OURLADYMOTHERCHURCH.COM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. : 9:00am - 4:00pm Thur. & Fri. : 9:00am - 2:00pm 8747 West Lawrence Ave. Chicago, IL 60656 Phone: 773-625-3369 Fax: 773-625-0226

OURLADYMOTHERCHURCHOURLADYMOTHERCHURCH.COM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed. ñ 9 ñ00am -400pm Thur. & Fri. ñ 9 ñ00am -200pm 8747 West Lawrence Ave. Chicago, IL 60656

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    Mon., Tues., Wed. : 9:00am - 4:00pm

    Thur. & Fri. : 9:00am - 2:00pm

    8747 West Lawrence Ave.

    Chicago, IL 60656

    Phone: 773-625-3369

    Fax: 773-625-0226

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Two

    Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

    Do you know the old story about a man who came for a job interview? By the

    end he asked the team when he could expect an answer. Team members replied:

    “We will call you.” The candidate stated: “I have no phone.” Team members

    assured him again: “We will call you.”

    How many times have we assured God of the things we will do, and then it really

    never happens? Jesus is telling us in today’s parable about two sons with

    different attitudes. One refuses to do the will of the father, and later changes

    his mind. The other one easily responds with ‘yes’ and never does it.

    How valuable were the words we spoke, the statements we made, the promises

    we gave? Smooth and easy words not reflecting our true thoughts can bring pain and disappointment.

    The truth could be painful, but it has a power to convert us. When we follow the truth, we can discover a

    need to change our life. Of course, being steady in declaration and commitment is a very positive attitude,

    but to make a conversion from a bad direction into righteousness is also desirable attitude.

    At this time of the year, by the end of September, we would be celebrating a Mass for the Sick with the

    Sacrament of Anointing. We had to postpone it because of the pandemic, but we will pray in a special way

    at our Sunday Masses for those who suffer any illness, who are weak and advanced in years, and those

    who care for them.

    What we normally do on the first Saturday of October is the Animal’s Blessing. We will do it this year as

    well. We will gather in the front of the church on October 3rd at 12:15 p.m. Please remember to wear your

    face mask and keep a social

    distance. All pets are welcome,

    but I hope there will be no

    snakes and tigers!

    May God bless you!

    Father Andrew

    British Columbia, Canada

    photo by AB

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Three

    Saturday, September 26, 2020


    Chester , Mary & Richard Raclawski - B. Raclawski

    Evelyn Rzepka - E. Banka

    Darlene Schorsch - M. & T. Marszalek

    Maria Burzawa - A. Burzawa

    Jozefa Drwal - Family

    Mario Burzawa - J. Marchwiany

    Martha Wrobel - R. Wrobel

    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    9:00am - Intentions are included in 11am Mass


    Alan, Walter & Lucille Boesch - Boesch Family

    Edward & Irene Scarleski - Daughter

    Stephanie Hoffman - Sister

    Joseph Mandile - Wife Isabella

    Toni Ciaccio, 7th Year Anniversary - Wife & Daughter

    Pietro Pisello - Wife Emma & family

    Linda Weaver - a speedy recovery - Jim & Donna

    Monday, September 28, 2020


    Special Intention for Isia

    Tuesday, September 29, 2020


    Krystyna & Franciszek Bartosz

    Wednesday, September 30, 2020


    Marcin Bartosz

    Thursday, October 1, 2020


    For Parishioners

    Friday, October 2, 2020


    Anna & Tadeusz Purpura - Family

    Evelyn Rzepka - J. Jezier

    Saturday, October 3, 2020


    Nicola & Rita Scalise - Children

    Darlene Gniadek & Family - F. Fountas

    Edward Rebacz - S. Rebacz

    Living & Deceased Members of the Blaszczak, Powidzki

    and Skoskiewicz Families

    Frank Pecora - F. & G. Pecora

    Blessings for Frank & Gerri Pecora – 50th Wedding Anniversary

    Gene Rhodes - M. & T. Marszalek

    Casmir Marchwiany - J. Marchwiany

    Evelyn Rzepka - J. Miller

    Tom & Rose Payton - M. Dzik

    Edward Kenevan - Family

    Mary Guerrieri Bertolini - R. Bertolini

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    9:00am - Intentions are included in 11am Mass


    Joseph Mandile - Wife Isabella

    Pietro Pisello - Wife Emma & family

    Radzimierz Urbanski - K. Krakowiak

    Mary Bertolini - L. & R. Bertolini

    John Catanese - Wife Sally & Family

    Dawid & Piotr Moniak - Blessings and good health -

    D. & M. Serafin

    Ludka Para –80th B-Day Blessings - D. & M. Serafin

    Bill & Catherine Aiken - M. Aiken

    All weekday intentions will be prayed for by Fr. Andrew during private Eucharist celebrations.

