952-941-3150 www.paxchristi.com Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time Week August 27, 2017 WEEKLY BULLETIN OUR PAX CHRISTI PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Written by Cecilia Cervantes, Worship Council member In just three weeks, an enthusiastic group of Pax Christi community members will go on pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine in La Crosse, WI. I really look forward to joining our spirited pilgrims as we leave our homes and families in Minnesota and venture to a holy place, the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that has been set aside to honor our Lord’s Blessed Mother. Even though we will make our journey in a comfortable motor coach, nevertheless, there are certain hardships that are inherent to going on pilgrimage. It’s not a tour or vacation but instead a spiritual time to be renewed in faith, hope, and charity. In the centuries before there were faster modes of transportation, traveling on pilgrimage meant a prolonged journey of anywhere from several weeks to a year. Travelers made the trips for many reasons: to ask for divine aid, to fulfill a religious obligation, or to venerate an important place or object. I have heard from Pax Christi members who traveled to and prayed at the La Crosse Shrine — they are sure that Our Lady interceded on behalf of a special family request. There’s something enigmatic about the concept of going on pilgrimage. Maybe it’s because it is among the most ancient spiritual practices, going back to the Old Testament. After all, Jesus Christ Himself went on pilgrimage with his Mother Mary and His earthly father, St. Joseph. In the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, we recall how He was left behind in Jerusalem after a pilgrimage from His hometown of Nazareth and how Mary and Joseph found him teaching the doctors of the law in the Temple. I am happy to join my fellow Pax Christi sisters and brothers on this pilgrimage journey because we will all be together. I know some of the members who will make the trip. These include: Anne Kieser, Dennis Shonka, Esperanza Duran, Hermes Cervantes, Father Marc Paveglio, and many others. We even have a few joining us from other parishes — all are welcome! I am really excited about making new friends from Pax Christi and beyond. As we know, Pax Christi members are wonderfully generous with their time, talent, and treasure. But let’s face it — we’re all very busy and, other than at Mass, we don’t have many opportunities to get to know each other. Going on pilgrimage will provide us with a unique occasion to grow closer in faith and to visit with each other as fellow pilgrims on our way to discover the extraordinary nature of our ordinary life because it is lived in Christ and is, indeed, a royal path leading to eternal life. I really look forward to learning from each of you and to understand why each of you is so special because you were created and are loved by God in God’s image and likeness. I know that together we will recognize that at the Shrine we will be in a sacred space where God’s nearness will become clearer to us. Finally, by being together on the journey, as well as at the Shrine and on its grounds located on over 100 beautiful and serene wooded acres surrounded by numerous lovely bronze sculptures of holy people, I am confident we will more vividly feel the peace, mercy, and love of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. So, may God bless you as we prepare for our special time together. I can’t wait until September 18! P.S. There’s still time to register. All the details are at paxchristi.com. PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Monday, September 18, 7:00am–6:00pm, $65.00 RSVP CATECHISTS NEEDED FOR ALL LEVELS OF FAITH FORMATION The Faith Formation year begins soon. We need your help! Adults — parents, grandparents, college students, and any interested parishioners — are needed to serve as catechists/leaders for grade school, middle school, and high school. What is the time commitment? Most Faith Formation groups meet once a week, either on Sunday or Wednesday nights, for 75 minutes. Sessions begin September 20 and 24. What sort of assistance is provided? Catechist training is on September 17. You’ll also receive detailed lesson plans and guidance from the Pax Christi staff during the year. Any benefits? You will make a difference in the lives of many youth! Plus, if you are a parent, our fees are waived and we offer childcare. How do I get started? Visit www.paxchristi.com/ ffregistration to learn more about our programs. Contact Andrea Ward, [email protected], to volunteer or with questions. You’ll need to complete a background check, VIRTUS class, and sign a Code of Conduct. The success of our Faith Formation program depends on the generosity of shared ministers like you!

