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Please note: this is a direct transcript from the audio course. Errors in grammar and misspellings are to be expected. Please enjoy the easy access to the cutting edge content of this audio as well as the tapping scripts that are right at your fingers tips!

Margaret M. Lynch:

In today's class, we're going to talk about the backlash. We're moving up from the fourth chakra to the fifth chakra, which is the channel of manifestation. So I'm going to talk a little bit more about the fifth chakra today. Then we're going to get into the backlash, which is really how, when we start to make progress and start to say, "I'm powerful," or when we start to move towards a goal, for example, we'll experience a pushback.

Often, a way that we can hear that pushback is in some of the negative statements that start to arise in us and pieces of evidence that appear in our life that we have an inner dialog about as well. It can seem like it's just our inner talk or it can seem like "Oh, my god, my world is crumbling, and this means …" and that will start a whole train of talk.

I'm going to start talking about the fifth chakra first. Then I'm going to get some feedback from you on backlash and the inner saboteur and things like that.

For all of us that have some or a lot of Charismatic Leader, the fifth chakra is a dominant way of operating. It's the dominant chakra for the Charismatic Leader.

In Deepak Chopra's How to Know God—and this is the way I talked about it in my Miracles program—when you get to the fifth level or fifth chakra, this is where you cross the line from the physical to the quantum field. When you come up to the vibration of the fifth chakra, it's when you speak a thing and it manifests, which is really kind of scary and cool and powerful.

People always know that the fifth chakra is your truth and speaking your truth, but it's really our creative channel. It's the creative channel and the healing channel. Rhys teaches that all healing happens at the fifth-chakra level because that's the actual vibrational level. Even when you're a healer working on the first chakra or second chakra, you're actually using the fifth chakra as the healing channel.

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It's also your creative channel, so whether you're speaking or whether you're painting on a canvas, that is your fifth chakra. It's your creative identity, and it's your self-expression. It is located in the throat and the neck. It's really kind of cool. What Rhys says is that "with your fifth chakra, you create yourself in the minds of other people." First of all, all of your chakras are speaking. Every chakra, every wound, every vow, every bit of your light, and every bit of your dark is somehow speaking through your voice. Through that voice, you create yourself in the minds of other people. The only way that you guys have an image of me, my personality, who I am, and what I'm about is from my voice, from how I speak, from what I do, from everything that comes through my voice, which is really kind of interesting. I never really thought about it. This is one of the things that he said to me a couple of years ago, and I just sat there and said, "I'm going to think about that for two weeks." It is where we create ourselves in the minds of others. We communicate our truth and our creativity, so that we can really be seen, be heard, and be understood. It's also where we directly choose what is good for us and what is not good for us, saying no to what we don't want and yes to what we do want. We also call ourselves out on our unconscious behaviors. He says, "It's the willingness to speak the truth of your deepest feelings and your highest aspirations." Say yes and mean it, and say no and mean it. Caroline Myss talks about the fifth chakra as courage. It's the courage to actually speak your heart's truth instead of your tribe's truth, the party line, the truth of your programming, or the truth of your vows. "No, no, no. I'm broken." That's a vow speaking. It's not your actual truth. It's where you have courage and you call out your power and your gifts for everyone to see, which actually takes a lot of courage. You also call out your weaknesses and your addictions so they will lose power over you. The interesting thing in work like this is that often we're very willing to call out our weaknesses and all the ways that we are procrastinating. People always say, "I know it's me, Margaret! I know it's me! I know I'm my own worst enemy!" But it

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can be harder to call out our gifts and our brilliance for everyone to see, to call out our passion, our desire, and how much we really want it, for example, when it comes to our goals. It's scary to do that. The way it works is that with our fifth chakra, we speak—this is where Deepak Chopra teaches that we cross over into the quantum realm—and as we start to speak, it starts to be created at the quantum realm in the world, which is really, really cool. It's where that crossover starts to happen. It actually starts the manifestation process, and we actually start that process within us. Rhys teaches that you start by speaking the truth within you and then speaking your truth out in the world because when you start speaking it into you, it starts manifesting. First is to recognize that the fifth chakra is totally controlled by the first chakra, another really cool thing that Rhys teaches. Basically, your tribe, that paradigm that we've looked at a couple of times when we've looked at the child in you, controls your fifth chakra. So the fifth chakra is going to speak the truth of the party line, the loyalty to the tribe, and at the exact same time, the rebellion against the tribe, the getting even with the tribe, the "You wounded me and my power, so I'm always going to speak the truth of my wounding in my power. You didn't let me have self-esteem, so I'm always going to speak the truth in me that I have no self-esteem and I hate myself." It's really being controlled by all that stuff at the first chakra and our second chakra. The negative vows at the fifth chakra are to basically "withhold or lie about my truth. Sometimes that means saying nothing. Sometimes that means withholding. Sometimes that means just taking the party line or not speaking my whole truth." It can also mean "overspeaking my truth," manipulating or controlling people by overspeaking our truth—let's just say a wound, for example—overspeaking our wound to manipulate people or overspeaking our truth to get what we want. All of these are qualities of the fifth chakra. As we talk about the backlash, we can often see the backlash in our inner self-talk. I can't overstate enough—it was like a dawning realization for me as I taught it—how incredibly powerful your fifth chakra is in the way that you create your life. You are literally creating your life with your words, the words you speak inside of you and the words that you speak out in the world.

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We learn a lot in the Law of Attraction that you're creating your life with the things that you visualize. You're creating your life all the time consciously. And I would say that you are manifesting your life literally with the words that are coming out of your mouth. This is a really great time—and that's what we're going to do in this class—to really take stock of the things that go through your head. What is that talk? How do you talk about the world, yourself, your abilities, and your goals? First, I want everyone to tune in to this idea of a backlash, of a pushback. Everyone has made some progress and is in some level of either backlash, pushing back against that, or fear that says, "Oh, my god, now I'm going to have to go to the next level," especially with me getting all of you to create a goal that you have to go after. I want to hear some of the statements that would go through your whole being around the backlash, around your goals, and around the progress that you've made. Imagine you're standing on a precipice of the next step up, which is really way up into your power, way up into your "Oprah" moment, for example. You're going to step right up onto Oprah's stage with her. Given that moment, what would come up in you? What would the negative talk be? It can be about you. It can be about the nature of the world and how things are. Sometimes there's a mix of both, and we can sometimes quickly see how that comes from our tribe. "People like us …" Participant: I see myself at the edge of a cliff with a glider, and I'm about to jump off, and I can hear this loud "NO!" I see part of myself, just literally all four limbs. "No, it's not safe!" is all I can hear. Margaret: Say you're antagonizing this part of you when you say, "I'm going to do it anyway." How would it up the ante? Participant:

