Yesteryears’ Trails Page 2011-47 ISSN#1047-0077 Quarterly Newsletter Published by the Defiance County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society P.O. Box 7006 Defiance, OH 43512-7006 Web Site: Http: www.defiancecountygenealogy.org Email address: defiancegenealogy2002@ yahoo.com Winter 2011 Vol. XXX Issue 4 Regular monthly meetings of the Defiance Chap- ter OGS are held at St. John United Church of Christ at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise stated. The address is 950 Webster Street-- on the northeastern corner of the Defi- ance College campus. Entry is on the north side of the church adjacent to the college gymnasium parking lot. Meetings are the 4th Monday of each month except August and December or as noted. Board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. the second Thursday of the month in the Tiffin Room of the Defi- ance Regional Medical Center. T able of Content s Chapter Programs 47 Chapter News 48 Albert King and the Sultana Sinking 49 Bouyer Family Bible 50 Query for Olney Rice Family 50 Civil War Soldier - Johnson Miller 51 Christmas on a Canal Boat 51 68th OVI 52 100th OVI 54 Index to 2011 Yesteryears’ Trails 58 Surnames Being Researched 65 Membership & Publication Forms Chapter Meeting Dates - 2012 January 23 - Gladys Donson, chapter member “Ghost Towns of Defiance County” Power Point presentation narrated by Gladys Donson February 27 - Mary Williams, chapter member “A Monumental Visit to Defiance” This will be a Power Point presentation with a virtual tour of city and area monuments. The audience will be invited to share their knowledge about these historical monuments. March 26- Celebrating our Chapter’s 35th Anniversary April 23 - Lucille Sunderman “The Hanover Settlement and German Heritage” Other meeting dates for 2012-- programs to be later announced: May 23, June 25, July 23, September 24, October 22, Novemeber 26 : Ohio Historical Marker for Winchester’s Camp # 2 and Preston’s Island Front text: By order of Brigadier Winchester, U. S. troops built an earthen fort at this location during the War of 1812. Back text: In the War of 1812 William Preston kept the U. S. Army’s cattle on this island. Later it became an entertain- ment spot with Chautauqua speakers.

Page 2011-47 ISSN#1047-0077 Yesteryears’ Trailsdefiancecountygenealogy.org/Newsletters/2011 Winter Edition.pdfW. King, (and also the great-granddaughter of John Martin Richholt),

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Yesteryears’ Trails

Page 2011-47 ISSN#1047-0077

Quarterly Newsletter Published by the Defiance CountyChapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society

P.O. Box 7006 Defiance, OH 43512-7006Web Site: Http: www .defiancecountygenealogy .orgEmail address: defiancegenealogy2002@ yahoo.com

Winter 2011 Vol. XXX Issue 4

Regular monthly meetings of the Defiance Chap-ter OGS are held at St. John United Church of Christ at7:00 p.m. unless otherwise stated. The address is 950Webster Street-- on the northeastern corner of the Defi-ance College campus. Entry is on the north side of thechurch adjacent to the college gymnasium parking lot.Meetings are the 4th Monday of each month exceptAugust and December or as noted.

Board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. the secondThursday of the month in the Tiffin Room of the Defi-ance Regional Medical Center.

Table of ContentsChapter Programs 47Chapter News 48Albert King and the Sult ana Sinking 49Bouyer Family Bible 50Query for Olney Rice Family 50Civil W ar Soldier - Johnson Miller 51Christmas on a Canal Boat 5168th OVI 52100th OVI 54Index to 201 1 Yesteryears’ Trails 58Surnames Being Researched 65Membership & Publication Forms

Chapter Meeting Dates - 2012

January 23 - Gladys Donson, chapter member“Ghost Towns of Defiance County”Power Point presentation narrated by GladysDonson

February 27 - Mary Williams, chapter member“A Monumental Visit to Defiance” This will bea Power Point presentation with a virtual tour ofcity and area monuments. The audience will beinvited to share their knowledge about thesehistorical monuments.

Mar ch 26- Celebrating our Chapter’s 35th Anniversary

April 23 - Lucille Sunderman“The Hanover Settlement and German Heritage”

Other meeting dates for 2012-- programs to be laterannounced: May 23, June 25, July 23, September24, October 22, Novemeber 26


Ohio Historical Marker for Winchester’s Camp # 2 and Preston’s Island

Front text: By order of Brigadier Winchester, U. S. troopsbuilt an earthen fort at this location during the War of 1812.Back text: In the War of 1812 William Pr eston kept the U. S.Army’ s cattle on this island. Later it became an entertain-ment spot with Chautauqua speakers.

Defiance County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical SocietyNewsletter “Yesteryears’ Trails” Vol. XXX Winter 2011

Officers and TrusteesPresident - Cecelia Brown

Phone: 419-658-2483Email: [email protected]

Vice-President - Julie MillerEmail: [email protected]

Recording Secretary - Mary WilliamsEmail:[email protected]

Corr esponding Sec. & Membership ChairDianne KlineEmail:[email protected]

Tr easurer - Lavina BoeslingEmail: [email protected]

First Families - Jan MoreyEmail - [email protected]

Newsletter Editor - Mary WilliamsEmail: [email protected]

Trustees:David BennettGladys DonsonRichard Rosevink

Change of Address or Email ?

If you change your address or e-mail address,please make sure you email the chapter at

<[email protected]>

or send the changes to Defiance Chapter OGS, POBox 7006, Defiance, OH 43512-7006 so that yourcurrent information is on file.

Become a Member of DCGS

Chapter dues are $12.00 for an individual and$15.00 per family.

An additional $5.00 is required for mailing thefour annual newsletters through

the U. S. Post Office. Download a membership form at

www.defiancecountygenealogy .org

Page 48 - Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011

What’s Been Happening at DCGS?

September - Board Meeting Highlights

Richard Rozevink reported on the dedication of the new-est Winchester Camp/Preston Island historical markerprogram. A letter of thanks has been sent to Mr.Trowbridge, the speaker, for the ceremony. The CampWinchester account can now be closed. David Bennettand Richard are now investigating the life of WilliamPreston.

The ad for the Turnbull Wagon catalog has appeared inthe current issue of the Farm Bureau magazine.

The storage/workroom at the Visitors’ Bureau must beinspected by Toledo Edison before electricity is avail-able.

September 26 - Chapter Meeting Highlights

Corresponding secretary Dianne Kline noted that therewill be tours of Riverside Cemetery on October 22 at3:00 and 4:00. Registration begins October 10. AlsoLockport will celebrate its 175th anniversary on Octo-ber 1 and 2 with various activities and meals.

Richard Rozevink of the Veterans Historical Commit-tee noted that a thank-you to Mr. Trowbridge, speakerfor the dedication of the Winchester marker, has beensent. He also announced that information will soon beonline for Winchester's Camp #2 and Preston's Island.

September Program - Early Afr o-Americans In De-fiance County

Dianne Kline, a DCGS member, presented the program“Early Afro-Americans in Defiance County.” Shepointed out some of the many resources she used in or-der to glean information for her presentation--censuses,military and land records, and newspaper accounts.Dianne told of Ohio's black laws which governed treat-ment of Afro-Americans from 1804-1849 and the im-portance of having a certificate of freedom. Without it,Afro-American were subject to arrest as were those har-boring or helping run-aways in any way.

Dianne also pointed out that census takers noted only

Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 49

the color of person and indicated that on the census. Atvarious times only black or white was listed; other yearsthe census taker could indicate mulatto-- based againonly upon the color of the skin. Children of the sameparents could and were listed different racially.

From the 18950 census, there were 11 blacks living inthe city of Defiance and 9 in Richland Township, namelythe Neil family. By 1880 there were 65 in Defiance, 5 inRichland, and 124 in Highland. Dianne followed sev-eral families. Edward Fidler, a successful barber, wasin Defiance County as early as 1845. Twenty years laterhe had moved to Illinois with a net worth of $5000 andeight children, two of whom were barbers.

The Lett Family lived for 36 years in the same cabin inMilford Township. George was a shingle maker and hadten children. At age 36 he fought in the Civil War andwas noted to be white. Other families Dianne followedwere the Carters, Worthingtons, Hubbards, Vinegars,Mumfords, and Scotts.

October - Board Meeting HighlightsRichard Rozevink of the Veterans' Historical

Committee noted that he had received a letter fromHelene Werner, Historic Landmarks Chair, noting thatshe had received his thank-you for the donation fromthe National Society United States Daughters of 1812and the two certificates. She apologized for not beingable to attend the dedication for Winchester Camp # 2.

After much discussion concerning dues for thecoming year, the board decided to keep the single mem-bership at $12.00 and the family membership at $15.00.Due to increased publishing and mailing costs, it wasdecided to request an additional $5.00 for mailing thefour issues of the newsletter. Members may request emailnewsletters at no cost or they may indicate they do notwish to receive the newsletter.

October - First Families and Chapter Banquet

Following the annual banquet and the business meeting,induction of the 2011 First Family Members was held.Six new members were added to the rolls of First Fami-lies of Defiance County bringing the total number to 106.

Guest speaker for the banquet was Mark Young of theAmerican Civil War Museum of Ohio. Mr. Young ex-plained how the creation of an Ohio Civil War museumbegan with his personal interest and his personal collec-tion of Civil War memorabilia collected over twenty-

Alber t W. King and the Sultana DisasterThe following information came from chapter memberJoanne Allison.

My great-grandmother’s maiden name wasHulda Emilie King. Her brother Albert W. King fromDefiance served with Company D, 100th Reg., OhioVolunteer Infantry. I recently was fortunate enough tomake connection with the great-grand niece of AlbertW. King, (and also the great-granddaughter of JohnMartin Richholt), and she has Albert’s diary telling abouthis experience as a survivor of the sinking of the Sul-tana. A book entitled Loss of the Sultana and Reminis-cences of Survivors: Voices of the Civil War edited byChester D. Berry contains Albert’s story. His accountcan also be found at a National Geographic Site: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/05/0501_river5.html.

And in Albert’s words:

“I jumped upon the stern railing and watched the crowdin the water waiting to see an opening to make the jumpwithout striking anyone, and when I did make the plungeI came in contact with drowning men, and when I cameto the supposed surface I struck the bottom of the boat;but I soon succeeded in getting out but many were stillon the water and got a hold of me but I fought hard forfreedom and saw a chance to pass under the stern of theboat without being nabbed when a lady jumped downupon me and getting a hold of my shirt, and nearlystrangled me, I soon broke away from her and swim-ming but a short distance, when a board came up infront of me which I grabbed for support and returned tohelp the lady who was loudly calling for assistance,when another board popped up in front of me I placedone on top of the other and went back to her and placedthe boards under her arms when she informed me thatshe had on a life preserver which slipped down whenshe jumped down from the cabin window to water whileclinging to a rope.

“I was cautious to keep her in front of me working hardto the Arkansas side; often she would ask me if I thoughtwe would be saved; to this I could give her no encour-aging answer as everything around us was now in dark-ness and many going in the same direction and callingloudly for help.

“The boat had been burned down and was floating a(Continued. on page 51.)

(Continued on page 57.)

Page 50 Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011

Our chapter would like for you to join

First Families of Defiance CountyIf you can prove you ancestor was here in Defiance

County before January 1846, your ancestor will be classi-fied as a “Pioneer.” If he or she lived here between January1846 and December 1860, that ancestor will be classified asa “Settler.” To prove your lineage back to your ancestor,you may use birth records, death records, marriage licenses,census records, Bible records, and other primary or support-ive secondary records.

The application fee is $15.00 which covers as manyancestors as you can prove and also covers your member-ship pin. You must be a member of the Defiance CountyChapter OGS. This membership may be paid at the same

time as your application fee ispaid. The cutoff date is August1st of the year in which youapply. For more information andto download the application forFirst Families go to the society’sweb site atwww.defiancecountygenealogy.orgor write to the chapter at PO Box7006 Defiance, OH 43512-7006attention of Jan Morey, chair.

Defiance County Centennial FamiliesTo acknowledge families which have been in Defiance

County for 100 years or more, our chapter has established acentennial recognition program. Just one item of proof show-ing that a family member was here in 1908 or before is neededto register a family. Upon registration, a certificate will besent from the chapter. For more information, please contactthe chapter via email or by snail mail-- attention CarolEhlinger.

Applications may be completed at any time. Registeryour family today!

Free Queries for Chapter Members

Don’t forget that your chapter membershipentitles you to unlimited queries in Yesteryears’ Trailsfor ancestors from the Defiance area.

Please do limit background information (toabout fifty words) and ask for specific informationfrom our readers. Queries may be sent to the chapteremail listed on the first page of this newsletter.

I believe that the Olney Rice m. to Lydia Barrows, isthe brother of my g.g.grandmother Ada Rice. I be-lieve Olney is the father of both Ada and Olney b.1799 VT. I also think that Nathan Rice is the fatherof the first Olney. I believe that the Rice family cameto Ohio with the William Pierce and the TrumanNeedham families from New York. Any further helpwith Oney/Olney Rice (father of Ada who m. Wm.G. Pierce) in New York, would be appreciated.

Lois Durr

If you have any information concerning this fam-ily, please cont act our membership chair , DianneKline in care of the chapter . She will provide youwith cont act information for Lois Durr .

