Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

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Page 1: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Ottoman Empire (1289-1923)

By: Kristina WeitzelVicky LiaoCatherine McNealKatelynn Craft

Page 2: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

BeforeBefore• The Seljuks were the original The Seljuks were the original

settlers in the area of the settlers in the area of the Ottoman Empire.Ottoman Empire.

• Although the Ottoman Although the Ottoman Empire had Islamic and Empire had Islamic and Turkish origins, it had a Turkish origins, it had a diverse mixture of ethnic diverse mixture of ethnic groups and religious beliefs. groups and religious beliefs. Non-Muslims such as the Non-Muslims such as the Jews, Armenians, and Greeks Jews, Armenians, and Greeks were able to operate courts, were able to operate courts, schools, and religious schools, and religious establishments based own establishments based own their own traditions.their own traditions.

• The Ottoman Empire was The Ottoman Empire was founded in the fourteenth founded in the fourteenth century in present day century in present day Turkey.Turkey.

Page 3: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft


This geographically small empire quickly expanded. However during the 17th century when the Ottomans were forced to give up Hungary, their fortune turned. The empire had become “the sick man of Europe” by the middle of the 19th century.

Page 4: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Osman Bey

Osman was the chief of a Turkish semi-nomadic group that migrated to northwestern Anatolia. He conquered the people in the area. Then, he attracted many warlords who agreed to fight for him and they became ghazi to help spread Islam.

Page 5: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

The Siege The Siege

There were two fortress built to keep There were two fortress built to keep help from reaching Constantinople.help from reaching Constantinople.

They used cannons to destroy the They used cannons to destroy the city’s wallscity’s walls

Mehmed had 50 galleys dragged to Mehmed had 50 galleys dragged to the land between two gates and the the land between two gates and the ships then used their cannon to bring ships then used their cannon to bring down the wall.down the wall.

Page 6: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft


After its capture, Istanbul became After its capture, Istanbul became the capital and the one of the the capital and the one of the “wealthiest and most cultured cities “wealthiest and most cultured cities of the early modern world” as well as of the early modern world” as well as being the center for military being the center for military campaigns.campaigns.

It was the third and last capital of the It was the third and last capital of the Ottomans.Ottomans.

Quotes from www.wsu.edu

Page 7: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft


The emperor’s inherited his predecessors power as well The emperor’s inherited his predecessors power as well as gaias gained power from his militarily abilities.from his militarily abilities.

Successful warriors received high standing.Successful warriors received high standing. The society of the Ottomans reflected steppe society. The society of the Ottomans reflected steppe society. Ottoman rulers participated in religious rites as well.Ottoman rulers participated in religious rites as well. Members of the royal family often managed parts of the Members of the royal family often managed parts of the

state governments. state governments. Women were not allowed to wield great authority according to Islamic views; however, following the example of Chinggis Khan, women played a prominent role in politics by manipulating affairs from their husband’s side.

Muslims were dominate in affairs over non –Muslims and all the rulers were Muslim.

Page 8: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Households Wealthy homes in the Ottoman Empire were built

around a central courtyard. This shows how the family life and the public affairs were separated in the Ottoman Empire. The lifestyle of middle and lower classes are unknown.

The Ottoman households were harem, or forbidden to male outsiders (for women).

The Ottoman family was patriarchal. Women who lived in rural regions usually worked in the fields. A woman who lived in the city could have spent her day doing household chores, supervising servants, weaving, watching children, or praying. Except for special occasions such as celebrations, life outside the house for women was limited. The parents chose who their children were to marry.

Page 9: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft


Coffee houses were a favorite gathering place of the Ottomans.

Astounding architectural structures made a sky line based on styles from the Byzantine.

Their society reflected mainly Islamic values as Islam was the prominent religion.

Page 10: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

PoliticalPolitical By 1300, the Ottomans governed a By 1300, the Ottomans governed a

They were in constant conflict with They were in constant conflict with other surrounding Muslim states.other surrounding Muslim states.

