RECORDER DIAL VI S-1100 X EVENING RECORDER, AMSTERDAM, N.Y., MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1059 Social and Personal term of Supreme Court for Wash* lington County. Mrs. Aulisi Honored Mrs. Joseph Aulisi, 125 Market St., who observed her 80th birth- day anniversary on March 16, was honored at a family dinner Sun- day at Pirez's Restaurant followed by an open house for friends and relatives at "her home frorp 5 to 8 p.m. Attending the dinner were Mrs. Aulisi's four sons and. their wives, Supreme Court Justice and Mrs. Felix J. Aulisi, Amsterdam, Mr. and Mrs. Edward AuiiSi, Newark, N.J., County Judge and Mrs. Ar- thur C. Aulisi, Gloversville, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Aulisi, Watervliet; her daughter, Mrs. Rose A. Martuscello, Amsterdam; her grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aulisi, Belleville. N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Aulisi, Newark. N.J.. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Riccio, Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Ca- tena and Joseph Aulisi, Amster- dam. and~ Richard—Aulisi, Glov- ersville, and her brother-in-law and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Aulisi, Amsterdam. er, Gerden Johnson, '24. Jack Ault, '24, Mrs. Jack Ault, Barney Sala- mack, Alvina Thompson Sala- mack, '24, Harry G. Mau, Gladys Rasmussen Mau, '24, Hazel SchWenker Qulst, '23, Rhea Heath McGibbon,.'23, James E. McGib- bon, Dr. Raymond E. Wytrwal. '24, Mrs. Raymond E. Wytrwal, Helen Colling Moule, '24, Reginald T. Moule, .Virginia Criscuolo Don- ohue, '25. Bernice Zillgltt Bigler, '30, Charles B. Bigler. '24. Clifton G. Wilber, '24, Gertrude Sweet Wilber. 29,- Jane Shuttleworth Nadler. '29, W. Hicks Nadler, '24, Maria Mailer * Lenahan, '23, Ethel Palmer Donlon, "23, Gerald Firth, '24, also Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Boice and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mol- ner, sons-in-law and daughters of Mrs. Rutherford. Irving W.. Olender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S.' Olender, 19 Phillips St.. has been nam$d to the dean's list at Cornell Univer- sity for the fall semester. Irving is a freshman in the College, of Arts and Sciences at Cornell. Ex-Teacher Honored A group of former pupils, friends and teachers gathered at Pirez's Restaurant Saturday night to honor Mrs. Grace Rutherford, who has retired as a tcnrher in li- the Amsterdam school system. Dinner, served in the private dining room, was followed by a period of reminiscing over which Gerden Johnson presided.-^Those who spoke briefly were Herbert T. Singer, Dr. Garrett Vink, W. Hicks Nadler. Hilda Ottman Lash- er and Jack Ault. Mrs. Rutherford was presented a corsage of yellow rosebuds by Mrs. Lasher and a bracelet and book of letters from her "boys and girls" by Mr. Ault. She also received a gift from Joseph Char- lebois. After each graduate of the Am- sterdam High School had an- nounced his class numerals and in- troduced himself and companion. Mrs. Rutherford thanked the group for the pleasant surprise. She, too, reminisced and had some- thing to relate about each of the graduates. Those present were Samuel A. Maxwell, '24, Ruth Maxwell, Fran- ces Janeski. '44, William Janeski, '43. Anne Alkonis. '32, Frank Al- konis. '30, Violet Donohue Riley, '25, Doris Hill Morse, '25. Ralph P. Morse, Margaret ' Schuyler, Blanche W. Smith. Marietta Was- serman Griswold. '23, Hilda Qtt- Birthday Event Miss Barbara Jean Burklund, 72 Lyon St., was given a birthday party Saturday at .her home in celebration of her 13th birthday anniversary. Games were played and prizes were won by Linda Jacob, Sharon Ann Burklund, Peggy Dixon and Barbara McGaffin. The invited guests were the Misses Katherine Thompson, Char- DeGroff, Margaret Eckel- man. Lee Buchner, Kathy Simp- son, Frances Moore, Linda Jacob, Karen Koubeck. Barbara McGaf- fin. Ann Hartig. Kathy Howe, Deborah Lee and Darlene Fran- cisco, Virginia Doak, Jacqueline Adamson, Sharon McKnight, Peg- gy Dixon t Mary Ann Giaqulnto, Mary Pantonski, Joyce Lee Di- Matteo, Sharon Ann and Diana Carole Burklund, Richard Fran- cisco, Mrs. Gertrude Wilmot, Mrs. Delores Francisco, Mrs. Lena Burklund and Victor DIMatteo. Alphonso DILorenzo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DiLojenzo, 59 Hibbard St.. has been placed on the dean's list for the fall semes- ter at State University Teachers College at Oswego where he is a senior. The Carpetbaggers of Amster- dam, a vocal quartet composed of Weston H. Caswell. J. Donald Simpson, Dr. Robert W. Dunlap Jr.. and H. Wallace Smeallie. pro- vided the entertainment at the an- nual spring conference of supervis- ing teachers "for elementary and Junior High Schools of Northern New York held March 20 at Mac- donough Hall at State University Teachers College at Plattsburgh man Lasher, '24. Waldon Lasher, Hazel G. Mahl. Lauren, Mahl. '24, Elsie Hovemeyer Fletcher. '24, Harriet Coates. '24, Anna Marie Deuell Ammerall, '24^ Dorothy Colfyer Devenpeck. '24. Frank Garneau, Ellen Hidde Betz, '25. Paul L Betz, '24, Marion A. Klatt, '25, Raymond A. Klatt. '23. Dr. Garrett Vink, '24, Bettye Vink, -j&rhprt T, Singer, '?3, Ruth Sing- On I\'ew York Tour Miss Carol Ann Smith, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Smith, 91 Clizbe Ave., is spend- ing a week in New York City on a tour that is an annual part of the senior women's curriculum at State University Agricultural and Technical Institute at Alfred. Miss Smith is a senior major in- laboratory technology at Al- fred and is a member of Alpha Beta Chi Sorority. Miss Linda Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Smith. 