V '..? I - ftfmrfi,aKi- iq.fjf mtmmmm .... , a .jj,j.j..-...- V 7 rifMTtimtmu niiMWur lies! tlilwtmmg Medium. M IB 1 T 1 H f FTP IT n' 7W mm Ww i" 'P Iyon Don't Don't Gel AW ALL the the HhIUIih News, OGNI i h w y id u iM u a nu f rw kmim you a w. J7 y m -- j 1 V-- 4 r i o f Hatcafian Islands, j II Reaches ALL the Veople. I Subscription y$c. a month. mmmw t4- - V Vol. II. No. 394. THE EVENING BULLETIN. . Published every day except Sunilny tit 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. SUHSCUIITION ltATKS. Per Month, nnywhero In tho IIn- - wnllnn IrIiuuIb ? "' Per Year. For Year, pontpntd to America, Cnnndn, or Mexico 10 O1 Por Year, noHtpnid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 1'iiynblo Invnrliililv lu Advnnoo. Tclcphono 25G. 1. O. Box 80. B. L FINNEY, Manager. J: T. WATERHOUSE You've heard us say that ours is a department store in many waj's. We do not sell furniture but we sell nearly everything else for use in the house. Nor does our business stop there; wo sell everything required in putting up a franio house except the lumber, so that with tho exception of one or two articles. If you havo built your homo and need articles in hardware for trimming, ours is the store to get them. If you contem--- r plato building you will need a hundred different articles in shelf hardware; ours is the x"Pm(:0 to get them in tho lest quality at lowest rates. Our stock of shelf hardware is complete in every detail. Thero's not a thing omitted for which there is a call and the goods arc bought by us so wo may sell them cheap and at a profit. V. . T. WATERHOUSE Queen Street. p.tf.gcgmiifiJ$oDfi Retail Their . . . . . . Large Stock op. DRY GOODS! At Wholesale Prices! Specialties THIS WEEK SHIRTING ana SHEETING QUILTS and TABLE COVERS, ASERGES and LAWNS, SILK RIBBONS, Etc. 307-O- c sd&JMt. FOR BEAUTIFUL HAB Ayer's Hair Vigor RESTORES COLOR, PROMOTES Luxuriant Growth, Kcops tlio scalp At t cool, moist, healthy, and frcu from dun-draf- f. t la tlm VSr . host tlrmlng In tin- - world, and h lKMhxtly luinnk'38. Tlio.so dt'Miring to retuln the youthful iinn-annic- of tho . rryi hair to ri1--1" "vAiJSBSiiiiin nd- - AKHf-SSffiS- y 9sSi- - van ctul poriod of llfo I'l'lLr' rv.ji ."JKJ HI10UIU IISO Ayer's Hair Vigor. Gc!ri HtAih at Ihs World's Great Exposition. CT,"PoMircof clicip Imltillotn. Tli( mime - Ayri--- i iruinliiPiir on the wrniiMr, mid U uliiMtt iii lljo glut i( each ttolllu. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for tho ltepublio of Hnwnii. LEWERS & COOKE A GREAT INVENTION The Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Mow tic(f about yo.tr Ltiwu. Travel in m mio or h circle, tnpa mttom-aticAil- Hot Aur any tougUi of lioso. W No Hnch Spiinldcr has cvor been placed on tho market before. Come and See it! LEWERS & COOKE, Fort Street, Telephone 20. My Special Reduction Sale is Over! Hut I am eclllnc all of my stock of Koodn very cheap. My specialties for tula week nro ... Silk Crepes -- -' Curtains AND STRAW HATS! IWAKAM L Robinson lilocl;, Hotel street. liilist In IIn Xuiiic. Climato of ovory variety oxorts a different inilnonco on tho B of mankind for a stimulant. In colder zones boveragos of groat alcoholic strength aro used to a very much largor dogroo thau in tho tropics. Beor is best suited to our climato and nono found in tho market is bettor than that bearing tho brand of "Paiist, Milwaukee." It iB browed from tho best of malt and hops and is a groat thirst quencher and invi-gorat- or and stimulates tho nerves and muscles. At tho Royal, Cos- mopolitan and Pacific saloons it may bo found, cold and pure. In- terchangeable chocks aro isHiicd which may bo used at any of tho throo resorts. Mts&&mtiif)L&, HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1890. SUNDAY STAR STORIES TAI.KN Ht.XV AllltOMl AIIOUT II1WAIIAN LAWS, IIIK I.PK11I Tlulit Hint lllilli'l .Tlnl.rli.. Itrpri- - Ncnli'l i Lhh' Ilrcnlur-.- . In tho "special corroHpondonco" of tho San Francisco Chronicle, under date of Honolulu, August '2, tho following account of tho fiibt u ml, a it piovod, unbl iiti puaranco of the Sunday Star is givon: "Tho biggest stir this Puritan placo has had in many a year was caused by tho appearanco this morning of tho firBt number of tho Sunday edition of tho Daily Star. All tho to popula- tion heartily indorse the advance step, but tho entorpriso is bitterly denounced by a numbor of tho church party. Tho Star people aro soreno. Thoy find they havo mado a hit, and iu answer to cou-sur- o point to tho publication of tho old missionary pnpor on Mon- day mornings, necessitating all Sunday work, and to tho Sunday baud concerts and Sunday target shooting lately indorsed by tho Government. An attompt will bn mado to stop tho Sunday Star, but us managers announce Unit thoy intend to keop it up at auy cost in tho way-o-f defense m tho court. In tho old days hero undor tho bluo laws it was taboo to drivo a horso or light a firo for cooking on Sun- day.'! heso laws havo never been re- pealed, but havo been inoporativo for many years. Latoly tluiro has beou further relaxation. En- croachments upon tho Sabbatli havo been condemned and resist- ed by tho religious societies, but tho authorities are inclined to bo liboral. "The first issuo of tho Sunday Star had as fcutuinu a sermon, an aitioloou women in the pulpit, a McKinloy pago aud rattling ts of tho ball gamo and horse-rac- o of Saturday aftornoon, to- gether with tho scoro of a shoot- ing match in which twenty men mado 822 out of a possible 1000. Theso woro tho sharpshooters. Tho Sunday-mornin- g papcr,wliich surprised tho community, also gave a list of events for tho day, such as baud concort, boating and bicycle parties and shooting matches and notahlo uativo feasts. Tho Star has machine composi- tion, high speed press and folder. It is ownod by a company in- cluding a numbor of loading busi- ness nion, with Ed Towso as editor and Frank L. Iloogs as business manager. Both theso men aro from tho Slates." Commenting editorially on tho lorogoing, tno unronicio says: "Honolulu is reported to bo greatly excited over tho first issue of a Sunday morning newspaper. It seems that tho old blue laws, copied from thoso of Connecticut and Bhodo Island, havo never boon ropoaled, and that there is talk ot roviviug them in order to suppress tho paper. President Dolo has shown wisdom in his raunngoniout of Hawaii, and it does not appear credible that he will tolerate so foolish a coursd as this. Thoro is uo sound arguuiont against tho issuo of a Sunday pa-po- r, becauso most of tho work on it is dono on Saturday night. Thoso who arguo on this ground should object to tho Monday paper, as nearly all tho work on this is- sue is dono on Sunday. Honolulu, liko many othor places, will soon becorao acoustomed to its Sunday paper, and will then marvol how it got along without tho froshost nows ono day in soven." It is generally boliovod in local press circles that the Honolulu special correspondence of tho Olirouiclo is written in tho Star oflico. Probably tho succeeding batch to that from which tho foro-goiu- g extracts aro takon will havo Continued on J,th Pmje. QulNSDOROuGH WRECKED JM.IUI.Ol'N I'KIIK'A.IIK.V r OV A IIIIITINtf IIMIK tlllltcu vorn In .llulic IIimmiIiiIii f.ir Slip. PIIfk nml rt In Hip llro..kor. Olf llliirli liiii. At about lmlf.past 4 o'clock this morning just as it was getting daylight, Chariot Potntt-on- , tho t lookout of tho J)iimjiii'l lioiul bikini Station, utmcrvud a bark iusidu thy lino of breakers around Black Point and notified tho pilots' ollice. Tho vessel came slowly on, seemingly impelled by tho current, and at 5:U0 struck on a rocky point exactly opposite tho signal station. At G:JJ0 tho tug aud pilot arrived and Boon afterwards the steamors Keauhou and Mokolii camo to tho scone. At 7:15 a lino was mado fast to tho wreck aud the tug did hor best to pull tho ill fated vessel off the rocks, but after several attempts was compelled to give up without haviug moved the vessel at all. The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow morning. Tho Gainsborough lies about half a milo directly below tho lookout station. She appoars to bo hard and fast on hor rocky bed, and tho breakers which occasion- ally dash against hor sides appear to move hor but little. She is an English wooden vessel, built in 180(5, of 10119 gross and 07d not tonuayo. 8ho was on her way from "Wostport.No w Zealaud.to San Francisco with a full cargo of coal. Sho intended to put into Houolulu to replenish hor stock of wator and provisions which wore getting l.u. Captain King and Harbor Master fnllor conunlted with Captain McPhail as to his futuro course. Ho called for four volun- teers among tho ship's crow to romain with him on tho vessel and sout his wifo and children and the romainder of tho crow to Honolulu on tho tug with all their elfocts. Ho would make no tonus with tho captains of tho othor stoamois for assistance, and oven declined the oll'or of Captain King to have tho Eleu stand by him. What Captain McPhail in- tends to do is a mystery, Out ho has probably given up all hope of saving tho vessel and intends to stay with hor to the last. Charles Potorsou has been kept busy answering telephouo calls this morning, hut found timo to toll ii Bulletin roportor some of his reminiscences. Ho says that tho onlv othor vossol which camn near being wrecked at tho samo spot was tho whalor Son Bangor, whioh wont ashoro almost at tho samo spot somo years ago. Sho grounded very lightly, how- ever, and hor captain ordered out his fivo boats aud thoy suc- ceeded in pulling her off without injury after n short timo. Tho Waimanalo also had a close call at tho samo place somo timo ago. Potorhon thinks tho vessol can bo got olf by throwing her coal ovor- - Doard it tlio weatlier remains lino. At noon sho was standing straight up, thoro being about ten feet of water around hor. Fifty yards furthor out from hor present posi- tion thoro is deop water. Sho seems to bo lying on a rocky shelf with n sandy covering. Harbor Muster Fuller says tho vessel is lying in a fory procari-ou- b position, and in his opinion sho cannot bo saved. Ho said tho ouly thing for Captain McPhail to do was to put out anchors from tho Btorn so that tho vossol could not bo thrown furthor inshoro, and then procood to lighten tho Bhip. Ho doubted, howevor, if any chain could bo found which would hold tho vos- sol against tho tromondous Continued on 5th Page. LATE ORIENTAL ADVICES! A I'OUMUtiA 'lOUW NA()lti:i II V i.vsi)itii:.rft. nrltlli Nnllor-- . nml lmi l.mtilril Mt Aniiij Jiipniit-o- I'lomU I'ronnli Itiilluiiy In I'uri'n. Mail advices brought from tho Orient to San Francisco loll of a robollion which has broken out in tho center of the island of Formo- sa. Iloouim, tho camphor center, was attacked on tho 27th of Juno. It is supposed tho fow Japanoso thoro, numbering about a dozen, including tho gendarmes, wore killed, and it is feared that D. D. Ollia, a European, has also fallon ft victim. Tho town is supposed to havo boon sacked, and tho loss to forciguore will bo considorablo. This stato of affairs is duo to tho cruolties committed by tho Japa- noso in tho country and to tho nrrogftneo and gonoral misconduct of officials. The French Miuistor has de- manded of tho Corean Govaru-mo- nt permission for French citi- zens to construct a railway bo-twe- Seoul and Mokupo. Tho Miuistor of Foreign Affairs is much annoyed at this demand, as it cannot very well bo refused, tho Govorumout .having givon other countries a franchise to build railways. Li Han Sing, now Corean Min- ister to tho United States, left Chemulpo July 17th for America on tho United States steamor Yorktown. Tho negotiations on tho treaty of commorco botweon Japan and China woro concluded on Juno 28th, and tho treaty will bo signed shortly. Tim speedy conclusion is duo to the withdrawal of tho clause relating to Japanese manu-- , facturcB. Cot.sidorablo cxcilemont was cauhod at Amoy on July 8th ow-- I ing to tho lauding of two machine guns and a parly of bluo jackets from tho British gunboat Bedpolo at tho request of tho British Con- sul. It appears that Messrs But-torfio- ld it Swiro had seon fit to chango their coolie contractor, tho result of which was that tho now coolies wore menaced by tho old hands to such an extont that tho work of the firm was soriously re- tarded. A corporation with a largo capi tal has been formed at Osaka for tho construction of locomotives nnd cars. Tlio company in entire- ly of Japanese. A company iB to bo incorporat- ed to work cortain coal mines in Ushibuka, Auiakusa district, Ku-mamo- to profocturo. It is claimed that tho coal from theso mines is usurping tho placo formerly hold by tho English commodity. From various parts of Japan como roportB of tloods in conso-quonc- o of heavy rains. By tho ovorJlowing of tho Joganji rivor on July 9th 1325 houses woro sub- merged nnd considorablo dnmago was doue. Two poisons were killed. Tlio Jnpaneso Govorninont has decided to vote 500,000 yon for tho relief of tho victims of tho ro-co- nt tidal wnvo. JTItxiiiuc from tiirun Victoria London, August 12. Quoon Victoria has issuod a mossago to tho nation, thanking thorn for thoir expressions of loynlty and affection ns tho poriod npproaohes nt which tho longth of hor roign will havo oxcoodod that of any other English monarch, but ask- ing that any national colobration shall not bo observed until sho has comploted sixty years of hor roigii. Queou Victoria was crown- ed on Juno 28, 1838. Mechanics' Homo, corner Hotel and Nuuanu streets, lodging by day, week or month. Tonne: 25 and GO conts por night" $1, and 81.25 por weok. i Aiiui&fittk J Pitioa 5 Cknih. ABOUT THE SUGAR MARKET K UCAOI'N I'llOJi OAMt.K .1! C'lltTtl.'J. i.ATi.sroiitom.Aii. Arrival itnil s In lliKnicr I'li-r- l nt Miu I'mur lnm-M- uif r I Hllichtly l.oMvr. From Cnstlo & Cooko's lajost circular lottor on tho sugar market tho following is extracted : Centrifugals Wo regrot to re- port a docliuo in these ns tho fol- lowing sales will indicato: Aug. 10, 10,000 bags spot. .8$ etc " 12, 3,000 " ..8 " " " " 13, 8,000 ..33 " M, 900 " " ..3 " " 17, COO " " ..8 J" Granulated has also declined t 1.5G N. Y. In S. F. it is 1 5-- 8 cU nett. Boots "When tho last stcamec left theso were firm nt 10s. but immediately bogan to weaken nnd receded to 9a. GJd on tho 14th, when tho market hardened again nnd closes with nu upward tend- ency but without much strength. Sugar stocks havo advanced from S98 for common on tho lOtU to $103 1 on tho 20th aud from S9S for preferred to S9(5.!. Arrivals MaryDodgcKuhului, Aug. 10; Helen N. Kimball, Ej hului, Aup. 12; Muriel, Honolulu, Aug. 18; Santiago, Hilo, Ang. 17? W. G. Irwin, Honolulu, Auk. 20; Sailings S.C. Alien, Honolulu, Aug. 9; Albert, Honolulu, Aug.9 S. N. Castle, Honolulu, Aug. M; Mary Dodgo, Kahului, Aug. 17; Transit, Houolulu, Aug. 1'8. Vessels Discharging Santiago, will finish today. W. G. Irwin. Vessels Waiting to Discharge Nono. Vessels on tho Berth S. G. Wildor, Honolulu, no sailing dat givon; Muriel, Honoipu, no sail- ing date given. at jniihi; islam). I.tiNt niuil Conceit Ti.itiorriiM Ilcforv. llm Vm-iilliti- Tho vacation of tho government band commences on Monday, and tho bint timo the boys will play until it is over will bo tomorrow afternoon at Makeo Island, com- mencing at 8 o'clock, whon the program given bolow will bo ren- dered : I'AUT I. Overture William Tell Kostiul IiilLTinc.il -- Cuviillerlii UiiitleniiA...IucRiiS ll.illait -.- Morning Keutlicmn Selection. Uolicmlau Olrl HaUn PAUT II. rnutaftln Magmllc-on- t (now) Mmelltti rarnphraio -- Melodic 1 i I' (.itn). Fantula--Twlll);l- it Whispers (conr)..IIolmcc Finale l!omuiaijue rncw) Boeltl Hawaii 1'onol. At Ihiiimi tV;:inr.. Tho band will play at Einmt, Squaro this afternoon at tho usual hour, with tho following pro- gram : Overture Murmurs of tlio Forct , ..Bouillon r.mtA'.iii Concert Quartet l'erolliii Selection Trumpeter of gaekklngen..NcsUer Unllml On tliuSea Svbubert Waltz Lautlcla t'lilirhnrh Quadrille l'.uil Jones I'Liiicinetto Haunll l'onol. m A Natural Deduction. "Now," said tho earnest apostle, "if a man took a Bilvor dollar nml molted it ho would only hnvo 53 cents' worth of Bilvor. What do you think of that ?" "Well,'' said, tho mnn who had boon ohowing n straw find looking puzzled, "'znoar's I can mako it out ho would bo it durn fool." Indiaua-pol- is Journal. LivNt ML-ii- f rirv. Tho Becond alarm of firo yester- day was turned in nt 8:30 p.m. for a small blazo in tho roar o No. 3 engiuo houso in Jnpaneso town. A child upsot ft lamp nnd Bot n room on firo in tho houso oE Yoo Wo, ii Chinese butcher. Tho blnzo was extinguished beforo tho arrival of tho dopartmont. ? i iilMmmiM iifcii i' "9 1 a ''11 t L

OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow

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Page 1: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow




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.... ,a .jj,j.j..-...- V 7rifMTtimtmu niiMWurlies! tlilwtmmg Medium.

