m u m M A N |T or SPIJI9C. ioc* m ra omit, commencing «x KOXIUT CVKM.NO, AUG. a*, IIM* EVOTS 0 « » T ?W W * I4 L , ^USICAL AND national uuam w , THK HIBBKVICON. C/IT NOTES. T H £ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE i vtoe.li.4d.ra of the Bated-aad X;a.ara H.ale » <*k» Company *111 be LaU m th ete»of he «hb raoj en vMDAT, AofiMt S7 IMS, M « o'clock P. IL, foi tho purpom of d cin f Trurt ca at tbe » d company for the — ning year. ________________________J. E- UNCN. W craQry- AMUSKMMNTS. ACADEMY OT MUSIC. T h a m u H McEroy’. Hil unfold it. pictorml agbU : OR REST—THE THIRD FL**OR ■ Ib t . ry Wio* .noM ., a n i a . m an inn a d Wmh Uktoa -tv. know a ac ihe Shndta, i ataara peer r tf deal ad. ffiritahto fcr a H|fct iuiac<u it* barium . MAST 15 OS * O fiO . had O BLACKSMITHS—W I HAVE THE -T to la tha original Hiberaiooa tau yaara haa beaa • x lb»««d malt 3 . AddMh— ia ra Lean ««• atly Ba : t M h r. *t d ts « eir i iw m BLICAX COUNTY COMMIT for tho Work fr O KENT—A F1K8T CLASS BOOM I <s in t Sar, M Mala A , aer. N. DMstoe Ml Appty tc OMu. M M IA .M I Ihm . a r. I..l t»Mia. r O LET—MACHINE SHOP, TOOLS, Poaer. Pbandry, he.—Maatoff porehaaad all tha taithaa. d o n , aud arisr teas lately i l i t hy th* Sto of hart* A Mood, Is tto Cvea»oat torn Wort*, betas <me of to* batfaralabadahopaiathac ui try, oona-Bttox oi la g s Odd miaU toots f.-r d a s * all Vrnda of toon work, va ara prepared to I'tae tea abate ai d omiao poaer te ran tbe n a a ; mia>,foundry w ii be ratted if f*erired vtih the machUa Stop. The pramiiu can be conveniently divid-d and M ia aepa. rate roomi Tor p a rtk lin inquire of A & Ctatdren nnder ten ycara......................................... rents iHmn op n a* 7; oo nmenoe a' s. The rala nf Ttakata wilt r*>m«n*n e M*»i»dS> morn ing, Any. SOth, >*t tne Box OtBoe of t e A adroit C If BALL, Ag nt N EVENIM. EXCbHxlON ON THE Lake aadv >hr auaptan of the Pint Spiritual Society nf B f lo, on Thursday eveaiin*, Septeari er 2d. Tli “ Tin Ivashov has bran chartered for the npwaira aad trlB leave the foot of Main rt at e ght o'clock p e c k y. Peter Ur urr'a tguadri Ic h»u.1 wffltarM h a a lr lar dam*g. TvSet tor ladi- pj , — " ] t l ML Magie Tied, tl To •*« had akOOiTHm 4 PM affth *. * * * * a *•_______ gVENfNO CONCERT AT feovrnrs PAliK, rithout hts supper, and it was thought that ha had gone to hia home, 135 Ken- tacky street. A — " ireat to see. sad returned report as that ha had aei t a s there. Ho had F or rent—the store 352 main a t, Kremlin Block, now uccup'ed by Mrs. Hol lerith aa a millne y * ore. Pomemkm given imme diately. For teqna apply on the praak*. f|;0 RENT—FOB THE WINTER OF 1 ' until tte first of Juue, a desira>*le residence on Franklin at. above Chip e w , wi.h or without finm- uirv. Inquire at 754 Frank l a at.__________________ F OR RENT—EAGLE ST., 2-STORY and boatment, brick furnished. 124 Seneca st., 2-8 o y brick. 117 Clinton et., S-story brick. 44 Cbeetnut st , 2-rtory br ck. Also ever.1 fb.e room* and whole floors for office* or li.ht manufacturing business. For f r h -r pal ticularv applj to HUME 4 SANFORD, 16 W. Swan st. OB THUBSDAY, 8 KPT. t, at IS A. Saatoaaa will be eospended in tl* caaaaf Capt. Cooke until the return of two of tha Police Commissioners. A woman named Lena Hartmaker waa Saturday rent tr. the Workhouae for ninety days op s chartre of vagrsrey. Frank (J’/farra aud John Sweeney were arrested Friday for stealing fruit from Hstvy Williams. The sidewalk on tho north side of Am- herst street, between East street and ths Military road, is reported in s dangerous condition. The First Spiritualist Society go ont an tler the moonlight on ths Ivanhoe next Thursday evening. A quadrille band will aooompany the excursionists. The trot at the Cold Spring traek be tween German Girl, Bay Charley and Bloomer, was won by the latter in three straight hsata. Fastest time 2 JO. James Matthews, aged twenty years, was found ia the atreet Saturday aft*. - noon, in a state of insanity. Patrolman ‘"oule took Matthews to Station No. 1, and he was afterwards delivered to his father. ) A sailor named James Cook, from Chi cago, fell in a tit on the dock st the foot ol Main street, Saturday evening. He was taken to tbe Station-house by Officer Kelly, and a physician called. 117ANTED — COUNTY ORDERS f f noasbt by LYON 4 BAKKK, Erie Land Ofltoe. Krarr Tuwdy aad Thareday Kvsn.agv ___________leg aa T— day, Juas 2td- 17'INK AK'1’8 ACADJkH k TOUNO MBTS AMOCIATIOF BUILDING A Ths OsIIvry will be op«i srary day, cxorps Fun* days, tram • A. M. Ull 6 P. M. mra* sitiekdoe U enrts; scasun 4*.*n* for month, v cents. L. O. KMLLoTFDT, Supt. W a n te d —at the salem.on ERIE Hole', Frocton, Chautawpta County N. T., two colore > women-one a-j Arasta t • oo* and ti e m VVai rcw* a n d * h u n b e r m a l d . Wage* #1' a weel. F or sale—the bf^t fam ily horse tver uffer d in th'n marke>; suitable for carriage or • u«ry. Is a xcod trav»ller, wa-iai ted sound and ki ml ever-, way. A -o on top buggv and so own tvo seated wagon. Can ba sen at Ao. hs 17 O R RENT—THE DFSIKABLE 2- *tf>ry brick dwalli'g No. 288 Washington st., corner of S* u, occupied 1^ th late D Lothn ji ; is a very < esira le loc tion for a physician. 2-story b ick dwelling 216 Ninth st.; gas, water, cellar, etc., in •rood order. Rent SS80. HASTINGS 4 OTTO. > Brown's Building. n thi M l u l MI uUcp, awakening | only to find himaalf covered with wheat t j such an extent that he eould not extricate nimself or call out loud enough to be heard. Marshall was a comparative stran ger in the city, and his comrades ey that he had drank nothing stronger than pop daring the evening. Mar thall leaves*a wife and five children in de* -itato Circassianoes, and Coroner Morrow, vlio took charge of the remains was about making arrangements to Inter them at the expense of the county; but the shovellers :ame forward and announced their readiness 'jo give their comrade a respectable burial. A WORK OF ART. A lL Y EXCUttdiONs TO OAKFIELD AND FALCON WOOD, ON TKAMKR IVANHOF. Tht Mspiilcmt In« frenw r Inshnr leavtm h«>r dock, fout uf Main s i, at t* 0 P. M. daily fur Fal- conwuod aad UakSeld, twucbiug at F >rt krie to land !■ Batigara; letwr hig to BwffJo at 7:45 r. M. Fat* for th* round trip, 50 cent , children half price. W. L. MAUXM.H, Agent. Buffalo, Aug. 2,1809. _______ ________ OTRANGERS, IF YOU WANT TO SEK U ag ode ohiug stu\e call at DIDlikY A ROCK WELL'S, 333 Maiu rt., and *ee their oMvbraRd Iri- ET EVERYBODY BUY A TRIUMPH I and they will aavt money. DUl LEY 4 ROCK- iO i PE aRL ST.—cook wanted iO "l Wan ed a cook in a small k W ljPhne that ca i come well recommended mav h ar of a good p ace by cai ing on MRS. COCHRANE, ab,ve So. _____ /• DELAWARE ST—WANTED, AN • 1 I O «-xj> rirnc -d «XK>k to do th • en ire cooking, waahing anu ironing for a small family; also, a com petent waitress. Q ikO MAIN ST.—WANTED, A GOOD « /\/0 girl for c-hanitar wo- k. A FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT My bone*, No. 617 Ma.n sU, Buff lo. with » rarden in ahitrhstate of cultivation attached, i- t > )>e rented to a small family for three or -ix month- or until (he first'of May next. Pusseu>i..ii gtvm on the let of July next. Piano, picture*, Ac., iucludcd iia*. water, furnace, woodshed aud barn. For infer aaation, appl> On tbe premises on any diy before 1* M. during tbe prcernt month - UtOl-Oi. W HOl GHTOa , No 617 Main st. Cdangk of T imk on E kik Railway. The Day Express on tbe Erie Railway, leav- log Buffalo at 7 A. M., with its splendid drawing room coach attached, arriving in New York at 9:45 P. M., through by day light. No change on Lightning Express leaving here at 2:50 P. M., or Night Ex press leaving at 6:40 P. M. The Cincinnati Express leaves at 11:30 P. M., arriving in New York at 3:30 P. M. AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOL will retuine their stu 'ies ON MONDAY. 30th tnrt 1‘arvnt* sre requested to he punctual in sending their ci.iMrea a*, uncc, *•> that tb*ir rt..die* may be no farther retarded. __________ ___________ ________ M RS. J. SU DDE RICK’S SC HO* >L FOR Young I adies and « hi dran will open N»p«. Jtn «,t 170 AMgantst. in tlio buildingJiiiomu as I'uf- tar an Parsonage- ___________________________ R e c to r y feCHooL, H AMDEN, COVW 'I ho Rev. C. W . EVEREST. Re.-t..r, aided by Uve resident a**irtanta. The school I* closing ite twenty- M \th year, and refer* to ite old pupils, lmind in all the pnitcseioue, anil every dc|>artiiicnt of Iiumiicsh. Thorough pltj-Kical education, including military drill, boating, and *aiiuniiug in their Hoa*on. Age of admlydon from nine to fourteen. Terms 8760 |>cr annum. THE FALL SESSION BEGINS ETT. 7. Reference The Right Rev. J. WILLIAMS, I». D. llanidcn, August -869._______________________ 0t rvK hA L h-M O l hfch. A PACIFIC RAILWAY F or sale—a desirable house, Barn and oue acre . f laud, good wc 1 a*-d cis tern andpenty of fruit, pi as utly sitnaltd in the village of Corfu, Genenee county, about torty rod* from .he Central Railroad, with" a rear vl-sw util train* and depot—#2,rt*A). J *t the place for a rainhy on a small income. Inquire of D. LENT, Corfu.______________________________________ dae L OR SALE—THE 2 STORY BRICK F house 232 Ninth *t HASTINGS 4 OTTO, Real Eftatc Brok- rs, 3 B'owu’s Buildlug. F or sale cheap —th e neat 1-story frame cottage 16- Ninth rt . wiil lie .