Oregairu Volume 11

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  • 8/16/2019 Oregairu Volume 11


    Chapter 1- Winter  ends long before the realization that it had begun.1-1

    It’s been some time since we entered the month of February.

    The winter chill was still as harsh as ever and every time the arid northwind blew by, the glass windows of the classroom would rattle.

    By the time short homeroom for the rest of the day had ended, the

    temperatures plunged even further. My seat, close to the hallway,

    unfortunately didn’t receive much heating and small breezes would slip in

    through the unnoticeable gaps of the doors. hen they brushed against the

    nape of my nec!, I shuddered.

    "owever, I loo!ed over at the windows and the sun was still elevated highin the s!y. The length of the afternoon had progressively gotten longer 

     #ccording to the calendar, the vernal e$uino% was coming up soon. But

    every year around this time when it’s this cold, you ended up thin!ing, &"ow

    could you even call this spring, is '(pring "as )ome’1 playing in your head all

    the time or something*+

    But there’s also the saying &If winter comes, can spring be far behind*+2

    It was after school and the atmosphere of the class was showing steadysigns of the upcoming spring.

     # little less than a month to go and that would mar! the awa!ening of

    insects3 on the calendar.

    Than!s to the effective heating in the classroom, my classmates had

    suddenly become animated -ust li!e how insects, frogs, and sna!es would

    wa!e from their hibernation slightly earlier than e%pected by the calendar.

    The window side of the classroom loo!ed especially warm due to the

    heating being right below the window frames. # single group occupying that

    area was incredibly lively in spirit. Today li!e every other, I could hear their

    loud, conspicuous voices.


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    &Man, I could go for something sweet any time today,+ Tobe said, flapping

    the ends of his hair. oo!a and /amato hit their !nees as though they !new

    what Tobe was tal!ing about and pointed at him.

    &/ou got that right.+


    Then, the three e%changed gazes.

    &/ou !now what I mean00* Better chocolate than never, yeah*+ Tobe

    said, being pointlessly dramatic. The three of them made triumphant loo!s and

    shot glances over at the girls0 Mmm, I thought we were nearing spring,

    but it still feels like we’re in the middle of winter!

    But Miura’s reaction was far more callous and cold compared to their trite



     #fter a small clic! of her tongue, she gave the idiot trio an apathetic loo!

    that shut them up. /uigahama and 1bina2san made a stiff smile.

    &h yeah, it’s about that time of the year, huh0*+ "ayama said, ta!ing the

    middle ground between the two groups. oo!a and /amato nodded theirheads.

    &/ou’ve got it good "ayato2!un, but we’re pretty screwed.+


    oo!a stated solemnly while /amato nodded in assertion. "is words

    certainly did ma!e it sound li!e it was a serious problem. Still, this

    opportunistic virgin’s jealousy is so garbage that it’s kind ofwonderful… I thought. Then, Tobe made a giddy smir! while patting

    "ayama’s shoulder.

    &3ah, "ayato2!un usually doesn’t accept anything.+

    re you !idding4* hat a waste4+

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    oo!a shouted causing "ayama to ma!e a strained laugh. I see, he

    likely chose that route so he could avoid unnecessary trouble

    "owever, for girls that were in love with him, they might not be so eager to

    accept that. The head of that pac!, Miura, was listening in on their

    conversation in silence while facing away from them with a disinterested


    atching her, /uigahama went &ah+ and spo!e.

    &But hey, it’s !inda scary getting things from people you don’t !now.+

    /uigahama nodded her head to show she could sympathize with him.

    Following her, 1bina2san struc! out her hand with a serious loo! and

    stopped the conversation. &ait. If he won’t accept anything, that means0he’ll ta!e them instead. (o the one getting ta!en would be "i!itani2!un*+

    The moment she finished, Miura flic!ed her head. hat the hell is she

    saying with that serious look of hers…"Miura too! out a poc!et tissue

    and pressed it on 1bina2san.

    &1bina, your nose is bleeding.+

    &h, than!s, than!s.+

    1bina2san held bac! her suspicious laughter as she blew her nose and

    Miura showed a soft smile. Being immediately ne%t to the heating as well as

    various other factors, all the individuals gathered over there loo!ed rather


    3o, they weren’t the only ones. The entire classroom was enveloped by

    the same warmth. The giddy mood wasn’t limited only to the idiot trio of Tobe

    and the other two, but other groups spread out in the classroom.

    fficially, 5alentine’s 6ay was coming very soon.

    In other words, it’s the day you received chocolate from your mom and

    little sister.

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    5alentine’s 6ay was a day full of blessed love, but that understanding

    wasn’t without problems. )onsidering how the event came to be, it’s actually a

    day when blood was shed. riginally started from a saint, it’s also the day a

    struggle occurred between gangs. Besides, someone from )hiba wouldn’t

    even thin! twice about chocolate because they’d thin! about Bobby4 instead.

    But it didn’t matter what the opinions of someone li!e me had, it’s

    impossible to overturn the general understanding of the event. In fact, if I were

    to preach the event as a conspiracy of the current confectionary industry, I’d

    easily be branded a heretic.

    5alentine’s 6ay had already firmly ta!en root in the culture of 7apan.

    )hristmas was more or less similar in that regard. 1ventually, "alloween

    might even get adapted to 7apanese customs, too. The summer festival, the

    Bon Festival dance, or the graveyard visits during the spring or fall e$uino%esweren’t all that much different.

    Basically, it’s an issue of whether you li!ed them or hated them. 3o one’s

    $uestioning that they’re orthodo% or blasphemous. If you’re going to re-ect

    them, whether it’s )hristmas or 5alentine’s day, you should -ust scream, &I

    hate them4+

    (ince 8omachi would slyly give me chocolate every year, I didn’t hate

    5alentine’s 6ay all that much. #s a matter of fact, since I loved 8omachi somuch as her older brother, I was an%iously waiting for the day to come.

    I wonder what kind of e#pensive chocolate she’s going to force

    out of me as a return gift this year… #s I engrossed myself in happy

    thoughts about wasting money on my little sister, the class grew boisterous.

    &9od, I’m not going to ma!e it4+

    &It’s o!ay, you still have time4 7ust !eep going4 6on’t give up4+

    I casually loo!ed over and a caste of girls sitting at different seats, either

    the second or third group from the top, was !nitting some !ind of muffler or

    sweater. It’s almost li!e I was listening to a conversation between a light

    novelist and his editor. $ook, normally, you’re not going to make it It’s

    almost %alentine’s &ay and your progress is only at about ten


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     percent 'ather than putting e(ort into making it on time for the

    deadline, it’d be more productive and realistic to try to e#tend it


     #s it turns out, I wasn’t the only one watching that heartbrea!ing


    Miura was twirling her hair with her fingers and breathed out.

