WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT Colonia Middle School Cynthia Lagunovich 100 Delaware Avenue Principal Colonia, NJ 07067 Rita Saylor 732-396-7000 Vice-Principal FAX: 732-574-0772 2013 Dear Parent/Guardian, With summer vacation coming to a close, we at Colonia Middle School are looking forward to and preparing for the new school year. School will begin w ith a full day on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 8:15 a.m. The following documents contain pertinent information that should be read carefully. It is important th at your child return the foll owing completed forms on the first day of school: 1. Student Emergency Form 2. Student Health Record Update 3. Internet User’s Contract 4. Calculator Form 5. Photograph/Video Form Please feel free to contact the school with any concerns you may have. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your child have a successful 2013-2014 school year at Colonia Middle School. Sincerely, Cynthia Lagunovich Principal

Parent Pack 13

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  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    Colonia Middle School Cynthia Lagunovich

    100 Delaware Avenue Principal

    Colonia, NJ 07067 Rita Saylor

    732-396-7000 Vice-Principal

    FAX: 732-574-0772


    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    With summer vacation coming to a close, we at Colonia Middle School arelooking forward to and preparing for the new school year. School will begin witha full day on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.

    The following documents contain pertinent information that should be readcarefully. It is important that your child return the following completed forms onthe first day of school:

    1. Student Emergency Form2. Student Health Record Update3. Internet Users Contract4. Calculator Form5. Photograph/Video Form

    Please feel free to contact the school with any concerns you may have. We lookforward to working with you to ensure that your child have a successful2013-2014 school year at Colonia Middle School.


    Cynthia LagunovichPrincipal

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    STUDENT EMERGENCY INFORMATIONNote: This is a 2 page form . Page 1 of 2

    Emergencies, such as sudden illness/injury, or unscheduled early dismissals, may make it necessary for the school to communicatewith someone who can assume responsibility for the welfare of students. It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian to providetheir child's school with specific instructions to make it possible for the school to ensure the care and safety of your child. Pleasecomplete this form in its entirety and clearly print all information. If any information changes during the course of the school yearPLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY.


    Student's Name:Last First/MI

    Student's date of Birth:mm/dd/yyyy

    Home Address:Street/Town/Zip


    Grade: Home Room (if applicable): Check one: Rides Bus Walks



    Home Phone: Work Phone:

    Cell Phone: E-mail address:


    Home Phone: Work Phone:

    Cell Phone: E-mail address:

    I authorize the following persons to sign-out my child from school, and/or escort my child home (please list at least 2 personsNOTE: IN THE EVENT OF AN UNSCHEDULED EARLY DISMISSAL, KEEPING YOUR CHILD/REN AT SCHOOL AFTEDISMISSAL TIME AND WAITING UNTIL YOU ARRIVE IS NOT AN OPTION.

    1 Name:

    Contact Phone: Relationship

    2 Name:

    Contact Phone: Relationship

    3 Name:

    Contact Phone: Relationship

    If I am not at home when my child arrives there, he/she has permission to go to the home of one of the following neighbors witwhom I have made arrangements. NOTE: Voice mail or answer machines WILL NOT be considered as a personal contact.

    1 Name:

    Contact Phone: Relationship

    2 Name:

    Contact Phone: Relationship

    3 Name:

    Contact Phone: Relationship

    I have instructed my children on what to do in the event of an emergency situation or unscheduled early dismissal, and Iagree to the responsibilities noted above.

    Parent's Signature Date


  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13





    Student's Name:

    Last First/MI


    Physician's Name:

    Physician's Address:

    Physician's Phone:

    NOTE: Physicians will be called at the expense of the parent/guardian in case of emergency.

    I acknowledge that pertinent information regarding my childs health may be shared with school personnel on a need-to-know basis only.

    I authorize officials of New Jersey Public Schools to contact directly the persons named on this emergency information formand do authorize the named physicians to render such treatment as may be deemed necessary in an emergency, for thehealth of said child.

    In the event that physicians, or other persons named on this emergency information form, or parents cannot be contacted,the school officials are hereby authorized to take whatever action is deemed necessary in their judgment, for the health ofaforesaid child.

    I will not hold the school district financially responsible for the emergency care and/or transportation for said child.

    Parent's Signature Date



    Does the child have health insurance?

    Yes If Yes, name of insurance company:

    Parent's Signature Date

    NoNJ FamilyCare provides free or low cost health insurance for uninsured children and certain low incomeparents. For more information call 1-800-701-0710 or visitwww.njfamilycare.orgto apply online.