However by 1400, they had control and However by 1400, they had control and small military state in western Anatolia small military state in western Anatolia (Turkey)(Turkey)

influence over Anatolia and Byzantine influence over Anatolia and Byzantine Empire in Europe.Empire in Europe.

Yet, Constantinople was able to Yet, Constantinople was able to withstand every siege and attack force withstand every siege and attack force that had so far come from these states.that had so far come from these states.

The siege began in 1391 and Bayezid The siege began in 1391 and Bayezid constructed a watch tower fortress to constructed a watch tower fortress to keep help from reaching keep help from reaching Constantinople. Constantinople.

Constantinople ended up with another Constantinople ended up with another fortress called Rumeli Hisan (built by fortress called Rumeli Hisan (built by Sultan Mehmed) watching it.Sultan Mehmed) watching it.

In 1453, Sultan Mehmed “the In 1453, Sultan Mehmed “the Conqueror” conquered Constantinople Conqueror” conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul.and renamed it Istanbul.

Page 11: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Politics Politics They followed elaborate rituals They followed elaborate rituals

that were based on earlier that were based on earlier Byzantine, Persian, and Arab Byzantine, Persian, and Arab dynasties.dynasties.

Their large bureaucracy was Their large bureaucracy was lead by a great Vizier that was lead by a great Vizier that was the overall head of the the overall head of the administration and held more administration and held more real power than the empire.real power than the empire.

Page 12: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Important Ottoman Individuals Mehmed the Conqueror presented himself as the worrier

sultan and emperor of Europe and Asia, as well as the Black Sea and the Mediterranean

Mehmed laid the foundation for a tightly centralized, absolute monarchy.

His army were composed of two major groups: a light cavalry and a volunteer infantry, and faced no serious rivals.

He worked on expansion his whole life and toward the end he launched an invasion of Italy but his successors abandoned his plan

Suleyman the Magnificent brought about the climax of imperialism, and he promoted expansion into Southwest Asia and Europe.

He went on to conquer prominent cites and states in the Middle East and under him, the Ottoman navy became a major power Black and Aegean Sea.

Their navy allowed them to challenge Christian European ships throughout the world’s ocean.

Page 13: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Tulip Era

The Ottoman Empire went through a time of relative peace called the Tulip Era. During this time the empire oriented itself more towards Europe. Tulips were a fashion of this era because they were purchases by many noble peoples.

During this time art and culture of the empire gave a sharp increase. In 1730 the end of the Tulip Period was marked by an uprising led by Patrona Halil.

Page 14: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Economy: Expansion The Ottomans got constant new sources of

revenue as their empire expanded. The empire became wealthy as they

received jizya tax from non-Muslims in return for religious freedom and protection.

Page 15: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Economy: European Influences

Ottomans were affected by the Europeans newfound rout around the Cape of Good Hope because the Europeans began trading in their ports.

The empire imposed taxes on trade which resulted in more in coming wealth.

The guild structure was encouraged over the putting out system due to fear of innovations. This resulted in inferior products unsuitable for trade.

The Ottoman Empire was an interchange point for international trade with Europeans.

One example of this was Bursa where raw silk from Persia was exported to Italian markets

The French and English formed capitulations with the Ottoman so that they could trade in Ottoman ports without taxation. This was beneficial to the ottomans because it ensured alliances against enemies in Europe.

Page 16: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Colombian Exchange The Ottomans participated in the Columbian

exchange but the new crops did not have as much of an impact as it did on other regions

While the Potato and tomato enriched the Ottoman diet Maize became a staple food for animal feed

The Colombian exchange did however bring about the large consumption of coffee and tobacco and founded the numerous coffee houses which stimulated the local economy.

This economic bang was hindered by the moral conflict based on the feeling that Coffee houses were worse than taverns in the eyes of the religious.

