Revised 9/1/2017 3:03:00 PM 1 PENNSYLVANIA POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT NETWORK PAPBS Network (Local) Facilitator Application Guide

PAPBS Network (Local) Facilitator Application Guide Facilitators... · Facilitator are committed to ... (Appendix 1, Part A); possess experiences that position the ... (One letter

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Revised 9/1/2017 3:03:00 PM 1


PAPBS Network

(Local) Facilitator Application Guide

Revised 9/1/2017 3:03:00 PM 2

Table of Contents

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Pennsylvania Community of Practice on School Based Behavioral Health .............................................. 3

Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PAPBS) Network ...................................................................... 3

On-Boarding PAPBS Local Facilitators ....................................................................................................... 3

Note: Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 4

Eligibility Criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Employer Authorization ............................................................................................................................ 5

Applicant Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 5

Applicant Assurances ................................................................................................................................ 6

Application Submission Process ................................................................................................................... 7


Selection Process .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Additional Information ................................................................................................................................. 8

Appendix 1 (Part A) .................................................................................................................................... 10

Appendix 1 (Part B) .................................................................................................................................... 11

Appendix 2: PAPBS Facilitator Job Description ...................................................................................... 12

Appendix 3: Letter of Assurance ............................................................................................................... 14


INDEPENDENT FACILITATION [FY210-11] UNIVERSAL / TIER 1.............................................................. 15


INDEPENDENT FACILITATION [FY2014-15] UNIVERSAL / TIER 1............................................................ 16

Appendix 5 PAPBS Network Facilitator’s Documentation for Independent Facilitation

Universal / Tier 1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 17

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Pennsylvania Community of Practice on School Based Behavioral Health

The Pennsylvania Community of Practice (CoP) on School Based Behavioral Health (SBBH) is

comprised of representatives from the Pennsylvania Departments of Education, Drug and Alcohol

Programs, and Human Services in addition to individuals representing youth serving provider agencies,

managed care organizations, advocates, and youth, and family members. Pennsylvania's CoP works

collaboratively to advance two shared strategies:

1) the scale-up of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in early childhood and

school-aged settings and

2) strategies by which to improve partnerships between county mental health service providers

and Pennsylvania's public schools and early childhood settings.

Specific to the scale-up of PBIS, the CoP has established a voluntary network of cross-sector partners

who affiliate under what is known as the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PAPBS) Network.

Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PAPBS) Network

The mission of the PAPBS Network is to advance the development of behavioral health support systems

in early childhood and school-aged settings in order to promote the academic, social, and emotional well-

being of all Pennsylvania’s students. The Network’s goal is to ensure that all early childhood and school-

aged educators, families, and community members have access to training and technical assistance

necessary to assist learners in overcoming non-academic barriers to achievement.

The PAPBS Network is managed directly by members of Pennsylvania’s CoP on SBBH. The

management structure of the Network includes Co-Directors, State-Level Coordinators, and Regional

PAPBS Facilitators. Local PAPBS Facilitators do not hold state-wide managerial responsibilities for the

Network. However, Local Facilitators have responsibility for supporting the training and technical

assistance needs of those implementing PBIS in early childhood and school-aged settings. Throughout

this document, references to supporting early childhood settings are referred to as “program wide” while

references to supports in schools are referred to as “school wide”. Local Facilitators are key members of

the PAPBS Network and are essential to the scale-up of PBIS.

On-Boarding PAPBS Local Facilitators

The process of on-boarding Local Facilitators is crucial to the expansion of the PAPBS Network. Upon

acceptance into the Network, Local Facilitators are considered provisional until such time as they

complete the Network’s multi-step endorsement process. Provisional Local Facilitators must earn

independent status through endorsements on each of the following levels: Tier 1 (universal preventive),

Tier 2 (strategic intervention), and Tier 3 (intensive intervention). Local Facilitators are only considered

independent at the level(s) in which they have successfully completed the endorsement process and

remain provisional on levels in which their endorsements are not yet secured.