-old cheap if applied for soon, a* the owner dt-ore* to re move We t HASTING* 4 OITO, Real Edale uiokers, 3 Brown's Build.ng. F or sale or exchange—a very d -Btrab'.e 2-stc-y and attic brick house in a go-*l location east of .Main st , and within tiv minutes wa k of the Pc>stoffier wid he sold cheap and on ea-y term*, or will be exchanged fram * ilium *ized house west of Main st., and ■e difference in i rice, f any, paid in ca-h. Fo - particulars applv to HAST INGs 4 OTTO,Red Estate Broker*, 3 Biown's Bu ld- ing. THK ERIE COUNTY SAVIN S HANK A MOD EL FOR BUFFALO ENTERPRISE The interior decoration of th^ Erie County Savings Bank is probably nearly oomplete. At least it seems hardly possi atbie for money aud goo<l taste to do any- thing more in improving it, and in thiB dxse it must be said that they have com bined in a manner as rare as it is delight ful. The scaffolding was removed last week, revealing what we declare to be the linest specimen of a frescoed ceilir-g to be -i-en in the city, and which we have not «eea excelled anywhere. The ornamenting plasterer had preceded the artist and laid it out in a handsome alternation of regular and oblong hexagonal panels, in two courses, dividing them by a beaded mould' ng, with beautifully turned pendants st the angles and intersections. The ground •ipon which the more vividly colored portion of ornament is laid consists of delicate neutrals, soft grayish greens and creamy biff tints, with light browns and lilacs, re' •eating and relieving the general outline ot the main pattern. The mouldings aud pend ants, together with the comice and frieze ind the capitals of the supporting columns, are picked out and etched with gold. The latter are handsomely done in imitation of 4ir*nna marble. Four of the large hexagons forming the centre of the ceiling exhibit beautifully painted figures of cherubs, with emblematic levices denoting that they severally per sonate Agriculture, Manufacture, Commerce »nd Fuance. The oornioe is a succession of icantbus-leaved brackets, and the frieze uas for its main feature a like arrangement >f hexagons as those forming thf ceiling. The whole is ao well done that an / attempt it minute description would be a failure, lud we must leave our readers te the plea sant task of examining and admiring for oheiqselves. The artist, Mr. William Belli, is a Bnffalonian and well known for the ex- .t-llence of his work, though he has only •tea among us for a short time. His place if business is at 210 Genesee street. The bases around all tho interior of the clerical department have been carried ap in 'landsome panels to a bight of about five feet. The material of this as wjll as the entire structure of screens, desks and orna mental wood work is black walnut, and everywhere it is moulded and carved to the extreme of elaborateness. A slatted screen exhibits the element of utility which is the drst consideration in all the fixtures, being 40 contrived that, while it stands modestly iside during business hours, at luneh time it unfolds into n comfortable little room within a roepu A shelf-like table drops down on one side, and in any direction the vide may be opened for observation or air, or closed from curious eyes. A large clock, intended to seep watch upon the watchman, and which faithfully reports s failure in his regular round, has been addod to the utilities. Within ex actly eight minutes before and after the minute hand has indicated the hour, and -he same time cither way from the “ half,’' lie must be on hand, and the palling down of a lever drives ia a peg behind the glass, out of reach, and m ans the fact tliat he was there on time. Of course he must watch that clock somewhat carefully, and the supposition is that he will be alert in the intervals. Three clerks and a porter, t-lecp in a dormitory opening into the 1 enclosed space behind the desks, with a • small arsenal convenient for instant use : On Sunday the clereial force is so divided ! that, without obliging nay one to pass more than a couple of honn away from the duties and enjoyment of the day, the place is con- lesve to announce that se lui'eaccepted ths Grand Larceny.-Saturday Officer J. Borgin arrested s woman named Cath erine Mills, the keeper of a brothel on Canal street, for having stolen $30 in moni) from James Parrel during the night pre vious. let H ouhk Burned. —Yesterday morning nt 4 o’clock, McPherson’s ice bouse, situ ated on Buffalo creek, opposite the Rea Jacket Hotel, on Seneca street, was discov ered to be on tire. Nothing could be done to save it, and it was totally destroyed. It was nearly full of ice. Polk k Raid.—Patrolmen McCarthy aad Kane, of tbe Third Precinct, made a raid on a disreputable house at the soath-wesi corner of Huron aud Washington street! last Friday night. Louisa CrotheTS, Levins Hallock and Emma Williams, wmnnrrseted and fined $10 apiece for being drank aad disorderly. Heavy Robbery.— Miss San yeah, o‘ Yankee Robinson’s Circus Company, vi> robbed of $2,400 in greenbacks, two dis mood rings snd other property amounting to $4000, while she was performing in th* circusat Clyde, Wayne county, Friday even ing. The money and valuables wen taker from her trunk at the Clyde Hotel For the sole of it« NSW SEVEN PER CENT. THIRTY YEAR GOLD LOAN, FRKR FROM TAX Thi* loan am ounts to #6,6CO.OOO. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. BATAVIA. N. Y. The Fall Term of Mra. Br>an’» rchool wiil coin- meune on WediXbOay, Si pi 16, 1869.______ ________ M KS. a 7< j . h cj X ik , Directrsm at tbc >T. CFfLIY CIBKVifUY « UsK, UonimeuCvH tbc Fsil Term 8ept. 15, 1869. Application* received alter Sept. L Cirn-lars may be obtained at tho Music S tore*. __ BOFF * LO ACADEMY. Thj cxercia.s uf tins InrtitiUinn wili comm- nee on M N AY, Al G H T 30. Til fr ends > I the School in ihe c t> ami iu ibiuity are invited to «a I a th* upper r»oin of the bunding comer of tea I and Court si ree s, wh* re the l rindpal will b_* f o u n d , o n any week, uay. »et«eeu tbe hour- ol 10 and 12 A. M. I’ax:ies at a* di tauce wi* ii>g imormati n may au- •lre.-s the undeniitfued at BuflUlo. P. A. TOWNE, Principe!. BOARD OF TuUslEhH : Hon. N. K. HALL .............................. *re ident. WM. F. H.L.KK............................... Se rct-ry. J. D. Sawyer F. W. Breed, iaaac Hoi o*ty, B. F. Austin, Jr., o. L. Ni «•*, M. II. Birge. O-.or.e How ard, tC. E Young, C. D Daniel*, Wallace Johnson, f. J. teri ia, O. o. Steele, Hugh We- * er. t avid Kan- om, H nry O Lee, Henry Monte, Will ain B. -irret, I .me* P. Gclhing, Julius Wal-er, John IL kinuer, Henr. M. K it, eu. S. o. Me-e Ih.Jau-e* Warren. Janie* If. Meto*! c, J. B. Griffin, Jame* Lyon, C *L •i. SL Finhtr, hverard Pilin r, J son Par cr, E A. -h.w , D. A. Mo ne, bila* Kin^sK-y, 8. 8. Wuihne, Martin Comstock. f EOROE H *WAP.D, VV. F. Ml 1.1.Kit, JAMEi L O *, K w BKKEI>, DAVII) Ka N8*'M, Exective l’»mmittee. p^TlPPb UNION FEMALE SEMINARY, ALBION, NEW YORK, Ile-opens on the Sth of Sept mber with a sup* rior facu ty aud ti*e perma> ent ■up*rri-Ujn, nereafb-r, of tm early proprie on, Mr. aud Mia. U. L. Ach 1 es, whose in tl utio-i, inc rporated by the State, enable* them to * fluid toeir pup. I*, ON TIIE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, the twat of aiivanta(;es for th rooyb mental training, m.der the ce*.ial influence* of s pleasant Chrmtlan Home. Parents or guardian* desiring further Inf*>r*ration may ohta n armiar-. by addrewlng ti e pre prieto s of he wemb ary. _____________________________________ p K u F . HENRY MUTTER S NEW GREAT GERMAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, JAMES VWN.N Y. N ne but the best German Teachers. Dir. ctor - Pr f. Henry >utu-r, lead rof tbe Grand Ojierat** tli*^ Duke of llew«e, Dartn* adt. Prof. Fritz He d, Concert Si gerand Music Director from Maluz I*, of. Gottbo’d Ku kel. Music Director axul Organ ist, from Frankfort ..n the v ain. ApplicaUon *h* u d be made at P of. butter’* resi •lenc*, or by Utter as early a* p-es bie. Twenty ■•oarder* can l*o cc**nuno>lated iu the buu*e where a'so French and Germa-i are taught ia connection with music. Send for circular of thi* excellent Conservatory of Husic to HkNRY SUTTER, • »rec*or, Jameelnwn, N. Y. THE HEATH GOTE SCHObX CORNER PEARL AND GENESEE. THE AUTUMN TERM WILL OPEN 8APT. «Xb. H C. Williams, Hea*l Marter, Instructor n Mathe mati*-?, Natural Sciences and tbe English studio*. Tho*. H. Pitkin. M. a ., Vice Master, instructor in Latin and Greek. F. T. iirodhead, Esq., Prof. of German Language and Literature. J. C. Maihoubie, Prof. of French Language and Literature. J'**eph Mischka, Prof. of Vocal and InMrumsntal Music. Preceptress at Preparatory Department. BO vRD OF TRUSTEES-RA Rev A. Ctoveland Coze, D. D , Prwideot; A Porter Thompeoo, Secre- tarj' and Tree urer; Rev. D William Kbelton, D. D., Rev. Orfamio WKhenpooa, Hoti. G. Cornell, Rev. Dr. Edward IngererM, D D., Dr. James P White, M. D., IW William G. Fargo. Henry W K*«ers, Jaoies M. Smith, Samuel K. W.ethington, George A Hazard, Henry Kip, Edwin T. Evans. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE— Uon. A O. Cornell, Janie* M. Smith, Joseph Warren. appli<*tion for admiaeon »bould be made to the first L r t p ^ L u K i n i t uH Sitlcbr fund I'mnb, secured upon tbe extcnaeon of tbe Railway from nea Sheridan, in hsmes, to Denver, Out ratio, a dintan*- of 237 miles, of which 12 m lea are oompletrd, and the rest is under construe ion. It is also a Mo tgagr on RoIUpr BUtk and Franchi*e of this first-. Is** Railway, besidei now running through Uie State *>t IF t j U nKS AND LOIS FOR SALE BY fl HUME 4 hANFOHD. 16 IV. bwan rt. 108 Morgan at., 2-stor> brick. 115 i-ark *t., 2 -tory brick. 1 6 ' iagara rt., 2 s:o-y brick. Bryant *t., n w z-story frame and ' am. 123 sixths*,, 2-story frame and barn. IS Alien st.- 2—tory tr me. 207 Seventh st., Ij-* ory irame *nd large !<»:. 1* 7 Tenth St., 2 s ory frame and large 1.1. 210 inth t., 2-*t**ry fram-. 74 Mann r St., 2-story brick 388 Nin h s'., 2-story rick aud b m. AND IN SU' JCES8FlTL OPERATION FOR .43.’ MII.ES west ef the Mm^uri river, and earning alretdy enough to meet all ol its cxpensm and existing chli gations, beside • MOKE THAN THE INTEREST UPON THIS NEW LOAN. In addition to thi« the are also secured by a first mortgage of the GOVERNMENT LAND GRANT OF THREE MIL LION ACRES, extending in alternate *cctb *u« on cither side of tbe track from tbe 384th mils po t in Kansas to Denver. Tlie |>rooeeds 0* tho sale <t thete lands are to be in vested by tbe 1rus ec» in Uie J per cent Bonds Uiein- *elvee up to 121 or In U. S. Bonds, at a SINKING FUND FOR THE REDEMPTION OFTHE BONDS. Tbe lands embrace some of the finest portions of the magniflcetr. Terr tory of Colorado, Including * coal field a n i pinery. The Company also hold.- *>• an a-set another tract of THREE MILLIONS OF ACRES IN THE STATE OF KANSAS, and although not pledged as a security for this loan, th* ir possession dd* largely to tbe Company'* wealth aud credit. We estimate the VALUE OF TBE COMPANY'S PROPERTY COV ERED BV THIS MORTGAGE,+T ¥23, 000,000 NET, WH LE THE LOAN IS MERELY py/iC.OvO. The Ronds have THIRTY YEARS TO BUN, from May 1,1869, and wid pay SAVEV PER CERT. INTEREST IN OOLD. semi-annually, <m May 1, and Nov. 1, end are FREE FROM GOVERNMENT TAXATION, the Company paying tb# tax. Tbe principal at the Loan Is made payable in gold, in tbe City of New York, but each coupon will l*e payaU- in Frankfort,London or N.w York, at opUoti of the bolder, without notice, at the following rates: Oe | 990 Bond ia New York »P fculdlaacb hs f year Is-ndon £7 5a. 10J. •• ** frankfort..S7fr. to krtm , The Agents of tbe Loan, bef* ra accepting the trust had the condition of the road, a.*d ti e couotrv through wi ich it runs, carefully cx-m'ned. They ara happy to give the Loan an emphatic eudorscment H " OR SALE —522 S\YA^i ST , 2 SToRY fram ui.h w'ng, g.-s, water, cellar; lot 31xl2u (bouse new). Apply to M. b cCOMli. OR SALE—524 SWAN ST., 2-STORY frame (new), gas water, cellar. Ae.; l.t 31^x 120. Price $3000 App y to M RcCOM B. I^OR SALE—1397 ELK^T., 2^ST^RY a 1 riok in fine condition, 3) a o a of fine garden land, ha* a fine orchard, good well of water, 4c. Thi* property s worth from *.