OUR PAX CHRISTI PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF ... - Amazon … · 952-941-3150 • • Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time • Week August 27, 2017 WEEKLY BULLETIN OUR PAX CHRISTI

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9 5 2 - 9 4 1 - 3 1 5 0 • w w w . p a x c h r i s t i . c o m • Tw e n t y - F i r s t S u n d a y o f O r d i n a r y T i m e • We e k A u g u s t 2 7 , 2 0 1 7



In just three weeks, an enthusiastic group of Pax Christi community members will go on pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine in La Crosse, WI. I really look forward to joining our spirited pilgrims as we leave our homes and families in Minnesota and venture to a holy place, the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that has been set aside to honor our Lord’s Blessed Mother. Even though we will make our journey in a comfortable motor coach, nevertheless, there are certain hardships that are inherent to going on pilgrimage. It’s not a tour or vacation but instead a spiritual time to be renewed in faith, hope, and charity. In the centuries before there were faster modes of transportation, traveling on pilgrimage meant a prolonged journey of anywhere from several weeks to a year. Travelers made the trips for many reasons: to ask for divine aid, to fulfill a religious obligation, or to venerate an important place or object. I have heard from Pax Christi members who traveled to and prayed at the La Crosse Shrine — they are sure that Our Lady interceded on behalf of a special family request.

There’s something enigmatic about the concept of going on pilgrimage. Maybe it’s because it is among the most ancient spiritual practices, going back to the Old Testament. After all, Jesus Christ Himself went on pilgrimage with his Mother Mary and His earthly father, St. Joseph. In the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, we recall how He was left behind in Jerusalem after a pilgrimage from His hometown of Nazareth and how Mary and Joseph found him teaching the doctors of the law in the Temple.

I am happy to join my fellow Pax Christi sisters and brothers on this pilgrimage journey because we will all be together. I know some of the members who will make the trip. These include: Anne Kieser, Dennis Shonka, Esperanza Duran, Hermes Cervantes, Father Marc Paveglio, and many others. We even have a few joining us from other parishes — all are welcome! I am really excited about making new friends from Pax Christi and beyond. As we know, Pax Christi members are wonderfully generous with their time, talent, and treasure. But let’s face it — we’re all very busy and, other than at Mass, we don’t have many opportunities to get to know each other. Going on pilgrimage will provide us with a unique occasion to grow closer in faith and to visit with each other as fellow pilgrims on our way to discover the extraordinary nature of our ordinary life because it is lived in Christ and is, indeed, a royal path leading to eternal life. I really look forward to learning from each of you and to understand why each of you is so special because you were created and are loved by God in God’s image and likeness. I know that together we will recognize that at the Shrine we will be in a sacred space where God’s nearness will become clearer to us.

Finally, by being together on the journey, as well as at the Shrine and on its grounds located on over 100 beautiful and serene wooded acres surrounded by numerous lovely bronze sculptures of holy people, I am confident we will more vividly feel the peace, mercy, and love of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. So, may God bless you as we prepare for our special time together. I can’t wait until September 18!

P.S. There’s still time to register. All the details are at paxchristi.com.

PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPEMonday, September 18, 7:00am–6:00pm, $65.00 RSVP

CATECHISTS NEEDED FOR ALL LEVELS OF FAITH FORMATIONThe Faith Formation year begins soon. We need your help! Adults — parents, grandparents, college students, and any interested parishioners — are needed to serve as catechists/leaders for grade school, middle school, and high school. What is the time commitment? Most Faith Formation groups meet once a week, either on Sunday or Wednesday nights, for 75 minutes. Sessions begin September 20 and 24. What sort of assistance is provided? Catechist training is on September 17. You’ll also receive detailed lesson plans and guidance from the Pax Christi staff during the year. Any benefits? You will make a difference in the lives of many youth! Plus, if you are a parent, our fees are waived and we offer childcare. How do I get started? Visit www.paxchristi.com/ffregistration to learn more about our programs. Contact Andrea Ward, [email protected], to volunteer or with questions. You’ll need to complete a background check, VIRTUS class, and sign a Code of Conduct. The success of our Faith Formation program depends on the generosity of shared ministers like you!

