Our Mission - teachers-in-space.com · student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing their teachers with extraordinary space science experiences

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Page 1: Our Mission - teachers-in-space.com · student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing their teachers with extraordinary space science experiences
Page 2: Our Mission - teachers-in-space.com · student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing their teachers with extraordinary space science experiences

Our Mission • Teachers in Space, Inc. is a non-profit educational organization which stimulates

student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing their teachers with extraordinary space science experiences and industry connections.

• Our professional development workshops for STEM teachers include personal and experimental flight opportunities, hands-on work with data sensors and remote device control, opportunities to meet and interact with scientists and developers at NASA and commercial space companies, and unique teaching materials and design contests to take back to the classroom.

• Teachers In Space, Inc. sparks a transfer of passion for space science and exploration from teachers to their students, preparing and encouraging those students to pursue further education and exciting, rewarding careers in the emerging space industry.

Page 3: Our Mission - teachers-in-space.com · student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing their teachers with extraordinary space science experiences

Our Values• Teachers in Space, Inc. (TIS) subscribes to NASA’s rationale for the original Teacher in Space

Program “announced by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 (. Teacher in Space was) designed to inspire students, honor teachers, and spur interest in mathematics, science, and space exploration. The project would carry teachers into space as Payload Specialists (non-astronaut civilians), who would return to their classrooms to share the experience with their students.” (quoted text from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teacher_in_Space_Project). As commercial space begins to fly people Teachers in Space, Inc. hopes to begin commercially flying teachers into space then have them return to their classrooms to inspire students to learn.

• TIS is dedicated to enabling participation by the children of New York City in the space program.

• TIS supports teachers and teacher training so they and their students can participate in the commercial space program by designing, building and flying student developed experiments into space and the near-space environment of Earth’s upper atmosphere.

• TIS guarantees the presentation of high quality workshops to insure the development of experiments that meet the rigor required to fly aboard commercial space ships into Earth’s orbit and beyond.

• Being a 501(c)3, non-profit organization, TIS currently relies on a substantial amount of volunteer labor to implement its programs. TIS deeply values the dedication and contributions of program volunteers.

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2017/2018 Revenue

• In fiscal year 2017-2018 (October 2017-September 2018), 78% of funding came from a NASA grant, 10% from NYC contracts, 9% from donors, 2% from fundraising and .6% from merchandise.

• Our total revenue for fiscal year 2017-2018 was $103,000.

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Marketing Strategy • We need to reach supporters of STEM programs in

communities and schools, to show them why they should become involved in our program. We can reach teachers, but we need administrators, PTAs, robotics clubs, boards of education, teachers’ unions and other teacher associations , city councils, senators, Space Grant Consortia et. al., to ensure funding and support for our program.

• Currently TIS relies on its website, social media, data bases of participants in previously TIS programs and STEM related listservs to get the word out about its programming.

• We hope to gain additional marketing ideas through our association with the NY Knicks and Squarespace.

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Scale/Distribution Strategy• TIS is currently piloting a Flight Experiments Program for schools at $6000 for a year including

equipment, training and flights (balloon, glider and suborbital spaceship). We want to roll this out to 100 schools but are having trouble getting to the decision makers to generate contracts.

• The current Space Experiments Program scales single, short term workshops and presentations offered by TIS since 2014 into a yearlong, STEM program which includes online instruction and support components and flight opportunities.

• Our teacher training began as five, weeklong workshops involving hundreds of teachers from across the United States supported by a $250,000 grant from NASA. These workshops were presented in Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and California.

• In 2015 TIS was hired by the Perlan Project (http://www.perlanproject.org/) for $30,000 to train teachers to develop experiments that could fly on the altitude-record setting Perlan 2 glider. Forty schools began the project with 10 building experiments that flew on the Perlan 2. TIS is constantly evolving and improving our teacher training programs.

• TIS would use the $30,000 from this award to support the participation of teachers and students from New York City.