* toei.h thousand dollars; will be sold f r $4000 if taken within ten days, as the owner isgoimr West; wo*.Id t«kc a small house and lot worth ¥2000 ill part pay. Apply to M McCOSII. l 'OR SALE CHEAP — IJ-STORY P frame house <J'» Ca.rol s .; gw, wat r lot x30 115; wiU be sold cheap. HA81I.-GS 4 OITO, No. 3 Brown’* Hui.dings. H ouses for sale by lyon a BAKER. ■*4 Wert Tupper »t., 2-story frame; ga*, water bati., furnace Lot 3 *xi*9. Price r55C0. 114 South Division *o., 2-story un k. commo liou and having modern imp ov*m« lit*. L cat on desir able ior dowu-t*>wn bus'n* *•* nun. Pi *ce $8o00. Marin-ir ai., east tide, near Alien st., 2-story brick. u> 33x100. Price $5«* 0. 484 Ellicott st., l|-*lory frame. Lot 25x132. P r i e #25*X). 4S0 Niagara st.. 2-st<>ry brick, frame barn. Lot 40x264; a vi ry pleasa t neat place. Price »7000. 46 ■Seneca St., 2-rt- rt frame store an*i dwelling; gaeand wa^r. to t 25x100. Price $4000. 19 lenta at.. 2-story frame. Lot 25x100. Price $2500. 450 Swan st., C ut-'ry frame store and dwelling; xas, water, etc. Lot 3»lxl2*o. Pr ce $3500. LTok A cAKER F.rie Und Office. L'OR SALE—THE 1|-8TCRY FRAME K7 house, with lot 80«115,4'3 Deiaw: ra avenue. ____________LEE at PiCKE ING, 13 W. Swan ht. onrr N iagara st house and sLfJrJ ot f. r s le. 2-story and basement Prick, wiUi brie- barn and fine larg - lot. Can b had on libera t-rms. Apt b to HUME 4 SANFORD, No. 16 W. Swan st. ________________________ H ouses and lots for sale, with iminediat ' po*e*shn. Mto Niagara St., 2-storj- brick and barn; 1* t 00 feet to aa all* y. 406 Frauklin st. , 2-rtoiy brick and larn; lot 30x140 250 and 252 Franklin st., two fi. e frame cot.ages lot 40x 39. 3S4 V irginiist., IJ-story brick; lot 60x134. 52 snd 54 Fifth s t , 2-story fr me; lot 45x100. 33 KlLeo t st., 2-story brick; lot tOx.-OO. 627 seirec it , 2 story fr>me; lot a xl '0. lrtj S, ring st., 2-story fran e, lot 40x137. 66 Iiigb s t, Lame; lot 37x131, large lot of graphs, 341 Seneca *t-, 2V-rtory brick; lot 32x»0. 140 and 142 Carlt-m t , C»o co’tage*; lot 60x100. Apply to HUME 4 SANDFORD 16 W Swan st. *• AKEKY AND DWELLING flTR F S Rale - Tupper st , north -ide, between Elm an*l tf ich ig»n streets. Three -t ry frame store, d e li g and b-kery, with lot 30x100. lr.ee $3000. LYON 4 B »KER Erie Land Offioe. A ttica pkopekty ior sale- Brick st*>re and dwelling •ij-rtories, in the husi ne s «are or Attica, cu Market st., - ith lot about 25x130. Also Mi liuery i-pM:k and io d will, will Ite “•Id with the property if desired. Prior i,t lot and ituildi g. 4180** LY O '* * BA K E R hr e Land Office S OUTH DIVISION HT—MOUSE FOR •Sale—Brick, dwelling, 24 stories, with brick barn •>n alley in rear, No. 153 -. D vision <*t Hasga*. wa ter, itaih, 4c. Will ♦ *r»ld low, with i*r*niediate po**- aession. LYON 4 BAKER, Erie Land Office. W HEN YOU BUY A NICE HOUSE d'-n t forget fo p»t irto your kitchen a Tri- umph. DUDLEY 4 ROCKWELL, 433 Main st. t *OR SALE—THE FOLLOWING DE- sirai le res dene*»; Na, 2 4 Delaware St., 2-»tory wing and barn; gas, water and furnace. Lo' 94^x115. No 625 Main st., 3-at ory, with 2-s'ory rear; gas, waier and furnace. Lot 29x115, with au extemdo*, to Waa imrto * t No. 489 Washington sc., 3-story and attic, with a lot 18xt6; gas, water and furnace. Lot 25xloO. No. 40 Kasl Mohawk st., 3-story aud attic; ga* and water. A fine bouse and large ground at Batavia, Genesee county. No. 568 Main rt., 3-rtory, with wing; gas, water and furnsee. Lot 42x115. No. 74 Edward r t , 2-*to y and wing. Lot 73x40. N >. 33 D ixware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 41x200 No. 23o Connecticut corner Tenth st., 2-story. Lot 25xloO N . 315 E. Eagie rt., j story front and rear. Lot 36x728. No. 302 Franklin rt., 2-rtory front and rear; gas, wa*er ar-o furnace. L .t 4oxK31. N ■ 98 Jo- noon Place, 2-s.ory*brick; gas, water urnac- L t 30x120. N<*. 1 Sixth rt, 2-story fnune, with gas and water. Lot 89x132. No. 102 S vpnth s t, 1j-st ry frame, with brick harp; gas and water. Lot S6x - No. 107 swan t., 5-s orr mastic front, with 2-wtory rear; Niagara water, ga.**, furnaop, 4c __________________ Apply to JOHN oTTO, Pearl rt P R SAI.E BY EDWARDS t BUCK- LAN , Real Estate and Insurance Broker*. 19 East fisnww street. 2-story frame bouse, with kitchen and small barn, Advertisement* not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading for 45 cents, each additional line 5 cents. ANTED — SITUATION Tn A store by a young man aged 17 years. Ha* hod experience and can give good references. Ad dress W. if. G , this office. W ANTED — A SITUATION BY AN experienced oiaclinian. Apply or address to No. 33 William street. YOUNG MAN JUST ARRIVED in »hi* cit* wlshe* a |4 *ce in commerce or in an office Good reference* of e ucrtiou au«l practic:. Apply to .V A. M. , Gene ee H u*e. Kike. Saturday afternoon About on« o’clock a fire was discovered in the hous* of Benjamin Dremmis, on Banks’ avenue, at Black Rock. It was extinguished by the neighbors with a few pads of water be fore much damage had been done. No per son was in the hoase at the time, and it is supposed to have been set on fire. Juvbnilk T hieves. — Friday afternoon Caroline Ackerman, Fred. Allgier, Mar} and Catherino Mang, Charles Roesch, Caro line Clipper and Louisa Langerfeld, children whose sgee range from nine to twelve years, were arrested for stealing a gold watch chain and ring from George Metzger. The} were taken before Squire Ziegle and fined $5 each. Drowned. —Saturday night about eleven o’clock a man whose name we did not learn, fall into the canal a short diztanco below the Kvans street bridge. His cries for help toonght a number of men to the spot, but before they could reach him he sank for the last time. The body was found by the po- Laning, Cleveland & Folsom, ATTORNEYS 4 COUNSELLORS. Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading far M3 cents, each additional line 5 cents. A PA III f»F §10 BOOTS STOLEN ir tu No. 79 Clinton r t one day this week. Robert Fall la-btsrt. OFFICF. CORNER PEARL AND SE>ECA STS. BUFFALO, K. Y. A P. LANING, G. CLEVELAND, O. FOLSOM cidsMt, bet all efforts to restore animation were fruitless. ^lAA/k REWARD—THE ABOVE l\/\/\7 reward will be given for the discovery of the i»er oh >• Ix* cou dn’t u*c our Tr umph Cook Stove. All invited. DUDLEY 4 ROCKWELL, 338 Main st., cor. S. Division. QTRAYED OR STOLEN - FROM *. Squaw Island, two or three mouth* since, a four- year old ewe goat, nearly black; hod one white hind leg. Any information concerning the same will be prop erly rewarded at this office. T O-nT—LONG. MOROCCO P*»CKEI a -J book, on Swan *t , between Sp ing st and the Franklin House; coutaiued a sum *>f money in bills a d fractional . ur eucy A liberal rewar I wiil be Iwid for its delivery to S. D. WILDE, at the Frauk.in House laXfUND—A SILVER W A l’CM. A* (7 r IDtn, in Pine al cy The owner can have *y proving p ' 0|»er y an * paying for this advertisement. AIR*. M. CA*R. 167 fine r t _______________________ [70RBU8H ft HYATT, V Success ora t-> E. II & W H. ForW h, Sdicitors of American and Foreign Patent*, ai.d ATTORNEYS IN PVTF.NT CASES. Weed’* Block, corner of Main ai.d Swan street*, BUFFALO, N. Y. Jay Ilyatt, W JL Foriwirti * iv*nn**n. r a t Law. Me* hanic&l Enjinter. Pki/.k Fight.— Thomas James and Wil liam Real, two men employed in Pratt’s rolling mill, had a dispute Saturday, which rosnltod in a challenge on the part of James to visit Canada. They went there in the afternoon, and fought thirteen rounds, James being made to bite the dost at every round. .lames is a pugnacious sort of fel low, and has already been under bonds to hoop ths peace toward hia fellow men. Personal.—R rv. Dr. H oaoooh announced to Us church that he had received an invi- tatioa to fill the pulpit of Rev. Dr. Scud- dor, of San Francisco, and asking the con sent of the church to accept. It was voted unanimously to grant the doctor the neces sary leave of absence to permit him to accept tho invitation. Daring tho absence of Dr. H. tho polpit of Lafayette-street Church will bo filled by Dr. Hopkins, of tho Anburn Theological Seminary. P olio Cocnr.—The magnetos of the PoBto Co** were troubled with a very n a il amount of business Saturday, aad consequently tho shjpM n looked anllen and C. WOODRUFF ft CO. papei lum cnins ad halos , 24 znd 28 PEARL TREET, BUFFALO, Keep on h*nd and manufacture to order papers o' every grade, at Wholeaale Pricea. CA^U PAID for all kiuda of Paper stock. Warehouse of the Niagara F-.IU Peper Mills, Wy oming taper Mill.*, Erie Pape* Mill*. L C WOODRUFF, EDWARD KER8TEN8. OTIS MrOOr.f.Tm. fl'R liiV f! WOODRUFF C HRIbTEY ft JENKS. (Successors to A rthur Christey.) DeUen ia TATI3NERY, PAPER, AND BLANK BOOKS PRINTERS' AND BINDERS* STOCK, Noa. 200 and SOS Main at., Buffalo. ARTHUR CHRISTEY. EDMUND D. JENKS. DABNEY, MORGAN, A 00. A T H A JE t< JA T > r $2500 MORTGAGE. On Flrrt-CIwi City IVq i rty Busnrxss rxraa nM rt*TZD . IALL AND SEE SAMPLES AND MaitCHANDISK TAG?, savagely. The cases were: Edward Dneynet, Julias Dsejraet and John Rook, assault and battery om William Smith. Edward Dnoynet and Jnlina Dneynet, assault aad battery on Edward Johnson. In both cases the prisoners plead guilty. •Sentence was suspended. I NV EL OPE*, LANK BOO AS. WfcLLS SKMIMJU O oat C im m i-l Narrow Ekari. Y**w-*lsy A h.m ooe.m ee a n d Welch, ■I— .wd by two y o u , fiila aad a hoy, wort oot to a il oo tho loho. When (boat AURORA ON CAVUGA LAKE. A M E R I C A N MERCHANTS’ UNION EXPRISS COMPANY, 506. 7, », U AMD IS W. U V K i OT., BUFFALO CAPITAL.............. I I S . ’W . S W COnTBAJfl NntS^JEW UM f And ether mlmMs MssetoaMm asfi h d je. AM«4mWIMLDlArotoAO0i.ljnriM M lvH kr^im aw a aleshar C m eM m zud Twelfth atz., with kitchcu and wood *h«d, cintem, 4c.; lot S2xl'A. Price fltbu. Alan, a farm of 5 acre*, with brick bouae and large bam, plenty of fruit, 4c.. wttbin the city line; Buf- T RIUMl’H GENUINE—NO STOVE haa rear!v d MK-h abwra a< tbc Triumph, no •tovehaa m d auab a emla ac the Triumph. It ix to be (o«rtd ie more Buffal * Utcbam than any ot *er; a*.d •hj? B mum It la tbc bart, the aaaiaw sm—grd. a tbc no*t economical, aa*i hm ormry other goo i quali ty. Monufacturad an t for aale only by DUDLkY 4 RQCKWaA-L. RJB Main r t Nearly half the h**«iRC« ‘i aqm ra epaoiaa—io ehow F 'OR SALE—NO. 3 FAROO AVENUE, a 2-rtory frame dw»Uin* with wiag, goo, water •od cellar, marble m .etlm, 4c. T to ta owe ot the fizrtat built frame ho—ta in tto cty. _________________ M. M'OOMB. IS S. DW * h a u . _ F o r sale—no. i faroo avenue. 2 htory frame houaa, w e . witli ail tto modem impruTemmf; lot 30*150. Thia ta a km « el tom OR SALE—THE TOOLS. FIXTURES F -OK SALE OR TO L .T—TWO BTORY bnrk h use N *. 232 Ninth at. Poaa* mloa firm 'moedUuiy. ft r tc.m> apply on pmeW* a