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Thus, a Local Facilitator who is independent only on Tier 1 has the PAPBS Network’s

endorsement to provide training and technical assistance on universal prevention in child serving

programs or schools but is not yet endorsed by the Network to provide training and technical

assistance on strategic and intensive interventions. (See Appendix 4SW and 4PW for more

information on the Tier 1 endorsement process, there are separate requirements for Program-

Wide and School-Wide facilitators)

In part, it is the role of the PAPBS Network’s State Coordinators and Regional Facilitators to coordinate

opportunities that enable Local Facilitators to matriculate from provisional to independent status, thus

earning Network endorsements at all three tiers of prevention and intervention.

It is expected that individuals making application to the PAPBS Network as a provisional Local

Facilitator are committed to completing all three levels of endorsement: universal prevention, strategic

intervention, and intensive intervention. It is only necessary for individuals to complete the application

and be accepted into the Network one time. Once provisionally accepted as a Local Facilitator by the

Network, individuals are expected to achieve independent status across all three tiers of prevention and


At present, there is not a statute of limitation associated with matriculation of provisional Local

Facilitators through the Network’s multi-step endorsement process. Local Facilitators achieving

independent status at any of the three tiers of prevention or intervention will receive a signed letter of

endorsement from the PAPBS Network’s Co-Directors, specifying the level(s) at which the facilitator is

deemed independent to provide training and technical assistance in child serving programs or schools.

Once endorsed on any of three tiers of prevention or intervention, the PAPBS Network expects Local

Facilitators to maintain fidelity of training and technical assistance as defined by the Network. Any

training or technical assistance provided by Local Facilitators in child serving programs or schools that is

not in compliance with the Network’s core training curriculum may trigger the revocation of the

Network’s endorsement. Revocation of the Network’s endorsement may necessitate the need for Local

Facilitators to repeat portions of the endorsement process or, depending on the severity of the issues,

could lead to dismissal from the Network. (Policy and guidance on such issues will be forthcoming from

the PA CoP on SBBH.)

Note: Disclaimer

Acceptance into the PAPBS Network is strictly voluntary and does not imply a contractual relationship

between the Local Facilitator and the Network. The PAPBS Network does not assume financial liability

for payment of services provided by Local Facilitators in any settings. Moreover, the PAPBS Network

does not assume liability for services provided by Local Facilitators in any settings.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals seeking to enter the PAPBS Network must verify they hold their employer’s authorization to

serve as a Local Facilitators (Appendix 1, Part A); possess experiences that position the individuals to be

successful as Local Facilitators (Appendix 1, Part B); and meet the minimum educational and

employment requirements of a Local Facilitator (Appendix 2).

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Employer Authorization

(Appendix 1, Part A)

Individuals seeking to enter the PAPSB Network as provisional Local Facilitators are restricted to

professional personnel employed by an educational entity (e.g. school districts, intermediate units,

charter schools, PreK Counts, Head Start, childcare, approved private schools, non-public school and

universities), child-serving agency, or managed care organization within the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania. Independent Contractors and Consultants are not eligible to apply.

o Note: it is recommended that at least two individuals from a qualifying agency make application to the

PAPBS Network. When more than one individual from a qualifying agency makes application to the

PAPBS Network, one applicant from the agency needs to be designated as the primary contact.

Individuals must submit evidence of employment qualifications, including their agency’s

authorization for their application to the PAPBS Network. Therein, individuals must have an

agency representative from their place of employment verify and endorse the following.

o The applicant(s) have sufficient time allotted per the terms of their employment to attend

PAPBS trainings and meetings and provide training and technical assistance in child-

serving programs or schools, and

o The applicant(s) holds the following clearances, which are on record in the agency’s

personnel files: Act 151 - Child Abuse Clearance, Act 33-34 - Criminal Clearance, and Act

114 or Section 6344 of Title 23, Pa. C.S. Chapter 63 FBI Clearances.

Individuals must submit, in addition to their application (Appendix 1 Parts A and B), two letters

of reference. (One letter of reference must be from the applicant’s employer).

