Organization of American States (OEA) The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America: Challenges and Perspectives by Maria da Gloria M. Wright, Ph.D. International Coordinator Anna McG. Chisman, Ph.D. Chief Demand Reduction Program CICAD/OAS

Organization of American States (OEA) The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin

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Organization of American States (OEA)

The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)

Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America: Challenges and


byMaria da Gloria M. Wright, Ph.D.

International CoordinatorAnna McG. Chisman, Ph.D.

Chief Demand Reduction ProgramCICAD/OAS

Significance Project

• International Health is innovative tool study Drug Phenomenon;

• Need new actors;• Need for new leadership roles;• Nurses form largest work force in health field;• Regional and International Capacity-Building Programs

on international health, drug phenomenon, research methodologies, and leadership provide new strategies to educate human resources in Latin America.

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America


Create a cadre of nursing professionals with scientific knowledge and technical skills to work on drug demand reduction in activities of prevention of drug use and abuse, social integration, and health promotion in Latin America

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Macro-Operational Framework

Phase I (1998-2001) Pilot Experience.-L.A.

(Implemented –Undergraduate Level)

Group I (1998-2001) 3 Universities/ SON

Argentina Colombia Venezuela


Group II (1999-2001) 3 Universities/ SON

Bolivia Ecuador

Peru (Implemented)

Phase II ( 2001-2005) Expansion Project. L.A.

Implementing Groups I, II, III, IV (Undergraduate & Graduate Levels)

Group I & II (2001-2004– Graduate Level)

Group III (2001-2004–Under & Graduate Levels)

4 Universities/ SON Brazil (2) Chile (1) Mexico (1)

Group IV (2003-2005—Under-Graduate Levels)

4 Universities/ SON Argentina (1) Mexico (2) Honduras (1)

Phase III (2002-NOW) Inter-Institutional

Partnership (Implemented)

Group I (2002– NOW)

National League of Nursing NLN/US American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN/US International Network of Doctoral Education in Nursing/ INDEN/US Canadian Association of Universi-ties with Nursing Schools/CAUSN/Canada

Group II (2002-NOW)

U. of Sao Paulo/Brazil U. of Alberta/Canada U. of Michigan/US U of Maryland/US

Group III (2002-NOW) PAHO/CICAD Schools of Public Health in Latin America.

Schools of Nursing Project in Latin America Maria da Gloria M. Wright, International Coordinator

Project Structure

CICAD Drug Demand Reduction Program Anna McG. Chisman

Micro-Operational Framework

Coordinators Dean & Vice-Dean SON

Academic Committee Area Coordinators of Nursing Curriculum

“AD HOC” Scientific Committee National and Local Drug Experts

Faculty Specialists on drug and others

Administrative Support Part-time Secretary

Implementation Steps

Socialization Project School of Nursing & Universities. Providing Drug-Related Educational & Training Programs Faculty. Develop Drug-Related Nursing Curricula (under & graduate levels). Implement Drug-Related Nursing Curricula. Implement Evaluation & Monitoring Systems. Implement Drug-Related Extension & Research Activities.

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Basic Components

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America


Pilot Studies National and Transnational Studies Multi-Centric Studies


Development Under & Graduate Curricula Faculty Education Research Capacity Building


Community Outreach Education Programs Specific Groups Centers on Prevention Drug Use & Abuse, Social

Integration, and Health Promotion led by nurses.