On Flrrt-CIwi City IVq irty MERCHANTS’ UNION EXPRISS COMPANY,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-08-30/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · Fo r s a le —a d e sira b le house, A PACIFIC

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M A N | T o r S P IJ I9 C .

ioc* m r a o m it , commencing « xK O X IU T CVKM.NO, AUG. a*, IIM*

EVOTS 0 « » T ? W W * I 4 L , ̂ U SIC A L ANDn a t i o n a l u u a m w ,

T H K H I B B K V I C O N .


i vtoe.li.4d.ra of th e B a ted -aad X;a .a ra H.ale » <*k» Company *111 be LaU m th e te » o f he «hb r a o j en vM D A T, AofiMt S7 IMS, M « o'clock P. IL , foi tho purpom of d c i n f T ru rt ca at tb e » d company fo r th e — ning year. ________________________J . E - U N C N . W craQ ry -


T h a m u H M cEroy’. Hil unfold i t . pictorml agbU : OR R E S T —T H E T H IR D FL**OR

■ I b t . ry Wio* .n o M . , a n i a . m a n i n n a d W mh Uktoa - t v . know a ac ihe Shndta, i ataara peer r tf deal ad. ffiritahto f c r a H|fct iuiac<u i t* b a r iu m . MAST 15 OS * O f iO . h a d

O BLACKSMITHS— W I HAVE THE -T to la th a original Hiberaiooa tau yaara haa beaa • x lb»««d m alt

3 . AddMh— i a r a Lean ««• atly Ba : t M h r . *t d t s « eir i i w m

B L I C A X C O U N T Y C O M M I Tfor tho W ork

f r O KENT—A F1K8T CLASS BOOM I < s i n t S a r , M Mala A , aer. N. DM stoe Ml

Appty tc OMu. M M I A .M I I h m . a r . I . . l t»M ia .

rO LET—MACHINE SHOP, TOOLS,P o aer. Pbandry, he.—Ma atoff po rehaaad all tha

taithaa. d o n , aud a r i s r t e a s lately i l i t hy th*Sto of h a r t* A Mood, I s t t o C v ea» o a t to rn Wort*, betas <me of to* b a tfa ra la b a d a h o p a ia th a c ui try ,oona-Bttox oi l a g s Odd miaU toots f.-r d a s * all Vrnda of toon work, v a ara prepared to I 'ta e te a ab a te ai d omiao po aer te ra n tb e n a a ; mia>,foundry w ii be

ra tte d if f*erired v tih th e m achUa Stop. The pram iiu can be conveniently divid-d and M ia aepa. ra te room i Tor p a r t k l i n inquire of A &

Ctatdren nnder ten ycara......................................... r e n tsiHmn op n a* 7; oo nmenoe a ' s.The rala nf Ttakata wilt r*>m«n*n e M*»i»dS> m o rn ­

ing, Any. SOth, >*t tn e Box OtBoe of t e A adroitC If BALL, Ag nt

N E V E N IM . EX CbH xlO N ON TH ELake a a d v >hr auaptan of the P in t Spiritual

Society nf B f lo, on Thursday eveaiin*, Septeari e r2d. Tli “ T in Ivashov has bran chartered for th enpwaira aad trlB leave the foot of Main r t at e gh t o'clock p e c k y. Peter Ur u r r 'a tguadri Ic h»u.1 w f f l ta rM h a a l r l a r d am * g . TvSet tor la d i- p j , — " ] t l ML Magie T i e d , t l To •*« had akO O iTH m 4 P M a ff th * . * * * * a * •_______

g V E N f N O CONCERTAT f e o v r n r s PAliK,

rith o u t hts supper, and i t was thought th a t ha had gone to hia home, 135 Ken- tacky street.

