PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

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Page 1: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,


Page 2: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

In “bottega”Paola Scibilia was born in Treviso on December 2nd 1970 and works between Treviso and Venice.After the leaving examination at the Art School she moves to Venice, and attends a two-year course at the “School of fine arts”. While still studying, she begins to co-operate in the atelier of the artist Gino De Dominicis, who passed some summer months in Venice. De Dominicis invites her to cooperate also in his atelier in Rome, where she works as his assistant for several years. There she prepares exhibitions and works for buyers, for public collections and exhibitions, for many “Biennale d’Arte” in Venice.That atelier experience with such an important artist, gave her the chance to learn various techniques and use of different materials.

Paola Scibilia nasce a Treviso il 2 dicembre del 1970 e lavora tra Treviso e Venezia.Dopo la maturità al Liceo artistico si trasferisce a Venezia e frequenta un biennio all’Accademia di Belle Arti. Insieme all’impegno dello studio inizia a collaborare nell’atelier dell’artista Gino de Dominicis che trascorreva qualche mese estivo a Venezia.De Dominicis la invita a collaborare anche nel suo studio di Roma così si trasferisce nella capitale e lavora diversi anni come sua assistente preparando allestimenti e opere per privati, collezioni pubbliche, esposizioni per diverse edizioni della Biennale d’Arte di Venezia.Un’esperienza in “bottega” con un importante artista come si usava nell’antichità, dove apprendere tecniche e materiali diversi.


Page 3: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

For PublishersIn Rome she lives other important experiences as designer for famous magazines such as “Gam-bero rosso”; for daily papers and for weekly publications by Mondadori. She co-operates with Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms.She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself, translated into various languages.Also the first catalogues of her works have been published.

A Roma vive altre esperienze importanti come disegnatrice per riviste prestigiose come Gambero Rosso, quotidiani, settimanali editi da Mondadori, collabora con studi grafici e case editrici per manifesti, scenografie, dépliant, loghi per aziende.All’attivo ha già una trentina di libri scritti e illustrati da lei stessa tradotti in diverse lingue.Vengono pubblicati anche i primi cataloghi delle sue opere.


Page 4: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

Maps of townsAfter admiring the “Wiew of Venice” by Jacopo De’ Barbari (end of the 15th century), at the Correr Museum in Venice, Paola develops an interest in the study of the town maps, and after a long meticulous study which takes her wandering along the “calli” of the lagunar town, she produces a colour detailed painting of the Venice of our days seen from above. This painting (the map of Venice) received such a success to give birth to posters, guides, puzzles and else.She was then called to draw the maps of other interesting places, for culture and tourism: Treviso, Preganziol, Modolo e Nevegal (Belluno), Maiano (Florence) and others.

Dopo aver ammirato al Museo Correr la veduta di Venezia di Jacopo De’ Barbari, Paola si interessa allo studio delle cartine delle città e dipinge la mappa della città lagunare, aggiornata e a colori.Con la piantina a volo d’uccello vengono stampate diverse pubblicazioni, poster, guide, puzzle.In seguito viene chiamata a disegnare le cartine di altri luoghi interessanti per cultura e attrattiva turistica: Treviso, Preganziol, Modolo e Nevegal (Belluno), Maiano (Firenze)...


Page 5: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

Sculptures in mosaic of VeniceAt the end of her Roman period, she goes back to Venice and has the chance of visiting the Orsoni mosaic factory. She is fascinated in particular by a hall, called “Library of the colour”, and she decides to study this technique thoroughly. Luckily for her, Lucio Orsoni himself teaches her the art of mosaic, and so she devotes to the sculpture covered with tesseras: “the tridimensional mosaic”.She begins her expositive activity being present at the “Biennale del Vetro” of Venice.In the following years her collaborations and exhibitions have greatly increased, and now her works can be found in private and public collections, in Italy and abroad too: for example one of her works can be seen at the Museum of Glass of Nagoya, Tokio, Japan.

Concluso il periodo romano, rientra a Venezia e ha l’opportunità di visitare la fabbrica Mosaici Orsoni. Rimane affascinata in particolare di una sala, chiamata “biblioteca del colore” e decide di studiare in modo approfondito la tecnica. La fortuna vuole che lo stesso Lucio Orsoni, il titolare, le insegni l’arte musiva, così si dedica alla scultura rivestita di tessere: il “mosaico tridimensionale”.Inizia l’attività espositiva partecipando alla “Biennale del Vetro” a Venezia.Negli anni le collaborazioni e le esposizioni si sono moltiplicate e le sue opere fanno parte di collezioni private e pubbliche in Italia e all’estero dove per esempio è presente con una sua opera presso il Museo del Vetro di Nagoja (Tokio), Giappone.


