One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10 "Complementary Feeding of Infants and Young Children - Give Moms Access to Appropriate Food, No Child will Go Hungry” Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam October 27-30, 2014 A report

One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

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Page 1: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10

"Complementary Feeding of Infants and Young Children - Give Moms

Access to Appropriate Food, No Child will Go Hungry”

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam October 27-30, 2014

A report

Page 2: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

BPNI/IBFAN Asia follows clear ethical and funding policies that do not lead to any conflicts of interest. BPNI does not

accept funds or sponsorship of any kind from the companies producing infant milk substitutes, feeding bottles,

related equipment, or infant foods (cereal foods) or from those who have been ever found to violate the IMS Act or

the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

Page 3: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam October 27-30, 2014

International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)-Asia


BP-33, Pitampura, Delhi-110034. India

Tel: +91-11-27343608, 42683059

Tel/Fax: +91-11-27343606

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)

"Complementary Feeding of Infants and Young Children - Give Moms

Access to Appropriate Food, No Child will Go Hungry”

A report

Page 4: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,


Acknowledgment 3

Introduction 4

Background 8

The Inaugural Function 9

Proceeding of the Forum 11

Annexure-1: Agenda 17

Annexure-2: List of Participants 21

Annexure-4: South Asia/One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forums so far 24

Page 5: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

We are grateful to Hon'ble Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Masna Binti Al-Marhum

Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien of Brunei Darussalam, for gracing the inaugural ceremony

of the Forum and enriching the Forum proceedings.

The One Asia Breastfeeding Partners' Forum is a part of IBFAN Asia's five year strategic plan. We are thankful to

NORAD and Sida for supporting IBFAN Asia plan activities.

We are grateful to the Ministry of Health, Government of Brunei Darussalam for hosting this Forum, and providing

support for developing the agenda for the Forum, making logistic arrangments for travel and stay of the

participants and ensuring a successful conduct of the proceedings.

We are thankful to our regional representatives, Ines Fernandez from Southeast Asia and Kim Jaiok from East Asia

for their contribution in the development of the Forum agenda, and coordinating participation of country

representatives and other experts.

We are thankful to all the participants, speakers, chairpersons for delivering an excellent academic feast and

coming out with succinct recommendations.

Dr. Arun Gupta

Regional Coordinator, IBFAN Asia



Page 6: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Since 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an

annual Forum in a different country of the region

in which IBFAN country groups, Governments, UN and

other agencies participate and deliberate on the

issues related with infant and young child feeding.

This annual event was started as a follow up to the

to promote

the implementation of the

, organised by the

Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) and

The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)

Asia, in Delhi in 2003. Since then, the major objective

of the annual Forums has been to strengthen the

breastfeeding movement and its linkages with the

governments and the UN agencies and enhancing

interest and action on infant and young child feeding

in the region. Till, 2008, only South Asian countries

were participating in the Forum. In the year 2009,

participants from South-east Asia and East Asia also

joined the Forum and the event was rechristened as

the One Asia Breastfeeding Partners’ Forum. This

report briefly highlights proceedings of One Asia

Breastfeeding Partners’ Forum -10 held at Brunei

Darussalam from 27 to 30 October 2014.Asia Pacific Conference on Breastfeeding’

Global Strategy for Infant

and Young Child Feeding

th th

A drafting

committee of experts participating in the Forum met

several times during the Forum to draft the

declaration document. The declaration was presented

to the participants of the Forum in a specially

designated session. Suggestions from the participants

were incorporated in the document and the Forum

adopted the final declaration.

Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration of the 10th One

Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum:



Page 7: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

29 October 2014th

Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration onMaternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN)

Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration onMaternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN)

The 10 One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum (here in after called Forum 10) was held in Brunei

Darussalam from 27 -30 October 2014, and brought together over 200 participants from 21 countries

and areas of Asia and Oceania region. The participants represented governments, civil society,

professionals and other organizations from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam,

People's Republic of China, Hong Kong SAR, Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR,

Nepal, Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Philippines, Republic of Palau, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and


The theme of the Forum was “Complementary Feeding of Infants and Young Children - Give Moms

Access to Appropriate Food, No Child will Go Hungry”. Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam and

International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Asia jointly hosted it.

The Forum 10 participants, having discussed the gaps in policies and programmes on MIYCN in particular

on complementary feeding;

Recalling the global commitments enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC); the

Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Millennium Development

Goals especially 1,4 and 5 on poverty reduction, child survival and maternal health; International

Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly

resolutions; SAARC Model Code for the Protection of Breastfeeding and Young Child Nutrition 1996;

Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding 2002; Maternity Protection Convention 2000;

Innocenti Declarations of 1990 and 2005; Call for action and Declarations adopted at the One Asia

Breastfeeding Partner's Forums held in Dhaka, Kathmandu, Kabul, New Delhi, Thimphu, Colombo,

Jakarta, Ulaanbaatar, Luang Prabang from 2004 to 2013; and Delhi Declaration on Infant and young

child feeding adopted at the World Conference on Breastfeeding 2012;

Recalling the 63 World Health Assembly, which took place in May 2010, Member States adopted

resolution WHA 63.14 on marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages to children. Research has

shown that food advertising to children is extensive and other forms of marketing of food to children

are widespread across the world and a significant amount of this marketing is for foods with a high

content of fat sugar or salt and that television advertising influences children's food preferences,

purchase requests and consumption patterns. Set of recommendations on marketing of food and

non-alcoholic beverages to children was endorsed by Member States to develop appropriate multi-

sectoral approaches to deal with the marketing of food to children;

Deeply concerned about the double burden of malnutrition which continues to be a serious problem

in Asia and Oceania region;


th th


Page 8: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Deeply concerned of the lack of food security and access to drinking water and its over

commercialization that displaced community empowerment;

Deeply concerned of the marketing exploitation of malnutrition by food and beverages industries;

cross branding of baby foods and food for children by companies and changing concept of healthy

feeding from freshly cooked, home-based foods to pre-processed and packaged foods;

Deeply concerned of the growing profit-driven marketing of processed foods for children and

mothers, causing serious problems that undermine both breastfeeding and complementary feeding

practices, particularly on the promotion of breastmilk substitutes as well as commercial food

products for pregnant and lactating mothers;

Recognising that most of the member countries do not have clear policy and plan of action on

disasters and emergencies management in relation to MIYCN preparedness and response; where it

exists, there is little attention paid to women and children, as well as Infant and Young Child Feeding

(IYCF) guidelines. In this situation, the key issues are unnecessary donation of breastmilk substitutes

and infant foods; distribution of processed and therapeutic foods; rampant violation of the

International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes; and lack of guideline, regulation and

enforcement in this situation;

Recognising that good complementary feeding based on indigenous foods is the sustainable way

forward; strongly reaffirmed that breastfeeding is life saving measure, and is the best investment for

long term, holistic human health and development; gaps exist in both policy and programmes as

reported in the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBT ) reports; the importance of World

Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBT ) in benchmarking the status of policy and programmes on IYCF

by the countries; and benefits of new tools like World Breastfeeding Costing Initiative in developing

action plans and budgeting them;

Deeply concerned about the presence of commercial conflicts of interest at every level of

development, implementation and regulation of nutrition policy and food standards; processed

food are unhealthy and contain high level of salt, sugar, fat and harmful chemicals that are linked to

NCDs and environmental degradation; and ready to use therapeutic foods containing high amount of

fat which may have long term adverse effects and also replacing freshly cooked and home-based

indigenous foods;

Recognising the evidence from many countries, severe malnutrition in children can be prevented

and treated by establishing good community facilities such as crèches and providing good caring

environment and cooked food to children;

Recognising that loopholes exist in the current guidelines on complementary feeding for breastfed

children and often used as entry points by commercial vested interests groups to push commercial

products as complementary foods; and strong evidence is required from high impact research in

complementary feeding.