Inquiry from MemberOlney Rice Family of Defiance County

Bouyer Family BibleThe following names were copied from a family Bibledated 1850

Joseph Bouter and Sarah Bouyer were marriedNov. 3rd in the A. D. 1850

Isaac Bouyer was born April 6th 1785Rebecca Bouyer was born August 7th 1794Joesph Bouyer was born in the A. D. 1821

May 19thSarah Bouyer was born Oct. 5th in the A. D.

1830Henry John Bouyer was born Dec. 9th 1851.

Died Sept. 6th 1856. Aged four yearseight months 28 days.

Samuel G. Bouyer was born January 29th 1854William Millford Bouyer was born October

21st 1855Lucinda Ann Bouyer was born Jan. 28th 1857Jane Seymore Bouyer was born Sept. 12th 1859Infant died Jan. 25th 1861Charles Francis Bouyer was born July 1st 1863Joseph Moris Bouyer was born April 1st 1866Charles Grant Bouyer was born Sept. 21st 1868Joseph Loren Bouyer was born August 28th

1892Margaret Ethel Bouyer was born Jan. 28th 1895Donald Irwin Bouyer was born August 17th



Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 51

Johnson Miller Co. E, 14th Regiment

Johnson Miller of Sherwood, Ohio enlisted as aprivate on August 21, 1861 at the age of nineteen. Hewas promoted to full sergeant 11 Jan. 1864, promotedto full corporal 14 Jan. 1864, and promoted to full firstsergeant 22 June, 1865. He mustered out 11 July 1865.

Johnson was wounded twice-- at KenesawMountain and at Chicamauga. It was at Kenesaw Moun-tain that he was struck by a spent minie ball in theforehead just above the left eye. According to one ofhis relatives, “The ball did not have enough force to gothrough his thick skull. This spent minie ball only wentabout half way through Johnson’s skull. The Civil Wardoctors were afraid to take it out, so they left it there asit was.” According to the relative’s son, Johnson’s skineventually grew around the minie ball, and he went forthe rest of his life with the ball stuck in his skull.

long distance below us when I discovered we were drift-ing in amongst brush up on an island over which thewater was rushing many feet deep. We were soon seatedon a log among driftwood and, by me holding onto acottonwood sappling we could keep our heads abovewater. Some time after daylight we were picked up bymen in a large rowboat attracted to us by CommanderL. G. Morgan who called to them for to pick us up whichthey did and were taken to a cabin on the island andplaced before a hot fire in a fireplace in company withmany others where we soon thawed out.

“Later in the day we were taken aboard a small steamerwith many others and transported to Memphis. On land-ing we were given wool underclothes by the citizens - Ipresume merchants of Memphis. As I refused to go tothe hospital I was taken along with others to the Sol-diers Home, some distance out from the city;

“The lady was taken charge of by some doctors. Whilewe were in front of a good fire in the cabin on the is-land, in the presence of one of my company comrades,the lady took from her finger a very nice ring and pre-sented to me saying that she was the wife of an engi-neer, who operating on the Red River, that his namewas W. E. Perry whom she had just visited and was onher way home in Cincinnati and had lost all her valu-ables in the disaster.

“Twenty years later I went to Cincinnati to locate thesePerrys but did not succeed. Afterwards I tried to findthem by using the newspapers but without learning any-thing as to their wherabouts.”

When he was still a private, Johnson Miller’scommander at the Battle of Franklin Tennessee was Lt.Colonel (later Brig. General) Isaac Sherwood. After thewar, about 1875, when General Sherwood had becomethe Congressional Representative for Defiance County,Johnson recommended that the small settlement alongthe B&O Railroad in which he lived be named Sherwoodin honor of Isaac Sherwood. The village was so named,so that a post office could be established.

Coincidently, the village was almost namedMillersburg in honor of one Elias Miller, Johnson’s fa-ther who was one of the early platters of the village.Elias Miller had five sons, all of whom were active inbusinesses in the village. The pre-existence of aMillersburg in Ohio pre-cluded the Millersburgname. Dave


King and Sultana - Cont. from page 49)

Well, here we go again-- you didn’t tell me tostop. With the holidays coming up, I decided to run“Christmas on a Canal Boat.” Here it goes.

Christmas on a Canal BoatHow are we going to spend Christmas! ex-

claimed the good-natured Mrs. Captain Boggs seeminglya bit surprised at the question, for canal boat folks aresensitive of any criticism aimed in their direction.

“Why we’re going to spend the day just like otherfolks. Some think because we live on a canal boat, wedon’t have any comforts and eat like savages. My, butI’d heap-sight rather live down here than in a flat likemy niece. She’s got six rooms and they can’t begin tobe as big as mine. If you think there ain’t room justlook here.”

Mrs. Boggs then displayed the secrets of a suitof rooms, the ingenuity of the arrangement rivaling theden of a New York bachelor girl. Out of the cabin whichserved as living and dining rooms combined, jutted twoalcoves beside the kitchen which was even tinier thanthe modern apartment kitchenette.

While under ordinary circumstances, the kitchenwas part of the cabin proper-- two doors all right anglesto each other-- could be drawn out so that they couldform a room by itself.A shiny coal stove or range quitefilled the compartment leaving just room enough towork, while above it every inch of wall space was util-

(Continued on page 57)

Page 52 - Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011

The 68th OVIAccording to the History of Defiance County

1883, the 100th began its first winter 1861-1862in comparative luxury. The regiment was organized at CampLatty in Napoleon with one company from each of Defiance,Paulding, Williams, Henry, and Fulton Counties-- the restcoming from Henry County. The men had Sibley tents fur-nished with stoves and plenty of supplies received from theirhomes. On January 21, 1862 the men moved to Camp Chasenear Cincinnati where they trained until Feb. 7.

Arriving in Danelson, Tennessee, the regiment wasassigned to Gen. Charles Smith’s division and were immedi-ately involved in skirmishes. After Pittsburg Landing, due tobad weather and illness the regiment, originally numberingabout 1000 was reduced to about 250 men. The regiment wasthen assigned to Gen. Lew Wallace. Around Corinth, Missis-sippi, the regiment was engaged in building roads, bridges,and trenches. They saw action in the battles of Iuka andMetamora. During the campaign in Mississippi the regimentwas assigned to the Second Brigade, Third Division, 17thArmy Corps with which it remained the rest of the war.

In Louisiana the men working clearing roads andbridges in the bayous. Thereafter they were involved in thesiege of Vicksburg fighting in such battles as Thompson’s Hill,Raymond, Champion Hills, Big Black, and Fort Hill. Afterthe battle at Jackson, the unit guarded 600 prisoners intoVicksburg. After a rest, the unit went on to fight at Monroe ,Louisiana and after due to injury or illness, the unit lost one-third of its men.

The 68th was one of the first regiments in the 17thCorp. to report three-fourth of its men to reenlist. In Decem-ber the unit headed north on its veterans’ furlough. In Toledothey especially received a warm welcome with a band andparae through the streets.

In May, by train, they headed back to Cairo, Missis-sippi, joining some one hundred new recruits, that had beenleft in Mississippi. Here the regiment was given new Spring-field rifles and 750 strong, they joined Sherman in the Atlantacampaign where the 68th was under almost constant fighting.After Atlanta, the unit moved on the Savannah and then throughNorth Carolina and Virginia eventually ending in WashingtonCity where it took part in the grandreview on May 24, 1865.

By war’s end the 68th had been in every rebel stateexcept Florida and Texas. It had marched over 7000 milesand traveled by railroad and steamboat over 6000 miles.Company E Officers--Sidney S. Spraque, Captain; John C. Harman, First Lieuten-ant; Thomas T. Cowan, Second Lieutenant; William Palmer,First Lieutenant; Isaac Ice, First Sergeant; Jonas E. Bixby,Second Sergeant; Jacob Poorman, Third Sergeant; JosephBrown, Fourth Sergeant; Samuel Hooper, Fifth Sergeant;

Henry Shoemaker, Second Corporal; Levi A Allegar, ThirdCorporal; Abraham Sponseler, Fourth Corporal; Henry Force,Fifth Corporal; James B. Reaser, Sixth Corporal; Lewis P.Derby, Musician; John Smith, Wagoner.Company E Privates-Joseph Ankney, Michael Ankney, Joshua Ankney, FrederickAldinger, George F. Bohn, Christopher Bable, John Berryhill,Martin Bentley, Jacob Boston, Alexander R. Britton, WilliamBrown, George Bailey, John A. Bolander, John T. Bean,Charles Bailey, Nicholas Buckmaster, William Buckmaster,David Buckmaster, John Cuddy, James Cotteral, John W. S.Goshven, Peter Gilts, George Good, John Gibson, DanielHoward, Hugh Houston, John M. Harman, David Hoy, Mar-tin Halstentall, August Heiniman, Harvey J. Hill, Jr., (Died atRome, GA June 16, 1864), Minor Ice, Andrew J. Ice, (diedfrom wounds at Vicksburg), Oliver L. Jones, Lewis Jaynes,Ebenezer Jaynes, Levi Jaynes, John B. Jackman, Eber Jaynes,Elijah Kesler, Jacob Killion, James Kelly, Frederick Klammer,William P. Kleinhenn, John M. Kleinhenn, John Killion, Wil-liam A. Kraft, John H. Kraft, Columbus Kendig, ChristianKlutz, John Coom, John Colwell, Francis M. Deerwester,Eratus H. Derby, Freeman E. Derby, Hiram Davis, John B.Etchin, Edward Fredericks, Henry H. Ferguson, John D.Fornay, Charles H. Keselmyer, John Lewis, Jonathan Lewis,Columbus D. Lewis, John Linderman, Edward Levan, MichaelLary, John Simeon Mansfield, Peter Moog, Jacob Miller, JohnL. Miller, Peter Miller,. James McCullough , Joseph McKillips,Thomas Palmer, John W. Prowant, Galen Peters, Enos M.Partee, Joab C. Prickett, Edward Petteperry, Luther H.Robinson, George Raney, Andrew Roush, Joseph Richards,John Ripley, Henry Rehm, Isaac Randall, Andrew J. Sanford,Cornelius Seiver, Enoch Shoemaker, David Shoemaker, Or-egon Shaffer, Amos Spangler, Jacob Sponsler, David Sundy,Christian Speith, John J. Sutter, Adam Sterns, Edward Smith,McCarthy Todd, William E. Todd, Alvaro Vansciver, SamuelVanolerah, Amos Vanolerah, William Vanolerah, Isaac B.Vansciver, Michael Wall, Otto Waltz, Andrew Wilson, Tho-mas Ward, Thomas Wallace, Joseph Wall George Watson,William Zinn.Men of the 68th OVI in the newspapers of the time--The following men of the 68th wrote letters home which werepublisjed in area newspapers. This listing was compiled bythe Center for Archival Collections located at the BGSU Li-brary.

Colonel Robert K. ScottEnlisted, age 36 on October 1, 1861 to serve three years; pro-moted to Lt. Colonel from Major November 30, 1861; toColonel July 5, 1862; Brevet Brigadier General january 25,1865; Brigadier General march 31, 1865; Brevet Majoar Gen-eral, December 5, 1865Toledo Daily Commercial- 2/28/1863, 4/20/1863, 6/19/1863

Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 53

Colonel Samuel H. SteedmanEnlisted 10/1/1861 as Lieutenant Colonel, promoted to Colo-nel 11/29/1861, discharged 7/5/1862Perrysburg Journal--6/11/1862.Major George E. WellesEnlisted age 22 on October 29, 1861 to serve three years;promoted to Major from Adjutant July 5, 1862; to Lt. Colo-nel May 16, 1863; to Colonel June 16, 1865; not mustered;mustered out with regiment, July 10, 1865Napoleon Northwest- 7/1/1863Quartermaster James G. HalyEnlisted, age 44 on October 10, 1861 to serve three years;appointed October 26, 1861; resigned October 26, 1862Napoleon Northwest- Article: 6/25/1862; Letter: 3/12/1862Major George E. MillerPaulding Independent- 6/25/1863Roster - Company A, 68th OVISecond Lieutenant Samuel R. AdamsEnlisted, age 21 on October 17, 1861 to serve three years;promoted from Sergeant Major october 26,1862; to 1st Lieu-tenant Co. K February 26, 1864; to Captain Co. H. Novem-ber 26, 1864; to Captain and Assistant Adjutant General April27, 1865 and transferred to Staff of General Force, 1st Divi-sion, 17th Army CorpsToledo Daily Commercial- 7/1/1863First Lieutenant William F. WilliamsEnlisted, age 32 on October 12, 1861 to serve three years;appointed 2nd Lieutenant November 21, 1861; promoted to1st Lieutenant October 26, 1862; to Captain Co. D May 9,1864Napoleon Northwest- 9/23/1863Private Robert D. WoodEnlisted, age 23 on October 28, 1861 to serve three years;appointed Corporal December 24, 1864; Sergeant January 30,1865; mustered out with company July 10, 1865; veteranNapoleon Northwest- Poem: 9/2/1863Roster - Company B, 68th OVICaptain Sidney S. SpragueEnlisted November 13, 1861 to serve three years; resignedJune 22, 1863Defiance Democrat- 11/1/1862Roster - Company C, 68th OVISecond Lieutenant James F. CosgroEnlisted age 24 on October 16, 1861 to serve three years;appointed 2nd Lieutenant November 27, 1861; promoted to1st Lieutenant December 29, 1862, but declined to accept;mustered out December 24, 1864 on expiration of term ofservcie (Found in roster of Company K)Bryan Union Press- 2/4/1864, 8/11/1864Letter: Bryan Democrat- 5/28/1864Captain Patrick H. MooneyEnlisted, age 33 October 16, 1861 to serve three years; ap-

pointed November 27, 1861; mustered out January 3, 1865,at Savannah, GA on expiratiaon of term of servicePaulding Independent- 11/20/1862, 8/20/1863First Lieutenant George W. KnissEnlisted, age 24, on October 30, 1861 to serve for three years;appointed 2nd Lieutenant November 25, 1861; promoted to1st Lieutenant February 24, 1863; to Captain, Co. H June 16,1865Defiance Democrat- 8/1/1863Private Gilbert L. MeyersRecord not found in rosterPaulding Independent- 10/1/1863Private William R. SnookEnlisted, age 26, October 30, 1861 to serve three years; mus-tered out October 29, 1864, at Chattanooga, TN, on expira-tion of term of servicePaulding Independent- 2/19/1863, 7/9/1863, 10/8/1863Roster - Company F, 68th OVIPrivate Edward Alpheus BigelowEnlisted December 31, 1863 to serve three years; musteredout with company July 10, 1865Toledo Daily Commercial- 8/8/1864Roster - Company D, 68th OVIColor Sergeant Jeremiah HollinsheadJeremiah Hollinshead enlisted as a 25 year old Private in Com-pany F, 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry on April 22, 1861, mus-tering into service April 27, 1861. He was mustered out Au-gust 13, 1861 at Toledo, Ohio.

