Boisdale Consolidated School NEWSLETTER 1 4 T H M A Y 2 0 2 0 ISSUE 12 School Council Members: Trevor Barton, Nat Bedggood, Leesa Brideson, Dean Rowley, Melissa Glover, Ben Howard, Lionie Armitage, Daniel Clark, Kellie Willis, Jessica Knight, Meagan Marston, Anthony Kovco and Mick Daly. School Council President: Kate Mirams Parents & Friends President: Vanessa Robinson Key Dates Wednesday 15th April Start of Term 2 online learning Monday 25th May Student Free Day online and at school Tuesday 26th May Students in: Foundaon (including First Steps), Grade 1 and Grade 2 will return to school Monday 8th June Queens Birthday public Holiday Tuesday 9th June Students in Grade 3-6 will return to school Friday 26th June Last day or term 2 school finishes @2:20pm Monday 13th July Term 3 starts Phone: 03 5145 4391 Newry Rd, Boisdale, 3860 www.boisdalecs.vic.edu.au [email protected] Show Respect, Bounce Back, Be Your Best, Work as a Team, Be a Mate, Think Proud, Act Proud Be ProudNews From The Principal Dear Families, Im sure the return to school announcements made earlier in the week would have been welcome news to all. It may not have been the full return to normal operaons that some may have been hoping for, but it certainly a step towards normality. Earlier today a leer was emailed out by teachers explaining some of the specifics surrounding the gradual return to school. In summary, the key dates and informaon are as follows: Monday the 25th of May will be a student free day to support school staff in preparing for the transion back to on-site teaching and learning. On Tuesday the 26th of May students in First Steps, Foundaon, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will return to school. Students in Grades 3-6 will connue to parcipate in remote learning up unl Tuesday the 9th of June. Monday 8 th of June is the Queens Birthday Public Holiday. On Tuesday 9 th of June all students in Grades 3-6 will return to on-site face-to-face teaching. For those students in Grades 3-6 students who cannot learn from home, the exisng model of on-site schooling will remain in place during the two-week period from Tuesday 26 May to Tuesday 9 June. Students who aend school on these days will be supported and supervised by school staff to parcipate in remote learning acvies under the same arrangements that have existed throughout the term. If any of your children cannot learn from home and will need to aend school, please contact me by ringing the schools office or emailing me directly via [email protected] to nofy me of your circumstances. Please also note that once a year level has returned, all students will be expected to aend school as normal. This means if you choose to keep your child/children home aſter their year level has returned to on-site schooling, a remote learning or home learning opon will not be provided by the school. Virtual Cross Country Families sll have unl the end of the week to join in on the cross country fun and earn as many points for your house as you can.

oisdale onsolidated School · 2020-05-14 · oisdale onsolidated School ISSUE 12 NEWSLETTER 14TH MAY 2020 School ouncil Members: Trevor arton, Nat edggood, Leesa rideson, Dean Rowley,

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Page 1: oisdale onsolidated School · 2020-05-14 · oisdale onsolidated School ISSUE 12 NEWSLETTER 14TH MAY 2020 School ouncil Members: Trevor arton, Nat edggood, Leesa rideson, Dean Rowley,

Boisdale Consolidated School

NEWSLETTER 1 4 T H M A Y 2 0 2 0 I S S U E 1 2

School Council Members: Trevor Barton, Nat Bedggood, Leesa Brideson, Dean Rowley, Melissa Glover, Ben Howard, Lionie Armitage, Daniel Clark, Kellie Willis, Jessica Knight, Meagan Marston, Anthony Kovco and Mick Daly. School Council President: Kate Mirams Parents & Friends President: Vanessa Robinson

Key Dates

Wednesday 15th April Start of Term 2

online learning Monday 25th May Student Free Day online and at school Tuesday 26th May Students in: Foundation (including First Steps), Grade 1 and Grade 2 will return to school Monday 8th June Queens Birthday public Holiday Tuesday 9th June Students in Grade 3-6 will return to school Friday 26th June Last day or term 2 school finishes @2:20pm Monday 13th July Term 3 starts

Phone: 03 5145 4391 Newry Rd, Boisdale, 3860 www.boisdalecs.vic.edu.au [email protected]

“Show Respect, Bounce Back, Be Your Best,

Work as a Team, Be a Mate, Think Proud, Act

Proud Be Proud”