54 McClellan Ave., Miss Carol Sue Woodhead. daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Jack Woodhead. Tribes Hill, and Miss Miriam Dildillan, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ara T. Dll- dilian, Broadalbin. have returned from Lake Erie College, Paines- ville. Ohio, for a week's vacation. Miss Dildilian has as her guest Has—Carol—Remensnyder,—Pitts- burgh, Pa. \t Amsterdam area students who have arrived home from the Mary A. Burnham School. Northampton. Mass., for a two-week spring vaca- tion are Miss Molly Jean Shuttle- worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Shuttleworth 2d. 154 Brookside Ave., Miss Ann Bolog- nino. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Bolognino, Upper Market St.. Miss Kathleen Chal- mers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Chalmers, 16. Austin St.. Miss Leslie Gewinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Gewinner, 29 Romeyn Ave., Miss Carolyn A. Boyan, daughter of Mr. and s Mrs. Thomas Boyan, Schenectady, and Miss. Pamela Kearns, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kearns. Broadalbin. '2I-.\ 3ES mm-*:. Illicit Layer 01 ice Hampenn f &m Job of Recovering Czechs Body Operations continued today at Lock 12 In Tribes Hill toward the recovery of the body of John Czech, 36, of 50 * Union St., who was drowned Friday night when a temporary dam gave way and flooded the interior of the lock where Czech was working. Repairs to the steel dam were* • • completed last night ami pumping of about 12 feet of water that had rushed into the lock was started. Pumps continued throughout the night and by late this morning the water level was down to about five feet. Pumping was tem|>orarily sus- pended, at that point while work- men used a large crane to break up ice in the lock. I^r^c chunks of ice jnore than a foot thick hampered recovery of the body. Efforts by divers to recover the Around me City —Kenpyetto Councl]__136,—De grpp nf -P-oeahonTns, will hold a WORK TO RECOVER BODY — Workmen are ahou'n making repaint to a temporary dam at Loek 12 In Tribei Hill. The steel dam gave way to pressure Friday night and flooded the look to a depth of 12 feet, drowning John Czech, 86, who was at work Insldo th«» loek. The dam required repairs before water could be pumped out of Uie lock to recover uie body ol the victim;—tftreordpp 1'hoto.)- Death, Obituary Funerals Baptismal Event Brenda Ann Ramos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monserratt Ra- mos. was baptized Palm Sunday at the Second Presbyterian Church by-the Rev. Roland S. Fredericks. Following the christening, a family dinner was held at the home of the child's great-grand- motherT' Mrs. Anna Sweet, 2Y Greene St. Deaths Supreme Court Justice Felix J. Aulisi went to Hudson Falls today to preside at a three-week trial "A Stitch in Time . . . SAVES Nine! II -~oa' RIGHT NOW While the Thought It Fresh in Your Mind CALL US Let Us Explain HOW EASILY and ECONOMICALLY WE CAN INSTALL TIMKEN """ H A S? MA,,C IN YOUR HOME! Throw away the QUILTS — Live In Modern Comfort with TIMKEN DIAL MYERS—March 23. 1959. Es- ther Myers. Funeral arrange- ments incomplete. For further in- formation call the Pike funeral home, VI 2-7863. PUTMAN — March 22. 1959, Howard G. Putman. Funeral-at the Betz funeral home, 171 Guy Park Ave., Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. M. C. T. An- dreae officiating. Friends are in- vited to call at the funeral home any time after 7 o'clock this eve- ning. SHARP—March 21. 1959, Mrs. Julia Sharp, Utica, N.Y. Funeral at the Boice funeral home, 124 Guy Park Ave., Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock and 9 o'clock at St. Joseph's Church. Interment in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Friends are invited to call at their convenience. RUSSO —March 21. 1959. Carl Peter Russo. Funeral at the R. W. Guzielek funeral home Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock and 9 o'clock at St. John the Baptist Church. Interment in St. John's Cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited to visit the funeral home this evening from 7-9 o'clock. Please omit flowers. GEGZNA — March 22. 1959, Adam Gegzna. Funeral at the R. W. Guzielek funeral home Wed- nesday morning at 8:15 o'clock and 9 o'clock at St. Casimir's Church. Interment in S t Casi- mir's Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to pay their respects anytime after 7 p.m. this evening. CONTI—March 23. 1959. Mrs. Raffaele Conti. Funeral Wednes- day morning at 9:30 o'clock at the DiMezza funeral home and 10:30 at St. Michael's Church. In- terment in St. Michael's Cefne- terv. EHMKE—March 22, 1959. Ed- mond S. Ehmke. Funeral at the funeral house of Johnson-Lindsay Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. William D. Orr officiating. Interment in Green Hill Cemetery. The family will re- ceive relatives and friends tonight and tomorrow night from 7 until 9 o'clock. Those desiring to call at any other time may do so as the funeral house is open at all times. NATOLI—March 22. 1959, John Natoli. Funeral at the Pernio fu- neral home Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock and St. Michael's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Michael's Cemetery. Eclmond S. Ehmke Edmond S. Ehmke, 53, died suddenly Sunday morning at 8:30 o'clock at his home, 2 Woodridgc Rd. Born in Amsterdam Sept. 28. 1905. a son of William F. and Rosa Sherman Ehmke. Mr. Ehmke was employed by the Bigelow-San- ford Carpet Co., for a numher of years and after the operations were moved from Amsterdam, worked as a packer at the Scotia Naval Supply Depot. He was a veteran of World War II and served in British Columbia. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Alma E. Brown, whom he married in Amsterdam in 1942; two sisters. Mrs. Lee Roscoe, Fort Johnson, and Mrs. Charles Lands- berg. Amsterdam; four brothers, Leonard, Albany. Clifford, Fort Johnson, and Howard and Gilbert Ehm kcr~7\msterdarnr"a lso~severa 1 nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. card party tonight at 8 in the rooms, 5 Market St. A meeting at 7:15 will precede the party. —A rehearsal of the- Men's Glee Club of the Mohawk Mills will be held tonight at H o'clock In the McCleary cafeteria. - Phi Alpha Lambda Sorority will moot tonlKhj al Carl P. Russo Carl Peter Russo,. 