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Oprah Lesson

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Page 1: Oprah Lesson

Vocabulary for page 118

to act: to perform on TV, in movies, or in plays,

actuar/tener papel/ser actor, играть an actor/an actress

a charity: an organization to make and give money to people

in need, 慈 善 机 构, organización benéfica

благотворительная организация a childhood: 童年, infancia, детство

to create: to make something exist (be) that didn't exist

(wasn't) before 创造, 创作, crear, творитьa foundation: 基 金 会, fundación, обществоa host: the main person who speaks on a TV or radio show, 主 持人, presentador, радио

backwards: 相反地, al reves, наоборо́т

1. Oprah Winfrey has a talk show. What other

информации) does she manage

a)__________ b)__________

2. Is Oprah's show only watch

Oprah Winfrey Show?) yes no

3. Did Oprah grow up in a wealthy (rich) family?

4. Was she a good student?

5. Was her first job in TV?

6. Was she an adult when she got her first job?

7. In what city did she work as a TV news anchor?

8. What race is Oprah? Circle one: Caucasian (=white) Asian

9. In what city was she working in 1984?

10. What film was she in?

11. What is the name of her production

company? ____________

12. How did she come up with

She spelled her name _

13. Is Oprah the wealthiest African

14. According to (根据, según

all the money she has earned.

15. Oprah donates (gives) money to help students get a good

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Future English for Results 2

: to perform on TV, in movies, or in plays, 扮 演,

: an organization to make and give money to people

organización benéfica,

: to make something exist (be) that didn't exist

творить, порождать общество, фонд

: the main person who speaks on a TV or radio show,

the leadership: 领 导 能 力, dotes de mando/

лидерские качества a needy person: 贫 困 的, necesitado

a network: a group of TV or radio stations with one owner,网, la red, сеть a news anchor: the main person who reads the news,新闻节目主播, presentador, a newscaster: a person who reads the news

locutor/presentador de informativo

a radio station: 台, 频道, canal/emisora

a success: when many people like, buy, or go to see

something, or it makes a lot of money,


Oprah Winfrey has a talk show. What other media (媒 体, medios

does she manage or produce (上演, ставить)?

)__________ c)__________ d)__________

Oprah's show only watched in the U.S.? (=Do only people in the U.S.

yes no

Did Oprah grow up in a wealthy (rich) family? yes no

Was she a good student? yes no

Was her first job in TV? yes no

Was she an adult when she got her first job? yes no

t city did she work as a TV news anchor? ____________

Circle one: Asian Latina Arab American Indian Pacific Islander

In what city was she working in 1984? ____________


What is the name of her production (作品, realización, постано́вка


How did she come up with (make, think of, create) the name "Harpo"


wealthiest African-American in the whole world?

según, согла́сно) the story, Oprah is: selfish / generous

all the money she has earned.

Oprah donates (gives) money to help students get a good e

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dotes de mando/ liderazgo,

necesitado, нуждающийся : a group of TV or radio stations with one owner,

person who reads the news,

, я́корь person who reads the news, 新闻播音员,

locutor/presentador de informativo, ди́ктор

canal/emisora/estación, станция when many people like, buy, or go to see

something, or it makes a lot of money, 成 功, éxito, успе́х,

medios, массовой


people in the U.S. watch the


Pacific Islander Black

постано́вка, режиссу́ра)


American in the whole world? yes no

selfish / generous with


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1. She has a talk ___.

What ___ does she

___ or produce?

2. ___ her show only ___

in the U.S.?

3. ___ she ___ up in a

___ family?

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4. Was she an ___ when

she ___ ___ first job?

5. What ___ did she ___


6. How did she ___ __

with the name __ ___

production ___?

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7. Is she the ___

___-American in the

___ world?

8. ___ to the story, ___

___ she do with the

money she has ___?

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Teacher's Script for Cloze Dictation

1. She has a talk show. What else does she manage or produce?

2. Is her show only watched in the U.S.?

3. Did she grow up in a wealthy family?

4. Was she an adult when she got her first job?

5. What film did she act in?

6. How did she come up with the name of her production company?

7. Is she the wealthiest African-American in the whole world?

8. According to the story, what does she do with the money she has earned?

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Use words from the following list to fill in the blanks below. Future English for Results 2, post-page 118

book club host network popular to act wealthy

charity needy newscaster success to create TV or radio station

1. This adjective means well-known, liked, and enjoyed by many people. __________

2. This is a group of people who read the same books and meet to talk about them.

a _______________

3. This word has the same meaning as rich. _________

4. This is what an actor does. He plays a role (角色, papel, роль) in a movie, play, or TV

program. _______

5. Everyone loved the new software, and many people bought it. It made a lot of money for the

company. It was a big _________.

6. There is a talk show called Ellen on Channel 5 every weekday at 4:00. Ellen Degeneris is the

______. She invites movie stars, singers, and other famous people. They talk, play games,

dance, and have a good time.

7. This is a person who reads the news on a TV or radio news program. the ____________

8. This is a company which sends out radio or television broadcasts*. a _______________

*广播 , emisión/programa, передача 9. The United Way is an organization that makes, collects, and gives money to people in need. It

is a __________.

10. This is a group of TV or radio stations that one company owns. a ___________

Use words from the following list to fill in the blanks below. Future English for Results 2, post-page 118

book club host network popular to act wealthy

charity needy newscaster success to create TV or radio station

1. This adjective means well-known, liked, and enjoyed by many people. __________

2. This is a group of people who read the same books and meet to talk about them.

a _______________

3. This word has the same meaning as rich. _________

4. This is what an actor does. He plays a role (角色, papel, роль) in a movie, play, or TV

program. _______

5. Everyone loved the new software, and many people bought it. It made a lot of money for the

company. It was a big _________.

6. There is a talk show called Ellen on Channel 5 every weekday at 4:00. Ellen Degeneris is the

______. She invites movie stars, singers, and other famous people. They talk, play games,

dance, and have a good time.

7. This is a person who reads the news on a TV or radio news program. the ____________

8. This is a company which sends out radio or television broadcasts*. a _______________

*广播 , emisión/programa, передача 9. The United Way is an organization that makes, collects, and gives money to people in need. It

is a __________.

10. This is a group of TV or radio stations that one company owns. a ___________