Page 9: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Agree that good complementary feeding after six months along with continued breastfeeding up to 24

months and beyond must be a political commitment, and call upon all concerned the following actions:

1. Develop clear implementation guidelines for complementary feeding for children from six months

and beyond using freshly cooked, home-based indigenous foods.

2. Adopt the International Code of Marketing for Breastmilk Substitutes and relevant World Health

Assembly resolutions on Infant and Young Child Nutrition by 2015 and consequently to enact

legislations or strengthen existing national legislations.

3. Regulate marketing and advertising of all kinds of commercial foods for mothers and children.

4. Develop plans of action on emergency preparedness and response especially to help women and

children considering they are the most vulnerable groups; supporting them with breastfeeding

and appropriate as well as adequate complementary feeding including breastfeeding counselling

services; and avoiding unnecessary push of infant formula and other therapeutic food products

during disasters.

5. Undertake World Breastfeeding Trends initiative (WBT ) and World Breastfeeding Costing Initiative

(WBC ) processes on an urgent basis to benchmark the progress and implement the Global

Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding in its entirety.

6. All countries in Asia and Oceania should set up community-based projects or programmes to

prevent malnutrition through the use of freshly cooked, home-based indigenous foods, as well as

use of locally produced foods for treating malnutrition.

7. Countries facing malnutrition among women and children should take all efforts to provide

appropriate food-based solutions, and stop the widespread use of commercial multiple or single

micronutrient supplements.

8. Countries should establish a system of monitoring and evaluation for MIYCN implementation to

track programme management and impact as well as strengthen IYCF initiatives by mainstreaming

it into health care systems.

9. Policy development and regulatory mechanisms at all levels of food and nutrition policy must be

free from conflict of interest.

10. Institutionalize health care worker training on breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding

counselling skills at all levels in the community particularly focusing on locally grown indigenous

complementary foods.

We the Forum 10 participants adopt this Declaration on .



29 October 2014th

Page 10: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

In the series of IBFAN Asia’s annual meetings, the

10 One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum (here in

after called Forum 10) was held in Brunei Darussalam

from 27 -30 October 2014, and brought together

over 200 participants from 21 countries and areas of

Asia and Oceania region. The theme of the Forum was

"Complementary Feeding of Infants and Young

Children - Give Moms Access to Appropriate Food, No

Child will Go Hungry". Ministry of Health, Brunei

Darussalam and International Baby Food Action

Network (IBFAN) Asia jointly hosted it.

In May, 2012 the WHO organized a workshop on

MIYCN in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. Three

resource persons of the workshop, Alessandro Iellamo

from Italy/Philippines from WHO WEPRO, Norjinah

Moin from Malaysia and Ines Fernandez from

Philippines/IBFAN SEA had a special meeting with

Minister of Health Brunei and Ines and Norjinah

requested the Minister if he can host the One Asia

Forum in Brunei. The minister enquired in which year

IBFAN Asia would like to host the Forum in Brunei.

When requested to organise it in 2013, he suggested

and agreed for 2014. By December, 2013 IBFAN

drafted the 10 One Asia Forum letter of request and

program necessary for approval from the Ministry of

Health Brunei. The team led by Dr. Sokking and Dr

Roselina at the Ministry of Health Brunei had worked

diligently with series of exchanges of communications

with IBFAN Asia office and IBFAN SEA.

IBFAN Asia Regional Coordinating Office and Ministry

of Health, Government of Brunei Darussalam worked

in close cooperation to organise the Forum. Forum

preparations were discussed in the meeting of IBFAN

Asia team and the Minister of Health, Brunei during

the World Health Assembly in Geneva in May 2014.

IBFAN Asia Coordinating Office coordinated Forum

work with the local organizing committee,

participants and resource persons; developed a

background document for the Forum, helped in

developing the Forum agenda; disseminated

information about the Forum in the One Asia network

and provided a financial assistance of $ 8000 to the

organisers as a seed grant. Ministry of Health,

Government of Brunei made arrangements for the

Forum venue, audio-visuals and food for the

participants; assisted participants for accommodation,

local travel etc.; provided formal invitation to the

participants; helped participants to get entry VISA and

provided information for travel to Brunei; provided

inputs in the development of the agenda, organised

an exhibition on child health and nutrition during the

Forum at the venue and organised a cultural night and

dinner for the participants.



th th



Page 11: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

The Forum was inaugurated by Her Royal Highness

Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Masna

binti Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien

Sa’adul Khairi Waddien of Brunei Darussalam at the

Al-‘Afiah Hall of the Ministry of Health. The Minister of

Health, Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri

Setia Awang Haji Adanan bin Begawan Pehin Siraja

Khatib Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Mohd Yusof as well

as the permanent secretary and deputy permanent

secretaries at the ministry also graced the

inauguration ceremony. Her Royal Highness presented

a sabda and officiated the launch of two books,

namely, ‘Brunei Darussalam: Journey Towards

Comprehensive Maternal, Infant and Young Child

Nutrition’ depicting the history of health services for

mothers and infants in the Sultanate since 1939 as

well as its recent developments; and ‘National

Strategy of Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition

in Brunei Darussalam 2014-2020’ depicting the

framework and national strategy for this target group

and describes the journey and achievements of the

Health Care Foundation since its inception. Keynote

address was delivered by Dato (Dr) Anwar Fazal, co-

founder of IBFAN as well as World Alliance for


Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Masna binti Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien

of Brunei Darussalam during the inaugural function of the Forum


Dato (Dr.) Anwar Fazal delivering the key note address

Page 12: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Breastfeeding Action (WABA). He spoke about

‘Feeding the Future – Challenges and Opportunities’.

He described breastfeeding as a wonderful gift of

nature highlighting the ‘Panchshila’ of breastfeeding

like a beautiful flower with five petals – breastfeeding

is an essential medicine, good nutrition, ecologically

friendly, economically good and representing the

wonderful bond of love of mother and child. He made

three suggestions - that everyone should support

wonderful IBFAN project – WBT ; Brunei should

consider organizing a World Conference on Child Care

in Islam; and IBFAN, WABA, WHO, UNICEF and Brunei

together should institute an annual global award –

‘World Breastfeeding Prize’.