48, of 12 Har- rison Ave., died Saturday morning at 11:20 o'clock at the Amsterdam City Hospital where he was a pa- tient for four weeks. Mr. Russo was born in Amster- dam July 18. 1910, a son of Paul and Carmella Christarclla Russo, and was educated in the public schools, graduating from Amster- dam High School in 1928. He was employed by the Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Co., for 30 years, rising from cost accountant to the po- sition of plant accountant which he held at the time of the mill's Joseph Zaccardo. Secaucus, N.J.; one son, Vito Conti, Amsterdam; three sisters, Mrs. Anthony Ro- mano. Mi>. Carmella Greco and Mrs. Nicholas Biuzzcse. Amster- dam; two brothers, Saverio Greco, Amsterdam, and Anthony Greco. Jersey City, N.J.; four grandchil- dren, two great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. John Xatoll John Natoli. 81. died at his home. 89 Academy St.. Sunday afternoon after a long illness. Born in St. Marina. Isola Salina, Italy. Mr. Natoli came to this country about 50 years ago. He was employed in the dyehouse of the Shuttleworth division of the Mohawk Carpet Mills for 27 years, retiring in 1942. and was a mem- ber of Mohawk's Quarter Century Club. He was a member of St. Michael's Church. Surviving are his wife. Maria; four sons. Dominick. Barney. John and Anthony Natoli. and two daughters. Mrs. Joseph Cali and Mrs. Mary Smicinski. all of Am- sterdam; seven grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Howard G. Putman Howard G. Putman. 178 Guy Park Ave., died Sunday night at 11:10 n'rlnrk at his home after a NY Mediation Board Enters Paper Dispute MECHANICVILLE </P» - The State Mediation Board is inter- vening In the strike at the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. plant here. George Moskowitz. chairman of the board, said in New York Sun- day that Andrew V. Clements, dean of the Albany Law School and a member of the board, would meet separately today with union and company representa- tives The afternoon meetings. Mos- kowitz said, would IK? held in the State Office Building .in Albany. Saturday Night Blunt Production at the plant, mean- while, proceeded without Incident as-state police ' investigated a sm a i r "explosion that sha t tered a window at- a mill official's home Saturday nighth. Moth police and a spokesman for the striking United Papermakers and Paperworkers Union suggest- ed the latest explosion. tl\e third .such blast since last Wednesday, could have been touched off by teenagers looking for excitement. The explosion smashed a win- VI 3-2110 VI 2-2536 SLEZAK BROS. CORNER CHURCH ST. and FOREST AVENUE DIAL VI 3-2110 or VI 2-2536 In Memorinm In loving memory of my mother, Amelia Robilotto, who passed away 18 years ago today. AH the days since she's been gone ^ Have been lonely, but today Is the saddest, for on this one 18 years ago she passed away; Left us grieving for her pres- ence In a home that ne'er will see Her passing through its rooms again except in memory. CHILDREN. closing in 1955. For the last three years, he had been employed in the cost department of the Mo- hawk Carpet Mills. Mr. Russo was a member of the Church of St. John the Bap- tist, St. Michael's Church and the Bigelow-Sanford Quarter Century Club. He is survived by his wife, the former Bernice Kedzior. whom he married Feb. lf>. 193G; three daughters, Carol. Karen and Jan- ice Russo; one son. Paul Russo; his mother, Mrs. Carmella Russo. and one sister. Miss Josephine Russo, all of Amsterdam: two brothers, Pat Russo. Delmar,. and Andrew Russo. Pensacola. Fin., and several nieces, nephews and cousins. long illness. Mr. Putman was horn at Tribes Hill Oct. 28. 1888. a son of Japhet and Frances Cox Putman. and re- sided in Tribes Hill and later Sche- nectady until 1917. when he made his home in Amsterdam. He was employed at the Progressive Silk Mill at one time and prior to his retirement three and a half years ago, was employed by the Bige low-Sanford Carpet Co. Mr. Putman was a member of the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church and Welcome Lodpc, 829. F&AM, from which he received his 25-year pin several years ago. Hi was also a member of the Bigelow Weavers' Assn. Survivors include his uite, the former Sarah Burke; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert J. Ammerall, Am- sterdam; one grandson. James M. Ammerall. and one sister. Mrs. Anna B. Mver. also of Amsterdam. home of Miss Roberta Nelson, 247 Florida Ave. —The Emmanuel Guild will meet at the Emmanuel Presby- terian Church Tuesday at 8 p.m. A Bible study program is planned. The Columbian Auxiliary will hold a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock In the club rooms Instead of Tuesday night. Maccabees Hive 932 will hold a card party tonight at 7:15 at 21 Church St. Amsterdam Emblem Club 273 will hold a meeting at the Elks Club tonight at 7:45 o'clock. The nominating committee will give Its report. —St. John's Indies' Auxiliary will hold a meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. In the clUbrooms. -The St. Cecilia Choir of St. John's Church will rehearse to- night at 7:30. —The medical aid class of Civil Defense will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at City Hall. body were unsuccessful over the weekend. Diving operations were conducted by Kenneth Crosby of Albany, x Paul Christensen of Scotia and Robert Roberts of Schenectady. A fourth diver, John Lawrence of Delunson. was called in to make repairs to the dam. Czech, who was employed by the R. D. Golden Construction Co. of Troy, was at work Inside the lock when the temporary steel wall gave way to pressure. Before other workmen atop the lock were able to come to his aid, Czech disap- peared under the flood of water and large pieces of ice. _ Tho .wcflkend-cold~Wave~caused Uft? interior of the lock to be covered with almost a solid mass of thick ice. Some of the Ice buckled as water was pumped out of the lock today and a crew was at work breaking the Ice' Into smaller pieces. ..It was not known this morning how much time would be needed 1M? recovered. Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. Katherine Duhuy express appreciation for the kindness and sympathy ex- tended following her death* Grate- ful acknowledgment is made of the floral tokens, spiritual bou- lliets and loan of automobiles. GILL'S STATIONERY 14 Mtrket 8t. Dial VI 1-«W0 Living Beauty-. - ^ blaster! In Memorinm In loving memory of our aunt, Molly Robilotto. who passed away March 23, 1941. Loving memories are all we have left Of a wonderfvd aunt we will ,never forget. CAROLINE and MARY! Adam Gegrna Adam Gegzna. 335 East Main St., died Sunday evening shortly after being admitted to St. Mary's Hospital. He had been ill for a long time. Born in Lithuania. Mr. Gegzna came to this country as a young man and had been a resident of Amsterdam for 55 years. He was employed by the Mohawk Carpet Mills and later by Fitzgerald Bot- tling Co.. Inc.. retiring eight years ago. He was "a member of St. Casimir's Church and Holy Name Society. Aug. 15. 1908. Mr. Gegzna mar- ried Edna Liberis. who survives him. He also leaves one daughter, Mrs. Edward Guzielek; one son, Albert Gegznn. Amsterdam; two sisters in Lithuania; two grand- children. Donna and Ray Gegzna, and several nieces, nephews and cousins. MM. RAffaele Conti Mrs. Theresa Conti, wife of Rnf- faelc Conti. 263 West Main St.. died this morning at 12:05 o'clock in St. Mary's Hospital. Mrs. Conti was born In Pisciot- tn. Province of Salerno, Italy, April 4, 1879. a daughter of Fran- cesco and Rosalie Martuscello Greco, and had been a resident of Amsterdam since coming to America in 1903. She was a mem- ber of St. Michael's Church, St. Sofia's Society and the Rosarj Sodality. Besides her husband, to whorr. she was married In 1905. Mrs Conti Is survived of four daugh- ters, Mrs. Michael Abbattista Mrs. Clifford Snell and Miss Rosa- He Conti, Amsterdam, and Mrs Funeral of Mrs. Earl The funeral of Mrs. Warren Earl was held at the funeral house of Johnson-Lindsay Saturday after- noon at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. Wil- liam D. Orr officiating. The bearers were Edward George Kreisel. David Clairmont. Richard Kruger. James Stewart. Edward Hastings and Lauren Quaekcnbush. Interment was in Fair View Ceme- tery. Attending the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs Charles Kruger. Miss Diane Kruger. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nahon. Warren Rob- bins, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ma- honey. Schenectady; Darwin Shu- ler. Palatine Bridge: Earl Robhins. New York Citv. (low and a storm window at the suburban home of Robert L. Doe, ssuperintendent of the plant's pulp mill. Doe's wife and children were at home but Doe was not. Police said pa{K?r-wrapped pack- ages of explosives, larger than firecrackers but designed mostly to make noise, apparently were used in each of the three explo- sions. The other two blasts went off in front of the homes of two workers Wednesday night. No Injuries or Arrests None has caused any personal injury and no arrests have been made. State troopers have said no evi- dence has turned up directly link- ing the explosions to the tsrike. The union struck the plant two months ago in an impasse over contract language. Wages were* not at issue. About 940 production workers were idled by the walkout The company divided 250 salaried workers Into three shifts to re- sume paper-making operations Friday. FLOWERS In All Their Glorious Colon and Freshness LOVELY PLANTS TULIPS HYDRANGEAS CHRYSAN- THEMUMS HYACINTHS EASTER LILIES So Lovely for SO (\f\ Church or Home from G.UU All Plants Fresh Daily From Our.Greenhouses 33 MARKET STREET DIAL VI 2-8800 THE TELEGRAPH FLORIST III Funeral of Mrs. Duhay The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Duhay was held Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the A. L. Dylong funeral home and 9 o'clock at St. Nicholas' Ukrainian Catholic Church where a high mass was celebrated by the Rev. Leo Lis- chynsky. The bearers were Joseph Makar- owsky. William Makarowsky. Alexander Bedzis, Terry Bedzis. Walter Wilkawicz and Stephen Terplak. Interment was in St. Nicholas' Ukrainian Cemetery. Father Lischynsky officiating. Those* attending from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedzis, Douglas Bedzis. Miami. Fla.; Peter Hrechanik. Elmirn; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saubrant. Syracuse, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Muran. Schenectady. L JENDRZEJCZAK FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service 200 CHURCH STREET VI 3-2550 WHO WILL BE YOUR FRIEND... If Trouble Strikes? Too often, people wait until they havea loss to find out whether or not they are properly insured. .When you buy your insurance through our agency your protection will be planned by a specialist who can recommend the best insurance program. We are experienced Brokers who can not only proviae you with proper protection but select the best companies in which to insure you — and should you suffer a loss, we are nearby to help you. Open Friday Evenings Until 9 o'clock — Closed All Day Saturday HAYS * W0RMUTH, m 9-11 CHURCH STREET INSURANCE BUILDING (Established In 1893) DIAL VI 3*0700 . - » • * .' *• . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Amsterdam NY Daily... · er and Jack Ault. Mrs. Rutherford was presented a corsage of yellow rosebuds by Mrs