A — " i r e a t to see . s a d returned report a s t h a t h a h a d a e i t a s there. Ho h a d

Fo r r e n t —t h e s t o r e 352 m a ina t , Kremlin Block, now uccup'ed by Mrs. H ol­

lerith aa a m illne y * ore. Pomemkm given imme­diately. For teqna apply on th e p r a a k * .

f | ; 0 R EN T—FOB T H E W IN TER OF1 ' until t t e first of J u u e , a desira>*le residence on

Franklin a t . above Chip e w , w i.h o r without finm- u irv . Inquire a t 754 Frank l a at.__________________

FOR R EN T—EAGLE ST., 2-STORYand b o a tm en t, b rick fu rn ish ed .

124 S eneca s t . , 2-8 o y brick .117 C lin ton e t ., S-story brick .44 Cbeetnut st , 2-rtory br ck.Also e v e r .1 fb .e room * and w hole floors fo r office*

o r l i . h t m an u fac tu rin g business. F o r f r h - r pal ticu larv ap p lj to H U M E 4 SA N FO R D ,

16 W. Sw an s t.

OB TH U B SD A Y , 8 KPT. t , a t IS A.Saatoaaa w ill be eospended in t l* caaaaf

Capt. Cooke until the return of two of tha Police Commissioners.

A woman named Lena H artm aker waa Saturday rent tr. the Workhouae for ninety days op s chartre of vagrsrey.

Frank (J’/fa rra aud John Sweeney were arrested Friday for stealing fru it from Hstvy Williams.

The sidewalk on tho north side of Am- herst street, between East stree t and th s Military road, is reported in s dangerous condition.

The First Spiritualist Society go ont an ­tler the moonlight on th s Ivanhoe next Thursday evening. A quadrille band will aooompany the excursionists.

The tro t at th e Cold Spring traek be­tween German G irl, Bay Charley and Bloomer, was won by the la tte r in three straight hsata. Fastest tim e 2 JO.

James M atthews, aged tw en ty years, was found ia th e atreet Saturday aft*. - noon, in a state of insanity. Patrolman ‘"oule took M atthews to S tation No. 1, and he was afterwards delivered to his father.) A sailor named Jam es Cook, from Chi­cago, fell in a tit on the dock s t the foot ol M ain street, Saturday evening. H e was taken to tb e Station-house by Officer Kelly, and a physician called.

1 1 7 ANTED — COUNTY ORDERSf f n oasb t by LYON 4 BAKKK, E rie Land Ofltoe.

K rarr T u w d y aad Thareday Kvsn.agv___________leg a a T— day, J u as 2td-1 7 'I N K A K '1 ’8 A C A D Jk H k


T hs OsIIvry will be o p « i s ra ry day, cxorps Fun* days, tram • A. M. Ull 6 P. M.

m ra* sitiekdoe U e n r ts ; scasun 4*.*n* for m o n th , v cen ts . L . O . KM LLoTFDT, S upt.

Wa n t e d — a t t h e s a l e m . o nE R IE H o le ', F ro c to n , C h au taw p ta C oun ty

N . T ., tw o co lore > w o m e n -o n e a-j A ra s ta t • oo* a n d ti e m VVai rcw* and * h u n b e rm a ld . Wage* #1' a w e e l.

Fo r s a l e —t h e b f ^ t f a m i l yho rse t v e r u ffer d in th 'n m arke> ; su itab le fo r

carriage o r • u « ry . Is a xco d tra v » lle r , w a-ia i ted sound and ki ml ever-, w ay. A - o on to p buggv and so o w n t v o sea ted w agon. Can ba s e n a t A o. hs17 OR REN T—T H E D FSIKABLE 2-

■ *tf>ry b rick d w a ll i 'g No. 288 W ash ing ton s t., c o rn e r of S * u , o ccupied 1 ^ t h la te D L o th n j i; is a v ery < e sira le loc tio n fo r a p hysician .

2-story b ick dwelling 216 Ninth st.; gas, water, cellar, e tc ., in •rood order. Rent SS80.

H A STIN G S 4 OTTO. > B row n 's Building.

n t h i M l u l M I u U cp , awakening | only to find himaalf covered w ith w heat t j such an ex ten t th a t h e eould not extricate nimself or call out loud enough to be heard.

M arshall was a comparative stran ­ger in the city, and his comrades e y th a t he had drank nothing stronger than pop daring the evening. Marthall leaves*a wife and five children in de* -itato Circassianoes, and Coroner Morrow, vlio took charge of the remains was about making arrangements to In ter them a t the expense of the county; but the shovellers :ame forward and announced their readiness 'jo g iv e their comrade a respectable burial.


A l L Y EXCUttdiONs


T h t M sp iilc m t I n « f r e n w r I n s h n r leavtm h«>r d ock , fou t u f M ain s i , a t t * 0 P . M. daily fur Fal- conw uod a a d U akSeld , tw ucbiug a t F >rt k r ie to land !■ Batigara; letwr hig t o BwffJo at 7:45 r. M.

F a t* fo r th * ro u n d t r ip , 50 cen t , ch ild ren h a lf price. W. L. MAUXM.H, Agent.

Buffalo, Aug. 2 ,1809 ._______ ________

O TR A N G ER S, IF YOU W A N T TO SEKU a g o d e ohiug s tu \e call a t D I D l ik Y A ROCK­WELL'S, 333 Maiu rt., and *ee their oM vbraRd I r i -

ET EVERYBODY BUY A TRIU M PHI and they will aavt money. DUl LEY 4 ROCK-

i O i P E aR L ST.—c o o k w a n t e d —i O " l Wan ed a cook in a small k W l jP h n e tha t

ca i come well recommended mav h ar of a good p ace by cai in g o n MRS. CO C H R A N E, ab ,ve S o . _____

/ • D ELA W A RE ST—W ANTED, AN• 1 I O «-xj> rirn c -d «XK>k to d o th • en ire cooking, waahing anu iron ing fo r a sm all fam ily ; a lso , a com ­p e te n t waitress.Q ik O MAIN ST.—W ANTED, A GOOD« / \ / 0 g ir l fo r c -han itar wo- k.

A FU R N ISH E D HOUSE TO RENT My bone* , N o. 617 M a.n sU , Buff lo . w ith »

ra rden in a h i t r h s t a t e of c u ltiv a tio n a tta c h e d , i- t > )>e re n te d to a sm all fam ily fo r th re e o r -ix m on th - or u n til (he first'of May n e x t. Pusseu>i..ii g tv m on th e le t o f J u ly n e x t. P iano , p ic tu re* , A c., iucludcd iia*. w a te r , fu rn a c e , w oodshed a u d barn . F o r in fe r aaation , appl> On tb e prem ises on an y d iy befo re 1*

M. d u r in g tb e p rc e rn t m o n th - U tO l-O i . W H O l G H T O a , N o 617 M ain st.

C d a n g k o f T imk o n E kik R a i l w a y . T h e Day Express on tbe Erie Railway, leav- log Buffalo a t 7 A. M., w ith its splendid drawing room coach attached, arriving in N e w York a t 9:45 P. M., through by day­light. No change on Lightning Express leaving here a t 2 :5 0 P. M., or N ight Ex­press leaving a t 6 :40 P. M. The Cincinnati Express leaves a t 11:30 P . M ., arriving in New York a t 3:30 P. M.


w ill re tu in e th e ir s tu 'ie sON M ONDAY. 30th tn rt

1‘arvnt* s re requested to he p u n c tu a l in sending th e ir c i.iM rea a*, uncc, *•> th a t tb * ir rt..die* m ay be n o far th e r re ta rd ed .__________ ___________ ________

MRS. J . SU DDE RICK’S SC HO* >L FORY oung I ad ies and « h i d ra n w ill open N»p«.

J tn «,t 170 A M gan tst. in tlio bu ild ingJiiiom u as I 'u f- ta r a n P arsonage- ___________________________

Re c t o r y feCHooL,H AM DEN, COVW

'I ho Rev. C. W . E V ER EST. Re.-t..r, a ided by Uve residen t a**irtanta. The school I* closing ite tw enty- M \th year, and refer* to ite o ld pupils, lm ind in all th e pnitcseioue, anil every dc |>artiiicnt o f Iiumiicsh. T horough pltj-Kical educa tion , inc lud ing m ilita ry drill, boating, and * a iiun iiug in their Hoa*on. Age of admlydon from nine to fourteen. Terms 8760 |>cr annum.

T H E FA L L SESSION BEG IN S ETT. 7. R eference The R igh t Rev. J . W ILLIA M S, I». D. l la n id c n , A ugust -869._______________________ 0t

r v K h A L h - M O l h fc h .

A P A C IFIC RA ILW A YFo r s a l e —a d e s i r a b l e h o u s e ,B arn a n d oue a c re . f lau d , good wc 1 a*-d cis­

te rn a n d p e n t y o f f ru i t , p i as u tly s i tn a l td in th e village o f C orfu , Genenee c o u n ty , a b o u t to r ty rod* from .h e C en tra l R a ilroad , with" a re a r vl-sw u t i l tra in* a n d d ep o t—#2,rt*A). J *t th e place fo r a ra inhy on a sm all incom e. In q u ire of D. LE N T , C orfu .______________________________________ dae

L OR SA LE—T H E 2 S T O R Y BRICKF house 232 N in th *t H ASTINGS 4 OTTO, Real

E fta tc Brok- rs , 3 B 'o w u ’s B uild lug .