Page 6: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

Embroidering the glassIn the following years her mosaic works called the attention of some architects.She gives them her collaboration, using the technique of mosaic tesseras to enrich with them parts and details of private and public buildings. The mosaic of crystal or of the coloured glass makes the surfaces brilliant when in the light, and transparent: this makes the surrounding space completely visible.

Le opere a mosaico realizzate negli anni vengono notate da alcuni studi di architettura.Inizia così una intensa collaborazione nell’utilizzare le tessere di mosaico trasparente applicato a soluzioni per case private o opere pubbliche.Il mosaico in cristallo e vetro colorato rende la superficie brillante a contatto con la luce e trasparente per quanto riguarda lo spazio circostante.


Two examples of this technique: the tower in “Piazza del Grano” in Treviso and the map in the “Parco San Giuliano” in Mestre -Venice, studio of architecture Roberto Pamio.

Page 7: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

The island of MuranoAlong with the experience of mosaic, Paola develops the need of examining closely the Murano glass, and there she can know and contact the experts of blown glass. She specializes in the technique of murrina, and creates agreeable objects, where colors are more important then shapes. She forges the object working the glass “cold”, that is using the technique of the carving and the “battuto”. All this makes her objects even more precious.

Accanto all’esperienza del mosaico Paola sviluppa la necessità di approfondire lo studio delvetro e a Murano ha modo di venire a contatto con i maestri del vetro soffiato.Si specializza nella tecnica della murrina e crea forme accoglienti dove è il significatodel colore a predominare. Le opere sono impreziosite dalla stessa artista con lalavorazione del vetro a freddo che consiste nella tecnica dell’incisione e del “battuto”.


Page 8: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

SentinelsThe Sentinels are sculptures of human shape, stylized and archetypical.Their height varies from 20 cms. to 2 mts. and over. The materials Paola uses are for example iron and bronze; parts of them are covered with gold foils and/or mosaic tesseras.The Sentinels have two different interpretations: a sacred one and a secular one. According to the sacred interpretation they are the sentinels of the morning, as in the biblical quotation; according to the “secular” interpretation they are “extraterrestrial beings” sent to watch over humanity.

Le Sentinelle sono una serie di sculture dalla forma umana stilizzata e archetipica.Vengono realizzate in diverse grandezze, da venti centimetri fino a oltre due metri d’altezza e con materiali come il ferro o il bronzo, con delle parti in foglia oro o inserti in mosaico.Le Sentinelle hanno due interpretazioni: nella versione sacra sono le Sentinelle del mattino come nella citazione biblica, nella versione “profana” si immagina che siano state inviate da qualche “entità extraterrestre” per vigilare sull’umanità.


Page 9: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

Art and cultureSome schools and associations ask her cooperation for workshops of “art therapy” and mosaic, for stages, meetings, readings and instructions. She organizes exhibitions of art and of design. She avails herself of the help of the best Italian artisans and materials to produce her works.

Anche scuole e associazioni richiedono la sua presenza, per tenere, da insegnante e da relatore, laboratori di arteterapia e mosaico, stage, incontri, letture e formazione nelle scuole, per associazioni e privatamente. Organizza mostre d’arte e di design, collabora con i migliori artigiani italiani per la realizzazione delle sue opere e utilizza solo materiali Made in Italy.


Clockwise: Project for the underpass at the Station in Treviso, thanks to Confartigianato and Municipality /Uccio Park, Treviso thanks to arch. Stefano Tirelli, Sandra Gatti / Bookshop, Venice.

Page 10: PAOLASCIBILIAITALY · Graphic Ateliers and Publishers for posters, stage design, folders, logotypes for firms. She can enumerate about thirty books, written and illustrated by herself,

PAOLA ITALYvia alzaia 13931100 Treviso

Italiamobile +39 347 6877340

[email protected]

© text and images: Paola Scibilia 2016 – Graphics: Livio Scibilia, Printing: Grafiche Vianello, Treviso-Italia. Credits: Norbert Heyl, Giuseppe Dall’Arche, Orio Frassetto, Michela Scibilia, Riccardo Tinelli.