TUE PRNNSTLVANIA | Qi\(\ OBBTRAL RAlfcROAD. lOUli t-kftAT IHWHLfVTRAcK ROOTX. tg MtPa Read aew aoual i o auy ia tke eeaal.. 9XXAT 80ORT i-NETO TOX WEST. 08kt Ba. S Attor H v.ita, Hroedway. .L. Uu. liaaiBinuli-i rTti-r. Maad from 01a- |k_«o, Bt _a»il*, St. Paul, RMbvUtA, MemphU, N*w- _|-l efher tawn* la Ihe We«t, North-Woet aad -Weet, art autaraaai rl for .peed atvd oorafort by aov renta. .uagkt"**~ ItB th* YY'ext laave New York (footofCaori- .*i7), Mora-kg-xfxrata, 7 a m. i Kventog Xxprew. I p. ta. _kte atag aad awokbag rar« on xll tra-o* fto* elwaja m Ww, .- tka Uiue at oulok a* by any other Ry tb-rtatUFrwagbUofaB .fo*_-ipti..r_ eaa be forwarded ta Mai**- xaj pataA oa the i_Jrea.lt of Ohio Kentuekv Indiana, Sktb, vVl.tt__a, lewa. »r Mtaeoari. BY RtIi.RO VI) ol- _RcT,a» M aa> pert oa the aavlgable river. af tha YYe.t, by Moa_vart RM..VxxkargB Tha rate* tt Fitdghl to aad fratti an, potat of tke Went by the SMeylTM.i Railroad are at ali time. xt favorahle xt are eharged ether Rattteed 4'ea.peuie*. Marakaut* and aliippera lutrnat- llif tr*».poruUoa ef their-Freight to thia Company can rely R nPlaati aa ita .pet_y trt_ttt -ki* CeMBBBy llto matutaiut an EralgrxBt Aeeomoiedation lAaa, ky wkdek parttet e-.ixp-tlog weet wnxd enloy a ekaap and aiifaxf.bl, mbJb tt enxrve/aaw- at ooa belf ibe ftrat _*.* ret_* JUELLIOTT, rS_ae_geTApent.No 3 Attor Hoate. 1.XXCH 4 Ca, Freight Agenta, Ne. 1 Attor Houae. tnd No. 1 Boutk Wtlllam-rt- MeDONALD 4 BI8CU0FF, Emigraut Agt-ta. No. I Bxfteryp.te. _TBOMAS A. B4D0TT, t>aeT_8uyt, ARooaa Pa *TWZ REOULAR MAIL LIXE, via 8TON.NG- M. TOM, for BOBTON, PROVlUltNCK.f-and Roate.The M**t.tt ain sett dtroet.Cerr-tnx tba Ka-.n. Mail. THROC aay. aa< RatavlBT ¦'«*»¦ I MT-0 _t FLY MOCTH ROCK, Capt. Jael Steae, and C. lARDBRRlLT, Capi. D. B. Sturgea, in eonnection witb tke Bkaakattea aad Provideaea. aud botton and Providenoe Rail- RibIJmibm New-York __ly (r-unday t-acepted). ftom Pier Na SxTr. (ftrat wbarf above baltery pjeee), it 4 a. u aud Ston- Ba)1ni tt l:M p. m., er ea .iPBFaf the aaxil train whieb leavet Tkal. VAN-KXBILT Irorri New-terk, Monday, Wed_ea- aad Fiiday. From Blcutagton, Taeaday, Tbnrtd.,, and The P-YMOUTH XOCR, ftom New-Yerk, Tne*d»y. Thurt- _¦«, .*_ 6x*-rd»j. From Stonlugton.Mondxy, Wedaetdxy, Faiiiager* aroeea-d froM fitonlugtoa, p*t Xatlroal to Prort- na Mtd Bettea, 0 the Extire** kta'l Train. reaehlng aiid 0 advxxkoe af tkoat by eiber route*. and ii. aiaplt tiiue aO Uie easly Mjraing lAne* eeuneetlnt Nortb aud Eaal. P tnnaagar* lhit jiTrfxr tt lewalu on board Ihe atMuner, enj.T Baght't reet a_d_tarbed, h.«kfe*t If de.ired aad le.ve *touli Bm to Ihe 7 a au. trato, ttaaaatlng at Prarideiaee witA tke 11 *». taPi0»B**tee>. M . _ ._. . A R-gagt auetor e*oompe_te* tke Steaaner aad Traln ihrouah r Mittit, bertbt. ttate-raoMt, nr fre'gkt, apply aa board tka BTii---. m M tbe Freight Offioe. l'ier No. 3, North River, er 0 ImmXm tt the Company, Ne 10 Battery-place._ T^W-JERREY RAiLHOAL^For PHILA- Al BKLPHIA and tha 80UTH aad WEST, via JER-1EY 01TY..V,_J aiid Kxpreat line* have New-York tt 7, I, xnd 11 a m , aad 4 xad t> p ai.; fkre 88. Tkreogh Tlekett told for Oln- PaaaB iad the YVcit, aad for Waablngton. New-Orlexnx, and _e Sotrtb, Ar xnd threagb baga-A. ebecked to W_i_lngtc_ 0 1 a aa. aad f p. a. traia.. 3. W. WOODRTJFF, Aatl-tant BaperlrtetideTit Ba haanpe will ke reate'vtd for any trxina ouileat deUvored a_i Radb B_DBket to atrvaxioe af the time of kavi&g, BR. -1C XTEW-YORK to NEW-HAVEN, HARTFORD, Vk BFR1N6FIELD. NORTHAAIPTON, and Town. an tb* ___ p VmmbM Ra..aaaa,.Fate ta New-H»ve_, 8L.Tbi R__ CITY, C*at. Lewit, wlU ieave Pier No. tt, E. R., oa TUERDAY, TH-RBDAY aud 8ATURDAY, atlp.ro. The SITY OF HARTFORD, Capt. elmpaon, will lexve on MON- 4T, WXDN-8-AY, and FRIDAY, at I p. m. Reltu-lnx- laaraRaw Utvaa oa altetuate uighu (rxcept 8anday). at fl am.No afaarge for Bertbt. Tbe TRA'ELT.R Capt Bowne, _B tsaea al 4 p. a... en MONDAY, WFDNE6DAY, and FRI¬ DAY. Ptt* mi iti fot tha Rai-oxdt can remaiu on board evet nxcbt wHkaatebarge. Mertbaudike forwarded te Yennoct, Waafarp New-Hxinpablre. No-tbern New-York, and Cauadav Apar/taFXANClBliYDX, Ageat, Flar Na. 15 E. X, Maw- NBW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD.-Pat- .aatl ii Tiaiut leava Piar foat of Duaue-at., at foUow,, via: DrjrRK7RR EXPRE.**4?at7B. m., for Donkirtt, BuJalo, Caa- M.atgaa, and pr.icipxl lntermedix.'e tftation*. BXWBURtiH EXPRES8 at 3:10 p. m., for Newborgh, Mld __tewn and interuediate Statiocx. KIOUT EXPREFS xt 4:90 p. m., for Duukirk, Baffalo, 4___a- a_kraa, xiid prlueipxl fetaiiont. TheTxprtit Train. oonuect at Elmlri with the C___dilgM _td Maaara Fxll. Rxilroxd; xt Blnzhx-loa, with tbe 8yti- ewa* Rauread: at C_r_ing, with tke Railroad for Rocbeateraud Ra-aiu; alO e_ Rend, witb tbe Railroad for ftorxnton: and al X-fxle aad Duukirk, witb tbe LxAe Shore Rairroad. for Cleve- __}, Ciavrtoaali, T-eda, DtrUoit, Cbicago, 4c, aad the Canaa- BlBBlPl Batb'l Marmi, BtMiTer. CHA8. MINOT, Oenn. Bup't. Alebuol. ? MEUJON B0TTLE8 UUNT*- LLN1MENT L aatl a Maeh graater uumber af tha haroan ft.oUy _tae MMaxtt r_ic: aud bid denxuce to K-eomatitm aud all tb. aa whtek laab U ktdl to. requiriag au exteruxl ¦pplleatiou. __B_a_aaud H_t _~* b*_axn*de *ound. Tke Cnpoled ul DPbTIlMd kav. Ue. k«fcJi^l"tj>.* +-H *". Fft ^a_rT_ a-.--. btbt th* worid fot th* laat TXYKNTr year, at HTrFaT'BlI^SfENT. * STANTON'S EXTRRNaL REM- aaT Fttoe a_l- eaata Draia-itta aad Ceantry Merehactt BflMB- DepaiNk, IP M-deaXt- _ g^^g TDRADDOCK'- Celebrated COITGH MIXTU-a- jBR aeoM k_ A. R- 4 D BANDS, BAXNEB 4 FARR, C. W. 9_lLb 4 Co.. Qty */N*w Ycrk._ ^_U_E'. COCGH L0ZENGE8.EatabBaka. J-FMyeaFB-. r. CHRORIC OOUOHB, COLDB, and all AF BBC-IORB ef tha TUEOAI t_d LUNOS. Dapat 159 WaMr-M R^____lJ,- COD LIVER 01L JEUaT, 2_xintk._i_Ki--X-iiN-r-: i M-eackmt tkan th* bk,_d oU. AI>0, 4_rFRtr*s fatxf-r jf.i i.iriED babtox oil, __trr ftavort-. and tak*a .Itbottt aaoxea, and doet Mt tu-aeeM-Bafia- aRai __. lti* _t kett purgative for ehfl- kwm. _-he-edattkein.-tor't, Wo I86 Ab av^ and all ta- r_-_dtu. PENFOLDk>4XXEX4MdWER, ^^ No. 14 Beek___-.t, WbeleMle AgaaM. -na-vk pKVKiriAJsB.. A Phyiician of inoro than ^W- _. -._«. .aartUa. ta aae loeatioa (ta tbe lower part of tba ^__fcat ra.evukg iMtown, deaDM ta ditpoM af the *t.e oa toM.raklc t«a__ ». kpter ehaikoe to be bad ta tlae elty. Ad- Cfijfi, iV'oticcf. RP1J__rA_TCE oi an order of tbe SurrogRto af > 4DR* aad CeaMy af New-Yerk, _tttae it baraby giTea te lan-iiV-i --¦-" -E-' "i7.'*"'*-' W. ORj-lt. lateof _a~StyaaB Cwaeriy ot New-York, detaaaed, to pr*. ut the ____ -__-earkenihareef to the t-btcribert, at the offioe of D. R T McMAHON tt Ne.171 Broadway, ta tbe City ef New T_4 ea er before the lrt day ef April fi^.-DM^ New-York - -. «« __a BLNJAMIN 0. YY F.LLB, xwpa. «a, a**- ERABTL'8 H. LATHAM, BB tawe_K)Tk* Xdmtalttratcn wltk the will xtaoexed. IN PTJR8l'ANCF. of an ordur of the Surrognto of tht Cooxrty of Ntn-Ycrk NoMe* it oereby taven to aU p*r- xxBt-iTr-g c__u* tgaliut CIIARLES THYVfNO. late of tU OBvof Ntw-Yoik. brak.r, deMBM-.d, to prr-eet tLe.ameva.tb -**rsk**.lKereor tathe Mbaeribe-, at the ofhoe of -HARLE8 TMBJINO 4 Oo., No. B) WaU tt. lu tbe City af New- York. ea m baeore tk* M.aMte.. day of Juae aext.Datod New-Terk, <MMli_i>''"'t-tfcxl THW1N0, A_a__xtrM0T RPURSUANCE of Rn order oftbe 8arro){at« of et 4T__atT of N.w.Tork, notlr^ i, hereby gtaen to al! par*aaa r_at_P»a MalaatJO_N R. KOU1SON _Ae of tha 4Aty of xWTetk, deeexted, to preaent the ^e vrrth _>'^^__: Mtke miwii" M hor realdeaea ta Wa.t a_tk*tr*_t^aaax a\_-w_Tta Um OUy <* Neu k ork, ox. or b*/.r. tatt«;tj__i SS^^-t-I»ato4Rr«-Tar..tue lttb rUy of UiHoaer. fgmT EU-ABEIH XOBIbON, _____*Uatri_. M_!wwt_koTb _TT-Y0RK MTItEME COCRT-Kini- - -W1LLUH aAXXlOAN. Plalatt-*»ta*vt V, IL JgWiC-lOXaTc' HAXJANCEc'eLIA HK K('lM, De- ___-TiTtha DafoaPM. akevt-n__*d: Yan are kaifeby ¦ ¦__fiiiJ aud raonlred to tntwer the ooxnplxlut ta Ib- »<n*'a. w_MlTl_rbat- _Hd ta the ^ec af th. CUrt af th. Coaety af KteBt, M IheOllJ I****, CRF of Bioaklyu, _*l»JJfT« . "PT _v-_-r _arwer to tU aaid e4_Bp_i'.« en the wbtvarlear, at ht* 2___-laTl^Ma_^C1ty li New YerX. xritbta tweoty day. *_.__^Jr^*vf_xU-i__Jox_ .-a yoo. exelueiv. *f l_t J.y af B^jB^toT-LJI lf^*5ika__rw_r tka aaU oonirJahit wiiuta «5_tfcw a^01e> _a__»Aed tv, ..b* e-jp1^WB-I).ted Nov. 8, 55l ^OXOXTXXWlL4k.IOER, 1*la_._ft' Altorney- 81 UwBwTh _.._ oKMEWm^ of Ulitj-i, Nevr- _*1 Y__ -MATTHEW VA-tRAB, taUi-tin*. agauix*. ROBLRT RlMXltLLiadEMlLY L. MOKALLL. tti-o-. J^-'l^Jj. S_^ta^aCl_r»lr*twr» of BVkierd- Mcrr_», deee»>._; BHoUrd StoanVt_nPTZktm _U E-M Au. hU wifi, bfii Da ,I Batit, rraaVrle V. DatUaud tka Jart.y LMT»nd ____."¦_____- Ii_.il.ata -J-uir--r for railef.- -J^uowaae fot" __~___r^To^a_t?»«d7_t. EMILY L. MORRBLI . _&P&_f&BB_L!xDWAItli T. UILI.YXX a-ICttaa SSgtRMwBBrDeTM IMtk trad-rie* F. Da.i. and th.-.r- j^l_i1,^fB4i Raaa-a-a tM-M.t C-apwrp: Yea are Wabr _____kp aad reaaewd U a._we» tba arua-dal eoti.platal af ._______* tottdaTaTata. whieb wai lled w»lh th*^. Cterk W _P ef VmmTtXUt a«.ve iu F_»B4_.». ** tha BM da, af 1153?im, «-TUM-a a aopy ef reai a-wrr aa tha Mb- __Sa_r_t havToatoa. to tbe Catj af Pougtx.-j-io, w!tbln tweo«y TZ^^\1Lt\tT%Mtftliti'tuiraoDt ou >e*l. Mctotive of tko __^^kT_*rl_-^__l B F«- foU M aww.-i *_de-mj_aiBt _t_**f_^_^^a_K^Lir -Ulepply to 4k* Oartfottha ^ml^±&£^.,>%7l>o laBikar. 1650. *** ^i1^A%y\d\^"jM»^r< F.aa_kewp-a, M. T. jmaPwTb STTPKEkfE C01L»T, CuMWPjjrf&tLl e_K»«=5_?S''' ". s Baltb. T^.UiX..) a laoima/i. jo_. -*._.__. »^__ _H^^_?1^«^^ _SSr-^aa-w" Aad^aw J. Ctarmkertola Jaaliaa »r**»**hp*5"*1 ia_S_^^-» ^ ^*ka ,"T'° h* V _L_, A_Mi* A____t <4 C*__M MIm C. MaUary, aad JaBa kU wMi. AJaaMB)"- 5Sl*S^DAa5fe>ll O. PALLORY, Y.B « aJSe,*t-M_SSl%xa^tw ««_«_-;_^_^_..-_**_. __-___4Tw__*tF-*t»*U0*.»". PtkaClMkaf 4_Mat_t- M.-Wrv. Raae aad Ch*rlee -T?__»_____!_m_^^ _4*gA«yMpi?^'T-^----. ^L-bmM wm toMkd to thah* iiinarlia, aad TlIlTSTATE OF EUROpIT . ? Frea Out Owa Camapandent. London, Friday, Dee. 16, 18T.9. From Ibe titae of tbe Convention of Villafranca ap to tbe prewiit day, Napoleon'g policy haa been io mjaterioai, that botb tbe Central Italian Btuteg and tbe Euiperor of Aaithn eoutiuuo to truit him in tbe tnain, tbough botb partioa are lomewbat alarnied r.bout the rtirthcr develiiprncnte of hia aebemea. Tbe ofiicial organs of tbe Emperor have ooTniitcnUv/ adroeated tbe reatoration of tbe Aa«- trian princea. Napoleon in hia letter to Victor Eiiinnuel, Count Walewaki in all hia diplomntic eoDiTnunicati.'na, Priuce Poniatowaki and Count Reiaaet in Tiiaciiny, and all the Miniflterial and .enii-omeial ioumals of Parie, hor*> ooBtinually couusclcd and adaioniahed the Central Italiaua to tubmit to tbe ronditiom of Villufranca. Acoord- irgly, Prince Mctternich, upon being reeeutly accr.dited at the Court of the Tuilerien, fpcaki warmly of the friendly pereonal feclinge- of Frui.ciH JoM'|ih, and hia deaire to Btrengtben tbe bonda of amity betweeu the two Einperor*. On tbe other baud, agaiu we iee Victor Einanucl, who, after all, ought to know Napoieoii'a plana, atill putting hia tniit in bia ally, allaying tbe discontent of Gnribaldi, and giring hopea to the people of Cen¬ tral Itajy. It ia tnie that Napoleon baa aaid noth- ing more tban a few myiterioui wordi in tbeir favor, but in the vicw, and we niay »ay under the guna of two French armiea, one at Rome, the other in Lombardy, Piedmont, and Piacenra, they have been allowed to organice their gevemment and adniinistrution, their anny and Cuatom-HouMea, their lawa and currency altogctber on tbe Bardinian footing, and through the Regency of Buonconpagui to give cvea an external repreaeutatiou to the fuaioi with the aub-ulpine kingdom. Iu Parma, Modena, and tbe Legationi, Farini Las more eom> pletely lucceeded in introducing the civil ind crim- inal law of Bardinia, her muuicipul aduiiniatration and her military organization tban tbe Ratazzi C.'ah- inet in Lombardy. In traveling from Turin by Parmu to Bologna, not even tbe raost minutely iiiqiiiring obierver can aee any other ugn of l»cing in a different country, but the greater excitcment and energy of Central Italy, wbich ii due to the ilucer- tain position of thoee proviuoe". There ii no pasiport and cuetom-hoUKe annoyance on the fron- tiera, uo difl'ereiice in tbe fornis of law and ad- ministration, in the otTicial emblemB of the Go\- erumeut, in tbe regimeuteU of tlie loldiera. Baron Bicasoli bai done aomewhat leai in Tupcany, whero tlie provineial Etrulcan type ta by far more distinct tban ii the Emiliau; etill, even bcre, acroflf tbe Apenninep, all tbe offieiali and officern have taken the onth of allegiance to Victor Eman- uel, the "King elect." It ia in hii name that juitice ii admini-tered, and the towm and district* governed; the French ayitem of meaiurea aud currency, which wai long ago adopted by Bardinia, haa been introduced without oppofdtion, and the proud ipirit of the Florentinea, nurtured br the uio-t glorious hiatoric reeollectrona. aubtrdu wiiling- ly to tbe e\ eutual supremucy of Turiu, tliat opitart city witbont hiatory, eithar political or Uierary and artistieal. and apeakiug a language wbich can acarcely he calied Italian. All thia haa been Bchieved with tbe connivanc. of Napoleon, who migLt long ago have cruahed thb apirit of Buiou aud theae practical stei* for complete fu- aioD, hy aending bia army from tbe Mincio bv way of Leghorn inetead of by Mont Cenia to Fronce; aince tbe French Generals rnigbt, dtyiag their march, have exerted the infloence of their presenee to bare men put at the head of affaira in erery town and proviuce wbo would bave quietly worked for the reatoration of the Princei and againit the union w ith Piedmont. It may be aaid that luch a policy would bave been very unpopular, at.d would bave dt prived the Emperor of the froite of hii eampaign, Bg.. tbe contentment of the Italian nation; itiii, the delay granted to Central Ibly, aod ao ndmira bly impTored by Farini, Peaoli, and Rioaaoti, bai added many difficultiea to the policy of reitorati.m whiab, according to tbe accounta of all tboae who bave btely viaited Italy, could ouly be enrried out by a war and an itnmenae ilaughter. A few weeks more will ahow whether it ia Francia Joaeph or Central Italy which hae been cheated by Napo¬ leon i one ol tbe two hai certainly becoine a victim of hii dark policy. The Popepute no great truit in the CoDgre-A, .ince Count Walewski, though often prraaed bj tbe Nuneio, never proauaea the complete reatoration of the Papal power ia the LegatioBi; whib on tho otber band, the French Embiu-ador ot Rome oon- tiuuee to tnaiit upon reforms. Having been impor- tuned for montha, the Pope has at lait appointed a CctomiMion of holf-a-doren Canlinala, to diauai thia que-tiun; and the fint decree iiaued at their aujyieation ihowa clearly tbat tlie Papal ideaa of P( lorm are at variance with tboae of tbe civili_ed world. 