    &0ell, handmade things might be too pushy* Ma!es sense why you

    wouldn’t accept them.+

     #fter listlessly saying those words, a faint sigh came from a different


    &:ushy0 I guess so0+ /uigahama rubbed the bun of her peach2colored

    hair with her thin fingers that stretched out of her slightly loose cardigan. (he

    then made a troubled, but embarrassed smile.

     #fter seeing that smile, something suddenly came to mind from some time


    )*andmade, huh"

     +ust who was she making those cookies for" #s I thought that, Iloo!ed towards her and our eyes met. /uigahama and I averted our faces

    away in reaction.

    &ell, it’s the feelings that count, not what you get.+

    "ayama’s voice had a strained ring to it.

    &/ou got that right4 3ah, but see* I’m totally all over that, you !now what I

    mean*+ Tobe immediately hit his !nees and e%pressed his agreement.6iagonally from him, 1bina2san crossed her arms and slid her gaze to the


    &But you can’t screw up with handmade chocolate or else you’ll get

    e%posed. #nd since it doesn’t cost that much to begin with, that’s !ind of off2

    putting. ouldn’t it be easier to -ust buy premade ones instead*+

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    &/eah, totally4+

     #s soon as 1bina2san finished, Tobe changed his opinion0 ome on,

     you could at least try a little harder

    &0Mmhmm, handmade, huh*+

    Following Miura’s disinterested voice was a burst of their cheery laughs.

    There e%isted a division in their group -ust a little while ago, but it was no

    longer there.

    "ayama was sincerely acting as the "ayama "ayato that everyone

    sought while Miura was slowly, but surely trying to shorten their distance in her 

    own way. #s for Tobe and 1bina2san, well, they loo!ed the same as always,but after some time had passed, they had created a mood that fit them both.

     #nd /uigahama happily watched them.

    The classroom was restless, but even so, their place which had leisurely

    grown warm li!e the slow transition to spring was a little too bright to watch

    from the side that I slightly closed my eyes.

    × × ×

    The air permeating the hallway leading to the special building was frigid

    and parched. I felt my lips crac! and my body stiffen.

    )ondensation was visible on the glass windows of the classroom, but not

    the hallway which had a clear loo! into the school courtyard. It was filled with

    shedding trees and bare beds of flowers, a dusty and dar! brown spectacle of

    winter unli!e one seen in the northern parts of 7apan.

    3ot very much snow fell in )hiba. The scarce amount was prominent even

    in the 8anto region of 7apan that was unfamiliar with snow. ;ast month, the

    news reported snow falling in To!yo, but not a single drop was seen in )hiba.

    The lac! of anything wintry made it superfluously cold. Feeling the

    difference in warmth from the classroom I was in earlier, I lifted up the muffler

    wrapped around my nec!.

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    The reason why that place in class felt warm wasn’t because of how close

    it was to the heating. It’s because the fissures that plagued it were filled.

    I’m sure "ayama and everyone weren’t waiting dramatically for their final

    moments, but peacefully and warmly, as if e%actly the way the world and life

    would end. The reality that bliss and peace was maintained through

    everyone’s efforts had sun! in.

    It’s possible that the e%perience of going through numerous winters

    allowed them to understand that spring would eventually arrive.

    aiting ahead for us wasn’t a spring of warmth, but a spring of parting.

    ;i!e the storm which comes when flowers bloom, the good friend goes away.

    ur classes would change and we would build new human relationships.3e%t year, this season was the time we’d be right in the middle of testing and

    no longer be re$uired to go to school. That’s why, everyone en-oyed and

    valued this winter, peacefully waiting for it to come to an end.

    In that, there’s an apparent warmth as well as a faint chill. I mumbled

    &cold, cold+ into my muffler as I wal!ed and the sound of light footsteps

    echoed from behind.

    I turned around and my shoulder received a light shoc!. I was met with a

    glum loo! from /uigahama.

    &hy’d you leave first0*+

    &/ou didn’t say anything about leaving together0+ I said unpleasantly, not

    having an idea of why she too! that attitude.

    /uigahama’s mouth dropped open and she gently brushed her hair in

    embarrassment. &0h, I totally thought you were waiting for me. /ou stayed

    in class for a while, so0+

    &That’s not really0+

    hile spea!ing, I gave some thought to the reason why I stayed behind.

    It’s true that /uigahama invited me to head to club together several times.

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    :erhaps that’s why I found myself waiting with the assumption that she’d

    come over to tal! to me.

    But another proper reason came to mind.

    &/eah, I -ust wanted to see how "ayama and Miura were doing.+

    hh, right. I thin! they’re good now, so I’m glad.+

    /uigahama let out a small breath and wea!ly nodded. (he then

    proceeded a few steps ahead of me in the empty hallway and twisted her


    &It’s !inda nice, you !now* I’m sure everyone’s thin!ing about all !inds of

    stuff, but it’s li!e they’re trying to live their lives as much as they can now whilecherishing it0+

    (he stated each word in emphasis, wearing a gentle smile on her


    &/eah, I guess. e’re probably having the best time of our lives right now.+

    &hh, you’re unusually positive0+

    &hen you recall the past, you want to die from regret and when you thin!about the future, you get depressed from an%iety. (o by elimination, our time

    now is pure bliss.+

    &/ou were being negative, after all4+ /uigahama dropped her shoulders

    with a sullen loo!. (he then bris!ly wal!ed ahead and voiced her complaints.

    &There you go again with that stuff0 )an’t you read the mood*+

    &Mood, huh0*+

    ;i!e what !ind of mood*

    For e%ample, the mood on 5alentine’s 6ay*

    I suppose I could understand in that case. ccasionally, I’d learn from the

    masses, ta!e in the mood, and play it off. Then, I’d -ust brush it all off with a

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    simple &it’s what everyone’s doing.+ 6oing that made you want to have

    e%pectations, be spoiled, lose yourself, and wait.

    But I don’t thin! that’s something you should do.

    It’d be insincere if all you did was wait.