Forum participants

Forum participants Forum participants

Her Royal Highness with Dr Astri Pramarini on Indonesian stall in the exhibition Her Royal Highness with Kim Jaiok on East Asia stall in the exhibition

Page 13: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Various sessions based on the theme of the Forum

were organised. All the sessions were very

informative and interactive. A brief description of

sessions during the Forum is given below:

This presentation was

made by Dr. KP Kushwaha, Principal and Head of

Paediatrics Department, BRD Medical College,

Gorakhpur, India. He deliberated upon WHO Guiding

Principles for Complementary Feeding of the

Breastfed Child (2001), Guidelines for Infant and

Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (2007) and HIV

and Infant feeding Guidelines by WHO (2010). He

further emphasised that with ever-emerging scientific

evidence, there is a need to revisit the WHO

guidelines for complementary feeding. He

recommended that there should be political will and

defined government policies to protect, promote, and

support complementary feeding; uniform definitions

of various terms used for complementary feeding and

in the guidelines thereof should be made;

recommendations on macronutrient and

micronutrient should be consistent and updated, and

home cooked complementary foods should be

promoted and protected.

Annelies Allain, Director, International Code

Documentation Centre (ICDC) and Co-founder of

IBFAN, discussed exploding world markets, especially

in Asia, with toddler milks or growing-up milks. She

further stated that these products were invented by

the industry to use loopholes in the International

Code of Marketing to freely promote them as

advertising for toddler milk functions as indirect

promotion for infant formula. By cross-branding and

brand-extension, such promotion undermines

breastfeeding and appropriate complementary

feeding. She highlighted such activities from Asian

Day oneGlobal Recommendations on Complementary

Feeding – Need for a Relook: The ‘Hottest' Products in Baby Food Marketing




Annelies Allain, Director ICDC speaking on the ‘Hottest’

Products in Baby Food Marketing Today

Forum Participants

Page 14: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

countries and suggested reporting of cross-branding


Professor Dr. Hajjah

Adlina Suleiman, Medical Professor, National Defence

University of Malaysia discussed findings of the study

on Growing-Up Milk. Objective of the study was to

determine if marketing of growing up milk in mass

media influences a mother’s choice of feeding.

Main component of the study shared by Professor Dr.

Adlina was to show the mother the paper

advertisement of the formula product for five seconds

and subsequently record her observation about the

brand name and various numbering depicted on the

labels of growing up milks like 1 or 2 or 3 etc. It was

also recorded if she has noticed the statement about

mother’s milk on the label. When shown the picture

of the milk formula 90.6% saw the brand but only

75.5% got the brand right, 50.1% saw the number 1,

52.8% saw the number 2, 58.5% saw the number 3

and 4, 62.3% saw the Mama’s Milk word. 41.5 %

mothers stated they see no obvious difference

between the packaging of infant formula and the

growing up milk. Only 50.9% mothers said that they

can differentiate the advertisement for infant formula

and growing up milk. She emphasised that there may

be cross reference to the branded mothers milk (they

may buy infant formula from the brand that they used

while pregnant) and continue for growing up milk.

In this multi-country experince

sharing session, Dr. Romelei Camiling-Alfonso,

Philippines; Dr. Renuka Jayatissa, Sri Lanka; Dr.

Chwang Leh Chi, Chinese Taipei and Mia Sutanto,

Indonesia discussed importance of appropriate infant

and young child feeding in saving lives of children

during emergencies and disasters. The session dealt

with the topic by sharing experiences during a real-life

situation in Philippines, Sri Lanka, Chinese Taipei and

Indonesia. The common challenges faced by each

country highlighted by experts were managing

donation from companies which often try to make

emergency situations into business especially among

infant formula milk companies; and sub-optimal

implementation of the existing International and

national guidelines for infant and young child feeding

during emergencies at country level. During

emergency, there are often no interventions offered

to pregnant and lactating mothers due to lack of

training programmes as well as guidelines in disaster

preparedness for nutrition emergency at country


Growing-up Milk Perceptions:

Food in Emergencies:

2Dr Romelei Camiling-Alfonso, Philippines speaks during session on “Food in Emergencies

Page 15: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Day TwoDay Two of the Forum was devoted to Food Security

and Safety. Following presentations were made by

experts in this session:

Dr. S K Roy from Bangladesh and Dr.

Vandana Prasad from India shared their respective

research experience of effectively managing and

preventing acute malnutrition at community level in

developing countries like Bangladesh and India by

using homemade, local foods. Dr. Roy gave general

information about the child malnutrition in global as

well as Bangladesh context. He stated that the ideal

rehabilitation for an acutely malnourished children

should be to gain body weight with muscle and bone

through a longer time with near normal body

composition, which may be achieved with home made

high energy foods made with local ingredients. He

shared his research studies showing effective

management of acute malnutrition using home made

foods like Khichuri. Dr. Vandana Prasad shared her

experience of managing acute malnutrition in India

using a multi strategic intervention titled ‘Action

Against Malnutrition’ (AAM). Various interventions

used are – System strengthening, Participatory

Learning Activity (PLA) and provision of Creches.

Crèches catered children from 6 months to 3 years

providing space for working mothers who can go to

work freely and then can come and breastfeed their

children at regular intervals. Complementary feeding

of children was also taken care of in the Creches

where meals were provided 3 times a day and for

children who were undernourished 5 times a day with

increase in the amount of cooking oil. With these

intereventions, the study reported a significant

decrease in the incidence of wasting in children. Both

the speakers highlighted vital role of optimal infant

and young child feeding practices in preventing acute



this session, Ma. Ines Av. Fernandez from Philippines

talked about Food that Heals, Food that Makes you ill.

While Siti Norjinah Moin from Malaysia spoke about

Food and Spirituality . Both the speakers emphasised

about immense properties of traditional foods for

preventing diseases and providing healing. With the

advent of time, societies have forgetten beneficial

properties of these food items. Hence the use of

hazardous, high sugar, high fats, and high salt foods is


Kim Jaiok, South Korea, presented perils

of processed foods being marketed for children and

mothers. She highlighted the role of processed foods

Using Home-made, Local Food to Treat Acute


Food in Preventing Diseases and Improving Health:

Dangers of Processed Foods Marketed for Children

and Moms:

Dr L Chandradasa and Dr JP Dadhich chairing a session


Page 16: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

in causing obesity, hypertension and other body

ailments in children as well as adults. She also shared

the global regulations and guidelines for marketing

and use of these products.

