CashManager OnLine New Features Guide – April 29, 2013 We are pleased to announce new features now available in CashManager OnLine. These enhancements provide greater automation, ease and more statement options allowing users to spend less time on administrative processes and more time on their business. New Features 1. CashManager OnLine Wire Import – Available May 6, 2013. Details Below. 2. New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report – Available April 29, 2013. Learn More. 3. New Dashboard Bank Link: Security Token Reorder – Available April 29, 2013. Learn More. CashManager OnLine Wire Import: Overview BB&T’s CashManager OnLine Wire Import feature offers payment processing that’s more automated and less paper intense. This feature enables wire transaction and template data that’s maintained in an external system to be automatically imported into CashManager OnLine based on flexible rules that interpret the contents of files. The Wire Import feature consists of two primary functions: Wire Import Rule Maintenance - A wire import rule defines the file format type (delimited or fixed format), message type (FED, INT, or DRAW), and wire type (repetitive, free form, or template). Each of these settings defines the kind of file that is to be imported and the screen that will be used to define the expected fields and formatting of the file. Wire Import - Wire Import allows the user to import both wires and templates into CashManager OnLine from a text file using a fixed or delimited file format. Wires can be imported in either free form or repetitive formats. All imported files must have a predefined wire import rule defined which specifies the file contents, format and field location. Each record within the imported text file will be defined as a single line and will follow the associate Wire Import Rule for formatting purposes. Instructions to enable each feature follow the detailed description. CashManager OnLine clients currently accessing the Wire Module will have access to this new feature (available May 6, 2013). Your CashManager OnLine HELP feature can help users learn about this new feature. Want to learn more about Wire Import? Please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 to schedule training. 1

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CashManager OnLine New Features Guide – April 29, 2013

We are pleased to announce new features now available in CashManager OnLine. These enhancements provide greater automation, ease and more statement options allowing users to spend less time on administrative processes and more time on their business.

New Features 1. CashManager OnLine Wire Import – Available May 6, 2013. Details Below.2. New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report – Available April 29,

2013. Learn More.3. New Dashboard Bank Link: Security Token Reorder – Available April 29, 2013.

Learn More.

CashManager OnLine Wire Import: OverviewBB&T’s CashManager OnLine Wire Import feature offers payment processing that’s more automated and less paper intense. This feature enables wire transaction and template data that’s maintained in an external system to be automatically imported into CashManager OnLine based on fl exible rules that interpret the contents of fi les.

The Wire Import feature consists of two primary functions: • Wire Import Rule Maintenance - A wire import rule defi nes the fi le format type (delimited or fi xed

format), message type (FED, INT, or DRAW), and wire type (repetitive, free form, or template). Each of these settings defi nes the kind of fi le that is to be imported and the screen that will be used to defi ne the expected fi elds and formatting of the fi le.

• Wire Import - Wire Import allows the user to import both wires and templates into CashManager OnLine from a text fi le using a fi xed or delimited fi le format. Wires can be imported in either free form or repetitive formats. All imported fi les must have a predefi ned wire import rule defi ned which specifi es the fi le contents, format and fi eld location. Each record within the imported text fi le will be defi ned as a single line and will follow the associate Wire Import Rule for formatting purposes.

Instructions to enable each feature follow the detailed description.

CashManager OnLine clients currently accessing the Wire Module will have access to this new feature (available May 6, 2013).

Your CashManager OnLine HELP feature can help users learn about this new feature.

Want to learn more about Wire Import? Please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 to schedule training.

BBT Box Logo; CMOL Brand Logo

CashManager OnLine New Features Guide – April 29, 2013

We are pleased to announce new features now available in CashManager OnLine. These enhancements provide greater automation, ease and more statement options allowing users to spend less time on administrative processes and more time on their business.


New Features 1. CashManager OnLine Wire Import – Available May 6, 2013 (Learn More) 2. New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report – Available April 29, 2013 3. New Dashboard Bank Link: Security Token Reorder – Available April 29, 2013 Learn More

(red box, white font) Instructions to enable each feature follow the detailed description. Comment [AN1]: Link these to the

section in the document. I will highlight where it is linked but don’t actually highlight.

CashManager OnLine Wire Import: Overview

BB&T’s CashManager OnLine Wire Import feature offers payment processing that’s more automated and less paper intense. This feature enables wire transaction and template data that’s maintained in an external system to be automatically imported into CashManager OnLine based on flexible import rules that interpret (i.e. parse) the contents of imported files.

The Wire Import feature consists to two primary functions:

Wire Import Rule Maintenance - A wire import rule defines the file format type (delimited or fixed format), message type (FED, INT, or DRAW), and wire type (repetitive, free form, or template). Each of these settings defines the kind of file that is to be imported and the screen that will be used to define the expected fields and formatting of the file.

CashManager OnLine clients currently accessing the Wire Module will have access to this new feature (available May 6, 2013).

Your CashManager OnLine HELP feature can assist users learning about this new feature.

Want to learn more about Wire Import? Please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 to schedule training.

Wire Import - Wire Import allows the user to import both wires and templates into CashManager OnLine from a text file using a fixed or delimited file format. Wires can be imported in either free form or repetitive formats. All imported files must have a predefined wire import rule defined which specifies the file contents, format and field location. Each record within the imported text file will be defined as a single line and will follow the associate Wire Import Rule for formatting purposes.


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Key Benefi ts:

• Enables processing of time sensitive business transactions in a way that is more automated and less paper intensive.

• Offers processing effi ciencies that lower overall costs, while providing a high level of service. • Increases productivity by minimizing manual wire entry intervention, while retaining existing

user entitlements and payment controls for wire initiation, approval, payment limits and event notifi cations.

Import Rules: The following general rules apply to the wire import functionality:1. Import rules must be defi ned before a fi le can be imported.2. The user must select an import rule appropriate for the data within the import fi le before a fi le can

be imported.3. The fi le name to be imported must be in *.txt format.4. The fi le name to be imported can be up to 200 alphanumeric characters.5. The fi elds that are required during manual entry (i.e., data type, fi eld length) are also required for

imported fi les.6. Each fi eld within the imported fi le is validated prior to the actual import. If any fi eld within the

import record fails validation, then that import record “wire transaction” will be rejected. 7. The imported transaction or template will display in the same approval list as manually entered

transactions.8. Pending imported transactions and templates are available for modifi cation and deletion, and will

display in the same maintenance list as manually entered transactions.9. The data within the imported fi le is subject to the same transaction and cumulative limits as the

message type/entry method combination during manual entry.10. The data within the imported fi le is subject to the same cut-offs and lead times as the message type/

entry method combination during manual entry.11. When importing freeform or repetitive fi les, token authentication is required at time of fi nal

approval to submit payments. Token authentication is not required for templates requiring no additional approvals.

12. Wire and template status are set as follows after import:

13. The imported wires and templates are included in the existing wire reports.14. There are no specifi c event notifi cations related to importing a wire fi le. However, the transactions

within the fi le will trigger event notifi cations and alerts based on criteria defi ned for manually entered transactions.


Key Benefits:

Enable processing of time sensitive business transactions in a way that is more automated and less paper intensive.

Wire import offers processing efficiencies that lowers overall costs, while providing a high level of service.

Increase productivity by minimizing manual wire entry intervention, while retaining existing user entitlements and payment controls for wire initiation, approval, payment limits and event notifications.

Import Rules: The following general rules apply to the wire import functionality:1. Import rules must be defined before a file can be imported. 2. The user must select an import rule appropriate for the data within the import file before a file can be

imported. 3. The file name to be imported must be in *.txt format.

4. The file name to be imported can be up to 200 alphanumeric characters.

5. The fields that are required during manual entry (i.e., data type, field length) are also required for

imported files.

6. Each field within the imported file is validated prior to the actual import. If any field within the import record fails validation then that import record “wire transaction” will be rejected.