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    To fill up the silence, /uigahama $uic!ly said, &;et me thin! about it and I’ll

    tell you later4+


    as I relieved or -ust e%hausted* :erhaps, something much more


    hatever it was, since I had let out a deep sigh at the same time,

    /uigahama didn’t wait for my response, wal!ed a few steps ahead, and

    opened the door to the clubroom.

    × × ×

    The door flung open. e wal!ed through it and the room inside wasenveloped by an air of coziness.

    There were far more people in the classroom, yet strangely enough, I

    found it more comfortable here. Though, that could’ve been -ust a side effect

    of the sunlight that easily penetrated this clubroom in the special building.

    ith the gentle sunlight pouring on to her, sitting at her usual seat was

    /u!inoshita /u!ino.

    (he lifted up her face from the paperbac! in her hand, $uietly brushed her hair upwards, and softly smiled. &"ello.+

    &/ahallo, /u!inon.+


    /uigahama responded with a raised hand while I returned my typical

    greeting and we proceeded to ta!e our respective seats.

    I wasn’t sure e%actly when, but this seat had become my place. 3o one

    had $ualms with me sitting here, nor did anyone decree I had to, nor did

    anyone force me to. It was far more pleasant than I was e%pecting it to be.

     #nd that alone was reason enough for me to feel pangs of discomfort from

    the presence I wasn’t accustomed to seeing.

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    &(enpai, you’re so slooooow.+

    nd why are you here again0*+

    ;aying on the des! while indignantly !ic!ing her feet was this school’s

    resident (tudent )ouncil :resident, Isshi!i Iroha. "er gestures, whether it’s

    her intentional sullen loo! or the way she was averting her face, were all so

    sly0 -o, but seriously, I can’t believe she got here earlier than

    .uigahama and me Is she trying to be as swift as some kind of


    &I as!ed her if she had some business here, but she wanted to wait for

    you two to come. (o, she’s been here ever since,+ /u!inoshita said, mi%ed

    with a sigh. (he then deliberately sent an even colder glance to her. 6espite

    that, she didn’t forget to be hospitable and had prepared some tea for her.There’s -ust so many ways of being hospitable that I want to start a


     #s for the aforementioned Isshi!i, she wasn’t concerned with

    /u!inoshita’s ice gaze. (he turned towards me, placed her hand to her mouth,

    and whispered secretively.

    &/u!inoshita2senpai had such a nice smile when I got here, but she got

    really bummed out right after0 (he’s been acting li!e that the entire time.+

     0hh, really now… ell, duh, every time Isshiki shows up, she’s

    always accompanied with nothing worthwhile, hahaha -o seriously,

    why are you even here" I thought. Then, there was a wea! cough.


    =pon loo!ing, /u!inoshita had a broad smile. 1h oh, it’s that smile!

    2he one that .ukinon makes when she’s being scary!

    &/2/esss4 I’m so sorry, I really do have some business here4+

    Isshi!i ran behind me and pushed me forward, as though it was her

    conditioned refle% to cower away from that smile. *ey, stop it, that smile

    scares the hell out of me too, you know


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    &2ell, let’s calm down. Iroha2chan, are you here for the (tudent

    )ouncil*+ /uigahama mediated and waved at her to come bac!.

    ith a nonchalant face going &/ui2senpai, you’re so nice4+ she returned to

    her original location.

    I gave her an in$uisitive loo! as!ing what she needed. Then, her face

    became even more nonchalant and she flapped her hand. &The thing is, it

    feels li!e I have a lot more free time than I thought I would or something*+


     0gain with her nonsense… I hope you didn’t forget that you were

    the one who made us go through all that trouble last time… 3r is it

    because we 4nished all that work for you that you have nothingbetter to do" I don’t suppose this is one of those burn5out

    syndromes that happens when you’re constantly subjected to cruel

    labor or something…" 6ut it feels like we’re the ones who burned

    out, so what’s her issue again" I gave her a stern loo!, digging into the

    meaning of her words.

    (he placed her inde% finger to her chin and cutely tilted her head. &There’s

    li!e no school events around this time of the year and the 5:’s ta!ing care of

    all the small stuff for me. #ll I have left is -ust to stamp our year2end report.+

    /ou don’t say. I wasn’t familiar with what the wor! of the (tudent )ouncil

    entailed, but surprisingly, that’s the !ind of things they’re involved in, huh* The

    third years were well into their testing season while the school administration

    was occupied with the school entrance e%ams for new students.

    That meant the current students were left unattended. #nyone would have

    nothing to do because of that.

    &That’s why, when there isn’t anything going on, I put the (tudent )ouncilon brea!.+

    3hhh, a manager from a white company… )oincidentally, this club

    that forced us to gather in this room even when there wasn’t any wor! to do

    was undoubtedly a blac! company74


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     #nd spea!ing of our resident blac! company manager, she nodded her

    head, moving her hand to her chin.

    &6on’t you have club to attend to as well*+ /u!inoshita said, slanting her

    head to the side.

    Isshi!i chee!s slightly blushed as if from embarrassment and she sweetly

    averted her face.

    &000It’s really cold at the (occer )lub nowadays.+

    That’s something to be ashamed about, not embarrassed. /u!inoshita

    pressed her hand against her temple in an attempt to hold bac! a headache

    while /uigahama forcibly laughed.

    #haha0 (o, what did you need*+ /uigahama as!ed.

    Then, Isshi!i cleared her throat and turned her body towards me. &(o

    senpai, I don’t really care, but do you li!e sweets*+

    &If you’re tal!ing about "ayama, I’m sure he’ll be happy to eat whatever

    you give him.+

    I understood Isshi!i’s general behavior all too well. I too! the initiative and

    answered causing her to inflate her chee!s from boredom. ;istening to her,/uigahama seemed to recall something.

    &h, but it sounds li!e "ayato2!un’s not accepting any chocolate, though.+

    &1hhh, why’s that*+

    &0h2ho !nows*+ /uigahama inclined her head in confusion.

    Then, /u!inoshita let out a brief sigh. &It’s obviously because of the

    disputes that will ensue. 6uring elementary, the classroom the follow day

    would see spar!s flying all over the place0+


    &0#hhhh, I thin! I can see that.+

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    Isshi!i and /uigahama nodded. .ep, yep, I totally can see that, too


    I could easily imagine a huge commotion in the classroom ne%t day where

    the girls would hold a &(o 1%citing ☆ omen nly itch Trials of #bsentia4

    6on’t Forget the Betrayals, Too4+8 )onversations between girls were mostly

    about insulting other girls >self2research?.