Applicant Qualifications

(Appendix 2)

Individuals must be employed by, or have a contractual relationship with the Agency/ Educational

entity endorsing their application (Appendix 1, part A) assuring that sufficient time, support, and

resources are available for the applicants to adequately fulfill their role as Local Facilitators in the

PAPBS Network.

Individuals must hold a Master’s degree in education, educational administration, social work,

psychology, or related field or, a Bachelor’s degree in education, educational administration, social

work, psychology, or related field with five years’ experience in an educational and/or early

childhood setting.

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Individuals seeking to operate as a Local Facilitator in an early-childhood setting (program-wide

facilitator) must hold or be eligible to attain Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS)


Individuals applying to become school-wide facilitators must have a pre-established partnership

with an independent, Tier 1 Local Facilitator who agrees to provide mentoring and shadowing

opportunities required of the applicant in fulfillment of their endorsement process for Tier 1

independent status.

o Individuals must submit, in addition to their application (Appendix 1, Parts A and B), a

letter of commitment from a PAPBS independent, Tier 1 Local Facilitator willing to

assume responsibility for the applicants’ mentorship.

o Please contact your Regional Coordinator to get a name of a Facilitator willing to mentor in

order to complete the application.

Regional Coordinators:

o Western Region: PaTTAN Pittsburgh: Kathryn Poggi, [email protected]

o Central Region: PaTTAN Harrisburg: Laura Moran, [email protected]

o Eastern Region: PaTTAN King of Prussia: Tina Lawson, or tlawsonpattan.net

At this time, due to the limited number of program wide facilitators, individuals applying to become

program-wide facilitators will be mentored by the PAPBS EC subcommittee via monthly calls and

possible onsite visits. In communities where independent program wide facilitators are available to

serve as mentors, applicants are encouraged to establish mentor relationships.

Individuals must have knowledge/prior direct experience in:

o Training design and delivery, consistent with adult learning theory

o Training adults

o Partnering with families

o Working with schools (applicable to individuals seeking to work in schools)

o Early childhood settings (applicable to individuals seeking to work in early childhood


o Measurement and evaluation of effective professional development

o Coordinating and managing training details (registration process, budgets, information-

sharing, evaluation, performance improvement, Act 48,PQAS, etc.)

o Program-Wide (early childhood)/ School-wide (school age) PBIS

o Hi-Fidelity Wraparound and multiple systems perspectives

o Data-based decision-making

Individuals lacking knowledge and/or experience in one or more of these areas will be considered

based on the needs of the program(s) being served and the willingness of the potential facilitator to

gain skills.

Applicant Assurances

(Appendix 3)

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Individuals must be willing to demonstrate understanding of the following:

o The design and delivery of effective training in the PA Program-Wide (early childhood)/

School-wide (school age) PBIS framework

o Utilize and train with the PAPBS curriculum for PBIS, as established by the State

Leadership Team on School Based Behavioral Health

o Commitment to and understanding of the ongoing technical assistance and support needs of

early childhood and school-aged settings implementing PBIS

o Effective interaction with people of various backgrounds

o A variety of presentation skills for adult learners

Individuals agree to participate and comply with all requirements as set forth in the Letter of

Assurance (Appendix 3), which must be submitted along with their application (Appendix 1, Parts

A and B), their letter of reference, and for school-wide applicants, their letter of commitment from

a PAPBS independent, Tier 1 Local Facilitator*.

Application Submission Process Applications for PAPBS Network Local Facilitators will be accepted as determined by the Networks’ Co-

Directors. In order to be considered as an applicant, individuals must view an orientation webinar, either

live or asynchronously, prior to submission of application. Information concerning any of the orientation

webinars, in addition to relevant application submission schedules, will be posted on the PAPBS website:


Individuals must indicate on their application whether they are applying to be a Program-Wide (early

childhood) and/or School-wide (school age) Local Facilitator. If individuals are applying for acceptance

into the network as facilitators of both Program-Wide and School-Wide PBIS, applicants must complete

all questions designated on the application applicable to early childhood and school-aged programming.