7. The imported transaction or template will display in the same approval list as manually entered transactions.

8. Pending imported transactions and templates are available for modification and deletion, and will display in the same maintenance list as manually entered transactions.

9. The data within the imported file is subject to the same transaction and cumulative limits as the message type/entry method combination during manual entry.

10. The data within the imported file is subject to the same cut-offs and lead times as the message type/entry method combination during manual entry.

11. When importing freeform or repetitive files, Token authentication is required at time of final approval to submit payments. Token authentication is not required for templates requiring no additional approvals.

12. Wire and Template status are set as follows after import:

Data Type Approvals Required Status

Repetitive Transaction 0 Released

Repetitive Transaction Greater than 0 Pending

Freeform Transaction 0 Released

Freeform Transaction Greater than 0 Pending

Template 0 Active

Template Greater than 0 Pending

13. The imported wires and templates are included in the existing wire reports.

14. There are no specific event notifications related to importing a wire file. However, the transactions within the file will trigger event notifications and alerts based on criteria defined for manually entered transactions.


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Wire Import User Entitlements

The wire import functionality has four specifi c entitlements that defi ne which import functions the user can perform. The rules the user will be able to create and/or use are dependent on the message types (FED, INT, DRAW) and entry methods (freeform or repetitive) to which the user is entitled, as well as whether or not the user is entitled to template maintenance. Because users cannot create freeform DRAW transactions, freeform DRAW rules cannot be created.

Import Rules MaintenanceUse the Import Rules Maintenance functionality to create and maintain import rules. The system relies on import rules to interpret the contents of imported fi les.

Use the Wire Transfer Import functionality to import wire transaction(s) or template(s) created outside the system. The selected import rule is applied to each transaction or template within the imported fi le. The data in the imported fi le must match the rule’s fi le type, message type, fi eld defi nitions and fi eld locations in order to be valid.

An import rule is created for a specifi c Message Type, a specifi c wire type (free-form wire, repetitive wire, or template), and a specifi c fi le type (fi xed format or delimited).

• Fixed format - Has fi elds that start and end at fi xed positions within each record in the fi le. You must defi ne these start and end positions in order for the data to be correctly parsed into the fi elds.

• Delimited format - Has fi elds that do not have a pre-determined length. Instead, the fi elds have a pre-determined order and are separated by a defi ned delimiter.


Wire Import User Entitlements

The wire import functionality has four specific entitlements that define which import functions the user can perform. The rules the user will be able to create and/or use are dependent on the message types (FED, INT, DRAW) and entry methods (freeform or repetitive) to which the user is entitled, as well as whether or not the user is entitled to template maintenance. Because users cannot create freeform DRAW transactions, freeform DRAW rules cannot be created.

Note: Users can only add or maintain rules and import files for the entry methods and wire message types to which the user is entitled.

Entitlement Function

Import File • Entitles the user to import wire files into the CMOL corporate application.

Add Import Rule • Entitles the user to add new wire import rules.

Delete Import Rule • Entitles the user to delete existing wire import rules.

Update Import Rule • Entitles the user to modify existing wire import rules.

Import Rules Maintenance Use the Import Rules Maintenance functionality to create and maintain import rules. The system relies on import rules to interpret (i.e. parse) the contents of imported files.

Use the Wire Transfer Import functionality to import wire transaction(s) or template(s) created outside the system. The selected import rule is applied to each transaction or template within the imported file. The data in the imported file must match the rule's file type, message type, field definitions and field locations in order to be valid.

An import rule is created for a specific Message Type, a specific wire type (free-form wire, repetitive wire, or template), and a specific file type (fixed format or delimited).

Fixed format - Has fields that start and end at fixed positions within each record in the file. You must define these start and end positions in order for the data to be correctly parsed into the fields.

Delimited format - Has fields that do not have a pre-determined length. Instead, the fields have a pre-determined order and are separated by a defined delimiter.

Note: Users can only add or maintain rules and import fi les for the entry methods and wire message types to which the user is entitled.


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Adding a Delimited or Fixed Import Rule or Template

1. From the Wire Transfer menu option, select Import Rule(s). The Import Rules Maintenance Selection screen displays.

2. Enter the name of the rule you want to add in the Import Rule Name fi eld. 3. Select Delimited from the File Type list.4. Select a message type from the Message Type list.5. Select a wire type from the Wire Type list.6. Click ADD. The Import Rules Maintenance screen displays.

Adding a Delimited or Fixed Import Rule or Template 1 From the Wire Transfer menu option, select Import Rule(s). The Import Rules Maintenance

Selection screen displays.

2 Enter the name of the rule you want to add in the Import Rule Name field.

3 Select Delimited from the File Type list.

4 Select a message type from the Message Type list.

5 Select a wire type from the Wire Type list.

6 Click ADD. The Import Rules Maintenance screen displays.



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Example Import Rules screen – Repetitive / FED / Delimited

1. For a Delimited import fi le select the delimiter you want to use to indicate separate values within the fi le.

2. Select an amount formatting option for the incoming import fi le from the Amounts on Import File list.

3. For each fi eld listed, enter the Field # position in the import fi le. Fields and fi eld requirements are determined by the wire message type (Fed, Int., and Draw).

Fields proceeded by an asterisk (*) are required fi elds.

4. Click PREVIEW to display the Preview Wire Import Rules in order to verify your entries.

If any value is duplicated, an error message displays. Change values as needed and click OK to continue.

5. Click SUBMIT. The Wire Import Rules Results displays as a confi rmation of your import rule entry.

6. Click OK to return to the Wire Import Rules Maintenance Selection screen.

Example Import Rules screen – Repetitive / FED / Delimited

1 For a Delimited import file select the delimiter you want to use to indicate separate values within the file.

2 Select an amount formatting option for the incoming import file from the Amounts on Import File list.

3 For each field listed, enter the Field # position in the import file. Fields and field requirements are determined by the wire message type (Fed, Int., and Draw).

Fields proceeded by an asterisk (*) are required fields.

4 Click PREVIEW to display the Preview Wire Import Rules in order to verify your entries.

If any value is duplicated, an error message displays. Change values as needed and click OK to continue.

5 Click SUBMIT. The Wire Import Rules Results displays as a confirmation of your import rule entry.

6 Click OK to return to the Wire Import Rules Maintenance Selection screen.



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Example Import Rules Screen - Free Form / FED / Delimited

Fields and field requirements are determined by the wire message type (Fed, Int., and Draw) and Wire Type (repetitive, free form, or template). Example Import Rules screen - Free Form / FED / Delimited


Fields and fi eld requirements are determined by the wire message type (Fed, Int., and Draw) and Wire Type (repetitive, free form, or template).


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Example Import Rules Screen – Template / FED / Delimited

Example Import Rules screen – Template / FED / Delimited



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Import Wire Transactions and Wire Templates

Wire users can import wires and templates created outside the system using the Wire Import function. User specifi es the fi le to be imported and apply an import rule to the fi le to parse it and make it compatible with the system.

All data on the import fi le must be of the same fi le type and message type with the same fi eld defi nitions and fi eld locations to be valid. The selected import rule is applied to each transaction or template within the import fi le.

Wire Import accesses the following screens:• Import Wire Transaction and Wire Templates enables user to enter an import fi le name and select an

import rule.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File:

Example of a Successful Import

Import Wire Transactions and Wire Templates

Wire users can import wires and templates created outside the system using the Wire Import function. User specifies the file to be imported and apply an import rule to the file to parse the file and make it compatible with the system.

All data on the import file must be of the same file type and message type with the same filed definitions and field locations to be valid. The selected import rule is applied to each transaction or template within the import file.

Wire Import accesses the following screens:

Import Wire Transaction and Wire Templates enables user to enter an import file name and select an import rule.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File:

Date format is (DDMMMYYY)

8Example of a Successful Import

Import Wire Transactions and Wire Templates

Wire users can import wires and templates created outside the system using the Wire Import function. User specifies the file to be imported and apply an import rule to the file to parse the file and make it compatible with the system.

