OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

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Page 1: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial



© Bruce Black MD

Page 2: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

OTITIS EXTERNA Classification

Infection Bacterial Otomycoses Chronic myringitis Viral

Seborrhoeic Allergic Neurodermatitis EAC Osteitis

© Bruce Black MD

Page 3: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Bacterial Otitis Externa Clinical Features

Ache, pruritis, pain Semisolid debris in EAC Blockage, deafness due to debris Gurgling in ear

© Bruce Black MD

Page 4: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection

and spores to prevent recurrent disease. © Bruce Black MD

Page 5: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Bacterial O. Ext.


Clean by suction or wool carrier Wet mopping, re-clean Antibiotic ointment (neomycin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin) Antibiotic drops (only after cleaning; ineffective without)

© Bruce Black MD

Page 6: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Pseudomonal otitis externa with the green debris characteristic of this infection. Clean, then use gentamicin

or ciprofloxacin topically for optimal effect. © Bruce Black MD

Page 7: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Severe aural furunculosis. Scattered pustules and severe oedema. Micro-suction essential. Follow with a

betamethasone and ciprofloxacin wick, together with anti-staphylococcal antibiotics © Bruce Black MD

Page 8: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Aural Furunculosis Clinical Features

Severe pain, distressing Scanty purulent debris Deaf; severe canal oedema Gurgling noise Pain may be disorientating

© Bruce Black MD

Page 9: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Erythema and oedema secondary to furunculosis. Resembles mastoiditis, but is behind and below the ear rather than the

postero-superior location of a mastoid abscess. © Bruce Black MD

Page 10: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Furunculosis Treatment

Immediate strong pain relief Micro-suction (EAC oedema) Ciprofloxacin-betamethasone wick,

then ciprofloxacin drops Dicloxacillin Review and re-clean EAC

© Bruce Black MD

Page 11: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Aspergillus nigra otomycosis. The black spores are typical. Requires meticulous toilet then prolonged topical

clotrimazole for best outcomes. © Bruce Black MD

Page 12: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Otomycoses Fungal Otitis Externa

Pruritic, pain if drum perforated Semisolid dirty discoloured debris Blocked and deaf Gurgling, possible ringing Resistant to treatment, micro-suction

optimal © Bruce Black MD

Page 13: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Aspergillus flavum mycelium and typical yellow spores. Treat as for A. nigra and follow-up to check for recurrence.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 14: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Candida albicans, causing intense itch and blockage. Treat as for other otomycoses with serial suction toilet and wet

mopping to eliminate infected debris. © Bruce Black MD

Page 15: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Otomycoses Treatment

Thorough micro-suction and wet mopping

Clotrimazole and antibiotic wick Clotrimazole drops (if no drum

perforation) 2/52 Review 2/52, re-clean

© Bruce Black MD

Page 16: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Chronic Myringitis Chronic Drum / EAC Ulceration

Minor ache, itch Minor accumulated debris Intermittent blockage Little tinnitus or unsteadiness Reddened, granular or fibrosing

ulceration © Bruce Black MD

Page 17: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Chronic myringitis surrounding a small defect in the pars tensa. This is difficult to eradicate and often hinders

spontaneous closure of a perforation. © Bruce Black MD

Page 18: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Diffuse thicker myringitis coating the entire pars tensa. Removal off the collagenous drum layer by fine dissection, then using an onlay graft will usually eliminate this problem. © Bruce Black MD

Page 19: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Granular myringitis. Cautery with AgNO3 will shrink the granulations and antibiotic/antiseptic treatment may reduce them further, but surgery may be necessary, particularly in

the anterior angle. © Bruce Black MD

Page 20: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Extensive myringitis which has extended from the drum to eliminate the squamous epithelium of the deep canal. This

will deteriorate, requiring surgery (canalplasty). © Bruce Black MD

Page 21: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Cicatrising fibrosis, the end phase of chronic myringitis. Correctable only by EAC clearance and total split skin

grafting. © Bruce Black MD

Page 22: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Chronic Myringitis Management

