Building Code Act, 1992 Loi de 1992 sur le code du bâtiment ONTARIO REGLATION !!2"12 BIL#ING CO#E Consolid$tion %eriod& From January 1, 2014 to the  e-Laws currency date. Last amendment: O. Reg. 36!13. This Regulation is made in English only. #I'I(ION A CO)%LIANCE, OB*ECTI'E( AN# +NCTIONAL (TATE)ENT( %ART 1 CO)%LIANCE AN# GENERAL (ection 11 Org$ni-$tion $nd A..lic$tion 111 Org$ni-$tion o/ t0is Code 112 A..lic$tion o/ #iision B 11! Building (i-e #etermin$tion (ection 12 Com.li$nce 121 Com.li$nce it0 #iision B 1 2 2 )$teri$ ls, A. .l i$nces, (3 stems $nd E4 ui. men t (ection 1! Inter.ret$tion 1!1 Inter.ret$tion (ection 15 Terms $nd Abbrei$tions 151 #e/initions o / 6ords $ nd %0r$ses 152 (3mbols $nd Ot0er Abbrei$tions (ection 17 Re/erenced #ocuments $nd Org$ni-$tions 171 Re/erenced #ocuments 172 Org$ni-$tions (ection 11 Org$ni-$tion $nd A..lic$tion 111 Org$ni-$tion o/ t0is Code 1111 (co.e o/ #iision A 81 "#$#s#on % conta#ns com&'#ance and a&&'#cat#on &ro$#s#ons and the objectives and functional stat ements o( th#s )ode. 1112 (co.e o/ #iision B 81 "#$#s#on * conta#ns the acceptable solutions o( th#s )ode. 111! (co.e o/ #iision C 81 "#$#s#on ) conta#ns the adm#n#strat#$e &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode. 1115 Intern$l Cross:re/erence s 81 +( a &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode conta#ns a re(erence to another &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode ut no "#$#s#on #s s&ec#(#ed, oth  &ro$#s#ons are #n the same "#$#s#on o( th#s )ode. 112 A..lic$tion o/ #iision B 1121 A..lic$tion o/ % $rts 1, ; $nd 12 81 arts 1, and 12 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'y to a'' buildings . 1122 A..lic$tion o/ % $rts !, 5, 7 $nd < 81 /uect to %rt#c'es and, arts 3, and 6 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'y to a'' buildings , 1

Ontario Building Code 2012

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  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    Building Code Act, 1992Loi de 1992 sur le code du btiment



    Consolid$tion %eriod&From January 1, 2014 to thee-Laws currency date.

    Last amendment: O. Reg. 36!13.

    This Regulation is made in English only.



    (ection 11 Org$ni-$tion $nd A..lic$tion

    111 Org$ni-$tion o/ t0is Code112 A..lic$tion o/ #iision B11! Building (i-e #etermin$tion

    (ection 12 Com.li$nce121 Com.li$nce it0 #iision B122 )$teri$ls, A..li$nces, (3stems $nd E4ui.ment

    (ection 1! Inter.ret$tion1!1 Inter.ret$tion

    (ection 15 Terms $nd Abbrei$tions151 #e/initions o/ 6ords $nd %0r$ses152 (3mbols $nd Ot0er Abbrei$tions

    (ection 17 Re/erenced #ocuments $nd Org$ni-$tions171 Re/erenced #ocuments172 Org$ni-$tions

    (ection 11 Org$ni-$tion $nd A..lic$tion

    111 Org$ni-$tion o/ t0is Code

    1111 (co.e o/ #iision A

    81 "#$#s#on % conta#ns com&'#ance and a&&'#cat#on &ro$#s#ons and the objectives andfunctional statementso( th#s )ode.

    1112 (co.e o/ #iision B

    81 "#$#s#on * conta#ns the acceptable solutionso( th#s )ode.

    111! (co.e o/ #iision C

    81 "#$#s#on ) conta#ns the adm#n#strat#$e &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode.

    1115 Intern$l Cross:re/erences

    81 +( a &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode conta#ns a re(erence to another &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode ut no "#$#s#on #s s&ec#(#ed, oth&ro$#s#ons are #n the same "#$#s#on o( th#s )ode.

    112 A..lic$tion o/ #iision B

    1121 A..lic$tion o/ %$rts 1, ; $nd 12

    81 arts 1, and 12 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'y to a'' buildings.

    1122 A..lic$tion o/ %$rts !, 5, 7 $nd Bat#ona' Farm*u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada? #( #t #s des#gned and constructed #n con(ormance w#th

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    ## /entences, ., . and o( "#$#s#on *, or

    c the (o''ow#ng mean#ng (or the &ur&oses o( th#s )ode:

    Absorption trenchmeans an e5ca$at#on #nsoil, as de(#ned #n art o( "#$#s#on *, or #n leaching bed fill, e#ng &art o( aleaching bed, #n wh#ch a distribution pipe#s 'a#d that a''ows #n(#'trat#on o( the effluent#nto thesoil, as de(#ned #n art o("#$#s#on *, or leaching bed fill!

    Acceptable solutionmeans a reu#rement stated #n arts 3 to 12 o( "#$#s#on *.

    Accessiblemeans, when a&&'#ed to afi"ture, connect#on,plumbing appliance, $a'$e, cleanoutor eu#&ment, to e access#'ew#th or w#thout ha$#ng to (#rst remo$e an access &ane', door or s#m#'ar ostruct#on, ut a fi"ture, connect#on,plumbingappliance, $a'$e, cleanoutor eu#&ment #s not access#'e #( access can e ga#ned on'y y cutt#ng or rea7#ng mater#a's.

    Access to e"itmeans that &art o( a means of egressw#th#n afloor areathat &ro$#des access to an e"itser$#ng thefloor area.

    Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8c is $mended b3 $dding t0e /olloing de/inition& 8(ee& O Reg !

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    $ac#flow preventermeans a de$#ce or a method that &re$ents bac#flow#n a water distribution system.

    $ac#-siphonagemeans bac#flowcaused y a negat#$e &ressure #n the su&&'y system.

    $ac#-siphonage preventermeans a de$#ce or a method that &re$ents bac#-siphonage#n a water distribution system.

    $ac# ventmeans a &e that #s #nsta''ed to $ent a trapo(( the hor#Conta' sect#on o( afi"turedra#n or the vertical lego( a waterc'oset or otherfi"turethat has an #ntegra' s#&hon#c ('ush#ng act#on and >bac# vented? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng.

    $ac#water valvemeans a chec# valvedes#gned (or use #n a gra$#ty drainage system.$arrier-freemeans, when a&&'#ed to a buildingand #ts (ac#'#t#es, that the buildingand #ts (ac#'#t#es can e a&&roached, entered

    and used y &ersons w#th &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa#'#t#es.

    $asementmeans one or morestoreyso( a building'ocated e'ow thefirststorey.

    $athroom groupmeans a grou& o( &'um#ng fi"tures #nsta''ed #n the same room, cons#st#ng o( one domest#c-ty&e 'a$atory,one water c'oset and e#ther one athtu, w#th or w#thout a shower, or one one-headed shower.

    $earing surfacemeans the contact sur(ace etween afoundation unitand thesoilor roc#on wh#ch thefoundation unitears.

    $oarding, lodging or rooming housemeans a building,

    a that has a building heightnot e5ceed#ng threestoreysand a building areanot e5ceed#ng 600 mA,

    #n wh#ch 'odg#ng #s &ro$#ded (or more than (our &ersons #n return (or remunerat#on or (or the &ro$#s#on o( ser$#ces or(or oth, and

    c #n wh#ch the 'odg#ng rooms do not ha$e oth athrooms and 7#tchen (ac#'#t#es (or the e5c'us#$e use o( #nd#$#dua'occu&ants.

    $oilermeans an appliance#ntended to su&&'y hot water or steam (or s&ace heat#ng, &rocess#ng or &ower &ur&oses.

    $ottle trapmeans a trapthat reta#ns water #n a c'osed chamer and that sea's the water y sumerg#ng the #n'et &e #n the'#u#ds or y a &art#t#on sumerged #n the '#u#ds.

    $ranchmeans asoilor waste pipethat #s connected at #ts u&stream end to the unct#on o( two or more soilor waste pipesorto asoilor waste stac#and that #s connected at #ts downstream end to another branch, a sum&, asoilor waste stac#or abuilding drain.

    $ranch ventmeans a vent pipethat #s connected at #ts 'ower end to the unct#on o( two or more vent pipesand that, at #tsu&&er end, #s connected to another branch vent, astac# vent, a vent stac#or a header, or term#nates #n open air.

    $reechingmeans aflue pipeor chamer (or rece#$#ngfluegases (rom one or moreflueconnect#ons and (or d#scharg#ng these

    gases through a s#ng'eflueconnect#on.$uilding areameans the greatest hor#Conta' area o( a buildingao$egrade,

    a w#th#n the outs#de sur(ace o( e5ter#or wa''s, or

    w#th#n the outs#de sur(ace o( e5ter#or wa''s and the centre '#ne o(firewalls.

    $uilding %ode websitemeans the wes#te at www.ontar#o.ca!u#'d#ngcode.

    $uilding control valvemeans the $a'$e on a water systemthat contro's the ('ow o(potablewater (rom the water service pipeto the water distribution system.

    $uilding drainmeans the 'owest hor#Conta' ng, #nc'ud#ng any $ert#ca' offset, that conductssewage, clear water wasteorstorm water y gra$#ty to a building sewer.

    $uilding heightmeans the numer o(storeysconta#ned etween the roo( and the ('oor o( thefirst storey.

    $uilding sewermeans asanitary building sewerorstorm building sewer.

    $uilding trapmeans a trapthat #s #nsta''ed #n asanitary building drainorsanitary building sewerto &re$ent c#rcu'at#on o( a#retween thesanitary drainage systemand a &u'#c sewer.

    $usiness and personal services occupancymeans the occupancyor use o( a building or &art o( a building (or the transact#ono( us#ness or the &ro$#s#on o( &ro(ess#ona' or &ersona' ser$#ces.

    %amp for housing of wor#ersmeans a cam& #n wh#ch buildingsor other structures or &rem#ses are used to accommodate (#$eor more em&'oyees.

    %ampgroundmeans 'and or &rem#ses used as an o$ern#ght camng (ac#'#ty that #s not a recreational camp.

    %anopymeans a roo(-'#7e structure &roect#ng more than 300 mm (rom the e5ter#or (ace o( the building.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    %arbon dio"ide euivalentmeans a measure used to com&are the #m&act o( $ar#ous greenhouse gases ased on the#r g'oa'warm#ng &otent#a'.