All data on the import file must be of the same file type and message type with the same filed definitions and field locations to be valid. The selected import rule is applied to each transaction or template within the import file.

Wire Import accesses the following screens:

Import Wire Transaction and Wire Templates enables user to enter an import file name and select an import rule.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File:

Date format is (DDMMMYYY)

8Example of a Successful Import


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• Wire Import Summary screen displays a summary of imported records ( # records imported, read, pending approval, released and rejected)

• Preview Import Wire displays the detail wire records as imported in sequence…Displays the fi rst imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…

Wire Import Summary screen displays a summary of imported records ( # records imported, read, pending approval, released and rejected)


Preview Import Wire displays the detail wire records as imported in sequence…Displays the 1st

imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…

Display of next imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…

Display of the next and “final” imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…



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Display of next imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…

Display of the next and “fi nal” imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…

Display of next imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…

Display of the next and “final” imported transaction; Click Continue to display next imported transaction…


Submit Results – Import Wire displays the summary and confirmation details of the imported wires.



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• Submit Results – Import Wire displays the summary and confi rmation details of the imported wires.

Example of Import with Validation Error

• Wire Import Validation Errors: If an import validation error occurs then an Import Error Pop Up window is displayed with a detailed list of the error(s) and the line(s) in which the error occurred.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File with Invalid Date in Record #3:

Submit Results – Import Wire displays the summary and confirmation details of the imported wires.


Example of Import with Validation Error

Wire Import Validation Errors If an import validation error occurs then an Import Error Pop Up window is displayed with a detailed list of the error(s) and which line(s) in the import file the error occurred.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File W/ Invalid Date in record #3:

New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report: Overview 12

Example of Import with Validation Error

Wire Import Validation Errors If an import validation error occurs then an Import Error Pop Up window is displayed with a detailed list of the error(s) and which line(s) in the import file the error occurred.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File W/ Invalid Date in record #3:

New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report: Overview 12


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Example of Import with Validation Error

Wire Import Validation Errors If an import validation error occurs then an Import Error Pop Up window is displayed with a detailed list of the error(s) and which line(s) in the import file the error occurred.

Example Fed / Delimited Import File W/ Invalid Date in record #3:

New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report: Overview 12


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New report option: Prior Day Interim Statement Report: Overview

Now available as an additional reporting option, users can select Interim Statement report from their My Reports screen. There is no cost to create this report and all entitled* Information Reporting users will automatically have access.

Key Features to your Prior Day Interim Statement Report:

• Calculates running balances at a transaction level when data is sorted by date• Calculates credit and debit grand totals for the selected date range• Provides date and account fi lter options - Multiple accounts will be separated• CSV (Excel) download capability for additional sorting, fi ltering, etc.• All pre-existing BAI prior day records that load will appear on the Interim

Statement Report** • Audit Reporting records will capture when a new report is generated

Special Note: Not available for Current Day reporting; Event Notifi cation not available; cannot be fi ltered by BAI code.

How do I create an Interim Statement report?

1. Add Interim Statement Report by accessing Confi gure My Report in your Information Reporting - My Reports screen; select Interim Statement Report; Save.


* To initiate access, users will fi rst add Interim Statement Report to their Confi gure My Reports screen.

** Running Balance and Beginning Ledger Balance will not display when using a beginning date prior to 4/29/2013.

Now available as an additional reporting option, users can select Interim Statement report from their Configure My Reports screen. There is no cost to create this report and all entitled Information Reporting users will automatically have access.


Key Features to your Prior Day Interim Statement Report:

Calculates running balances at a transaction level when data is sorted by date Calculates credit and debit grand totals for the selected date range Provides date and account filter options

o Multiple accounts will be separated CSV (Excel) download capability for additional sorting, filtering, etc. All pre-existing BAI prior day records that load will appear on the Interim Statement

Report Audit Reporting records will capture when a new report is generated Special Note: Not available for Current Day reporting; Event Notification not available; cannot be filtered by BAI code.

How do I create an Interim Statement report? Select from Configure My Reports, specify your preferred date range (or allow the

default date range: prior business day in both the “from” and “to” fields.) The date range in the To/From fields can include the maximum data up to187 days.


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Then filter for Selected Accounts

  Your report will display in a separate window.

The CANCEL button closes the My Reports screen and returns you to the Landing page.

The CONFIGURE REPORTS button allows you to select and re-order reports displayed on the My Reports screen.

Click to Export in Excel Format:


Additional Report Features: Interim statement data is separated by account if more than one account is selected.


Beginning ledger balance and ending ledger balance for the statement date range that is selected. ‐ Beginning Ledger Balance – The ledger balance for the first day in the statement period. ‐ Ending Ledger Balance – The closing ledger balance (BAI 015) for the last day in the statement


Report column details include:


• Date – The As-of-Date from the BAI 02 record.


Now available as an additional reporting option, users can select Interim Statement report from their Configure My Reports screen. There is no cost to create this report and all entitled Information Reporting users will automatically have access.


Key Features to your Prior Day Interim Statement Report:

Calculates running balances at a transaction level when data is sorted by date Calculates credit and debit grand totals for the selected date range Provides date and account filter options

o Multiple accounts will be separated CSV (Excel) download capability for additional sorting, filtering, etc. All pre-existing BAI prior day records that load will appear on the Interim Statement

Report Audit Reporting records will capture when a new report is generated Special Note: Not available for Current Day reporting; Event Notification not available; cannot be filtered by BAI code.

How do I create an Interim Statement report? Select from Configure My Reports, specify your preferred date range (or allow the

default date range: prior business day in both the “from” and “to” fields.) The date range in the To/From fields can include the maximum data up to187 days.


2. Select from My Reports, specify your preferred date range (or allow the default date range: prior business day in both the “from” and “to” fi elds.) The date range in the From/To fi elds can include the maximum data up to 187 days.

3. Then fi lter for Selected Accounts

Your report will display in a separate window.

• The CANCEL button closes the My Reports screen and returns you to the Landing page.• The CONFIGURE REPORTS button allows you to select and re-order reports displayed on the My Reports screen.

Click to Export in Excel Format:

Then filter for Selected Accounts

  Your report will display in a separate window.

The CANCEL button closes the My Reports screen and returns you to the Landing page.

The CONFIGURE REPORTS button allows you to select and re-order reports displayed on the My Reports screen.

Click to Export in Excel Format:


Additional Report Features: Interim statement data is separated by account if more than one account is selected.


Beginning ledger balance and ending ledger balance for the statement date range that is selected. ‐ Beginning Ledger Balance – The ledger balance for the first day in the statement period. ‐ Ending Ledger Balance – The closing ledger balance (BAI 015) for the last day in the statement


Report column details include:


• Date – The As-of-Date from the BAI 02 record.



