SIX 50 Attend Ooen Day at MaDlehurst - More than 50 women from area country clubs attended Open "Day* PI Maplehurst Golf Club, Tuesday. Tee off time was 9 A.M., followed by luncheon at 1:30. Mrs. Richard WhMington of Chautauqua Golf Club was the low cross winner for the field and Mrs. < \eraid Lynch, also of Chautauoua was the low net winner for the field- Other winners were: Miss Bar- bara Clement. Trl-County Club, low net, class A: Mrs. George Dudley, Chautauqua, second low net. class A: Mrs. Oke Isaacson, Bemus Point, first low nef, class B; Mrs. Charles C. MeCloskey. Jr.. Chau- tauqua, second low net, class B. Mrs. John W. Aitken, Moon R-ook. first low net, class C: Mrs. Hy Williams, Randolph, second low urt, class C. Mrs. Clarence Bell, Chautauqua, won the prize for the fewest putts and Mrs. Palmer Bates. Chautau- oua won the prize for being closest to the pin on 'number four. Maplehurst" low net winners in- cluded Miss Helen Peterson, Class A; Mrs. Louis Veseio, class B; f*nd Mrs. Roger Lincistrom, class C. Rebekahs Install Candidates Mrs. Lillian Almleaf conducted the regular meeting of Pearl Gty Rebekah Lodge on Thursday eve- ning following a tureen supper in Nordic Temple. The following members of a de- gree team from Princess Rebekah Lodge installed candidates: Mrs. Alice Carlson. Mrs. Mary Moore, Mis. Nora Jones, Mrs. Isabel Learn. Mrs. Anna Parker. Mrs. Pearl Risley. Mrs, Josephine See- ly, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Nel- lie Hullihen. Mrs. Alta Ostrander. M~s. Jessie Thomas. Mrs. Hazel R.iill. Mrs. Dim** Jones Mrs. Effie Renne f t. Mrs. Grace Bowen, Mrs. Ruth Bradley. Mrs, Vr«%ria MU1- er. Mrs. Josephine Waite. Mrs. Marian Anderson-. Mrs. Lulu Haz- let and Mrs. Matilda Dandelski. Mrs. Cherry Dee Eddv. Mrs. Marian Grav Eddy. Mrs. Florence Lane and Mrs. Autumn Simmons were initiated into Pearl City Lodg<\ and Mrs Katb'een Const- don. Mrs. June Harwood and Mrs. Gertrude Swanson into Hamlet Star Ledge. A gift to Doro»hv Stiles, Stock- ton, for her reception on Aug. 3 at the Community Church. Was voted. Forty visitors were present from Hamlet Star. Princess and Lady of the Lake Lodges. The annual familv picnic will be at 6:30 P.M. on July 16 in Celdron Park. Ladies Aid George Lusk. intern at First heran Church, conducted devd- t'ons and spoke on "Man Cannot; Complete . His Own Life", at aj meeting of Ladies Aid No. 1 re-: eer tly. Mrs. Ralph. Swenson presided at' the meeting and Miss Martha Ho- sack sang three solos, accompanied j by Mrs. Paul Westerberg. Refreshments were 'served hy j a committee, headed by Mrs. j Ernest J„ Seaburg and Mrs. Carl H. Swanson. Millirons Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Milliron en- tertained past matrons of Amar- anth and their husbands on Wednesday evening for a tureen supper. There were 28 present. Fol- lowing the business meeting, games were enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at •he lakeside home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dahlberg. Carol Samec Robert Mills in MAPLEHURST OPEN DAY—Winners at the women's an- nual open day at Maplehurst Country Club Tuesday are pictured following the tournament. Seated (from left) are Mrs., Oke Isaacson, Bemus Point, Class B low net winner; and Mrs. John W. Aitken, Moon Brook class C low net winner. Others (from top to bottom i are Mrs. Richard Whittington, Chautauqua, low gross winner for the field, Miss Barbara Clement, Tri-County, first low net winner. Class A: and Mrs. Gerald Lynch, Chautau- qua, low net winner for the field. —Post-Journal Staffoto ATTENTION SUMMER BRIDES! largest Selection off CHINA Choose from RCKAMD CASTLITON HAVIIANO 10YAL DOULTON French Llnteees • Royal Jacksee Also CRYSTAL In Jamestown Special tor BRIDES-TO.BE §>idts-To-B« »•• cordially invittd to take advantage of the Iridat fUqiitry in our ihope>«; staffed by •xp«n«nc*d peftormel. let ui k««P a raeord of your seteetioni m China, glass, si!*ar, e t c , to prevent dup- lication and for the convenience of your fnands. PALMER 5 GIFT and JEWELRY SHOPPE 207 W. 3rd St Opp. P.O. Phone 84-195 VFW Auxiliary Hears Reports From Delegates The John W. Tiffany Auxiliary, V.F.W., met recently in the Post club rooms with Mrs. Beatrice Broms, senior vice president, pre- siding, in the absence of Mrs. Vi- vian Daugherty, president. Reports were read by Mrs. Mary Abramson, secretary pio- tem, and Mrs. Lucile Petrie, treasurer. Mrs. Broms reported on plans for the baked goods booth at the annual fair sponsored by the Jamestown General Hospital Auxiliary, July II. Other reports were given by Mrs. Vina Zetterman. hospital chairman; Mrs. Abramson, cards and flowers; Mrs. Broms and Mrs. Phyllis Harris, citizen awards and Mrs. Helen Shannon, on the Aux- iliary's "anniversary dinner. Mrs. Daugherty. Mrs. Broms and Mrs. Doris Smith were elected candidates to the V.F.W. Auxili- ary s National Encampment. Al- ternates arc Mrs. Etta Petrakos. Mrs. Astrid Martinson and Mrs. Harris. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Elsie Lofgren and Mrs. Mae Emo. Mrs. Daugherty, president of the Auxiliary, and Mrs. Martinson, secretary, returned Saturday from Rochester where they attended the New York V.F.W. Auxiliary En- campment. They reported that Mrs. Martinson's entry in the De- partment's publicity scrapbook contest had been judged second place and an engraved plaque and a check were awarded the local unit, i Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Mar- tinson also attended the dinner in the Seneca Hotel in honor of Dan- iel S. Brady, department com- mander, and a dinner in the in honor of Addie department prcsi- <md Panama Methodist Church was the scene Friday evening for the wedding of Carol Marie Samec, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Samec, Panama, to Robert Joseph Mills, son of Robert A. Mills, Troutville, Pa. Rev. Edwin F. Armitage. pastor, officiated at 7 P.M. in the presence of 85 guests. Miss June Brown, organist, Miss Dorothy Munsee and Miss Nancy Howe, soloists, furnished wedding music. The chancel was banked