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It's just literally panic. And I've noticed that in the last couple of days, I've had a lot of body aches. So it's literally like, "No, you're not going to do it because I'm not going to let you." It's just that interesting. What I've noticed outside in my life, all of a sudden Michael, my youngest one—we're going to Vienna this winter for the holidays—he's showing a lot of resistance. Nick is like, "Yeah, let's get out there. Let's go. I can't wait!" and Mike is like, "I don't want to go." Yesterday, I finally said, "Look, we're going, and that's that." He said, "Well, I want to stay home." He's basically acting it out in the outside world for me. Margaret: It's interesting that sometimes we will manifest the observing of someone else struggling with the same issue. You can actually tap on it that way. You can say, "Even though I am manifesting the observing of my son…"—this is something that Kerry and I figured out how to tap on together—because how do you deal with the fact that now you're observing somebody that is totally in their Enforcer or totally in their "poor me" or totally in panic? Okay, so it's mostly not safe. Is there anything negative inside of you? If you were to say, "What's my biggest negative self-talk?" give me two more statements, one about yourself and one about the world. What would your go-to "I suck" statement be? Participant: Well, "I'm not important enough." That's one of them. I've noticed that whenever I'm being dismissed, so I'm not significant. "I am insignificant." Actually, that would be the right statement. The other thing is that I don't have the power. "I just don't have the power." Margaret: Okay, and one more about the world and the way things work in the world. Participant: The way things work in the world is that "the only people who are really successful are people who are taking advantage of others."

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Margaret: These are really common from Charismatic Leaders because it's all about not being important enough, and it's always going to be that there's power and disempowerment. Participant: I've been feeling a lot of anxiety in general. I was doing much better when I was embracing some of the anxiety as anger. I not really sure exactly what happened, but I'm kind of back to having these anxiety attacks again, and it's driving me crazy. But when I think about my goal and everything, the things that keep running through my head are, "You don't know what you're doing, and you're a phony." I keep thinking I'm trying to be all positive, and I want to share some light and spread fun and joy in the world, and inside, I just kind of feel like a bit of a mess. I'm struggling with the things that I want to help people with, I'm hating myself for, and I'm really floundering with that right now. Margaret: What would the self-talk be around "hating myself for"? Would it be like "I hate you" or you would be like "I suck"? What would it be? Participant: I keep feeling like, "You're a fake, and you're trying to be something that you're not." Those are the things that keep popping into my head. Margaret: What we're seeing in there is some of the dark side of the Charismatic Leader because we do fake it till we make it. That's a huge fifth-chakra quality of the Charismatic Leader. They go, "I don't frigging know how to do this, but hey, I'm an expert! Hire me!" I literally made up the term "success coach" and called myself that on Day 1. Participant:

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Okay, that makes me feel better! Margaret: That's a fifth-chakra quality that can have a dark side and a light side. You're calling yourself out on your Charismatic Leader quality that's real. But right now, it's part of your sabotage. "You are a fake." What about the way the world is? Participant: Sometimes I just feel the world is not safe. I'll try to think, "It's what you create and what everyone is creating," but sometimes it's not fair and it's not always safe. Margaret: Is there anything in particular in there, like "People will screw you" or "People are out to get you"? Participant: Yes, people will take advantage of you, people will harm you in some way, and that kind of stuff. Margaret: We're seeing how that comes from the first chakra, right? Participant: Yes. Participant: I was pretty much ditto to the last caller, with lots of anxiety and imagining myself on "Oprah" or something, and I'd say to myself, "Oh, if they really knew what I was like …" Then with the increase in anxiety pretty much going off quite a lot

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every day, I get angry easily to protect my anxious part. Then I get really full of shame. Margaret: Finish the sentence "If they really knew what I was like, they'd see that I'm …" Participant: "… totally fucked up." Margaret: Anything else? Participant: "… not worth it." Margaret: When you say that you feel shame, "I should feel shame because …" Participant: "… because of the way I act, like when I'm angry, and how much I lose it. And I don't feel the world is safe. I feel like there's so much judgment, and people will attack you if they see you moving ahead." Margaret: If you rise up in your power and you move ahead, you will get attacked? Participant: Yes. Margaret:

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This is really powerful stuff because we're going to manifest from our dark side some of the evidence to support this voice. Participant: Regarding my goal, I'm the same really, I think, as a lot of other people—feeling a lot of anxiety about trying to achieve my goal and feeling really overwhelmed—and I think just a lot of anger at the whole system, just the unfairness of the way the whole system works. About myself, I'm just feeling that I'm not good enough, I don't know enough, and "What if I can't do what I say that I will do for my potential clients?" I'm just kind of feeling that the whole world is really selfish and it's just so competitive out there that it gets really hard. Margaret: When you said you had anxiety about your goal, what would that anxiety say? "It's impossible. You can't do it. You're going to fail"? What would that anxiety say? Participant: Yes, a lot around "What if it doesn't work out if I do this? Then what will I do?" Margaret: So it's like the "Then what?" Participant: Yes. Margaret: There's a projecting into the future with worry. Participant: Yes, I worry too much about the future.

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Margaret: The mind lives in the past or the future, not the present moment. It's like "Even if I picture the future, there are just more things to worry about." That's what's great about pushing you guys with a goal. We get to see a whole other level of stuff in there because you're looking at a materialized version of a piece of you owning your power more. That goal represents you stepping up in your power. You would have to, to get there. We get to see a whole other level of resistance against that and then all of the first-chakra beliefs, like "The world is not frickin' wired this way. The world is selfish." Participant: That's right. The past, I haven't worked out as well, so it's just also kind of feeding off that "Well, it didn't work before, so what's the guarantee it's going to work out this time?" Margaret: We've got lots of really good negative fifth-chakra statements in there, and I want you all to each get them down on paper. Now I want you to think of one more that you can note down for yourself that really is like an expression—a commonly said expression—that comes from your tribe, like "the other shoe is always going to drop" or "blood is thicker than water," like my mother would always say. It was her way of saying, "Don't trust people. The world will screw you. People like us don't get ahead." It's like you're 5 years old, saying, "Really, Mom? Really, Dad?" See if you can think of another one. Even when they're kind of funny and we joke about them, like, "Oh, my dad always used to say …" they're really powerful because we have vows and that voice is still playing in us. Rhys says, "The voice in your head is your parents' voice." This is why I write down everything he says. So I want everyone to get down one more for themselves that really has to do with their family, their tribe, or their mother and father said it.