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Additional Report Features:• Interim statement data is separated by account if more than one account is selected.• Beginning ledger balance and ending ledger balance for the statement date range that is selected. - Beginning Ledger Balance – The ledger balance for the fi rst day in the statement period. - Ending Ledger Balance – The closing ledger balance (BAI 015) for the last day in the statement period.• Report column details include:

• Date – The As-of-Date from the BAI 02 record. - If an account has no data for a date within the selected date range, (weekends, holidays, etc.) that date will not be listed in the report.• Description – The transaction description from the BAI 16 record. - The description will show all lines of available detail text. » The number of lines of detail text can vary by type code and transaction. - If the account and user are entitled to images, then the value in the Description column will be hyperlinked and will have a checkbox if an image is available. » The interim statement report will access the same image database and follow the same rules as other IR reports in accessing and displaying images. » As with other IR reports, users can view one image at a time by clicking the hyperlink or select multiple images to view by checking the checkbox for the image and clicking the VIEW SELECTED IMAGES application button.• Credits – The amount for a credit transaction. - The type code for the BAI 16 record indicates if the transaction is a credit or debit. - The fi eld will be blank for debit type codes.• Debits – The amount for a debit transaction. - The type code for the BAI 16 record indicates if the transaction is a credit or debit. - The fi eld will be blank for credit type codes.• Ref 1 – The Bank Reference Number from the BAI 16 record. - The fi eld may be blank.• Ref 2 – The Customer Reference Number from the BAI 16 record. - The fi eld may be blank.• Balance – The running balance of the transactions listed. - When the columns are sorted with the earliest date and time listed fi rst: » The fi rst balance will be calculated by adding (if a credit) or subtracting (if a debit) the value for the transaction with the earliest date and time from the beginning balance value. » Each of the balances that follow will be calculated by adding (if a credit) or subtracting (if a debit) the value for the transaction from the balance value that precedes it. » The balance for the fi nal transaction should match the ending balance value. • When the columns are sorted by a value other than date in ascending order, the Balance column will be hidden.

Then filter for Selected Accounts

  Your report will display in a separate window.

The CANCEL button closes the My Reports screen and returns you to the Landing page.

The CONFIGURE REPORTS button allows you to select and re-order reports displayed on the My Reports screen.

Click to Export in Excel Format:


Additional Report Features: Interim statement data is separated by account if more than one account is selected.


Beginning ledger balance and ending ledger balance for the statement date range that is selected. ‐ Beginning Ledger Balance – The ledger balance for the first day in the statement period. ‐ Ending Ledger Balance – The closing ledger balance (BAI 015) for the last day in the statement


Report column details include:


• Date – The As-of-Date from the BAI 02 record.




* Running Balance and Beginning Ledger Balance will not display when using a beginning date prior to 4/29/2013.

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• Allow users to sort data in the columns by clicking on column headers (initial default will be ascending order by date and time.) Note: Users will not be able to sort on the Balance column as balances are calculated values.

Description column may consist of multiple lines of detail text; therefore, all detail text for a transaction will be kept together. » When sorting on the Description column, sorting will be based on the fi rst line of text. If multiple transactions have the same fi rst line of text, a secondary sort will be performed on the second line. If the second lines are the same, the system will continue through the lines of text available until a unique value is found. If no unique value is found, the system will display the duplicate items based on the As-of-Date and As-of-Time in descending order.• Displays the total credits and total debits for each account.

» Credits Total – The credits total is calculated by adding all the listed credits for the account. » Debits Total – The debits total is calculated by adding all the listed debits for the account.

• Includes the standard end of report message at the end of interim statement report.

• Displays the standard no data reported message if no data is found for an account during the specifi ed date range.

- If an account has no data for a date within the selected date range, (weekends, holidays, etc.) that date will not be listed in the report.

• Description – The transaction description from the BAI 16 record. - The description will show all lines of available detail text.

» The number of lines of detail text can vary by type code and transaction. - If the account and user are entitled to images, then the value in the Description column will be hyperlinked and

will have a checkbox if an image is available. » The interim statement report will access the same image database and follow the same rules as other IR

reports in accessing and displaying images. » As with other IR reports, users can view one image at a time by clicking the hyperlink or select multiple

images to view by checking the checkbox for the image and clicking the VIEW SELECTED IMAGES application button.

• Credits – The amount for a credit transaction. - The type code for the BAI 16 record indicates if the transaction is a credit or debit. - The field will be blank for debit type codes.

• Debits – The amount for a debit transaction. - The type code for the BAI 16 record indicates if the transaction is a credit or debit. - The field will be blank for credit type codes.

• Ref 1 – The Bank Reference Number from the BAI 16 record. - The field may be blank.

• Ref 2 – The Customer Reference Number from the BAI 16 record. - The field may be blank.

• Balance – The running balance of the transactions listed. - When the columns are sorted with the earliest date and time listed first:

» The first balance will be calculated by adding (if a credit) or subtracting (if a debit) the value for the transaction with the earliest date and time from the beginning balance value.

» Each of the balances that follow will be calculated by adding (if a credit) or subtracting (if a debit) the value for the transaction from the balance value that precedes it.

» The balance for the final transaction should match the ending balance value. When the columns are sorted by a value other than date in ascending order, the Balance column

will be hidden.

Allow users to sort data in the columns by clicking on column headers (initial default will be ascending order by date and time.) Note: Users will not be able to sort on the Balance column as balances are calculated values.

Description column may consist of multiple lines of detail text; therefore all detail text for a transaction will be kept together. When sorting on the Description column, sorting will be based on the first line of text. If multiple

transactions have the same first line of text, a secondary sort will be performed on the second line. If the second lines are the same, the system will continue through the lines of text available until a unique value is found. If no unique value is found, the system will display the duplicate items based on the As-of-Date and As-of-Time in descending order.

Displays the total credits and total debits for each account.

  Credits Total – The credits total is calculated by adding all the listed credits for the account. Debits Total – The debits total is calculated by adding all the listed debits for the account.

Includes the standard end of report message at the end of interim statement report.


  Displays the standard no data reported message if no data is found for an account during the

specified date range.

New Dashboard Bank Link: Security Token Reorder

Save time! We’ve added Token Reorder link to the CashManager OnLine Dashboard – Bank Links area to allow Company Administrators and Users the ability to request Security Tokens on line!   


Simply click the Token Reorder link, complete the Request a Security Token form and click Submit! (Sample below)

 Please note:

Security Tokens can only be sent to a designated Company Security Administrator Security Tokens will only be mailed to the address of record Sorry, we cannot provide Overnight Delivery of Security Tokens via this request process. For any

exceptional request, the Company User will be advised to contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.


16Sample online form:


Page 17: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager

  Displays the standard no data reported message if no data is found for an account during the

specified date range.

New Dashboard Bank Link: Security Token Reorder

Save time! We’ve added Token Reorder link to the CashManager OnLine Dashboard – Bank Links area to allow Company Administrators and Users the ability to request Security Tokens on line!   


Simply click the Token Reorder link, complete the Request a Security Token form and click Submit! (Sample below)

 Please note:

Security Tokens can only be sent to a designated Company Security Administrator Security Tokens will only be mailed to the address of record Sorry, we cannot provide Overnight Delivery of Security Tokens via this request process. For any

exceptional request, the Company User will be advised to contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.


16Sample online form:

New Dashboard Bank Link: Security Token ReorderSave time! We’ve added Token Reorder link to the CashManager OnLine Dashboard – Bank Links area to allow Company Administrators and Users the ability to request Security Tokens online.

Simply click the Token Reorder link, complete the Request a Security Token form and click Submit.(Sample below)

Please note:» Security Tokens can only be sent to a designated Company Security Administrator» Security Tokens will only be mailed to the address of record» Sorry, we cannot provide Overnight Delivery of Security Tokens via this request process. For any exceptional request, the Company User will be advised to contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.


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Sample online form:

BB&T is delighted to bring these new features to you. Additionally, we continue to strive to perfect every user experience and appreciate your feedback. If you would like to send us a message, please go to your Admin link and select Send Messages.

For more information about CashManager OnLine or for ideas on improving your business cash fl ow please contact your BB&T Treasury Consultant or visit BBT.com.

Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC.© 2015, Branch Banking and Trust Company. All rights reserved. Rev. 4-29-13

BB&T is delighted to bring these new features to you. Additionally, we continue to strive to perfect every user experience and appreciate your feedback. If you would like to send us a message, please go to your Admin link and select Send Messages.

For more information about CashManager OnLine or for ideas on improving your business cash flow please contact your BB&T Treasury Consultant or visit BBT.com.

Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC. © 2013, Branch Banking and Trust Company.



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CashManager OnLine New Features Guide - January 2013

Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager OnLine Company Administrators onDecember 30, 2012, to:• Provide our Annual Online Security Update • Introduce new Standard Security Protocol and new Highly Recommended Security Measures.

