1 01.06.2020 v3 Coronavirus (COVID-19): Risk Assessment Action Plan for potential reopening Summer 2 nd 2020 Old Park School Assessment conducted by: J Colbourne Job title: Headteacher Date of assessment: 21 st May 2020 Date of next review: 30 th June 2020 (Or in line with Government update) Approved by: Mr Alex Burns (Chair of Governors) Date: 02.06.2020

Old Park School - Amazon Web Services · 2020. 6. 2. · 1 01.06.2020 v3 Coronavirus (COVID-19): Risk Assessment Action Plan for potential reopening Summer 2nd 2020 Old Park School

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Risk Assessment Action Plan for potential reopening Summer 2nd 2020

Old Park School

Assessment conducted by: J Colbourne Job title: Headteacher

Date of assessment: 21st May 2020 Date of next review: 30th June 2020 (Or in line with Government update)

Approved by: Mr Alex Burns (Chair of Governors) Date: 02.06.2020

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The sole purpose of this risk assessment is to support schools in preparing for the possibility of providing some face-to-face contact with identified pupils while

reducing the risk of coronavirus transmission. This risk assessment should be read in conjunction with the FAQs released by Dudley LA and Public Health. The

following government guidance should also be consulted where needed. It is however acknowledged that such guidance is regularly being updated and thus the

link below may not correspondent to the latest version.

Safeguarding: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-safeguarding-in-schools-colleges-and-other-providers/coronavirus-covid-19-safeguarding-in-schools-colleges-and-other-providers

Remote learning: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/safeguarding-and-remote-education-during-coronavirus-covid-19

Attendance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-attendance-recording-for-educational-settings

Premises: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/managing-school-premises-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/managing-school-premises-which-are-partially-open-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak

Prevention and control- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19

Advice: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance

Vulnerable: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-vulnerable-children-and-young-people/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-vulnerable-children-and-young-people

Extremely vulnerable: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19

SEND - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-send-risk-assessment-guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-send-risk-assessment-guidance

Home learning support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-online-education-resources

Remote support: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/get-help-with-technology-for-remote-education-during-coronavirus-covid-19

Accountability measures: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-school-and-college-performance-measures/coronavirus-covid-19-school-and-college-accountability

Pupils’ mental health support/pastoral care at home: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-supporting-children-and-young-peoples-mental-health-and-wellbeing/guidance-for-parents-and-carers-on-supporting-children-and-young-peoples-mental-health-and-wellbeing-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak#helping-children-and-young-people-cope-with-stressParents: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/supporting-your-childrens-education-during-coronavirus-covid-19

Parents with pupils with SEND: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/help-children-with-send-continue-their-education-during-coronavirus-covid-19

Supporting parents: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-school-closures/guidance-for-schools-about-temporarily-closing#working-with-parents

Financial support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-financial-support-for-education-early-years-and-childrens-social-care/coronavirus-covid-19-financial-support-for-education-early-years-and-childrens-social-care

Exceptional costs: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-financial-support-for-schools/school-funding-exceptional-costs-associated-with-coronavirus-covid-19-for-the-period-march-to-july-2020

Reducing burdens: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-reducing-burdens-on-educational-and-care-settings/reducing-burdens-on-educational-and-care-settings

Social distancing: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-implementing-social-distancing-in-education-and-childcare-settings/coronavirus-covid-19-implementing-social-distancing-in-education-and-childcare-settings

PPE: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-personal-protective-equipment-ppe

Public health England https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england

NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/what-to-do-if-you-or-someone-you-live-with-has-coronavirus-symptoms/

Government advice: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance

DfE https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19

A detailed checklist and key guidance for action for health and safety is available at: www.gov.uk/government/publications/managing-school-premises-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/managing-school-premises-which-are-partially-open-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak

Information re testing: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested

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Level of risk prior to control

Identifies the risk before any steps to reduce the risk have been taken

Risk Description: Outlines the area of concern.

Risk Controls: The measures that will be taken to minimise the risk.

Likelihood: Could be L/M/H or numeric, depending on what is used in the school setting.


Risk Level of Risk Prior to Control

Control Measures Level of Risk After Control


Guidance and policies

The school lapses in following national guidelines and advice, putting everyone at risk

High To ensure that all relevant guidance is followed and communicated Daily checks are made with the Government online guidance. Government guidance may be issued overnight, checks must be made prior to opening each day. The school to keep up-to-date with advice issued by, but not limited to, DfE, NHS, Department of Health and Social Care and PHE, and review its risk assessment accordingly Information on the school website is updated. Any change in information to be shared with Chair of Governors and passed on to parents and staff by website/social media – notified by Parent Mail It is acknowledged that the national guidance relating to special schools is extremely limited and as such, regular discussions take place between school and Dudley Local Authority. As a result, the school has the most recent information from the government, and this is distributed throughout the school community. Queries regarding COVID-19 in schools, other educational establishments and children’s social care can be discussed via the DfE Coronavirus helpline, tel: 0800 046 8687

Medium Low

Guidance and policies

Lack of awareness of policies and procedures

High School leaders will ensure that all policies impacted on by coronavirus controls are updated. All staff, pupils and volunteers will make themselves aware of all relevant policies and procedures. All staff have regard to all relevant guidance and legislation including, but not limited to, the following: The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010 Public Health England (PHE) (2017) ‘Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities’ DfE and PHE (2020) ‘COVID-19: guidance for educational settings’ The relevant staff receive any necessary training that helps minimise the spread of infection, e.g. infection control training. Staff are made aware of the school’s infection control procedures in relation to coronavirus via email.

Medium Medium

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Parents are made aware of the school’s infection control procedures in relation to coronavirus via letter/social media/poster at entrance to school – they are informed that they must contact the school as soon as possible if they believe their child has been exposed to coronavirus Weekly electronic briefing issued to staff.