He later enlisted as a Private in Company D, 68thOhio Volunteer Infantry on November 6, 1861, mustering intoservice December 13, 1861. Promoted to Sergeant andawarded the honor of carrying the regiment's battle flag,Hollinshead was wounded in action May 16, 1863 at the Battleof Champion's Hill. He was mustered out December 19, 1864at Savannah, Georgia.Letter: Bucyrus Journal: June 26, 1863Roster - Company H, 68th OVIFirst Sergeant Webster C. ShepardEnlisted, age 25 on October 12, 1861 to serve three years;apponted 1st Sergeant from private December 20, 1861; pro-moted to 2nd Lieutenant March 27, 1862; not mustered;appointd 1st Sergeant March 29, 1863; killed July 22, 1864in Battle of Atlanta; veteranToledo Daily Commercial- 10/2/1863Private William A. WardEnlisted 10/7/1861 as a Private, promoted to Sergeant, pro-moted to 1st Sergeant 7/23/1864, promoted to 1st Lieutenant1/11/1865, mustered out 7/10/1865 at Louisville, KentuckyPerrysburg Journal--1/16/1862, 1/30/1862, 2/13/1862, 2/20/1862, 3/6/1862, 3/27/1862, 5/7/1862, 4/15/1863, 10/14/1863Roster - Company I, 68th OVI

Page 54 Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011

First Lieutenant Ira M. KelseyEnlisted 10/10/1861 as 1st Lieutenant, wounded 5/16/1863at Battle of Champion Hills, Mississippi, mustered out 1/4/1865.Perrysburg Journal--3/13/1862, 4/17/1862, 8/13/1862Toledo Blade- 7/18/1863Second Lieutenant Lewis DubbsEnlisted 10/9/1861 as 2nd Lieutenant, resigned commission4/14/1863.Perrysburg Journal--10/15/1862Private Lyman J. HissongEnlisted 10/21/1861 as a Private into Company A, transferred12/1/1861 to Company I, discharged 4/14/1863 at Millken'sBend, Louisiana.Perrysburg Journal--11/12/1862Captain Hiram H. PoeEnlisted October 3, 1861 to serve three years; appointed De-cember 18, 1861; mustered out October 28, 1864, on expira-tion of term of serviceNapoleon Northwest- 5/21/1862, 8/20/1862Perrysburg Journal- 9/14/1864Roster - Company K, 68th OVIFirst Lieutenant James H. LongEnlisted age 23 on October 7, 1861 to serve three years; ap-pointed 1st Lieutenant November 27, 1861; promoted to Cap-tain November 25, 1863; mustered out November 8, 1864,on expiration of term of serviceWilliams County Leader- 2/27/1862Union Press- 4/11/1862, 5/2/1862Press and Leader - 12/4/1862, 2/5/1863Bryan Union Press- 9/3/1863Private Andr ew LongEnlisted, age 29, on November 27, 1861 to serve three years;mustered out with company on July 10, 1865; veteranWilliams County Leader- 1/30/1862, 3/6/1862, 3/13/1862,4/3/1862, 7/17/1862Press and Leader - 8/28/1862, 1/29/1863, 7/16/1863Bryan Union Press- 9/24/1863, 10/22/1863, 9/1/1864Private Thomas A. ShorthillEnlisted, age 18, on October 22, 1861 to serve three yeras;appointed Corporal July 23, 1864; mustered out with com-pany July 10, 1865; veteranWilliams County Leader- 3/6/1862Captain Edwin J. EvansEnlisted, age 37 on October 16, 1861 to serve three years;appointed November 27, 1861; wounded May 16, 1863 inBattle of Champion Hills, MS, resigned August 9, 1863Williams County Leader- 6/26/1862Letter: Press and Leader - 7/23/1863Letter: Bryan Democrat- 6/4/1863

The 100th OVIThe 100th OVI was organized in To-

ledo July and August 1862. The regiment par-ticipated in battles of Lenoir Station, Knoxville,Rocky Face Ridge, Dallas, Etowh Creek, Atlanta, Columbus,Franklin, Nashville, Town Creek, and Wilmington.

At Atlanta on the 6th of August, 103 out of 300 menwere lost-- thirty six men were killed on the field and eightmore died from wounds within days. July 1, 1865 the regi-ment mustered out in Cleveland having served two years andten months. The 100th lost 65 men killed in action, 142 werewounded of which 27 later died, and 108 died of disease. The100th had 325 captured, of which most were captured nearthe Virginia state line and were taken to Richmond, Virginia.Of those 85 died in prison.

Company D was made up primarily of men fromDefiance County.Company D Officers-William H. Thorton, Captain; William Bishop, Jr., First Lieu-tenant; James U. Blue, Second Lieutenant; A. K. Tate, FirstSergeant; L. G. Thacker, Second Sergeant; Henry Obee, ThirdSergeant; Bailey Fleming, Fourth Sergeant; Daniel W. Smead,Fifth Sergeant; Gilbert White, First Corporal; Otho Collier,Second Corporal; John K. Bucklew, Third Corporal; JohnMeek, Fourth Corporal; Solomon Deamer, Fifth Corporal;Martin Neuhauser, Sixth Corporal; Peter Marcellus, SeventhCorporal; Isaac S. Miller, Eighth Corporal (promoted to FirstLieutenant and later Quartermaster; George Fredericks, Mu-sician; Frederick March, Musician.Company D Privates-Sidney Anson, George Adams, Isadore Arlinger, D. W. Ander-son, Lewis D. Blue, John F. Bookwalter, A. T. Brechbill, JamesM. Britton, William H. Bridenbaugh, William Brown, FrancisM. Burns, Avery Burnett, John Baringer, George Clemmer,William Cheney, Oliver Casselman, L. R. Critchfield, JohnR. Cram (killed at Atlanta), Aaron Clark, Daniel Dunlap, HenryDunlap, Franklin Duck, John Davis, Ephraim Detter, AlbertA. Estell, John Fulmer, James A. Fleming, Simon W. Figley,Alexander Granstaff, John Geiselman, Aaron Hopkins, Ed-ward Hulett, John B. Houtz, George Hall, Samuel Himes,George Hill, Wilson S. Hufford, William Hilbert, Uriah W.Hosack, Hiram Hopkins, David Harper, Myron Johnson, AsaJohnson, Albert King, Samuel Kyle, Valmore Lambert, CharlesJ. Lewis, Samuel Logan, Andrew Minsel, Isaac N. Miller (diedin service), Levi Miller, Martin Miller William Miller, EnochMeek, John W. Myers, William Morris, Harvey Mansfield,Job Mansfield, Gideon Mulnix, George Ohlinger, John Obee,Mark R. Rage, Thomas Peterson, Uriah W. Shasteen, F. W.Shultz, Jacob Scmidt, Henry Shoemaker, August Tarbbert,Frederick Wiler, Martin G. Worden, John Wells, Ludwig Wiles,William Wheeler, William Wartenbee, Joseph Wiley, FrankWeismantel, John Wessel, George Woodward, Edward

Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 55

Woodring, John K. Wilson, Joseph Young, Franklin B. Zigler,Henry Zigler.Men of the 100th OVI in the newspapers of the time--The following men of the 100th wrote letters home which werepublished in local newspapers. This listing was compiled bythe Center for Archival Collections located at the BGSU Li-brary.

Surgeon George A. CollamoreEnlisted 8/19/1862 as surgeon, mustered out with regiment6/20/1865 at Greensboro, NC.Toledo Blade- 8/20/1864, 12/10/1864Toledo Daily Commercial- 9/28/1863, 8/20/1864, 12/13/1864Colonel John C. GroomEnlisted, age 28, on August 28, 1862 to serve three years;resigned May 13, 1863Defiance Democrat- 12/13/1862Lieutenant Colonel Edwin L. HayesEnlisted, age 34 on August 26, 1862 to serve three years;promoted to Lt. Colonel from Major may 13, 1863; toColonel January 2, 1865, but not mustered; brevet BrigadierGeneral January 12, 1865; resigned May 12, 1865Toledo Blade- 10/9/1863, 8/19/1864Defiance Democrat- 5/7/1864Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Summerville SlevinEnlisted, age 46 on August 8, 1862 to serve three years;promoted from Lt. Colonel May 13, 1863; wounded August6, 1864 in Battle of Utoy Creek, GA; discharged November30, 1864 on Surgeon's certificate of disabilityPaulding Independent- 4/23/1863Toledo Daily Commercial- 2/5/1863, 4/14/1863, 6/18/1863, 7/4/1864Major John A. ShannonOhio native John A. Shannon was serving as a Methodistminister in Perrysburg when the war broke out. He enlistedas the Captain of Company A, 100th Ohio VolunteerInfantry on July 13, 1862. He was promoted to Major onMay 13, 1863. He was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of theFirst US Colored Heavy Artillery on May 11, 1864. He waspromoted to Colonel on January 1, 1865, and resigned hiscommission on May 13, 1865. After the war, Shannonreturned to Wood County and practiced law for many years.He was twice elected Mayor of Bowling Green and wasactive in Republican Party politics. In later life, he and hisfamily moved to Michigan. He died in December of 1894and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Bowling Green.Perrysburg Journal- 8/20/1862, 9/3/1862, 10/14/1863Assistant Surgeon Robert JohnsonEnlisted 9/8/1862 as assistant surgeon, captured 9/8/1863 atBattle of Limestone Station, Tennessee, mustered out 6/20/1865 at Greensboro, NCToledo Blade- 12/2/1863

Perrysburg Journal- 12/9/1863Adjutant Norman WaiteEnlisted 8/10/1862 as Private, appointed Sergeant Major 9/1/1862, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant of Company G 11/23/1862, promoted to 1st Lieutenant Company E 2/17/1864,appointed Adjutant 12/1/1864, promoted to Major of 189thOhio Infantry 3/10/1865, mustered out with regiment 9/28/1865.Toledo Blade- 12/10/1864Roster - Company A, 100th OVICaptain Leonard B. BlinnSee also Co. C, 21st Ohio InfantryEnlisted 4/25/1861 as 2nd Lieutenant of Company C, 21stOhio Infantry, mustered out 8/12/1861 at Columbus, OH,enlisted 7/17/1862 as 1st Lieutenant of Company A, 100thOhio Infantry, promoted to Captain 5/13/1863, resignedcommission 3/3/1865Perrysburg Journal- 10/7/1863, 12/23/1863, 12/30/1863, 9/14/1864Corporal John L. McColleyEnlisted 8/3/1862 as a Private, promoted to Corporal 8/24/1862, captured 9/8/1863 at Limestone Station, Tennessee,transferred to the Navy 5/20/1864Perrysburg Journal- 1/13/1864Corporal Byr on C. BaldwinEnlisted 8/4/1862 as a Private, promoted to Corporal,captured 9/8/1863 at Limestone Station, Tennessee, killedin action 11/30/1864 at Franklin, TennesseePerrysburg Journal- 12/9/1863, (death of) 1/4/1865Private Andr ew J. MunnEnlisted 7/24/1862 as a Private, captured 9/8/1863 atLimestone Station, returned 7/10/1864, mustered out withregiment 6/20/1865 at Greensboro, NC.Toledo Blade- 7/23/1864Roster - Company B, 100th OVICaptain Henry D. TaylorEnlisted, age 45 on July 11, 1862 to serve three years;appointed July 15, 1862; captured September 8, 1863 inaction at Limestone Station, TN; promoted to Major July13, 1864, but not mustered; returned to company Septem-ber 29, 1864; discharged December 12, 1864 on Surgeon'scertificate of disabilityNapoleon Northwest- 10/7/1863First Lieutenant George Duncan ForsythEnlisted age 28 on July 11, 1862 to serve three years;promoted from 2nd Lieutenant January 8, 1863; capturedSeptember 8, 1863 in action at Limestone Station, TN;killed April 13, 1864 in Libby Prison at Richmond, VA, byrebel guard.Toledo Blade- 12/31/1863Napoleon Northwest- Article: 3/4/1864; Letter: 12/23/1863Roster - Company C, 100th OVIPrivate John K. Halm (Kalm)

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Spring Issue To Have Two More Unit RostersThe last two regiments consisting of men primarily from Defi-ance Countyare the 107th OVI (Company K), the 111thOVI (Companies E and F) The Spring issue of Yesteryears’Trails will contain rosters and brief regimental histories.Additional listings of Defiance Cicil War soldiers can befound in The History of Defiance County 1883.