Sultan Murad !V tried to outlaw coffeehouses but the people’s love for coffee and tobacco ensured their survival.

Page 17: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

PopulationPopulation rose 9 million in 1500 to 28 million in 1600 but this was as result of the expanding empire rather than the Colombian exchange.

Decline of population was due to loss of territory rather then environmental factors

The expansion of the ottomans was not as dramatic as other early modern societies.

Page 18: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Religion Expansion The Ottoman Empire was founded by

religious warriors called Ghazi The dominate religion of the empire

was Islam Ottomans were Islamic but accepting

of other beliefs because Islam believes that God is the same as Allah therefore these people believe the in the same creator just with different views on certain issues.

Muslims consider Judaism and Christianity to be the foundation or origin of there religion.

Page 19: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

Religion: Conquered peopleReligion: Conquered people Conquered people were extended the Conquered people were extended the

title of Dhimmi or protected peopletitle of Dhimmi or protected people Conquered people were not forced to Conquered people were not forced to

convert in fact, no converts were allowed convert in fact, no converts were allowed from Islam to Christianity or vise versafrom Islam to Christianity or vise versa

Non-Muslims had to pay jizya as Non-Muslims had to pay jizya as payment for religious freedom and payment for religious freedom and Christians gave the Empire devshirme Christians gave the Empire devshirme which were young boys used as slaves in which were young boys used as slaves in the sultan military the sultan military

Communities with an alternate religion Communities with an alternate religion were called millet and had own language, were called millet and had own language, religious practices, and civil laws.religious practices, and civil laws.

Page 20: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft


Trade decreased and it was mostly controlled by Europeans. The Ottomans fought a costly battle with the Haggsburgs with no new

source of revenue to show for it Mutiny was caused when the janissaries were paid with debased coins. This

spurred a series of revolts. Loss of revenue resulted in higher taxes selling offices and accepting bribes

all of which destroyed the economy. The economy failed because the Ottomans let trade come to them but

neglected to establish foreign ports. The Ottomans military declined due to dependence on foreign weaponry

which quickly became outdated. No intellectual discoveries were made and the Ottomans fell behind the

Europeans technology wise.

Page 21: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

BibliographyBibliography FlickrFlickr. 31 Jan. 2008 . 31 Jan. 2008

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““History of Ottoman Empire.” History of Ottoman Empire.” Ottoman SouvenierOttoman Souvenier. 29 Jan. 2008 . 29 Jan. 2008 <http://www.ottomansouvenir.com/ Capitals/ Istanbul.htm>.<http://www.ottomansouvenir.com/ Capitals/ Istanbul.htm>.

““Istanbul.” Istanbul.” All ABout TurkeyAll ABout Turkey. 29 Jan. 2008 . 29 Jan. 2008 <http://www.allaboutturkey.com/ istanbul.htm>.<http://www.allaboutturkey.com/ istanbul.htm>.

More or LessMore or Less. 30 Jan. 2008. 31 Jan. 2008 . 30 Jan. 2008. 31 Jan. 2008 <http://www.moreorless.au.com/ background/ turkey.html>. It <http://www.moreorless.au.com/ background/ turkey.html>. It contains bacgroung information about the Ottoman empire.contains bacgroung information about the Ottoman empire.

““Ottoman.” Ottoman.” WSU eduWSU edu. 29 Jan. 2008 <http://www.wsu.edu/ ~dee/ . 29 Jan. 2008 <http://www.wsu.edu/ ~dee/ OTTOMAN/ OTTOMAN1.HTM>.OTTOMAN/ OTTOMAN1.HTM>.

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Traditions and EncountersTraditions and Encounters. New York: McGraw Hill, 2003.. New York: McGraw Hill, 2003.

Page 22: Ottoman Empire (1289-1923) By: Kristina Weitzel Vicky Liao Catherine McNeal Katelynn Craft

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