Poor communication with parents and other stakeholders

High All staff aware of current actions and requirements and reminded frequently using school communication systems – email Headteacher to share risk assessment with all staff Parents notified of risk assessment plan and shared with parents via website. FAQs produced for parents and carers (JC)



HR and Staffing Insufficient staff to run face-to-sessions for pupils.

Medium Leaders to ensure that they have a complete list of shielded (clinically extremely vulnerable) and clinically vulnerable adults for their school. HT to share Dudley HR FAQS with staff. Leaders to ensure that the clinically extremely vulnerable are not in attendance at school. Leaders to ensure that the clinically vulnerable are working from home or offered the safest available on-site roles where possible. Protocols for staff to inform leaders if they need to self-isolate are clearly in place – staff to call/text HT by 7am at the latest on working day. Admin to keep daily staffing record. Leaders ensure there is a rota in place for cover in the instance that staff have to self-isolate.

Medium Medium

Arrival and departure each day

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff and parents. Pupils arriving at school with known Covid-19 symptoms Poor hygiene Unfamiliar drivers/escorts – increased pupil anxiety

High L.A. Transport LA transport to provide clear guidelines on actions taken to ensure adequate social distancing, hygiene practices, PPE etc. in line with Government requirements. These are issued to school and parents in a timely manner. LA Transport to risk assess how their staff can safely put on passengers’ safety belts and clamp wheelchairs whilst maintaining social distancing. Pupils with SEND often need an adult to support with safety belt and ensure that it is fastened correctly. LA to ensure compliance in relation to guidelines issued. Failure to monitor would significantly increase risk. School to report any breaches of guidelines observed. School to refuse entry of any vehicles where guidelines have been breached. School to issue updated guidance to all routes on procedure for arrival/departure. (JW) School Logistics - Arrival Closely manage pupil entry and exit via the lower phase playground gates. Class staff to collect from this point and transition to and from their allocated classrooms across the playground. Large umbrellas to be provided. LA to provide enhanced PPE for school staff. Identified staff as directed by SLT (Yellow jacket staff) to conduct head count of pupils from outside of the vehicle rather than enter it and complete school register.

Medium Medium

Medium Medium

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Identified staff (named first aiders on rota) as directed by SLT equipped with thermal thermometers to work in pairs with yellow jacket staff and test temperatures of each pupil on arrival (Maintenance of thermometers to be undertaken by admin staff). Stagger arrival and departure times to limit number of vehicles on site at any one time. LA drivers and escorts and parents to be informed about new procedures and not to open vehicle doors until school staff are ready to receive. Parents to join main transport queue and remain in car until instructed by school staff. Parents arriving by foot to follow the signs from the pedestrian gate and always maintain social distancing. Identified staff as directed by SLT to have walkie talkies. School Logistics - Departure Keep pupils in own classrooms rather than whole school moving to coach rooms. Identified staff as directed by SLT to oversee departure, with use of walkie talkies to call each class when pupils need to be brought out of class. (Maintenance of walkie-talkies to be undertaken by admin staff). Pupils to be collected from Lower phase playground gates. All vehicles to join main transport line. Parents arriving by foot to follow the signs from the pedestrian gate and always maintain social distancing. Pupils to be dismissed one at a time.



Hygiene practice - general

Poor hygiene Pupils with SEND who are unable to wash hands independently (as per individual COVID 19 Risk Assessment data collected by school w.c.27/04 in collaboration with parents/carers)

High Posters are displayed at the entrance to the school, around school and in every classroom reminding staff, pupils, parents and visitors of the hygiene practice required in school. Additional alcohol-based sanitiser (that contains no less than 60 percent alcohol) and tissues to be provided for all rooms in use. Infection control procedures are adhered to as far as possible in accordance with the DfE and PHE’s guidance. Sufficient amounts of soap (or hand sanitiser where applicable), clean water, paper towels and waste disposal bins are supplied in all rooms in use. Staff to supervise use of hand-sanitiser on entry and exit from school. LA to provide enhanced PPE for school staff. Increase hand washing slots on the daily timetable – at least hourly and before and after eating and using the toilet. After using toilets hand-washing in toilet area followed by hand-sanitizer on arrival at classroom (because pupils will need to use door handles on the way). All paper towels to be correctly disposed of immediately after use. Site staff/cleaners to ensure classrooms and bathrooms are fully stocked.

Medium Medium

Hygiene practice - specific – school entrance

Exposure to/spreading of virus Poor hygiene

High Clear signage in place regarding social distancing Barriers/screens to be used by reception staff when dealing with parents/visitors/contractors Areas touched to be wiped down

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Contamination of high touch points

Discourage parents from entering the school building – parents should remain in the airlock Visitors by appointment only. All visitors to remain in ‘airlock’ until directed.

Hygiene practice – specific – office spaces

Exposure to/spreading of virus Poor hygiene Contamination of high touch points

High Start and end times for administrative staff are staggered to support social distancing Tissues/hand sanitiser to be available in office locations Staff to wash hands on arrival at school Each individual is responsible for wiping down their own work area before and after use. Clear desk policy to be put in place. Maximum of two staff to work in the main office at any one time. Class staff to be provided with mobile phones where possible or to use walkie talkie to contact office.

Medium Medium

Essential Supplies

Lack of essential supplies, including PPE, cleaning materials and hygiene products may increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission

High Site manager will be responsible for checking stocks of PPE, cleaning materials and hygiene products throughout the day. SBM will be responsible for ordering and sourcing stocks of PPE, cleaning materials and hygiene products. Established local authority link via Faye Parrett, ordered through [email protected] [[email protected]] Review of school provision/bubbles if inadequate supply available

Medium Medium

Break Time/ Dinner time

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Poor hygiene Contamination of plates, cups etc

High All children to bring packed lunch pre-prepared lunch to be eaten in the classroom – this must be in disposable carrier bag which can be thrown away. In exceptional circumstances where pupils will only eat hot food, this must be provided by parents. Cooked food cannot be reheated. Lunches to be stored in cool box/bag until eaten – fridge?? Disposable plates and cups to be used for pupils. Tables to be cleaned after use by class-staff. Guidance to be provided on safe use of cleaning products. Site staff to ensure classrooms are fully stocked. Any cups/plates/utensils to be washed in the dish washer at 65c. Flexi buckets to be provided for dirty items to be stored until washed.