    *ow scary , I thought. Isshi!i, who had been living her life being

    sub-ected to resentment from the underwor@I mean, the society of girls, let

    out a shallow sigh.

    &Fine, I’ll -ust have to ma!e do with you, senpai. (o, do you li!e sweets*+

    &That’s one bizarre way of as!ing me0+

    *ow do you e#pect an honest answer out of me when it’s the

    same 7uestion from earlier" 2hat feeling of being treated like a

    supplement and her apathy was out of this world #s those thoughts

    ran through my mind, a chair roc!ed. I loo!ed over and /uigahama was

    leaning forward.

    &"i!!i li!es them a lot4+

    &That’s true.+

    n the other hand, /u!inoshita made an overbearing smile with a

    patronizing chuc!le for one reason or another. :ressured by their behavior,

    Isshi!i muddled her words.

    &It’s !inda weird how you both answered for him, but0 that’s good to



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    &3ow that’s a surprise0+ I said.

    Then, Isshi!i made a resentful loo!. &hy’s that* I’m good at ma!ing

    sweets, you !now.+

    &6ang, that must be nice. I wanna learn how to ma!e them too, but I’m

     -ust so bad at it0+

    Isshi!i puffed out her small chest while /uigahama duc!ed in her

    shoulders and hunched over in contrast.*mm, that’s funny, the chest

    that’s pu8ng out looks a lot smaller… Is the perspective o( or

    something" In any case, I’ll go ahead and re7uest that be 4#ed for

    the 6lu5'ays!

     #nyway, in /uigahama’s case, she was nowhere near the level of being -ust bad, but whatever. It’s a trivial problem in light of her chest.

    &/ui2senpai, coo!ing is all about being sincere. hen you’re ma!ing

    something by hand, your feelings of !indness and sympathy are what’s

    important. The shortcut to improvement is to consider the person you’re

    coo!ing for.+

    Isshi!i gently patted the depressed /uigahama’s shoulders to comfort her

    and she then erected a finger. ith a peaceful smile, she encouraged her.

    fter all, we’re dealing with boys here who !now absolutely nothing about

    handmade sweets. (o, handmade chocolates are a piece of ca!e. It doesn’t

    cost much to ma!e a lot and you can add your finishing touches by

    customizing each one to your li!ing. The boys will be all over them.+

    &/our sympathy’s gone far beyond the horizon0 1ven your !indness was

    purely for your wallet.+

    &It’s more problematic because that way of thin!ing isn’t wrong in the leastas well0+

    &It doesn’t ma!e me happy at all0+

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    Met with all that feedbac!, even Isshi!i found herself ta!ing a step bac!.

    (he then forcibly changed the topic as if trying to brush off the topic while


    &ell, that was actually a -o!e. It’s what senpai would say0 That being

    said, I’d li!e some references for ma!ing obligatory chocolate. (o senpai,

    what !ind of sweets do you li!e*+

    &hat !ind, huh0* I guess this.+

    hat I too! out was, of course, M#A )FF11. hy, you as!* It’s

    because it’s special to me.

     #s soon as I placed the can on the table, the three of them focused their

    stares on me.

    1m, what’s with those skeptical looks…" 2here isn’t a person in

    hiba who’d get upset from receiving this as a sweet #t least, that’s

    what I wanted to say, but everyone’s faces loo!ed considerably doubtful0

    /uigahama stared at the can and whispered. &0I bet even I can ma!e


    &;i!e hell you can. uit screwing around and stop loo!ing down on M#A

    )FF11. If you’re thin!ing you can -ust dump condensed mil! and sugar into

    coffee, you’re $uite mista!en. 3o, seriously, don’t even bother.+

    &"e’s actually angry at that4*+

    bviously. It’s a completely different beast from -ust putting condensed

    mil! in coffee. In fact, putting coffee in condensed mil! would be more

    convincing to me. /ou couldn’t achieve that stic!y sweetness through normal

    means. It wasn’t something amateurs should stic! their heads into.

    Isshi!i placed the tip of her finger on her lips to thin! and opened her


    ctually, that would put me over my budget.+

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    &I don’t !now e%actly how much you plan on ma!ing, but you’re under a

    rather severe budget if you’re limiting yourself to less than CDE yen a piece0+

    /u!inoshita said in disbelief, rubbing her temple. That, however, wasn’t a


    &3o problem. M#A )FF11 is cheaper if you pic! the right store and buy

    it in bul!.+

    &7eez "i!!i, -ust how into it are you0*+

    &It’s what happens when you don’t get many opportunities to drin! sweet

    stuff. I’m always having to drin! bitter stuff, after all.+ I snorted bitterly.

    Then, /u!inoshita brushed aside her hair along her shoulders and wore a

    tenacious smile. &Bitter things aren’t something you drin!, but something youe%perience.+

    &/eah, yeah, whatever. But the pain I have to deal with doesn’t change. In

    that case, I -ust want to live the rest of my life drin!ing sweet -uices.+

    &It sounds li!e what you’re tasting aren’t bitter things, but life itself0+

    /u!inoshita let out a profound sigh.

    -o, no, it’s e#actly as you said I’m totally tasting everything

    bitter, even life So based on the aforementioned, life was e7ual toeverything bitter, so life was pain! I thought with these pointless ideas

    running through my mind.

    Isshi!i sneered. &

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     #s though those thoughts showed on my face, Isshi!i made an

    unpleasant snic!er.

    &hh, senpai, you’re the type to not get any, huh* But don’t boys usually

    compete over who gets the most chocolate* on’t you hurt your pride as a

    boy if you don’t get anything*+

    &=h, it’s not li!e I need them0 hen was 5alentine’s 6ay a sport*+

    There’s nothing simpler and clearer than determining the winner by

    number, but the rules were all over the place. 1specially the incoming

    successive offside traps called obligatory chocolate4 It was clearly a red card

    in that simulation. (o, what’s an offside trap* "ere I am, not !nowing a single

    thing about the rules of soccer.

    I rambled on, saying one thing after the other. Isshi!i seemed to have

    ta!en my ramblings as a bluff and didn’t even bother to listen. (he then

    sighed in disbelief while sending me a strangely warm gaze.

    &I guess there’s no helping you. In that case0+

    &/ou don’t need to be concerned for him.+

    Isshi!i was then interrupted by /u!inoshita. (he smoothly lifted her hair

    and wore a composed smile while Isshi!i’s mouth hung open in contrast.