with baskets of white gladioli and daisies and palms. Mrs. Richard Allison, sister of the bride, Lakewood, matron of honor, Miss Janette Scholton, Pan- ama, and Miss Sandra Johnson, North Clymer. bridesmaids, wore gowns of royal blue faille with bouquets of pink carnations. James Samec, brother of the bride, was best man. The bnde was escorted by her father. She wore a white bridal satin gown, fashioned with V neck- line, fitted sleeves and gored skirt. Her white" nylon tulle veil fell from a white hat trimmed in rose- buds. She carried a white carna- tion bouquet with white streamers. The bride's mother chose tur- quoise and gray silk, and the bridegroom's mother, tan gabar- dine, each with a corsage of pink carnations. A reception was held Jin the church parlors following trie wed- ding. Mrs. Gerald, Boland, Mrs. Howard Christensen, Mrs. James Samec. Miss Peggy Samec and Miss Bonnie Boland were aides. Mr. and Mrs. Mills left for a honeymoon trip, and will be at home after July 3. For travel, she chose a navy blue linen suit. Pre-nuptial parties were given by Mrs. John Samec, Miss Nor- ene Button. Miss Janet Peterson and Miss Mable Stevens. Amaranth Initiates Two Candidates JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL—Wednesday Evening. July 3. 1957 MRS. GEORGE T. SHAGLA —Lindquist Bridal Study Nicolina Jelonek, G. T. Shagla Marry in St. Louis Church Loli offi presence music v Vicki Sw of gladi rated the The br: •i Two candidates were initiated and welcomed into Chautauqua Court, Order of Amaranth Wednes- day evening in the Masonic Tem- ple. Mrs. Enid Lang and Clarence Peters presided. Albert Milliron, recently install- x ed as assistant grand lecturer of er, Pvt. the 21st district, was escorted to'blush pin the East and given honors. He over sat spoke regarding changes in the was ace work. Mrs. Myrtle Hindle present- ed Mr. Milliron with a gift. Mrs. Gerald Dennison announced the district picnic, July 20 at Sheri- dan Park. A tureen dinner will be served at 6 P.M. Mrs. Hildur Harner reported on the recent rummage sale and an- nouncement was made of the Loyalty Club's annual fish fry. Aug, 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harner, Bemus Point. Substitute officers were Mrs. ! gi p h f Marjory King, Miss Virginia Sue-!. y^ ns kow and Mrs. Hindle. Several I ondegn visitors were present from Dun-j, "7 kirk. (Loucks. The oirthday of the court was pr ^ " i observed. Mrs. Ellis Heath was (taffeta chairman of the social committee L. hjtp with Mrs. Charles Anderson co-l n ] u chairman. They were assisted by Mrs. James Hanon, Mrs. John Powers Hotel L. Mockrish, dent. Also representing the local unit at the Encampment sessions were Mrs. Doris Smith and Mrs. Betty Bolt. New Department officers, elect- ed at Saturday's session in Hotel Powers, included Mrs. Mary Cot- tone of Olean, junior vice presi- dent: and Mrs. Betty Thompson of Fredonia as flag bearer. Mrs. Thompson is Chautauqua County president. INFORMAL r STUDIO Weddings —PORTRAITS—J SIEGFRIED ^^fm JAPANESE WEDDING -p Capt. and Mrs. Neil O. McCray are pictured following their wedding June 22 at Camp Zarna, Japan. Capt. McCray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. McCray. 16 Houston Avenue and Mrs. McCray is the form- er Ruth Althea Harker of Trenton, N.J. She is a Red Cross Worker. STUDIO BOO W. 3rd St f-Of Appointment Phone 4-945 West Side Club The West Side Women's Club met for luncheon ori Friday at the Cary Hotel, Chautauqua. Mrs. Henry Chadwick and Mrs. George Rodman were in charge of ar- rangements for the affair, attend- ed by 28 members. Following luncheon, bridge was played. HUGE CRATER Arizona's Meteor Crater is about. 4,000 feet in diameter, about 600 feet deep, and its ex- terior walls rise 160 feet above the surrounding plain. Ordinary animal glue absorbs dampness and should not be used in work exposed to weather, ac- cording to the Encyclopedia Bri tannica. LYNNS 14 E. 2nd St NEXT TO SHEAS THEATRE BE HERE FRIDAY WHEN DOORS OPEN OPEN FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. IADIES' 3.W MINT COTTON SWIMSUITS RUFHi TRIM SIZES S M I * GIRLS' %M TERRYCLOTH CAPE A SWIMSUIT SET SIZES 4-6X. 1-14 'I ] P iten Complete lADIIS' 3W PRINT COTTON MISS PIQUE TRIM SIZES 12-20,16VSI-24V4 FUST QUALITY $1 limit I Item To o Customer Plus Many Other Unadverfised Specials For Tht Entire Family Learn. Mrs. E. Gilford Randall, Mrs. Carl Hoglund. Clarnence Har- ner and Mrs. Hildur Harner. The next meeting will be held in September. Personals Mrs. Hulda Hartman, Banning, Calif., has returned home after spending 17 days with her sister, Mrs. Anna Dschuden, 12 Fairfield Street. Mrs. Nellie Sloan enter- tained Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Norman Johnson, and took them on a motor trip to visit Mrs. George Straight. Watts Flats; Mrs. Alma Johnson and Mrs. Wendell Warner, Sugar Grove, Pa. Miss Josephine Castile recently attended an alumnae luncheon at Linden Half Junior College, Lititz. Pa., and the graduation of Dr. Francis C. Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Palmer, 234 Mckinley Avenue from Georgetown Univers- ity. Washington, D.C. She also visited friends in Philadelphia be- fore returning by plane to her home, 112 Buffalo Street. Miss Nathane Aldrich. daughter of Mrs. N. E. Aldrich. 