Enlisted age 27 on August 4, 1862 to serve three years;captured September 8, 1863 in action at Limestone Station,TN, died April 16, 1865 at Beaufort, SCBryan Union Press- 11/12/1863Private John W. KinnemanEnlisted age 21 on August 9, 1862 to serve three years;captured September 8, 1863 in action at Limestone Station,TN; returned to company June 14, 1864; appointed Corpo-ral July 7, 1864; Sergeant September 1, 1864; mustered outwith company June 20, 1865Bryan Union Press- 8/27/1863Musician William E. StoughEnlisted, age 18 on August 9, 1862 to serve three years;captured September 8, 1863 in action at Limestone Station,TN; returned to company June 14, 1864; mustered out withcompany June 20, 1865Bryan Union Press- 7/28/1864Private Daniel W. WillToledo Daily Commercial- 7/1/1864Roster - Company D, 100th OVIMusician Henry O. ZeiglerEnlisted, age 44 on July 26, 1862 to serve three years;mustered out with company June 20, 1865Defiance Democrat- 6/13/1863Roster - Company E, 100th OVIPrivate Orlin S. HayesEnlisted 7/19/1862 as a Private, promoted to Sergeant 3/15/1863, promoted to Sergeant Major 6/15/1863, discharged12/22/1863 for promotion to Adjutant of 128th OhioInfantry. Promoted to Captain of Company A, 128th OhioInfantry 6/26/1865, mustered out with company 7/13/1865.Toledo Blade- 9/13/1862, 9/30/1863Captain William W. HuntEnlisted 7/16/1862 as Captain of Company E, captured 9/8/1863 at Limestone Station, TN, escaped from prison andreturned to Union lines 8/2/1864 at Beaufort, SC, killed inaction 11/20/1864 at the Battle of Franklin.Toledo Blade- 11/17/1863, 12/14/1863, 7/26/1864Private William JamesToledo Daily Commercial (Article)- 12/30/1863Musician Daniel LukeDaniel Luke enlisted as an 18 year old Musician in Com-pany E, 100th Ohio Volunteer Infantry on August 9, 1862,mustering into service September 1, 1862. He was musteredout June 20, 1865 at Greensboro, North Carolina.Letter: Crawford County Forum: January 16, 1863Corporal Robert C. NavarreEnlisted 7/26/1862 as a Private, promoted to Corporal 2/16/1863, wounded 6/2/1864 at Dallas, GA, wounded 11/30/1864 at Battle of Franklin, discharged for disability 4/17/1865 at Cleveland, OH.Toledo Blade- 9/29/1863

Private Patrick O'NealToledo Daily Commercial- 2/13/1863Major Alber t B. SmithEnlisted 7/30/1862 as 1st Sergeant of Company H, pro-moted to 2nd Lieutenant 11/27/1862, promoted to 1stLieutenant 1/1/1863, promoted to Captain 1/2/1865,transferred 1/14/1865 to Company E, transferred 3/17/1865to Company E, promoted to brevet Major 7/31/1865,mustered out 8/1/1865.Toledo Blade- 1/27/1864Sergeant Charles H. SpragueToledo Daily Commercial- 9/30/1863, 1/6/1865, 3/7/1865,4/4/1865, 4/24/1865Roster - Company G, 100th OVISecond Lieutenant Addison S. ClarkToledo Daily Commercial- 7/2/1864Sergeant Henry L. HammondEnlisted 8/12/1862 as a Private, promoted to Corporal,promoted to Sergeant 8/7/1864, mustered out with regiment6/20/1865 at Greensboro, NC.Toledo Blade- 9/10/1863Sergeant George H. ShoemakerGeorge Shoemaker enlisted as a 21 year old private onAugust 4, 1862 in Co. G, 100th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, andwas mustered into service September 1, 1862. He servedwith the regiment throughout its campaigns in Kentucky andTennessee, being promoted to Corporal and then Sergeant.He was killed in action August 6, 1864 at the Battle of UtoyCreek, Georgia, outside of Atlanta. He is buried in MariettaNational Cemetery.Letter: Fremont Journal- October 24, 1862Roster - Company I, 100th OVICaptain Emanuel KauffmanEnlisted, age 40, on July 22, 1862 to serve three years. Died onOctober 3, 1863 at Knoxville, TNPaulding Independent- 1/22/1863, 4/16/1863, 5/7/1863Musician Samuel LukeSamuel Luke enlisted as a 21 year old Musician in Company I,100th Ohio Volunteer Infantry on August 12, 1862, mustering intoservice September 1, 1862. He was mustered out June 20, 1865 atGreensboro, North Carolina.Letter: Crawford County Forum: January 16, 1863

Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 57

Canal Boats (Continued from page 49)

ized for pots and kitchen utensils of every sort. A lowcupboard opening into the hold contained more articlesof kitchen usage, as well as vegetables and canned goods.

Bunks were displayed in the two other alcoveswhich were in open view of the cabin. But from therecesses of the boat, Mrs. Boggs pulled out a slidingdoor which completely divided the space into two roomsand when curtains were drawn into the cabin the occu-pants enjoyed all the privacy desired. A big divider couldbe opened up at night into a roomy double bed, and an-other bunk just under the bed was sufficiently large totuck two small youngsters away. A chest of drawersbuilt in and wardrobes and cupboards in out of the wayplaces supplied room for bedding and clothing and bootsand shoes for a family of children.

One of the biggest surprises in the boat, onewhich bore a hint that might be applied in small houseswhere room is of a premium was the preserved fruitlocker.

“We all do up our own fruit,” said Mrs. Boggs.“You see while we go up the canal we are in the countrymost of the time, and it is much cheaper to put up ourown fruit then buy it in the winter, and this is where westore it.”

Going to the stairs up the companion way, shepulled out tiny drawers. Small knobs jutted out fromthe drawers. Within there was quite room enough toallow pint fruit jars standing upright. A cold storageroom was tucked away in the hold into which a smalldoor about two feet in height opened. The dining roomtable was a folding affair which turned up against thewall of the cabin when not in use.

When some surprise was expressed at the pres-ence of a sewing machine in the room, Mrs. Boggs said,“Oh, that’s nothing. Many of the boats have organs aswell, and there is one fitted up with a porcelain bathtub. So you see we have some of the luxuries of cityhouses, and a lot of good air and sunshine. A concert isto be given on one of the boats here New Year’s Eve,and if you should like to come down, we’d be glad tohave you and show you a bit of canal boat hospitality.”

Mrs. BoggsDefiance Democrat March 1910

I hope you had a very “Merry Christmas and aHappy New year!” See you next year.

Dave Bennett

Chpater Highlights - (Continued from page 49)

five years. In 2006 the museum opened in BowlingGreen. At that time there were about 500 artifact andseveral thousand visitors came each year. Later as morespace and support from the community was needed, themuseum moved to Tif fin where over 10,000 square feetis now available for exhibits. The museum, now housedin a former post office built in 1915, has eight exhibitrooms with many hands-on opportunities. Some of theexhibits are the Life of a Soldier, In the Hands of theEnemy, Johnson Island, the Road to War. Mr. Young alsonoted that there are two traveling programs availablefor groups-Ohio's Part in the Civil War and the Life of aSoldier.

November - Board Meeting Highlights

Eight of our publications were sold to thePaulding Chapter OGS to be placed in the Paulding Pub-lic Library.Tentative programming was outlined for the first part of2012.

November - Chapter Meeting Highlights

Bob Bowers and Joanne Allison presented theslate of officers for 2012. The slate is president - CeceliaBrown, vice-president- Julie Miller, treasurer- LavinaBoesling, corresponding secretary- Dianne Kline, record-ing secretary- Mary Williams, Trustees - Gladys Donson,Rich Rosevink and Dave Bennett. (Dave was nominatedsubject to his giving permission.) Seeing that there wereno nominations from the floor, the slate was acceptedby the membership.

Bob Bowers made a motion that Diane Evans,Carol Ehlinger, and Gladys Donson serve on the Audit-ing Committee. Mary Scranton seconded the motionwhich carried.

Following the business meeting, Mark Middletonpresented a program on digital archiving-- best practicesfor saving your information. He pointed out the neces-sity for digital archiving, the benefits, the materials andequipment needed, and the best procedures to use.

Some of his recommendations were to scan atleast at 600 dpi, create tiff images-- unless memory islimited, use DVD+R disks of the best quality for re-cording images,. For genealogy files, he felt it impor-tant to keep updated programs and to use Gedcoms fortransferring items.

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100th OVI 5414th OVI 2321st OVI 2538th OVI 3668thOVI 52Adair William C. 24Adams Caleb 38Adams Demas 6Adams Jacob 12Adams Julia 5Adams Lorenzo 12Adams Samuel R. 53Adams William H. 38Adnrews James K. 12Ainsworth John M. 8Airgood Family 26Aldinger Frederick 52Alexander Isiah F. 24Alexander J. S. 5Alford S. L. 28Allegar Levi A. 52Allen Horace 5Allen James 24Allen Wm. 5Allison George 12Amidon Henry 25Andreas Jacob 5Andrews James J. 11Andrews James K. 38Andrews John R. 28Andrew's Raiders 11Ankney Joseph 52Ankney Michael 52Appleseed Johnny 21,23Aquire George T. 14Arbbert Augusta C. 54Armstrong Geo. 5Arnold H. 39Arnst J. 39Arrants James P. 25Arrants John P. 29,41Arrants John P. 23Arrowsmith J. C. 5Arrowsmith M. A. 5Aschbacher Family 26Ash Joseph S. 12Ashton Michael S. 12Ashton William W. .38Aubergerm M. 37Babbitt Dwight S. 12Babcock John A. 36Bable Christopher 52Bable James 12Bacon J. M. 12Bailey Charles 52Bailey Clark 24Bailey George 52Baird Darius 3,25,37Baker A. 5Baker Ellen M. 42Baker J. D. 42Baldwin Byron C. 55Baldwin Joshua 45Baldwin Lidia 45Balking Robert 38Ball Elizabeth 7Ball George 5Balliet Family 26Bamler Charles 39

Banks C. 7Baringer John 54Barnes Franklin 25Barnum Jedthan 23Barnum John 28Battershell Joseph 25Bauer Jos. 7Bauer Jacob 28Bauer Minnie A. 43Baughman John A. 12Baumann John 8Baumgardt Bertha 43Beals E. J. 37Beals L. N. 37Bean John T. 52Beard Daniel 24Beardsley L. E. 12Bechbill Henry 35Bechtolt John 8,24Beerbower A. J. 38Beerbower Joseph 25Beerby Freeman E. 52Behrens Henry 28Bell A. 39Bell D. M. 39Bell Demetrius L.24,39Bell Henry D. 23Bell M. A. 12Benner George W. 8Benner J. M. 13Benner Jacob 25Benner Jesse M. 38Benner W. T., Lt. 13Bennett Family 26Bennett A. 5Bennett Aaron 8Bennett Dave 3,21,35,51Bennett R. 5Bennett Simpson 38Bennett William T. 24Bensinger William 24Bentley Martin 52Bercaw William 6Berry Chester D. 49Berry J. W. 38Berry Jason 33Berry John 25Berryhill John 52Betts Albert H. 13Bevington John H. 8Biederstadt Chas. 28Biederstadt Henry 28Bigelow Edward Alpheus 53Biglow S. S. 6Billingsly Chad 33Bishop Daniel 23,38Bishop William 7,25,54Bissell H. C. 5Bixby Charles W. 41Bixby Jonas 23Bixby Jonas E. 52Black Charles 24Black George 24,28Black Luther 13Blacker John 28Blair George 39Blair Jos. 5Bleeks Hiram 28Blinn Leoanard B.55

Block Frank 13Block Franklin J. 24Block GeorgeH. 23Blodgett Samuel W. 44Blue George W. 8Blue George W. C. 25Blue James U. 42,54Blue Lewis D. 13Blue Family 26Bodes Family 26Bodiker Daniel 15Bodiker Emma Jean15Bodiker Susan Kiser15Boggs Mrs. Captain51Bohn George F. 52Bolander John A. 52Bolander John E. 25Bond Frank 6Bondee Benjamin C.25Bookwalter John F. 54Booth E. & H. 4Bordern Family 26Bostater A. J. 37Boston Jacob 52Botemiller Samuel 25Bottenberger Norrell 5Boucher Willliam 335Boutell Emma L. 7Bouter Isaac 50Bouter Joseph 50Bouton H. C. 5Bouton Henry C. 36Bouton Juliette 5Bouyer Charles Grant5 0Bouyer Donald Irwin 50Bouyer Henry John 50Bouyer Jane Seymore 50Bouyer Joseph Moris 50Bouyer Jospeh Loren 50Bouyer Lucinda Ann 50Bouyer Margaret Ethel50Bouyer Rebecca 50Bouyer Samuel G. 50Bouyer Sarah 50Bouyer William Millford50Bowker John 42Bowker Lemira A. 42Bowman Isaac T. 6,8Bowyers Family 26Boyes William 37Brace John B. 38Brace William 38Brandt Eugene 39Brannan Thomas 39Braucher Alphonzo L. 29,38,40Braucher Benjamin F. 38Braucher Frank 42Braucher Isaac 40,42Brechbill A. T. 13,54Breece Job 8Breece John 7Breece Tobias C. 28BreidenbaughF. G. 39BreidenbaughH. 13BreidenbaughWilliam H. 54Breininger John M. 7Breitigan Family 27Brendle Joseph E. 24Brewster Lewis E. 25Brininger John 28Britten John H. 38Britton Alexander R.23,52Britton F. 38Britton Finlay 25Britton James M. 54

