AMENDED 01/09/21 1 Our Lady’s Catholic Primary school, Alcester – COVID-19 Primary Staged Opening Risk Assessment Activity being assessed: Operational Location(s) affected: Our Lady’s Catholic Primary school Person(s) completing assessment: Maggie Gourlay and Robert Terefenko Date original assessment completed: 20.05.2020 Date of review: 01/09/2021 Review completed by: Maggie Gourlay This risk assessment has been developed on best available scientific guidance and information and should be read in conjunction with the government guidance document, this document cannot be considered to cover every risk and control possible and must be reviewed and made specific by the end user. Safeguarding audit of the school carried out 02/11/2020 by external agency https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-schools-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak Close contacts or household members of a positive case don't need to self-isolate if any of the following applies: • They’re fully vaccinated

Our Lady’s Catholic Primary school, Alcester COVID-19

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AMENDED 01/09/21


Our Lady’s Catholic Primary school, Alcester – COVID-19 Primary Staged Opening Risk Assessment

Activity being



Location(s) affected: Our Lady’s Catholic

Primary school

Person(s) completing


Maggie Gourlay and Robert Terefenko Date original assessment



Date of review: 01/09/2021 Review completed by: Maggie Gourlay

This risk assessment has been developed on best available scientific guidance and information and should be read in conjunction with the government guidance document, this document cannot be considered to cover every risk and control possible and must be reviewed and made specific by the end user.

Safeguarding audit of the school carried out 02/11/2020 by external agency


Close contacts or household members of a positive case don't need to self-isolate if any of the following applies:

• They’re fully vaccinated

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• They’re below the age of 18 years and 6 months

• They’ve taken part in or are currently part of an approved COVID-19 vaccine trial

• They’re not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons

Instead, they'll be advised by NHS Test and Trace to take a PCR test

Protective Measures:

• Make sure people who are required to self-isolate don't attend school

• Advise everyone to clean their hands thoroughly and frequently

• Make sure people practise good respiratory hygiene, and promote the 'catch it, bin it, kill it' approach

• Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes

• Keep occupied spaces well ventilated

• Promote and engage with the NHS Test and Trace process

• Manage confirmed coronavirus cases

• Contain any outbreak by following advice from your local health protection team

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Adherence - System of controls for Schools


School must:

1) Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who are required to stay at home do not attend school.

2) Ensure face coverings are used in recommended circumstances. (Face visors or shields should not be worn as an alternative to face coverings)

3) Ensure everyone is advised to clean their hands thoroughly and more often than usual.

4) Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.

5) Maintain enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents.

6) Consider how to minimise contact across the site and maintain social distancing wherever possible.

7) Keeping occupied spaces well ventilated.

In specific Circumstances:

8) Ensure individuals wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) where necessary

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9) Promote and engage in asymptomatic testing, where available.

Response to any infection.You must always:

10) Engage with the NHS Test and Trace process.

11) Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the school community.

12) Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice.

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to

manage this risk?

Action by whom and



Asymptomatic testing for all adults who have children in school

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with Covid 19

1. All staff are taking a lateral Flow test twice a week.

2. Visitors to the premises are advised to take a lateral Flow test before entering the building

3. Adults are given guidance - There are different ways for a household, childcare or support bubble to collect their test to take at home twice-weekly:

• through an employer, if they offer testing to employees • at a local test site – you may need to book an appointment • by collecting a home test kit from a local test site – anyone aged 18 or over can collect 2 packs of 7 tests • by ordering a home test kit online – do not order online if you can access testing through other routes, this frees up home delivery for

Include information in weekly newsletter and on website Staff should continue to test themselves and report results Reporting test results can be done simply and quickly, from mobiles, online or by phone, and should be completed straightaway. Staff to upload their LFT results to NHS test and trace

MG - HT JK – admin weekly

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those who need it most To access Lateral Flow tests via https://maps.test-and-trace.nhs.uk/

Contracting Covid from travelling abroad

Pupils ,staff,parents

If staff students visitors recently visited countries outside the Common Travel Area and they have had a positive test or been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 ,They must immediately cease to attend and not attend for at least 10 days from the day after: the start of their symptoms the test date if they did not have any symptoms but have had a positive LFD or PCR test (if an LFD test is taken first, and a PCR test is then taken within 2 days of the positive lateral flow test, and is negative, it overrides the LFD test and the pupil can return to school) Anyone told to isolate by NHS Test and Trace or by their public health protection team has a legal obligation to self-isolate, but you may leave home to avoid injury or illness or to escape the risk of harm.