181 Hallock Street, and Miss Janet Eddy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Eddy. Cheney's Point, have re- turned to Rochester, after spending the weekend here for the mar- riage of Judy Vimmerstedt to John Morrell. I Mrs. Gladys Goncalves of Brook- lyn is guest of her sister. Mrs. Theodore vimmerstedt and Mr. Vimmerstedt, 11 Elliot Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Vimmerstedt are also entertaining their son, John Vim- merstedt. Mr. Vimmerstedt and small daughter, Carroll * Jean. Asheville, N.C. Miss Lena Harmon, 6 West Sixth Street has returned from visiting her brother, Dr. C. G. Harmon, and Mrs. Harmon-; and her niece, Mrs. James Quiney, and Dr. Quin- ey, of Easton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Spillane and children. Kevin Michael, and Ann Devereaux, of Lafayette, Ind., are spending the summer with Mrs. Spillane's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ray J. Walkerman, Lake- wood. The Spillane's will move to South Bend. Inc., in the fall. Mr. Soillane will teach languages at Notre Dame University. Lakewood Garden Club The Garden Group of the Lake- wood Women's Club met with Mrs. LaVem Clawson Monday afternoon at her home 72 East Terrace Ave- nue, Lakewood. Mrs. Clawson was assisted by Mrs. Robert Sutphen. Mrs. Donald Braley gave a paper on "Flowering Trees of this Area." A picnic is planned at noon Aug. 5 at the home of Mrs. Raymond Eckwall, Winch Road, Lakewood. St. t LOBS Albanian Orthodox* Church v/m the setting on Sunday afternoon Hpr the wedding of Nico- lina Lupilli Jelonek, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Lupica, 67 West Fourteenth Street, to George T. Shagla. s<a of Mrs. Domnika Shag- la. 206 B^er Street. Rev. George ted at 2 P.M. in the f 200 guests. Organ furnished by Mrs. on. Palms and baskets and carnations deco- urch. escorted by her broth- muel D. Lupica, wore Chant illy lace and tulle Her floor-length gown ed with scooped neck- ng sleeves. She wore veil falling from a pill- blitsh pink braid, en- seed pear]s, and car- ade of stephanotis and hid. ren Loucks, the bride's white lace over pink did bridesmaids, Mrs. gla and Mrs. Mary j Each carried a nose-j ebuds and delphinium j pink pearl earrings, a I he bride. agla, brother of the | was best man. with nnelly and Warren hers. The bridegroom hem with cuff links. ica wore blue lace over a corsage of red and uris and Mrs. Shagla, silk with a white car- age, the nuptials, a recep- e!d at the Apple Inn sts. Decorations were ts of white snapdragon arnations. Aides were Cordner. Miss Chris line and an illusi box hat crusted ried a c a white Mrs. V sister, w taffeta, Chris Wetzstie gay of a nd wor Wm* MISS JEAX HANSON Jean Hanson Feted at Bon Voyage Parties nat : on c Follovvi tion was for 250 arrange and pink Miss Be tine Sha and Miss Mr. ar> honeym dacks. Mountain West Fo 9. For linen dr and a c sweet hea Mrs. SI Mrs. Rodney Hudson and Mrs. James Howard were hostesses at a bon voyage party for Miss Jean Hanson, recently at Schroeder's Restaurant. Covers for dinner were for 10. Each guest was re- membered with a rosebud corsage. An out of town guest was Mrs. Glenn Hanson of Bainbridge. Md., who is visiting Mrs. Henry Hanson of 19 Lewis Street. The honored guest, who leaves Miss Marie Cordner, for a European vacation Wednes- hela Lupica. (day was presented with gifts. Mrs. Mrs. Shagla left for a Mdyin Boyd assisted. trip to the Adiron- j Miss Hanson has been honored skills and the Pooono' at parties given by Mrs. Donald to be at home at 67 Rider, and Miss Helen Anderson; eenth Street, after J u l v | and °y the local chapter National vel. she chose a blue Secretaries Association. with white accessories age of red apd white rosebuds, fela was graduated from J.H.S. in.•949 and owns and oper- ates JelHrek's Restaurant. Mr. Shagla attended Jamestown schools, •rved during World War n and isiself-employed. Prc-nupMal parties were given by Mrs. Josephine Lupica.' Mrs. Chris S h i a . Mrs. Warren Loucks and Mrs-Bkary Wetzsticn. Announce Engagement Charles Woodmansee, South Dayton, inounces the engagement of his daughter, Adilene R., to Harry D. Adams, Frewsburg. An August Aiding is planned. Open pouse Mrs. Ivar Johnson, 14 ce, will be at hone to d relatives from 2-4 7-9 P.M. July 7. The arks their 25th anni- Mr. an; Sumner friends P.M. an occasion versary. Summir Luncheon Mrs. BM A. Wells and Mrs. Carl Elofson entertained 28 guests for luncheon Slonday afternoon at the Colony w tel - Tne tables were centered Ijith lovely arrangements of garden flowers. Bridge followed the lunchftn. Wife finally Gets Vacation Alone HAZEL- PARK , Mich, m Chester Ijllis objected when his wife announced she was going on a separatf vacation. Lillis stood by arguing as his wife pack|d the car, hooked up a rowboat A d a trailer, loaded the children Vide and locked the car doors. As the •acationers pulled away, Lillis, jurifced in the rowboat. His wife d n r B to the police station where shif repeated her determi- nation to take a separate vaca- tion. Patrolmjln Tim Scannel con- vinced LiUis to return home. Miss Hanson arrives in Rome Friday and will be joined there by her sister. Miss Helen Hanson, em- ployed by the Arabian American Oil Company as a nurse in the company's Abqaiq, Saudi Arbia, hospital. After a tour of European countries, including Italy, Ger- many, Switzerland, Austria, and France, Miss Hanson will return to Jamestown, and Miss Helen Hanson will return to her Arabian assignment, which will be com- pleted in August, 1938. Willard Society William Woodhall. of Greenville, S.C., spoke and Mrs. Woodhall sang, accompanied by Mrs. Law- rence Hoard. Sr., at a meeting of the Willard Chapel Ladies' Aid So- ciety recently. Mrs. Harry Berg- lund presided. George Lusk, student pastor, ac- companied the hymns and led in devotions. Mrs. Hoard played piano selections. Hostess chairman was Mrs. Walter Bloomquist. Honor Seniors Senior members of Kappa Ep- silon Sorority were honored at a dinner recently at Apple Inn. Guests of honor were favored with yellow carnation corsages, tied with blue ribbons. Miss Ann Pe- terson receiVed the Junior award. Miss Mary Wirsen was chair- man of annuals, Miss Ann Peter- son of programs. Miss Deanna Lund was toastmistress, Miss Pa- tricia Lamb, farewell to seniors and Miss Priscilla Tsivitse, re- sponse. Golf Blisters? Try Swanson's HEALING SALVE For Cuts, Bruises Tee! SWANSON'S DRUG STORE • COOKE'S - Famous For Quality and Service "Your Interior Decorating Store" 1 CARPETING LINOLEUM TILES DRAPERIES » CURTAINS SLIPCOVERS 2nd. Street Phone 44-311 Only One Block West of City Hall Parking Lot ALWAYS PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Gerry Church Setting for June Wedding White Chantilly lace and tulle over satin was chosen by Miss Martha Mae Wheelhouse, Gerry, for her wedding on Saturday after- noon to Milton James Hitchcock, in the Free Methodist Church of Gerry. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheel- house, and Mr. Hitchcock, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hitch- cock, Gerry. Mr. Wheelhouse officiated at the 1:30 P.M. ceremony, and was as sisted by Rev. Walker N. Jorda pastor of the Gerry Church. Car- men Jordan was organist and Rev. Robert Hariff. pastor of Sala- manca Free Methodist Chu*ch, was soloist. The chancel was decorated with baskets of white delphinium, roses and carnations, palms and lighted cathedral can- dles. The family pews were marked with white satin bows. Mrs. Henry Storm, Jr., North Chili, sister of the bride, was ma- tron of honor, wore turquoise nylon tulle and carried a cascade of white carnations, ivy and silver hearts. Mrs. Robert Johnson, Stockton, a"nd Mrs. Lawrence Hooker, South Dayton, were bridesmaids, and wore orchid tulle and carried yellow carnations, ivy and gold hearts. Miss Gayle Su- zanne Hall, cousin of the bride, wore white nylon lace over taffeta with yellow sweetheart rosebuds bandeau and bouquet. Henry Storm. Jr., was best man, North Chili. Robert Wheelhouse, cousin of the bride, and Russell Yaw, both of Jamestown, were ushers. The bride was escorted by her uncle. John W. Wheelhouse. Her Chantilly lace and tulle gown was styled with basque bodice, Queen Anne collar and long sleeves. The bouffant floor-length skirt was fashioned with a lace tunic and deep tulle flounce. Her fingertip veil of pure silk illusion fell from a regal crown of pearls and iri- descent sequins. She carried an arm bouquet of red roses. Her ensemble was completed with a white gold wrist watch, a gift from the bridegroom, and a gold cross. She presented him with mono- grammed gold cuff links and tie bar. Mrs. Wheelhouse wore mauve lace over taffeta, and Mrs. Hitch- cock, light blue and white nylon, each with a corsage of white rose- buds. Following the ceremony, a re- ception for 200 guests was held in the church parlors. Decorations were double pink hearts, gold rings and bells. The tiered wed- ding cake was decorated with a white swan and pink rosebuds. Mistress of ceremonies was Miss Jean Bedient, Gerry. Aides were Mrs. Roberta Smith, Mrs. Harry Boumann, Erie, Pa.. Mrs. Robert Wheelhouse, Mrs. Philip Trusso, Silver Springs, Md., and Miss Ma- rie Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock left for a honeymoon trip to Canada, to return to Point Chautauqua. They will be at home at 80 Falconer Street, after July 14. For travel, she chosea white dress with white accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. Mrs. Hitchcock was graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College High School in 1950 and attended Roberts Wesleyan College. Mr. Hitchcock was graduated from. Cassadaga Valley Central School in 1946. Pre-nuptial parties were given by Mrs. Lee Taylor, Mrs. Charles Hitchcock, members of the Gerry :Free Methodist Church. Young People's Group and friends. Eleanor Talbot June Bride of Eugene Calkins Miss Eleanor Talbot of Ashville. became the June bride of Eugene Calkins. Sinclairville, at 7:30 P.M.. June 29. at the First Baptist Church. Rev. George H. Tolley offi- ciated at the services. Miss Talbot wore a street length, white embossed dress with blue trim and accessories. She carried a white aster bouquet Matron of honor was Mrs. Rich- ard Johnson who wore pink with white accessories and a pink aster corsage. The bridegroom \fo*s attended by Carl Wilson. : » Miss Talbot attended school in Ashville. Mr. Calkins was a stu- dent at Cassadaga Valley Central School and served three years in the Armed Forces with 16 months in Korea. He \y employed at Jamestown Steel/Partitions, Inc. A reception foflowed at the home of Mr. and Mife. Richard Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.NCalkins will reside at 849 Lafayette\§treet The algae and the\ fungi are plants that have neither flowers, fruits, seeds nor roots. MRS. M. J . HITCHCOCK —Berthold Photo Open House Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whittaker, Paxford Road, will hold open house for friends and relatives from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Sunday to celebrate their 25th wedding anni- versary. The affair will be given by their son. John Whittaker, and Mrs. Whittaker. 35th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rasmussen will be honored at an open house for friends and relatives at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Rog- er Hatch and Mr. Hatch, -24 George Avenue. Hours will be from 2-5 P.M. Sunday. The occasion marks their 35th anniversary. The year 1816 was such a cold year throughout the world that it was known as "the year without a summer/" »» The ^Welcome .Wagon Hostess Will Knock on Your Door with Gifts & Greetings from Friendly Business Neighbors and Your Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: . The Birth of a Baby Engagement Announcements Arrivals of Newcomers to City Just call or write Mrs. James D. Davis Newcomer Hostess 64 Newton Ave. Phone 4-914 ! Mrs. R. Henry Sandstrom Newcomer Hottest 69 Dearborn Street i Phone 61-367 Mrs. Donald W. Graandahl Engagement Announcement Hostess 309 Newland Ave. Phone 61-656 Mrs. F. Arthur Soderholm Baby Time Hottest 1 56 Lake view Ave. Lakewood, N. Y. Phone LKWD. 8-539 - Mrs. Robert H. Holt Baby Time Hostess 119 N. Work Street Falconer, N. Y. Phone 36-14S (Ho cost or obligation) VA TION oans To Make Your Vacation Dreams Come True You'll enjoy your vacation more knowing you have enough money. See us now for your vacation loan. Borrow Any Amount Up to $500—for Any Worthwhile Need Public Loan Co., Inc. (Over Woolworth's) 2 W. Third Street — Phono 61-526 Jamestown, N. Y. T. L Cusick, Mgr. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Rebekahs Install Candidates - Fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Jamestown NY Post Journal... · 2014. 8. 22. · Mrs. James Hanon, Mrs. John Powers Hotel L. Mockrish,