    You may release my name and address to the NJ FamilyCare Program to contact me about health insurance.Written consent required pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1232g (b)(1) and 34 C.F.R. 99.30(b)

    Parent's Signature Date


  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    This form must be completed, signed, and returned to your child's school.

    Student's Name:

    Last First/MI

    Student's Date of Birth: Grade:


    In order to keep the school's health records up-to-date, answer the following with regard to this past summer:Yes N

    1. Has your child had any accidents, injuries, or surgeries during the past summer?If yes, please describe with dates.

    Yes N

    2. Has your child contracted any illness/es during the past summer (i.e., diabetes, LymeDisease, asthma, chicken pox, etc.) If yes, please describe.

    Yes N

    3. Has your child received any immunizations during the past summer?If yes, please describe with dates. Note: An MD's official verification must be submitted.(This information will be entered on your child's health record card.)

    Yes N

    4. Is your child receiving any medications? If yes, list all medications.Note: An MD note is required for the new school year for any medication that is to be givenduring school hours.

    Yes N

    5. Does your child have any chronic illness/es or condition that requires any specific needs orrestrictions in school? If yes, list illness/es.Note: An MD note is required for the new school year.

    Signature of Parent DateH126

    Revised: 7/2013

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13


    RegulationsBoard of EducationWoodbridge Township


    Page 1 of 2STUDENT

    I ,___________________________________________________________________________,PRINT FULL NAME OF STUDENT

    accept and agree to abide by the following rules:

    1. I agree to abide by the rules which are listed in the Woodbridge Township School District(WTSD) Policy #197 and Regulation #1970, Acceptable Internet Use*.

    2. I realize that the primary purpose of the WTSD Internet Connection is educational, and thatas such, educational purposes shall take precedence over all others.

    3. I realize that the use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. I accept that inappropriatebehavior may lead to penalties including revoking of use, disciplinary, and/or legal action.

    4. I agree not to participate in the transfer of inappropriate or illegal materials through theWTSD Internet Connection. I realize that in some cases transfer of such material may resultin legal action against me.

    5. I release the WTSD and all other organizations related to the WTSD Internet Connectionfrom any liability or damages that may result from the use of the Internet Connection. Inaddition, I will accept full responsibility and liability for the results of my actions with regardsto the use of the Internet. I release the school and related organizations from any liabilityrelating to consequences resulting from my use of the Internet.

    6. If I am permitted to use my own electronic device, I understand that, in doing so, I am boundby all WTSD policies and regulations.

    7. By accessing the WTSD Network, I am aware that the district may record or collectinformation on my activity or my use of the device if the electronic device is equippedwith a camera, global positioning system, or other feature capable of recording orcollecting information on my activity or use of the device; and the district shall notuse any of the capabilities in a manner that would violate my privacy rights.

    8. I understand that by accessing the WTSD Network with any device, I will be allowingthe district limited access to the contents of my device.

    9. I understand that any Internet access with any device during school will be via theWTSD network only. I also understand that, accessing any other network, including

    my own network, is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action.

    ___________________________________ _____/_____/_____ ________________Signature of Student Date Homeroom

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13


    RegulationsBoard of EducationWoodbridge Township

    Page 2 of 2


    My child named above has regular access to the Internet in our home:

    Yes ______ No ______

    I give permission for my child (named above) to have access to the Internet through theconnection in the Woodbridge Township School District (WTSD). I have read and understoodWTSD Policy #197 and Regulations #1970 regarding Acceptable Internet Use*. I have reviewedthe Acceptable Internet Use Policy and Regulations with my child. He/She agrees to abide bythese rules. I agree to accept all financial and legal liabilities which may result from mysons/daughters use of the WTSD Internet Connection.

    _____________________________________________________________________________PLEASE PRINT FULL NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN

    _______________________________________________ _____/_____/_____SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN Date

    Home Phone _________-_________-________________

    Business Phone _________-_________-________________

    Cell Phone _________-_________-________________

    * Policies and Regulations of the Woodbridge Township School District are available for review atwww.woodbridge.k12.nj.us,or can be viewed in the Main Office of your childs school.

    Reference: Regulation #1970S-0713

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    Colonia Middle School Cynthia Lagunovich

    100 Delaware Avenue Principal

    Colonia, NJ 07067 Rita Saylor

    732-396-7000 Vice-Principal

    FAX: 732-574-0772

    Dear 6thGrade Parent/Guardian:

    In an effort to ease your childs adjustment from elementary to middle school, the sixth grade staff offers thefollowing information and suggestions to help your child have a successful school year.

