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TRANSCRIPT Please note: this is a direct transcript from the audio course. Errors in grammar and misspellings are to be expected. Please enjoy the easy access to the cutting edge content of this audio as well as the tapping scripts that are right at your fingers tips!

Margaret M. Lynch: Today’s class we’re going to move up to the higher chakras because we’re going to talk about creativity and intuition. We’re going to asset these higher faculties that we have through what I like to call “magical child.” So we all have, as one of our archetypes, an inner child and many of you have heard of inner child work and done inner child work. So we’re going to be doing a really interesting twist on that today because your creativity, your intuition, your ability to believe you know to almost to think naively which is the way a child thinks and wonder about the world of curiosity, about what’s going to happen next, an infinite possibility that dreams come true, that magic can happen. These are all aspects not of your analytical mind, not of the person that that’s in you that’s more like a manager, your inner manager I’d like to call it. That’s about task and execution and thinking logically and thinking practically – those are all fabulous faculties that you have but the creativity, the magical qualities that you have, we find through the inner child. So today we’re going to be working with the sixth and seventh chakra but in order to work with the sixth and seventh chakra, the what I like to call the magical child, we first have to re visit the first chakra. So I want you to think about the paradigm of a child, what we know about children. If a child does not feel safe, is that a playful child? Is that a creative child? Does that child even have time to think about playfulness, fun, wonder and joy? They really don’t, do they? Because they’re at basic survival level. Most of their body is running with anxiety, fear, maybe panic, maybe terror about actually just surviving. Secondly, if a child, say a child has been raised to feel safe, but and they’re trying to do an art project and standing over them is your worst nightmare of a little league baseball coach who is standing over them, screaming at them, every single thing they’re doing wrong, correcting them, yelling at them, telling them it’s not right, it’s not perfect. You didn’t draw that right. You didn’t do that perfectly. What are you doing that’s so wrong? How creative and playful can that child really be? And so it’s the child, these images of the child that really lets us recognize that the two force of the run inside of us. One is do we feel safe at the most basic level? And secondly, what is our inner critic sound like? How high is that inner manager in us, that, that critical manager who demands perfection and can be ruthlessly critical to us? Both of those things will lap off your ability to be creative, to really believe, or have moments of, of deep congruent belief, and infinite possibility, because really even having moments of belief and infinite possibility are more than enough to carry us through. They lap off our ability to be filed with wonder, and awe which means we’re anticipating and expecting and allowing more things to show up in our life that bring us wonder and awe.

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So we want to work with both of those aspects today so that we can lighten up some of that and allow the magical child to come forward. So we’re going to use a lot of imagination and metaphor in this class. I’m going to work with the inner child because it’s much harder for us to, how do I want to say this, it’s harder for us to resist the work that we’re going to do today when we’re using some of this imagination and some of you know creating and seeing the image of what I call the magical child so we get better results because we’re working with the deeper part of you. So first we’re going to start and start and see where your inner child is at. So some of you may have done inner child work before or matrix re imprinting if you ever heard of, if you’re tapping person and you’ve heard of matrix re imprinting, very, very similar to the classical inner child work that we learn during hypnosis training for example, lot of hypnotists learn inner child work but it’s blended with tapping. So, so some of what I do will, you know, when I went to matrix re imprinting, I was like, “Huh, that’s what I’m doing.” So you will definitely see the parallel there. So here’s where we start and I want everyone take a nice deep breath and close your eyes and I want you to imagine that your mind could paint you a picture of a very young child and this is you, maybe around the age of 5 or 6, maybe the age of 4. Just let your mind paint the picture of the age that it wants to show you. And just imagine that your mind really could do that, just like a picture on a screen. And that you could even fell in more detail, your imagination, scraps of memory, maybe your, it feels like you’re making it up. But you could fill in the details and even see what you’re wearing in that picture. So I just want you to see that little child there and put the child in their home, in the home that you grew up then. And the parents and caregivers are there in the background. So I just want you to get a test. Does the child feel safe? What is their basic level of “I feel safe?” And just test that. Do they feel safe at a ten? Do they feel safe at a two? So depending on your childhood or you know, will always have a lot of variation in the class like this. Some people will have you know trauma and abuse. And some people will have kind of a standard, maybe home life and they’ll just be a little bit of you know, it wasn’t safe for me to be me. So I just want you to measure that basic safety and how does the child feel about that? Is there a level of fear or anxiety? Is there a level of sadness? Now secondly, and particularly if your child feels relatively safe, I want you to tune in to the criticism that went on. So does the child feel criticized or was it perfectly fine to be everything you were because when we’re a child, and we, all of our basic needs can be met, we can even have loving parents, but criticism can bring a similar feeling of panic, terror and un safety because we are wired at the first chakra level, at our most basic level that to fit in with the tribe is of utmost survival importance. So if you were being criticized, besides it’s breaking your heart as it can often do, it also will trigger panic and fear because the unconscious primitive, illogical fear that the child has is being ostracized from their tribe. There’s something wrong with you child, means that child could find them self kicked out from their tribe which is equivalent to death as a child. There’s no difference to the unconscious mind of a child.

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So I want you to get a measurement on you know was it safe to be you or was there a level of criticism. And you can even let that happen in the picture, maybe one or another or both parents were critical and just see that happen and even if your child did feel safe at first, what happens to the child when they get criticized? So we’re going to start and do some tapping right there and take some of this down. Now the words, I’m going to use words that go from medium to extreme and it’s okay if the extreme words don’t resonate with you as much, it’s okay. We’re not going to instill anything. Tapping is clearing. And so we’re going to have a deeper clearing especially when we sort of use over the top words, it will actually break any fear that you have. For instance, if you just have a little anxiety but you tap on panic fear, life or just terror, it will actually clear that a little bit of anxiety or anxiety faster because it speaks to the unconscious mind in a more emotional rich way it releases the emotion in a more emotionally rich way. So we’re just going to start tapping right through the points and we’re going to tap for the child; just like we’re voicing the child. So tapping through the points. Tapping Session #1 I’m afraid. I’m scared. I don’t feel safe. It’s not safe here for me. Why am I even with that family? This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. I don’t feel safe. I’m scared, terrified, afraid all the time. I never feel sure. I’m not physically safe. I’m not emotionally safe. It’s not safe to be me. I worry that they don’t really want me here. I worry that I can’t survive here. I worry I’m not meant to be in this family. I need this family to survive. But there’s something off. They criticize me. They only want to see pieces of me. They don’t want to see all of me, not all of me is accepted here. I don’t feel safe. I’m afraid, terrified, anxious. It is not safe here and I’m going to remember this for a long time. My family is not safe. That must mean the world’s not safe.