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Page 1: Rebekahs Install Candidates - Fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Jamestown NY Post Journal... · 2014. 8. 22. · Mrs. James Hanon, Mrs. John Powers Hotel L. Mockrish,


50 Attend Ooen Day at MaDlehurst - More than 50 women from area country clubs attended Open "Day* PI Maplehurst Golf Club, Tuesday. Tee off time was 9 A.M., followed by luncheon at 1:30.

Mrs. Richard WhMington of Chautauqua Golf Club was the low cross winner for the field and Mrs. < \eraid Lynch, also of Chautauoua was the low net winner for the field-

Other winners were: Miss Bar­bara Clement. Trl-County Club, low net, class A: Mrs. George Dudley, Chautauqua, second low net. class A: Mrs. Oke Isaacson, Bemus Point, first low nef, class B; Mrs. Charles C. MeCloskey. Jr.. Chau­tauqua, second low net, class B.

Mrs. John W. Aitken, Moon R-ook. first low net, class C: Mrs. Hy Williams, Randolph, second low urt, class C.

Mrs. Clarence Bell, Chautauqua, won the prize for the fewest putts and Mrs. Palmer Bates. Chautau­oua won the prize for being closest to the pin on 'number four.

Maplehurst" low net winners in­cluded Miss Helen Peterson, Class A; Mrs. Louis Veseio, class B; f*nd Mrs. Roger Lincistrom, class C.

Rebekahs Install Candidates

Mrs. Lillian Almleaf conducted the regular meeting of Pearl Gty Rebekah Lodge on Thursday eve­ning following a tureen supper in Nordic Temple.

The following members of a de­gree team from Princess Rebekah Lodge installed candidates: Mrs. Alice Carlson. Mrs. Mary Moore, Mis. Nora Jones, Mrs. Isabel Learn. Mrs. Anna Parker. Mrs. Pearl Risley. Mrs, Josephine See-ly, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Nel­lie Hullihen. Mrs. Alta Ostrander. M~s. Jessie Thomas. Mrs. Hazel R.iill. Mrs. Dim** Jones Mrs. Effie Renneft. Mrs. Grace Bowen, Mrs. Ruth Bradley. Mrs, Vr«%ria MU1-er. Mrs. Josephine Waite. Mrs. Marian Anderson-. Mrs. Lulu Haz-let and Mrs. Matilda Dandelski.

Mrs. Cherry Dee Eddv. Mrs. Marian Grav Eddy. Mrs. Florence Lane and Mrs. Autumn Simmons were initiated into Pearl City Lodg<\ and Mrs Katb'een Const-don. Mrs. June Harwood and Mrs. Gertrude Swanson into Hamlet Star Ledge.

A gift to Doro»hv Stiles, Stock­ton, for her reception on Aug. 3 at the Community Church. Was voted. Forty visitors were present from Hamlet Star. Princess and Lady of the Lake Lodges.

The annual familv picnic will be at 6:30 P.M. on July 16 in Celdron Park.

Ladies Aid George Lusk. intern at First

heran Church, conducted devd-t'ons and spoke on "Man Cannot; Complete . His Own Life", at aj meeting of Ladies Aid No. 1 re-: eer tly.

Mrs. Ralph. Swenson presided at ' the meeting and Miss Martha Ho-sack sang three solos, accompanied j by Mrs. Paul Westerberg.

Refreshments were 'served hy j a committee, headed by Mrs. j Ernest J„ Seaburg and Mrs. Carl H. Swanson.

Millirons Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Milliron en­

tertained past matrons of Amar­anth and their husbands on Wednesday evening for a tureen supper. There were 28 present. Fol­lowing the business meeting, games were enjoyed.

The next meeting will be held at •he lakeside home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dahlberg.

Carol Samec Robert Mills


MAPLEHURST OPEN DAY—Winners at the women's an­nual open day at Maplehurst Country Club Tuesday are pictured following the tournament. Seated (from left) are Mrs., Oke Isaacson, Bemus Point, Class B low net winner; and Mrs. John W. Aitken, Moon Brook class C low net winner. Others (from top to bottom i are Mrs. Richard Whittington, Chautauqua, low gross winner for the field, Miss Barbara Clement, Tri-County, first low net winner. Class A: and Mrs. Gerald Lynch, Chautau­qua, low net winner for the field. —Post-Journal Staffoto

ATTENTION SUMMER BRIDES! largest Selection off

CHINA Choose from

• RCKAMD • CASTLITON • HAVIIANO • 10YAL DOULTON • French Llnteees • Royal Jacksee


CRYSTAL In Jamestown

Special tor BRIDES-TO.BE

§>idts-To-B« »•• cordially invittd to take advantage of the Iridat fUqiitry in our ihope>«; staffed by •xp«n«nc*d peftormel. let ui k««P a raeord of your seteetioni m China, glass, si!*ar, etc, to prevent dup­lication and for the convenience of your fnands.


207 W. 3rd St Opp. P.O. Phone 84-195

VFW Auxiliary Hears Reports From Delegates

The John W. Tiffany Auxiliary, V.F.W., met recently in the Post club rooms with Mrs. Beatrice Broms, senior vice president, pre­

siding, in the absence of Mrs. Vi­vian Daugherty, president.

Reports were read by Mrs. Mary Abramson, secretary pio-tem, and Mrs. Lucile Petrie, treasurer. Mrs. Broms reported on plans for the baked goods booth at the annual fair sponsored by the Jamestown General Hospital Auxiliary, July II.

Other reports were given by Mrs. Vina Zetterman. hospital chairman; Mrs. Abramson, cards and flowers; Mrs. Broms and Mrs. Phyllis Harris, citizen awards and Mrs. Helen Shannon, on the Aux­iliary's "anniversary dinner.

