The Owl Owls are nocturnal. This means they come out at night and sleep by day. Owls live almost everywhere in the world in forests, deserts, meadows and barns. Most owls sleep during the day. At night they hunt animals such as mice, rabbits, rats, fish, frogs, insects and worms. They can fly without making a sound. There are many different kinds of owls. A.J. An t- Ulcabhán

Owls are nocturnal. This means they come out at night and sleep by day. Owls live almost everywhere in the world in forests, deserts, meadows and barns

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The OwlOwls are nocturnal. This means they come out at night and sleep by day.Owls live almost everywhere in the world in forests, deserts, meadows and barns.Most owls sleep during the day.At night they hunt animals such as mice, rabbits, rats, fish, frogs, insects and worms.They can fly without making a sound.There are many different kinds of owls. A.J.


An t-Ulcabhán

The Badger A badger has a home called a sett.A badger is a member of the Weasel family.A badger lives in the woods.A badger stays in its sett during the day and comes out at night to hunt.A badger eats worms, roots, a variety of fruits & nuts & also feeds on insects, mice & young rabbits.

By Brian 

An Broc

The Honey Bee - An Beach

Honey bees are small. They have yellow and black stripes.

They have little wings. Honey bees live in a place called a hive.

Hives are found in forests. Most hives are made of muck.

Honey bees have their young in spring.

Honey Bees are important for pollinating flowers.

By David 

The Hedgehog – An Gráinneog

Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal.   The hedgehog sleeps for a large portion of the daytime either under cover of bush, grass, rock or in a hole in the ground. In general hedgehogs dig dens for shelter. All wild hedgehogs hibernate, although hibernation depends on temperature, species, and abundance of food. Hedgehogs feed on insects, snails, frogs, bird eggs & berries. Berries constitute a major part of a hedgehog’s diet in early spring after hibernation. As with most small mammals living around humans, cars pose a great threat to hedgehogs. Many are run over as they attempt to cross roadways.A Hedgehog’s eyesight is poor, but their sense of smell and hearing is very good.By Emma G

The Pine Marten – An Cat CrainnPine martens are omnivores meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. Hunting for smaller animals such as frogs, squirrels & birds is part of their nature. The Pine Marten is a member of the weasel family. They like well wooded areas where they can nest in hollow trees and old animal homes. Pine martens eat small mammals and seasonally available food such as autumn fruits and berries. They are also treetop hunters that can race skillfully along branches, leaping from tree to tree in pursuit of squirrels. The pine martin is a lovely animal to look at and to observe, but it is very hard to find. The pine martin is known to be very private and hidden in the trees.

By Ian 

The Robin - An SpideogThe robin lives in Ireland all year long. He is about 3 inches high. The Robin is greyish brown with a red breast. You would see the Robin usually on the window sill. He is a friendly bird. The robin eats berries, fruit and worms. He nests in stone walls, bushes or riverbanks. The nest is made of dead leaves and moss and is lined with hairs. The female Robin lays about five or six eggs, which are white in colour with reddish spots. The Robin has a thin pointed beak, which he uses to catch worms.Robins are one of the few birds to be heard singing in the garden on Christmas day. This is because they hold their territory all year round by warning intruders with songs. Male Robins may hold the same territory throughout their lives, and will even attack a bundle of red feathers or their own reflection if they mistake it for another Robin.  By Skye

The Rabbit – An CoinínWild rabbits live in underground burrows out in grassland & woodland. Pet rabbits can live in either indoors or outdoors.Indoor rabbits are kept in cages or hutches.Outdoor rabbits live in a burrow.They dig their homes.A small rabbits is called a kitten or kit.Most rabbits dig for food.Rabbits are herbivores which mean they only eat plants.Rabbits need to drink fresh water.The colour of their fur varies widely.Some wild rabbits change the colour of their fur across the months from all white to brown to black.Rabbits live in groups called nests in a warren.

By Kate  

The Blackbird An Lon Dubh

The blackbird is one of the most common birds in Ireland. It is what is called a resident bird. Blackbirds are often found flying around, especially in & out of hedges and hopping across lawns.  It is mainly a woodland bird but is also found in back gardens. Blackbirds like to eat worms, fruit and insects. The male likes to sing.  A blackbird has very small legs. A blackbird has long black feathers. It is very easy to spot a male blackbird because of the black feathers and a very noticeable orange-yellow beak. The female blackbird is not black at all but is brownish in colour and sometimes is mistaken for a thrush. The common blackbird is omnivorous, eating a wide range of insects, earthworms, seeds and berries. It feeds mainly on the ground. It pulls worms from the soil, usually finding them by sight. By Kellie


The Dormouse lives in deciduous woodland

with plenty of scrub and undergrowth.

They are of a chubby build; bright golden-

brown colour with creamy-white under parts.

It has large black shiny eyes, it has round

ears and a small fluffy tail.

Its head and body are around 2 inches in


They live up to 5 years in the wild and up to

6 years in captivity.

The dormouse eats flowers, pollen, fruits,

nuts and insects.

The Dormouse produce between two and

seven young and can raise two litters a yearBy Labhaoise

Bats - An Sciathán Leathair

Bats are mammals . They are the only mammals able to fly. Bat wings differ from bird wings, however, in that they are covered with skin, not feathers.

Bats help pollinate flowers and disperse fruit seeds. Bats are also important in eating insect and pests.

Bats exist all over the world. Bats are nocturnal animals. Bats rarely fly in rain and can hibernate for 6 months.

Bats have poor eyesight. While flying, most bats send out a high continuous cry. These sounds are reflected by obstacles in the bat's path and echo back to the bat's sensitive ears. The animal instantly responds to the signals and avoids the obstacles.

