Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch

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  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch


    A Market research on

    Customer Retention at HUTCH, Bangalore.

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

    MBA Degree of the Bangalore University

    ByPankaj Kishore Singh


    Under the Guidance of

    Prof. Shinu Abhi.

    M.P.Birla Institute of Management,

    Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,

    Bangalore 560 001.


  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch



    I hereby declare that the research work embodied in the dissertation entitled

    Customer Retention at HUTCH, Bangalore, has been carried out by me under the

    guidance and supervision of Prof. Shinu Abhi, , M.P.Birla Institute of Management,


    I also declare that this dissertation has not been submitted to any

    University/Institution for the award of any Degree/Diploma.

    Place: Bangalore


  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch



    I hereby certify that the research work embodied in this dissertation entitled

    Customer retention at HUTCH, Bangalore, has been undertaken and completed byMr. Pankaj Kishore Singh under my guidance and supervision.

    I also certify that she has fulfilled all the requirements under the covenant

    governing the submission of dissertation to the Bangalore University for the award of

    MBA degree.

    Place: Bangalore Prof. Shinu Abhi

    Date: MPBIM, Bangalore

  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch



    This is to certify that Mr. PANKAJ KISHORE SINGH has carried out the

    project work embodied in this dissertation entitled CUSTOMER RETENTION

    SURVEY OF HUTCH, Bangalore under the guidance of Prof. Shinu Abhi,

    M.P.B.I.M, Bangalore.

    Place : Bangalore (Dr. N.S. Malavalli)


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    I am happy to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Nagesh Mallavali,

    (Principal, M.P.Birla Institute of Management), for their encouragement, guidance andmany valuable ideas imparted to me for my project.

    I extend my sincere thanks to Shinu Abhi (Professor/ Internal Guide) for

    providing me all the information required and the guidance through out the project

    without which this project would not have been possible.

    I have gained a lot of knowledge, both theoretical and practical, throughout the

    course of carrying out this project, I also learnt a lot about the intricacies of the actual

    business world. With special regards I would also like to sincerely thank all my lecturers

    and friends for their help in completing my project successfully.


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    PART A

    Page No.

    Executive summary 01


    1.1. Background of the study.

    1.2. Statement of the problem.

    1.3.Need and significance of the study.

    1.4. Objectives of the study.


    2.1 Purpose of review.

    2.2 Methodology.

    2.3 Conclusion.



    4.1 Type of Research.

    4.2 Sampling Technique.

    4.3 Sampling size.

    4.4 Sampling Description.

    4.5 Instrumentation Techniques.

    4.6 Actual collection of data.

    4.7 Limitation of the study.

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    Page No.


    PART C


    6.1 Conclusions from the study.

    6.2 Implications of the study.

    6.3 Direction for further Research.


    1. Questionnaire 75

    2. Bibliography 78

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    Page. No.

    1. Table showing data based on age. 412. Table showing data based on profession. 42

    3. Table showing data based on rating of the network coverage. 43

    4. Table showing data based on concern of call breaking. 44

    5. Table showing data based on ability to call at the first attempt. 45

    6. Table showing data based on the calls made to the customer care 46

    help line in the last one-month.

    7. Table showing data based on finding the Interactive Voice Response 47

    System (IVRS) user friendly.

    8. Table showing data based on finding the executives friendly with a 48

    helpful attitude.

    9. Table showing data based on rating the ability to give information about 49

    various value added services.

    10. Table showing data based on the registration of query/complaint in the last 50

    one month

    11. Table showing data based on the rating the ability to listen and understand 51

    the query/concern.

    12. Table showing data based on answering mode of the query/concern satisfactorily. 52

    13. Table showing data based on getting a follow up call to resolve the query. 53

    14. Table showing data based on communication about the launch of new rate 54

    plans/schemes/offers in time..

    15. Table showing data based on finding theHUTCHadvertisement relevant 55

    and easy to understand.

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    Page No.

    16. Table showing data based on receiving the monthly bills well in advance 56

    before the due date.

    17. Table showing data based on finding the payment reminder through 57

    SMS/calls useful.

    18. Table showing data based on finding the bills error free. 58

    19. Table showing data based on rating of theHUTCHservices.. 59

    20. Table showing data based on the activation/cancellation of offers/services 61

    like roaming STD/ISD etc taking place within the time committed.

    21. Table showing data based on the plan changes taking place within the 62

    time committed.

    22. Table showing data based on rating the time taken for service restoration 63

    in case of barring/suspension.

    23. Table showing data based on rating of theHUTCHoverall services 64

    24. Table showing data based on preference between prepaid and postpaid 65

    cellular service of HUTCH.

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    Page. No.

    1. Chart showing Hutch user based on age group. 41

    2. Chart showing Hutch user based on Profession. 42

    3. Chart showing Rating of the network coverage. 43

    4. Chart showing concern of call breaking. 44

    5. Chart showing Ability to call at the first attempt. 45

    6. Chart showing call made to customer care in the last one month. 46

    7. Chart showing user friendliness of the Interactive Voice Response 47

    System (IVRS).

    8. Chart showing helpfulness of the Customer Care Executive s. 48

    9. Chart showing ability to information about various value added services. 49

    10. Chart showing registration of query/concern in the last one month. 50

    11. Chart showing ability to listen and resolve the query. 51

    12. Chart showing answering the query/concern satisfactorily. 52

    13. Chart showing follow up of call to resolve the query/concern. 53

    14. Chart showing communication about the launch of new plans /schemes. 54

    15. Chart showing finding the HUTCH advertisement relevant. 55

    16. Chart showing receiving the bill on time. 56

    17. Chart showing finding the payment reminder through SMS/calls useful. 57

    18. Chart showing finding the bills error free. 58

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    Page. No.19. Chart showing rating of the HUTCH Value Added Services. 59

    (a) SMS

    (b) MMS

    (c) GPRS

    20. Chart showing Activation/Cancellation of services. 61

    21. Chart showing plan changes taking place within the time committed. 62

    22. Chart showing rating of the time taken for service restoration. 63

    23. Chart showing rating of the overall HUTCH Services 64

    24. Chart showing preference between Prepaid and Postpaid. 65

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  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch



    Customer retention is the key business issue. Effective churn management allows the

    company to stay ahead of its competitors, increases profitability and improves investor

    confidence. There are no simple solutions; must adopt aggressive strategies which cut

    across the customer lifecycle and underpin all business processes. Customer Retention is

    not given the attention due to it, by most firms. It has been found that customer retention

    has more impact on profits than market share, economies of scale and other variables that

    are considered to provide competitive to a firm. In fact, it has been found that companies,

    which reduce customer defections by 5 per cent, could boost profits from 25 per cent to

    85 per cent. The whole disambiguation of Customer Relation Management strategies

    center around the basic idea of RETENTION so as to get the mass out of their existing or

    potential customers.

    Problem Statement

    Though many service industries are affected by the customer defection. The problem is

    extremely acute in the telecom industry, with customers joining and quitting in short

    periods. The problem to addressing here is how a service firm evaluates retentionstrategies when it is likely to Pay-off?

    Research Objectives

    To understand the intricacies of Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management in action in the service sector To examine the current customer retention strategies being deployed by HUTCH. To evaluate of retention strategies when it is likely to pay-off. To identify the deficiencies in the existing Customer Retention Strategies To modify the Customer Retention Strategies

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    Research Methodology

    Primary data: - Structured questionnaire & Observation technique. Secondary data: - Data analysis, company website, literature survey, magazines,journals & expert opinion.

    Sampling Technique.

    Since the population for the study is quite large and since the study is limited by

    the constraints of resources and time, complete enumeration of the population by census

    method is not possible. Hence, the project used stratified random sampling technique.