    Homework responsibilities are of paramount concern during this transition year. To assist with organizationof assignments and parental monitoring, a spiral bound homework planner is provided for every child in ColoniaMiddle School. This planner is checked regularly and is part of your childs social studies grade. It is required be with your child and filled in each class period. No block should ever be left blank. In the event that there is homework in a given subject, the child should write none. Question incomplete planners. You can monitor y

    childs assignments via this planner and/or select the CMS Homework on the Colonia Middle School web page(Woodbridge School District website is www.woodbridge.k12.nj.us). The planner is also a useful tool forparent/teacher communication. Check it daily to supervise your childs work habits and/or to respond to ateachers message.

    In addition, the sixth grade teachers will provide a homework folder for your child. This folder will be fortransporting papers to and from school. These would include homework papers, notices from school, PTO, theTownship, permission slips, etc. Please check the folder regularly to be sure you have seen notices sent homePapers requiring parental signatures should be returned promptly. Check that the completed homeworkassignments are placed in this folder and not in the childs textbook. The folder should come to each class eveday. This will help ensure preparedness in each subject.

    In order to aide with organizational skills, we suggest the following supplies:

    A sof t-sided backpack no wheels please! These must fit into the lockers during the day. NO TRAPPERS! They do not fit into the lockers, are cumbersome to carry, and our experience has been th

    they do not help with organization at this level. Therefore, we suggest a s tandard, one-and-a-half-inch ,three-ring binder with subject div idersfor all sub jects and an addit ional oneand-a-half-inch binder fmath. Papers can be added or removed. Periodically, it can be cleaned out.Pre-punched notebook papercan be used for each subject.

    Blue or black ballpoint pensare needed for all subjects, except math. Please, no bright color pens or felttips. A red penwould be helpful for in-class corrections and editing. Two #2 pencils and an eraserareneeded as well. All math, not done in pencil, will notbe accepted. A Texas Instrument Calculator: TI 34multiviewis required for all students.

    In addition to school supplies, it would be helpful if the following materials were available at home for schoolprojects/assignments:

    - a box of crayons - scotch tape

    - a box of colored pencils - pens and pencils- scissors - reinforcements for notebook paper- glue - extra supply of three-hole punched loose leaf paper

    When covering your childs textbooks, please do not use adhesive backed materials. Books should remain coverefrom September through June, when they will be collected. Please check periodically.

    A common cause of anxiety for new students is concern about using lockers. Have your child practice opening acombination lock before school begins to help ease their concern.

    We are hoping that these suggestions will be helpful to you and your child. The faculty is looking forward to workincooperatively with parents and students in order to have a successful and productive year.

    Sincerely, The Sixth Grade Teachers

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    Colonia Middle School Cynthia Lagunovich

    100 Delaware Avenue Principal

    Colonia, NJ 07067 Rita Saylor732-396-7000 Vice-Principal

    FAX: 732-574-0772

    Dear Parent/Guardian


    Homework is a significant part of the learning process. It provides children with the independentopportunity to apply what was taught in class and to discover the extent to which they learned the

    knowledge and skills. Homework may be in the form of a written assignment, studying, reading, orcompleting a project.

    There are a variety of reasons why you may want to contact the school for your childs homeworkassignments. She/he may have been absent, yet be well enough by evening to do the homework;your child may not have brought home the planner/agenda; you may want to verify that no homewowas given in a subject or subjects. This can be accomplished by checking our websitewww.woodbridge.k12.nj.us or a classmate. The district policy allows two days for each day absentmake up school work. If you know in advance that your child will be absent three or more days, cathe guidance office (732-396-7012) to request work. Please allow one day for the teachers toorganize all the assignments.

    In an effort to improve communication between school and home, parents may access the districtwebsitewww.woodbridge.k12.nj.us and select Colonia Middle School. Highlight CMS Homework.Then select the grade level and teacher.

    On a daily basis, homework assignments given by teachers will be recorded on their e-board.Assignments are based upon planned lessons for the day. You may check the e-board for that dayhomework assignments, beginning at 3 p.m.

    Textbooks and/or workbooks, which are needed to do the assignments but are not at home, may bpicked up after 3:00 p.m. A call ahead to guidance (732-396-7000 and choose #5) for these

    materials would be helpful.

    It is our desire that this system will enable your child to remain current in her/his work and meet withgreater success.