Dr. JP Dadhich from India

discussed how food standards and safety are a vital

issues affecting infants and young children’s health,

growth and development. He highlighted how Codex

Alimentarius process provides global standards for

composition, labelling, hygienic preparation and

storage etc. of foods items. He gave information about

the process of developing standards and some

relevant standards of foods for infants and young

children. He mentioned lack of participation of

government delegations from developing countries in

this important global process. He also shared

information about how industry is using the Codex

process for its benefit to facilitate the trade. Industry

is participating in vital decision-making process to

formulate the food standards at global and national,

which is a clear case of Conflict of Interest. He stated

that the International Association of Infant Food

Manufacturers represents industry in the

International Codex meetings as an observer. But

more problematic is industry representative

participating in the meetings as a member of official

country delegations. He gave an example of Codex

Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary

Uses (CCNFSDU) meeting in 2013, in which country

delegation of China had representatives of formula

companies like Dumex, Nutricia, Nestle, Mead-

Johnson, and Abbott. Formula industry also sponsors

national delegations to participate in the Codex

Committee meetings. At national level, industry

participates in the national codex committee

meetings as a member and influence vital decisions

on national positions on proposals being discussed in

various Codex Committees. He gave an example of

India, where industry is a member of many national

committes on Codex.

He suggested that more governments from

developing countries and IBFAN/other public interest

NGOs should participate more actively in the Codex

process both at national as well as international level.

He further emphasized that prevailing Conflict of

Interest in the international/national codex process

needs to be addressed.

Faizah Jamal, parliamentarian &

environmental lawyer from Singapore discussed

environmental degradation being a major challenge in

front of the world community today and in the quest

Protecting Food Safety and Food Security through

Codex Alimentarius:

Water Water Everywhere—But where are the Drops

to Drink?

Dr Vandana Prasad (India), Dr SK Roy (Bangladesh) and Dr Romelei Camiling-Alfonso (Philippines) giving input during the forum discussion


Page 17: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

for ‘development’, deforestation is happening. At the

same time, limited resources like water are being used

without prudence.

In this interactive

session, three speakers from each sub-region of Asia,

namely, East Asia, South Asia and South-East Asia

shared some innovative ideas about diverse foods

from different communities in their respective

countries. Dr. Homayoun Ludin from Afghanistan

shared information about the newly developed

‘improved feeding practices and recipes’ book by the

government of Afghanistan. He shared various recipes

of locally prepared complementary foods like potato

and bean mash, milky rice, rice soup etc. He also

discussed nutrient contents of such recipes. He

informed about the training being imparted to

government staff about preparation of foods based on

these recipes so that they may transfer this skill to the

community. Ms. Meena Gurung from Bhutan shared

some recipes for complementary foods prepared with

locally available food ingredients like rice porridge and

red rice pudding. Dr. Khamseng Philavong from Lao

PDR shared prevailing situation of undernutrition in

her country. Further she shared recipes of common

complementary foods used in LAO PDR like rice and

egg mix, rice with groundnut mix and their nutritional

composition. Dr. Quan L Nga made a presentation on

innovative food, resources and community

participation for complementary feeding of infants

and children in Vietnam. She informed that diverse

foods are being used as complementary foods in

Vietnam. She shared some recipes of common

complementary foods like vegetable soup made of

tomato, carrot, peas, potato, oil and salt. Dr. Yupayong

Hangchaovanich from Thailand stated that Thailand

has developed food based dietary guidelines for

children’s complementary foods which also contains

recipes for nutritious complementary foods prepared

with locally available ingredients like gruel made of

mashed potato, boiled egg yolk, pumpkin and

breastmilk; and gruel made of mashed rice, chicken,

carrot and breastmilk. Dr. Chwang Leh-Chii from

Chinese Taipei shared recipes from her country like

small fish congee made of rice, green soybean, clear

broth and small fish; chicken rice with egg Fu-Yung

made of egg, chicken sweet corn and rice; rice noodle

with tomato and pork; pork tofu with sweet potato

and rice etc. Mrs. Shuyi Zhang from China shared

some recipes of common complementary foods, their

nutritional values along with the method to prepare

them. Some of the recipes were Noodle with egg,

tomato, and minced meat and Porridge with chicken

liver mud. Overall, this session reflected diversified

food culture in Asian countries and common use of

local ingredients to prepare the complementary


This session dealt

with many important issues related to Maternal,

Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN). Dr. Ong Sok

King from Brunei Darussalam shared development of

the national strategy for MIYCN in Brunei Darussalam

for the period 2014-2020. She shared MIYCN related

statistics in Brunei Darussalam, evolution of MIYCN

related services & policies, process of developing the

national strategy in and the plan for its


Madam Lavan Southisan spoke on the gender equality

and gender machinery in Lao PDR. She stated that

education among women is still lower than the men

though the Gender Parity Index (GPI) in Lao PDR has

improved in all three levels of education. She

informed that women are now present in political and

other higher policy making positions. She mentioned

how institutional mechanisms like Lao Womens’

Union and National Commission for the Advancement

of Women are working for the empowerment of


Blecenda Varona, PhD Nutrition from Philippines,

discussed food therapy implementation in sick moms

with NCDs and malnutrition and highlighted role of

plant based foods in preventing coronary artery

disease. Dr. Patricia Ip from Hong Kong SAR

highlighted Hong Kong experience of measures for

prevention of maternal and child malnutrition. She

informed that in her country, childhood obesity is a

real problem and directly related with high protein

and sodium intake, low intake of fibers, very common

use of infant formula particularly in children beyond

Complementary Feeding - Innovative Food Resources

and Community Participation:

Workshop on MIYCN guidelines:


Page 18: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

one year of age, inadequate intake of vegetables and

fruits. In mothers, undernutrition is uncommon but

there is increasing use of commercially available milks

for mothers. She mentioned that to address the

prevailing situation, Code implementation has been

strengthened and a committee on promotion of

breastfeeding has been established. Among various

challenges, private hospitals are still not certified for

BFHI, and maternity leave is for 10 weeks only.

Day Three of the Forum was devoted to discuss

progress in WBTi assessment process and

development of Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration of

the 10th One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum.

This session included presentation about

the progress in WBT assessment from some newly

trained countries including Brunei Darussalam,

Myanmar, Palau and Singapore. All four countries

made significant progress in identifying the process to

accomplish the assessment in their respective

countries. Followed by this, there was a presentation

about the new revised WBT tool by Dr. JP Dadhich. He

shared information about the need and process of

revision and salient contents of the revised tool.

Subsequent to this, participating countries in the

Forum shared its country plan of activities for 2015-

16, with a focus on WBT assessment. Brunei

Darussalam presented a draft assessment of all the

indicators; Myanmar representative informed that

intra-department discussions are going on in the

Ministry of Health to undertake the assessment

process; representative from Palau shared the

progress in WBT assessment with development of a

draft report based on the revised tool with a plan to

finalise it and develop a plan of action using WBC tool

in January 2015. Singapore team stated that the

process for the assessment will start in November

2014 with formation of a core group and

subsequently developing a report.