    Respondents should be selected from the youth and working executive segment, who are

    the major respondents of the survey.

    The advantage of this technique is that it is both economical and reasonably reliable.

    Sample Size.

    The sample size comprises 150 respondents. The sample size of 150 respondents is

    considered by me to make reasonable projection in the study of this kind.

    Sample Description.The sample description will include customers of Hutch in both prepaid and

    postpaid sections. The youth segment is a major respondent because they are more prone

    to switch to different service providers and usually they are the trendsetters. Hence it is

    our strong belief if we could develop strategies to retain them; its easier to retain the

    other segments too.


    Maximum number of Hutch service user are in the age group of 20-30 (almost

    57%) and majority of them uses prepaid service; they found the call quality and the

    network coverage to be good. And most of them liked the value added services, and are

    happy with the communication procedure they use. The postpaid customers found the bill

    error free. The overall rating given to Hutch was good.

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    Suggestions and Recommendation:

    With effective implementation of customer databases, companies will be able to

    reestablish contact with customers, and will be able to work successfully towards

    increasingcustomer retention, repeat sales, and customer referrals. Reach out to the customers with

    special offers. Membership cards and programs that entitle your customers to special

    offers, discounts, or preferential treatment. After sales satisfaction and complaint

    inquiries and surveys. Event oriented communications in which the customer is genuinely

    interested. Enhanced and empowered customer, after sales, and technical support.

    Integrated Customer

    Relationship Management (ICRM) is the latest marketing strategies that have to be

    developed to meet the challenges raised from the daily marketing consulting services.

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    PART-A(Theoretical Settings)



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    1.1Background of the study.

    Customer Relationship Marketing is a practice that encompasses all marketing

    activities directed toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful customer

    relationships. The focus of relationship marketing is on developing long-term

    relationships and improving corporate performance through customer loyalty and

    customer retention. Customer Retention marketing is a tactically driven approach based

    on customer behavior. It's the core activity going on behind the scenes in Relationship

    Marketing, Loyalty Marketing, Database Marketing, Permission Marketing, and so forth.

    The whole gamut of Customer Relation Management strategies center around the basic

    idea of RETENTION so as to get the mass out of their existing or potential customers.

    Retention rate is a very good indicator of repeat buying behavior and is a fairly good

    indicator of future behavior. Retention rate is a good indicator - not of loyalty but of the

    lack of it; in other words, a low retention rate can signal that the customers are not loyal,

    but a high retention rate does not necessarily indicate a strong loyalty.

    Improving customer retention rate leads to significant increase in profits;

    profitability is

    determined by two factors:

    Industry retention rate: If the industry retention rates are lower, theleverage effect on profits will also lower. Current industry retention rates have a

    direct impact on long-term customer value. When retention rates are 50% or

    below, the average customer stays with the firm for two years or less. If a firm

    improves its retention rates from 50% to 55%, the average retention increases to

    2.2 years from 2.0 years. In contrast, if average retention rates in an industry are

    relatively high, in the order of 75% or greater, then an increase of 5% in customer

    retention has a far greater impact. The key to estimating average retention rates is

    to examine switching cost in the industry. It is recognized that in industries with

    low average retention rates individual firms may, through inventive strategies and

    service excellence programs, improve their retention rates to significantly higher

    levels than the industry average.

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    Segmentation issues: Basic segmentation issues need to be addressed todetermine if viable segment exists and can be identified; otherwise there may be

    more profitable avenues for the firm to pursue. Attracting and keeping the

    highest-value customers is the corner stone of a successful marketing program.

    Underlying this statement is the necessary condition that the market can be

    segmented and that identifiable segments vary in customer value. The direct way

    to test this necessary condition is to apply volume segmentation to the market.

    When high, medium, low and non-user segment exists and can be identified; the

    potential rewards from focusing customer retention programs on the high users

    can be substantial. Retention improvement for this segment could lead to

    significant increase in profits .An insightful approach is one that combines

    volume segmentation and margins by customer group. Benefit segmentation is

    another approach, which may assist in determining the viability of retention


    Choice of a CRM PlatformA companys choice of a CRM solution will affect its ability to collect, analyze

    and use the data. A balanced CRM solution should offer thefunctionality the organization

    needs and provide the agility to help users address changing demands in the marketplace.

    The ideal CRM solution should be timely in that it is quick to install and deploy, and it

    should be cost-effective from its initial deployment through its long- term use.

    All information about a particular customer should be in one database (not


    databases for marketing, sales or support), and everyone in the organization should be

    looking at the same data. Universal access to information by all departments makes it

    possible to present a unified face to each customer.

    In addition, the CRM solution should be customizable to reflect the unique

    business outlook and preferences of the organization using it. It should be readily

    reconfigurable to record new types of information or to discontinue collecting

    information that is no longer relevant or is not useful. In short, it should be adaptable to

    new requirements as the needs of the organization evolve.

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    Todays Internet technology enables companies to use customized relationship

    management services hosted by application service providers (ASPs). An Internet-based

    solution can make it easy for prospects and customers to use self-service tools and

    information request forms via the Web. The CRM solutions offered by the best ASPs

    include management and administrative tools to monitor application usage and provide

    expected levels of service.

    Developing an effective data strategy for the CRM process is a way to develop the

    information you need to better run your company. Ultimately, it comes down to deciding

    whom we intend to pursue as prospects and retain as customers. The CRM solution

    should provide us with the tools and flexibility to support that quest on an ongoing basis.

    Customer Relationship Management

    The development of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) marketing

    practice has made more and more people realize the importance of strong customer

    relationship in building sustainable competitive advantages in their market competitions

    and in generating sustainable profits in the long run.

    Integrated Customer Relationship Management (ICRM) is the latest marketing


    developed to meet the challenges raised from daily marketing consulting services, as the

    existing marketing theories and practices fail to solve the problems companies have in

    their efforts to build strong customer relationship.

    Integrated Customer Relationship Management (ICRM) provides a theoretical

    framework to define and to construct customer relationship under market competitions.

    ICRM also provides a practical guideline for the practice of effective Competitive

    Customer Relationship Management.

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    Customer retention in current scenario

    In the cellular sector, attrition rates in the region of 30% are not unusual, but a

    few Companies have managed to achieve rates of around 15%. Attrition management

    products are profiled and a model shows the typical cost reductions available from a

    churn management programme.

    Key strategies include:

    Incentives and tariff bundles which target the most profitable customers Loyalty schemes which are appropriate to the value of the business savedAcquisition strategies which attract the right type of customer, reducing fraud and

    bad debt

    Proactive customer serviceStrategies for Retaining Customers

    In service marketing, customer retention has been conceptualized as resulting

    from Customer perceptions of services quality and customer satisfaction. Scholars have

    advocated four steps as essential to retain customers:

    a) Define the market structure,

    b) Segment the customer base and determine segment value,

    c) Identify the segments service needs, and

    d) Implement a segmented service strategy.

    Benefits of Customer Retention

    Customer retention affects both revenues and costs in the equation of profitability:

    Profit =Revenue Cost

    a) Saving on customer acquisition or replacement costs,

    b) A guarantee of base profits as existing customers are likely to a minimum spend per


    c) Growth in per customer revenue over time,

    d) A reduction in relative operating costs as firms can spread the cost over many more

    customers and over a longer period,

    e) Free of charge referrals of new customers from existing customers, and

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    f) Price premiums as current customers usually do not wait for promotions or price

    reduction before they make their purchases

    Tips to make CRM Success

    Define your business objectives and goals against which results can be measured Given each CRM product, focus on three dimensions: People, processes and


    Establish systematic approach to product management including teamdevelopment, IT,

    marketing, services, sales management as well as software.

    Clearly identify corporate and customer needs. Research the requirements andbehaviour of customers and guideposts to an effective delivery of services.