Low Low

Playtimes/Use of playground

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Poor hygiene Inclement weather

High Reduce the number of pupils and staff on playground at any one time. Timetable classes to go out individually. (TLR) Use of individual class pens if needed. Timetable use of MUGGA. (TLR) Outdoor play equipment not to be used in line with government guidance. Sun cream to be applied by parents BEFORE children come to school. All pupils to bring a sun hat/cap.

Low Low

Corridors Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff

High Access to main school/corridors to be limited, staff to keep to the left hand-side and maintain social distancing. Bubble corridors to be self-contained – none class based staff should only enter if absolutely necessary. All staff and pupils to walk around school in a clockwise direction.

Low Low

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Provide arrows/ visual cues in each corridor to remind pupils and staff. Pupils not to access sensory walks/panels in corridors. Equipment usually stored in corridors to be moved to PMLD classrooms in the first instance.

Cleaning Regime

Contamination of high touch points. Contamination of rooms/curriculum resources Cleaning is not sufficiently comprehensive

High All staff to follow the guidance detailed in https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings Increase access to cleaning products for each class team to use. The risks from any hazardous substances used for cleaning MUST be COSHH assessed and MSDS sheet available. Findings will be formally communicated to relevant persons. Key considerations given to use of products in classrooms e.g. safe storage. Staff required to conduct cleaning tasks to have received suitable and sufficient training for safe cleaning procedures and use of hazardous substances. Tables, chairs, touch points to be wiped down hourly throughout the day by class staff. School to provide Milton or equivalent and flexi-buckets for every class to soak toys, objects used in lessons, “chewies” etc in at the end of every day. Removal of soft furnishings, soft toys, toys with intricate parts, sensory resources e.g. play dough, sand in line with government guidelines. Any non-laminated displays to be removed from classrooms. Pupils to have individual sets of resources. It is acknowledged that some pupil’s mouth objects – provision for these pupils will reviewed in line with individual pupil risk assessments. Soft play, sensory room, rebound, swimming will not be available – implication for pupils with sensory diets. IWB touchscreen not to be used by pupils. Computer keyboards, mice etc. to be cleaned before and after use both in classrooms and computer room. Ensure that all cleaning and associated health and safety compliance checks have been undertaken prior to opening A nominated member of staff (Site manager) monitors the standards of cleaning in school and identifies any additional cleaning measures. Member of staff from each bubble to clean tables/door handles with a disinfectant spray throughout the day. Gloves to be worn during this and hands washed afterwards. Disposable gloves/wipes/sprays are next to photocopiers/printers etc Site manager to complete midmorning, mid-afternoon cleaning check Cleaners to clean all used rooms after staff and pupils have left. Cleaners to act upon guidance normally linked to ‘deep cleans’ as part of their daily procedures (i.e. a focus on door handles, toilets, care rooms)

Medium Medium

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Class groups ‘bubbles’

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Poor hygiene Exposure to / spreading virus Risk of cross-infection

High Creation of ‘bubble’ groups – with restriction of no. of pupils to an agreed maximum (5 per group) – Bumblebee, Giraffe, Bear, Class 3 Set staff on rota to support each bubble. Restriction of movement/mixing between bubbles. Care rooms/staff toilets allocated, and signage erected. Care staff to be allocated per bubble. Pupils/staff to be grouped by phase where possible. Restrict the seating available in classroom to create spaces between work and play areas. Use of visual aids to support pupil understanding of social distancing. Increase the amount of outside learning. Staff and pupils to avoid bringing additional items from home into school unless necessary. Such items (if required) to be cleaned before being distributed.

Low Low

BAME Group Increased risk of contracting Covid19

High It is recognised that those from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups are at an increased risk of contracting Covid19. School believes that the measures identified in the whole school risk assessment mitigate these risks as far as is reasonably practicable within the current situation. Any staff from the BAME group who are concerned about returning to school should speak to the Head teacher in the first instance who will carry out an individual risk assessment. HT to speak to HR where further advice is needed.

Medium Low

Off-site learning

Exposure to / spreading virus in the community

High Cancel all planned off-site visits, implication for 14-19 curriculum

Low Low


Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Poor hygiene

High Assemblies in classes. Low Low

Additional adults in school including contractors

Exposure to/spreading of virus

High Cancel all placement students. Disable touch screen for signing in purposes. Parent visiting by appointment only. Drop box for parents to return letters and other items. Limited multi-agency LA staff - use video-conferencing. Continued use of video conferencing/telephone conferencing for Annual Reviews of EHCP, TAC, and Early Support meetings etc. – review end of July 2020. DPA Music Staff –use YouTube or live streaming All contractors to be checked to ensure that they are essential visitors prior to entry to the school

Low Low

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Agree arrival and departure times with contractors to ensure that there is no contact with staff or pupils All contractors/visitors to wash hands either prior to or on entry to the school site Contractors and visitors are directed to specific/designated hand washing facilities (Disabled toilet on SLT corridor). All areas in which contractors work are cleaned in line with government guidance Contractors to bring own food, drink and utensils onto site. Staff who receive deliveries to the school to wash hands in line with government guidance after handling Where possible, staff to identify safe/designated place for delivery without need for contact with staff. Drivers are not permitted to enter the school premises when making deliveries If drivers have to enter school site, ensure that they are asked to maintain social distancing and use hand sanitiser before entering the building Surfaces to be cleaned after any deliveries have been made.