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Amsterdam NY Daily... · er and Jack Ault. Mrs. Rutherford was presented a corsage of yellow rosebuds by Mrs


Social and Personal term of Supreme Court for Wash*

lington County.

Mrs. Aulisi Honored Mrs. Joseph Aulisi, 125 Market

St., who observed her 80th birth­day anniversary on March 16, was honored at a family dinner Sun­day at Pirez's Restaurant followed by an open house for friends and relatives at "her home frorp 5 to 8 p.m.

Attending the dinner were Mrs. Aulisi's four sons and. their wives, Supreme Court Justice and Mrs. Felix J. Aulisi, Amsterdam, Mr. and Mrs. Edward AuiiSi, Newark, N.J., County Judge and Mrs. Ar­thur C. Aulisi, Gloversville, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Aulisi, Watervliet; her daughter, Mrs. Rose A. Martuscello, Amsterdam; her grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aulisi, Belleville. N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Aulisi, Newark. N.J.. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . Riccio, Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Ca­tena and Joseph Aulisi, Amster­dam. and~ Richard—Aulisi, Glov­ersville, and her brother-in-law and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. An­thony Aulisi, Amsterdam.

er, Gerden Johnson, '24. Jack Ault, '24, Mrs. Jack Ault, Barney Sala-mack, Alvina Thompson Sala-mack, '24, Harry G. Mau, Gladys Rasmussen Mau, '24, H a z e l SchWenker Qulst, '23, Rhea Heath McGibbon,. '23, James E. McGib-bon, Dr. Raymond E. Wytrwal. '24, Mrs. Raymond E. Wytrwal, Helen Colling Moule, '24, Reginald T. Moule, .Virginia Criscuolo Don-ohue, '25. Bernice Zillgltt Bigler, '30, Charles B. Bigler. '24. Clifton G. Wilber, '24, Gertrude Sweet Wilber. 29,- Jane Shuttleworth Nadler. '29, W. Hicks Nadler, '24, Maria Mailer * Lenahan, '23, Ethel Palmer Donlon, "23, Gerald Firth, '24, also Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Boice and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mol-ner, sons-in-law and daughters of Mrs. Rutherford.

Irving W. . Olender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S . ' Olender, 19 Phillips St.. has been nam$d to the dean's list at Cornell Univer­sity for the fall semester. Irving is a freshman in the College, of Arts and Sciences at Cornell.

Ex-Teacher Honored A group of former pupils,

friends and teachers gathered at Pirez's Restaurant Saturday night to honor Mrs. Grace Rutherford, who has retired as a tcnrher in li­the Amsterdam school system.

Dinner, served in the private dining room, was followed by a period of reminiscing over which Gerden Johnson presided.-^Those who spoke briefly were Herbert T. Singer, Dr. Garrett Vink, W. Hicks Nadler. Hilda Ottman Lash­er and Jack Ault.

Mrs. Rutherford was presented a corsage of yellow rosebuds by Mrs. Lasher and a bracelet and book of letters from her "boys and girls" by Mr. Ault. She also received a gift from Joseph Char-lebois.

After each graduate of the Am­sterdam High School had an­nounced his class numerals and in­troduced himself and companion. Mrs. Rutherford thanked the group for the pleasant surprise. She, too, reminisced and had some­thing to relate about each of the graduates.

Those present were Samuel A. Maxwell, '24, Ruth Maxwell, Fran­ces Janeski. '44, William Janeski, '43. Anne Alkonis. '32, Frank Al-konis. '30, Violet Donohue Riley, '25, Doris Hill Morse, '25. Ralph P. Morse, Margaret ' Schuyler, Blanche W. Smith. Marietta Was-serman Griswold. '23, Hilda Qtt-

Birthday Event Miss Barbara Jean Burklund,

72 Lyon St., was given a birthday party Saturday at .her home in celebration of her 13th birthday anniversary.

Games were played and prizes were won by Linda Jacob, Sharon Ann Burklund, Peggy Dixon and Barbara McGaffin.

The invited guests were the Misses Katherine Thompson, Char-

DeGroff, Margaret Eckel-man. Lee Buchner, Kathy Simp­son, Frances Moore, Linda Jacob, Karen Koubeck. Barbara McGaf­fin. Ann Hartig. Kathy Howe, Deborah Lee and Darlene Fran­cisco, Virginia Doak, Jacqueline Adamson, Sharon McKnight, Peg­gy Dixon t Mary Ann Giaqulnto, Mary Pantonski, Joyce Lee Di-Matteo, Sharon Ann and Diana Carole Burklund, Richard Fran­cisco, Mrs. Gertrude Wilmot, Mrs. Delores Francisco, Mrs. Lena Burklund and Victor DIMatteo.

Alphonso DILorenzo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DiLojenzo, 59 Hibbard St.. has been placed on the dean's list for the fall semes­ter at State University Teachers College at Oswego where he is a senior.