1 he Papal authoritiei begin their reforms at tbe root, and therefore, olter a preamble againat the low state ofmorali in Roioan nociety, order that no lemalcs coming to church with bare ihouldera, uecka, and bair, or clad in extravagaiit droaieB. here probably crinoline ia meant.ahalr be ihriven by tbe prieaU! By tbie deen-e, the Pope puU him- .elfexactly upon toe aame level with tbe Bultan, who bea lately iaiued tbe eounterpail of tbia order, piohibiting tbe Turkiah bdi<* from waaring traua- pareat vaiia and muilin dreariei, atid French ihoiva, aod a profuaion of jewele. The agitatiirti in Hongary iBcreaaei and Francta JtMiepb, iuatead of yieldioi; to tbe approaching ator_a,bo8 reaolved to put ltdown bv force. Tbe flflb anny-cor|#, atotioned in Vcnetia, has btvn orderad to march to Hungary, and one hondred and lixty- nine clergyroeu, eldera, and bipectori, men of rrtaiiding and influence, have been eummoued before tbe Provineial Criminal Court at Kaacban, for hay- ing excited the population to diaoontent and opposi- tion againat the governmeut, The Vienno pa|>er« triumphantly explain that BBB Hungariana are unA- ble to make any arroed reeigtance, aad that, ac- cordingly, they will have quietly to lubmit to tbe Gcrmnn rule, mipported ua it i8 by bayoneta; but tbe Hungariani renly that it w not their intenti»n to iiae now in revolution, and tl.at eveu a Gerroan onuy and tbe itate of aie^e oaanot prevent them frca. Irfuig diaaatiidbd, and from expreMing their diacoitteDt within the bound^ of tbe cnmiual code. Th^a oppoaition manrfitirtB iteelf now even in out- ward Bppearancea. The etiiBiney^ot hat aud the BWh-ow-tail coat are proeer Iwd ut Hungary among AfDtlemcu; and tven the ladiei have partially t_r.ui:('ipat-d themselveB fn.m tbe Parie fwhions, and wear a Hangarian head-dreaa, aod velvet flBBFfl, laeed in froct; but, I*Iovn the waiat, tbe oriuolin.- retoim ita iwey, bi b ooii)pliin*nt to the E_-prr_B Puirenie. The eiample ol the Hnn^anani hai made a great impreiaion oc the Bohemiani, and it ti «nid that the public ipirit of Pragne ia oa boatilo to tbe Auitriaua aa tbat of Peith. Uie Concordat of Bwen Nvith the Pope, eopuxl Irom tbo«e of Auatria aud Wiirtemhurg, aud the miportolion of Jeiuiti by wboleaale, ere making a ereat itir io Boothern Germany. Htill, by the aid ot a L'ood deal ol beer aod lobaeoo, the daimtgogaia of Bavaria, Wiirtembrg and Baoeu w.U reoimcib tbemhclvea . ven to theae meaMMwa of their Ooveiu- u. i.t, of which, by tbe by, two are nominally 1 rat- ..ctant, if tbry only contnae to oppoae Pniiem; Miioaa SiratbeiiR C_Minan in quite aotiafied to woafc Obe aaaiBi ot b.ndag", if ouly Pruaaia dot* not beeome t<o powerful. H-tvcvor, thev bave w UkmuUi be uuoMy Ju rogardi thia potot. The Pruaaian Cabinet tvi-tainlv eannot eoMmnag the aiBipathr of fbrmany, and ut onabbto _NrtR_B> Uo-aor^ 3g^ _ uTbladrtir- ara RRaral .aad pru^raaave. Coaut Nehwerio^M J> Auerawhld, and ai. De Potow; ;.._« liheral^oooorvktire, Ibat ia to aay atfltionary: S^DbKIS andDc Hchleioitz aod Count ?Sr, aad thrae are reaeUoaary: Meaai-i. Von de7Hejdt aad eaaaoaa. aod Gt^o. Roon. Wi* «.ch » CabirJ t the I'rince Regei.t may go oo very woely, tboogh PfBOB* bimI GonRwy c*aw4 AFFAIR8 IN FRANfJR. Frea Oar Owa CerraapaaaaM. Parib, Deo. Mi If**. Piinee Riehard Mettci-ich went io -iilenotat utate ta tke Tuibriea yrsterday, to greaent hia no* dr ntibia aa EmhaMfldor of Auitria. To hia litlle f j eeeh aa tbe oceoa;oo the Man of tbe IIou*-* re- j.iii'd bi followa: " I firmly bope that tbe relutiuaa " io happily eatabliihed between the Emperor of " Auatria caiin.it fail to becomc more friendly bp " an attentive exiroinivtion of the interesta of tbe " two rountriea. Bince I have aeen the Emperor, R I, for my part, atUch a great priee to hii per- " lonol friendabip, and you, Metternicb, are tke " very man to facilitate a aincere good anderatand- " ing between ua." 'Which oomplioicntary reronrk, if trne, leadi aome of tu to regret that Franz Jo- f eph had not cent aome one elae. The- e ta aome- tbing nucanny for the ItAliaiia and Hungariana, and lome other folka, in tbe look of a lincere good niidt rstandiiig between tboie two. There ia not rnuch iraportantly new come to Kgbt aboat the Congreaa, anleea it be the report comiog by to-day'a mail from Turin, that Cavour decidedly ia to iit there aa repreieutatire of Bardinia. That the poet of firat Eflgliah repreaentative ihould be filied hv Embawador Cowley, and uot by Palm- eriton or Rutiell, aa" interpreted at fint ai a aort of ibgbt put on the Cougre-fl by Englaud. But, aa bai been fifly remarked, o. aecond thought, Palm- eraton can a<t through Cowby aa vvell aa tbough be wereoreient, aending bia " inipirationa" by tel- egraph at ahorteit uotice, and bf courier in ten or twelve houra. It ia now thought that the Congreaa will not l>e rea- dy to mcct by the 5th of next u.ontb. It will not be ready to riae by next year thia time if it undertakea all the work that conjecture ie carving out fur it. There will be tbe Mortnra memoir; the menvir of the Neapolitnn reftiget^j the .lvmoir of the Venetian noble refugeeit the proposition to revtae tbe treaty of 1856 preaented by Ruaaia; tbe queation of mari- time righta in time of war, raired hy Pruusia; the IatLmui of Ruez queation; the general diaarmaiuent queation: finally, tbe Italinu queation; and finally and laitly, what are our Congre_.ional decirione on it to ainount to 7 If we ihould happea to vote in favor of tLe restoratiou of one or more of the Dukea, bow are we to reitore them 7 One volanteer solu- tion of tbia qnestion rnni thus: Congrcaa will not interfere with the interaal affairiof the Central Italiau Btatea, etrtainlj uot; but baa the right aud will exetciee it, of preventing thoio Stutea from uiaking any territorial changea. Whicfc amounta aimply to keeping them in a proviaional atate of sui- penae till they beg to be cat down, ard drop into the handi of the non-interfering Powera. The very iiitelligent Turin correapondeut of Iai Prute writea, under date of the KUb, thut tbe Italiam think that the camie of reitoratien haa lately loet ground enor- mouslv. 1'br're ii revived tnlk, on I do not know what foundation, of a central Italian kingdom agaiu, un¬ der an Italian Prince. The Priuce choeen by the newimoDgers in a nephew of Victor Emauue), Mbb- t.r Thomai, Duke of Genoa, aged fire, or Priuce Bavoy de Carignan, who to roarry, for the occa- ivioii, the widowed DucheiR of Parma, or, &c, dtc. Buoncompagni'i haa come almoat to naiigbt. Ri- caaoli, Ihe DictatorofFlorenee, aceepta very little of bim, and ie fanciedto bc a leM ardent aaoexationiat than he appeara. Tbere waa an idle rnmor the other day tbat Gari- bnldi wai to be married.in fact, waa marriod.to a noble Lombard lady. Tho atory haa beeu anthori- tativelv denied, and a new one atartcd, tbat it il hii cldest lon, a Ind of twenty, who ii to wed a nobb Milaneie. Thia lant veraion, beiug only two daya old, haa had no time to be contradicted. What Pariiiana aod all Faeaek aaas AaB womea have been more inteniely iotcreated aboat thie week than any political queatiooa, ia the Lemoine trial down at Chinon, in the Touraine, the moat Oele- brated of recent eautet ulebrtt. From Friday to Monday little elae wai Ulked of. The daily printa were filied with reporti of it La Prttu, tor in- etenee, in tboae four dayigavetwenty-oinecolumni, nearly half it« ipace, to tbe reporti. The focb of the cuee are bnefly aa followB: Mudame LenMine, a woman of jjood family, of the high hoargeotaie of Chinon, living legally leparated from her hua- band, by hia iault, not hen, oa tbe tribunal that rranted tbe plea of aeparaUttu had judgad, hkd a tVauflTo.1 daughter, Angelina. At tbe Bge oi" 18 thiH girl kai frequent crimrual cenrerBation with her mother'd ooochman, a atnpid, illlooking, atterly unedueated fellow, aged 29. Bbe beeomea tnetimte ¦ telta bim tbat ahe wauta to marry him, and that the knowledge of ber aituatiou will force her mother to conaent to the mateh. The announeieirtent of her pittifiti.ii, when it could hardly lorlfcer be eonceoled, made one day by tbe coaebman, F.-tia, coupled w ith a demand ol ber dutighter'e hand, had a quite dif¬ ferent effeet on the mother. Sbe lmmedialcly dia- miiaed Fetii, and made np her mind to "aave her dnughter'a bonor" by deatroying tbe proofk of her dishonor. Bhe took r&riooa meani to produce abortion, wtthout effeet, At the end of ber terui the daugbter wae delivered of a live child, wbich ihe imothered and then bunied to aahea. The preparationa for tbe delivery, and the whole plan for execntini thishorrible infanticidc, were made coolly, long in advance, by the mother, with theconnivance of tbe daugbter. Neitber of them bai ihown at any time aince tbe elighteet aigu of regret, to soy uothing of remorae, at the deed. Not to prevent auspieion and poaittve ftffirmatiou, with which the httle town of Chinon waa full, but to browbeat aud outbrave scnndal, the mother forccd ber daugbter tlie day before and the day after her deUvery to nppcar on tlie pubbc promenade. Thia happeivd nearly a year ago. Not atopping to tell how tbe ocandul stirred tbe Touraine world, aod bow tho magiatrncy interfered, I come direct to the tnal that took pUce laat week. It ia Intereating aa de- velopingthe nrtture of Madame Lemoine.-a wocrtau of tlie Lady Macbeth kind.Lady Macbeth befora Ihe fifth nct. a woman with an iron will, that boldi ber purpoae fixed as in a_v.ee, unabttkeii hy danger, reinone, or shame. Wicked and proud aa Batan, and aa detiant, inipiring almoat s iort of reepeet; batening to her condemnotion to twenty yearaof hard labor, bowicg to the jndgea, calndy lookiug over tho audience, ctmipo-cd of her ac- quaintance and neighbon, then turning to ipeak witb bercounsel, witbout any aign of emotion or of effort to conoeal emotion. But tbe trial i* iither- wiie LtiteiTNit-'ig aa offeri-g a atudy of French man. nera. The mother wbb eondemned, bb I aaid. to twenty yeora of bnrd labor. The jury had frttnd extenuating circumabncea in thia b»_g prrmeditaU»d murder. It waa eommitted to aove the honor of tbe family! Tbe daugbter waa acquitted. Bke wai io young, and haa been io bodly brougl.t up On this laat point tbe proaecuting ftttomey dwelt tf lengtb, and with great eornewtneai, _og with tbe inteDt of excaiinK the daugbter, but to aMravaUr} tbe tootber'a condemnatkni. The mother had not* wat-htNl her readiug, hai pcrmitted her t<> rcad, omong oTKer bad booki. tbe unmoral and excrtlng novel- pnhlifhed in tbe teo_t*to_i of* tbe Journals. I It ii mt aad faot that the Oiuot reapeotable joamab ia Pari* do publtah, at tho foot of their pagea, what adeccnt man or womun, let alooe a )onng girl, choiild leave unread. It waa in a Komaa Jr uiiielon of l a Prrmr, tbaa whieh ther* il not B more reputable newipoj.er io Iranca, that the «irl had fimiliArired b.-ra-lf with actjnei but too Bimilar to thoee which ibe and ber mother were afterward, to uct io real life and rral dVnth. ^V__f*7"^ tend.-ii.y of French no\al-reBdiog haa boeg fro- queutly inaiated ou of late br proaeeAilJug attonieya in ciiiuikal triala. Mouy detoili of tlaa tnal oai r. ported in tbe paperi, are alao poor readiag for yoiith, and flmnier CBaaagnac, among othen*, has raired 1lM'qiw«tk>ow liethar publieation of aiBid:ir rej porta ihould not in falore be lorbiddea, »m*«, aud arRinog tbat ther ahould. VYbereuiKin aoot and ir.: *t rtapectablejou.-naliat tvrter remarking t tbire ia bftter rrading lor young rwrootw tbaa ew tliepoliticaUrtiel^andDawiiUtmi, bt alotie tbe jendlet..na of the large newapaperi, aoe«i very aeuai- bly to add: " Aa for ua parenU wbo bftie eharge " of aoub, we oagbt re.t to remoin atrangera U> anrof "tbeweak_4MB_oorwdckedDoaaeaofbumamty. IIla m oar daty, not oalv aiciti_ena, bat mtamatart, to ..kBOWtbeJBl mm\mmm*W!m*4+&1*4*** " iutt evded wiM -t rhapa uave brought witb il more " than oneu_efui I.-ao_." The mothar, aa t awd, M pnniabed witb hard lebor for {BBRBtFjBl^aJba dkoghter a««BAitt«d, I t M rviti be probaMr MM W a eenvertt, Bat tbia Fettt, whe toab *-TOt_ge of tbe nr_w!y peaaiena of a child, wbo gRvo tbe motm-r io iutin.aiii.il of tbe girl'a txraogoeonduettoward bia..abieb Wgiin two years bf forc he took tbe Iaa* advar.t.iFe nf it.tbie frilow te not io mu«*h aa tried; bi* arpira only ea a Pttueee ln tba cai*..teeini to I ave .'i.niRiilted ne crhne, R8 effeeee cofBizalile by > reli h jtittire.whiek, io this rcipect, 1 believe, m ne lli___r tban Anierican joatiee. I am glad to add tbat teveral of the joornaliita, hero, aa witb ua, more adviiiced tban oppoint*- leg0u»toTa, kaTe peinted out, with able aud earneet protfit, thia M.lt in th»* rritfiinal code. Aniither trial that baa drawn cenivdorablo at- tention bere 0 tbe trial of J-hn Brown anii bw aeenrintcg. Bricf but in the. main quito accorate re porti bave been peblitbed in all the Iarge Paria paptn. Tbey bave mi-cd at texta for e4>Tnmenta- riea te writora of tbe moat oppoaite opiniona.to lh- ..