All users should review the BB&T Standard Security Protocol (please see below).

This New Features installment highlights one of the Highly Recommended Security Measures: DualApproval for Administrative Changes:• What it is and why it is an important consideration for your company• How you can implement Dual Approval for Administrative Changes in your


What is Dual Approval for Administrative Changes and why is it important?• Dual Approval for Administrative Changes provides you with added security

by requiring that a second “Administrator of Record” (an additional Company System Administrator registered with BB&T vs. a user entitled to security privileges) approve all user profi le, entitlement, setting, and account changes. These multiple Administrators of Record are maintained by BB&T and must have identical entitlements, settings, and accounts. This added security impedes fraudster attempts to gain administrative control. As part of the BB&T CashManager OnLine Layered Defense Strategy, Dual Approval for Administrative Changes is considered a Highly Recommended Security Measure. While not required for use of CashManager OnLine, we recommend adoption of this practice and can assist you in implementing an effective Dual Approval strategy.

What is the role of CashManager OnLine Administrator(s)?• While Company Administrators are responsible for a number of tasks and processes, the role serves

as the premier “gatekeeper” for any/all user activities associated with the client’s online banking via CashManager OnLine.

• From a practical perspective, Company Administrators also:• Manage the CashManager OnLine service for the organization’s business needs• Make decisions on behalf of organization• Ensure all appropriate accounts and functions are established and maintained• Establish and monitor users, entitlements, access timeframes• Act as the go-to person for all users • Review/report suspicious activity • Serve as a company audit liaison • Update staff with routine employee education

Therefore, due to the comprehensive responsibilities of the Company Administrator, if that Administrator’s logon credentials are compromised, your business is at risk. By establishing multiple Administrators with Dual Approval for Administrative Changes, your organization’s security is enhanced by requiring that a second “Administrator of Record” (an additional Company Administrator registered with BB&T) approve all user profi le, entitlement, setting, and account changes.

To establish Dual Approval for Administrative Changes, please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

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Dual Approval for Administrative Changes provides a higher level of security by disallowing a fraudster from impersonating an Administrator.

What is the “optimal” number of Administrators? BB&T recommends that organizations name three Administrators of Record – in the event that one Administrator initiates a change, the additional Administrators receive the approval request, but only one must approve the request. So, if one is out of offi ce, on vacation, etc, you can still operate without assistance from BB&T. We do NOT recommend more than four Administrators of Record be established.

If there are several Administrators of Record and one initiates an Administrative change, which of the other Administrators will receive the approval request?All additional Administrators will receive the request via an “Approvals Pending” Alert. As soon as one of the Administrator’s approves the request, the action is completed and the initiating Administrator, the Approving Administrator and the impacted user will receive an Administrative Alert.

How does Dual Approval for Administrative Changes/Multiple Administrators of Record differ from simply entitled users with security privileges? While users entitled with security privileges may also establish and manage other users and entitlements, they are not automatically maintained by BB&T and may not have the identical entitlements, settings or accounts.

For additional information regarding Dual Approval for Administrative Changes or any component of the BB&T Standard Security Protocol, please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

If you are ever concerned about the authenticity of a communication or experience unusual system behavior such as failed log ins, timeout, pop-ups, requests to download software (aside from Trusteer Rapport), maintenance screens, or failure to advance to the next screen, this may be a sign of fraudulent activity. Stop and immediately contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

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Standard Security Protocol for BB&T CashManager OnLine®

Criminal attempts to access bank accounts and steal from businesses are becoming more sophisticated in today’s online environment. Malicious attempts to steal cash and/or information that can be converted to cash are increasingly common. In addition to direct financial loss, your business could also suffer lost productivity, legal costs and reputational loss. As a result, any user access and activity can expose your business to fraud. It is therefore critical that all employees entitled to access CashManager OnLine utilize all standard security features.


As a user of CashManager OnLine, you have an obligation to safeguard your credentials and account information from physical or electronic theft, including theft via malware on any/all computers used to conduct business via CashManager OnLine. Under the terms of your company’s agreement with BB&T, BB&T is authorized to process payments upon receipt of your CashManager OnLine credentials. Furthermore, losses are not covered under Regulation E. Your company therefore is liable for any loss of information or funds due to payments originated with stolen credentials. BB&T closely monitors its systems to ensure only valid credentials are used to initiate funds transfers. Failure to safeguard your credentials physically or electronically can result in fraudulent access to your CashManager OnLine account, unauthorized funds transfers and financial loss to your company. It is critical to protect your credentials and computer systems by following Standard Security Protocol.

BB&T provides the following standard CashManager OnLine security features:

n Logon Credentials. Company System Administrators (“CSAs”) are provided logon credentials. CSAs then create credentials for company users. A Temporary Password is created for each user who is subsequently prompted to change it at initial log in. Passwords expire every 30 days – new passwords should contain a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers, contain no special characters, and be at least eight characters in length.

n Security Token. BB&T provides CSAs with security tokens for distribution to all company CashManager OnLine users. A security token is a small, connectionless device that generates a one-time passcode to use at log in. Once activated, every time a user logs in to CashManager OnLine, the token code allows BB&T to authenticate each user and allows them to validate that user to authenticate that they are logging in to a legitimate BB&T CashManager OnLine session every time. Additionally, company users that have Release authority for Account Transfers, Wire Transfers or ACH Transactions must further authenticate those transactions by performing the security token passcode process each time those transactions are submitted for release.

n Trusteer Rapport. Trusteer Rapport software protects your company’s financial assets and business data during every CashManager OnLine banking session. BB&T will automatically prompt all company users to download Rapport via an in-browser message and hyperlink. Users should consult their IT or system administrator as necessary. Failure to download Rapport on any/all devices used for CashManager OnLine will result in discontinued access after a period of 45 days from initial user prompt.

n Dual Approval for Payments. Dual Approval for Payments requires one user to initiate a payment and a second user, with a second set of credentials and using a second computer, to approve the release of the payment.

If this feature is not currently required for payments at your organization, please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

n User Entitlements. Users should be entitled to only those functions and accounts necessary to perform their normal activities. These entitlements should be reviewed regularly.

n Payment Limits. A maximum wire transfer payment limit is assigned by BB&T based on your company’s needs. This limit, along with other payment limits you have established for your company and individual users, should be routinely reviewed.

n Event Notification Service. Event notification allows users to receive messages via their selected delivery method when account payment activity occurs and when changes are made to a user’s entitlements or profile. Notifications of unexpected activity enable action to be taken more quickly. Certain notifications – Administrative Alerts – are automatic to alert the company administrator(s) and/or affected user(s) of potentially suspicious activity. These include: new user set up, user modified or deleted, modifications to a user’s security privileges, change in a user’s email address, change in a user’s Mobile data or Carrier’s Text Delivery, password changes, changes to a user’s service entitlements, account list or screen settings. (Note: “User” in these descriptions also includes administrator.)

While Standard Security Protocol will not guarantee the prevention of fraud or change your liability if fraud occurs, these featured components are recognized best practices in a layered approach to security. Rejecting the use of any component will put your company at greater risk for fraud.



Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC.© 2013, Branch Banking and Trust Company.