Swimming pool Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff

High Swimming pool not to be in use. School to follow national guidance https://www.pwtag.org/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-latest-information-2/

Low Low

Personal Care Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Personal Care and Safer People Handling policies and procedures insist on staff working in pairs. Poor hygiene

High School is unable to provide personal care requiring hoisting, following current guidelines on social distancing. Risk assess which ambulant pupils can access regular toilets with adult support e.g. “stand up” changers. LA to provide enhanced PPE for school staff. Each bubble to use allocated toilet facilities. Only one child to be changed per care room/toilet block at a time. Toilet seat, chain flush and taps, changing surfaces to be cleaned after use – hand sanitiser to be used on return to classroom. Nappies/soiled items to be disposed of in yellow bags.

Medium Medium

Hoisting around school Moving and handling, transition around school

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Personal Care and Safer People Handling policies and procedures insist on staff working in pairs.


Take all hoists out of action around the building until further guidance/direction received from LA/Public Health/ROSPA. Unable to put any further control measure in place at present because school policy for Safer People Handling follows ROSPA guidance involving 2 trained adults. Health and safety of pupil would be put at risk if the two staff ratio was reduced.



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Pupil Handling Plans being out of date for some pupils. Hand-over of wheelchair user from LA transport escort or parent at start of school day. Social distancing of adults and contamination of hard surfaces that have been touched. Pupil operating own wheelchair. Adult operating wheelchair. Spread of infection on un-cleaned hard surfaces. Social distancing of adults who assist transfer from manual wheelchair.

High High High

This risk applies to all hoisting procedures that take place at Old Park, including transfers to and from: changing beds, regular toilet pans, wheelchairs, work chairs, swimming pool, standing frames, floor and mats, walking frames, Rebound therapy trampoline, physiotherapy bicycles, soft play etc. Unable to reduce this risk level if it involves hoisting procedures (see above control measures). Need for new assessments from Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists or in-house Risk Assessors e.g. sling assessments for pupils who have grown during the lock-down period, adjustments for seating systems, standing frames and walking frames. Need to factor in the risk of outside agencies coming into school to assess pupils. Social distancing and additional adults entering into a “bubble” of staff working with a small group of pupils. Brakes applied to wheelchair on a level surface. Adult handing over steps back whilst still supervising pupil in wheelchair. Second adult takes over and disinfects wheelchair handles and brakes whilst wearing protective gloves. NB cognitive ability of wheelchair user needs to be factored in as there is a possibility of pupil releasing the brakes. If two adults assist as per Pupil Handling Plan: unable to reduce this risk. If one adult assists: follow guidance on personal hygiene, wearing PPE, frequently washing hands etc.

Low Medium Low

Low Medium Low

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First Aid Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Cross-infection Reduced number of first aiders.

High Named first aider on duty during each rota. All first aiders reminded to check national guidance - https://www.sja.org.uk/get-advice/first-aid-advice/covid-19-advice-for-first-aiders/ https://www.resus.org.uk/media/statements/resuscitation-council-uk-statements-on-covid-19-coronavirus-cpr-and-resuscitation/covid-community/ Full PPE to be worn when carrying out first aid. First aid kits suitably stocked, located and checked routinely. School awareness of method for contacting emergency services. First aider to carry school mobile phone. First aider to be aware of SOP for supporting pupil with Covid19 symptoms. (JC)

Medium Medium

Medication, complex care, tube-feeding etc.

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff Risks associated with Aerosol Generating Procedures. Cross-infection Vulnerability of pupils

High All clinically extremely vulnerable children to remain at home. All clinically vulnerable children to be risk assessed with support from School Nurse and in conjunction with Public Health guidance. No medical procedures to take place including suctioning, PEG feeds until further guidance is received from LA/Public Health. All HMPs to be kept up to date and shared with class/bubble staff as required. School procedure to be implemented for the signing in, storage and administration of all routine oral medication. School nurse to be available to oversee.

Low Low

Emergency evacuation including fire

Lack of social distancing - proximity of pupils, staff High pupil anxiety resulting in challenging behaviour

High Reduction of number of staff and pupils on site (bubbles) Risk assess pupils with primary need ASD and potential challenging behaviour in the event of a fire or a fire drill. Ensure that any rota of staff includes Fire Marshalls and named Fire Controller to take charge Emergency evacuation point – Primary Pirate Ship. SLT/SMT member in charge to act as Fire Controller – oversee paper based visitor register. Reinstate normal fire evacuation procedures – follow audio instructions. Paper based registers to be used – office staff to distribute hard copy to each bubble after registration at the start of each day. Use of walkie-talkies in each class. Communicate emergency evacuation procedures to all staff on site at the briefing each


Consider any new fire hazards which may have been introduced, e.g. increased supplies of PPE (source of fuel / block exits), alcohol hand gel (flammable – kept away from heat sources) etc.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) MUST be reviewed to ensure support can be provided to staff and pupils.