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My dad always used to say, "People are idiots." You can hear the negative pleasure in that. "We're the people who are smarter than other people. We might not have more than them, we might not have the same power, but we can get power by being smarter and judging." That means that I have to manifest really stupid people to appear in my life on cue so that we can sit around, talk about them, and totally judge them on how stupid they are and be completely right about that. That means boss after boss after boss I'm going to have to manifest. When we let that go, we get to manifest Knowledgeable Achievers or Charismatic Leaders who are wonderful, vibrant, and intelligent. We're going to start doing some tapping on this voice, but before we do it, I want you to embody it. I want everyone to take a nice, deep breath and just close your eyes because we're going to project this little person out. I want you to see, standing there across from you, your inner saboteur. This is a version of you that might not even look like you much. I do want you to try to make it look human. This is the part of you that has the whole repertoire down. It goes to the panic of "You're not safe! You're not safe! You're not safe!" It'll turn on the pain. It'll turn on the shame. It'll turn on the ruthless, vicious "You're insignificant, a total fraud, a phony. You're a fake. You're going to fail anyway. You're totally fucked up. The world is not safe! The world is not safe! People will attack you. People will attack you if you're vulnerable. People will attack you if you're powerful." Worry, worry, worry, worry. This is your inner saboteur, and it has a very loud voice inside of you. We're just going to tap right now to voice this side of you, but I want you to notice how it looks. How is she looking? What is her energy like? Since we're all ladies, I can say "she." How is she looking at you? Notice how much you do not like her. First, we're going to tap and voice her. Tapping through the points: Tapping Session 1 There she is My inner saboteur And she's yelling, urging me And she's got a whole list that she runs through

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She turns on the panic: It's not safe! It's not safe! You're going to fail! You're going to be seen! It's not safe! Oh, my god, stop what you're doing! Go back to the old way! You're going to be seen! Everyone will know! Failure Loser! Insignificant! No power! People will take advantage! People will attack! That's the truth! The world is not safe You're a failure You're missing something Not smart enough You really don't have what it takes You're not worthy enough You're totally fucked up You're a mess You're a bitch! You're not important … you're nothing And the world is not a safe place for you Don't you let them see you

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Don't you go believing Don't you even try There she is My saboteur She is so good at her job She is passionate about this job She really gets into it: You should be ashamed of yourself Who do you think you are? Everything is going bad You'd better go back to the old way It's not safe Wow, she really has that down And I hear her all day long My inner saboteur is using my creative channel My powerful manifestation channel To speak these lies To speak the tribe's truth To speak the truth of my wounds She's got a lot of power None of it is working for me.

~~~ Take a nice, deep breath. I want you to look at her again. It's a little different from just tapping directly on "I'm a piece of crap. I'm a piece of crap. I'm going to fail." I think that can give us some temporary relief—it'll calm it—but I like to project it out and look at your inner saboteur because we can often get a lot more transformation when doing it this way.

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The gift in the inner saboteur is having the consciousness, the Spidey-Sense—the tingling—when you're going into self-sabotage. When you're doing something that actually is your self-sabotage, you either catch it quickly, you catch yourself halfway through it, or you realize later, "Oh, that didn't work out very well. That's one of the ways I self-sabotage, and I didn't even see myself doing it." The gift in the saboteur is going to be about consciousness because we can't really get rid of that archetype. It's in there. You can give me some feedback. How does she look now, and what is she saying now? Did we calm her down a little bit? Did she get louder? Just notice if she seems bigger and more powerful than you do. Participant: I got an image of Cinderella's stepmother. It's interesting because of all the Disney villains, even the ones with the supernatural powers, she's always been the cruelest and meanest one, so the most accurate to me. I've always seen her, so she pops right in there really very quickly. The one thing I did add after she was sort of hissing at me was almost like endless rows of teeth, so that was weird. I could see her nasty judgment, and her eyebrows were arched up—just all of that stuff. While we were tapping, I started noticing that I had a lot of phlegm coming up—excuse me, that's gross—into my throat and I was doing a lot of [throat clearing]. After we tapped, she was still kind of agitated and hissing but not as much. Definitely, I'm going to have to do a lot of tapping on that. Margaret: Your mind is really painting you this metaphorical picture of the fifth chakra. You're seeing all the rows of the teeth. The fifth chakra is also the channel that we kill in. It's the healing channel, and it's the killing channel. All killing and murder and destruction are fifth-chakra actions. It's where we create, where we heal, and where we kill. In this modern day, if you really hate somebody—depending on your upbringing—it's not as common to just go and shoot them. But you might tear them in two with gossip, with inner judgment, or with a litany of "You loser!" You might even dress them down.

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So we really do use our fifth chakra. You could really kill somebody. If you're a really good Enforcer, you can do it with a look. Some of us had parents with that look. I had one client say, "My mother's eyes could bore through a three-inch wooden door, and I could feel those eyes burning on me, and I wanted to die." You're really seeing that metaphorical power at the fifth chakra. This saboteur really is a voice in you, so it's all fifth chakra. But it's all killing. It's all murder. It's all "Destroy!" Participant: Yes, she's so evil. She really is. She doesn't need any supernatural powers to be evil. She just is. Margaret: Definitely, do more tapping. While we're talking more, I want you to start letting her also show you, through her little looking glass, her vision of the world, the one that she portrays to you all the time. "See? This is what the world is really like." Participant: Mine is an older lady. She's got that wiry, spindly gray hair. She's holding a bunch of bags. She's also got on this long trench coat thing, and she almost looks polished. It's kind of like she could be a polished "bag lady." That's how she looks to me. She is really kind of giving me the eye, like "I've got my eye on you. I'm seeing everything that you do," with just that look. I've got one raised eyebrow and just that one eye kind of zeroing in on me. After we did the tapping, she got a little bit softer. Her facial expression was a little bit less judgmental. One change that I noticed is that she put on lipstick. I'm not sure what that's about. It's darker, not really a vibrant color, but it's still different than before. Margaret: Yeah, so it changed to her fifth chakra. The mind works in metaphors, so it's really interesting that you saw a change around her fifth chakra. There was a softening and it got reflected in her.

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You really do have the chameleon, the Shape-shifter, archetype there. Probably, it's one of your main 12 archetypes because when we look at your archetypes or inversions of you, they often can shift aspect really quickly, like "Ooh, she's seen me. I'm going to become something else." It could be that. It's like "She's going to shift a little. Now she's wearing lipstick." It's kind of interesting. That's why I find it so fascinating because your mind is going to paint information that's specific to you. There might be this sort of nimble shifting ability of your saboteur to adapt itself. "Whatever I need to be—maybe I'll sound sweet for a few sentences and now kill you." Participant: That sounds about right to me. Margaret: Yeah, "Maybe I'll give her a delicious-looking apple, and then when she eats it it'll be poison!" Participant: Mine was a very bitter-looking part of myself—looking like me but really bitter and angry in an extreme way—in my face, yelling. And then after the tapping, she wasn't yelling, but she had her arms crossed and was very angry. In a very cold voice, she said, "You'll never stop me." Margaret: That's pretty big, right? This reflects what you've been feeling lately, this part of you that says, "You're never going to stop me." I want you to tune in to her right now if you can and say, "Why? What are you trying to do?" This is for everybody. Participant: She's trying to protect me. Margaret: From what?

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Participant: From the world, from getting hurt. Margaret: We're going to do another round of tapping. For some people, it'll take another round of tapping before they'll see that "she's trying to protect me" aspect. The saboteur always has, at its core, a misguided protection. But some people will see, "No, she just wants to kill me and inflict pain." That's okay if you're seeing that in your saboteur. It just takes a little more tapping, especially if you had a childhood where there was a lot of pain inflicted because the saboteur in you will go as far as it can and as far as your history has given it evidence to stop you from doing something. Tapping through the points: Tapping Session 2 There she is … and she's got a mission And it's painful, but she's on that mission It's the part of me that knows the pain and wants to protect me Even through sabotage Preparing me for the worst Reminding me of the worst The worst in me The worst in other people The worst in the world She's determined She will yell and scream She will manifest chaos, pain and destruction And say, I told you so That's one of her favorite things to say

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I told you so She's on a mission and she's powerful She's more powerful than me most of the time Because she usually wins She's shouting She's pleading She's threatening She's bargaining She's pulling up evidence She's reminding me of the evidence And she won't let it go She won't let it go You'll fail You'll be in danger You'll be exposed Oh, my god! There's so much darkness in you If people see that … destruction There's so much unworthiness, darkness, and shame in you If people see that, you will be rejected, attacked, abandoned, annihilated, destroyed There's so much imperfection in you So many problems So much broken Stupid Ignorant Clueless If people see the real you … destruction She really wants to protect me Really wants to protect me

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From revealing my true self From feeling who I really am From feeling my divinity My divine worthiness My natural courage The enthusiasm to be me She can't let me see that … feel that She's trying to protect me She's awful! And I totally honor her I'm open to seeing her with a new level of consciousness.