M IB 1 T 1 H f FTP IT n' 7W mm Ww i"







News, OGNI i h w y id u iM u a nu f rw kmimyou a w. J7 y m --j 1 V-- 4r i o f Hatcafian Islands, j

II Reaches ALL the Veople. ISubscription y$c. a month.mmmwt4- -


Vol. II. No. 394.


. Published every day except Sunilny tit210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

SUHSCUIITION ltATKS.Per Month, nnywhero In tho IIn- -

wnllnn IrIiuuIb ? "'Per Year.For Year, pontpntd to America,

Cnnndn, or Mexico 10 O1

Por Year, noHtpnid, other ForeignCountries 13 00

1'iiynblo Invnrliililv lu Advnnoo.Tclcphono 25G. 1. O. Box 80.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.


You've heard us say thatours is a department store in

many waj's. We do not sell

furniture but we sell nearly

everything else for use in the

house. Nor does our business

stop there; wo sell everything

required in putting up a franio

house except the lumber, so

that with tho exception of one

or two articles.

If you havo built your homo

and need articles in hardware

for trimming, ours is the store

to get them. If you contem--- r

plato building you will need a

hundred different articles in

shelf hardware; ours is the

x"Pm(:0 to get them in tho lestquality at lowest rates.

Our stock of shelf hardware

is complete in every detail.

Thero's not a thing omittedfor which there is a call and

the goods arc bought by us

so wo may sell them cheap

and at a profit.



Queen Street.


Retail Their . . .

. . . Large Stock


DRY GOODS!At Wholesale Prices!

Specialties THIS WEEK








Ayer's Hair VigorRESTORES COLOR,


Luxuriant Growth,

Kcops tlio scalpAt t cool, moist, healthy,

and frcu from dun-draf- f.

t la tlmVSr . host tlrmlng In

tin- - world, and hlKMhxtly luinnk'38.Tlio.so dt'Miring toretuln the youthfuliinn-annic- of tho

. rryi hair tori1--1" "vAiJSBSiiiiin nd- -

AKHf-SSffiS- y 9sSi- - van ctulporiodof llfoI'l'lLr' rv.ji."JKJ HI10UIUIISO

Ayer's Hair Vigor.Gc!ri HtAih at Ihs World's Great Exposition.

CT,"PoMircof clicip Imltillotn. Tli( mime- Ayri--- i iruinliiPiir on the wrniiMr, mid UuliiMtt iii lljo glut i( each ttolllu.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for tho ltepublio of Hnwnii.



The TravelingLawn Sprinkler

Mow tic(f about yo.tr Ltiwu. Travelin m mio or h circle, tnpa mttom-aticAil-

Hot Aur any tougUi of lioso.

W No Hnch Spiinldcr has cvor beenplaced on tho market before.

Come and See it!

LEWERS & COOKE,Fort Street, Telephone 20.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

Hut I am eclllnc all of mystock of Koodn very cheap.My specialties for tulaweek nro ...

Silk Crepes --

-' CurtainsAND


IWAKAM LRobinson lilocl;, Hotel street.

liilist In IIn Xuiiic.Climato of ovory variety oxorts

a different inilnonco on tho B

of mankind for a stimulant.In colder zones boveragos of groatalcoholic strength aro used to avery much largor dogroo thau intho tropics. Beor is best suitedto our climato and nono found intho market is bettor than thatbearing tho brand of "Paiist,Milwaukee." It iB browed fromtho best of malt and hops and isa groat thirst quencher and invi-gorat- or

and stimulates tho nervesand muscles. At tho Royal, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay bo found, cold and pure. In-terchangeable chocks aro isHiicdwhich may bo used at any of thothroo resorts.





IIIK I.PK11I Tlulit Hint lllilli'l .Tlnl.rli..Itrpri- -

Ncnli'l i Lhh' Ilrcnlur-.- .

In tho "special corroHpondonco"of tho San Francisco Chronicle,under date of Honolulu, August'2, tho following account of thofiibt u ml, a it piovod, unbl iitipuaranco of the Sunday Star isgivon:

"Tho biggest stir this Puritanplaco has had in many a yearwas caused by tho appearanco thismorning of tho firBt number oftho Sunday edition of tho DailyStar. All tho to popula-tion heartily indorse the advancestep, but tho entorpriso is bitterlydenounced by a numbor of thochurch party. Tho Star peoplearo soreno. Thoy find they havomado a hit, and iu answer to cou-sur- o

point to tho publication oftho old missionary pnpor on Mon-day mornings, necessitating allSunday work, and to tho Sundaybaud concerts and Sunday targetshooting lately indorsed by thoGovernment. An attompt will bnmado to stop tho Sunday Star, butus managers announce Unit thoyintend to keop it up at auy cost intho way-o-f defense m tho court. Intho old days hero undor tho bluolaws it was taboo to drivo a horsoor light a firo for cooking on Sun-day.'! heso laws havo never been re-pealed, but havo been inoporativofor many years. Latoly tluiro hasbeou further relaxation. En-croachments upon tho Sabbatlihavo been condemned and resist-ed by tho religious societies, buttho authorities are inclined to boliboral.

"The first issuo of tho SundayStar had as fcutuinu a sermon, anaitioloou women in the pulpit, aMcKinloy pago aud rattling ts

of tho ball gamo and horse-rac- o

of Saturday aftornoon, to-

gether with tho scoro of a shoot-ing match in which twenty menmado 822 out of a possible 1000.Theso woro tho sharpshooters.Tho Sunday-mornin- g papcr,wliichsurprised tho community, alsogave a list of events for tho day,such as baud concort, boating andbicycle parties and shootingmatches and notahlo uativo feasts.Tho Star has machine composi-tion, high speed press and folder.It is ownod by a company in-cluding a numbor of loading busi-ness nion, with Ed Towso aseditor and Frank L. Iloogs asbusiness manager. Both thesomen aro from tho Slates."

Commenting editorially on tholorogoing, tno unronicio says:

"Honolulu is reported to bogreatly excited over tho first issueof a Sunday morning newspaper.It seems that tho old blue laws,copied from thoso of Connecticutand Bhodo Island, havo neverboon ropoaled, and that there istalk ot roviviug them in order tosuppress tho paper. PresidentDolo has shown wisdom in hisraunngoniout of Hawaii, and itdoes not appear credible that hewill tolerate so foolish a coursd asthis. Thoro is uo sound arguuiontagainst tho issuo of a Sunday pa-po- r,

becauso most of tho work onit is dono on Saturday night.Thoso who arguo on this groundshould object to tho Monday paper,as nearly all tho work on this is-

sue is dono on Sunday. Honolulu,liko many othor places, will soonbecorao acoustomed to its Sundaypaper, and will then marvol howit got along without tho froshostnows ono day in soven."

It is generally boliovod in localpress circles that the Honoluluspecial correspondence of thoOlirouiclo is written in tho Staroflico. Probably tho succeedingbatch to that from which tho foro-goiu- g

extracts aro takon will havo

Continued on J,th Pmje.




tlllltcu vorn In .llulic IIimmiIiiIii f.ir Slip.PIIfk nml rt In Hip llro..kor.

Olf llliirli liiii.

At about lmlf.past 4 o'clockthis morning just as it was gettingdaylight, Chariot Potntt-on- , tho

t lookout of tho J)iimjiii'l lioiulbikini Station, utmcrvud a barkiusidu thy lino of breakers aroundBlack Point and notified thopilots' ollice. Tho vessel cameslowly on, seemingly impelled bytho current, and at 5:U0 struck ona rocky point exactly oppositetho signal station. At G:JJ0 thotug aud pilot arrived and Boonafterwards the steamors Keauhouand Mokolii camo to tho scone.At 7:15 a lino was mado fast totho wreck aud the tug did hor bestto pull tho ill fated vessel off therocks, but after several attemptswas compelled to give up withouthaviug moved the vessel at all.

The Gainsborough wont on thorocks just boforo high tide,aud at aquarter to 10 all euorts to suvotho vessel woro given up untilhigh tido tomorrow morning.

Tho Gainsborough lies abouthalf a milo directly below tholookout station. She appoars tobo hard and fast on hor rocky bed,and tho breakers which occasion-ally dash against hor sides appearto move hor but little. She is anEnglish wooden vessel, built in180(5, of 10119 gross and 07d nottonuayo. 8ho was on her wayfrom "Wostport.No w Zealaud.to SanFrancisco with a full cargo ofcoal. Sho intended to put intoHouolulu to replenish hor stockof wator and provisions whichwore getting l.u.

Captain King and HarborMaster fnllor conunlted withCaptain McPhail as to his futurocourse. Ho called for four volun-teers among tho ship's crow toromain with him on tho vesseland sout his wifo and childrenand the romainder of tho crow toHonolulu on tho tug with all theirelfocts. Ho would make no tonuswith tho captains of tho othorstoamois for assistance, andoven declined the oll'or of CaptainKing to have tho Eleu stand byhim. What Captain McPhail in-

tends to do is a mystery, Out hohas probably given up all hope ofsaving tho vessel and intends tostay with hor to the last.

Charles Potorsou has been keptbusy answering telephouo callsthis morning, hut found timo totoll ii Bulletin roportor some ofhis reminiscences. Ho says thattho onlv othor vossol which camnnear being wrecked at tho samospot was tho whalor Son Bangor,whioh wont ashoro almost attho samo spot somo years ago.Sho grounded very lightly, how-ever, and hor captain orderedout his fivo boats aud thoy suc-ceeded in pulling her off withoutinjury after n short timo. ThoWaimanalo also had a close callat tho samo place somo timo ago.Potorhon thinks tho vessol can bogot olf by throwing her coal ovor- -

Doard it tlio weatlier remains lino.At noon sho was standing straightup, thoro being about ten feet ofwater around hor. Fifty yardsfurthor out from hor present posi-tion thoro is deop water. Shoseems to bo lying on a rocky shelfwith n sandy covering.

Harbor Muster Fuller says thovessel is lying in a fory procari-ou- b

position, and in his opinionsho cannot bo saved. Ho said thoouly thing for Captain McPhailto do was to put out anchors fromtho Btorn so that tho vossol couldnot bo thrown furthor inshoro,and then procood to lighten thoBhip. Ho doubted, howevor, ifany chain could bo foundwhich would hold tho vos-

sol against tho tromondous

Continued on 5th Page.


A I'OUMUtiA 'lOUW NA()lti:i II V


nrltlli Nnllor-- . nml lmi l.mtilrilMt Aniiij Jiipniit-o- I'lomU

I'ronnli Itiilluiiy In I'uri'n.

Mail advices brought from thoOrient to San Francisco loll of arobollion which has broken out intho center of the island of Formo-sa. Iloouim, tho camphor center,was attacked on tho 27th of Juno.It is supposed tho fow Japanosothoro, numbering about a dozen,including tho gendarmes, worekilled, and it is feared that D. D.Ollia, a European, has also fallonft victim. Tho town is supposedto havo boon sacked, and tho lossto forciguore will bo considorablo.This stato of affairs is duo to thocruolties committed by tho Japa-noso in tho country and to thonrrogftneo and gonoral misconductof officials.

The French Miuistor has de-manded of tho Corean Govaru-mo- nt

permission for French citi-zens to construct a railway bo-twe-

Seoul and Mokupo. ThoMiuistor of Foreign Affairs ismuch annoyed at this demand, asit cannot very well bo refused,tho Govorumout .having givonother countries a franchise tobuild railways.

Li Han Sing, now Corean Min-ister to tho United States, leftChemulpo July 17th for Americaon tho United States steamorYorktown.

Tho negotiations on tho treatyof commorco botweon Japan andChina woro concluded on Juno28th, and tho treaty will bo signedshortly. Tim speedy conclusionis duo to the withdrawal of thoclause relating to Japanese manu-- ,facturcB.

Cot.sidorablo cxcilemont wascauhod at Amoy on July 8th ow-- Iing to tho lauding of two machineguns and a parly of bluo jacketsfrom tho British gunboat Bedpoloat tho request of tho British Con-sul. It appears that Messrs But-torfio- ld

it Swiro had seon fit tochango their coolie contractor, thoresult of which was that tho nowcoolies wore menaced by tho oldhands to such an extont that thowork of the firm was soriously re-tarded.

A corporation with a largo capital has been formed at Osaka fortho construction of locomotivesnnd cars. Tlio company in entire-ly of Japanese.

A company iB to bo incorporat-ed to work cortain coal mines inUshibuka, Auiakusa district, Ku-mamo- to

profocturo. It is claimedthat tho coal from theso mines isusurping tho placo formerly holdby tho English commodity.

From various parts of Japancomo roportB of tloods in conso-quonc- o

of heavy rains. By thoovorJlowing of tho Joganji rivoron July 9th 1325 houses woro sub-merged nnd considorablo dnmagowas doue. Two poisons werekilled.

Tlio Jnpaneso Govorninont hasdecided to vote 500,000 yon fortho relief of tho victims of tho ro-co- nt

tidal wnvo.

JTItxiiiuc from tiirun Victoria

London, August 12. QuoonVictoria has issuod a mossago totho nation, thanking thorn forthoir expressions of loynlty andaffection ns tho poriod npproaohesnt which tho longth of hor roignwill havo oxcoodod that of anyother English monarch, but ask-ing that any national colobrationshall not bo observed until shohas comploted sixty years of horroigii. Queou Victoria was crown-ed on Juno 28, 1838.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Tonne: 25and GO conts por night" $1, and81.25 por weok.




Pitioa 5 Cknih.


K UCAOI'N I'llOJi OAMt.K .1! C'lltTtl.'J.


Arrival itnil s In lliKnicrI'li-r- l nt Miu I'mur lnm-M- uif r I

Hllichtly l.oMvr.

From Cnstlo & Cooko's lajostcircular lottor on tho sugar markettho following is extracted :

Centrifugals Wo regrot to re-

port a docliuo in these ns tho fol-lowing sales will indicato:Aug. 10, 10,000 bags spot. .8$ etc

" 12, 3,000 " ..8" " " "13, 8,000 ..33" M, 900 " " ..3 "" 17, COO " " ..8J "Granulated has also declined t

1.5G N. Y. In S. F. it is 1 5-- 8 cUnett.

Boots "When tho last stcamecleft theso were firm nt 10s. butimmediately bogan to weaken nndreceded to 9a. GJd on tho 14th,when tho market hardened againnnd closes with nu upward tend-ency but without much strength.

Sugar stocks havo advancedfrom S98 for common on tho lOtUto $103 1 on tho 20th aud from S9Sfor preferred to S9(5.!.

Arrivals MaryDodgcKuhului,Aug. 10; Helen N. Kimball, Ejhului, Aup. 12; Muriel, Honolulu,Aug. 18; Santiago, Hilo, Ang. 17?W. G. Irwin, Honolulu, Auk. 20;

Sailings S.C. Alien, Honolulu,Aug. 9; Albert, Honolulu, Aug.9S. N. Castle, Honolulu, Aug. M;Mary Dodgo, Kahului, Aug. 17;Transit, Houolulu, Aug. 1'8.

Vessels Discharging Santiago,will finish today. W. G. Irwin.

Vessels Waiting to DischargeNono.

Vessels on tho Berth S. G.Wildor, Honolulu, no sailing datgivon; Muriel, Honoipu, no sail-

ing date given.

at jniihi; islam).

I.tiNt niuil Conceit Ti.itiorriiM Ilcforv.llm Vm-iilliti-

Tho vacation of tho governmentband commences on Monday, andtho bint timo the boys will playuntil it is over will bo tomorrowafternoon at Makeo Island, com-mencing at 8 o'clock, whon theprogram given bolow will bo ren-dered :

I'AUT I.Overture William Tell KostiulIiilLTinc.il -- Cuviillerlii UiiitleniiA...IucRiiSll.illait -.- Morning KeutlicmnSelection. Uolicmlau Olrl HaUn

PAUT II.rnutaftln Magmllc-on- t (now) Mmellttirarnphraio --Melodic 1 i I' (.itn).Fantula--Twlll);l- it Whispers (conr)..IIolmccFinale l!omuiaijue rncw) Boeltl

Hawaii 1'onol.