Fo r s a l e c h e a p — t h e n e a t1-sto ry fram e co ttag e 16- N in th r t . wiil lie .-old

ch eap if app lied fo r soon , a* th e ow n er dt-ore* to re m ove W e t H A STIN G * 4 O IT O , R eal E d a le u io k e rs , 3 B row n 's B uild .ng .

F o r s a l e o r e x c h a n g e —a v e r yd -Btrab'.e 2 -s tc -y and a tt ic b rick house in a go-*l

location ea s t o f .Main s t , a n d w ith in tiv m in u te s wa k of th e Pc>stoffier w id he so ld ch eap a n d on ea-y te rm * , o r w ill be exchanged f r a m * ilium *ized house w est o f M ain s t . , a n d ■ e d ifference in i rice , f an y , paid in ca-h . F o - p a rticu la rs a p p lv to HAST IN G s 4 O T T O ,R ed E s ta te B roker* , 3 B iow n 's Bu ld- ing.


The interior decoration of th^ Erie County Savings Bank is probably nearly oomplete. A t least it seems hardly possi atbie for money aud goo<l taste to do any- thing more in improving it, and in thiB dxse it m ust be said th a t they have com­bined in a manner as rare as i t is delight­ful. The scaffolding was removed last week, revealing w hat we declare to be the linest specimen of a frescoed ceilir-g to be -i-en in the city, and which we have not «eea excelled anywhere. The ornamenting plasterer had preceded the artis t and laid it ou t in a handsome alternation of regular and oblong hexagonal panels, in two courses, dividing them by a beaded mould' ng, w ith beautifully turned pendants s t

the angles and intersections. The ground •ipon which the more vividly colored portion of ornam ent is laid consists of delicate neutrals, soft grayish greens and creamy b iff tints, w ith light browns and lilacs, re' •eating and relieving the general outline ot

the main pattern. The mouldings aud pend­ants, together w ith the comice and frieze ind the capitals of the supporting columns, are picked out and etched with gold. The la tte r are handsomely done in imitation of 4ir*nna marble.

Four of th e large hexagons forming the centre of the ceiling exhibit beautifully painted figures of cherubs, w ith emblematic levices denoting th a t they severally per­sonate Agriculture, Manufacture, Commerce »nd Fuance. The oornioe is a succession of icantbus-leaved brackets, and the frieze uas for its main feature a like arrangement >f hexagons as those forming th f ceiling. The whole is ao well done th a t an / attem pt it minute description would be a failure, lud we m ust leave our readers te the plea­sant ta sk of examining and admiring for oheiqselves. The artis t, Mr. William Belli, is a Bnffalonian and well known for the ex- .t-llence of his work, though he has only •tea among us for a short time. His place if business is a t 210 Genesee street.

The bases around all tho interior of the clerical departm ent have been carried ap in 'landsome panels to a bight of about five feet. The material of this as w jll as the entire structure of screens, desks and orna­mental wood work is black w alnut, and everywhere it is moulded and carved to the extreme of elaborateness. A slatted screen exhibits the element of u tility which is the drst consideration in all th e fixtures, being 40 contrived tha t, while i t stands modestly iside during business hours, a t luneh time it unfolds into n comfortable little room within a roepu A shelf-like table drops down on one side, and in any direction the vide may be opened for observation or air, or closed from curious eyes.

A large clock, intended to seep watch upon the watchman, and which faithfully reports s failure in his regular round, has been addod to the utilities. W ithin ex­actly eight minutes before and after the minute hand has indicated the hour, and -he same tim e cither way from the “ half,’' lie m ust be on hand, and the palling down of a lever drives ia a peg behind the glass, out of reach, and m a n s the fact tlia t he was there on time. Of course he must watch th a t clock somewhat carefully, and the supposition is th a t he w ill be alert in the intervals. Three clerks and a porter, t-lecp in a dorm itory opening into the

1 enclosed space behind the desks, w ith a • small arsenal convenient for instant use : On Sunday the clereial force is so divided ! tha t, w ithout obliging nay one to pass more

than a couple of h o n n away from the duties and enjoyment of th e day, th e place is con-

lesve to an nounce th a t s e lu i 'e a c c e p te d th sG ra n d L a rc e n y .-S a tu rd a y Officer

J . Bor gin arrested s woman named Cath­erine Mills, the keeper of a brothel on Canal street, for having stolen $30 in moni) from Jam es Parrel during the night pre­vious.

l e t H ouhk B u r n e d . — Yesterday morning n t 4 o’clock, McPherson’s ice bouse, s itu­ated on Buffalo creek, opposite the Rea Jack e t Hotel, on Seneca street, was discov­ered to be on tire. Nothing could be done to save it, and i t was totally destroyed. It was nearly full of ice.

P o l k k R a id .—Patrolmen M cCarthy aad Kane, of tbe Third Precinct, made a raid on a disreputable house a t the soath-wesi corner of Huron aud Washington street! last Friday night. Louisa CrotheTS, Levins Hallock and Emma Williams, wmnnrrseted and fined $10 apiece for being drank aad disorderly.

H e a v y R o b b e r y . — Miss San yeah, o‘ Yankee Robinson’s Circus Company, vi> robbed of $2,400 in greenbacks, tw o dis mood rings snd o ther property amounting to $4000, while she was performing in th* c ircu sa t Clyde, Wayne county, Friday even­ing. The money and valuables wen tak er from her trunk a t the Clyde Hotel

F o r th e sole o f it«



Thi* loan a m o u n ts to #6,6CO.OOO.BO A R D IN G SC H O O LFOR YOUNG L A D IE S .

B A TA V IA . N. Y.T he Fall T erm of Mra. B r> an’» rc h o o l w iil coin-

m eu n e on W ediXbOay, S i pi 16, 1869.______ ________

M K S . a 7 < j . h c j X i k ,D irec trsm a t tb c

>T. CFfLIY C IB K V ifU Y « U s K ,UonimeuCvH tb c F s il T erm 8 ep t. 15, 1869.

A pplication* received a l te r S ep t. L C irn -la rs m ay be o b ta ined a t tho M usic S t o r e * . __

B O F F * LO A C A D E M Y .T h j cx e rc ia .s u f t in s In rtitiU in n wili com m - nee on

M N A Y , A l G H T 30. T il f r ends > I th e School in ih e c t> am i i u i b i u i t y a re in v ited to «a I a th* up p e r r»oin of th e b u n d in g c o m e r of t e a I and C o u rt si ree s, wh* re th e l r in d p a l will b_* fou n d , on any week, u a y . » e t« e e u tb e h o u r- o l 10 a nd 12 A. M. I’ax:ies a t a* d i tauce wi* ii>g im o rm a ti n m ay au- •lre.-s th e undeniitfued a t BuflUlo.

P. A. TO W N E, P rinc ipe!.BOARD OF T u U s lE h H :

H on. N. K. H A L L ..............................* re id en t.WM. F . H.L.KK............................... S e rc t- ry .

J . D. Saw yer F. W. B reed , iaaac Hoi o * t y , B. F.A ustin, J r . , o . L. N i «•*, M. II. B irge. O -.o r.e H ow ­ard , tC. E Y oung, C. D Daniel*, W allace Jo h n so n , f . J. t e r i ia, O. o . S tee le , H u g h We- * e r . t av id Kan- om , H n ry O L ee , H en ry M onte, W ill a in B. - i r r e t , I .me* P. G c lh in g , Ju liu s W a l-e r, Jo h n IL k in u e r, H e n r . M. K i t , eu. S. o . M e-e Ih .J a u - e * W arren . Janie* If . Meto*! c , J . B. G riffin, Jam e* L yon, C *L •i. SL F in h tr , h v e ra rd P ilin r , J son P a r c r , E A. - h .w , D. A. Mo ne, bila* Kin^sK-y, 8 . 8 . W uihne , M artin Com stock.

f E O R O E H *WAP.D,VV. F . Ml 1.1.K it,J A M E i L O *,K w BKKEI>,D A V II) Ka N8*'M ,

E x e c t iv e l ’»m m ittee.

p ^ T lP P b


Ile-opens on th e S th of Sept m b er w ith a sup* r io r facu ty aud ti*e perma> e n t ■up*rri-U jn, nereafb -r, of tm early p ro p rie o n , Mr. a u d Mia. U . L. Ach 1 e s , whose i n t l u tio -i, inc rp o ra ted by th e S ta te , enable* th em to * flu id to e ir pup . I*,


th e twat of a iivanta(;es fo r t h roo y b m en ta l tra in in g , m .der th e ce*.ial influence* of s p leasan t C hrm tlan Hom e.

P a ren ts o r g uard ian* d esirin g fu r th e r Inf*>r*ration m ay o h ta n a rm ia r - . by add rew lng ti e pre p rie to s of he wemb ary . _____________________________________p K u F . H EN RY MUTTER S


JA M E S V W N .N Y.N ne b u t th e b est G erm an Teachers.D ir. c to r - P r f. H enry > utu-r, lead r o f tb e G rand

Ojierat** tli* ̂ D uke of llew«e, Dartn* ad t.P ro f. F r i tz H e d , C oncert Si g e ra n d M usic D irector

from MaluzI*, of. G o ttbo ’d K u k e l. Music D irector axul O rg an ­

is t, from F ra n k fo rt ..n th e v ain.A pplicaU on *h* u d be m ade a t P of. b u t te r ’* resi

•lenc*, o r by U tte r as ea rly a* p -e s bie. T w enty ■•oarder* can l*o cc**nuno>lated iu th e buu*e w here a 'so F rench and Germ a-i a re ta u g h t ia connection w ith m usic.

Send for c ircu la r o f thi* exce llen t C onservato ry of H usic to H k N R Y SU TTER , • »rec*or,

Jam eeln w n , N. Y.


T H E AUTUMN TERM W IL L OPEN 8APT. «Xb. H C. W illiam s, Hea*l M arter, In s tru c to r n M athe

mati*-?, N atu ra l Sciences and tb e English studio*.Tho*. H . P itk in . M. a . , Vice M aster, in s tru c to r in

L atin and G reek.F. T. iirodhead , E sq ., P rof. of G erm an L anguage

and L ite ra tu re .J . C. M aihoubie, P rof. of F rench Language and

L ite ra tu re .J'**eph M ischka, P rof. o f Vocal and InM rum sn ta l

Music. Preceptress at Preparatory Department.BO vRD O F T R U S T E E S -R A Rev A. Ctoveland

C oze , D. D , P rw id e o t; A Porter T hom peoo, Secre- ta r j ' a n d T ree u re r ; Rev. D William K belton, D. D ., Rev. O rfam io WKhenpooa, Hoti. G. Cornell, R ev. Dr. E dw ard IngererM , D D ., Dr. Ja m e s P W hite, M. D., I W W illiam G . F arg o . Henry W K *«ers, J a o ie s M. S m ith , S am uel K. W .e th in g to n , G eorge A H aza rd , H enry K ip , E dw in T. E vans.