~~~ Take a nice, deep breath. I just want you to look at her again and see how she has changed. See if you can engage with her again. She's protecting you. She wants you to know that the world isn't safe and that something bad is going to happen to you. There's some imperfect, shameful, bad, awful piece of you that she's urging you not to reveal. See if you can get a sense of what that is. If that gets seen and it's not good enough, get more specific. What is that fatal flaw that is your biggest fear for people to see? That's where she gets her power. I can tell you what mine was. It was that I was totally insecure. I couldn't let people see that I was actually insecure. That is unforgiveable for me—for my Rule Keeper and for my Charismatic Leader—because in my family, that was just stupid. You got dismissed for that. For my Charismatic Leader, it was weak. So I could never really put myself out there because I had this deep, dark secret that I had to hide. Then right behind that was that I wasn't smart enough and that I was actually stupid. Even though I went to engineering school and was a chemical engineer, I had an entire lifelong "fraud identity" shell around hiding and protecting the fact that secretly I was really stupid, someday people were going to find that out, and I was going to be called out on the whole planet as a fraud.

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That secret flaw, fear, gave my saboteur so much power. "Well, you don't want that to be revealed, do you, Margaret?" How could I argue with that? Participant: She said it was my "core of hate," but it feels like it must more underneath that if you're talking about insecurity. Margaret: Well, that's just what it was for me. I think that one is probably perfect for you. So the gift that she just gave you is letting you know that you truly have a core of hate, and that is your magic button, your secret flaw, your big "I'm not supposed to have this." When we identify that, the unspoken truth is that "I'm not supposed to have a core of hate. I'm not supposed to have that emotion. I'm not supposed to have hate rise up in me as a reaction to anything that happens in my life." So hate is something to be ashamed of? Participant: Yes. Margaret: There's the judgment. The thing is that everybody on this planet has a lower self. Everybody on this planet has a core of hate in them, so how can you not have one? Yours has wounded you because it's come out. It's squirted out the sides. So when you get angry and you blow your top, you've traumatized yourself and other people, so now you have these unforgiveable events, and that makes it even harder to forgive that. It's the same issue that other people will have with their sexuality where they've had issues in their life when they were younger or whenever that came out in the shadow. It was something that they traumatized themselves with and other people and maybe have caused great damage in their life because of it—maybe broken relationships. So it becomes even more evident that "That is a quality that I have to be ashamed of, and then if people really see that in me, something really bad will happen."

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What's interesting about hate—because it's such a strong emotion and a reaction in the same channel as rage and murderous rage—to me, you're a person that has the capacity for really deep feeling and wants to experience really deep love and connection, but not being able to have that triggered hate. The bigger emotion it triggered was a big reaction to not getting what you wanted. It's the separation from being able to deeply, deeply love someone. The negative emotions, I always think of them as a separation from the positive emotions. So for you to be separated that far from being able to experience absolute, deep, trusting, and loyal love in your life—maybe from your parents or however long ago it started—that separation is hate. And it's painful. But it's still a reaction to how painful it is for you personally to not have the big love. If you took a word like "resentment," hate is further on the scale. "I don't resent it. I fucking hate that! I hate them! I hate this!" It's a stronger reaction, which means your desire, your calling for it, your longing for it is bigger, and that's how separated you feel. The big shadow for you is around this "I have a core of hate," and so that's a really good thing for you to use in your personal tapping. Last year, I emailed mine out to my entire list, and I realized later, "That was my biggest lifelong secret!" Without even thinking, I emailed it out. It was like "This is a personal tapping routine that I use all the time," and I sent it out to my whole list. Then I thought, "Wow, I've come a long way." It was like "Even though the truth is, I'm totally insecure and totally self-absorbed, and I care what everybody thinks …" Then I thought, "Wow, my list just learned a lot about me." It was my deepest, greatest fear, and now it has become the work that I do and the things that I share that are empowering to people and let people connect with me because I'm real and I'm human. I always say that when we can own our dark, it becomes something lighter that we can talk about and joke about as opposed to something that's this horrible pain. I say to my friends, "I can picture you saying to people in your life and your friends, 'Let's not forget that I'm a hateful bitch at my core, so will you stand with me, people?'" People laugh because you're owning it and saying it. You catch yourself on a rant with somebody, and you say, "Well, let's just remember that I'm a totally hateful bitch, and that's one of my favorite things to do." When you can be lighter about it, call yourself out on it, and know that "this is my work," your saboteur doesn't