Mrs. Daugherty. Mrs. Broms and Mrs. Doris Smith were elected candidates to the V.F.W. Auxili­ary s National Encampment. Al­ternates arc Mrs. Etta Petrakos. Mrs. Astrid Martinson and Mrs. Harris. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Elsie Lofgren and Mrs. Mae Emo.

Mrs. Daugherty, president of the Auxiliary, and Mrs. Martinson, secretary, returned Saturday from Rochester where they attended the New York V.F.W. Auxiliary En­campment. They reported that Mrs. Martinson's entry in the De­partment's publicity scrapbook contest had been judged second place and an engraved plaque and a check were awarded the local unit, i

Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Mar­tinson also attended the dinner in the Seneca Hotel in honor of Dan­iel S. Brady, department com­mander, and a dinner in the

in honor of Addie department prcsi-


Panama Methodist Church was the scene Friday evening for the wedding of Carol Marie Samec, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Samec, Panama, to Robert Joseph Mills, son of Robert A. Mills, Troutville, Pa. Rev. Edwin F. Armitage. pastor, officiated at 7 P.M. in the presence of 85 guests. Miss June Brown, organist, Miss Dorothy Munsee and Miss Nancy Howe, soloists, furnished wedding music. The chancel was banked with baskets of white gladioli and daisies and palms.

Mrs. Richard Allison, sister of the bride, Lakewood, matron of honor, Miss Janette Scholton, Pan­ama, and Miss Sandra Johnson, North Clymer. bridesmaids, wore gowns of royal blue faille with bouquets of pink carnations.

James Samec, brother of the bride, was best man.

The bnde was escorted by her father. She wore a white bridal satin gown, fashioned with V neck­line, fitted sleeves and gored skirt. Her white" nylon tulle veil fell from a white hat trimmed in rose­buds. She carried a white carna­tion bouquet with white streamers.

The bride's mother chose tur­quoise and gray silk, and the bridegroom's mother, tan gabar­dine, each with a corsage of pink carnations.

A reception was held Jin the church parlors following trie wed­ding. Mrs. Gerald, Boland, Mrs. Howard Christensen, Mrs. James Samec. Miss Peggy Samec and Miss Bonnie Boland were aides.

Mr. and Mrs. Mills left for a honeymoon trip, and will be at home after July 3. For travel, she chose a navy blue linen suit.

Pre-nuptial parties were given by Mrs. John Samec, Miss Nor-ene Button. Miss Janet Peterson and Miss Mable Stevens.

Amaranth Initiates Two Candidates

JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL—Wednesday Evening. July 3. 1957

MRS. GEORGE T. SHAGLA —Lindquist Bridal Study

Nicolina Jelonek, G. T. Shagla Marry in St. Louis Church

Loli offi presence music v Vicki Sw of gladi rated the

The br:


Two candidates were initiated and welcomed into Chautauqua Court, Order of Amaranth Wednes­day evening in the Masonic Tem­ple. Mrs. Enid Lang and Clarence Peters presided.

Albert Milliron, recently install- x ed as assistant grand lecturer of er, Pvt. the 21st district, was escorted to'blush pin the East and given honors. He over sat spoke regarding changes in the was ace work. Mrs. Myrtle Hindle present­ed Mr. Milliron with a gift.

Mrs. Gerald Dennison announced the district picnic, July 20 at Sheri­dan Park. A tureen dinner will be served at 6 P.M.

Mrs. Hildur Harner reported on the recent rummage sale and an­nouncement was made of the Loyalty Club's annual fish fry. Aug, 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harner, Bemus Point.

Substitute officers were Mrs. ! g i p hf r °

Marjory King, Miss Virginia Sue-!. y^ns

kow and Mrs. Hindle. Several I ondegn visitors were present from Dun-j, " 7 kirk. (Loucks.

The oirthday of the court was p r ^ " i observed. Mrs. Ellis Heath was (taffeta chairman of the social committee L. h j t p with Mrs. Charles Anderson co-l n ] u chairman. They were assisted by Mrs. James Hanon, Mrs. John

Powers Hotel L. Mockrish, dent.

Also representing the local unit at the Encampment sessions were Mrs. Doris Smith and Mrs. Betty Bolt.

New Department officers, elect­ed at Saturday's session in Hotel Powers, included Mrs. Mary Cot-tone of Olean, junior vice presi­dent: and Mrs. Betty Thompson of Fredonia as flag bearer. Mrs. Thompson is Chautauqua County president.





JAPANESE WEDDING -p Capt. and Mrs. Neil O. McCray are pictured following their wedding June 22 at Camp Zarna, Japan. Capt. McCray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. McCray. 16 Houston Avenue and Mrs. McCray is the form­er Ruth Althea Harker of Trenton, N.J. She is a Red Cross Worker.


f-Of Appointment Phone


West Side Club The West Side Women's Club

met for luncheon ori Friday at the Cary Hotel, Chautauqua. Mrs. Henry Chadwick and Mrs. George Rodman were in charge of ar­rangements for the affair, attend­ed by 28 members. Following luncheon, bridge was played.

HUGE CRATER Arizona's Meteor Crater is

about. 4,000 feet in diameter, about 600 feet deep, and its ex­terior walls rise 160 feet above the surrounding plain.

Ordinary animal glue absorbs dampness and should not be used in work exposed to weather, ac­cording to the Encyclopedia Bri tannica.

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FUST QUALITY $1 • limit I Item To o Customer

Plus Many Other Unadverfised Specials For Tht Entire Family

Learn. Mrs. E. Gilford Randall, Mrs. Carl Hoglund. Clarnence Har­ner and Mrs. Hildur Harner.

The next meeting will be held in September.

Personals Mrs. Hulda Hartman, Banning,

Calif., has returned home after spending 17 days with her sister, Mrs. Anna Dschuden, 12 Fairfield Street. Mrs. Nellie Sloan enter­tained Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Norman Johnson, and took them on a motor trip to visit Mrs. George Straight. Watts Flats; Mrs. Alma Johnson and Mrs. Wendell Warner, Sugar Grove, Pa.

