O.M.B. No. 51.S-73030 APPROVAL EXPIRES 9·1-74 OPERATION ...nces.ed.gov/training/datauser/SLSD_03/assets/F1Questionnaire.pdf · o.m.b. no. 51.s-73030 approval expires 9·1-74 . operation

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    O.M.B. No. 51.S-73030 APPROVAL EXPIRES 9·1-74


    ~ ' ..


    First Follow-Up Questionnaire Form B

    Prepared for the



    FALL 1973

  • U.S. Office of Education Department of Health, Education, & Welfare

    Washington, D.C. 20202

    Dear OPERATION FOLLOW-UP Participant:

    More than a year has passed since you left high school. and the U.S. Orfice of Education is sponsoring the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. This study, being conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census and the Research Triangle Institute of North Carolina, is called OPERATION FOLLOW-UP. It is a nation-wide study which, we expect, will continue over a period of 6 to 8 years and produce valuable and interesting information.

    We are asking you to participate in OPERATION FOLLOW-UP. The purpose of this followup is to find out what has happened to you and other seniors after leaving high school. The fact that you are working, married, in college or vocational school, or starting a family is important not only to you, but also to educational planners and policymakers. Through your completion of this questionnaire, valuable information can be obtained about a very important part of this country's population--young adults who are. going through some of the most signifi~ant experiences of their lives.

    Please take a little time and fill out this questionnaire. Let us know what you are doing, what you have done since high school, and what you are planning to do in the next year or so. All of the information that you provide will be absolutely confidential; your name will never be published or associated in any way with your individual answers. If there are questions that you would rather not answer, simply do not answer them.

    About the questionnaire: you will not need to answer all sections of it. Begin with Section A and follow the instructions for each question. Your answers will guide you to skip parts which don't apply to you. Please follow all these instructions carefully. Most of the questions can be answered simply by circling the number for the response you choose. In some cases, you are asked to write out your answer to a question.

    When you complete this questionnaire please return it to us in the enclosed post-paid envelope. We'll be waiting to hear from you.

    We will be sending you results from OPERATION FOLLOW-UP in 1974. Watch for our OPERATION FOLLOW-UP Newsletters.


    J. A. Davis K. A. Tabler RTI Project Director USOE Project Director Center for Educational Research and Evaluation National Center for Educational Statistics

    IP.S. May we have your permission to collect school record information (grades, admission test scores, and program) from your high school? This information, too, will b~ kept in absolute confidence. Please sign your name below if you give permission.


  • Section A - General Information

    1. What are you doing now? (Circle one number on each line.)

    Applies Does not to me apply to me

    FQlA Working for pay at a full·time or part-lime job .......... 1. ...... 2

    F4lB Taking vocational or technical courses al.any kind of school or college (for example. vocational. trade. business. or other career training school1 ... . . ..... . .. 1 .... 2

    F4lC Taking academic courses at a two· or four-year college ..... 1.. .2

    FQlD On active duty in the Armed Forces lor service academy 1 ....... 1 .... 2

    FQlE Homemaker .. . ............ 1............ 2

    FQlF Temporary lay-off from work. looking for work. or wailing lo report to work .................................................. ! .. 2

    FQl" Other Iplease describe: _________________ , .... 1 .. ... 2

    F42 2. Did you complete high school?

    (Circle one.) ~

    No. still in high school . .1-1SKIP '" •/. ./I

    No. left high school without completing .2

    Yes. graduated ... 3

    Yes. left high school without graduating but have since passed a high school equivalency test. for example. the GED .. 4

    3. When did you leave or graduate from the last high school that you attended?

    Date left: FQ3A 1month1 FQ3B 1yearl


    F44 4. With whom did you live, as of the first week of October 1973?

    I Circle one. I

    By myself .1

    Parents ... 2

    With husband or wife .3

    With other relatives ... 4

    With person is, not related to me ... 5

    F~5 5. How would you describe Your living quarters, as of the first week of October 1973?

    (Circle one.)

    Pri'lr·ate house or apartment ........................ 1

    Dormitory or apartment operated by a school or college 2

    Fraternity or sorority house ....3

    Roaming or boarding house . . .4

    Other 1please describe. _____________

    . I.

  • FQ6A u. Which al the fallowing best describes the lacatian of the place where yau lived in the first week af October 1973?

    (Circle one. I

    In a rural or !arming community .. I

    In a small city or town of fewer than 50,000 people that is not a suburb of a larger place ................................2

    In a medium-sized city 150.000.100,000 people) ................. 3

    In a suburb of a medium-sized city .................... . .. .4

    In a large city (100,()()().500.000 people! ............5

    In a suburb of a large city ......................................6

    In a very large cjty (over 500.000 people I ........ . . ........7

    In a suburb of a very large city ................................8

    F(.!6B 6b. How far is this from the place w:here you lived as a senior in high school?

    (Circle one.)

    Same place I lived in when I was a senior in high school ........ I

    Less than 50 miles . .. . . ...................................2

    50ww~~ ........................................3

    100 to IW miles ... " ... " .. " ..... 4

    200 to 4W miles ....5

    500 miles or more .. 6

    FQ7A 7a. What was your marital status, as of the first week of October 1973?

    . (Circle one.)

    Never married. but plan to be married within the next 12

    N:v::th~a;;i~~.· ~~~. ~~n·;· ~l~~ t~ ~·~a~~;~ ·~;;~i~ ·;~~ ... ·..· .... 1

    } !SKIP 10 q. 9) next 12 months .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. · 2

    Married ......... . ..3

    Separated. divorced, or widowed ...... 4

    7b. When were you first married? -~F-"0_,_7.,_B__ (month) __F_Q_7_C__ lyear)

    a. Did you have any children as of the first week of October 1973? Ff!8A No .................................................... - ..... I

    Yes (How many~ FQ8B ......2

    FQ9 As of the first week of October 1973, were you dependent upon yaur parents or any ather friends or relatives for more than one half of your financial suppor1?

    Yes.... ............... . ........... !

    No ...... . ..........2

    FQlO 10. As af the first week of October 1973, how many persons (not counting yourself) were d-ndent upon YOU fer more than one half of their financial 1upport?

    (Circle one.)

    None .......................... . .. .... 0

    One...... .. .............................. . .. .I

    Two ........... .. . ...........................2

    Three or more ... . ......................3

    - 2

  • ----

    11. What is the best estimate of your income before taxes for all of 1973? If you are rnarried, please estimate your

    YoUr Your Sp,,uw's Own Income lncomt

    TOTAL INCOMI-;. sBl_llA_ s FQUB From wages. salaries, commissions. and net income from business or ~~ ...... ... . ........ ····· .~ ... . s FQUC s FQUO

    Scholarships. fellowships . . ' .' .....................~ .. . S..IQill_ S.1:QJ.j1._

    husb.nd's or wrle's income in fhe second column provided. Do nof include loans or 9ih~.