Send information to parents about travelling abroad

Contracting COVID-19 from being in the school environment

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general

• Staff, pupils or visitors living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 to go for a PCR test. If

Anyone told to isolate by NHS Test and Trace or by their


On going

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by contact with an infected person

public becoming infected with COVID-19:

their test result is negative and they are exempt from isolating they can return to work/school

• Staff pupils of visitors living in the same household as a person who have tested positive for COVID-19 are not allowed into the school premises until they have self-isolated for the government period of 10 days; if the individual continues to have a raised temperature, they are required to remain away from school until a normal temperature can be maintained.

• Staff, students, and visitors exhibiting classing signs of COVID-19 as detailed (high temperature, a new continuous cough and a loss of, or change to, sense of smell or taste) they must self-isolate for at least 10 days from when the symptoms started. They should arrange to have a test to see if they have COVID-19 – go to testing to arrange.

• If an individual has symptoms, undertakes a COVID-19 test and this is negative, on evidence of the negative test they will be

public health protection team has a legal obligation to self-isolate, but you may leave home to avoid injury or illness or to escape the risk of harm. Please see school’s Outbreak Management Plan: www.ourladyscatholicalcester.co.uk/covid-19-risk-assessment-and-remote-learning/coronavirus-outbreak-management-plan-september-2021.pdf

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able to return to school. Government self-isolation guidance

• Any pupil absent from school will have access to a home learning pack which will be delivered through Google classroom


Ineffective personal hygiene measures

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

Robust handwashing promoted, encouraged and timetabled into the school day

• Staff and pupils are requested to wash hands prior to leaving home in the morning.

• All staff and pupils must wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with liquid soap and warm water:

- on arrival at school - following use of toilet facilities - before eating - after break; - after coughing/sneezing - or following outside play. - Staff and pupils encouraged to

follow the Catch it, Kill it, Bin it protocol – disposable tissues or toilet

Members of staff will supervise children’s thorough handwashing


On going

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tissue is available in classrooms and staff areas and to be immediately placed in a lidded bin or flushed down a toilet following use – used tissues must not be left on desks or other surfaces.

1. NHS Posters are displayed by sinks to show how to effectively wash hands.

2. Catch it, Kill it, Bin it posters displayed around the school.

3. Lidded bins placed throughout the school

4. Hand sanitiser available for staff who are unable to leave classrooms whilst supervising pupils.

5. Hand sanitiser is available but should only be used whereby handwashing is not accessible rather than a general alternative to handwashing. Seeking Parents approval for use by pupils.

6. Should a member of staff have to deal directly with a pupil with complex needs, they will wear PPE and sanitise the

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entire area and wash their hands according to the guidelines.

Possible contamination in reception areas and office

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

• Parents/carers advised to contact school by phone if they need to speak to a teacher or member of SLT and meetings will be arranged and accommodated in a planned manner within the building.

• Office staff to be responsible for regular cleaning of IT and phone equipment using antibacterial cleaning materials

Possible contamination within classroom/teaching and learning spaces

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

Use of communal equipment will be regularly cleaned and disinfected prior and after use. • Computer keyboard/mouse, touch screens/interactive whiteboards will be regularly cleaned and disinfected prior and after use. • During the school day windows and external doors to be opened to provide fresh air to be circulated within classroom and learning areas. • Light switches, windows, and blinds only to be operated by staff member in the classroom and regularly disinfected

All staff and pupils

Possible Pupils, staff, • Staff toilets are located on the main

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contamination from use of toilet/welfare facilities

visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

corridor close to the reception and are designed for 2 persons at a time. But only 1 person can be in the area. The door will be slightly wedged open, if no one inside the cubical area. If it is occupied will be closed. Disinfectant wipes will be available in toilet areas and staff/visitors will be requested to clean contact point prior to use. Wipes must be disposed of in the lidded bins.

• Visitors will use the disabled toilet

• Staff, pupils and visitors must wash hands thoroughly after using toilet facilities (see handwashing).

• Sufficient liquid soap will be available at all times in all toilets, this will be checked daily by cleaners and will be topped up in between if required.

• Only liquid soap is permitted in school.

• Hand drying will be by disposable towels only, hand towels have been removed.

• Lidded bins in toilets will be emptied daily and this will be reviewed with emptying

Ensure that there are sufficient stocks of soap available. Confirm that a sufficient amount of hot water is readily available. Ensure that sufficient bin bags are available on site.

On going

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increased more frequently if required.

• A changing station will be set up in the designated first aid area for use if a pupil with complex needs requires changing

• Cleaning products will be available for staff to clean and disinfect the area after the pupil has been changed. Soiled pull up will be double bagged and disposed of in outside bins. Staff will wear PPE to protect them after close contact with pupil

Changing mat, cleaning products and extra bin bags to be provided

Possible during communal gatherings - assembly

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

• It's no longer necessary to keep pupils in bubbles.

• All pupils can attend wrap around care for any reason and they can be in groups of any number. • Parents and carers can attend sessions at out-of-school settings and wrap-around care.