Index to all four issues of Yesteryears’ Trails - 2011Bronson Levi 25Brookens Family 26Brooks John 5Brown E. M. 25Brown Edward M. 25Brown Frank G. 25Brown Jereimiah 24Brown Joseph 13,52Brown Mary Ann 45Brown William 52,54Brown Wm. A. 6Brown E. M. 38Brown Family 26Bruner Daniel 28Brunner Tanya 12Buchholz Johann G. 26Buchman Randal 23Buckmaster David 23,38,52Buckmaster Nicholas 24,52Buckmaster William 52Buffington J. P. 7Buffum Robert Allen 24Burger Charles 39Burke Michelle 33Burkhart Family 26Burkholder Jno. 5Burlew John M. 24Burnett Avery 54Burns Charles 38Burns Francis M. 23,54Burns William M. 23Burris Margaret J. 45Burrows Charles Westlake 45Burrows Sara A. 45Burt Adin 23Burton James 25Butler David 25Butler George W. 13Butler John 13,39Byer Simon 5Byers E. M. 39Byers Rudisill 8Cain John 24Callender Captain Sol.7Callender Solomon 29,42Cameron Jno 41Cameron John S. 38Cameron William W. 37,41Campbell David 38Campbell Michael W. 24Campbell Wesley 38Carl Michael 24Carlisle I A. 7Carpenter Geo. T. 6Carpenter J. H., Rev. 6Carpenter John 6,8Carpenter Lyman A. 13Carpenter Thos. H. 6Carpenter William 8Carpenter William E. 39Carpenter Family 6Carroll Michael 39Carroll Thomas R. 13Carter Family 49Cary Edwin H. 39Casey George 7Casselman Oliver 54Cassidy Robert, Sr. 26Castor Paul 7Caulkins D. 5Cavanaugh Family 26Cechtel G. W. 7Cechtolt John 7Champion Sarah Ann 44Champion William 44

Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 59

Chapman E. S. 7Charl Michael 39Chase Charles Gardiner 26Cheney S. F. 25Cheney Samuel F. 25Cheney William 54Choate William A. 36Christy Robert 6Churchman Elias 38Churchman Thomas 6Clark Aaron 54Clark Addison S. 56Clark E.D. 6Clark Lem. T. 27Clark William A. 38Clarke Aaron 23Clear Zadok 28Cleland John W. 6Clemmer Eliz. 5Clemmer George 54Clemmer Washington 25Cline John 28Cline Thos. 28Clinker S., Est. 5Clum Emma Jane15Clum John 15Coleman Hiram D. 38Coleman William J. 39Collamore George A. 55Collins Elijah 24Colman Lewis 23Colwell John 52Colwell Orlando 13,24,38Conkle John 8Conkle John H. 28Conkle Peter 8Conley Chas. 5Conn John 5Connelly Thomas 28Conrad Aquilla 39Conrad Cornelius 39Conrad Frederick 13Conrad Wooly 5Coom John 52Corbin James 13Coressel Family 28Coressel Peter 26,28Corey Asa 38Corey Isaac 38Cornwell Charles W. 38Corwin Benjamin 24Corwin Isaac 7Corwin Family 26Cory Amos H. 25Cory Asa H. 25Cory Myron L. 25Corzillius Peter 38Cosgo James F. 53Cosgrave Robert 39Cosgrave William R. 24Cotteral James 52Coulter W. M. 5Countryman C. 5Cowan Thomas T. 8,52Cox Josiah B. 25Coy A. 5Coy Family 26Craft Jacob 35Cram John R. 54Cramer E. & H. 5Crandall James F. 13Crane Charles 13Crary Ezekial 29Crawford Edward H. 25Crawford George 25

Crawford Jerry 25Crawford Sarah 26Crick David 24Cripps Benjamin 39Crist John N. 24Critchfield David K. 25Critchfield L. R. 54Critchfield Lyman R. 25Critton Finlay 5Cronk Billings O. P.25Crossland Leonidas N.25Crossland Family 26Crowell G. 38Crunkilton A. B. 8Cuck Franklin 24Cuddy John 52Curns Family 26Curren Michael 26Curtis Solomon H. 24Curtiss Horatio 22Cutter Levi 25Daggett William K. 41Dahm Anna 26Dahm Christ 26Danaldson Jacob C. 37Dannenberg F. W. 5Dart Family 26Daust R. M. 5Davidson John M. 13Davis Baraham B.13Davis Charles H. 25Davis G. W.Davis HIram 52Davis John 54Davis John W. 24Davis Sarah Elizabeth 45Davis William 8,24Davis Family 26Davison B. W. 5Davison David H. 25Davison John H. 25Davison L. 5Davison Wild Bill 33Dawson Ira 38Deamer G. (Soloman)13Deamer Solomon 24Deatrick G. W. 7Deatrick George W. 13Deatrick Hattie 27Deatrick J.F. 5Deatrick Lotte 27Deerwester Francis M. 52Defiance Female Seminary5Defiance Library Association 7Defosse John 38Degginger Louis 7Dehoff Geo. 28Deindorfer John, Rev. 27Deitrick Levi 38Dekay Family 26Demland William 24Derby Eratus H. 52Derby Lewis P. 52Deselms Albert 25Deshler D. W. 5Detter Ephraim 54Detzer A., Rev. 7Devers Family 26Dewell Wesley 28Dey S. Cal. 8Dickey Family 26Dickman Peter 13Dickman Family 26Dicus George H. 13Diehl Ann 5

Diehl Christian 13Diehl Nancy J. 7Diehl Noah 7Dietch J. H. 5Dietsch Henry 28Dillon James 38Dillon John 23,38Dillon John 38Dils A. J. 8Dils William H. 6Dixon Aaron 24,38Dixon Juniatta 6Dodson Mary 26Doenges Family 26Donafin Isaac 25,38Donaldson Samuel 37Donley Sylvester 25Donley William 39Donson Gladys 19Dorider H. 5Doty John W. 25Doty Lyman 26Doud Albert 28Doud Albert L. 25Doud Edward 39Doud Frank 6Doud William H. 39Douglas Leroy 28Dowe John 28Dowell Jacob 38Dowell Jacob W. 25Dresser Joel 41Dubbs Lewis 54Duck Franklin 13,54Duck George 7Duerk Alene 33Duffield William 25,38Dull John 38Dunbar A. M. 7Dunlap Daniel 54Dunlap Henry 54Dunn Edward 7Dunn Resolvo 38Durham Oliver 36Durr Lois 50Dush Elza 24Dush J. 42Duvall Daniel 38Dyerman Orlando 13Earegood Family 26Easley Samuel, Dr. 13Easton Nathaniel 22Ebright William 13Eck John 28Eckard Mich. 5Ecker J. F. 5Eckles James S. 24Edgerton A. P. 7Edwards Martin 38Edwards William 39EdwardsFamily 26Elling Peter 28Elliot Albert H. 13Elliot John 5Elliot Matthew 13Elliot Simon 5Elliott Hugh Clark 15Elliott J. N. 38Elliott James 39Elliott Jas. 28Elliott John B. 28Elliott John Jefferson 15Elliott Mathew 39

Elliott Myrtle Mae 15Ellis William 39Elton Israel 24Endsley Family 26English Hopkins 6Enos Lewis E. 42Enos W. E. 42Ensign H. A. 5Eolwell Edward 38Erlston Jas. 5Erlston John 38Estell Albert A. 54Etchin John B. 52Evans Ben 21Evans Edwin J. 54Evans James 25Evans John 41Evans John E. 37Evans Mary Ann 40Evans Montgomery21Evans Pierce 20,40Evans William Rush 41Everhart Elizabeth Ann 26Ewers Clarkson 28Ewers Jesse 5Ewing Wm. 5Fager Henry F. 13Fahey Luke 38Fansler D. N. 8Farlee Hiram 24Farnsworth A. 7Feasel Alex. 6Feeney Family 26Fellnagle Joseph 25Ferguson Henry H. 52Ferris Lewis 39Ferry Freeman 38Ferry George 25,38Fidler Edward 48Fidley Jeremiah 28Fields Anson 25,38Fields Joseph 28Figley Frances Martha 45Figley Scott Simon45Figley Simon W. 54Finch Abraham 28Finn J. J. 8Fisher Benton 25Fisher J. O. 13Fisher Simon W. 25Fitzcharles Jacob 28Fleming Bailey 23Fleming James A. 54Flesher W.K. 5Fligle S. S. 38Fligle Simon 25Flory Family 26Foot John 29Force Henry 52Forest Joseph H. 24Forlan William 25Forlow William 25Fornay John D. 52Forney Cath. 5Forrest Johathan 42Forsyth George Duncan 55Fose Henry 25Fose Owen 25Foss Henry 13Foster Hugh 5,38Foster Owen 25Foster William 5Fourney Joseph 28

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Foust Peter 25Fout George Washington 45Fout Georgia 45Fout Lewis 45Frager J. J. 6Fraker Family 26Francis Allen 33Franklin Michael 24Frasure Jas. 5Frease Henry 5Fredericks Edward 52Fredericks Peter 41Freedline William 25French B. W. 7Fritsch Henry 28Fronk Alfred 28Fry Lewis E. 28Fuller Bishop E. 38Fulmer John 54Fulton Jas. C. 5Gachel Fred. 8Gallager John F. 25Gares Charles 8Gares Peter 8Garlinger T. L. 5Garman Jacob 7Garrett Hugh 5Garver Isaac 6,8,28Gatlin W. J. 13Gavel Jesse O. G. 24Geiselman John 54Geitgey Family 26Genrich Henry 38Genrick Haney 24Gibbons R. J. 5Gibbons Randolph J.28Gibbs Benjamin F. 24Gibson John 25Gier Henry 8Gilbert George 25Gilbert Henry 25Gillespie Thomas 7Gillett Miles 28Gils Jacob 24Gilts Abraham 24Gilts Daniel 24Gilts Jacob 24Gilts Peter 13,52Gingery Henry 25Gingery Pegleg L. 25Ginrich Henry A. 13Ginrivch Henry 24Ginter Horace 25Ginther Geo. 28Gleason David A. 24Gleason Edward H. 8Gleason Erastus 24Gleason Jerome D. 37Godfrey Charles 25Good G. W. 8Good George 52Goodenough William E. 25Goodspeed Elijah E. 38Gorgas Hannah A. 7Gorman B. F. 5Gorman M. B. 13Gorman Martin 40Gorman Michael 28Gorman Sophia 40Goshorn J. S. 5Goshven John W. S. 52Graf Joseph 28Graham Christian M.23

Graham Jas. 28Graham William 23,24Graman Samuel 28Granstaff Alexander R.54Grant Family 26Graper F. W. 7,8Graper J. D. 28Grear Samuel E. 25Green Rich 5Green Family 26Greene J. J. 7Greene Phoebe 41,42Greenlee Sade 6Greenwood Charles 36Greer James P. 35Gregg Alfred 24Grier Jacob 28Grines M. J. 37Grogg Nathaniel 38Grogg Nelson D. 13,39Groman Patrick William 40GrosenbackerFred 13Grove Family 26Guiott Cath. 5Gunsaullus Daniel 39Hagan William M. 23Hahn Philip 13,24Hale G. I. 13Hall Adam 13Hall Edwin J. 13Hall George 38,54Hall Jacob C. 38Hall Jacob G. 24Hall Jeremiah 23,38Hall Solomon 24Hall William 13,24Hall William C. 38Haller Adam 6Haller George C. 8Haller Joseph S. 8Haller Wm. 5Halm (Kalm) John K. 56Halstentall Martin 52Haly James G. 53Hammerschmidt Family 26Hammon Family 26Hammond August 7Hammond Henry L. 56Hanna Daniel 38Hanna Geo. 28Hannah Daniel 40Hannick Jacob 28Hannum Robert B. 37Hanover Alexander 38Hanville Mary Ester 45Hardesty I. E. 13Hardy Andrew 45Hardy Elizabeth 42Hardy Henry 7,42Hardy Marietta 45Hardy Rosella 26Hargrave S. 5Harman John C. 52Harman John M. 52Harmening J. F. 13Harper David 54Harper Joshua 24Harris Chauncey 24Harris Oliver 42Harris Weeden H. 24Harrod Family 26Hartle John E. 8Hartshorn Ellen 5