    Other 1for exarnple, interest. rental property incorne, puhhc dSSistanc~. and unemployment ~ompensation t ..•....•.......•.. SJ:Q.11

  • FQ14 14. As things stand now, how far in school do you think you actually will get?

    High school only

    !Circle one.I

    ...... \' .. ' . . . ... 1

    Vocational, trade. or Less than two years .............2 business school · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · {Two years or more . . . ..... ,3

    Some college Iincluding two-year degree I ......•.4

    Finish college !four- or five-year degree I .......... 5

    Master's degree or equivalent College program ................. .



    Ph.D.. M.D., or equi,·alenl ........................ 7

    / 15. How do you feel about each of the following statements?

    (Circle one number on each line.)

    AgrM Disagree No Strongly Agree Disagr" Strongly Opinion

    FQ15A I take a positive altitude toward myself .......... I....... . .. 2 .. . ..... 3 ............ 4.......... 5 FQ15B Good luck is more important than hard work

    for success .................................... I ............ 2 ............ 3 ........... .4 ............ 5

    FQ15C I feel I am a person of worth. on an equal plane wilh others .............................. I ............ 2 ........... 3 ............ 4 ............ 5

    FQ15D I am able lo do things as well as most other people.. .. ....................... 1............ 2 ............ 3 ............ 4 ............ 5

    FQ15E Every lime I lry lo gel ahead. something or somebody stops me ......................... l. ........... 2 .. . . ... 3....... ..4 ............ 5

    FQ15F PlaMing only makes a person unhappy since plans hardly ever work out anyway ............ l. ........... 2.. . . ... 3 ............ 4 ............ 5

    FQ15G People who accept their condition in life are happier lhan those who try to change things .......................................... 1............ 2........... ,3 ............ 4 ............ 5

    FQ15H On the whole. I'm satisfiec with myself .. l ............ 2 ............ 3 ............ 4 ............ 5

    16. What do you expect lo be doing in October 1974?

    (Circle one number on each line.) , Do not

    Expect to e•pecf to be doing be doing

    FQ16A Working for pay al a full·time or part-time job ······························ 1............ 2 FQ16B Taking vocational or technical courses at any kind of school or college

    1for example. vocational. trade, business, or other career training school I ....................................................... . . l ........ 2

    FQ16C Taking academic courses at a two- or four-year college I. ........... 2 FQ16D On active duty in the Armed Forces 1or service academy) . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . ...... 2 FQ16E Homemaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... l .. . ..... 2

    Other !please describe: __________________ JFQ16F ... !.. . ...... 2

    FQ17 17. Do you plan lo have your first child (or another child) befor. October 1974?

    (Circle one. I Yes .I

    No. . ... 2

    Don't know .3

    - 4

  • 1FQ18 18. How many children altogether do you eventually expect to have? {Circle one.1·

    None ...0.

    One .. .I

    Two ....... . . ................. 2

    Three ... . .3

    r·our or more ....... FQ19 19. What kind of work will you be doing when you are 30 year1 old? {Circle the !!!.! that comes closest to what you

    expect to be doing. I

    CLERICAL such as bank teller. bookkeeper. secretary. typist. mail carrier. ticket agent ... 01

    CRAFTSMAN such as baker. ;1utomobile mechanic. machinist. painler. plumber. telephone 1nstall~r. carp('nter ........... 02

    r"AR~IER. FARM MA:'>ACI::R


    LABORER !'UCh as con::;truction worker. car washer. sanitary worker. farm laborer .05

    MANAGE!!. AmllNISTRATOR such as sail's manager. office manager. school administrator. buyer. restaurant monagl'r. go\'ern[nent offic:ial ...................... ·......................•...... 06

    ~111.ITAllY such as career officer. enlisted man or woman in the Armed r"orces . . . . . . . . . . 07

    UPr:RATIVE such as meat culler. assembler. machine operator. welder. taxicab. bus. or truck driver. ga~ station attendC\nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08

    PROFESSIONAL such :ts accountant. artist. registered nurse. engineer. librarian. writer. social worker. actor. actress. athlete. politician. but !!2!. including public school t(.'::\C'her ........ 09


  • Section B - Education and Training

    This section asks information about your training ·and education since leaving high school. rirst we would like to know ....

    N~xt pag•

    FQ21 21. Between the time you left high school and October 1913, have you participated in any program such as on·the-106 tra1n1ng, registered apprenticeships, manpower training, personal enrichment, or correspondence courses? Do not inch.1de Armed Forces training programs, or regular school and college programs.

    No ... . . . .1-/SKJP 10 q. 211 Yes .. . . .......2

    22a. What type of training program(s) have you participated in?

    (Circle ont numbel' on each line.)

    Yes No

    FQ22AA On-the-job training

  • FQ23 23. Since leaving high school, have you attended any school like a college or university, service academy, business school, trade school, technical institute, vocational school, community college, and 10 forth?

    Yes ............................................... ......... . .. !

    ~ ................................................................2



















    Here are some reasons others have given for NOT continuing their formal education after leaving high school. Which of these reasons, if any, apply to you?

    (Circle one number on each line.)

    Applies Oo.s not to me apply to me

    Needed to earn money ta support my family .. !. ........... 2

    Needed to earn money before I could pay for further education ..... !........ .2

    Could not afford a four-year college or university education ......... . I... .. 2

    Failed to find out in time about admission requirements, cost of attending. availability of a school in the area, etc. . ................. . I..... . ... 2

    Poor lligh school grades or poor scores on college admission tests ..... !.... . ... 2

    Lack of high school credits required for college entrance .... 1............ 2

    Applied to one or more schools, but was not accepted .... . ... 1........... 2

    Lack of a school within commuting distance o{ my home .................. 1........... 2

    Discouraged from continuing by teachers or coWlSelor ..................... 1............ 2

    Discouraged from continuing by parents . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. ..... 1............ 2

    Wanted to enter Armed Forces ... 1........... 2

    My plans did not require more education ................... . . !.. .......... 2

    Planned to be married 1............ 2

    School is not for me; I don't like it . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 1............ 2

    Offered a job I wanted . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... 1.. . 2

    Wanted to earn money for myself .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. ......... 2

    Wanted practical experience before going on ta school ...................... I ............ 2


    FQ25. 25. Were you taking classes or courses at any school during the first week of October 1973?