Additionally, such applicants must commit to attending training events specific to all age groups they

intend to support. Program wide resources and processes differ somewhat from school wide resources

and processes and therefore facilitators who support all ages need to know the full range of information.

Materials to be submitted when applying to become a PAPBS Network Facilitator include:

Employer Authorization (Appendix 1, Part A)

Facilitator Application (Appendix 1, Part B) done via Survey Monkey

Resume/ vita

Letter of Assurance (Appendix 3)

Letter(s) of Commitment to serve as a Mentor from a Tier 1 Independent Facilitator (school wide)

Two Letters of Reference (of which one need to be from the applicant’s employer)

All school wide facilitator application materials need to be submitted electronically to the appropriate

school wide regional facilitator as designated below.

All program wide facilitator application materials need to be submitted electronically to the appropriate

program wide regional facilitator as designated below.

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Please contact any of the following individuals with any additional questions concerning the application


For applicants seeking to operate as a Local Facilitator of School-wide PBIS

o PaTTAN Pittsburgh: Kathryn Poggi, 1-800-446-5607, ext. 6857 or [email protected]

o PaTTAN Harrisburg: Laura Moran, 1-800-360-7282 or [email protected]

o PaTTAN King of Prussia: Tina Lawson, 1-800-441-3215, ext. 7254 or tlawsonpattan.net

For applicants seeking to operate as a Local Facilitator of Program-wide PBIS**

o Western Region: DeVoka Gordon, 412-826-2336, ext. 6832 or [email protected]

o Central Region: Aimee Newswanger , 717-901-2183, or [email protected]

o Eastern Region: Julia Slater, 412-826-2336,ext. 6898 or [email protected]

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by members of the PAPBS Network State Coordination Team (SCT) for

school wide applicants and the PAPBS Early Childhood (EC) Subcommittee for program wide applicants

and recommended to the State Co-Directors committee for final approval.

Decisions regarding applications will be made within a month of the application deadline.

If accepted as a Local Facilitator in the PAPBS Network, new provisional facilitators are required to:

Participate and complete all training required of Local Facilitators

Complete the PAPBS multi-step endorsement process as established by the SLT on SBBH

Adhere to requirements listed in Letter of Assurance (Appendix 3)

Shadow their mentoring independent Local Facilitator per the requirements of their Tier 1

endorsement process (Appendix 4SW and 5) (school wide only)

Complete the mentoring series of webinars, calls and activities (Appendix 4PW & 5) (program

wide only)

Collect and submit data to the Network for evaluation purposes

The targeted time frame for completing provisional tasks to become an independent facilitator is

approximately 1 year.

Additional Information

If a Local Facilitator leaves the agency for which this application has been made, the agency

(employer) may be requested to identify another applicant for the PAPBS Network. Said

applicants will be required to apply to the Network for acceptance and will be subject to all

criteria defined herein.

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Local Facilitator’s PAPBS endorsements are not transferable between agencies

o Local Facilitators who are no longer employed by the agency for which they applied to the

Network cannot transfer their endorsement.

o Local Facilitators who have a change in employment status are required to re-apply to the

Network and will be subject to all criteria defined herein.

Applicants to the PAPBS Network may be prioritized in areas of the Commonwealth where there

is the greatest need for Local facilitators.

o If Individuals meets the application requirements but there is not a need for additional

Local Facilitators in the applicants’ geographic catchment areas, the individuals will be

notified and placed on hold until there is a need to increase the number of PAPBS Local

Facilitators in the defined catchment area.

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Appendix 1 (Part A) Employer Authorization

Educational entity/ Agency name: __________________________________________

Agency director ( Name)_______________________________________________

Designated Agency Facilitator contact: ____________________________________________

(When more than one agency personnel is applying to be or is a facilitator, Please indicate which facilitator is considered the

Agency’s main contact.)

Indicate type of agency / educational entity.