    Manage organizational change effectively. The human factor is imperative to aprojects success.

    Invest in training-more essential than any piece of software. Focus on proactive selling, relationship building so as to effectively up sell and


    The keys to implement successful CRM

    Break CRM project down into manageable pieces by setting up pilot programs and short-term milestones. Pilot project should incorporate all

    the necessary departments and groups that get projects rolling quickly and

    should be small and flexible enough to allow make changes during


    CRM plans should include a scalable architecture framework. The system should be flexible and expandable according to data it might

    collect in future.

    What data is collected and stored should be measured carefully. Theimpulse will be tograb and then store EVERY piece of data, but there is

    often no reason to store data. Storing useless data is waste of time and


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    Recognize the individuality of customers and respond appropriately. ACRM systemshould, for example, have built-in pricing flexibility.

    What causes CRM projects to fail?

    Lack of an interactive communication among everyone in the customer

    relationship chain can lead to technology being implemented without proper support or

    buy-in from users. For example, if the sales force is not completely sold on the systems

    benefits, they may not input the kind of demographic data that is essential to the

    programs success. One Fortune 500 company is on its fourth try at CRM

    implementation, primarily because its sale force resisted all the previous efforts to share

    customer data.

    ... A Few Thoughts Worth Remembering About Customer Retention:

    "A customer service program must hold everyone in the organization accountable."

    "The way we treat our employees is directly related to how they in turn treat customers."

    --(Joe Sperry, Consultant to the telecommunications industry)

    "In cellular, 1% churn can be translated into roughly $500,000 in revenue."

    "...96% of customer churn is lost with no feedback to provider."

    "...A company has to determine its customer's definition of quality service and then

    measure its

    performance against those expectations."

    "One bad-mouthing customer can cost you 10 new customers." (Larry Harris, President,


    Communications paging company)

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    Goals of CRM

    To provide better customer service. To make call centers more efficient. To cross sell products more effectively. To help sales staff close deals faster. To simplify marketing and sales processes. To discover new customers. To increase customer revenues.

    1.2 Statement of the problem.

    Though many service industries are affected by the customer defection. The

    problem is extremely acute in the telecom industry, with customers joining and quitting

    in short periods. The problem to addressing here is how a service firm evaluates its

    retention strategies when it is likely to Pay-off?

    1.3 Need and significance of the study

    For many firms improving customer retention rates can lead to significant

    increase in profitability; a 5% increase in retention can increase profitability from 25% to

    over 85%. The more customers the firm can retain over time, the more likely the firm will

    achieve greater profitability and growth. Recognizing the benefits of customer retention,

    many firms are investing substantial resources in relationship management programs to

    improve profitability.

    Customer retention is not only a cost effective and profitable strategy, but in today's

    business world it is indispensable.

    1.4 Objectives of the study.

    To understand the intricacies of Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management in action in the service sector To examine the current customer retention strategies being deployed by HUTCH. To evaluate of retention strategies when it is likely to pay-off. To identify the deficiencies in the existing Customer Retention Strategies To modify the Customer Retention Strategies

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    CHAPTER-2Literature Review

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    2.1 Purpose of review.

    The purpose of literature review is to explore the historical and current scenarios

    of the customer retention rate in the mobile service industry and general industry as a

    whole to retain customer. Over and above, the purpose of the literature review is to

    understand in totality the foundation of the research problem. The abstracts in the

    following pages are some of the key literature reviewed in this project:


    The power in the communications market has clearly shifted to the consumer.

    Never before have the barriers to switching communication providers been so low. And

    while loyalty tends to be high among older consumers, younger consumers are

    accustomed to continuously shopping around for the best plans, features, and perhaps

    most importantly the coolest phones. According to global consulting firm, Accenture,

    the steady increase in customer churn rates is being driven by several factors, including

    equipment envy, flexible pricing plans, customer service, network performance, and

    number portability. And as deregulation continues and technology advances, the players

    in the communications industry continue to expand beyond the traditional

    telecommunications companies to include cable providers, wireless service providers,

    satellite service operators, and broadband phone service providers.

    Customer retention statistics for consideration:

    Customer churn among cable and telecommunications companies is projected tocost organizations up to $10 billion annually worldwide.

    Carriers will lose 15% to 30% of their customers each year. In the U.S. alone, 20 to 30 million customers or more are expected to defect


    So, faced with this competitive landscape, several new tactics are being employed

    to retain customers in an industry where differentiation (whether it be on price, plans, or

    phones) is extremely difficult to maintain. These tactics include:

    Bundling As much of a customer acquisition as a customer retention tool, the more

    products a consumer has from a single vendor, the higher the exit barrier.

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    Predictive Analysis Customer data analytics allow CSPs to analyze customer

    profitability and predict churn.

    Outreach Historically, outbound activity in the communications sector has almost

    entirely been devoted to customer acquisition. Now, outreach programs actively target

    high-value, at-risk customers with marketing offers to prevent churn.

    'TELCOS HAVE TO MINIMISE CUSTOMER CHURN'It's a fiercely competitive market, and for mature entrants in any sector

    whether it is telecom, banking, insurance or retailing retaining profitable customers is

    now the number one business plan.

    SAS, a leader in business intelligence tools, provides operational and analytical

    CRM (customer relationship management) solutions for companies such as Citibank,

    StanChart, Orange, Goodlass Nerolac and BPL. These help in gathering data at the

    various multi-channel customer contact points and in planning, targeting, acting and

    learning from the data generated. Recently, SAS implemented its customer retention

    solutions at Hutch to reduce a big problem telecom carriers are facing today churn.

    That means losing customers to another carrier.

    Gourish Hosangady, managing director and CEO, SAS India, explains how IT

    solutions can help tackle churn, the common denominator in the worlds liberalised

    telecommunications industry, which is now hitting India too.

    How bad is the problem of churn, and why is the telecom industry more vulnerable

    than the other sectors?

    Customer acquisition and retention has been a concern for all industries, but more

    so for the highly liberalised telecom sector. The entry of the fourth cellular operator has

    fiercely increased competition in this industry and so it is imperative to understand the

    reasons for churn and to contain them. In India, the month on month churn is estimated at

    3.5%. Churn costs European and US telcos close to $4 billion each year. The annualchurn rates globally of 25% to 30%. Carriers at the upper end of this spectrum get no

    return on investment on new subscribers because it takes typically three years to pay back

    the cost of replacing each lost customer with a new one.

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    In your experience, what are the commonest reasons for customers to switch from

    one service provider to another?

    Some of the common driving factors for churn are poor performance, poor

    customer care, rate plans and handset issues. Weve for instance found that contact

    centers can drive away customers to a rival service provider if a customer has to wait

    long before his problem is looked into. Globally, handset issues have made a difference

    too for instance, a Telco not being able to provide GSM or CDMA service. Regarding

    churn, something interesting thats been noticed is that its much higher in the case of pre

    -paid services, with a churn rate of 8:1, than in post-paid service, where the rate is 3:1.

    The idea of pre-paid cards is that the customer will mature to become a post-paid one and

    so it pays to retain him too. After all, its five times more expensive to acquire a new

    customer than to retain an existing one.

    What are the best ways to prevent these high rates of customer churn?

    Effective customer service could be a deterrent to churn. Branding and service

    differentiators also help in taking customers away from competitors. All this wouldnt be

    difficult if you have proper operational and analytical CRM tools in place that would help

    segment and analyses customer behaviour and predict their propensity to churn. In a

    rapidly changing telecom market, it is necessary to proactively strategize and service

    customers so as to retain the high value ones. Analytical customer retention solutions

    would help identify the high-, mid- and low-value customers and the valuable ones who

    are most likely to cancel services, and their reasons for doing so. They would also help in

    better campaign targeting and a more focused strategy.