    Very truly yours,

    Cynthia LagunovichPrincipal

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    Colonia Middle School Cynthia Lagunovich

    100 Delaware Avenue Principal

    Colonia, NJ 07067 Rita Saylor

    732-396-7000 Vice-PrincipalFAX: 732-574-0772

    RE: REPORTING OF ABSENCE 732-396-7000

    Dear Parent/Guardian:

    It is mandatory that absences or late arrivals be reported to the school. In order to make thimore convenient for you, we have installed a telephone answering machine where you canreport your childs absence (or late arrival) from school. It will be on from 4:00 p.m. through

    8:00 a.m. on school days.

    Please call the above number when your child will not be at school by 8:15 a.m. Please follothe instructions on the answering machine and speak very clearly and slow ly.

    1. Students name spell last name2. Students homeroom number3. Your name and relationship to student (mother, father, grandparent, guardian, et4. Reason student will not be in school and duration of absence5. If student wil l be away on vacation, please notify the off ice BEFORE the vacation

    BOTH in writing and with a phone call. Be sure to state the dates that they will baway.

    Please be sure when your child returns to school that he/she brings a note. If your child weto the doctor or the dentist , please bring a note from them.

    Please keep this memo in a handy place so you can refer to i t when your child w ill be absen

    The office phone is stil l available for all other phone calls.

    Thank you for your cooperation.


    Cynthia LagunovichPrincipal

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    Colonia Middle School Cynthia Lagunovich

    100 Delaware Avenue Principal

    Colonia, NJ 07067 Rita Saylor

    732-396-7000 Vice-Principal

    FAX: 732-574-0772Dear Parent/Guardian

    Every student at Colonia Middle School is required to have a scientificcalculator for math class.It will be the student's responsibility to bring the calculator each day to class and back home tocomplete homework assignments. There will be no calculators available in the classroom for thestudent's use.

    The calculator of choice is the Texas Instrument TI-34 Multiview, which is currently being used inall Woodbridge Township middle and high schools. However, any scientificcalculator may beused. Students will have the option of purchasing his/her own calculator or borrowing one fromthe Colonia Middle School Mathematics Department, with the understanding that the calculatorwill be returned at the end of this school year in June in the same condition in which it wasissued; otherwise, a replacement fee of $30.00 will be charged.

    Please indicate your choice on the form below and have your child return the form to his/herMath Teacher not later than Friday, September 20, 2013. All students MUST have acalculator not later than Friday, September 27, 2013.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

    Sincerely,Colonia Middle School Mathematics Department- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Print Student's Name Student's Signature

    Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature


    ____ My child will provide his/her own scientific calculator.____ My child will borrow a calculator from Colonia Middle School. He/She will return the

    calculator at the end of this school year in June in the same condition in which it wasissued. If the calculator is not returned, or if it is not returned in the condition it wasissued, I agree to pay a $30.00 replacement fee.

    For office use only:

    Math Teacher's Name: _________________________________________________

    Calculator Number: _____________________

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13



    100 Delaware Avenue Cynthia Lagunovich

    Colonia, NJ 07067 Principal

    732-396-7000 Rita Saylor

    Fax: 732-574-0772 Vice-Principal

    Dear Parents:

    Special events may be held during the school year, which Colonia Middle School would like topublicize either in local newspapers, air videotapes on the township cable channel, or post to ourschool website.

    Please sign and return this form ONLY if you do not give permission for your child to bephotographed or videotaped.

    Thank you.


    Cynthia LagunovichPrincipal

    PhotographStudent Name __________________ HR Teacher _______________ Grade ____

    ____ No, I do not want my childs photo published.

    ______________________ ___________________________________Date Parent/Guardian Signature

    Video Tape:Student Name __________________ Teacher _______________ Grade ____

    ____ No, I do not want my child videotaped.

    _____________________ __________________________________Date Parent/Guardian Signature

  • 5/19/2018 Parent Pack 13


    Colonia Middle School

    Homerooms 2013 2014

    GRADE 6203 A-Cab

    204 Carr-Est

    205 Est-G

    206 H-Las

    207 Lat-Mora

    210 Moran-Pet

    211 Petr-Sil

    212 Sm-Z

    GRADE 7

    303 A-Cam

    304 Car-Ed

    308 Joz-Mar

    309 Mat-Par

    310 Pas-Rey

    311 Rib-Soh

    317 Sos-W

    Grade 8

    103 A-Can

    104 Cas-Est

    106 Est-Hib

    108 Ho-Ma109 Mar-Pah

    110 Pal-Sar

    111 Sarr-Tig

    112 Tir-Z