By Odhran


The pheasant is one of Irelands most colourful birds.The colours on the pheasant are red, green, brown, gold and white.They eat seeds, berries and insects.Baby pheasants are called chicks.They have brilliant sight and hearing after being hatched.They prefer living in wooded agricultural lowlands because food can easily be accessed. Male pheasants are known as cocks or roosters and females are called hens.Pheasants love the sunshine and hate the snow.Pheasants do not migrate, and stay locally the whole year round.The main predators to pheasants are foxes.The average clutch size of a pheasant is 12 eggs.By Emma K


There are many species of squirrels. There nests are called dreys. In Ireland there are 2 types of Squirrel, our native Squirrel, the Red Squirrel & the grey Squirrel which was introduced into Ireland around 1911 in Co. Longford.They can run 20 miles an hour. There teeth never stop growing.There favourite food is nuts.They look for food in Spring.They store nuts for the Winter but forget where they hide them.They hibernate during Winter. By Erin

The SquirrelAn t-Iora Rua

Mink live around rivers and drains. Their favourite food is fish. Mink are very good swimmers. They are brown/black in colour and have sharp teeth. Mink sleep in tree holes and they kill hens, rabbits and birds to eat. They hunt always around the evening time. One can also see Mink in fields, gardens, bogs and ditches. Their poo is black in colour because they eat raw meat. A Mink can make a noise like a dog. When they see a dog they spike up their tail and go mad. A lot of people catch Mink in Mink traps. A male Mink has a white mark on its belly. A female is just all brown. Mink fur was used to make fur coats. They can live up to 10 years.By James

The Mink – An Minc

Foxes are red in colour with bushy tails. They can be found in woodland, forests and open country but they are being seen in towns in recent years. Foxes do not live in packs like wolves do. Foxes live in dens during the winter. The den may be underground, in caves, among rocks, or in hollow logs or trees. Female foxes are called vixens, male foxes are called dogs and baby foxes are called cubs.Foxes are carnivores, which mean they eat meat.  Their diet includes rodents, rabbits, insects and small birds.  If they live near a farm, they will raid the hen house and steal the chickens.  They will also eat vegetation.

The Fox - An Sionnach

By Sean D

The tiny mammal known as the Shrew is sometimes mistaken for a mouse. Shrews are not rodents, however. Instead they belong to the insect-eating group of mammals called insectivores, which also includes moles. There are about 290 species of shrews. Shrews are found north of the equator. Most shrews live on the ground and hide among grass and leaves, while others create burrows and live underground. They usually live alone, except when they are looking after their babies.

by Stephen

The Shrew - An Dallóg

The stoat is rare. They live in wooded areas and rubbish dumps. The stoat does not dig its own burrow, but uses the burrows and nests of the animals it kills. They eat rabbits, mice, rats & shrews. Their young are called kittens. The Stoat changes the colour of its coat to white in Winter. When a stoat is nervous, he hisses, and sometimes barks or shrieks. When he gets angry he will screech to frighten off other animals. Stoat skins were once used to make fur coats. The fur from the stoat’s white winter coat is called ermine.

By Christopher.

The Stoat – An t-Easóg

Thrushes are plump soft-plumaged small to medium-sized birds. They live in wooded areas and often feed on the ground. They eat worms, snails & fruit. Thrushes build cup-shaped nests and sometimes line them with mud. They lay two to five speckled eggs. Both parents help looking after the young birds. Thrushes can be found nearly all over the world & their songs are considered to be among the most beautiful of all the singing birds.

By Renars

The Thrush An Smólach

Swans are one of Ireland’s most beautiful birds. The swans’ two closest relations are ducks and geese. There are many different types of swan such as the mute swan, whooper swan, black swans, Tundra swan and the black necked swan. Swans feed on water and on land. The number of eggs in a clutch size ranges from three to eight. Young swans are called swanlings or a cygnet. Male or female swans normally reach about 4 feet in height. The wingspan is about 7 feet while the body is usually 5 to 6 feet. They weigh about 15 to 20 kilograms. A swan makes a buzzing noise or sometimes they make a hissing sound. Swans live in rivers or lakes. Swans generally stay together for life.

The Swan An Eala

Emma S

Hares are similar to rabbits but slightly bigger. Hares give birth in open areas. They are born with fur and their eyes are open.Hares can run very fast & have very strong hind legs to help them jump. They can reach speeds of 35mph.Young hares are called leverets.Males are called Bucks & the Female is called a Doe.A group of hares is called a drove.Hares are herbivores which is plant eating. Hares usually live by themselves but sometimes they live in pairs.They live in fields & meadows & can live for as long as 12 years old.Hares have an excellent sense of smell & hearing. Hares have been known to have boxing matches in Spring when the males compete with each other. This has led to the saying ‘’As mad as a March Hare’’

The Hare - An Giorria

By Donnahay

There are three species of deer in Ireland today, Red Deer, Fallow Deer and Sika Deer.Red Deer have been in Ireland since the Ice Age, but almost became extinct in the 20th Century.The Fallow Deer was introduced in Viking times around 1169.The Sika Deer was introduced to Powerscourt Park in Wicklow around 1860.

The Deer - An Fia

By Sean K

The Irish Elk, the largest deer, became extinct in Ireland about 10,500 years ago & some of their skeletons have been found in bogs.The Red Deer is the largest deer & only the male have antlers. They grow them in Spring & shed them usually at the end of Winter. A male Red Deer & Sika Deer is called a stag or hart & a female is called a hind.A male Fallow Deer is called a buck & a female Fallow Deer is called a doe. The young of a deer is called a fawn. Most fawn are born with a spotted back which they lose at the end of their first year.