LABOR DAY WEEKENDPLEASE NOTE: There is no Sunday morning hospitality and the nursery will be closed the entire Labor Day weekend. Please join us for Labor Day Mass on Monday, September 4 at 9:00am. On Monday, September 4, the parish office will be CLOSED for business in observance of the holiday and the building will close following Mass. Questions? Contact the Parish Office, 952-941-3150.


Ryan, Fred, S.U., Dan, Randy, Dale, Ben, Kelly, Judy, Diane, Kathleen, Christine, Liam, Joe, Jeannette, Catherine, Jim, Sherry, Kathy, Mary, and Irene.

Pax Christi offers, as a community, the gift of prayer. If you would like to have your name listed in this Prayer Corner during a time of need, contact Pastoral Care, 952-941-3150.

Sign-up at www.paxchristi.com/boomersto receive info on up-coming events.





This Year This Year Variance from Last Year Variance from Actual Budget Budget Actual Last Year

Week #6 Contributions 71,133 60,000 11,133

YTD through Week #6 273,650 268,000 5,650 269,111 4,53917–18 Contributions Goal – $2,785,000 EFT and credit card giving available. Visit www.paxchristi.com for more information.

Monday, August 28 8:30am MASS 5:30pm Pet Ministry Training 6:30pm Scout Pack 348 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 370 7:00pm Venturing Crew 370

Tuesday, August 29 8:30am MASS 9:00am Rosary Group 6:00pm 50+ Basketball 6:00pm OLG Planning Mtg.

Wednesday, August 30 9:00am Worship Environment Mtg. 11:00am Tai Chi 6:00pm MASS

Thursday, August 31 8:30am Mass 9:00am Quilter Ministry 6:00pm Pax Christi Basketball 7:00pm Alanon 7:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00pm OLGH Planning Mtg.

Friday, September 1 8:30am MASS Saturday, September 2NURSERY CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY WEEKEND 9:00am Overeaters Anonymous 9:00am Women’s AA Group 4:00pm Private Reconciliation 5:00pm MASS - FR. PAVEGLIO Sunday, September 3NURSERY CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY WEEKEND 9:00am MASS - FR. MURTAUGH 11:00am MASS - FR. PAVEGLIO 5:00pm MASS - FR. MURTAUGH

Labor Day Monday, September 4 9:00am Labor Day MASS BUILDING CLOSED FOLLOWING MASS

CONFIRMATION ORIENTATIONWednesday, September 6, 7:00pm in the main worship space

SISTER KRISTINE HAUGEN WATERCOLOR EXHIBITSeptember 7–October 3, Pacem In Terris Gallery

OUR LADY OF GOOD HEALTHA celebration by the Pax Christi Indian CommunitySaturday, September 9 during 5:00pm Mass

CAST INTO THE DEEP - ADULT FORMATION SERIESMonthly beginning Monday, September 11, 6:30–8:30pm RSVP

SILENT SATURDAYSaturday, September 16, 9:00–11:30am, Room 239 RSVP

TWELVE BASKETS BOOK DRIVESeptember 16/17 and 23/24

PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPEMonday, September 18, 7:00am–6:00pm, $65.00 RSVP

JUSTFAITH: 24-WEEK SERIESBeginning Monday, September 18, 6:30–9:00am RSVP

CROSSING BORDERS: MIGRATION, THEOLOGY, AND THE HUMAN JOURNEY 8-Week series beginning September 25, 6:30–8:30pm RSVP

WOMEN WITH SPIRIT BIBLE STUDYTuesdays, September 26–April 10, 9:30–11:30am, $100 RSVP

SOUTHWEST GRIEF COALITION FALL SESSIONBeginning Thursday, September 28, 5:30–7:30pm RSVP