Page 22: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager


Highly Recommended Security Measures and Sound Business Practices

nDual Approval for Administrative Changes. Dual Approval for Administrative Changes provides you with added security by requiring that a second “Administrator of Record” (an additional CSA registered with BB&T vs. a user entitled to security privileges) approve all user profile, entitlement, setting, and account changes. These multiple Administrators of Record are maintained by BB&T and must have identical entitlements, settings, and accounts. This added security impedes fraudster attempts to gain administrative control. To establish Dual Approval for Administrative Changes, please contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

nActivity Limits and User Entitlements. Implement limits on activities, payments, and active session thresholds by user and company.

nReview Accounts Daily. Notify BB&T immediately of unusual activity.

nEmploy Positive Pay and ACH Debit Block. These features are widely recognized best practices for preventing unauthorized paper and electronic payments.

nUse a Stand-alone Computer. Designate one computer exclusively for online banking. Limit Internet access and prohibit email to minimize exposure to malware.

nExercise Sound Password Management. Prohibit the sharing of passwords, require strong passwords with a mix of characters and cases, use a different password for each website accessed, and regularly change passwords. Do not store passwords on your computer in case it is compromised.

nUser Education. Aware and alert CashManager OnLine users are an effective defense against payments fraud. Establish an online fraud awareness program and conduct regular training sessions. Conduct periodic risk assessments. Train all employees to recognize and prevent online fraud. BB&T regularly provides fraud prevention webinars for CashManager OnLine users, administrators, and company executives. Contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 to register. For current security information, please visit BBT.com/security.

nRemain Alert. BB&T will never ask for your login credentials, including requests to respond to or click on a link within an Event Notification message.

nReport Immediately. If you experience fraud, stop, quarantine your computer, and immediately contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

nInsurance. Cyber theft occurring with the use of valid credentials is not covered by the bank. Discuss cyber theft with your insurance provider.

Understanding the Threat

The goal of online thieves is to trick you into providing your password, user ID, and token code(s) so they can access your CashManager OnLine account and steal money. To obtain your credentials, a thief may send you an email purportedly from a trusted source such as a government agency, business, or bank. The email may ask for your credentials directly or ask you to click on a link that secretly downloads malicious software to your computer. Malware may even be loaded on your computer by visiting seemingly innocent websites or through fake security updates. It is important to protect your computer as the malware can activate when you attempt to visit your online banking website and hijack your session, log your key strokes, or insert fake login pages into your browser. The malware can transmit your credentials to the thief for illicit use. The latest threats may not be detected by anti-virus software.

If you are concerned about the authenticity of a communication or experience unusual system behavior such as failed log ins, timeout, pop-ups, requests to download software (aside from Trusteer Rapport), maintenance screens, or failure to advance to the next screen, this may be a sign of fraudulent activity. Stop and immediately contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179.

Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC.© 2013, Branch Banking and Trust Company.

Page 23: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager


New Features: Available Monday, December 3, 2012

We are pleased to announce new features now available in BB&T CashManager OnLine®. These enhancements provide additional security – part of BB&T’s recommended layered defense strategy. We invite all company administrators as well as all users to review these new features carefully to understand how they can provide better control and improved overall secure management for your business.

Select security features are activated for all users and administrators. Other features are based on services your company currently uses within CashManager OnLine and may require your administrator to entitle your User ID in order to enable your access.

New Features Available December 3, 2012:1. Event Notifi cation – Administrative Alerts*

2. ACH NACHA Pass Through Approvals**

*Alerts - Administrative Alerts for former Colonial CashManager OnLine clients is slightly modifi ed and are described in detail at the end of this guide.**ACH NACHA Pass Through Approval functionality is already in place for former Colonial CashManager OnLine clients.

Detail of New Features Event Notifi cation – Administrative Alerts

Event Notifi cation is a standard service available to all users. Administrators entitle company users to Event Notifi cation. Users then self-administer their Event Notifi cation preferences. Notifi cations of important selected events will be sent to the user’s email address.

Administrative Alerts are automatically sent to the user and, unless noted otherwise, to all administrators. Users do not have to be entitled to Event Notifi cation to receive these messages. Administrative Alerts that reveal unexpected activity enable the user and administrators to take quick action.

Examples of Administrative Alerts:1. Upon new user set up2. When a user’s security privileges are modifi ed3. Non-routine password change for a user4. User’s account and/or service entitlements have changed (sent to the user and administrator who made the change)5. When a user’s password changed due to expiration (sent only to the user)6. When an email address changed (sent to the user only, all delivery methods selected)7. Mobile address details changed (sent to the user only, all delivery methods selected)

Instructions to enable each feature follow the detailed description.


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BB&T recommends the following:1. Administrators entitle users to Event Notifi cation2. All users (including administrators) confi rm the email address for their User ID is correct by reviewing My Profi le or the Event Notifi cation preference screen.3. All users entitled to Event Notifi cation can select additional delivery options. Be sure to enter the mobile number and carrier’s text email address if selecting TEXT delivery.


Users with administrative entitlements will receive alerts when your User ID is changed. Administrators will notice a label change on the User Profi le screen: Security Privileges has been changed to Admin/Security Privileges. When checked, the User ID will receive copies of the Administrative Alerts sent to other users. Administrative alerts will no longer be sent to a customer level email address.

These Administrative Alerts messages can be easily identifi ed by the subject of CMOL Administrative Alerts. Messages have been reformatted and will display as a continuous line for all delivery methods. Where applicable, the message will include the ID and name of the Administrator who made the change.

The password has been reset for JANE (JANE SMITH) by your Administrator: JBR1 (JAMES RICE)

The Administrative Alerts display on the Event Notifi cation preference screen in italics and pre-selected:

From the preference screen, users have the option to select delivery methods for Administrative Alerts. Email is the default delivery method. Users who are not entitled to Event Notifi cation will receive email delivery only. Event Notifi cation messages selected by a user on the preferences screen will continue to be sent via email only. For text delivery, it is important that you enter both the mobile device number and your carrier’s mobile text address.

The data entered in the mobile number and carrier’s text email address will be stored on your User Profi le and can be edited from this screen as needed:


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Please contact your carrier for the correct email address to be used for your mobile device. Two examples are:

• vtext.com (for Verizon) • txt.att.net (for AT&T)

Consider sending an email message to your mobile device to confi rm it is correctly set up or request CMOL to send a test message to all selected delivery options. Users can also choose to suspend (resume), optional Event Notifi cations as needed. Administrative Alerts will not be suspended.

Select security features are activated for all users and administrators. Other features are based on services your company currently uses within CashManager OnLine and may require your administrator to entitle your User ID in order to enable your access.

*Administrative Alerts for former Colonial CashManager OnLine clients:

Alerts – Administrative Alerts

Creating Alerts is a standard service available to all users. Users are able to self-administer their alert choices. Notifi cations of important selected events will be sent to the email addresses specifi ed in Electronic Alert Addresses.

Administrative Alerts are automatically sent to the user and, unless noted otherwise, to all administrators. Administrative Alerts will be sent to the email address in User Entitlements. These Administrative Alerts messages can be easily identifi ed by the subject of CMOL Administrative Alerts. Administrative Alerts that reveal unexpected activity enable the user and administrators to take quick action.

Examples of Administrative Alerts:• New user is set up• User’s security privileges are modifi ed• Non-routine password change for a user• User’s account and/or service entitlements have changed (sent to the user and administrator who made the change)• User’s password changed due to expired (sent only to the user)• Email address changed (sent to the old and new email address)

BB&T recommends the following:Administrators should confi rm the email address is correct for each user by reviewing the User’s Entitlement / Contact Information.

All Clients: What to do upon receipt of an Administrative Alert

• Users: If you receive an alert for changes that you did NOT make, or expect to be made on your behalf by your administrator, contact the administrator immediately! If it was a legitimate change, proceed. If the change was not expected, your administrator should deactivate your User ID, isolate the computer and call BB&T at 800-774-8179.


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• Administrators: When you receive an unexpected alert, determine whether the change was made to an individual or by an individual who is not in the offi ce (i.e. vacation, leave of absence, sick). Contact the user and/or alternate administrator who made the change immediately. If it was a legitimate change, proceed. If the change was not expected, deactivate the User ID, isolate the computer and call BB&T at 800-774-8179.

Details of New Features – ContinuedACH NACHA Pass Through Approvals

Standard security protocol for BB&T CashManager OnLine recommends Dual Approval for Payments. This feature allows you to require one user to initiate a payment and a second user, with a second set of credentials and using a second computer, to approve the release of a payment. This practice is now available for ACH NACHA Pass Through fi les. This additional security functionality also includes enhanced event notifi cations and alerts to users/approvers initiating NACHA Pass Through fi les.