    %are and treatment occupancy rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 means an occupancy #n wh#ch &ersons rece#$e s&ec#a' care andtreatment.

    %are occupancyrou& *, "#$#s#on 3 means anoccupancy #n wh#ch s&ec#a' care #s &ro$#ded y a (ac#'#ty, d#rect'y through#ts sta(( or #nd#rect'y through another &ro$#der, to res#dents o( the (ac#'#ty,

    a who reu#re s&ec#a' care ecause o( cogn#t#$e or &hys#ca' '#m#tat#ons, and

    who, as a resu't o( those '#m#tat#ons, wou'd e #nca&a'e o( e$acuat#ng the occupancy, #( necessary, w#thout theass#stance o( another &erson.

    %avity wallmeans a construct#on o( masonry un#ts 'a#d w#th a ca$#ty etween the wythes, where the wythes are t#ed togetherw#th meta' t#es or ond#ng un#ts and are re'#ed on to act together #n res#st#ng 'atera' 'oads.

    %ertificate for the occupancy of a building described in Sentence &!'!'!(!)'* of +ivision %means a cert#(#cate descr#ed #n/entence 3..4.3.6 o( "#$#s#on ).

    %ertificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completedmeans a cert#(#cate descr#ed #n /entence 3..4.3. o("#$#s#on ).

    %hamber means a structure that #s constructed w#th an o&en ottom and that conta#ns a &ressur#Ced distributionpipe.

    %hec# valvemeans a $a'$e that &erm#ts ('ow #n on'y one d#rect#on and &re$ents a return ('ow.

    %himneymeans a sha(t that #s &r#mar#'y $ert#ca' and that enc'oses at 'east oneflue(or conduct#ngfluegases to the outdoors.

    %himney linermeans a condu#t conta#n#ng a chimney flueused as a '#n#ng o( a masonry or concrete chimney.

    %ircuit ventmeans a vent pipethat ser$es a numer o(fi"tures and connects to thefi"ture draino( the most u&streamfi"ture,and >circuit vented? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng.

    %lass & fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemmeans an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water servicepipeor fire service mainto the s&r#n7'er!stand&e systemDs out'ets, #s directly connectedto the &u'#c water su&&'y ma#non'y, has no &um&s or reser$o#rs and #n wh#ch the s&r#n7'er dra#ns d#scharge to the atmos&here, to dry we''s or to other sa(eout'ets.

    %lass 2 fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemmeans a %lass & fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemthat #nc'udes a ooster &um& #n #tsconnect#on to the &u'#c water su&&'y ma#n.

    %lass ' fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemmeans an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys potable water (rom the waterservice pipe or fire service mainto the s&r#n7'er!stand&e systemDs out'ets and that #s directly connectedto the &u'#cwater su&&'y ma#n and to one or more o( the (o''ow#ng storage (ac#'#t#es, wh#ch are (#''ed (rom the &u'#c water su&&'yma#n on'y: e'e$ated water storage, (#re &um&s su&&'y#ng water (rom ao$eground co$ered reser$o#rs or &ressure tan7s.

    %lass ( fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemmeans an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water servicepipeor fire service main to the s&r#n7'er!stand&e systemDs out'ets and #s directly connectedto the &u'#c water su&&'yma#n s#m#'ar to %lass &and %lass 2 fire sprin#lerstandpipe systems and to an au5#'#ary water su&&'y ded#cated to (#rede&artment use that #s 'ocated w#th#n 20 m o( a &um&er connect#on.

    %lass fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemmeans an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water servicepipeor fire service mainto the s&r#n7'er!stand&e systemDs out'ets, #s directly connectedto the &u'#c water su&&'y ma#nand #s #nterconnected w#th an au"iliary water supply.

    %lass . fire sprin#lerstandpipe systemmeans an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water servicepipeorfire service mainto the s&r#n7'er!stand&e systemDs out'ets and acts as a com#ned #ndustr#a' water su&&'y and (#re&rotect#on system that #s su&&'#ed (rom the &u'#c water su&&'y ma#n on'y, w#th or w#thout gra$#ty storage or &um& suct#ontan7s.

    %leanoutmeans a (#tt#ng access #n a drainage systemor venting systemthat #s #nsta''ed to &ro$#de access (or c'ean#ng and#ns&ect#on and that #s &ro$#ded w#th a read#'y re&'acea'e a#r t#ght co$er.

    %lean watermeans water that has &assed through a recirculation system.

    %lear water wastemeans waste water conta#n#ng no #m&ur#t#es or contam#nants that are harm(u' to a &ersonDs hea'th, &'ant oran#ma' '#(e or that #m&a#r the ua'#ty o( the natura' en$#ronment.

    %losed containermeans a conta#ner so sea'ed y means o( a '#d or other de$#ce that ne#ther '#u#d nor $a&our w#'' esca&e(rom #t at ord#nary tem&eratures.

    %losuremeans a de$#ce or assem'y (or c'os#ng an o&en#ng through a fire separationor an e5ter#or wa'', such as a door, ashutter, w#red g'ass and g'ass 'oc7, and #nc'udes a'' com&onents such as hardware, c'os#ng de$#ces, (rames and anchors.

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    %ombustiblemeans that a mater#a' (a#'s to meet the acce&tance cr#ter#a o( )%B!@L)-/114, >;est (or "eterm#nat#on o( Bon-)omust##'#ty #n *u#'d#ng %!A!? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng.

    %ompressed gasmeans,

    a any conta#ned m#5ture or mater#a' ha$#ng a $a&our &ressure e5ceed#ng one or oth o( the (o''ow#ng,

    # 2. 7a aso'ute at 21E), or

    ## 1 7a aso'ute at 4E), or

    any '#u#d ha$#ng a $a&our &ressure e5ceed#ng 2. 7a aso'ute at 3.E).

    %omputer roommeans a room,

    a that conta#ns e'ectron#c com&uter or data &rocess#ng eu#&ment such as ma#n (rame ty&e,

    that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building(or the &ur&ose o( contro''#ng the a#r ua'#ty #n the room y a se'(-conta#ned c'#mate contro' system, and

    c that has an occupant loado( not more than one &erson (or each 40 mA o( the room.

    %onditioned space means s&ace w#th#n a building#n wh#ch the tem&erature #s contro''ed to '#m#t $ar#at#on #n res&onse to thee5ter#or am#ent tem&erature or #nter#or d#((erent#a' tem&eratures y the &ro$#s#on, e#ther d#rect'y or #nd#rect'y, o( heat#ngor coo'#ng o$er sustant#a' &ort#ons o( the year.

    %onstruction inde"means a 'e$e' on a sca'e o( 1 to determ#ned #n accordance w#th ;a'e o( "#$#s#on *des#gnat#ng the e5&ected performance levelo( the building structure w#th res&ect to the ty&e o( construction and (#re&rotect#on o( an e5#st#ng building, and >%!/!? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng.

    %ontained use areameans a su&er$#sed area conta#n#ng one or more rooms #n wh#ch occu&ant mo$ement #s restr#cted to as#ng'e room y secur#ty measures not under the contro' o( the occu&ant.

    %ontinuous ventmeans a vent pipethat #s an e5tens#on o( a $ert#ca' sect#on o( a branch o(fi"ture drain.%oo#topmeans a coo7#ng sur(ace ha$#ng one or more urners or heat#ng e'ements.

    %ritical levelmeans the 'e$e' o( sumergence at wh#ch a bac#-siphonage preventerceases to &re$ent bac#-siphonage.

    +angerous goods means those &roducts or sustances that are regu'ated y the Transportation of +angerous oods1egulationsmade under the Transportation of +angerous oods Act, &2 )anada.

    +ay campmeans a cam& or resort that adm#ts &ersons (or a cont#nuous &er#od not e5ceed#ng 24 hours.

    +ay nurserymeans a day nursery as de(#ned #n the+ay 3urseries Act.

    +ead endmeans a &e that term#nates w#th a c'osed (#tt#ng.

    +ead loadmeans the we#ght o( a'' &ermanent structura' and nonstructura' com&onents o( a building.

    +eep foundationmeans afoundation unitthat &ro$#des su&&ort (or a buildingy trans(err#ng 'oads e#ther y end-ear#ng to asoilor roc#at cons#dera'e de&th e'ow the buildingor y adhes#on or (r#ct#on, or oth, #n the soilorroc##n wh#ch #t #s

    &'aced.4ilesare the most common ty&e o( deep foundation.

    +esign activitiesmeans the act#$#t#es descr#ed #n susect#on 1.11 o( the %ct.

    +esign bearing pressuremeans the &ressure a&&'#ed y afoundation unitto soilor roc#, wh#ch &ressure #s not greater thanthe allowable bearing pressure.

    +esign capacity means, #n the de(#n#t#on o( sewage system, the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow determ#ned #naccordance w#th %rt#c'e .2.1.3. o( "#$#s#on *.

    +esignermeans the &erson res&ons#'e (or the des#gn.

    +esign loadmeans the 'oad a&&'#ed to afoundation unit, wh#ch 'oad #s not greater than the allowable load.

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    +etention occupancyrou& *, "#$#s#on 1 means an occupancy#n wh#ch &ersons are under restra#nt or are #nca&a'e o( se'(&reser$at#on ecause o( secur#ty measures not under the#r contro'.

    +eveloped lengthmeans, when a&&'#ed to a &e and (#tt#ngs, the 'ength a'ong the centre '#ne o( the &e and (#tt#ngs.

    +irectly connectedmeans &hys#ca''y connected #n such a way that ne#ther water nor gas can esca&e (rom the connect#on.

    +istilled beverage alcoholmeans a e$erage that #s &roduced y (ermentat#on and conta#ns more than 20 y $o'ume o(water-m#sc#'e a'coho'.

    +istillerymeans aprocess plantwhere distilled beverage alcoholsare &roduced, concentrated or otherw#se &rocessed, and#nc'udes (ac#'#t#es on the same s#te where the concentrated &roducts may e 'ended, m#5ed, stored or &ac7aged.

    +istributing pipemeans a &e or ng #n a water distribution system.

    +istribution bo"means a de$#ce (or ensur#ng that effluent(rom atreatment unit#s d#str#uted #n eua' amounts to each '#ne o(distributionpipe#n a leachingbed.