    &"uh0* 6on’t tell me, /u!inoshita2senpai, you’re going to@&

    /u!inoshita didn’t let her finish spea!ing and softly chuc!led. &Because

    "i!igaya2!un doesn’t have any friends he could compete with.+

    &h, that ma!es sense.+

    I found myself nodding in con-unction with Isshi!i, and we somehow

    loo!ed li!e a couple of hens in a hen house. 'iiight, that totally makes

    sense So loners operated under primitive, jobless collectivism when

    it came to competitions, huh" 2he only problem is, it’s too primitive

    and a loner’s just one person

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    hen I was on the verge of falling into a thin!ing pit of what true peace

    really was, /uigahama who was sitting on the side puffed her chee!s.

    &I don’t thin! you need to worry0 Besides, "i!!i will get chocolate0

    right*+ (he said and sent me a reserved glance.

    I nodded bac! with a small smile.

    &ha0* /ou mean0+

    Isshi!i alternated glances between /uigahama and me. hen her eyes

    that trembled as though from bewilderment crashed with mine, I instinctively

    let out a proud laugh.

    &"mph, you got that right0 I have 8omachi, after all4+

     0nd that’s e#actly why I’ll get chocolate! oohoo! I’m so glad to

    have a little sister! 0s long you have a little sister, you’re good!

    "owever, Isshi!i tilted her head while blin!ing in confusion. &"uh*

    8omachi0* ho’s that* Is that rice*+


    hat, was the staple food at the Isshi!i household #!ita!omachi rice orsomething* "ec!, -ust give me some rice from 7#2=go9 or the collaboration

    rice they have. Then again, please get out there, 7#2)hiba.

    &h, 8omachi2chan is "i!!i’s little sister.+ /uigahama e%plained.

    Isshi!i made a completely apathetic face and let out a flat voice.

    &/ou had a sister, senpai*+


    I do She’s a world5level little sister 0s a matter of fact, she’s the

    world’s little sister


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    I triumphantly answered and Isshi!i stared at me suspiciously. (he glared

    at me, her eyes narrowed as much as possible, and coc!ed her head to the



    &3o stupid, obviously not,+ I said, but the reactions from my surrounding

    were cold.

    &0=m, I’m not too sure if I can deny that,+ /uigahama said. /u!inoshita

    then loo!ed down with a pensive face.3h come on, help me out here

    Irohasu nodded her head convincingly to their responses. Then, she

    erected her inde% finger, moved it to her chin, and tilted her head with a per!y

    smile. &(enpai, you really do li!e younger girls.+

    &3o, not really.+

    lder, younger, it didn’t matter. I was the type that almightily found most

    people hard to deal with.

    I brushed her off and Isshi!i clic!ed her tongue.


    Isshi!i coughed to chec! her throat, sent me a single upwards glance, and

    immediately loo!ed away.

    (he tightly gripped one hand at the bosom of her uniform while the other

    wea!ly trembled and ad-usted her s!irt. ith moist eyes, the breaths she let

    out were hot.

    Then, she spo!e in fragments.

    &6o you hate0 younger girls*+

    I…… do not! .eah! If you had to ask, I absolutely loved them!

    /uigahama briefly sighed and loo!ed at Isshi!i. &/ou !now what, the way

    you’re as!ing really is the problem0+

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    &0/eah, I guess.+

    .ep, I can agree with that Though, I was finally starting to get used to

    it now. Isshi!i didn’t find that pleasing and loo!ed at me with resentful eyes.

    That attitude caused me to ma!e a bitter smile.

    Isshi!i, her behavior, and her speech were charming, but there were

    several reasons why her actions didn’t affect me all that much in the present.

    "ad I been myself from long ago, I’d lose my wits within the instant, no doubt

    about it.

    There’s -ust one big reason amongst them all, however, and that was


    s long as I have my little sister, I li!e them either way, older or younger.+

    &That sounds li!e a disease far worse than being a siscon or someone

    into younger girls4+

    /uigahama’s tragic scream reverberated in the room and Isshi!i nodded in

    agreement with disgust. -ow you just made me imagine what a slightly 

    older 9omachi would look like I loo!ed around the room hoping for

    someone else to agree with me and /u!inoshita was tilting her head with a

    complicated face and crossed arms.

    &The problem is what $ualifies someone as younger. Their school year*

    Birthday* #re they considered younger if their birthday is only a little later0*

    The definition’s rather vague. I believe we should sort that out first, don’t you

    thin!*+ /u!inoshita said, blabbering on.

    /uigahama tapped her hands. &h, but hey, "i!!i seems li!e he’d be

    compatible with an older girl, for sure04 I thin!, definitely.+

    (he s$ueezed her fist, putting a lot of strength into it. But I certainly didn’t

    have that obsession, yes.

    &0That’s not really applicable here. If we’re tal!ing about a year gap, it’s

    not that big of a difference.+

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    ;i!e mainly from an income perspective4 The important thing was that they

    could ta!e care of me. #nd in regards to that, 8omachi was perfect. (he

    possessed the talent to become a top breeder.

    Isshi!i moaned. &1hh, are you sure* 6oes "ayama2senpai thin! that way,


    &3o idea.+

    &But senpai, you said that being younger is an advantage, right*+

    &/eah, I guess I did0+

    =pon hearing that, I pondered.

    (pea!ing of which, she’s a year younger, isn’t she0* It certainly didn’t

    feel that way because she didn’t show the least amount of regard, honor,

    courtesy, and respect towards me, so she didn’t feel li!e an underclassman at


    (eriously, isn’t she ta!ing me too lightly* (ure, my initials may be ", but I

    wasn’t as trivial as hydrogen nor was I in any way related to baseball li!e a

    certain baseball manga10 out there. #s a matter of fact, it wasn’t even about

    baseball as it was -ust a romantic youth comedy. But really, it’s so famous I

    find myself rereading all the volumes every summer vacation.

    &If anything, you were born in #pril, so you’re less than a year apart from

    me. (o you don’t feel all that much younger than me, anyway.+

    It’s only after I too! a couple of steps bac! that I could feel the gap

    between us. If we’re tal!ing about the age gap from li!e 8omachi or "aruno2

    san, that was obvious. "iratsu!a2sensei, that’d be0 yeah.

    Isshi!i’s really only about eight months away from me and three monthsfrom /u!inoshita. I thought. Isshi!i didn’t seem to be on the same page as I

    was and blin!ed at me in surprise.