Day 3

World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative Country



Page 19: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,



Day 1: Monday, 27th October 2014

Morning Opening Ceremony

Afternoon Session

8am Arrival & Registration of Participants

930am Arrival of Guest of Honour, Welcome & Opening Speeches

10am Keynote Presentation "Feeding the Future - Challenges & Opportunities" by Dato Anwar Fazal, Co-Founder


11am Viewing of Posters and Exhibition Display

12noon Lunch break

2:00 - 3:30 P.M

Dr. KP Kushwaha,

Annelies Allain,

Professor Dr. Adlina Suleiman,


Hajah Salmah binti Haji Mohd. Noor,

Ma. Ines Av. Fernandez,

1. Dr. Romelei Camiling-Alfonso,

2. Dr. Renuka Jayatissa,

3. Dr. Chwang Leh Chi,

4. Mia Sutanto,

Theme: Complementary Feeding for Asia's Children and Resources


Dr. Hajah Rafidah binti Haji Gharif,

Mr. Subhash Chandra Sarker,

Acting Specialist (Primary Health Care) and Head of Primary Health Care Services Division,

Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam

Joint Secretary Public Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh

Global Recommendations on Complementary Feeding Need for a Relook

The 'Hottest' Products in Baby Food Marketing Today

Growing-up Milk Perceptions

3:30 4:00 P.M

4:00-5:00 P.M

Food in Emergencies

Principal and Head of Paediatrics Department, BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur, India

Director of International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC) and Co-founder of IBFAN,

Netherlands and Malaysia

Medical Professor, National Defence University of Malaysia, Malaysia

Lecturer, Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah Institute of Health Sciences,

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

IBFAN SEA Representative, Mass Communication Specialist, Philippines

Family Medicine Trainer for Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care,

Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program of Mag-Ina Kalusugan, Manila, Philippines

Consultant Medical Nutritionist, Ministry of Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Nutrition Professor, Taipei Municipal Gan-Dau Hospital, Chinese Taipei

Founder and Chairwoman of Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers' Association, Indonesia



Page 20: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Day 2: Tuesday, 28th October 2014

Theme: Food Security and Safety

9:00-10:00 A.M

Using Home-made, Local Food to Treat Acute Malnutrition

Food in Preventing Diseases and Improving Health

10:00-11:00 A.M

Dangers of Processed Foods Marketed for Children and Moms:

Protecting Food Safety and Food Security through Codex Alimentarius:

11:00-11:30 A.M.

11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

Water Water Everywhere—But Where are the Drops to Drink?

Complementary Feeding: Innovative Food Resources and Community Participation

Dr. Hajah Rohayati binti Haji Md. Taib,

Hajah Jainah binti Haji Musa,

Dr. S K Roy,

and Dr. Vandana Prasad

Ma. Ines Av. Fernandez,

Siti Norjinah Moin,

Hajah Saloma binti Haji Ongsang,

Hajah Roseyati binti Dato Paduka Haji Yaakub,

Kim Jaiok,

Dr. JP Dadhich,


Dr Nik Ani Afiqah Tuah,

Professor Dr. Adlina Suleiman,

1. South Asia: Dr. Homayoun Ludin, ; Dr. SK Roy,

Ms. Meena Kumari Gurung,

2. South East Asia: Dr. Yupayong Hangchaovanich,

; Dr. Khamseng Philavong,

; Dr. Quan Le Nga,

3. East Asia: Dr. Zhang Shuyi, , , ; Dr.

Chwang Leh Chi,


Food that Heals, Food that Makes you ill-

Food and Spirituality -



Consultant and Head of Paediatrics Specialty, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of

Health, Brunei Darussalam

Lecturer, Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti

Brunei Darussalam

Nutrition Scientist, and President of Bangladesh Nutrition Foundation, Bangladesh

, Public Health Resource Network, India

IBFAN SEA Representative, Mass Communication Specialist,


President Breastfeeding Information Bureau, Malaysia

Lecturer, Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah Institute of Health Sciences,

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Senior Community Nutritionist and Head of Community Dietician Division,

Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam

Consumers Korea President (Int.), South Korea, IBFAN

Eas Asia Representative

Senior Paediatrician, India and National

Coordinator, Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI), India

Lecturer, Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa‘adatul Bolkiah Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei


Medical Professor, National Defence University of Malaysia, Malaysia

Faizah Jamal, Environment Consultant and Environment

Educator, Conscious Connection International, Singapore

National Infant and Young Child Feeding Consultant, Afghanistan Nutrition

Scientist, President of Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation; Bhutan

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Secretary General of Thai Breastfeeding

Center Foundation, Thailand Paediatrician, Deputy Director, Centre of Nutrition at Ministry of

Health, Lao PDR Director of LIGHT, Community Health Development Programme, Hanoi, Vietnam

Assistant Professor in Child Health Capital Institute of Paediatrics, Beijing P.R. China

Nutrition Professor, Taipei Municipal Gan-Dau Hospital, Chinese Taipei

1:00-2:00 P.M. LUNCH BREAK


Page 21: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,


2:00 - 4:00 P.M.

Workshop on MIYCN Guidelines

4:00-4:30 P.M.

4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.


National Strategy for MIYCN in Brunei Darussalam 2014-2020

Gender Perspectives

Food Therapy Implementation in Sick Moms with NCDs and Malnutrition

Prevention of Maternal and Child Malnutrition


Dr. JP Dadhich,

Dr. L. Chandradasa,

1. - Dr. Ong Sok King,

2. - Lavan Southisan,

3. - Ms. Blecenda Varona,

4. - Dr. Patricia Ip,


Dr. Arun Gupta,

Ma. Ines Av. Fernandez,

Senior Paediatrician, India and National Coordinator, Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)

National Nutrition Coordinator-President Secretariat, Government of Sri Lanka

Medical Specialist (Public Health), Non-

Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Prevention and Control Unit, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam

Director Lao Women's Union, Women Development Ministry, Vientiane, Lao PDR

PhD Nutrition and

Clinical Dietitian, Philippines

Vice chairman of UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Hong Kong Association, Hong Kong SAR

IBFAN Asia Regional Coordinator

IBFAN SEA Representative, Mass Communication Specialist, Philippines

Meeting of the Drafting Committee for the Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration of the 10th One Asia

Day 3: Wednesday, 29th October 2014

Theme: Call for Action

9:00-10:00 A.M

WBTi Country Assessment Presentations

10:00-11:00 A.M

The New Revised WBT Tool - WBC - An Innovative Tool to Calculate Investment for Breastfeeding:

Country Plans for WBTi Assessment/Reassessment 2015/16:

Dr. Arun Gupta,

Dr. Hajah Roselina binti Dato Paduka Haji Yaakub,

1. - Dr. Masdiana binti Tahir,

2. - Dr. Khaing Mar Zaw,

3. – Ms. Philomena Temengil,

4. - Dr. Chua Mei Chien,

Dr. Arun Gupta,

Kim Jaiok,

Ma. Ines Av. Fernandez,

Farahdibha Tenrilemba,

Dr. JP Dadhich,







i i

IBFAN Asia Regional Coordinator

Consultant and Head of Obstetric and Gynaecology Specialty, Department of

Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam; Associate Professor Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah

Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Medical Officer, Paediatrics Department, Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital,

Brunei Darussalam

Deputy Director of Ministry of Health National Nutrition Department, Yangoon, Myanmar

Coordinator, IBFAN Oceania

Consultant Neonatologist, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Vice President,

Association for Breastfeeding Advocacy (Singapore) and BFHI Committee Singapore; Ms. Cynthia Pang, Senior Lactation

Consultant, Assistant Director of Nursing, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Honorary Secretary, Association for

Breastfeeding Advocacy (Singapore) and BFHI Committee Singapore

IBFAN Asia Regional Coordinator

Head of Consumer Protection, South Korea IBFAN East Asia Representative

IBFAN SEA Representative, Mass Communication Specialist, Philippines

AIMI, Indonesia


Paediatrician, India and National Coordinator, Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)

Brief presentations by each participating country

Page 22: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

11:00-11:30 A.M.