    +istribution pipemeans a '#ne or '#nes o( &er(orated or o&en o#nted &e or t#'e #nsta''ed #n a leaching bed(or the &ur&ose o(d#str#ut#ng effluent(rom a treatment unitto thesoil, as de(#ned #n art o( "#$#s#on *, or leaching bed fill#n the leachingbed.

    +iving boardmeans a ('e5#'e oard.

    +iving platformmeans a r#g#d &'at(orm that #s not astarting platform.

    +rainage system means an assem'y o( &es, (#tt#ngs, fi"turesand a&&urtenances on a &ro&erty that #s used to con$eysewageand clear water wasteto a ma#n sewer or aprivate sewage disposal system, and #nc'udes aprivate sewer, ut doesnot #nc'udesubsoil drainage piping.

    +rin#ing water systemhas the same mean#ng as #n susect#on 2 1 o( the Safe +rin#ing 5ater Act,2002.

    +rum trapmeans a trapwhose #n'et and out'et are #n the s#des o( the cy'#ndr#ca' ody o( the trap.

    +ual ventmeans a vent pipethat ser$es twofi"turesand connects at the unct#on o( the trap arms.

    +welling unitmeans asuiteo&erated as a house7eeng un#t, used or #ntended to e used y one or more &ersons and usua''yconta#n#ng coo7#ng, eat#ng, '#$#ng, s'eeng and san#tary (ac#'#t#es.

    6arth pit privymeans a 'atr#ne cons#st#ng o( an e5ca$at#on #n the ground surmounted y a su&erstructure.

    6ffluentmeanssanitary sewagethat has &assed through a treatment unit.

    6lectric space heatingmeans an e'ectr#c energy source that &ro$#des more than 10 &er cent o( the heat#ng ca&ac#ty &ro$#ded

    (or a buildingand #nc'udes,a e'ectr#c res#stance un#tary aseoard heat#ng,

    e'ectr#c res#stance un#tary ca#net heat#ng,

    c e'ectr#c res#stance ce#'#ng ca'e or ('oor ca'e heat#ng,

    d e'ectr#c res#stance centra' (urnace heat#ng,

    e e'ectr#c hot water s&ace heat#ng, and

    ( a#r source heat &um&s #n com#nat#on w#th e'ectr#c res#stance ac7u& heat#ng.

    6"cavationmeans the s&ace created y the remo$a' o(soil, roc#orfill(or the &ur&oses o( construct#on.

    6"haust ductmeans a duct through wh#ch a#r #s con$eyed (rom a room or s&ace to the outdoors.

    6"itmeans that &art o( a means of egress, #nc'ud#ng doorways, that 'eads (rom thefloor area#t ser$es to a se&arate building,

    an o&en &u'#c thorough(are or an e5ter#or o&en s&ace &rotected (rom (#re e5&osure (rom the buildingand ha$#ng access toan o&en &u'#c thorough(are.

    6"it levelmeans the 'e$e' o( an e"itsta#rway #n a buildingat wh#ch an e5ter#or e"itdoor or e"it&assageway 'eads to thee5ter#or.

    6"it storeymeans astoreyha$#ng an e5ter#or e"itdoor #n a buildinggo$erned y /usect#on 3.2.6. o( "#$#s#on *.

    6"posing building facemeans that &art o( the e5ter#or wa'' o( a buildingthat (aces one d#rect#on and #s 'ocated etweenground 'e$e' and the ce#'#ng o( #ts to&storeyor, where the building#s d#$#ded #ntofire compartments, the e5ter#or wa'' o( a

    fire compartmentthat (aces one d#rect#on.

    6"terior claddingmeans those com&onents o( a buildingthat are e5&osed to the outdoor en$#ronment and are #ntended to&ro$#de &rotect#on aga#nst w#nd, water or $a&our.


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    7actory-built chimneymeans a chimneycons#st#ng ent#re'y o( (actory-made &arts, each des#gned to e assem'ed w#th theother w#thout reu#r#ng (ar#cat#on on s#te.

    7arm buildingmeans a'' or &art o( a building,

    a that does not conta#n any area used (or residential occupancy,

    that #s assoc#ated w#th and 'ocated on 'and de$oted to the &ract#ce o( (arm#ng, and

    c that #s used essent#a''y (or the hous#ng o( eu#&ment or '#$estoc7 or the &roduct#on, storage or &rocess#ng o(agr#cu'tura' and hort#cu'tura' &roduce or (eeds.

    7illmeanssoil, roc#, ru'e, #ndustr#a' waste such as s'ag, organ#c mater#a' or a com#nat#on o( these that #s trans&orted and&'aced on the natura' sur(ace o( asoilor roc#or organ#c terra#nG #t may or may not e com&acted.

    7ire bloc#means a mater#a', com&onent or system that restr#cts the s&read o( (#re w#th#n a concea'ed s&ace or (rom aconcea'ed s&ace to an adacent s&ace.

    7ire compartmentmeans an enc'osed s&ace #n a building,

    a that #s se&arated (rom a'' other &arts o( the buildingy enc'os#ng construct#on that &ro$#des afire separation, and

    that may e reu#red to ha$e afire-resistance rating.

    7ire dampermeans a closure that cons#sts o( a norma''y he'd o&en dam&er #nsta''ed #n an a#r d#str#ut#on system or #n a wa''or ('oor assem'y and des#gned to c'ose automat#ca''y #n the e$ent o( a (#re #n order to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the fire


    7ire detectormeans a de$#ce that detects a (#re cond#t#on and automat#ca''y #n#t#ates an e'ectr#ca' s#gna' to actuate an alertsignalor alarm signaland #nc'udes heat detectorsandsmo#e detectors.

    7ire loadmeans, when a&&'#ed to occupancy, the combustiblecontents o( a room orfloor areae5&ressed #n terms o( thea$erage we#ght o( combustiblemater#a's &er un#t area, (rom wh#ch the &otent#a' heat '#erat#on may e ca'cu'ated ased onthe ca'or#(#c $a'ue o( the mater#a's, and #nc'udes the (urn#sh#ngs, (#n#shed ('oor, wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes, tr#m andtem&orary and mo$a'epartitions.

    7ire-protection ratingmeans the t#me #n m#nutes or hours that a closurew#'' w#thstand the &assage o( ('ame when e5&osed to(#re under s&ec#(#ed cond#t#ons o( test and &er(ormance cr#ter#a, or as otherw#se &rescr#ed #n th#s )ode.

    7ire-resistance ratingmeans the t#me #n m#nutes or hours that a mater#a' or assem'y o( mater#a's w#'' w#thstand the &assageo( ('ame and the transm#ss#on o( heat when e5&osed to (#re under s&ec#(#ed cond#t#ons o( test and &er(ormance cr#ter#a, oras determ#ned y e5tens#on or #nter&retat#on o( #n(ormat#on der#$ed (rom that test and &er(ormance as &rescr#ed #n th#s)ode.

    7ire-retardant treated wood means wood or a wood &roduct that has een #m&regnated w#th (#re-retardant chem#ca's toreduce #ts sur(ace-urn#ng character#st#cs such as ('ame s&read, rate o( (ue' contr#ut#on and the dens#ty o( smo7ede$e'o&ed.

    7ire separationmeans a construct#on assem'y that acts as a arr#er aga#nst the s&read o( (#re.

    7ire service mainmeans a &e and #ts a&&urtenances that are connected to a source o( water and that are 'ocated on a&ro&erty,

    a etween the source o( water and the ase o( the r#ser o( a water-ased (#re &rotect#on system,

    etween the source o( water and #n'ets to (oam ma7#ng systems,

    c etween the source o( water and the ase e'ow o( &r#$ate hydrants or mon#tor noCC'es,

    d as (#re &um& suct#on and d#scharge ng not w#th#n a building, or

    e eg#nn#ng at the #n'et s#de o( the chec7 $a'$e on a gra$#ty or &ressure tan7.7ire stop means a system cons#st#ng o( a mater#a', com&onent and means o( su&&ort, used to (#'' ga&s etween fire

    separationsor etweenfire separationsand other assem'#es, or used around #tems that who''y or &art#a''y &enetrate a fireseparation.

    7ire stop flapmeans a de$#ce,

    a that #s #ntended (or use #n hor#Conta' assem'#es that are reu#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating and #ncor&orate&rotect#$e ce#'#ng memranes, and

    that o&erates to c'ose o(( a duct o&en#ng through the memrane #n the e$ent o( a (#re.


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    7irewallmeans a ty&e o(fire separationo( noncombustible construction that sud#$#des a building or se&arates ado#n#ngbuildings to res#st the s&read o( (#re and that has a fire-resistance ratingas &rescr#ed #n th#s )ode and the structura'sta#'#ty to rema#n #ntact under (#re cond#t#ons (or the reu#red (#re-rated t#me.

    7irst storeymeans thestoreythat has #ts ('oor c'osest tograde and #ts ce#'#ng more than 1. m ao$egrade.

    7i"turemeans a rece&tac'e,plumbing appliance, a&&aratus or other de$#ce that d#schargessewageor clear water waste, and#nc'udes a ('oor dra#n.

    7i"ture drainmeans the &e that connects a trapser$#ng afi"tureto another &art o( a drainage system.

    7i"ture outlet pipemeans a &e that connects the waste o&en#ng o( afi"tureto the trapser$#ng thefi"ture.

    7i"ture unitmeans, when a&&'#ed to a drainage system, the un#t o( measure ased on the rate o( d#scharge, t#me o( o&erat#onand (reuency o( use o( afi"turethat e5&resses the hydrau'#c 'oad that #s #m&osed y thatfi"tureon the drainage system.

    7i"ture unitmeans, when a&&'#ed to a water distribution system, the un#t o( measure ased on the rate o( su&&'y, t#me o(o&erat#on and (reuency o( use o( a fi"tureor out'et that e5&resses the hydrau'#c 'oad that #s #m&osed y that fi"tureorout'et on the su&&'y system.

    7lame-spread ratingmeans an #nde5 or c'ass#(#cat#on #nd#cat#ng the e5tent o( the s&read o( ('ame on the sur(ace o( a mater#a'or an assem'y o( mater#a's, as determ#ned #n a standard (#re test &rescr#ed #n th#s )ode.

    7lammable liuidmeans any '#u#d ha$#ng aflash pointe'ow 3.E) and ha$#ng a $a&our &ressure not more than 2. 7aaso'ute at 3.E) as determ#ned y %/;< "323, >Ha&or ressure o( etro'eum roducts Re#d

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    7oundation unitmeans one o( the structura' memers o( thefoundationo( a building, such as a (oot#ng, ra(t andpile.