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    &h, no0 I was -ust a bit surprised.+

    hen I spo!e to her, she fiddled with her front bangs and tried to play it


    n the other hand, /uigahama at the side nosily moved her chair bac! to

    ma!e some distance from me.

    &"ow the hec! do you !now her birthday4* That’s scary4 /ou’re creepy,

    "i!!i0 3o, seriously0+

    &0/ou seem rather informed.+ /u!inoshita smiled firmly. Though it’s

    closer to the smile of 3i!!ari #oe11 than -ust a pleasant smile, so there was a

    transparent feeling of pressure oozing from it.

    &3o, Isshi!i mentioned it the other day with her pointlessly sly appeal0+

    &6id you say pointless4* I2Is not4 #ctually, I’m not the one being sly, it’s

    you, senpai4+

    Isshi!i -umped up from her chair and pointed her finger at me. #ctually, I’m

    not the one being sly, you’re the one normally being sly, Isshi!i0

    &I have an amazing memory, that’s why0 #nyway, if you’re done here, go

    bac! to your (tudent )ouncil or (occer )lub already,+ I said.

    Isshi!i pouted in outrage while reluctantly ma!ing her way out of the room.

    9ood grief, this girl’s acting li!e that again. /eah, yeah, you’re sly, so sly.

    /u!inoshita, /uigahama, and I smiled wryly as we watched her leave.

    Then, the (ervice )lub’s door, ahead of where she was heading, was

    !noc!ed on.

    Chapter 2 - #nd so, the war of only women begins >there are men, too?.

     #fter a gentle !noc!, our eyes were loc!ed onto the lightly !noc!ed door

    for a few moments.


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    Isshi!i was about to leave the room, but after glancing bac! and forth

    between us and the door, she $uietly returned to her seat. ell, I can only

    imagine how awkward it’d be to meet eyes with the visitors on the

    way out

    Before long, festive voices came from the other side of the thin wall.

    &It’s not li!e we need their help0+

    &It’s fine, it’s fine. Besides, I don’t really !now all that much, either.+

    The voices consisted of a familiar blunt spea!er and a tone that, while

    amiable, seemed forceful.

    There was a !noc! at the door again, only this time it came acrossrhythmically.

    &)ome in,+ /u!inoshita answered, and the door slowly opened. #ppearing

    within the opening was 1bina2san’s face.

    &"allo, hallo4 6o you guys have a minute*+

    &"ina* h, sure, come in, come in4+ /uigahama motioned her in with her

    hand, and 1bina2san returned a nod.Indeed, the 7uicker you enter, the

    less wind makes it inside My seat is the closest to the door, afterall…

    &1%cuse us for the intrusion,+ 1bina2san said in polite greeting as she

    entered. Following wordlessly behind her, with a gloomy e%pression and

    averted eyes, was Miura.

    &hat can we do for you*+ /u!inoshita as!ed.

    Miura’s mouth distorted as she shot a glance at Isshi!i. nd why’s shehere*+

    &h, you !now, that’s e%actly what I wanted to say0 or something4+ Isshi!i

    shot bac! a smile as Miura twirled her hair with a displeased glare.

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    3h, what a bi/arre atmosphere… I thought. "er perception must have

    been similar, as /uigahama came in to mediate. &=mmm, does having more

    people here ma!e it harder for you to tal!*+

    &3o, not really0,+ Miura answered, her attitude still curt. This certainly

    didn’t loo! li!e she’d be able to tal! about anything with ease.

    &e can always ma!e Isshi!i leave if you want,+ I offered.

    &"uh4* hy4*+

    It’s not like you’re a member of the club or anything… .ou being

    here as if it’s a given is the abnormality, you know"

    1bina2san patted Miura’s shoulder to calm her down. &3ow, now, /umi!o.7ust thin! about what you want to tal! about, see. If you don’t get too specific,

    it should be fine.

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    &0ell, you !now* I was !inda thin!ing about ma!ing chocolate0 =m,

    we have e%ams and all ne%t year0 (o this is !inda li!e our last time or


    (he $uietly trailed off with a voice dripping with shame and

    embarrassment. "er chee!s gradually reddened as she spo!e.

    "owever, there was some lingering loneliness in her words, though that

    very well might be something I perceived of my own accord.

    3e%t year, around this time of the season, we weren’t obligated to attend


    It also happened to be right in the middle of the testing season, with

    e%ams for private universities being held during this time as well.

    Therefore, this was going to be the last 5alentine’s 6ay of our high school

    life. The event would probably have a completely different meaning to us later

    in our lives.

    For e%ample, once you became a university student or a wor!ing member

    of society, you’d probably see 5alentine’s 6ay in another light. #s an adult, I

    doubt you’d e%perience -oy from or celebrate receiving chocolate. It’s similar to

    snow seeing it fall was so rare and fun that you’d get ecstatic from seeing the

    snow symbol on the weather channel when you were younger. But now, you

     -ust saw everything as a bother, whether it’s commuting to school, the cold

    weather, or the thought of getting wet.

    &0(o li!e, I figured I’d give it a go or something,+ Miura continued as she

    twirled her hair, trying to hide her blush.

    The words that came out of her mouth as her hair danced around her

    fingers were certainly agreeable to some e%tent.

    To those it may be concerned, it was without a doubt the last 5alentine’s

    6ay of their lives.

    That said, there weren’t many here who could sympathize with her. Isshi!i

    still had another year left, which meant it didn’t feel all that real to her. "er

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    mouth was open as though she didn’t find it to be that big of a deal while

    /u!inoshita was thin!ing of something with her hand placed to her chin.

    /uigahama, however, inflated her chee!s. (he narrowed her eyes and

    gave Miura a stern loo!.

    &0/umi!o, didn’t you say handmade chocolate would be too pushy*+

    &02ell@& Miura was at a loss for words, $uietly trying to avert her

    eyes. But /uigahama followed her gaze in a manner that wouldn’t allow her to

    run away.

    1bina2san soothed /uigahama who was groaning in displeasure. &3ow,

    now, what’s the problem* I thin! ma!ing chocolate would be good, too.+

    &"uh* /ou’re gonna do it too, "ina*+ /uigahama as!ed, surprised.