The Carpetbaggers of Amster­dam, a vocal quartet composed of Weston H. Caswell. J . Donald Simpson, Dr. Robert W. Dunlap Jr.. and H. Wallace Smeallie. pro­vided the entertainment at the an­nual spring conference of supervis­ing teachers "for elementary and Junior High Schools of Northern New York held March 20 at Mac-donough Hall at State University Teachers College at Plattsburgh

man Lasher, '24. Waldon Lasher, Hazel G. Mahl. Lauren, Mahl. '24, Elsie Hovemeyer Fletcher. '24, Harriet Coates. '24, Anna Marie Deuell Ammerall, '24^ Dorothy Colfyer Devenpeck. '24. Frank Garneau, Ellen Hidde Betz, '25. Paul L Betz, '24, Marion A. Klatt, '25, Raymond A. Klatt. '23. Dr. Garret t Vink, '24, Bettye Vink,

-j&rhprt T, Singer, '?3, Ruth Sing-

On I\'ew York Tour Miss Carol Ann Smith, daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Smith, 91 Clizbe Ave., is spend­ing a week in New York City on a tour that is an annual part of the senior women's curriculum at State University Agricultural and Technical Institute a t Alfred.

Miss Smith is a senior major in- laboratory technology at Al­fred and is a member of Alpha Beta Chi Sorority.

Miss Linda Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Smith. 54 McClellan Ave., Miss Carol Sue Woodhead. daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Jack Woodhead. Tribes Hill, and Miss Miriam Dildillan, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ara T. Dll-dilian, Broadalbin. have returned from Lake Erie College, Paines-ville. Ohio, for a week's vacation. Miss Dildilian has as her guest Has—Carol—Remensnyder,—Pitts-

burgh, Pa. \t

Amsterdam area students who have arrived home from the Mary A. Burnham School. Northampton. Mass., for a two-week spring vaca­tion are Miss Molly Jean Shuttle-worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Shuttleworth 2d. 154 Brookside Ave., Miss Ann Bolog-nino. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Bolognino, Upper Market St.. Miss Kathleen Chal­mers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Chalmers, 16. Austin St.. Miss Leslie Gewinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Gewinner, 29 Romeyn Ave., Miss Carolyn A. Boyan, daughter of Mr. and sMrs. Thomas Boyan, Schenectady, and Miss. Pamela Kearns, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kearns. Broadalbin.

'2I-.\ 3ES • mm-*:. Illicit Layer 01 ice Hampenn •

f &m Job of Recovering Czechs Body Operations continued today at Lock 12 In Tribes Hill

toward the recovery of the body of John Czech, 36, of 50 * Union St., who was drowned Friday night when a temporary dam gave way and flooded the interior of the lock where Czech was working.

Repairs to the steel dam were* • • completed last night ami pumping of about 12 feet of water that had rushed into the lock was started. Pumps continued throughout the night and by late this morning the water level was down to about five feet.

Pumping was tem|>orarily sus­pended, at that point while work­men used a large crane to break up ice in the lock. I^r^c chunks of ice j n o r e than a foot thick hampered recovery of the body.

Efforts by divers to recover the

Around me City —Kenpyetto Councl]__136,—De

grpp nf -P-oeahonTns, will hold a

WORK TO RECOVER BODY — Workmen are ahou'n making repaint to a temporary dam at Loek 12 In Tribei Hill. The steel dam gave way to pressure Friday night and flooded the look to a depth of 12 feet, drowning John Czech, 86, who was at work Insldo th«» loek. The dam required repairs before water could be pumped out of Uie lock to recover uie body ol the victim;—tftreordpp 1'hoto.)-

Death, Obituary Funerals

Baptismal Event Brenda Ann Ramos, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Monserratt Ra-mos. was baptized Palm Sunday at the Second Presbyterian Church by-the Rev. Roland S. Fredericks.

Following the christening, a family dinner was held at the home of the child's great-grand-motherT' Mrs. Anna Sweet, 2Y Greene St.


Supreme Court Justice Felix J. Aulisi went to Hudson Falls today to preside at a three-week trial

"A Stitch in Time . . . SAVES Nine! I I


RIGHT NOW While the Thought It Fresh in Your Mind

CALL US Let Us Explain




Throw away the QUILTS —

Live In Modern Comfort with


MYERS—March 23. 1959. Es­ther Myers. Funeral arrange­ments incomplete. For further in­formation call the Pike funeral home, VI 2-7863.

PUTMAN — March 22. 1959, Howard G. Putman. Fune ra l - a t the Betz funeral home, 171 Guy Park Ave., Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. M. C. T. An-dreae officiating. Friends are in­vited to call at the funeral home any time after 7 o'clock this eve­ning.

SHARP—March 21. 1959, Mrs. Julia Sharp, Utica, N.Y. Funeral at the Boice funeral home, 124 Guy Park Ave., Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock and 9 o'clock at St. Joseph's Church. Interment in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Friends are invited to call at their convenience.

RUSSO —March 21. 1959. Carl Peter Russo. Funeral at the R. W. Guzielek funeral home Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock and 9 o'clock at St. John the Baptist Church. Interment in St. John's Cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited to visit the funeral home this evening from 7-9 o'clock. Please omit flowers.

GEGZNA — March 22. 1959, Adam Gegzna. Funeral at the R. W. Guzielek funeral home Wed­nesday morning at 8:15 o'clock and 9 o'clock at St. Casimir's Church. Interment in S t Casi­mir's Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to pay their respects anytime after 7 p.m. this evening.

CONTI—March 23. 1959. Mrs. Raffaele Conti. Funeral Wednes­day morning at 9:30 o'clock at the DiMezza funeral home and 10:30 at St. Michael's Church. In­terment in St. Michael's Cefne-terv.

EHMKE—March 22, 1959. Ed-mond S. Ehmke. Funeral at the funeral house of Johnson-Lindsay Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. William D. Orr officiating. Interment in Green Hill Cemetery. The family will re­ceive relatives and friends tonight and tomorrow night from 7 until 9 o'clock. Those desiring to call at any other time may do so as the funeral house is open at all times.

NATOLI—March 22. 1959, John Natoli. Funeral at the Pernio fu­neral home Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock and St. Michael's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Michael's Cemetery.