    ~ ...................................................... I

    Yes ..............................................................2

    26a. What is the exact name and location of the school you (Please print and do not abbreviate. I

    School Name: F026NAHE

    were attending in the first week of October 1973?

    City: ---~F~0~2w6~AB~______State:_~F~Q~2=6~A=C-FICE CODE: FQ26AA

    FQ26B 26b. What kind of school i• thi•? {Circle one.)

    Vocc.itiunal. trade, business or other career training school ...... 1

    Junior or community college ltwo-year) ..........................2

    Four-year college or university ..................................3 Other \please describe: _____________,. ..4

    FQ26C 26c. 11 this school public or private?

    Public ...... . .. .. !

    Private .................... . .... 2

  • 27a. When did ycu first attend thls school? F027AA I month) F02 7A.B (year}

    FQ2 7B 27b. During the first week of October 1973, were you classified by this schocl as a ·full.time student?

    Yes . t

    No... .2

    27c. About how many hours a wee'k did your class~' meet in the subjects or courses in which you were enrolled at that time? Include time in lectures, shop, laboratories, etc.

    ' F(l27C Hours per week

    FQ2 7D 27d. At that time were you classified by your school as a freshman ar sophomore? (Circle one.)

    My school doesn't classiry students this way ..... I

    Freshman tfirst-yecir student 1 •.••.•. " ' .2

    Sophomore (Second.year student t ..........3

    Other class1ficalion lspecifr: l .... .4

    28a. As of the first week of October. J97J, what was your actual or intended field of study or training area (for e1ample, practical nurse, machinist, beautician, civil engineering, accounting, psychology, home economics, etc. J Please name the specific field or area:

    1Write in>: ------~F~0~2~8~A~----

    28b. Is this in an academic field or vocational area? Please select below the academic field OR vocation.al area which_ comes c'owst to thi1 field or area.

    (Circle only one academic field OR one vocational area.)

    ACADEMIC FIELDS 1typically leading VOCATIOr\1\L AIU:AS !typically not to at least a Bachelor's degreel leading tu a Bachelor's degree l

    Biological Sciences 1zoology, physiology, Office and Clerical tbookkeeping, anatomy, etc.> .......................01 stenography, commercial art. general

    office, etc. l .... 10Business (accounting, marketing, personnel management, etc. I ........................02 Computer Technology 1keypunch operator.

    programming. computer operations. etc.I .... 11Education (elementary, special. physical, etc.) ..03 Mechanical and Engineering TechnologyEngincrering Icivil. electrical. mechanical. etc.) ..04

    tautomotive mechanic. 1nachin1st. Humanities and Fine Arts (music. religion. construction, drafting, electronics. etc. l ... \2

    English, etc l '. . .05 Health Services I lab technician. occupational

    Physical Sciences and Mathematics Iphysics, therapy, practical nursing, etc. l . . . ....... 13 geology. chemistry. etc.1 .. 06

    Public Services !police science. (oorl st•rvire. Social Sciences !psychology, history, recreation. beautician. etc.) ... l

  • ISCHOOL ATTENDANCE IN OCTOBER 1i12 I FQ29A 29a. Now please think back a year to the F.tll ol 1972, Were you taking classes or courses at any school

    during the month of October 1972?

    Yes ...................... ... l-1SKIP to 'I· .l/11----~ No .. ......................... 2

    29b. He,.e are some reasons others have given for NOT continuing their formal education right after leaving high school. Which of these rea1ans appl'y to you?

    (Circle one number on each line.I Applies. Does not lo me apply to me

    FQ29BA Needed to earn money to support my family .............. 1 ............ 2 FQ29BB Needed tu earn money before I could pay for further education I ............ 2 FQ29BC Could not afford a four-year college or university education .................. I .....•...... 2 FQ29llU Failed to find out in time about admission requirements, cost of

    attending. a\·ailability or a school in the area. etc. . ......... 1............ 2

    FQ29BE Poor high school grades or poor scores on college admission tests 1............ 2 FQ29BF La

  • 32a. What is tht exact name and ·location of the school you were attending in the month of Octo~r 1972? · tPlease print and do not abbreviate.) •

    School Name FQ32NAME

    City: ---- FQ32AB State: FQ32AC


    FQ32B 32b. Whal kind of 1chool is this? (Circle one.)

    Vocational. trade. business or other career training s;chool ... , .. l

    Junior or community college ttwo-year1. 2

    four-year ~ollegc or university .... 3

    Other !please describe: I.... .4

    FQ32C 32c. Is this school public or private?

    Public .. ...I

    Private ........2

    330. When did you lint attend this school? FQJJAA lmonthJ FQ33AB (year I

    FQ33B l3b. During October 1972, were you classified by this school as a full·time student?

    Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . ... I

    ~..... ············· .... 2

    llc. About how many hours a Wffk did your classes meet in the s.1biects or courses in which you were enrolled at that time? Include time in lectures, shop, laborataries, etc.

    FQ33C Hours per week

    f\134 14. Was your field of study or ~raining area in October 1972 the s .. me as you indicated for the first week of October 1973?

    fCircle one.) Yes .. 1-1SKJP 10 q. J9. page 12!~ No. wasn't enrolled in October 1973

    ::::: :~}-!SKIP to q. ]hal Next page-+No. none indicated ror October 1973 .

    No. different than in October 1973 .. .. ......4

    JS. Litted below are some reflSOnt why students change fieldt or training areas. What were the reasons in your situation?

    (Circle one number on •ach line. I Applies Does not ...... apply ta me

    FQ35A Courses more difficult than I expected ... I .. ..... 2 F1135H Met people with new ideas .. I .. 2 FQ35C Poor advice on original choice I .. ....... 2 FQ35D Lack of infor.mation on Jobs related to original choice I . .. .. 2 t'Q351:. Content of courses different from what I expected I. . ......... 2 FQ35F New 1nfo_rmation about other fields of study or training areas I.. ........ 2 FQ35G Interest aroused by courses I .......... 2 FQ35H r..1ore jobs available for graduates in the field I changed to I ... 2 FQJSI Other ~please s~cify·------------------- 1 2

    . 10.

  • 36a. In October 1972, what was your actu•I or intended lielj of study or fraining ·area !for example, practical nursing, machinist, beauticia~.! civil engineering, a,ouriiin~_,,,psychology, ho~• economics, etc.)? Please name the 1pecific field or area: __,/

    tWrite iM: FQ36A

    FQ36B 36b. 11 this in an academic field or vocational·area? Please 1elect below the academic fi•ld Q! vocational which come1 closest to this field or aria.