E X ECU TIV E COM M ITTEE— U on. A O . C orne ll, Jan ie* M. S m ith , Jo sep h W arren .

a ppli<*tion fo r a d m iaeo n »bould be m ad e to the

first L r t p ^ L u K i n i t uH Sitlcbr fund I'mnb,

secu red upon tb e ex tcnaeon of tb e R ailw ay from nea S h erid an , in hsmes, to D enver, Out ratio, a dintan*- of 237 m iles, o f w hich 12 m lea a re oo m p le trd , and th e re s t is u n d e r c o n s tru e ion. I t is a lso a Mo tg a g r on R oIU pr B U tk and Franchi*e of this first-. Is** R ailw ay , b e s id e i now ru n n in g th ro u g h Uie S ta te *>t

I F t jU nKS A N D L O I S F O R SALE B Y f l H U M E 4 hA N FO H D . 16 IV. bw an r t .108 M organ a t . , 2-stor> brick .115 i-a rk *t., 2 - to ry brick.1 6 ' iagara rt., 2 s:o-y brick .B ry a n t * t., n w z -s to ry fram e and ' am .123 s ix th s * , , 2 -story fram e an d barn.IS A lien st.- 2—to ry t r me.207 S ev en th s t . , Ij-* o ry iram e *nd la rge !<»:.1* 7 T en th S t., 2 s o ry fram e a n d la rg e 1 .1.210 in th t . , 2-*t**ry fram -.74 M ann r S t., 2 -s to ry brick388 N in h s ' . , 2-story rick au d b m .


west ef th e M m ^ u ri riv e r , an d earn in g a lre td y en ough to m ee t all o l its cxpensm and ex is ting chli g a tio n s , beside •


In ad d ition to th i« th e a re also secured by af irs t m o rtg ag e of th e


e x ten d in g in a lte rn a te *cctb *u« o n c i th e r side of tbe track from tb e 384th m ils po t in K ansas to Denver. T lie |>rooeeds 0* tho sale < t th e te lands a re to be in vested by tb e 1 ru s ec» in Uie J p e r c e n t Bonds Uiein- *elvee u p t o 121 o r In U. S. B onds, a t a


Tbe lands em brace some of th e finest p o rtio n s of th e m agniflcetr. T e rr to ry of C olorado , Inc lud ing * coal field a n i pinery . T he C om pany also hold.- *>• an a -se t a n o th e r tra c t of


and although not pledged as a security for this loan, th* ir possession dd* largely to tbe Company'* wealth aud credit. We estim ate the

V A LU E O F T B E CO M PA N Y 'S P R O P E R T Y COV­E R E D BV T H IS M O R T G A G E ,+ T ¥23,

000,000 N E T , W H L E T H E LOAN IS M E R E L Y py/iC.OvO.

T he Ronds have


from May 1 ,1869, a n d wid pay

SAVEV PER CER T. INTEREST IN OOLD. semi-annually, <m May 1, and Nov. 1, end are

FREE FROM GOVERNMENT TAXATION, the Company paying tb# tax.

Tbe principal a t the Loan Is made payable in gold, in tbe City of New York, bu t each coupon will l*e payaU- in Frankfort,London o r N .w York, a t opUoti of the bolder, w ithout notice, a t th e following ra tes:

Oe | 990 Bond ia New York » P fculdlaacb h s f yearIs-ndon £7 5a. 10J. ••

** “ fran k fo r t..S 7 fr . to k rtm ,The Agents of tbe Loan, bef* ra accepting th e tru s t

had the condition of th e road, a.*d t i e couotrv th ro u g h wi ich it runs, carefully c x -m 'n ed . They ara happy to give th e Loan an emphatic eudorscment

H" O R S A L E — 5 22 S\Y A ^i S T , 2 S T o R Yfram u i . h w 'n g , g.-s, w ater, ce lla r; lo t 31xl2u

(bouse new ). A pply to M. b cCOMli.

OR S A L E —524 S W A N ST., 2-STORY• f ram e (new ), gas w a te r , ce lla r. A e.; l . t 31^x

120. P rice $3000 App y to M RcCOM B.

I ^ O R S A L E — 1397 E L K ^ T . , 2^ST^R Ya 1 r iok in fine co n d itio n , 3 ) a o a of fine g arden

lan d , ha* a fine o rchard , good well o f w a te r, 4 c . Thi* p ro p e rty s w o rth fro m *.* t o e i . h th o u san d dollars; w ill be sold f r $4000 if tak en w ith in te n days, as th e o w n er isgo im r W est; wo*.Id t«kc a sm all ho u se and lo t wor th ¥2000 ill p a r t p ay. A pply to M M cCO SII.

l 'O R S A L E C H E A P — IJ-ST O R YP fram e house <J'» C a .ro l s . ; g w , w at r lo t x30

115; wiU be so ld cheap . H A 8 1 I.-G S 4 O IT O ,N o. 3 B row n’* H ui.d ings.

H o u s e s f o r s a l e b y l y o n aB A K ER .

■*4 W ert T upper » t. , 2 -s to ry fram e ; ga*, w ater b a ti ., fu rn a c e L o t 3 *xi*9. Price r55C0.

114 S o u th D ivision *o., 2 -s to ry u n k. com m o liou and having m odern im p ov*m« lit*. L ca t on desir ab le io r dowu-t*>wn bus'n* *•* n u n . P i *ce $8o00.

M arin-ir a i., e a s t t id e , n e a r A lien s t . , 2 -story brick. u> 33x100. P rice $5«* 0.

484 E llic o tt s t . , l |-* lo ry fram e. L o t 25x132. P ri e #25*X).

4S0 N iagara s t . . 2-st<>ry b r ic k , f ram e barn . Lot 40x264; a v i ry pleasa t n e a t place. Price »7000.

46 ■ Seneca S t., 2-rt- r t fram e s to r e an*i dw elling ; g a e a n d w a ^ r . t o t 25x100. P rice $4000.

19 l e n t a a t . . 2-story fram e. L o t 25x100. Price $2500.

450 Sw an s t . , C ut-'ry fram e s to re and dw elling ; xas, w a te r, e tc . L o t 3»lxl2*o. P r ce $3500.

L T o k A c A K E R F.rie U n d Office.

L 'O R S A L E — T H E 1 |-8 T C R Y F R A M EK7 ho u se , w ith lo t 8 0 « 1 1 5 ,4 '3 Deiaw: r a avenue. ____________L E E at P iC K E I N G , 13 W. Swan ht.

o n r r N i a g a r a s t —h o u s e a n ds L f J r J o t f. r s le. 2 -s to ry and basem en t Prick, wiUi brie- ba rn and fine la rg - lo t. Can b had on libera t- rm s . A pt b to H U M E 4 SA N FO R D , No. 16 W . Sw an s t.________________________

H o u s e s a n d l o t s f o r s a l e ,w ith im in ed ia t ' p o * e * sh n .

Mto Niagara St., 2-storj- b rick a n d b a rn ; 1* t 00 fee t to a a all* y.

406 F ra u k lin s t . , 2 -r to iy b rick a n d l a r n ; lo t 30x140 250 a n d 252 F ra n k lin s t . , tw o fi. e fram e co t.ag es

lo t 40x 39.3S4 V ir g in i i s t . , I J - s to ry b r ic k ; lo t 60x134.52 s n d 54 F if th s t , 2-sto ry f r m e ; lo t 45x100.33 KlLeo t s t . , 2-story b rick ; lo t tOx.-OO.627 s e i r e c i t , 2 s to ry fr> m e; lo t a x l '0 .l r t j S , r in g s t . , 2-story f ra n e , lo t 40x137.66 I i ig b s t , L a m e ; lo t 37x131, la rge lo t of graphs,

341 Seneca * t-, 2V-rtory b r ic k ; lo t 32x»0.140 and 142 C arlt-m t , C»o co ’tage*; lo t 60x100. Apply to H U M E 4 SA N D FO RD 16 W Swan st.

* • A K E K Y A N D D W E L L IN G flTR F S Rale - T u p p e r s t , n o r th -ide, betw een Elm an*l

tf ich ig»n s tree ts . T h ree - t ry fram e s to re , d e l i g and b -k e ry , w ith lo t 30x100. l r . e e $3000. LYON 4 B »K E R E rie Land Offioe.

A t t i c a p k o p e k t y i o r s a l e -Brick st*>re a n d dw elling •ij-rto ries, in th e husi

ne s «are or A ttica , c u M ark e t s t . , - ith lo t a b o u t 25x130. Also Mi liu ery i-pM:k and i o d w ill, w ill Ite ■“ •Id w ith th e p ro p e rty if desired. Prior i,t lo t and ituildi g . 4180** LY O '* * BA K E R h r e Land Office

SO U T H D IV IS IO N HT— M OU SE FOR•Sale—Brick, d w elling , 24 s to rie s , w ith brick barn

• >n alley in re a r , N o. 153 - . D vision <*t H asga* . wa­te r , ita ih , 4c . W ill ♦ *r»ld low, w ith i*r*niediate po**- aession . LYON 4 B A K E R , Erie L and Office.

WH E N Y O U B U Y A N IC E H O U S Ed '- n t fo rg e t fo p » t i r t o y o u r k itch en a T ri-

um p h . D U D LEY 4 ROCKW ELL, 433 Ma in st.

t *OR S A L E —T H E F O L L O W IN G DE-sira i le res dene*»;

N a, 2 4 D elaw are St., 2-»tory w ing and b a rn ; gas, w a te r an d fu rnace . L o ' 94^x115.

No 625 M ain s t . , 3-at o ry , w ith 2 -s 'o ry re a r ; gas, w a ie r a nd fu rnace . L o t 29x115, w ith au extemdo*, to W aa im rto * t

No. 489 W ashington sc., 3-story and a ttic , w ith a lot 18xt6 ; gas, w a te r and furnace. Lot 25xloO.