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have to protect you so vigorously from anybody seeing that. Instead of it being a deep, dark thing, it's just a thing. It's like, "Yeah, I've got freckles. So what! Who doesn't have frigging freckles somewhere?" Participant: Before we started to tap, she was saying she wants me to see things how they really are. I'm thinking that's because, in the past, I would kind of pretend that everything was perfect, and I would kind of put my head in the sand, so to speak, so I didn't have to see what was really going on around me just so I wouldn't have to try to make a choice to leave. That's pertaining mostly to my divorce. Then after we tapped, she did soften up a bit, but the thing that kept happening in my head is that I didn't want people to see that I'm naïve. But I'm thinking that there's got to be something maybe underneath that that I can't seem to get. Margaret: I think that's great because when we have such a strong Knowledgeable Achiever, that will often be around something like "I'm clueless" or "I'm naïve" or "I'm missing something." That's our deep, dark secret. Then we have to overly say and project and spend a lot of our energy to make sure that we look like we know what we're talking about. "I'm totally in control. I totally get everything." You're never allowed to have that flaw, so that gives your saboteur all of this ability to say, "You're being a fake. You're being something you're not. You don't really know what you're doing!" Your saboteur can take that and turn it into so much anxiety. Participant: I'm always stressed out. Especially here at work, something will happen, and I'll think, "Okay, I should know that." Then I'll think, "Why should I know that? I don't work in that particular field. Why would I think that I should have this knowledge?" But I always do. Margaret:

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Yes, it's very similar, so you want to develop a way of working through it. You can do some more tapping on this. Again, the underlying belief is "… and I'm not supposed to be naïve about anything." As a Charismatic Leader, in order to have vision and goals and basically create your vision out in the world, you have to be willing to suspend this belief sometimes, turn off your analytical mind, and say, "I know it's impossible. I hear you. The odds are against me, but I'm going to suspend this belief, and I'm going to paint this vision in my mind of me standing on the stage in front of 800 people, with T. Harv Eker thinking I'm great." That sounded mental three years ago. "T. Harv Eker is going to know who I am, think that I'm cool, like what I'm doing, and be like, 'Wow! We should bring tapping into our …'" That sounded insane. That sounded naïve. That sounded like an idiot! Participant: Thank you so much for that because there are times when I just think, "Don't tell me that that's not possible. I know it can be done, even though it hasn't been done before." Margaret: I have my inner skeptic who's like, "Pipe dreams! It's never going to happen!" and I always think, "Where did that come from?" It's like, "You're too naïve, Margaret. Wake up!" Sometimes it's almost like you have to be in one of the other archetypes since a child. Mine that I picked up from the Caroline Myss system is the Magical Child. It's like you have to be able to move into the energy sometimes and look at the world like it's a magical creation. In that moment, you have to be on purpose naïve. Turn off the FOX News. It's a little easier. Turn off any news. It's like, "Let me just be naïve for five minutes." All of these things are a strength. They're a gift. They're also the thing that you're judging the hardest about yourself. Did you use that quality before in a way that didn't work for you? Yes. And I'm sure the pattern was there before then. Participant:

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It definitely was. It's been a lifetime pattern, but that was just the biggest thing where it really blew up in my face. Margaret: Imagine the amount of energy that you could get back when you're at work if you no longer expected yourself to actually know frickin' everything. Participant: I have actually started that, and it has made things a lot easier, where I'm more willing to ask questions. I'll be like, "Okay, can you explain that to me because I'm really not sure what you're talking about?" It has made things easier already, so this will make it even better. Margaret: Now this is with the power of the fifth chakra because if you can start calling yourself out on it in a light, funny way and say, "The secret truth that you don't really know about me is that sometimes I'm clueless!" people laugh. In that moment that you use your fifth chakra that way, you call yourself out in a way that people can tell (a) you're being honest and sincere, and (b) you've kind of owned it and said, "Yeah, that's me." The second you do that, everybody in the room takes in a massive amount of information in the field. Unconsciously, whether they consciously get it or not—sometimes it's conscious in people—they instantaneously see you as carrying more power than them. This is a secret part of it that we don't sometimes recognize, but it's true. You guys have done it with people before. You've seen people that way, where you're like, "They are so comfortable in their skin," and unconsciously, that means they carry more power. "She's not even embarrassed about that flaw." Think about how you guys look at me when I can call myself out on that. Everybody in the room unconsciously takes in the field through all their chakras that you've got an element of personal power that's higher than maybe most of the people. It's because every single person that you are ever going to meet has a secret, dark, scary thing that they are obsessively hiding from the world. And when you start to read their profiles, you know what it is because each profile has particular ones.

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Every Knowledgeable Achiever / Rule Keeper that you meet has a deep, dark, secret belief—that they have to move heaven and earth to prove isn't true—that they're not smart enough. It's the same thing with the Charismatic Leaders thinking that they're broken in some way—or that they're afraid, which is our other big thing—and that "there's something intrinsically, really wrong with me." Participant: I can relate to that feeling broken. I'm glad you said that. That's going to be a tough one. Margaret: In general, that's the Charismatic Leader negative vow. It's a vow to be broken. Participant: Mine was a feeling of inadequacy in terms of "I'm just not interesting enough. I don't have anything really to talk about. I'm boring. I'm not really funny enough." It was those kinds of feelings. Margaret: There's your deep, dark thing—that you're just not that interesting, that you are pretty much boring. Is there something about that that's like you're boring because you're not smart enough or boring because you're not goofy enough or boring because you're not enough fun? Participant: Yeah, I think I'm just not interesting, not goofy, not fun, and don't really have anything much to talk about. Margaret: So you're more serious?