Page 7: Our Mission - teachers-in-space.com · student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing their teachers with extraordinary space science experiences

Detailed Plan for $30,000 Prize• Teachers in Space, Inc. would use the $30,000 prize money to

subsidize the costs for 10 NYC Schools, 3 teachers and their students from each school, to participate in the 5 modules of the Flight Experiments Program.

• The details and budget for the program for our targeted number of 100 schools appears in the next 3 slides.

• Scaling back the number of schools involved would enable TIS to present the program for considerably less than originally budgeted.

• Working with fewer schools would enable TIS to support all 10 schools through completion of the program.

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Flight Experiments Program BudgetPhase 1: Intro to Space Research and Flight ExperimentsObjective: Learn about types of space research suitable for flight experiments, affordable flight experiment equipment, flight

opportunities, choosing an Investigable Question Registration: Contact details of lead teacher, principal, school, names / grades of students, team registration fee, shipping

address for cube frameDeliverable: Experiment Proposal summary: Question to Test, Preferred Vehicle FlightsTarget: 100 schools Fee: $200Equipment: TIS CubeFrame Kit Expense: - 2,200Speaker: Recording available

Jim Adams “Importance of Space Exploration” Expense: - 200Instruction: 2 hours Thursdays 1 and 15 November

Intro to flight experiments sessions culled from Ashford slides Expense: - 800Total Expense: Phase Total: $3,200

Phase 2: Intro to Arduino and Remote SensingObjective: Learn to configure and program sensing experiments with Arduino UNO, various data sensors, data recorder. Learn to

manage and present resulting data for human understanding.Registration: Phase 2 Registration Fee due with Phase 1 Deliverable: Proposal SummaryDeliverable: Full Experiment Proposal: Hypothesis, Flight Choice, Equipment List, Testable Question and Expected ResultTarget: 75 schools Fee: $400Equipment: TIS Arduino Starter Kit Expense: - 2,725Speaker: Live Saturday, Recording available

Chris Murphy “High Altitude Balloon Technology” Expense: - 200Instruction: 2 hours on two different Thursdays

Intro to Arduino sessions from our standard 4hour course Expense: - 800Total Phase Expense: Phase Total: $3,725

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Flight Experiments Program Budget (cont’d)Phase 3: Stratospheric Balloon FlightObjective: Learn to manage a stratospheric balloon mission collecting pressure, temperature, and radiation data. Introduction to

bio-sensors for human health and safety on crewed flights. Registration: Phase 3 Registration Fee due with Phase 2 Deliverable: Proposal SummaryDeliverable: Experiment Design: Components, Circuitry, Data, ProceduresTarget: 56 schools Fee: $800Equipment: TIS Biosensor Kit Expense: - 7,112Flight Oppty: TIS Balloon Flight Slot Cost: - $100 Expense: - 5,600Speaker: Live Saturday, Recording available

Speaker TBD “How to Create a Spacesuit” Expense: - 200Instruction: 2 hours on 2 Thursdays

4 hours pulled & updated from Liz’s 2017 Spacesuit course Expense: - 800Total Phase Expense: Phase Total: $13,712

Phase 4: Glider (or rocket?) FlightObjective: Learn vehicle payload integration for stratospheric glider. Introduction to data science: Entities and Attributes,

Validation, Verification, Normalization, Simple Query Language (SQL), Presentation, Visualization. Registration: Phase 4 Registration Fee due with Phase 3 Deliverable: Experiment DesignDeliverable: Built Experiment: Ground tested for Operation and Procedures. Balloon Ready.Target: 42 schools Fee: $1600Equipment: 2nd TIS Cubekit (frame + Arduino) Cost: - $120-7 Expense: - 7,112Flight Oppty: Perlan II Stratospheric Glider Cost: - $500 Expense: - 21,000Speaker: Recording available

Elizabeth Austin, Perlan II “Treading on Thin Air” Expense: - 200Instruction: 2 hours -2 Thursdays

Updated from Liz / Jim / Noah’s Data Management course Expense: - 800Total Phase Revenue: Phase Total: $29,112

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Flight Experiments Program Budget (cont’d)

Phase 5: Suborbital Space FlightObjective: Learn vehicle payload integration for suborbital spaceship. Introduction to Test Engineering: Relationship between

Features, Specifications and Requirements. Measuring Performance. Testing the Test. Safety and Ethics when working with Human Subjects.