Eclmond S. Ehmke Edmond S. Ehmke, 53, died

suddenly Sunday morning at 8:30 o'clock at his home, 2 Woodridgc Rd.

Born in Amsterdam Sept. 28. 1905. a son of William F. and Rosa Sherman Ehmke. Mr. Ehmke was employed by the Bigelow-San-ford Carpet Co., for a numher of years and after the operations were moved from Amsterdam, worked as a packer at the Scotia Naval Supply Depot. He was a veteran of World War II and served in British Columbia.

Surviving are his wife, the for­mer Alma E. Brown, whom he married in Amsterdam in 1942; two sisters. Mrs. Lee Roscoe, Fort Johnson, and Mrs. Charles Lands-berg. Amsterdam; four brothers, Leonard, Albany. Clifford, Fort Johnson, and Howard and Gilbert Ehm kcr~7\msterdarnr"a lso~severa 1 nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles.

card party tonight at 8 in the rooms, 5 Market St. A meeting at 7:15 will precede the party.

—A rehearsal of the- Men's Glee Club of the Mohawk Mills will be held tonight at H o'clock In the McCleary cafeteria.

- Phi Alpha Lambda Sorority will moot tonlKhj al

Carl P. Russo Carl Peter Russo,. 48, of 12 Har­

rison Ave., died Saturday morning at 11:20 o'clock at the Amsterdam City Hospital where he was a pa­tient for four weeks.

Mr. Russo was born in Amster­dam July 18. 1910, a son of Paul and Carmella Christarclla Russo, and was educated in the public schools, graduating from Amster­dam High School in 1928. He was employed by the Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Co., for 30 years, rising from cost accountant to the po­sition of plant accountant which he held at the time of the mill's

Joseph Zaccardo. Secaucus, N.J.; one son, Vito Conti, Amsterdam; three sisters, Mrs. Anthony Ro­mano. Mi>. Carmella Greco and Mrs. Nicholas Biuzzcse. Amster­dam; two brothers, Saverio Greco, Amsterdam, and Anthony Greco. Jersey City, N.J.; four grandchil­dren, two great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

John Xatoll John Natoli. 81. died at his

home. 89 Academy St.. Sunday afternoon after a long illness.

Born in St. Marina. Isola Salina, Italy. Mr. Natoli came to this country about 50 years ago. He was employed in the dyehouse of the Shuttleworth division of the Mohawk Carpet Mills for 27 years, retiring in 1942. and was a mem­ber of Mohawk's Quarter Century Club. He was a member of St. Michael's Church.

Surviving are his wife. Maria; four sons. Dominick. Barney. John and Anthony Natoli. and two daughters. Mrs. Joseph Cali and Mrs. Mary Smicinski. all of Am­sterdam; seven grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Howard G. Putman Howard G. Putman. 178 Guy

Park Ave., died Sunday night at 11:10 n'rlnrk at his home after a

NY Mediation Board Enters Paper Dispute MECHANICVILLE </P» - The

State Mediation Board is inter­vening In the strike at the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. plant here.

George Moskowitz. chairman of the board, said in New York Sun­day that Andrew V. Clements, dean of the Albany Law School and a member of the board, would meet separately today with union and company representa­tives

The afternoon meetings. Mos­kowitz said, would IK? held in the State Office Building .in Albany.

Saturday Night Blunt Production at the plant, mean­

while, proceeded without Incident a s - s t a t e police ' investigated a sm a i r "explosion that sha t tered a window at- a mill official's home Saturday nighth.

Moth police and a spokesman for the striking United Papermakers and Paperworkers Union suggest­ed the latest explosion. tl\e third .such blast since last Wednesday, could have been touched off by teenagers looking for excitement.

The explosion smashed a win-

VI 3-2110 VI 2-2536


DIAL VI 3-2110 or VI 2-2536

In Memorinm In loving memory of my mother,

Amelia Robilotto, who passed away 18 years ago today.

AH the days since she's been gone ^

Have been lonely, but today Is the saddest, for on this one 18 years ago she passed away; Left us grieving for her pres­

ence In a home that ne'er will see Her passing through its rooms

again except in memory. CHILDREN.

closing in 1955. For the last three years, he had been employed in the cost department of the Mo­hawk Carpet Mills.

Mr. Russo was a member of the Church of St. John the Bap­tist, St. Michael's Church and the Bigelow-Sanford Quarter Century Club.

He is survived by his wife, the former Bernice Kedzior. whom he married Feb. lf>. 193G; three daughters, Carol. Karen and Jan­ice Russo; one son. Paul Russo; his mother, Mrs. Carmella Russo. and one sister. Miss Josephine Russo, all of Amsterdam: two brothers, Pat Russo. Delmar,. and Andrew Russo. Pensacola. Fin., and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

long illness. Mr. Putman was horn at Tribes

Hill Oct. 28. 1888. a son of Japhet and Frances Cox Putman. and re­sided in Tribes Hill and later Sche­nectady until 1917. when he made his home in Amsterdam. He was employed at the Progressive Silk Mill at one time and prior to his retirement three and a half years ago, was employed by the Bige low-Sanford Carpet Co.

Mr. Putman was a member of the E m m a n u e l Presbyterian Church and Welcome Lodpc, 829. F&AM, from which he received his 25-year pin several years ago. Hi was also a member of the Bigelow Weavers' Assn.

Survivors include his uite, the former Sarah Burke; one daugh­ter, Mrs. Albert J. Ammerall, Am­sterdam; one grandson. James M. Ammerall. and one sister. Mrs. Anna B. Mver. also of Amsterdam.

home of Miss Roberta Nelson, 247 Florida Ave.