    7resh air inletmeans a vent pipethat #s #nsta''ed #n conunct#on w#th a building trapand term#nates #n open air.

    7rost actionmeans the &henomenon that occurs when,

    a water #nsoil#s suected to (reeC#ng wh#ch, ecause o( the water #ce &hase change or #ce 'ens growth, resu'ts #n a tota'$o'ume #ncrease or the u#'d-u& o( e5&ans#$e (orces under con(#ned cond#t#ons or oth, and

    the suseuent thaw#ng 'eads to 'oss o(soilstrength and #ncreased com&ress##'#ty.7unctional statementmeans a (unct#on set out #n ;a'e that a buildingor an e'ement o( a building#s #ntended to


    7urnacemeans aspace-heating appliancethat uses warm a#r as the heat#ng med#um and usua''y &ro$#des (or the attachmento( ducts.

    aming premisesmeans &rem#ses that are a gam#ng s#te as de(#ned #n the ;ntario /tandardrad#ng Ru'es (or )anad#an Lumer?.

    reywatermeanssanitary sewageo( domest#c or#g#n that #s der#$ed (romfi"turesother thansanitaryunits.

    ross areameans the tota' area o( a'' ('oors ao$e grademeasured etween the outs#de sur(aces o( e5ter#or wa''s or etweenthe outs#de sur(aces o( e5ter#or wa''s and the centre '#ne o( firewalls, e5ce&t that, #n any occupancyother than a residentialoccupancy, where an access or a buildingser$#ce &enetrates afirewall, measurements sha'' not e ta7en to the centre '#neo( suchfirewall.

    round watermeans, when a&&'#ed to asewage system, water e'ow the sur(ace o( the ground that occues a Cone o( theearthDs mant'e that #s saturated w#th water.

    round water tablemeans, when a&&'#ed to asewage system, the e'e$at#on o( the u&&er sur(ace o( the ground watere5#st#ng#n the area o( thesewagesystem.

    roundwatermeans a (ree stand#ng ody o( water #n the ground.roundwater levelmeans the to& sur(ace o(groundwater.

    uardmeans a &rotect#$e arr#er, w#th or w#thout o&en#ngs through #t, that #s around o&en#ngs #n ('oors or at the o&en s#deso( sta#rs, 'and#ngs, a'con#es, mezzanines, ga''er#es, ra#sed wal#waysor other 'ocat#ons to &re$ent acc#denta' (a''s (rom one'e$e' to another.

    8auled sewagemeanssanitary sewagethat,

    a #s not (#na''y d#s&osed o( at the s#te where #t #s &roduced and #s not con$eyed y a sewer tosewage wor#s, and

    #s stored or reta#ned at the s#te where #t #s &roduced (or &er#od#c co''ect#on, hand'#ng, treatment, trans&ortat#on, storageor &rocess#ng &r#or to (#na' d#s&osa' at a &'ace other than where #t was &roduced,

    and #nc'udessanitary sewagethat #s remo$ed (rom asewagesystem(or the &ur&ose o( c'ean#ng or ma#nta#n#ng the system.

    8auledsewagesystemmeans wor7s, #nsta''at#ons, eu#&ment, o&erat#ons and 'and used #n connect#on w#th the co''ect#on,

    hand'#ng, treatment, trans&ortat#on, storage, &rocess#ng and d#s&osa' o( hauled sewage, as regu'ated under the6nvironmental 4rotection Act.

    8azard inde"means a 'e$e' on a sca'e o( 1 to determ#ned #n accordance w#th ;a'es*. to o( "#$#s#on*, des#gnat#ng the '#(e sa(ety haCard to occu&ants o( a buildingased on,

    a use and occupancy,

    occupant load,

    c the use and (unct#on o( ('oor s&aces,

    d the d#((#cu'ty o( egress,

    e the (#re 'oad o( contents, (#n#shes and (urn#sh#ngs,


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    ( the con(#gurat#on or com&artmentat#on o( ('oor s&aces, and

    g the s#Ce o( the building,

    and >8!/!? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng.

    8azardous classroommeans a c'assroom,

    a that #s su&&'#ed w#th ('amma'e gas,

    that conta#ns haCardous sustances such as chem#ca's or e5&'os#$e dusts,

    c that conta#ns 'arge uant#t#es o( combustiblemater#a's, or

    d where coo7#ng eu#&ment #s used.

    8azardous roommeans a room conta#n#ng su((#c#ent uant#t#es o( a sustance that, ecause o( #ts chem#ca' nature, may createan atmos&here or cond#t#on o( #mm#nent haCard to hea'th.

    8eadermeans a vent pipethat connects two or more vent stac#sorstac# ventsto open air.

    8eader linemeans a '#ne o( &e w#th watert#ght o#nts #nsta''ed #n a sewagesystem(or the &ur&ose o( d#str#ut#ng effluent(rom atreatment unitto the distributionpipe#n a leaching bed.

    8eat detectormeans afire detectordes#gned to o&erate at a &redeterm#ned tem&erature or rate o( tem&erature r#se.

    8eavy timber constructionmeans that ty&e o( combustible construction#n wh#ch a degree o( (#re sa(ety #s atta#ned,

    a y &'ac#ng '#m#tat#ons on the s#Ces o( wood structura' memers and on the th#c7ness and com&os#t#on o( wood ('oorsand roo(s, and

    y the a$o#dance o( concea'ed s&aces under ('oors and roo(s.

    8eritage buildingmeans a building,

    a that #s des#gnated under the ;ntario 8eritage Act, or

    that #s cert#(#ed to e o( s#gn#(#cant arch#tectura' or h#stor#ca' $a'ue y a recogn#Ced, non-&ro(#t &u'#c organ#Cat#onwhose &r#mary oect #s the &reser$at#on o( structures o( arch#tectura' or h#stor#ca' s#gn#(#cance and the cert#(#cat#onhas een acce&ted y the chief building official.

    8igh ground water tablemeans the h#ghest e'e$at#on at wh#ch there #s &hys#ca' e$#dence that the soil, as de(#ned #n art o("#$#s#on *, or the leaching bed fillhas een saturated w#th water.

    8igh hazard industrial occupancyrou& F, "#$#s#on 1 means an industrial occupancyconta#n#ng su((#c#ent uant#t#es o(

    h#gh'y combustibleand ('amma'e or e5&'os#$e mater#a's to const#tute a s&ec#a' (#re haCard ecause o( the#r #nherentcharacter#st#cs.

    8oldingtan#means a tan7 des#gned to tota''y reta#n a''sanitary sewaged#scharged #nto #t and reu#r#ng &er#od#c em&ty#ng.

    8ome for special caremeans a home (or the care o( &ersons reu#r#ng nurs#ng, res#dent#a' or she'tered care.

    8orizontal branchmeans that &art o( a waste pipethat #s hor#Conta' and #nsta''ed to con$ey the d#scharge (rom more than onefi"ture.

    8orizontal e"itmeans an e"it(rom one buildingto another y means o( a doorway, $est#u'e, wal#way, r#dge or a'cony.

    8orizontal service spacemeans a s&ace such as an att#c, duct, ce#'#ng, roo( or craw' s&ace,

    a that #s or#ented essent#a''y #n a hor#Conta' &'ane,

    that #s concea'ed and genera''y #naccess#'e, and

    c through wh#ch buildingser$#ce (ac#'#t#es such as &es, ducts and w#r#ng may &ass.

    8otel meansfloor areas, a floor areaor &art o( afloor areathat conta#ns (our or moresuites and that &ro$#des s'eengaccommodat#on (or the tra$e''#ng &u'#c or (or recreat#ona' &ur&oses.

    8ub drainmeans a dra#n o&en#ng (or #nd#rect '#u#d wastes,

    a that does not ser$e as a ('oor dra#n,

    that has the same &esize, mater#a' and $ent#ng reu#rements as a ('oor dra#n,

    c that has aflood level rimao$e the ('oor #n wh#ch #t #s #nsta''ed, and

    d that rece#$es wastes that are d#scharged d#rect'y #nto the dra#n o&en#ng.


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    /mpeded egress zonemeans a su&er$#sed area #n wh#ch occu&ants ha$e (ree mo$ement ut reu#re the re'ease, y secur#ty&ersonne', o( secur#ty doors at the oundary e(ore e#ng a'e to 'ea$e the area, ut does not #nc'ude a contained use area.

    /ndirectly connectedmeans not directly connected.

    /ndirect service water heatermeans aservice water heaterthat der#$es #ts heat (rom a heat#ng med#um such as warm a#r,steam or hot water.

    /ndividual ventmeans a vent pipethat ser$es onefi"ture.

    /ndoor poolmeans apublic poolwhere the &oo' andpool dec#are tota''y or &art#a''y co$ered y a roo(.

    /ndustrial occupancy means the occupancy or use o( a building or &art o( a building (or the assem'#ng, (ar#cat#ng,manu(actur#ng, &rocess#ng, re&a#r#ng or stor#ng o( goods or mater#a's.

    /nterceptormeans a rece&tac'e that #s des#gned and #nsta''ed to &re$ent o#', grease, sand or other mater#a's (rom &ass#ng #nto adrainage system.

    /nterconnected floor spacemeans su&er#m&osedfloor areasor &arts o(floor areas#n wh#ch ('oor assem'#es that are reu#redto efire separationsare &enetrated y o&en#ngs that are not &ro$#ded w#th closures.

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    3oncombustible means that a mater#a' meets the acce&tance cr#ter#a o( )%B!@L)-/114, >;est (or "eterm#nat#on o( Bon-)omust##'#ty #n *u#'d#ng

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    c wad#ng &oo's,

    d hydro-massage &oo's, or

    e &oo's that ser$e on'y as rece#$#ng as#ns (or &ersons at the ottom o( water s'#des.

    4ublic spameans a hydro-massage &oo' that conta#ns an art#(#c#a' ody o( water, that #s #ntended &r#mar#'y (or thera&eut#c orrecreat#ona' use, that #s not dra#ned, c'eaned or re(#''ed e(ore use y each #nd#$#dua' and that ut#'#Ces hydroet c#rcu'at#on,a#r #nduct#on u'es, current ('ow or a com#nat#on o( them o$er the maor#ty o( the &oo' area, ut does not #nc'ude,

    a wad#ng &oo's, or

    s&as o&erated #n conunct#on w#th 'ess than s#5 dwelling units,suitesor s#ng'e (am#'y res#dences, or any com#nat#on o(them, (or the use o( occu&ants or res#dents and the#r $#s#tors.