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Participant: Not so much serious, just not really funny in a humorous way. When I see people who are cracking jokes, I don't feel I can do that, so I just feel like people will think I'm boring. Or there are some people who are really talkative, and I'm not. I feel like they think, "Oh, doesn't she have anything to say? Doesn't she have anything to talk about?" Margaret: It's kind of like what I think of as dynamic, vivacious. Participant: Yeah, that would be a good way of saying it. Margaret: So "I don't have any of that," right? That's a really great one for you to work with because you do have a strong Emotional Intelligence Specialist quality in you. These are people who are very emotionally dynamic. When they're in that quality, everything they say is usually very vivid, very alive, and very dramatic. I want you to work with that. That might be some of the way your Rule Keeper shuts down that quality. Your biggest secret is that you have to hide from people, so "If I put myself out there more, they're going to realize I am as boring as a post." Participant: Yes, so my way of coping is just to kind of shut down. I don't want to say anything because then I'm going to know. Margaret: I want you to work with that. We also heard a lot about "not good enough" and "don't know enough" and "What if I can't deliver? What if I can't fail? What if it doesn't work out?" Some of those other things were more about the world being unsafe, so if you get seen and people realize that you're just not that interesting

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and dynamic, then how does the world react to that? Is it that nobody likes that kind of person? Participant: Yeah, no one wants to be around me. No one wants to spend time with me. Margaret: Is that kind of like abandonment? Participant: Yeah, exactly that, I guess. Margaret: "So I'll be alone," which is a really painful thing for you. With that Emotional Intelligence Specialist quality, the last thing you want is to be disconnected. I think of it this way: "I can't deeply connect with people, not the real me, because if I connect more deeply, if I'm more present and honest and connect with people one on one, then they'll see that actually I've got nothing. I'm as boring as a post. I've got nothing to say. I've got no views. I have no vivaciousness. And at that point, they're going to walk away." At least when they didn't know, they'd let you stand around in the cool group, but then once they realized that you were boring, they'd be like, "You need to leave our cool circle." I want you to play with that one. It's kind of a funny one. I want you to see if you can get to being light and joking about it. Try it with people that you already trust and are close with and say, "Let's just say it. We all know I'm as boring as a post." See what happens. See how they react because that in itself is kind of funny. "Boring! Sorry, that was my own inner voice." Play with it and see what happens. Participant: Yeah, that's a good way of doing it. Thanks.

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Margaret: The truth is that when you start to connect with people more from that place of that real, authentic you, they are going to find a deep well of interesting stuff because there's probably nobody that processes the world and feelings and other people as deeply as you do. Participant: Yeah, that's probably one of the things I struggle with, trying to connect with people on the same level as me. I try to meet them where they're at because they don't really understand where I'm coming from. Margaret: What Rhys will often say to people who have a really strong Emotional Intelligence Specialist is, "You need to stop expecting people to go as deeply as you can. But your gift is to let them go deeper than they ever knew possible because you make it so safe." Underneath this "boring" thing may be, "Well, I can't go as deep as I am because nobody wants to go there, so I've got to dumb it down. I can't say what my real truth is, my heart's truth, what I'm really feeling, or what I'm really processing right now. If I can't say that, then I have to stand there and not say much." I don't know if that's part of it, but I want you to think about if you were to crack open an eighth of what's going on in you and share that with someone about a movie, something you're doing together, a beautiful day, or looking out in nature. If you're with someone that you know, that you care about, that you trust, and that's a friend, and you just crack open an eighth, saying, "You know what I really feel in a moment like this? I feel like …" They're probably going to look at you like "Holy god!" What is your favorite place to be? Participant: In nature.

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Margaret: When you're in nature, you're telling me that you are a blank slate staring out into space, and if someone said, "What's going on?" you'd say, "I've got nothing"? Participant: Oh, no, I'm enthused about what I'm seeing. Margaret: So what would it be like if you shared some of that? Participant: When I'm in places like that, I don't have a problem. I guess it's in situations where I'm not so fierce or enthusiastic. Or maybe I don't necessarily have much of an opinion, and that's when I have more difficulty. Margaret: There's one side of it. And then the other side of it is when you're in a group of people and people are cracking jokes, do you like to be there? Are you one of the people who like to stand in the audience around some crazy person who's telling a story and laugh and be entertained? Participant: Sure, I love that, but I feel inadequate because I can't do the same. Margaret: I want you to work with that too. Basically, with what you're saying there, the underlying belief is "I’m supposed to be that person too. It's not enough for me to just be there totally enjoying that quality in somebody. I somehow have to be on that stage being the funny person." Participant:

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Right, because I see how everyone else reacts to them, and I guess I think that's how I want to be, too, and I can't be. Then I feel bad. Margaret: Yes, like "I'm supposed to be someone else." So I want you to play with that because that's going to keep you from connecting more deeply. You feel that the way that you connect, the way that you are, isn't somehow enough. Participant: Yes, I've got to stop trying to be other people and just be me. Margaret: When you are you, the attention that's going to come to you and the way that people are going to interact with you is going to be what you really want. And when you do throw in that one little zinger, people are going to fall down laughing because they don't expect it from you. Participant: Yes, that's very true. Margaret: A lot of this is always going to be second-chakra stuff. Everything that we're ashamed of is a second-chakra emotion, second-chakra energy, a second chakra reaching out, and a second chakra wanting in. Everything that we are ashamed about and don't want to reveal is going to be some kind of second-chakra thing. At the second chakra, morality does not exist. This is really off-color, but Rhys will say, "At the second chakra, you look at everything and everyone in three ways: 'Can I eat it, can I fuck it, or can I kill it because I'm going to do one of those three things to it?'" That's your second chakra: fuck it, kill it, eat it. That's it. No morality. Nothing. We are very dirty there. We have lots of people in Hollywood—celebrities, living on the streets, and in our prisons—who are walking archetypes of living in the lower self because they live

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there 100%. That's the basis of the shadow work. You have to own that you have a piece of you that's like that. Again, Deepak's whole introduction in The Shadow Effect is that when you can own that, you have become a person of such great personal power because you can't get pushed off your center. There's nothing that you're so terrified of people seeing anymore, and there's no button that other people can push that makes you have to readjust who you are for them. And there's the energy that you don't have to expend anymore pretending and insisting to the whole world that you don't have this dark side. Participant: Yeah, because we keep bringing up evidence, right? That's what you're saying. You continuously bring up evidence to prove your points of the shadow. Margaret: Yeah, that you're not. Like I said, my ex could just call me "selfish" once, and that would put me into a tailspin of martyring slave work, the likes of which no one had ever seen, because I had to prove that I wasn't selfish. Of course, I was selfish. I was a total Enforcer, and I was pretending to be a People Pleaser. I said, "Okay, you're going to say I'm selfish, so now I'm going to people please even more, despite your bad behavior. I'm going to do EVERYTHING for you!" It was exhausting to be that person. Participant: It is, yeah. Margaret: Now I say, "Of course, I'm selfish. Everybody is," and I deal with that but do not have to go out of my way to pretend that I'm not. It doesn't mean that sometimes I don't see my selfish side come out inappropriately and have to fix that or apologize or say, "Hey, I just realized that it was your birthday, and you called me, and I still didn't remember! That's because I'm pretty self-absorbed, but I really am sorry." But I don't have to pretend that I'm not selfish.