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Love isn’t safe. Relationships aren’t safe. It’s not even safe to trust. I’m not safe.

~~~ Margaret M. Lynch: Okay and take a nice deep breath. And so I want to hear from some of you on how, how it’s going. I want you to look at the child again. And see how the child looks now. So tell me, tell me how intense it was and if it’s calm down a little bit now. Participant: You know it’s funny. I’ve never done this emotional from tapping before so I just want to start by saying that. It actually brought tears to my eyes. You know I grew up in a pretty average home with fairly supportive parents so I was really trying to connect with that unsafe feeling as a child but for me it’s start to coming more back to me as an adult. And what really struck me which is where I got emotional is when you were saying that it’s not safe to love or being in a relationship. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah so, so I want you to keep tapping and honor that sadness because you’re feeling what you lost. Sadness is about lost. So what if you lost because of this belief? Participant: Well, I’ve, I’m, I’ve lost the ability to find a relationship, a loving partnership and I, I just, am thirty nine years old and I guess it’s been a really long time since I’ve been in a relationship. I was married and I’m divorced. That’s fine. I left my marriage. But I had an unhealthy relationship after that and since then I just don’t seem to be able to allow love again and that gets in the way of sending love and doing things with love. Just be can’t let love in, how do you get love out? Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and it’s, it’s, like being able to love is about trusting, you know trusting not somebody else but trusting that you can, that you can handle having some vulnerability

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and setting boundaries when you need to. Having some vulnerability even may be getting your heart broken and being able to handle it. You know, so, so, you know when you looked back at your child picture, you know what did you see in there as far as relationships? Was there any un safety around or not trust around your primary relationship as a child? Participant: It, you know, it, not, not there necessarily, what came up for me I remember and I don’t know where this stands from but I remember being a young child, around the toddler age and anytime I was in a stroller, I felt unsafe. I felt like somebody might leave me that I couldn’t’ see who was behind me. I couldn’t see who is pushing the stroller and if the stroller stopped for a minute, I would turn around immediately to make sure somebody was still there because I felt unsafe. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah so that’s a great one for you to work with for the tapping. So if you use the recording again, you know or when we tap again on this, I want you to picture, tune in to that picture, that little toddler because for some reason, at that age you did not trust that your parents were running the show properly. But you had to be on; you had to be on guard. You know, somehow, maybe, maybe a sibling would push you or something. I know that happens a lot with me. My sister thinks she pretty much raised me because we had a kid. She’s like “I was the one pushing you on this stroller.” And so you know some reason you decided at that age, I can’t really trust my parents on this one. Those people are going to leave me somewhere. And so you had to be hyper vigilant. So you’re seeing even at that young age, you realized I got to be on this. I got to watch. I got to check. I got to be highly vigilant. So that will set you up to be kind of hyper vigilant adult which means you’re always kind of on guard. Does that make sense? Okay so when we tap again. I want you to tune in to that child in a stroller. That’s where it started. Participant: Hi good morning everybody. Hey Margaret! Well I definitely have a lot of anxiety. The safety of it say it’s one; broken heart of a ten. Anxiety at a ten, fear at a ten, criticize, definitely at a ten. I felt terror and rage and so I could feel everything around me, I saw myself kind of a, here’s the little peasant girl, I kind of little dirty, kind of a like a dirty little girl. And I never, I’ve never liked that I was raised in a, you know, like a good home

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and everything like that as far as I was concerned. But I saw myself sort of a very skinny and was dirty and stuff like that. And then my mother had an image of what a perfect child would look like and she was kind of holding it up like saying, “This is what you’re supposed to look like and not like you look.” And that image was of like, you know sort of like a, a little bit of a, more like a fuller, like a, like a heavier, a little heavier kid with like you know, pretty you know, like kind of like some idealic painting. And I didn’t match that. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah you are like Cinderella before she became the princess. You’re wearing rags and dirt. Participant: Right I was like you know something, something like that, it was very odd and I know that I didn’t really look like that, that I guess that’s how she made me feel and, and so there was a lot of anxiety obviously not matching her desire of what I should look like so that I could be accepted. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah I think you’re tuning in to the piece of you, the inner child in you that, that you know your mind is showing you. This is the piece that she would be, that would be criticized. This is the piece you could never be. You could never be because children are okay if they’re dirty. They are playing in the dirt. Participant: Right and I, and I think, and I think that, that also hat while sort of child, looks that I’ve got, it’s like my creativity? Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah you know so you can’t really, so you’re really tuned in to the piece of you as a child because you know you didn’t actually look like that all the time never mind sometimes; that would have been totally criticized. So that little piece of you, the wild child in you was very unsafe.