4:00-4:30 P.M.

4:30-5:00 P.M.



11.30 A.M. - 1.00 P.M.

1:00-2:00 P.M.

2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Continuation of Presentation on WBTi


Finalisation of the Draft Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration of the 10th One Asia Breastfeeding Partners


Valedictory Session

Adopting the Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration of the 10th One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum


Page 23: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,






1 Dr Chan Ip Lai Sheung, Hong Kong SAR

2 Dr Chwang Leh-chii, Chinese Taipei

3 Kim Jai Ok, South Korea

4 Ms. Shuyi Zhang, China

5 Anna David, Philippines

6 Annelies Allain, Malaysia/Netherland

7 Associate Prof Kannikar Vichitsukon, Thailand

8 Dato Dr Anwar Fazal, Malaysia

9 Dr Astri Pramarini, Indonesia

10 Dr Chua Mei Chien, Singapore

11 Dr Khaing Mar Zaw, Myanmar

12 Dr Khamseng Philavong, Lao PDR

13 Dr Nguyen Bich Van, Vietnam

14 Dr Nipunporn Voramongkol, Thailand

15 Dr Quan Le Nga, Vietnam

16 Dr Romelei Camiling-Alfonso, Philippines

17 Dr Yupayong Hangchaovanich, Thailand

18 Farahdibha Tenrilemba, Indonesia

19 Francis Bala, Philippines

22 Mec Arevalo, Philippines

23 Meena Sobsamai, Thailand

24 Ms Cynthia Pang, Singaopre

25 Ms Ines Fernandez, Philippines

26 Ms Philomena Temengil, Palau

27 Prof Adlina Suleiman, Malaysia

28 Puan Hajah Siti Norjinah Abd Moin, Malaysia

29 Ratna Armiyani, Indonesia

30 Dr. Arun Gupta, India

31 Dr. Farid Ahmad, Afghanistan

32 Dr. Jai Prakash Dadhich, India

33 Dr. Lalith Priyalal Chandradasa, Sri Lanka

34 Dr. Mahmuda Khatoon,

35 Dr. Mohamed Saeed, Maldives

36 Dr. Mohammad Hamayoun Ludin, Afghanistan

37 Dr. Moudud Hossain, Afghanistan

38 Dr. Prakash Sundar Shrestha, Nepal

39 Dr. Renuka Jayatissa, Sri Lanka

40 Dr. SK Roy, Bangladesh

41 Dr. Syed Abu Jafar Md. Musa,

42 Dr. Vandana Prasad, India

43 Mr. Chojay Phuntsho, Bangladesh

44 Mr. Quazi AKM Mohiul Islam, Bangladesh

45 Mr. Shubhas Chandra Sarker, Bangladesh

46 Mrs. Sarita Shrestha, Nepal

47 Mrs. Sushila Roy, Bangladesh

48 Ms. Chandrika De Zoysa, Sri Lanka

49 Ms. Israt Jahan, Bangladesh

50 Ms. Meena Kumari Gurung, Bhutan

51 Ms. Wimalawathie Ranatunga, Sri Lanka

52 Prof. Dr. KP Kushwaha, India

53 Prof. Md Abdul Kalam Azad Chowdhry, Bangladesh

54 Prof. Soofia Khatoon, Bangladesh

20 Madam Faizah Jamal, Singaopre

21 Madam Lavan Southisan, Lao PDR

55 Dr Dk Masdiana Nabila Muliati binti Pg Haji Md Tahir

56 Awang Abdul Al-Bari bin Haji Kasim

57 Awang Ilham bin Haji Md Ali

58 Awang Norsal bin Haji Salleh

59 Bun Hei Leng

60 Chakkarawarthy Karpagam

61 Chrystal Lo Shiow Yun

62 Datin Hajah Masni binti Haji Ali

63 Dayang Aini binti Bangau

64 Dayang Aini binti Haji Abdul Rahman

65 Dayang Amal Rashidah binti Haji Rabaha

66 Dayang Amalina binti Hj Lamit

67 Dayang Asma Rashidah binti Haji Md Alli

68 Dayang Azamayante binti Md Azamin

69 Dayang Cassandra Yee Pei Wen

70 Dayang Cathrina binti Haji Mohamad Sigie Al-Islam

71 Dayang Daisy Han Yee Hwe

72 Dayang Emi Dalina binti Hj Othman

73 Dayang Faeizah binti Hj Yakop

74 Dayang Faridah binti Hj Abu Bakar

75 Dayang Fatimah Arni binti Haji Mohd Daud

76 Dayang Fatimah binti Hj Md Tahir

77 Dayang Fazura binti Haji Mohd Idris

78 Dayang Foziah binti Hj Salleh

79 Dayang Hajah Hasinah binti Haji Uteh

80 Dayang Hajah Jamiahti binti Haji Abdul Rani

81 Dayang Hajah Junaidah binti Haji Simran

82 Dayang Hajah Mahani binti Bakri

83 Dayang Hajah Maslenawati binti Haji Metussin

84 Dayang Hajah Masni binti Haji Munir

85 Dayang Hajah Nafisah binti Haji Abu Bakar

86 Dayang Hajah Noramalina binti Haji Tamam

87 Dayang Hajah Norhaya binti Mohamad

88 Dayang Hajah Nurbayani binti Abdullah

89 Dayang Hajah Nurhaslina binti Haji Mohd Salleh

90 Dayang Hajah Nursaedah binti Haji Wasli

91 Dayang Hajah Nursyifa binti Muhd Melayong

92 Dayang Hajah Rahimah binti Haji Zakaria



Page 24: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

93 Dayang Hajah Ramlah binti Kisut

94 Dayang Hajah Rina binti Lakim

95 Dayang Hajah Rohayah binti Timbang

96 Dayang Hajah Roseyati binti Dato Paduka Haji Yaakub

97 Dayang Hajah Rosnani binti Haji Abdul Rauf

98 Dayang Hajah Saniwati binti Hj Md Noor

99 Dayang Hajah Sarinah binti Haji Tengah

100 Dayang Hajah Saritah binti Haji Suhaili

101 Dayang Hajah Siti Aisah binti Haji Damit

102 Dayang Hajah Siti Rosmimah binti Haji Othman

103 Dayang Hajah Siti Roziana binti Haji Iring

104 Dayang Hajah Siti Zaliha binti DP Haji Noordin

105 Dayang Hajah Surayani binti Tambah @ Sabtu

106 Dayang Hajah Suryani binti Awg Gani

107 Dayang Hajah Yang binti Haji Rahmat

108 Dayang Hjh Fleur binti Ebrahim

109 Dayang Hjh Khamisah binti Judin

110 Dayang Hjh Mauriza binti Hj Abd Hamid


112 Dayang Hjh Nuurol Hafizah binti Abu Bakar

113 Dayang Idahayuwati binti Taji

114 Dayang Isah binti Muli

115 Dayang Jauharatud Dini binti Suhaimi

116 Dayang Kamaliah binti Haji Abdullah

117 Dayang Khairani binti Haji Metussin

118 Dayang Khairul Aisyah binti Hj Md Aisa

119 Dayang Kolinmo Yumni binti Abdullah Yuin

120 Dayang Maimunah binti Haji Othman

121 Dayang Mariana binti Ahmad

122 Dayang Mariani binti Morsidi

123 Dayang Marilyn Teo Lee Ching

124 Dayang Mas Norsa'aidah binti Morsedi

125 Dayang Maslindawani binti Talip

126 Dayang Nazliamalina binti Ikas

127 Dayang Noor Hakimah binti Kepli

128 Dayang Noorazlinah binti Razali

129 Dayang Noorilyana binti Md Yunus

130 Dayang Noorul Hasyimah Bazillah binti Hj Mohd Irwan

131 Dayang Nor Ardina binti Haji Othman

132 Dayang Nor Haslinah binti Haji Jamil

133 Dayang Nor Syahmun binti Haji Matassan

134 Dayang Noraliah binti Abdullah

135 Dayang Noralida binti Mohd Ali

136 Dayang Nordayana binti Haji Madial @Dian

137 Dayang Norfarahdinah binti Mohd Sanip