Intermediate unit Social Service Provider agency

Managed Care Organization Higher Education

Other(list) _______________________________________________(Early Childhood applicants describe

your type of agency here)

Counties the educational entity/ agency works in:______________________________________________

Work Address: Street__________________________ City:_____________

County:___________ State: PA Zip code____________

Work Phone:_________________ Extension:______ Fax:_______________

Email address:_____________________

The agency’s letter of support for each facilitator’s applicant is attached to this application : YES_____ NO____

How will this employee be provided time to participate in training and mentoring activities?

As the Agency representative, I ensure that our designated Facilitator(s) has sufficient time allotted in their job

duties to attend required trainings, mentoring, facilitation, meetings, and perform tasks associated with training,

facilitation, and coordination when working with an educational entity to implement School-wide and/or

Program-wide PBIS.

Education Entity/ Agency representative :___________________________________


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Appendix 1 (Part B) PAPBS Local Facilitator Application

Facilitator application: Each individual applicant must complete Appendix 1 Part B using the

following SurveyMonkey template.

Appendix 1 Part B: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5RHHQQ7


For school-wide applicants, please remember to submit the following applicant materials to:

Western Region: PaTTAN Pittsburgh: Kathryn Poggi, [email protected]

Central Region: PaTTAN Harrisburg: Laura Moran, [email protected]

Eastern Region: PaTTAN King of Prussia: Tina Lawson, or tlawsonpattan.net

For program-wide applicants, please remember to submit the following application materials to:

Western Region: DeVoka Gordon at dgordon @pattan.net,

Central Region: Aimee Newswanger at [email protected]

Eastern Region: Julia Slater at [email protected].

Please check to acknowledge your awareness that each of these documents needs to be sent.

Applicant materials to be submitted electronically.

Employer Authorization (Appendix 1, Part A)

Resume/Curriculum Vita

Letter of Assurance (Appendix 3)

Letter(s) of Commitment to serve as a Mentor from a Tier I Independent Facilitator (school wide


Two Letters of Reference (of which one needs to be from the applicant's employer)

Optional: Sample copies of evaluations of past trainings you have conducted (please limit to no

more than three)

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Appendix 2: PAPBS Local Facilitator Job Description

TITLE: PAPBS Local Facilitator

REPORTS TO: PAPBS Regional Facilitator


To expand and sustain implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

(PBIS) at the Universal, Secondary and Tertiary levels in Pennsylvania schools and early

childhood settings

To expand the support structure for delivery of training and technical assistance to

schools and districts and early childhood programs for all levels of PBIS implementation

and evaluation

To provide quality training at all three tiers of PBIS: Universal, Secondary and Tertiary

To support implementation of the data collection system, use data-based decision-

making, further research and evaluation

To provide leadership in development of PAPBS Network PBIS policy, funding,

curriculum, research and public relation components

Develop collaboration with multiple systems including PDE, DPW, BSE, OCDEL,

mental health and other service providers, to support success for all children and students

in the school and community


Master’s degree in education, educational administration, social work, psychology, or

related field or, a Bachelor’s degree in education, educational administration, social

work, psychology, or related field with five years’ experience in educational and/or early

childhood settings

For Program-wide, hold or be eligible to attain Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System

(PQAS) certification to provide support to Early Childhood or School Age Child Care


Have two or more of the following qualifications:

o Experience with effective behavior interventions, classroom, and individual

student behavior intervention plans, school improvement and cultural diversity

o Ability to manage multiple components of program development, training,

technical assistance, and evaluation tasks

o Knowledge of PBIS, Hi-Fidelity Wraparound, multiple systems perspective

o Experience with coordination of and training for staff development

o Experience working with district/building/program level Leadership Teams

o Experience with implementing intense student support as a behavior specialist,

teacher, administrator, psychologist, counselor or related role in schools or early

childhood settings.

o Expertise in data based decision making

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Provide trainings and technical assistance at the PBIS Universal, Secondary and Tertiary


Facilitate and monitor the implementation of the appropriate data collection tools for the


Compile, review and discuss behavior, academic and developmental evaluation data for

individual schools, districts, or programs.

