OSHA Long Term Care Worker Protection Train the Trainer Program Part 1: Introduction

OSHA Long Term Care Worker Protection Train the Trainer Program Part 1: Introduction

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OSHA Long Term Care Worker Protection Train the Trainer Program Part 1: Introduction. Plan for the Day. Introduction Engaging workers in health and safety Review of LTCWPP materials and content Planning the training sessions Strategies to customize the training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: OSHA Long Term Care  Worker Protection Train the Trainer Program Part 1: Introduction

OSHA Long Term Care Worker Protection

Train the Trainer Program

Part 1: Introduction

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Plan for the DayIntroductionEngaging workers in health and safetyReview of LTCWPP materials and contentPlanning the training sessionsStrategies to customize the trainingBest practices with presentation materials, teaching

techniquesEvaluation tools/Post-TestData gathering for trainers

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Purpose Provide support and materials to Long

Term Care supervisors, administrators, and educators to assist them in teaching long term care workers the key safety hazards in their work environment and how to avoid and control these hazards.

Outcome: Creative and engaging safety education for all long term care workers that will support their avoiding injury, enhancing the safety of the environment, and securing great patient outcomes.

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Introduction to the LTCWPP

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ObjectivesIdentify the content and materials for the LTC Worker

Protection Program.Discuss ways to make this education possible in any

LTC setting.Recognize strategies to customize educational

sessions for specific groups of workers.Discuss best practices for using presentation

materials.Identify the importance of evaluating all educational


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Your experience with OSHA?

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How much does your staff know about OSHA?

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On average, 15 workers die every day from job related injuries.

4400 Americans died from workplace injuries in 2009; this is down from 5657 in 2008.

3.3 million recordable non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses occurred in 2009; 3.7 in 2008.

1.24 million days away from work – 2009, a 9% reduction from prior year.

OSHA is focused on enhancing the safety of workplaces and the health of all workers.

OSHA has an important role

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More than 250,000 healthcare workers are injured on the job each year.

Long term care accounts for a high % of these injuries.

Healthcare industry spends more than $20 billion annually in workers’ compensation and related costs due to employee injuries and illnesses.

Injuries and Healthcare?

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Strong, fair, and effective enforcement.

Outreach, education, and compliance assistance.

Partnerships, Alliances, and other cooperative and voluntary programs.

Key Focus:

Work to help employers provide a safe working environment for all employees.

OSHA Strategies

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Requires, in part, that every employer covered under the Act furnish a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees. 1903.1

Requires that employers comply with the OSHA standards, rules, regulations, and orders.

Requires that each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all applicable rules, regulations, and orders.

OSHA Purpose and Scope

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When Employees stay safe and healthy:

* better quality of work outcomes (patient outcomes!).

* higher productivity.

* lower worker’s compensation costs.

* fewer injuries/illnesses that require

time off, replacement employees, and overtime.

* reduced medical expenses.

* overall, more satisfied employees.


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Major Impact on Resident Care

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29 CFR 1910 – Occupational Health and Safety Standards for General Industry

Standards that are either national consensus standards or federal standards already established by Federal statutes or regulations.

Code of Federal Regulations

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Set aside for OSHA.

Regulations are broken down into Parts.

Part 1910, contains the General Industry Regulations.

Each Part is then broken into major Subparts.

Title 29 Chapter XVII

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Where will you find this?

1903.2 (a)(1)

Each employer shall post and keep posted……

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Worker RightsA safe and healthful workplace.Know about hazardous chemicals.Information about injuries and illnesses in your

workplace.Complain or request hazard correction from

employer.Hazard exposure and medical records.File a complaint with OSHA.Participate in an OSHA inspection.Be free from retaliation for exercising safety and

health rights.

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Inspections: OSHA is authorized to enter any factory, plant, establishment, construction site, or other workplace to inspect and investigate …..

In 2009, OSHA conducted 39,004 inspections.

Inspection Priorities:

* reports of imminent danger

* fatalities or hospitalization of 3+ employees

* employee complaints

* referrals from other government agencies

* targeted inspections


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Employee InvolvementHave a system for reporting injuries and illnesses and

inform employees.

Keep the system simple and easy for employees.

Encourage employees to share their ideas on what processes currently are helping to enhance safety and health.

Ask employees for their ideas on how to enhance workplace safety.

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The standards apply to private sector healthcare settings.

The standards are very relevant, for example:

* Hazardous substances

* Personal protective equipment

* Work surfaces

* Lifting/ergonomics

* Fire Protection

* Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans

How does all this relate to long term care settings?

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Safety and health are core to all long term care organizations.

The safety and health of employees is critical to patient safety and the success of any organization.

Focus of OSHA is helping employers to create and sustain safe and healthy environments and protect employees from hazardous materials and situations.

All workers in long term care settings can benefit from understanding and complying with OSHA!

Application to Long Term Care Settings

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LTCWP Train the Trainer Program

Key focus today: helping you to find the best, the easiest, the most effective ways to share this information with all of your LTC workers.

Encourage networking and sharing of best practices.

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