    (Circle only one aca~emic field QB. YOCi!tional area.) ACADEMIC rlELDS ttypically leading

    to at least a Bachelor's degree>

    Biological Sciences (zoology, physiology. anatomy. etc. 1 . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ... 01

    Business 1accounling. marketing. personnel management. etc. . ................... 02

    Education !elementary, special. phi·sical. etc.1 .. 03

    Engineering tcivil. electrical, mechanical. etc. l ..04

    Humanities and Fine Arts tmusic, religion. English. etc.I ........................... 05

    PhysJcal Sciences and Mathematics lphysics. geology. chemistry, etc.1 ................ 06

    Social Sciences (psychology, history, economics. sociology, etc. J ••••..••••.•.••••••• CY1

    Other ac.ademic fields tagriculture, home economics. nursing, etc. J .•.••.••••..••••.••••• 08

    An academic field. but undecided 1circle here and SKIP to q. 37 l .....................09

    FQ36C Uc. How long does it nor~ally talce to compl•t• this progr.im?

    Less than three months ......................... . ..,. ..... ! Three lo five months ... ". 2 Six to eleven months ..... 3

    One to two years .... ,;

    l\1ore than l wo years ....5

    FQ37 37. Did you withdraw altogether from this school prior to completing your training or program of studies? No...... .. .. .. .. .. . Yes ...................... ..

    l8. What we,.. your reasons for withdrawing altogether?

    FQ38A Became ill FQ38B Had financial dHficullles FQ38C ~ family emergenc~ FQ38D Was offered a good iob FQ38e Got married or planned to gel married FQJ~F School work was not relevant to the real world

    FQJMG Wanted lo gel practical experience FQ38H Courses were loo hard FQJSI Failing or not doing as well as I wanted FQJ8J Became homesick FQ3oK Other 1please describe -----------------

    VOCATIONAi. AREAS 1typically not leading to a llachelor's degree>

    Office and Cl•rical 1bookkeeping. slenography. co1nmercial art. general office. etc.I .... 10

    Comput•r Technology 1keypunch operator. programming. computer operations. etc. I .. II

    Mechanical and Engineering Technology tautomoti\·e nlechanic. machinist. drafting. construction. electronics. etc.1 ... 12

    Health Services \lab technk:ian. Mcupalional lherapy. practical nursing. etc. I ..... 13

    Public Services l police science. rooa S...'!'"Vice. recreation. beautil'ian. etL".1 .14

    Other vocational areas 1agriculturt". hnn1e economics. etc.1 .15

    A vocational area. but undecided ll'ircl~ herr and SKIP to q. Ji 1 .16

    tCircle one.I

    . I - !SKIP to q. J9J N~xt f'ORe _. . ..... 2

    {Circle one number on tach line.)

    Applies Does not..... apply to me I.. " 2 I.. . "2 I .. 2

    I. 2

    I, 2


    / I . .2



    I. ..:?

    I. .2". . ll .



    FQ39 39. Besides any schoolls) you may already hav4 reported ~n this section of the questionnaire, have you attended •ny other schools since leaving high school? Include schools like colleges and universities, s~rvice academies, business t.chools, trade schools, technical institutes, vocational schools, community colleges, and so for1h.

    No...... ............. .......... ...... ... . ..1-tSKIP to q. -lla1----Yes ...... .\.... . ...2

    40a. What is the exact name and location of this school? Please print and do not abbreviate. {If you attended more than one other school, then give the on• that you attended the longest.I

    School Name: F040NAME

    City: FQ40AB State: FQ40AC


    FQ40B 40b. What kind of school is this? (Circl• one.}

    Vocational. trade. business or other career training school . . . . 1

    Junior or community college llwo-year1. . .2 Four-year college or university ............ ''' .... ' .3 Other 1please describe: _____________ .....4

    40c. Whon did you first attend lhis school? FQ40CA (monthl FQ40CB (year)

    40d. Are you currently attending this school?


  • }'Q42 42. Whether or not you were enrolled in school in the first week of October 1973, were. you working at that time toward a certificate, degree, or license of any kind?

    tCircle one.)

    No . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Yes. a certiricate !specify in what: _________, ....2

    Yes. a license. tspeci£y in what: I. .3

    Yes. a two-year or three-year vocational degree or diploma .4

    Yes. a two--year academic degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......5 Yes. a £our-year or rive-year college Bachelor's degree . . . .6 Yes. other tplease speci£y: ____________ I. .7

    43. Since leaving high school, had you earned any certificate, license, diploma, or degree of any kind prior to October 1973?

    FQ43A ~ .. ················· .I

    FQ43B Yes 1please specify ______________ ! .. 2

    F044A 44a. Between the time you left high school and October 1973, had you participated in a formal program of academic or career counHling, tutoring, or remedial courses other than those services that were provided to all students in your college, school or training area? -

    (Circle one.)

    Never heard of such a program .................... · ......... "'}-/SKIP rn q. 451 --~ Have heard 0£ such a program but have not participated ........ 2 Yes ..............................................................3

    44b. What wa1 the exact name. nature, and location of the progra .1 in which you participated?

    Name of the program F 44BA

    Nature or your participation: tCircle one number on each line.l Does not

    apply to rM

    FQ44BB Counseling .............................! ........... 2

    FQ44BC Tutoring ........1............ 2

    FQ44Bll Remedial courses ...........! .......... 2

    Name of institution: FQ44NAME FICE CODE: FQ4 4BE

    Cily: ----------'F'-"'4c.:4.:B.:.F_______~__.State FQ44BG

    45. With regard to your education and training since leaving high school, how satisfied as a whole are you with the following? --

    (Circle one number on each line.I

    Neutral Very Somewhat °'no Somewhat Very

    wti1fiH satisfied opinion diuatisfied diswtisfied

    FQ45A The ability. knowledge. and personal qualities or most teachers . . . ...... l ............ 2. .. .... 3 .. .... 4. .5

    FQ45B 'The social lire ............... 1............ 2 .. ... 3. .4 .5

    FQ45C Development of my work skills ............. l ............ 2. ..... 3. ...... l. .. .. 5

    FQ45D My intellectual growth .. l ............ 2 ... .. .3.. .. 4. ..5

    FQ45J:: The amount of money I have to get along on ...... 1............ 2 ............ 3. ... 4 . ...5

    • 13 •

  • ISCHOOL FINANCES I The purpost.' of tl11s p

  • Section C - Civilian Work Experience

    In this section we would like to obtain in(orn1ation aboU:t the Jobs you have held in Octob~r 19i3 and Octubt..•r 197:?. including full-time jobs. part-time jobs. apprenticeships. Und on·the-job training l but do not include military serv1cei.