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Participant: Right because exactly, we always look exactly the opposite I mean we’re always, we could, we can, like you know sit on the floor. We couldn’t do any of that. We have to be perfect all the time. Participant: Yeah, hi! Hello. Well I had five on safe and eight on criticism and I was feeling like, oh this is going to be kind of mellow and I started to hyper annihilating in the middle of the tap then when we’re talking who’s not being safe to show all of me and to be who I was. And I’m still feeling like really shaky over that. I mean I know that’s, I mean the dealing was that a lot you know, through this whole course but you know I am feeling like kind of nervous about really getting to the bottom of it. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah so when your body starts to want to shake a little bit, I would, you know it’s kind of like what we call bioenergetics, like let your body shake. Let it move. Let it release that energy that’s literally stored in your nervous system. And that’s why I do this at the end because we’ve already come through the program in our lower chakras once and then, when we do this class last, we’re back at the first chakra in the beginning and we’re able to process that a whole new level. The reason why I have you do it and look at the child is because like I said in the beginning, most people will go, “No, it’s not really going to be my issue.” And then I get into the tapping and it’s like “Wow,” right? Participant: Well I’m kind of not surprised because I can’t remember very much of my childhood. And I know, you know, I’ve been dealing with so many issues about feeling horrible, about my creativity and just like not even being like that I have the right to be alive. So, so much of that is come up through a course but still it’s like you know, it’s like “Oh my God.” Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and when you, when we can’t remember a lot, and you know because we know it’s a little bit traumatic, it means that we dissociate it a lot and when we dissociate it a lot that means that our nervous system went in to the fight, not the fighter flight but the actual freeze response, okay? And in that scenario it’s typically where when, when we access some of this, you get the body shaking, right? So it’s typically when we we’re, as

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children, we dissociated it a lot so we kind of don’t even remember it. We might have just sort of numbed a lot of a time and so distant from what was happening is that a coping mechanism, right? Yeah. But when we access that some of the trauma, it will create that kind of a shaking and shattering feeling. It’s almost like a shutter and what we, we tend to do is tend against it and go, “Oh my God I’m shaking. I got to stop.” And it’s like what if I could just let that energy keep moving like what is my body want to do, you know. And let, let your body, let your body do it. It’s like Collins in that, the, the books that have been written on that, the neurology of this and its amazing neural surgeon who wrote a book, Dr Robert Scare, about trauma. He goes and speaks at the EFT conferences because he’s so, such a believer on how tapping works in this, that from the perspective of the brain, people who specialize in the brain like neural surgeons, it’s the releasing of the free response that’s like literally frozen in your nervous system, in your tissue. That’s a natural release. Normally, if you were terrified a s a child, right, say a child you know, almost got hit by a car and you saved the child, a child would shake and cry and sob and maybe kick and scream while you held them. That’s the natural release of that fighter flight or freeze response. So it almost like we access that trauma a little bit and you start feeling that intensity. It’s like it, this is what would come out of you as a child but there was no one there for you. Yeah. Right? It could have not processed this, no one would have been like holding you saying “It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re safe. We love you.” Participant: I’m actually pretty comfortable with shaking. I actually practice that but I feel like I’m so, I am starting to tense against what I might find out. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and so you can, you can tap on those words too. Okay, you can actually say, “I don’t even want to find out more. I want to heal this. I don’t want more. I’m afraid I don’t want to go there.” It’s fine to you on tapping. And then see what happens. That usually makes the fear about the fear left. Yeah. So never be afraid to tap and refuse. You say, “I refuse to go there. I don’t want to feel this. I don’t want to have this. I don’t want to clear this. I just want to leave it be.” I want to you know it’s okay to do that. It’s part of your healing and it’s voicing what you’re really feeling. So just insist what you’re really feeling. Okay, awesome! So I’m going to come, we’re going to do another round of tapping. I got a lot of people with their hands up. We’re going to jump in to another round. And so tapping again.

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Tapping Session #2 There I am as a child. I didn’t feel very safe. I felt a lot of sadness, a lot of anxiety, Mmaybe even rage. Some part of me knew that it’s not supposed to be this way, That I was losing every day, losing my childhood, losing being me. I lost being carefree and playful. I was too afraid, too sad, too shut down, maybe even too angry. All that energy stuck in my body. I couldn’t express any of it. Still it’s stuck in my nervous system. But I’m choosing now to start healing it. It was a long time ago and I actually survived in the here now. I’m safe. My nervous system doesn’t really know that. It gets triggered with intense energy both fear and anger, Trigger my nervous system and it started way back then. Sadness and loss trigger my nervous system and it started way back then. I honor this little child that I once was. I totally honor all the fears, sadness and anger here she felt. It’s okay. No one’s really understood but I understand now. All this old fear, everything I lost, All the games I never got to play, All the things I never let myself believed in, All the carefree days I could have had. I honor the loss of them, the sadness. It happened to me and I honor it. I honor and heal the past and I’m letting my whole nervous system know That in this present moment, I’m okay. I’m all grown up and I’m safe. I’m safe right now in my body. ~~~ Margaret M. Lynch: Okay and take a nice deep breath. I want you to look at the child again and just noticed how the picture may have shifted a little bit. And I want you to notice that the child is now aware that you are there, aware of you, seeing you there with her or him. And I just want you to be there with that child. And I want to ask you if there are any reason in the world that if you have a child like that in your life, that you wouldn’t be willing to give them a huge hug and tell them, “It’s okay. I’m here for you. I’m going to keep you safe.”