(iit.in ef tbe Catoeri and t..V ict.ir Hugo. Th**«o t-i.li Ui.'utaiiii diffcriug in tpirit.aa widely aa their aathun in opinion, are alike painful to an honoit Amcrican reader. The malieioui pleaiure witb akich j-onr Vnittn cfl-imontatot**. compare the procfcdinga of a Conrt of aocalled jnrtoe in a Proteitant democratic coontry to the prooe43d- ings in th.: tribunala of the Reign of Terror when Fouquicr TinviUVi waa nroaecutor, tbe indxAi- naot iorrow with vxhich Vietor Hu+ro exclaimi in opcaking of that trial and ita result, " I de clore ot) iny bonor that thii took place not in Tnr key but in AmeTica;" aud again, "It ii poiiible that the puniihment of Brown would conaolidate Hiavery in Virginia, but it would eertainly umettJe (he Anierkan itemoeraev. You tave your ihain** kat you kill your glory;".thii maliciona plea- t-ure aud tbia indignant torrow, I tay, are tbe type leeiiaga af tbe two great partka in which Europe U divided, the retrogradea and tbe progiruiitfi. Ibe avxaited repreientative of tb** great "Mpdel Repiiblic" near the ta'ourt of the Tuikriei will couk! of rour>e from Virginia t Old Prinee Jerome ia nlarmingly ill theae. two dayi witb hing le ver. Baron Meneval, tbe French JUi'nu-ti'r at klunich, bai reiigned bia post, aad ie, it ia aaid, goiog to Rome to take boly ordera. Tho caute ot hii retiring from hii houorablu poaition in public life ii grief ht the death of hii wife. A ycung Marquia do Califct, who got himself verv deeply and cclenratedly tangjed up in a love-knot with a fanioui Dame tux Cameliai, a few yr*ar« ago, YxLii-h bia rrkndi cut for t.iin by packing bim off to the Crinrn?a, wbere he fongbt properly like a French- noan, and wbonee he returned cured and rid of the iiBi.iahty fcinale, eome while afterward married a very pictty wife. With her he went to the opera th.* other night, Monday week, I thiuk. There ehe wai very much lorgnetted from the parterre, with the iutcnee ludeneae that persone, in aome other r#*peet8 gentlemen, habitually degrade themselvea to in inch plaeei and oconiiona, by Count Nnpoteon Law deLauriiton, ton of Napoleon'iManhnl Lnur- iaton. Oalifetbeckoned to liitn from tbe box to come np, went out into tho lobby to meet him, and ex- prfii becoming diacontcnt. Hence an exchange of sbarp wordi, and an inmlt, aud a challenge, and a duel ncar 8t. Cloud, in which both particg received f.eeh vxoundi, and good argament for Pariaiau taik for Ihe reit of the week. There ia a Prince Van Buren bere; wai nr*'aented to Ihe Emperor yetrterday; ralla himeelf Coont de Bnren, tnat ia, tho French write him ee, but de it French, aa every one knowi, for D.iteh van, and Dutch the ycung man ia, and a Prince; though no relation to yoor Jobo, the fact being that bia /an Buren ii "all my eye and Betty Martin;" he 0 Iiiuce William of Orange, aon of the King of Hol- land, out on bii traveli intog. The Caiat of Parii hai undertaken a quite exten- aive tour in the Eait. He ia aceompanied by hii brother the Duke of Chartrea, wbo has a year'a fur- longh from the 8ardinian Government, in wh4M« aruiv he icrvea. Fhicn, who haa not been on apeahing tenne with Count _|onUlt*0D-ert. baa viaited tbat iiluitriova acad. uiiciun, linc.e the jiroieculion waa inititoted agaiutt Miiiitaleuibert'i artkle in the Corrctttond- tut, and perhlpi, too, out of tympathy for kiDuta- hnibert'i recent afflictlon. The brother whom he loat, und on account of whose death the trial waa referred till to-day, waa ht tbe army and gained bia grade of (,'olonel, at 8olferino. Dumaa, jr., toldthecoprrightof Un Pert Pndigue toMi.hel Lfvy for Jt_,OtW franca. A little while befort* iti fint repreeentatiun, Edmond About wroto in iu..' of bia Ltttrtt (tut Bon Jtune Hommt: "Tba '. _Vr«- ProdiKiie* wbi4sh they are now rebearsiixg at " tbe Gjmnate will ba worth 50/rOO franca to kf. " D__.i. jr., if the luccep b»* moderati*,. If, ai I "h.pe, it be r great tncceae tbe mm will be "doubled. H0 tfrtntt d'auteur on tbe Darrte a%z " Ctmeittt it the Vaudeville brought him IW.OOO " franca." Tbia, excluaive of hii copyright, ef whatever he can gain by iprcial bargoin with tho theaier manager, and of all mav gai'n by r.'pF*>- aenlatiutM in future yeari, Bnd hii neirs for thirty yeara after death. About haa juit preeentcd a aew comedy at the Theatre Francaii which haa been received. The company had aocepted only a <ew wwki ago another piece from hii pen, on mndifion tbat it thould be approred by tbe Government oenaort. But it waa ao conn_ently belMved tbat they would refnee their .BnetiiFO to it in ita tben form, that he nreferred a ithdrawing to altering to their taitea tbe Ldutttion ti'un f'rime. *> , INTERE8TING FROM CHINA. Fmm Om Owa taPBRPPPh Cantox, October27, 18T>9. Tbe profonnd qniet tbat reigm in aU the political and coinmiTcial aipecta of Cbina, for the immediate preeent at leatt, u tomething exjraordinnry, when one rtflectt on tbe eventa of a few montbi lince, and or theae which at many more are likely to bring fortb. The only occurrencea at Canton are tho ar- riTti of R rrgiineat of Britiih troope, added to the garriion, and tbe orgauiiatiou, in workiag order, of the new a.nglo-ChineBe Cnatome eetabliahment, which ii now in full force in the two principal porte of the Empire. I have previo_tly given r tketch of thii reouukable inititution, aud aUuded to the power plai'.d in the haudi of Mr. Lay, the chief CoiumiMioner, whoae juriadiction extenda over aU the porti open to foreign trade. The tyitem hai al- ready been worked at 8banghae for about a year, iu ita preeent form, and the unexpeeted turn of af- fairt in the North hai alone prevented ita extenaion to all the treaty porta. At Canton. however, it bai been put into effect. with a ataff of ten or twelve Eurcpcan clerki, with one American, Mr. Ham- mond, of 8alem, Mbm. Up to the present time, the CaBtem-Houae bu»i- neti hr.i be**n eutlrely trnMacted by Chinene agcots, ci.ll.-d linguiiti, and great frivdmn from ih<* uiual 4.'j.iiti(.in reitrictioua on commeroc haa been en- i.ivcii by the foniun mercantiie commnnity, while a ayitcm of " bnlf-dutiei" hai long prevoil* _, thr.xigb ki i-xaiion oftbe toriff regulutioni. Now, however, flki- riisor of the law ii to Ik. put iuto effvet, and au «w f.'ntc eyatem of rcgulationi) have been promul- gated, iii aeeiirdan.*** vxith which tbe cntjr.' manage> iti.-ct of the Fuatomi ii aterumed by the EuropeuiiH, tbe Fhimtr-e IIoppo, or Coramiaiioucr of Cuitouw, arting only the purt of a remver. Thia ofiicial, a inindariu of tbe bigheet rank, ia aecountable to the Inrperial Treaaury for a atated turn, all beyond Yvbith bia own perquiaite, and, at the new lya- tem aill greutly increaee hir rrceipta (if all. goca well), he naturall) ib favor of the acbenn*. The mercantiie community, bowever, uhuoet witliout ex- eeption, uro lutatilo to the innovntion, prokftiting ^hut under th.* rexattoil nt'iilationt and tlie rigor- #111 exactjoni to be enfoiwd in fiitnri., the trade of ( antor. will be annihilated, and that within aliw Bunitha tho fr, «. porti nf Hong-Kong aud Macao Bull tiuw uheorbi'd tho trad**, and that the one will i|xe Licdtiu* UM cntn'pot for Ihe import, tke other jtr the export trade of uie whole of (Southern China. f lt appeara indubitabie tbat the aew Cuitotn- tlouie legulatiom will give a great uupetua to the imuggliug trade which already exiata, and which ii fax ond by the nomberleai rreeki branching off from ibe great river on either aido and petr_>tra_ag far Into the intenor of tke eountry. Tbe manafacturoa af Grrat Britain and tba Umtod 8tat_B. Und. at lloiiM-Kiing, will, it appeara probable, oo lurn p- titiouily diiieniinped in large quantitiee, by meana of lorekaa and other imaD veeeek, in deftaneo of the CaatoBM aa._Mk, who aaaaai be expeetod to or* fUiiMfi "999*1 QkHi'' 9% || ffMWtmHbW tiwVt. would be requhdte to ioflore even a partbl proaec- tioo te tke revenne. A very hnportant »t>p hai at bngth been taken by tbe Britith Gorernment, in authorizing tbe in- troduetion of Cbineie eoofiea to th? Weat IndiAn f.'oloaiea, and aGovermnent agent hnn arrived in Hong-Kong for the parpoae of auperintending the eultatnient of laboran. It b propoaod to engage the mea for a term of five or aevcu yenra, at a fixed pay per month, giving them a free paaaage tti tbe roloiiy, with food ind cbthing en remte, tegether witb a prrmium toanehoa "bull t.fce with them their wivea nnd childr. 11. Eb ?ite the atrodtiea that bave been perpetrated bv tho Franch, Portu- gucae, aad, I am norry to add, Aiueticaua, in kid- nipping aud maltrenting the unfortanate oooliea heretofore engaged, tbe overflrv. iiig population of China will atill afford on aband.mt aupply o( Ubor if tbe ayitem be properiy organized, and the men receive jn.6rf.nt. ca or demoiistrationi tbat they are fo he hooeatly dealt witb. A lew nioutha aince, l_e wildtit notk.ni were cnrrent regarding the deatin.v tion of tke eodiea ihipped beyond eea. A manda- rin of comrideraWe jotelbgence auured me, ai a faet beyond dieputo, tbat. hia countrymen were kid- napped under preteuaei of extraordinory pay, and on nrriv ing at eertab iilandi belonging to the na tiona of tho Weatern Oeaao, were thrown into tanki filied with Iobster* and erawfiab, wbo fattened on the living bodi.a of .he unfertnnftte coolica. Even now l have my doubta wbether the explanatum of the cooly ayitem, which wai -olunteered and ac- cepted, tank very deeply into tba worthy officer'i underitandiug. One conuot argue witb a Chinese; be diaonni all logic by agreeing with hia adveraary from politeueaa.and then aaafrting, at tba aecond cup of tea, the fame opiniom which one bad im- agined overthrown with the bit yellow dropa of the fint. rroclimationi, however, have been iiroed by the Allied Commandera at Conton, warning the people againat tae " pig-broker*,'' aA tbe kidniippers are popularly calied, aud explaining the objecti of the Goveinmentideairouiofengaging cooly bbor. On perceiving tbat there ia really a guaranty of good faith in the matter, I bave no doubt that Uborera willing to emigrate will be found in infficient uum- beri, to the great advantage of tbe Britiih and French coloniei. Tbe cooliei to Britiih coloniea ara all to be carried under the Britiah (Iag, bat it b veryprubable that Araeriean ibippiog may be ein- ployed by the Freuch importeri ol bbor, in which eace i:>me more itringent regulutiena than are now inforce ihould be adopted by the Uniicd dtatoi Government for the mainteuance of the honor of iti flag. We have finally taken leave of Soromer, tbe north-eaet monioon aetting in having brought Bfl the bracmg althongh itill warm wentheT of a Boutb- ern Autumn. In a few weeke, the expeditioni into Tarioui porta of the surrounding country, oa well lor purpoaci of exploration oa tm thoae of itriking into the heartsof the Tillagei a aalutary awe, will be nndertaken; but, in the mean while, the foreign- era atationary in Canton auiu«c themaelvea by ex- curaiona, in partiei of two or three, among tho White Cloud Hilla on.the aouth-eaat, or the plaina on the north of the city. Life ie now oa iafe in and around Canton ai in tbe be-t-regulated city in the L_icn, wbile a year ogo, a aolitary foreigoer, iaau- ing from the walla, would have atijod but a amall chance of returning with his heod in ite proper place. I have but jnat reached my quarters agabi, after an excumion to the hilhi,with a couplo of com- panioni, aud Cbineie aervauti, and chair-benren., The ipuri of tbe White Cloud reach to witbin a miW or two of the eaatern wall of the city, and rise in gentle undulationa'to tbe euroroit of the range, aome 2,64-0 feet above the level of the eea. Tbe interven- ing valleyi are dotted with pleaaant villagea, with their dependent paddy-fieldi, now gradually turn- iuk froin tbeir vivid groen to a lickly ellow, and with bamboo plantationa of conaiderab extent. Tbe alopea are corered with myriada of graveo, among the memorial atonea of which the iportaman ia lewarded with conatant occupation, oa the country abouuda in game, while, in the rice fielda, anipe are exce^dingly common. Iu the eouree of oar lote excunion, we pansed througb a number of villagea, many of them picturenquely aituated, and rrminding one itrangely, wben gnzed at from a hight, of the rural loeiiea of New-Houpehire and Idaiue, the dark maeees of the bamboo now and then forming an excellent mbititute for the pino woodi uf thoae familiar Btatea. In no inatanca did we meet w ith aught but civility and reodbeka to oblige.a it-ikiug iastanoe of the friendly and inof- feniive nature of the Chineie peoiantry. A itrange exeitemeot previuled in Canton a Treek or two lince, eaaied by a myaterioua diiappearance of frathera from the fowla, whbh neariy every in. babitont of the city keepa in greator or leaa number. In one night the poultry in (aa I am ananred) hun- dredi of houeea dtaappeared, no trace being left of the manner in whiek tbe oataatrophe waa aceom- pliibed. 