Medium Low

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Ill health in school

Cross-infection Exposure to/spreading of virus Poor hygiene

High Staff are informed of the symptoms of possible coronavirus infection, e.g. a cough, difficulty in breathing and high temperature, loss of taste and smell and are kept up-to-date with national guidance about the signs, symptoms and transmission of coronavirus. Full PPE is sourced and guidance and training on its location, use and disposal issued to staff in line with government guidance on what to do if a pupil or staff member becomes unwell – see appendix 2. All staff are informed of the procedure in school relating a pupil becoming unwell in school. All staff advised of the procedure in school if a member of staff becomes unwell. Ensure all staff absences are appropriately recorded. Any staff member who displays signs of being unwell immediately refers themselves to identified SLT/SMT member on site and is sent home. Staff member or HT to arrange Covid19 test. Staff member to inform HT of test result when received. Any pupil who displays signs of being unwell is immediately referred to identified SLT/SMT member on site. taken to the identified isolation room by a member of bubble staff (Bumblebee and Giraffe – Lower group room, Bear and Class 3 – Upper group room, access using playground, not main corridor). Bubble leader to notify SLT/SMT and first aider using walkie talkie. SLT/SMT and first aider to meet pupil at isolation room – Full PPE required. Staff ensure that any unwell pupils are moved to allocated group room (access using playground, not main corridor) whilst they wait for their parent to collect them. Window/door to be opened where possible, use pen where possible. School admin team to contact parents. Parents advised to follow the COVID-19: Guidance for households, including accessing testing. School nurse to support with accessing testing. When a child becomes unwell and a supervising a distance of 2m can’t be maintained within the isolation area, the following PPE MUST be worn: A face mask If contact with the child is required then additional PPE MUST be worn: Gloves Apron Face mask If there is a risk of splashing to the eyes (e.g. coughing, spitting or vomiting), then additional PPE MUST be worn: Gloves Apron Face mask

High Medium

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Eye protection The relevant member of staff SLT/SMT member calls for emergency assistance immediately if the pupil’s symptoms worsen. If a pupil needs to use the bathroom, they should use the nearest bathroom. Sign should be added to the bathroom door after use. Areas used by unwell pupils who need to go home are identified as out of bounds, thoroughly cleaned and disinfected once vacated. If a member of staff has helped someone who was taken unwell with coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves. They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell. If a child or member of staff develops coronavirus symptoms, they should remain at home and self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days. Everyone over the age of 5 will now have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus, and are encouraged to get tested in this situation. All members of the bubble will be sent home to self-isolate until the test result is received. If the child is unable to tolerate the test, they should remain at home for 7 days. The SLT/SMT member and first aider who has supported the child can remain in school. If the child tests positive – SLT/SMT, first aider to be tested. There is currently no need for the staff and children in their immediate teaching group/class (bubble) to self-isolate until a positive test is confirmed. This will be updated as further guidance becomes available. Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and the fellow household and bubble members can end their self-isolation. Where the child or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class/group (bubble) within their childcare or education setting should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days. Continue with the 14 day self-isolation. The other household members of that wider class/group do not need to self-isolate unless the child or young person they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms. Waste (i.e. used tissues, disposable cloths, disposable gloves) used during suspected COVID-19 cases MUST be managed by: Placing in a yellow plastic rubbish bag – tied Plastic bag placed in a second yellow bag and tied. Stored for at least 72 hours before it can be placed in normal waste disposal.

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Track and Trace Staff members not picking up ‘Track and Trace’ messages during school time.

High All staff to be permitted to access their mobile phone during morning break and lunch break.

Low Low

Re-establishing routines and expectations

Pupils out of routine, used to eating at different times of the day, used to sleeping at different times of the day: therefore could present as hungry, tired, anxious at school. Staff out of routine: some have been in school on rota, others have been out for duration of “lock-down” Separation issues / attachment issues.

Medium View the return to “normal school” as a period of adjustment. Reduce demands in terms of lessons and curriculum especially if staff are required to plan for those still at home. Postpone re-assessment until new academic year. Reduce workload of onsite staff – utilising capacity of any staff working from home. Positive re-enforcement of the benefits of the school community coming back together and having a routine. Total Communication to help pupils understand the changes and what will happen next. Consider transition/ photo book/sensory story for some pupils prior to their return to school. Establishing a clear plan for staff as well as children so that there are no sudden surprises / changes to daily structure. Use of resources provided by Dudley EP service - EPS-0520-A001_Transition Planning Tool (2019-20, Covid 19, EP Resources) Consideration given to Barry Carpenters ‘Recovery Curriculum’ - https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/recoverycurriculum/

Medium Medium


Emotions and behaviours linked to bereavement

Medium Safe spaces and individual time to communicate thoughts and feelings with known staff. Offer parents/carers the possibility of pupils bringing in photos of loved ones if that would help them to grieve. Social stories about lock-down. Books without words. Makaton signs and symbols about bereavement. Family support worker link between school and home. PSHE lessons about our feelings and that it is alright to feel sad. Class assemblies Circle time discussions. Reassurance and telephone calls home if needed and involve the young person. Use of resources provided by Dudley EP service - EPS-0520-A001_Transition Planning Tool (2019-20, Covid 19, EP Resources)

Medium Medium

Well-being, Anxiety and Mental Health

Pupils and staff may be anxious or fearful of returning to work and being alongside other people.

Medium Parent and staff survey Ongoing communication with all stakeholders Use of resources provided by Dudley EP service - EPS-0520-A001_Transition Planning Tool (2019-20, Covid 19, EP Resources) Consideration given to Barry Carpenters ‘Recovery Curriculum’ - https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/recoverycurriculum/

Medium Medium

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Worries about transmitting virus to family members.

Dudley Let’s Get website provides further advice and guidance on how to look after your health and wellbeing https://lets-get.com/healthy-lifestyles/mental-wellbeing/looking-after-your-health-and-wellbeing-throughout-covid19/ https://www.bwd-localoffer.org.uk/kb5/blackburn/directory/service.page?id=ME1rvtavljc&localofferchannel=0

Safeguarding Possible increase of safeguarding issues, disclosures, staff noticing changes in pupil behaviour following “lock-down”

Medium All staff observant for signs. Aware of ACEs in children. Robust and accurate recording using CPOMS. Referrals made in timely manner. Consider issue if DSL/s are unwell – use of DDSL.

Low Low

Staff morale

Different opinions in a large staff; some feeling we should not be back yet, others wanting to make the “new normal” work as well as possible.

Medium Positive messages as school returns. Following latest Government advice and PPE etc. Staff suggestion box to make things better – if you have an issue try and give a solution too. Access to testing where needed. Reassurance that staff do not need to follow the normal curriculum with pupils as they return to school and the priority needs to be on pupils feeling safe and happy, not the curriculum. Contact/ workload to be evenly distributed between staff able to work/have contact with pupils- Staffing rotas Staff need to be informed that PM targets will be extended.