Collaborate with schools and the District Leadership Team, or early childhood program

teams/committees before they adopt PBIS to ensure integrity of implementation, financial

support, and commitment for coaching and trainings.

Network with local, regional, state, and/or federal PBIS technical assistance centers and


Participate in regional, statewide and/or national PBIS leadership conferences and


Perform administrative duties associated with position (i.e., calendar development,

expense reports, preparation of training materials, etc.)

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Appendix 3: Letter of Assurance

The applicant must demonstrate that their participation as a PAPBS Network Local Facilitator will not

contribute to or pose a conflict of interest with other work or vested interests or be used as a vehicle to

market or otherwise solicit other support, investment or funding in any diversified interests of the

Facilitator (i.e. software products, counseling/tutoring services to students, toys/learning devices).

The undersigned individual agrees to the following assurances in order to train with provisional approval

status and move towards being endorsed as an independent PAPBS Network Facilitator for the PAPBS


- Agree to follow protocol as indicated in the Endorsement Process (see Appendix 4SW & PW and 5)

- Partner with an independent Local Facilitator to provide on-site training and technical assistance to

the early childhood or school-aged setting in which the facilitator is working.

- Assist the independent Facilitator in obtaining and maintaining written agreement with school

districts in which the Lead Facilitator is operating.

- Implement training and practices in accordance with the PAPBS Network training curriculum.

- Attend meetings and Training of Facilitators’ sessions as established by the PAPBS Network.

- Agree to implement updated training content as provided by the PAPBS Network.

- Agree to submit school data, surveys, and other required documentation to the Regional Facilitators

and/or State Coordinators as requested.

I understand that if, at any time, The Pennsylvania Community of Practice (CoP) on School Based

Behavioral Health (SBBH) determines that there is non-compliance to the training requirements and

protocols, the SLT reserves the right to revoke endorsement as a Facilitator for the PAPBS Network.

Name of Agency: ________________________________________________________________


Print name Signature of Provisional Facilitator Date

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Facilitator Skill Development



PBIS Content




Sponsored Skill


Attend orientation to School-wide PBIS

Facilitation and complete application

Brief Intro > Systems, Data, Practices

Overview of Application Process

Completed Facilitator

application and acceptance as

Provisional Facilitator

School-Wide: Attend 4 days of ToT for


Topics include:

1. District/Program


2. Universal


3. Data systems

1. Facilitator Roles /

Network Structure

2. Induction of

Districts/Programs into


3. Data, Systems, Practices

for PBIS

4. Tools & Techniques for


Certificate of Attendance from


School-Wide: Attend >70% of monthly

coaches’ networking seminars

Local implementation issues Certificate of Attendance for

attending training opportunities

Attend Network Implementers Forum

held in late spring

1. Differentiated PBIS Topics

Certificate of Attendance from

Network Implementers Forum

On-Site Skill



1. Shadow an independent facilitator

with the following:

1. Administrative overview

2. District/school/program


3. Universal Core Team


4. Core Team to Faculty

training sessions

5. School SWIS training or

Program-wide database


6. Universal/core team meeting

where data are utilized for


1. Administration Intro to School-Wide

and/or Program-wide PBIS


3. Process of inducting a


4. Universal curriculum

5. Universal implementation features

explained to faculty

6. Implementation planning/data


The following must be


1. Audit of 1 monthly

Universal/core team

meeting each quarter

(minimum, may attend


2. Completed experiential log

listing shadowing


Optional tool:

3. Completed Facilitator

Professional Development

and Endorsement Scale for

use between Independent

and Provisional Facilitators

District Assigned

SCT w Regional Facilitator aligns

School-Wide Facilitator with new


1. District/Program assigned


1. Co-train/co-lead with independent

facilitator with the following:

1. Administrative overview

2. District/school/t67program


3. Universal Core Team


4. Core Team to Faculty

training sessions

5. School SWIS training or

Program-wide database


6. Universal/core team meeting

where data are utilized for


2. All Readiness & Universal Content

3. Technical assistance

4. Coaching

5. Tools (BoQ, SET, etc.)

Refer to PAPBS Network

Facilitator’s Documentation for

Independent Facilitation




SCT w Regional Facilitator coordinates

assignment for new school team training

in region

1. Welcome, Independent


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Facilitator Skill Development