Hatery A. 8Hatfield James 13Hatfield Julia 45Hatfield & Lochleicer 5Haver James 24Haver John 24Haver Moses H. 25Haves James H. 24Hawk Hiram 13Hayes Edwin L. 55Hayes Orlin S. 56Haymaker Frederick 28Haymaker William D. 2329,41Heacock L. 7Headley R. 38Headley Reuben 25Heath Uriah, Rev. 41Heatley James B. 8Hecht Chas. 28Hederick George 15Hedrick Frances Sarah 15Hedrick Karen Elaine15Hedrick Robert Allen 15Hedrick William 15Hedrick William Oliver 15Heffel Edward 28Heilshorn Family 26Heim John 38Heimbach Susanna 44Heineman Augusta C. 52Helm Frederick 25Helmick Frederick 40Helpman P. E. 13Heminger Levi 25Hendal G. K. 5Hendershot B. F. 28Henderson Charles H. 38Henderson James W. 38Henrick Brazilla 35Henry Alfred 38Henry Dwight 28Henry John 28Henry W. J. 38Henry William 25Herman A. 5Hershnerger William 24Hess John 13,38Hickey George F. 13Hicks H. W. 5Hicks Henry W. 7Hide Reuben C. 25Higgins William 7Highby Abraham 28Hilbert William 54Hildreth Family 26Hill G. W. 42Hill George 54Hill H. J. 8Hill Harvey 35Hill Harvey J. 52Hill John 38Hill John E. 29,42Hill Philander 38Hill Sarah Ann 42Hill W. L. 8Hill William S. 13Hilton Brice 6Hilton Joseph 28Hilton Walter 13Himes Samuel 54Hines John 5Hissong Lyman J. 54Hitchcock Matthias 26Hively Jacob 5Hively Mich. 5

Hockman Harmon 40Hockman Family 26Hoeffel Rev. 6Hoeffel Family 26Hoeltzel Frederick 40Hoeltzel Frederick W. 24,39Hoeltzel Philip 35Hohenberger Margarita 26Hohenberger Michael 26Holden Pearson B., Rev. 6Holgate William C. 5,23Holibert Ransom P. 38Hollibaugh David 40Hollinger Wm. G. 28Hollinshead Jeremiah 53Holtzel Jacob 24Hooker Geo R. 28Hooker George 13Hooper Samuel 52Hoover Kate 27Hopkins Aaron 54Hopkins Appleton 25Hopkins Darius 28Hopkins George 25Hopkins George G. 39Hopkins Hiram 54Hopkins L. T. 38Hoplins Lucius 25Horgrave Frederick 28Horn Moses 5Hornish Eva 26Hornish John 26Hornish Sam, Jr. 33Hosack Uriah W. 54Hosack Family 26Hosfield Henry O. 26Hosfield Mary V. 26Hostettler John 45Hostettler Joseph B. 45Hostettler Julie Lynne 45Hostettler Richard Julian 45Houck B. F. 5Houck Mich. 5Houck Michael 13Houston Hugh 52Houton H. C. 5Houtz John B. 13,25,54Howard Daniel 52Hoy David 24,52Hoy James 24Hoyt William 35Hubbard Family 49Hudson A., Jr. 6Hudson Rolla C. 38Hudson Family 26Huff Ellen M. 43Huff Harlow H. 43Huff James R. 43Huff Peter 5Huffman Peter 25Hufford Wilson S. 54Hughes Andre 5,7Hughes Celinda J. 6Hughes J. R. 5Hughes John W. 13Hughes Samuel 21,29Hughes William H. 38Hughes William Henry 26Hulett Edward 54Hull Noah 38Hull Samuel 25Hummel Paul 28Hunt John E., Gen. 27Hunt Thomas, Col. 27Hunt William W. 56

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Hurd Henry H. 38Hursh Jacob 28Hutchens Family 26Hutchinson Jas. O. 28Hutchinson L. R. 25Hutchinson Leander R. 25Hutchinson Robert 38Hutchinson Robert Allen 25Hutchinson Samuel 25Hutchinson & Clemens 5Hutton Family 26Huycke H. 38Ice Adnrew J. 52Ice Isaac 52Ice Minor 52Ifer William 8Ilif f J. C. 5Irving William 38Irving William J. 23Jackman John B. 52Jackson Family 26Jacobs Thomas R. 25James William 56Janes G. W. 40Janes Rhoda 5Janson David 44Jaynes Eber 52Jaynes Levi A. 52Jaynes Lewis 52Jeneson S. E. 7Joenjes (Tonjes)Heirich Johannes 27Johnson Asa 54Johnson Christina 44Johnson John M. 40Johnson Myron 54Johnson Robert 55Johnson Samuel, Dr. 8Johnson Wesley 25Jones Oliver L. 52Jones Paul 40Jones William 28Justice Mich. 5Justice Samuel 25Justice Wm. G. 28Kahlo Charles 23Kahlo Francis 38Kahlo Frank 5Kampe Greg 33Kane John J. 40Karnes Elijah 23,29,42Karr T. L. 13Karst J. 7Karst Jacob 8,42Kaster Eli 38Kauffman Emanuel 56Kauffman J. K. 38Kaufman John 25Kaufmann William 25Kayton John 38Kead John 40Kearney Patrick 40Keating John 38Keazer Alden 23Keazor Geo. 28Keefer Dewalt 25Keesbury James 25Kehnast August 13Kehnast W. A. 13Keiser (Kiser) A. J. 13Keller David 28Keller Henry 28Keller John 5Kelley Patrick 28Kellogg John P. 25Kelly James 52

Kelly Martha 5Kelly Nancy 44Kelly Wm. 5Kelsey Ira M. 54Kendig Columbus 52Keselmyer Charles H. 52Kesler Elijah E. 52Kesler John 38Kesselmeyer August 13Kesselmeyer Charles 13Kettenring Peter 7,27Kezor Samuel L 24Kibble Caroline 5Kibble Joseph 40Kibble Robert 40Kibble W. C. 5Kile (Kyle) Cornelius 25Kile (Kyle) Josiah 25Killinger Family 27Killion Jacob 52Killion John 13,52Kimberly David 38Kimberly James 38Kimberly William 38Kimble Henry 38Kimmel Rinaldo 25King A. W. 13King Albert 54King Albert W. 49King Hulda Emilie49King Prettyman 8Kinmont Thomas, Dr. 20Kinmount Charles 25Kinmount Thomas C. 25Kinsig Henry 5Kintigh E H. 37Kintigh Isaac E. 40Kintigh T. H. 37Kintigh W. F. 5Kintner Geo. 28Kintner John 6Kintner Mich. 5Kintner Samuel N. 28Kintner Seth 28Kissler Jas. 28Klammer Frederick 52Kleinhenn William P. 52Kline Dianne ,20,48Klingshirn Family 26Kloper S. W. 28Klutz Christian 52Knapp Eli 24Knight Emma L. 11Knight Jacob 11Knight James 25Knight William 25Knight William J. 24Knight William James 11Knisley Jno. 6Knisley Michael 28Kniss Benjamin F. 38Kniss Geo. 5Kniss George W. 53Knowmiller Ludwig 38Koch Adam 24Koch Tillman 13Kochel Henry 42Kochel Samuel 40Kohlman Adloph 42Kohlman & Bauer 7Koons F. A. 6Koons Jared I. 28Koons Peter 28Kraft Harvey 6Kraft Jacob 5,6

Kraft John 25Kraft John H. 52Kraft Oliver I. 24Kraft William A. 52Krause Theodore 13Krochel James 24Krontz Jacob 13Krookton Peter 28Krotz Charles, Sr. 26Krouse Frederick 28Krow John F. 28Kuhl Henry 8Kuhn Christopher 26Kuhn Family 26Kyle James 38Kyle Robert 38Kyle Samuel 54La Flame Alta May 44La Flame Charles Frank 44LaFountain Family 26Lamb Adam 5,28lambert Valmore 54Lance William W. 13Langdon Addie 27Langley James C. 38Langley Jonas 38Lary Michael 52Laser George W. 39Lawrence A. 8Lawrence James 40Lawrence William 40Lazenby David W. 38Lazenby Henry 23Leever Family 26Lehman Addie 27Lehman H. B. 28Lehman Jacob B. 28Lehmer Family 26Lemon Family 26Lenhart Wm. H. 13Lesh Andrew 28Lett Jas. 28Lett Family 49Lewis Charles J. 54Lewis Edmund N. 13Lewis John 52Lewis John W. 38Lewis Jonathan 13,52Lewis William 38Lichty H. Allen 37Lilley George W. 13Limenstall Samuel 38Lindau August 28Lindenberger E. F. 6Lindenberger Edward F. 41Lindenberger Mary M. 41Link Gallus 26Link Henry 13Link Josephone 26Link Family 26Lipe Sebastion 7Lipp Family 26Lisetor William R. 25Livingston Reazon C. 24Logan Samuel 54Logan Washington 25Long Andrew 54Long Daisy Desile44Long Geo. 5Long George Henry 44Long James H. 54Long John 24Long John Thomas44

Long Willis Napoleon 44Lord Banjamin F. 25Louders George 28Lowe F. A. B. 13Lowery C. R. 40Lowery Henry 25Lowery Sarah Ellen 45Luce William 24,25Lueders Julius 28,41Luke Daniel 56Luke Samuel 56Mackey Eve 15Mallett E. R. 13Mallory Alvah 24Mannerla Jacob 38Mansfield Harvey J. 54Mansfield Job 54Mansfield John Simeon52Mansfield S. B. 35Mansfield W. R. 8Mansfield William 35Mansfield William R. 6Mansfield Family 26Manz Godfrey 28Mapes William 38Mara William 8Marcellius William 13,25,38March Fred 13March Frederick 13March Frederick W. 13Marckel Charles Orville 45Marckel Daniel Boone 45Marckel Eli 26,40Marckel Iris Arlene 45Marfillius James 24Marihugh Amos 42Marihugh E. & H. 5Marquartson Jacob 8Marshall Samuel 25Martilius Charles 39Martin Family William 26,29Mash Peter 5Mason Benton 25Mason Elihu H. 24Mass Anna 15Masters Aquilla 23,24Masters Daniel 44Masters Francis M. 37Masters Susannah 44Mathias Family 26Mattern Benjamin F. 37Matthew Family 26Mattox Isaac 28Maxwell W. R. 7May Harrison T. 13McAnnally J. D. 6McCarthy Todd 52McCauley Philip 7McCellips James 13McColley John L. 55McCollister Jacob 5McCollister John 13McConkey Alexander R.25McConkey Andrew 25McConkey C. R. 38McConkey Charles 25McCullough James 52McElroy Josiah M. 13McFeeters James 5,40McFeeters William 25McGafflick Robert 38McGrafflick Robert Allen 24McGuire Cornelius 13

McGuire Philip 40McGusher Thos. 28McHugh Charles 40McHugh Edward 38McKillips Joseph 40,52McMamany Grizzilda 44McMillen Prosser D. 13McQuilkin Robert 36McVickers Edward 40Meek Enoch 54Meek Hiram 6Meek Robt. 5Meek W. C. 5Meek Washington 38Meeks Hiram 29,42Meier Deitrich 7Mellen Joshua E. 25Mensch Elizabeth 44Menzel Adam 23Mercer John 25,38Merchant E. 6Meredith A. 5Merrihugh John 25Meschter George 44Mesoll Peter 38Messman Ferdinand 24,38Metcalf A. 39Metz Edmond 24,38Meyers Gilbert L. 53Micahel Benjamin Edley 45Michael Clark 45Michael Ethel Elizabeth 45Michaelson Levi 23Middleton Mark R. 57Miller A. W. 38Miller Abraham 28Miller Anthony 25,26Miller Anthony 26Miller Benjamin 26,27Miller Don 33Miller Elias 8,51Miller Elizabeth 42Miller Emanuel 40Miller F. R. 40Miller George E., Major 53Miller Henry 24,38Miller Henry F. 13Miller Isaac N. 54Miller Jacob 28,52Miller James M. 25Miller John 5,26,42Miller John J. 38Miller John L. 52Miller Johnson 24,51Miller Levi A. 54Miller Lewis E. 38Miller Martin 54Miller Peter 52Miller Philip 40Miller Susanna 26Miller William 54Miller Joachim, Captian 8Millhouse Davidson 24Mills Eli 41Minsel A. J. 8Minsel Adam 13Minsel George 40Minsel John E. 26Minsel Peter 13Minsel Andrew J. 13Mith Geo. 28Moats Homer W. 39,42Moats Virgil H. 39,42

Moats William 8Moats William W. 24Moch Isaac N. 28Mock Levi 6,7Mohr John H. 13Moll John 24Mollencup George 14Montrose Carol 19Moog Peter 24,52Moon Jacob 5Moon Eugene J. 28Moon Isiah 28Mooney Patrick H. 53Moore Henry 25,38Moore James P. 38Moore Jno. A. 6Moorre Jacob 28Morgan L. G., Commander 51Morris William 54Morrison George 40Morse Charles W. 38Morse Horace M. 38Motter Rodolph 6,28Mulligan Benj. B. 21Mullinick Joshua 25Mullinick Thomas 25Mulnix Gideon 54Mumford Family 49Mun Martin L. 6Munn Andrew J. 55Munn Geo. H. 28Murphy E. 5Murphy Emanuel 28Murphy George 24Murphy Joseph 24Murray John B. 37Musser Eve 34Musser Shannon 25Musser Wilson 25Musser Family 26Myers Benj. 5Myers Benjamin F. 38Myers C. F. 5Myers J. W. 14Myers James 40Myers John 5,14Myers John W. 54Myers L. E. 7Myers Thomas M. L. 14Myers Family 27Nagle Christopher 40Narkley Aaron 28Navarre Robert C. 56Nedry John F. 14Nehmer Jno. 5Neiderhauser H. 14Neil Family 49Neill Lewis 8,14Newbegin H. 5Newbegin Henry 7Newell J. S. 7Newell John S. 6Nicely Wm. G. 28Niese Jon 33Nils William H. 8Noffsinger J. 5Noffsinger Samuel 24Nolan Francis 38Nolan J. 40Nollan Francis 28Norrick Emanuel 5Norris J. G. 25Nutter T. S. 5