At Ihiiimi tV;:inr..Tho band will play at Einmt,

Squaro this afternoon at tho usualhour, with tho following pro-gram :

Overture Murmurs of tlio Forct , ..Bouillonr.mtA'.iii Concert Quartet l'erolliiiSelection Trumpeter of gaekklngen..NcsUerUnllml On tliuSea SvbubertWaltz Lautlcla t'lilirhnrhQuadrille l'.uil Jones I'Liiicinetto

Haunll l'onol.m

A Natural Deduction."Now," said tho earnest apostle,

"if a man took a Bilvor dollar nmlmolted it ho would only hnvo 53cents' worth of Bilvor. What doyou think of that ?" "Well,'' said,tho mnn who had boon ohowing nstraw find looking puzzled,"'znoar's I can mako it out howould bo it durn fool." Indiaua-pol- is


LivNt ML-ii- f rirv.Tho Becond alarm of firo yester-

day was turned in nt 8:30 p.m.for a small blazo in tho roar oNo. 3 engiuo houso in Jnpanesotown. A child upsot ft lamp nndBot n room on firo in tho houso oEYoo Wo, ii Chinese butcher. Thoblnzo was extinguished beforo thoarrival of tho dopartmont.


i iilMmmiM iifcii i' "9





Page 2: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow


pE iiii irwwfclMaW0iiMWwBMWwwrtWiaM"w,,WMMMM" ' -





Tl rnriilluro llrqulrrd anil IU fropirArrmigritiMit On Wnjr of Ohonglnc

Alrl of n Nurrnw IU1I-Trmt- inrnt ofHrrrptlnn HalU Color drhomp.

Tim loiiu iibjtow linllwny la mot illf-Scu-

(otnitt withnnytlrprnuif miwh.ft h n tnifttnkn fit wlcrtliic n rack orj;IaM fur Mirli iv place to elionse n verykuhiII one dimply liecniino the-- placo InKiiitmclitl initl narrow. Onn should Inthin case uso u miiror (if K'n'i"us ill- -



gDgnlllll ' !a


mensions, ns tlio rcflrctivo qualities ofplas hove n ccrtnln artistic vnlno nndoijcrato to make tho space seem largerMi fact, just twico ns largo as it reallyfe. IumiHiately under tlio rack n nar-so- w

hetirli may bo placed. Ah an alter-native a mm. ill odd cJiuil might bo used,ono with weed seat and quaintly shapedAack preferred.

Do not forgot to placo n few picturesu tho vails. Photographs of noted

TplitecM ait) in order here tho Coliseumnt Nome, tho Appinn way, a bit ofarmor or a cluster of crc-ve- swords.Sonic Poit rf uioptadc for canes andKinbrellan hould bopiovlded. Those, oftl tui n pio fhupo initl of Japanese makotnko up f initll Hpncu and uio ns good ustinr.

An effective niodoofohcnj'im; tho as-

pect of a iiimovr hallway is riipicled bySecrnitnr and Furnithtr, from wliichthru- - (nj.'j'pfctiouii are n reprint. Thiscite ration is efketid by j)lacing a Fettlev.'itli tho back to tho stairs. Thi needRot lio ii permanent fcaturo it can boZilened in placo so ns to be easily

when ucccsMiry. Should ono pro-

ber to stint olT fiom publie gaze tho viewsf tnlrvny, it e"ii bo dune iithout sac-

rificing tlio light by filling tliu bpaeoSircctly over tho bench hack villi 0

lntiico or interlaced frctwmk.Another urtistio idea is to hung a lighttraded rico or bamboo curtain in thisapace.

As a rnlo tho houses of modern buildzrc arranged on u somewhat dillcrcntElan, being now provided with what aroBsmetinicfl callod reception halls, whichare generally nearly square. In theso itSe not so difficult to furnish, and if theyUe of generous uizo they aro generallyArranged as a sort of combined sittingand lcccptiou room. If tho hall boMoiall, ono may liavo a hallKtand or thotrail rack and scttlo beneath, ono with a

ox seat pi i few oil. If theie is a spatecorner a "cozy" mny bo fitted up, or,II not, and a window is nvailablo, aTJroall, low scat will bo an attractivofeature, A Mnull, low tablo, a sido

u drawer in it and a number ofodd chuirri must not bo omitted. Onoerinorc gicving plants add much toItio pieturesquo appearaneo of a hall,aud us a background for theso a prettySlireefold screen may bo utilized withgood effect.

When tho hall is situated so as toa plentiful supply of sunlight at

nil times of tho day, a cool ecalo of col-

oring hhould bo selected. With a northroom l jjenerous with the warm, ricliftints, tho dull reds, olhos and goldenjrns-et- s and browns. When light i3 at aijtviniiiiii, gladden tho sight with itsactuest equivalent, yollow, in its vari-ot-

This would bo n most distractingoolor in tho glaring light of the noon-ilk- y

sun, but when used upon tho walls



at ft dnrl; and clSniinl hall It is nltoctlicrdiU'citiut. Choieo ehuuldbo mado

at other colors that will provo linrniokicuk, iilwnys tlio warm, rich colors, nev

r tho cold. With huch n betting anynliudo of llnish in oak or mahoganywrodworl; will bo llttiug.

. Bavotll

"i'oi," faid tho head of tho IdloVo-men'- s

Indept'iident Leaguo For MindingOthur Peoplo'a Business, "our noblo

has Bucoocdtd in having tholiJld placed in an institution.""Sho was tirribly (... ;. ,1 nt Ji'imc, I

teadeibtnnd," ba.d tho nei inuniber."Simply hoiirucndiiig," nsFi'iitcd tho

grosidont. "Why, would yon bok-v- it,ilio poor child was wuanuy n itrwnDklrt with bluo woist when tho ofll-aa-

took lier." Dotroit News.

Law Books.

Do You Read Thorn ?

Do You Want Ono ?

We Have theLatest CataloguesOK THE

Publications ofCalliohan & Co.,

Little, BrowN & Co.,

Lawyers CooperativePublishing Co.

Wo mnko a specialty oftheso publications.andshallbo pleased to have theLegal Fraternity of thoIslands call on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. Wo are also


Law Office Supplies:

Document Files, LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-pers, Ribbons for am,makes of Machined.

In fact, we can show you thegreatest variety of Labor sav-

ing devices of any House inTown. If you want to savemoney, come our way, we arethe Money Savers for you.

, Nichols Co,


itr" '"tS-y- ,..j r

mmL. Mmfe-- s 1 vernalw i(iMy

Why Pay $110

For a B'oycleaxszs&rtlint sells in tho Const for ST.",wliua you can buy tin lionontDiuyolu at uu Loiiust price lit

Tho v CWmid v Agency

18UG Model $100.1805 Model 75.1SD5 Model, ladles 70.

H, E. WALKER,Ivlnsonlo Tomplo,

LOTS AT WA1KIKIwon sale.

There are G Lots nt Waiki-k- i,

lying on the Waikiki sideof Knlia Road for sale, about11 G feet makai of WaikikiRoad.

Those lots will bo sold forcash or on installment plan.

3F For further particularsapply to

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Heal Estate Broker, Bethel

St , near King.Aii. 18. 189G. flS4-l- m

... ...f,. .ll ....nt !lMt- -uh(..iii mi ''Mi'i r tar f ti r Vat!nK "rbiUMili t Htm rii vr.iiin, i r 1'eMlt. 'tl., UH! t , a ft i.i Mil- - ft hit. (KMl- -

JilN'S Pllui m!,T1 IMIIMiiN f r trial, full attUim ft IlMii.i-i- lirtiif i . , Honolulu, 11. I. "It la

uaiUiUuii as 1'iUutatlo u Jill It or Iloiicj.

- grV tfJH t !PIB'fP'''Wl!''WIpWWWrll t

hvhninci nuiiiiiffrtN, AuciUBi'. aOjiStm..----



Gl ZCLxicr Btroot,0. .T. S'ALt,KII MAMAtiun.



Kaw ContractorsRefrigerated Poultry

-- XHV-


Meliropolifen Hebi (Jo.

Teleplione 45.

Central MarketNcuANt; Stiickt.

Tlio Vow ITinoatOF

eMQEfatBd .--. He

Tender--- -!Sweet andWholesome.

Como nud seo our


"Wesfbrook & Gares,Proprietors.

Telephone - - - - 104- -

City MarketEstablished 1883.

JnsBpri TlnkET) - - Prop.

Beef, i? Mutton,

Pork, M3L Veal,Ot the TineBt Varieties.

Sinkers or tho Cclcbratcil Pork Sausage.

Nimiiuu street, opp. Chaplain lano.

Tolo plione 289.

City Feed Store,Old Arc ory, Boretonia Fit.

L. H. Dee & Co.

liny, Grain anil Feed received ox Attlojin,Miowern nnd Aloha. Expeeled by S S

Ml Lebanon lot of AI

imi$a urprie wi$,Middlincn, llrnn, Dour, FeetlH of nil kinds.

POTATOES nnd HAWAIIAN COJtNalways fresh from Maui.


For tho Equine Table in theway of nil kinds First Olnss


Aro on snlo by tho


51 Fort St Tol. 422.

STANDARD LINESof Oroccrles arc more palatable as ellas healthier limn the other Kind.

VOELLER & CO.(Waring Block, lleretanla Street).

Handle nothing bat the best. I.tbhy &McNeill') (aiiuid Mint.Tnlilo Frulln, Mldrardelli's Choeolute.Milkmaid ilruud Milk, l'arngon I'uro i.arduud

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'fl" Telei'iione G80 "tl

0. KLEMME &' CO.,

Cash -:- - Grocers


Fort StrsHt & ChaplHln Lann,

R. IY CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

98 Foil Stu-ot- , HonoluluTclenhoner 2ii P.O. Box 470

Henry Gem ringk (,'onipunr,


ft'.i..'(ia y.vi

tjrIff. ?4.--"

JKsiiM'VTfeJT,je-rSS1- ar

WKSXyjCW-- :

IPlumbing mid Gns-fLtti- n

Sanitary Work a Speoialty

jfjB Jobbing promptly attended to.Tclophono 75. 235-1- 1

L4 HJ.iM.aJLX. l

Importers aud Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


139-t- f King Stroot.


WHAT?My $10.00 llatli Tubs, lined witb best

quality, No. 10 line, G in. Pipe, Chain andl'luif, with wood rim all complete. Otbeidealers are dumfouuded, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, tbeso UatU Tubs bavtboon sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do ull work in my linonnd guarauUo satisfaction: Estimates fur-

nished.If you want n good Job cheap for Caib,

ring up Telephone 844, nnd I am youtman.

JAS. NOTT Jn,TinxmttU A I'lnuilmr


For Family Use!

Just ltccoived, ox "C. G. Funk," a cargo of

Wellington, Departure BaikalWhich is offered in quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FKEE.




Also White and Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Telphone No. 414.

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMl-A-INI-

Is pieparod to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo ordor for 1890.

In Quantities to Suit.g)SF" Orders solioited for a future de--

tlvorj.A. F. COOKE, Manf;er.

Building Lots!A.t WAJKIKl on enr lino mid on

ROAD uonr fertilizingPlant,

Theso Lots aro Very Choap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirnblfl Acre Tracts near tho city andother Propei tirt for Bale.

BItUCK. WAKINO .V- - CO.,Deulnre in Lots nnd Lands,

lirt Hln-nt- . nenr Kinu.Tklki'honb HOT. P. O. liox 821.



Curry Powder as mndo by us is prepared after tho Original

ltecipo from tho Purest Ingredients.

est TRY IT OZSTO rt -

Bicycles to BumComo anil havo

Barnes WhiteflyerTlio lending wlieolof tlio world. I nm ngont for thonbovo bicycle ami also for tlio

.A. I-erfe- "Wheel. My Prices Suit theTimes and. I am Selling

So as to lit your pockot book.


ED. A. "WILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.



SJ 9. Pfltl y& Wj,

-- nnf33SSlSSSSS.t.

n look at tho



and For

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms;Establish'!) 1850

Piimos for Sale, Hij-- and Moved. Chairs for Bent

Undertaker and Embalmer,Tombstones and Momimonts.

KosidonconndNifibtTel.SlG. 611 KING STREET, Tel. 179.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Importers and poilois in


Plantation Supplies.


Just Received SaleAt the New Stand, King Street,

(Adjolulni; tbo Arllugtou.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Buttor,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, otc, etc.

Ghas. Hustace,Kimi Btiiect.



. iW

Page 3: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow





ffc- - B

(llltlll'tl MUtVU'l.t.

Vlicrc llrtliHlltlil lwili- - MA) Wotlili liiiuiit-rii- .

Ountiul Union Ciil'iioii, Itov.8. H. Palmer, imtr. milHtilutiiigRnv.D.V. IMmiIu. Morulti( topic:"Hoavon." Evening: "AgnoHti-nlB- tu

mill religion."Si. Anmikw'h CkTitr.nii.t. Sor--vice- s

Buiulny, Aug. 2Ulli; 0:1)0 n.

in, Holy Communion; It n. in.Mntitia Willi Hurmuiii JJ:!10 i. m.Evensong In Unwniinn; 7:30 p. m.Evousong In English nntl serinonjHnmlny uuliool 10 it. in; BorviceuilnUy'7 n. in.

Tito survluus of llio Secontl Con- -

of St. Andrew' (.'m .Srcgiition ISuml.. wil I'ns follows: At U'AS it. in., im.r (

nlng prayor, with Bormon,'C'.UU p. in., uvoiidong with Hrinon.

PlIlHT METHODWT EPISCOPALCtlUKCH. Ctircor ol.UorotnniiiinnlMlllor Btroots. Rov. 11. W. Peck,pastor. Siuilny, Any. U0th. 10 n.in., Sunday school mid pnstot'sJJible class; 11 . m , sermon by thepnBtor,"PrcK8ii)gliWwmd" 0:150 p.m, Young Pcoplo'sS.ioioty of Ep-wor- th

Loiiguu; 7:30, p in.,tompornnco sermon by thopastor, "Tho Biblo mid Thuj-poraiic- c."

Wetlnosdtiy, 7:30 p m,pruyor sorvior. All eoulsfrco ft

cordiul welcomo t nil.Christian Ciioncn On Alu-ko- u,

uoar King street, T. D. Garvin,putter. Sunday school nt 9 a.to., Preaching at 11 a. in., subj-c- t.

"Tho Shepherd and tho Flock;"Mission echuul on Smith bt.nt 3 p. m. Young Pooplo'sjneoting nt 6:H0 p. m., Lecture nt7:30 p. m., subject, "Tho Divinochain of 7 links."

Roman Catholic OathedhalBorvicos will bo ns follows: 0 and7 a in, Low Mush with lMy

Mass with Englishinstruction; 10:30 a m, High Mnsswith iiulivuboruiou;'2 p m, Ros-nr-

and nativo instruction; 4:30 p m,nntivo instruction aiid Bunedic-tio- n;

Weokdays, Low Mrss at 0and 7 n rn.

LATXEK DaY SAlXTf Reorga-nized Church cf Jesus 'Ohrist ofLatter-Dc- y Saints; Mililtini Hall,roar of Onora Houbo. iServiceawill he held on Sunday ns follows;10 a. m., Biblo class; 11:15 a. in.and 0:30 p. in., pronohing.

Salvation Aiuiy. Ilotol shootAdj. ond Mis. Simonson will

load tho muetingsnt tho SalvationArmy Hall on Saturday, Sunday,Monday, Tuesday nml "Woclncvd.iyevenings. Evoryhody invited.

Kawaiaiiao. Rev. II. H. P.ir-k- or,

pastor. Sunday school at 10n. in., morning topic, "The Giftand the Giver." All in Hawaiian.

Y. M.C. A. 11 a. m.,service at Oahu jail; 3 p. in., boys'meoting in Association Hall;praiso sorvico in Y. M. C- - A.Hall at 0 p. in.

Ho biiru You Aro Kljrlil

And then go right ahead. If your blood iImpure, jour appetite Jailing, your nervefi

rtk. you may bo suic that Hood's Sarnpar-lll- a

U what jou lived. Tien tako no substi-tute, fuslrt iik)ii Hood's and only Hood's,Thli is tin medlelue vlil-- bat tlio lnigcutsales In tliu world. Hood's Saisnparllla Uthe One Truo llluod I'urlCer.

Hood's Vii.i.s arc prompt, cillclunt, alwaysrellablcensy to take, t'ay to operate.

King Bros, latest consignmento picture frames liaB taken theitowu by "storm. The designs areelegant, o and o thohandsomest.

M. A. Peixoto, proprietor o thoUnion harbor shop, next to theArt Gallery, guarantees to give ashave that will niako your haircurl with joy.

Sterling, tho painter, is pre-pared to quote prices oii roofpaiiitiug. Ho ubos a composition ofcoal tar and comont. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-

nolulu.Seattle is fast becoming a groat

city. Ouo thing which makes itfamous is Seattle beor, which youfiad at tho Criterion. A goodthing always makes its mark.This is one of tho best things onearth.

Kroegor Pianos, sweetest in tone,Jas.W. 13orgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. "NVarorooms atG. "West's, Masonio Tomplo. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tuu- -

ing and repairing. C lolo- -

phono .

FREEI'uilltntrerlnir with Tlirost, I.uimor 'tlue I'lwaM

Itr, He,, will lo ulven a Mmiiln lo(lli of Dll. OOIt.lifN'8 hllOCOI.ATK KMl'LSION f"'r trial. Call elftiirnnf IIoii.i.tiu lirnR " , llniiululn, II, I. it UI uarautrcu at 1'aiaUbiii as Jiiis ur iiuuvy.

j, "I H gg

BRUISESH conns w thoul nny prcvlotn worn 1r. i j. i.i-

- I A v.j U t .s. t H

U l)C prepared. Keep ti ImIMo uf B

(9 PcrrylMvIVl'AiMt.t.rHliyyou. 1V It relieves nt once. 1u It lloiimciirfr( ruin., IWIomhI i

. JB miiI lt Intrrn! ltliu

m m m

iniijht fiill where one dose of l'ainKiller would succeed. If you hncn coukH or cold or nnv otlicr wintercomplaint, tryl'aiu liillcr at once.It never full to give instnnt relief.I'brhv UAVuft son, I.