'Ihe dtaoator, however, waa of courae attributed by the auperatitioaa popabee to the inter- Vf uti4.n of evil spirita, and many apprehended the approach of aome great calamity in conaequeoce. Ihe mutdated fowb were at onee alaughtered, and great numbere were offered in the templea, or given to the poor. Public notificotioui were alao postvd up oflering rewarda for the dtaeovery of the meam by which tbe mutilation took place, but no reault hai been arrived at. If, aa haa beea iiiggeated, it wai the work of the Buddhiit prieita, for the pnr- poae of obtaming offeringi, and perhapd of drawing auguriei from tbe oecurreueea, it haa certaiuly aue- ceeded well, and ia a proof of the power of aecret action poaaeued by tbia great organuntioo. Tbe bnger one obiervei thii extroordinary aeot, whoce adherenta ara the moat numcroua of auy ex- tatiug creed, the more forcibly and frequently one ia .truck by the curioua and frequently inexpbcable reeemblonce to the Roman CathoUc religioe. Not only are many of tbe doctrinea etrikingly aimilar, but the minutfee of worukip, momutic di-cipline, &c, are in numeroua caeei ideutical. Wbile in a Buddhiit roonaitery the other day, I was introdaced to the abbot, a venerable man, whoae etate gar- nicnte are purple, and reaembling tboae of a Roman Cathobc dignitary, while bii itattof offlee iiolmont ideutical with the crozh-r of tho Chri»tian Chtirch. I need not niention the inatitution of female devo tcea, onawering in nu*t parttcnlari to that of tbe num of the Roiuaniata, to oarry on the parollel. In the templea, genuliexiona, lilent adoration of im- agea, counting of bends, bumina of iucenie, repe- tition of prajere in atongue unknowa even to the officiating prieit, and eonntlecs mmor reeembbnceo, force themielvee upon the attention of even a carc- leaa obaervcr, and point irre-iatibly to the couclu* .ion that either both ayitema are dcriv-d from a oommoB aouroe, or tbat one hai borrowed ita lead- ing featurea from the other. Binologuea ore divided upon thia point; the u4_eiti.ii of one party being tbat Chincve Boddhiam ow»_ much to trndition* of Cbriitianily diaKcmiiiated dtiring the ninth and teath centurieri by now-forgotten mi88ion;irii»ij while oth- eni aseert that both creedi owe tbeir extemal forn. to one original baaia of common betithcndou.. I must break oil haitily, ua the la.t monicrit tor writing baa arrived. I'NION-SA V ING MEE TIN'i IN HOCHE8 TER "PEErilFS BY MEKpH*. JAMFN BSOOKB, WAStllNC- lON IIIST, AND OTUERH.AN UNEXI'ECTBO F1NALE. CanA'tp*ad«uie of Th* N. Y. Tribaua Hocur>TrR, N. Y.', Dec. 85,183*. Kcr ten oi fomtcen daje pait, great eftbrta had baan made ou the part of the C.ntom-Houaa aad Paat-Offlce altacl'i'i, Biid other "diaintcra-tod'' parttaa, to obtab BlgnBtBiea to a call for a U_ion-flar_ag ineeting, U> bo htld h the (ity Hali, on Wedntaday eret-nc, Iloc. 2S. Pnifonal pbdgci havirg 1 cmi giraw tbat thw ueetbg wai not deeigned to>vor any r*rty or elique, but b- t«d*d to fuirly reprtaent tha aaBtimenta of all partioi, a very reaiieciahle Itat of naatea, noinberiiw *»»« eluht hnndred, waa obtaaiAd. lliewv rjttnt* arero daly paiaded befon- tha pubMo m tha only Detaovratie japer in tha city_7'ae C*'0H "«« Adi>crttter-~aad in no other. (if ."onrea, under all 'J e ciremr.^taneea, there waa a iO-oiik Buapieion tiu.t avervUiias waa ent and dried to auit tha petmltar toatoa of B diqae, and tbe evenn of tbe Beeting, ai tha prognuunM devtdopad liaelfftilly- .«iAined theae lumitaaa. Hutaavarwero ll,e uwUca ol' politioal wire-pullan mora baaatifally foiled. The meetinff.mimhenng leaa tban flva baadrad-- waa organi/ad by tba eeleeiion of 11. G. BFaroar, e*q., aa ('hairmBn, and a long ltat of NecraUriea and Vioe- Praiidaota. Pandiog aome prelimii-iry BBlBaB C. Huaon, mq. offerad » malioB for a Commlttea of Bro oa Boaabdoaa. Tha ChaLraaio lookad t-ugrload and OOB-RMd M thii UJM-pvetad mvyt, oad he*djr cof-MUv- ed aome ef tka YMt-l-yialBJli m tke etaad. uienro, however, waa nmpant, aad Feetk "taiaetDon." "t^Boe-on/' lltias liro-ia-t on Vke-Preii-enM to hii feet, who fltovtd aa a ment that aine be tke naatbor of tke Coa_a0i(.. . ._, wae aerepted by tke oritrinal mov«r, aad M.rrlof ky loud BcclaaaiKn. Of conrre, Mr. C. Haa.v-agaaa Repablkar-.wai n>ada flmiman oa BeaolnUoaa. Ilwaievident now that thii Repnhttoaa aePea fca_ aoapletely nonpft-wd tha Fni.m Favem pnr exctlUnet. The tablei woro tomed, aud the peopla were goiag to have M prettv aaek their own way. Tbe fja__p_lo(- flcer* and office-bolderi iraokcd agliaaI, nnd there aaght be aeen on eack eeamenanee a nmex ef tke oe_-i__P: " Ulor, ia like a afrt-t ia tha tratot, Wbtcb aevarr <_e>a>th ta. nlarge {taakf Till .ry hromd tprtoHmt it ,liop*rtt to .tfAL" Th* ('r_)uiittee now ratired Pooaaakea IBBBJbJ.4 and, in tbe_Man?inv<the Hon. Jbbmb Ilrooki -M-0, arrived, he waa intrWoced to tbe mredag, aad pra- eeedcd to addren B in a *ret-.-h ovet-aakar wBh rke- toriV of tbe ft.Mian aud boml _--f. order, Mt aa 0a__taM of logie ai a political trieketar it of */n__MR keaoPy. He coixinenccd hiispeack by aiJidmd to nal matt.., a* be eoua'e..d it tke int aaty p a public apeaber to dBahnaetho tin_.li ai BM aaatan «f any eiTC_4»e_* prt-jndieea ihey may tuMtld- V i.kr- en.e to hitn. Jle bad been iccneed ia eae ea* iba PMr tapeia of being a ilave-bolder. Thia wae fclao. B_ ad no interwrt whPever in any ilave proter,**' kal ka had made a -tcriice of one htindred tnoaaaaa dotlpa n n-iard to it, in obe.ltonre to h_ Vew-Enej.od cation and the eommoii aeutiaieut oflheEaPera ffcPBa, and he therefore c-timed a j-i-«<___B_t litjkt M apnaX on thia enbjrct. Mr. Brooki proreedod to ipeak of thoae HC.PBFD NIBCTK flf-JlB PIBRD IR ALBART. When he henrd thoae dolefol bella aoandiaa; tr>m tka capttol of Um BtPe, tolied in F.vntpalhy wkk tka .Br- deter ib.I traitor, Jokn Brown' [hiaiee jVr.MaaaePBR of tba audiencej, ba thtroi/bt it time . octoae-ea to eareePthe eorteetive to tbeae dtoot.aaniaa; aai aa* ra. no«k tendencke. Here tbe biaaera jaedvad a Pr- ribte pbilipnic. He had faeed New-York laWMe aai b«at them Rcwn by a itonn of witbermg deoaacaBtoa, aad it wai oreleea for any cuta.iwb to t.' B. axpert- n.en*,. Mr. B. corjtibtHKl to ponr fortk bia _MjMM vxith »u*l, poeeicubte vebene ice lhat he D*_rry ex- hauited bkiOeralh with rajr'i, aaul it waa RRBMdl k. eonve that he hadebanped hii tuetne for the rrmdmt* aud had inddenW reeoivtd lo give hii aa.'ieiiee a 4na> fertat:-n cn "IIie.Fiuii" initeid of FnMn-e_,vii»R. He. however, partially reexveied hii balauee of uund, ai_ proceeded to iptat. of tke IIPRFME COCBT AKI) THK 'ATHkRI Ol' THE RaTPt'BLtC. Twenty ruilhone of niindi or .Ula, eaeh aeting in- derendently, ihould 1 ot determiue for theaaelvei, aa ititiividoal mombera of tbe C'onfadMaeT, what tba Fonati.ation teacbei, thk matter ihoold na left to ib*» gnpreme Fourt; there mnit be fome final arlwterto eettle tbeee eonflirii of opiniou. Tho SopreaM Coart had made certain dedeiona tonching the rlgbts P tha North and the Soubh, and H aaa not for him to tp op hii iodrvidna! will againat tbeae deciaione. Whatever ii law ihould be obeyed or mbmitted to wbetbar wa Uked it or not. In regard to th_ tnbject of Rkvery, a great deal had been atid in rebtticn to tbe opBtiowi of the Fathera of the Bepublio.VYaihingioa, IJibmi, J. tTetron, Frauklin and othere, and if he had tifie ba would not refiain from readiug ihoir ofl-onoled viewa, but acticaa apeak longer than wordi, and what we.» the public acti ol thebe fathera ' Here tbe gentlaa_a reviewed the Slavery quettion of the perioda referre- to, and tbe _cte P0BB_ under tbe aeveral A____Btra- tionaof tbe eariier Preeideote, and, eoniKtorrng hp rate made oat, viz., tbat 81avery waa thea. aa avw, a divine inititntio-, and protected _a ia.*n, he mu*I, " there are thoee who eay thut thi-i may be ligkt ae- " cording to hietory, but, if ao, n ie a eaj.p_ot with " Hell." [Cbeei-.] Boch people ihould go over tha lake aid lettle in the dominioni 4 One«n Vietona; they have ne boBineea here. Auy clcrgynwii wbo would preach it, wai not fit to live iu thii Kepnbli... He would not ipeak irreverently of the cler^y, but Ihey Uan4toended tbeir rphere of duty wh*i. au*.h preacbiog waa indulged in. Mr. B. u* -.- |.>- ceeded to give oa THK SOUTHSIOE CHR1BTIAS' V1BW OF ei_Ti.KI. When oar Havionr was oa earth there were 0aty tnilhoni of alavee, and in hia whole teaehiag be doee not denouuce it; bat be doee iay, "Render nato Catrnr " ibe ihiaga tbp are Cmar't." He did not aay, Sorv- ante, boy revoWeri, pUiti, i-volutio__e the oonetrr ar.d murdcr your maitert; bat he did preacb, "Serv- " anti. obey your maiteri.'' l*he«e ibmge Im fooud in tbe Bible, and who deniea tbe Hible.' Okadtenea to the lawe of the Boraan Oovenuneat was the d-etrine then taught, notwithitanditia' that Blavery cxieted and thal Cbriet poMeved luprcae poajer, aad could, if ba would. bave abolUbed Slavery by a word. Panl too, yon know. wrote to Philemon about re- tuiiiing Oneiitnni to hii formerb_jd|jrt); a-d"wbea God rpoke lo Mctea in the Mount and oelivered with *.Ril MBJaily the commu_-B_ata oa tahka P Mo_a, we find it writteu. " Tboa ihalt not covet .y _tu/iv "bor'iwiff, »? * norhia ___-eerr___, aor ua " maid-eerTBBta,' "ke- Now, if thia be uxaaan, paka tbeBMPofB! AU I eaa aaj ka, B.t if ear fl-vkau' conld atand ifxty rnillioaa of ilavet kl iba Hoeap -Bt* pire, I can atand fonr millio-i m the Fnited fltePa. 11* UikB u wiuug, make tke roiet of it! Ah l know tbat Ika katiptoree ge down hard, bat yoa _»n_t bave rkrrp* tare! The Bpeaker, in the warath ef hia teal, next pro- poeee to occrry a rcLPiT. After folniinatin** a tirade of abaae on tke **htrjry P ?,rea_hi-g auti-Slavory doctrrtnei in tbe polpH. he tat- ciTined nilhath* trrtiki lt ueceeMry for the krty to take boldof themaUer and aee tbp tha pntpH to not, deaecrpcd to ixicfc nnhallowed aarpiaai. " 1/, Mtdhe, " any miniiter will give ne tbe taa of .aparpB, I M will preaeh from the Bible ln the aflenioea, aad ke " n.ay preach from the Bible in tbe reoruing. Idoatri .' believe that the Devil aboald have the pulpk aU to ¦ bimMli." He knew very well that he ahould be abnied for _- tering theee tMnlimente, but if hia andiencc woaM oaly rend the Scripturei, all wonld be well. Follow tbe ea> ainple of the Bavior aud Pl the apoetlea, bat eapaeiaUy the Apoctle Panl, waa the bett advice be ooald gU* them. We are next treated to an ETRB0I.06ICAL VIXW OP THB ll-TE QUBaTtO*). After a flouriib of rhetoric of what tho ipeaker bad witneeied in liie travtU 4m the Nile aud ela-Wkere, af the pbyeicalpowers of euduranoe ol the hlack inan, ka pnxeeded to ihow bu tnperi<)rity over the wbite P0a in evervthirkf thatreqnireian expo-mre to eevere lahor and hai-tithiju. Indeed, m thoie reipecte he waa per- ftcily adapted to iabor inot for himaeif, kal hia tnaiter. of i-oi-f-ei, lo tho rice awa_tpa, tha cot*v>n Aelda, aaa the augar plantationa Of tbe Bouth. PbyaM.ly, P tbeae sipecu of tbe caie, he il tbe whrte. mun'i aope- rior; bnt incntally he was mferior aud iu no part of tha world do theeo raceo live oa terma of perfect c-inalitv. nere, in the North, there ie n<> kind of uiikw. In iaa FCatioolhooseor tbe churcb the bloi-ki are ett_» r exeJa- ded or havo icparate placea _f_>rued ikem; aad anul we itudy etde uy aide.worihip ehonlder to ehouldae. lio down in u rvmmon graTe, rt ia fotiv P upb»_d the 8»uth for thek eourte. The 8juth doeen^do«rada Ibe negro by the aocial diituu-lioni which tke Hof. doee. W'hent ver tin attempt has been made to uhurpjaeea, the retnlt has boen moet di«_trouF. Weiwwitolee- riblo Btfecte of t__> ia Mexko, Bpain, l^-__,_tt*_' After revkwkg tiua subject at waM kPBtn, tha »Tx«aer concJndcd by de-ouncini. eoPMB4ajM)PMa, ond exj WMtd a fear that wnr may be t*a *«*'*. » .. North doei uot atop circulatinK ln*y__l4ry rawphMt*, and encvo-raaina* raida from Joha Ja.wnBa Me eaa- cluJed ai foftowB: " The ekaiakef Gad ao Iombt " exieta ae it feriuerly e_i.te- We Bave ee_ed to « love onr Southern brethrtabRad tbey kave eeaaed to " love oa. Alreudy there ia a mon_ (kaaolrrliaa "there remaiiii bnt one bondof I nion.ip.ir*aU All the " liei of u foiuo on otitlixi, a foi_ru"n tt, igxrl** for ktr '. deren-enie and hkeity have. beeu dur_pto*red. M'.y "wettill reveretice our great uuMmtot---koU to Um " wntiniente of bie farewell nddresa, aa<i iwaar-. . " Wbom tjixl baejuined togetber, let ao maa pat " f_nnd«a'" _ jjr. VY iohinirton Hont next addreiaed UM nieefiotr |n whal muy be teimed a " oouaerx atrve" ipe^ch; bat, having exhansted io mu<_ spaoe already, we e_ua«0 auenipt lo iketch it, nor yet to give the remarki of a teiiing luirHcter on Ihe riirht ude, atade by scve.-al oth.*r ineakeni " to tbe ma-aer born." Tka raadrnf of tbe reaolutions produced a aeen* of tba wMeP da- icriptica. A Eoiiaith miuht do tt japMa ky .. P**1** cil, but few penmen have ihe pewar to daaaeirtrotype a i>ietnre to rich wilb p^teaqee aeaoee a.1 pi__ooed tnioUoDS. Tho "trelteri ap' of Ike BBM-fiF iri. hard to have itricken out 'be priu_ital raeoluti-ii.'-ke l.iUer pill of the aeriwt.but it waa Pl of uo avaJ; tka reople hud ilie power and Ihey dtrtenPaed to aae R. Ia ibe-reriea were one or two whleh Ml*fkt aa wei Lnvc been left ont, and, nerbapa, they w«Pd kave een, bad itnot beenthongbt best to mJm tha etorm by lilowlng the dlecomliied 4 tmall cramb ef eoait-rt to irala» Uiuir wrinhle.l brows. The followjng W the _««W iceelulioni ard Fni«Ti^-vereiu».-enarHl wottld tlo weM o Mndy B lor il« ovident imra_-_iity to PV s4*c_o_s of be count-': Re**.*ral. Tbat we eannot taa txroagl, rtbakt tka *eat_tt»aB bat thf electtan *f *P.*-deM b7i\^_f^_1_f_: naving view.ofpablle poiie, wRk waiak.lheiate-Pt)^o aatea- . ide, weuld foruieh . ja0 oaaaa fot a <»-^*_5#w2I_ IAe bold tueb aeaii_-at«to ba a-a_.-Ip-agJtMJ~tl*aeBM, adlea. t* .11 pai.kUc aaa) UuWo.Wrvl_| i-vea, ^**f?XL\2' he _>_ta.it_. ot tbe a*.; aad wa .ka.k, 4f«__j«r wg* tiUea-, Ea-, Weet, N*-1h. -^^-^v^^i.ar^a-Tbf. 4 ^^ '_ _' _».. _*_a -*-__i.i-..d r\f *'.* i i___k__L rttVMk ** * haaarb, a4^P^foBa-* i', «_r »4\ itMf11 f*m.. -boevr'r _av' b* *__)*d Fraalakul of tbM* . rxJtol 8b _VV eklik ** hav* given te Mcktadtf ttfhU P**^f.**'rJT^t ua*, tptkpM wi_aB4Apk0Bearetap«k