News From The Principal Dear Families, I’m sure the return to school announcements made earlier in the week would have been welcome news to all. It may not have been the full return to normal operations that some may have been hoping for, but it certainly a step towards normality. Earlier today a letter was emailed out by teachers explaining some of the specifics surrounding the gradual return to school. In summary, the key dates and information are as follows: Monday the 25th of May will be a student free day to support school staff in preparing for

the transition back to on-site teaching and learning. On Tuesday the 26th of May students in First Steps, Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will

return to school. Students in Grades 3-6 will continue to participate in remote learning up until Tuesday the

9th of June. Monday 8th of June is the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday. On Tuesday 9th of June all students in Grades 3-6 will return to on-site face-to-face

teaching. For those students in Grades 3-6 students who cannot learn from home, the existing model of on-site schooling will remain in place during the two-week period from Tuesday 26 May to Tuesday 9 June. Students who attend school on these days will be supported and supervised by school staff to participate in remote learning activities under the same arrangements that have existed throughout the term. If any of your children cannot learn from home and will need to attend school, please contact me by ringing the school’s office or emailing me directly via [email protected] to notify me of your circumstances. Please also note that once a year level has returned, all students will be expected to attend school as normal. This means if you choose to keep your child/children home after their year level has returned to on-site schooling, a remote learning or home learning option will not be provided by the school. Virtual Cross Country Families still have until the end of the week to join in on the cross country fun and earn as many points for your house as you can.

Page 2: oisdale onsolidated School · 2020-05-14 · oisdale onsolidated School ISSUE 12 NEWSLETTER 14TH MAY 2020 School ouncil Members: Trevor arton, Nat edggood, Leesa rideson, Dean Rowley,

P A G E 2

A special congratulations and well done goes out to Xavier Harper (FAR) and the rest of his family for a truly amazing effort as part of his family’s inaugural “Mother’s Day Classic”. The family were split up into teams and had to complete a range of events throughout the day. Xav was in a team with his dad and their team colour was green (Xav named the team The Zucchini’s). The Zucchini’s won the much coveted trophy (only by one point!). The activities went for the entire day and included the gumboot throw, darts, finska, three-legged race and eating a dry weetbix halfway through, bike race to collect a puzzle then returning to complete the puzzle. On top of all of that Xavier also ran his cross country distance on Monday morning! A truly spectacular effort from Xavier, the Zucchini’s and the entire Harper family. Well done! We look forward to seeing lots more photos and videos of families getting involved and having a great time whilst participating in the virtual cross country. Wellbeing As I have mentioned before, now more than ever, it is imperative to look after one another’s physical and mental wellbeing. As a result, I have come across the following website that has lots of information about how to support your loved ones during this time. I hope you find it useful and will provide you with some assistance with managing and supporting your own as well as your family’s wellbeing. https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/coronavirus-covid-19-guide Stay Safe,

Daniel Clark



Page 3: oisdale onsolidated School · 2020-05-14 · oisdale onsolidated School ISSUE 12 NEWSLETTER 14TH MAY 2020 School ouncil Members: Trevor arton, Nat edggood, Leesa rideson, Dean Rowley,

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Notices sent home


Remote Learning FSS- Crazy Socks

Each Friday during Remote Learning, First Steps has had a bit of a dress up day. Last week was crazy socks and this week is wear a

Beanie to Remote Learning

Outdoor learning Cooking with Mark

Page 4: oisdale onsolidated School · 2020-05-14 · oisdale onsolidated School ISSUE 12 NEWSLETTER 14TH MAY 2020 School ouncil Members: Trevor arton, Nat edggood, Leesa rideson, Dean Rowley,

P A G E 4

Thank you to our School Sponsors:

MacAlister Valley-Newry Lions Club Inc.


Hello Everyone! As promised here are a couple more of our Canteen Menu item recipes, please note you will need to adjust the quantities in line with the amount of serves you require. Next week I will share the recipe for one of our original menu items, it’s an oldie but a goodie; my recipe for Pasta Salad! If you have a go at any of the recipes we would love you to share a photo of your masterpieces!

Enjoy! Miriam

Boisdale Consolidated School complies with Ministerial Order No. 870 Child Safe Standards and is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. Boisdale Consolidated School has a zero tolerance approach to child abuse. Our Child Safety officer is the principal, if you ever have any concerns regarding the safety of students enrolled at Boisdale Consolidated school please contact Daniel Clark or see the following website regarding further information pertaining to Child Safe Standards. www.education.vic.gov.au/protect