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Could you do that for them? Just like you were wonderful auntie who came to visit for few days an auntie or an uncle that you wish you could have had. And so if that feels okay, I want you to go ahead and do that. I want you to be there with that child. And you can tap through the points or just tap one point. And I’m going to lead you in some things to say directly to this child. And you can say them in the quietness of your mind or you can say them out loud. Now if the child is not engaging with you, that’s okay. It just means you have a little more tapping to do. You can use the recording and do more tapping and re do this process. You’ll go, you know, it’ll, you still want to walk through the process with me now but it will be even more intense and even more solid. If you can get a little more tapping in, so that your child, really engaging with you. And so I want you to just tap again either all the points or one point. Sometimes I just like to tap one point when I do this. Or the heart chakra point which is it would be right up where your breast are, right across the nipple line there, right in the center. People will tap right on the heart point of their breast bones. So I just want you to say to the child, “I have something to tell you. It’s really important. And it’s going to be the truth because I would never lie to you. The truth about you is that you are already perfect and lovable. Of course you are, you’re just a child. Not because of anything you do but because you were born that way, a miraculous piece of the divine. It’s the truth but your parents came in to your life with their wounds and their pain. They couldn’t give you what you wanted. Maybe they were harmful but it had anything to do with you. And you are in eternal full which means you have always been safe. You are unending. You always will be safe. And I’m going to be here now. I’m going to hug you, tell you it’s okay. I’m going to keep you safe. I’m going to make it safe for you. Just with me here, to be carefree, to be totally you, to feel safe to play, to shine because I love you and I understand. I’m the only one who does. And if that was okay to say, I want you to take a nice deep breath. And for some people it feels wonderful. For other people they have a little bit of a hard time saying those words and that’s okay. Just a little more tapping to do through the process. But I want you to imagine that you could send the child love. So instead of just through your words, they could actually feel love coming from you like a beam of beautiful green heart chakra light coming right from your heart into theirs so that they can feel that love you would pour into them, just the way we pour love into children so easily because they are right from the divine. And let that light flow right in to the child’s heart and know if they’re receiving it willingly. And let it change from green to any color that seems important. So it can be green, it can be light, it can be any color that feels good to you. I just want you to see how does the child look now and how do they feel? Does the child feel safe? And with the child feeling a little safer, I want you to ask them what do they want you to know? What do they want you as the adult you to be, to do? What do they need from you? And I really want you to note that information down because this is profound message for you in your life right

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now. Sometimes it seems so simple, it seems crazy. And sometimes it seems like an unexpected message. But these are powerfully important messages for you. And I want you to observe the child now, now that you’ve given them some safety and some love. What is the child’s first choice to do? What do they do? You just gave them permission to be totally them, totally shine, totally free, totally play. So I want you to notice what they do and I want you to write down at least two aspects of this child, your inner child, when they feel totally free to play because you’ve made them safe. And I want to take some feedback on that. You can start to; let me know what’s happening there with your child. Just going to come to the webcast here. Okay lots of people on the webcast, we’ll go ask people on webcast today, you know that had a lot of intense, you know childhood and so you know this is you know, someone saying can I really break free of these memories and tapping when you had a lot of you know especially terror. The tapping is a powerful, powerful tool and it will take time and so you want to, in that situation, it’s a great time to work with the coach. Participant: Hi! That will be Cathy! How are you? Good! I’m choking here. When we started, I was a ten on everything with the criticism, not feeling safe; definitely shaking was having a hard time breathing and it just made me really look back at a lot of things in my past with not feeling safe with either one of my parents, not, not being able to sleep. There was an incident that happened. My father was going to, he was attacking my mother with a, was a little yeah, because that’s the little play table with the chairs where you sit and play your game and stuff like that. And he was going to hit her over the head with this chair and this voice came out of me as a little kid saying, Put my chair down.” But he couldn’t hear. So he left the house and apparently he didn’t come back, the rest of that night my mother blamed me for it that if I hadn’t said anything, you know either come home. From there I really couldn’t sleep, just sort of sleeping pretty well the last year but I recognize that a lot of stuff was I didn’t feel safe with either one of my parents because neither one of them could be very happy about me. They both told their sides of you know, he wanted the boy, she didn’t look like him, he didn’t like me because of this and I was always like kind of put in the middle and for me there was never any sense of safety or comfort and... Margaret M. Lynch: They weren’t actually adults, right?

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Participant: No, they weren’t and they thought I’ve lost mind because when we moved in to the last house that we lived in before we moved to the house we had in Washington, I set on a table and I don’t know, I was maybe nine or something and I said to them, “When is mommy and daddy going to come home? And they thought I have lost my mind because to me they were like teenagers who fought all the time, weren’t loving and this one is a lot of stuff for me because I’m not exaggerating through my whole life. My mother or my father never told me they love me. I have a hard time saying this. Yeah. Okay, I can get through this. Anyway and neither one of my parents were physically demonstrative ever. So as we will go through this, I realize I think I forget who it was but as I grew up, I really understood that freeze part because I forgot a lot of my childhood because I was totally dissociated with a lot of stuff. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and it’s, it’s that you know, it’s like, it’s a mechanism that lets you survive. Participant: Right. Right And that’s composed a lot of that stuff. It’s just bringing up a lot of stuff for me but I was able to see myself as a child, a lot lately and so tapping through this is, what surprise me was even through all these and all the criticism, and all the negative stuff and you know, lack of love and all that other stuff. I remember my therapist once saying that that’s going to leave an institutional lies, was just amazing. But I just started like I said, but I saw myself and I saw myself as this child looking back at me and receiving that and instead of it being like this intense, being loved, whatever, it was just like all these incredible colors of the rainbow just going from me to myself a s a child, and the first thing I just saw was and for me to see this, for me it’s just amazing what the tapping has done for me is that the little child maybe was able to just relax next to me in the chair and actually lean on me because I still sometimes have a hard time being very physical with people. You know, I kind of like sit over here and don’t want to give me your space. I’m sure, like let me move over here and be safe but just smiling at me and the first thing she wants to do was go out. She’s just going to grab me by my hand and just left and just with skipping down the street, on the trolley we went and not knowing we’re going but she was very happy. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah, nice, so a little adventure there.