    &/ep. ell, it’s more li!e I’ll be accompanying /umi!o or something li!e

    that. It wouldn’t hurt to learn myself, anyway.+

    &hh, that’s !inda surprising0+


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    In other words, it indicates she’s thin!ing about someone, even if only a


    …ay to go, 2obe .ou’re actually making some progress here

    2hen again, I don’t even know if it’s 2obe that she wants to give

    chocolate to because it could be for a complete stranger for all that

    we know I mean, seriously, who’s 2obe"

    ith those thoughts running rampant in my mind, a slight warmth began

    filling my heart as I watched 1bina2san. Then, her eyebrows twitched. (he let

    out a rotten snic!er and her glasses spar!led.

    &/eah, you definitely gotta go with handmade chocolate4 I thin! you should

    try giving "ayato2!un some bro2chocolate, "i!itani2!un4+

    &/eah right, I’m not doing that0+

     0lright, ;bina5san isn’t changing anytime soon… in more ways

    than one 0nyway, what did she say just now" 6ro5choco" 2omo5

    choco" hat the heck is that" hibi Maruko’s grandfather"1

    &It’s not li!e he’s accepting any, right*+

    &/ou’re in the clear if you’re a guy4+

    2he idea’s already out of the 7uestion from the start

    e had to listen to 1bina2san, though0 #fter all, the person who’d

    normally stop her was ma!ing a troubled face, still fiddling with her hair.

    In the meantime, I ignored 1bina2san, who !ept going on about bro2choco

    and homo2choco.

    (itting ne%t to her, Isshi!i crossed her arms and groaned. &That’s true.3ow it’s much harder for us since he’s already declared he isn’t accepting


    .ep)wait, no, the problem isn’t that, but that we’re both guys

    here… *old on, on second thought, he seems like he’d happily

    accept chocolate from guys since they wouldn’t cause him any


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    trouble… 6ut you know what!" 2here’d clearly be other kinds of

    trouble from that instead! 0nd that’s the kind of development that

    would score /ero points with me!

    &hat should we do0*+

    &"aa0 ;i!e totally.+

    hen Isshi!i’s and Miura’s sighs overlapped, they lifted their faces. Their

    gazes clashed as if firewor!s were on the verge of being lit0

    3h man, talk about scary…

    × × ×

    I went down to the first floor to use the vending machine in front of the

    school store, where I purchased a can of M#A )FF11 with a click 2.

    I let out a profound sigh as I too! the can.

     #s a guy, I couldn’t help but shrin! in my seat while bearing witness to the

    ongoing battle between Isshi!i and Miura as they silently e%changed spar!s. I

    was tuc!ing in my shoulders so much that I was starting to resemble

    (lenderman of the estern urban legends.

    I got up to clean my hands. #fterwards, I made my way bac! to the

    clubroom, sipping my can of coffee to energize my e%hausted body. #s I

    climbed the stairs, I spotted an individual loitering around in front of the

    clubroom door.

    (he made restless glances periodically, accompanied by the alternating

    flops and bounces of her blue hair styled in a ponytail.

    &0"uh, what’re you doing*+ I ended up calling out to her, finding her to betoo suspicious. "er ponytail -umped and she faced me in a frightful manner.

    (he was behaving so cautiously that she resembled a mountain cat that

    would pop out in the middle of the mountains. I had to the urge to clic! my

    tongue and use my coffee as bait, but this wasn’t the time to be acting so la%

    while trying to feed a wild animal.


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    hat I should be doing is trying to name her, not lure her in!

    1mm, let’s see… 9awa5something should be good *eeeey, 9awa5

    something5san I called her internally, as!ing her what she needed in the

    process. &6o you need something*+

    =pon hearing the $uestion, 8awa2something2san let out a relieved sigh.

    (he then proceeded to motion me over to the end of the hallway with her

    hand. 3h, that’s right, her name is 9awasaki Saki5san I knew that

    hile sending glances towards the clubroom, she as!ed, &626o you have

    a second*+

    &=h, why not go inside* It’s cold out here.+

    From what I could tell, she had some business with the (ervice )lub.8nowing that, I honestly -ust wanted to get in the heated room as soon as

    possible. But 8awasa!i paused to thin! and then frantically shoo! her hands.

    &"uh0* ait, here is fine4 I’m fine here4 I -ust had something to as!

    /u!inoshita, that’s all0+

    hy don’t you just ask her directly then…"

    &/u!inoshita’s inside if you need her. (o -ust go in already. It’s cold here,

    and I’ll get sic!.+

    The hallway of the special building was filled with a frigidity that might’ve

    been caused by windows being left open to air out some of the classrooms.

    )hills ran up my body, starting from my feet. The windows rattled in response

    to the wind blowing in, which sounded li!e they were shivering in reaction to

    the wind as well.

    &I’m0 not all that cold or anything0+ 8awasa!i said, turning her face

    away from me.

    ell, you might be okay with it, but I’m not… There’d be problems

    if I were to get sic! because of this. (preading the cold to 8omachi, or trying

    to recover from it, would invite all !inds of issues.

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    n another note, as a citizen of )hiba, the best way to cure a cold would

    be to consume as much garlic as possible, doused with a ton of spices. #fter

    that, a warm can of M#A )FF11 and some sleep would do the tric!. #nd the

    following day, you’d find yourself in the hospital. #nd that’s why I thin! we

    should stay cooped in at home in order to avoid catching a cold.

    The 8awasa!i home was also no stranger to housing a test2ta!ing

    student. (hould the younger 8awasa!i brother, Taishi, catch a cold and end

    up infecting 8omachi, I may have to dirty my hands with sins and blood0

    &7ust go in,+ I coarsely stated, my voice growing sharp due to my hostility

    towards the poisonous insect called Taishi for daring to approach my


    8awasa!i caved in. &I2If you say so0+

     0s long you understand I’d like to lower the chances of 9omachi

    getting potentially sick and all

    &ell, can’t have you getting sic! either,+ I said, opening the door. I

    nodded to her, urging her to enter.

     #ppearing dazed, she loo!ed bac!.

    &02!ay,+ she said, answering with a voice in contrast to her

    intimidating appearance and wal!ing reluctantly inside.

    She looks like a delin7uent at a glance, but she’s really just an

    honest, good girl you’d 4nd anywhere I thought as I followed her into the


    &elcome bac!, "i!!i0 "uh, (a!i*+

    /uigahama turned towards us with a curious loo!, twisting her upper bodyand coc!ing her head to the side.

    h, yeah0+

    ith her aw!ward response, 8awasa!i became the center of attention in

    the room.

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    /u!inoshita blin!ed at her in $uestion while Isshi!i slightly shrun! in

    fear. -o, no, 9awa5something5san might look scary, but she really

    isn’t, okay"

    1bina2san, on the other hand, ecstatically shouted out to her. &h, hey

    there, (a!i2(a!i. "allo, hallo4+

    &6on’t call me (a!i2(a!i.+ 8awasa!i snarled.