    Mass Intentions

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Four

    Please Pray for Our Sick

    & Homebound

    Brody, Alice Baxter, Judy Biala, Donna Brennan,

    George Capps, Celso Castor,

    Ida Cosentino, Jerome Compell, Speranza

    DiPaolo, Rosa Favia, Grazia Guercio, Mark

    Gutierrez, Jerry Johnsen, Maureen Keating,

    Harry Krawczyk, Raffaela Loizzo,

    Thomas Michaels, Paul Masciopinto,

    Salvatore Modica, Vittoria Nudo, Arlene Presta,

    Jean Pontarelli, Hector Ramos, Michael Ricchio,

    Dan Staniec, Lavergne Suchor, John Toniolo,

    Hector & Milagros Torres, Fred Tuytens,

    Ida Vitaro, Rena Walzer, Jim Weaver,

    Dolores Wilk, Paul Wolek, Joyce Wolter,

    Ken Woods, Lorraine Wuss, Clare Zanatta,

    Ann Caruso, Eileen Grallo and those in the

    hospital and nursing homes.

    If you are hospitalized

    or have additions or

    updates to the list

    please contact

    the rectory.

    Bulletin Submissions

    Please note that deadline for bulletin submissions is

    on Sunday, 7 days before the bulletin date.

    Exceptions occur when the bulletin is required

    to be sent early due to holidays.

    Our Lady, Mother of the Church

    Mission Statement

    We, the members of Our Lady, Mother of the

    Church, are drawn together through baptism as a

    part of the Body of Christ. We are a caring Catholic

    community, working together as instruments through

    which Jesus, our risen Lord and Head, continues

    His mission. Linked to Christ as His Body, we be-

    lieve that the risen Jesus still proclaims God’s word,

    gives thanks and praise, welcomes, nurtures, com-

    forts and reaches out to all people. Using the hands

    and hearts of the members of the parish, with a

    growing sense that each of us is gifted and has an

    important part to play in our Parish, Church and

    World, we renew our call:

    to be a Parish diligent about Word and Eucharist,

    the primary source of our nourishment and

    spiritual growth...

    to be “missioned” - sent forth in the person of

    Jesus, to bring His Word and Eucharist to family,

    friends, neighbors and workplace...

    to reach out to the sick, the homebound, the per-

    secuted, the lonely, the poor and the bereaved…

    to find time to share laughter, joy, friendship, at times,

    tears; and always to share the goodness of each other...

    Saturday 5pm & Sunday 11am Masses

    are available on on-line.

    The live stream can be found on the

    YouTube channel:


    Live Streaming Mass

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Five

    Mass and Memorial Requests

    While we try our best to honor

    all Mass Intentions, all Mass

    requests must be completed at

    least 3 to 4 weeks in advance due

    to various printing deadlines.

    Certain dates may not be

    available. Suggested

    donations per Mass is $10.

    Please note that the Sanctuary Lamp

    & Bread & Wine requests fill-up quickly.

    The suggested donation is $20 for the Sanctuary Lamp

    and $50 for the Bread and Wine.

    All Mass or remembrance requests

    can be made by completing the Mass request

    envelope that can be found in the Narthex.

    Please contact the Rectory for availability.

    Please insert your payment in the envelope

    and drop it in the collection basket

    or the mail slot at the Rectory.

    While we try to accommodate

    different situations, especially

    with our homebound parishioners,

    we cannot honor Mass intentions

    over the phone. Mass cards are available.

    Thank you.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Please use the electronic donation system during this

    difficult time or send your envelopes

    by mail. To donate online go to

    ourladymotherchurch.churchgiving.com or visit our website for details.