Will cure n cold before It settlesor nftcr it scttlca. The righttime to take it is when you

lcci uic com coming on..Prepnrwt only y

Perry Davis St Soa,rxvYiacaGC,a.i

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany.,

nOtf A genU for tlio Ilawiiiian Wands.

To Citizenof Hawaii sSZSHN

I take pleasure in announc-ing to you that I have remov-ed to my new quartors at NO.513 FORT STIIEBT and amprepared to execute all orderspertaining to my buBinesB.Jewelry .Repairing, WatchRepairing, I'ino Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomostock of "Watches and Jowol-r- y

to show you including alargo variety of valuablo Isl-and Curios. Your patronagois respectfully solicited.

304-t- f

To My Patrons j

It giveB mo much ploasuroto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of the mostskilled watclnmtkors ever inthose Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is bo complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo per-fect satisfaction in correctingthe evils to vhioh watches arolioir. Watches aro didicatothings to haudlo. Wo guaranteethat thoy will rccoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour store iu porfoct repair.




OF JEWELRYiain n iino art. CoHtly jewelry whendaunted ucodd curefnl attention,

and c.iro. To gut thin, ncudyour work to

A. fi. R. Yieira,AT IlltOW.V .V. KUIIKY'S.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.Telephone 795. 331--


ft HL

O na Puna MakanaKa Hiwahiwa oi loa aktt oka Nani Makamne.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu in na Wati poino a mo kahaki o ko A-- n.

Alanui Pnpn, kokoko altmui Moi.

The ICvenimj Jhtllelin, 75 centsKr month.

r m'

KVUNINU imhWri'KS, AflfltfBT 0, 1WI0.

mr W Vtummt,-- -(,w" iti ii iii

min it

'I IIIa iv

-- i i

(Nuiuli" Hliwt, Dr IIIH


Havo HUNDREDS of DOZENS whiohl am Soiling

JBH3X-- C3TATtT Inler-Ilni- l onlcro n quantity filled t n




MTJRA.TV & CO., "'.Arc nboiit to roccWo n tin ntook o , . ,

.... Tho vrry llnent line linos,

lank Out For Kh ! Cur PrcHfttt, UUivU Will Kohl

Tomnkoroom. Come in mid lTWIIll'AV OU.

Udmlimj wire,


MTJJRA.TA & CO., mid Nuunnu stivpfs.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has n largo assortmont of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Elootrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.


Edw. Ingham,

Artistic Painter,Brass Signs and

Gliding on Glass Specialties

J5ST A'l kinds of Contracts forPaiiitiug tnkoii.

Union Stroot, next to Storling,the pnititer'.s.

Commissioner of DeedsFOH THK

tale of California.Having been ippomteil and cninmlc sinned

a Conurilihlonirbl s for tlio Statu of Cal-ifornia, I am prupaicil

To ailmlnUtcr ami certify oaths.To take ami certify depositions ami afUtla-vlt-

To take nml certify the acknowledgment orproof ol powers of attorney, niortcai;",transfer, rnuts, deeds or other instrumentsor record.

A. GEAR,,Telephone 850. 310 King Street.


next to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Biacksmithiny,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with all ModoruAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blaoksmithing and Horco Shoeing.


TeleplxorLO 572HONOLULU

Carriage Manufactory128 & 180 FORT STREET.

Carriage Builderand rtEPAinnu.

Biacksmithiny in All lis Branches.

W. AVItlUUT, l'ropnetor.(SticccBsor Q. West.)



lb. finu'nii


C?CJSwin S

llurf Irapoulblo to meet.I.ATKST 8TYI.K ASO I'ATTKIIN.












S.IIUM,L,m iicr wnro,Coppwr.

Tjje Yokohama specie BanlLIMITED,

Subscribed Cniiitnl Yen 12,000,000l'airt Up Uapitnt Yen' 4,500,000ltesorvo Fund Yen 4,130,000


BIMNCIIKS AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

Snn Fr.tiictM'o, SlmiiRbnl,Bombay, Ilong Kouy.

TrAnsnctH n Geneml Bunking nud Exobngo Bnaincaq.

Agency Yokohama Sjieiio Bank

Kew RepnWlc Building; HcdoIdId, h. L

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors nn'l Prollonp, 5kl n j.c laltv,

Allen Stkeet. Telephone 703.

NEW GOODSArrived per S. S. "Aubtralia."



American Goods,

EneM Gooas,

German Goods.

Cniucso Goods,

Japanese Goods.

pJeW Qoods 1 jvfeiaf Qoods I

23?" Cumc eaily ami tret your iholue.

kwohg'sing loy,407-- 0 KIn St., mar Cnstle A Cooke.

L. A11LO,No. 408, Nnnaun street.

Uah just received n now lino ofDltY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTB


Ag nt for tho folliiwing rio plantatlonutWuipio, Wuinwii, Wmiu.ilu, W.iiuluRKitutohu nud K.ipalamn.iJT Jly rice from luiueohe in ui.uked

L A nml lit gntirnutct'd Al.P. O. llox 114. .... Telephone IBB.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Hay IlorhO Saloon

Corner Bethel nud Hotel Streets, Honolulu.

SPECIAL EATINd nOUSE!Private Boom a for Ladies and Gentlemen.

Open from 5 n. in. to 1 in morning,Prico of Tickots, $4 ,C0. Single Meal, 25o.

JMew Restaurant,Bethel Btreet nbovo Tost Office

NICE AND CLEAN.Ghickou on Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Saturdays, Ico Cream on Sundays. FineSalads with dinner each day.

Meals, 25c. 22 Tickets, $4.60.


Meals 25 Cents. gJNtN.D. .

Privuto Boom fur Ladies,


TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... Nnuanu street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I ueo the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143- -

16ok6& co.,Nuutinu Street.

Just opened new supply of rirt.ela'-- Shoesjutt received.

Ladies' & Gents' Shoes Mado to Order

From American and Frouoli Leathers.

UN TA: 001 10 llnlel !rtl, !Hnr Ntumtm.

I n portoi'M

Qf AH Kinds of Provisions,


Ohiufise Ten aud


All kltidit of Coined 1'rnlt, Cigtn,mid n Inigsnnq'.rtir.m tof goodttoonuinprouH to incniion m tlio very


KAM TAl'SHotul Street, oppo. l'nntbcou.


Finest in tho city.LA PERLA DEL.ORIENTE,.ONpAsiNVlNGIBLtS,


eliq-h- : lifii: i....All at....


Saxn "Wo ObanNutnnn street, near Kuknl

3yO"V Q3PJE1V !Bananas nud ViRctab'ea nlwayH on hand.

vuicKeuH nnti uncKH aiirc or dress-ed, iTOhh Kpgn delhered

to all parts of tho city.

ISLAND FRDIT 0? ALL KINDS.Wo prow onr own bannnnnand cgetiil)U'M


WING WO TAI & CO.,Sit Ntniumi street.

Importers uud Dcnlera in

General -:- -

Fino Manilft Clgiirw, Chineno nutl Jnpn-ueb- o

Crookerywnre, Miittings, VabC of allkind', Ontnphorwood Trunk b, UnttnnClinirH. A fine Assortment of DntiH Silks.Choicest brands of Chiucse uud JupanesoTeas of latnst Importntion.

tM9" New Goods by every stenmcr.llutunl Tel. 2G0 P. O. Hox 158

Sii.g' 2Liee Co.,502 KING STREET,

JARISSI--I :- -: lll LTITSUy ovory Califoniift steamer.

Importers of nil kinds of Orocerlci, Fruits,Canned Ooodt., Clcnr nml Tolnccos,

nt Lowest Prices.Fresh Vt'Kftnlilcs Ahvnj'8 n Hand.

HOP KING & COALP ANY,Wholesale Dealers In

CMncsu Silk, Ten, and Matting,Liquors and Manila Clears, English and

Auierlcuu lirocerles.40'i Hotel street. .... Tckphuna 147.


Importers n;nl Dialers In

General Merchandise,145.tf Corner King uud Mnuuakca Sta.


Tinmitli,Dealers In Tinware, etc., Piping Laid

and repaired.p?y Orders solicited; charges ery mo-

derate.0,!iUi) Nillliinu St. ,4 doors nbovuKing St.

373-- 1 ra

FOR . . .Best Imported Chiuoee Ten,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Fine Chinese Teas f roshly imported. Very

low prices. Go to

WING TAI LUNG.14- 1- SarNuuanu street.


Plumberss and dealers in

CHOCKERY, OLASSWAUE, ETC., ETCWater Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

142- - No 41, Nuuauu street.


Plumber & TinsmithDotfcr In Tin and Agate Ware.

All kinds of riumulnRdone tn u SatisfactoryManner at Lowest Uates,

P.O. Box 271, 213 403 Hotel Bt.


:Fx-j-ur:M::B:E:-E3 ,

All kinds of tlnwn.ro, crockory,jtc, at lowest prices

Hi Nnnann and Hold streoti

W. W. AlianaXUIm (Jlolliin bt UKDllll hfihoMtf Umi Hietemtflnnd hi the myIntent M)l(

A. Hovi.'ot H'ifc



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty

i ekHAyx. BnniiRt

To Whom It

ay Concern.

This is to certify that C. Akimclias mado uovcral euits of cloUiix-fo- r

mo and tho workmanship buiboon of tho best. I take pleasurein recommending him ami. hliwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guiimntecd. Kino Dnrfc:Suit, $5 up; Fine Tweed Punts, $.50npjFine Suit, $18 up. Clothes nml

1!00 KIN G fc IltLCT.r. u. iiox in

Chock Chce & Co., Merchant Tallonv,

Clothes Cleaned nud Repaired.

No. .".22 Nuuauu Street.21fi-l- y P.O. Box 31.


It you want your Clothes Dyed and mk'to look new, call around at

CHOCK LOOK'SJMerchaiifc :- -: Tailor.

48 Nuuonn street, V O llox 153.

C T. AKANA.No. 321, Nntiann street.

MERCHANT TAILOR, --:Fine Suiting miule to outer at lowest rrittt145 Clntlies cleaned and repaired.

"W. .hm & Co O320 Nnunuu Street.

MERCHANT-:- - TAILORS.Fine Suitings from Host Annrirnti af

English Cloth.

Ototbei Clennod and BepAlrt-d- .

Y. MAN SIH-TG-,- ,

FashioaaMc Dress Maker.


Drobsus made to order. SeeingIf the stitches break I will

pair without extra charge. 307-2-



Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Eta,Contrnotor and Buildvr.

No. 80, Nnuanu street.11ns on hand CofQus, Camphor Trunin

MattiuR, WnrdrolHis, Desl;s, Slatu'tseH.ettCg.Jt-- Call iu and inspect goods.


Confci'actors, !BuilderefcFurniture Dcnlors and Painters.


Fort Street, opposite, Club Stablos.

Orient Planing MiU,


Fnrnltnro of all kind made nd reptlre,Bultdlm; houses aud raaktue; rice mills ip.ciaiiy. r. u. dot ivj. corner ivinc auu ucuus.streets, 111

Subporibo for tho Evknino Buirr.ETiN, 75 conts per luon'tb.








. .

s 3N.Jor


Page 4: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow


P !




f WBfFt

. r,"c






jft t0t

51 Euer?ir;$ Bulletin,


SATURDAY, AUG. ill), 1800.


Elsewhere i roprintod n

nnlico of tho tipttcnrnncnof llio Snwlny Star, which tiiifjhtIn truth also Imvo boon a notice ofUs (lismppoiinuice. It ia almostincredible that such iniHstuto-inonl- s

of tho Suiulay lau of thiHooinitry could Imvo boon iniulo bya reputable wrltor for tho proas.Tbori is only ouo Snulay law inHawaii, which was submitted bytho cuniinittco on education, hnnd-o- d

by 0. R. Bishop, as a substi-tute bill Tor another, to tho Legis-lature of lstfij, which passed itwith amendments. Mr.Widnmtuui,u dismissing tho bill, romnrkedin olToct that tho old Iiiwh woroonly oppressive whon enforced inth- - spirit ot' the- - "1)1110 lavs." Asthe bill family passed, it was asliberal as tho Sunday lawsmoat Statos of tho Union. ThoUcu.KTiN has always upheld it as

' a piotcolion of tho rights of laboi.II it is over used as an instrumentof persecution of pooplo who

observe another weeklyday of rent, as oro tho Sunday

iws of Botue of the States andCanadian provinces, thou thispipor would denounce it and.strive for its amend mont. Thespirit of tho Hawaiian Sundaylaw is that labor in general isprohibited, together with amuse ,

monte that would disturbihf rest of tho public. Its '

most needed amendment is tho '

addition of a provision that, in cs- -

iablishmonts whoro Sunday labor )

5s conceded to bo necessary for tho j

public comfort and convenience,the work should bn so divided that

very workman would got otf forone half oL tiio day and have aIialf holiday besides on anothorday of tho week. Reverting toihe misstatements in the Ohroui- - '

xim snrrnatirYilntin if ia llnnnnna...,',

nry to say that "blue laws" hadnothing to do with the suddenc!ipso of the Sunday Star. "A

majority of tho directorate," whopresumably aro not "up to date"people, clapped an extinguisheren it beforo its "immediate con-

ductors" could got it advertised, astthey apparently figured on havingdone, through logal prosecution.


Somo con temporaries havo giv-

en ono side of tho case lcgardingihe suit for malpractico broughtngaiuBt JJr. McLennan. 'I'hero-ior- o,

it is proper enough to dis-

cuss the caso evon whilo it is sub-jndic- e,

in tho interests of fair)lay. The alleged cause of acliou

arose sixteen mouths before thoaggrieved party took action, and I


3ill. Dr. McLennan had boonfronting tho plaintiff, oiT nml on,iav long generally for.nervous prostration, and onlyohargod him a Hum. Thosaorning paper has said in effect(that tho patient had his footwith hot brick, recommended by I

sue uootor tor rnnumatio pains.There is no specification of mal-giraetic- e,

however, in tho declara-tion, and it is roally outrageousthat a reputable phyniciau, geniioinan ami a pnuaninropiHi asDr. MoLonnan is to bo-- 1

should have tho machinory jus-- 1

iico prostituted foi putting togreat trouble and expense simplyto gratify tho revenge of a manwho uttorly irrospoiicible. Dr.iMoL'ennan is ono of th-- ) ablestphysicians who ever practiced in I

.Honolulu. IIo was tho first onosaro lifo in tho oholora opido- - '

fw?,fHMPr'' ' i, f w " - pp 91 a ; 1Wf i -

ppp,,i,pp'ijiir WWP1, ""' 1


inlo last your, and would liavoimvodmorn Hvo Inul ho been called intiuio in certain cases. It is wellknown also that ho had not onlyIroated poor folks without money

without price, but has relievedtheir necessities from his pursAs said before in other wordb, tho

I circumstances of the probocutiouj arc very suBpicious.and tho Buu,i:-ti- n

is not prejudging a caso at law,but simply exposing a gross pieceof blackmail. Tho very givenin the ono sided report of a con-

temporary is nutlioiont proof ofassortion, as tho man applied

tho recommended loinedy himselfand, if he had not bouso enoughto loinovo tho hot brick whon ithurt, tlion ho does not knowonough to bo trust-- d with a iihih- -

tard pouHico.

Thirty ftvomamifccturors in theUnited Statos ore piepaiing toput horseless carriages on themarkot tho coming year. Thesoaro likely to rauk among thogroatest iuveutioiiB for human

. .,,...( ,.r ii,:,. i, .;.... ,..........i UlULUl t UL nun UlUSill buuiuiti tno most woiHionui era ot progress tho world has over known.

Although Queen Victoria wascrowned on Juno 28, 183S, asstated elsewhere, sho began horreign on Juno 20, 1SD7, conse-quently will Imvo comploted sixtyyears on the throno next spring ifhor lifo bo spared, as tho wholoworld hope.

T. 13. Murray, president of thoAmerican Leajiuo. is against hav-

ing other than Ameiicaus admit-ted to moniborship. IIo says thoproposition has not beon finallyadopted as reported.

miniiw ma it sroitir.s.

Canlinurtl from lnt Pmjf.

contained the following articlefrom the Star of Saturday, August8:

"Pau Sunday Stais. Comply-ing with tho expressed wisheB ofa majority of the directorate oftho Association, Ltd., tho immc--diato conductors of this will

f , Smlnv nilWP'f:' wj.i,the ono experimental number putout on tho 2nd inst."


Hair n Dua-- ii 'Hint llnvo DrvrlnpeilAiiioiic Wlirt-lnii'ii- .

Of course omens and supersti-tions havo developed amongwheolmou. Tho IndianapolisJournal thus classifies eix ofthem :

One Tho wheelman who b

hearse to jjass him willdie boforo tho year is out.

Two To bo chafed by a yel-low dog with one blue oyo andono bl, ick eyi- - indicates a badfall.

Three To see small boy witha Blungshot beside the road is aprophecy of a puncture.

Four If yon diirh a whitehorse driven by a red-haire- d

womau your rim will split unless

Six Kicking tho man whoasks tho make of your wheel is asign of high honors and greatriches witliiu a year.

Ymtpritny'H I'lru.