oKMEWm^ CuMWPjjrf&tLl e K»«=5 ?S''' H^^ ?1^«^^ · _RcT,a»Maa>pertoathe aavlgable river. af tha YYe.t, by Moa_vartRM..VxxkargB Tharate* tt Fitdghl to aad fratti an,potatof tke

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TUE PRNNSTLVANIA | Qi\(\OBBTRAL RAlfcROAD. lOUlit-kftAT IHWHLfVTRAcK ROOTX.tg MtPa Read aew aoual i o auy ia tke eeaal..

9XXAT 80ORT i-NETO TOX WEST.08kt Ba. S Attor H v.ita, Hroedway.

.L. Uu. liaaiBinuli-i rTti-r. Maad from 01a-|k_«o, Bt _a»il*, St. Paul, RMbvUtA, MemphU, N*w-_|-l efher tawn* la Ihe We«t, North-Woet aad

-Weet, art autaraaai rl for .peed atvd oorafort by aov renta..uagkt"**~ ItB th* YY'ext laave New York (footofCaori-

.*i7), Mora-kg-xfxrata, 7 a m. i Kventog Xxprew. I p. ta.

_kte atag aad awokbag rar« on xll tra-o*fto* elwaja m Ww, .- tka Uiue at oulok a* by any other

Ry tb-rtatUFrwagbUofaB .fo*_-ipti..r_ eaa be forwarded taMai**- xaj pataA oa the i_Jrea.lt of Ohio Kentuekv Indiana,Sktb, vVl.tt__a, lewa. »r Mtaeoari. BY RtIi.RO VI) ol-_RcT,a» M aa> pert oa the aavlgable river. af tha YYe.t, byMoa_vart RM..VxxkargBTha rate* tt Fitdghl to aad fratti an, potat of tke Went by the

SMeylTM.i Railroad are at ali time. xt favorahle xt are ehargedether Rattteed 4'ea.peuie*. Marakaut* and aliippera lutrnat-llif tr*».poruUoa ef their-Freight to thia Company can relyR nPlaati aa ita .pet_y trt_ttt-ki* CeMBBBy llto matutaiut an EralgrxBt Aeeomoiedation

lAaa, ky wkdek parttet e-.ixp-tlog weet wnxd enloy a ekaap andaiifaxf.bl, mbJb tt enxrve/aaw- at ooa belf ibe ftrat _*.* ret_*

JUELLIOTT, rS_ae_geTApent.No 3 Attor Hoate.1.XXCH 4 Ca, Freight Agenta,

Ne. 1 Attor Houae. tnd No. 1 Boutk Wtlllam-rt-MeDONALD 4 BI8CU0FF, Emigraut Agt-ta.

No. I Bxfteryp.te._TBOMAS A. B4D0TT, t>aeT_8uyt, ARooaa Pa*TWZ REOULAR MAIL LIXE, via 8TON.NG-M. TOM, for BOBTON, PROVlUltNCK.f-and Roate.TheM**t.tt ain sett dtroet.Cerr-tnx tba Ka-.n. Mail.


aay. aa<RatavlBT

¦'«*»¦ IMT-0

_t FLY MOCTH ROCK, Capt. Jael Steae, and C.lARDBRRlLT, Capi. D. B. Sturgea, in eonnection witb tkeBkaakattea aad Provideaea. aud botton and Providenoe Rail-RibIJmibm New-York __ly (r-unday t-acepted). ftom Pier NaSxTr. (ftrat wbarf above baltery pjeee), it 4 a. u aud Ston-Ba)1ni tt l:M p. m., er ea .iPBFaf the aaxil train whieb leavet

Tkal. VAN-KXBILT Irorri New-terk, Monday, Wed_ea-aad Fiiday. From Blcutagton, Taeaday, Tbnrtd.,, and

The P-YMOUTH XOCR, ftom New-Yerk, Tne*d»y. Thurt-_¦«, .*_ 6x*-rd»j. From Stonlugton.Mondxy, Wedaetdxy,Faiiiager* aroeea-d froM fitonlugtoa, p*t Xatlroal to Prort-na Mtd Bettea, 0 the Extire** kta'l Train. reaehlng aiidM» 0 advxxkoe af tkoat by eiber route*. and ii. aiaplt tiiueaO Uie easly Mjraing lAne* eeuneetlnt Nortb aud Eaal.

P tnnaagar* lhit jiTrfxr tt lewalu on board Ihe atMuner, enj.TBaght't reet a_d_tarbed, h.«kfe*t If de.ired aad le.ve *touliBm to Ihe 7 a au. trato, ttaaaatlng at Prarideiaee witA tke 11*». taPi0»B**tee>. M . _ ._. .

A R-gagt auetor e*oompe_te* tke Steaaner aad Traln ihrouah

r Mittit, bertbt. ttate-raoMt, nr fre'gkt, apply aa board tkaBTii---. m M tbe Freight Offioe. l'ier No. 3, North River, er 0ImmXm tt the Company, Ne 10 Battery-place._T^W-JERREY RAiLHOAL^For PHILA-Al BKLPHIA and tha 80UTH aad WEST, via JER-1EY01TY..V,_J aiid Kxpreat line* have New-York tt 7, I, xnd 11a m , aad 4 xad t> p ai.; fkre 88. Tkreogh Tlekett told for Oln-PaaaB iad the YVcit, aad for Waablngton. New-Orlexnx, and_e Sotrtb, Ar xnd threagb baga-A. ebecked to W_i_lngtc_ 01 a aa. aad f p. a. traia..

3. W. WOODRTJFF, Aatl-tant BaperlrtetideTitBa haanpe will ke reate'vtd for any trxina ouileat deUvored a_iRadb B_DBket to atrvaxioe af the time of kavi&g,



XTEW-YORK to NEW-HAVEN, HARTFORD,Vk BFR1N6FIELD. NORTHAAIPTON, and Town. an tb*___ p VmmbM Ra..aaaa,.Fate ta New-H»ve_, 8L.TbiR__ CITY, C*at. Lewit, wlU ieave Pier No. tt, E. R., oaTUERDAY, TH-RBDAY aud 8ATURDAY, atlp.ro. The

SITY OF HARTFORD, Capt. elmpaon, will lexve on MON-4T, WXDN-8-AY, and FRIDAY, at I p. m. Reltu-lnx-

laaraRaw Utvaa oa altetuate uighu (rxcept 8anday). at flam.No afaarge for Bertbt. Tbe TRA'ELT.R Capt Bowne,_B tsaea al 4 p. a... en MONDAY, WFDNE6DAY, and FRI¬DAY. Ptt* mi iti fot tha Rai-oxdt can remaiu on board evetnxcbt wHkaatebarge. Mertbaudike forwarded te Yennoct,Waafarp New-Hxinpablre. No-tbern New-York, and CauadavApar/taFXANClBliYDX, Ageat, Flar Na. 15 E. X, Maw-

NBW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD.-Pat-.aatl ii Tiaiut leava Piar foat of Duaue-at., at foUow,, via:

DrjrRK7RR EXPRE.**4?at7B. m., for Donkirtt, BuJalo, Caa-M.atgaa, and pr.icipxl lntermedix.'e tftation*.BXWBURtiH EXPRES8 at 3:10 p. m., for Newborgh, Mld

__tewn and interuediate Statiocx.KIOUT EXPREFS xt 4:90 p. m., for Duukirk, Baffalo, 4___a-

a_kraa, xiid prlueipxl fetaiiont.TheTxprtit Train. oonuect at Elmlri with the C___dilgM

_td Maaara Fxll. Rxilroxd; xt Blnzhx-loa, with tbe 8yti-ewa* Rauread: at C_r_ing, with tke Railroad for RocbeateraudRa-aiu; alO e_ Rend, witb tbe Railroad for ftorxnton: and alX-fxle aad Duukirk, witb tbe LxAe Shore Rairroad. for Cleve-__}, Ciavrtoaali, T-eda, DtrUoit, Cbicago, 4c, aad the Canaa-BlBBlPlBatb'l Marmi, BtMiTer. CHA8. MINOT, Oenn. Bup't.



L aatl a Maeh graater uumber af tha haroan ft.oUy _tae

MMaxtt r_ic: aud bid denxuce to K-eomatitm aud all tb.aa whtek laab U ktdl to. requiriag au exteruxl ¦pplleatiou.__B_a_aaud H_t _~* b*_axn*de *ound. Tke Cnpoled ulDPbTIlMd kav. Ue. k«fcJi^l"tj>.* +-H *". Fft ^a_rT_a-.--. _« btbt th* worid fot th* laat TXYKNTr year, at

HTrFaT'BlI^SfENT. * STANTON'S EXTRRNaL REM-aaT Fttoe a_l- eaata Draia-itta aad Ceantry MerehacttBflMB- DepaiNk, IP M-deaXt-

_g^^gTDRADDOCK'- Celebrated COITGH MIXTU-a-jBR aeoM k_ A. R- 4 D BANDS, BAXNEB 4 FARR, C. W.9_lLb 4 Co.. Qty */N*w Ycrk._^_U_E'. COCGH L0ZENGE8.EatabBaka.J-FMyeaFB-.r. CHRORIC OOUOHB, COLDB, and all AFBBC-IORB ef tha TUEOAI t_d LUNOS. Dapat 159 WaMr-M

R^____lJ,- COD LIVER 01L JEUaT,2_xintk._i_Ki--X-iiN-r-:

i M-eackmt tkan th* bk,_d oU.AI>0,

4_rFRtr*s fatxf-r jf.i i.iriED babtox oil,__trr ftavort-. and tak*a .Itbottt aaoxea, and doet Mt

tu-aeeM-Bafia- aRai __. lti* _t kett purgative for ehfl-kwm. _-he-edattkein.-tor't, Wo I86 Ab av^ and all ta-

r_-_dtu. PENFOLDk>4XXEX4MdWER,^^ No. 14 Beek___-.t, WbeleMle AgaaM.-na-vk pKVKiriAJsB..A Phyiician of inoro than^W- _. -._«. .aartUa. ta aae loeatioa (ta tbe lower part of tba^__fcat ra.evukg iMtown, deaDM ta ditpoM af the *t.e oa

toM.raklc t«a__ ». kpter ehaikoe to be bad ta tlae elty. Ad-

Cfijfi, iV'oticcf.

RP1J__rA_TCE oi an order of tbe SurrogRto af> 4DR* aad CeaMy af New-Yerk, _tttae it baraby giTea te

lan-iiV-i --¦-" -E-' "i7.'*"'*-' W. ORj-lt. lateof_a~StyaaB Cwaeriy ot New-York, detaaaed, to pr*. ut the____ -__-earkenihareef to the t-btcribert, at the offioe of D.R T McMAHON tt Ne.171 Broadway, ta tbe City ef NewT_4 ea er before the lrt day ef April fi^.-DM^ New-York- -. «« __a BLNJAMIN 0. YY F.LLB,xwpa. «a,a**- ERABTL'8 H. LATHAM,BB tawe_K)Tk* Xdmtalttratcn wltk the will xtaoexed.

IN PTJR8l'ANCF. of an ordur of the Surrognto oftht Cooxrty of Ntn-Ycrk NoMe* it oereby taven to aU p*r-

xxBt-iTr-g c__u* tgaliut CIIARLES THYVfNO. late of tUOBvof Ntw-Yoik. brak.r, deMBM-.d, to prr-eet tLe.ameva.tb-**rsk**.lKereor tathe Mbaeribe-, at the ofhoe of -HARLE8TMBJINO 4 Oo., No. B) WaU tt. lu tbe City af New- York. ea

m baeore tk* M.aMte.. day of Juae aext.Datod New-Terk,

<MMli_i>''"'t-tfcxl THW1N0, A_a__xtrM0T

RPURSUANCE of Rn order oftbe 8arro){at« ofet 4T__atT of N.w.Tork, notlr^ i, hereby gtaen to al! par*aaa

r_at_P»a MalaatJO_N R. KOU1SON _Ae of tha 4Aty ofxWTetk, deeexted, to preaent the ^e vrrth_>'^^__:Mtke miwii" M hor realdeaea ta Wa.t a_tk*tr*_t^aaaxa\_-w_Tta Um OUy <* Neu k ork, ox. or b*/.r. tatt«;tj__iSS^^-t-I»ato4Rr«-Tar..tue lttb rUy of UiHoaer.fgmT EU-ABEIH XOBIbON, _____*Uatri_.M_!wwt_koTb_TT-Y0RK MTItEME COCRT-Kini-- -W1LLUH aAXXlOAN. Plalatt-*»ta*vt V, IL

JgWiC-lOXaTc' HAXJANCEc'eLIA HK K('lM, De-___-TiTtha DafoaPM. akevt-n__*d: Yan are kaifeby

¦ ¦__fiiiJ aud raonlred to tntwer the ooxnplxlut ta Ib- »<n*'a.

w_MlTl_rbat- _Hd ta the ^ec af th. CUrt af th. Coaety afKteBt, M IheOllJ I****, CRF of Bioaklyu, _*l»JJfT« . "PT

_v-_-r _arwer to tU aaid e4_Bp_i'.« en the wbtvarlear, at ht*2___-laTl^Ma_^C1ty liNew YerX. xritbta tweoty day.*_.__^Jr^*vf_xU-i__Jox_ .-a yoo. exelueiv. *f l_t J.y afB^jB^toT-LJI lf^*5ika__rw_r tka aaU oonirJahit wiiuta

«5_tfcw a^01e> _a__»Aed tv, ..b* e-jp1^WB-I).ted Nov. 8,55l ^OXOXTXXWlL4k.IOER, 1*la_._ft' Altorney-81 UwBwTh _.._

oKMEWm^ of Ulitj-i, Nevr-_*1 Y__ -MATTHEW VA-tRAB, taUi-tin*. agauix*. ROBLRTRlMXltLLiadEMlLY L. MOKALLL. tti-o-. J^-'l^Jj.S_^ta^aCl_r»lr*twr» of BVkierd- Mcrr_», deee»>._; BHoUrdStoanVt_nPTZktm _U E-M Au. hU wifi, bfii Da

,I Batit, rraaVrle V. DatUaud tka Jart.y LMT»nd____."¦_____- Ii_.il.ata -J-uir--r for railef.--J^uowaae fot"__~___r^To^a_t?»«d7_t. EMILY L. MORRBLI ._&P&_f&BB_L!xDWAItli T. UILI.YXX a-ICttaa

SSgtRMwBBrDeTM IMtk trad-rie* F. Da.i. and th.-.r-

j^l_i1,^fB4i Raaa-a-a tM-M.t C-apwrp: Yea are Wabr_____kp aad reaaewd U a._we» tba arua-dal eoti.platal af._______* tottdaTaTata. whieb wai lled w»lh th*^. Cterk W

_P ef VmmTtXUt a«.ve iu F_»B4_.». ** tha BM da, af

1153?im, «-TUM-a a aopy ef reai a-wrr aa tha Mb-__Sa_r_t havToatoa. to tbe Catj af Pougtx.-j-io, w!tbln tweo«yTZ^^\1Lt\tT%Mtftliti'tuiraoDt ou >e*l. Mctotive of tko__^^kT_*rl_-^__l B F«- foU M aww.-i *_de-mj_aiBt_t_**f_^_^^a_K^Lir -Ulepply to 4k* Oartfottha^ml^±&£^.,>%7l>o laBikar. 1650.*** ^i1^A%y\d\^"jM»^r< F.aa_kewp-a, M. T.


STTPKEkfE C01L»T, CuMWPjjrf&tLle_K»«=5_?S''' ".s

Baltb. T^.UiX..) a laoima/i. jo_. -*._.__. »^__

_H^^_?1^«^^_SSr-^aa-w" Aad^aw J. Ctarmkertola Jaaliaa »r**»**hp*5"*1ia_S_^^-» ^ ^*ka ,"T'° h* V _L_, A_Mi* A____t <4C*__M MIm C. MaUary, aad JaBa kU wMi. AJaaMB)"-

5Sl*S^DAa5fe>ll O. PALLORY, Y.B «aJSe,*t-M_SSl%xa^tw ««_«_-;_^_^_..-_**_.__-___4Tw__*tF-*t»*U0*.»". PtkaClMkaf 4_Mat_t-

M.-Wrv. Raae aad Ch*rlee-T?__»_____!_m_^^_4*gA«yMpi?^'T-^----.^L-bmM wm toMkd to thah* iiinarlia, aad


Frea Out Owa Camapandent.London, Friday, Dee. 16, 18T.9.