    FQ48A 48.. Did you hold a job of any kind during the first week of October 1973?

    Yes . .. . .. ....... . .1-tSl\/P to 'I· .J'JJ .\'1•,,1 /'U,l.!1' ~

    No .. . .2

    48b. What were the rea'°ns you were not working during the first week of October 1973?

    (Circle one number on each 11n... I

    Applies Ooes nof to me apply lo me

    Did not want to work ... I .... 2F(i48BA FQ48BB On temporary layoH from work or waiting to report to work . I .. 2 FQ48BC \\~as full-time homemaker .. I .. .. .... 2 FQ48BD Going lo school . .. ...... ... I. .2 FQ48BE Not enough job openings available .. ...2 FQ48BF tinion restr1ct1ons .. I .. .2 FQ48BG Yiou!d ha\'c required mu1.·ing .. I. ... 2 N41!1!H Required work experience I did not have .. I .2 FQ48Bl Jobs a\·ailable offered little opportunity £or career development . I .. .. 2 FQ48BJ Health problems or physical handicap .. 2 F(i4bBK Could noL arrange child care .. .......... I .2 FQ41!BL Other family responsibilities tincluding pregnancy! .. I. ...... 2 FQ481!M 'Nailing to enter or in Armed 1'~orces ... I. .2

    "8BN Not educationally qualiried for types of work available I .. ..... 2

    FQ48C 48c. Wer• you looking for work during September 1973?

    Yes ... ... l~.-tSKJP 10 q. 5.Ja. /'d.i.!f! J 71~ No ... .2)

    • 15.

  • 49. Pte..e describe below the job you held during the first week of October 1913. !f you held more than one job at that time, describe the one at which you worked the most hours.

    a. For whom did you work·~ !Name of company. business organization. or other employer I

    !Write inl. ------------~-----------------~~~-~~-b. What kind of busine55 or industry was this? I rur example. retail shoe store. restaurant, etc. I

    !Write inl: ~~~~~~-~--~-~---~-~~-~-~-~~-~~--~--~-c. What kind o! iob or occupation did you have in this business or industry? l For example, salesman. waitress.

    secretary, etc.I

    tWrite inl: ~-~~~~~~--~-----~--~------------~----d. Whal were your most frequent activities or duties on this job? !For example. selling shoes, waiting on

    tables, typing and filing. etc. I

    1Write in!:~----~-------~------------~-----~---~

    FQ49E e. Were you: (Circle one.)

    An employee of a PRIVATE company. business. or individual working for wages, salary. or commissions? . l

    A GOVERN.MENT employee IFederal. State, county. or local I? 2

    Sell-employed in your OWN business. professional practice. or farm? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3

    Working WITHOUT PAY in family business or farm? .... 4

    I. When did you start working at this job? FQ49FA 1monthl FQ49FB !year>

    FQ49G g. Are )'OU currently working at this job? Yes ................................................... . .!

    No ............................................... . "2

    SOa. How many hours per WE EK did you usually work at this job up through the first week of October 1973?

    _,F"Q"'S"'O"'A"-__Hours per week

    SOb. Approximately how much did you usually earn per WEEK at thii iob at that time before deductions? tIf not paid by the week1 please estimate.)

    $ FQSOB per week

    51. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of this job?

    (Circle one number on each line.)

    Very V•rysaitisfied Satisfied Oissatisfied dissatisfied

    FQ51A Pay and fringe benefits .... I ... '. 2 .. ' . .... 3. '. 4 Fl,/51B Importance and challenge . .. 2 .. . . ... 3. .4 F451C Working conditions ... 2 ... ., . . 3'' ' ... 4 FQ51D Opportunily for promotion and advancement with this

    employer ..... 3."'2.' . '4 F451E Opportunity for promotion and advancement in this line of

    work ....... ......... t.. ". 2.. ' .. J ... '. 4 FQ51F Security and permanence 1.. 2 '. J' .4 F451G Opportunity for developing new skills I .. . .. 2. ..3 ... . .. '4 FQ51H Job as a whole .... I . 2 ..... ' ... J. . . 4

    - 16

  • FQ52A S2a. Do you expect to be working for this same employer in October 1974?

    Yes ..................... I

    No ... : ....... . . .. 2


  • SS. Plea.. d..cribe below the job you held in October 1971. ll you held more than one job al that lime, describe the one at which you worked the most hours.

    a. For whom did you wurk' rName of company. business organization. or olher employer I

    1Write 1n1: ------------------------------~------b. What kind of business or industry was this? (~or example. retciil shoe store. restauranl. etc.l

    1Writein>: ------------------------------------ Fll55A c. Whal kind or job or occupation did you have in this business or industry? rFor example. salesman. waitress.

    secretary. etc. >

    rWrite inl: -----·-------------------------------

    d. Whal were your mosl frequent acli•iti•• or duti.. on this job? 'f'or example. selling shoes. waiting on tables. typing and filing. etc. I

    1Wrile in1: ------------------------------------ FQ55E "Were you:

    (Circle one. I

    An employee or a PRIVATE company. business. or individual working ror wages. salary. or commissions' I

    A GOVERNMENT employee I Federal. Stale. county. or locall' 2

    Self·employed in your OWN business. professional practice, or farm? .... ........ .. ... 3

    Working WITHOUT PAY in family business or farm?. . ..... 4

    f. When did you start working at this job' FQ55FA tmonthl ~;;..F=.B'__ 1year1

    g. Are you currently working at this job?

    FQ55GA Yes I

    No rLeft job FQ55GB month FQ55GC yeari .2

    54a. How many houn per WEEK did you usually work at this job in October 1972?

    FQ56A Hours per week

    S•b. Approximately how much did you usually e.am per WEEK at this job back then before deductions? lit not p.aid by the week, please e-stimate.)

    $ FQ56B per week

    F~S 7 57. Were yau working at any other jab during the month of October 1972 at the same time as the job you described abo'le?


    No. 2


    51. Each parf of this question refers to the entire 52-week period from October 1972 to October 1973.

    a.About h.ow many different weeks did you work altogether during this period' tCount all weeks in which you did any work al all or were on paid vacation. I FQ58A Number of weeks

    b. How many weeks durtng this period did you spend looking for work or on layoff from a job or waiting lo report lo a job? _ F058B__Number or weeks

    c. How many different employers did you work for altogether during lhis pertod? tCount each employer only once, even tf you had different JObs for the same employer. 1 FQ58C Number of employers

    . 18.

  • 59. Since leaving high school, what methods did you UH at any time in looking for work, and were they useful?