    4ublic usemeans, when a&&'#ed to &'um#ngfi"tures, fi"tures #n genera' washrooms o( schoo's, gymnas#ums, hote's, ars,&u'#c com(ort stat#ons and other #nsta''at#ons #n wh#chfi"turesare #nsta''ed so that the#r use #s unrestr#cted.

    4ublic waymeans a s#dewa'7,street, h#ghway, suare or another o&en s&ace to wh#ch the &u'#c has access, as o( r#ght or y#n$#tat#on, e5&ressed or #m&'#ed.

    1ainwater means storm sewageruno(( that #s co''ected (rom a roo( or the ground, ut not (rom access#'e &at#os anddr#$eways.

    1ecirculation systemmeans a system,

    a that ma#nta#ns the c#rcu'at#on o( water through apublic pooly &um&s, and

    that &ro$#des cont#nuous treatment o( the water, #nc'ud#ng (#'trat#on and ch'or#nat#on or rom#nat#on and any other&rocess that may e necessary (or the treatment o( the water.

    1ecreational camp means a cam& (or recreat#ona' act#$#t#es cons#st#ng o( one or more buildings or other structuresesta'#shed or ma#nta#ned as '#$#ng uarters, w#th or w#thout charge, (or the tem&orary occupancy o( 10 or more &ersons (or(#$e or more days.

    1elief ventmeans a vent pipethat #s used #n conunct#on w#th a circuit ventto &ro$#de add#t#ona' a#r c#rcu'at#on etween adrainage systemand a venting system.

    1epair garagemeans a building or &art o( a building where (ac#'#t#es are &ro$#ded (or the re&a#r or ser$#c#ng o( motor$eh#c'es.

    1esidential full flow-through fire sprin#lerstandpipe system means an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs #nsta''ed #n theres#dent#a' &ort#ons o( a buildingconta#n#ng one or two dwelling unitsthat con$eys water (rom the water service pipetoout'ets #n the s&r#n7'er and stand&e systems and #s (u''y #ntegrated #nto the potable water systemto ensure a regu'ar ('owo( water through a'' &arts o( the s&r#n7'er and stand&e systems.

    1esidential occupancy means anoccupancy #n wh#ch s'eeng accommodat#on #s &ro$#ded to res#dents who are not haroured(or the &ur&ose o( rece#$#ng s&ec#a' care or treatment and are not #n$o'untar#'y deta#ned.

    1esidential partial flow-through sprin#lerstandpipe system means an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs #nsta''ed #n theres#dent#a' &ort#ons o( a buildingconta#n#ng one or two dwelling unitsthat con$eys water (rom the water service pipetoout'ets #n the s&r#n7'er and stand&e systems and #n wh#ch ('ow occurs dur#ng #nact#$e &er#ods o( the s&r#n7'er andstand&e systems on'y through the ma#n header to the water c'oset 'ocated at the (arthest &o#nt o( the s&r#n7'er andstand&e systems.

    1eturn duct means a duct (or con$ey#ng a#r (rom a s&ace e#ng heated, $ent#'ated or a#r-cond#t#oned ac7 to the heat#ng,$ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning appliance.

    1isermeans a water distributing pipethat e5tends through at 'east one (u''storey, as de(#ned #n art o( "#$#s#on *.

    1oc#means a &ort#on o( the earthDs crust that #s conso'#dated, coherent and re'at#$e'y hard and that #s a natura''y (ormed,so'#d'y onded, mass o( m#nera' matter that cannot read#'y e ro7en y hand.

    1oof drainmeans a (#tt#ng or de$#ce that #s #nsta''ed #n the roo( to &erm#tstorm sewageto d#scharge #nto a leader.

    1oof guttermeans an e5ter#or channe' #nsta''ed at the ase o( a s'o&ed roo( to con$eystorm sewage.

    Sanitary building drainmeans a building drain that conductssewage to a building sewer(rom the most u&streamsoil orwaste stac#, branch orfi"ture drainser$#ng a water c'oset.

    Sanitary building sewermeans a &e that #s connected to a sanitary building drain1 000 mm outs#de a wa'' o( a buildingand that conductssewageto a &u'#c sewer orprivate sewage disposal system.


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    Sanitary drainage pipemeans a'' ng that con$eyssanitary sewageto a &'ace o( d#s&osa', #nc'ud#ng thesanitary buildingdrain, sanitary building sewer, soil pipe, soil stac#, waste stac# and waste pipeut not the ma#n sewer or ng #n a

    sewagetreatment &'ant.

    Sanitary drainage systemmeans a drainage systemthat conductssanitary sewage.

    Sanitary sewagemeans,

    a '#u#d or water orne waste,

    # o( #ndustr#a' or commerc#a' or#g#n, or

    ## o( domest#c or#g#n, #nc'ud#ng human ody waste, to#'et or other athroom waste, and shower, tu, cu'#nary, s#n7and 'aundry waste, or

    '#u#d or water orne waste d#scharged (rom apublic poolto a dra#n.

    Sanitary sewermeans a sewer that conductssewage.

    Sanitary unitmeans a water c'oset, ur#na', #det or ed&an washer.

    Self-service storage buildingmeans a buildingthat #s used to &ro$#de #nd#$#dua' storage s&aces to the &u'#c and that #s o&ento the &u'#c on'y (or those &ur&oses.

    Septic tan#means a watert#ght $au't #n wh#chsanitary sewage#s co''ected (or the &ur&ose o( remo$#ng scum, grease andso'#ds (rom the '#u#d w#thout the add#t#on o( a#r and #n wh#ch so'#ds sett'#ng and anaero#c d#gest#on o( the sanitary

    sewageta7es &'ace.

    Service roommeans a room &ro$#ded #n a buildingto conta#n eu#&ment assoc#ated w#th buildingser$#ces.

    Service spacemeans s&ace &ro$#ded #n a buildingto (ac#'#tate or concea' the #nsta''at#on o( u#'d#ng ser$#ce (ac#'#t#es such aschutes, ducts, &es, sha(ts or w#res.

    Service water heatermeans a de$#ce (or heat#ng water (orplumbingser$#ces.

    Sewagemeanssanitary sewageorstorm sewage.

    Sewage systemmeans,

    a a chem#ca' to#'et, an #nc#nerat#ng to#'et, a rec#rcu'at#ng to#'et, a se'(-conta#ned &orta'e to#'et and a'' (orms o( &r#$y,#nc'ud#ng aportable privy, an earth pit privy, apail privy, aprivy vaultand a com&ost#ng to#'et system,

    agreywater system,

    c a cess&oo',

    d a leaching bed system, or

    e a system that reu#res or uses a holding tan#(or the retent#on o( hauled sewageat the s#te where #t #s &roduced e(ore#ts co''ect#on y a hauled sewage system,

    where these,

    ( ha$e a design capacityo( 10,000 '#tres &er day or 'ess,

    g ha$e, #n tota', a design capacity o( 10,000 '#tres &er day or 'ess, where more than one o( these are 'ocated on a 'ot or&arce' o( 'and, and

    h are 'ocated who''y w#th#n the oundar#es o( the 'ot or &arce' o( 'and on wh#ch #s 'ocated the building or buildingstheyser$e.

    Sewage wor#smeans sewage wor7s as de(#ned #n susect#on 1 1 o( the ;ntario 5ater 1esources Act.

    Sewer lateral e"tensionmeans the &ort#on o( astorm building seweror sanitary building sewerthat e5tends (rom the &u'#csewer u& to 1. m #nto the &ro&erty.

    Shallow buried trenchmeans an absorption trenchthat conta#ns a chamber.

    Shallow foundationmeans afoundation unitthat der#$es #ts su&&ort (romsoilor roc#'ocated c'ose to the 'owest &art o( thebuildingthat #t su&&orts.

    Shelf and rac# storage systemmeans a se'(-conta#ned structura' system w#th#n a building, ha$#ng one or more e'e$ated&'at(orms or wa'7way 'e$e's (or &ersonne' access that may a'so su&&ort con$eyors and other mater#a' hand'#ng, storage andd#str#ut#on eu#&ment.

    Significant drin#ing water threathas the same mean#ng as #n susect#on 2 1 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200..

    Sizemeans the nom#na' d#ameter y wh#ch a &e, (#tt#ng, trapor other s#m#'ar #tem #s commerc#a''y des#gnated.


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    Smo#e alarmmeans a com#nedsmo#e detectorand aud#'e a'arm de$#ce des#gned to sound an a'arm w#th#n the room orsuite#n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated on the detect#on o( smo7e w#th#n that room or suite.

    Smo#e detectormeans afire detectordes#gned to o&erate when the concentrat#on o( a#rorne comust#on &roducts e5ceeds a&re-determ#ned 'e$e'.

    Soilmeans, e5ce&t (or the &ur&oses o( art o( "#$#s#on *, a &ort#on o( the earthDs crust that #s (ragmentary or such that#nd#$#dua' &art#c'es o( a dr#ed sam&'e may e read#'y se&arated y ag#tat#on #n water, and #nc'udes ou'ders, co'es,

    gra$e', sand, s#'t, c'ay and organ#c matter.Soil pipemeans asanitary drainage pipethat carr#es the d#scharge o( a sanitary unit, w#th or w#thout the d#scharge (rom any


    Soil stac#means a $ert#ca'soil pipethat &asses through one or morestoreysand #nc'udes any offsetthat #s &art o( the stac7.

    Source protection areahas the same mean#ng as #n susect#on 2 1 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200..

    Source protection planhas the same mean#ng as #n susect#on 2 1 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200..

    Space heatermeans aspace-heating appliance(or heat#ng the room or s&ace w#th#n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, w#thout the use o(ducts.

    Space-heating appliancemeans an appliance,

    a that #s #ntended to su&&'y heat d#rect'y to a room or s&ace, such as aspace heater, (#re&'ace and unit heater, or

    that #s #ntended to su&&'y heat to rooms or s&aces o( a buildingthrough a heat#ng system, such as a centra'furnaceorboiler.

    Sprin#leredmeans eu#&&ed w#th a system o( automat#c s&r#n7'ers.

    Stac# ventmeans a vent pipethat connects the to& o( a soilstac# or waste stac#to a headeroropen airand >stac# vented?has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng.

    Stac# ventingmeans, when used w#th re(erence to fi"tures, an arrangement such that the connect#ons o( the dra#nage ng(rom thestac# vented fi"turesto the stac7 &ro$#de $ent#ng to thefi"ture trapsso that no add#t#ona' vent pipe#s reu#red.

