Organising Authority, Responsibility Etc

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  • 8/12/2019 Organising Authority, Responsibility Etc



  • 8/12/2019 Organising Authority, Responsibility Etc


    Authority and Responsibility

  • 8/12/2019 Organising Authority, Responsibility Etc



    Authority may be defined as the powerto make decisions which guide the

    actions of another. It is a relationship

    between two individuals, one superior,the other subordinate. The superior

    frames and transmits decisions with

    the expectations that these will beaccepted by the subordinate. The

    subordinate executes such decisions

    and his conduct is determined by

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    Features of Authority

    1. Authority is basically legitimized andconfers a right to the position holder

    by which he regulates the behavior of

    his subordinates to act or not to act incertain ways.

    2. Authority gives right of decision

    making. Superior has right to enforcethe decisions.

    3. Authority is exercised to influence the

    behaviour of those on whom it has

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    Features of Authority

    4. The authority in itself is an objectivebecause it is given to a position but

    its exercise may be subjective. The

    exercise of authority is determined bythe personality factors of its


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    Authority Vs Power

    Authority is the right to


    Power is the Capacity toCommand.

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    Flow of Authority: Classical


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    Flow of Authority : top-down Authority


    Board of Directors

    Chief Executive Officer

    Departmental Managers



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    Flow of Authority: Acceptance


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    Acceptance theories view authority as

    being present when a directive is

    legitimized by virtue of its acceptance

    from below.

    Therefore in Organization, managers are

    expected to exercise authority based

    in the following:1. Authority of the position,

    2. Authority of knowledge and


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    Responsibility is the duty to which aperson is bound by reason of his

    status or task. Such responsibility

    implies compliance with directives ofthe person making the initial


    G. R. Terry has defined responsibilityas the obligation of an individual to

    carry out assigned activities to the

    best of his ability.

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    Authority is the right to act,responsibility is the obligation to carry

    out delegated authority;

    Accountability establishes reliability forthe proper discharge of the duties

    delegated to the subordinate.

    Responsibility and accountability mayseem similar but the are different

    -S P


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    Accountability is reckoning

    (calculation) of the responsibilitiesreceived by delegation of authority


    Accountability creates the obligation forthe maintenance of responsibility by

    the superior (delegator of authority)

    and an accompanying insistence that

    the work performed must meet his


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    Subordinates are responsible for

    completion of the tasks assigned tothem and are accountable to their

    superiors for the satisfactory

    performance of that work.

    The concept of comprehensiveresponsibility includes the concept of

    accountability also.

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  • 8/12/2019 Organising Authority, Responsibility Etc


    Delegation of authority is the process

    by which a manager assigns aportion of his total work load to


    Delegation means conferring authority

    from one manager or organizational

    unit to another in order to accomplish

    particular assignments. By means of

    delegation, a manager extends his

    area of o erations.

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    Features of Delegation:

    1. Delegation is authorization tomanager to act in a certain manner.

    Delegation prescribes the limits

    within which a manager has todecide the things.

    2. Delegation has dual characteristics:

    As a result of delegation, thesubordinate receives authority from

    his superior, but at the same time,

    his superior still retains all his

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    3. Authority once delegated can be

    enhanced, reduced, or withdrawn

    depending on the situation andrequirement.

    4. Delegation of authority is always to

    the position created through theprocess of organizing.

    5. A manager delegates authority out

    of the authority vesting in him. He

    cannot delegate which he himself

    does not possess.

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    Steps in Delegation1. Determination of Results Expected:

    Authority shouldbe delegated to a position according to the


    expected of that position.

    2. Assignment of Duties: A mansduties will

    be clear to

    him only when he knows what activities he

    mustundertake and what goals he must fulfill.