    In the case of a client such as Sprint, what kind of demands would a company thats

    a global leader in the telecom industry have and how would CRM solutions help?

    Our solutions give Sprint a central repository that makes things easy for its

    marketers. The multidimensional data base (MDDB) that Sprint has, let internal sales and

    marketing groups research customer information from their desktops via the Sprint


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    India shares the honours with Hong Kong when it comes to churn rates among its

    cellular subscribers. With monthly rates ranging between 3.5 per cent and six per cent,

    India has one of the highest churn rates in the Asia-Pacific region, which is a direct fall-

    out of the increasing competition in the cellular sector. With a cellular penetration of

    around 1.6 per cent, India is a growing market, which should ideally be showing very low

    churn rates.

    For instance, the churn rate in China is between 0.8 per cent and one per cent.

    Usually, high churn rates are a feature of mature markets where operators are forced to

    attract customers from their competitors, since the market as a whole is not growing.

    According to figures available with research firm Gartner, Indias churn rate is

    close to Hong Kongs 4-6% and way above that of other Asia Pacific markets like

    Indonesia (1-2%), Malaysia (2-2.5%), Singapore (1.7-2.1%) and Thailand (1.9-2.6%).

    The figures indicate the range of the monthly churn rates.

    Churn is estimated based on the average number of cellular connections for a

    given month. The high levels of tariff-driven competition in India are one reason for the

    high churn rate among cellular subscribers. India has about 12 mobile players, with as

    many as six cellular operators (including limited mobility players) in circles like

    Mumbai. This is much higher than the average 4-5 players in countries like Australia,

    Philippines and Singapore.

    Even in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand having about 7-8 players,

    there are only 4-5 key cellular players, since other operators use analog systems which

    are being phased out. Hong Kong and Taiwan have about six players and have

    comparatively higher churn rates of 4-6% and 2-3.5% respectively. Companies need to

    introduce systems to reduce churn so as to increase profitability. According to Gartners

    telecom analyst, Kobita Desai, Customer retention is just as important as market

    expansion. One of the key areas of profitability for companies is churn management.

    Billing solutions and customer care services can play a key role in reducing churn rates.

    TIMES NEWS NETWORK [FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 2003 12:29:18 AM]

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    With churn rates in the telecom industry touching a high of 7-8%, operators are

    increasing investments in billing to ensure customer retention and plug loopholes in their

    revenue streams. Billing problems are the biggest cause of churn as customers dont think

    twice before changing their service provider due to bad billing procedures. Also, as

    telecom offerings expand beyond mobile and fixed line to broadband and IPTV,

    operators need more robust and comprehensive billing mechanisms. Little doubt then that

    state-of-the-art billing equipment and innovative solutions have caught the fancy of


    Hutchison Essar, BSNL, MTNL, Bharti Airtel, as well as Idea Cellular are

    investing big in billing solutions. And the opportunity is lucrative as IT giants Wipro

    Infotech, HCL Technologies, TCS, Satyam Computers and Tech Mahindra are in the

    queue for bagging the billion-dollar billing contract of public sector BSNL.

    According to industry estimates, operators lose 1-4% of their revenues due to

    inefficient billing mechanisms. Any failure to properly capture the services provided and

    to charge the appropriate fees will have a material adverse effect on our revenue. This

    makes billing extremely critical and we can spend some millions to save billions, said an

    official at a telco.

    While billing is largely understood to be connected to post-paid users only, billing

    solutions also cover pre-paid subscribers who form around 70% of Indian mobile user

    base. Indian pre-paid subscribers are also extremely cautious and like to know details of

    everything that has an impact on their cash outflows, namely the recharge voucher that

    they should buy to get maximum talk time, promotions on various recharges and current


    They are give up use of service if these details are not easily accessible to them.

    To prevent this and to empower customers to have information within seconds, we

    developed CARE, an Hutch spokesperson said.

    TIMES NEWS NETWORK [MONDAY, APRIL 02, 2007 02:35:31 AM]

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    In todays competitive global marketplace, it is estimated that an average businessloses 20% of its customer base each year. Most industry experts agree that it costs 5

    times more to replace a customer than it does to retain one (Hart, Heskett, and Sasser

    1990). As it costs much more to acquire and service new customers than current ones, so

    it makes good business sense to reduce customer churn to the minimum

    Lost Customer (Churn) research is also important as defecting customers have the

    most of the information. They always know when a companys value proposition is

    foundering in the face of the competition (Reicheld, 1996). Furthermore, Marketing

    Science Institute, 2002 working paper mentions that, the vast majority of customers who

    leave will not bother to tell why they left, but they will complain about the company to

    numerous friends and business associates. The views of lost customers can provide

    valuable insights to direct the companys strategy. The insights include; it identifies the

    root causes of customer attrition, focuses controllable reasons for loss, highlights key

    elements of product and service delivery that are impacting on customer churn based on

    this company can develop a complete and proactive customer retention strategy

    The most effective way of churn management is to understand subscribers churn

    related behaviour in advance and form an action plan to combat this. But, lost customer

    problem stems from the fact that 70% to 95% of dissatisfied customers do not bother to

    complain to the service provider (Harari 1992). Services present a unique challenge for

    marketers because the opportunities for failures are greater. The people element of

    service delivery, heterogeneity, perishability and intangible nature of services increases

    the pitfalls with services.

    The Indian telecom landscape has today emerged as one of the most dynamic

    business segments in the country. A survey (2004) conducted by TNS mode named

    Indias Cell Track involving 30 million subscribers reflected that 2/3 of users are under

    age of 35 mostly among students. Further, survey pointed out that when subscribers were

  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch


    asked whether they changed your mobile service provider in GSM 24% said yes and in

    CDMA 35% said yes. There was 69% retention observed in post-paid connection

    compared to 71% retention in pre-paid connection. In nutshell, lost customer is an area of

    concern for the mobile service provider in post paid connections. Thus, the purpose of

    this article is to identify, describe, and understand the reasons behind switching behavior

    of ABC telecommunication lost customers.

    Dr. Rajeev Kumar

    Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management


    (Published: January 11, 2007 in Knowledge@Wharton)

    It's hard to say where valuation math ends and acquisitive ego begins with the

    current high bidding levels for Hutch Essar, India's second largest mobile phone services

    provider, which currently has 22.3 million subscribers and Rs. 5,800 crore in revenues

    ($1.3 billion).

    At first sight, it seems obvious why Hutch Essar's valuations climbed so rapidly to

    such high levels. India's current high economic growth makes it an attractive market for

    foreign investors. Also, it is not every day that one gets to control a big player in a

    tightly-regulated policy environment where entry barriers are high. Whats more, the

    country's mobile phone subscriber base is adding six million new subscribers each month

    and fast approaching 200 million, or a tenth of the world's subscribers.

    Keeping Customer Churn Low

    A. T. Kearney's Doshi says that, as with other global majors, customer retention

    will be the top challenge Hutch Essar's new owners will face. "Customer churn is high

    across the world for mobile users, but higher in India," says Doshi. "The only way

    [mobile phone services companies]do it globally is by strengthening customer

    relationships; price becomes a factor, in addition to service levels and dropped calls.

    Once you have parity on those dimensions with all others, you need to adopt an end-to-

    end customer touch model." Doshi says at that stage, the key issues include convenience

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    in the billing and payment cycle, the resolution of customer problems and "customer

    reach" -- how companies proactively reach out to customers on an ongoing basis with

    new options and offers. "In sum, the big challenges facing Hutch Essar will be how to

    reverse the ARPU decline and how to put in place a leading end-to-end customer

    relationship model," says Doshi.