    Stagemeans a s&ace that #s des#gned &r#mar#'y (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances w#th &ro$#s#on (or u#c7 change scenery ando$erhead '#ght#ng, #nc'ud#ng en$#ronmenta' contro' (or a w#de range o( '#ght#ng and sound e((ects, and that #s trad#t#ona''y,ut not necessar#'y, se&arated (rom the aud#ence y a &roscen#um wa'' and curta#n o&en#ng.

    Starting platformmeans a r#g#d &'at(orm 'ocated ent#re'y on a pool dec#that cons#sts o( a to& that, #( &roected hor#Conta''yo$er the water sur(ace, wou'd e 'ess than 1 000 mm #n $ert#ca' he#ght ao$e the sur(ace and that #s des#gned to e used ya sw#mmer to d#$e (rom at the start o( a sw#mm#ng race.

    Storage garagemeans a buildingor &art o( a buildingthat #s #ntended (or the storage or &ar7#ng o( motor $eh#c'es and thatconta#ns no &ro$#s#on (or the re&a#r or ser$#c#ng o( motor $eh#c'es.

    Storage-type service water heatermeans aservice water heaterw#th an #ntegra' hot water storage tan7.

    Storeymeans, e5ce&t (or the &ur&oses o( art o( "#$#s#on *, the &ort#on o( a building,

    a that #s s#tuated etween the to& o( any ('oor and the to& o( the ('oor ne5t ao$e #t, or

    that #s s#tuated etween the to& o( the ('oor and the ce#'#ng ao$e the ('oor, #( there #s no ('oor ao$e #t.

    Storm building drainmeans a building drainthat conducts storm water and #s connected at #ts u&stream end to a 'eader, sum&or catch as#n, and at #ts downstream end to a building seweror a des#gnated storm water d#s&osa' 'ocat#on.

    Storm building sewermeans a building sewerthat con$eysstorm sewageto a &'ace o( d#s&osa' and commences 1 000 mm(rom the building.

    Storm drainage pipemeans a'' the connected ng that con$eys storm sewageto a &'ace o( d#s&osa' and #nc'udes the stormbuilding drain, storm building sewer, ra#n water leader, catch as#n and area dra#n #nsta''ed to co''ect water (rom the&ro&erty and the ng that dra#ns water (rom a sw#mm#ng &oo', other than a public pool, or (rom water coo'ed air-conditioningeu#&ment, ut does not #nc'ude,

    a asubsoil drainage pipe, or

    a &r#$ate sewage treatment and d#s&osa' (ac#'#ty des#gned (or the treatment or retent#on o( storm sewage &r#or tod#scharge to the natura' en$#ronment.

    Storm drainage systemmeans a drainage systemthat con$eysstorm sewage.

    Storm sewagemeans water that #s d#scharged (rom a sur(ace as a resu't o( ra#n(a'', snow me't or snow(a''.


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    Storm sewermeans a sewer that con$eysstorm sewage.

    Stovemeans an appliance#ntended (or coo7#ng or s&ace heat#ng or oth.

    Streetmeans any h#ghway, road, ou'e$ard, suare or other #m&ro$ed thorough(are that #s 9 m or more #n w#dth, that haseen ded#cated or deeded (or &u'#c use and that #s access#'e to (#re de&artment $eh#c'es and eu#&ment.

    Subsoil drainage pipemeans a &e that #s #nsta''ed underground to #nterce&t and con$ey susur(ace water, and #nc'udes(oundat#on dra#n &es.

    Subsurface investigationmeans the a&&ra#sa' o( the genera' susur(ace cond#t#ons at a buildings#te y ana'ys#s o( #n(ormat#onga#ned y methods such as geo'og#ca' sur$eys, #n s#tu test#ng, sam&'#ng, $#sua' #ns&ect#on, 'aoratory test#ng o( sam&'es o(the susur(ace mater#a's andgroundwateroser$at#ons and measurements.

    Suitemeans a s#ng'e room or ser#es o( rooms o( com&'ementary use, o&erated under a s#ng'e tenancy, and #nc'udes,

    a dwelling units,

    #nd#$#dua' guest rooms #n mote's, hote's, oard#ng houses, room#ng houses and dorm#tor#es, and

    c #nd#$#dua' stores and #nd#$#dua' or com&'ementary rooms (or business and personal services occupancies.

    Supply ductmeans a duct (or con$ey#ng a#r (rom a heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning applianceto a s&ace to e heated,$ent#'ated or a#r-cond#t#oned.

    Surfacewatermeans water on the sur(ace o( the ground.

    Tarion 5arranty %orporationmeans ;ar#on 8arranty )or&orat#on as des#gnated under sect#on 2 o( the ;ntario 3ew 8ome5arranties 4lan Act.

    Theatremeans a &'ace o( &u'#c assem'y #ntended (or the &roduct#on and $#ew#ng o( the &er(orm#ng arts or the screen#ngand $#ew#ng o( mot#on ctures, and cons#st#ng o( an aud#tor#um w#th &ermanent'y (#5ed seats #ntended so'e'y (or a $#ew#ngaud#ence.

    Trapmeans a (#tt#ng or de$#ce that #s des#gned to ho'd a '#u#d sea' that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( gas ut w#'' not mater#a''ya((ect the ('ow o( a '#u#d.

    Trap armmeans that &ort#on o( afi"ture drainetween the trap weirand the vent pipe(#tt#ng.

    Trap dipmeans the 'owest &art o( the u&&er #nter#or sur(ace o( a trap.

    Trap seal depthmeans the $ert#ca' d#stance etween the trap dipand the trap weir.

    Trap standardmeans the trap(or afi"turethat #s #ntegra' w#th the su&&ort (or thefi"ture.

    Trap weirmeans the h#ghest &art o( the 'ower #nter#or sur(ace o( a trap.

    Treatment unitmeans a de$#ce that, when des#gned, #nsta''ed and o&erated #n accordance w#th #ts des#gn s&ec#(#cat#ons,&ro$#des a s&ec#(#c degree o(sanitarysewagetreatment to reduce the contam#nant 'oad (rom that o(sanitarysewageto ag#$en effluentua'#ty.

    Tribunal means the L#cence %&&ea' ;r#una' esta'#shed under the

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    ?ent connectormeans, when a&&'#ed to a heat#ng or coo'#ng system, the &art o( a $ent#ng system that conducts the fluegasesor $ent gases (rom theflue collaro( a gas applianceto the chimneyorgas vent, and may #nc'ude a dra(t contro' de$#ce.

    ?ent pipemeans a &e that #s &art o( a venting system.

    ?ent stac#means a vent pipethat #s connected at #ts u&&er end to a headeror #s term#nated #n open airand that #s used to'#m#t &ressure d#((erent#a' #n asoilor waste stac#.

    ?enting systemmeans an assem'y o( &es and (#tt#ngs that connects a drainage systemw#th open air(or c#rcu'at#on o( a#rand the &rotect#on o( trapsea's #n the drainage system.

    ?ertical legmeans the $ert#ca' &ort#on o( a fi"turedra#n and #nc'udes the &ort#on o( a dra#n (rom the out'et o( a water c'osetow' to the &o#nt where the connect#ng ng changes to hor#Conta'.

    ?ertical service spacemeans a sha(t that #s or#ented essent#a''y $ert#ca''y and that #s &ro$#ded #n a buildingto (ac#'#tate the#nsta''at#on o( building ser$#ces, #nc'ud#ng mechan#ca', e'ectr#ca' and &'um#ng #nsta''at#ons and (ac#'#t#es such as e'e$ators,re(use chutes and '#nen chutes.

    ?ulnerable areahas the same mean#ng as #n susect#on 2 1 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200..

    5al#waymeans a co$ered or roo(ed &edestr#an thorough(are used to connect two or more buildings.

    5aste pipemeans asanitary drainage pipethat carr#es the d#scharge (rom a fi"ture d#rect'y to awaste stac#, soil stac#,sanitary building drain, branchorsewage system.

    5aste stac#means a $ert#ca' waste pipethat &asses through one or morestoreysand #nc'udes any o((set that #s &art o( the

    stac7 that conducts '#u#d waste (romfi"turesother thansanitary units.5ater distribution systemmeans an assem'y o( &es, (#tt#ngs, $a'$es and a&&urtenances that con$eyspotable waterto water

    su&&'y out'ets,fi"tures, plumbing appliancesand de$#ces (rom the water service pipeor (rom apoint of entry treatmentunit'ocated #n the building.

    5ater purveyormeans the owner or o&erator o( a drin#ing water system.

    5ater service pipemeans a &e on the &ro&erty that con$eys potablewater (rom a drin#ing water systemor aprivate watersupplyto the #ns#de o( the building.

    5ater systemmeans a water service pipe, a private water supply, a water distribution system, a fire service mainor any &arto( any o( them.

    5ave action poolmeans apublic pooleu#&&ed w#th a means (or #nduc#ng wa$e mot#on #n the water.

    5et ventmeans a waste pipethat a'so ser$es as a vent pipe.

    5or#ingcapacitymeans the $o'ume o( '#u#d that a treatment unitor holdingtan##s ca&a'e o( ho'd#ng w#thout o$er('ow#ngwh#'e #t #s #n #ts wor7#ng &os#t#on, ut does not #nc'ude the $o'ume o( '#u#d conta#ned #n a com&artment #n wh#ch a &um&or s#&hon #s #nsta''ed.

    @-ray euipment#nc'udes 5-ray #mag#ng systems, &rocess#ng eu#&ment and eu#&ment d#rect'y re'ated to the &roduct#on o(#mages (or d#agnos#s or d#rect'y re'ated to #rrad#at#on w#th 5-rays (or thera&y.

    @-ray machinemeans an e'ectr#ca''y-&owered de$#ce &roduc#ng 5-rays,

    a (or the #rrad#at#on o( a human e#ng or an an#ma' (or a thera&eut#c or d#agnost#c &ur&ose, or

    (or #ndustr#a' use.

    o#e ventmeans a vent pipethat #s connected at #ts 'ower end to a soilor waste stac#and at #ts u&&er end to a vent stac#or abranch ventthat #s connected to a vent stac#.

