Online Physical Education (Are you kidding me?) Providing physical education and choice fitness opportunities for students where they live!

Online Physical Education (Are you kidding me?) Providing physical education and choice fitness opportunities for students where they live!

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Online Physical Education

(Are you kidding me?)Providing physical education and choice fitness

opportunities for students where they live!

Presentation Overview

1. Historical perspective2. Course creation3. Current status of course4. Future


This course allows me

to take more classes

(full schedule) during

the day then exercise


MMU Student

Mike Weston, MMU Principal

When Kathy & the PE/Health Department came to me with this idea I was ecstatic! This class allows MMU students to experience a quality online class led by a teacher in the building who is there to help out whenever and however it is needed.

This course allows me to participate more in the community by having time for extracurricular activities.MMU Student

This course helped me prepare for a hiking trip in equator as well as helping me understand how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Where did this idea come from?1. BYU credit--School Board acceptance of program credits did

not discriminate between quality programs

2. Family-school partnerships overseen by administrators

3. A need for “alternative pathways” to graduation

4. Connecting this generation’s everyday use of technology and physical activity

Allows MMU PE teachers to keep students in quality PE classes

Why students would rather take an online class?● Schedule conflicts--AP’s, Honors, Arts etc.● Not interested in current PE offerings● Need the time to work a job● Not comfortable working out with others in a

class, sometimes a bit self-conscious

What does the research say about motivation and learning?

What else does the research say?Technology for Tomorrow’s Teachers: JOPERD Editorial Article March 2014

● Technology, pedagogy and concept knowledge model

● Recommends the use of fitbit flex in technology

What was created?

Online Physical Education:Personal Motivation

Course Description

What does the class look like?

● 60 hours=½ credit, 15 weekso 15 hours are assignment hours (50% of grade)--

approximately 1 hour per week

o 45 hours are activity hours (40% of grade)--approximately 3 hours/wk

o remaining 10% of grade--progress to SMART goal

How are assignments and workouts recorded?● MMU uses Schoology

● Weekly assignments

● Google spreadsheet to record weekly workouts

How is fitness recorded?● Students issued a fitbit (initially)

o collects data including very active minuteso total stepso % toward goalo sleep patternso phone app and website support

● Activity connected to SMART goal through google spreadsheet

What is required for assignments?15 weeks = 15 assignments

The first 7 assignments are:o 5 components of fitnesso SMART goalo nutrition

The remaining 8 assignments are “choice based” and focus on fitness-related research.

What is required for a workout?Link to weekly workout templateSome of the student’s SMART goals:By the end of the semester I will…….*Run 2 miles in 15 minutes *run a 5K road race in under 30 minutes *work through a dance routine for 50 minutes without fatigue *50 push ups without stopping *run a 6 minute mile *swim 50 laps of freestyle crawl in under an hour *run 10 miles without stopping, preparing for military boot camp physical fitness tests *hike a 30 minute hiking trail without stopping *hike Mt. Mansfield with a 35-50 lb pack *use long/skate boarding to train for snowboarding

How has this course progressed?First Year (2013-14)

September:The course had enough for 2 sections (57 students)o Fall--30 studentso Spring-27 students

October: Quarter 1, half the students FAILING!Semester 2: New group of students, purchased and issued Fitbits to students to track activityEnd of the year: Student Services Department scheduled seriously motivated students to sign up

Second Year (2014-15)September: 1 section only in the fall, 20 students

October: Quarter 1, only 2 failing.

Why were they failing?

● Seen as “easy PE credit”, not ready to do the work● Demands of an online vs traditional class, no one to “answer

to”● Trouble scheduling workouts or completing assignments in a

timely, regular manner● No face-to-face interaction to clarify assignments or answer


Adjustments made1. In year 1, created a flex class--”restart button” for failing students after

quarter 1. (Work to be completed quarter 2 and 3)

2. Edited syllabus to clearly state the late assignment and late workout out log guidelines

2. Implemented a mandatory face-to-face meeting at the beginning of each new semester.

3. Fitbits not mandatory

Still learning...still making adjustments!

Concerns as a teacher?● PE from behind a screen? ● Is this where the future is headed?

Guidelines developedo Only two sections, maximumo Student Services Department schedule students who have proven success in the

classroomo Seniors fall semester only-not to jeopardize graduation

● What about around 24/7 questions?o Use planning time for student grading, comments, emails

to students. o Let students know your availability for face to face time.

Future of the classPro’s● Students going beyond

required credits, taking elective credit?

● Keeping MMU students at MMU!

● Earned Credit from a quality program

Con’s● Honor system--are

students really doing what they say they are doing?

● New name?

● Relying on technology to track fitness

● Fitbit limitations



Thank you!