    Thank you!

    Offering envelopes - September 27

    Regular Donations $4,450

    Building $ 12

    Maintenance $ 22

    Seminary ….………………..$ 386

    Thank you for your continued support.

    To sign up for a Mass, please visit our website at:


    2020 Annual Catholic Appeal through 9/19/2020

    Goal $19,449.85

    Amount Pledged $16,035.00

    Amount Paid $13,970.00

    Balance Due $ 2,065.00


  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Six

    Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness

    and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O prince of

    the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits

    who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.


    Rectory/Parish office is closed

    due to the coronavirus outbreak.

    Parish staff is monitoring and responding

    to voice mails remotely.

    In order to comply with government orders

    and to ensure the health of our staff and

    community, all parish staff are working

    remotely. We will continue to be available

    via email and voicemail.

    We are checking our

    voice mail every half hour.

    Please leave your message

    and we will get back to you.

    If you are not able to use internet

    to check our bulletin on our website,

    you can find our Sunday bulletin

    under canopy by the main

    Entrance of the church.

    Please know that we will continue to be praying

    for all of you in our parish community and for

    our world during this challenging time.

    Printed version of parish bulletin

    is available in the front

    of the church.

    Want to join our Parish Community?

    If you are interested in becoming

    a Parishioner, please visit


    click on the Parishsoft logo on the right and create

    an account. Any questions, please contact

    the Rectory at 773-625-3369.

    Rectory Hours:

    Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

    9:00am –4:00pm

    Thursday & Friday 9:00am-2:00pm

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Seven

    What the CARES Act means for your charitable giving?

    On March 27, the President signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES)

    Act to help combat the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19. The bill provides increased tax incentives for

    charitable giving for both individuals and corporations, signifying an intent to stimulate philanthropy

    throughout America. Are you itemizing deductions? The adjusted gross income (AGI) limit for cash contributions

    was increased for individual donors. For cash contributions made in 2020, you can now elect to deduct up

    to 100 percent of your AGI (increased from 60 percent). Interested in corporate giving? The AGI limit for

    cash contributions was also increased for corporate donors. Corporations can now deduct up to 25 percent

    of taxable income (increased from 10 percent). Not itemizing? The CARES Act allows for an additional,

    “above-the-line” deduction for charitable gifts made in cash of up to $300. If you are not itemizing on your

    2020 taxes, you can claim this new deduction. Wondering about your Giving Account? Both of these new

    incentives apply only to cash contributions to public charities and do not apply to contributions to supporting

    organizations or public charities that sponsor donor-advised funds. However, there have been no changes

    to existing deductions for contributions made into a donoradvised fund like your Giving Account. This

    means you are still able to deduct up to 60 percent AGI in cash and up to 30 percent AGI in appreciated

    assets contributed to a donor-advised fund. Existing carry-over rules still apply, so if your donations in

    2020 exceed your AGI deduction limits, you may carry forward excess deductions for up to five subsequent tax

    years. As always, donors should consult with their tax and legal advisors when considering their charita-

    ble giving. What about IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)? The CARES Act did not change

    the rules around the QCD, which allows individuals over 70½ years old to donate up to $100,000 in IRA

    assets directly to charity annually, without taking the distribution into taxable income. However, remember that

    under the CARES Act an individual can elect to deduct 100 percent of their AGI for cash charitable contributions.

    This effectively affords individuals over 59½ years old the benefits similar to a QCD; they can take a cash

    distribution from their IRA, contribute the cash to charity, and may completely offset tax attributable to

    the distribution by taking a charitable deduction in an amount up to 100 percent of their AGI for the tax

    year. If you’re planning a large donation in 2020, this may be a smart strategy as long as you are between

    the ages of 59½ and 70½ and are not dependent on existing retirement funds.