Low Low

Staff facilities Contamination of communal staff areas Cross-infection Exposure to/spreading of virus Poor hygiene

High Staff to only use identified areas within school. Personal belongings to be stored in classroom base. Identified staff toilets – only one person to use at a time, cleaning products provided for cleaning before and after use. Staff to use main hall at lunchtime – allocated tables per bubble.

Low Low

Physical Intervention

Spread of virus due to close contact from pupils including spitting, biting, urinating etc.

High No staff to be involved in physical intervention. Risk assess those pupils who have a medium and high risk of being held – informed by Dudley Health and Safety advice Pupils who are not normally a high risk may well become high when returning to school – parents to be made aware that provision will be withdrawn if pupil behaviour requires physical intervention.

Medium Medium

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CPD and Training

Staff training certificates lapsing resulting in reduction in number of trained staff (Moving and handling, Team Teach, First Aid)

Medium All staff reminded only to carry out procedures if confident and competent. Training leads to contact organisations to request extension in certificates in the short to medium term. School has a 3 year cycle of SPH training and competency checks for staff. Lock-down period has delayed this cycle. There is now a backlog of staff to train in Year 3 of the cycle. There is also a backlog of staff in Year 2 of the cycle who should have their competencies assessed during the summer term 2020 in line with school policies. Competencies involve being assessed carrying out hoisting procedures. First aid certs have been extended by 3 months. This guidance comes into effect for certificates expiring on or after 16th March 2020. SBM to work with training leads to identify training needs. HT to request INSET day extension from CoG where needed. If school does not have enough trained staff per bubble short to medium term, bubble to close.

Low Medium

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Appendix 1 – Hand washing Guidance

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Appendix 2 – PPE

PPE Types and rationale for use

Taken from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-infection-prevention-and-control/covid-19-personal-protective-equipment-ppe

Fluid Resistant Surgical Masks

Fluid-resistant (Type IIR) surgical masks (FRSM) provide barrier protection against respiratory droplets reaching the mucosa of the mouth and nose. Surgical masks should:

cover both nose and mouth

not be allowed to dangle around the neck after or between each use

not be touched once put on

be changed when they become moist or damaged

be worn once and then discarded – hand hygiene must be performed after disposal

Eye and face protection Eye and face protection provides protection against contamination to the eyes from respiratory droplets, aerosols arising from AGPs and from splashing of secretions (including respiratory secretions), blood, body fluids or excretions. Eye and face protection can be achieved by the use of any one of the following:

surgical mask with integrated visor

full face shield or visor

polycarbonate safety spectacles or equivalent Regular corrective spectacles are not considered adequate eye protection. Disposable aprons and gowns Disposable plastic aprons must be worn to protect staff uniform or clothes from contamination when providing direct patient care and during environmental and equipment decontamination. Disposable gloves Disposable gloves must be worn when providing direct patient care and when exposure to blood and or other body fluids is anticipated or likely, including during equipment and environmental decontamination. Disposable gloves are subject to single use and must be disposed of immediately after completion of a procedure or task and after each patient contact. Double gloving is not necessary.

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Sessional use of PPE Aprons and gloves are subject to single use as per Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs), with disposal and hand hygiene after each patient contact. Respirators, fluid-resistant (Type IIR) surgical masks (FRSM), eye protection and disposable fluid repellent coveralls or long-sleeved disposable fluid repellent gowns can be subject to single sessional use. A single session refers to a period of time where a health and social care worker is undertaking duties in a specific clinical care setting or exposure environment. For example, a session might comprise a ward round, or taking observations of several patients in a cohort bay or ward. A session ends when the health and social care worker leaves the clinical care setting or exposure environment. Once the PPE has been removed it should be disposed of safely. The duration of a single session will vary depending on the clinical activity being undertaken. While generally considered good practice, there is no evidence to show that discarding disposable respirators, facemasks or eye protection in between each patient reduces the risk of infection transmission to the health and social care worker or the patient. Indeed, frequent handling of this equipment to discard and replace it could theoretically increase risk of exposure in high demand environments, for example, by leading to increasing face touching during removal. The rationale for recommending sessional use in certain circumstances is therefore to reduce risk of inadvertent indirect transmission, as well as to facilitate delivery of efficient clinical care. PPE should not be subject to continued use if damaged, soiled, compromised, uncomfortable or in other circumstances outlined in section 10, and a session should be ended. While the duration of a session is not specified here, the duration of use of PPE items should not exceed manufacturer instructions. Appropriateness of single versus sessional use is dependent on the nature of the task or activity being undertaken and the local context. In the context of Old Park School, sessional use is defined as:

Morning in class, not exiting the room (PPE should be changed after staff lunch)

Afternoon in class, not exiting the room

Exiting the room to carry out intimate care

Exiting the room for other reason

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Adapted from Birmingham City Council – PPE Recommended Use (Special Schools)

Any activity where you can socially distance (>2m)

No PPE required

Close and direct contact (within 2m) including personal care and first aid

Wear PPE: disposable gloves, disposable apron and fluid resistant face mask. Consider the need for goggles/visor if there are likely to be droplets e.g. child coughs or has a speech impediment.

Aerosol generating procedures e.g. caring for children with tracheostomies

See NHS/DfE guidance on PPE


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Donning and Doffing PPE Guidance

Old Park School staff have been directed by Dudley LA Health and Safety team to watch the following video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GncQ_ed-9w&feature=youtu.be

Old Park School have sought the following additional online training for all staff - https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/health-and-safety/ppe-training-for-healthcare.aspx

Old Park School Nurse will carry out a face to face briefing with all staff to ensure competence and confidence.

The following information is taken from COVID-19: Guidance on the ordering of personal Protective Equipment, (PPE) and other supplies and how to use them.



