Outline • Kinetics – Linear & External • Forces in human motion • Mechanical work, power, & energy • Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal • Torques in human motion • Mechanical work, power, & energy • Impulse-momentum

Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

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Page 1: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Outline• Kinetics

– Linear & External• Forces in human motion• Mechanical work, power, & energy• Impulse-momentum

– Angular, External and Internal• Torques in human motion• Mechanical work, power, & energy• Impulse-momentum

Page 2: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

OutlineMuscle/Joint Mechanical work, power, & energy



Page 3: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

OutlineMuscle/Joint Mechanical work, power, & energy



Page 4: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Net muscle mechanical work at a joint (Um)

Product of moment and angular displacementExample

Umus = Mmus * ∆Units: Joules



Page 5: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Positive net muscle work: Mmus & ∆ in same direction

• Umus = Mmus • ∆• Muscles do work on the






Page 6: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

• Umus = Mmus • ∆• Muscles absorb mechanical





Negative net muscle work: Mmus & ∆ in opposite directions


Page 7: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Net muscle mechanical power (Pmus)

Product of moment and angular velocity Pmus = Umus / ∆t = Mmus *

Mmus & in same direction (same sign) Pmus > 0 (power output)

Mmus & in opposite directions (opposite signs)

Pmus < 0 (power absorption)




Page 8: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Pm = Mm *

Page 9: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Area under power vs. time is work.

Page 10: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Jump: no countermovementMechanical power & work

Always positive

Mechanical work Hip > Knee >Ankle

Page 11: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Compared to a jump without a countermovement, will the mechanical power in

a countermovment jump a) the same?b) different?

Page 12: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Time (s)

WALK1.25 m/s


700Fg,y (N)

0 0.4 0.8 1.2



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0 0.4 0.8 1.2Time (s)

Fg,x (N)

WALK1.25 m/s




Page 14: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Net muscle moment at the ankle during a stance phase in locomotion

Mankle = Iprox

Mmus + Mw - MFg = Iprox

Mmus = Iprox - Mw + MFg

Iprox & Mw---> segmental analysis & videoMFg ---> force platform & video




Page 15: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Walking & running: stance versus swing

Mmus = Iprox - Mw + MFg

Swing: MFg = 0

Stance: MFg large




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MFg + Mw Mw

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MFg + Mw Mw

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Ankle net muscle moment: walk versus run

Stance: extensor moments Run (250 Nm) >> Walk (120 Nm)

Swing: net muscle moments ~ 0

Page 22: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Knee net muscle moment: walk versus run

Stance: Run |Mmus| >> Walk |Mmus|

Swing: small Mmus in both

Page 23: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Summary of walking & running net muscle moments

Run Mmus >> Walk Mmus

Both: Stance Mmus >> Swing Mmus

Both: Stance Ankle Mmus > Knee Mmus > Hip Mmus

Both: Swing Hip Mmus > Knee Mmus > Ankle Mmus

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Page 25: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

U = ∫Pmusdt

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U = ∫Pmusdt

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RunningAnkle & Knee

1st half of stance: muscles absorb power 2nd half of stance: muscles produce power

Specific roles Ankle is primary power producer Knee is primary power absorber Hip has very low power output

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Mechanical energy absorbed during first half of stance

stored as elastic energy in muscles and tendons recovered in second half of stance

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Page 30: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Walk: Inverted pendulumPassive conservation of mechanical energy

reduction in muscle power requirements



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Walking net muscle powerNet muscle power

Walking <<< Running

Ankle has greatest net power production end of stance

Page 32: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

During walking, the knee joint generates 50Nm of extensor torque during the same interval of the stance phase when the knee joint moved from 0.14 rad of flexion to 0.2 rad of flexion in 0.02 s. Calculate the power of the knee joint muscles.

a)50Wb)-50Wc) 150 Wd)-150 W

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Is it better to walk with a flat COM?

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Page 38: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Joint Work

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Figure 3.34

Comparison of total joint torques during walking before and after ACL reconstruction

controls (solid lines)3 wks post (dotted lines)6 months post (dashed lines)

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Figure 3.33

Comparison of joint torques during walking before and after ACL reconstruction

controls (solid lines)3 wks post (dotted lines)6 months post (dashed lines)

Page 41: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Figure 3.35

Comparison of joint powers during walking before and after ACL reconstruction

controls (solid lines)3 wks post (dotted lines)6 months post (dashed lines)

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Does Oscar have an advantage?a) Yesb) Noc) Does it matter?




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OutlineMuscle/Joint Mechanical work, power, & energy



Page 46: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques


• Angular Momentum• Principle of Impulse Momentum• Conservation of Angular Momentum

Page 47: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Angular MomentumLinear Momentum (L)

L=mvm:mass (kg)v:velocity (m/s)Units: kg-m/svector

Angular Momentum: quantity of angular motion of an object

H=IwI: moment of Inertiaw:angular velocity (rad/s)Units: kg-m2/svector

Page 48: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Conservation of Angular Momentum

When gravity is the only force acting on an object, angular momentum is conserved

Angular momentum is conserved during flight

Hinitial = Hfinal

Iinitial winitial= Ifinal wfinal

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Iinitial winitial= Ifinal wfinal

• If I changes, w changes• I w

Aerial SomersaultAbout Transverse axis

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Page 51: Outline Kinetics – Linear & External Forces in human motion Mechanical work, power, & energy Impulse-momentum – Angular, External and Internal Torques

Principle of Impulse-momentum

Linear caseImpulse = DmvFavet=mvf-mvi

Angular caseImpulse = DIwTavet=Hf-Hi

When a torque is applied over a period of time, a change in angular momentum occurs

Impulse = Change in Momentum

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When a torque is applied over a period of time, a change in angular momentum occurs95.3 kgm2/s or 92.4 kgm2/sLoss of

– 33kgm2/s or 27.4 kgm2/s