    Amita Health COVID Hotline - 773-990-6487

    Catholic Charities Counseling Resources - 312-655-7725

    Mental Illness Ministries of the Archdiocese of Chicago- 773-525-0453 x 221

    NAMI Chicago - 833-626-4244; 800-950-NAMI

    nami.org - COVID-19 Resource information guide

    crisis: text NAMI to 741741

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Eight

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Nine

    Rosaries for Migrants and Refugees The last Sunday in September is the World Day for Migrants and Refugees,

    and we will continue to pray for them during the week by remembering

    them in our Rosaries. Thank you to Lori G., John I., Evelyn K., Terri K.,

    Gilda M., Lonnie M., Mary M., Ted M., Josephine N., Emilie P., Stefania P.,

    Jean R., Shirley S., and Milabelle T. for praying at least one Rosary

    for the weekly intention.

    Regarding the Living Rosary, the intention is always for the triumph

    of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in honor of Saint Philomena,

    the patron of the Living Rosary. We are grateful to Ted M., Barb R.,

    Josephine N., Karen R., and Mary M. for each praying a decade of the Joyful Mysteries daily, and to Barb

    R. and Mary M. for each praying one of the first two decades of the Luminous Mysteries daily.

    If you pray the Rosary at least once a week, or pray one decade of the Rosary daily, please contact the rec-

    tory to have your name added to the Rosary group or Living Rosary group.

    Ministry Schedule


    Saturday, October 4

    5:00 pm Sonny Annoreno Concetta Biondo

    Nicholas Dulay

    Mary Marszalek

    Sunday, October 5

    11:00 am Chris Virruso Timothy Molas

    Patty Khadka

    Gino Colletti

    This week’s

    Sanctuary Lamp Is in memory of

    This week’s

    Bread & Wine Is in memory of

    Deceased Parishioners Joseph Mandile

    Friendship Club

    At this time, for the health and safety of all our Friendship Club members, it is recommended that we not hold meetings

    especially since a second wave of COVID-19 is forecasted. We encourage all members to reach out to one another by

    phone in order to stay connected. After the first of the year, the situation may appear vastly different from how it

    looks now. We will do a complete review at that time. When the Club is able to resume meeting, we will need a team

    who will assist in complying with health and safety requirements. Areas of consideration will be, but not limited to:

    disinfection, 6 ft. distancing, door greeters to ensure masking and entry of symptom-free members only, boxed

    lunches. Moderator Terri will head up this team. We will proceed cautiously.

  • Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Ten


    Cardinal Blase Cupich

    Episcopal Vicar: Most Rev. John Manz D.D.

    PASTOR: Rev. Andrzej Bartosz

    [email protected]

    ASSISTING PRIEST: Rev. James O’Brien


    Deacon Sonny & Mrs. Barbara Annoreno

    Deacon Ted & Mrs. Mary Marszalek

    Deacon Chris & Mrs. Peggy Virruso


    Ms. Marsha Geurtsen

    [email protected]


    Ms. Monika Wawrzyniak

    PARISH NURSE: Ms. Terri Kaisling, RN

    at 773-625-3369 x 28

    [email protected]


    Mr. Markeise Russell 773-625-3369 x 33

    [email protected]

    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION office 773-625-2273



    Mr. Bogusław Krolikowski,

    Mrs. Theresa Flynn


    Ms. Sandra Wilson







    Saturday Evening: 5:00pm

    Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00am;

    Weekday: 8:30am

    Holy Day: 8:30am & 7:00pm


    Rosary: Monday - Friday, 8:00am

    Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesday , 9:00am

    Healing Prayer Group: Tuesday, following Mass

    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

    First Friday of the Month, 9:00am until 3:00pm


    Saturday: 4:00pm-4:30pm


    Participants are expected to actively participate in

    preparation programs. Please make arrangements as

    far in advance as possible (Please make the church

    arrangements BEFORE setting dates with halls,

    caterers, etc.). FUNERAL arrangements are normally

    handled by your Funeral Director.


    Please call the rectory to arrange a visit to a parish-

    ioner who is homebound, in the hospital or in a

    nursing home.


    This was formerly the St. Vincent DePaul Society.

    If you are in need of assistance, call the rectory.

    A member of the ministry will meet with you to

    determine what help we can give.

    Our Lady, Mother of the Church Page Eleven

    PARISH WEBSITE: ourladymotherchurch.com

  • 009236 Our Lady Mother of the Church www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170


    Maintenance, Fertilizing, Sod, Repair

    Bill, Parishioner (773) 625-4589



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    T 2