    (Circle one number on each line.) UMd but

    Never looked did NOT Used and or used obtain iob obtain.d job

    JN59A High school employment service ....... t ............ 2 ...... , ..... 3 FQ59B Other school or college placement service t ............ 2 ............ 3 Fti59C Pro(essianal periodicals or organizations ......... 1............ 2 ............ 3 F1)59D Civil Service applications ..................... 1............ 2 ............ 3 F1)59E Public employment service ................... 1............ 2 ............ 3 FQ59F Private employment agency ...... . . .............................. 1............ 2............ 3 FQ59G Community action or welfare groups 1............ 2 ............ 3 FQ59K Newspaper advertisement 1 ............ 2 ............ 3 FQ59I Direct application to employers ..... . . ........... 2 ............ 3 PQ59J Registration with a union ... . ........... 2............ 3 FQ59K FQ59L

    Friends or relatives ... , ..... ............ 2 ............ 3 Other tspecify: ____________________ 1. .... 1. . .. 2 ............ 3

    60. While you were in high school, did you receive any specialized training intended to prepare you for immediate employment upon leaving 1chaal? (Far example, auto mechanics, secretarial sicills, ar nurses ald.I

    FQbOA No... . . . . . . . . . . . . ................1- tSKJP to Sel'tion Di .V(•:r:t pug(•~ Yes 1 In what area did you receive this training? F060B 1..... 2

    FQ61 61. Since leaving high school, have you worked in a job where you eJCpected ta use this training? (Circle one.)

    No. never looked for work where I could use it ................. .1-ISKJP 10 Section DI 1Vl!xt page~ No, but looked ror work where I could use it ..... ...............2-ISKIP 10 q. nJJ ------. ~-·········· .. . ...................3

    62. Which of the following apply to your eJCperience while working in this area? {Circle one number an each line.) Applies Doeos not

    FQ62A to me apply to me

    I have been able to apply almost everything I learned in my high school training 1. ............2 FQ628 I have been able lo apply the basic principles or my training, although some things

    are different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 1 .. .2 ;q62C I would have liked more experience in my training before I started working 1. ... 2 FQ62D t received training different from the way it is done on the job 1............ 2 l'Q62E I foW'ld my .high school training useful in on·the·job training programlsl 1..... .2 fQ62F I was trained with tools or equipment that are not used on my job 1...... 2 l'Q62G I could have gotten my job without the training . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ....... . .2 fQb2K I took coursework associated with my training which was not helpful in performing

    ~-··· .. . ................................ 1 .2 r"Q621 would have liked more information about what was expected in the job beyond

    skills training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . .2 l'Q62J would have liked other types of experience or information to be included in the

    training t describe: \. . .. . 1 ........ 2 l'Q62K I consider myself doing as well as others with similar training .............. . .. ... 2 fQ62L I consider the trainin'1: a wi~ choice ... I. ......... 2

    63. Which of the fallowing apply to your experiences when trying to· find work in your area af high school training? ' • • Applies Does. not(Circle one number on each hne.) to me apply to me

    FQ63A r did not find many job openings in that type of work .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 1. .. 2 FQ63B I was told I was not qualified .......... .. I ............ 2 FQ6JC 1 did not know how to use the equipment or tools of the job ..... 2 l'Q63D I was not oHered enough pay .............. . ..2 FQ63E t did not have enough experience ·. FQ63F I decided to enter a different line of work I. 2 FQ63G I did not have the coursework or knowledge required of the job 1. .2 FQ63K I was offered a job related to my training but did not take it .. 2

    • 19 •

  • Section D - Military Service

    FQ64 64. Since leaving high school, have you served in the Armed Forces, in a Reserve or National Guard Unit, or have you been enrolled in one of the service academi~s Uor example, West Point}?

    (Circle one.)

    No. ·:::··:}-!SKIP to Section E. page 22/Yes, National Guard or Reserves but not active duty.

    Yes. active duty or service academy . . ........3

    65. Which branch of the Armed Forces did you enter?(Write in): _____F~Q_6_S_____

    66. Did you enlist or were you drafted?

    (Circle one.)

    F466A I entered a service academy ... . I !SKIP to q. 72) Next page-------------I enlisted . . 2 When"' FQ66B lmonthl FQ66C . lyearl

    I was drafted .3 When·• ~F,_,Q..,,6"'6=.D__ lmonthl FQ66E (year I

    67. When did you begin active duty? FQ6 7A 1month1 --"F_,Q..,6'"'7_,B.__I yearr

    FQ6ti ill. Hav• you re

  • 71. Have you taken any cour,.es while in the Armed Forces that:

    I Circle on·e number on each line.)

    Yes No

    FQ71A Prepared )'OU ror lhc high schuol cqUl\.'aieil

  • Section E - Information About The Pas·~

    77. Have your (a) parents or guard\ans or ha"We your tb) friends your own age either encoura9ed or discouraged you in doing the foOow1ng things since you left high school?


    Gelling a job or going to work

    Going to school for vocational or technical trainina

    Going to college for an academic education

    Getting married

    Entering the Armed forces

    Traveling or taking a break

    (Circle one number on each line.)(Circle one n1.1mbtr on. each lin•.)

    En· Dis· Cout'aged cour•ged Both H•ither

    En· Dis· couraged couraged Bolh Neither

    FQ77BAFQ77AA l . .. ..... .. 2 ............ 3 ..... ....... 4

    FQ77BB 1............ 2 ............ 3 ..... ....... 4... ...

    FQ77AB ... I ....... .... .2 ............ 3 ............ 4

    FQ77AC I. ... ...... .. 2 ............ 3 ..... ....... 4... ..

    FQ77BC ..... l .... ... .... 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .3 ............ 41 .. , ........ . 2 ............3 ............4......

    FQ77BDFQ77AD .... t .. ..... .... 2 .. ..... .. 3 ............ 41............ 2.. .. .... .. 3 .. .......... 4......