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Participant: I’m happy about that because I feel like that is that, I think maybe that’s the beginning of getting back with my creative stuff even though this other junk, you know is sometimes still there and feel that but the fact that like you said nor logically, it’s releasing out of my body. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and you know, that’s a great little metaphor. She went, be get on the trolley, not, no idea where you’re going, right? And that’s creativity. You know, there’s, other parts of our faculty that’s like well, I need to know where I’m going and how to get there and I need to map it all out. And that’s a great faculty that we have. But it’s not that creative magical side where it’s like I have no idea where this is going. And in this scenario, this, give me this one piece of freedom that I can allow myself, that I don’t have to know all the variables and control everything. You know there was no map course. She’ll like, “Let’s get on a trolley.” Right. So, that’s an important little metaphor for you. You know, to jump on and go in to the unknown sometimes without knowing why or when you’re going to get there or where you’re heading. It’s a great metaphor for just allowing creativity. Participant: Yes, uhuh. It was interesting when we did the, the, the first round of tapping. My child is like between two and three. She’s just standing, holding on to a coffee table and she’s not, she’s not doing anything. She’s trying to figure out what she should be doing to make everybody else okay and I can’t even see my parents and during any of this tapping, nothing changed, no feeling. But when I started talking to her, she started kicking me and hitting me. You know like coming after me and I feel emotional about it now but I did when we were tapping, and, and then, at the end, she did come over and stand by me and I could hug her but she’s still not moving. You know, and I think like several other people don’t, I think I am very sure I was dissociated while I was growing up because I can remember clearly doing that, lived in a fantasy world. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah, so, so, that’s what you’re seeing and this is what’s so cool about inner child work is that you know your mind is painting you the picture of, of so much important information. That’s why I said you know, is the child even receiving it from you because some people have this reaction like, “No, my child won’t even look at me.” And so you’re seeing couple of things there. You’re seeing that, that as a child, even at that age,

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you had already decided to not have any need. Right, for sure. Because that would have been safe. So now you’re trying to engage with the child and she showed you tantrum and attack. So there is a wolf. So what, what I would, and, so I want you to, here’s the question: If you were to picture her a little child of that age, having a full blown tantrum kicking attack, what would the feeling of the judgment in you be about a child doing that? Participant: Well I’ve seen, again, the oldest of lot of children and I was really good with little ones that melted down because I would just stay with them and make sure they didn’t hurt themselves. So I’ve done, I know I’ve done that before. Margaret M. Lynch: But if it’s you, and your parents were looking, just guess. What would the reaction be of a child growing a tantrum like that? Kicking you, kicking an adult. What would you guess? Participant: I guess to say stop or you know quit that or just stop, stop. Margaret M. Lynch: What would the judgment be about a child who’s having like kicking tantrum be? Participant: I don’t know. In our family, it was like well they’re over tired. You know, they come home. But I mean it would be, it would be not good. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah, so, so what I will do is I would let go back to the inner child as were, you know, they talked to some more people. And I want you to let her have her tantrum. Let her kick. Let her scream. Just like you said you would be with the child. Be there with her. You know you can even tap and go she’s angry, she’s creaming, she’s yelling, she’s kicking at me, you know, and see how

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much anger and rage is in that child because right now the child doesn’t trust you. It’s like your inner child is, doesn’t trust you that is if I show how angry I am and instead of people pleasing and making sure every body’s okay. If I show the real devil that’s in me, you’re going to, you’re going to reject and abandon me too. So let the child have a tantrum and then see what she comes through. Participant: Okay what she did is at least she started looking around. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and so she’s come out of that dissociated state. You know, that’s your mind’s way of showing you she’s not as dissociated like all the sudden she’s engaging a little bit. She’s both present, right? And so it’s really cool you know how the mind will show us this picture and as we tap, it changes. So you’ve seen her sort of calm down out of her dissociated state and then the battle that she’s got this wall like no way I’m going to care and let you get in and now she’s a little more engaged, right? And so you keep, keep working with her because you’ll be able to have that love connection be stronger because she is going to be very, very key, inner child, key to us, our present adult life to being silly and child like and joyful and having fun. And the closer you get to touching your soul, the more child like you behave as an adult in the most positive wonderful light sense, the most joyful, and curious, and enthusiastic and silly and goofy – that all are gifts from our inner child. And you see how long ago she shut that down. Participant: Hi Margaret. It’s Sandy. Hi Sandy. What I came to at the end there when you ask that what, what was our little self doing after we, after I’ve spoken my, you know love and protection and safety. She was running in circles with her arms above her head like thrilled. I couldn’t hear it. But that’s what have it been. And, and I saw myself in this little, red dress that I love as a kid, that I kept wearing until first thing out of it came a top for me as I got older, you know, letting go of this, which is, actually as I say that, that’s a pattern in my life. It’s like not letting go of this, not letting go of this and there’s, and I got, you know I grew up in a family that was, I was well loved and my parents did were demonstrable and I don’t, you know, there weren’t any bad until yelling there’s no you know, none of that that I can remember was also withholding of anger I think, you know. It wasn’t expressed.

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Margaret M. Lynch: We can be as perfect you know as we try but there’s always going to be something about the tribe that limits your child. I mean your parents take up all the energetic space and they set the rules, you know. And so like they always are going to be some little aspects for you to free in a bigger way. Participant: Right and it feels like, feels like a big aspect. That’s what is some stunning about it. And I, out of looking at my profile I’m a charismatic leader that the secondary is emotionally sensitive and intelligent and I have really discovered that through doing more work, how is giving voice to or giving, distinguishing I am really sensitive. I am really emotional and I always have been. So that little person you know, it could be one little moment and there were, you know, those moments were able to, they were crashing to me and I always like shut down. Margaret M. Lynch: It’s hard to let go of them too when we have that quality. We’ll move on to it for a long time, the hurt of it, yeah so I would recommend you, two things. When you go back and look at your child running around and I want you to imagine that she is, like you said she is yelling, like really open her mouth because that’s going to open up your fifth chakra more and I would recommend that you pick a time, that you can and actually re enact that. Run around your house screaming going “Woooohh,” actually re enact what your child is doing. I know it sounds crazy, so physical body bio energetic. It’s pulling your body in that state, it’s open up yet that fifth chakra and that which is really important for us as a charismatic leader quality because we’re, it’s a fifth chakra dominant. Right? I’m crazy. I’m wild. I’m screaming. I’m sensitive. I’m you know everything that you are. And just let it, let it fly. Okay so what we’re going to do now is now we’re going to take this to another level. And so we want to, we want to get to this point because I want it to see that your, that the child that you’re seeing is now in a happier state and so some of you will have a little more work to do. The child might be a little bit happy but not all the way there and that’s okay because you can tap through again with the class recording but we’re going to move on to the next part. So this, it works best if your child is feeling pretty good, pretty free and again, I want everyone to sort of note down some real specific aspects about their child now that they’re feeling good, that they’re feeling free. So if they want to go, you know, as said, get on a trolley and have no idea where they’re going. What aspects would you mention about that? Would you, would you assign to that child? What would you say? Are they adventurous? Are they curious? Because these are aspects that you need to start owning

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more in your adult present life. And by the way, got several people on the Q&A line here that are on the webcast who are riding in on the Q&A line, that they really resonate with your story and, and lots of tears happening. So, just want to share that everyone who speaks really helps bring healing to so many people. Okay so I want you to tune in to your child again and just see them there, all happy. If they ran out of the house and went somewhere you know, ask them to come on back because they’re playing. Ask them to come on back just for a minute because something incredible is about to happen. I want you to take a look at this child and imagine that they’re energy, they’re light. They’re field, very electric field, their full energy field just becomes even fuller richer that beautiful bright white light fills their entire field; every rainbow of their chakra. And it takes them, their energy, their vibe, their shine; their divinity comes up to whole another notch. And that light could come from above them, from around them, from the ground; just let them feel with even more light. And I want you to see how the child looks and watch because the child is now going to shift. I want you to give your child permission to change into something more magical, an archetype, a mythical character, something from the Greek, something from the Roman time, something from literature, something from fairy tales, a creature, an animal, a fairy. Just let your child shift and become this magical, archetypal creature. Just see what they’ve become. Now your mind is going to paint you a picture of the perfect archetype for you even if it seems strange or confusing to you. So I want you to look at your magical child. And now write down some, at least two very specific aspects of this magical or mythical creature it has turned into. And notice as a child became this archetype have different, the energy is, how full and rich, maybe it’s more strength, maybe it’s more lightness, maybe it’s softer, maybe it’s stronger. I want you to see this magical child archetype and write down some very specific aspects because these are additional aspects for you to start owning in your life right now. And so this magical child has an incredible sixth and seventh chakra. The connection to all that is infinite, magical, possible, divine, it, it’s magic and impossibility already in this archetype. I want you to see how this magical child is your direct source to magic, to miracles, to creativity, unbounded creativity, to joy, to lightness of being. We get to creativity through the freedom, the unbounded carefree freedom to play because it is in play that we are full of magic and wonderment. So I want to hear from you guys on what your archetype looks and how it is and will do a little round of tapping first and if there’s a lots of people are already raising their hand but I want to do a little round of tapping first on this. Tapping through the points.