    He tempers an optimistic outlook with other, more sobering considerations. In the

    short term, he says, the challenges a new owner faces will be in customer retention and

    ARPUs. "While everything started with a bang [a few years ago], most operators have

    seen a decline in their ARPUs," he says. Hutch Essar's ARPUs of Rs. 375 a month

    ($8.50) compares with industry averages of Rs. 325 ($7.30), according to Doshi, who

    adds that Hutch Essar's current ARPU levels have actually fallen from levels of Rs. 450about 18 months ago, and that they have declined at a faster rate than those of others.

    "Initially, customers were thrilled with the mobile phone, but now they have started

    optimizing their use," says Doshi. "That is one thing that [any potential buyer] will have

    to deal with."

    If trends in the U.S. mobile phone services industry could point to things to come

    in the Indian market, a simple expression that Iyengar employs to arrive at customer

    lifetime value is useful: 'M' multiplied by 'R,' divided by 1+I-R, where 'M' stands for the

    margin per customer, 'R' for the retention rate and 'I' for the cost of capital. The ARPU in

    the U.S. market is currently around $50 a month, Iyengar says.

    If one applies those ARPU numbers, profit margins and retention rates to Hutch

    Essar's 22.27 million existing customer base, the total value works out to $17.6 billion.

    That, incidentally, is close to the $17.4 billion that Goldman Sachs believes is the

    appropriate break-even price its client Vodafone should keep in mind. Goldman Sachs

    further said that Vodafone would be overpaying if it valued Hutch Essar at more than $20

    billion. Hypothetically, if one assumed a higher customer retention rate of 90% (instead

    of 82%), the enterprise value shoots up to $26.75 billion. In contrast, with other things

    being equal, a lower capital cost of say, 7%, pushes up the enterprise value to $19.5


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    Doshi feels Hutch Essar's price tag is on the high side: "At $20 billion, that's

    almost $1,000 a user," he says. He points to China Mobile's failed bid last July to acquire

    Millicom International Cellular SA of Luxembourg, a provider with then about 10

    million subscribers across Latin America, Africa and South Asia. (Its current subscriber

    base is closer to 13 million, and like Hutch Essar, it, too, is adding about a million

    subscribers a month.) By the time the deal talks failed, China Mobile had offered $5.3

    billion for Millicom, or about $500 a customer.

    2.2 Methodology of literature review.

    Methodology of literature review encompasses different facets of information

    sources Concerning customer retention. It started with search in the Management

    Magazines, Text Books, and lots of other Marketing Text and Journals. Information oncustomer retention strategies were mostly available on the web sites, lots of articles and

    presentation on the web sites were analyzed and used in the research for better

    understanding of the topic. (A list of website has been provided in the Annexure)

    2.3. Conclusions from literature review.

    After an extensive literature review, the study has revealed the following conclusions:

    Everyone wants to retain their existing customers; it is five times more profitableto spend the marketing dollars to retain the customers than to use the dollars to

    beat the bushes for new customers.

    SAS' churn management solution. It is software tools that allow the user to shiftthrough enormous quantities of data that the business generates to find hidden

    trends and patterns that will help in customer retention.

    The online application enables a company to build a 360-degree view of itscustomers, and create customer specific strategies for greater loyalty.

    The SAS data mining techniques predict a customer's likelihood of cancellation orswitchover by scoring them on a scale of 0 to 1.

    It is necessary to proactively strategize and service customers so as to retain thehigh value ones.

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  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch



    Hutch is brought to us by Hutchison Telecom, one of the worlds leading cellular

    service providers. They are known for their innovative approach and world class

    technology. Their goal is to provide superior products and services, anytime and


    Hutchison established its presence in India in 1994, through a joint venture with Max

    India Limited. In 1995, Hutchison Max Telecom became the first operator in India to

    launch its cellular service.

    Today, Hutchison is the one of the largest providers of cellular services in India

    with presence in all the major regions - Orange in Mumbai and Hutch in Delhi,

    Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Kolkata, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, UP (E), UP

    (W), Rest of Bengal and Punjab. It is part of the Hong Kong based multinational

    conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Limited, a Fortune 500 company, and one of the

    largest companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Its operations span 42

    countries across the Asia Pacific region, Europe and the Americas.

    Hutchison affiliates jointly account for the largest number of cellular subscribers

    in India numbering over 7.6 million. Hutchison Telecom is a wholly owned subsidiary of

    Hutchison Whampoa Limited, a Hong Kong based industrial conglomerate. It is also the

    country's largest roaming operator, with a more extensive network in India and aroundthe world than any other operator.

    Hutchison Whampoa is a Fortune 500 company, and one of the largest companies

    listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Its operations span 42 countries across the

    Asia Pacific region, Europe and the Americas. Hutchison Telecom is ranked among the

    global leaders in mobile communications. It offers a wide range of integrated

    telecommunications services including fixed line services, internet services, broadband

    networks, mobile telephony (voice and data), trunked mobile radio and radio

    broadcasting among others.

    Hutchison has also bagged licenses to provide 3G cellular services in nine

    European countries. It had a combined turnover of over $10 billion dollars in the year


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    The Essar Group is one of India's largest corporate houses with interests spanning

    the manufacturing and service sectors like Steel, Oil & Gas, Power, Telecom & BPO,

    Shipping & Logistics and Engineering & Constructions. The Group has an asset base of

    over Rs 20 billion (US$ 4.4 billion) and employs over 4000 people.

    Company profile (In India)

    Telecom is the fastest growing and the most competitive industry in

    the world, with India emerging as one of the globes most promising markets. Till the

    mid 1990s, telephony in India was characterised by an abysmally low number of users

    and poor service. But reforms in the late 1990s led to an explosion in competition and


    The Indian telecom market, ruled by majors such as Hutch, BSNL, MTNL,

    Bharti, (GSM category) and Reliance and Tata Teleservices (CDMA), is in the process of

    consolidation. Mobile phones, once a luxury item, have now become a necessity.

    According to a report by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the country

    at the end of March 2004 had 42.58 million fixed lines and 33.58 million mobile phones.

    Already, metros like Bombay and Chennai and states of Delhi and Punjab have more

    mobile phones than fixed lines, with Hutch emerging as the leader in both the Mumbai

    and Kolkata circles.

    Hutch is a leading telecom communications company in India and is one of the

    major cellular service providers in karnataka. They strive to bring you the best of mobile

    telephony at the most affordable rates.

    In India, Hutchison Telecom operates its cellular services in 13 circles: Orange in

    Mumbai and Hutch in Delhi, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Kolkata, Gujarat,

    Haryana, Rajasthan, UP (E), Punjab, West Bengal & Sikkim and UP (W), bringing the

    best of mobile telephony to the country at the most affordable rates. The Hutchison

    network covers almost

    25% of the national footprint and 70% of national purchasing power, with a subscriber

    base that now exceeds 6 million.

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    Hutch is arguably Indias most customer centric telecom company. Its heavy

    investments in network enhancement, customer service, retail and distribution network

    and value added services have led to the making of a superior product with a high

    customer loyalty.

    In the telecom business, a key variable is the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU),

    and Hutchs circle-by-circle ARPUs lead its closest competitor by a wide margin. This

    includes the Southern region where it was launched only a year ago. Hutch was rated the

    best network in the country and the number one mobile company in the area of customer

    satisfaction (Source: TNS Cell track, 2004).

    It has also won the Creative Advertiser of the Year award for 2003 at the ABBYs

    the Indian advertising awards. Hutch has also won a host of advertising awards such as

    the ABBYs in the telecom category, a bronze Lion at Cannes for direct marketing and the

    best new campaign of the year award for its network campaign from Brand Equity and

    CNBC. Business World magazine declared Hutch The Most Admired Telecom

    Company in 2002. Business Today rated it as one of the most Strategic Marketers for the

    year 2004.