We strongly encourage all existing clients that initiate ACH payments via a NACHA Pass Through fi le to contact BB&T to establish this functionality. Until then you will continue to have the same functionality and follow your same processes to initiate payments. Once your CashManager OnLine company profi le is enhanced, you will be presented with new process screens, described below.

Additional notes: • This enhancement only applies to NACHA pass through fi les imported through the Import Pass Through File process. • There is no fee associated with this functionality. • If additional approvals are required, the initiating user will not be prompted to enter token information and the File Status shows “Pending” on the screen.

Clients using NACHA Pass Through Approval will see new options on the Import NACHA dropdown menu:

ACH NACHA Pass Through Approvals

Standard security protocol for BB&T CashManager OnLine recommends Dual Approval for Payments. This feature allows you to require one user to initiate a payment and a second user, with a second set of credentials and using a second computer, to approve the release of a payment. This practice is now available for ACH NACHA Pass Through files. This additional security functionality also includes enhanced event notifications and alerts to users/approvers initiating NACHA Pass Through files.

We strongly encourage all existing clients that initiate ACH payments via a NACHA Pass Through file to contact BB&T to establish this functionality. Until then you will continue to have the same functionality and follow your same processes to initiate payments. Once your CashManager OnLine company profile is enhanced, you will be presented with new process screens, described below.

Additional notes: This enhancement only applies to NACHA pass through

files imported through the Import Pass Through File process.

There is no fee associated with this functionality. If additional approvals are required, the initiating user will

not be prompted to enter token information and the File Status shows “Pending” on the screen.

Clients using NACHA Pass Through Approval will see new options on the Import NACHA dropdown menu:

Action Required to Enable: Company Administrator should contact BB&T Treasury Management at 800-774-8179 to establish ACH NACHA Pass Through Approval.

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Deleted: Data imported through other ACH import functionality is used subject to approval requirements for the template that is updated.¶

Deleted: now

Action Required to Enable: Company Administrator should contact BB&T Treasury Management at 800-774-8179 to establish ACH NACHA Pass Through Approval.


Page 27: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager


Initiating an ACH NACHA File Requiring ApprovalThe initiating user will begin the fi le import process:

• The user will see a different File Status code when an ACH NACHA pass through fi le requires approvals. - If additional approvals are required, the user will not be prompted to enter token information and the File Status shows “Pending” on the screen. - If no additional approvals are required, the user will be prompted to enter token information and the File Status shows “Approved” on the screen. • NACHA pass through approval workfl ow consists of three screens: - Approve NACHA Pass Through Files - Review NACHA Pass Through File - Approve NACHA Pass Through Files Results

Initiating an ACH NACHA File Requiring Approval

The initiating user will begin the file import process:

The user will see a different File Sstatus code when an ACH NACHA pass through file requires approvals. If additional approvals are required, the user will not be prompted to enter

token information and the File Status shows “Pending” on the screen. If no additional approvals are required, the user will be prompted to enter

token information and the File Status shows “Approved” on the screen.

NACHA pass through approval workflow consists of three screens: - Approve NACHA Pass Through Files - Review NACHA Pass Through File - Approve NACHA Pass Through Files Results

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Formatted: Indent: Left: 67.5 pt

Comment [b1]: the word “File”

Deleted: and will not be prompted to enter token information

Deleted: <#>If no additional approvals are required, the user will be prompted to enter token information and the File Status shows “Approved” on the screen.¶


Page 28: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager


Approving a NACHA Pass Through File:

• Approving user can sort data on the screen by clicking the hyperlinked column headers.

Once the approving user selects a fi le, they can either review or immediately approve.

Note: This screen will display APPROVE, SKIP, and CANCEL when reviewing a fi le for approval. The screen will show OK when reviewing a fi le for deletion. After review, the fi le may be approved.

Note: This screen will display NEXT when additional fi les are selected for review. The screen will show OK when no additional fi les are selected for review.

Approving a NACHA Pass Through File:

Approving user can sort data on the screen by clicking the hyperlinked column headers.

Once the approving user selects a file, they can either review or immediately approve.

Note: This screen will display APPROVE, SKIP, and CANCEL when reviewing a file for approval. The screen will show OK when reviewing a file for deletion.

After review, the file may be approved.

Formatted: Font color: Dark Red

Formatted: Font color: Dark Red

Deleted: f

Approving a NACHA Pass Through File:

Approving user can sort data on the screen by clicking the hyperlinked column headers.

Once the approving user selects a file, they can either review or immediately approve.

Note: This screen will display APPROVE, SKIP, and CANCEL when reviewing a file for approval. The screen will show OK when reviewing a file for deletion.

After review, the file may be approved.

Formatted: Font color: Dark Red

Formatted: Font color: Dark Red

Deleted: f

Note: This screen will display NEXT when additional files are selected for review. The screen will show OK when no additional files are selected for review.

The approving user will be prompted to enter their token code.

Deleting a NACHA Pass Through File:

Clients using NACHA Pass Through Approval will see a new option on the Import NACHA dropdown menu titled Delete NACHA File - Pass Through. This feature is available to review and delete files that have a Pending or Expired status code.

Alerts and Notifications 

Alerts on Landing Page 

Deleted: Note:

Deleted: Existing delete screens may also be utilized.


Page 29: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager


The approving user will be prompted to enter their token code.

Deleting a NACHA Pass Through File:

Clients using NACHA Pass Through Approval will see a new option on the Import NACHA dropdown menu titled Delete NACHA File - Pass Through. This feature is available to review and delete fi les that have a Pending or Expired status code.

Alerts and Notifi cationsAlerts on Landing Page

• The number of fi les pending approval displays to the left of the NACHA Pass Through(s) hyperlink. • Clicking the hyperlink will take the user to the Approve NACHA Pass Through Files screen. • The hyperlink will only display if the following conditions are met: - The customer requires approvals for NACHA pass through fi les. - The user is entitled to the NACHA pass through functionality. - At least one NACHA pass through fi le is pending approval

Note: This screen will display NEXT when additional files are selected for review. The screen will show OK when no additional files are selected for review.

The approving user will be prompted to enter their token code.

Deleting a NACHA Pass Through File:

Clients using NACHA Pass Through Approval will see a new option on the Import NACHA dropdown menu titled Delete NACHA File - Pass Through. This feature is available to review and delete files that have a Pending or Expired status code.

Alerts and Notifications 

Alerts on Landing Page 

Deleted: Note:

Deleted: Existing delete screens may also be utilized.

The number of files pending approval displays to the left of the NACHA Pass Through(s) hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink will take the user to the Approve NACHA Pass Through Files screen. The hyperlink will only display if the following conditions are met:

- The customer requires approvals for NACHA pass through files. - The user is entitled to the NACHA pass through functionality. - At least one NACHA pass through file is pending approval

Event Notification

If additional approvals are required, the email will contain the following information: A NACHA-formatted file(s) has been imported for Pass Through and requires approval: Filename: NACHAPT.txt Total Number of Batches: 22 Total Value of All Transactions: 335.01

Please do not reply to this email.

To view detailed information or take appropriate action for this notification, please logon to CashManager OnLine. To contact us, please call BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 or your assigned representative.

Member FDIC

- If additional approvals are not required, the email will contain the following information: A NACHA-formatted file(s) has been imported for Pass Through. No approval required: Filename: NACHAPT.txt Total Number of Batches: 22 Total Value of All Transactions: 335.01

Please do not reply to this email.

To view detailed information or take appropriate action for this notification, please logon to CashManager OnLine. To contact us, please call BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 or your assigned representative.