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Tapping Session # 3 There, here she is, wow, really amazing. I’m not sure what this means. I’m not sure this is real. This is my magical inner child, an archetype within me, With power that I’ve never seen or experienced, With abilities and aspects, strength That I’ve never even considered as being part of me. This is the part of me connected into magic, The miraculous magic that is the divine, the unknown, The unmanifest, pure creative energy. It’s amazing. How can this be in me! It has so many gifts. Are those really gifts for me? I don’t see how I could own those gifts. I honor this magical child, this part of me That’s been denied, my denied light. I honor this magical child, the part of me I’ve never set free; The part of me that would have run the streets When I was a child and joyful, playful creativity But it was locked down. I’m glad it’s not too late to own this beautiful archetype. My logical mind is not seeing how this can work. But I’m open to owning this archetype, This magical mythical child in me and all of the gifts it has for me.

~~~ Margaret M. Lynch: Okay and take a nice deep breath. I’m going to start taking some comments but I want you to just, as you’re sitting there, imagine that this magical child has a box in its hands for you and it hands you this gift and in the box could be anything, could be energy, could be key, could be a word but it’s your gift to receive that box and open it. And see what your magical child has for you. Participant: Yes, hi Margaret! Hello! Hi. This is really beautiful. After the last tapping, before this last round, at the end of that last tapping, I started already seeing this child in that same, the light that you brought us into this last tapping. The green light from my heart to hers

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turned violet and then extended out into the white light of God’s love and start having a halo around her head and it is extended out to around her whole body. And she got also my, oh before she got off my lap, when I was comforting her and rocking her, and telling her she was loved, her head and soothing her hair, she turned around and start doing the same thing to me and kissed me on the mouth and told me that I was, that she loved me and that she was there for me because that’s when all of the sadness, of the loss came from my life and when we started to visualize this, before this last round, she was sitting back on the floor with her sisters and the room now was bright light, bright lightly lit. And her, her heart was totally open and now instead of being on guard and vigilant, she was pouring love into the room into her sister’s heart too who is also afraid and to her mother’s heart who is also afraid. The interesting thing is when I saw her as an archetype, she became a tinker bell. And the meaning of my name, Faye, means fairy. She brought a lot of light onto the room and I realize that when I came in to this world, my mission was to take that light and that lightness into other people’s life. I mean it was suppressed to the point where I couldn’t pull it out of me, myself until recently. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah that’s quite a gift. You know we saw maybe some that feels on profile class but often when we, when we do this inner child work and you have a lot of the emotional intelligence specialist quality and did that one resonate for you? Participant: I was like three on the list. I think the charismatic leader was first and the knowledgeable achiever was definitely second because it’s been ruling my life since the beginning. Margaret M. Lynch: Just because of the ruling of the life does not mean that it’s not one of your primaries, right? Participant: That’s really good news then. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah because we often will see this quality when we do inner child work, could be emotional intelligence specialist you know that has a strong charismatic leader is that

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when you look back at the child, they want to bring healing to other people which is kind of interesting and it’s more of an emotional intelligence quality that’s like, because the life purpose of the emotional intelligence specialist is to, is to bring love onto the planet, to embody love in such a deep level that everyone else in the room gets a healing. Participant: Well then that’s definitely my mission. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and that resonates with you and so, and so it’s really common to kind of see that picture. She wanted to bring healing with that light and the inner child in you, you know the other thing I want you to notice is she gave healing to her sisters, her mother and she’s like, “I got healing for you too.” She’s not drained. No. And so when you’re operating a lot in knowledgeable achiever, you’re going to be more drained when you try to give but this is the, the, in a fairy it’s more this light quality, right? So, the fairy is great, the tinker bell is great because there’s two ways of operating for you because when she turned into the tinker bell, it’s the other side. You can go really deep heavy into the emotional healing and then the tinker bell is more of a light eerie fleeting away. Tinker bell is not that attached to anybody. So that’s probably your seventh chakra quality, right? And the archetype we often seem more that seventh chakra quality. That’s why a lot of people see things that can fly because it’s the air quality to the higher chakras. Participant: Yes, I definitely have that quality. Participant: So when we did the round of tapping where we gave our inner child a hug, my child reaction was to get out of the stroller, hands up in the air and she did like a spin around and just started dancing like a wooowoooh. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah. You heard me say to the other person, right? That you need to go, you need to reenact that.