138 Dayang Norhalizah binti Mudin

139 Dayang Norhanizah binti Hashim

140 Dayang Norhaslinda binti Hj Panjang @ Hj Garip

141 Dayang Norhayani binti Mohd Amin

142 Dayang Norhidafaizah binti Tompal

143 Dayang Norlelawati binti Rabaha

144 Dayang Norlila binti Mohammad

145 Dayang Norsiah binti Ismail

146 Dayang Norsina binti Talip

147 Dayang Norsuziahyanti binti Hj Jinal

148 Dayang Nur Ainiedza binti Haji Idris

149 Dayang Nurasma Aini binti Hj Mat Yassin

150 Dayang Nurhaime binti Haji Suhaime

151 Dayang Nurul Aina binti Hj Lamit

152 Dayang Nurul Ozliana binti Osman

153 Dayang Nurulafifah binti Junaidi

154 Dayang Queenita Anak Luta

155 Dayang Raudhatun Nasrah binti Haji Sahrani

156 Dayang Rina binti Haji Rahmad @Ramizah

157 Dayang Roslina binti Kamis

158 Dayang Roslyssa binti Hj Rosli

159 Dayang Rosmahwati binti Haji Zainal Abidin

160 Dayang Rosnani Nicholas Anak Jantan

161 Dayang Roziah binti Haji Mohd Alli

162 Dayang Rozita binti Haji Tamin

163 Dayang Rujiah binti Hj Abu Bakar

164 Dayang Rumani binti Haji Jumarali

165 Dayang Salina binti Haji Besar

166 Dayang Salina binti Seruji

167 Dayang Salkha binti Md Salleh

168 Dayang Siti Aishah binti Haji Abu Bakar

169 Dayang Siti Anisah binti Hj Jahmin

170 Dayang Siti Khairani binti Haji Ramli

171 Dayang Siti Noorhaya binti Yahya

172 Dayang Siti Norshah binti Haji Abdul Hamid

173 Dayang Siti Norshahrani binti Ali Safari

174 Dayang Siti Nur Fatinah binti Ramlan

175 Dayang Siti Nur Saadah binti Hj Tuah

176 Dayang Siti Sara binti Hj Kamis

177 Dayang Siti Yuhana binti Mohd Ali

178 Dayang Sri Akmarini binti Hj Lamat

179 Dayang Surayati binti Hj Ahmad

180 Dayang Surinah binti Badar

181 Dayang Suryani binti Haji Tamin

182 Dayang Suzana binti Ibrahim

183 Dayang Suzilawati binti Haji Puteh

184 Dayang Teo Geok Yin

185 Dayang Tina binti Manang

186 Dayang Tuti Susanti binti Rosli

187 Dayang Umi Nur Izyan binti Abdullah

188 Dayang Yenhai binti Benson

189 Dayang Zaida binti Haji Samsudin

190 Dayang Zaitunah binti Japar

191 Dk Hajah Rasiah binti Pg Haji Abu Bakar

192 Dk Hjh Maskaton binti Pg Hj Samsuddin

193 Dk Kamsiah binti Pg Haji Momin

194 Dk Noraffizah binti Pg Salleh

195 Dk Norashikin bte Pg Zainurin

196 Dk Norasmah binti Pg Haji Ismail

197 Dk Noryunusaliza binti Pg Hj Kahar

198 Dk Salawati Pg Hj Aji

199 Dk Salwana bte Pg Salleh

200 Dk Seriwanani binti Pg Ismail

201 Dk Siti Nurkhadizah binti Pg Haji Jubilee

202 Dk Yusrima Caesarina binti Pg Yussof

203 Doktor Ummi Fatimiah binti Haji Abdul Rahman

204 Dr Annie Regi

205 Dr Asma Khalil

206 Dr Daisy Gahap Esma

207 Dr Divyongana

208 Dr Dk Masdiana Nabila Muliati binti Pg Haji Md Tahir

209 Dr Dk Nuoorul Shahidah binti Pg Haji Zainal Abidin

210 Dr Dk Nurolaini binti Pg Hj Muhd Kifli

Dayang Hjh Nor Khairul Bariah binti Hj Mohamad Ghani


Page 25: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,


211 Dr Farah Naz

212 Dr Farhana binti Haji Ayup

213 Dr Fazean Irdayati binti Idris

214 Dr Hafizati binti Md Jaya

215 Dr Hajah Lailawati binti Haji Jumat

216 Dr Hajah Maslina binti Haji Mohsin

217 Dr Hajah Rohayati binti Haji Md Taib

218 Dr Hajah Roselina binti Dato Paduka Haji Yaakub

219 Dr Hajah Siti Haziah binti POKSMDSP Haji Abidin

220 Dr Hawa @Thin Thin

221 Dr Herni Harni binti Bidin

222 Dr Hjh Norol Ehsan binti Haji Abdul Hamid

223 Dr Hjh Samsiah binti Haji Md Said

224 Dr Hla Tju

225 Dr Hnin Yu Khin

226 Dr Kamsiah binti Haji Kasah

227 Dr Kavitha Ponnusamy

228 Dr Malissa binti Abdullah Sikun

229 Dr Mary Paul

230 Dr Moe Phyn Phyo Lwin

231 Dr Myat Myat Wah

232 Dr Ni Ni Soe

233 Dr Nik Tuah

234 Dr Nor Shantila binti Haji Momin

235 Dr Norafizah binti Haji Serbini

236 Dr Noreffaerainie binti Emran

237 Dr Noreffaerainie binti Hj Emran

238 Dr Norehsan binti Haji Jali

239 Dr Norzaidi bin Hj Md Saini

240 Dr Norzaidi Hj Md Saini

241 Dr Nowasi Rahman

242 Dr Ohn Htwe

243 Dr On Fei Wen

244 Dr Ong Sok King

245 Dr Paulina Lim

246 Dr Rahat Ara

247 Dr Rasita binti Haji Abd Rahman

248 Dr Rasita Hj And Rahman

249 Dr Rekha Patnaik

250 Dr Rowena Castro

251 Dr Roziah Ismail

252 Dr Shabana Asif

253 Dr Sohaila

254 Dr Sohaila Islam

255 Dr Soon Ing Shian

256 Dr Tessa May Edurese Trenas

257 Dr Thota Neeraia

258 Dr Ummi Suzeyana Hj Johari

259 Dr Vaishali Manoj Pethe

260 Dr Yung Chee Tee

261 Dr. Joel Isaiah

262 Hajah Dayang Jamilah binti Haji Sulaiman

263 Hjh Junita Hj Momin

264 Hjh Mariah Haris

265 Hjh Norhalizawaty Hj Abd Razak

266 Hjh Sirose Hj Musa

267 Hjh Siti Abibah Abd Fattah

268 Hjh Siti Abibah binti Abd Fata

269 Hjh Siti Abibah Hj Abd Fattah

270 Hjh Siti Halimah binti Md Tahir

271 Hjh Siti Halimah Hj Md Tahir

272 Hjh Siti Halimah Md Tahir

273 Mary John

274 Masnunah binti Hj Mahali

275 Masnunah Hj Mahali

276 Matron (B) Hajah Dayang Jaliha binti Haji Momin

277 Muraini binti Hj Md Ali

278 Muraini Hj Md Ali

279 Myra Vicenta A. Abigania

280 Nurhaime Hj Suhaili

281 Pengiran Hajah Norhaslina binti Pengiran Haji Damit

282 Pengiran Hajah Tengah binti Pengiran Matussin

283 Pg Anak Noor Mashaslina binti Pg Anak Haji Hassan

284 Pg Ramlah binti Pg Damit

285 Puan Suraya binti Haji Salleh

286 Roslyssa binti Haji Rosli

Page 26: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,




The One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forums

Brief information about all the Forums staring from 2004 till 2014 is provided below in the table:


Forum and Year

Forum-1 (2004)

Forum-2 (2005)

Forum-3 (2006)

Forum-4 (2007)

Forum-5 (2008)

Forum-6 (2009)













Brief Description



participants from 7 countries took part and unanimously

adopted a

to contribute towards achieving the

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The Forum-2

The Forum-3

The Forum-4

South Asia Declaration on Empowering Women for