Suction toilet Cauterise granulations Ciprofloxacin drops Excise and graft resistant cases

© Bruce Black MD

Note: Chronic myringitis is notoriously difficult to eradicate. Surgery is frequently the only effective option

Page 23: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Viral External Otitis Viral / Bullous myringitis

Pain and blockage Glairish / haemorrhagic blebs on drum May be confused with advanced AOM

Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsey Hunt Synd.) Lancing pain Vesicles in EAC, pinna Associated facial palsy, vertigo, SND

© Bruce Black MD

Page 24: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Bullous/viral myringitis, exhibiting haemorrhagic blebs totally obscuring the pars tensa.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 25: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Viral myringitis showing the glairish fluid-filled blistering of the drum. Can be confused with the blebs that develop as a

result of AOM. © Bruce Black MD

Page 26: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Herpes zoster oticus. Scattered small crusts cover the sites of recent vesicular formations on the conchal bowl. Facial palsy and severe cochleo-vestibular symptoms may be

present. © Bruce Black MD

Page 27: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Seborrhoeic Otitis Externa

Greasy scaling skin, also face, neck Erythema, exfoliation, inflammation,

oedema Dandruff, oily hair Cause uncertain, possibly Malassezi

furfur (yeast)

© Bruce Black MD

Page 28: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Seborrhoeic dermatitis showing the typical greasy scalp and dandruff.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 29: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Diffuse peri-otic skin with erythema, oedema and dandruff due to seborrhoea.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 30: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Allergic Otitis Externa

Intense pruritis Serous exudate, often profuse Periotic Inflammation, oedema History of recent topical medication

© Bruce Black MD

Page 31: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Erythema of the lower face and neck secondary to ciprofloxacin drops used for otitis externa.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 32: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Conchal bowl erythema and swelling, plus serous exudate, secondary to neomycin drop usage.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 33: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Gross oedema, inflammation and exudate after iodoform paste used on a mastoidectomy cavity.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 34: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Marked exfoliation, oedema and inflammation. Neomycin ear drops

© Bruce Black MD

Page 35: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial


Clean thoroughly Liberal steroid ointment Avoid further causative agent


© Bruce Black MD

Page 36: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Neurodermatitis Lichen Simplex Chronicus,

Eczema Pruritis, discomfort Watery otorrhoea, intermittent Blockage: semiliquid powdery otorrhoea Conchal bowl erythema, oedema,

exfoliation Habitual rubbing, scratching Commonly smokers

© Bruce Black MD

Page 37: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Erythema and marked exfoliation of the conchal bowl and tragus. Neurodermatitis in a heavy smoker. The tobacco

tars are irritative, causing chronic pruritis. © Bruce Black MD

Page 38: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Advanced neurodermatitis. Chronic habitual rubbing and scratching. Cleaning and steroid ointment produced rapid

remission. © Bruce Black MD

Page 39: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial


Clean debris Moisten well, peel away keratin Steroid and antibiotic ointment Avoid further self-trauma Wash hands after tobacco

© Bruce Black MD

Page 40: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial


© Bruce Black MD

Page 41: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Infected sebaceous cyst. These classically occur in the floor of the entrance to the EAC. If recurrent, marsupialise.

© Bruce Black MD

Page 42: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Chronic debris accumulation and infection, secondary to a keratosis obturans. This will cause progressive erosion or

even extensive osteitis if not cleaned regularly. © Bruce Black MD

Page 43: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial

Osteitis in the floor of the EAC, complicating a keratosis obturans. Clean regularly, removing infected bony spicules. Advanced cases may require surgical excision and grafting. © Bruce Black MD

Page 44: OTITIS EXTERNA d...Bacterial otitis externa. Mixed cerumen and purulent exudate. Thorough cleaning is essential to clear infection and spores to prevent recurrent disease. Bacterial


Assess aetiology Clean thoroughly Appropriate management Persistent? Suspect fungal origin

© Bruce Black MD