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Nursing Research Priorities in Demand Reduction

Health Promotion

Healthy lifestyle

Definition of protective factors

Social network support

Health and quality of life

The nursing care and the process of healthy living

Nursing technology applied to health promotion

The care of health promotion

Health and Nursing social policy and organization

Information and communication on health promotion activities

Theoretical framework of health promotion

Prevention of Use and abuse of Drugs

Prevention of use and abuse of drugs in the context of work, family, and community

Prevention of automobile and other accidents due to alcohol use

Prevention of risky behavior toward consumption of drugs

Prevention of drug consumption in the work environment

Prevention consumption of controlled medicines for specific situations, such as weight loss, depression, and insomnia

Violence work environment as a consequence of drug use abuse

The use of toxic substances and the process of work

Family violence and its consequence in the work environment

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Social Integration

Social Integration in the context of school, family, work, and social groups

Nursing care for addict women

Nursing care for women and family with drug addiction problems

Nursing care for social integration of addict adolescents within the family, and schools

Multi-professional working support group for the social integration of addict person

Contribution of the nursing professional in the social integration of addict person into social groups

Study of factors that explain the recuperation or no recuperation of the addicts into society

Study of factors that contribute to not continue to participate in the activities related to social integration

Study of factors that facilitate the social integration of the person at society (care aspects)

The bioethical aspects of the social integration of a person into society

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Results - 1998-2003Education

Implemented Under & Graduate Nursing Curricu-lum with Drug Content,10 SON involving 9 countries LA.

Trained more than 10, 000 nursing students with the drug content.

Implemented 42 Seminars and 28 Workshops for Faculty Development on Drug Phenomenon.

Prepared 33 Nurses, First and Second Regional Research Capacity-Building at USP/RP/Brazil, 2002/2003.

Prepared 11 nurses, First International Research Capacity-Building, University Alberta/Canada, 2003.

Prepared 50 Deans, Vice-Deans, Coordinator Graduate Programs, First International Leadership Institute, Lima, Peru, 2003.

Recommended minimum number of hours for drug content in the curricula

Undergraduate 270 hours Specialization 315 hours Masters 401 hours Doctorate 1 subject of 45 hours and 1 research nucleus. Developed a strategic regional plan on the contri-

bution of nursing to the demand reduction area, for the next three years. Lima, Peru, 2003.

Extension Developed 57 Extension Community Education

Programs Specific Groups 9 Countries LA. Implementing 5 Centers, led by nurses on

prevention Drug Use and Abuse, Social Integration, and Health Promotion in 5 LA Countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela).

Research Implemented 89 Pilot Studies on Drug Issues in 10

L.A. Countries. Implementing 4 Multi-centric Research Studies on

“Women, Drugs & Violence involving Seven countries LA”.

Information & Communication Papers and Posters were presented in International and National Conferences,

Seminars, Workshops about CICAD SON Project activities and results in LA Countries, Canada, US, Holland, Mexico, Brazil, and Peru.

CICAD/SON Project information is posted on the CICAD Web Page. Portfolio and flyers about CICAD/SON Project in Latin America have been

developed. Implemented 8 International meetings to present the achievements of CICAD

Schools of Nursing Project and to discuss specific topics about graduate programs, leadership, strategic planning , and the participation of nurses in the nationals commission of drugs.

Published 7 books about Project activities, leadership, graduate programs, and strategic planning. ( 6 in Spanish and 1 in English).

Regional Nursing Research Capacity Building Program for Nurses applied to the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America

General Characteristics

Place: University of Sao Paulo/ School of Nursing-Brazil

Duration: 1 year

Period of time: March-March 2002/2003

Number of Students: 18 Nurses from 9 countries in Latin

America (2/countries)=Total 3 years=33

Modality: In class Education/ Distance Education

Level of the Program: Graduate/Specialization/Post-Master

Scholarships: Partial OAS

Research Type: Individual

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

General Characteristics (Cont.)