• Indoor and outdoor performances with an audience can go ahead.

• Both indoor and outdoor sporting competitions can take place.

• Indoor sport can go ahead, but the school will prioritise outdoor sport

• If the school has a number of COVID cases; please see school’s Outbreak Management Plan:


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• All external providers to which the school hires out the premises will have considered any relevant guidance and put appropriate health and safety measures in place.

• When planning indoor and outdoor performances the school will refer to: this guidance

• You’ll prioritise outdoor sport where possible

• Where it’s not, you’ll use large indoor spaces with sufficient ventilation

• You'll consult government guidance when

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planning for team sports

Insufficient access to first aid

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public may sustain greater injury through inadequate support and treatment

• Sufficient first aid provisions are in place in line with the schools first aid risk assessment

• Additional PPE ordered to ensure that 1st Aiders are able to deliver appropriate 1st Aid care, with as low a risk as practical.

HT/Office Manager

On going

Possible contamination by close contact when providing first aid or care to pupils

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

• Disposable gloves are universally recommended to be worn when providing first aid and this should be adhered to.

• Where it is considered necessary due to the close proximity of care required, disposable fluid resistant surgical face masks and disposable aprons are available and should be worn by staff delivering first aid or providing care.

• Staff dealing with pupils with complex needs

Make sure all PPE in place Visors, disposable masks, aprons and gloves are to be worn when administering 1st Aid. 1st Aid Will be

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to have received training in the control of infectious diseases

administered in the Reception cloakroom

Possible contamination from a symptomatic person on site

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

• Symptomatic person should not be on site – see first section.

• Should a staff member arrive at school or become symptomatic whilst at school they will be required to leave site immediately, if they need collecting, they will sit in a dedicated room – Reprographics Room (close the door, open the windows in the room) isolated.

• Should a pupil become symptomatic whilst at school, they will be isolated in Reprographics Room (close the door, open the windows in the room) and supervised by a staff member who will be required to wear a fluid resistant surgical face mask, disposable gloves and apron for the duration of the supervision, parent/carer will be contacted and required to collect

In all communication

to stakeholders the

school will continue to

regularly publish

symptoms of COVID


On going

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pupil asap.

• PPE will be stored in the stock cupboard adjacent to reprographics room

• Open the windows and close the door.

• Government guidance will then be adhered to

• The area used will be deep cleaned and kept well ventilated for up to 72 hours

Insufficient or inappropriate PPE available or misuse of PPE

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19:

• Disposable gloves and aprons and masks, and aprons available for use as identified required. Stored in stock cupboard adjacent to reprographics room

• Regular checking of PPE stock

• Where PPE is identified as required for a task it must be worn, for general teaching and pupil supervision in line with government guidance PPE is not recommended.

• Staff will be shown how to put on a face mask. Link https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/epi-

PPE needs to be available on Site .

SH/MG ongoing

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• Staff will be shown how to safely remove apron and gloves. https://www.nursingtimes.net/clinical-archive/infection-control/infection-control-3-use-of-disposable-gloves-and-aprons-24-06-2019/ • All PPE should be single use and disposed of


Ineffective management of potentially contaminated waste

Pupils, staff, visitors, and the general public becoming infected with COVID-19

• Standard waste will continue to be managed in line with existing arrangements.

• Any waste that is considered to be potentially infected/contaminated will be double bagged for 72 hours before placing immediately in the external bins; this will include any used PPE and any used tissues by persons who are unwell and awaiting collection.

• Waste from soiled “pull ups” will be double bagged and disposed of in outside lidded bins

Lidded bins to be placed in all areas that are.

SH and MG

Ineffective Pupils may 1. School has robust safeguarding DSL to be in school On going

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safeguarding measures

be more vulnerable during times of uncertainty, stress, or financial strain

measures in place with a Designated Safeguarding Lead who is available.

2. All staff have had safeguarding training. 3. Staff have been reminded of the

importance to look out and not changes to “normal” behaviours of pupils and report any concerns immediately

4. Staff to work in pairs if the occasion arises where a child with complex needs will need changing if soiled

and available Annual staff safeguarding training2nd September 2021


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Stress and anxiety of staff due to uncertainty, changes to working arrangements, changes to home arrangements and concern about contracting COVID-19

Staff may experience higher levels of stress and anxiety

Potential increase in incidents of Domestic violence

1. School have stress and wellbeing procedures in place with staff able to access resources to gain support both via school and externally.

2. Mental health and wellbeing information has been shared with staff.

3. SLT regularly checking on staff and have an open door to discuss concerns.

4. SLT reassuring staff and communicating thoroughly and opening all measures, controls, and arrangements in place to maintain safety (SFAIRP).

OLM Directors/LGB/HT/SLT

On going

Signature of Senior Leadership Team:

Date review required:

Date review required:

Date review required:

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