    151! #e/inition o/ A..lic$ble L$

    81 For the &ur&oses o( c'ause 2 a o( the %ct, applicable lawmeans,

    a the statutory reu#rements #n the (o''ow#ng &ro$#s#ons w#th res&ect to the (o''ow#ng matters:

    # sect#on 114 o( the %ity of Toronto Act, 200.w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' y the )#ty o( ;oronto or the Ontar#o

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    #$ sect#on 194 o( the6ducation Actw#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( the

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    #$ susect#on 4 o( the6nvironmental Assessment Act,

    $ susect#on 133 4 o( the9unicipal Act,200&,

    $# susect#on 24 3 o( the3iagara 6scarpment 4lanning and +evelopment Act,

    $## susect#on 2 3 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act,

    $### sect#on 33 o( the 4lanning Acte5ce&t where, #n the case o( the demolition o( a res#dent#a' &ro&erty, a &erm#t to

    demolish the &ro&erty #s ota#ned under that sect#on,#5 sect#on 46 o( the4lanning Act,

    c regu'at#ons made y a conser$at#on author#ty under c'ause 2 1 c o( the %onservation Authorities Actw#th res&ectto &erm#ss#on o( the author#ty (or the construction o( a building or structure #(, #n the on#on o( the author#ty, thecontro' o( ('ood#ng, eros#on, dynam#c eaches or &o''ut#on or the conser$at#on o( 'and may e a((ected y thede$e'o&ment,

    d y-'aws made under sect#on 10 o( the %ity of Toronto Act, 200., ut on'y w#th res&ect to the #ssuance o( a &erm#t (orthe constructiono( a green roo( #( the constructiono( the roo( #s &roh##ted un'ess a &erm#t #s ota#ned,

    e y-'aws made under sect#on 40.1 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act,

    ( y-'aws made under sect#on 34 or 3 o( the4lanning Act,

    g suect to c'ause h, y-'aws made under Ontar#o Regu'at#on 60!06 "e$e'o&ment erm#ts made under the4lanningAct,

    h y-'aws re(erred to #n c'ause g #n re'at#on to the de$e'o&ment o( 'and, ut on'y w#th res&ect to the #ssuance o( ade$e'o&ment &erm#t #( the de$e'o&ment o( 'and #s &roh##ted un'ess a de$e'o&ment &erm#t #s ota#ned,

    # y-'aws made under Ontar#o Regu'at#on 246!01 "e$e'o&ment erm#ts made under the 4lanning Actwh#ch cont#nue#n (orce deste the re$ocat#on o( that Regu'at#on y reason o( sect#on 1 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 60!06 "e$e'o&menterm#ts made under that %ct,

    orders made y the

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    11. d*% %-we#ghted sound 'e$e'12. E degrees

    13. ) degrees )e's#us14. d#am d#ameter 1. "8H dra#n, waste and $ent

    16. (t (oot (eet1. g grams

    1. ga gauge19. ga' #m&er#a' ga''ons20. ga'!m#n #m&er#a' ga''ons &er m#nute

    21. h hours22. =H%) heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and a#r-cond#t#on#ng23. =C hertC

    24. #n. #nches2. J ou'es

    26. 7g 7#'ograms2. 7g!mA 7#'ograms &er suare metre2. 7B 7#'onewtons

    2. 7a 7#'o&asca's30. 78 7#'owatts31. L '#tres

    32 L!m#n '#tres &er m#nute

    33. L!s '#tres &er second34. LF '#tres &er ('ush3. '5 'u536. m metres

    3. mA suare metres3 m3 cu#c metres39. m!s metres &er second

    40. ma5. ma5#mum41. mg!L m#''#grams &er '#tre

    42. m#n m#nutes43. m#n. m#n#mum44.

  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    1711 A..lic$tion o/ Re/erenced #ocuments

    81 ;he &ro$#s#ons o( a re(erenced document #n "#$#s#ons % and * a&&'y on'y to the e5tent that the &ro$#s#ons re'ate to,

    a buildings, and

    the objectives and functional statements attr#uted to the a&&'#ca'e acceptable solutions #n "#$#s#on * where thedocument #s re(erenced.

    1712 Con/licting Re4uirements81 +n the case o( a con('#ct etween the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode and those o( a re(erenced document, the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s

    )ode sha'' go$ern.

    171! A..lic$ble Editions

    81 8here documents are re(erenced #n th#s )ode, they sha'' e the ed#t#ons des#gnated #n /usect#on 1.3.1. o( "#$#s#on *.

    172 Org$ni-$tions1721 Abbrei$tions o/ %ro.er N$mes

    81 ;he are$#at#ons o( &ro&er names #n th#s )ode sha'' ha$e the mean#ngs ass#gned to them #n %rt#c'e o("#$#s#on *.

    O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on %, art 1G O. Reg. 11!13, ss. 1, 2G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 1, 2.

    %ART 2OB*ECTI'E(

    (ection 21 A..lic$tion211 A..lic$tion

    (ection 22 Ob@ecties221 Ob@ecties

    (ection 21 A..lic$tion

    211 A..lic$tion %&&'#cat#on o( Oect#$es

    81 ;he objectives set out #n ;a'e a&&'y on'y to the e5tent that they re'ate to com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode asreu#red #n %rt#c'e

    (ection 22 Ob@ecties

    221 Ob@ecties

    2211 Ob@ecties

    81 ;he objectives o( th#s )ode sha'' e those set out #n ;a'e

    T$ble 2211Ob@ecties

    Form#ng art o( /entence )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3

    )ategory Bumer ;bjective1. /a(ety O/ %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn

    or constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury.

    /a(ety I F#re /a(ety O/1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to (#re.

    O/1.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to (#re caused y a (#re ore5&'os#on.

    O/1.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to (#re caused y (#re or e5&'os#on#m&act#ng areas eyond #ts &o#nt o( or#g#n.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    O/1.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to (#re caused y the co''a&se o(

    &hys#ca' e'ements due to a (#re or e5&'os#on.

    O/1.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to (#re caused y (#re sa(etysystems (a#'#ng to (unct#on as e5&ected.

    O/1. %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to (#re caused y &ersons e#ngde'ayed #n or #m&eded (rom mo$#ng to a sa(e &'ace dur#ng a (#re emergency.

    /a(ety I /tructura' /a(ety O/2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure.

    O/2.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure caused y'oads ear#ng on the buildinge'ements that e5ceed the#rloadbearing ca&ac#ty.

    O/2.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure caused y'oads ear#ng on the buildingthat e5ceed the loadbearing&ro&ert#es o( thesu&&ort#ng med#um.

    O/2.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ydamage to or deter#orat#on o( buildinge'ements.

    O/2.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure caused y$#rat#on or de('ect#on o( buildinge'ements.

    O/2. %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure caused y#nsta#'#ty o( the buildingor &art o( #t.

    O/2.6 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to structura' (a#'ure caused y

    co''a&se o( the e"cavation./a(ety I /a(ety #n @se O/3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn

    or constructiono( the building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards.

    O/3.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y tr#&ng,s'#&ng, (a''#ng, contact, drown#ng or co''#s#on.

    O/3.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y contact w#thhot sur(aces or sustances.

    O/3.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y contact w#thenerg#Ced eu#&ment.

    O/3.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y e5&osure tohaCardous sustances.

    O/3. %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y e5&osure toh#gh 'e$e's o( sound (rom (#re a'arm systems.

    O/3.6 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y &ersons

    ecom#ng tra&&ed #n con(#ned s&aces.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    O/3. %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to haCards caused y &ersons

    e#ng de'ayed #n or #m&eded (rom mo$#ng to a sa(e &'ace dur#ng an emergency.

    /a(ety I Res#stance to@nwanted ntry

    O/4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to the buildingCs'ow 'e$e' o( res#stance tounwanted entry.

    O/4.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to the buildingCs'ow 'e$e' o( res#stance tounwanted entry caused y #ntruders e#ng a'e to (orce the#r way through 'oc7eddoors or w#ndows.

    O/4.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #nury due to the buildingCs'ow 'e$e' o( res#stance tounwanted entry caused y occu&ants e#ng una'e to #dent#(y &otent#a' #ntrudersas such.

    2. =ea'th O= %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( #''ness.

    =ea'th I +ndoor )ond#t#ons O=1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons.

    O=1.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons caused y #nadeuate#ndoor a#r ua'#ty.

    O=1.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons caused y #nadeuatetherma' com(ort.

    O=1.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons caused y contact w#thmo#sture.

    =ea'th I /an#tat#on O=2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n or adacent to the buildingw#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons.

    O=2.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused y e5&osure tohuman or domest#c waste.

    O=2.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused y consum&t#ono( contam#nated water.

    O=2.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused y #nadeuate(ac#'#t#es (or &ersona' hyg#ene.

    O=2.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused y contact w#thcontam#nated sur(aces.

    O=2. %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused y contact w#th$erm#n and #nsects.

    O=2.6 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson adacent to the buildingw#'' e e5&osedto an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ye5&osure to human or domest#c waste.

    =ea'th I Bo#se rotect#on O=3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to h#gh 'e$e's o( sound or#g#nat#ng #n adacents&aces #n the building.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    O=3.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to h#gh 'e$e's o( sound or#g#nat#ng #n adacents&aces #n the buildingcaused y e5&osure to a#rorne sound transm#tted throughassem'#es se&arat#ng dwelling units(rom adacent s&aces #n the building.

    =ea'th I H#rat#on and"e('ect#on L#m#tat#on

    O=4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to h#gh 'e$e's o( $#rat#on or de('ect#on o(

    buildinge'ements.=ea'th I =aCardous/ustances )onta#nment

    O= %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, the &u'#c w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( #''ness due to the re'ease o( haCardous sustances (rom the building.

    =ea'th I r#$acy O=6 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e &ro$#ded w#th anunacce&ta'e 'e$e' o( &r#$acy.

    =ea'th I H#ew to theOutdoors

    O= %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson #n the buildingw#'' e una'e toe5&er#ence a $#ew to the outdoors.

    3. %ccess##'#ty O% %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson w#th a &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa#'#ty w#''

    e unacce&ta'y #m&eded (rom access#ng or us#ng the buildingor #ts (ac#'#t#es.%ccess##'#ty I *arr#er-(reeath o( ;ra$e'

    O%1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson w#th a &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa#'#ty w#''

    e unacce&ta'y #m&eded (rom access#ng the buildingor c#rcu'at#ng w#th#n #t.%ccess##'#ty I *arr#er-(reeFac#'#t#es

    O%2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a &erson w#th a &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa#'#ty w#''

    e unacce&ta'y #m&eded (rom us#ng the buildingCs(ac#'#t#es.4. F#re, /tructura', 8ater and

    /ewage rotect#on o(*u#'d#ngs

    O %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, the buildingor adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re or structura' #nsu((#c#ency, or thebuildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( 'oss o( use a'sodue to structura' #nsu((#c#ency.