    Hutch has also been a pioneer in introducing new tariffs as well as value added

    services. Its decision in 2000 to reduce monthly rentals to Rs. 395 set a new benchmark

    for others to follow. Other market-blazers in the past few years include Talk Share (an

    attractive tariff plan for the family/small business), Rollover (helping consumers carry

    forward their airtime), Roaming Rewards (a rewards programme) and much more.

    These apart, Hutch launched an e-mail facility on mobile phones in 2001 and

    made available Hotmail exclusively for its users. It boasts of Hutch world, the most

    comprehensive GPRS service in the country, besides value added services like cricket

    updates, ring tones, jokes, logos, movies, stock information news, horoscopes and music


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    Hutch is a cellular service provider. Its communication network service is the

    product, offered to both post-paid and pre-paid subscribers. Yet, Hutch has made no

    conscious effort to segregate the two segments in terms of branding, communication

    platforms, value-added services or customer care. Its aim is to complement and facilitate

    the basic need to communicate in the easiest, most enjoyable way.

    Its prepaid cards have various refill denominations (from as low as Rs. 50 to more

    than Rs. 3,000) with different validity periods and talk time. Hutch post-paid offers

    consumers a host of talk plans to choose from, depending on usage patterns and needs. It

    is also the country's largest roaming operator, with a domestic and international network

    that is more extensive than that of any other operator. Hutch, which has a roaming

    coverage of over 1,200 cities and towns in India and over 130 other countries, enables

    users to stay connected even while traveling on highways.

    Thanks to its comprehensive GPRS service across the country, users can

    download video clips, click and send images, avail of e-mail and messenger services,

    play Java games, watch movie trailers and much more.

    Recent Developments

    Imaging is poised to become the next major application of cellular technology.

    This has prompted Hutch to launch a new service, which allows GPRS phone users to

    click their favourite moments on their MMS phones and have Kodak prints delivered

    anywhere in the country, within five days.

    Hutch has also developed over 400 Java games that can be downloaded and played on

    GPRS phones.

    Hutch provided complete coverage of the historic Indo-Pakistan cricket series. On

    offer was everything that a cricket buff could want, ranging from live video clips, instant

    updates on voice and SMS, expert analysis and a host of downloads.

    The company had also introduced a new downloadable game contest titled Rahul

    XI where at the end of the contest period, the top ten winners of the game would meet

    the Hutch brand ambassador, Rahul Dravid, in person.

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    Since an extensive network is the heart of the Hutch business, the brand has

    continuously reinforced its superiority through innovative advertising. It began its Indian

    campaign in May 2002 based on a focused and no-frills positioning statement -

    Delivering to consumers that, which is useful in an easy-to-use and enjoyable manner.

    The campaign was kicked off in the launch cities with teaser advertisements that greeted

    passers by with a Hi. This was later followed by the Hutch brand reveal.

    The Hutch launch in Chennai is considered a milestone in direct marketing. On

    the launch day, newspapers bearing personalised messages greeted its competitors

    consumers. This exercise was replicated in the other launch markets across the country.

    In a business where the quality of the network directly defines the quality of

    service, communicating this superiority became the crux of the communication. Hutchs

    latest campaign emphasised superior network, enabling Hutch to use its country wide

    coverage as the differentiator. The campaign theme wherever you go our network

    follows blends perfectly with the visual showing a dog following a child wherever he

    goes. The combined effect of words and images has worked wonders in conveying the

    message that the Hutch network is as good as mans best friend. In its campaigns, white

    is used not just as a colour but as an illustration of its commitment to transparency.

    Sensing that many subscribers were confused about the way roaming and other

    services operate, Hutch launched infomercials featuring two animated characters, H and

    I, with an aim to simplify these products. In a similar vein, it explained GroupTalk a

    concept of lower call rates within a group. The Get Together theme was supported by

    the visual of kids forming a group.

    Hutch also sees culture as an integral part of its promotional efforts. It has co-

    hosted cultural and heritage events such as the Prithvi theatre and the Kalaghoda Art

    Festival in Mumbai, the Odeon theatre festival in Kolkata and other local events. The

    company website is also increasingly used for marketing, promotion and customer

    service. Its retail outlets, the Hutch Shops, further enrich the Hutch experience.

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  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch


    Hutch in Karnataka

    In Karnataka, as in all other telecom circles, Hutch brings you the best networkand coverage you can get-wherever you go. In Bangalore alone, we have installed over

    180 towers to facilitate better communications and coverage. So whether you are sitting

    inside a swanky restaurant in the city, or roaming into a remote village in the state, you

    will always stay connected.

    With leading-edge technology, 24X7 customer support and sophisticated value-

    added services across the world and in India, Hutch continues to assure its users a world-

    class experience. Now in Karnataka, as in all other telecom circles in India, Hutch is the

    preferred cellular service - with the widest and most extensive coverage in the state and a

    wide range of innovative and user-friendly services for their customers.

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    Service Profile


    Going cellular with Hutch Prepaid is easy and veryaffordable. You can stay touch with whomever

    you need to, from wherever you are, whenever you

    feel like - with our new and convenient plan on



    Go prepaid at just Rs. 99, with the new Talk 99 starter pack.

    Offers Providing by Hutch

    Full talktime

    Recharge with Rs 777 and get Full talktime minus service tax (Rs 692) Also get 10

    months validity on a base plan.

    Recharge with Rs 500 and get Full talktime minus service tax (Rs 445) Also get 6 months

    validity on a base plan


    Now you can send local SMS @ just 1p/message for 30 days. Just recharge with Rs 49

    and enjoy the benefit of this offer within 24 hours

    Half rate

    Now get all local calls at half rate with the Rs 55 bonus recharge on Hutch Prepaid. Enjoy

    local calls to all mobiles at 49p/min (normal tariff - 99p/min) and local calls to landlines

    at 99p/min (normal tariff - Rs 1.99/min). Call benefits are valid for 30 days from the date

    of recharge.

    Recharge with 499

    Calls to local Hutch phones, mobile phones & landline phones at Rs 1.99/min, STD Calls

    to all mobiles & landline phones at Rs 2.99/min, ISD Calls at Rs 7.2/9.99/40 per minute,

    SMS to local mobile phones at Rs 1,National SMS at Rs 2, International SMS at Rs 5

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    Recharge with Rs 59

    Calls to local Hutch phones at 30p/min, Calls to other mobile phones at Rs

    50p/min, Calls to landline phones at 99p/min, STD Calls at Rs 1.50/min, ISD Calls at Rs

    7.2/9.99/40 per minute, SMS to local Hutch and mobile phones at Re 1, National SMS at

    Rs 2, International SMS at Rs 5.

    Group Talk

    Lower call rates within your call group

    Easy Chalta Rahe Prepaid

    Get incoming for life at just Rs 99 / month, with the Easy

    Chalta Rahe Prepaid. What's more, you also get full talktime on

    all future recharges.

    STD to any phone @ Re 1

    Now call any phone in India at Re 1/min for a monthly fee of Rs 250.


    Now you can get the cool new MOTOROLA PINK RAZR with a Hutch

    connection, Rs.501Talktime, 200 mins Local Calling and 777 Local SMS Free.

    Sagem & Motorola offer

    Go mobile without making your pocket lighter. Buy a Sagem or Motorola handset

    along with a Hutch prepaid connection.

    Chota Recharge

    Now with Chota Recharge, you can recharge your prepaid for as little as Rs 10.

    What's more, you also get full talktime on your Chota Recharge ranging from Rs 10 to Rs


    STD calls @ Re 1

    Now make calls to any Hutch phone in the country from your Hutch phone at just

    Re 1. At a monthly rental of just Rs 25.

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    Choose from our value-for-money talk plans and get connected the way you want to!