From Ibe titae of tbe Convention of Villafrancaap to tbe prewiit day, Napoleon'g policy haa beenio mjaterioai, that botb tbe Central Italian Btutegand tbe Euiperor of Aaithn eoutiuuo to truit himin tbe tnain, tbough botb partioa are lomewbatalarnied r.bout the rtirthcr develiiprncnte of hiaaebemea. Tbe ofiicial organs of tbe Emperor haveooTniitcnUv/ adroeated tbe reatoration of tbe Aa«-trian princea. Napoleon in hia letter to VictorEiiinnuel, Count Walewaki in all hia diplomnticeoDiTnunicati.'na, Priuce Poniatowaki and CountReiaaet in Tiiaciiny, and all the Miniflterial and.enii-omeial ioumals of Parie, hor*> ooBtinuallycouusclcd and adaioniahed the Central Italiaua totubmit to tbe ronditiom of Villufranca. Acoord-irgly, Prince Mctternich, upon being reeeutlyaccr.dited at the Court of the Tuilerien,fpcaki warmly of the friendly pereonal feclinge- ofFrui.ciH JoM'|ih, and hia deaire to Btrengtben tbebonda of amity betweeu the two Einperor*. On tbeother baud, agaiu we iee Victor Einanucl, who,after all, ought to know Napoieoii'a plana, atillputting hia tniit in bia ally, allaying tbe discontentof Gnribaldi, and giring hopea to the people of Cen¬tral Itajy. It ia tnie that Napoleon baa aaid noth-ing more tban a few myiterioui wordi in tbeirfavor, but in the vicw, and we niay »ay under theguna of two French armiea, one at Rome, theother in Lombardy, Piedmont, and Piacenra, theyhave been allowed to organice their gevemment andadniinistrution, their anny and Cuatom-HouMea,their lawa and currency altogctber on tbe Bardinianfooting, and through the Regency of Buonconpaguito give cvea an external repreaeutatiou to thefuaioi with the aub-ulpine kingdom. Iu Parma,Modena, and tbe Legationi, Farini Las more eom>

pletely lucceeded in introducing the civil ind crim-inal law of Bardinia, her muuicipul aduiiniatrationand her military organization tban tbe Ratazzi C.'ah-inet in Lombardy. In traveling from Turin byParmu to Bologna, not even tbe raost minutelyiiiqiiiring obierver can aee any other ugn of l»cing ina different country, but the greater excitcment andenergy of Central Italy, wbich ii due to the ilucer-tain position of thoee proviuoe". There ii no

pasiport and cuetom-hoUKe annoyance on the fron-tiera, uo difl'ereiice in tbe fornis of law and ad-ministration, in the otTicial emblemB of the Go\-erumeut, in tbe regimeuteU of tlie loldiera.Baron Bicasoli bai done aomewhat leai inTupcany, whero tlie provineial Etrulcan type ta byfar more distinct tban ii the Emiliau; etill, even bcre,acroflf tbe Apenninep, all tbe offieiali and officernhave taken the onth of allegiance to Victor Eman-uel, the "King elect." It ia in hii name thatjuitice ii admini-tered, and the towm and district*governed; the French ayitem of meaiurea audcurrency, which wai long ago adopted by Bardinia,haa been introduced without oppofdtion, and theproud ipirit of the Florentinea, nurtured br theuio-t glorious hiatoric reeollectrona. aubtrdu wiiling-ly to tbe e\ eutual supremucy of Turiu, tliat opitartcity witbont hiatory, eithar political or Uierary andartistieal. and apeakiug a language wbich can

acarcely he calied Italian. All thia haa beenBchieved with tbe connivanc. of Napoleon, whomigLt long ago have cruahed thb apiritof Buiou aud theae practical stei* for complete fu-aioD, hy aending bia army from tbe Mincio bv wayof Leghorn inetead of by Mont Cenia to Fronce;aince tbe French Generals rnigbt, dtyiag theirmarch, have exerted the infloence of their preseneeto bare men put at the head of affaira in erery townand proviuce wbo would bave quietly worked forthe reatoration of the Princei and againit the unionw ith Piedmont. It may be aaid that luch a policywould bave been very unpopular, at.d would bavedt prived the Emperor of the froite of hii eampaign,Bg.. tbe contentment of the Italian nation; itiii,the delay granted to Central Ibly, aod ao ndmirably impTored by Farini, Peaoli, and Rioaaoti, baiadded many difficultiea to the policy of reitorati.mwhiab, according to tbe accounta of all tboae whobave btely viaited Italy, could ouly be enrriedout by a war and an itnmenae ilaughter. A fewweeks more will ahow whether it ia Francia Joaephor Central Italy which hae been cheated by Napo¬leon i one ol tbe two hai certainly becoine a victimof hii dark policy.The Popepute no great truit in the CoDgre-A,

.ince Count Walewski, though often prraaed bj tbeNuneio, never proauaea the complete reatoration ofthe Papal power ia the LegatioBi; whib on thootber band, the French Embiu-ador ot Rome oon-tiuuee to tnaiit upon reforms. Having been impor-tuned for montha, the Pope has at lait appointed a

CctomiMion of holf-a-doren Canlinala, to diauaithia que-tiun; and the fint decree iiaued at theiraujyieation ihowa clearly tbat tlie Papal ideaa ofP( lorm are at variance with tboae of tbe civili_edworld. 1 he Papal authoritiei begin their reformsat tbe root, and therefore, olter a preamble againatthe low state ofmorali in Roioan nociety, order thatno lemalcs coming to church with bare ihouldera,uecka, and bair, or clad in extravagaiit droaieB.here probably crinoline ia meant.ahalr be ihrivenby tbe prieaU! By tbie deen-e, the Pope puU him-.elfexactly upon toe aame level with tbe Bultan,who bea lately iaiued tbe eounterpail of tbia order,piohibiting tbe Turkiah bdi<* from waaring traua-pareat vaiia and muilin dreariei, atid French ihoiva,aod a profuaion ofjewele.The agitatiirti in Hongary iBcreaaei and Francta

JtMiepb, iuatead of yieldioi; to tbe approachingator_a,bo8 reaolved to put ltdown bv force. Tbe flflbanny-cor|#, atotioned in Vcnetia, has btvn orderadto march to Hungary, and one hondred and lixty-nine clergyroeu, eldera, and bipectori, men ofrrtaiiding and influence, have been eummoued beforetbe Provineial Criminal Court at Kaacban, for hay-ing excited the population to diaoontent and opposi-tion againat the governmeut, The Vienno pa|>er«triumphantly explain that BBB Hungariana are unA-

ble to make any arroed reeigtance, aad that, ac-

cordingly, they will have quietly to lubmit to tbeGcrmnn rule, mipported ua it i8 by bayoneta; buttbe Hungariani renly that it w not their intenti»nto iiae now in revolution, and tl.at eveu a Gerroanonuy and tbe itate of aie^e oaanot prevent them

frca. Irfuig diaaatiidbd, and from expreMing theirdiacoitteDt within the bound^ of tbe cnmiual code.Th^a oppoaition manrfitirtB iteelf now even in out-

ward Bppearancea. The etiiBiney^ot hat aud theBWh-ow-tail coat are proeer Iwd ut Hungary among

AfDtlemcu; and tven the ladiei have partiallyt_r.ui:('ipat-d themselveB fn.m tbe Parie fwhions,and wear a Hangarian head-dreaa, aod velvet flBBFfl,laeed in froct; but, I*Iovn the waiat, tbe oriuolin.-retoim ita iwey, bi b ooii)pliin*nt to the E_-prr_BPuirenie. The eiample ol the Hnn^anani haimade a great impreiaion oc the Bohemiani, and itti «nid that the public ipirit of Pragne ia oa boatiloto tbe Auitriaua aa tbat of Peith.Uie Concordat of Bwen Nvith the Pope, eopuxl

Irom tbo«e of Auatria aud Wiirtemhurg, aud the

miportolion of Jeiuiti by wboleaale, ere making a

ereat itir io Boothern Germany. Htill, by the aid

ot a L'ood deal ol beer aod lobaeoo, the daimtgogaiaof Bavaria, Wiirtembrg and Baoeu w.U reoimcibtbemhclvea . ven to theae meaMMwa of their Ooveiu-u. i.t, of which, by tbe by, two are nominally 1 rat-..ctant, if tbry only contnae to oppoae Pniiem;Miioaa SiratbeiiR C_Minan in quite aotiafied to woafc

Obe aaaiBi ot b.ndag", if ouly Pruaaia dot*not beeome t<o powerful. H-tvcvor, thev

bave w UkmuUi be uuoMy Ju rogardi thia potot.The Pruaaian Cabinet tvi-tainlv eannot eoMmnagthe aiBipathr of fbrmany, and ut onabbto _NrtR_B>Uo-aor^3g^_ uTbladrtir- ara RRaral .aad pru^raaave. CoautNehwerio^M J> Auerawhld, and ai. De Potow;;.._« liheral^oooorvktire, Ibat ia to aay atfltionary:S^DbKIS andDc Hchleioitz aod Count?Sr, aad thrae are reaeUoaary: Meaai-i. Vonde7Hejdt aad eaaaoaa. aod Gt^o. Roon. Wi* «.ch

» CabirJ t the I'rince Regei.t may go oo very woely,tboogh PfBOB* bimI GonRwy c*aw4

AFFAIR8 IN FRANfJR.Frea Oar Owa CerraapaaaaM.

Parib, Deo. Mi If**.Piinee Riehard Mettci-ich went io -iilenotat

utate ta tke Tuibriea yrsterday, to greaent hia no*

dr ntibia aa EmhaMfldor of Auitria. To hia litllef j eeeh aa tbe oceoa;oo the Man of tbe IIou*-* re-

j.iii'd bi followa: " I firmly bope that tbe relutiuaa" io happily eatabliihed between the Emperor of" Auatria caiin.it fail to becomc more friendly bp" an attentive exiroinivtion of the interesta of tbe" two rountriea. Bince I have aeen the Emperor,R I, for my part, atUch a great priee to hii per-" lonol friendabip, and you, Metternicb, are tke" very man to facilitate a aincere good anderatand-" ing between ua." 'Which oomplioicntary reronrk,if trne, leadi aome of tu to regret that Franz Jo-f eph had not cent aome one elae. The- e ta aome-

tbing nucanny for the ItAliaiia and Hungariana,and lome other folka, in tbe look of a lincere goodniidt rstandiiig between tboie two.There ia not rnuch iraportantly new come to Kgbt

aboat the Congreaa, anleea it be the report comiogby to-day'a mail from Turin, that Cavour decidedlyia to iit there aa repreieutatire of Bardinia. Thatthe poet of firat Eflgliah repreaentative ihouldbe filied hv Embawador Cowley, and uot by Palm-eriton or Rutiell, aa" interpreted at fint ai a aortof ibgbt put on the Cougre-fl by Englaud. But, aabai been fifly remarked, o. aecond thought, Palm-eraton can a<t through Cowby aa vvell aa tbough bewereoreient, aending bia " inipirationa" by tel-egraph at ahorteit uotice, and bf courier in tenor twelve houra.

It ia now thought that the Congreaa will not l>e rea-dy to mcct by the 5th of next u.ontb. It will not beready to riae by next year thia time if it undertakeaall the work that conjecture ie carving out fur it.There will be tbe Mortnra memoir; the menvir ofthe Neapolitnn reftiget^j the .lvmoir of the Venetiannoble refugeeit the proposition to revtae tbe treatyof 1856 preaented by Ruaaia; tbe queation of mari-time righta in time of war, raired hy Pruusia; theIatLmui of Ruez queation; the general diaarmaiuentqueation: finally, tbe Italinu queation; and finallyand laitly, what are our Congre_.ional decirione onit to ainount to 7 If we ihould happea to vote infavor of tLe restoratiou of one or more of the Dukea,bow are we to reitore them 7 One volanteer solu-tion of tbia qnestion rnni thus: Congrcaa will notinterfere with the interaal affairiof the CentralItaliau Btatea, etrtainlj uot; but baa the right audwill exetciee it, of preventing thoio Stutea fromuiaking any territorial changea. Whicfc amountaaimply to keeping them in a proviaional atate of sui-

penae till they beg to be cat down, ard drop intothe handi of the non-interfering Powera. The veryiiitelligent Turin correapondeut of Iai Prute writea,under date of the KUb, thut tbe Italiam think thatthe camie of reitoratien haa lately loet ground enor-mouslv.

1'br're ii revived tnlk, on I do not know whatfoundation, of a central Italian kingdom agaiu, un¬der an Italian Prince. The Priuce choeen by thenewimoDgers in a nephew of Victor Emauue), Mbb-t.r Thomai, Duke of Genoa, aged fire, or PriuceBavoy de Carignan, who i« to roarry, for the occa-

ivioii, the widowed DucheiR of Parma, or, &c, dtc.Buoncompagni'i haa come almoat to naiigbt. Ri-caaoli, Ihe DictatorofFlorenee, aceepta very little ofbim, and ie fanciedto bc a leM ardent aaoexationiatthan he appeara.Tbere waa an idle rnmor the other day tbat Gari-

bnldi wai to be married.in fact, waa marriod.toa noble Lombard lady. Tho atory haa beeu anthori-tativelv denied, and a new one atartcd, tbat it il hiicldest lon, a Ind of twenty, who ii to wed a nobbMilaneie. Thia lant veraion, beiug only two dayaold, haa had no time to be contradicted.What Pariiiana aod all Faeaek aaas AaB womea

have been more inteniely iotcreated aboat thie weekthan any political queatiooa, ia the Lemoine trialdown at Chinon, in the Touraine, the moat Oele-brated of recent eautet ulebrtt. From Friday toMonday little elae wai Ulked of. The daily printawere filied with reporti of it La Prttu, tor in-etenee, in tboae four dayigavetwenty-oinecolumni,nearly half it« ipace, to tbe reporti. The focb ofthe cuee are bnefly aa followB: Mudame LenMine,a woman of jjood family, of the high hoargeotaieof Chinon, living legally leparated from her hua-band, by hia iault, not hen, oa tbe tribunal thatrranted tbe plea of aeparaUttu had judgad, hkd a

tVauflTo.1 daughter, Angelina. At tbe Bge oi" 18thiH girl kai frequent crimrual cenrerBation withher mother'd ooochman, a atnpid, illlooking, atterlyunedueated fellow, aged 29. Bbe beeomea tnetimte ¦

telta bim tbat ahe wauta to marry him, and that theknowledge of ber aituatiou will force her mother toconaent to the mateh. The announeieirtent of herpittifiti.ii, when it could hardly lorlfcer be eonceoled,made one day by tbe coaebman, F.-tia, coupled w itha demand ol ber dutighter'e hand, had a quite dif¬ferent effeet on the mother. Sbe lmmedialcly dia-miiaed Fetii, and made np her mind to "aave herdnughter'a bonor" by deatroying tbe proofk of herdishonor. Bhe took r&riooa meani to produceabortion, wtthout effeet, At the end of ber teruithe daugbter wae delivered of a live child, wbichihe imothered and then bunied to aahea. Thepreparationa for tbe delivery, and the whole plan forexecntini thishorrible infanticidc, were made coolly,long in advance, by the mother, with theconnivanceof tbe daugbter. Neitber of them bai ihown atany time aince tbe elighteet aigu of regret, to soyuothing of remorae, at the deed. Not to preventauspieion and poaittve ftffirmatiou, with which thehttle town of Chinon waa full, but to browbeat audoutbrave scnndal, the mother forccd ber daugbtertlie day before and the day after her deUvery to

nppcar on tlie pubbc promenade. Thia happeivdnearly a year ago. Not atopping to tell how tbeocandul stirred tbe Touraine world, aod bow thomagiatrncy interfered, I come direct to the tnalthat took pUce laat week. It ia Intereating aa de-velopingthe nrtture of Madame Lemoine.-a wocrtauof tlie Lady Macbeth kind.Lady Macbeth beforaIhe fifth nct.a woman with an iron will, thatboldi ber purpoae fixed as in a_v.ee, unabttkeiihy danger, reinone, or shame. Wicked and proudaa Batan, and aa detiant, inipiring almoat s iort ofreepeet; batening to her condemnotion to twentyyearaof hard labor, bowicg to the jndgea, calndylookiug over tho audience, ctmipo-cd of her ac-

quaintance and neighbon, then turning to ipeakwitb bercounsel, witbout any aign of emotion or ofeffort to conoeal emotion. But tbe trial i* iither-wiie LtiteiTNit-'ig aa offeri-g a atudy of French man.

nera. The mother wbb eondemned, bb I aaid. totwenty yeora of bnrd labor. The jury had frttndextenuating circumabncea in thia b»_g prrmeditaU»dmurder. It waa eommitted to aove the honor oftbe family! Tbe daugbter waa acquitted. Bkewai io young, and haa been io bodly brougl.t upOn this laat point tbe proaecuting ftttomey dwelt tflengtb, and with great eornewtneai, _og with tbeinteDt of excaiinK the daugbter, but to aMravaUr}tbe tootber'a condemnatkni. The mother had not*wat-htNl her readiug, hai pcrmitted her t<> rcad,omong oTKer bad booki. tbe unmoral and excrtlngnovel- pnhlifhed in tbe teo_t*to_i of* tbe Journals. IIt ii mt aad faot that the Oiuot reapeotable joamabia Pari* do publtah, at tho foot of their pagea,what adeccnt man or womun, let alooe a )onnggirl, choiild leave unread. It waa in a Komaa

Jr uiiielon of l a Prrmr, tbaa whieh ther* il not B

more reputable newipoj.er io Iranca, that the «irlhad fimiliArired b.-ra-lf with actjnei but too Bimilarto thoee which ibe and ber mother were afterward,to uct io real life and rral dVnth. ^V__f*7"^tend.-ii.y of French no\al-reBdiog haa boeg fro-queutly inaiated ou of late br proaeeAilJug attonieyain ciiiuikal triala. Mouy detoili of tlaa tnal oai

r. ported in tbe paperi, are alao poor readiag for

yoiith, and flmnier CBaaagnac, among othen*, hasraired 1lM'qiw«tk>ow liethar publieation of aiBid:ir rejporta ihould not in falore be lorbiddea, »m*«,aud arRinog tbat ther ahould. VYbereuiKin aoot

and ir.: *t rtapectablejou.-naliat tvrter remarking t

tbire ia bftter rrading lor young rwrootw tbaa ew

tliepoliticaUrtiel^andDawiiUtmi, bt alotie tbe

jendlet..na of the large newapaperi, aoe«i very aeuai-

bly to add: " Aa for ua parenU wbo bftie eharge" of aoub, we oagbt re.t to remoin atrangera U> anrof

"tbeweak_4MB_oorwdckedDoaaeaofbumamty. IIlam oar daty, not oalv aiciti_ena, bat mtamatart, to..kBOWtbeJBl mm\mmm*W!m*4+&1*4***" iutt evded wiM -t rhapa uave brought witb il more" than oneu_efui I.-ao_." The mothar, aa t awd,M pnniabed witb hard lebor for {BBRBtFjBl^aJbadkoghter a««BAitt«d, I tM rviti be probaMr MM W

a eenvertt, Bat tbia Fettt, whe toab *-TOt_ge oftbe nr_w!y peaaiena of a child, wbo gRvo tbe motm-rio iutin.aiii.il of tbe girl'a txraogoeonduettowardbia..abieb Wgiin two years bfforc he took tbe Iaa*advar.t.iFe nf it.tbie frilow te not io mu«*h aa tried;bi* arpira only ea a Pttueee ln tba cai*..teeini toI ave .'i.niRiilted ne crhne, R8 effeeee cofBizalile by> re li h jtittire.whiek, io this rcipect, 1 believe, mne lli___r tban Anierican joatiee. I am glad toadd tbat teveral of the joornaliita, hero, aa witb ua,more adviiiced tban oppoint*- leg0u»toTa, kaTepeinted out, with able aud earneet protfit, thiaM.lt in th»* rritfiinal code.