Mr. Lylo's loss in tho burninghis barn is aboutS500.lt was woll

built on a very convenient pjanThero is no defiuito knowledge asto tho origin of tho iiro. Somoyoungsters from another neigh-borhood woro playing on an adja-cent lot, and it is supposed theyset fir.' to mum rubbish for fun.Mr. Lylo wni attending to hisbusiueciB in town when the alarmwas given. Ho was talking abouthaving the barn insured, as wollan bin iioiiatt, a few days beforotho iiie, bnl overlooked tho matterin a prossuro of other business.

M. A. P ixoto, proprietor of thoUni'.n hnrljKi tdiop, next to thoArt (Jallory, guarantees to give ashave ilwil will make your haircurl with joy.

Iho-lon- g intorval in which hofuu5'v --"J"""'" uuu i'. I lingers.

his wrong gives a fishy) Fivo--If you take your machinofmpeot to tho case. IIo only took to the repair shop it is a sign thatproceedings when a professional you will not buy that now suit ofvlllpi'fnr riiimI Iiiiii tnr Hin ilnpfnv'a ClOtllPfi.

a time,'

















Timely Top5


A short time ago we intro-

duced (he De Laval CreamSeparators to the notice of thepublic through this columnbut we were compelled tochange our advertisement in a

few days as the demand createdby it soon exhausted the sup-

ply of Separators we had onhand.

We have just received afresh supply and ag:in callattention to their merits.

Have you one or more cows?If so, what is your purpose inkeeping them? Is it your objectto get the most money fromthem, with at same time somecomfort and satisfaction? Areyou doing it?

Have you kept pace withthe improvements in dairy ap- -j

paralus? Have you ever stop- -j

ped to consider the benefits ofthe Cream Separator, not tothe world, not to your neigh-- !bor, but to you personally andindividually?

It not, you cannot do any-thing better, and the soonerthe better. Everybody nowunderstands the principle ofcentrifugal creaming. Gravitycauses trie cream to rise in theold way. The separator sim-

ply adds centrifugal force togravity. It merely uses twonatural forces instead of oneonly. It effects the completeseparation of cream from milk,which is not possible in anyother way, and in the most allaround piactical mannei.

The De Laval Cream Separ-aio- rs

are in almost universaluse the world over. They haverevolutionized dairying me-

thods. The State Collegesand Experiment Stations alluse and advocate them. Morethan 85,000 have been sold.All practical creameries havelong used them. Progressivedairy farmers do so in all sec-tions. There must be manyusers around you. No user ola De Laval machine ever didotherwise than endorse it.

The De Laval "Baby" orDairy Cream Separators arenow made in six differentstyles and sizes. They rangein capacity from $0 lbs. perhour to 700 lbs. per hour.Capacity means separatingcapacity per hour. They aremade for all requirements fromthe household buying its milk,to the dairy of from one cowto one hundred.

The De Laval machines areHand machines. They are de-

signed and constructed forhand use. Women and chil-dren run them. They are usedalmost wholly in such way.Still they may be attached toany sort of light power, fromdog tread to engine.

We have also a smaller typeof the same machine, which isdesignated as the "HummingBird," especially intended forhousehold use. It is verysmall, very compact, extremelysimple, easily understood andcared for, safe and durable. Itpossesses every advantage tobe found in any of the larger"Alpha" machines.

Samples and prices of thesemachines at


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Sprnckols' Hank,




Onto your typo printed visitingcard, whon it is so easy togot tho correct thing right athomo.

No card but an engravedone is acceptable; olhoiBaroconsidered shoddy and shouldnot bo used.

Wo know tho correct thing,and any work turned out byus, will placo you right intho swim.

Evory offort is being madeby us to keep this work athome, and if a sti ict adher-ence to San Franci'co prices,combined with good cleanwork is any inducement toplaco ordors horo, wo will gotall your work from now on.

JJear in in aid that wo aronot trying to moot tho cutrates of Eastern DopartmontBtores for inforior work; butaro doing good workj usingtho very best of material, andadhering clos-l- y to rulingrates in San Francisco.

Nor is tho work confinedto Cards alone, but Weddingand Society Stationery, Busi-ness Cards, Announcements,Dill Heads for Professionalmen, Embossing, and thogeneral run of work comingunder that hoad, havo thosame careful aftontiou.

You may not need any-thing now, but it is woll tobear in mind when tho timecomes, and savo tho expeusoof sending away for it.

1 H. P.Wiclimaiii ffiSISEISMSS.'HEiaSIHE'aiBJSISIiaiSiaSlEI




25 and 50

Feet Lengths

Just Received ex

"Archer." . .

Every piece of our

4 Ply Hose


Also, a supply of

3 Ply.

Castle & Cooke


k J . ..J i.


cff fi'

(4 I I""" IT ' 'Ji tno Dost suioomnKus in tno worm nnu picic wlint host suits ourtrado and wo don t know ol anything too good tor the peopleof this town.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,Biff Shoe Store.


7S.OOIf you aro thinking of getting a

Bioi'OLE, now is tho timo to getono whilo they last. This offor ofIxAMDiiKits at $75.00 iB not n out inprice, fo don't wait expecting toboo tho price como any lower. Woaro offering 1895 wheels at thisprice and tlielro aro but o fow lqft.this wheol is fitted with the

Great G--. fc .T. Tirewhich has proven so satisfactoryin this laud of tho

Xvia-Av- e ThornWo also havo a stock of thol89G

wheols both ladies and gouts whichwo aro offering at a low figure andon easy tonus. Como in and havoa look at our wheols and Batisfyyourself that we aro in tho BicycleBusiness.

An InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- s

and Dimes you might savohad you a wheel. A rido to Wai-ki- ki

is not only a pleasure but asure saving of health and strength.You will find now vigor by tho useof muscles novor beforo broughtinto use.



E. 0. Hal! & Son


Baseball Season

First Regimentvs


Saturday, Aug. 29, 1896Game Oai.lud at 3:30 p. m.

.Axlmission, - uo.aaa-s- t

vi'JS -- KJ$$"

Knowledge isPower. ITfflTfffty

nml our kimwlodgo of thoshoo tnnkcrsnud their pro-

ducts gives us tho poworto buy tho Inst Hint'siniulu, with ready cash inhllllll WO fiflll niul ii irn fr1.1

Ci 1 O Fort Stroot.

35TW. DIMDND3By the Albert which arriv-

ed a few days ago we re-

ceived 128 Gurney CleannbleRcfrigerntors, .ranging in sizefrom the small household icebox to that used in a grocerystore. It was a largo in-

voice not consigned. butbought outright. Theso re-

frigerators and ice boxeshave nine points of excel-lence, to

freo circulation;economy in the use of ico;condensation unci dr. nir; lowaverago temperature; freedomfrom condensation on the innerwalls; freedom from dnmngoby the use of ice picks; properlocation of drip pipe and longlife. Theso points are foundonly in tho Gurney Cleanablo.

Now for tho reason for thohrgo purchase. There aro128 persons in Honolulu whoneed refrigerators, many ofthem ha o old ones. We pro-pose leasing these refrigeratorson the following terms: Thoselling price of the nrticlo isdivided by six: when the refri-gerator is delivered one-sixt- h

of tho price is paid in cashand monthly thereafter inequal payments until thoentire amount is paid. Ifbefore tlu expiration of thosix months, the lesseo' wishesto pay oh" tho balance bo willbo entitled to a discount offive per Cent, on the amountunpaid. If a customer wantsto buy outright for cash, hogets five per cent, discounton the entire amount.

Tho Gurney Cleunablo canbe had only of us.

Von Holt Building.


During Mr. Boardraan'a abseuco, Mr.LwinR wjll have oliHrgo of my books nmlattend to nil colleoiii.uu. M0 can bo foundoitlierat Mr. Iionrilmnn's oflico at Ugnrik &Co.'h or nt my oflico.

'fla-- tt DU. HKUHKKT.

For Rent.

ALMA COTTAOC AND THE LAltQEHenoJi Lot Biimiiiuriiug for rent on rounon.ablo terms, 'ibis is a bargain. Aimlv to

:!07-l- FRANK nUSTAOE.


NOTARY PUBLIC and TYPEWRITEROffh-k- i 203 Merchant t.tiol, CnW1iUji

Jlhiok icar of J. O. (Jarlur'a uuk-u-, p (J' 'Uox 3UU.




Page 5: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow

i "Wptfr Vf ""

,.::4v if

, 4 W iv



IJBwlmll nl 8:90.

hullorn for A. V. til Uui.r.iniNofllCO.

J5iunl concert nl ttnnna Squat onM:30.

Mr. Luco will null u valuablobiiHitKMH Ioumo nl 12 noun onMon-dn- y.

Joseph Tinkor is having a nowfront put on hit Nuuamt utrootbutcliur uliop.

"Knowlcdyo ih power." It iniiBtho ho, beeiuiHi) tho Miiiiufacturo'aShoo Co. nay ho.

A largo unmoor of pooplo visit-ed Diamond I load this liioniingto viuw tho wreck.

Tho vae.ution grunted tho bandthis your in for two weeks, com-inonoi-

on Monday.

riogiinont bonofit by tho ElsioAduir oom puny und othom nt thodrill Biied tins evening.

Ex Proaidont Harrison opnnedtho llopubliunn campaign in NowYork city on August 25th.

Custom liouso gunrdB arostationed on the bench in thovicinity of this morning's wreck.

A number of tbo big tamarindtrees in front of tho PuuahouPropnrutory school have been cutdown.

If tho uftornooii bo line therowill bo orioket pructico on thogrouudH nt King street near "Wai- -

kiki road.A. J. Dorby, D.D.S., Doutnl

ffieo Cf.ltnco No. 100, Alakoatrout, tt'lephono ? o. (515. Offioe

hours 9 a.m. to 4 r.M.First llegimouta vb. Karaeha-mehu- s

at tho ball grounds thisafternoon. Tho Stnr team will dotho rooting for the Knnis.

The last band concert nt AlakeoIsland before tho band takes itsvacation comes off tomorrow after-noon, program in another column.

At tho Novelty Thontor, in Lon-don, on n recent evening tho springduggor nuido for stngo use failedto act, and an actor was stubbedto tho hear.t.

Charles Hustaco.tho well-know- n

merchant, hns received word ofthe death of his venerable mother

t Brooklyn, N. Y., tho notice ofwhich apj)ears olsewhore.

Uoautiful, artistic, accurate,charming island viows at KingBros. Every prominent point onthe islands is photographed by usand painted by tho host of ourartists.

Tho foroign jury yesterdayevoniug rondored a verdict forMrs. (Jims. L. Cartor and othersfor tho full amount cluimed fromtho Manhattan Lifo InsurancoCompany.

Thoio is a handsomo piece ofproporty, 70x100 feet, on tho cor-ner Prospect and Hackfold stroots.It is all fenced ready for buildingand wator pipos aro laid on. En-quire of II. M. Dow.

City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. It you want ahaok with good horse and care-ful driver ring up Tolophono 113,oorner of Fort nud Merchantstreets. Hack at all hours.

If you want to frame anythingin tho very best mnnnor; if youwant your framo to harmonizewith your pioturo; if you want thobest and most tasteful framo inthe market, go to King Bros.


Makes Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Atk Your Grocer For It.

UNION FEED CO., Sole Agents.

IKiurtl of Education.

At a special meeting of thoBoard of Education held yester-day afternoon, tho following re-

commendations of the Teachers'Committee woro confirmed:

S. W.Mohoula to Waihoe; MissBeerman to Moloua; Miss JulietteKing to a now place in Kauluwela;Joseph Koalalio to Kipahulu;Miss Peterson to Waianno; MissJarrot to a now placo at AVaianaoif such bo needed; Miss QracoSharpo as assistant at Kaluaaha,nud Miss Finckler to Kekaha.

A Cliolr llomctly.

According to a Singapore pnpor,r GO per cent of tho cholora pationts

taken to tho Puupor Hospital haveboon cured by hypodermic injec-

tions of Btrychuiue, whilo 50 percent woro saved in tho GeneralHodpital by other treatment.

fl.il.VNIIOItOt'llll Vllll(!l(i:i.

Cnnlitwril ffnm tf 1'inir.

combing fioin ohcIi KiueflPnivobreaker. Tho vcbhoI Hoh on tholoo Bi'do of Diamond llo'id and isoxponed to the full hwcII of thoocean. If alio woro on this side i

Bomothing might bo done for her.Captain JL'iillor said that whon thoEloti was tugging nt her this '

morning tho hvm lis would raisoboth vessels high tin out of thowator and tho efforts of tho tug j

were simply ubcIchh against thoforce of tho wives. j

Captain J. A. King, Minister oftho Interior, gavo n JIullktin rop-- 1

rosontativo somo further pur- - i

ticulars. Tho Uainsboroiigh j

was hero about four , yearsago. Ilor cargo is a sample ono.Tiio Now Zealand coal of which '

it is composed is claimed to bo 80por cent, better in steam genera- -ting potency Ihnu any other coal ofAustralasia. Thoio would bpoiiito bo Bomo hoodoo about it, how- -ovor, as nn accident befel tho firsttrial shipment of this coal, tho '

second vessel with it was lost, andhoro is tho third on tho rocks.

Captain McPhail belongs toClmrlottotown, Princo EdwardIsland, and is a porsonalacquaintance of CaptainOnmj)boll, Buporintondont of thoInter - Island Steam NavigationCompany, also of Captain KingBiuco tho skipper's former visit tothis port.

Captain King Bays tho Gains-borough's draught is 18ft. 7in.,and thero is only 10feet of wator now under herbow. Sho is going farther inlandall the time, and ho thinks horcaso is hopeless.

Tho Gainsborough was G2 daysout. It was tho captain's watchwhon tho vossol went aground.Captain McPhail had gono bolowfor coffee, and when ho came ondeck tho ship was grinding on thorocks. Tho second mato wub for-ward at tho timo. Captain Kingsays tho bottom at the place issoft coral.

It 1b learned that thero is no in-

suranco on vessel or cargo, al-

though this statement lacks con-firmation. British Vice CohbuIWalker Bent a note aboard to askCaptain McPhnil if ho desired assistance. Tho captain replied i

that ho did not, but intended tomake another effort to float thovessel at high tido tomorrowmorning.

FooOmiI! meeting.The mooting of the football

playors last night was well attend-ed and considerable interest wasshown in tho prospects fornsoriosof games. Mr. Borgor, represent-ing tho H. A. A. C, was presentaud promised to bring up thoquestion of tho Club's takingchargo of tho two jroposed teams,outfitting them and making all ar-

rangements for games. If,Puuahou Collego decide to put ateam in tho field, the alumni oftho collego, who havo agreed toplay with tho H. A. A. O., willjoin tho College eleven, and thoclub will only put in ono teum.This will make a throe-corner- ed

contest and add to the general in-

terest. Among those presont weretho following old playora, who,scenting tho battle from afar havosignified their willingness toj)lay:Mort- Tuft, guard on tho '91Varsity of the University of Cali-fornia, and Dayton and Cockott ofInst year's champions. Thoro willbo a meeting of tho teams thocoming wook to elect captains andnamo a dato for commencingpractice.

EInIo Adtilr'n UciiefU.

Tho bonofit for Miss ElsioAdnir will tako placo on Monday,instead of Tuosday evening aspreviously announced. No enter-tainer haB ovor won thohearts of tho Honolulupublic in a greater dogreo thantho charming lady whose namo istho titular designation of thebril-lia- n

company that has given, un-der circumstances not thomost favorable, ono oftho most enjoyable dramntio Bon-so- us

ovor worked out in Honolu-lu. Como ono, come all, and giveElsio a buinpor houso.


I'roupcotlv Drop lit Rlcyclr.

Tho London Spectator looksforward to tho day whon tho oyolowill cost $25 aud will last tonyears. Cycles will then becomefor all tho healthy the universalmoans of locomotion, and will bohired out in thousands, instead oftons, for jienuieu uu hour.

Highest of nil in Leavening Power. Lalohl U. H. Gov't ltopnrl.

jmowimot tojsul

Your Hens.....'! 1 .,11 ....1. . '.... i

Ullll I lllj HUH IIIIIVS JUll Js'VU

them proper food. Poultrykoopoi-- have got to u.e a littlescionco.

Wellington'sEgg Foodwill make hens lay. Tt hasearned u. roputntion of being thebest. A pound packugo will bo

a fair tost for a dozen fowlsfor six weeks, at a cost of 25 cts.Why not mako your liens moreprofitable keeping? You can doit. Will you try a little sciencoin poultry keoping.

Hobron Drug Co.SOLE AGENTS.

Auction Sales by W. S. Luce.


Valuable Lease.

On MONDAY, Aug. 31st,AT 12 O'CLOCK KOJK.