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Participant: Yes, I did. At the minute you said that, I said as soon as I’m off the phone, I’m going to sit down and then I’m going to bounce off and spin it down. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah I want you to remember that feeling in that moment. I want you to use it more often in your life because when you’re doing that, you remember who you are. You actually don’t, you actually are fearless in that moment. You don’t care about controlling everything around you. So when you’re spinning around going woooohoo, you remember who you are in that moment. So does that make sense? So if you find yourself getting nervous that I got to check things and control people and manage people, I want you to take time to spin around and go woohoooo. Okay great! So what happens next? Participant: Yeah so then similarly to what they were just saying when I turned into the magical creature, I’m literally, the minute you said it, my child turned into a pixie. And we’re fairy and that’s been I’ve always had a connection to pixies and I actually had a dream once. It was a long time ago, that there was a pixie that was trying to give me a message and she was whispering into my ear but I couldn’t understand what she was saying because it just kind of sound like it’s squeaking and I remember waking up and going, but I never got the message but I, come back, come back, I never got the message. And I remember up to this day, I mean it stays with me that I never heard that message from the pixie so I find it really, really interesting that that’s what my child turned into. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah and so your dream was showing you that you don’t, that you don’t hear your intuition. You don’t hear your, that the channel’s kind of block, I mean it was a real specific dream, right? That, that you know, when we have to be hyper vigilant and worry, and you know, mange things and you know like you said in the stroller, you know walking behind, it’s really hard to hear our own intuition, to feel our own creativity, to feel that magical quality because we’re too busy. Just like a child who’s like going to worry about survival. I don’t have time for play. So, so that’s really you know, some really cool messages for you, so, so, so the great thing about developing this archetype and seeing it now so strongly is that everybody gets to resist this inner child archetype. When you need to be creative, when you need to, to reconnect, you sit down, you close your eyes, take a few deep breath and you visualize. And you can literally say inside

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yourself, “I’m asking you to come into my field, you know, to come up in my field, to come in to my field,” however you want to say it, come up in my consciousness and see that pixie again. And that’s a really good way to connect to that part of you. And work with it like I want to hear you. I’m listening because your, I have a feeling you’ll start getting some downloads. It’s like I always say to people if you say I am open to hearing and receiving an inspiration, an idea, I’m open to hearing my intuition. You hear it. That you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and be like blah, blah, blah. Why do I need to, you know, why am I, why is that so strong in my mind? And so, so you’ll hear it. Participant: Hey Margaret, hey everybody! This is been, this is been a real interesting session. I ended up turning into a unicorn at the very, very end. But I started off with my child and she was with my grandmother at this Christmas party when I was about six. And when you had, she go, like you know to the house we’re living, I didn’t want to go and I kept saying I don’t belong here when I got there. And I was trying to figure out what the deal was because I had a pretty loving you know home life and then I realize you know, I think I felt lonely and I’m an only child. And you know kind of make sense and I thought okay I was really happy when I was at that party, in my mind I had to come back, everything just kind of seem dark and I was all by myself. So after we tap, the room got brighter and then you know when I was talking to her, I told her she’s not alone and have her sit in my lap and the green heart light energy ended up becoming red and then it was pink and then it stayed purple. And then at the end she kind of got up and ended this cute little dance and she started like, “Hey world, I’m here.” And she’s feeling really carefree, happy, and adventurous and then when we did that last round with that archetype, I became a unicorn and that just seems really soft and strong and mysterious in a fun way to me. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah you know so it’s kind of funny. You kind of Google and read a little about you know there’s animal, if you see an animal, you can read, you can Google animal totems, like totem, t-o-t-e-m animal because they will have you know meanings but you know horse always represents strength. So there’s to your, your magical creative side. There’s a lot of robustness, a lot of strength and it’s an earth animal. It’s not flying around. But you got them more grounded earth animal than more like a fairy which is very light and pixie like in flying. So for you it’s kind of like you know we get what we, we get what we’re supposed to get, what we need in the visualizations and then these processes. So yours is more, you know more earth bound. And more strong and more lower chakra, which is, which is really cool especially when you have a strong charismatic leader. So I do, you know, like I said I do recommend you know when I first started of this whole idea of archetypes and then I, and then letting that archetype come up and be there. It’s

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kind of like, “Oh my God,” you know, am I just making this up? Am I just, why, you know, everyone says unicorn, you know. And it’s kind of a thing where you just have to, you know, I came from the very analytical background so this is really new to me. And, and you just kind of have to go with it and just not question the process and sit down and go, “Okay I’m willing to see my unicorn.” Come on, you know. What do you got, you know, what are you calling me to? What do you want to show me? And sometimes all the sudden your mind will just raise. It’s like the unicorn is taking you somewhere and you’re seeing something and you’re like just wow, this is like, now am I making this up? You can kind of go with it, you know, I’ve often shared that when I start doing this process, I would see a werewolf. It’s like are you serious? Like everyone else gets pixies and fairies and I get a freaking werewolf? But it was what I needed at the time. That was what I need at that time and I still call on that werewolf. I mean it sounds crazy but you can say, “Okay I need your, your strength right now or I need that lightness. I need to feel free and imagine right now so I’m going to step in to that archetype. Or let that archetype step in to me. And own some of that quality.” Yeah. Awesome! And also you know, galloping forward, Cathy! Participant: It went very well for me, tears float and everything. I, I, first thought, okay I feel safe and I’m okay and then it was the un wantedness and not being wanted came up for me. So that’s where and then the criticism which was really strong so that went you know super high but she crawled on my lap and received the healing and, and like the other lady, the color changed from green to a purple and then into like a rainbow. And then she went outside holding my hand and then we went trolling around out nature, in the sunshine and stuff. And when you said about turning into a magical creature, she turned into a Unisys which is a combination of a unicorn and a Pegasus. Margaret M. Lynch: Oh Yeah! My daughter has stuff in just like that. Participant: Yeah with angel wings and then it went flying high the sky, into the ocean and flew in the ocean and then came back out of the ocean, continued flying. Margaret M. Lynch: Yeah, wow, so it’s quite a combination because it’s kind of an earth animal but it’s also got wings, and so your, you know and then ocean is always your emotion. Ocean is your second chakra when you dream about water, the ocean or being in water or over water if