Miss Josephine Castile recently attended an alumnae luncheon at Linden Half Junior College, Lititz. Pa., and the graduation of Dr. Francis C. Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Palmer, 234 Mckinley Avenue from Georgetown Univers­ity. Washington, D.C. She also visited friends in Philadelphia be­fore returning by plane to her home, 112 Buffalo Street.

Miss Nathane Aldrich. daughter of Mrs. N. E. Aldrich. 181 Hallock Street, and Miss Janet Eddy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Eddy. Cheney's Point, have re­turned to Rochester, after spending the weekend here for the mar­riage of Judy Vimmerstedt to John Morrell. I

Mrs. Gladys Goncalves of Brook­lyn is guest of her sister. Mrs. Theodore vimmerstedt and Mr. Vimmerstedt, 11 Elliot Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Vimmerstedt are also entertaining their son, John Vim­merstedt. Mr. Vimmerstedt and small daughter, Carroll * Jean. Asheville, N.C.

Miss Lena Harmon, 6 West Sixth Street has returned from visiting her brother, Dr. C. G. Harmon, and Mrs. Harmon-; and her niece, Mrs. James Quiney, and Dr. Quin-ey, of Easton, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Spillane and children. Kevin Michael, and Ann Devereaux, of Lafayette, Ind., are spending the summer with Mrs. Spillane's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ray J. Walkerman, Lake-wood. The Spillane's will move to South Bend. Inc., in the fall. Mr. Soillane will teach languages at Notre Dame University.

Lakewood Garden Club The Garden Group of the Lake-

wood Women's Club met with Mrs. LaVem Clawson Monday afternoon at her home 72 East Terrace Ave­nue, Lakewood. Mrs. Clawson was assisted by Mrs. Robert Sutphen. Mrs. Donald Braley gave a paper on "Flowering Trees of this Area."

A picnic is planned at noon Aug. 5 at the home of Mrs. Raymond Eckwall, Winch Road, Lakewood.

St. t LOBS Albanian Orthodox* Church v/m the setting on Sunday afternoon Hpr the wedding of Nico­lina Lupilli Jelonek, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Lupica, 67 West Fourteenth Street, to George T. Shagla. s<a of Mrs. Domnika Shag-la. 206 B ^ e r Street. Rev. George

ted at 2 P.M. in the f 200 guests. Organ

furnished by Mrs. on. Palms and baskets and carnations deco-urch. escorted by her broth-

muel D. Lupica, wore Chant illy lace and tulle Her floor-length gown

ed with scooped neck-ng sleeves. She wore

veil falling from a pill-blitsh pink braid, en-seed pear]s, and car-

ade of stephanotis and hid.

ren Loucks, the bride's white lace over pink

did bridesmaids, Mrs. gla and Mrs. Mary j Each carried a nose-j ebuds and delphinium j pink pearl earrings, a I he bride. agla, brother of the |

was best man. with nnelly and Warren hers. The bridegroom hem with cuff links. ica wore blue lace over

a corsage of red and uris and Mrs. Shagla, silk with a white car-age,

the nuptials, a recep-e!d at the Apple Inn sts. Decorations were ts of white snapdragon arnations. Aides were Cordner. Miss Chris

line and an illusi box hat crusted ried a c a white

Mrs. V sister, w taffeta, Chris Wetzstie gay of a nd wor


Jean Hanson Feted at Bon Voyage Parties

nat:on c Follovvi

tion was for 250 arrange and pink Miss Be tine Sha and Miss

Mr. ar> honeym dacks. Mountain West Fo 9. For linen dr and a c sweet hea

Mrs. SI

Mrs. Rodney Hudson and Mrs. James Howard were hostesses at a bon voyage party for Miss Jean Hanson, recently at Schroeder's Restaurant. Covers for dinner were for 10. Each guest was re­membered with a rosebud corsage. An out of town guest was Mrs. Glenn Hanson of Bainbridge. Md., who is visiting Mrs. Henry Hanson of 19 Lewis Street.

The honored guest, who leaves Miss Marie Cordner, for a European vacation Wednes-

hela Lupica. (day was presented with gifts. Mrs. Mrs. Shagla left for a Mdyin Boyd assisted.

trip to the Adiron- j Miss Hanson has been honored skills and the Pooono' at parties given by Mrs. Donald

to be at home at 67 Rider, and Miss Helen Anderson; eenth Street, after J u l v | a n d °y the local chapter National vel. she chose a blue Secretaries Association. with white accessories age of red apd white rosebuds,

fela was graduated from J.H.S. in.•949 and owns and oper­ates JelHrek's Restaurant. Mr. Shagla a t t e n d e d Jamestown schools, • r v e d during World War n and isiself-employed.

Prc-nupMal parties were given by Mrs. Josephine Lupica.' Mrs. Chris S h i a . Mrs. Warren Loucks and Mrs-Bkary Wetzsticn.

Announce Engagement Charles Woodmansee, South

Dayton, inounces the engagement of his daughter, Adilene R., to Harry D. Adams, Frewsburg. An August A i d i n g is planned.

Open pouse Mrs. Ivar Johnson, 14 ce, will be at hone to

d relatives from 2-4 7-9 P.M. July 7. The arks their 25th anni-

Mr. an; Sumner friends P.M. an occasion versary.

Summir Luncheon Mrs. BM A. Wells and Mrs. Carl

Elofson entertained 28 guests for luncheon Slonday afternoon at the Colony w t e l - T n e tables were centered Ijith lovely arrangements of garden flowers. Bridge followed the lunchftn.

Wife f ina l l y Gets Vacation Alone

HAZEL- PARK , Mich, m — Chester Ijllis objected when his wife announced she was going on a separatf vacation.

Lillis stood by arguing as his wife pack|d the car, hooked up a rowboat A d a trailer, loaded the children V i d e and locked the car doors.

As the •acationers pulled away, Lillis, jurifced in the rowboat. His wife d n r B to the police station where shif repeated her determi­nation to take a separate vaca­tion.

Patrolmjln Tim Scannel con­vinced LiUis to return home.

Miss Hanson arrives in Rome Friday and will be joined there by her sister. Miss Helen Hanson, em­ployed by the Arabian American Oil Company as a nurse in the company's Abqaiq, Saudi Arbia, hospital. After a tour of European countries, including Italy, Ger­many, Switzerland, Austria, and France, Miss Hanson will return to Jamestown, and Miss Helen Hanson will return to her Arabian assignment, which will be com­pleted in August, 1938.