    'FQ77BEFQ77AE 1 ............ 2. .... .. .... 3. ... . " ... ..4...... ... t .. .. ... .... 2..... .. .... . 3 . ........... 4

    FQ77BFFQ77AF 1............ 2............ 3 ........... . 4 .... .. . .. \.. .... .. .... 2 ......... ... 3 ............ 4

    78. What is the highest ecfucationa• level completed by your mother and father? If you art not sure, please give your best guess.

    tCircle one number on each line.1

    Vocation.111, tr.11de, Hane ., busin•••· Gr career program in a school Som• coUe-ge Fini1Md colleg• gracl• High School or con.,. lincluding lfour·or Matt•r't .... o .. 1ehool Did not Leu than Two yeart two-year tiv•·r••r degrH or M.O., or

    Father or . onl1 finislt Finished two pan or more degree I d~r'ffl eq"ivalent ~"i'val•nt

    FQ78A male guardian. I ...........2...........3. . L .......5... .. .. 6.. ..7. .. .8 ..... ...9 Mother or

    FQ78B female guardian .. I...........2...........3. . . . ..4...........5... .. .6 .. .1 .. .. 8. ... .. ...9

    79. PleaH describe below the job most recently held by Y!JUr father (or male guardian}, even if he is retir•d, deceased, or disabled.

    a. For whom does tor did> he work? 1Name of company. business. organization. or olher C'mploycrl

    lWrite in):

    .r b. What kind of business or industry is tor was I this? 1for example. retail store. manufacturer. state or city government. farming. etc. I {Wrrteinl: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FQ79

    l c. What kind of job or occupation does tor did I he ha\·e in this business or industry·.• 1For e:

  • 1

    80. Did your mother (or female guardi.an) u1ually woril: during the following periods of )'.Our life?

    (Circle one .nunlber on each line.)

    Did not WorMl'd WorMed Does not wori< p;1r1·time full·time apply

    FQllOA When you were in high school I. .. ~. . . 3. . ..1

    F~OB When you were in elementary school 1. 2 ... 3. l

    FQBOC Before you wenl to elenH~ntary school I. . 2. . 3. l

    11. Did you formally apply for admission (fill out a form and Mnd it in) to any college or other school •I any time before October 1973?

    No ..... .. 1 -!SKIP to q. 85 I Next page---'>

    Yes .. .:!

    82a. Whitn you first applied, what was the name and addrets of the FIRST school or college of your choice?

    Name: ____,_F_,.Q_,.8_=c2N'-"Af=!E"------ ---'F'-'I'-"C=E CODE ;. FQ8 2M__

    Addre~. ___F~.o~s~2~A~B'-----·----------'-F~Q~8~2A,,,,c. ------. 1c1ty1 1state1

    FQ82B 82b. Were you accepted for admission at this school?

    ICircle one. I

    Yes. and attended ... .,Yes. but this school did not have enough room

    Yes. but did not attend for other reasons :1 No. was not accepted .... l

    FQ82C 82c. Did you apply for financial aid at this school? (Circle one.)

    No. ·~}-!SKIP 10 q. 8Ja1--~ Yes. but was offered no financial aid

    Yes. and was offered financial aid. . .... 3

    12.d. What were tlw approximate values of the financial aid that you we,.e offered for the fir'st academic ' y••r? tlf none, enter "none")

    Scholarship: $ FQ82DA Loan: $ FQ82DB Promised JUb I FQ82DC

    l3a. At that time, what was the name' and address of your SECOND CHOICE school or college?

    FQ83AA 1 applied lo only one school ..... l -!SKIP 10 q. 1!51 Next page

    Name· _ . _FQ8)t:!AflE .Jo:TCE CODE:. J'(!~/ll\__ .. Address FU8 3AG FQ8 3AD

    1city1 tstate1

    f Q83B 13b. Were you accepted far admission at this school? (Circle one.)

    Yes. and attended .. l

    Yes. but this school did not have enough room 2

    Yes. but did not attend for other reasons ... 3

    No. was not accepted .... 4

    . 23


  • Ft,J83C 83c. Did you apply for financial aid at this school?

    I.Circle one.}

    No. ~ }-1SKJP to q. 84.,1----,Y('S. hut w;is 111ferl·d no financial aid.

    Yes. ;uul w.1!" 11if1·1yd fi1u1111·1al aid . '' .3

    83d. What were the approximate values of the financial aid that you were offered for the first academic year? flf none, enter "none") '

    Scholarship: $ F.Jl.8_3DA Loan:$ FQ83DB Promised job:$ FQ83DC

    M•. At that time, wha1 was the name and address of your THIRD CHOICE school or college?

    FQ84AA 1 applied to only two school•.. . .. .. ... .. . ............ ... 1--ISKIP to q. 851---~ Name: ~~~ FICE CODE: FQ84AB

    Address: [Ql!lu\....C.____ F084AD 1c11y1 (state>

    FQ84B 84b. Were you accepted for admh.sion at this school?

    (Circle one.)

    Yes. and attended ...... I

    Yes. but this sc~uol did not have enough r:oom ... 2 Yes. but did nol attend for other reasons . .. ... 3 '.'lo, was nut accepted ..4

    Ft,J84C Mc. Did you apply for financial aid at this school?

    (Circle one.}

    ~o. :::: ::~}-1SK/Pto q. 851Yes. bul \\as ottered no financial aid. Yes. and was ortered finant·1al aid . .. ... 3

    84d. Whal were the appro11imate values of the financial aid that you were off•n~d for the first academic year? Clf none, enter "none")

    Scholarship $_..fl)84DA_ Loan: S FQ84DB Promised job: S FQ84DC

    IS. How helJlful were yovr high Khool's counseling services in each of the following areas?

    (Circle one number on each line.} Senicet

    Senicn available SERVICES CONSULTED AND..• .NOT but NOT Very NOT

    1vailable consult.cl helpful Helpful helpful FQ85A Learning how n1y interests and abilitit·s fit

    with different jobs or q('t'Upat1011s I.. ..2. .. .. 3............ 4..... ..5 Fl/858 Finding out where tu train ror the job or

    occupation I wanted I.. .2 .. ...... 4... . .. 5 .... 3' FQ85C Placing me in a job ur ht!lp111g me to find

    employment I. ... 2..... ...... 4' . .5 Fl/850 Finding out the schools or colleges I qualified

    ror which suited my abilities and interPsts .. 1 ....... 2. . .. 3 .......... 4.. .......... 5 FQ85E Finding out about costs at diHerE'nt schools or

    colleges and how to obtain financial aid ... t ...... 2. .. 3.... .. .... 4. '. 5 FQ85F Obtaining linan('ia! aui 1.0 go to S4,.'hool ur

    college . 1. '2 ... .3 ........... 4. ..5 FQ85G Recommend1n~ iu"lds 11f work Hkeh: to have

    eXpanding employment opportuniiies . 1. .. ... 2. 3............ 4' .5

    . 24.


  • BQ2 86. Which of the following best describes your high school program?

    (Circle one.I

    General . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 1

    Academic or college preparatory .................................2 Vocational or technical:

    Agricultural occupations ..... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .... 3. ' Business or office occupations ................................ 4

    Distributive education ............. ;._ .........................5

    llealth occupations ..........................................6 Home economics occupations ............................... .1· Trade or industrial occupations .............................. 8

    BQ5 17. Which of the following best describes how well you did in all of your coune work while in high school?