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Obee John 54Oberlin Maria C. 3O'Callagan Barney 25O'Callagan Bernard 24Oden Charles 23Oden James 24O'Herne Jas. 28Ohglinger George 54Oldfield Emma L. 11Oldfield James R. 14Openlander John G. 28O'Rourk Thomas 40Osborn Emeline 45Osborn J. J. 14Osborn Peter 14Osborn Ransom P. 24,36,38Otis William 42Ott George 42Ott Jacob C. 38Ottley Hattie 41Overly George 7Palmer Charles P. 25Palmer Emory E. 6Palmer J. W. S. 14Palmer J.., Est. 5Palmer Thomas 25,52Palmer William 8,52Palmer William H. 24Parker Minnie R. 43Parker William J. 43Parrish Family 26Parry Nicholas 24Partee Enos M. 52Partee Geo. 28Partee Jas. A. 28Partee John E. 40Partee Joseph 40Partee Obadiah W. 40Partee ? 14Partee George 24Partee John B. 24Partee Lavara 24Partee O. W. 14Patterson Russell 32Paul John, Jr. 25Peachen Amos 38Peachin Amiel 24Peachin Napoleon 24Peffley Mary Francis6Penee Jacob 5Penshen Rebecca 5Percy Christopher 38Percy Conrad 38Percy Frederick 38Perkey Martin L. 14Perry W. E. 51Perry Jas. 5Peters Galen 52Peterson Thomas 54Petteperry Edward 52Phelps Adelaide 41Phelps Edward Herrick 38Phelps Edwin H. 36Phelps Edwin J. 22Phelps Emma 41Phelps Ida 41Phiester Conrad 14Phillips J. W. 7Pitts Dennis L. 40Platter John 6Platter William 42Plummer Alfred 36Poe Hiram H. 54Pollock John W. 36Pollock Robert 24,28

Poorman Jacob 52Poorman John 24Porter John R. 24Porter L. H. 8Potivin J. L. 5Potterf Emanuel 24Potterf Samuel 28Powell William C. 25Powell Creek 35Powell Family 26Powers John 28Powers S. C. 5Prentice Family 26Preston William 6Preuser Henry 28Prickett Joab C. 52Priest Samuel 38Prowant John W. 52Prowant Family 26Rage Mark R. 54Ralston Jos. 5Ralston Joseph 7Ralston William H. 25Randall Alex. 5Randall Alexander R.28Randall Henry R. 24Randall Hnery B. 24Randall Isaac 40,52Randolph James C. 14Raney George 52Raney Family 26Ranles William 25Rannell Elizabeth 6Rasor Abraham 8Rath Geo. 28Rath John P., Capt. 24Rath Joseph 25,39Rath Michael 24Rath Michal 14Rath Philip 24Reaser James B. 52Reed S. B. 28Rees Morgan 24Rehm Henry 52Rehmer Wilhelmina 7Reibel Anna 43Reinke Chad 33Reiser Family 26Reisz Jacob 26Relyea Joseph 38Renchler S. 5Renollet L. D. 14Renollet Family 26Renton David 38Renton William 38Repogle J. N. 14Repp James 14Retherford Eliz. 5Reynolds Andrew C. 28Rhamy John 8Rhineheart John 40Rhodes E. P. 14Rice Olney 50Rice Family 27Richards James M. 25Richards Joseph 52Richardson Elizabeth Ann 15Richardson John E. 39Richardson L. W. 14Richholt John Martin49Ricka Henry 38Ridenour George 6Ridenour Isaac 25Ridenour Family 26Rider Rudy 40

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Rife Lewis P. 14Rigg John 26Rigg Family 26Rinebolt Henry 36Ripley John 52Roan Henry 28Roan Mary Catherine 44Roan Phillip 44Roan William 44Robbins Nicholas A. 25Roberts George P. 14Roberts Philip 39Robertson J. P. 5Robinson Coe G. 14Robinson Ebenezer 26Robinson Jacob 14Robinson Luther H. 25,52Rocholt John M. 14Roehrs Wm. 14Roever John 38Rogers Alex. 5Rogers Geo. P. 5Rogers William N. 23Rohn John 44Root Edmund N. 24Root Shandy H. 24Rosevink Richard 2,3,19Rost S. H. 5Rothenberger Henry 14Rough Milton 28Rourke Michael 8Roush Andrew 52Roush S. F. 40Rowe Adam 8Rowles William N. 25Royce C. V. 5Royer Family 26Ruble Alma 44Rudisill Lee H. 37Ruhl Rosie 41Runyan William 25Rupp Johannes 26Russell Chas. 28Russell Houston 8Russell Jasper J. 38Russell William 38Russell William W. 39Ryan Terry "Tuff" 33Ryan Thomas 5Ryder Emanuel 5Sager Lyman S. 24Sailor Cath. 5Salzman John 25Sanders James 40Sanders John W. 28Sanders Robert 40Sanford A. J. 14Sanford Andrew J. 52Sanford John M. 35Saunders Josephus 25Schamp Emmanuel 25Scheuerman John 14Schiess John 42Schiess Maria Elizabeth 42Schlatter Warren 19Schleret Michael 6Schletter Jacob 28Schliesser Family 26Schmick Henry 38Schmidt Andrew 40Schmidt Christ Henry15Schmidt Eleanor Elizabeth 15Schmidt Henry 15Schmidt Jacob 54Schmidt John Louis 15

Schoepfle C. H. 14Schreer Mary 26Schubert Ella Anna 15Schubert Gustav Michael 15Schubert John 15Schultz Eliz. 5Schultz John C. 8Schultz Michael 8Schultz W. F. 14Schwab Matthias 25Schwartz Louis 24Schwindl Andrew 43Schwindl William G. 43Schwope Phillip 38Scott Isaac 40Scott J. L. 7Scott John M. 24Scott Joseph W. 38Scott Mat B. 25Scott Resin 40Scott Robert K., Colonel 52Scott Family 49Season John 38Seiple S. P. 6Seiver Cornelius 52Sessions H. C. 5Seward Family 26Sewell J. M. 6Sewell James Madison 42Sewell John M. 42Sewell Joseph 8,28Sewell N. G. 8Sewell Nancy Jane42Shafer Family 26Shaffer Orefon 52Shannon John A. 55Shannon Family 26Sharey Jas. 28Sharp Family 26Shartzbeck Christian 28Shasteen J. M. 8Shasteen Jas. 6Shasteen Lewis 38Shasteen Uriah W. 54Shasteen Wm. 6Shatto William A. 25Shaw Harrison 8Shawl George 8Sheeler William 24Sheets Albert 28Sheffield John A. 14Sheldon George T. 25Shellenberger Jacob M. 27Shellenberger Matthias 27Shellenberger Will 27Shellinberger George 40Shepard Webster C. 53Sherwood Isaac, General 51Shiels Wentlin 40Shindler Anthony 24ShingledeckerBruce 33Shirley William J. 25Shock Levi 27Shock Susanna 27Shock Family 26Shoemaker David 52Shoemaker Enoch 52Shoemaker George H. 56Shoemaker Henry 52,54Shofferd Nelson D. 14Shook Simon P. 28Shorb John 27Shortwill Thomas A. 54Shoup David 38Shoup Levi 38

Shreve Family 26Shubert Andrew S. 38Shultz F. W. 54Shultz Joseph 23,38Shunter Samuel 37Sieren Peter 24Simmons Anna 5Simonis Louis 23Simpson Samuel, Dr. 7Sims Christian 6Sinclair M. A. 5Singles Samuel, Dr. 14Sink Cornelius 28Sink John 28Sirloff Casper 24Sisco Family 27Sitterly (Sirerly) Louis 14Skaggs Family 27Skiver Augustus 35Skiver David 35Skiver Family 27Slaghel Andres 38Slaghel Joseph 38Slevin Patrick Summerville 55Slocum Francis 23Slough Frederic 42Slough Henry 7,8Slough Henry A. 38Slough Isaac T. 25Slough Juldah 42Slough Melinda Jane 42Slough William A. 8Slusser Thomas 38Smith Abram 5Smith Albert B. 56Smith Alexander 8Smith Andrew 40Smith Barton 25Smith Bennett 14Smith Charles A. 23Smith Charles, General 52Smith Edward 52Smith Edward H. 23Smith Ella Patty 43Smith Francis M. 40Smith H. Allen 33Smith Isaac 8Smith J. W. 5Smith John 5,52Smith John C. 25Smith John H. 38Smith Nathaniel 25Smith S. 38Smith Solomon 25Smith Uriah 28Smith Warren 28Smith Wesley 14Smith William H. 25,39Smith Family 26Smitle Susannah 34Snider D. C. 8Snider Solomon 37Snook George 22Snook John 22Snook John A. 22Snook Peter 22Snook William 21Snook William H. 22Snook William N. 22Snook William R. 53Snyder Abraham 34Snyder Alexander 34Snyder Amanda 34

Snyder Aurand 34Snyder Charlotte 34Snyder Delila 34Snyder Emanuel 34Snyder John 34Snyder Michael 34Snyder Morgan 34Snyder Family 27Solley George 14Sonnet Peter 14Southworth B F. 14,27,29,42Spangler Amos 52Spangler John 6Spangler Family 27Speaker Frederick 39Speaker Jacob 24Speaker Lucas 33Speaker Pottery 27,33Spears J. P. 38Spears John P., Capt. 25Speiser Christian 14Speith Christian 52Spence Family 27Spenser Oliver 23Spielhagen Caroline Hennrietta 15Spindler David 25Spindler David W. 28Spindler Jacob 28Spitler Abraham 40Sponseler Abraham 52Sponseler William C. 24Sponsler Jacob 52Sprague Charles H. 56Sprague Sidney S. 23,52,53Sproul Andrew J. 14Squire George T. 25Squirer C. B. 7Squirer Virgil 5Stailey William 8Stanton Family 27Starr Thomas M. 36Stauffer J. H. 5Steedman Samuel H., Colonel 53Steel David 28Steffle John G. 8Steiner Family 27Stenger Family 27Stephens George 38Sterns Amos 52Stetter John 28Stevens Daniel 14,38Stevens David W. 28Stevens F. F. 6Stevens M. B. 14Stevens William A. 25Stever Frederick 38Stewart Family 27Stinger John 6,38Stitsel Hannah 6Stitsel Jane 6Stitsel John 6Stitzel John 28Stone Family 27Stoner James A. 24Stork Philip 8Stork Family 27Stough William 36Stough William E. 56Stow Elizabeth 44Strait Family 27Strawser John 38Streite Family 27Strickland Mary 44

Strickland Thomas 44Strock F. W. 28Stroll David 8Stroll John 8Strong Mary 27Strong Samuel A. 25Strong Stephen W. 28Struble Martin 28Strusaker William 28Stubbs Alfred 42Sturdivant Ellen T. 7Sturtevant Samuel 27Sudholtz Frederick 27Suffil Peter 28Suffil Phillip 28Sullivan Frances Adelaide 45Sultana 49Sunday John 25Sundy David 52Suter J. J. 41Sutten Hugh S. 24Sutter John J. 52Swagger Alfred 28Swank David 28Sweet H. 5Sweet Harry 29Sweet Hiram 25,38Sweinhagen Henry 28Taaffe John 28Tannenill John 7Tarr Levi 5Taylor Amanda 7Taylor Benjamin Franklin 7Taylor Henry D. 55Taylor Jacob 40Taylor Jessie 7Taylor R. L. 6Taylor William H. 38Teckemeier Anna L. 15Teckemeier Louis 15Teems Riley 6Tehlimern Lewis E. 37Tennyson Andrew J. 14Thacker L. G., Dr. 14,27Thacker William H. 25Thalman R. 41Tharp Family 27Thirston Matthias 38Thomas Johannes 44Thomas John 24Thomas Nicholas 24Thomas S. D. 5Thomas W. V., Rev. 7Thompson Geo. 5Thorton David 25Thorton W. H. 42Thorton William H. 54Thorton Wm. H. 42Thurston N. Henry 36Timm Augusta C. 43Timm Frederick 43Tinney Amelia 7Todd Edward J. 39Todd McCartney 23Todd William E. 52Tomlinson Hugh 14Tomlinson Walter S. 36Toops S. 7Toops Samuel 23,24Towl A. 5Towle Jefferson 38Tracy Jesse O. G. 25