Willard Society William Woodhall. of Greenville,

S.C., spoke and Mrs. Woodhall sang, accompanied by Mrs. Law­rence Hoard. Sr., at a meeting of the Willard Chapel Ladies' Aid So­ciety recently. Mrs. Harry Berg-lund presided.

George Lusk, student pastor, ac­companied the hymns and led in devotions. Mrs. Hoard played piano selections. Hostess chairman was Mrs. Walter Bloomquist.

Honor Seniors Senior members of Kappa Ep-

silon Sorority were honored at a dinner recently at Apple Inn. Guests of honor were favored with yellow carnation corsages, tied with blue ribbons. Miss Ann Pe­terson receiVed the Junior award.

Miss Mary Wirsen was chair­man of annuals, Miss Ann Peter­son of programs. Miss Deanna Lund was toastmistress, Miss Pa­tricia Lamb, farewell to seniors and Miss Priscilla Tsivitse, re­sponse.

Golf Blisters?

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Gerry Church Setting for June Wedding

White Chantilly lace and tulle over satin was chosen by Miss Martha Mae Wheelhouse, Gerry, for her wedding on Saturday after­noon to Milton James Hitchcock, in the Free Methodist Church of Gerry. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheel-house, and Mr. Hitchcock, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hitch­cock, Gerry.

Mr. Wheelhouse officiated at the 1:30 P.M. ceremony, and was as sisted by Rev. Walker N. Jorda pastor of the Gerry Church. Car­men Jordan was organist and Rev. Robert Hariff. pastor of Sala­manca Free Methodist Chu*ch, was soloist. The chancel was decorated with baskets of white delphinium, roses and carnations, palms and lighted cathedral can­dles. The family pews were marked with white satin bows.

Mrs. Henry Storm, Jr., North Chili, sister of the bride, was ma­tron of honor, wore turquoise nylon tulle and carried a cascade of white carnations, ivy and silver hearts. Mrs. Robert Johnson, Stockton, a"nd Mrs. Lawrence Hooker, South Dayton, were bridesmaids, and wore orchid tulle and carried yellow carnations, ivy and gold hearts. Miss Gayle Su­zanne Hall, cousin of the bride, wore white nylon lace over taffeta with yellow sweetheart rosebuds bandeau and bouquet.

Henry Storm. Jr., was best man, North Chili. Robert Wheelhouse, cousin of the bride, and Russell Yaw, both of Jamestown, were ushers.

The bride was escorted by her uncle. John W. Wheelhouse. Her Chantilly lace and tulle gown was styled with basque bodice, Queen Anne collar and long sleeves. The bouffant floor-length skirt was fashioned with a lace tunic and deep tulle flounce. Her fingertip veil of pure silk illusion fell from a regal crown of pearls and iri­descent sequins. She carried an arm bouquet of red roses. Her ensemble was completed with a white gold wrist watch, a gift from the bridegroom, and a gold cross. She presented him with mono-grammed gold cuff links and tie bar.

Mrs. Wheelhouse wore mauve lace over taffeta, and Mrs. Hitch­cock, light blue and white nylon, each with a corsage of white rose­buds.

Following the ceremony, a re­ception for 200 guests was held in the church parlors. Decorations were double pink hearts, gold rings and bells. The tiered wed­ding cake was decorated with a white swan and pink rosebuds. Mistress of ceremonies was Miss Jean Bedient, Gerry. Aides were Mrs. Roberta Smith, Mrs. Harry Boumann, Erie, Pa.. Mrs. Robert Wheelhouse, Mrs. Philip Trusso, Silver Springs, Md., and Miss Ma­rie Dunn.

Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock left for a honeymoon trip to Canada, to return to Point Chautauqua. They will be at home at 80 Falconer Street, after July 14. For travel, she chosea white dress with white accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds.

Mrs. Hitchcock was graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College High School in 1950 and attended Roberts Wesleyan College. Mr. Hitchcock was graduated from. Cassadaga Valley Central School in 1946.

Pre-nuptial parties were given by Mrs. Lee Taylor, Mrs. Charles Hitchcock, members of the Gerry

:Free Methodist Church. Young People's Group and friends.

Eleanor Talbot June Bride of Eugene Calkins

Miss Eleanor Talbot of Ashville. became the June bride of Eugene Calkins. Sinclairville, at 7:30 P.M.. June 29. at the First Baptist Church. Rev. George H. Tolley offi­ciated at the services.

Miss Talbot wore a street length, white embossed dress with blue trim and accessories. She carried a white aster bouquet

Matron of honor was Mrs. Rich­ard Johnson who wore pink with white accessories and a pink aster corsage.

The bridegroom \fo*s attended by Carl Wilson. :»

Miss Talbot attended school in Ashville. Mr. Calkins was a stu­dent at Cassadaga Valley Central School and served three years in the Armed Forces with 16 months in Korea. He \y employed at Jamestown Steel/Partitions, Inc.

A reception foflowed at the home of Mr. and Mife. Richard Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.NCalkins will reside at 849 Lafayette\§treet

The algae and the\ fungi are plants that have neither flowers, fruits, seeds nor roots.

MRS. M. J . HITCHCOCK —Berthold Photo

Open House Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whittaker,

Paxford Road, will hold open house for friends and relatives from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Sunday to celebrate their 25th wedding anni­versary. The affair will be given by their son. John Whittaker, and Mrs. Whittaker.

35th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rasmussen

will be honored at an open house for friends and relatives at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Rog­er Hatch and Mr. Hatch, -24 George Avenue. Hours will be from 2-5 P.M. Sunday. The occasion marks their 35th anniversary.

The year 1816 was such a cold year throughout the world that it was known as "the year without a summer/" »»

The ^Welcome .Wagon

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Just call or write Mrs. James D. Davis Newcomer Hostess

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! Mrs. R. Henry Sandstrom

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Mrs. Donald W. Graandahl Engagement Announcement Hostess

309 Newland Ave. Phone 61-656

Mrs. F. Arthur Soderholm Baby Time Hottest 1 56 Lake view Ave.

Lakewood, N. Y. Phone LKWD. 8-539


Mrs. Robert H. Holt Baby Time Hostess 119 N. Work Street

Falconer, N. Y. Phone 36-14S

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