PBIS Content




Sponsored Skill


Watch online webinar on Program wide

PBIS facilitation found on PAPBS


Brief Intro > Systems, Data, Practices

Overview of Application Process

Completed Facilitator

application and acceptance as

Provisional Facilitator

Program-wide: Complete monthly

webinar series and participate in >70%

of monthly New Facilitator conference


Topics include:

1. Program Readiness

2. Benchmarks of Quality

3. Data Systems

1. Facilitator Roles/Network


2. Induction of Programs into


3. Data, System, Practices for PBIS

4. Tools and Techniques for


Attendance records from

Program-wide conference call


Attend >70% of Network sponsored

training opportunities

Local implementation issues Certificate of Attendance for

attending training opportunities

Attend Network Implementers Forum

held in late spring

2. Differentiated PBIS Topics

Certificate of Attendance from

Network Implementers Forum

On-Site Skill


Regional facilitators or other members

of state leadership team are available for

consultation about specific

implementation strategies and supports.

This may include onsite visits at the

request of the provisional facilitator or

the state leadership team.

1. Administration Intro to Program-


2. Process of inducting a program

3. Universal curriculum

4. Universal implementation features

explained to staff

5. Implementation planning/data


The following must be


1. Lead 1 monthly

Universal/core team

meeting each quarter

(minimum, may attend


2. Completed experiential log

listing shadowing


Program Assigned to Facilitator

Because most PW Facilitators are

supporting programs for which they work,

no additional assignment may be needed.

3. Program assigned


4. Co-train/co-lead with independent

facilitator with the following:

1. Administrative overview

2. Program readiness

3. CSEFEL Module Training

4. Core Team to Faculty

training sessions

5. Program-wide database


6. Universal/core team meeting

where data are utilized for


5. All Readiness & Universal Content

6. Technical assistance

7. Coaching

8. Tools (BoQ, PreSET, etc.)

Refer to PAPBS Network

Facilitator’s Documentation for

Independent Facilitation




PW Facilitators who meet all requirements

of Network continue support to their

program(s). If additional assignment is

desired, PAPBS EC subcommittee will

attempt to coordinate facilitator with local

programs desiring a facilitator

9. Welcome, Independent


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Appendix 5

PAPBS Network Facilitator’s Documentation for Independent Facilitation

Universal / Tier 1

Completed Item

The following items are mandatory for completion and/or submission:

1) Letter of support from Principal at school or Administrator at EC program where your facilitation experience

was completed

2) >70% attendance at Network-sponsored networking opportunities, including Facilitator meetings, Coaches’

seminars, and Implementers’ Forum

3) Submission of the following permanent products from your facilitation experience:

a) SW/PW expectations

b) Teaching/behavior matrix

c) Annual teaching schedule of lesson plans. For program-wide, examples of classroom lessons for teaching


d) Written description of acknowledgement system (may be included in a staff handbook)

e) Flowchart or written description of discipline process. PW facilitators may include discipline process or

evidence of family involvement in PBIS activities

f) Office referral or behavior incident report and definitions

4) Participate in 4 core leadership team meetings where data were utilized for problem-solving

5) Complete BoQ with team


2 of the following items must be completed and/or submitted:

6) Assist school or EC program to submit data requested for state-wide program ( SW--refer to the coaches

curriculum and PW—refer to EC PAPBS Network Data requirements for the current program year for data


7) Assist Core Leadership team to build an annual action plan with multiple data sources

* Submit action plan

8) Facilitate completion of Self-Assessment Survey by 80% school staff

9) SW--Participate in training to be endorsed as a SWIS Facilitator

PW—Enter data or train staff to enter data in Behavior Partnership.com

10) Write 1- to 2-page summary describing your facilitation of team through the data-based problem-solving

process (describe problem through precision statement, selected environmental modification and/or

student/adult intervention, and outcome)