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We'll do another round of tapping. I want you to see this part of you again. I want you to imagine that they're holding out their hand and they're pointing right at your second chakra, right at this terrible, terrible flaw. Because so many of you have self-anxiety, I want you to recognize that when the nervous system gets triggered in that way and you actually feel anxiety, panic, and fear, it's become life-or-death for you. Your unconscious mind has no idea that you don't live in the Dark Ages where you could be stoned as a witch for revealing this quality. Your unconscious mind is just reading the message that this is life-and-death, even if it's just emotional. The people at work will think, "Oh my god, she didn't know what she was talking about." Or the people at the party will be saying, "Oh my god, she's so boring." That is life-and-death level, and when something feels like life-and-death and is being interpreted that way by your unconscious system, it will turn on the anxiety. It will turn on a panic attack. It will put you in the hospital with panic attacks! Tapping through the points: Tapping Session 3 This fatal flaw … it's life-or-death If it gets revealed in some way, I will die I will perish It'll be over I'll be killed, attacked, abandoned I will be judged so harshly And I'll know they're right And that will feel like death My entire nervous system is responding My entire nervous system is wired to urge me, compel me To run, to fight, to hide So nobody sees this This unspeakable, shameful truth If only I could undo it

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The solid truth of it But the reality is, it's true It's true, it's true, it's true, it's true! I have a huge flaw And this is it I'm taking a Magic Marker And I'm writing it all over my body Up and down my arms and legs Across my face and neck I'm writing it in huge letters across my stomach My huge flaw My scariest, life-or-death secret I'm using the power of my fifth chakra And I'm owning it It SUCKS to own this! And I'm owning it I also own the belief that came from my tribe that I shouldn't have this I totally own it It's me A piece of me An aspect of me It's my second chakra … my lower self That's right! I've got it! It lives and breathes in me And I am now fully and completely conscious of it As a totally human aspect of me … that is 100% part of my divinity Part of my animal human nature

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And it's not a pretty one But I own it She's pointing at it … urging me to hide it And now I've written it all over my body for everyone to see And with my powerful voice, I call it out Even though I have this, I love and accept myself I LOVE and ACCEPT myself! That's crazy, and I do Even though this is me This is one fraction of me I love and accept myself … and all of me Because, of course, I have this And I have so much more I have SO much more! I am multidimensional There are a million people locked in me So many dynamic ways of operating Loving Creating I totally honor this flaw And I thank my inner saboteur For presenting it to me so clearly So that I could call myself out on it Of course, I have this flaw And I also have amazing qualities Amazing capacity to love To have vision To create An amazingly beautiful mind full of brilliance … inspiration