    To cool her down, /uigahama e%tended a chair to her. &It’s pretty rare to

    see you stop by here, (a!i0 Then again, this is the first time, isn’t it*+

    They’ve must gotten pretty friendly after the field trip for her to be calling

    her (a!i now. I -ust couldn’t !eep my tears from flowing !nowing that 8awa2

    something (a!i2san was finally able to have someone recall her real name,(a!i. ;ately, I’ve been feeling so emotional that even the wee!ly :recures

    standing their ground was enough to ma!e me bawl.

    .ep, yep, girls getting along is a wonderful thing %ery, I thought as

    my body warmed up. Meanwhile, /u!inoshita prepared some tea in a paper

    cup and in$uired, &(o, what do you need from us today*+

    &Th2Than!s0 =m0+

    Though 8awasa!i ignited the conversation, she wasn’t $uite able to

    continue. 3h yeah, she mentioned how she wanted to talk to

    .ukinoshita about something 8awasa!i groaned, unsure of how to

    proceed. (he was interrupted by the sound of nails tapping on the table ne%t

    to her.

    From that direction, Miura had a displeased loo!. 8awasa!i, however,

    wasn’t very appreciative of her attitude and stared her down, Miura doing the

    same thing right bac!.

    &1%cuse me, who says we’re done with my issues*+

    &"a* /ou’re -ust drin!ing tea, aren’t you*+

    I take back what I said earlier 9awasaki5san is super scary…

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    Miura and 8awasa!i stared daggers into each other, neither of them

    giving an inch. 2errible chemistry between the two of you as always,

    huh…" atching the two caused Isshi!i to freeze up.

    In that unbending space, 1bina2san inter-ected. &!ay, o!ay, calm down,

    /umi!o. (a!i2(a!i, you’re here to tal! about something, right* If you don’t

    mind, we’d li!e to listen, too.+

    &I believe we’re the ones that’ll be helping0+

    nyway, tal! to us, hm*+ 1bina2san as!ed, apparently not lending an ear

    at all to /u!inoshita’s grumbling.

    8awasa!i shot glances at /u!inoshita, /uigahama, and then me. (he

    sighed and spo!e.

    &ell, I had some $uestions about ma!ing chocolate0+

    The instant she as!ed, Miura guffawed. &hat, you’re also gonna give

    someone chocolate* That’s hilarious.+



    The two, once again, ferociously e%changed glares.

    &06on’t lump me together with you. I’ll have you !now I’m not interested

    at all in what you want to do with them.+



    …Stop it! face doesn’t mean much considering you’re just

    like them most of the time… 3h, but, recently, the .ukinon with the

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     jagged heart 3cutting knife that hurts everyone hasn’t been in action

    that much

    Isshi!i mumbled, watching the two girls who wouldn’t bac! down from

    each other. &(enpai, your ac$uaintances really are all weird people0+



     #ssaulted by their glares, Isshi!i immediately retreated behind me.

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    &If you don’t mind telling us, what e%actly are you proficient at, 8awasa!i2

    san*+ /u!inoshita as!ed, only to be followed with a silence.

    ith a stutter, 8awasa!i answered, &(2(0+

    (0 (weets* That sounds li!e something !ids would en-oy. Bac! when I

    was younger, there was a time when I fought with 8omachi over the (anta

    )laus sweet on top of the )hristmas ca!e0 Though at the time, we ended up

    finding out that it wasn’t all that tasty. 8omachi and I stopped eating it and left

    it up to our dad to throw it away.

    But what she wanted to say wasn’t what it seemed. 1veryone loo!ed at

    her, waiting for her to continue.

    &(2(immered potato balls0+

    …It’s plain

    The room was silenced by her answer that was so unimaginably plain.

    1veryone’s responses had been so blunt that she started shedding tears,

    apparently a sign of how embarrassing it was for her.

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    long5haired cats are like mops and attract a lot of dust, so be careful


     #nyway, let’s stop thin!ing about cats and focus on 8awasa!i. Then

    again, that weird follow2up by /u!inoshita embarrassed her even more that

    she was sha!ing li!e a baby !itten that was -ust given away. I’m so sorry that

    she doesn’t !now how to ma!e feel people better0

     #s compensation, if you could even call it that, I coughed once and

    added, &ell, if you’re able to coo! those, you should be good.+

    &h, that’s true. It is plain, though0+ Isshi!i repeated after me and

    answered. #lthough she loo!ed confused, she wasn’t acting disrespectful or


    &/ep, that’s totally something (a!i2(a!i would ma!e, too4+ 1bina2san

    erected her inde% finger, flashing an 1bi21bi smile.

    8awasa!i started s$uirming this time, clearly finding all the praise

    uncomfortable, when suddenly she stopped. I followed her gazeG it was

    directed at Miura, seemingly concerned what she might end up saying.

    Miura, however, too! a fi%ed loo! at her and loo!ed away in disinterest.

    ith a small voice, she whispered as though spea!ing to no one in particular,

    &(o you can coo!.+

    &"uh* h, yeah, I can0+


     #s she twirled her hair with the tip of her fingers, her voice was slightly

    tinged with respect. I imagine Miura2san couldn’t $uite coo! herself, either0

     #s a maiden, it might’ve been a s!illset she aspired to have.

    &If 8awasa!i2san is able to coo!, I suppose all we’ll need is to pitch a

    menu of suggestions.+ )ontemplating, /u!inoshita placed her hand to her chin

    and tilted her head.

    &626on’t forget me4 I wanna !now, too4 If !ids can do it, so can I4+

    /uigahama energetically raised her hand.

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    /u!inoshita sadly lowered her eyes. &0I wouldn’t be so sure of that.+

    &/ou’re being way too honest, /u!inon4+

    ctually, she didn’t say that it’d be impossible, so she’s being

    considerate, if anything.+

    &7ust how hopeless do you two thin! I am4*+

    .ou’re just not self5aware enough… hen it came to /uigahama,

    neither menus nor the process of coo!ing were the problems. It’s her habitual

    need to throw in her ideas of hidden flavors that made things worse. The thing

    she made long ago with /u!inoshita had turned into something edible at the

    end, after all. ell, it’s not li!e there weren’t problems with /u!inoshita’s

    teaching either0

    &"ey, what about me*+