I shall bell nt nortliwertt corner of AlaVeamid Kiiitf street, tbo

Valuablo Lease of Said Property

Now held by Mr. O. Huwklns.

g38T This is n good opportunity forspecnlntorx, nn the privileges of tho Le.isois in iuIo Known at tho hiiIu ivro gruat utullarge return profita gunranteed. No risk.A bonanza for anyone Do not fail toattond this Rale

W. S. LUCE,304-l- t Aactionoor.



First Regiment

The Elsie AdairCOMPANY

Supportod by tho

Best Local Talent I


August 29, 189G.

f- i- Eosorved Seats at Jacob-son'- sJowolry Storo. 301-- lt



Oor. Fort and tjueon Streets, Honolulu.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty371-- tf ,


olillin.rr.It ia with unfeigned griof that

the death of Mr. A. M. Sproull,tho able civil ongineor, ia record-ed. Ton years ajo tho writer ac-

companied Mr. Sproull with Mr.Dillingham ovor tho laudx thatworo later acquired by tho Onhulla'lway k Land Company. Mr.Sproull waB onynKed on that oc- -ciHion to nuikoaii export report onirrigation. Tho acquaint- -

anco then forniod with himby tho writer has over since beenhighly valued. Mr. .Sproull wasa perfect gentleman of the oldHcnooi tnoiigii yountf in years.Pulmonary trouble was what cutshort his useful caroor. A fewyoars ago ho married MIbb Wal-lac- o

in Scotland, sho being a sis-to- r

of Mr. llobort Wallace, thowell-know- n manager of Mr.Sncyd-Kyuuerslo- y's plantationat Kohala. Two children aroloft with tho young wifoto mourn their irropara-bi-

loss. Mr. Sproull was a part-ner of Mr. W. G. Irwin in Hitgarplanting on Maui, aud ownedshares also in a planting enter-prise on Hawaii. Tho Bulletinoxtonds its most heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Sproull aud horfatherless babes, also to Mr. W.C. Sproull tho morchant, who is abrother of tho lamented gentlo-ma- n.

Iliirni ICnriii'il.

Wilfred Bums, "tho strongman," wont to bed at hiB lodgingson Fort streot last night, leavinga lamp burning on a small tabloby lii- bedside. Whilo sleepingtho sleep of tho just a passer-b- y

aroused the suspicion of "vonleotlo dog Schnoidor" that was lofton guard. The animal sprang fortho opeu window and upset thotable. Tho lump being ovor-turni'- il

set file to the bedding.Burns was burned soverely butnot seriously in tho hands, andabout $30 in personal proportywas destroyed.

ltalnr !!T Sollcltnde.Shcm Why doyon look podistrcRscd.

mother?ills. No:ih I'm so vonicd about tho

enrputs, my foil Vou havo jio ideu howmuch daimigo even ono puir of mothsnmy do nt this season of tho year. NewYork Press.

Poor Woman.Jlrs. Gnbblo Wlmt an nwfully wor-

ried, nnsiouB, dcnpairh)g look Mrs.Gooileoul IiuhI

llrn. Dabble Yes, I pnesa she's stop-ped doing her own work und gono tokeeping a girl. Now York Weekly.

A CutecliUui.What bcndi men's flguro to an B?

The bleycle.Whlla ludtos rldo ullli cracctulcwit

Tho bicycleAnd what maken Dnpluio with nlnrni,I'rom Hiidili 11 hjilll forlKxlInt; hurni,Vluld hur klliu MuWt to U.iiiiuii'a urm?

Tho blcyolu.

What tnokea Amanda eava and scranofThe bicycle.

Till sho can buy tlio latrht shupoOf bleyclo?

Wliat ninkea n Joint lust d.iyo on dny,Turned nnd retumiil In sundry wuyHOt liuah, rituolod and rueliauffes!

Tho blcyclii.

What playb tho douro w 1th Yunkeo trodetTho bicycle.

What's now tho only "notion" mudotTho bicycle.

What makes the carrlaco builder alack,What chcapons cob and tine and hnck,While tho financiers boom nnd cruokl

Tho blojclo.

What turns the scholar to n dunce!The bicycle,

llo rides (ho uncd to etudy onco)The bicycle.

Wliy nro nnurotla novels nliutAnd minor rocts ell uncutAnd OTcrythlnK nrglecttd but

The bicyclerSt. James OaMtta.

m 9

King Bros, latest conBignmontof picture frames haB takon thotown by storm. The dosigus aroologaut, up-to-da- lo and of thohandsomest.

Storling, tho painter, is pro-par- od

to quoto pricos on roofpainting. Ho tibcs acompo-sitio- ofcoal tar and comont. Ohoapostand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Seattle is fast becoming a greatcity. Ono thing which makes itfamous is Seattle beer, which youfind at tho Criterion. A goodthing always makes its mark.This is ouo of tho best things onearth.

m m i

The Ercnintj Bulletin, 75 centsper month.

N. S. SACHS'5Q0 lorl Stroot.

Lace Striped Dress MullsIn dolicnto shades, silk lustre, just tho thing for ovoningtlrossofl, only 20 cents a yard

Pin Dotted Swiss MuslinsIn Bolid eulois, sulphur, pink, block and yellow.

Pure Linen Lawn for $3.50n pioco, containing 1G yards nud guiir.nitf oJ to bo puiolmen ,

Our White Goods Departmentis most comp'oto, Victoria and Pordan Lwu, diinilioain Rtripo' and ihids. nau"ookx, mulls, Hvim muslins,fancy plaid and strip d white K"ds

At Bock Bottom Prices!u.rr


Fine White MuhIiii in i p m wiirlc. lloitulitul V tttcrnx,A great stock of ........

. Valenciennes Laces .


B" Wo expect within ton days a groat and now stock of

D 5fc G CORSETSOrdered Specialy by Us !

This is known to bo thofinest Corsot made. . .

We Are Now

Selling a Special

CANE KNIFEMado to Remedy tho Dofects

"Australia," nn invoice Fnvorito

Eeyere : Garden : Hose,Scissors, Slicnts, Hair Clippors,

Packing Kinds, Feather Dusters,Brushes in Grat Variety, Shelf Hardware,

and Another


A 16 to 1 Shot!

Old Prices Busted I

New Ones Provail 1

Boy's All-wo- ol

School Suits!ALU SIZKS,

S2.50, $3.00,$3.50, $4.00.


"The Kash,"I. LEYIMSTON, Manager.

Waverloy Block, Hotel Street.

E3T Shirts Made Order.


&& Co. toy

Ex of tho

of All


of Thoso Formerly Used Hore.

Consignment of

Take an Outing


. . . . SUNDAYS

Trains will leavont 9:15 a.m.and 1:45 v. jr., arriving in Hono-lulu nt 3:11 and 5:55 r. M.


Pearl City $ 75 $ 50Ewa Plantation...' 1 00 75Waianao 1 50 1 25

For Sale or Lease

House and I-io-t!

On tliu curner of Victoria nml Greenatrectb,

Ajiply to38'J-t- I AltTHUlt HA1UUBON.





--I "4








i '... ,v,-U,A- iAt vi, ,


Page 6: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow

! V ft'' N&irm ..


f SI"

U.o feed tool"-.- Aii, sIoikt.

A 8Une TVrm Illn.lrntrd.

nn r


ropulnr gone Illustrated.

U . 3 ii

r 77!" ' r

' ," I IT- "'i i' '

II V' '' 1

ifeiiiii"THE FLAT IT bTAIIiS."

' Chicago Record.

i Turning tlio Table..

Mm IkM&

Insolent Cabby Hero! What's thishalf for?

Gent For drink, I say, bythocolor of your nose.

The Sandwich Man.





OCl "m'Ri



tyAiurekM, kW.CV

utfe &.ft:7ff h..

' Jl fc

A "ai.'





Dai'y Bulletin, 75o. ror month.

FREETuallmnVrlnir Willi Tlirhat, J.nns cr WVMnir PfcoavMRluuiuh Crrrli.Bcrofula, Anlinn, irr Jurwinj J"HI-It- f,

t iilivn a mimjila 1111. ot 8

t'I(IC'i,ATi: 1 JM'MMV f. r ( all tfloroof J..ixaiii I'f'K .' .ll'ii-- l' . ii. I. 'li

k. jfc..



etc., ulil IUI.tr'l.

Tfriey All Just Received"Thcrenro tftdthi mcdlclno n well ru

In titlirr IhlnBi," nlil buoy druggliit,"but the molt renmtkablo thing aboutHood'tBtrxiiMrlllii lutliktuiutomern whotry other remedies nil como buck toItood'i, nd tlila j thy tlift tnormoimah of this mcilleluokoci up whllo others

nd In n short time go out of eight en-

tirely, to bo lienrd from no tnoro.""Why Ii It7" "O, ulinnly Ihcaiibo

Hood' Sarstparllla ban more real curativemerit than nny uicdicluo I ever Bold."

ThU U ot dally oecurrenca in almostevery drus store. Hood's Bftnaparllla htho standard romedy which has curedmore sIcUiiobr, rellevod more dlstross andmado more happlnees by bringing peoplo

ack tohenlth than nny other medicine. Its

otulcrful cures ot tho worst caeca otscroltiln, running sores, ulcers, salt rheum,etc.; ot dyspepsia and other troubleswhere a first class tonlo and aid to diges-tion was nccdod; of catarrh, rheumatism,malaria and other troubles arising fromor promoted by Impure blood, bavo made


Tim standard tho Ono Truo Blood rurlflor.

are tho only pills to takenOOCl S PlllS with Uood's Sarsaparilla,

Holsron Drug Co., Agents.

fcr?" My Hack doeB not tip in this man-ner, no matter how weighty tho load.


Hack No. 14AST TELEPHONE 17Bff

Standi Itrthel and K.nc BtrrotH.

J. J.Sumjvan,Prcaidentf

J. HurKLKT,Sco'v.

f dblllull rndBloo uu.jli II,

Ilonolttlu, H. I.Sullivan & Bucklisy, IiInu'B'rt.


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Driver&

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Ilotel Streets.

TeLEi'noiiB:Haw'n Ilotel Sttibles, 82.Pantheon Stables, 8 1,

Fashion Stables, 148.


BAGGAGE delivered and chock-

ed to nny Steumor. rnrnituroand Pianos carefully moved atBeasomible Rates.

SatisfactinnFort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel. 912, Eeaidenoo Tel. 043.

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merc hunt nut Hlcliard' StB.


Hf" Currlaues, Sunejf. mid llneKs at allhours. TEI.Kl'HONE 400.

rBZEcZE--iEcxiLsr- a-


f ' 5(tt.' --vf rmtf- """f? ""''IIPW Mmftm HPiiypmiilVJINli? UtfMiirriN, AumiMr w, ibiii).

. . . A tiew Importation of ... .

Fine Woolens

p. $. TrE(L0AN


J. P.Street, opposite UacKfeld's.

flfi F I i Th

h wH fl A iT








Make You




A Now Lot of Nico Goods JustReceived. Cleaning nnd Re-pairing. 215-t-f

AppearancesMore often than not determine a man's standing. Ifyou will come to us for yourclothes wo will see to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makoan impression.

Medoiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

WnvMloy lllock, - - IIouolulu.


Situated on a Beautiful Hillside Overlook-ing the Ocean, nnd l.lOO feet

nbevo Sea Level.Only 24 houiV Hail from Honolulu

Climnto mild, o!er dry ntmosphero, fieofrom foes and malaria, efcpecial provisionfor quiet nnd rest na well as for amusement and outdoor life.

iriT AbdreesDlt. II. A.LINDLEY, Trop.,

:!2r..tf Kona, Hawaii.

Seaside Resort

WrigM's Villa,A Shoit Distiinco from tho Bridgo,


Tourists and nihi-r- will fiud it to thoiradvuntnfio to vit.it ti o above resort, asthey will meet with every accommodationthat comfort reciuiirH

MI1S. TI10S. W1UOHT,32S-t- f l'ropriotress.

GLUB STABLES,IForc Street-- - - - - Tel. --Q7V

SALE AND LIVERY.BOAllDING, -:- - -- : -:- -






:- -- SADDLE


The befit of attention itiven to nnimnU left with us. Cuieful diivers, rospectfuattcudauts, promptuebH. Ilhcks, Snrrien, Biakes. Buet'ies.rhaetons, Wagnuottes.

t'i i irrfirt, Wh. n. Ikwix.


HONOLULU It.6'rtn fVandvo Aynyt- n- Tin Nkvaha Hank or

Ban Fiianhipco.


Ban FiUNoisuO'-lli- a NtVuJa UnnU of SanFniiiclro.

1.onI)0' Tlio Union llnnk n( London, Ltd,Ni:v Voiik Amcrlrati r.xclmnxo National

Hank.CmrAOo Mercliantf Nntlonal Hank.I'aiiis Cnmptulr Nntlotinl d'Kscomiit de

I'orls.HniiMN Dreidner HankilloNOKOvo and Yokohama llnnf;kong it

Blinnehal Ilniiklnc Corporatlnn.New Zr.Ai.ANDAMiAusTiiAi.iA UankbfNcw

Zealand.Victoiua and Vancouvkk llnnk oi Mont-

real.Transact a General Banking: and Excbange Bcslncss

Term and Ordinary DcpnlMa Itccclvcd.Loans mado on Approved Security. Com-mercial and Truwlcrs Cn illt n Unui'd. Hillsof nxclinnjie bought and stdd.COLLHCTIONS l'llOMlTLY ACCOUNTED Foil.

F. 0. JOKER.


B. A. JONIta

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOB SALE

A Few Shares of

Pain Sufriir Stock,llawaiiun Sunr Co. Stock.


Uiiwnllnn Govcrninciit nnd 1stBlortg i;o Sugar Pluiita- -

tlon JUoikIk.

t3T For particulars apply to

The Hawaiian Snfo Deposit &Investment Company,

40H Port Street ... Honolnlo

Eatublishod 1853


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'!Letters of Credit issued, available in all tho principal citieiof the world.

Ttfsoj, ji D'yVs t &'


Commission . Agents !

Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries." One of the divinest benefits that has ever come to tho

human race." Thomas Carlyle.

lSti I



Corner Fort nnd Merchant Ste.

Wr M0


Crazed "witSa Paim.

Mrs, Brentner Completely Prostrated

Every Month with Nervous


Heai't-fei- i Praise forthe Medi&ins

That Cured Her.

Thousands of women arc today blessingPaine s Celery .Compound for the great good ithas done them, nnd scores have written letterssimilar to that ot Mrs. L. A. Brentner.

San Jacinto, Cal.Dear Sirs: I have buffered beverely with

nervous sick headaches, with which I wastroubled every mouth. The pain was so beverethat it completely prostrated me and itseemed to me that I should go crazy. I hadtried all kinds of remedies without obtaining


Pipes, Tobacco,Cigars andSmokers' Articles.

Wo import tlio Princi-

pal Factories of tho World.

Fine Cigars a

HOLLISTER & CO.,"Wholesale nnd

Bulletin, 75c. Per Month



any pcrmnncnt relief until I used s CeleryCompound which completely I'tirCtl I11C.

VX mm




''TTfi1 T;



The Medicine That

Makes Peoule Well!n

Why suffer longer with liver and stomaqhtrouble? Pr.tr.e f Cilery Compound will makeyou well. Read how it cured Mr. J. M.Buclmcr.

Kuttle Falls, Wash., Dec. 9, 1S54.Gentlemen: I have taken only two bottles

of Paine' s Celery Compound for rheumatism,and liver and stomach troubles, and will befrank in saying that I am well pleased with theresults. I used one bottle and, was so muchbetter that I abandoned its use for atime, but my old stomach trouble made its ap-

pearance again. I procured another bottle inSeptember and after using that I felt well.

DRUG Co.,"Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

w- - ! f m Kim iMWaMMWl


Page 7: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow

rr ffi

I m " Mgnitaiiii i iiwii m mtmim m'I


MBJT-- 1

A Otml I'ntnrllr.

gfe?'"Thrro's only ono lrl in tlio world

for mo. "Now York World.

A Kicker.

Wifo (drearily) Ah, 1110, tho days ofchivalry nro past.

Ilu&band Whnt's tho mnttor now?Wifo Sir Wnltor RnloiBh laid his

cloak oil tho ground for Queen Elizabethto walk over, but you Rot nugry pimplybocnuse poor, dear mother sat down onyour hat. Collior's Weekly.

An Unkind Cut.

Brown It's all vory wnll for yon toBniilo nt tho volunteering of my youngordays, but I cn nssuro you it was notchild's pluy. Boon out all night lots oftimes in rain and mud ; my wifo willtell you tho stato I enme homo in.

Priond Drunk? Pick Mo Up.

Sotting Illm UtiiliU

WcSl st h tS- -i yTTLL'zCir

Daahly, Jr. I toll yon what, guv'nor,wo had a corking timo last night.

Dashly, Sr. Uncorking timo, youmean. Now York World.

A Femlnlno l'nlllns.

1'irst Sportsman Well, how do youIlka that now muro of yours?

Second Sportsmau Oh, fairly welLBut I wish I had bought a horse. She'snlways stopping to look at herself iu thopuddles I i'unoh.

Tit For Tot.


"They Hay eggs should always comopacked iu layer. "

"Yes, mid onions in tiers. " Brook-lyn Life.

Nicely tiirniBueil rooms nt tlioropulijrIlUBc, 151 Fort utreot,

from 81.00 per wook up.

V1 V


P. D. Corsets

In 'White,Pink,

Cream,and Gray.



1. tJoPEl!?

AT- -



Dr. W. L. MooreDP:b.3rsIcIa,:n.

IIllo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases of theeye sua car.

Olllce hours 9 to 12 am.3 to 4 pm.

Woiannenuo Ave. near Court Doubo. i63ti

Dr. Sloggett(Physician --- .- and -:- - Surgeon

Rosidonco next to II. W. Schmidt,Esq., Bore tank stroot

SDEdaltF: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat371-3u- i



Emma Street, near Beretania.E5T Hours: 3 to 5 and 7 to 8'r; M.

I. MORI, M. D.,

Oflico : Comer Fort nnd Kukui els.Residonco, Arlington Hotel.

Hours: 7 to 8:30 a in; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-urday, and Snndiy, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. 530.