When using PPE it is important that it is applied and removed in the correct order, as there is a risk that the user can be contaminated. It is important that all staff are aware of this procedure. How to put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Thorough hand washing technique must be performed or if unavailable use hand sanitizer, before putting on any PPE and then put on in the following order: 1. Apron 2. FRSM if worn 3. Eye protection if worn (your prescription glasses are not PPE) 4. Gloves Please remove PPE in the following order 1. Gloves – because these are the most contaminated 2. Apron 3. Eye protection if worn (your prescription glasses are not PPE) 4. FRSM Cleaning * Eye protection should where possible be disposable and disposed of following s single care episode or session. If not they should be cleaned using a standard detergent and a chlorine releasing agent. As detailed below. * Clean the environment to minimize the spread as current evidence suggests that the virus can stay on surfaces for up to 72 hours. * Wear disposable apron and gloves for cleaning. Laundry – In a non-healthcare setting * Do not shake dirty laundry - this minimises the possibility of dispersing virus through the air. * Wash items as appropriate, in accordance with the clothing manufacturer’s instructions. * Dirty laundry that has been in contact with a person suspected or diagnosed with COVID can be washed with other household member’s laundry. Disposal of Waste * Any waste generated should be set aside in a waste bag for 72 hours, before being placed in the household rubbish

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The following posters are taken from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-personal-protective-equipment-use-for-non-aerosol-generating-procedures


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Appendix 4

Covid19 Individual Pupil Risk Assessment for Reintegration into School – Phase 1 (On or after 1st June 2020)

Pupil Name: Date Completed: Completed By:

Checked By:

The following individual pupil risk has been completed by school staff in conjunction with other agencies working with the individual child or young person. This document should be read in line with the ‘OPS Covid19 Risk Assessment – School Reopening’ and the ‘Parent and Carer FAQs’ which detail the changes made to the school environment and provision we can offer at this time. Each child’s needs are unique and thus the information included in this risk assessment, will differ to that in another. The information used will be based on staff knowledge of how a child presents in school and may refer to information included in their EHCP, ABSP, SPMH plan or HMP. It is important to note that we are working in unusual times and may not know yet how pupils will react to the changes in school. This risk assessment will be reviewed considering any new information or behaviours shown. This risk assessment works on the principle that the current Government advice remains that people should continue to practice social distancing in order to prevent the spread of Covid19 virus. Where pupils with an EHCP are safer at home, they should not attend school. At Old Park School we acknowledge the following points –

1. Our pupils 0ften require some element of physical support during their time at school – however, control measures should be in place during the Covid19 period to reduce this where possible

2. The Leaders and Governors have a duty to safeguard staff and will endeavour to do this by reducing or prohibiting tasks that require two staff members to work in close proximity of each other

The scale descriptors have been written, in conjunction with health using information provided by the LA, PHE and school-based policies and procedures. Where school is yet to receive formal guidance, this is referenced in the whole school risk assessment Where individual pupil needs are deemed to present an increased risk within the school environment (both to themselves or to others) as referenced at scale 4 or 5, then school will be unable to offer provision during phase 1 of the wider reopening. This information will be shared with the local authority and social care, with the view to look at alternative ways to support the young person and their family. This risk assessment will be formally reviewed on or after 30th June 2020 in preparation for Phase 2 reintegration. Background Information

Safeguarding Is the pupil on a CP plan, CIN or a Child Looked After? Are there any safeguarding concerns?

Welfare Have concerns been raised during welfare calls?

Multi-Agency Are there any other agencies involved?

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Scale 1 No/Limited Risk School is able to offer school-based provision at this time.

Scale 2 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time,

but this will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Scale 3 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time,

but this will be monitored on a daily basis.

Scale 4 School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Scale 5 Significant Risk School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Area 1 Behaviour Management

Pupil does not present with any known behaviours that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with minor known behaviours that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with moderate known behaviours that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known behaviours that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known behaviours that are highly likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Examples Unsettled by new routine Unsettled by new adults or peers

Non-compliant Dropping to the floor Refusal to transition Needing time out Unable to have preferred toy/motivator

Physical intervention required within the last term requiring 1:1, 2:1 support Not able to cope without personalised timetable as previously observed in school situation Running off or trying to escape Damage to property Pupil climbing furniture and refusing to get down without significant adult support

Physical intervention required within the last month 1:1, 2:1 support Pupil climbing fences May present physical behaviour towards others (hitting, scratching, pinching, grabbing, biting, kicking, pulling hair, head butting) Self-harm – biting self, head banging) Attempting to remove PPE May require withdrawal of self or others Unable to implement strategies in an ABSP due to social distancing

Comments Consider likelihood and

frequency, known strategies, staff requirements,

equipment or environment needed

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Scale 1 No/Limited Risk School is able to offer school-based provision at this time.

Scale 2 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Scale 3 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a daily basis.

Scale 4 School is unable to offer school-

based provision at this time.

Scale 5 Significant Risk School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Area 2 Sensory Processing

Pupil does not present with any known sensory processing issues that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with minor known sensory processing issues that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with moderate known sensory processing issues that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known sensory processing issues that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known sensory processing issues that are highly likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.


Over/under stimulation in classroom. PICA – eating non edibles. Mouthing of objects/resources Unsettled by new environments. Requires adult for deep pressure/physical sensory feedback but able to recreate in other ways. Self-stimulating behaviours.

Unable to access sensory diet equipment and specialist rooms (e.g. swimming, rebound, soft play, outdoor equipment) – this may result in challenging behaviour/dysregulation. Unable to receive deep pressure/physical sensory feedback from adult – this may result in challenging behaviour/dysregulation. Significant mouthing of objects/resources, heightening infection risk. Unable to perform rituals (touching). Removal of clothing requiring at least 2 adults to redress. Seeking out food from others/bin. Excessive dribble.