    3. Authorization for Action: Making

    commitments, use

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    Principles of Delegation

    1. Delegation by Results Expected to a

    Position2. Coordination with Department


    3. Unity of Direction

    4. Clarity of Lines of Authority

    5. Level of Authority6. Unity of Command

    7. Parity of Authority and Responsibility

    8. Absoluteness of Responsibility:

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    Delegators Side

    1. Love for Authority

    2. Maintenance of Tight Control

    3. Fear of Subordinates Growth

    4. Fear of Exposure own shortcomings

    5. Attitude Towards Subordinates

    6.Personality of Superior

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    Subordinate's Side

    1. Lack of talent

    2. Lack of Enthusiasm

    3. Urgency and Criticalness of Task

    4. Bad past Experiences

    5. Resistance to take Responsibility

    6.Organization Cultural

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    Measures for Effective Delegation

    1. Making the Potential Delegator Feel


    2. Creating Awareness for Need of

    Delegation3. Determining Decisions and Tasks to

    be Delegated

    4. Establishing favorable Climate5. Choosing the subordinates Wisely.

    6. Tying Delegation with Planning

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    Centralization is Systematic andConsistent reservation of authority

    at central points within an

    organization.Decentralization applies to the

    Systematic delegation of authority in

    an organization-wide context

    - Louis A. Allen

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    Centralization refers to the reservation of

    authority at the top level of the organization

    and decentralization refers to systematic

    delegation of authority in the organization.

    However, there can neither be absolute

    centralization nor there can be absolutedecentralization. The concepts of

    centralization and decentralization are two

    extreme points in the matter of distribution ofauthorityin the organization. In between these

    two extreme points, there may be continuum

    of authority distribution

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    Factors Determining Degree of Decentralization

    1. Size of the Organization

    2. History of the Organization

    3. Management Philosophy

    4. Availability of Managers5. Pattern of Planning

    6. Control Techniques

    7. Decentralized Activities8. Rate of Change in Organization

    9. Environmental Influence

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    The process of grouping the activitiesis

    commonly known as

    departmentation. The terms used to

    denote the departments that result

    from departmentation vary a great

    deal. In business organizations,

    such terms as division, department,and section are used; in

    government, these are called

    branch, department, bureau, and

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    Need and Importance of Departmentation

    1. Advantages of Specialization

    2. Fixation of Responsibility

    3. Development of Managers

    4. Facilitate in Appraisal

    5. Feeling of Autonomy

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    Bases of Departmentation

    1. Function

    2. Product

    3. Territory

    4. Process

    5. Customer

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  • 8/12/2019 Organising Authority, Responsibility Etc


    Committee means the group of

    persons to whom some matter or

    charge is committed.

    Committeecan be defined as a body ofpersons appointed to meet on an

    organized basis for the discussion

    and dealing of matters broughtbefore it.

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    Features of Committee

    1. A committee is a group of persons.

    There should be at least twopersons. The ideal number of

    maximum persons is seven. There

    is always one person who is theChairperson of the committee.

    2. A committee can deliberate only on

    matters that are brought before it.

    When a committee is constituted,

    there are strictly defined

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    3. Members of committee draw

    authority through delegation. The

    authority is usually expressed interms of one vote.

    4. The committee may merely

    deliberate on the matter without any

    authority for making or

    recommending decisions.

    5. A committee may be constituted at

    any level of the organization and its

    members can be drawn from any

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    1. Chairman-Member Relationship

    2. Participation

    3. Group Pressure

    4. Decision Process1. Initial Stage: Pool of CommonInformation

    2. Inferences and evaluation of

    information to form common opinionsin a general way

    3. Gets around more specific

    suggestions and solution to the

    Reasons and Use of Committee

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    Reasons and Use of Committee

    1. Pooling of Knowledge and

    Experience2. Facility for Coordination

    3. Representation of Interested


    4. Fear of Too Much Authority in a

    Single Person

    5. Consolidating Authority

    6. Transmission and Sharing


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    Problems in Committee

    1. High Costs

    2. Slow Decisions

    3. Indecision

    4. Minority Domination5. Splitting the Responsibility

    6. Misuse of Committees

    1. Waste of Organisational Resourcesand Time

    2. Avoiding task for the time being

    3. Imposing own personal decisions

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