Dr. C. B. High,DENTIST.

Graduato Philadelphia Dental Collcgo,1802.

Masonic Temple.A. O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Ilotol Street, Arlington Cottago.



Honolulu, II. 1.

t3T Oflico : IH Merchant street.



Gk R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner.

Can Furnish tho BestFactory Rqforanco.

Office, Fort street, opposite) Catholio School.Telopkono 234, 442 aud 100.

CS?" Orders promptly attoudctl to.

iCilTo allsunvrlns with Thront, I.nns or Wsllns IllseamiMnni h (ntnrrli. Scrofula, A.tliMin, or Ntrun DrillIt- I'ti., Mill In uhcu a Mill' of lilt. G(lltDINH riiilii.TI. KMl'LttliiN for trial. Call "

ikirm.f Iliiiimrru limit I , Honolulu, 11, I. "ItUruruUca at raUtablo a Milk or Iloier.


Castle ij Cooke(ItlMlthh,





P ImitationSupplies.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMlTr.D).

Wm, G. Irwin, - President and MnnngcrOhms Sprcckels, ... Vico-l'resido-

W. M. Gilford, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, - . . Auditor

Sujjap SectorsAND

Commission Agents.A0ENT8 or THE




Queen street, Honolulu, II.I.

AGENTS F.ORHawaiian Agricultural Comrany, Onomca RucarCompany, llonomu Smear Coniiany, WallultuSugar Company, Walhcc Sucar Comjany, Maki--Sugar Company, Halrakala Ranch Compinv,

Kancli. I'lailters Line han FranciscoPackets, Chas. lttcwcr & Co.' Line of Bostonrackets.--Axenl- n Iloston Hoard of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia lioanl of Underwriters.


P O Jones, President; George II Robertson,Mnnagor; K P Hisliop, Treasurer aud Sco.retary; Col. V PAUcm, Auditor; OJI Cooke,II Wntcrhouse, A W Carter, Directors.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pnntlioon Stables.

Pacheco & Feuxamiez - FltOI-3- .

A Dolicnto Touch !

Komi Razors I

Artistic Hnir Cutting !

Comfortnblo Chairs I

BF Wo employ none but the most ex-perienced Tousorinl Artists. Tlio mostLuxuriously appointed Shop in tho Isl-ands.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALT, UOUItS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND,


Eagle -- :- HouseNiuiiitm Avenue.

CARL KLEMME. Proprietor,

New management. Commodious rooms.Table Uonrd tho iiuoai, including manyPalatablo German Dishes.

Board and Room, per week $6,50 to 57.50

Table Board, per week.'. $5,00


3?. ICrovt-eo-. 3?xop.Por Day 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

Special aEorLtiily IJataalTlio Best of Attomlnueo, tho Best Hitnn-tio-n

and tho Finest Meals in this City

J5 3ST

JJ . fn JCaZ. JJ tO U ILiotcl street, near Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOt all kinds,

C6"" The Fineit Imported and Homemndo Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

I S19 nciulqunrtcrd for Inland Curios,

AUflUBT 20, 1800,

4rnflfipflPiM Tlfc.


EffVEfe.w :


jMb ;?r j'Rwaft.r

mmTri'"UJ:lrjll.'k maw,

i ?r mr.'iP rai.tv.-zp- a

lujjl. xj.Tirgiisrfc.-'- Wfw


iMPonrcns andLIquor MencHAxTt).

No. f, Dratum Street, - 8nn FraueiBco.

FOIJ BAI.F. IN nULK.Amkuipan lloi'iinoN Wiiihkim in Joint rilinrrel contiiintiiR nhont 40 gallons ench

nt vnrioim priciM nceorditiR to nge nnrlqunlity.

Oamh.um Okai-- IlitAMir in Hand leiImriel nt iiliiut .(0 to fiO k1Iou.CASK OOODH.

Alan the celebrated ('me Wlritkiet:"Kxtm I'ony" Ilontbon Wnislty, 12 bottles)

3 gallons per caso."Bcnrpmsi" llonrhoii Whiiky, 12 bottles, 2

25 gallons per caso."Old I'ionecr'Mlonrbon Whisky, 12 bottles,

2 2-- 5 gallons per caso."Tcunossee White Kye" Whisky, 12 bottios'

2 2 G gallons per enso.


Sondordors by jaftil. Satisfaction

Braunsohweiger & Co.,14Mm No. 5, Drummstreot.

Empire SaloonA goueral stock of Liquors, Ales nnd




Are of the linest nnd como to mdirect Iroui Luroio. . .


Iinportod strnight from Louis.vilfo, Ky.


COMMERCIAL SALOON;r. Niiiiitnu mid llcrclniilA tu.

T. KKVEM, ITIiiiiasor.

COOL FRESH BEER!On Draught nnd the Standard Brands of

Bottles Deer.


Ttltl.K Cl.AMrr A BlKCIAI.'rV.



The celebrated EntkkpiiiskBkku on Draught and inBottles

David Dayton,A3 Morolwnt Street.

Lands For Sale situatedat ICancohe, Ou.ha.

Lot near Luvalilo Home'Lots at Pearl City.Furnished. Rooms To Lot.

David Dayton.42 ilerclmut street.


Custom Houcb Broker,

ISTotary ' .Public,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attended to.

lroaico with n. E. Walker, Cum-mins Block, Merchant stroot. I!.t8tt

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Convoynncing in

all its Brunches, (Jollectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamafaia, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Businoss, Iam prepared to mulio Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, ncauratoand complete nmnnor, and onshort notico.

F. V. Makinnky.In "V. O. Smith's OJlico, 318

Fort Street. 215-l- f

fysjffpf "

. jbli vrai" ' !!.rtif M,aaaa

PURIFINEI the disinfectant that tho world

I Ulkllit; about, In tho UnltodBtntci Its merits nro bccomlnicknown. The people nro iisIiir it.I'urlflno possemts mnny InIts favor over other preparations.It In odorless, nnd In employing Itn' n ilMtiforting nren', ,. . ntcrento nnothcr odor nB ttffcnslvo nsthru which It subdues.

too. Thnt's itn ndvnn-tng- e

child rn will medillo; ser-

vants mlsundcrstnnd; then there'strouble. Somu ono Is poisoned.

Thoso who uso It bpcnk its praiseIn convincing lnnungo. Hcio'b onofiom tho Depnitmcnt ot MedicineIn tho University of Michigan.

"We uso I'lirlfln- - nntl flml It verygood for di'oiloi I.iIi.b siiiks uiuiliox',s,ptr..nnd for wnr.Ui'.i,; sponn'3used about subjects for dissec-tion. V. A. CAMl'DChU

Demoustrntor of Anatomy."

Fort Street.



r--i -,

of and

Just Ex. Albert on

o brH




P UJlIL INYj IS for SnlO by

tho HoM.tSTKit Duua Co. in

25c, 50e., 75c. nnd $1.50 bot-

tles. Tho "AUTOMATIC


rontiil. Our Agents will call

upon you and explain tho morits of "Purifino" nnd tho "Au-

tomatic Distrihutors."

H0LLISTER DRUG CO.,523 Exclusive Agents for tho Islands.



Higii Grade


Telephone 240. Ill Port Street. P. O. Box 147.







(Corner Fort

roooived Bk.



Beretania streets.)

assortmout of Af w.-i-,t- a Kij 4WILLIAMS, (Mnnager)

Undertaker nnd Embnlmer

Gitv Furniture Store,

Xt,13EI FOifcNITTJjttE.

TKI.KI'HONK 02 r. 0. 110X 18


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Received by Evory racket from tho Eastern States and Enrope

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMERJAll Orders faithfally attended to and Goods Delivorod to any

Part of the City FHEE,Island Oudkhs Bolioitkd, SATiarAonoK QuAauraaa


TELErnoNE 53. JSX 5ST P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber t Building Co.,King Street, near Oahn ltailwny h Land Co.'u Dejiot.

Lumber MetchautSj Contractors and Builders.IMVORTEHS AND DEALEltB IN

Doors, Sash, Blinds,. Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc.

--rt JM ii



Page 8: OGNI IT - University of Hawaii · The Gainsborough wont on tho rocks just boforo high tide,aud at a quarter to 10 all euorts to suvo tho vessel woro given up until high tido tomorrow


iiffmivi"1 ijwnMiffP ffMpti

V iTiTmii



Tlio MllmtmU ArrUnl frnm thi inrdell lair- -' ImhIiiiiI mm tin- - Inrlno

ltiillwa)-Oll- irr .iUi.

rsrtnftho MlkiliMri curiro w put Intothe lrniird.

ThaMmmcr lwaUnl went on llio MittlncJUIUiiy lotlny.

iTIif tmrk Albert reached incur from I lieMlktlinU today.

BuRnr from tlio lualaiit was rtored In Uccafile warehouse, today.

The W I! Dltnond innrml to Hallrnml wlmrfclcrday to toad Ewn eupar.1 lie bark Harvester linn fliilnlicil iilclinrj-In- g

coal, and U taking In lmllnt.The J A Cnmmlna arrived In with smjar

for tliu W II Dlinnnd Ibis miimlng.The old bulk Sumatra has bren mined

down to tbe slinlluw water tieur the Quaran-tine Mntlou.

Tlio Mcaincr Mlkahaln arrived wrlj tblamorning from tbe Harden Isle with pueii-gcr- a

anil ("relent

Tomorrow, lihh tide larco USn in, IiIkiitldo small 7:10 p in; low tide law I 15 a in;losv tlilo email .i 1 1 pin.

A lull account of the Jlnaiter to a fori-lu-

bark whluli went nsburu at Diamond Headthis morning, will bu found elsewhere Inthis paper.

An eminent member of tbe Hrlllab I'arlla-Difii- t,

llin J lluimki r Htutiin, smd luil ji urin tlio North American Iteilew. "A" n

ufrcfindng f "i,i 0i),uul) a year In sub-sidies during tlilrly jearn to native

or I5i),U(M,Uu0, the UuiUd Statelisil to piy In the ame period no lem than?3,ooo,ooo,ooo for freights, n bile their mer-

cantile dwindled Into liwlgnlllcauce.--- & FCom Now.

The Iron sailing ship has lor manyjearaconsidered the I'ucllli Cowtt port u iiiippjiiuntin; ground. Uf late, hoimir, ourocean tramps hao been fain to take a turneven In this trade. They ftrlUe aeriM. fromChina and elsewhere to the detriment of Millug If only u canal could be putthrough the narrow inckof bind joining thetwo Americas, then, Indeed, the filling idilpwight soon be p ist pruj lug tor. LiverpoolJou-n- al ot Commerce.


Fkiimy, Anc23.Stmr Kcuubou, Thompson, from ports

on Kauai,Satuiwo. Aujr 'i'J.

Stmr Mokolll, Illlo, from Molokni, Mauiand Laual.

Stmr J A Cummins, Seaile, lrom Oahunorla.

Stmr Mlktxha'a, Ilaglund, from Kauai ports


Ex stmr Sllknhala SHCll bes sur. 115

Iiiikh rice, Scows, 1 horse, nud U0 pkg sun-drie-

Ex stmr Keatihoti 1P37 bai;s pnddy, 4 pkj!machinery, 5 pku sundries.


From Kauai, lier stmr Mlkabali. Auk'J'JWII Illcc, wife and children, A 8 Wilcox.Mrs E Kopke and children, I)r Walters andMlftj, Ml L Dinies and child, W L Iliuilj, WC bproull, C li ll.inrall, 11 l Walliin, CEKim;, Clustuijtlie, II llulta, Ako, muMion deek.


U S S Adams, Watson, San Fraiielxo.MKUCIIANTMKN.

(Coisters not included in this list.)Am bk Albert (lilllith", t FAm hk & C Allen 'I hmnisoii, & FAm bk Ilarrester. Heck. Nouiustlo.llktn Irmjjord, Mluuld, & Fllktn W II Dlmnnil, NlUon, S FPobrO W W.ileon, Fribers, I' .i tTownsend


Vessels W hero trom DueAm hi; Edward May,. ...New oil;..Ai':'.

m bk Somlnolu. . .'....New castle DuoArshpElucll Newcastle. .. Duetier bK jsplcu Ilrinun Au ollrlt bk Ladas Liverpool Am; so


SVKOULI-O- n the 2.trd of August, 1SW, atKapala, Llhue, Kauul, Alexunder Macdowal Sproull, II F. , a native of Carrlck-fergu-

Ireland, aged St years.nUSTACE At her residence, Fort fircone

Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., July Ilo, 18'JO,

Lucretl.Mi., widow of David llustaco.and Diotber of Cbne. Ilustaeu of this city,aged 88) cars, !2 months.

Tho (Jritorion Snloon is apleasnnt place to yo to and itsgreatest attraction is the pttro,cold Soattlo beer on draughtthere. It makes one's iimBtachi'curly and puts new lifo into thefailing consumptive.

Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and so'd. High-est awards ut tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great spued, adjuBtaltility, durability, ease oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Borgerseu, agont,King and Bothol streets. v

There was an old maid a sick as sick couldbe;

Doctor 6ald the trouble was drinking com-mon Tea.

Hccomniended "Salvation Aumi IIiianu,"When, Oh, nluit Joy to tell.

It iilekiy raised her from bor bed,Itoth strong and sound and nell.

Harry Cannon, Palamii Grocory,is appointed Polo Agent in tlioHawaiian Islands for this justlyPopular Brand of Tea. Hold iny0 cont lb. packages. His Me-morial mixturo, Young Hysonand Japan, 25conts, unriyaled forcheapness and oscollonco ofquality.

'" '- mtmmmmmmggmmfm T .


No Vail I'nr Ilic Slinlgiin.itttat m 1 rtniplint tlio tirvat of tlio

Outiiliorliunl liuiuiitaliia I cuiiio to itnumntnlncrr'a cnbln, with tlin htislmmlnud wlfu slttlnii on n lotf nt tlio tlixir,Tlio wuiuau Lad licr Jhw tied up, audtlicm wrw u wild look in hrr vyvt, uttilnflor pitwdiiK tlio tiimi of day 1 nnturnl-l- y

imiulred what vuu wioiitf with hur."Tootlmeho. aiili," riplled tlio Iiim-I'lin- l

"Hho'a hnil it nltrh tipnti n work,till t hllo'H bill dusolU llld.iy. Wi Mlrtjpat wnltin fur HumlKidy to cum hIouk. "

"Can't it l)P rurrnT"Ilcckon not, salt. Ucut wny la to

pull it out. I'vo got Hip jiiuppM lioro torto it with, mid I want yo' to help tno nbit,"

"I'll liolp, of cournp, but I novcrpulled a tooth for any ouo iu my Ufa"

"That's nil riRht Sho'll lay downyoro on her hack, mid I'll hold hrr downwliilo yo' jiull. I'vo tried it twico over,but who gitH away from me."

"Aro yott willing, tna'oni?" I nskedof tlio woimiu.

"I'm williu, of co'ko, " sho rpplicd nsslio removed tlio baudago from licr jaw."This is tho tooth right yero."

"Yes, I soo it.""D'ye r. ckoii yo' kin pull it?""I think I can.""Willi, now, don't mako no mistake.

When yo' git hold, don't let go, nomatter how much I holler. If sho cuiusout, till right"

"But, uiu'um, you sco""(Jit hold," alio iiifprruplod ns sho

fell over tho log nnd her husband catdown ou her nnd got a firm hold of licrears to hold her head.

"Got to do It, strnngor," said thoman as I hesitated. "Sho's got to thatpass whar sho'll Bhoot if yo' don't. Olapou tho pincers aud bust snuthin."

It wns a Holid double tooth, standingnlono, nnd I got a firm hold, braced myfeet, and with a twist nui a pull I hadit out Not eveu a groan escaped thowoman. Sho roso np, took tho toothfrom tho nippers and looked nt it for amoment, nud then turned to mo with :

"Stranger, I don't know how loudyo' kin hoot nor how fur yo' kin jump,but from tlio way yo' fotched this toothout I'm willin to bel.evo yo'r a purtygood man. Jist sot down and talk withJim, nnd I'll bor n smack ready iu aboutfivo miuits. "

licr Jaw Vu Sot.Ou tlio hill bcyoud tho creek was tho

cabin of n squatter, and as I drow nearn man about fiO years old, who had bopnFeatcd on a stump, roso up nnd salutedmo nnrt queried:

"Stranger, how fur up the road hcvyo' cum this mawnin?"

"From Harper's Corners," I replied."And did yo' meet up with u woman

on tho way?""Yes. About fivo miles back I met a

littlo old woman going tho other way. ""Was sho weepin?""No."" Was her jaw sot?""Yes, I think it was.""Was her jaw pot liko a mowl when

ho is determined not to pull?"

yfeg "tfr1

W 1- - ttmfin 2Wip




"Sho hud hor teeth hard shut andlooked protty ugly."

"And what did sho say?""Nothing. Wo simply bowed to each

other as wo passed. Do you know thowoman?"

"Ileckon I ortcr, us sho's my wife.""Oh! Then sho's gono to tho htoro?""No. Wo had n fuss this mawnin,

and hho's left me. Jist put on hor bun-n- it

and said bho'd nover cum back.""Hut sho will, of courso?""I nxed yo' if sho was weepin, and

yo' said sho wnn't. If sho'd boon weep-in, that would menu that sho'd t.'iko nwalk down to tho Covmrs and back nndmako up with me. I used yo' if horjaw was pot, and yo' mid it was. Thatmuau.s hho'll keep light ou to BrotherJim's, uud that I'll hcv to foller urtorher and beg her purding and piomiBohor n now kalikcr dress befo' sho'll cumbuck."