    (Circle one. I

    Mostly A (a niunerical average of Y0-1001 ........................ I ,\bout hall A and hall B (85-891 .................................. 2 Mostly B l80-84l ..................................................3

    About hall B and hall C (75-791 ................................. .4 Mostly C l70.741 ...........................•.•....................5 About h.ill C and half D Ui5-69l ••..•••......•.......•..•....•... 6 Mostly D tso.&ll .........................................•........7 Mostly below DI below 601 ......................................8

    88. WMn you were a senior in high school, how many houns.r week on tlw average did you work in a paid orJlQ8 unpa1d1ob1 CO NOT -1nclUde work whUe in a vacation per• •

    (Circle one.)

    ..............0 Less than 6 hours .......•........................................ I 6 to. 10 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. 2 l1 to 15 hours ....................................................3 16 to 20 hours .............................. : ..................... 4 21 to 25 hours ............ ' .......................................5 26 to 30 hours ......................................... ; ..........6

    More than 30 hours .............................................. 7

    None ........................ ·· ·········· · · · ······

    When ·~u were a senior in high school, did you ,.rticipate In any of the following types of activities, eitMr in"· or out schOGI? (Circle OM number on each line.I

    Particip.1tecl Did NOT Partici1Ntff a1 a l•ad•r

    p.1rticip.1t• actively or officer

    BQlOA Athletic teams. intramurals. lettennan"s club. sports club .................... 1. ........... 2...•.••....• 3 BQlOB Cheerleaders. P

  • BQ2 7 90. When did you Hrst decide whether or not you wO\lld go to college? ICircre one.>

    I decided before lhe !Olh grade ............................ : ..... 1

    ·I decided in lhe 10th grade ......................................2 I decided 1 n lhe lllh grade ......................................3 J decided in lhe 12th grade Isenior yean .. : .. ................... 4 I decided aller leaving high school

    • ..............................5

    I'm still undecided .............'.................................6

    91. When 'tOU wer. still a senior in hi9h school, what did mo't of your close friends plan to do after BQ16 finishing high school?

    (Circle one.I

    Enter the military service ...................................... 1

    Go to vocational. technical. business. or trade schools ..........2

    Become lull-time homemakers ..................................3

    Go to college ................................................... .4

    Enter appre~ticeships or on-the-job training programs ..........5

    Go to work lull-time ............................................ 6

    I don"t know ....................................................7 m~ ...........................................................8

    92. As far as you remember, when you were a senior in high school, how much schooling did your father or mother {or guardian} want you to get?

    (Circle one number on each line.}

    Academic prasrams Finith

    Dofl'I Some college colleg• know, or High Set-I I including Uour-or Master's Pio. D., O...not t;OT two-year fiv•·year degr•• or M.O., .,.

    apply finish Finish degree I dog-I equiYalont ·equivalentFather or

    BQ91A male guardian .... 1...........2...........3...........4.. .........5...........6...........7 ...........8...........9 Mother or

    BQ91B lemale guardian .. I. ..........2...........3 ...........4.. .........5...........6...........7...........8...........9

    BQ93 93. What is the approximate income before taxes of your parents lor guardian)? lrtclude taxable and nontaxable income from all sources.

    (Circle one.)

    Less than $3.000 a year 1about $60 a week or less• .. .. .. .. . ... .. . ... 01

    Between $3.000 and $5.999 a year 1lrom $60 to SI 19 a week I .................. 02 Between $0.000 and $7.499 a year Ifrom $120 lu SH9 a weekJ ... 03 Between $7.500 and SB.999 a year lfrom $150 tu $179 a week I ............ 04 Between $9.000 and $10.499 a year 1lrom $180 to $209 a week 1 ............ 05 Between $10.500 and $11.999 a year !from $210 tu $239 a week I ............ 06

    Between $12.000 and $13.499 a year (!rom $240 to 5269 a weekl .07

    Between $13.500 and $14.999 a rear

  • 94, Do your P•renls lwiM ""' following in their home? tClrcl• one number on each line.)

    Yt1 No

    BQ94A A specific place for study . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . I. ........... 2 BQ94B Daily n•wspaper .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. I ............ 2 BQ94C Dictionary .................................................................... I ............ 2 1lt')94D Encyclopedia or other reference books . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. I ............ 2 BQ94E Magazines ...................................·.. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . I ............ 2 BQ94F Record player ................................................................ I ............ 2 BQ94G Tape recorder or cassette player ......................... ,.................... I. ........... 2 BQ94H Color television .............................................................. I ............ 2 BQ94I Typewnter .................................................................. I ............ 2

    BQ94K Two or more cars or trucks that run BQ94J Elecll'lc dlsbwasher .......................................................... I ............%

    ............. , . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . I ............ 2

    American Indian

    BQ84 '5. - do you clucribo yourself? (Circle one.I

    ................................................ I Black or Afro-American or Negro ................................2 Mexican-American or Chicano ....................................3 Puerto Rican ................•.•............•....................4 Other Lalin-American origin ......................................5 Oriental or Asian-American ......................................8 White or Caucasian ..............................................7 Other ............................................................8

    BQ88 96. II English tho

  • The OPERATION FOLLOW-UP staff would like to get in touch with you again next year to find out how your plans have worked out. To help us do so, we would appreciate your filling in the information on the next page. This information will be kept in strict confidence and will only be used for future survey purposes .

    • 28.

  • I

    Section F - Background Information Please PRINT the name, address, and telephone number where you can most u.•ually be reached during the coming year.



    Please PRINT the name, address and telephone number of your parents.

    Address (number, street, city, state and ZIP code I Telenhone

    Area Code Number




    Address (number, street, city, state and ZIP code I Teleohone

    Area Code Number

    Address 1number. street. city, state and ZIP code! Teleohone

    Area Code Number

    Address 1number. street. city, state and ZIP cod.el Telenhone

    Area Code Number

    Please PRINT the names and addresses of two other people who will know where to get in touch with you during the coming year. (List no more than one person who now lives with you.)





    PleaH give the following information abaut yourself.

    FBIRTH 1a1 Date of birth ------(month) ______ idayl _______ lyearl

    FSEX !bl Sex: !Circle one.I Male ............ I Female ......... 2

    OMITTED (Cl Social Security No. ---------OMITTED !di Driver's License No. State------FDATE lei When did you complete this questioMaire? _____1monthl______.1dayJ _____!year)



    Structure BookmarksFirst Follow-Up Questionnaire Form B Section A -General Information . F(.!6B 6b. How far is this from the place w:here you lived as a senior in high school? 7b. When were you first married? -~F-"0_,_7.,_B__ (month) __F_Q_7_C__ lyear)