—The Emmanuel Guild will meet at the Emmanuel Presby­terian Church Tuesday at 8 p.m. A Bible study program is planned.

— The Columbian Auxiliary will hold a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock In the club rooms Instead of Tuesday night.

— Maccabees Hive 932 will hold a card party tonight at 7:15 at 21 Church St.

— Amsterdam Emblem Club 273 will hold a meeting at the Elks Club tonight at 7:45 o'clock. The nominating committee will give Its report.

—St. John's Indies' Auxiliary will hold a meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. In the clUbrooms.

- T h e St. Cecilia Choir of St. John's Church will rehearse to­night at 7:30.

—The medical aid class of Civil Defense will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

body were unsuccessful over the weekend. Diving operations were conducted by Kenneth Crosby of Albany, x Paul Christensen of Scotia and Robert Roberts of Schenectady.

A fourth diver, John Lawrence of Delunson. was called in to make repairs to the dam.

Czech, who was employed by the R. D. Golden Construction Co. of Troy, was at work Inside the lock when the temporary steel wall gave way to pressure. Before other workmen atop the lock were able to come to his aid, Czech disap­peared under the flood of water and large pieces of ice.

_ Tho .wcflkend-cold~Wave~caused Uft? interior of the lock to be covered with almost a solid mass of thick ice. Some of the Ice buckled as water was pumped out of the lock today and a crew was at work breaking the Ice ' Into smaller pieces.

. . I t was not known this morning how much time would be needed

1M? recovered.

Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. Katherine

Duhuy express appreciation for the kindness and sympathy ex­tended following her death* Grate­ful acknowledgment is made of the floral tokens, spiritual bou-lliets and loan of automobiles.

GILL'S STATIONERY 14 Mtrket 8t. Dial VI 1-«W0

Living Beauty-. - ^ blaster!

In Memorinm In loving memory of our aunt,

Molly Robilotto. who passed away March 23, 1941.

Loving memories are all we have left

Of a wonderfvd aunt we will ,never forget.


Adam Gegrna Adam Gegzna. 335 East Main

St., died Sunday evening shortly after being admitted to St. Mary's Hospital. He had been ill for a long time.

Born in Lithuania. Mr. Gegzna came to this country as a young man and had been a resident of Amsterdam for 55 years. He was employed by the Mohawk Carpet Mills and later by Fitzgerald Bot­tling Co.. Inc.. retiring eight years ago. He was "a member of St. Casimir's Church and Holy Name Society.

Aug. 15. 1908. Mr. Gegzna mar­ried Edna Liberis. who survives him. He also leaves one daughter, Mrs. Edward Guzielek; one son, Albert Gegznn. Amsterdam; two sisters in Lithuania; two grand­children. Donna and Ray Gegzna, and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

M M . RAffaele Conti Mrs. Theresa Conti, wife of Rnf-

faelc Conti. 263 West Main St.. died this morning at 12:05 o'clock in St. Mary's Hospital.

Mrs. Conti was born In Pisciot-tn. Province of Salerno, Italy, April 4, 1879. a daughter of Fran­cesco and Rosalie Martuscello Greco, and had been a resident of Amsterdam since coming to America in 1903. She was a mem­ber of St. Michael's Church, St. Sofia's Society and the Rosarj Sodality.

Besides her husband, to whorr. she was married In 1905. Mrs Conti Is survived of four daugh­ters, Mrs. Michael Abbattista Mrs. Clifford Snell and Miss Rosa-He Conti, Amsterdam, and Mrs

Funeral of Mrs. Earl The funeral of Mrs. Warren Earl

was held at the funeral house of Johnson-Lindsay Saturday after­noon at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. Wil­liam D. Orr officiating.

The bearers were Edward George Kreisel. David Clairmont. Richard Kruger. James Stewart. Edward Hastings and Lauren Quaekcnbush. Interment was in Fair View Ceme­tery.

Attending the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs Charles Kruger. Miss Diane Kruger. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nahon. Warren Rob-bins, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ma-honey. Schenectady; Darwin Shu-ler. Palatine Bridge: Earl Robhins. New York Citv.

(low and a storm window at the suburban home of Robert L. Doe, ssuperintendent of the plant's pulp mill. Doe's wife and children were at home but Doe was not.

Police said pa{K?r-wrapped pack­ages of explosives, larger than firecrackers but designed mostly to make noise, apparently were used in each of the three explo­sions.

The other two blasts went off in front of the homes of two workers Wednesday night.

No Injuries or Arrests

None has caused any personal injury and no arrests have been made.

State troopers have said no evi­dence has turned up directly link­ing the explosions to the tsrike.

The union struck the plant two months ago in an impasse over contract language. Wages were* not at issue.

About 940 production workers were idled by the walkout The company divided 250 salaried workers Into three shifts to re­sume paper-making operations Friday.

FLOWERS In All Their

Glorious Colon and Freshness






EASTER LILIES So Lovely for SO (\f\

Church or Home from G.UU

All Plants Fresh Daily From Our.Greenhouses


DIAL VI 2-8800



Funeral of Mrs. Duhay The funeral of Mrs. Katherine

Duhay was held Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the A. L. Dylong funeral home and 9 o'clock at St. Nicholas' Ukrainian Catholic Church where a high mass was celebrated by the Rev. Leo Lis-chynsky.

The bearers were Joseph Makar-owsky. William Makarowsky. Alexander Bedzis, Terry Bedzis. Walter Wilkawicz and Stephen Terplak. Interment was in St. Nicholas' Ukrainian Cemetery. Father Lischynsky officiating.

Those* attending from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedzis, Douglas Bedzis. Miami. Fla.; Peter Hrechanik. Elmirn; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saubrant. Syracuse, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Muran. Schenectady.



Ambulance Service


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