"Then sho's left you before?"" 'Bout 100 times snh, nud it iilluH

works that wny. If sho weeps, sho'll boback befo' night ; if her jaw is tot, I hovto go nrter her nnd knock undor. Asthis is a enso of sotuess I might as weUgit along and try to overtake her. Sor-ry I can't ux yo' to stop, but yo' seo howit is. Sotuess is sotness, and yo' can'tuusot it and mtast tharfo mako tho bestof it." M. Quad.

Fall ore"Marriage," exclaimed tho fat wom-

an, "is u failure "Upon the tablo beforo her wero a

Canadian cent and n plugged quarter,her aharo of tho gato receipts of herfour hundredth souvenir publio weddingto tho living skolcton.

Over all tho trembling gaslight oustits garish gleam. Detroit Tribune.


xr r- - mr icfft p


Kenl liHlnlem.

ror Sale.1 Mold.WHold.Si Tno rtlnrM on Nliiifliiil slrcet,t Four litu on Magarlnc IIIII, 75x130.

From UH0 to tMiO cadi.i-- i,ot ou llaekleld street, WtW.0 A I'holcu lUwhlelunoil I.utiatllo sited,

hnvlntrall tnnderii ImproVemeiita.; Hi' ni'li Id i.li" if al Mukikl.

(Iroullda nell laid nut lki) lerin.8Four lloiincs ami l.oison l'uncbbowl

stn nt, all rented nt a monthly rental of f 10V'llils property Is Utllfeelon l'uncbbowl atree,with n dipth of 2ii ftett runiilm; to tho drillgrounds or armory, ullh n frontage on samelor 1 or ft more cottages. 'Ibo central loca-

tion of the property makes It most available.0 Mouse and Lot on Klnail street Lot

TOxloii ft. This property "Ml be sold at costand is an excellent bargain for a home seeker,The hoiinc Is elegantly finished and of thebest uorkmaiithlp and iimlirlals There U acarriage house aud turn on the premises andthujard Is well laid out u lib fruit aud orna-mental trees.

10 A Fine ItcsldciKu centrally located,coutalulni; .5 rooms. Lot lL'UxlKj ft. Twosmall cottages on the lot bringing In goodrental.

11 till Acres or Land In Kallbl valley, (Wal-ki-

abb ). stream of Hater lions alongthis laud. A bargain

l!!M) Acres of llest Collco Land In I'nna.Hawaii, seven miles lrom Itep. Itycroft'sLnrgo Coireo 1'l.intatlon. The uboo landIs In Id In fee simple. Also. !!u yiars lease onl.V) acres ndjnliiliur above with a prhilcgcol15 j ears more. 1'rleo (i,M0.

18 Sold.14 A Cotctnodlous Residence on Masslugcr

street, lilted with nil modern coincidences. Orwill trnt'e lor suburban property.

15 Sold.H' Home and Lot on Ileretanla street.

House contains 0 rooms, and all modern con-veniences. Lot R5xl 15,

17. Fine ltcsldence on Ileretanla street.For further particulars Inquire at my olllce,

13. A House and Lot on Young street.IDMouse aud Lot comer Victoria nnd

Bcretantn streets, opposite Thomas sauarchouse contains 0 rooms. Size of lot llKJx-O-


2d Sold.til Mouse nnd Lot on Young street near

the residence ot the ltev. Mr Mjde. LotHOvIKI. House contains eight rooms.

2'J Small Houso and Lot on Kcauiuokustreet. Lot fiOxlllll.

2:t I'earl City I'ropcrtv.'J4 Desirable Tract of Coireo Land on Ma-W-

25 Two Btores on Niiuanu st, opposite Ku-k-

lane, also three lodulug bouses In therear of said stores containing --'0 rooms iu all.The above pays 10 per cent, and is leasid toresponsible parties lor a tcrnn of jears.

20 A most Deairablo Homo ou Thurstonavenue. Large grounds nud beautiful flow-

er gartlcu; house furnished throughout inhard wood with all latent improvements.Excellent view ot the city nud oecnu, nudouo which cannot be cut oft.

27 V Largo Lot nnd CommodiousStreet, commanding an un-

obstructed view of the city nnd harbor. Nochoicer residence- is to bo had iu the cityoven by tho moat fastidious.

US A New House ul seven rooms withelectric lights tlnougboiit, bath, patent V

C, servants' quarters and stables. One blockfrom car line at I'uoahou.

i.'-U- Only ten of those Lots left ni'arKamehamelia school, from?-3- o to ?()oo cadi.

ill) Tno Mouses and Lota ou Llllha street.:tl An IS Acre Tract of Land at Kallhl

suitable for dU tiling up Into building lots.!JU A Hoiisn and Lot on Alakea street.SO A Beautiful Building Lot at Kallhl,

100x200, cleared, fenced and water laid on.Ill A Ccntl' Sloping Lot ou Thurston

aw uui, -- lOxWi, luring ii fioiitnue on tin nstreet uf lO.'i feet, uud commanding a uud

lew of the city and harbor.t!5 A Lot ou Alexander street, ndjolulug

lcsldcnee of Claus SpreekLls.hii Klegaut Heath Property at Walklkl.

CHOICK LOT left at Mnklkl.ltadjclnsthe risldence of J A Oilman andthe residence tltei of W L Hopper, II Laws,nud Dr Wood.

'.) Sold.40 A Lease of n Hotel ccntially located

and completely furnished. A good pa) In,?Invesuiicnt

41 Sold.4.) Lul T'ivI.V) New bouo of 8 rooinn,

eli x ml y llulshed; biTvantsipiarters, enrrhguhniipe, stables, eic, at the corner of Alap.iland Ijunrry ticels. (iooiHIew of the oeean.

1 -- - lbree hottsi of (1 looms each, nil rcnt-- ul

to good tenants. Lot 11 II feet on Ilere-tanla btriet by u depth ol UtKl feet through toKlnau stiiet, nnd a frontage ou the bitterstieet of loo feet. Good opportunity fur In-

vestment.41 Lot on Mnklkl street, 7''IIo Cheap.45 House nud lot on IVtcrMin Lane,

House contains il rooms. I.otT.'ixllo.4U Uuclliiig Moiitc of U roomr, litted with

nil modern coincidences. Lot 1V511U.Situatidat I'alama

47 Vaiant Lot on Walklkl Koad, lOOillO.4S House und Lot on Nuuauu street.

Mouse contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near tbe bubluesscenter of tho city.

Notici;: I can Negotiate Loans on any ofthe nboio property lor purchasers dcslrlm;same at from SO to 75 per cent of tho value.

ITor Kent.1 Waiehouso on riplanade.2 A Store ou Fort street next to Club

Stables.A A rurnlthed Cottage In a good location

for two or thicn mouths.4- - Houku and Lot, 1 00x2.10, ou Lane off

School sheet, ('joining Kituhiwelii schoolhoilKO, l'nrlor, 'A bodrooms, dluiug-ioom- ,

kitchen, piiutiy. it lihuiiho, enrrinco 1ioum,stable nud oiiibuibiiiig, limit $.10 purmonth.

- A lleantlful Slimmer ltcsldence at thePeninsula, lVurlCIt), completely futnlsbed;flvn rooms and surwiul'a quarters. Will rentcheap to n desirable tenant. The lot Is overnn acre In slru nnd well laid out, and com-mand n biautiful view of the harbor,

0 store lloom, IJIX'43, $-- !' per mnnth,drhi'uay Into It. Ucretaula stieet, rear ofCliv 1'iuJ Store.

7 I'll co giound !!() feet flout, on Heietn-iiI- astreet, next to City Feed Stoic Will

erect good stoic on ground uud lease 5 yearsnt Ml per month.

8 A Furnished Kesldeuce on King streetIn a dcslrablo locality.

0 A Partly Furnished lUsldence nt Walkl-kl, next to the residence of J M McChesncy.AV1U rent by the month or will lease to adesliablu paity. Flue seabathh)g.

A. V. G-EA-

27t--tf U10 King street.

AVhou you ftro tlowu on yonrluck nnd feel ns i tho world waacold, lmnl nnd dreary, just stopinto the Criterion saloon nnd put aroso-colore- d tint on ovorything byimbibing n, glass o Soattlobcor.

AUOUH'I 80, M i


Canadian-Australia- n


Htenmora ot tho nbovo Lino running in connection with (ho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYllwlvrcvu Vancouver, li, (J., nud Hydncy, N. H. W., nud culling nt Victoria, JJ, 0.

Honolulu nnd Bitva (1'ljl),

ISS 3DXTE3 .A.W nOZSTOXjXJXiXrOn or about tlio dnten below atnted, viz.:

Front Hyilnof and Hiith, for Vlrtnrln nudVnnroiivor, 11. O.t

Stmr "WAIUUMOO" Soplcmlior !2

Htmr "MIOWK11A" Oclobor 248linr"WAnitiaiOO" November 'JtSluir "MIOWiatA" December 21

Through Th'kots IhsuviI l'rUnited SttttuH


D. MuNicoltj, Moutrcnl, Caundu.Konr.itT Kr.tui, Winnipeg, Onnndn.

M. Jt. HTr.nv, Snn FrnnclRCO, Cnl.O. MoIj. Uiiown, Vnncouver, U. O.

Oceanic Steamsliiu Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For Snn Francisco:Tho Now nnd Fino Al Steel Stenmship

" "MariposaOf tho Oeennio Stenraship Compnny willbo duo nt Honolulu from Bydnoy nudAuckland ou or nbout

Sept. 1 7, 1890.And will lenvo for tho nlwvo port withMnils nnd Passengers on or nbout thntdnte.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho New nnd Fino Al Steo Stenmship

"Alameda"Of tho Oeennio Htonmship Compnny willbo duo nt Honolulu from San Franciscoou or nbout

Sept. 24, 1 896.And will hnvo prompt despntch withMnils nnd Passengers for tho nlxivo ports.

Tho undoreigned nro now prepnrodto issue

Through Tickets to All LVhiiihin tlio United States.

C?T"For further pnrticulnrs regardingFreight or Pnsaugo npply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,Qenernl Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.



S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrivo Honolulu Lenvo Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.Sept.!, 1S9C ...Sept. 0, 1800Sept. 2S, 1890... ...Oct. :;, lsao

THROUGH LINEFrom Snn Frnncisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. Snu Frnncisco.trnt'e Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Alomoda, Sept 2480 I Muripohn,Septl7,90Mnripobi), Oct 22, 'CO Monowni,Oct lfl'00

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

Framed CoinploteWITH

Qno Dosoa Photos of the Sitter

Only S15.00tiTIs the LATEST OFFEK we have

to miike.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFotograplaor.FORT STRISET.Henry Davis,

320 Foit stieet, uonr Slorchant.

Ilorchandise Broker,Comjiibsion Agent,

Custom House Brotor anil Statistician



General , Business Agent.

Steamship Line


from Vlrtnrln noil Vniicoiuri', Jt. C InHum nnd Mjiliiui

Stmr "MIOWKHA" September 10

Stmr "WAllltlMOO" October 10Htnir ".MIOWKIIA" November 10

Stmr "WAIUUMOO" Decetubor 10

out Honolulu to Ciuuulii,nnd tiro)u.

EST For Freight nud Fnssngo find nilQcnernl Information, npply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for thoHnwniiniilBlniida.

Pacific Mail !Wi kAND THM

OcciflentalOriental Steamship Co

For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG'Steninore of tlio nbovo Companion will

cnll nt Ilonolultt on thoir wny to thonbovo ports on or nbout tho followingantes:

StmrUoplic Sept. 2, 1890Stmr llio do Jnndro Sept. 10, 1890Stmr City of Fokingf . . .Sept. 28, 1897

For SAN FRANCISCO:StennterH of tbo nlnivo ConipimieH will

cnll ut Honolulu ou their wny fromHonRkonK nnd Yoltohnmn to tho nbovojmrt on or nbout tho following dittos:

Stmr Doric Sept. 15,1890Btuir Cliinu Sept. 2.", 18M0

Btuiil'cru Oct. 12, 1890

Rates of Passage are as follows:TO TOKO-- TO nONU-1IAM-


Cnbin J51C0.00 $175.00C.'ibiu, round trip, 4

luoiilliK 225.00 2C2.50Cabin, round trip, 12

months 202.C0 31G.25European Steerage 85.00 100.00

JSTTnHneiiKurB paying full fnro will beallowed 10 poiccnt off return fnro if

within twelve mouths.

CSpFor Freight nnd Pnt-snR- npply to


Wildefs Steamship Co's

TIMETABLE.O. L. WIGHT, l'rcs. S. li. KOSE, Seo.

Capt. J. A. KINO, l'ort Supt.

Stmr. KI3STAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will lc(ie Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching ntLnliuimi, MiuilftL'ii Uny nnd Mukeun thounmo ljy; llalmlmim, Kawnihaouud Lau- -

Imhoehoo tho following day, nrriviug atwimu eieuiug.


Tuesday. . , .Sept. 8 I Friday Sept. IFrldny copt. 18 Tuesiliiy ...Sept. 15"Tuohday .. Sept. 29 Fridny Sept. 25Friday Uct. 1) Tuesday Uct. C

Ueturniug, will lenvo Ililo nt 1 o'clockr. m., touching at Laupahochoo, Mnhu-kou- n

nud Kuwuihuo saiiiO day; Mnkenn,Manlncn Hay and Lahnina tho followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonsof luosdny nnd Fridays.

Will cull nt Pohoiki, Fnnn.jtfNo Freight will bo received after

12 noou on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINB,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Tuesday nt 5 i m.(touching at Kahului, Iinua, Ilamoa andKipahulu, Maui. Keturuiug arrives utHonolulu Siindny inoruiugs.

Will call nt Nuu, Kiuiik), on second tripof each month.

33fNo Freight will bo icceivcd afteri'. n. on day of sailing.

Tills Company will reborves tho right tomako changes in tho tiuio of departure nndarrival of its steamers without notice uudit will not bo responsible tor nny conse-quences arising therofrom.

Coiibigunes must be nt the Landings toreceive thoir Freight; this Company willuot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Compauy will not bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless plaoed in the euro of Pursers.

PnBseugers nro requested to pnrclmsotiekets before embarking. Those failing todo so will bo subject to nn additionalcharge of twentylivo per cont.

To Let or Lease.

THE nESlDFNOE OF MRS. A. LONG,ouo niilo from postofflce. Large houso withfurniture. Four bed rooms, parlor, largodining room, pantry, kiteheu, bath rooms,hot nnd cold water, with patent closets,sorvaut houses, stables, horso paddock,gardeu and trees. A charming location.

Apply to J ALFRED MAGOON.tf Merchant st ucxt Postofilcei

Pioneer Building; nndLoan Association.

Atscli ., JS00, $160646.16

Money Loaned on ApproTdl Sectttll.A ByIiiui Ilntik fur Monthly UfumtUi .

Henof Ilollt on the Monthly InHMtlMenirlitn.

Tlilttccntli .Series of Stock now open.For fiutlicr piirllctilnrn apply to

A. V. 0 12 All, Scorolary.ClmlnlxT of Cdiiiinrri p ItrHitiiK.OIllco liourH, ISi.lO-li.'IO- l'.M. .'173-t- f

IJRUOE CAKTWHIGlirr(loncml Mntmgcr of

Tho Equitable Lifo Assuranco SocietyOf the United Htnlco for the Jlnwaiinn

Islands.Orr'o- -i llcrchiint Htrcot, Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

Ageuta for tlio Hawaiian iHlnuda.


Instrument -:- - Maker,Uieycli-npiiiiiii- nud nickel plutiiir; aBpeciidly, iilio

Gold, Silytr anil Bronze ElLCtropIating.

130FURTS1'. : ; , TEL. 007.


C B. DWIGHT.Tlk?,scoulrnclsforft11 HudBof STONEOHK, montimeut work, cement nudstone Kidewtilks nud curbing. I hive on

hand tho bent llnwnifnn ntoii(, OhincHOgranite, eto, Fino stone for iiimiuiucntulwork, llstimales given mid lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.

Consoliflated Sola Water Co., LIEsplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.



Nnunuu Valley, nbovo tho Mausoleum.

All orders given prompt and faithful at-tention. Ko oxtru charge lor deliveringFlowers to any part of the city. Loin,Mountain Greens and Carnations n



TPacidertTaistHnunllnnnwl Foreign lilru nml Animals

mounted In I he I tnaiircr, tiling tbe latestinetliodBunl). Hotel St near Ur Aletirew.

327-t- f


PLUjUBEK,TTf.tnl St.. nnnr Fort Tol. 802.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Export Appraisement of RetilEwtnto nnrl Furuittiro,


WINE MEKCnAKTS.225 Quoon Btreot, Honolulu, H. I,M. S GRINBAUAI & CO.,

LisutkdQueen street, Honolulu, nnd 21C Front

street, San Francisco, Cal.of

Qenoral Merchandise and . .

. . Commission Merchants.


Wholesale Importers nnd Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort nnd Queen Streets.


Dealers in Lurabor nud Coalnnd Building MuloriulH of nilkinds.

Qnoon Rtroot, Honolulu.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Streot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Store. my 13.


3STotar37- - FiiTolioTelephone 'J38, : ; : ; No. !U0 King St.

rf ' ''L ' t ,,