ■;iilriii«i' of Fhlriilge Clnthing «'omi>an.v 1 payr ' iic;«rifig oiir. Tlm lint.i .ire sJigh(Jy,fi wc iL’iivier than straw s of sim ilar kind (year lUt it is holicvcil the cork hat is much Icoun ^loll•r. left

- Fall;Loavo for Caapor—Mrs. Homer l ia l l |K*ct

when you I

u Bu jwhen you tr;

Men 5’s usuaTTKenant values at

loca; box toe,1 S4.48 Stor£” represent

' made shoes, shoes, offered a yond eomparisi buyers will taki of this timely oi

value. You /-^-m m yTz Shoes for (.... S3.98irtablo arm y ^ f l v

forttthle and \

-84.48.xford; round QNiiiininillii^iiiiniTiiraii^^h

..;.$4198......... ..............'Klddlea* attirdy shoes

«uH or . ly l .considering th e aohotOhlldron'a brown p lay oxf $2 23 knoclca of e'voi

. . . $ i a i— A -bi n fn»-of^b8Tg«infl— Ot trap sandal; oxfords. Values t o -^ .2 5 ;

59 /IR ■

iNG, JULY 2 4 ,1 ^id aisfCT, M ias 'E dna Byan, who have T ^ rn /i . w ^ t i B ^ t u i ^ : : i ; k ^ t ^ r M , v . . M dTf. D.-D .'Byan o f E ig h th ftvenne e a s t , -------1ui lo a re this m orning for th e ir home, Casper, Wyo. Thoy will stop ono Tely ia Gheyenno to tiUie In thg Fron* nesder colebratlon. . 81 d

■ ■ ■ ~ eooI(B aek from 0»U fO tiil*^A lcx McPhor- who'>n b u retarnod tro m a viait. o t sever- grec:I wt^oVn tn Hnllfftm ia . whnrc. hi» lin^ thoroporty Intereata. ' ' oven

» , , tho' o r p r p : W o m i n ^ 'S t e ^ 'I ^ ^ ••'•auo.lon'R R«pu)il!cnn club will meet this venlng in tho h igh school building a t ^ a n o*clock,~it_iva» nnniinf.cd-\Vcdnogdav. t«AH-

letorn from Cam ping Trip.—Mr. nnd Irs. C ,^ a Booth flhd Mr. and Mrs. it. coupe

[orso crook.

8 nea fo r Divorce.— Suit fo r divorcc mH filed W ednesday., in.. the., d istric t ' o u rt by Ivan Bacon from Lillian Ua- on. Mr. and M rs. Bacon have been larriod since Juno 15,- 1D22 and have baby girl. P la in tif f charges defendant h.Jov.

lesurtod him Ju ly 111, 11123, nnd Hince ha t tim e hi- has suported tbo child. ,

T akes New P osition.—Dr. J . K. Whito mil becoinc niotlical director an<l super- FOR ntondent of tho S and Bench snnuiOT- j um u t Lnko P ark , M inn.,, nccordin;;; B o rn0 wnrd revc'ivod in Twin Falls. Dr. | p.-ij iVhito was form erly n resident o f Ihe | F a l Cwin Falls trac t nnd for mnny years j- Tiddcd~Tjn—n —farm near here. The j lanatoruim is a Rinto institntioii. , ,

Tells o t KliimutH r« U » -E . M. J o n o •eturned Wednesday m orning-from a irip through Oregon. J lr . Jones loft ; lero last April nnd hafl spent tho m ostij^^^, i f the tlmo in Routhern Oregon. Ho | reports th a t Klnm ntb Fnlls la tho busi- jj,, i-st placo in the w est. A rich farming rountry with pFonty of wntor and a j . j j j^, payroll o f a million a month ia making1 wonderful country out o f w hat a f<’”’ ccars ngo wa.i prnctlcully w orth less:. ;-ountry. Tho R. T . Jc.itcr fnm ily th a t j,,l-'i ‘ loft w ith Mr. Jo iu ’K aro u t K lam ath | l^alls and, according to Mr. Jones, e x - !|H'ct to Rtay there another year. jearn i

buy right.

y Rigrade at the

af the -Busy ,:nts great sav- '"f‘7 "** priccd now a t .....