Aniither trial that baa drawn cenivdorablo at-tention bere 0 tbe trial of J-hn Brown anii bwaeenrintcg. Bricf but in the. main quito accoratereporti bave been peblitbed in all the Iarge Pariapaptn. Tbey bave mi-cd at texta for e4>Tnmenta-riea te writora of tbe moat oppoaite opiniona.tolh- ..(iit.in ef tbe Catoeri and t..V ict.ir Hugo. Th**«ot-i.li Ui.'utaiiii diffcriug in tpirit.aa widely aa theiraathun in opinion, are alike painful to an honoitAmcrican reader. The malieioui pleaiure witbakich j-onr Vnittn cfl-imontatot**. compare theprocfcdinga of a Conrt of aocalled jnrtoe ina Proteitant democratic coontry to the prooe43d-ings in th.: tribunala of the Reign of Terror whenFouquicr TinviUVi waa nroaecutor, tbe indxAi-naot iorrow with vxhich Vietor Hu+ro exclaimiin opcaking of that trial and ita result, " I declore ot) iny bonor that thii took place not in Tnrkey but in AmeTica;" aud again, "It ii poiiiblethat the puniihment of Brown would conaolidateHiavery in Virginia, but it would eertainly umettJe(he Anierkan itemoeraev. You tave your ihain**kat you kill your glory;".thii maliciona plea-t-ure aud tbia indignant torrow, I tay, are tbe typeleeiiaga af tbe two great partka in which EuropeU divided, the retrogradea and tbe progiruiitfi.Ibe avxaited repreientative of tb** great "Mpdel

Repiiblic" near the ta'ourt of the Tuikriei will couk!

of rour>e from Virginia tOld Prinee Jerome ia nlarmingly ill theae. two

dayi witb hing le ver. Baron Meneval, tbe FrenchJUi'nu-ti'r at klunich, bai reiigned bia post, aad ie, itia aaid, goiog to Rome to take boly ordera. Thocaute ot hii retiring from hii houorablu poaition inpublic life ii grief ht the death of hii wife.A ycung Marquia do Califct, who got himself

verv deeply and cclenratedly tangjed up in a love-knotwith a fanioui Dame tux Cameliai, a few yr*ar« ago,YxLii-h bia rrkndi cut for t.iin by packing bim off tothe Crinrn?a, wbere he fongbt properly like a French-noan, and wbonee he returned cured and rid of theiiBi.iahty fcinale, eomewhile afterward married a

very pictty wife. With her he went to the operath.* other night, Monday week, I thiuk. There ehewai very much lorgnetted from the parterre, withthe iutcnee ludeneae that persone, in aome otherr#*peet8 gentlemen, habitually degrade themselveato in inch plaeei and oconiiona, by Count NnpoteonLaw deLauriiton, ton of Napoleon'iManhnl Lnur-iaton. Oalifetbeckoned to liitn from tbe box to comenp, went out into tho lobby to meet him, and ex-

prfii becoming diacontcnt. Hence an exchange ofsbarp wordi, and an inmlt, aud a challenge, and aduel ncar 8t. Cloud, in which both particg receivedf.eeh vxoundi, and good argament for Pariaiau taikfor Ihe reit of the week.There ia a Prince Van Buren bere; wai nr*'aented

to Ihe Emperor yetrterday; ralla himeelf Coont deBnren, tnat ia, tho French write him ee, but deit French, aa every one knowi, for D.iteh van, andDutch the ycung man ia, and a Prince; though no

relation to yoor Jobo, the fact being that bia /anBuren ii "all my eye and Betty Martin;" he 0Iiiuce William of Orange, aon of the King of Hol-land, out on bii traveli intog.The Caiat of Parii hai undertaken a quite exten-

aive tour in the Eait. He ia aceompanied by hiibrother the Duke of Chartrea, wbo has a year'a fur-longh from the 8ardinian Government, in wh4M«aruiv he icrvea.

Fhicn, who haa not been on apeahing tenne withCount _|onUlt*0D-ert. baa viaited tbat iiluitriovaacad. uiiciun, linc.e the jiroieculion waa inititotedagaiutt Miiiitaleuibert'i artkle in the Corrctttond-tut, and perhlpi, too, out of tympathy for kiDuta-hnibert'i recent afflictlon. The brother whom heloat, und on account of whose death the trial waareferred till to-day, waa ht tbe army and gained biagrade of (,'olonel, at 8olferino.Dumaa, jr., toldthecoprrightof Un Pert Pndigue

toMi.hel Lfvy for Jt_,OtW franca. A little whilebefort* iti fint repreeentatiun, Edmond About wrotoin iu..' of bia Ltttrtt (tut Bon Jtune Hommt: "Tba'. _Vr«- ProdiKiie* wbi4sh they are now rebearsiixg at" tbe Gjmnate will ba worth 50/rOO franca to kf." D__.i. jr., if the luccep b»* moderati*,. If, ai I"h.pe, it be r great tncceae tbe mm will be"doubled. H0 tfrtntt d'auteur on tbe Darrte a%z" Ctmeittt it the Vaudeville brought him IW.OOO" franca." Tbia, excluaive of hii copyright, efwhatever he can gain by iprcial bargoin with thotheaier manager, and of all h« mav gai'n by r.'pF*>-aenlatiutM in future yeari, Bnd hii neirs for thirtyyeara after death.About haa juit preeentcd a aew comedy at the

Theatre Francaii which haa been received. Thecompany had aocepted only a <ew wwki ago anotherpiece from hii pen, on mndifion tbat it thould beapprored by tbe Government oenaort. But it waaao conn_ently belMved tbat they would refnee their.BnetiiFO to it in ita tben form, that he nreferreda ithdrawing to altering to their taitea tbe Ldutttionti'un f'rime.

*> ,


Cantox, October27, 18T>9.Tbe profonnd qniet tbat reigm in aU the political

and coinmiTcial aipecta of Cbina, for the immediatepreeent at leatt, u tomething exjraordinnry, whenone rtflectt on tbe eventa of a few montbi lince,and or theae which at many more are likely to bringfortb. The only occurrencea at Canton are tho ar-

riTti of R rrgiineat of Britiih troope, added to thegarriion, and tbe orgauiiatiou, in workiag order, ofthe new a.nglo-ChineBe Cnatome eetabliahment,which ii now in full force in the two principal porteof the Empire. I have previo_tly given r tketch ofthii reouukable inititution, aud aUuded to the

power plai'.d in the haudi of Mr. Lay, the chiefCoiumiMioner, whoae juriadiction extenda over aUthe porti open to foreign trade. The tyitem hai al-ready been worked at 8banghae for about a year,iu ita preeent form, and the unexpeeted turn of af-fairt in the North hai alone prevented ita extenaionto all the treaty porta. At Canton. however, it baibeen put into effect. with a ataff of ten or twelveEurcpcan clerki, with one American, Mr. Ham-mond, of 8alem, Mbm.Up to the present time, the CaBtem-Houae bu»i-

neti hr.i be**n eutlrely trnMacted by Chinene agcots,ci.ll.-d linguiiti, and great frivdmn from ih<* uiual4.'j.iiti(.in reitrictioua on commeroc haa been en-i.ivcii by the foniun mercantiie commnnity, while a

ayitcm of " bnlf-dutiei" hai long prevoil* _, thr.xigbki i-xaiion oftbe toriff regulutioni. Now, however,flki- riisor of the law ii to Ik. put iuto effvet, and au«wf.'ntc eyatem of rcgulationi) have been promul-gated, iii aeeiirdan.*** vxith which tbe cntjr.' manage>iti.-ct of the Fuatomi ii aterumed by the EuropeuiiH,tbe Fhimtr-e IIoppo, or Coramiaiioucr of Cuitouw,arting only the purt of a remver. Thia ofiicial, ainindariu of tbe bigheet rank, ia aecountable to theInrperial Treaaury for a atated turn, all beyondYvbith i» bia own perquiaite, and, at the new lya-tem aill greutly increaee hir rrceipta (if all. gocawell), he i« naturall) ib favor of the acbenn*. Themercantiie community, bowever, uhuoet witliout ex-

eeption, uro lutatilo to the innovntion, prokftiting^hut under th.* rexattoil nt'iilationt and tlie rigor-#111 exactjoni to be enfoiwd in fiitnri., the trade of( antor. will be annihilated, and that within aliwBunitha tho fr, «. porti nf Hong-Kong aud MacaoBull tiuw uheorbi'd tho trad**, and that the one willi|xe Licdtiu* UM cntn'pot for Ihe import, tke otherjtr the export trade of uie whole of (Southern China.f lt appeara indubitabie tbat the aew Cuitotn-tlouie legulatiom will give a great uupetua to theimuggliug trade which already exiata, and which iifax ond by the nomberleai rreeki branching off fromibe great river on either aido and petr_>tra_ag farInto the intenor of tke eountry. Tbe manafacturoaaf Grrat Britain and tba Umtod 8tat_B. Und. atlloiiM-Kiing, will, it appeara probable, oo lurn p-titiouily diiieniinped in large quantitiee, by meanaof lorekaa and other imaD veeeek, in deftaneo of theCaatoBM aa._Mk, who aaaaai be expeetod to or*

fUiiMfi "999*1 QkHi'' 9% || ffMWtmHbW tiwVt.

would be requhdte to ioflore even a partbl proaec-tioo te tke revenne.A very hnportant »t>p hai at bngth been taken

by tbe Britith Gorernment, in authorizing tbe in-troduetion of Cbineie eoofiea to th? Weat IndiAnf.'oloaiea, and aGovermnent agent hnn arrived inHong-Kong for the parpoae of auperintending theeultatnient of laboran. It b propoaod to engagethe mea for a term of five or aevcu yenra, at a fixedpay per month, giving them a free paaaage tti tberoloiiy, with food ind cbthing en remte, tegetherwitb a prrmium toanehoa "bull t.fce with themtheir wivea nnd childr. 11. Eb ?ite the atrodtieathat bave been perpetrated bv tho Franch, Portu-gucae, aad, I am norry to add, Aiueticaua, in kid-nipping aud maltrenting the unfortanate ooolieaheretofore engaged, tbe overflrv. iiig population ofChina will atill afford on aband.mt aupply o( Uborif tbe ayitem be properiy organized, and the menreceive jn.6rf.nt. ca or demoiistrationi tbat they arefo he hooeatly dealt witb. A lew nioutha aince, l_ewildtit notk.ni were cnrrent regarding the deatin.vtion of tke eodiea ihipped beyond eea. A manda-rin of comrideraWe jotelbgence auured me, ai a faetbeyond dieputo, tbat. hia countrymen were kid-napped under preteuaei of extraordinory pay, andon nrriv ing at eertab iilandi belonging to the nationa of tho Weatern Oeaao, were thrown into tankifilied with Iobster* and erawfiab, wbo fattened onthe living bodi.a of .he unfertnnftte coolica. Evennow l have my doubta wbether the explanatum ofthe cooly ayitem, which wai -olunteered and ac-

cepted, tank very deeply into tba worthy officer'iunderitandiug. One conuot argue witb a Chinese;be diaonni all logic by agreeing with hia adveraaryfrom politeueaa.and then aaafrting, at tba aecondcup of tea, the fame opiniom which one bad im-agined overthrown with the bit yellow dropa ofthe fint.

rroclimationi, however, have been iiroed by theAllied Commandera at Conton, warning the peopleagainat tae " pig-broker*,'' aA tbe kidniippers are

popularly calied, aud explaining the objecti of theGoveinmentideairouiofengaging cooly bbor. Onperceiving tbat there ia really a guaranty of goodfaith in the matter, I bave no doubt that Uborerawilling to emigrate will be found in infficient uum-beri, to the great advantage of tbe Britiih andFrench coloniei. Tbe cooliei to Britiih colonieaara all to be carried under the Britiah (Iag, bat it bveryprubable that Araeriean ibippiog may be ein-

ployed by the Freuch importeri ol bbor, in whicheace i:>me more itringent regulutiena than are now

inforce ihould be adopted by the Uniicd dtatoiGovernment for the mainteuance of the honor ofiti flag.We have finally taken leave of Soromer, tbe

north-eaet monioon aetting in having brought Bflthe bracmg althongh itill warm wentheT of a Boutb-ern Autumn. In a few weeke, the expeditioni intoTarioui porta of the surrounding country, oa welllor purpoaci of exploration oa tm thoae of itrikinginto the heartsof the Tillagei a aalutary awe, willbe nndertaken; but, in the mean while, the foreign-era atationary in Canton auiu«c themaelvea by ex-

curaiona, in partiei of two or three, among thoWhite Cloud Hilla on.the aouth-eaat, or the plainaon the north of the city. Life ie now oa iafe in andaround Canton ai in tbe be-t-regulated city in theL_icn, wbile a year ogo, a aolitary foreigoer, iaau-ing from the walla, would have atijod but a amallchance of returning with his heod in ite properplace. I have but jnat reached my quarters agabi,after an excumion to the hilhi,with a couplo of com-panioni, aud Cbineie aervauti, and chair-benren.,The ipuri of tbe White Cloud reach to witbin a miWor two of the eaatern wall of the city, and rise ingentle undulationa'to tbe euroroit ofthe range, aome

2,64-0 feet above the level of the eea. Tbe interven-ing valleyi are dotted with pleaaant villagea, withtheir dependent paddy-fieldi, now gradually turn-

iuk froin tbeir vivid groen to a lickly ellow,and with bamboo plantationa of conaiderab extent.Tbe alopea are corered with myriada of graveo,among the memorial atonea of which the iportamania lewarded with conatant occupation, oa thecountry abouuda in game, while, in the rice fielda,anipe are exce^dingly common. Iu the eouree ofoar lote excunion, we pansed througb a number ofvillagea, many of them picturenquely aituated, andrrminding one itrangely, wben gnzed at from a

hight, of the rural loeiiea of New-Houpehire andIdaiue, the dark maeees of the bamboo now andthen forming an excellent mbititute for the pinowoodi uf thoae familiar Btatea. In no inatanca didwe meet w ith aught but civility and reodbeka tooblige.a it-ikiug iastanoe of the friendly and inof-feniive nature of the Chineie peoiantry.A itrange exeitemeot previuled in Canton a Treek

or two lince, eaaied by a myaterioua diiappearanceof frathera from the fowla, whbh neariy every in.babitont of the city keepa in greator or leaa number.In one night the poultry in (aa I am ananred) hun-dredi of houeea dtaappeared, no trace being left ofthe manner in whiek tbe oataatrophe waa aceom-

pliibed. 'Ihe dtaoator, however, waa of couraeattributed by the auperatitioaa popabee to the inter-Vf uti4.n of evil spirita, and many apprehended theapproach of aome great calamity in conaequeoce.Ihe mutdated fowb were at onee alaughtered, andgreat numbere were offered in the templea, or givento the poor. Public notificotioui were alao postvdup oflering rewarda for the dtaeovery of the meamby which tbe mutilation took place, but no reaulthai been arrived at. If, aa haa beea iiiggeated, itwai the work of the Buddhiit prieita, for the pnr-poae of obtaming offeringi, and perhapd of drawingauguriei from tbe oecurreueea, it haa certaiuly aue-

ceeded well, and ia a proof of the power of aecretaction poaaeued by tbia great organuntioo.Tbe bnger one obiervei thii extroordinary aeot,

whoce adherenta ara the moat numcroua of auy ex-

tatiug creed, the more forcibly and frequently one ia.truck by the curioua and frequently inexpbcablereeemblonce to the Roman CathoUc religioe. Notonly are many of tbe doctrinea etrikingly aimilar,but the minutfee of worukip, momutic di-cipline,&c, are in numeroua caeei ideutical. Wbile in a

Buddhiit roonaitery the other day, I was introdacedto the abbot, a venerable man, whoae etate gar-nicnte are purple, and reaembling tboae of a RomanCathobc dignitary, while bii itattof offlee iiolmontideutical with the crozh-r of tho Chri»tian Chtirch.I need not niention the inatitution of female devotcea, onawering in nu*t parttcnlari to that of tbenum of the Roiuaniata, to oarry on the parollel. Inthe templea, genuliexiona, lilent adoration of im-agea, counting of bends, bumina of iucenie, repe-tition of prajere in atongue unknowa even to theofficiating prieit, and eonntlecs mmor reeembbnceo,force themielvee upon the attention of even a carc-leaa obaervcr, and point irre-iatibly to the couclu*.ion that either both ayitema are dcriv-d from aoommoB aouroe, or tbat one hai borrowed ita lead-ing featurea from the other. Binologuea ore dividedupon thia point; the u4_eiti.ii of one party beingtbat Chincve Boddhiam ow»_ much to trndition* ofCbriitianily diaKcmiiiated dtiring the ninth and teathcenturieri by now-forgotten mi88ion;irii»ij while oth-eni aseert that both creedi owe tbeir extemal forn.to one original baaia of common betithcndou..