Registration: Phase 5 Registration Fee due with Phase 4 Deliverable: Built ExperimentDeliverable: 30 April Documentation required by payload serviceTarget: 32 schools Fee: $3200Equipment: Payload users guide and forms Cost: - $200 Expense: - 6,400Flight Oppty: 1/4 2u Featherframe New Shepard Cost: - $3750 Expense: -120,000Speaker: Recording available

Speaker TBD “Spaceflight in the 21st Century” Expense: - 200Instruction: 2 hours – 2 Thursdays

Updated from original TIS Commercial Space lectures Expense: - 800Phase Total: $ 127,400

Program Cumulative Total: $ 177,149

Cost of Suborbital flight: $7500 x 14 = 105,000

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Real Space Science for Teachers and StudentsJune 2017 - 2018: A Year of Space Success!

3 June 2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com

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2017 Eclipse: Kansas and TenesseeCosmosphere, Hutchinson, KS August 2017

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 12

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3 September 2017: Perlan II Record!

• 3 Sep ‘17 pilot Jim Payne set new world altitude record at 53,000’• Carrying “Tin Whiskers” experiment from CREC Aerospace Acad. In CT• 2018: Aiming for new record up to 70,000’ in Argentina

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 13

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“Science at the Edge of Space”

2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6m5GD-jDYA Page 14

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Nov 2017 Final Frontier Design Suit Test

• Multipurpose Commercial Suit

• Seeking First FAA Approval

• NASA FOP on ZeroG

• Pressurization and Mobility

• Astronaut Biomonitor Systems

• Testing the Test Environment

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 15

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• TIS earned NASA funding for suborbital payload accommodations • Near future: Blue Origin test flight of TIS flight experiment equipment• Perlan cabinet updated and flight tested with new cubes 6 May 20182018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 16

November 2017: NASA FOP

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Where we Fly

250 miles: International Space Station

100 miles: Lowest orbital satellites

66 miles: Blue Origin “New Shepard”

20 miles: High altitude balloons

10 miles: Perlan II glider record Sep ‘176 miles: Jetliners. Mt. Everest

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 17

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Schools with Ongoing ProgramsDenis KoganCitywide District 75New York, NY

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 18

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Drucilla Won Research Funding

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 19

• Central Square Middle, NY

• 2016 TIS teacher Jim Kuhl

• 6th grade: extremophile moss

• Collaborated with Argentine

high school

• Earned $ for more research• Science Fair

• Lifeboat Foundation

• Perlan Project

• New experiment test flown

May 2018 Minden NV

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• 2 identical Geiger counters

• Wrap one in protective fabric

• Fly in stratosphere

• Retrieve data card post flight

• Graph Geiger counter data

• Compare radiation readings

• Publish and discuss

Radiation Protection Experiment

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 20

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Geiger Cube: Electronic Schematic

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 21

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1 May 2018 NYC DoE Citywide balloon launch reached 110,000’2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 22

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Ground stations, multiple power sources, communications redundancy2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 23

TIS Balloons: Infrastructure for Success

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• Our Balloons have separate vehicle payload for power, comms, data• Webstream sensor data, tracking data, live video of launch and recovery• Student payloads can connect to vehicle power

2018 www.Teachers-in-Space.com Page 24

TIS Balloons: Real-time Data

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Contact TIS


• www.teachers-in-space.com Website• [email protected] Email• www.facebook.com/Teachersinspace Facebook• 1-646-490-5576 Telephone• 1-646-283-6281 Cell / Text