Smearing Urination Gagging/making self-sick Licking, flicking spit

Comments Consider likelihood and

frequency, known strategies, staff requirements,

equipment or environment needed

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Scale 1 No/Limited Risk School is able to offer school-based provision at this time.

Scale 2 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Scale 3 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a daily basis.

Scale 4 School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Scale 5 Significant Risk School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Area 3 Intimate Care

Pupil does not present with any known intimate care needs that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with minor known intimate care needs that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with moderate known intimate care needs that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known intimate care needs that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known intimate care needs that are highly likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Examples *Staff should consider ability to

wash hands to Covid19 standard*

Accesses bathroom independently including washing hands

Accesses toilet independently Requires the support of one adult from a distance of at least 2m to remind to dress/wash hands

Requires the support of one adult to carry out intimate care tasks in close proximity and will tolerate adult wearing PPE Pupil is compliant during intimate care May require support with sanitary products

Will not tolerate adult wearing PPE during intimate care tasks Pupil is not compliant during intimate care

Requires the support of two adults to carry out intimate care tasks in close proximity Requires the use of a hoist for intimate care tasks

Comments Consider likelihood and

frequency, known strategies, staff requirements,

equipment or environment needed

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Scale 1 No/Limited Risk School is able to offer school-based provision at this time.

Scale 2 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Scale 3 School is able to offer school-based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a daily basis.

Scale 4 School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Scale 5 Significant Risk School is unable to offer

school-based provision at this time.

Area 4 Mobility, Transition and

Moving and Handling

Pupil does not present with any known mobility, transition or moving and handling needs that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with minor known mobility, transition or moving and handling needs that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with moderate known mobility, transition or moving and handling needs that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known mobility, transition or moving and handling needs that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known mobility, transition or moving and handling needs that are highly likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.


Requires the support of one adult to carry out moving and handling tasks in close proximity and will tolerate adult wearing PPE. Pupil is compliant during moving and handling tasks. Requires the use of equipment which may be touched by various adults e.g. parent, escort, school staff and which therefore requires stringent cleaning.

Will not tolerate adult wearing PPE during moving and handling tasks. Pupil is not compliant during moving and handling tasks. Current PHP plan which requires use of specialist equipment which cannot be easily cleaned.

Current PHP plan which requires use of hoist or 2 person transfer. Current PHP plan which requires use of specialist equipment/rooms which are currently out of use.

Comments Consider likelihood and

frequency, known strategies, staff requirements,

equipment or environment needed

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Scale 1 No/Limited Risk School is able to offer school based provision at this time.

Scale 2 School is able to offer school

based provision at this time but this will be monitored on a

weekly basis.

Scale 3 School is able to offer school

based provision at this time but this will be monitored on a

daily basis.

Scale 4 School is unable to offer

school based provision at this time.

Scale 5 Significant Risk School is unable to offer school

based provision at this time.

Area 5 Cognitive Understanding

*Focused around understanding of social distancing, following

direction and instructions

Pupil does not present with any known issues related to their cognitive understanding that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with minor known issues related to their cognitive understanding that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with moderate known issues related to their cognitive understanding that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known issues related to their cognitive understanding that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known issues related to their cognitive understanding that are highly likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Examples Able to follow directions/instructions independently.

Requires limited support to follow directions/instructions. Where a pupil is known to request physical contact - Will comply with direct instruction relating to social distancing, when explained clearly.

Requires 1:1 support to follow directions/instructions. Where a pupil is known to request physical contact - May comply with direct instruction relating to social distancing, when explained clearly.

Unable to cope with adults wearing PPE Where a pupil is known to request physical contact - Unable to comply with direct instruction relating to social distancing, when explained clearly.

Requires 2:1 support to follow directions/instructions. Refusal to follow adult directions/instructions which places adults/peers at a heightened risk during this time.

Comments Consider likelihood and

frequency, known strategies, staff requirements,

equipment or environment needed

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Scale 1 No/Limited Risk School is able to offer school based provision at this time.

Scale 2 School is able to offer school based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Scale 3 School is able to offer school based provision at this time

but this will be monitored on a daily basis.

Scale 4 School is unable to offer school

based provision at this time.

Scale 5 Significant Risk School is unable to offer

school based provision at this time.

Area 6 Complex Medical Needs

including Feeding

Pupil does not present with any known complex medical needs that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with minor known complex medical needs that maybe impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with moderate known complex medical needs that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known complex medical needs that are likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Pupil presents with major known complex medical needs that are highly likely to be impacted by the changes to school provision or the whole school risk assessment.

Examples No medication required. Pupil is able independently eat and drink.

Routine oral medication given to pupils during the day by class staff. Minimal support with eating and drinking which does not require close contact.

Pupil is currently in the clinically vulnerable group and has been advised to practice strict social distancing – medical advice sought. Routine oral medication given to pupils during the day by specifically trained complex care/nursing staff. Requires the support of one adult (including dysphagia) to carry out eating and drinking tasks in proximity and will tolerate adult wearing PPE. Requires emergency medication e.g. Buccal Midazolam, which during this period will be administered by nursing staff.

Pupil requires 2 or more adults to support during medical emergency e.g. Epileptic seizure Pupil requires intervention which is classed as an Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) e.g. suctioning. Will not tolerate adults wearing PPE during medication/feeding.

Pupil is currently in the extremely clinically vulnerable group and is shielding. Someone in the household is in the extremely clinically vulnerable group and is shielding.

Comments Consider likelihood and

frequency, known strategies, staff requirements,

equipment or environment needed

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Appendix 5

Old Park School policies impacted by this risk assessment are as follows –

Attendance Behaviour Management and Physical Intervention Curriculum Educational Visits Offsite Health and Safety including Infection Control and First Aid Home/School Communication Intimate Care Managing Medical Needs in School Safeguarding Safer People Moving and Handling Transport Visitors in School