I must break oil haitily, ua the la.t monicrit torwriting baa arrived.



CanA'tp*ad«uie of Th* N. Y. TribauaHocur>TrR, N. Y.', Dec. 85,183*.

Kcr ten oi fomtcen daje pait, great eftbrta had baan

made ou the part of the C.ntom-Houaa aad Paat-Offlcealtacl'i'i, Biid other "diaintcra-tod'' parttaa, to obtab

BlgnBtBiea to a call for a U_ion-flar_ag ineeting, U> bohtld h the (ity Hali, on Wedntaday eret-nc, Iloc. 2S.Pnifonal pbdgci havirg 1 cmi giraw tbat thw ueetbgwai not deeigned to>vor any r*rty or elique, but b-t«d*d to fuirly reprtaent tha aaBtimenta of all partioi,a very reaiieciahle Itat of naatea, noinberiiw *»»«eluht hnndred, waa obtaaiAd. lliewv rjttnt* arero dalypaiaded befon- tha pubMo m tha only Detaovratie japerin tha city_7'ae C*'0H "«« Adi>crttter-~aad in no

other. (if ."onrea, under all 'J e ciremr.^taneea, therewaa a iO-oiik Buapieion tiu.t avervUiias waa ent anddried to auit tha petmltar toatoa of B diqae, and tbeevenn of tbe Beeting, ai tha prognuunM devtdopadliaelfftilly- .«iAined theae lumitaaa. Hutaavarweroll,e uwUca ol' politioal wire-pullan mora baaatifallyfoiled.The meetinff.mimhenng leaa tban flva baadrad--

waa organi/ad by tba eeleeiion of 11. G. BFaroar, e*q.,aa ('hairmBn, and a long ltat of NecraUriea and Vioe-Praiidaota. Pandiog aome prelimii-iry BBlBaB C.Huaon, mq. offerad » malioB for a Commlttea of Brooa Boaabdoaa. Tha ChaLraaio lookad t-ugrload andOOB-RMd M thii UJM-pvetad mvyt, oad he*djr cof-MUv-

ed aome ef tka YMt-l-yialBJli m tke etaad.uienro, however, waa nmpant, aad Feetk"taiaetDon." "t^Boe-on/' lltias liro-ia-t onVke-Preii-enM to hii feet, who fltovtd aa ament that aine be tke naatbor of tke Coa_a0i(.. . ._,

wae aerepted by tke oritrinal mov«r, aad M.rrlof kyloud BcclaaaiKn. Of conrre, Mr. C. Haa.v-agaaaRepablkar-.wai n>ada flmiman oa BeaolnUoaa.Ilwaievident now that thii Repnhttoaa aePea fca_

aoapletely nonpft-wd tha Fni.m Favem pnr exctlUnet.The tablei woro tomed, aud the peopla were goiag tohave M prettv aaek their own way. Tbe fja__p_lo(-flcer* and office-bolderi iraokcd agliaaI, nnd there aaghtbe aeen on eack eeamenanee a nmex ef tke oe_-i__P:

" Ulor, ia like a afrt-t ia tha tratot,Wbtcb aevarr <_e>a>th ta. nlarge {taakfTill .ry hromd tprtoHmt it ,liop*rtt to .tfAL"

Th* ('r_)uiittee now ratired Pooaaakea IBBBJbJ.4and, in tbe_Man?inv<the Hon. Jbbmb Ilrooki -M-0,arrived, he waa intrWoced to tbe mredag, aad pra-eeedcd to addren B in a *ret-.-h ovet-aakar wBh rke-toriV of tbe ft.Mian aud boml _--f. order, Mt aa 0a__taMof logie ai a political trieketar it of */n__MR keaoPy.He coixinenccd hiispeack by aiJidmd to

nal matt.., a* be eoua'e..d it tke int aaty p apublic apeaber to dBahnaetho tin_.li ai BM aaatan «fany eiTC_4»e_* prt-jndieea ihey may tuMtld- V i.kr-en.e to hitn. Jle bad been iccneed ia eae ea* iba PMrtapeia of being a ilave-bolder. Thia wae fclao. B_ad no interwrt whPever in any ilave proter,**' kal ka

had made a -tcriice of one htindred tnoaaaaa dotlpan n-iard to it, in obe.ltonre to h_ Vew-Enej.odcation and the eommoii aeutiaieut oflheEaPera ffcPBa,and he therefore c-timed a j-i-«<___B_t litjkt M apnaXon thia enbjrct.Mr. Brooki proreedod to ipeak of thoae

HC.PBFD NIBCTK flf-JlB PIBRD IR ALBART.When he henrd thoae dolefol bella aoandiaa; tr>m tka

capttol of Um BtPe, tolied in F.vntpalhy wkk tka .Br-deter ib.I traitor, Jokn Brown' [hiaiee jVr.MaaaePBRof tba audiencej, ba thtroi/bt it time . octoae-ea toeareePthe eorteetive to tbeae dtoot.aaniaa; aai aa*ra. no«k tendencke. Here tbe biaaera jaedvad a Pr-ribte pbilipnic. He had faeed New-York laWMe aaib«at them Rcwn by a itonn of witbermg deoaacaBtoa,aad it wai oreleea for any cuta.iwb to t.' B. axpert-n.en*,. Mr. B. corjtibtHKl to ponr fortk bia _MjMMvxith »u*l, poeeicubte vebene ice lhat he D*_rry ex-hauited bkiOeralh with rajr'i, aaul it waa RRBMdl k.eonve that he hadebanped hii tuetne for the rrmdmt*aud had inddenW reeoivtd lo give hii aa.'ieiiee a 4na>fertat:-n cn "IIie.Fiuii" initeid of FnMn-e_,vii»R. He.however, partially reexveied hii balauee of uund, ai_

proceeded to iptat. of tkeIIPRFME COCBT AKI) THK 'ATHkRI Ol' THE RaTPt'BLtC.Twenty ruilhone of niindi or .Ula, eaeh aeting in-

derendently, ihould 1 ot determiue for theaaelvei, aaititiividoal mombera of tbe C'onfadMaeT, what tbaFonati.ation teacbei, thk matter ihoold na left to ib*»gnpreme Fourt; there mnit be fome final arlwtertoeettle tbeee eonflirii of opiniou. Tho SopreaM Coarthad made certain dedeiona tonching the rlgbts P thaNorth and the Soubh, and H aaa not for him to tp ophii iodrvidna! will againat tbeae deciaione. Whateverii law ihould be obeyed or mbmitted to wbetbar waUked it or not. In regard to th_ tnbject of Rkvery, agreat deal had been atid in rebtticn to tbe opBtiowi ofthe Fathera of the Bepublio.VYaihingioa, IJibmi,J. tTetron, Frauklin and othere, and if he had tifie bawould not refiain from readiug ihoir ofl-onoled viewa,but acticaa apeak longer than wordi, and what we.»the public acti ol thebe fathera ' Here tbe gentlaa_areviewed the Slavery quettion of the perioda referre-to, and tbe _cte P0BB_ under tbe aeveral A____Btra-tionaof tbe eariier Preeideote, and, eoniKtorrng hprate made oat, viz., tbat 81avery waa thea. aa avw, adivine inititntio-, and protected _a ia.*n, he mu*I," there are thoee who eay thut thi-i may be ligkt ae-" cording to hietory, but, if ao, n ie a eaj.p_ot with" Hell." [Cbeei-.] Boch people ihould go over thalake aid lettle in the dominioni 4 One«n Vietona;they have ne boBineea here. Auy clcrgynwii wbowould preach it, wai not fit to live iu thii Kepnbli...He would not ipeak irreverently of the cler^y, butIhey Uan4toended tbeir rphere of duty wh*i. au*.hpreacbiog waa indulged in. Mr. B. u* -.- |.>-ceeded to give oa


When oar Havionr was oa earth there were 0atytnilhoni of alavee, and in hia whole teaehiag be doeenot denouuce it; bat be doee iay, "Render nato Catrnr" ibe ihiaga tbp are Cmar't." He did not aay, Sorv-ante, boy revoWeri, pUiti, i-volutio__e the oonetrrar.d murdcr your maitert; bat he did preacb, "Serv-" anti. obey your maiteri.'' l*he«e ibmge Im fooud intbe Bible, and who deniea tbe Hible.' Okadtenea tothe lawe of the Boraan Oovenuneat was the d-etrinethen taught, notwithitanditia' that Blavery cxieted andthal Cbriet poMeved luprcae poajer, aad could, if bawould. bave abolUbed Slavery by a word.Panl too, yon know. wrote to Philemon about re-

tuiiiing Oneiitnni to hii formerb_jd|jrt); a-d"wbeaGod rpoke lo Mctea in the Mount and oelivered with*.Ril MBJaily the commu_-B_ata oa tahka P Mo_a,we find it writteu. " Tboa ihalt not covet .y _tu/iv"bor'iwiff, » ? * norhia ___-eerr___, aor ua" maid-eerTBBta,' "ke- Now, if thia be uxaaan, pakatbeBMPofB! AU I eaa aaj ka, B.t if ear fl-vkau'conld atand ifxty rnillioaa of ilavet kl iba Hoeap -Bt*pire, I can atand fonr millio-i m the Fnited fltePa. 11*UikB u wiuug, make tke roiet of it! Ah l know tbatIka katiptoree ge down hard, bat yoa _»n_t bave rkrrp*tare!The Bpeaker, in the warath ef hia teal, next pro-

poeee tooccrry a rcLPiT.

After folniinatin** a tirade of abaae on tke **htrjry P

?,rea_hi-g auti-Slavory doctrrtnei in tbe polpH. he tat-ciTined nilhath* trrtiki lt ueceeMry for the krty totake boldof themaUer and aee tbp tha pntpH to not,deaecrpcd to ixicfc nnhallowed aarpiaai. " 1/, Mtdhe," any miniiter will give ne tbe taa of .aparpB, IM will preaeh from the Bible ln the aflenioea, aad ke" n.ay preach from the Bible in tbe reoruing. Idoatri.' believe that the Devil aboald have the pulpk aU to¦ bimMli."He knew very well that he ahould be abnied for _-

tering theee tMnlimente, but if hia andiencc woaM oalyrend the Scripturei, all wonld be well. Follow tbe ea>

ainple of the Bavior aud Pl the apoetlea, bat eapaeiaUythe Apoctle Panl, waa the bett advice be ooald gU*them.We are next treated to anETRB0I.06ICAL VIXW OP THB ll-TE QUBaTtO*).

After a flouriib of rhetoric of what tho ipeaker badwitneeied in liie travtU 4m the Nile aud ela-Wkere, afthe pbyeicalpowers of euduranoe ol the hlack inan, kapnxeeded to ihow bu tnperi<)rity over the wbite P0ain evervthirkf thatreqnireian expo-mre to eevere lahorand hai-tithiju. Indeed, m thoie reipecte he waa per-ftcily adapted to iabor inot for himaeif, kal hia tnaiter.of i-oi-f-ei, lo tho rice awa_tpa, tha cot*v>n Aelda, aaathe augar plantationa Of tbe Bouth. PbyaM.ly, Ptbeae sipecu of tbe caie, he il tbe whrte. mun'i aope-rior; bnt incntally he was mferior aud iu no part of thaworld do theeo raceo live oa terma of perfect c-inalitv.nere, in the North, there ie n<> kind of uiikw. In iaaFCatioolhooseor tbe churcb the bloi-ki are ett_» r exeJa-ded or havo icparate placea _f_>rued ikem; aad anulwe itudy etde uy aide.worihip ehonlder to ehouldae.lio down in u rvmmon graTe, rt ia fotiv P upb»_d the8»uth for thek eourte. The 8juth doeen^do«radaIbe negro by the aocial diituu-lioni which tke Hof.doee.W'hentver tin attempt has been made to uhurpjaeea,the retnlt has boen moet di«_trouF. Weiwwitolee-

riblo Btfecte of t__> ia Mexko, Bpain, l^-__,_tt*_'After revkwkg tiua subject at waM kPBtn, tha»Tx«aer concJndcd by de-ouncini. eoPMB4ajM)PMa,ond exj WMtd a fear that wnr may be t*a *«*'*. » ..

North doei uot atop circulatinK ln*y__l4ry rawphMt*,and encvo-raaina* raida from Joha Ja.wnBa Me eaa-

cluJed ai foftowB: " The ekaiakef Gad ao Iombt" exieta ae it feriuerly e_i.te- We Bave ee_ed to« love onr Southern brethrtabRad tbey kave eeaaed to" love oa. Alreudy there ia a mon_ (kaaolrrliaa"there remaiiii bnt one bondof I nion.ip.ir*aU All the" liei of u foiuo on otitlixi, a foi_ru"n tt, igxrl** for ktr'. deren-enie and hkeity have. beeu dur_pto*red. M'.y"wettill reveretice our great uuMmtot---koU to Um" wntiniente of bie farewell nddresa, aa<i iwaar-.. " Wbom tjixl baejuined togetber, let ao maa pat" f_nnd«a'" _

jjr. VY iohinirton Hont next addreiaed UM nieefiotr|n whal muy be teimed a " oouaerx atrve" ipe^ch; bat,having exhansted io mu<_ spaoe already, we e_ua«0auenipt lo iketch it, nor yet to give the remarki of a

teiiing luirHcter on Ihe riirht ude, atade by scve.-aloth.*r ineakeni " to tbe ma-aer born." Tka raadrnfof tbe reaolutions produced a aeen* of tba wMeP da-icriptica. A Eoiiaith miuht do tt japMa ky .. P**1**cil, but few penmen have ihe pewar to daaaeirtrotypea i>ietnre to rich wilb p^teaqee aeaoee a.1 pi__ooedtnioUoDS. Tho "trelteri ap' of Ike BBM-fiF iri.hard to have itricken out 'be priu_ital raeoluti-ii.'-kel.iUer pill of the aeriwt.but it waa Pl of uo avaJ; tkareople hud ilie power and Ihey dtrtenPaed to aae R.

Ia ibe-reriea were one or two whleh Ml*fkt aa weiLnvc been left ont, and, nerbapa, they w«Pd kaveeen, bad itnot beenthongbt best to mJm tha etorm bylilowlng the dlecomliied 4 tmall cramb ef eoait-rt toirala» Uiuir wrinhle.l brows. The followjng W the _««Wiceelulioni ard Fni«Ti^-vereiu».-enarHl wottld tlo weMo Mndy B lor il« ovident imra_-_iity to PV s4*c_o_s ofbe count-':Re**.*ral. Tbat we eannot taa txroagl, rtbakt tka *eat_tt»aB

bat thf electtan *f *P.*-deM b7i\^_f^_1_f_:naving view.ofpablle poiie, wRk waiak.lheiate-Pt)^o aatea-. ide, weuld foruieh . ja0 oaaaa fot a <»-^*_5#w2I_IAe bold tueb aeaii_-at«to ba a-a_.-Ip-agJtMJ~tl*aeBM,adlea. t* .11 pai.kUc aaa) UuWo.Wrvl_| i-vea, ^**f?XL\2'he _>_ta.it_. ot tbe a*.; aad wa .ka.k, 4f«__j«r wg*tiUea-, Ea-, Weet, N*-1h. -^^-^v^^i.ar^a-Tbf.

4^^ '_ _' _».. _*_a -*-__i.i-..d r\f *'.* i i___k__L rttVMk ** *

haaarb, a4^P^foBa-*i', «_r »4\ itMf11 f*m..

-boevr'r _av' b* *__)*d Fraalakul of tbM* . rxJtol 8b_VVeklik ** hav* given te Mcktadtf ttfhU P**^f.**'rJT^tua*, tptkpM wi_aB4Apk0Bearetap«k