H e r e a r e w e l U n o . 200 p a ten t i, rubber heels; niz

J f f f l lQ T Q T l te e C l underpriced at,

at prices be- ■ison. Shrewd ( i ik advantage offering. \jj

■ChildrenRule price ...I.™

p dale suede slippe\ soles; you ’ll say

607—Ladies’^ Y \ ■ J heels; Qoody

I l n l ceptional value;

V ' ' L ad ies’ W hite C green or rod trli

___ ____ thu pair .— ____>08 are much under- __________'

w hen parent? aro oio-KHawihool shoe problem, bu ilt o f solid lea

hoei; Sizes 8U toxfords: bnilt to standevery-day play. P riced ‘o 2;

< jrj tho pair -----------

3 9 S1.69

C l A f t 2;

' .. ......

wo Degrees Cooier- ^ h ^ o r i^ a i^ e fo r e

Tem perature in Tw in Falla Wed­nesday a t the maxim njn^point w as^ ,BI degrees, which w as two dopeeacooler than on tho preceding daywhon the m crcury w en t-to 83 do* 'grocB. Low est p o in t leaehcd d u rin g .tho 24 houra onding Wednesdayoveniug was 40 degroos, which waa . .tho minimum fo r tho previous dayalso.------ ------------------------— —— ----------------------

A R ,S I O L £ N J U N £ .2 0 ____ ^===^ tO t)N P=lirSA G E B R U SH “ “onpe Taken n p c n S treeta a t g a lley

N o rth of Jerom'A •

A Ford conpe, stolen Juno 20 from alley nnd belonging to C. A. Cant-, ell, traveling siilesmnn, wna found ^'dnenday eight milea north of Jor- llio iu tho Ragobrush by C. Humphrio>i. he ca r had evidently boon tnkon by lioves who expected to drive i t to )me d is tan t c ity , thero change the on- Ine num ber nnd sell It.

ORMER RESIDENT IS HEREloverond H . W . P a rk e r of Nampa

P.”iyji V isit to Old m e n d s In Twin F a lls Oouutry.

Dr. H . W. P arker, old tirno church- um. o f the Twin FuHp country and nt iroscnt a resident o f N'ampa, w as' :i :ucRt o f the Twin F alls Rotary club a t # he regular W ednesday meeting. Dr.•arker is a former piosidcnt n f the Ro- ary cltib of Nampa.

i’ll' delivered an !ntorcsruig address 11 the form of n repo rt o f tho aiinuiil onvention of In te rna tiona l Rotary held, n Juno in Toronto, Canada, which ho ittonded as a delegate j>f tho N'ompa Ivb.

A num ber of o ther giiosts weru pros- n t a t tliu meeting.

Tho News is rea<'. by the permanent 'arn ing elaasiis.

I *

Dollar-stretching valaoB in ______

ladies' slippers and ox­


ial Offering— -.0 Caavaa Slippers nnd Oxforda;; valuoa to $4.08; 0 8 C

n t Leather Slipper; cu t out; low nizca 3 to 7; much Q Q

at, pa ir _______ ____ '

) • ' i in nil popular color^; boantlful ornB; 3 to 7; Qoldon ‘

I real buy. Cholco of g ray or aire- lippers; low hoels; Ooodyear w elt

!84.98 , _lies’ Brown Calf O xford; low rub- Bodyenr w elt solos; ox- ( g n Q Q uo; tho pair ---------------

lo Canvas S lippers; low heel; trln iod ; priced low;

Idles’ po ten t slipper; substantially I lea ther; low rnbber o o Ml to I I ; pair------------- W A mU U

S2.48lldreo^'a brown, two-tone, ‘ cross-

L:L„___ _ iS2.98.,.