Optimal Infant and Young Child feeding”

The Forum 5

The Forum 6

The Forum-1 was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on

2004, organized by International Baby Food Action

Network (IBFAN) Asia and hosted by the Bangladesh

Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF) in collaboration with

UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA). Fifty

was held in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2005, jointly

organized by the IBFAN Asia, NEBPROF and UNICEF ROSA in

which 65 participants from eight countries took part and

once again gave a with 10 recommendations.

was held in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2006. The

Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), Islamic Republic of

Afghanistan was the host, in collaboration with IBFAN Asia.

Seventy participants from 5 South Asian countries took part

and adopted the “Kabul Declaration on Infant and Young

Child Feeding”.

was held at New Delhi in 2007 and was jointly

organized by Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India

(BPNI), International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN -

Asia) and National Commission for Protection of Child

Rights India, with partnership from UNICEF Rosa, WHO

India, SIDA, WABA, Planning Commission of India and

Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of

India. One hundred ten participants from South Asian

countries participated in the forum. The forum came out

with a “

was held at Thimphu Bhutan in October 2008.

The Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan and

The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN Asia)

jointly organized the Forum. The UNICEF regional office for

South Asia supported the forum 5 partially.

was held at Colombo Sri Lanka in November

2009.The Sarvodaya Community Health and IBFAN Asia

were joint organizers. Ministry of Health Care and Nutrition

and Ministry of Child Development and Women's

Empowerment of Govt. of Sri Lanka were the Hosts. The

Forum first time had participation from East Asian and

Southeast Asian countries.

Call for Action on health and development of

children in South Asia

Call for action


Report of the Forum, available at:

Report of the Forum, available at:

Report of the Forum, including

KABUL Declaration, available at:

Report of the Forum available at:

South Asia Declaration available at:

Thimphu Declaration available at:
















Page 27: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

Forum and Year

Forum-7 (2010)

Forum-8 (2011)

World Breastfeeding Conference


Forum-9 (2013)







Brief Description

The One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum 7 was held in

Jakarta, Indonesia from November 9 to 12, 2010 and

brought together 140 participants from 15 countries -

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, India, Indonesia,

Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines,

Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam,

representing governments, civil society, professionals, and

international organizations.

The Forum was organized with the theme “A Call for an End

to Baby Food Promos”

The One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum 8, held in

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 14 to 16 September 2011,

brought together 42 participants from 16 countries -

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, People's Republic of

China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea,

Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Phillipines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,

Thailand and Vietnam. The theme of the Forum was

"Climate Change and Food Security". Maternal Child Health

Research Center, Mongolian Pediatric Association, in

coordination with Ministry of Health, Government of

Mongolia organized the One Asia Breastfeeding Partners


World Breastfeeding Conference 2012 held at New Delhi on

6-9 December 2012: More than 700 participants joined

from 83 countries. Theme of the conference was “Babies

Need Mom-Made not Man-Made. Ministry of Women and

Child Development AND Ministry of Health, Government of

India; BPNI; IBFAN; and WABA jointly hosted the conference

in cooperation with NORAD and SIDA. Co-sponsors for the

conference were The World Bank, UK aid, AusAID, WHO,

USAID, Save the Children and Marcia Brady Tucker


The One Asia Breastfeeding Partners' Forum- 9 was

hosted/organized by the Ministry of Health, Lao PDR, Lao's

Women Union and IBFAN Asia. More than eighty

participants from 28 countries representing diverse groups

including governments, breastfeeding organisations, health

providers, peoples' organisations and movements,

international NGOs and individuals met for three days from

28-30 October, 2013, at Luang Prabang, LAO PDR. Theme of

the Forum was “Food Security, Food Sovereignty in

Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition”, and discussed

core issues around breastfeeding and infant and young child

feeding and its relation with maternal, infant and young

child nutrition.


Jakarta Declaration available at:

Ulaanbaatar Declaration available


Conference report is available at:

Conference declaration is available


Luang Prabang Call for Action

available at:












Page 28: One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum-10ince 2004, every year, IBFAN Asia organises an annual Forum in a different country of the region in which IBFAN country groups, Governments,

International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)-Asia


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Tel: +91-11-27343608, 42683059

Tel/Fax: +91-11-27343606

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)