    Enjoy a wide range of value added services and infotainment services on Hutch Alive and

    Hutch World. Get the widest national and international roaming coverage as well. Add to

    it a host of convenient payment options to pay your monthly bills, no matter where you

    are in Karnataka!

    Offers providing by Hutch

    Hutch Citibank Card

    Now you can earn even while paying your Hutch bills. Shop with your Hutch

    Citibank Card and earn reward points that you can use to pay your next month's bill.

    STD to any phone @ Re 1

    Now call any phone in India at Re 1/min for a monthly fee of Rs 250.

    Make your name your Hutch number

    Now, your Hutch number can reflect a part of you. With the new 99860 number

    series from Hutch, you can personalise your Hutch number. This means, you can choose

    the last five digits of your Hutch number. It can be your name, birthday, anniversary or

    even your vehicle number.

    Night SMS @ 10p

    Send SMS to any Hutch phone from 10 pm to 10 am at just 10p per SMS. Youcan enjoy this rate at a monthly rental of just Rs 25 per month.

    Payment choices

    Pay online

    Now, all Citibank card and account holders can pay their Hutch bills through the

    Internet or by telebanking. ICICI and GTBL account holders can pay their Hutch bills

    through the Internet.

    Direct debit

    ICICI bank account holders can pay their bills through the bank's Bill payment


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    Easy pay

    For customers in Bangalore, paying Hutch bills is really easy. Just dial 600 (toll-

    free) on your Hutch phone from wherever you are in the region. Hutch will collect your

    money as cash or cheque, and debit it in your bill. A nominal charge of Rs 30 will be

    charged per pick up.


    Enjoy a range of value added services, including infotainment services with

    Hutch World and Hutch Alive. Get the widest prepaid roaming national and

    international coverage, download ring tones and logos or get instant cricket

    scores. Check Yahoo! mails or chat with Yahoo! buddies and more...!

    4 Business

    a] Mobile Email Solutions


    Hutch brings you the worlds most desired integrated communication device.

    Give your organization the edge with the power of wireless email and Internet.


    Get instant and secure access to MS Exchange and Lotus Notes from wherever

    you are.

    Microsoft Mobile Mail

    Stay in touch with your business emails, even when you're not in office.

    POP3 / IMAP

    Now you can receive and send emails, directly from your Hutch phone.

    b] Data Access

    EDGE data card

    Access Internet on the go, through the EDGE data card.

    EDGE Business LAN service

    Stay connected to your corporate intranet and database, even on the move.

    Fax & data services

    Send & receive faxes, access emails and much more, through your Hutch phone.

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    Access the Internet on your Hutch phone, anytime, anywhere.

    c]Business Applications

    SMS @ work

    Collaborate and communicate with your colleagues more efficiently.

    Customised Business SIM

    Place orders, check inventory, make transactions, and more in real time.

    Network monitoring alerts

    Monitor your systems, simply by using SMS.

    Automatic Vehicle Location System

    Track and monitor vehicles wherever they are.

    d] Voice Solutions


    Connects the entire EPABX network through GSM number/s. Landline routes are free to make other local PSTN-PSTN calls. Saves on landline installation and cabling expenses. Can be installed instantly.

    How it works

    You will need to attach a fixed mobile terminal with a SIM connected to the

    EPABX of your organization. Post which all calls made to GSM phones will be

    routed directly through the mobile network (and not the PSTN network) using

    LCR (low cost route) software

  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch


    Planet Hutch

    Live Search

    Hutch brings you the power to search PlanetHutch and the world-wide-web,

    quickly and easily. Live Search powered by Microsoft is India's first mobile search

    consumer offering.

    Hutch Pink Ticker

    Get non-stop news, cricket scores and more on your phone screen with the Hutch

    Pink Ticker.

    Java games

    Get set to challenge yourself with over 400 games

    Polyphonic ring tones

    Let your Hutch Phone ring the hottest tones.


    Cartoons, wallpapers, and more - your Hutch

    Phone is a whole lot of fun.


    What is happening around you? Be in the know through your Hutch Phone.

    Movie zone

    From movie trailers to the hottest Bollywood buzz, catch it all right here.M-Guru

    Astrology, Vaastu, Fengshui, personality tests and more.

    3D Wallpapers

    Have fun in 3D. Download wallpapers for your phone.

    WAP sites

    Browse, learn and enjoy - on your Hutch Phone.


    Enjoy Internet on your Hutch Phone, anytime, anywhere.

    Railway bookings

    Now you can book your railway tickets from your Hutch Phone.

    SMS tones

    Load your phone with SMS tones and let your messages alert you, the musical way.

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  • 8/2/2019 Pankaj Singh-0550-Customer Retention @ Hutch


    4.1 Type of Research:

    The project employs systematic, objective and quantitative Research techniques

    using a well-structured questionnaire. Customer Retention Strategies have been studied

    extensively in the mobile service industry. The research investigation is restricted to the

    existing/potential customers of HUTCH in the Bangalore Metropolitan Area. The

    primary data was collected using a well structured questionnaire. The descriptions also

    involve cross analysis of respondents from different consumer segments entailing age,

    preference, and usage as variable parameters. Separate tables were furnished under

    specific headings, these were analyzed with the help of descriptive analysis and

    percentage, and the data was analyzed and interpreted. Detailed charts are developed

    showing the data obtained from the respondents; the data collected from the respondents

    were organized, processed and tabulated to depict the results.

    Since our research investigation is highly qualitative in nature, the research data has not

    been subjected to rigorous quantitative treatment. It is our belief and conviction that the

    qualitative analysis is as useful as quantitative analysis in drawing significant inferences

    and making projections.

    4.2 Sampling Technique.

    Since the population for the study is quite large and since the study is limited by


    constraints of resources and time, complete enumeration of the population by census

    method is not possible. Hence, the project used stratified random sampling technique.

    Respondents should be selected from the youth and working executive segment, who are

    the major respondents of the survey.

    The advantage of this technique is that it is both economical and reasonably reliable.

    4.3 Sample size.

    The sample size comprises 150 respondents. The sample size of 150 respondents is

    considered by us to make reasonable projection in the study of this kind.

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    4.4 Sample description.

    The sample description will include customers of Hutch in both prepaid and

    postpaid sections. The youth segment is a major respondent because they are more prone

    to switch to different service providers and usually they are the trendsetters. Hence it is

    our strong belief if we could develop strategies to retain them; its easier to retain the

    other segments too.

    4.5 Instrumentation technique.

    Structured questionnaire. Observation technique. Tables/charts.

    4.6 Actual collection of data.

    Data has been collected from various sources, there is a combination of both

    primary and secondary data that has been used in this research. A well-administered

    questionnaire has formed the main profitable source of the primary data collection. This

    enabled us to capture a first hand insight into the actual findings of the research.

    Published articles relating to customer retention in the mobile service industry and also

    papers submitted by renowned people have formed the source of secondary data. Articles

    have been sourced from magazines and journals dealing with current issues in mobile

    service industry.

    Internet has been a major secondary source for the extraction of the experts opinion.

    4.7 Limitation of the study.

    This study was restricted to the city of existing customers of HUTCH inBangalore

    Metropolitan Area and therefore the results of this study can not be generalized.

    Due to the time constrain, an extensive research could not be undertaken,therefore the sample size was restricted to 150 respondents only.

    Analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire was done on the assumptionthat the respondents gave the correct information to the best of their knowledge.

    Preferences and responses of customers could change over a period of timenecessitating periodical surveys.

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    The quantitative data have been reinforced with our observations through personalenquiry notes and inferences have been derived accordingly.

