Oh Yeah!

Oh Yeah!. Identity & Symbols Symbols-concrete representations of ideas or concepts. Identity-Sum of characteristics distinguishing one thing from

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Oh Yeah!

Identity & Symbols

Symbols-concrete representations of ideas or concepts.

Identity-Sum of characteristics distinguishing one thing from another.

Both can represent people or groups. National Pride Generations You

Sym & Id-Why Globalization Can represent:

Heritage Country Group

Symbols can be globally known or have universal message

Identity can come from around the world Influence or clothing


Old – Nations searched for “gold, glory and God”.

New – Pushed more by individuals and IR. Needed raw materials for IR and markets for

produced goods. Merchants would get government to control

for safer investment. Citizens pushed this due to nationalism.

Colonial, protectorate and sphere of influence.

Imperialism-Why Globalization Created exchange of goods, ideas –

communication New technologies-Food, products Political ideas Raw materials

Countries controlled other countries White Man’s Burden colonies

Industrial Revolution

Agriculture Revolution pushed IR. Larger farms pushed smaller farmer off

land and into city – became laborers in factories.

Moved from common lands and strips of land to enclosure movement.

Enclosure movement combined small strips of land into one big farm, increased productivity.

Industrial Revolution

Came from greater demand for goods. Domestic system replaced by factories

with the invention of machines to fill demand.

IR was economic change and slow. Began in England due to lots of labour,

wealthy merchants, good physical features and colonies that needed goods.

IR Cont

Labour conditions Unsafe Children and women Led to unions to protect workers Lots of workers

Living conditions slowly improved. Led to merit based class system Food production Health care

IR – Why Globalization

Trade Ideas Technology Increased imperialism Created North/South split Led to developed and undeveloped

countries Correlation to colonies and mother



Africa – Civil war Apartheid N/S split Aboriginal relations in Canada***

Treaties, land claims, etc, disease, depopulation, starvation, loss of culture (forced), Res. schools

French/English relations in Canada**** Economic disparity Commodity crops

Legacies-Why Globalization

Global control Military intervention Human Rights Economic disparity Gov’t responding to historical

mistakes Trade Borders

Berlin Conf New France (Quebec)***

The Rest

Economy and sustainability Global Types (Capitalism, socialism, market,

business cycle, economic freedom) Disparity Depression-global ties Tariffs-global trade Multi-National or Trans-National companies

Environment and sustainability Technology Business and the IR connection

The Rest

Food distribution Aid Youth issues Women’s issues-equality, etc Human Rights Media Communication What Can I Do?