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There are so many amazing things about the way I feel and experience the world I am an awesome, awesome creation of the Divine I bless my inner saboteur And I honor my fifth chakra All the ways I've been using it to destroy To lie To stay stuck And all the ways I use it to speak my truth To create To literally manifest every thought, feeling, and action Everything in my life I totally honor it now.

~~~ Take a nice, deep breath. I want you to imagine that you're standing there now, you've got that word written all over you, you're standing in front of a whole room full of people, and this amazing, brilliant, blue energy rises up from your core, surrounding you. And you open your mouth and you speak with courage: "That's right. I've got that, and I can tell you all about it. And I can also tell you that I am amazing, I am brilliant, and I love being alive! I am powerful, I am scared, I am strong, I am vulnerable, I am smart, and I am stupid. I'm all those things … I am my flaws and my light. "And I have visions. I have goals. I have things I'm creating that are amazing." Take a nice, deep breath, and see how that feels.

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It's okay in this moment if that feels a little scary because that's courage. It takes courage! The fifth chakra is courage. But it's different than the life-or-death panic, fear, and anxiety that just runs in us and becomes our inner saboteur. The color of the fifth chakra is that brilliant blue, and so it's a good color to picture when you need courage. Take a nice, deep breath and notice how you're feeling in your body. See if there's some feeling of freedom there, a little more freedom. We're going to be wrapping up, but I'll take some more comments on how that last round went, how it's feeling now, and how it felt to write that word all over your body. They did that on "Glee." They also did it on "America's Next Top Model." They had to pick their biggest wound and write it all over themselves, and then they took a picture with them with it written on their skin. Participant: That was very interesting. As we were tapping, I saw my inner saboteur sort of shrinking down to a baby, and it was crying, and I was holding it. Then when you asked us to see that vision of ourselves on stage, it was very interesting. I was completely naked, but my body was all painted blue, and I had all of this artwork with the words all over my body, and my head was shaved, so that was interesting. I was totally comfortable, and people, it was fascinating to them and it was interesting. There was a lot of acceptance. Margaret: Not so perfect for you because you're an artist. So there you were painted. You are your canvas. That's very cool. And so was there a sense of freedom when you owned that deep, dark secret? Participant: Yeah, there was. There was a sense of freedom, and in the colors of the paint, I saw the green and the violet in the words and stuff like that, so I felt freedom. I felt relieved, like, "It doesn't really matter. Who cares?" Margaret:

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Maybe you should paint that, scan it, and send it to us all. Participant: Okay, I will! Participant: Thank you, Margaret. I just felt really, really relaxed and calm. It was just kind of weird because I thought, "This is not really that big of a deal." Everyone was looking at me, and everyone was just kind of intrigued about it and thinking I was cool because I was up there saying "Hey, I'm naïve!" It really was very liberating and powerful. Margaret: What we all just did, in a way, was face our biggest fear. Life-or-death didn't happen. We didn't actually die. The anxiety had said that "You're going to frickin' die. It's going to be that bad." You just played out facing your biggest fear, standing on a stage and being revealed. The Charismatic Leader, more than anybody else, does not want to be revealed. That's why we like to be chameleons, and every actor and actress you see is a Charismatic Leader. We can become anybody. It's about being revealed, being ourselves, and knowing that we can choose that. I share a lot about who I am, and I share mainly because I've done all this work, so you see how doing this work has helped me. When I did the work at the time, it wasn't part of my master plan that "Wow, I'm going to get to share, and people will connect with me more." It was like, "This is going to free me from my lifelong, gripping insecurities." I've watched it unfold where it's just so easy for me to share my biggest flaws. Especially because we're doing shadow work, of course, I'm going to tell you my process, but I remember that not everybody does that who does the work that I do. I don't think any people share the things I share! Participant:

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That's why we love you so much! Margaret: Look what it does for me. It creates a connection. You just said, "This is why we love you so much, Margaret." It gives me something that other people can't figure out. They don't know what I have, and they don't know why my tribe loves me so much because they could never go there. So it's both for you and the way that you carry your power in the world. The way that people will unconsciously read you, perceive you, like you, and connect with you is totally different. Is it scary? I mean, yeah, I suppose. It's on recording, so somebody could use it against me and say, "Hey, Pamela, have you heard Margaret say this about you?" Or it could be used out of context. Who knows? Would I be vulnerable? Yeah, I'd have to deal with that. But would I have it any other way? No. Could my personal style make somebody feel, "Ugh! I can't stand her"? Totally. Could that really hurt me? Yeah. Do you get more rejected when you are being totally you and somebody is like, "I don't like that"? Does it feel like a bigger rejection? Kind of! It's like, "Wow, I was really being myself!" It's kind of interesting, and you recognize, "Wow, some of my friends have never actually been friends with me because they don't actually like me!" I am more vulnerable, but to be open, you become vulnerable. To connect, you become vulnerable. To ask and receive, you become open, which is becoming vulnerable. Remember, when that sounds scary, that "I always have a choice. I'm not 100% vulnerable all the time." Participant: It seems like you become vulnerable and powerful at the same time. As you're getting more vulnerable, you're gaining your power. Margaret: Yeah, because you realize it's not life-or-death.

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When I was in corporate America and I did really courageous things and I had whole teams, usually all men—some of them were ex-military—say, "Oh my god, Margaret, you're so brave and you have so many balls!" it was because I really didn't care about my career in that company. But to them, because I didn't have panic, fear, anxiety, and life-and-death wrapped around speaking the truth of what was happening and getting some high-level person fired, I looked incredibly brave to them. But to me, it was like, "Well, I guess it's a little brave, but I don't really care." So you get to carry that level of what looks like fearlessness and courage to other people. To you, it feels like, "I'm just not as triggered. It doesn't cause as much panic and anxiety anymore." That's what's effortless. That's what's awesome. Ninety percent of the time, I don't feel panic and anxiety about something. It's like, "No, that's easy for me." You still have to deal with it as you take a step up. Like I say to people, it's one thing to feel, "Oh, I feel 100% confident doing this," but now you're going to be on Oprah's stage with Oprah and Tony Robbins. "Well, I'll have to do some tapping because I've never been asked to do it on national TV." There's always the next step, but it's so much easier to not have to deal with that panic and fear because it no longer feels like life-or-death. Participant: I'm feeling much calmer and breathing more easily. When I was standing on the stage, people were actually looking at me with compassion, saying, "Why do you say that? Tell us more." They wanted to know more about me. Margaret: Oh my god! Your "boring" made you interesting! They were like, "Tell us more about that!" Participant: Yes, it was really good. Margaret:

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You just became very interesting with the "the truth is I'm boring" story! Participant: Right, so I guess, as you said, if you open up, then it does help to make it easier. People see you for who you are, and it's more real then. Margaret: You might also want to play around with that dealing with it this way: the next time you're out with your friends, see what would happen if you let yourself get into a gigglier or sillier vibe. Connect with your particular brand of inner child. Mine is kind of a pest. My inner child is like a pest, so I'm pesky, I'm tricky, and I'm poking people. If you can connect with that inner child quality that you have—for some people it's the magical child, for some people it's the Peter Pan type of a child—see what it would be like to be more playful from that place if one of the things that you want to do is be more playful in a group of people. Participant: Yes, I definitely need to do that. Margaret: When we're not trying to overcome this terrible flaw, it gets easier to try new things. Participant: Right, just be myself and not worry so much about what they're thinking. Margaret: Yeah, and when it's not the biggest flaw that you have, then it's a little easier to play with it and think, "I can practice being a little more goofy and silly because I want to be that at this point in my life."

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Participant: I love the idea of you saying to just be open about what your flaw is and what you're feeling about it with other people. I think it just brings it out and makes it easier to deal with instead of hiding behind it and worrying. Margaret: It's like one of the other things that my sisters and I will say to each other mainly because we are all so interested in only hearing ourselves talk. I'll say, "Okay, I'm going to tell you something about work. Try to stay awake. Try to focus. Try to stay with me. I'm going to talk about it, and it's only going to take a minute and a half," and they're like, "Oh god!" gripping the table. "It's going to be boring. It's going to be about me. Try to hold it together." It takes some of the pressure off. Participant: Yes, that's a really good way of doing it. Margaret: As Rhys says, "It's hard. I can see everyone in your family is an Enforcer." I'm like, "Wow! Eight Enforcers is pretty scary!" Everybody, your homework is to come back to your goal, and I want you to start proactively using your fifth chakra to say some canned expressions. I want you to make up some canned expressions that are really good ones, even if you look at your goal and say something like, "This is happening, this is happening, this is happening!" which is one I used to say. Even if it's kind of funny like that, just make some expressions that you are going to now use as a conscious discipline about staying on purpose. I used to say, "Things are just unfolding all the time. Resources are lining up to me constantly. Ridiculous things happen to me constantly," and that became the new go-to statement that I would say out loud and to myself. Write up an expression like that around your goal or about the way the world is that is different than your inner talk and also one specifically about you. "The

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truth about me is …" You could use some of your dark and your light in it or just have it be your light. "The truth is, I'm frigging awesome!" I want you to practice it. I want you to write it down on a Post-it note where you can see it so that you remember to proactively say it several times a day. The second you start doing that, we all know what happens in our brains, right? Neural pathways start being created, a map that's never had this route used before. Your brain is like, "What the hell? I'm going down a different route! I've never heard spoken out loud, 'Miracles are unfolding for me every day. The truth is, I am a goddess!'" As you start saying it, it starts literally rewiring your pathways and literally manifesting completely new realities around you. This is really, really powerful stuff. It's the same thing with the negative ways. They will start to atrophy, so the pathways you've built in your brain around that old way of thinking—the way you think inside yourself, the truth you speak into you—will start to atrophy and get weaker. This really works. I used to have a continuous stream of negativity in my head, and my inner voice is like a cheerleader now. It even shocks me. As I've said, I'll finish one hour of writing that I have to do, and you would have thought I'd cured cancer. My inner talk is like, "Yay! You rock! You're awesome!" Three days later, "Remember when you did that sales page? You're awesome!" It's a cheerleader in there. Again, you would think I had cured cancer the way it's patting me on the back. That didn't use to be the case. I lived with a debilitating "Could have done it better—sucks, bad, stupid—everyone is going to find out." So you really can rewire this, and it's extremely powerful both in the goal that you're trying to create and the way that you carry your power in the world. [End of Transcript]