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Uf Jyeo si rpta fo my erlraug tcaicpre. Etehr aer etfeindfr csateps ot teh ainingtr, moes of ihhwc I nvhae't hetcoud tey.Frtis eerth are het use or ilmcinasat hcatacesrr adn ysolmbs. Ni my ntarnigi it is het gticnra fo ntcaeri tsarcrheca dna ybmosls eierht ni eht ria iwht trparciula andh oeustprs, ro no intreac saare fo het oydb. One slpeim emalpxe cwhih I flee maeotcrbflo ingashr si ntigrca hte Yin/Ygna bsylom tihw mdledi fngire fo rgthi hdan (meak user you "tod" the nrine iny/gayn llteit clresci ;)). Hsit nca eb sdeu to help erlca nregey in a moor, over na aear fo eht yobd, or reov dofo ot yrfipu/lsbse ti.Imcinsatla rcrasaceht nigsu the ldo ispsrtc evha eben eirtwnt thiw lapcesi nik on ecsepi of paepr ofr aosuirv esus. Htey can eb nhug in ianertc raase, ubndo aourdn bhrse etc, dna ehyt acn olsa be rnbued at rtalas wthi the sah fo eth pearp eixdm htwi retwa and edus eehrti lernanilyt or netllexray. I vhea yerv imtdile nxerpeeeic ni shti ytep fo Uf Jyeo dan os acn't mnectom chmu.Enaohrt aectsp fo Fu Eoyj era enrtwit/ksopen yrsarpe ro niacinsotov, orf elxemap: Het Jaed Moerpre's Nmid Sael Csaiscl. Teshe Uf Oyje aiallcsyb eocm in teh rogiteecsa of ifusitrocaipn, srmntchneie, retqsues, etsneaumtnt, dan eineoisdctbn.Het rrypae/inionocvat Fu Joye krwo no otw iacsb lselve. Sflriyt ti si tabuo gbignrin eth nidm kcab ot inzar, nsnurletaas ro fesl-so-nses. By egngaign shete Uf Jeoy itwh a nseecri nda ufodsec midn uyo rea liasetsebhr auntalr hyawapts nda iamnrtosof fo eth imdn. Hte iualyqt fo het imdn meitsender ruo thtsouhg adn ivhraebo, and oals eht iulaqyt fo uor qi dyob(s).Nad sey ethre is sola the ptcsea fo Uf Oyje that sekes a nssopere morf eth lubtse semrla. It asusmes teh nogoloyt htat fiel ensxtde ybdeon the llmsa spmtercu of eepiortnpc taht we esmaus si ileyart. Ti oretefuhmrr smseasu atht there rae belust sbgine htat "btaiinh" htees brltsue esamrl rieeth ecsebau tyeh are talylurna esnitigx herte adn/or esbauec yhet oenc nvgili in het crrseoa eserhp fo ifel nad ifedren tiehr gesnib ot sietx ethre (see csoiussnid on Omstrailm (Aixn Shi)). So oems of ehets Fu Oyje aer oubat nioitiegtpn eshet slebtu bsegni ot oecm nad phel iwth neo's lvtutncoiia adn ripsialut sreprgos.====A Rsonlttaina fo Hte Jead Pmoreer's Nidm Elsa Sicacls by Tsruat Vela LnosoThe Sepmure Niedceim hsa rheet ssincoiinttd:Icghn [Esnseec], Iq [Tvityali], dan Nesh [Spiirt],Whihc aer iuvlsee nad csbureo.Eekp to nno-gbeni, ety dlho no to gnibeDna pnreocifet si yrsou in na siatnnt.Ewhn tndstai wnids enlbd etteghro,Ni eno ddhneur dsay fo pailsitur kwroNad rgnmnio ctaretinio to teh Sangh Ti,Hnet ni oen eyar illw sora as na tmolrami.Eth sgaes eankaw oruhtgh fels-iviuatcltno;Epde, unrfopdo, ireht ipseactrc eeqrrui aertg frfote.Uglilflnfi vswo nmlieislu hte Vseeahn.Hneraigtb hnerusiso ossnuelfthuy.Ndpgertai fomr the Sumrseoity, eetngrin eht lefaem.Ti sapaepr to vhea eseihrpd, yte ppersaa ot tiexs.Baumvnelo, tsi rinigo is eouistmsyr.Chae enrpos has Ihngc.Het Nhes sueitn wthi het Hngic.Hte Sneh iesunt htiw teh Iq,Eth earhtb nhte tnseui thwi the ture reunat,Eesht tmres areppas to eb anlfuicf eeoiaxgnstrga.Hte Nehs is lepbaca of nrgeenti eostn;Hte Nehs si alpebac of iypahcls hitfgl.Reietngn erawt is tno wddoern;Ngrintee rife is ton unrdeb.Het Nehs ndepesd on elfi from;Hte Nhcgi penedsd on fcenitfsiu Qi.Fi sehte are hirenet edepdlet ron nriujdeEth erlust llwi eb fsushetluoyn adn lgintoyev.Etseh rhete cositsndniit aveh one lircienpp,Tye os lusbte ti atocnn eb edarh.Htire gmeeitn lsusetr in nixectese,Tirhe tarigpn ulesstr in non-eetnxcisse.Hte ensve eurratpse rettrpneiteaneAnd hcea mtsie wiodsm ihgtl.Eht edarsc snu and caesdr monoAlimniutel teh Nlodeg Tourc.Neo tatimnetan is etnarle atinaemtnt.The boyd lwil tuaaylnlr bceome tiwegeslhs.Wnhe teh pusreme hmryona si rteplee,Eht bone snmagretf eocmbe leki ewtrin ejad.Igaiquncr teh Liierx setulsr in ramtolityim,Otn riguiaqnc it uestrls in iotntnexic.Hte Ieixrl is hiitnw rluseyof,It si nto ithew nda tno ernge.Ertcie and dhol net auhtsnod miest.Seeht rea eth btsuel recnpspili fo sfle- onillaitnmui.Ul Szu-hsgins Npeadepd SvesreHet wot iasmeg fo het ogrnad dan rgeit rae iiednuf uthhgor Iq;Hcsoa lebdnign as Eon.It si nto slsopebi ot ttaina the tnelrea sutj hhtgour nnoaticivo.Eht Reixil si dalcel Genre Nadgor nad Teiwh Iterg;Eht Exilir si the uearnt of no-ntuera,Empsnesit of onn-psienmest.Enev if you era beunla ot meka eus fo eht csnautsbe,Ouy anc telyrcian emak seu of the uifcontn.Etryelnquf btho the uebtsnsca dna tnciodniosofr hte asecbntsu eppaar ttgreohe, holtguhaethse ear ont wlysaa vieedercp sa elcitdnia.The citnnesa asid, Eht Mrte emnseistp sacember the treine gtneicha.