Travis F. E. 5Travis Foreman E. 28Travis W. C. 5,14Travis William C. 29,42Traxler D. 5Traxler Stephen 28Traxler William 5,41Troffer Ignatius 7Trostle George 40Troutwine L. 6Troxel Richard 28Tubbs Chas. 5Tubbs William B. 28Turnbull David B. 20Turner Maria C. 6Tusteson Martin B. 25Tuttle Nadrew 14Van Ausdale Mary Louise32Van Den BrockPeter 28Van Dusen Nathaniel 14Van Nimon Newton 25Van Skiver Richard 35Van Vleet Jacob 44Van Vleet Nancy Elizabeth 44Van Vleet Thomas 44Van Vlerah Abraham 24Van Vlerah H. S. 14Van Vlerah Henry 25Van Vlerah Samuel 23Vanolerah Amos 52Vanolerah Samuel 52Vanolerah William 52Vanscriver Alvaro 52Vanscriver Isaac B. 52Vaskiver Alvara 40Viebach Martin 29,42Vinegar Family 49Voepel Carolina Marie Eliz. 15Voepel John Jacob 15Volger Geo. 5Voorhees Jeremiah 5Wadsworth J. S. 5Waearm Augustus 24Wagner Bob 33Wagner John 24Wains John 8Waldner Jonas 14,24Wall Jospeh Loren 52Wall Mich. 5Wallace Frank 28Wallace Lew, General 52Wallace Michael 52Wallace Thomas 25,52Waltz Otto 52Wank Andrew 38Ward Sylvester 38Ward Thomas 52Ward William A. 53Warren Benjamin F. 25Warren Thomas 21Warren E. 5Warren Thomas 5Wartebee Nathan 25,38Wartenbee Isaac 5Wartenbee William 54Wartenbee Family 27Warwick Jacob 24,38Warwick Jonathan 23Waterman George W. 14Watson Gabriel 41Watson George 25,52Watson George W. 41

Watson Kathryn S. 43Watterman Lewis 23Wayne Anthony 23Weber John 14WeidenhamerA. 5WeidenhamerBenjamin Franklin 7WeidenhamerJohn K. 7WeidenhamerMannie 7Weiland John G. 28Weippert John 24,29,38,41Weisinberger F. W. 5Weismantel F. I. 8Weismantel Franklin 54Weismiller Wm. 5Welch Thomas 38Welker David E. 40Welker Mich. 5Weller Jacob 25Welles George E., Major 53Welles Harriet 38Welles Wolsey 38Wellman J. E. 28Wells John 54Wells William W. 24Wellwright Geo. 5Wendel (Wendell) Edwin J.14Wessel John 54Westerick Theobald 28Wettstein Diane F. 43Wettstein Edmund F. 43Wettstein John V. 43Weymeyer Frederick E.38Wheeler William 54Whetstone Samuel 5,14WhetstoneFamily 26Whipple A. W. 40White Bennett J. 28White Henry 5,6White Henry C. 24White John 5White Jonah W. 38White Josiah W. 38White Family 26Whitmore Daniel 23Whitney Luke 38Wickersham S. 5Widenhamer John 38Widmer John 14Wilcox Alvin 24Wiler Frederick 54Wiler John 35Wiles Ludwig 54Wiley Joseph 54Wilhelm Adam 6,8Wilhelm F. 8Willeman William 8Willeman Wm. S. 5Willey Elbridge G. 38Willey F. M. 5Williams Andrew J. 38Williams Charles E. 40Williams Daniel W. 56Williams Edward D. 37Williams George 14Williams George A. 39Williams William F. 53Wilson Andrew 52Wilson James P. 28Wilson John A. 24Wilson John W. 23,24Wilson Margt. 5Wilson William 28

Wilson William P. 38Winance Franklin M. B. 24Winans Franklin M. B. 24Winchester Camp#2 19,33Wines Timothy 5Winters Alfred 40Wise Mary 6Wise Nelson 25Wissler David 28Wissler Solomon 38Witherill Cyrus M. 24Wolsiffer F. 5Wood Arrance 38Wood Goerge 6Wood Harney 14Wood Mark 24Wood Robert D. 53Woodcox B. B. 25Woodcox Benj. B. 14Woodcox Benjamin B.25Woodcox C. J. 24Woodring Edward 55Woodruff A. B. 14Woods George A. 14Woodward George 54Worden Martin G. 54Wort L. B. 25Worthington A. 5Worthington Family 49Wrede Warner 14Wright Esther 5Wright William 40Xrary Osgood 25Yanser Gabriel 24Yarger Chris 5Yarlotts Isaac 5Yeagley Charles H. 36Yeagley Levi 38Yexley Alex.5 5Young E. J. 6Young Frank 24Young John 14,25Young John W. 25Young M. A. 6Young Mark 49Young Philip 8Young William 38Zeigler Henry O. 56Ziggles John 5Zimmerman Conrad 6Zinn William 52Zoll Jacob 14Zook John 14

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Yesteryears’ Trails - Defiance Co. Winter 2011 - Page 65


We do not give out addresses, phone numbers or email addresses of our membership. If you would like to contactone of our members to discuss a common surname you are researching, please write to the society and yourinformation will be forwarded to the appropriate member who then may or may not contact you. Email:[email protected] Member Surnames Being ResearchedAddison, Rita DIFFENBAUGH, STEEL, WARNERBallman, Kathleen RAY, SCHELL/SHELL, CLEMMER, DOWELLBayes, Roena BAYES, FICKLE, BROWN, JONES, PARTEE, HALEYBehnfeldt, Angela BEHNFELDT, HASTEDT, GOLDENETZ, PANNING, VORWERK, SCHWAKE,












Town and Gown Lectures for 2012For the past few years, the Defiance College and the city of Defiance have coordinated to bring the commu-nity speakers and topics of historical interest. Listed below are the programs and sites for 2012. All pro-grams begin at 7:30 PM

Spring 2012February 23 * "The Forts along the Auglaize" Defiance College- Schomburg Auditorium

Richard RozevinkMarch 15** "Ohio's Unknown Generals" Stroede Center

Mark Holbrook, Ohio Historical SocietyApril 19 "The President and Ike" Defiance College - Schomberg Auditorium

Buerk and YoungerMay 10 - 12* Native American Conference Schomburg

Sauder VillageNW State

Fall 2012September 20** "Camp Trimble" Stroede Center

Buchman and Rozevink

October 18 "Come Fly with Us" Stroede CenterRozevink and Buchman

November 15** "The Squirrel Hunter are Coming" SchomburgRandy Buchman

"Union Light Guard"Richard Rozevink *War of 1812 Theme Programs

**Civil War Theme Programs

Name_______________________________ Phone________________


City___________________ State________________ Zip_____________

Description of Publications - Defiance County Genealogy Society Price Quantity TotalReprint of 1876 Defiance County Atlas with Indices (Paper- pub 2007) $25.00Plat Map Index or Biographical Index for the 1876 Def. Co. Atlas $8.00 eachIndex to the 1976 Defiance County History Book (pub 2006) $15.00Index to the History of Defiance County 1883 (pub 2008) $30.00Def. Co. Tombstone Index ‘78-’83: Book A-K or Book L-Z (pub 2001) $30.00 eachEarly Death Records of Defiance Co. 1867-1884 (pub 2001) $25.00Def. Co. Deaths 1884-1907: Book A-K or Book L-Z (pub 2004) $25.00 eachDef. Co. Deaths 1908-1996: Book A-E, Book F-K, Book L-R or Book S-Z $30.00 eachDef. Co. Out of County and State Burial Permits 1973-1998 (pub 2004) $25.00Def. Co. Riverside Interments: Jan. 1978-July 2006 (pub 2007) $25.00Adams Township Def. Co. Inscription Book (Read in 2000; pub. 2005) $25.00Def. Twp. & City Tombstone Inscription. (New Riverside Cem. not included)

(Read in ‘78-’82; pub 2001) $25.00Defiance City New Riverside Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘78-’82; pub 2001)$35.00Delaware Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘01-’02; pub 2005) $30.00Farmer Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘94; pub 2008) $30.00Hicksville Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘00-’02; pub 2007) $35.00Highland Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ’01; pub 2005) $25.00Mark & Milford Twps. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘01; pub 2004)$25.00Noble Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘92; pub 2005) $20.00Richland Twp. Def. Co./ Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ’78-’82; pub 2001) $20.00Tif fin Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ’96-’06; pub 2001) $25.00Washington Twp. Def. Co. Tombstone Inscriptions (Read ‘97; pub 2005) $20.00Def. Co. Births 1867-1908: Book A-D, Book E-I, Book J-M (pub 2001) $35.00 eachDef. Co. Births 1867-1908: Book N-Sm, Book Sn-Z (pub 2001) $30.00 eachDef. Co. Marriages - Small Vol 1: 1845-1861 (pub. 2001) $20.00Def. Co. Marriages - Small Vol. 2: 1855-1885 (pub 2006) $30.00Def. Co. Marriages Vol. 1&2: Feb. 1885-May 1897 (pub 2009) $25.00Def. Co. Marriages Vol. 3&4: Jan. 1897-Nov. 1903 (pub 2009) $30.00Def. Co. Marriages Vol. 5&6: November 1903 – December 1912 (pub 2010) $25.00Def. Co. Marriages Vol. 7&8 Dec. 1912-Nov. 1925 (NEW 2011) $25.00Defiance County Naturalizations (pub 2008) $20.001890 Defiance County Veterans’ Census (pub 2007) $15.00Enumerations of Males in Defiance County 1847-1895 (pub 2006) $25.00Def. Co. Probate Index 1845 - June 1995: Book A-K or L-Z (pub 2001) $30.00 eachDef. Co. 1870 Census Index: Book A- La or Book La-Z (pub 2001) $25.00 eachCampaigns of the Army of the Northwest 1812-1813 (pub 2009) $10.00Civil War Journals of Darius W. Baird (38th OVI) of NW Ohio (NEW 2011) $10.00Reproduction of Turnbull Wagon Co. Catalogue 1904 (NEW 2011) $21.50

TOTAL (Includes all taxes, shipping handling. Prices effective May 2011) TOTAL

Paid by Cash_____ Check#______ Order Received__________ Order Sent____Form - Sept. 2011

Defiance County's Civil War Service Certificate:A Certificate Accorded by the Defiance County Genealogical Society

To be considered for the DCGS Civil War Service Certificate, an ancestor must be provento have served in a Defiance County, Ohio military unit during the Civil War or have beena Civil War veteran (either Union or Confederate) who was born, lived, died or was buriedin Defiance County, Ohio. The applicant must be a member of the Defiance County Genea-logical Society for this certificate to be awarded.

The applicant filing for a Defiance County Civil War Service Certificate must include documentation for theancestor for one of the above events (service, birth, residency, death, burial) occurring in Defiance County,Ohio. In addition the applicant must include proof of the unit with which the Civil War soldier served. Theapplication must also include either a generational chart or a written explanation showing the relationship of theapplicant with the ancestor who is the focus of the application. The applicant may be a direct or collateraldescendant of the Civil War ancestor.

You may submit as many applications as you wish. Also you may include a story or biography of your ancestorfor possible use in the chapter newsletter, website, or future publications. If you submit an article, please dateand sign the submission and note that the chapter has permission to use the article.

Name of Civil War Ancestor: _______________________________________________________Unit with which the ancestor served____________________________________________Rank attained if known ______________________________________________________Years served if known _______________________________________________________

1. Attach documentation showing with which unit your Civil War ancestor served. Forexample, this might be a page copied from a unit history or information downloaded fromAncestory.com. The proof does not need to be a formal government copy.2. Attach proof that your ancestor was connected to Defiance County in one of the following ways:service, birth, residency, death or burial. The proof does not need to be certified. It may be a copy ofa birth certificate, a copy of a census, a listing in compiled birth, death or burial records, copy of landdeed etc.3. Attach a generational chart- or a written explanation-- showing your relationship with yourCivil War ancestor.

Applicant's Name: ______________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________

Please send the completed application to the Defiance County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 7006 Defiance, OH 43512-7006.

Direct questions to the chapter email: defiancegenealogy2002@ yahoo.com

Defiance County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical SocietyMembership Form

Please print or type and send with check made payable to DCGS.Send to: Defiance County Chapter OGS, PO Box 7006, Defiance, OH 43512

Membership year is January 1 through December 31, annual $12.00 per person, $15.00 for family. If you need toupdate your 5 generation charts, please sign and date with permission to publish for the newsletter and to file atDefiance Public Library Ohioana Room.

First Name ___________________________________ Last Name _________________________________

Maiden Name________________________________Spouse name__ ______________________________

Address ________________________________________ City_______________________State______

Zip code ___________ - ___________ Phone # ( ______ )________________

E-mail address____________________________

Occupation/Former Occupation (optional)______________________Birthdate_____________

New Member ___ OR Renewal___ Single___ OR Family___ OR Gift___

(If gift membership, send name and address of person to receive membership card and newsletteron back o thisform)

Donation to DCGS for $_____ Specified Intention (please name)____________________

**Would you prefer your newsletter (circle one) Snail mail/USPS or E-mail. Due to increasedprint/postage costs, please add $5.00 to your membership fee for snail mail.Member of First Families of Defiance County, Yes ____ No OGS Member? Yes No

Your Surnames in Defiance County :_______________________________________________________________


Program Suggestions?__________________________________________________________________________

What services/support would you be willing to help DCGS with? (CIrcle all that apply)Officer/Trustee Committee Computer data entry Transcribing records Proof readingMeeting Greeter Setting up displays Indexing Telephone/calling Fundraising Hospitality1st Families Centennial Families Speaker/Program Education/Teaching Other Comments

I do ___do not ___give permission to have my information printed in any handouts, newsletters, or publications.Office use only: Date Pd. ________ Ck. # ________Cash________Membership #______Card sent____updated: October 2011