Member FDIC

The number of files pending approval displays to the left of the NACHA Pass Through(s) hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink will take the user to the Approve NACHA Pass Through Files screen. The hyperlink will only display if the following conditions are met:

- The customer requires approvals for NACHA pass through files. - The user is entitled to the NACHA pass through functionality. - At least one NACHA pass through file is pending approval

Event Notification

If additional approvals are required, the email will contain the following information: A NACHA-formatted file(s) has been imported for Pass Through and requires approval: Filename: NACHAPT.txt Total Number of Batches: 22 Total Value of All Transactions: 335.01

Please do not reply to this email.

To view detailed information or take appropriate action for this notification, please logon to CashManager OnLine. To contact us, please call BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 or your assigned representative.

Member FDIC

- If additional approvals are not required, the email will contain the following information: A NACHA-formatted file(s) has been imported for Pass Through. No approval required: Filename: NACHAPT.txt Total Number of Batches: 22 Total Value of All Transactions: 335.01

Please do not reply to this email.

To view detailed information or take appropriate action for this notification, please logon to CashManager OnLine. To contact us, please call BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 or your assigned representative.

Member FDIC


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Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC.© 2012, Branch Banking and Trust Company. All rights reserved.

Event Notifi cation

If additional approvals are required, the email will contain the following information:A NACHA-formatted fi le(s) has been imported for Pass Through and requires approval: Filename: NACHAPT.txt Total Number of Batches: 22 Total Value of All Transactions: 335.01

Please do not reply to this email.

To view detailed information or take appropriate action for this notifi cation, please logon to CashManager OnLine. To contact us, please call BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 or your assigned representative.

Member FDIC

If additional approvals are not required, the email will contain the following information:A NACHA-formatted fi le(s) has been imported for Pass Through. No approval required: Filename: NACHAPT.txt Total Number of Batches: 22 Total Value of All Transactions: 335.01

Please do not reply to this email.

To view detailed information or take appropriate action for this notifi cation, please logon to CashManager OnLine. To contact us, please call BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 800-774-8179 or your assigned representative.

Member FDIC

While the new features described above will not guarantee the prevention of fraud or change your liability if fraud should ever occur, these featured components are recognized best practices in a layered defense approach to security. For more information about standard security protocol, please contact your BB&T Treasury Consultant or call 800-774-8179.


Page 31: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager

New Features: Available Monday, August 20, 2012We are pleased to announce new features now available in BB&T CashManager OnLine®! These enhancements will provide better control, more fl exibility and improved overall information management for your business.

Features are based on specifi c services your company currently uses within CashManager OnLine and may require your administrator to entitle your User ID in order to enable your access.

Here are the latest features: Positive Pay

1. Positive Pay Modifi ed Return Decisions2. Positive Pay Extended Window for Issue Files3. Positive Pay File Processing Frequency Every 30 Minutes

Information Reporting4. Presentation of Merchant Services Statements

1. Positive Pay Modifi ed Return Decisions Clients will see new Return reason descriptions in the decision drop down box:

• “Return” will become “Return – Fraud” - This enables BB&T to return the check as Fictitious. • “Return Item and Place Stop” will become “Return – Other” - BB&T will return the check as Refer to Maker. • Please note: For clients with a Return default, we will continue to use a Refer to Maker reason for any items where a decision was not made by the deadline.• There are no fees associated with this change.

2. Positive Pay Extended Window for Issue Files Clients will have an expanded timeline for providing check issue information and voids via CashManager OnLine:

• The 3:45 p.m. cut off has been extended to 7 p.m. ET and the deadline will be visible for clients on the manual entry or fi le imports screens. • This change is applicable for issue and voids. • Data received after the cut off will display a message that it will be processed next business day (8 a.m. ET.) • There are no new fees associated with this change.

Sample Screen Shot with new verbiage:


Instructions to enable each feature follow the detailed description.

Action Required to Enable: None. All users currently entitled to Positive Pay Pay/Import and Manual Entry Option will have access to the extended window.

Action Required to Enable: None. All users currently entitled to Positive Pay Pay/Return Decision Option will automatically see the new descriptions.


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3. Positive Pay File Processing Frequency Every 30 Minutes• Data will be processed every 30 minutes (top and bottom of the hour) instead of hourly updates for more frequent updates to the BB&T teller line. • There are no fees associated with this change.

4. Presentation of Merchant Services Statements

BB&T Merchant Services clients can now take advantage of direct access to their monthly statement from CashManager OnLine! Statements will be available through IR Image Statements.

• There are no fees associated with this change.


Action Required to Enable: None. All businesses utilizing Positive Pay will benefit from this new feature.

Action Required to Enable: Current BB&T clients can contact Client Support at 800-774-8179 to add this feature to their existing Information Reporting menu within CashManager OnLine by providing their Merchant Number. Individual users require entitlement by the Company Administrator.

Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC.

© 2012, Branch Banking and Trust Company. All rights reserved.


Merchant Services are subject to business type and credit approval.

Page 33: Our Annual Online Security Letter was mailed to all CashManager


New Features: Available Monday, February 13, 2012

When will my CashManager OnLine be upgraded with the new features?When logged on to CashManager OnLine, be sure to frequently watch your Broadcast Messages for the precise upgrade date. You and your users can also register now for our sneak peek demonstration webinar at https://bbandt.ilinc.com/join/cjfzfxt.

Do I need to do anything differently to access CashManager OnLine?On the date specified in your broadcast announcement, you will simply log on to the new CashManager OnLine log on screen, and using your same credentials and security token, you’ll automatically arrive at the enhanced landing page where you can create a custom view of your information based on your individual entitlements! Transaction history, payments templates and user entitlements will all be preserved; however, all users of these functions should verify this information at time of transition.

Important Note to Administrators – In our ongoing effort to assist you in preventing online fraud, clients that use the Wire Transfer function will find that their company wire transfer limits have now been pre-set to a maximum per transaction dollar limit based on their historical wire activity. This limit cannot be changed without assistance from BB&T and it applies to ALL wire transfer users entitled to either Free Form or Repetitive wire initiation. It’s important that you review this setting to ensure it will accommodate your business needs. To verify your setting, log on to CashManager OnLine and go to: Admin>Reports>Customer User Setup Reports, then select Admin User ID, select Wire Transfer Service. Generate your report and review the Free From and Repetitive Transaction limits shown in the Service Settings section of the report. For more information, contact BB&T Treasury Management Client Support at 1-800-774-8179. Administrators should also use this Wire Limit Review as an opportunity to establish dual approval on all payments as prescribed in the BB&T Maintaining System Security recommendations. To review these and other online security recommendations, please go to BBT.com/newcashmanager.

Now that Event Notification is standard service, how do I establish it for my users?Administrators can entitle company users and then each user will use the Admin function to access My Event Notification Setup to manage their personal preferences. Please note that all user profiles must contain an email address to receive the notification email messages.

Are there changes to CashManager OnLine pricing?Information Reporting charges will now be based only on your company’s reported item activity - essentially, debits/credits that post to your account(s). This activity information will be accessible to all entitled users regardless of how frequently the information is accessed. For more information, please contact your BB&T Treasury Consultant.

Online security is very important to my company. Are there any new security features now available?Yes! For added security, Dual Approval for Administrative changes may now be established for your company. To learn more, please contact your BB&T Treasury Consultant. Additionally, users will be required to establish an eight-character password at their next scheduled password update. Inactive users will have login blocked after 365 days of inactivity. Finally, company Wire Transfer Limits are now pre-set by BB&T and may be changed only through BB&T. See Important Note to Administrators above for more information.

How can I take advantage of the expanded Loan/Note functionality?Expanded detail for individual notes will automatically be added to your company’s profile from the BB&T Commercial Loan Administration System. If you would like to execute payments to those notes using the Account Transfer function, please contact your BB&T Treasury Consultant.

Users may access an electronic copy of this information by visiting BBT.com/newcashmanager.

Rev. 4-29-13