Steps of the Program: Part I Training in Brazil (496 hours, duration, 2 months)

Module I- International Health

Module II- Drug Phenomenon

Module III-Research Methods

Part II Distance Education Tutorial Program (200 hours)

Part III Presentation of the research results at the

Annual CICAD Schools of Nursing

International meeting and graduation

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Regional Nursing Research Capacity Building Program for Nurses applied to the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America

General Characteristics

Place: University of Alberta/ School of Nursing-Canada

Duration: 1 year

Period of time: June-June 2003/2004

Number of Students: 11 Nurses from 7 countries in Latin America

Modality: In class Education/Tutorial Distance Education

Level of the Program: Post-Master and Post-Doctoral

Research Type: Multi-centric Studies with central topic “Women,

Drugs and Violence”

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

International Nursing Research Capacity Building Program for Nurses applied to the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America

General Characteristics (Cont.)Steps of the Program: Part I Training in Canada (496 hours, 2 months)

Module I- International Health Module II- Drug Phenomenon Module III-Research Methods

Part II Tutorial Research Education (200 hours)

Part III Presentation of the research results at the Annual CICAD Schools of Nursing

International meeting and graduation

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

International Nursing Research Capacity Building Program for Nurses applied to the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America

Sample of Nursing Curriculum with Drug Content

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, CHILE Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum with Drug Content:

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Level Name Course Total Hours

I Accident Prevention and First Aid 04

Introduction to Nursing 05

Nursing and Health Sciences 03

II Education for Self-Care 04

III Nursing in Women’s Health 01

Nursing Process in Adults and the Elderly 09

Human Interaction 05

Nursing in Child and Adolescent Health 03

Nursing in Adults and the Elderly II 04

Nursing in Mental Health 03

Nursing Research -

IV Nursing Process in the Child and Adolescents 40

Nursing in Emergencies and Disasters 04

Nursing in Community Health II 64

Nursing in Adults and the Elderly with Mental Health Disorders I 04

Nursing Process in the Community 04

Nursing Process in Adults and the Elderly with Mental Health Disorders II


Nursing in Emergencies and Disasters 46

V Management of Nursing Services (Professional Practice) 04

Supplementary Undergraduate Course -

Drug Use Prevention and Control 32

Total 21 Courses 262


Master’s Course in Nursing with Drug Content:

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Level Name Course Total Hours

Elective Health Promotion and Drug Prevention 32

Nursing and Mental in Women 06

Total 2 Courses 38

Level Name Course Total Hours

Elective Health and Nursing in the age of Globalization 06

Total 1 Course 06

Doctoral Course in Nursing with Drug Contents:

Project Impact

a) Nursing Education and Profession

• Advance Nursing Education• New Theoretical Basis for Curriculum Development• Strenghten Graduate Nursing Education Latin America• Stenghten Nursing Research Programs and Centers• Prepare High Qualify Nurses to Work Demand Reduction• Creation New Leaders in Nursing Profession and Demand

Reduction• Facilitate Technical & Financial Cooperation for Nurses and

Schools of Nursing Throught out the Region• Open Opportunities to Create Latin American Network of Schools

of Nursing on Education, Research, and Practice of Demand Reduction.

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Project Impactb) Demand Reduction

• Long- Term Impact• New Models Extension Programs on Demand Reduction• New Centers Lead by Nurses in the Areas of Prevention of Drug Use

and Abuse, Social Integration, and Health Promotion• Implemented two Regional and one International Nursing Research

Capacity Building Program for Nurses applied to the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America/Brazil/Canada

• Increased number of research and scientific publications produced by nurses in the demand reduction area

• Increased participation of nurses in the national drug commissions • Developed a strategic regional plan on nursing contribution to

demand reduction over the next three years

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America


• Political Incoporation New Actors• Economic Depending on Donors• Technological Lack Infra-Structure• Educational Different Curricula• Leadership Change Project Coordinators• Partnership Develop New Models

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America

Perspectives• Education Creation New Models Nursing

Human Resources Development for Higher Education

Develop evaluation system, track alumni progress

• Profession New High Qualify Nurses at Job Market Nurses Expertees on Demand Reduction

• Demand New Leadership Models Reduction Innovative Extension Programs

Expansion Project to Central America & Caribbean Region

Increases Scientific Knowledge on Demand Reduction

Implementation Activities Strategic Plan

CICAD Schools of Nursing Project on Demand Reduction in Latin America