    F#re, /tructura', 8ater and/ewage rotect#on o(*u#'d#ngs I F#re rotect#ono( the *u#'d#ng

    O1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingw#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damagedue to (#re.

    O1.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingw#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damagedue to (#re caused y (#re or e5&'os#on occurr#ng.

    O1.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingw#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damagedue to (#re caused y (#re or e5&'os#on #m&act#ng areas eyond #ts &o#nt o(or#g#n.

    O1.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingw#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damagedue to (#re caused y co''a&se o( &hys#ca' e'ements due to a (#re or e5&'os#on.

    O1.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingw#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damagedue to (#re caused y (#re sa(ety systems (a#'#ng to (unct#on as e5&ected.

    F#re, /tructura', 8ater and/ewage rotect#on o(*u#'d#ngs I /tructura'/u((#c#ency o( the *u#'d#ng

    O2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty.

    O2.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7

    o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty caused y 'oads ear#ng on the buildinge'ements that e5ceed the#rloadbearingca&ac#ty.

    O2.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty caused y 'oads ear#ng on the buildingthat e5ceed theloadbearing&ro&ert#es o( the su&&ort#ng med#um.

    O2.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty caused y damage to or deter#orat#on o( buildinge'ements.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    O2.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty caused y $#rat#on or de('ect#on o( buildinge'ements.

    O2. %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty caused y #nsta#'#ty o( the buildingor &art o( #t.

    O2.6 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingor &art o( #t w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura'ser$#cea#'#ty caused y #nsta#'#ty or mo$ement o( the su&&ort#ng med#um.

    F#re, /tructura', 8ater and/ewage rotect#on o(*u#'d#ngs I rotect#on o(

    O3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re.

    %dacent *u#'d#ngs (rom F#re O3.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re caused y (#re or e5&'os#on #m&act#ngareas eyond the buildingo( or#g#n.

    F#re, /tructura', 8ater and/ewage rotect#on o(*u#'d#ngs I rotect#on o(

    O4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( structura' damage.

    %dacent *u#'d#ngs (rom

    /tructura' "amage

    O4.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn

    or constructiono( a building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused y sett'ement o( the med#umsu&&ort#ng adacent buildings.

    O4.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( the building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused y co''a&se o( the buildingor

    &ort#on o( #t onto adacent buildings.O4.3 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn

    or constructiono( a building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused y #m&act o( the buildingonadacent buildings.

    O4.4 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, adacent buildingsw#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused y co''a&se o( the e5ca$at#on.

    F#re, /tructura', 8ater and/ewage rotect#on o(

    *u#'d#ngs I 8ater and/ewage rotect#on o(*u#'d#ngs and Fac#'#t#es

    O %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gnor construction, a buildingw#'' e e5&osed to unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( damage due

    to 'ea7age o( ser$#ce water orsewage.

    . Resource )onser$at#on OR %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a resource w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( de&'et#on or the ca&ac#ty o( the #n(rastructure su&&ort#ng the use, treatment ord#s&osa' o( the resource w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( e#nge5ceeded.

    Resource )onser$at#on I8ater and nergy)onser$at#on

    OR1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a resource w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( de&'et#on.

    OR1.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, water resources w#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( de&'et#on due to the consum&t#on o( water.

    OR1.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, a resource w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7

    o( de&'et#on due to the consum&t#on o( energy.Resource )onser$at#on I+n(rastructure )a&ac#ty

    OR2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, the ca&ac#ty o( the #n(rastructure su&&ort#ng theuse, treatment or d#s&osa' o( a resource w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( e#ng e5ceeded.

    OR2.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, the ca&ac#ty o( the #n(rastructure su&&ort#ng theuse, treatment or d#s&osa' o( a resource w#'' e e5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7o( e#ng e5ceeded due to e5cess#$e demand on the #n(rastructure.

    6. n$#ronmenta' +ntegr#ty O %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( thedes#gn, constructionor o&erat#on o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( degradat#on.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    n$#ronmenta' +ntegr#ty I%#r Mua'#ty

    O1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to em#ss#ons #nto the a#r.

    O1.1 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to em#ss#ons o( greenhouse gases #nto thea#r.

    O1.2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gnor constructiono( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' e e5&osed to anunacce&ta'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to the re'ease o( contam#nants, other thangreenhouse gases, #nto the a#r.

    n$#ronmenta' +ntegr#ty I8ater and /o#' Mua'#ty

    O2 %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( thedes#gn, constructionor o&erat#on o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ee5&osed to an unacce&ta'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to e5cess#$e re'ease o(contam#nants #nto water orsoil.

    . )onser$at#on o( *u#'d#ngs O) %n objectiveo( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &roa#'#ty that, as a resu't o( thee5tens#on, mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r o( an e5#st#ng buildingor a change #n useo( an e5#st#ng building, the e5#st#ng buildingcannot e acce&ta'y conser$ed.

    O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on %, art 2.


    (ection !1 A..lic$tion

    !11 A..lic$tion o/ +unction$l (t$tements

    (ection !2 +unction$l (t$tements!21 +unction$l (t$tements

    (ection !1 A..lic$tion

    !11 A..lic$tion o/ +unction$l (t$tements

    !111 A..lic$tion o/ +unction$l (t$tements

    81 ;hefunctional statements set out #n ;a'e a&&'y on'y to the e5tent that they re'ate to com&'#ance w#th th#s)ode as reu#red #n %rt#c'e

    (ection !2 +unction$l (t$tements

    !21 +unction$l (t$tements

    !211 +unction$l (t$tements

    81 ;hefunctional statementso( th#s )ode are those set out #n ;a'e

    T$ble !211+unction$l (t$tements

    Form#ng art o( /entence )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2

    Bumer Funct#on

    1. F01 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( acc#denta' #gn#t#on.F02 ;o '#m#t the se$er#ty and e((ects o( (#re or e5&'os#ons.F03 ;o retard the e((ects o( (#re on areas eyond #ts &o#nt o( or#g#n.F04 ;o retard (a#'ure or co''a&se due to the e((ects o( (#re.F0 ;o retard the e((ects o( (#re on emergency egress (ac#'#t#es.F06 ;o retard the e((ects o( (#re on (ac#'#t#es (or not#(#cat#on, su&&ress#on and emergency res&onse.

    2. F10 ;o (ac#'#tate the t#me'y mo$ement o( &ersons to a sa(e &'ace #n an emergency.F11 ;o not#(y &ersons, #n a t#me'y manner, o( the need to ta7e act#on #n an emergency.F12 ;o (ac#'#tate emergency res&onse.F13 ;o not#(y emergency res&onders, #n a t#me'y manner, o( the need to ta7e act#on #n an emergency.

    3. F20 ;o su&&ort and w#thstand e5&ected 'oads and (orces.F21 ;o '#m#t or accommodate d#mens#ona' change.F22 ;o '#m#t mo$ement under e5&ected 'oads and (orces.F23 ;o ma#nta#n eu#&ment #n &'ace dur#ng structura' mo$ement.

    4. F30 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #nury to &ersons as a resu't o( tr#&ng, s'#&ng, (a''#ng, contact, drown#ng or co''#s#on.F31 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #nury to &ersons as a resu't o( contact w#th hot sur(aces or sustances.F32 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #nury to &ersons as a resu't o( contact w#th energ#Ced eu#&ment.F33 ;o '#m#t the 'e$e' o( sound o( a (#re a'arm system.


  • 8/13/2019 Ontario Building Code 2012


    F34 ;o res#st or d#scourage unwanted access or entry.F3 ;o (ac#'#tate the #dent#(#cat#on o( &otent#a' #ntruders.F36 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 that &ersons w#'' e tra&&ed #n con(#ned s&aces.

    . F40 ;o '#m#t the 'e$e' o( contam#nants.F41 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( generat#on o( contam#nants.F42 ;o res#st the entry o( $erm#n and #nsects.F43 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( re'ease o( haCardous sustances.F44 ;o '#m#t the s&read o( haCardous sustances eyond the#r &o#nt o( re'ease.F4 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( the s&read o( d#seases through communa' shower (ac#'#t#es.F46 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( contam#nat#on o(potablewater.

    6. F0 ;o &ro$#de a#r su#ta'e (or reath#ng.F1 ;o ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate a#r and sur(ace tem&eratures.F2 ;o ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate re'at#$e hum#d#ty.F3 ;o ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate #ndoor!outdoor a#r &ressure d#((erences.F4 ;o '#m#t dra(ts.F ;o res#st the trans(er o( a#r through en$#ronmenta' se&arators.F6 ;o '#m#t the transm#ss#on o( a#rorne sound #nto a dwelling unit(rom s&aces e'sewhere #n the building.

    . F60 ;o contro' the accumu'at#on and &ressure o( water on and #n the ground.F61 ;o res#st the #ngress o( &rec#tat#on, water or mo#sture (rom the e5ter#or or (rom the ground.F62 ;o (ac#'#tate the d#ss#&at#on o( water and mo#sture (rom the building.F63 ;o '#m#t mo#sture condensat#on.

    . F0 ;o &ro$#depotablewater.F1 ;o &ro$#de (ac#'#t#es (or &ersona' hyg#ene.F2 ;o &ro$#de (ac#'#t#es (or the san#tary d#s&osa' o( human and domest#c wastes.F3 ;o (ac#'#tate access to and c#rcu'at#on #n the buildingand #ts (ac#'#t#es y &ersons w#th &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa#'#t#es.F4 ;o (ac#'#tate the use o( a buildingCs(ac#'#t#es y &ersons w#th &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa#'#t#es.

    9. F0 ;o res#st deter#orat#on resu't#ng (rom e5&ected ser$#ce cond#t#ons.F1 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( ma'(unct#on, #nter(erence, damage, tam&er#ng, 'ac7 o( use or m#suse.F2 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #nadeuate &er(ormance due to #m&ro&er ma#ntenance or 'ac7 o( ma#ntenance.

    10. F101 ;o '#m#t unwanted $#sua' e5&osure.F102 ;o &ro$#de a $#ew to the outdoors #n buildings.

    11. F110 ;o contro' the re'ease o( contam#nants #ntosoil,groundwater,surface waterand a#r.F111 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( ma'(unct#on, damage or (a#'ure o( asewage system.F112 ;o &ro$#de adeuate treatment o(sanitary sewageand effluent.F113 ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #nury as a resu't o( contact w#thsanitary