No. 40 K asl M ohawk s t . , 3 -s to ry a ud a ttic ; ga* and w ater.

A fine bouse and large g ro u n d a t B atav ia , G eneseeco un ty .

No. 568 M ain r t . , 3 -rto ry , w ith w ing; g a s , w ate r and fu rnsee . L o t 42x115.

N o. 74 Edw ard r t , 2-*to y a n d w ing. L o t 73x40.N >. 33 D ixw are P lace; gas , w a te r a n d fu rnace .

L o t 41x200No. 23o C onnecticu t c o rn e r T en th s t . , 2 -story. Lot

25xloON . 315 E. Eagie rt., j story f ro n t a n d re a r . L ot

36x728.No. 302 F ra n k lin rt., 2-rtory f ro n t a n d re a r ; gas,

wa*er ar-o furnace. L . t 4oxK31.N ■ 98 Jo- noon P lace, 2 -s.ory*brick; g as , w ater

u rn a c - L t 30x120.N<*. 1 S ix th r t , 2 -story fn u n e , w ith gas and w ater.

L ot 89x132.No. 102 S vpn th s t , 1 j - s t ry f ra m e , w ith brick

h a rp ; gas an d w ater. L o t S6x - No. 107 sw an t . , 5-s o r r m astic f ro n t, w ith 2-wtory

rea r; N iagara w a te r , ga.**, furnaop, 4c __________________ A p p ly to J O H N o T T O , P earl r t

P R S A I.E BY E D W A R D S t BU CK -LA N , Real E s ta te a n d In su ran ce Broker*.

19 E a s t fisnww s tree t.2-story f ram e bo u se , w ith k itch en and sm all b a rn ,

Advertisement* not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading for ‘4 5 cents, each additional line 5 cents.

A N TED — SITU ATION Tn As to re by a y o u n g m an aged 17 years. Ha*

hod ex p erien ce a n d can give good references. A d ­d ress W . i f . G , th is office.

WANTED — A SITU ATION BY ANexperienced o iaclin ian . A pply o r add ress to

N o. 33 W illiam stree t.

YOUNG MAN JU S T A RRIVEDin »hi* cit* wlshe* a |4 *ce in com m erce o r in an

office G ood reference* of e u c r tio u au«l p r a c t ic :. A p p ly to .V A. M ., Gene ee H u*e.

K i k e . —Saturday afternoon About on« o’clock a fire was discovered in the hous* of Benjamin Dremmis, on Banks’ avenue, a t Black Rock. I t was extinguished by th e neighbors w ith a few pads of w ater be fore much damage had been done. No per­son was in the hoase a t the time, and i t is supposed to have been set on fire.

Ju v b n ilk T h i e v e s . — Friday afternoon Caroline Ackerman, Fred. Allgier, Mar} and Catherino Mang, Charles Roesch, Caro­line Clipper and Louisa Langerfeld, children whose sgee range from nine to twelve years, were arrested for stealing a gold watch chain and ring from George Metzger. The} were taken before Squire Ziegle and fined $5 each.

D r o w n e d . —Saturday night about eleven o’clock a man whose name we did not learn, fall into the canal a short diztanco below the Kvans street bridge. His cries for help toonght a number of men to the spot, but before they could reach him he sank for the last time. The body was found by the po-

Laning, Cleveland & Folsom, ATTORNEYS 4 COUNSELLORS.Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted

under this heading fa r M3 cents, each additional line 5 cents.

A PA III f»F §10 BOOTS STOLENi r tu No. 79 C lin ton r t one day th is week.

R o b ert F all la-btsrt.


BU FFA LO , K . Y.

A P . LA N IN G , G. C LEV ELA N D , O. FOLSOMcidsMt, b e t all efforts to restore animation were fruitless.

^ l A A / k R EW A R D —TH E ABOVEl \ / \ / \ 7 rew ard will be given fo r th e d iscovery

of th e i»er oh >• Ix* cou d n ’t u*c o u r T r um ph Cook Stove. A ll inv ited . DU D LEY 4 RO CK W ELL, 338 M ain s t . , cor. S . Division.

Q T R A Y E D OR STO LEN - FROM*. Squaw Island , tw o o r th re e m outh* since, a four- year old ewe g o a t, nearly b lack ; hod one w h ite h in d leg. Any in form ation concern ing th e sam e will be p ro p ­erly rew arded a t th is office.

T O-nT — L O N G . M O R O C C O P * » C K E Ia -J b o o k , on Sw an * t , betw een Sp ing s t a n d th e

F ra n k lin H ouse; cou ta iu ed a sum *>f m oney in bills a d f rac tiona l . u r eucy A liberal rew ar I wiil be I wid fo r i ts delivery to S. D . W IL D E , a t th e F rau k .in H ouse

la X f U N D — A S I L V E R W A l ’C M . A* (7r ID tn, in P in e a l cy T he ow ner can have *y p rov ing p '0|»er y an * pay ing fo r th is adve rtisem en t. AIR*. M. C A * R . 167 f in e r t _______________________

[70R B U 8H ft HYATT,V Success ora t-> E. II & W H . F o r W h ,

S d ic ito rs o f A m erican a n d Fo reign P a ten t* , a i.d

A TTORNEYS IN PVTF.NT CASES.Weed’* Block, c o rn e r of M ain a i.d S w an street* ,

BU FFA LO , N. Y.J a y I ly a t t , W JL Foriwirti

* iv*nn**n. r a t Law. Me* hanic&l E n j in te r .

P k i / . k F i g h t . — Thomas Jam es and W il­liam Real, two men employed in P ra tt’s rolling mill, had a dispute Saturday, which rosnltod in a challenge on the part of James to v isit Canada. They w ent there in the afternoon, and fought thirteen rounds, James being made to bite the dost a t every round. .lames is a pugnacious sort of fel­low, and has already been under bonds to hoop ths peace tow ard hia fellow men.

P e r s o n a l .—R rv. Dr. Hoaoooh announced to U s church th a t he had received an invi- tatioa to fill th e pulpit of Rev. Dr. Scud- dor, of San Francisco, and asking the con­sent of the church to accept. I t was voted unanimously to gran t th e doctor the neces­sary leave of absence to perm it him to accept tho invitation. Daring tho absence of Dr. H. tho polpit of Lafayette-street Church will bo filled by Dr. Hopkins, of tho A nburn Theological Seminary.

P o l io C o cn r.—The magnetos of the PoBto C o** were troubled w ith a very n a i l am ount of business Saturday, aad consequently tho sh jpM n looked anllen and


pa p e i l u m c n i n s a d h a l o s ,24 z n d 28 PEARL TREET, BUFFALO,

Keep on h *nd and m an u fa c tu re to o rd e r pap e rs o' every g rad e , a t W holeaale Pricea.

CA^U P A ID fo r a ll k iuda o f P a p e r stock . W arehouse of th e N iagara F-.IU P ep e r M ills, W y­

om ing taper Mill.*, E rie Pape* Mill*.L C WOODRUFF, EDWARD KER8TEN8.OTIS MrOOr.f.Tm. f l 'R l i i V f! WOODRUFF

CH R IbTEY ft JEN K S.(Successors to A r th u r C hristey .)

DeUen iaT A T I3 N E R Y , P A P E R , A N D BLA N K BOOKS

PR IN T E R S ' A N D BINDERS* STO CK ,Noa. 200 and SOS Main at., Buffalo.



A T H A J E t < J A T > r

$2500 MORTGAGE.On Flrrt-CIwi City IVq i rty

B u s n r x s s r x r a a n M r t * T Z D .


M aitC H A N D IS K TAG?,savagely. The cases were:

Edward Dneynet, Ju lia s D sejraet and John Rook, assault and battery om W illiam Smith.

Edward Dnoynet and Jnlina Dneynet, assault aad battery on Edward Johnson.

In both cases the prisoners plead guilty. •Sentence was suspended.

I NV E L O P E * ,



Ooat C i m m i - l N a rro w E k a r i . Y**w-*lsy A h .m o o e .m e e a n d Welch, — ■I—.w d by two y o u , fiila aad a hoy, w ort oot to a i l oo tho loho. When (boat



EXPRISS COMPANY,5 0 6 . 7, » , U AMD IS W. U V K i OT., BUFFALO CAPITAL.............. I I S . ’W .S W

C O n T B A J f l N n t S ^ J E W U M fAnd e th e r m lm M s M ssetoaM m asfi h d j e .

A M « 4 m W IM L D lA ro to A O 0 i .l jn r iM M l v H k r ^ i m a w a a l e s h a r C m e M m

zud T w elfth a tz ., w ith kitchcu and wood *h«d, cin tem , 4 c . ; lo t S 2xl'A . Price fltbu .

Alan, a fa rm of 5 acre*, w ith b rick bouae and la rg e bam , p len ty o f f ru i t , 4c.. w ttb in the city lin e ; Buf-

T R IU M l’H G EN U IN E—NO STOVEhaa rear!v d MK-h abwra a< tbc Trium ph, no

•tovehaa m d auab a emla ac the Triumph. I t ix to be (o«rtd ie more Buffal * U tcbam than any o t *er; a*.d •h j? B m um It la tbc bart, the aaaiaw sm—g rd . a tbc n o * t economical, aa*i hm ormry other goo i q u a li­ty . Monufacturad an t fo r aale only by D U D L kY 4 RQCKWaA-L. RJB Main r t Nearly half th e h**«iRC«

‘ i a q m r a e p a o i a a — i o e h o w

F'O R S A L E — N O . 3 F A R O O A V E N U E ,a 2-rtory frame dw»Uin* with wiag, goo, water

•od cellar, marble m .e t lm, 4c. T t o ta owe ot thefizrtat built frame ho—ta in t t o c ty . _________________ M. M'OOMB. IS S. DW * h a u . _

F o r s a l e — n o . i f a r o o a v e n u e .2 htory frame houaa, w e . witli ail t to modem

im pruTem m f ; lot 30*150. Thia ta a km « e l to m

O R S A L E — T H E T O O L S . F I X T U R E S

F -O K S A L E O R T O L . T — T W O B T O R Yb n rk h use N *. 232 N inth at. Poaa* mloa f i r m

'm o e d U u iy . f t r tc .m > apply o n pmeW * a