OUTLOOK Distribution Lists - Vanderbilt · PDF fileOutlook: Distribution Lists page 6 of 9 Tracey Ferrell Use the Distribution List to Send Email Once you have a Distribution List

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  • Outlook: Distribution Lists page 1 of 9 Tracey Ferrell

    OUTLOOK Distribution Lists

    Contents Overview Create a Distribution List Add or Delete Distribution List Members Use the Distribution List to Send Email Share a Distribution List with Another User Save a Distribution List Shared with You

    Overview If you find that you routinely send emails to a certain group of people, you may find it helpful to create a Distribution List in your Contacts folder. Using a Distribution List instead of inserting email address by hand saves time and prevents accidental omissions. Distribution Lists can be shared with others, and may be modified at any time.

    This tutorial demonstrates the procedures for setting up a Distribution List, adding and deleting members, using the list to send email, and sharing a list with someone else.

    NOTE: The illustrations in this tutorial were created with Outlook 2003. If you are using Outlook 2002 or earlier, the features described should be available to you, they just may look different or be in a different location.

    Create a Distribution List This tutorial will show you how to create a Distribution List that will be part of your default Contacts folder. The same procedures will apply if you choose to create a Distribution List in another Contacts folder, such as Public Folder.

    In Outlook, go to your Contacts folder. On the File menu, point to New, and then select Distribution List.

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    The Distribution List dialog box will open. In the Name box, type the name you wish to give the list (i.e., Project Planning Committee).

    If you would like to add a description or any other information about the Distribution List, click the Notes tab and type the information in the large notes field.

    Next, you will need to specify which email addresses should be included in the distribution list.

    Add or Delete Distribution List Members Once you have created a Distribution List, you must add the email addresses you wish to be included in the list. You may open the list and add new members at any time; you may also remove members as needed.

    NOTE: To open the Distribution List for editing, go to your Contacts folder (or the folder where the list is stored). Locate the list and double-click on the name.

    Add Members from an Outlook Address Book In the Distribution List dialog box, make sure the Members tab is selected; click the Select Members button.

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    In the Show names from the list box, select the address book that contains the e-mail addresses you want in your Distribution List. (The default is the Global Address List for the VUMC Outlook system, but you may choose any Address or Contact list available to you.)

    In the Type name or select from list box, type the last name of a person you wish to include to jump to that section of the list. Select the name, and then click the Members button. Do this for each person you wish to add to the Distribution List, and then click OK.

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    Be sure to click the Save and Close button in the Distribution List dialog box to save your changes.

    Add a Member by Hand If the email address of a person you wish to add to the list is NOT part of an existing Address Book or Contact List, you may add them by hand. Examples might be VU employees outside of the Medical Center, vendors, consultants, etc.

    In the open Distribution List dialog box, make sure the Members tab is selected and click the Add New button.

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    In the Add New Member dialog box, type in the Display Name and the E-mail Address, then click OK button.

    Repeat this procedure for each address you wish to add that is not contained in the existing address books or contact lists.

    Be sure to click the Save and Close button in the Distribution List dialog box to save your changes.

    Delete a Member In the event that you no longer wish to include an email address in the Distribution List, you may delete it.

    In the open Distribution List dialog box, make sure the Members tab is selected and click on the address you wish to delete. Next, click on the Remove button.

    Be sure to click the Save and Close button in the Distribution List dialog box to save your changes.

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    Use the Distribution List to Send Email Once you have a Distribution List set up, there are a number of ways to use it to send email. This tutorial describes the two most common methods. It also assumes that the Distribution List is stored in your Contacts folder. Lists stored elsewhere (such as in Public Folders) may be used the same way; simply navigate to the correct location instead of to Contacts.

    From an Email Message First, open a new email message. (A typical way to do this is to go to the File menu and choose New Message.) In the Message window, click on the To button.

    In the Outlook Address Book, click on the drop-down box for the Show names from the field and choose Contacts.

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    Locate the name of the Distribution List and select it, then click on the To button. Click OK.

    The email message will now have the name of the Distribution List in the To field. Complete the email message as desired and Send.

    From the Contacts Folder Go to your Contacts folder and locate the Distribution List you wish to use. Right-click on the name and choose New Message to Contact.

    A New Message window will open, preaddressed to your selected Distribution List. Complete the email message as desired and Send.

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    Share a Distribution List with Another User You can send a Distribution List, or any other Contact, with another user. Keep in mind that any changes made to your list will not be seen in the list sent to another person, as they are separate files.

    Open a new email message and address the message as usual. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Attachment button and choose Item.

    In the Insert Item dialog box, select the Contacts folder in the Look in list. Next, select the Distribution List that you wish to send in the list at the bottom of the box. Click OK.

    Complete the email message as desired and Send.

    Save a Distribution List Shared with You If a Distribution List (or other Contact) is emailed to you, you must first save it to your Contacts folder before you can use it for sending email.

    Open the message with the attached Distribution List. Double-click on the attachment. The Distribution List will open.

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    Go to the File menu and select Copy to Folder.

    Select the desired Contacts folder and click OK.