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that’s your second chakra. So it’s all your emotion. So that’s you, you know, you kind of can go deeper into your emotion, and you can go up to your seventh chakra. Yeah! Really, really cool. It’s very cool. Yeah, so, yeah so it’s kind of like couple aspects in one with their specific gifts that the unicorn Pegasus gave you. Participant: She gave me what looks like a lotus, like a lit lotus blossom, like it was all light like in a shape of a lotus blossom that melted in my heart. Margaret M. Lynch: Wow, yeah, because a lotus blossom is the representation of the chakras. And white would be the sole light so that’s pretty cool. It’s very cool! Yeah, really, really cool. And some of the people on the, who are raising on the webcast so that’s the unicorn is majestic grateful flowing dream, hope. Several other people site unicorn. Unicorn has the ability to make your dreams come true, restore broken spirits., helps you develop personal power that can be unlimited so that’s a pretty cool thing. Yeah a lot of people are getting unicorns. Oh, someone also got a big white bird, white wings so kind of a mix between you know, so you know birds are your seventh chakra. So when it’s a bird like that, that means you know your, your powerful sixth chakra because they have the bird’s eye view. So you’re sort of flying in your, in your sixth chakra. That is very, very cool, very cool. She also said, this is Doris on the line, as a child I dreamed or daydreams that I could fly the level of the tree tops. Me too, all the time. I was always pretending, I was flying literally off my roof and flying around my neighborhood. Very cool! Now you had a Pegasus. So did you ever dream about flying? Participant: Yes. I’ve dreamed of both unicorn and Pegasus as separate thing. And then this one came as a combination. Margaret M. Lynch: Okay so what I want to finish with is and then I’ll take a few more comments, is that this now, is, is something that you have to take, you know, you’re seeing the gift that this

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inner, that this magical child is given you. You’ve noticed some real specific aspects both about your child when they felt good and about the magical creature. So there’s some real information for you to think about: How can I own this quality more in my life. What would that mean in my life?” And again, sometimes it makes sense to us, sometimes it doesn’t. But this is your gift. But this becomes your, your, the consciousness about this, the awareness about this magical child in you means that you now have to give space in your life for your magical child to have fun because your life, you’re going to let off its hook, nothing has really changed in it. It set up the way you haven’t set up. But now with the consciousness knowing how important it is to give yourself space, to be that child, to be that magical child, to be the playful child in you, that that actually has to be created for most people into their life because we don’t really have that built in. We might have TV time, you know we might have go getting a message done; we might have time reading a novel. But I mean time to let that inner child in you play. That is a conscious decision and commitment. Now it’s never going to line up logically with your analytical mind because it’s not going to check any of the boxes around efficiency, getting things done, reading my email, marketing my business. It’s never going to check any those boxes. It’s just fun time. But the only way that you will really have access to this unbelievable treasury of creativity that you have, this wonderment of infinite possibility, the curiosity, the belief of what’s possible, to have that really flowing and operating in you, you have to create the space and you have to create the space without conditions and criticisms. So when we’re having fun and our mind is going, “I’m not really getting stuff done.” You have to create that space on purpose because it’s probably not created in your life right now. And this is an area where I can safely say that I am a very god role model because I spent at least an hour of day in trickery in my home. It’s not, it’s not who I was as a child and it’s now who I am again as an adult from doing this kind of work. I am a past. I like to play tricks. I like to tell stories. It’s a fun and a silliness and a lightness and it feeds me to have that silly childlike way at least for an hour a day, spread over you know ten minutes here or ten minutes there. I play games, I torture him. I tease him. I make up stories. It’s playful. It’s silly. It’s fun. And it brings great you know, on a logical scale, on a practical scale, the manager in me, it doesn’t seem like there’s values to that on paper but it totally feeds not only my joy and life. But it feeds that creativity in me. I am more creative and more inspired and believe more because I let myself be like a child, certain times in a day. And it, it does effect everybody. You know, it effects everybody in the room. So I want you to think about how you can commit to creating time for that inner child that you pledged today to, to accept and be there for. And I really want you to think about how it can shift in your relationship with your children, with your partner, with your friends. It is a, it’s a quality that has an extremely high healing quality. That’s why we like sitcoms, and comedies and comedians because fun feels good.

Page 27: Page 1 of 26 - Amazon S3 · Page 1 of 26 TRANSCRIPT Please note: this is a direct transcript from the audio course. Errors in grammar and misspellings are to be expected. Please enjoy

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So I like to say that really strongly because I don’t’ want you to come away from today and just go back to your same routine. I want you to have a level of consciousness and decision, make a decision, a choice, that you’re going to figure out a way to feed that inner child, to give your inner child space to play and that it will affect the bottom line in you, both in your money, your business, your health and your personal joy. It may not seem to line up there directly, but it a hundred percent will set that bottom line. You will be more creative, you will be more light. And then secondly, as I’ve already mentioned, to actively, pro actively engaged with this inner child. Sit down, close your eyes, let the archetype come to you again and just be there with it, let it fill you with that energy, let it show you something, tell you something, ask you something, whatever, whatever that archetype wants to do, to work with you or maybe just be there in that energy. And that is, it’s like giving yourself an unbelievable healing and it, you know, it also, it opens up the pathway to our intuition. It’s literally saying, “I hear you.” “I want to hear you.” “I want to see, feel, and hear you in my life and it allows you know some people believe, including Rhys and that we all have multiple guides, angels, sended masters that are here to work with us, to help us, to guide us, and whether it’s your own intuition or it’s a guide coming to work with you, in the light, this is the way we open up that channel. It’s I am here, for, to, to work with this inner child archetype in me for my highest good, for my light. So you’re literally, consciously asking and opening up that channel. Awesome, awesome! Awesome comments on the trying to read as many as I can comments, the Q&A comments from the, from the line coming in. Someone also said Pegasus is concerned with secret places and guarding them. It’s always female energy. Someone also asked about if the, if the child has a different sex and yeah that’s important. If you are a woman and archetype is more male like my werewolf was very male obviously, I was like “Oh my God,” your, you know, you’re working with your, it’s a masculine side of you that needs to be open more up. So there’s always a gift and a calling and whatever the archetype is and the fact is going to tell you it is a masculine, feminine quality I need to own more or feminine quality that I need to own more of. [End of Transcript]