    Table No.1

    Classification of data based on age:

    Age Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Below 20 10 02 12 8

    20-30 54 31 85 56.67

    30-40 28 13 41 27.33

    Above 40 8 04 12 8

    Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.1

    Hutch users based on age group








    below 20 20-30 30-40 above 40






    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: Maximum no. ofHUTCH service users are in the age group of 20-30 and

    majority of them uses prepaid services. Company is not able to retain its customer after

    30 year age. So company should focus on that.

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    Table No.2

    Classification of data based on Professions

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Student 62 08 70 46.67

    I.T profession 14 15 29 19.33

    Management 20 17 37 24.67Others 04 10 14 09.33

    Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Hutch users based on professions









    Student I T


    Management Others





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: Maximum no. of HUTCH service users are student other than workingexecutive. Students are not continuing with Hutch after entering into corporate world. So,company should focus on corporate segment by giving benefit to them.

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    Rating of Network Coverage







    Excellent Very good Fair Average Poor






    Classification based on rating of the network coverage:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Excellent 00 01 01 0.67

    Very good 11 05 16 10.67

    Fair 46 19 65 43.33Average 24 17 41 27.33

    Poor 19 08 27 18.00

    Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.3

    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 43% of the respondent found the network coverage is fair, (Both prepaid and

    postpaid). Retention rate is also high because of network coverage of HUTCH. Company

    should focus on its network so that his customer will not switch to other service provider.

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    Concern on call Breaking









    Agree Strongly



    Agree orDisagree

    Disagree Strongly








    Classification of data based on concern of call breaking:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Agree 32 15 47 31.33

    Strongly agree 22 13 35 23.33

    Neither agree or disagree 17 19 36 24Disagree 17 02 19 12.67

    Strongly disagree 12 01 13 08.67

    Total 150 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.4

    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 30% of the respondent faced the concern of call breaking and most of them

    are prepaid. The customers using postpaid services rarely encounter the concern for call

    breaking. This is also a reason of retention. So that company should also focus on that.

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    Classification of data based on ability to call at the first attempt:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Agree 18 11 29 19.33

    Strongly agree 11 10 21 14 Neither agree or disagree 30 14 44 29.33

    Disagree 33 09 41 27.33

    Strongly disagree 08 06 14 09.33

    Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.5

    Ability to call at first attempt









    Agree Strongly



    Agree orDisagree

    Disagree Strongly






    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 57% of the prepaid respondents are not able to make calls at the first attempt

    and 22% of the postpaid respondents not able to make calls at the first attempt. This is

    happening because of network connectivity so that company should focus on its network.

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    Classification of data based on the calls made to the customer care help line in the lastone month:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Yes 37 14 51 34

    No 63 36 99 66Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.6

    Calls made to customer care in the last one month









    Yes No





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 34% of the respondents called up the customer care in the last one month. The

    customers do not often call the customer care for complaints as the response rate is also

    very low.

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    Classification of data based on finding the Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)user friendly:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Agree 13 08 21 41.18

    Strongly agree 08 03 11 21.57 Neither agree or disagree 10 01 11 21.57

    Disagree 04 02 06 11.76

    Strongly disagree 02 00 02 03.92

    Total 37 14 51 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.7

    User friendly of interactive Voice Response(IVRS)









    Agree Strongly



    Agree orDisagree

    Disagree Strongly






    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 63% of the respondents found the IRVS user-friendly. (Out of which 21

    respondents were pre-paid and 11 respondents were post-paid). About 21% of

    respondents are in between.

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    Classification of data based on finding the executives friendly with a helpful attitude:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Agree 14 07 21 41.18

    Strongly agree 11 03 14 27.45

    Neither agree or disagree 05 04 09 17.65Disagree 06 00 06 11.76

    Strongly disagree 01 00 01 01.96

    Total 37 14 51 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.8

    Helpfulness of the Customer care executives







    Agree Strongly



    Agree or


    Disagree Strongly






    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 69% of the respondents found the executives customer friendly. 13% of the

    respondents stated that executives were not customer friendly. And rests of them are in

    between. These are the area where company is doing well.

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    Classification of data based on rating the ability to give information about various valueadded services:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Excellent 05 02 07 13.73

    Very good 09 06 15 29.41Fair 15 04 19 37.25

    Average 07 02 09 17.65

    Poor 01 00 01 01.96

    Total 37 14 51 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.9

    Ability to give information on various value added











    Excellent Very good Fair Average Poor





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: Majority of the respondent (i.e. 37.25%) found the ability to give information

    about various plans to be fair enough to benefit the customers. Promotional offer should

    not inform to the customer through call, sometimes customer get irritated because

    company use to inform twice or thrice in a day. The best way to inform about

    promotional offer is SMS.

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    Classification of data based on the registration of query/complaint in the last one month:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Yes 32 27 59 39.33

    No 68 23 91 60.67Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.10

    Registration of query complain in the last month









    Yes No





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 61% of the respondents did not register any query/complaint in the last one

    month.Since the complaints or query are not given responses, the customers desist complaints.

    Perhaps the complaints handling process is complicated and not fast enough.

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    Classification of data based on the rating the ability to listen and understand theQuery/concern:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total PercentageExcellent 02 01 03 05.08

    Very good 08 05 13 22.03

    Fair 17 13 30 50.85

    Average 04 06 10 16.95

    Poor 01 02 03 05.09

    Total 32 27 59 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.11

    Ability to listen and resolve the query










    Excellent Very good Fair Average Poor





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 51% of the respondents rated the ability of listen and understand the

    query/concern to be fair (i.e. both pre-paid and post-paid). Company should focus on

    ability to listen on query or complain and try to resolve its quickly.

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    Classification of data based on answering mode of the query/concern satisfactorily:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Agree 11 09 20 33.90Strongly agree 06 04 10 16.95

    Neither agree or disagree 08 07 15 25.42

    Disagree 06 05 11 18.64

    Strongly disagree 01 02 03 05.09

    Total 32 27 59 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.12

    Answering the query concern satisfactorily








    Agree Strongly



    Agree orDisagree

    Disagree Strongly






    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 51% of the respondents who lodged complaints in the last one month, are


    with the answering mode of the query/concern by the customer care executives. (i.e.

    percentage of both pre-paid and post-paid respondents)

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    Classification of the data based on getting a follow up call to resolve the query/concerns:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total PercentageAgree 12 08 20 33.90

    Strongly agree 04 03 07 11.86

    Neither agree or disagree 13 11 24 40.68

    Disagree 03 04 07 11.86

    Strongly disagree 00 01 01 01.70

    Total 32 27 59 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.13

    Follow up of call to resolve the query concern









    Agree Strongly



    Agree or


    Disagree Strongly







    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 13% of the respondents did not get follow up call to resolve their

    query/concerns in spite of lodging complaints. (03 respondents were pre-paid service

    users and 05 respondents were post-paid service users). And 40% of the respondents are

    in between.

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    Classification of the data based on communication about the launch of new rate

    Plans/schemes/offers in time:Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Yes 63 32 95 63.33

    No 37 18 55 36.67

    Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.14

    Communication about the launch of new rate &










    Yes No





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 63% of the respondents are communicated about the launch of new rate plans/

    schemes/offers in time. (Out of 100 prepaid respondent 63 of them were communicated

    and out of 50 postpaid respondents 32 of them were communicated). Company should

    increase the percentage of communication about the plan and offer so that its retention

    rate will be come down.

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    Classification of data based on finding the HUTCH advertisement relevant and easy to

    understand:Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Yes 56 29 85 56.67

    No 44 21 65 43.33

    Total 100 50 150 100

    Source: Field Investigation

    Chart. No.15

    Finding the HUTCH advertisement relevant








    Yes No





    Source: Field Investigation

    Inference: 57% of the respondents found the HUTCH advertisements relevant,

    informative and easy to understand. In today scenario advertisement is a better way to

    communicate to the customer about its various plan & offer. And advertisement should

    be easy to understand so that customer will not get negative response from theadvertisement.

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